specification for
interpreting segmented
image data using
schemas and support logic
4 :MU
r :- p :Mhl The second plank of the system is what are generally
t :b4,P41 called knowledge-based methods, in which the interpre-
t :bAl tation process is controlled according to the structure
of the background or world knowledge that is available.
Conjunction This is used to make hypotheses about the image and
embodies certain semantic constraints that are to be
PY4@c&1 satisfied amongst entities in the image. Thus it is a top-
down approach which would seem to be necessary when
where the imperfect nature of the low-level data suggests that
structures in complex ways; both of these aspects dis- 1*,*}:ll,ll,{*,*,*}:l~,ll}.
tinguish this approach from a purely logical represen- schema(trees,*xl) <-
tation where knowledge is stored as propositions and
inference is performed by deduction. Minsky’s frames rtrees:*x11-
L----- --,
Prototypes are knowledge structures that we have only Figure 2. Prototypes for cars
A plan consists of a set of plan areas, which are groups DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION OF
of contiguous regions of which one is that plan area’s ALGORITHM
principal region which ‘dominates’ the others, usually
by virtue of relative size or enclosure. A partially labelled This section should be read in conjunction with Figure
plan is a plan with a list of labels attached to each 3.
of the plan areas, and a plan image is a plan where
each plan area’s list of labels is ordered according to
the evidence accrued up to a certain point. The for-
mation of the plan, of the partially labelled plan and f t
of the plan image are described in the next main section.
Pending constraints
(9) Instantiate schema
Perceptions are a type of conceptual graph representing
the interpretation of areas of the image; they are the (10) Join perceptions
results of lumping together Slop facts, and are essentially
instantiated schemas where the concepts have regions $
Perceptual graph
or groups of regions as their referents, together with I
support pairs derived from the assessment of all the
collected evidence. Thus they are a special kind of r
conceptual graph since their concepts’ referents are
exclusively from the domain of the segmented image Figure 3. Algorithm control structure
Out. Plan.
Procedure. Using geometrical data - size, shape, extent
In. Relevant schemas, relevant clues. etc. of regions - and topological data - adjacencies,
enclosures between regions - directly or indirectly
Out. Slop rules. supplied by the image data, partition the image into
plan areas each with a principal or dominant region
Procedure. For each schema we need to form a bundle, and its subsidiary regions. The current version of the
i.e. a collection of Slop rules each of which corresponds algorithm for performing this has several stages. We
to a conjunction of conceptual links in the schema. In first need to find dominant regions which are initially
terms of support logic these rules are mutually depend- those regions which enclose others and those which
ent, and therefore the support logic calculus for inde- satisfy some criterion for ‘largeness’. Testing for
pendent sources of evidence (Dempster’s ‘surroundedness’ is straightforward using the adjacency
renormalization) is inappropriate, and so we need to data; however, we need to set some parameter as a
extend the calculus. Thus a schema fraction of the total size of the image to determine ‘large’
regions. Once this initial stage has been completed
t(x) <“r = {r,, . . . ,r,} regions adjacent with any dominant region are made
into subsidiary regions, i.e. are associated with that
with the support mappings a&: 2r + [O,l] compiles dominant region.
into the bundle In the second stage we relax the largeness parameter
and look for any more dominant regions amongst those
t(x) :- previously unassociated. Then we attempt to associate
<- cl :[a,(cl),Br(cl)l by adjacency any nondominant or unassociated regions
<- c2:[~,w,P,(c2)1 with dominant or previously associated regions. In the
third stage we relax the parameter again and repeat the
association. This process is then continued until no
<- c2, :[a,(c2”), P&T)] unassociated regions are left. It is possible that at any
stage an unassociated region may be adjacent to two
where ciE 2r, i = l,... ,2”. The symbol <- precedes or more ‘growing’ plan areas, and so the conflict must
each member rule of the bundle. For example the ‘trees’ be resolved; this is currently done on the basis of
schema becomes as in Figure 4. The extension to the propinquity of colour features.
calculus is straightforward: in the example above the Evidently the choice of initial parameter and the extent
overall support for t(X), the pair [a,,&], is considered of its subsequent relaxations as well as the topology
as an interval equal to the intersection of the support of the particular segmentation are crucial to the outcome
pair intervals arising from each member rule, i.e. of this process. Consideration is being given to ways
of assessing a plan so that some sort of feedback is
possible. Figure 5 shows the application of the algorithm
~L&J = fi h(ci) * Mci), 1 - ((1 - IWiN * cW)l to a segmented image with an initial largeness parameter
i= I of l/20.
I circular
sloping back
saturation - U(saturotion)
intensity -U(intensity)
\ textural-attribute
’ shiny
In. Pending constraints, Slop facts.
In this paper we have taken a specific approach to the
Out. Slop facts. problem of vision based on the belief,that accumulated
knowledge gives us the ability to recognize what we see,
Procedure. Using Slop facts from apply_schemas, we and so that this ability must be modelled in some way
evaluate global constraints between concepts using the for a computer to approach competence. Moreover, we
relevant low-level procedures, e.g. the adjacency of areas have expounded an algorithm which we hope will act
of sky to areas of trees would be established at this as a springboard for future developments in the modell-
stage by considering the adjacencies of their constituent ing of the complex interactions between various sorts
regions. of knowledge and sensory data that characterize the
vision process.
The algorithm itself is not completely implemented
Evaluate_supports at the time of writing, but it is evolving and being
adapted as new ideas arise as well as being extended.
In. Slop rules, Slop facts. Thus there are no experimental results as yet except
in so far as the plan-forming subalgorithm produces
Out. Slop facts. a satisfactory output (c.J Figure 5). There is also an
apparent need for greater flexibility in the algorithm
Procedure. During the applications of the schemas, low- so that backtracking and feedback can occur, enabling
level procedures have been employed to evaluate evi- us to handle the various knowledge structures more
dence, and the results thus obtained have been recorded efficiently for different sorts of image. Also, the question
as Slop facts. The results of evaluating the global arises as to how we may generalize any of the techniques
constraints have also been thus recorded. The important incorporated in the algorithm; to find the answer to
predicate evaluate-supports now uses the Slop this we need to attempt the interpretation of a range
inference mechanism to draw a conclusion about the of images, necessitating the encoding of more and
compatibility of the type with that plan image area; different kinds of knowledge, this possibly entailing the
this is where the bundles and their associated calculus application of different techniques.
are used. To avoid circularities in the inference chain, The plan, for example, is immutable once formed,
bundles corresponding to background concepts in the and each region belongs to one and only one plan area.
schema are temporarily held ‘in abeyance’, and are The plan formation algorithm is a heuristic algorithm
brought out of abeyance afterwards. The results of this but is generally reasonable for the sort of images we
evaluation are the final compatibilities of labels with are currently dealing with. However, it seems sensible
areas in the image. to take a more flexible approach and form a more
nebulous plan with some regions associated with more
than one plan area, effectively giving us alternative plans,
and to create plan areas that may be split in one or
more predetermined ways.
Another problem in this area is the formation of a
In. Slop facts, schemas.
subplan. At present this is performed using a simplified
version of the plan formation algorithm. However, it
Out. Perceptions (instantiated schemas). has been thought that the criteria for dividing an image
into meaningful chunks are not necessarily the same as
Procedure. Compile Slop facts back into instantiated those for dividing those chunks into meaningful sub-
schemas - instantiate generic referents to groups of chunks. Specifically, the idea has been mooted that shape
regions. The referents of the resulting concepts are areas is more important at this level, since we are more likely
of the image and it would be more correct to call them to encounter discrete objects than background areas.
percepts. The mechanics of this routine have not yet The solution to the ‘vision problem’ is not going to
been elucidated. appear overnight. What we have endeavoured and are
endeavouring to do is to implement a working program
using established tools from the field of artificial intelli-
Join-perceptions gence and, by experimentation and introspection, search
for any principles of knowledge-based vision. At the
In. Perceptions. moment occlusion and relative distance seem to be at
the heart of the problem, but this picture might be
Out. Perceptual graph. different tomorrow.