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Painting Procedure Rev.1

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Supply Requisition
(SR)Number: X Information

Vendors Name:

NRL Document TP-1P30A-CV-0002-PRC-0005

Number (Mandatory) Certified final

Rev. No. 01 As Built

Rev. Date 31.03.2023 Cancelled

Vendors Reference PSIPL/SP&PP/001

Number:(If Any )


Equipment / Tag Number(S):

Document Item:
Purchaser Review and Comments Shall Not Be Assumed to Indicate Either Responsibility Or Liability For Accuracy And
Completed Of This Document Or To Alter Any Contractual Terms And Conditions.

Contractor Review Code

BIHTA , PATNA -801103


The following details are added in this revised documents

1) Salt contamination test

2) Holiday test
3) DFT check details
4) NRL Painting system
5) NRL Doc. Ref No: TP-1ZZZA-PI-SPE-0003
BIHTA , PATNA -801103





This procedure defines the minimum requirements for protective coating of metallic surfaces, including
structural steel and piping activities. It addresses the materials to be used, the minimum requirements
for surface preparation, qualification and application of coating materials and inspection and testing of
shop applied coatings.
The scope of the procedure excludes the following elements which shall not be coated unless otherwise instructed
by the Client or required for identification or hazard warning purposes:

• Austenitic stainless steel (Non-insulated)

• Plastics and or plastic coated surfaces
• Non-ferrous materials like Aluminum, Cu-Ni alloy, Monel, Incoloy
• RCC or cement lined surfaces except those specified
• Gaskets / seals
• Gauge Glasses
• Meter Faces
• Valve Stem and Threads
• Name Plates
• Insulation or Fireproofing
• Factory Finished Control Panels
• Factory Finished Instrument Cases and Meters

As per NRL Doc. No :- TP-1ZZZA-PI-SPE-0003_D4

All work carried out shall be in accordance with this Method Statement, relevant specifications and the
latest editions of the Industry Codes and Standards
2.0 Codes and Standards

The following codes will be follow, however purchaser may specify any other relevant code for any purpose
at any time. The codes latest edition as on date of issue of material requisition shall be applicable.

i) SSPC-SP10 - Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning

ii) NACE SP 0188 - Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on

Conductive Substrates

iii) NACE SP 0287 - Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Abrasive Blast Cleaned
Steel Surfaces Using a Replica Tape.

iv) ISO 8502-6 - Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and
Related products Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness.
extraction of soluble contaminants for analysis-The Bresle method

v) SSPC –PA2 -Procedure for determining conformance to Dry Coating thickness.


vi) ASTM D 3359 - Measuring adhesion by tape test


All work will be performed in compliance with the Approved HSE Plan. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
of all painting materials will be provided prior to start of work.

3.1 This specification will govern all works covered by the contract, and without prejudice to the provisions
of various Indian and international codes of practice, standard specifications etc. We will carry out the
works in all respects with the best quality of materials and workmanship and in accordance with the best
engineering practices and instructions of Owner / Engineer in charge.

3.2 All tools, brushes, rollers, spray guns, blast material, hand power tools for cleaning and all equipment,

3.3 All coating material shall be inspected on receipt, in accordance with the approved procedures

We will fulfil as per the NRL Doc. No :- TP-1ZZZA-PI-SPE-0003_D4 Surface preparation and Painting
Specification requirements.

4.0 Features of WORKSHOP and FACILITIES

4.1 Surface preparation and coating will be applied preferably in the closed workshop. It can only be
performed in the open area, if sufficient precautions are taken for proper work. If the wind velocity is
higher than 10 m/sec or humidity is high, blasting or painting work cannot be done.

4.2 Blasting and painting workshops have been separated from each other. Workshops have sufficient
ventilation to avoid any hazard.

4.3 Relative ambient humidity less than 85 % only, we will be done blasting and/or painting operations

4.4 Surface Preparation, Blasting and Coating will not be applied in raining place, wind, snow, fog or mist
or when the steel surface temperature is less than 30 C above the dew point.

4.5 Paint will not be applied when the ambient air temperature is below 50 C and above 400 C. If, special
curing agents are approved by Client, these temperature limits may be changed.

4.6 Ambient temperature, humidity and dew point of the workshop will be recorded to the Painting
Register Form. This is also valid for site, open area works.

5.1 All personnel employed in blasting and coating has been trained and experienced.

5.2 Paint and blast operators have full knowledge of health and safety hazard, use of protection
equipment, coating and blasting materials, paint and thinner pot-life, surface requirements, etc.

5.3 Personnel carrying out inspection and supervising have certified and minimum 2 to 10 years’
experience in this work.


6.1 The surfaces to be painted will be prepared as Sa 2 ½ Near White Blast Cleaning.
6.2 Prior to commencement of any surface preparation activities, ID (identification) number of the pipe or
steel structure part shall be recorded.
6.3 Before blast cleaning, visible deposits of oil, grease or other contaminants on the working surface will
be removed by solvent cleaning.
6.4 For solvent cleaning, at first heavy oil and grease will be removed by scraper. Then remaining oil and
grease will be removed by spraying or brushing the surface with solvent and wiping the surface with a
clean cloth.
6.5 Before blast cleaning, surface imperfections such as sharp fins, sharp edges, weld spatter, or burning
slag shall be removed from the surface. Sharp edges, fillets, corners and welds shall be rounded or
smoothed by grinding.
6.6 After blast cleaning and before priming, intended weld areas shall be masked to a distance of 50 mm to
either side of the weld area.
6.7 Surfaces that shall be excluded from surface preparation operations such as gages, sight glasses,
instruments and instrument cases, control valve stems, flange faces, machined surfaces, insulation weather
barriers, electrical cable and materials other than carbon steel, shall be protected from damage by masking
tapes or similar, during surface preparation operations.
6.8 Mixture of martensitic steel rollers and grits or any other approved abrasive materials shall be used for
surface preparation.
6.9 Blasting abrasives shall be sharp angular grit, dry, clean and free from contaminants that will be
detrimental to the performance of the coating. Abrasives shall be selected that are capable of producing
the required surface profile and that have a minimal health impact. The Contractor shall submit details of
proposed abrasives to the Client. Expendable grit, such as iron silicate or aluminum silicate produced from
mineral slag, sand or garnet material may be used. Expendable grit shall be of grain sizes between 0.5mm
and 2.5mm.
6.10 Size of abrasive particles for blast cleaning will be such that the prepared surface profile height
(anchor pattern profile) is in accordance with the requirements for the applicable coating system.
6.11 The type, particle size distribution and hardness of grit employed, will ensure that the required surface
amplitude/profile, as specified in relevant specification is achieved for successful paint application.
6.12 Blast cleaning will not be performed in areas close to coating operations or wet coated surfaces in
order to prevent dust or grit contamination.
6.13 After blast cleaning, remaining surface imperfections (e.g. sharp fins, sharp edges, weld spatter,
burning slag, scabs, slivers etc.) will be removed.
6.14 Abrasive mixtures may be recycled providing that the required surface quality and surface profile is
achievable. If the abrasives will be recycled, they will be collected and separated from any other

6.15 Blasting abrasives used on open sites or in facilities not specifically controlled to preserve the
cleanliness of used abrasive shall not be recycled.
6.16 At the end of each shift, blasting workshop floor will be carefully cleaned.



Operating procedures for standard size Bresle Sampler

1. Look for suitable surface on which the chloride test can be made. It can be horizontal, vertical.
2. Remove the protective backing (w/Bresle Logo) and the foam circle and dispose.
3. Adhere the cell to a dry surface and press firmly.
4. Insert the 5cc syringe into the cell through the spongy foam perimeter. Do not inject beneath the
cell or directly into the semi-transparent test area. Evacuate the air from the cell by drawing back
on the syringe plunger. Remove and evacuate the syringe.
5. Rinse the electrodes of the Conductivity meter with distilled or de-ionized water.
6. Take 15 ml distilled or de-ionized water in small container and check the conductivity and write
down the measured value. This is the blank liquid.
7. Take 3 ml from this blank liquid and inject into the cell, as above. Be certain there are no air
bubbles in the syringe. Hold the perimeter of the cell firmly during injection/removal of the syringe,
otherwise leakage may occur.
8. Remove the syringe from the test cell area and gently rub the top surface of the cell for 10-15
seconds to increase the dissolution speed of the water.
9. Withdraw and re-inject the water a minimum of three times, rubbing the top of the cell for 10-15
seconds each time.
10. Remove as much of the 3cc of liquid as possible using the syringe.
11. Empty the liquid through the syringe needle back into the blank liquid So total amount of liquid
should now approx. be 15 ml.
12. Measure the liquid in the container and write down the measured value shown in the display and
deduct the readings of the blank liquid and write down the result.
13. The result is the difference between the measured value and the one of the blank liquid.


7.1 Paint repairs will be executed as per Paint repair Procedure.

7.2 Surface preparation of paint repairs and weld joints will be performed by power tools or hand type
blasting equipment.

7.3 Prior to power tool cleaning, at the section to be repaired, visible oil, grease and dirt shall be removed
by solvent cleaning.

7.4 Power wire brushes will be used to remove all loose mill scales, loose rust, loose paint and other loose
detrimental foreign material. Adherent weld slags, spatters, mill scales and rusts which cannot be removed
by power brushing will be removed by power grinding.

7.5 Sharp edged surface imperfections detrimental to paint performance (e.g. weld spatter, protrusions,
delaminating) will be repaired/removed during surface preparation operations.

7.6 At the interface between areas being painted and areas of existing paint, the existing paint shall be
smoothed during surface preparation operations. Existing paint out of the repair area will not be damaged.
8.1 The specified primer coating will be applied to the prepared metal surface, as soon as practicable after
completion of blast or power tool cleaning of that area. In no case, shall the coating be applied to cleaned surfaces
showing evidence of fresh rusting, condensation or contamination. Blast cleaned surfaces shall be coated within a
maximum of 4 hours after blast cleaning.
8.2 To avoid confusion risk during application, subsequent coats will be of different color, unless otherwise
approved by Client.

8.3 The dust and residues will be removed from the prepared surfaces by brushing, blowing off with the clean dry
air and wiping with a clean dry cloth. Visible deposits of oil, grease or other contaminants shall be removed by
solvent cleaning.

8.4 Prior to commencement of painting, cleanliness of the surfaces will be verified. This verification will be
performed by pressing sticky side of a piece of transparent self-adhesive film (similar to Scotch tape) and it will be

8.5 Surfaces that will be excluded from painting, such as gages, sight glasses, instruments and instrument cases,
control valve stems, flange faces, machined surfaces, insulation weather barriers, electrical cable and materials other
than carbon steel, shall be protected from damage during painting operations.

8.7 Each items of paint will be clearly marked or stencilled to show paint identification of part mark.

8.8 Coatings will be applied in a uniform manner, to the specified film thickness, without runoff, sags or stains.
Intervals between coats will be kept to the minimum complying with the manufacturer’s recommendations at the
prevailing temperature, in order to avoid contamination between coats. Any contamination between coats should
be removed.

8.9 The coating systems will be applied according to Manufacturer recommendations and the nominal dry film
thickness (DFT) is given for each coat.

8.10 Next coat will not be applied unless the existing coat is hardened and minimum time interval given in the
manufacturer’s instruction has passed.

8.11 During drying and curing period, applied coatings will be adequately protected, the temperature and humidity
are controlled in accordance with the coating manufacturer's recommendations.

8.12 Inspection and Testing of prepared surface will be done as per approved ITP.



Typical Protective Coating Systems for Carbon Steels Under

Thermal Insulation and Fireproofing

System Tempera Surf Surfac Prime Coat, µm Finish Coat, µm (mil) (D)
Number ture ace e (mil) (D)
Range Prepar Profile
(A) (B)
ation , µm
(mil) (C)
CS-9 Ambient NACE 50–75 (2–3) Epoxy or epoxy Epoxy or epoxy phenolic, 100–150 (4–
Carbon steel No. phenolic, 100–150 6)
under 2/SSPC- (4–6)
fireproofing SP 10

CS-10 Ambient Galvanizin 25 (1) Epoxy or epoxy Epoxy or epoxy phenolic, 100–150 (4–
Galvanized g: sweep phenolic (for more 6)
steel under blast with information on
fireproofing fine, coatings over
nonmetallic galvanizing, see
grit 4.3.3), 100–150 (4–

Note : Data Sheet and Colour Code mail Attached as below references.

9.1 All testing and inspection equipment will be kept accurately calibrated at all times and shall be covered
by current calibration certificates issued by the equipment manufacturer or a specialist approved test
9.2 All blast cleaned or otherwise prepared surfaces will be visually inspected for conformance to the
specified standard of cleanliness and surface roughness, immediately prior to application of the first coat.
9.3 Surface profile of the prepared surfaces will be examined by surface profile comparator or by surface
profile gage. Anchor profile of the surface will be as per specifications, such as min. 35 microns and
maximum 65 microns.
9.4 All coated surfaces will be visually examined after application of each coat, for harmful defects or
contamination. All such defects shall be repaired.
9.5 Wet film thickness measurements will be made throughout the course of application of each coat, in
order to ascertain the adequacy and uniformity of thickness, and will be used as a guide to predicting the
dry film thickness.
9.6 Each completed coat of the painting will be examined by the Painting Inspector. Examination will
include the visual examination (e.g. color, appearance and uniformity of the coatings) and dry film
thickness measurement.
9.7 Extent and method of dry film thickness measurement is as follows:
a) For structures not exceeding 30 m2 in area, at each 10 m2 , 5 separate spot measurement will be taken
b) For structures not exceeding 100 m2 in area, 5 separate spot measurements will be taken in randomly
selected three 10 m2 areas,
c) For structures exceeding 100 m2 in area , first 100 m2 as stated in par.
b) above and for each additional 100 m2 of area and increment thereof, 5 separate spot measurements
shall be taken on one 10 m2 ,
d) Three gage readings will be made for each spot measurement. For each new gage reading, probe shall
be moved to a new location within the 4 cm diameter circle defining the spot. Any unusually high or low
gage reading that can not be repeated consistently will be discarded. The average of the three acceptable
readings will be recorded as the thickness value of that spot.


Results of inspection and tests conducted, will be recorded in the coating inspection record form, in
accordance with the requirements of the product specifications and approved Inspection and Test Plan
Zinc Anode 304 MZV
Recommended for use on steel structurals, exterior of storage tanks, bulk handling equipment, pipelines etc. The product is
suitable for both coastal and industrial / inland environments.

A two pack solvent base inorganic zinc primer for protection of steel against severe corrosive environment. It provides
outstanding cathodic protection and forms a tough abrasion resistant film. It is however, not recommended for contacts with
strong acids or alkalis of pH below 5 or exceeding 10. The coating attains water resistance within 120 minutes of application
and is unaffected by rain, condensation or dew.


Type : Two Pack self cured Chemical Resistance : When suitably top coated
Composition : Ethly Silicate/ Zinc EXPOSURES SPLASH MILD FUMES /

Mixing Ratio : Part A : Part B -1: 1 by volume Acids Good Good

Pot Life : 6 - 8 hours Alkalis Good Good
Application : Conventional or Airless Spray Solvents Excellent Excellent
Recommended DFT : 60 – 75 microns per coat Salt Excellent Excellent
Corresponding WFT : 100 – 125 microns per coat Water Excellent Excellent
Theoretical Spreading Rate : 8.27 – 10.30 Sq. Mtr./Ltr.
Drying Time : @ 250 C, 50% RH Temperature Resistance :
TOUCH : within 60 mins. Continuous : upto 400º C
HANDLE : 2 - 6 hours Intermittent : upto 426º C
HARD : Overnight Weatherability : Excellent
Curing Time : 6-7 days Flexibility : Fair
Overcoating Interval : Abrasion Resistance : Excellent - Increases with age
MIN : Overnight
MAX : Indefinite
Flash Point : Above 22º C
Colour : Grey
Finish : Matt
Packing : 20 Ltrs (mixed paint).
Thinner/Cleaner : Thinner 844T
Storage Life : Upto nine months as long as the
sealed containers are kept under cover in a dry place
under normal temperature conditions.

DATA SHEET No. : 176/A

Issue Date : June 2007
Zinc Anode 304 MZV

Steel: Remove grease, oil and other contaminants and blast clean to a minimum of Sa 2 1/2 Swedish Standard SIS 055900 with a
surface profile not exceeding 35-40 microns . The surface should be clean and dry before application of Zinc Anode 304 HS Silicate
Stir Liquid Portion thoroughly to uniform consistency. Mix the components in the recommended portion with constant stirring properly.
Continue stirring until the components are thoroughly mixed. Strain the mixture through a 80 mesh sieve. Allow the mixture to mature for
15-20 minutes before application. Stir again before use and continously during application
Conventional Spray: Add upto 10% Thinner 870 depending on conditions. Use any standard equipment at an atomising pressure of
3.5-4.4 kg/cm 2.
Airless Spray : Apply preferably without thinning. However add upto 10% Thinner 870 depending on conditions. Use any standard
equipment having pump ratio 40 : 1. Tip size 0.38 – 0.53 mm. Tip pressure 110 –160 Kg/cm2.


Surface 1st Coat 2nd Coat 3rd Coat 4th Coat
Epilux 4 CR Enl or Epilux
Epilux 4 CR Enl or Epilux
Steel Zinc Anode 304 MZV Epilux 4 HB MIO 155 HB or Epilux
155 HB or Epilux 89 HB
89 HB
Epilux 5 CTE or Epilux 5 CTE or
-do- -do- Epilux 610 Primer
Epilux 555 CTE HB Epilux 555 CTE HB
Berger Epoxy PU HB or Berger Epoxy PU HB or
-do- -do-
Bergerthane Enl Bergerthane Enl

-do- -do- Lumeros HR / 47 Lumeros HR / 47

-do- -do- Epilux 78 HBTL Epilux 78 HBTL

Overcoating of Zinc Anode 304 MZV : The surface must be fully cured and free from residual solvent prior to overcoating. This
normally takes 10-12 hours but under conditions if humidity is below 80% the time taken may be longer. While overcoating a mist coat
should first be applied to avoid bubbling due to air entrapment.

Notes :
1. Use off the mixed paint within the stipulated pot life period.
2. Both components are also available in liquid form for ease of application
3. The product cures by reaction with moisture and may be appiled at high humidity levels provided the blasted surface
is free from condensation and meets the requirement of Sa 2 1/2 Swedish Standard
4. Brush and spray equipment should be cleaned with Thinner 870 otherwise equipment is liable to be damaged
5. At lower relative humidity, drying and curing are likely to be extended
6. Damaged areas can be touched up with Epiulx 4 Zinc Rich Primer
Health & Safety : Please refer to the separate Safety Data Sheet available with detailed information.


The information contained within this Data Sheet is based on information believed to be reliable at the time of
Data Sheet No. :
its preparation. The Company will not be liable for loss or damage howsoever caused including liability for
negligence, which may be suffered by the user of the data contained herein. It is the users’ responsibility to 176/A
conduct all necessary tests to confirm the suitability of any product or system for their intended use. No
guarantee of results is implied since conditions of use are beyond our control. Issue Date :
June 2007


Berger House,129 Park Street, Kolkata 700017
Phone : (033) 2229 9724 (5 lines) / 249 9754 (4 lines) Fax : 91-33-2249 9729 / 2249 9009
Email : NORTH : bpil_okh@mantraonline.com SOUTH : bpil_ch2@sify.com
EAST : bpil_cl1@vsnl.net WEST : bpilsys_19@rediffmail.com
Bergerthane PU Glossy Finish
Recommended for use in new construction and maintenance services as an effective top coat. This is suitable for use in
refineries, petrochemical, fertilizer, chemical, transportation industries, power plants etc.

Acrylic polyurethane coating to provide a durable glossy finish for industrial environments. It has excellent colour and gloss
retention properties. W hen fully cured, it forms an extremely tough and abrasion resistant finish. The product is compatible
with epoxy and PU undercoats.


Type : Two Pack, cured with Aliphatic Isocyanate Chemical Resistance :

Composition : Acrylic resin with urethane hardener, EXPOSURES SPLASH MILD FUMES /

Mixing Ratio : Base : Catalyst; 10 : 1 by volume Acids Good Good

Pot Life : 4- 5 hours Alkalis Good Good

Application : Brush, conventional or Airless Spray Solvents Good Very Good

Recommended DFT : 30 – 40 µ per coat Salt Good Good

Corresponding WFT : 67 – 90 µ per coat Water Very Good Very Good
Theoretical Spreading Rate : 11.2 – 15.0 m /ltr.2

Drying Time : Temperature Resistance :

TOUCH : within 30 mins. Continuous : 93 º C
HANDLE :6- 8 hours Intermittent : 120 º C
HARD : Overnight Weatherability : Very Good
Curing Time : 7 days Flexibility : Good
Overcoating Interval : Abrasion Resistance : Very Good
MIN : Overnight
MAX : 5 days
Flash Point : Above 22º C
Colour : Assorted shades

Finish : Smooth & glossy

Packing : 11 Ltrs. DATA SHEET No. : 165 rev 01
Thinner/Cleaner : Thinner 825 Issue Date : Oct. 07
Storage Life : Upto nine months as long as the
sealed containers are kept under cover in a dry place
under normal temperature conditions.
Bergerthane PU Glossy Finish

Steel: Remove grease, oil and other contaminants to SSPC SP1- Solvent Cleaning. Abrasive blast clean to a minimum of
SSPC SP 10. For severe corrosive conditions, blast to SSPC SP 5 with a surface profile not exceeding 35 -40 microns. if
blasting is not practical, make full use of mechanical tools alongwith manual chipping and wire brushing to remove loose rust
and scale to SSPC SP2/SP3. Excessive burnishing of steel is to be avoided . Thoroughly dust down all surfaces. Best
results can be achieved if the manually cleaned surface is primed with Protectomastic Self Priming Surface Tolerant
Coating. The surface should be clean and dry before application of appropriate undercoats.

Concrete: NEW CONCRETE: Ensure that the concrete is cured for a minimum of three months. The surface is to be made
rough and free from laitance and other contaminants by sand sweeping. OLD CONCRETE: Remove all salt deposits from
the surface by water jet washing . Light sand blast the surface to remove all loosely bound coatings and roughening up of
firmly adhering coatings to ensure anchorage. Clean and dry the surface before application of paint. In non critical areas
where blasting is not possible, water jet washing and hard wire brushing are minimum requisites.


Stir the base thoroughly and then mix ten parts base and one part catalyst by volume to uniform consistency. Allow the
mixture to mature for 30 minutes and stir again before and during application.
Brush : Apply preferably without thinning. Conventional Spray: Add maximum upto 10% Thinner 825 depending on
conditions. Use any standard equipment at an atomising pressure of 3.5-4.9 kg/cm 2.
Airless Spray : Apply preferably without thinning. However, upto 5% Thinner 825 may be added if absolutely essential,
depending on conditions. Use any standard equipment having pump ratio 40 : 1. Tip size 0.38 – 0.48 mm. Tip pressure
110 –160 Kg/cm2 .


Surface 1st Coat 2nd Coat 3rd Coat 4th Coat

Zinc Anode 304 MZ or Epilux 4 HB MIO Bergerthane PU Glossy Bergerthane PU

Epilux 4 Z/R Primer Coating Finish Glossy Finish

Epilux 610 Primer or Epilux 610 Primer or Bergerthane PU Glossy Bergerthane PU

Epilux HB ZP Primer Epilux HB ZP Primer Finish Glossy Finish

Concrete & Plastered Epilux 4 Clear Lacquer Bergerthane PU Glossy Bergerthane PU

Epilux 4 HB MIO
surfaces Finish Glossy Finish

Notes :
1. Use off the mixed paint within the stipulated pot life period.
2. Do not apply when temperature falls below 10º C or rises above 50º C and
when relative humidity rises above 90%. Do not apply during rain, fog or mist.
3. Brushes and spray equipment should be cleaned with Thinner 825
otherwise equipment is likely to be damaged.
4. Special care is to be taken to immediately close the partly used catalyst container since the is very
susceptible to atmospheric moisture.
Health & Safety : Please refer to the separate Safety Data Sheet available with detailed information.
The information contained within this Data Sheet is based on information believed to be reliable at the time of its
preparation. The Company will not be liable for loss or damage howsoever caused including liability for Data Sheet No. :
negligence, which may be suffered by the user of the data contained herein. It is the users’ responsibility to 165/rev01
conduct all necessary tests to confirm the suitability of any product or system for their intended use. No Issue Date :
guarantee of results is implied since conditions of use are beyond our control.
Oct. 2007


Berger House, 129 Park Street, Kolkata - 700017.
Phone : (033) 2229 9724 (5 lines)/2249 9754 (4 lines) Fax : 91-33-2249 9729 / 2249 9009
Email : NORTH : protectondelhi@sify.com SOUTH : bpil_ch2@sify.com
EAST : bpil cl1@vsnl net WEST : bpilmum prot@mtnl net in

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