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Description Application and Use
DREWCLEAN 2010 is a liquid cleaning formulation based Offline Cleaning – Wastewater Systems
on citric acid and organic sequesterants. DREWCLEAN 2010 The dosage and length of cleanup time are dependent on
removes inorganic mineral scale and metal oxide deposits the amount and type of deposits. A typical dosage recom-
that develop in water systems that contain high dissolved or mendation for offline cleaning is 1.5% by volume to achieve
suspended solids. DREWCLEAN 2010 holds contaminants a pH of 2.5 to 3.0.
in solution thus inhibiting redeposition in other parts of the Depending on system conditions and metalurgy, a post clean-
system prior to discharge. ing rinse may be advisable, check with the system manufacturer
In marine reverse osmosis systems, DREWCLEAN 2010 or consult with your Drew Marine Representative.
removes residual calcium and magnesium carbonate scales
that were not completely removed during alkaline cleaning.
It is important to complete alkaline cleaning of RO mem- Offline RO Membrane Cleaning
branes prior to acidic cleaning to prevent the irreversible DREWCLEAN 2010 should be dosed at 3.6% of cleaning so-
binding of certain contaminants to the membrane. Thorough lution volume, e.g. 3.6 liters per 100 liters of cleaning solution.
alkaline cleaning can be accomplished using products such as Additional recommendations are available in the
DREWCLEAN RO (PCN 7332331). General Cleaning Tips section of the DREW RO Membrane
DREWCLEAN 2010 also removes accumulated inorganic Cleaning and Maintenance Guide.
scales and metal oxide deposits from shipboard wastewater Always consult the membrane manufacturers’ recommenda-
piping systems. Struvite - which is of particular concern tions prior to the use of DREWCLEAN 2010.
in marine vacuum toilets – is readily removed with
DREWCLEAN 2010. Contact your Drew Marine representative for detailed
instructions for the use of DREWCLEAN 2010 to meet the
Always consult the system manufacturers’ recommendations specific needs of your system.
for cleaning of system piping and wastewater receiving
equipment prior to treatment with DREWCLEAN 2010.
DREWCLEAN 2010 treatment is not recommended for Typical Physical Properties
systems containing galvanized metals.
Appearance: Pale yellow liquid
Specific Gravity at 25° C: 1.27

pH (1% solution): 2.5

NOTE: Always wear the appropriate personal protective

equipment when using this product.

DREWCLEAN 2010 cleaning treatment is available in
19 liter containers (PCN 6625331).

Features Benefits
• Advanced citric acid cleaning formula boosted • Excellent cleaning removal of calcium and
with organic sequesterants magnesium carbonate and struvite deposits

• Multiple chelation and sequestration mechanisms • Inhibited redeposition of removed contaminants

• Liquid formulation • Easy to use

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DREWCLEAN 2010 PDS 0915 R0

Important Information
Drew Marine maintains Safety Data Sheets on all of its prod-
ucts. Safety Data Sheets contain health and safety informa-
tion for your development of appropriate product handling
procedures to protect your employees.
Our Safety Data Sheets should be read and understood by all
of your supervisory personnel and employees before using
Drew Marine products.

Registered trademark, TMTrademark, Drew Marine
2015 Drew Marine • All Rights Reserved • DREWCLEAN 2010 PDS 0915 R0

All statements, information and data presented herein are believed to be accurate and reliable but are not to be taken as a guarantee, express warranty or implied warranty of merchantability
or fitness for a particular purpose, or representation, express or implied, for which seller assumes legal responsibility, and they are offered solely for your consideration, investigation and
verification. Statements or suggestions concerning possible use of this product are made without representation or warranty that any such use is free of patent infringement and are not
recommendations to infringe on any patent.

DREW MARINE • 100 South Jefferson Road, Whippany, NJ 07981 USA • Tel: (1-973) 526-5700

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