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17929 (2)

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3 Hours / 100 Marks Seat No.

Instructions – (1) All Questions are Compulsory.

(2) Answer each next main Question on a new page.
(3) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(5) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(6) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket
Calculator is permissible.
(7) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic
Communication devices are not permissible in
Examination Hall.


1. Attempt any TEN of the following: 20

a) Define mechanical advantage (MA) and velocity ratio (V.R.)
b) State law of machine and its importance.
c) Define maximum efficiency and maximum M.A.
d) Define angle of friction and coefficient of friction.
e) Write law of static friction.
f) State principle of transmissibility of a force.
g) State the condition of equilibrium (analytical)
h) Define free body and free body diagram.
i) Define angle of repose with neat sketch.
j) Write any four characteristics of force.
k) State varignons theorem of moment.
17929 [2]
l) Show in sketch the centroid of semicircle of diameter 150 mm.
m) Define moment of force. State its SI unit.
n) State the four systems of coplanar forces.

2. Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16

a) Draw a nature of graph:
(i) Load Vs Effort
(ii) Load Vs Efficiency (h)
(iii) Load Vs M.A.
(iv) Load Vs Ideal effort (Pi)
b) In a machine an effort of 8 N was required to raise load of
224 N when effort moved through 20  m, the load moved 0.5m.
Is the machine reversible? If so find the effort necessary when
it is on the point of reversing.
c) In a lifting machine a load of 10  kN is raised by effort of
300 N. If the efficiency is 75%. Calculate mechanical advantage
and velocity ratio. If the machine lifts 20  kN load by effort of
550  N. Find law of m/c.
d) A screw jack lift a load of 20   kN with an effort of 250  N at
the end of handle of 50 cm length. If the pitch of screw is
10  mm. Calculate the velocity ratio, M.A. and efficiency of the
m/c. State whether the machine is reversible?
e) A geared pulley block is used to lift a load by an effort of
1000  N with 60% efficiency. Calculate the load lifted by the
effort if :
(i) Cogs on effort wheel = 120
(ii) Cogs on load wheel = 12
(iii) No. of teeth on pinion = 10
(iv) No. of teeth on spur = 20
f) A worm and worm wheel has 40 cm as diameter of effort
wheel and 50 cm as diameter of load drum and no. of teeth
on worm wheel are 60. Calculate the load this machine can
lift using an effort of 100 N and ideal effort if the efficiency
is 45%.
17929 [3]
3. Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16
a) Find the resultant of the force system as shown in Figure No.
1 in magnitude and direction graphically.

Fig. No. 1
b) Determine graphically the resultant force system as shown in
Figure No. 2.

Fig. No. 2
c) Calculate the moment at point ‘A’ for the force system as
shown in Figure No. 3.

Fig. No. 3

17929 [4]
d) Find the magnitude of two forces such that if they act at right
angles their resultant is 85 N but if they act at 60°, their
resultant is 127 N.
e) Resolve the force of 1000 N into two directions at 25° and
50° on either side of it.
f) Six forces, 1N, 2N, 3N, 4N, 5N, 6N are acting at the centre
of regular hexagon, towards the angular points taken in order
find their resultant in magnitude and direction.

4. Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16

a) Find orthogonal components (Fx and Fy) of the following forces
acting away from the point.
(i) 100 N acting 30° West of South
(ii) 400 N acting due North
(iii) 250 N acting North - East
(iv) 150 N acting the West
b) Four forces 20N, 15N, 30N and 25N are acting at 0°, 60°,
90° and 150° from X-axis taken in order. Find magnitude and
direction of resultant analytically.
c) Five parallel forces of 10, 20, 30, 50 and 80  kN are acting
on a beam. Distance of force from 10 kN force are 1m, 2m,
3m and 5m. Forces 20 kN and 50 kN are acting downwards
and other acting upwards. Find the resultant in magnitude and
direction and locate position w.r.t. 10 kN force.
d) A sphere are weighting 400 N rest in a groove of smooth
inclined surface which are making 60° and 30° inclination to
the horizontal. Find reactions at the contact surfaces.
17929 [5]
e) A weight of 200 N is attached by two strings as in Figure
No. 4. Calculate the tension in the strings.

Fig. No. 4
f) Calculate the beam reactions using analytical method for beam
as in Figure No. 5.

Fig. No. 5

5. Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16

a) A beam AB of 9 meter span is simply supported at the ends.
The beam carries point load of 2 kN upward at 2 m from
‘A’ and uniformly distributed load of 1000 N/m downwards
on a length of 6  m from ‘B’. Determine the support reaction
b) A simply supported beam of 6 m span has two concentrated
load of 8 kN and 10kN at 2 m and 4 m from left hand support
find reactions at two supports.
c) Explain four types of beam with neat sketch.
d) A body weighting 12 kN is lying on a horizontal plane for
which m = 0.70. Find normal reaction, limiting force of friction,
horizontal force required to move it and angle of friction.
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e) A block having weight 1000 N is resting on horizontal plane
require a pull of 400 N to starts its motion when applied at
an angle of 30° with the horizontal. Find coefficient of friction
f) A block weight 500 N is placed on a inclined plane of an
angle of 20° with horizontal. If coefficient of friction is 0.14.
Find force ‘P’ applied parallel to plane, just move the body
up the plane.

6. Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16

a) Locate the centroid of ‘L’ section having web 10  mm  ×  80  mm
and flange 100  mm × 10  mm. Overall height is 90  mm.
b) A retaining wall of height 5  m has one side vertical. The top
width is 1  m and bottom width is 3 m. Find centroid.
c) Locate the position of centroid for shaded lamina as shown in
Figure No. 6.

Fig. No. 6
d) A solid cone having base diameter 6 cm and height 6 cm is
kept co-axially on a solid cylinder having 6 cm diameter and
6 cm high. Find C.G. of the combination.
e) A hemisphere of 60  cm diameter is placed on the top of a
cylinder of diameter 60  cm and height of 100  cm. Find common
C.G. of two, from the base of cylinder.
f) From a cylinder of diameter 400 mm and height 800 mm an
inverted cone is cut off from top having same diameter and
half the height. Locate the position of C.G. of with respect to
its base.

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