The Farmer_s Hat (Animal Fantasy)

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The Farmer’s Hat

by Beth Town ELL Reader 1.5.1 Animal Fantasy


Activate Prior Knowledge/Build Answers to the Reader’s Inside Back Cover:
Background Read the title, and have children
look at the picture. Ask them what they think will Talk About It
happen to the farmer’s hat. Ask them if they have 1. The farmer’s hat blew away. They had to wait
ever had a hat or other object blow away in while he chased it before they could eat. (Cause
the wind. Invite them to tell what happened. Tell and Effect)
children this book tells about a problem with the 2. She made strings for the hat. (Plot)
farmer’s hat.
Write About It
Preview/Use Text Features Preview the
3. Answers will vary.
reader by talking about the illustrations together
and naming the labeled items. Support writers at various English proficiency
Preteach Vocabulary Review the high- Beginning Allow children to dictate their
frequency words that appear in this book: along story in the home language. If feasible, have a
and never. Introduce these key words from the more proficient partner help translate.
book: blew (p. 2), chased (p. 2), wait (p. 2), Intermediate Have children generate a list
and spinning (p. 7). Discuss these words and of possible words to use in their writing.
add them to a Word Wall. Advanced Ask children to write at least three
READ THE BOOK Extend Language ducks, turkeys
Choose among these options for reading to
Answers to page 50:
support children at all English proficiency levels.
Possible responses: First, the hat blows away.
Read Aloud Read the book aloud as children Then, the spider makes strings.
follow along. Pause to verify comprehension and Last, the farmer wears the hat.
to explain unfamiliar concepts.
Family Link Read aloud the Family Link
Monitored Reading Have children read activity on page 50 before sending copies of
aloud a few pages at a time. Use the following the Study Guide home with children. Later, have
questions to support comprehension: them share the stories they heard about helpful
• Pages 2–3 When did the farmer’s hat spiders.
blow away? (His hat blew away when it was
time to feed the pigs and cows.)
• Pages 4–5 When did the farmer’s hat
blow away? (His hat blew away when it was
time to feed the hens and the horse.)
• Pages 6–8 How is the farmer’s problem
solved? (The spider spins strings for the hat.
The strings hold the hat on his head.)

Reread Have children reread the book with a

partner, in small groups, or independently. Have
them complete the Study Guide on page 50.
© Scott Foresman 1

ELL Readers Teaching Guide Unit 5, Week 1 The Farmer’s Hat 49

Study Guide
Name The Farmer’s Hat

• Read The Farmer’s Hat again.

• Look at the pictures. Write about what happens
first, next, and last.




Family Link

© Scott Foresman 1
Ask family members to share any stories they know
about a helpful spider.
50 The Farmer’s Hat Unit 5, Week 1 ELL Readers Teaching Guide

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