Nurses in Diabetes
Nurses in Diabetes
Nurses in Diabetes
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
HEADER......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
ABSTRACT..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
PLAIN LANGUAGE SUMMARY....................................................................................................................................................................... 2
BACKGROUND.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
METHODS..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
RESULTS........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
DISCUSSION.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
CHARACTERISTICS OF STUDIES.................................................................................................................................................................. 13
DATA AND ANALYSES.................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Analysis 1.1. Comparison 1 Results, Outcome 1 Results.................................................................................................................... 22
APPENDICES................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
WHAT'S NEW................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
CONTRIBUTIONS OF AUTHORS................................................................................................................................................................... 23
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST..................................................................................................................................................................... 23
SOURCES OF SUPPORT............................................................................................................................................................................... 23
INDEX TERMS............................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
[Intervention Review]
1Southampton Health Technology Assessments Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK. 2Department of Public Health,
University of Aberdeen, School of Medicine, Aberdeen, UK. 3Department of Public Health, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK
Contact address: Hubertus JM Vrijhoef, Health Care Studies, University Maastricht, Universiteitssingel 40, Maastricht, 6200 MD,
Netherlands. [email protected].
Citation: Loveman E, Royle P, Waugh N. Specialist nurses in diabetes mellitus. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2003, Issue 2.
Art. No.: CD003286. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003286.
Copyright © 2010 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The patient with diabetes has many different learning needs relating to diet, monitoring, and treatments. In many health care systems
specialist nurses provide much of these needs, usually aiming to empower patients to self-manage their diabetes. The present review aims
to assess the effects of the involvement of specialist nurse care on outcomes for people with diabetes, compared to usual care in hospital
clinics or primary care with no input from specialist nurses.
To assess the effects of diabetes specialist nurses / nurse case manager in diabetes on the metabolic control of patients with type 1 and
type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Search methods
We carried out a comprehensive search of databases including the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE and EMBASE to identify trials. Bibliographies
of relevant papers were searched, and hand searching of relevant publications was undertaken to identify additional trials.
Selection criteria
Randomised controlled trials and controlled clinical trials of the effects of a specialist nurse practitioner on short and long term diabetic
outcomes were included in the review.
Main results
Six trials including 1382 participants followed for six to 12 months were included. Two trials were in adolescents. Due to substantial
heterogeneity between trials a meta-analysis was not performed. Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) in the intervention groups was not
found to be significantly different from the control groups over a 12 month follow up period. One study demonstrated a significant
reduction in HbA1c in the presence of the diabetes specialist nurse/nurse case manager at 6 months. Significant differences in episodes
of hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia between intervention and control groups were found in one trial. Where reported, emergency
admissions and quality of life were not found to be significantly different between groups. No information was found regarding BMI,
mortality, long term diabetic complications, adverse effects, or costs.
Authors' conclusions
The presence of a diabetes specialist nurse / nurse case manager may improve patients' diabetic control over short time periods, but
from currently available trials the effects over longer periods of time are not evident. There were no significant differences overall in
hypoglycaemic episodes, hyperglycaemic incidents, or hospital admissions. Quality of life was not shown to be affected by input from a
diabetes specialist nurse/nurse case manager.
Specialist diabetes nurses provide education and support services to people with diabetes in many health care systems. A key goal is
helping enable people to self-manage their diabetes. However, this review of trials found no strong evidence of benefit of care from
specialist diabetes nurses for adolescents and adults with diabetes. Although short-term benefits may be possible, this has not been shown
to result in long-term improvements. People receiving care from diabetes nurses do not appear to have improved health when compared
with usual care in hospital clinics or primary care with no specialist nursing input. No data were shown on quality of life measures.
Education is probably the most important role of the specialist
Education of the patient with diabetes
nurse, with a large amount of information regarding the disease,
Treatment goals of diabetes are avoidance of late diabetic its control and life style changes, needing to be imparted over a
complications, normalisation of blood glucose levels and to enable prolonged period of time. Increasing the patient's understanding
people with diabetes to achieve a good health related quality of the disease through education can prevent or delay the onset
of life. The patient with diabetes has to cope with many issues of complications and reduce the number of hospitalisations, and
regarding the chronic disease, its control and complications. as such is the key to improving the quality of life (Diab education
Education is not only required in the first few months following 1985).
diagnosis, but is also a necessary component of their care
throughout, and should be adjusted to the patient's own individual Counselling
needs. Therefore, behavioural modifications require long-term Alongside the role of educator, the specialist nurse also provides a
information, education and care. counselling role (Brown 1988). In addition to learning new practical
skills, the patients have to take on the implications of a life-long
The diabetes specialist nurse / nurse case manager disease, and may need help in accepting the changes which are
Specialist nurses are defined as 'a registered nurse, who, after a occurring in their lives. The specialist nurse is in a unique position
significant period of experience in a specialised field of nursing and in that a relationship between patient and nurse will be maintained
with additional nursing education, is authorised to practice as a over a long period of time, and can provide support and time for
specialist with advanced expertise in a clinical specialty to involve patients as part of their role.
in clinical practice, consultation, teaching and research' (Tang
1993). Specialist nurses may or may not have a formal qualification Disease management
in diabetes care. In addition, the specialist diabetes nurse will also The specialist nurse may also make adjustments to a patient's
be defined as a nurse who works wholly in diabetes care, based in treatment regimen, for example insulin dosage. Nurses may also
either the hospital or community, including domiciliary visits, and advise patients on the management of intercurrent illnesses, in
crossing the boundaries between the two. particular advising on diabetic treatments during other illnesses.
This enables a broader approach to patient management.
Nurse case managers will be defined as registered nurses who are
certified diabetes educators and trained to follow a set of detailed The non-educational roles of the diabetes specialist nurse may
management algorithms specific to diabetes (Aubert 1998). increase the effectiveness of education.
In many areas of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and the USA, Diabetes information given to patients at any time needs to be
specialist nurses provide much of the education and support up-to-date and consistent to reduce possible confusion caused
given to patients with diabetes in both community and acute by conflicting advice. Throughout the course of the disease
hospital settings. However, variations in health care, both within patients are likely to come into contact with a number of health
and between countries (Felton 1997) mean that whilst some professionals, such as dieticians, primary care physicians, nurses,
patients gain access to the specialist nurses, others do not. This chiropodists, and the specialist nurse has a role in maintaining the
variation largely depends upon the accessibility of funds and the professional knowledge of these people. Similarly the specialist
preference of individual clinicians. The present review aims to nurse has a responsibility to ensure that the position of other health
assess the effects of specialist nurse care; which includes education care professionals are not undermined by the advent of specialist
of people with diabetes, the provision of ongoing advice on nurses. Other roles of the specialist nurse are in research, and
controlling diabetes, advice on dealing with intercurrent illnesses, advising on local policies (Grzebalski 1997).
advice/supervision of initiation of treatment(s), and advice about
learning to live with the diagnosis of diabetes, in comparison to The role of the nurse case manager
no intervention from a specialist nurse. The review recognises that
nurses act within complex health care systems and are often part In the USA, diabetes self management education is performed by
of a broader package of care. The review attempts to identify other a range of health care professionals such as nurses, dieticians,
possible influencing variables within each included trial, and in pharmacists, exercise specialists, doctors and social workers who
addition included studies in which the service of a specialist nurse have become 'Certified Diabetes Educators', (Felton 1997). Their
is added to an existing diabetes service which otherwise did not role in the care of patients with diabetes will reflect only some
change. Only nurse interventions at individual patient level were of those of the specialist nurse. In particular, they are much less
included. Education in groups were excluded. likely to make adjustments to treatments regimens, or advise
on intercurrent illnesses. Similarly, education of other health
The role of the diabetes specialist nurse care professionals, and coordination of the patients care are not
undertaken by the diabetes educator (AADE 2001). However, some
Diabetes is a complex condition, and has effects on many aspects nurse diabetes educators, have also been trained to be nurse case
of peoples lives. The specialist nurse is typically involved in co- managers. Their role is similar to that of the specialist nurse, for
ordinating the ongoing care of patients, educating and counselling, example they can make adjustments to treatments following a set
but also providing advice on medication and management of of management algorithms (Aubert 1998). Therefore, nurse case
intercurrent illness. managers are included in this review.
As the number of trials identified was low, we included controlled ranged from between 45 and 61 years. Participants of one trial were
clinical (non randomised) trials, and used the following quality members of American Indian and Alaskan Native ethnic groups
criteria (CRD): Were the groups similar at baseline in terms of (Wilson 2001). The type of diabetes was noted in only one of the
prognostic factors? Were the eligibility criteria specified? Were adult trials and was reported to be type 1 diabetes in approximately
outcome assessors blinded to the treatment allocation? Were half of this population. Duration of diabetes was reported in only
the point estimates and measure of variability presented for the three trials, with the range of mean duration of diabetes in the
primary outcome measure? Did the analyses include an intention adolescent trials being 4 - 8 years and in the adult trial from
to treat analysis? Were withdrawals and dropouts completely 14-19 years (Thompson 1999). Criteria for entry into the individual
described? Were participants likely to be representative of the studies are outlined in the table Characteristics of included studies
intended population? (characteristics of included studies).
RESULTS Interventions
In only three trials (Couper 1999; Marrero 1995; Thompson 1999)
Description of studies
was the diabetes specialist nurse / nurse case manager directly
Results of the search responsible for the alteration of treatment regimens, in others the
nurse made a recommendation for treatment change. Whilst it
6400 citations with their abstracts were obtained from electronic
cannot be clearly determined whether the physician has acted on
searches up to 2000, of which 53 were deemed relevant. No
these recommendations; this is often likely to be the case. For this
trials were identified from hand searching. A subsequent search in
reason these studies were included in the review.
November 2001 identified 572 further citations, of which nine were
deemed relevant. An updated search in February 2002 identified no In the two adolescent trials, a nurse case management approach
further relevant trials. A further updated search in November 2002 was used, and in both cases some use was made of electronic
identified 1 trial that was deemed relevant. In total 63 trials were communication such as telephone contact. In one of these
deemed relevant from the abstracts for eligibility. Full papers were trials nurses, together with the patients, set individual goals for
retrieved for all of these trials and independently assessed by two frequency of blood glucose monitoring and insulin adjustment
reviewers for inclusion. according to target blood glucose levels (Couper 1999). These
participants also received weekly phone calls from the nurse. In
Missing data
the Marrero 1995 trial the adolescents used a glucometer with
We contacted Drs Aubert, Davis and Wilson to clarify details of their a modem which transmitted data from self monitoring of blood
trials. Dr Wilson supplied further information. glucose to the hospital every two weeks. The nurse practitioners
then suggested follow up care by telephone using an algorithm for
Assessment of publication bias inter-rater agreement regimen adjustments, referrals and advice.
In general, agreement was high between the two reviewers, (kappa In two of the adult trials a nurse case management approach
= 0.84). Some cases were unclear and in these cases a third was combined with automated telephone calls in which structured
independent assessment was made and agreement was reached messages were relayed to patients, and where patients could
following discussion. report blood glucose levels, symptoms and self-care (Piette 2000a;
Included studies Piette 2001). Telephone contact with the nurse was made following
reports generated by the automated telephone calls, and nurses
Five trials initially met the inclusion criteria. Authors of additional also made periodic calls. Patients in the intervention groups could
three trials (Aubert 1998; Davies 2000;Wilson 2001) were contacted also receive automated self-care calls. Nurses in these studies
for further information to assess eligibility, only one reply (Wilson were unable to suggest alterations to treatments directly, rather
2001) was received. This trial was presented as an abstract only and recommended dosage adjustments to the primary care physician.
included on the basis of the information supplied from the author.
In the Thompson 1999 trial, the nurses also made use of telephone
Study design communication; patients were given individualised telephone
contacts in which adjustments to treatments were recommended.
Included studies were randomised controlled trials in all cases with
The Wilson 2001 trial supplemented diabetes care with a nurse
the exception of Couper 1999 which was a controlled clinical trial,
care coordinator who provided direct alterations in the patients
where a geographical region was divided into two. The duration of
care, and suggested alterations in medication to the primary care
included trials was 12 months in four trials (Marrero 1995; Piette
physician. In all trials the control interventions was 'usual care'
2000a; Piette 2001; Wilson 2001), 18 months in the Couper 1999 trial
which included contact with the physician and other members of
and six months in the Thompson 1999 trial.
the multidisciplinary team as necessary.
Duration of the intervention
A total of 1382 participants were included in the six trials. The
With the exception of the study by Couper 1999 no trial reported
individual study sample size ranged from 73 to 585. Participants
the duration of the intervention and it is not clear whether the
gender was approximately distributed equally, except in the Piette
intervention continued for the same length of time as the length of
2001 study which was of a group of veterans, the majority of whom
follow up.
were male. Gender was not reported in one trial (Wilson 2001). Two
trials (Marrero 1995; Couper 1999) were in adolescents, with mean
ages of 13 and 14 years respectively. Mean ages in the adult trials
were greatly reduced beyond this time. This is somewhat similar educational impact of educators alone versus educators (such as
to observations made in reviews of patient education in other the diabetes specialist nurse) who are also involved in clinical
chronic diseases and may be due to few trials assessing outcomes care would be useful, that is do diabetes specialist nurses / nurse
beyond the 6 month period (Cooper 2001). However, in all but case managers have greater educational effect because of their
one trial reported in this review, the follow up period was at least wider role? Thirdly, a randomised controlled trial of specialist nurse
12 months. The quality of the trials was generally low and this intervention should be performed. Because of the rising prevalence
leads to difficulties in assessing the implications for practice. No of diabetes, many health care systems are under considerable
implications for practice can be drawn from available data. financial pressures. Future research should include an economic
component, perhaps in the form of cost per quality adjusted life
Implications for research year.
The present evidence base is unsatisfactory. Future research might
firstly take the form of an observational study in several countries
to identify the roles and time allocation of diabetes specialist We wish to acknowledge Dr Wilson for supplying further trial
nurses / nurse case managers, since roles vary even within information.
countries. Secondly, qualitative research looking at the relative
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Couper 1999
Methods DESIGN: non-randomised controlled trial
SETTING: hospital and community
ographical region divided into two groups of equal socio-economic status ANALYSIS BY INTENTION TO
Interventions INTERVENTION:
Diabetes nurse educator gave:
- Monthly home visits of 45-60 minutes. Patients set their own goals for frequency of blood glucose
monitoring and insulin adjustment according to target blood glucose levels. Aimed to reach their indi-
vidually chosen target blood glucose and HbA1c levels at 3 and 6 months respectively. Plus received
structured education on long-term significance of metabolic control, nutrition, exercise, sick day man-
agement, hyperglycaemic events and hypoglycaemic events and insulin adjustment.
- Weekly phone contact of 5-10 minutes.
- Routine care
Routine Care. Hospital visits at 3 month intervals for review of diabetes by a paediatric endocrinolo-
gist, dietician and diabetes educator and availability of 24 hour phone access for acute problems. In-
sulin dose and frequency adjusted according to standard clinical management independent of group
to which patient assigned.
LENGTH OF FOLLOW-UP: After the 6 month intervention, there was a 12 month follow-up period when
both groups received routine care.
Outcomes PRIMARY:
Risk of bias
Marrero 1995
Methods DESIGN: Randomised controlled trial
Participants INCLUSION CRITERIA: members of a paediatric diabetes clinic, at least 5 years old, diagnosed with type
1 diabetes for at least 6 months, telephone at home.
Intervention: 52
Control: 54
GENDER (male/female): Intervention: 31/21
Control: 32/22
Intervention: 51 white, 1 black; Control 51: white, 3 black.
Intervention: 13.3 (SD 4.5); Control: 13.3 (SD 4.9)
Intervention: 9.4% (SD 1.9); Control: 9.9% (SD 1.6)
TYPE OF DIABETES: all type 1
Intervention: 4.3 (SD 3.4): Control: 8.0 (SD 4.7)
LOSSES TO FOLLOW-UP: Not described
Interventions INTERVENTION: Glucometer with memory and modem used. All self monitoring of blood glucose da-
ta transmitted every data from home to hospital every 2 weeks. Data reviewed by paediatric nurse
practitioners. Frequency of follow-up used an age-appropriate algorithm based on data. If mean blood
glucose within normal range, a postcard sent. If not, then telephone contact made - discussed possi-
ble regimen adjustments, need for a clinic visit or referral to dietitian, social worker or physical ther-
apist. All insulin adjustments made by nurse practitioners using dose-adjusted algorithms, designed
to achieve mean weekly blood glucose levels <141mg/dL and no more than 2 asymptomatic hypo-
glycemic episodes per week. Also attended the clinic for routine care every 3 months.
CONTROL: Standard Care. Clinic visits every 3 months. Used the same monitoring but without modem.
Regimen adjustments made by the endocrinologist over this time using the same algorithm. If HbA1c at
clinic was raised the nurse phoned patients.
Outcomes PRIMARY:
- HbA1c
- Hospitalisations
- Emergency room visits.
- Quality of life
Risk of bias
Piette 2000a
Methods DESIGN: Randomised controlled trial
SETTING: Community outpatients of a general medicine clinic in a county health system
DURATION OF INTERVENTION: unclear, possible 12 months
ALLOCATION TO GROUPS: random number tables
Participants INCLUSION CRITERIA: adults with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus or an active prescription for a hypo-
glycaemic agent identified from medical records
EXCLUSION CRITERIA: age . >75 years, psychotic disorder, disabling sensory impairment, life expectan-
cy <12 months, primary language not English or Spanish, newly diagnosed (<6 months), planned to dis-
continue services of clinic in 12 months, no touch telephone
Intervention: 140
Control: 140
GENDER (male/female): Intervention: 48/76
Control: 54/70
ETHNIC GROUPS: Intervention: 36 white, 59 Hispanic, 29 Other
Control: 36 white, 64 Hispanic, 24 Other.
Intervention: 56 (SD 10) Control: 53 (SD 10)
Intervention: 8.8% (SD 1.8) Control: 8.6% (SD 1.8)
Hyperglycaemic symptoms (median and IQR):
Intervention: 2 (1-4)
Control: 2 (1-4)
Hypoglycaemic symptoms (median and IQR):
Intervention: 1 (0-3)
Control: 2 (0-3)
NUMBERS ON INSULIN: Intervention: 54
Control: 38
LOSSES TO FOLLOW-UP: 32/280 (16 in each group)
Interventions INTERVENTION: Automated telephone system : Structured messages of recorded statements and
queries bi-weekly to determine patients health, with a 5-8 min. assessment. Patients reported self
monitoring of blood glucose readings, self-care, perceived glycemic control and symptoms of poor
glycemic control. Interacted with system using touch-tone keypad. Also given option to participate in
interactive self-education. After several months offered additional automated self-care education calls.
A Spanish language version of the automated calls provided.
- Telephone nurse follow-up: each week nurse used reports generated by automated telephone sys-
tem to prioritise patient contacts with follow-up calls - nurse adressed problems reported during as-
sessments and provided more self-care education. Nurse also made periodic calls to follow-up on is-
sues discussed in a prior week, or check on those who rarely responded to calls. Depending on prob-
lem, nurse contacted the primary care physician. Nurse did not have ability to authorise medication
changes, but recommended dosage adjustment to primary care physician.
CONTROL: Usual care: Patients had no systematic monitoring between clinic visits or reminders of up-
coming clinic appointments. Follow-up visits at providers discretion. Additional visits at patients initia-
tive. Nurse contact over the telephone, diabetes education clinic and interpreter service available.
Outcomes PRIMARY:
-Hypoglycemic symptoms
-Hyperglycemic symptoms
-Emergency admissions
Risk of bias
Piette 2001
Methods DESIGN: Randomised controlled trial
SETTING: Outpatient follow-up
DURATION OF INTERVENTION: unclear, possible 12 months
ALLOCATION TO GROUPS: sequence generated from a table of random numbers
Participants INCLUSION CRITERIA: diabetes with an active prescription for a hypoglycaemic agent
EXCLUSION CRITERIA: >75 years old, mentally ill, life expectancy <12 months, newly diagnosed,
planned to discontinue receiving care from clinic within 12 months, no touch telephone
Intervention: 146
Control: 146
GENDER (male/female): Intervention: 126/6
Control: 138/2
Intervention: 71 White, 32 Black, 18 Hispanic, 11 Other Control: 93 White, 17 Black, 16 Hispanic, 15 Oth-
Intervention: 60 (SD 10) Control: 61 (SD 10)
Intervention: 8.2% (SD 1.7) Control: 8.1% (SD 1.7)
Hyperglycaemic symptoms: Intervention: 1.6 (SD 1.5) Control: 1.5 (SD 1.4)
Hypoglycaemic symptoms: Intervention: 1.3 (SD 1.3) Control: 1.2 (SD 1.6)
TYPE OF DIABETES: not stated
LOSSES TO FOLLOW-UP: 20 in total (Intervention 14 and Control 6)
Interventions INTERVENTION: Automated telephone disease management calls, 5-8 minutes, to record self monitor-
ing of blood glucose readings, self-care activities, perceived glycemic control, symptoms and use of
guideline-recommended medical care. Option to hear health promotion message. Nurses reviewed au-
tomated reports weekly, and followed up with calls. Nurse had ability to schedule clinic appointments.
Nurse did not have ability to authorise medication changes, but recommended dosage adjustments to
patient's primary care physician.
CONTROL: no description given. Methods reported to be similar to those in previous publications
where follow-up visits were provided at discretion of providers.
Outcomes PRIMARY:
- HbA1c
- Hypoglycemic symptoms
- Hyperglycemic symtoms
Risk of bias
Thompson 1999
Methods DESIGN: Randomised controlled trial
SETTING: Hospital diabetes clinic
ALLOCATION TO GROUPS: random number table
ANALYSIS BY INTENTION TO TREAT: not applicable - no losses to follow-up
Participants INCLUSION CRITERIA: receiving insulin, have undergone standard diabetes education, able to self-
monitor, under care of one of the centre's endocrinologists, poorly controlled (most recent HbA1c
greater or equal to 8.5%).
EXCLUSION CRITERIA: inability to communicate by phone, any contraindication to tight glucose con-
trol, any other serious illness, use of insulin pump.
Intervention: 23
Control: 23
GENDER (male/female): Intervention: 10/13
Control: 12/11
ETHNIC GOUPS: not described
Intervention: 47.5 (SD 11.8)
Control: 50 (SD 14.8)
Intervention: 9.4% (SD 0.8)
Control: 9.6% (SD 1.0)
TYPE OF DIABETES: type 1: Intervention: 14
Control: 12
Intervention: 14.7 (SD 9.2)
Control: 19.2 (SD 7.9)
NUMBERS ON INSULIN: all patients
LOSSES TO FOLLOW-UP: none reported
Interventions INTERVENTION: Individualised telephone contact by diabetes nurse educator. Calls averaged 3 per
week, lasting 15 minutes over 6 months. Insulin adjustments recommended during most calls. Re-
viewed patients records with physician as needed - typically about once every 2 weeks
CONTROL: Given supplies as needed and continued usual contact with physicians and clinic, including
HbA1c measurement every 3 months.
Outcomes PRIMARY:
- HbA1c
- proportion patients experienced 10% drop in HbA1c
SECONDARY: diabetes complications - not defined.
Risk of bias
Wilson 2001
Methods DESIGN: Randomised controlled trial
SETTING: Primary care system
DURATION OF INTERVENTION: unclear, possible 12 months
ANALYSIS BY INTENTION TO TREAT: used last value carried forward for available clinical data
*data provided from author
Interventions INTERVENTION: Addition of a nurse care coordinator (*registered nurse and a certified diabetes edu-
cator) to primary care system. *Provided direct alterations in the patients care using standards or care
and standing orders. *Suggested changes in medication in concert with the primary care physician.
CONTROL: usual care without a care coordinator.
Outcomes PRIMARY:
- HbA1c
Risk of bias
SD Standard deviation
IQR Interquartile range
Specialist nurses in diabetes mellitus (Review) 19
Copyright © 2010 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Cochrane Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Library Better health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Aubert 1998 Participants may have concurrently received formal diabetes education
Davies 2000 Unclear if participants were inpatients due to diabetes or due to other conditions
Dougherty 1998 Compared conventional hospital and clinic management versus substantial home care with a di-
abetes specialist nurse in collaboration with the attending diabetologist for both groups. Trial is
about treatment at diagnosis.
Same study as Dougherty 1999
Dougherty 1999 Compared conventional hospital and clinic management versus substantial home care with a di-
abetes specialist nurse in collaboration with the attending diabetologist for both groups. Trial is
about treatment at diagnosis.
Same study as Dougherty 1998
Fosbury 1997 No alterations to treatment regimens (diabetes specialist nurse was control group)
Goudswaard 2002 Individual education programme, no adjustment to treatment regimens as per protocol
Comparison 1. Results
Outcome or subgroup title No. of studies No. of partici- Statistical method Effect size
Search terms
Unless otherwise stated, search terms are free text terms; MeSH = Medical subject heading (Medline medical index term); exp = ex-
ploded MeSH; the dollar sign ($) stands for any character(s); the question mark (?) = to substitute for one or no characters; tw = text
word; pt = publication type; sh = MeSH; adj = adjacent.
#1 explode 'Diabetes-Mellitus' / MeSH, all subheadings
#2 iddm or niddm
#3 #1 or #2
#4 explode 'Nurses-' / MeSH, all subheadings
#5 explode 'Nursing-' / MeSH, all subheadings
#6 #4 or #5
EMMA LOVEMAN: Protocol development, searching for trials, quality assessment of trials, data extraction, and development of final review.
PAMELA ROYLE: Searching for trials, quality assessment of trials, data extraction, development of final review.
NORMAN WAUGH: Protocol development, quality assessment of trials, data extraction, development of final review.
None known.
Internal sources
• National Coordinating Centre for Health Technology Assessment, UK.
External sources
• No sources of support supplied