Instant Download Basic engineering mathematics Seventh Edition. Edition Bird PDF All Chapters
Instant Download Basic engineering mathematics Seventh Edition. Edition Bird PDF All Chapters
Instant Download Basic engineering mathematics Seventh Edition. Edition Bird PDF All Chapters
Higher Engineering Mathematics 8th Edition John Bird
Basic Engineering Mathematics
Seventh Edition
John Bird
Seventh edition published 2017
by Routledge
2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN
and by Routledge
711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017
The right of John Bird to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of
the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical,
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Revision Test 1 16
Revision Test 3 75
3 Decimals 17
3.1 Introduction 17 9 Basic algebra 76
3.2 Converting decimals to fractions and vice 9.1 Introduction 76
versa 17 9.2 Basic operations 77
3.3 Significant figures and decimal places 19 9.3 Laws of indices 80
3.4 Adding and subtracting decimal
numbers 20 10 Further algebra 84
3.5 Multiplying and dividing decimal 10.1 Introduction 84
numbers 21 10.2 Brackets 84
10.3 Factorisation 86
4 Using a calculator 23 10.4 Laws of precedence 87
4.1 Introduction 23
4.2 Adding, subtracting, multiplying and 11 Solving simple equations 90
dividing 23 11.1 Introduction 90
4.3 Further calculator functions 25 11.2 Solving equations 90
4.4 Evaluation of formulae 29 11.3 Practical problems involving simple
equations 94
5 Percentages 35
5.1 Introduction 35
Revision Test 4 99
5.2 Percentage calculations 36
5.3 Further percentage calculations 37
5.4 More percentage calculations 39 Multiple choice questions Test 1 100
13 Solving simultaneous equations 111 18 Graphs reducing non-linear laws to linear form 175
13.1 Introduction 111 18.1 Introduction 175
13.2 Solving simultaneous equations in two 18.2 Determination of law 175
unknowns 111 18.3 Revision of laws of logarithms 178
13.3 Further solving of simultaneous equations 113 18.4 Determination of laws involving
13.4 Solving more difficult simultaneous logarithms 179
equations 115
19 Graphical solution of equations 184
13.5 Practical problems involving simultaneous
19.1 Graphical solution of simultaneous
equations 117
equations 184
13.6 Solving simultaneous equations in three
19.2 Graphical solution of quadratic equations 186
unknowns 121
19.3 Graphical solution of linear and quadratic
equations simultaneously 190
Revision Test 5 123 19.4 Graphical solution of cubic equations 190
20 Graphs with logarithmic scales 193
14 Solving quadratic equations 124 20.1 Logarithmic scales and logarithmic graph
14.1 Introduction 124 paper 193
14.2 Solution of quadratic equations by 20.2 Graphs of the form y = axn 194
factorisation 125
20.3 Graphs of the form y = abx 197
14.3 Solution of quadratic equations by
‘completing the square’ 127 20.4 Graphs of the form y = aekx 198
14.4 Solution of quadratic equations by
formula 129 Revision Test 7 201
14.5 Practical problems involving quadratic
equations 130 21 Angles and triangles 203
14.6 Solution of linear and quadratic equations 21.1 Introduction 203
simultaneously 133 21.2 Angular measurement 203
21.3 Triangles 209
15 Logarithms 134 21.4 Congruent triangles 213
15.1 Introduction to logarithms 134 21.5 Similar triangles 215
15.2 Laws of logarithms 136 21.6 Construction of triangles 217
15.3 Indicial equations 139
22 Introduction to trigonometry 220
15.4 Graphs of logarithmic functions 140
22.1 Introduction 220
16 Exponential functions 141 22.2 The theorem of Pythagoras 220
16.1 Introduction to exponential functions 141 22.3 Sines, cosines and tangents 223
16.2 The power series for ex 142 22.4 Evaluating trigonometric ratios of acute
16.3 Graphs of exponential functions 144 angles 225
16.4 Napierian logarithms 146 22.5 Solving right-angled triangles 227
16.5 Laws of growth and decay 149 22.6 Angles of elevation and depression 231
Revision Test 10 287 33 Mean, median, mode and standard deviation 355
33.1 Measures of central tendency 355
33.2 Mean, median and mode for discrete
28 Volumes and surface areas of common solids 289
data 356
28.1 Introduction 289
33.3 Mean, median and mode for grouped
28.2 Volumes and surface areas of common
data 357
shapes 289
33.4 Standard deviation 358
28.3 Summary of volumes and surface areas of
common solids 296 33.5 Quartiles, deciles and percentiles 360
28.4 More complex volumes and surface
areas 296 34 Probability 362
28.5 Volumes and surface areas of frusta of 34.1 Introduction to probability 363
pyramids and cones 302 34.2 Laws of probability 364
28.6 Volumes of similar shapes 306
29 Irregular areas and volumes and mean values 307 Revision Test 13 369
29.1 Areas of irregular figures 307
29.2 Volumes of irregular solids 310 Multiple choice questions Test 5 370
29.3 Mean or average values of waveforms 311
x Contents
Basic Engineering Mathematics, 7 th Edition intro- procedures. However, these are kept to a minimum, for
duces and then consolidates basic mathematical princi- problem solving is extensively used to establish and
ples and promotes awareness of mathematical concepts exemplify the theory. It is intended that readers will gain
for students needing a broad base for further voca- real understanding through seeing problems solved and
tional studies. In this seventh edition, new material has then solving similar problems themselves.
been added on metric conversions, metric to imperial This textbook contains over 800 worked problems,
conversions, numbering systems, comparing numerical followed by some 1,600 further problems (all with
methods, further differentiation methods, together with answers – at the end of the book). The further prob-
other minor modifications. lems are contained within 168 Practise Exercises; each
The text covers: Practise Exercise follows on directly from the relevant
section of work. Fully worked solutions to all 1,600
(i) Basic mathematics for a wide range of introduc- problems have been made freely available to all via
tory/access/foundation mathematics courses the website – see page xii. 425 line diagrams enhance
(ii) ‘Mathematics for Engineering Technicians’ for the understanding of the theory. Where at all possible
BTEC First NQF Level 2; chapters 1 to 12, 16 to the problems mirror potential practical situations found
18, 21, 22, 24, and 26 to 28 are needed for this in engineering and science.
module. At regular intervals throughout the text are 15 Revision
(iii) The mandatory ‘Mathematics for Technicians’ Tests to check understanding. For example, Revision
for BTEC National Certificate and National Test 1 covers material contained in chapters 1 and 2,
Diploma in Engineering, NQF Level 3; chapters Revision Test 2 covers the material contained in chap-
7 to 10, 14 to 17, 19, 21 to 24, 26 to 28, 32, 33, 35 ters 3 to 5, and so on. These Revision Tests do not have
and 36 are needed for this module. In addition, answers given since it is envisaged that lecturers/instruc-
chapters 1 to 6, 11 and 12 are helpful revision tors could set the Tests for students to attempt as part of
for this module. their course structure. Lecturers/instructors may obtain
(iv) GCSE revision, and for similar mathematics solutions to the Revision Tests online – see page xii.
courses in English-speaking countries world- At the end of the book a list of relevant formulae con-
wide. tained within the text is included for convenience of
Basic Engineering Mathematics, 7 t h Edition provides a ‘Learning by Example’ is at the heart of Basic Engi-
lead into Engineering Mathematics, 8 t h Edition. neering Mathematics, 7 t h Edition.
Each topic considered in the text is presented in a way
that assumes in the reader little previous knowledge of JOHN BIRD
that topic. Royal Naval Defence College of Marine and Air
Engineering, HMS Sultan,
Theory is introduced in each chapter by an out- formerly of University of Portsmouth
line of essential theory, definitions, formulae, laws and and Highbury College, Portsmouth
xii Preface
The publisher wishes to thank CASIO Electronic Co. The publisher also wishes to thank the AA Media Ltd
Ltd, London for permission to reproduce the image of for permission to reproduce the map of Portsmouth on
the Casio fx-991ES calculator on page 24. page 157.
Chapter 1
Basic arithmetic
Why it is important to understand: Basic arithmetic
Being numerate, i.e. having an ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers with some
confidence, goes a long way towards helping you become competent at mathematics. Of course electronic
calculators are a marvellous aid to the quite complicated calculations often required in engineering;
however, having a feel for numbers ‘in our head’ can be invaluable when estimating. Do not spend too
much time on this chapter because we deal with the calculator later; however, try to have some idea
how to do quick calculations in the absence of a calculator. You will feel more confident in dealing with
numbers and calculations if you can do this.
Basic Engineering Mathematics. 978-1-138-67370-0, © 2017 John Bird. Published by Taylor & Francis. All rights reserved.
2 Basic Engineering Mathematics
Problem 1. Determine 735 + 167 Taking the sum of the negative integers
from the sum of the positive integers gives 108
HTU −93
7 35
+1 67 15
Thus, 27 − 74 + 81 − 19 = 15
9 02
1 1 Problem 4. Subtract −74 from 377
(i) 5 + 7 = 12. Place 2 in units (U) column. Carry 1 This problem is written as 377 − −74. Like signs
in the tens (T) column. together give an overall positive sign, hence
(ii) 3 + 6 + 1 (carried) = 10. Place the 0 in the tens 377 − −74 = 377 + 74 377
column. Carry the 1 in the hundreds (H) column. + 74
(iii) 7 + 1 + 1 (carried) = 9. Place the 9 in the hun- 451
dreds column. Thus, 377 − −74 = 451
Hence, 735 + 167 = 902
Problem 5. Subtract 243 from 126
Problem 2. Determine 632 − 369
The problem is 126 − 243. When the second number is
HTU larger than the first, take the smaller number from the
6 32 larger and make the result negative. Thus,
−3 69
126 − 243 = −(243 − 126) 243
2 63 −126
(i) 2 − 9 is not possible; therefore change one ten
into ten units (leaving 2 in the tens column). In
Thus, 126 − 243 = −117
the units column, this gives us 12 − 9 = 3
Basic arithmetic 3
Now try the following Practice Exercise
4. 124 − 273 + 481 − 398 You can probably already multiply two numbers
together and divide one number by another. However, if
5. £927 − £114 + £182 − £183 − £247 you need a revision then the following worked problems
should be helpful.
6. 647 − 872
Multiplication table
× 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72
7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84
8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96
9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132
12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144
(i) 8 × 4 = 32. Place the 2 in the units column and Problem 9. Multiply 178 by −46
carry 3 into the tens column.
(ii) 8 × 6 = 48; 48 + 3 (carried) = 51. Place the 1 in When the numbers have different signs, the result will
the tens column and carry the 5 into the hundreds be negative. (With this in mind, the problem can now
column. be solved by multiplying 178 by 46.) Following the
procedure of Problem 8 gives
(iii) 8 × 7 = 56; 56 + 5 (carried) = 61. Place 1 in the 178
hundreds column and 6 in the thousands column. × 46
(iv) Place 0 in the units column under the 2 1068
(v) 3 × 4 = 12. Place the 2 in the tens column and 7120
carry 1 into the hundreds column. 8188
(vi) 3 × 6 = 18; 18 + 1 (carried) = 19. Place the 9 in
the hundreds column and carry the 1 into the
Thus, 178 × 46 = 8188 and 178 × (−46) = −8188
thousands column.
(vii) 3 × 7 = 21; 21 + 1 (carried) = 22. Place 2 in the
Problem 10. Determine 1834 ÷ 7
thousands column and 2 in the ten thousands
(viii) 6112 + 22920 = 29032 7 1834
Basic arithmetic 5
(i) 7 into 18 goes 2, remainder 4. Place the 2 above Now try the following Practice Exercise
the 8 of 1834 and carry the 4 remainder to the
next digit on the right, making it 43 Practice Exercise 2 Further problems on
(ii) 7 into 43 goes 6, remainder 1. Place the 6 above multiplication and division (answers on
page 436)
the 3 of 1834 and carry the 1 remainder to the
next digit on the right, making it 14 Determine the values of the expressions given in
Problems 1 to 9, without using a calculator.
(iii)7 into 14 goes 2, remainder 0. Place 2 above the
4 of 1834 1. (a) 78 × 6 (b) 124 × 7
1834 2. (a) £261 × 7 (b) £462 × 9
Hence, 1834 ÷ 7 = 1834/7 = = 262
The method shown is called short division. 3. (a) 783 kg × 11 (b) 73 kg × 8
4. (a) 27 mm × 13 (b) 77 mm × 12
The factors of 15 are 1, 3, 5 and 15 (i.e. all the numbers The factors which are common to each of the numbers
that divide into 15). are 3 in column 2 and 5 in column 3. Hence, the HCF
1 and 3 are the only common factors; i.e. numbers is 3 × 5 = 15
which are factors of both 12 and 15
Hence, the HCF of 12 and 15 is 3 since 3 is the highest Problem 14. Determine the LCM of the numbers
number which divides into both 12 and 15 12, 42 and 90
A multiple is a number which contains another number
an exact number of times. The smallest number which The LCM is obtained by finding the lowest factors of
is exactly divisible by each of two or more numbers is each of the numbers, as shown in Problems 12 and 13
called the lowest common multiple (LCM). above, and then selecting the largest group of any of the
For example, the multiples of 12 are 12, 24, 36, 48, factors present. Thus,
60, 72, . . . and the multiples of 15 are 15, 30, 45,
12 = 2 × 2 × 3
60, 75, . . .
60 is a common multiple (i.e. a multiple of both 12 and 42 = 2 × 3 ×7
15) and there are no lower common multiples.
Hence, the LCM of 12 and 15 is 60 since 60 is the 90 = 2 × 3×3 × 5
lowest number that both 12 and 15 divide into.
Here are some further problems involving the determi- The largest group of any of the factors present is shown
nation of HCFs and LCMs. by the broken lines and is 2 × 2 in 12, 3 × 3 in 90, 5 in
90 and 7 in 42
Hence, the LCM is 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 5 × 7 = 1260 and
Problem 12. Determine the HCF of the numbers
is the smallest number which 12, 42 and 90 will all
12, 30 and 42
divide into exactly.
Probably the simplest way of determining an HCF is to
Problem 15. Determine the LCM of the numbers
express each number in terms of its lowest factors. This
150, 210, 735 and 1365
is achieved by repeatedly dividing by the prime numbers
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, . . . (where possible) in turn. Thus,
Using the method shown in Problem 14 above:
12 = 2 × 2 × 3 150 = 2 × 3 × 5 × 5
30 = 2 ×3×5 210 = 2 × 3 × 5 × 7
42 = 2 ×3×7 735 = 3 ×5 × 7×7
The factors which are common to each of the numbers
1365 = 3 ×5 × 7 × 13
are 2 in column 1 and 3 in column 3, shown by the
broken lines. Hence, the HCF is 2 × 3; i.e. 6. That is, Hence, the LCM is 2 × 3 × 5 × 5 × 7 × 7 × 13
6 is the largest number which will divide into 12, 30 = 95550
and 42.
Now try the following Practice Exercise
Problem 13. Determine the HCF of the numbers
30, 105, 210 and 1155 Practice Exercise 3 Further problems on
highest common factors and lowest
Using the method shown in Problem 12: common multiples (answers on page 436)
Find (a) the HCF and (b) the LCM of the following
30 = 2 × 3 × 5 groups of numbers.
105 = 3×5×7 1. 8, 12 2. 60, 72
15 5 + 14 − 1
Problem 18. Evaluate = +
3 6+8−9+1
16 ÷(2 + 6) + 18[3 + (4 × 6) − 21]
= 5+
16 ÷ (2 + 6) + 18[3 + (4 × 6) − 21] 6
= 16 ÷ (2 + 6) + 18[3 + 24 − 21] (B: inner bracket = 5+3= 8
is determined first)
= 16 ÷ 8 + 18 × 6 (B) Now try the following Practice Exercise
= 2 + 18 × 6 (D)
Practice Exercise 4 Further problems on
= 2 + 108 (M)
order of precedence and brackets (answers
= 110 (A) on page 436)
Note that a number outside of a bracket multiplies all Evaluate the following expressions.
that is inside the brackets. In this case,
1. 14 + 3 × 15
18[3 + 24 − 21] = 18[6], which means 18 × 6 = 108 2. 17 − 12 ÷ 4
3. 86 + 24 ÷ (14 − 2)
Problem 19. Find the value of
(144 ÷ 4) 4. 7(23 − 18) ÷ (12 − 5)
23 − 4(2 × 7) +
(14 − 8) 5. 63 − 8(14 ÷ 2) + 26
(144 ÷ 4) 36 40
23 − 4(2 × 7) + = 23 − 4 × 14 + (B) 6. − 42 ÷ 6 + (3 × 7)
(14 − 8) 6 5
= 23 − 4 × 14 + 6 (D) (50 − 14)
7. + 7(16 − 7) − 7
= 23 − 56 + 6 (M) 3
= 29 − 56 (A) (7 − 3)(1 − 6)
4(11 − 6) ÷ (3 − 8)
= −27 (S)
(3 + 9 × 6) ÷ 3 − 2 ÷ 2
3 × 6 + (4 − 9) − 32 + 5
Problem 20. Evaluate
3 + 52 − 32 + 23 4 × 32 + 24 ÷ 5 + 9 × 3
15 ÷ 3 + 2 × 7 − 1 10. +
+ √ 2 × 32 − 15 ÷ 3
1 + (4 × 6) ÷ (3 × 4) 3 × 4 + 8 − 32 + 1
2 + 27 ÷ 3 + 12 ÷ 2 − 3 2
3+ 52 − 32 + 23 15 ÷ 3 + 2 × 7 − 1 5 + (13 − 2 × 5) − 4
+ √ √
1 + (4 × 6) ÷ (3 × 4) 3 × 4 + 8 − 32 + 1 1+ 25 + 3 × 2 − 8 ÷ 2
11. −
3+4+8 15 ÷ 3 + 2 × 7 − 1 3 × 4 − 32 + 42 + 1
= +
1 + 24 ÷ 12 3×2+8−9+1
3+4+8 5+2×7−1 (4 × 2 + 7 × 2) ÷ 11
= + √
1+2 3×2+8−9+1 9 + 12 ÷ 2 − 23
For fully worked solutions to each of the problems in Practice Exercises 1 to 4 in this chapter,
go to the website:
Chapter 2
Why it is important to understand: Fractions
Engineers use fractions all the time, examples including stress to strain ratios in mechanical engineering,
chemical concentration ratios and reaction rates, and ratios in electrical equations to solve for current
and voltage. Fractions are also used everywhere in science, from radioactive decay rates to statistical
analysis. Calculators are able to handle calculations with fractions. However, there will be times when
a quick calculation involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions is needed.
Again, do not spend too much time on this chapter because we deal with the calculator later; however, try
to have some idea how to do quick calculations in the absence of a calculator. You will feel more confident
to deal with fractions and calculations if you can do this.
• understand the terminology numerator, denominator, proper and improper fractions and mixed numbers
• add and subtract fractions
• multiply and divide two fractions
• appreciate the order of operation when evaluating expressions involving fractions
Basic Engineering Mathematics. 978-1-138-67370-0, © 2017 John Bird. Published by Taylor & Francis. All rights reserved.
10 Basic Engineering Mathematics
2 4 2×4 8
For example, × = =
7 3 7 3 × 7 21
4. Change the mixed number 8 into an
improper fraction. 2
Problem 9. Simplify 7 ×
5. A box contains 165 paper clips. 60 clips 5
are removed from the box. Express this as
a fraction in its simplest form. 2 7 2 7 × 2 14 4
7× = × = = =2
6. Order the following fractions from the small- 5 1 5 1×5 5 5
est to the largest.
3 14
4 5 3 1 3 Problem 10. Find the value of ×
, , , , 7 15
9 8 7 2 5
7. A training college has 375 students of which Dividing numerator and denominator by 3 gives
120 are girls. Express this as a fraction in its
simplest form. 3 14 1 14 1 × 14
× = × =
7 15 7 5 7×5
Evaluate, in fraction form, the expressions given in
Dividing numerator and denominator by 7 gives
Problems 8 to 20.
1 × 14 1 × 2 2
1 2 5 4 = =
8. + 9. − 7×5 1×5 5
3 5 6 15
This process of dividing both the numerator and denom-
1 2 7 1
10. + 11. − inator of a fraction by the same factor(s) is called
2 5 16 4 cancelling.
2 3 2 1 2
12. + 13. − + 3 4
7 11 9 7 3 Problem 11. Simplify ×
5 9
2 1 7 2 5
14. 3 −2 15. − +
5 3 27 3 9 3 4 1 4
× = × by cancelling
3 3 5 2 5 9 5 3
16. 5 +3 17. 4 − 3
13 4 8 5 4
3 2 1 4 5
18. 10 − 8 19. 3 − 4 + 1
7 3 4 5 6 3 1 3
Problem 12. Evaluate 1 × 2 × 3
3 2 1 5 3 7
20. 5 − 1 − 3
4 5 2
Mixed numbers must be expressed as improper frac-
tions before multiplication can be performed. Thus,
3 1 3 5 3 6 1 21 3
2.3 Multiplication and division of 1 ×2 ×3 = + × + × +
5 3 7 5 5 3 3 7 7
8 7 24 8 × 1 × 8 64
= × × = =
5 3 7 5×1×1 5
2.3.1 Multiplication
To multiply two or more fractions together, the numera- = 12
tors are first multiplied to give a single number and this
becomes the new numerator of the combined fraction. 1 2 3
The denominators are then multiplied together to give Problem 13. Simplify 3 × 1 × 2
5 3 4
the new denominator of the combined fraction.
Fractions 13
The mixed numbers need to be changed to improper Now try the following Practice Exercise
fractions before multiplication can be performed.
1 2 3 16 5 11 Practice Exercise 6 Multiplying and
3 ×1 ×2 = × × dividing fractions (answers on page 436)
5 3 4 5 3 4
4 1 11 Evaluate the following.
= × × by cancelling
1 3 1 2 4 4
4 × 1 × 11 44 2 1. × 2. 5 ×
= = = 14 5 7 9
1×3×1 3 3
3 8 3 5
3. × 4. ×
4 11 4 9
2.3.2 Division 17 15 3 7 2
5. × 6. × ×1
The simple rule for division is change the division 35 68 5 9 7
sign into a multiplication sign and invert the second 13 7 4 1 3 5
fraction. 7. ×4 ×3 8. × ×1
17 11 39 4 11 39
2 3 2 4 8 2 4 3 45
For example, ÷ = × = 9. ÷ 10. ÷
3 4 3 3 9 9 27 8 64
3 8 3 5 3 4
Problem 14. Simplify ÷ 11. ÷ 12. ÷1
7 21 8 32 4 5
1 2 1 5
3 8 3 21 3 3 13. 2 ×1 14. 1 ÷ 2
÷ = × = × by cancelling 4 3 3 9
7 21 7 8 1 8
4 7 3 2
3×3 9 1 15. 2 ÷ 16. 2 ÷ 3
= = =1 5 10 4 3
1×8 8 8
1 3 1 1 3 2
17. × ×1 18. 3 × 1 ÷
3 1 9 4 3 4 5 5
Problem 15. Find the value of 5 ÷ 7
5 3
19. A ship’s crew numbers 105, of which are
The mixed numbers must be expressed as improper 7
fractions. Thus, women. Of the men, are officers. How
many male officers are on board?
3 1 28 22 28 3 14 3 42
5 ÷7 = ÷ = × = × =
5 3 5 3 5 22 5 11 55 20. If a storage tank is holding 450 litres when
it is three-quarters full, how much will it
2 3 3 contain when it is two-thirds full?
Problem 16. Simplify 3 × 1 ÷ 2
3 4 4
21. Three people, P , Q and R, contribute to a
Mixed numbers must be expressed as improper fractions fund. P provides 3/5 of the total, Q pro-
before multiplication and division can be performed: vides 2/3 of the remainder and R provides
£8. Determine (a) the total of the fund and
2 3 3 11 7 11 11 7 4 (b) the contributions of P and Q.
3 ×1 ÷2 = × ÷ = × ×
3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 11
1×7×1 22. A tank contains 24,000 litres of oil. Initially,
= by cancelling 7 3
3×1×1 of the contents are removed, then of
10 5
7 1 the remainder is removed. How much oil is
= =2 left in the tank?
3 3
14 Basic Engineering Mathematics
Author: J. C. Snaith
Language: English
The Night Before 9
Coming Events 19
Little Clumpton v. Hickory 34
An Impossible Incident 47
The Cussedness of Cricket 64
Of a Young Person in Brown Holland 81
Conversational 97
A Cricket Lunch 106
Record Breaking 128
The End of the Day 142
Cupid puts his Pads on 155
My First County Match 171
A Case of Heredity 199
In which I am more Sinned against than Sinning 213
Facing the Music 230
A Telegram from Stoddart 248
A Few Consequences
of its 262
I receive Instruction in a Heart-breaking Science 272
A Case for M.C.C. 285
A Case for Another Eminent Authority 298
The Night Before
IT was the eve of Little Clumpton versus Hickory. To those who are
unfamiliar with these haunts of ancient peace this may seem a
chronicle of the infinitely little. The Utopians, however, dwelling
there remote, were quite aware that Waterloo, nay, even the Battle
of Omdurman, was a picnic in comparison with Little Clumpton
versus Hickory. Therefore let the nations heed.
Half our team were sitting in my billiard-room discussing the
prospects of the morrow. Opinion really was unanimous for once:
Little Clumpton must not lose.
“Lose!” said the Optimist grandly, “is it England, or is it Hickory?”
“Only Hickory,” said the Pessimist, “and the Trenthams.”
“It can be W. G. and Jackson, if they like to bring ’em,” said the
Optimist; “and then they’ll finish sick. They’ll simply flop before
Charlie’s ribsters, and Billy’s slows.”
“H’m!” said the Pessimist.
“Think so?” said the Worry.
“Certain,” said the Optimist. “Before now we’ve had ’em out for fifty.”
“Yes,” said the Pessimist, “and before now we’ve had ’em out for
three hundred and fifty.”
“But,” said the Humourist, “I hadn’t developed my head-ball then.”
The Humourist would find it as difficult to exist without his “head-
ball,” as Attewell without his gentle maiden.
“Well, I suppose it all depends upon the weather,” said the Worry,
with his usual inconsequence. “How’s the glass?”
“Quite well, thank you,” said the Humourist, brandishing a huge
whisky and Apollinaris.
“Going down,” said the Treasurer, with great gloominess. The
Treasurer had been elected to his dignity because it was feared that
he was Scotch on his mother’s side.
Here the Captain came into the conversation. He took his corn-cob
slowly from his mouth, pressed the tobacco down with that air of
simple majesty that is the hall-mark of the great, and then began to
smoke again in a very solemn manner. This, for the Captain, was a
speech. And as it is only the fool who can speak without giving
himself away, this was as it should be. His words were fit though
few. Hence the tradition, that though he didn’t say much his ideas
were very beautiful. The Secretary regularly sat in a listening
attitude behind his chair, so that if by any chance the great man did
commit an utterance, he could jot it down upon his cuff. And it was
an open secret that every time the Secretary changed his shirt he
entered the Captain’s requests for a milk and soda or a pipe-light in
the archives of the Club.
The Captain was the gentlest of men. There was a suavity in his
coffee-coloured face and his pale blue eye that grew positively weird
in one who was good for another fifty every time he had the screen
moved. Though he had developed a peculiar habit of playing for the
Gentlemen at Lord’s, he had a charity that covered a multitude of
umpires, and when l.b.w. did not attempt to demonstrate to the
pavilion by the laws of Sir Isaac Newton that the ball had not pitched
straight by the vulgarest fraction of an inch. His mien had the wholly
classic calm of those who have their biographies in Wisden. His
language in its robustest passages was as fragile as Mrs. Meynell’s
prose. If a small boy danced behind the bowler’s arm, it was claimed
for the Captain that he actually employed “please” and “thank
you.”[A] Even in the throes of a run out his talk retained its purity to
a remarkable degree. His strongest expletive was a pained
expression. His beverage seldom rose beyond a milk and soda. Life
with him was a very chaste affair.
The Secretary was of another kidney. He always got up a bit before
the lark, since his rule of life was to get a start of the rest of nature.
He was eminently fitted for great place. Had he been other than
Secretary to the Little Clumpton Cricket Club he must have been
Secretary for Foreign Affairs, and dictated carefully chosen insults to
the French and other dwellers in outer darkness. Nevertheless, he
was all things to all men. He could be as persuasive as tobacco, he
could unloose the wrath of Jove. If you came to him at the eleventh
hour and said: “Beastly sorry, Lawson, but can’t possibly play to-
morrow,” you could rely on his well of English being defiled. On the
other hand, if he came to you and said: “I say, old man, Jordan’s lost
his jolly aunt; Boulter’s split his blighted thumb, and I really can’t
take no, you know, shall want your batting awful bad, you know,” his
accent was a song. He was the only man who could subdue the best
bowler when the slips weren’t snapping ’em. He was the only man
who dared address the Captain on the field. He had the courage to
explain to the fair sex, “what those strange things in white coats
with mufflers round their waists are standing there for?” He could
suggest to the intelligent foreigner that the criquette is a sport, not a
religious exercise; and he was such a fine tactician that he always
fielded point. Merryweather, known familiarly as “Jessop,” because of
his audacity, was the one person who ventured to tell the Secretary
that he couldn’t play to-morrow, “as I’m going golfing.” And even he,
lion-hearted as he was, presently gave up that pastime for less
violent amusements. “Billiards gone to grass,” the Secretary
considered an insufficient phrase, but the Secretary’s views on golf
are not going to be printed.
Lawson’s was not the highest form of cricket. His bowling was a jest;
his batting was a comic interlude. Yet his Captain was wont to say,
“Give me Lawson at a pinch, and I’ll give you Grace and Ranjitsinhji.”
For his force of character was such that when the bowling was used
up he would go on with lobs and take a wicket; when a rot set in,
before going in to stop it, he would tell them to send him a cup of
tea at five; whilst he was such a master in the art of playing for a
draw that light-minded persons called him “Notts.” True, his style
was not the style of Gunn and Shrewsbury, nor were his methods
conspicuously pretty, but none the less he was the source of several
letters to the M.C.C. As an instance of his powers, last year but one,
against I. Zingari, he stayed two hours for seven, brought down the
rain and saved the match. There was not a breath of vanity about
him, and in appearance he looked quite a simple ordinary soul. But if
it was an absolute necessity that Little Clumpton should win the
toss, the Captain generally sent Lawson out to spin; and if the other
side, in the innocence of their hearts, thought they knew a trick that
Little Clumpton didn’t, the Secretary usually held it right to
encourage them in that opinion.
Now though there was not a man present who would have admitted
for a moment that he had the faintest fear of Hickory, there was no
overriding the hard fact that the Captain had twice withdrawn his
pipe from his mouth in the space of twenty minutes. The Secretary
had noted this grim portent as he noted everything, and sat tugging
his moustache with one hand, whilst with the other he worked out
the Theory of the Toss (invented by himself) to five places of
decimals. Indeed, such an air of gloom presently settled on us all
that the Pessimist declared that we had got already a bad attack of
the Trenthams. Perhaps we had. Never previously had we faced
more than two members of this redoubtable family at a time, but
report said that to-morrow we must suffer the full brotherhood of
four. Their deeds that season had been more terrible than ever. A.
H., of Middlesex, had helped himself to 146 against Surrey at the
Oval the previous week, and was going out with Stoddart in the
autumn. H. C. was reputed to be the best bowler either ’Varsity had
seen since Sammy Woods, an opinion poor Oxford had subscribed to
in July at Lord’s; Captain George, although he liked to call himself a
veteran, had an average of 72·3 for the Royal Artillery; whilst T. S.
M., the Harrow Captain, had enjoyed the Eton match very much
indeed, and rather thought he should enjoy the match with Little
Clumpton too. As if this was not enough, the General Nuisance
presently sauntered in, exactly an hour behind his time as usual.
And to the consternation of us all the General Nuisance wore his
most expansive simper.
“He’s only heard that the Trenthams are coming,” said the Worry. By
trying to reassure us he sought to reassure himself.
“Confound you! are you going to dislocate your face?” said the
Secretary, aiming a cushion and a string of unprintable expressions
at the General Nuisance. “What’s up now? Is Charlie crocked? Is Billy
drinking? Good Lord! I hope there’s nothing gone wrong with the
“Not yet,” said the General Nuisance sweetly; “but there will be, I’ll
give you my word.”
“We shall have to try that muck o’ yours then,” said the Pessimist.
“Unfortunately I’m not playing to-morrow; I’m going fishing,” said
the General Nuisance affably.
“Eh? What?”
It was the voice of the Secretary from behind the Captain’s chair. It
was a psychological moment. Each man present had that nightmare
of a feeling that afflicts you in the long-field when A. H. Trentham
lifts one to you steeples high, curling some fifteen ways at once,
which all the time you are hopelessly misjudging and that you know
you are bound to drop. However, I had the presence of mind to
distract the General Nuisance with a drink, while the Captain laid a
soothing hand on the Secretary’s knee, and appealed to his moral
nature. Brandy and soda, one grieves to say, inflamed rather than
appeased the personal appearance of the General Nuisance. His
simper became a grin.
“Pipe up,” said that heroical man, the Treasurer, preparing for the
worst; “out with it.”
“You will be very brave?” said the General Nuisance.
“Comfort, you blackguard,” said the Secretary, “Why do you grin?
Speak or die!”
When the General Nuisance grinned, homicidal tendencies soiled
minds of the most virgin whiteness.
The Captain took his pipe out and tapped it on his boot. It was a
command that even the revolutionary spirit of the General Nuisance
dared not disregard. It had the authority of an Act of Parliament.
“Well, brethren,” said the General Nuisance, “they are bringing
Carteret and Elphinstone, that’s all.”
“And the Trenthams, too?” said I.
“And the Trenthams, too,” said he.
“It’s a good job we’re a good team,” said the Humourist.
It is true that the Secretary sat behind the Captain’s chair, but in the
course of three minutes he contrived to emit such a quantity of
language of a free and painful character, that to relieve the tension
the Humourist kindly propounded this conundrum. Why is Bobby
Abel batting like Lawson’s small talk? Because to look at ’em you’d
wonder how they could. This, I regret to say, is quite in the
Humourist’s early manner, ere art had chastened nature. It lacks the
polished pathos of those slow-drawn agonies at which the world
grew pale. But as the Humourist strutted in his title because he took
himself quite seriously, do not let us forget that this offspring of his
wit was born in an hour of mental stress.
Coming Events
AT six next morning my man found me in pyjamas, flourishing a bat
up and down a chalk line on the bedroom carpet.
“Are you quite sure it’s perfectly straight, William?”
“Quite straight, sir; but mind the wardrobe door, sir!”
“I think I’ll try that blind hit of Gunn’s between point and cover.”
“All right, sir; if you’ll just wait while I move the water-jug. Your left
leg a little more across—just a little; and how’s the late cut this
morning, sir?”
“Never healthier in its life. Here you are. Look out!”
Crash! Plop! The glass in the wardrobe door had met the fate of its
predecessors. The aggravating thing about the wardrobe door is that
if you have it of glass you must inevitably break it; yet should you
have a plain panel you can’t see what angle your bat’s at and where
your feet are.
“I was hoping all the time that you’d smash it, sir,” said William in a
confidential tone. “It’s a strange thing, sir, but every time you smash
the wardrobe door you never get less than 50. If you remember,
when you got that 82 last year against the Free Foresters you
smashed it the morning of the match. Then that 61 against M.C.C.
(O’Halloran and Roche an’ all), same thing occurred, if you recollect.
And it’s my belief that you’ve smashed it worse this morning, sir,
than you’ve ever done before. It might be the century to-day, sir.”
“I wonder if the water-jug or washhand-stand would help it,” said I
reflectively; “because, William, if you really think they would——”
“Somehow,” said William hastily, “I haven’t quite the same faith in
that there water-jug. I remember once you cracked it right across
the spout and got ‘run out 3’ on that particular mornin’. Captain
Cooper called you, and then sent you back, if you remember, sir,
when you was halfway down the pitch.”
“I remember,” I groaned. “Those are the tragedies of which our little
life is made!”
“And the washhand-stand ain’t no good at all, sir. Why, when you
knocked the leg off it in giving Mold the wood, you bagged a brace
at Pigeon Hill that day on what they called a wicket, but what was
really a hornamental lake.”
“Spare me the horrible details, William,” I said. A cold sensation was
creeping down my spine.
Having tubbed and shaved I felt so fit as I walked down to have a
look at the ground before breakfast that I had to restrain myself
from jumping five-barred gates. It was a perfect morning, flushed
with summer. The birds on the boughs were welcoming the young
sun; the mists were running before him; the dew on the trees was
dancing to him; whilst the drenched meadows and the cool haze
receding to the hills promised ninety in the shade to follow. Evidently
Nature, like a downright good sportsman, was going to let us have a
real cricketers’ day for a true cricketing occasion. Such fragrance
made the blood leap. Every muscle seemed electric. To snuff the chill
airs was to feel as fit and full of devil as a racehorse. By Jove, I felt
like getting ’em! There were clean off-drives in the eager brooks,
clipping cuts for four in the sparkling grass, sweet leg glances in the
singing hedgerows, inimitable hooks and behind-the-wicket strokes
in the cheerful field noises and the bird-thrilled branches; and when
the sun burst out more fully in premonition of what was to be his
magnificent display at Little Clumpton versus Hickory later in the
day, I said to an unresponsive cow, “How do you like that, H. C.?”
for I had just lifted the best bowler at either ’Varsity since Sammy
Woods, clean out of the ground for six. And having begun to this
tune, of course I went on getting ’em. I continued cutting, driving,
and leg hitting at such a pace, that by the time I had made the half-
mile to the ground that morning, a mere five minutes’ walk, I was
rapidly approaching my century. They may talk of Jessop, but I think
this gives a long start to any performances of his, although it is
possible that he may have had to meet bowling rather more “upon
the spot.” I was in great form though.
I found the ground-man standing beside the wicket, looking at it
lovingly. He had his head on one side, as he gazed with an air as of
Michael Angelo surveying his masterpiece.
“Mornin’ to you, sir!”
“Mornin’ Wiggles. How’s the wicket?”
“This ain’t no wicket, sir. It’s a bloomin’ billiard-table wot Dawson’s a’
inviting of Roberts to come and play on. And Lord, sir, have you seed
the side that Hickory’s a-bringing—a bloomin’ county team. There’s
them there Trenthams, all the boiling of ’em, and Carteret and
Elphinstone of Kent. They do say as how Francis Ford and Fry’s a-
coming, too, as Hickory’s a bit weak in batting like, seeing as how
Billy Thumbs the cobbler’s short o’ practice. Well, sir, I on’y hopes
they comes, and Ranjy with ’em, because, if you come to think on it,
Hickory ain’t got no side at all. And such a piece of concrete wot’s
awaiting ’em! ’Tween you and me, sir, I think if I was a bowler I
should take to batting for to-day.”
“We had better win the toss then,” I said gloomily.
“That’s a very good idea, sir, for I’m thinking whoever gets in on
this, somebody’ll be so tired afore six-thirty.”
Looking at that wicket and brooding on the awful array of batsmen
Hickory was bringing, and what the result must be if they only got in
first, I was tempted of the devil. The turf was soft with dew. I had
merely to press my heel once into that billiard-table to nip some of
their prospective centuries in the bud. And who shall say whether
human frailty had prevailed against the wiles of evil had it not
remembered that Hickory were not obliged to go in first.
I went home to breakfast trying to restrain my excess of “fitness.”
For cricket is cussedness incarnate. You rise in the morning like a
giant refreshed: your blood is jumping, the ball looks as big as a
balloon, and you have a go at one you ought to let alone, and spoon
it up to cover. Excess of “fitness” gets more wickets than Lohmann
ever took.
I was in the middle of the Sportsman and my fourth egg when
William appeared with a countenance of tragedy.
“I can’t find it, sir; it’s clean gone!” he said.
“Not the bat with the wrapping at the bottom?” I gasped, turning
“No, sir; worse than that,” he said.
“Speak!” I cried; “what is it?”
“Your cap,” he said. “The one you made the 82, the 61, and 67 not
out in.”
“What, the Authentics! It must be found, or I don’t go in to-day.
Couldn’t get a run without that cap.”
The sweat stood on my brow.
“It’s my belief, sir,” said William darkly, “that this here’s a bit O’
Hickory. They knows how, like W. G., its always one particular cap
you gets your runs in, and they’ve had it took according.”
This was very nice of William. His tact was charming. But the idea of
my facing Hickory without my lucky cap was as monstrous as the
captain going out to toss without his George II. shilling.
“William,” I said, “if you have to take the carpets up and have the
chimneys swept, that cap must be found.”
William returned disconsolately to his search, whilst I fell into a train
of dismal speculation. Falling to the Sportsman in despair my eye fell
on a few items of a cheerful and peculiar interest:—
“Kent v. Notts.—Rev. E. J. H. Elphinstone, c Jones, b
Attewell, 172; J. P. Carteret, b Dixon, 103.
“This brilliant pair of amateurs completely collared the
Notts attack at Canterbury yesterday, and in the course of
two hours and a quarter helped themselves to 254 for the
second wicket.
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