Lernx Internship Report (2)
Lernx Internship Report (2)
Lernx Internship Report (2)
Roll No. 2301022203
I, NIKHAT PARWEEN , hereby declare that the presented Summer Training Project
LERNX” is uniquely prepared by me after the completion of 6 weeks work at
LERX 3. This has been undertaken for the purpose of partial fulfillment of MBA
program at Department of Business Management, Integral University, Lucknow.
I also confirm that the report is only prepared for my academic requirement, not for any
otherpurpose. It might not be used with the interest of the opposite party of the corporation.
Certificate of Industry Guide
Department of Business Management
Integral Business School
Integral University,
This is to certify that the Summer Training Project Report entitled “PERFORMANCE
Department of Business Management, Integral University, Lucknow, in partial
fulfillment for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration, is a record
of work carried out by NIKHAT PARWEEN , Roll No. 2301022203, under my
I must take the opportunity to thank LERNX 3for giving me the opprtuniy to complete my
LUCKNOW for assigning me to prepare this report. He guided me to prepare the whole
And finally,I would like to express my gratitude to all the individuals who have
helped me to prepare this report. As a human being, it is natural that few names may not be
I would also like to thank my friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this project
Roll No. 2301022203
Abstract 4
1. Introduction 7-13
7. Conclusion 61
8. Reference 62-70
9. Annexure 71-73
What is Performance?
Statement of Problem
Objective of Study
excellence not only in its courses and programs but also in the performance of
its employees. This report delves into the intricacies of performance appraisal at
not only assesses individual employee achievements but also aligns them with
administrators, and support staff, plays a pivotal role in shaping the educational
LearnX family is not only meeting but exceeding the high standards set by the
This report will explore the specific methodologies employed by LearnX in
appraising its employees, considering the diverse roles within the organization.
It will delve into the challenges faced, such as aligning individual goals with
context of LearnX, this report aims to provide valuable insights for both
how this crucial process contributes to the organization's continuous growth and
naturally time and money is spent ensuring that they provide what their
When it comes to one of the most expensive resources companies invest in,
namely people, the job appraising performance against results is often carried
out with the same objectivity. Each individual has a role to play and
management has to ensure that the individual‟s objectives translate into overall
performance appraisal process which in turn helps identifying the training needs
1.2 What is Performance?
Good performance by the employees creates a culture of excellence, which
benefits the organization in the long run. The activity includes evaluation of
jobs and people both, managing gender bias, career planning, and devising
methods of employee satisfaction etc. the efforts are to make to generate the
has to clear the way of career advancements for talented and hardworking
people. Fear of any kind from the minds of the employees should be removed so
that they give best to their organization. Allow free flow of information.
allowed to become a hurdle. This enables the managers to take correct decisions
Today‟s working climate demands a great deal of commitment and effort from
employees, who in turn naturally expect a great deal more from their employers.
a natural equation: better quality goods and services from employees who enjoy
Performance appraisal must be seen as an intrinsic part of a manager‟s
staff meet regularly to discuss post and present performance issues and to agree
This meeting should be based on clear and mutual understanding of the job in
question and the standards and outcomes, which are a part of it. In normal
one to one basis. Often the distinction between performance and appraising is
not made. Assessment concerns itself only with the past and the present. The
staff is being appraised when they are encouraged to look ahead to improve
the employee is not appraisal - this is merely a form filling exercise which
achieves little in terms of giving staff any positive guidance and motivation.
itself will become more effective. The task of reviewing situations and
For appraisal to be effective, which means producing results for the company,
These are: -
an ongoing basis
Interviewing having a discussion with the jobholder to verify the true
performance, required
Appraisal can then become a way of life, not concerned simply with the
terms are immediate and accrue to the appraising manager, the subordinate
the performance manager should make every effort to obtain as much objective
can push the organization back in today‟s tough competition scenario. The
effectively, it goes far beyond mere paperwork and signatures. Here‟s why it's
challenges, develop their skills, and enhance their overall efficiency. This
targeted approach not only benefits the individual but also bolsters the
improvement of employees, businesses pave the way for their own success.
When every member of the organization becomes more proficient, the collective
department. Each manager must develop and apply the necessary skills. This
conducting insightful discussions with employees. These skills not only refine
culture of improvement not only benefits individual employees but also elevates
comprehensive and thoughtful appraisal processes, companies pave the way for
excellence, ensuring that every team member is not only competent but also
aligned with the organization's core values and objectives. In this section, we
will delve deeper into the specific methodologies, challenges, and outcomes
defined with specific KPIs. These KPIs serve as quantifiable metrics, enabling
Company Introduction
Ongoing Projects
2.1 Company Introduction
Core Values:
Excellence: Strive for the highet quality in everything we do, setting the bar for
educational standards.
Integrity: Uphold honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct in all our
Key Offerings:
Lernx offers a wide range of online courses and programs across various
align with their specific needs and industry requirements. Our training solutions
intuitive platform for learners and organizations to manage, track, and evaluate
Lernx offers consulting and advisory services to educational institutions and
Our Commitment:
curiosity, ignites passion, and paves the way for a brighter future. Join us in the
Lernx Products
subjects and skill levels. Our online courses are meticulously designed by
demands of various industries and equip learners with practical knowledge and
hands-on experience.
3. Certification Tracks:
Embark on a journey of professional growth with our certification tracks.
Lernx offers tailored corporate training modules designed to meet the unique
Gain insights and expert guidance through our educational consultancy services.
technology integration.
Explore a curated collection of educational resources and materials that support
our courses and programs. From e-books and study guides to interactive
learning journey.
your field.
services and products tailored to meet the evolving needs of learners and
organizations alike. With a steadfast commitment to nurturing curiosity, igniting
designed online courses, spanning a wide array of subjects and skill levels.
for success.
enhance their team's performance, productivity, and collaboration, ensuring they
learners, educators, and administrators. This robust tool streamlines the learning
seamless communication.
These custom experiences align seamlessly with specific objectives and goals,
9. Engaging Workshops and Seminars: Lernx hosts informative workshops and
At Lernx, the pursuit of knowledge is not just a mission; it's a way of life. By
educational experience that paves the way for a brighter and more successful
11. Responsive Student Support: Lernx prioritizes the success of its students.
Our dedicated support teams are available to assist learners, ensuring they have
12. Industry-Relevant Curriculum: Lernx constantly updates its curriculum to
align with industry trends and demands. Our courses and programs are
community where students, educators, and professionals from around the world
can connect and collaborate. This diverse network facilitates the exchange of
educational experience.
that is not only of the highest quality but also ethically sound and inclusive. We
upholds the highest ethical standards, ensuring that every individual feels
16. Social Impact Initiatives: Lernx believes in giving back to the community.
future where education knows no limits and every aspiration is within reach.
LearnX, founded in [Year of Establishment], stands as a pioneering force in the
tracing its roots from traditional methods to modern digital platforms like
methods, emphasizing aspects like real-time feedback, data analytics, and user
4. Lernx: A Case Study:
performance appraisal platform. It explores its features, user interface, and how
appraisal methods.
Drawing on successful case studies, this section outlines best practices and
performance management.
processes are structures and formally sanctioned, in other instances they are an
informal and integral part of daily activities. Thus, teachers evaluate the
in recent years.
employees in the work spot, normally including both the quantitative aspects of
the tasks that make up an individual‟s job. It indicates how well an individual is
fulfilling the job demands. Often the term is confused with effort, but
for example, may exert a great deal of effort while preparing for the
examination but may manage to get a poor grade. In this case the effort
not only let the employee know how well he is performing but should also
influence the employee‟s future level of effort, activities, results and task
of a worker but also his potentials for development. For some of the important
work, if necessary.
3) Provide information which helps to counsel the subordinate.
8) To ensure organizational effectiveness through correcting employee for
2) Objectives which measure job related results like amount of deposits mobilized.
employee‟s job activities. Content to be appraised may vary with the purpose of
The appraiser may be any person who has through knowledge about the
should prepare reports and make judgments without bias. Typical appraisers
are: supervisors, peers, subordinates, employees themselves, users of service
Performance appraisals.”
knowledge about the work of the employee and department head or a manager.
are responsible for managing their subordinates and they have the opportunity
to observe, direct and control the subordinate continuously. Moreover, they are
other supervisors, who have close contact with employee work also appraise
doubt, will seek alternatives because of the weaknesses mentioned above and a
Peers appraisal may be reliable if the work group is stable over a
reasonably long period of time and performs tasks that require interaction.
However, little research has been conducted to determine how peers establish
standards for evaluating others or the overall effect of peer appraisal on the
group‟s attitude. Whatever research was done on is topic was mostly done on
whole exercise may degenerate into a popularity contest, paving the way for the
rating in such cases can be quite useful in identifying competent superiors . the
universities and research institutions, this approach may not gain acceptance in
elf Appraisal:
If individuals understand the objectives they are expected to achieve and
the standards by which they are to be evaluated, they are to a great extent in the
the employee performance and controlling the performance against the set
standards. This technique was used to control the employee ignoring the human
aspect. But, with the emergence of human resource concept, organisations are
or develop it. Thus, this technique is now used as an enabling and motivating to
description and job specification. The standards should be clear, objectives and
The second stage is to inform this standard to all the employee including
The third stage is following the instruction given for appraisal measurement of
and reports.
Fourth stage is finding out the influence of various internal and external factors
Fifth stage is comparing the actual performance with that of other employees
and previous performance of the employee and others. This gives an idea where
the employee stands. If performance of all the employees is ranked either too
high or too low, there may be something wrong with the standards and job
Sixth stage is comparing the actual performance with the standards and finding
performance is more than the standards, it is positive deviation and vice versa is
negative deviation.
other employee doing the same job and discuss with him about the reasons for
positive or negative deviations from the pre-set standards as the case may be.
decisions are made on the basis of score or rating given by the appraiser, which
and valid information and data, which can be used to defend the organization-
even in legal challenges. If two appraisers are equally qualifies and competent
to appraise an employee with the help of same appraisal technique satisfies the
the information and data relating to potentialities of the employee to take up
2. Job Relatedness: The appraisal techniques should measure the performance and
the group.
5. Legal sanction: It should have compliance with the legal provisions concerned
of the country.
interview. Familiarity with rating errors can improve rater errors can improves
rater performance and this may inject the needed confidence in appraisers to
7. Open Communications: Moist employees want to know how well they are
performing on the job. A good appraisal system provides the needed feedback
learn about the gaps and prepare themselves for further. To this end, managers
advance of the appraisals period. Once this is known it becomes easy for
employees to learn about the yardsticks and, if possible, try to improve their
performance in future.
8. Employee Assess to Results: Employees should know the rules of the game.
appraisal results would not serve any purpose. Employees simply could not
to review the results of their appraisal allows them to detect any errors that may
have been made. If they degrees with the evaluation, they can even challenges
enable employees who disagree with appraisal results (which are considered to
be inaccurate or unfair). They must have the means for pursuing their
Performance appraisal should be used primarily to develop employees as
effective decision and/or correct or modify their earlier decisions relating to the
of human resources.
3. It helps the employee to improve his performance and for his self-
improve performance.
6. Compensation Adjustments
7. Performs Evaluations help decisions makers determine who should receive pay
raises. Many firms grant part or all of their pay increases and bonuses based
9. Training and Development Needs: Poor performance may indicate the need for
should be developed
1. Rating Biases:
The problem with subjective measures (is that rating which is not
verifiable by others) has the opportunity for bias. The rater biases include hale
effect, the error of central tendency, the leniency and stretchiness biases,
a) Halo Effect: It is the tendency of the raters to defend excessively on the rating
considerations. One way of minimizing the halo effect is appraising all the job
b) The Leniency and Strictness: The leniency bias crops when some raters have a
c) Personal Prejudice: If the rater dislikes any employee or any group, he may rate
them at the lower end, which may distort the rating purpose and affect the career
of these employees.
d) The Regency Effect: The raters generally remembers the recent actions of the
employees at the time of rating and rate on the basis of these recent action-
9) Some rating particularly about the potential appraisal is purely based on guess
performance appraisal.
2) There will be chance to subordinate to express his views even after performance
3) An employee shall express his emotional needs and his value systems which is
considered taboo till today.
5) It will remove the inherent weakness of the appraisal system i.e., subjective
appraisal etc,
Research Methodology :
Method of research –
2. Survey method.
3. Other method.
Other methods may include historical and experimental method. Following are
1. Statement of problem.
2. Setting up objectives.
3. Review of literature.
4. Formulation of hypothesis.
5. Preparation of research design.
7. Data collection.
9. Report writing
Sampling design :-
It deals with the method of sampling and the size of sample. There are
different methods used for sampling like random sampling, judgment sampling,
Sample size :-
of sample should not be too small which will be insufficient as well it should
not be too large which may create complication. The size of sample decided for
Data collection :-
If the researchers collect the data originally from the investigation, the
data is called as primary data. Primary data can be collected with the help of
2] Secondary data:-
If the researcher do not collect the data originally but uses data collected
by others, already published then its called secondary data. Secondary data is
collect from the different sources like books, journals, magazines, Confidential
Reports (CR), websites etc. In this project websites are the used for collecting
secondary data.
1] Interview method.
2] Questionnaire method.
Table no. 1
From pie chart it is seen that 76% employee think that appraisal system is helpful for them.
While 10% employee say that appraisal system is not helpful for them. And 14% employee
are not sure that whether appraisal system is helpful for them or not.
Table no. 2
From pie chart it is seen that 82% employee think that they are satisfied with appraisal
system. While 10% employee say that they are not satisfied with appraisal system. And 8%
employee are not sure that whether they are happy with appraisal system or not.
Table no. 3
From pie chart it is seen that 92% employee are aware about performance rating system.
While 8% employee are not aware about performance rating system
Table No. 4
From pie chart it is seen that 86% employee think that credibility of appraiser‟s affect the
performance appraisal system. While 14% employee say that credibility of appraiser‟s not
affect the performance appraisal system.
Table No. 5
From pie chart it is seen that 90% employee think that standards are followed for
performance appraisal system. While 10% employee think that standards are not followed for
performance appraisal system
Table No. 6
From pie chart it is seen that 82% employee think that they have clear view of objectives.
While 18% employee think that they have not clear view of objectives.
Table No. 7
Good communication between top-management plans & business goals to the staff below due
to appraisal system
From pie chart it is seen that 68% employee think that there is a good communication
between top-management plans & business goals to the staff below due to appraisal system.
While 32% employee think that there Is no good communication between top-management
plans & business goals to the staff below due to appraisal system.
Table No. 8
From pie chart it is seen that 96% employee think that comments and suggestion by them to
be taken into consideration during appraisal. While 4% employee think that comments and
suggestion by them not to be taken into consideration during appraisal.
Table No. 9
From pie chart it is clearly understand that post appraisal interview of employees not
Table No. 10
From pie chart it is seen that 38% employee take action on basis of performance appraisal
system result. While 62% employee do not take action on basis of performance appraisal
system result.
Table No. 11
Performance appraisal system helps employee to understand your strength and weaknesses.
From pie chart it is seen that 52% employee think that performance appraisal system help
them to understand their strength and weaknesses. While 48% employee think that
performance appraisal system do not help them to understand their strength and weaknesses.
Table No. 12
From pie chart it is seen that 66% employee think that they want to get training by company
after performance appraisal. While 34% employee think that they don‟t want training by
company after performance appraisal
Table No. 13
Employees thinking that they should be given an opportunity to rate their own performance
From pie chart it is seen that 88% employees think that they should be given an opportunity
to rate their own performance. While 12% employees think that they should not be given an
opportunity to rate their own performance.
From pie chart it is seen that 88% employees think that they should be given an
opportunity to rate their own performance. While 12% employees think that they
should not be given an opportunity to rate their own performance.
From pie chart it is seen that 66% employee think that they want to get training by
company after performance appraisal. While 34% employee think that they don‟t
want training by company after performance appraisal
From pie chart it is seen that 52% employee think that performance appraisal system
help them to understand their strength and weaknesses. While 48% employee think
that performance appraisal system do not help them to understand their strength and
From pie chart it is seen that 38% employee take action on basis of performance
appraisal system result. While 62% employee do not take action on basis of
performance appraisal system result.
From pie chart it is clearly understand that post appraisal interview of employees not
From pie chart it is seen that 96% employee think that comments and suggestion by
them to be taken into consideration during appraisal. While 4% employee think that
comments and suggestion by them not to be taken into consideration during appraisal.
From pie chart it is seen that 68% employee think that there is a good communication
between top-management plans & business goals to the staff below due to appraisal
system. While 32% employee think that there Is no good communication between
top-management plans & business goals to the staff below due to appraisal system.
From pie chart it is seen that 82% employee think that they have clear view of
objectives. While 18% employee think that they have not clear view of objectives.
From pie chart it is seen that 90% employee think that standards are followed for
performance appraisal system. While 10% employee think that standards are not
followed for performance appraisal system
From pie chart it is seen that 86% employee think that credibility of appraiser‟s affect
the performance appraisal system. While 14% employee say that credibility of
appraiser‟s not affect the performance appraisal system.
From pie chart it is seen that 92% employee are aware about performance rating
system. While 8% employee are not aware about performance rating system
From pie chart it is seen that 82% employee think that they are satisfied with appraisal
system. While 10% employee say that they are not satisfied with appraisal system.
And 8% employee are not sure that whether they are happy with appraisal system or
From pie chart it is seen that 76% employee think that appraisal system is helpful for
them. While 10% employee say that appraisal system is not helpful for them. And
14% employee are not sure that whether appraisal system is helpful for them or not.
and future trends, this review equips HR professionals and researchers with
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1. Is the Performance Appraisal helping you to plan your work well?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Can‟t say
a. Satisfied
b. Unsatisfied
c. Can‟t say
a. Yes
b. No
a. Yes
b. No
a. Yes
b. No
6. Do you think that that standards are followed by the organization for
a. Yes
b. No
management plans & business goals to the staff below due to appraisal
a. Yes
b. No
a. Yes
b. No
a. Yes
b. No
10. Do you take any action after performance appraisal system result?
a. Yes
b. No
11. Does performance appraisal system helps you to understand your strength
and weaknesses?
a. Yes
b. No
a. Yes
b. No
13. Do you think that you should be given an opportunity to rate their own
a. Yes
b. No