Unit-4 CN
Unit-4 CN
Unit-4 CN
Peer-to-Peer Architecture
Client/Server Architecture
Peer-to-Peer Architecture:
In the P2P (Peer-to-Peer) network, “peers” generally represent computer
system. These peers are connected to each other with help of Internet. Files
might be shared directly without requirement of central server among these
systems on the network. It can be said that each of computers on P2P network
usually becomes file server even as client also. In this architecture, system is
generally decomposed into various computational nodes that contain the same
and equivalent capabilities, abilities, and responsibilities. In this network, tasks
are allocated at each and every device available on network. This network is
very essential and important for small environments, usually up to at least
10 computers. There is also no separate division as clients and servers. Each
and every computer in this network are treated same and equally and might
send even receive message directly. This P2P network is generally useful in
various fields such as business, education, military, etc.
Client/Server Architecture:
CSN (Client/Server Network) is type of computer network in which one of
centralized and powerful computers (commonly called as server) is hub to
which many of personal computers that are less powerful or workstations
(commonly known as clients) are connected. It is type of system where clients
are connected to server to just share or use resources. These servers are
generally considered as heart of system. This type of network is more stable
and scalable as compared to P2P network. In this architecture, system is
generally decomposed into client and server processor or processes.
Advantages of Client/Server Architecture
A special Network Operating System (NOS) is provided by server to provide
resources to many users that request them.
It is also very easy and simple to set up and manage data updates. This is
because data is generally stored in centralized manner on server.
The server usually controls resources and data security.
This network also boosts speed of sharing resources.
If anyhow server goes down or crashes, entire will be affected by this.
It is very expensive as compared to P2P. This is due to need for server with
more memory as well as need for many networking devices such as
hubs, routers, switches, etc.
Cost of NOS being provided is very high.
Disadvantages of Client/Server Architecture
If the server fails, clients may lose access to services.
Setting up servers requires a higher investment in hardware and software.
Managing servers requires skilled personnel.
2. HUB
A hub is a multi-port repeater. A hub connects multiple wires coming from
different branches, for example, the connector in star topology which connects
different stations. Hubs cannot filter data, so data packets are sent to all
connected devices. In other words, the collision domain of all hosts connected
through hub remains one. Hub does not have any routing table to store the
data of ports and map destination addresses., the routing table is used to
send/broadcast information across all the ports.
Types of HUB
Active HUB: Active HUB regenerates and amplifies the electric signal before
sending them to all connected device. This hub is suitable to transmit data for
long distance connections over the network.
Passive HUB: As the name suggests it does not amplify or regenerate electric
signal, it is the simplest types of Hub among all and it is not suitable for long-
distnace connections.
Switching HUB: This is also known as intelligent HUB, they provide some
additional functionality over active and passive hubs. They analyze data
packets and make decisions based on MAC address and they are operated on
DLL(Data Link Layer).
3. Router
A Router is a device like a switch that routes data packets based on their IP
addresses. The router is mainly a Network Layer device. Routers normally
connect LANs and WANs and have a dynamically updating routing table based
on which they make decisions on routing the data packets. The router divides
the broadcast domains of hosts connected through it.
4. Modem
A Modem is a short form of Modulator/Demodulator. The Modem is a
hardware component/device that can connect computers and other devices
such as routers and switches to the internet. Modems convert or modulate the
analog signals coming from telephone wire into a digital form that is in the
form of 0s and 1s.
5. Switch
A Switch is a multiport bridge with a buffer and a design that can boost its
efficiency(a large number of ports implies less traffic) and performance. A
switch is a data link layer device. The switch can perform error checking before
forwarding data, which makes it very efficient as it does not forward packets
that have errors and forward good packets selectively to the correct port only.
6. Nodes
Node is a term used to refer to any computing devices such as computers that
send and receive network packets across the network.
Types of nodes
End Nodes: These types of nodes are going to be the starting point or the end
point of communication. E.g., computers, security cameras, network printers,
Intermediary Nodes: These nodes are going to be in between the starting
point or end point of the end nodes. E.g., Switches, Bridges, Routers, cell
towers, etc.
7. Media
It is also known as Link which is going to carry data from one side to another
side. This link can be Wired Medium (Guided Medium) and Wireless Medium
(Unguided Medium). It is of two types:
7.1 Wired Medium
Ethernet: Ethernet is the most widely used LAN technology, which is defined
under IEEE standards 802.3. There are two types of Ethernet:
Fibre Optic Cable: In fibre optic cable data is transferred in the form of light
Coaxial Cable: Coaxial Cable is mainly used for audio and video
USB Cable: USB Stands for Universal Serial Bus it is mainly used to connect PCs
and smartphones.
9. Server
A server is a computer program that provides various functionality to another
computer program. The server plays a vital role in facilitating communication,
data storage, etc. Servers have more data storage as compared to normal
computers. They are designed for the specific purpose of handling multiple
requests from clients.
Connection-Oriented Service:
Connection-Oriented Service is basically a technique that is typically used to
transport and send data at session layer. The data streams or packets are
transferred or delivered to receiver in a similar order in which they have seen
transferred by sender. It is actually a data transfer method among two devices
or computers in a different network, that is designed and developed after
telephone system. Whenever a network implements this service, it sends or
transfers data or message from sender or source to receiver or destination in
correct order and manner.
This connection service is generally provided by protocols of both network
layer (signifies different path for various data packets that belongs to same
message) as well as transport layer (use to exhibits independence among
packets rather than different paths that various packets belong to same
message will follow).
Operations :
There is a sequence of operations that are needed to b followed by users.
These operations are given below :
1. Establishing Connection –
It generally requires a session connection to be established just before any
data is transported or sent with a direct physical connection among sessions.
2. Transferring Data or Message –
When this session connection is established, then we transfer or send message
or data.
3. Releasing the Connection –
After sending or transferring data, we release connection.
Different Ways :
There are two ways in which connection-oriented services can be done. These
ways are given below :
1. Circuit-Switched Connection –
Circuit-switching networks or connections are generally known as connection-
oriented networks. In this connection, a dedicated route is being established
among sender and receiver, and whole data or message is sent through it. A
dedicated physical route or a path or a circuit is established among all
communication nodes, and after that, data stream or message is sent or
2. Virtual Circuit-Switched Connection –
Virtual Circuit-Switched Connection or Virtual Circuit Switching is also known
as Connection-Oriented Switching. In this connection, a preplanned route or
path is established before data or messages are transferred or sent. The
message Is transferred over this network is such a way that it seems to user
that there is a dedicated route or path from source or sender to destination or
Types of Connection-Oriented Service :
Service Example
Advantages :
It kindly support for quality of service is an easy way.
This connection is more reliable than connectionless service.
Long and large messages can be divided into various smaller messages so that
it can fit inside packets.
Problems or issues that are related to duplicate data packets are made less
Disadvantages :
In this connection, cost is fixed no matter how traffic is.
It is necessary to have resource allocation before communication.
If any route or path failures or network congestions arise, there is no alternative
way available to continue communication.
Connectionless Service:
A Connectionless Service is technique that is used in data communications to
send or transfer data or message at 4 Layer i.e., Transport Layer of Open
System Interconnection model. This service does not require session
connection among sender or source and receiver or destination. Sender starts
transferring or sending data or messages to destination.
In other words, we can say that connectionless service simply means that node
can transfer or send data packets or messages to its receiver even without
session connection to receiver. Message is sent or transferred without prior
arrangement. This usually works due to error handling protocols that allow and
give permission for correction of errors just like requesting retransmission.
In this service, network sends each packet of data to sender one at a time,
independently of other packets. But network does not have any state
information to determine or identify whether packet is part of stream of other
packets. Even the network doesn’t have any knowledge and information about
amount of traffic that will be transferred by user. In this, each of data packets
has source or destination address and is routed independently from source to
Therefore, data packets or messages might follow different paths to reach
destination. Data packets are also called datagrams. It is also similar to that of
postal services, as it also carries full address of destination where message is to
send. Data is also sent in one direction from source to destination without
checking that destination is still present there or not or if receiver or
destination is prepared to accept message.
Connectionless Protocols :
These protocols simply allow data to be transferred without any link among
processes. Some Of data packets may also be lost during transmission. Some of
protocols for connectionless services are given below:
Internet Protocol (IP) –
This protocol is connectionless. In this protocol, all packets in IP network are
routed independently. They might not go through same route.
Electronic Junk Mail, etc.
Acknowledged Registered mail, text messages along
Datagram with delivery report, etc.
Advantages :
It is very fast and also allows for multicast and broadcast operations in which
similar data are transferred to various recipients in a single transmission.
The effect of any error occurred can be reduced by implementing error-
correcting within an application protocol.
This service is very easy and simple and is also low overhead.
At the network layer, host software is very much simpler.
No authentication is required in this service.
Some of the application doesn’t even require sequential delivery of packets or
data. Examples include packet voice, etc.
Disadvantages :
This service is less reliable as compared to connection-oriented service.
It does not guarantee that there will be no loss, or error occurrence,
misdelivery, duplication, or out-of-sequence delivery of the packet.
They are more prone towards network congestions.
Frame Relay:
Frame Relay is a packet-switching network protocol that is designed to work at
the data link layer of the network. It is used to connect Local Area Networks
(LANs) and transmit data across Wide Area Networks (WANs). It is a better
alternative to a point-to-point network for connecting multiple nodes that
require separate dedicated links to be established between each pair of nodes.
It allows transmission of different size packets and dynamic bandwidth
allocation. Also, it provides a congestion control mechanism to reduce the
network overheads due to congestion. It does not have an error control and
flow management mechanism.
Frame relay switches set up virtual circuits to connect multiple LANs to build a
WAN. Frame relay transfers data between LANs across WAN by dividing the
data in packets known as frames and transmitting these packets across the
network. It supports communication with multiple LANs over the shared
physical links or private lines.
Frame relay network is established between Local Area Networks (LANs)
border devices such as routers and service provider network that connects all
the LAN networks. Each LAN has an access link that connects routers of LAN to
the service provider network terminated by the frame relay switch. The access
link is the private physical link used for communication with other LAN
networks over WAN. The frame relay switch is responsible for terminating the
access link and providing frame relay services.
For data transmission, LAN’s router (or other border device linked with access
link) sends the data packets over the access link. The packet sent by LAN is
examined by a frame relay switch to get the Data Link Connection Identifier
(DLCI) which indicates the destination of the packet. Frame relay switch
already has the information about addresses of the LANs connected to the
network hence it identifies the destination LAN by looking at DLCI of the data
packet. DLCI basically identifies the virtual circuit (i.e. logical path between
nodes that doesn’t really exist) between source and destination network. It
configures and transmits the packet to frame relay switch of destination LAN
which in turn transfers the data packet to destination LAN by sending it over its
respective access link. Hence, in this way, a LAN is connected with multiple
other LANs by sharing a single physical link for data transmission.
Frame relay also deals with congestion within a network. Following methods
are used to identify congestion within a network:
1. Forward Explicit Congestion Network (FECN) –
FECN is a part of the frame header that is used to notify the destination about
the congestion in the network. Whenever a frame experiences congestion
while transmission, the frame relay switch of the destination network sets the
FECN bit of the packet that allows the destination to identify that packet has
experienced some congestion while transmission.
2. Backward Explicit Congestion Network (BECN) –
BECN is a part of the frame header that is used to notify the source about the
congestion in the network. Whenever a frame experiences congestion while
transmission, the destination sends a frame back to the source with a set BECN
bit that allows the source to identify that packet that was transmitted had
experienced some congestion while reaching out to the destination. Once,
source identifies congestion in the virtual circuit, it slows down to transmission
to avoid network overhead.
3. Discard Eligibility (DE) –
DE is a part of the frame header that is used to indicate the priority for
discarding the packets. If the source is generating a huge amount of traffic on
the certain virtual network then it can set DE bits of less significant packets to
indicate the high priority for discarding the packets in case of network
overhead. Packets with set DE bits are discarded before the packets with unset
DE bits in case of congestion within a network.
1. High speed
2. Scalable
3. Reduced network congestion
4. Cost-efficient
5. Secured connection
X.25 Structure:
X.25 is generally a protocol that was developed by Telecommunication
Standardization Sector (ITU-T) of International Telecommunication Union. It
usually allows various logical channels to make use of same physical line. It
basically defines a series of documents particularly issued by ITU. These
documents are also known as X.25 Recommendations. X.25 also supports
various conversations by multiplexing packets and also with the help of virtual
communication channels. X.25 basically encompasses or suits to the lower three
layers of the Open System Interconnection (OSI) reference model for
networking. These three protocol layers are:
1. Physical Layer
2. Frame Layer
3. Packet Layer
1. Physical Layer : This layer is basically concerned with electrical or signalling. The
physical layer interface of X.25 also known as X.21 bis was basically derived from
RS-232 interface for serial transmission. This layer provides various
communication lines that transmit or transfer some electrical signals. X.21
implementer is usually required for linking.
2. Data Link Layer : Data link layer is also known as Frame Layer. This layer is an
implementation or development of ISO High-Level Data Link Layer
(HDLC) standard which is known as LAPB (Link Access Procedure Balanced). It
also provides a communication link and transmission that is error-free among
any two physically connected nodes or X.25 nodes. LAPB also allows DTE (Data
Terminal Equipment) or DCE (Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment) simply to
start or end a communication session or start data transmission. This layer is
one of the most important and essential parts of X.25 Protocol. This layer also
provides a mechanism for checking in each hop during the transmission. This
service also ensures a bit-oriented, error-free, and also sequenced and ordered
delivery of data frames or packets. There are many protocols that can be used in
frame-level as given below :
Link Access Procedure Balanced (LAPB) – It is specified by ITU-T
Recommendation X usually derived from HDLC. It is the most commonly used
protocol that allows establishing a logical connection.
Link Access Protocol (LAP) – This protocol is very rarely used. This is usually
used for framing and transferring data packets across point-to-point links.
Link Access Procedure D-channel (LAPD) – It is used to convey or transfer data
over D-channel. It also enables and allows transmission of data among DTEs
through D channel especially among a DTE and an ISDN node.
Logical Link Control (LLC) – It is used to manage and ensure the integrity of
transmissions of data. It also allows transmission of X.25 data packets or frames
through a LAN (Local Area Network) channel.
3. Packet Layer : Packet layer is also known as Network Layer protocol of X.25. This
layer generally governs the end-to-end communications among various DTE
devices. It also defines how to address and deliver X.25 packets among end
nodes and switches on a network with the help of PVCs (Permanent Virtual
Circuits) or SVCs (Switched Virtual Circuits). This layer also governs and manages
set-up and teardown and also flow control among DTE devices as well as various
routing functions along with multiplexing multiple logical or virtual connections.
This layer also defines and explains the format of data packets and also the
procedures for control and transmission of data frames. This layer is also
responsible for establishing a connection, transmitting data frames or packets,
ending or terminating a connection, error and flow control, transmitting data
packets over external virtual circuits.
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM):
It is an International Telecommunication Union- Telecommunications
Standards Section (ITU-T) efficient for call relay and it transmits all information
including multiple service types such as data, video, or voice which is conveyed
in small fixed-size packets called cells. Cells are transmitted asynchronously
and the network is connection-oriented.
ATM is a technology that has some event in the development of broadband
ISDN in the 1970s and 1980s, which can be considered an evolution of packet
switching. Each cell is 53 bytes long – 5 bytes header and 48 bytes payload.
Making an ATM call requires first sending a message to set up a connection.
Subsequently, all cells follow the same path to the destination. It can handle
both constant rate traffic and variable rate traffic. Thus it can carry multiple
types of traffic with end-to-end quality of service. ATM is independent of a
transmission medium, they may be sent on a wire or fiber by themselves or
they may also be packaged inside the payload of other carrier systems. ATM
networks use “Packet” or “cell” Switching with virtual circuits. Its design helps
in the implementation of high-performance multimedia networking.
ATM Cell Format –
As information is transmitted in ATM in the form of fixed-size units called cells.
As known already each cell is 53 bytes long which consists of a 5 bytes header
and 48 bytes payload.
Asynchronous Transfer Mode can be of two format types which are as follows:
1. UNI Header: This is used within private networks of ATMs for communication
between ATM endpoints and ATM switches. It includes the Generic Flow
Control (GFC) field.
2. NNI Header: is used for communication between ATM switches, and it does
not include the Generic Flow Control(GFC) instead it includes a Virtual Path
Identifier (VPI) which occupies the first 12 bits.
Working of ATM:
ATM standard uses two types of connections. i.e., Virtual path connections
(VPCs) which consist of Virtual channel connections (VCCs) bundled together
which is a basic unit carrying a single stream of cells from user to user. A virtual
path can be created end-to-end across an ATM network, as it does not rout the
cells to a particular virtual circuit. In case of major failure, all cells belonging to
a particular virtual path are routed the same way through the ATM network,
thus helping in faster recovery.
Switches connected to subscribers use both VPIs and VCIs to switch the cells
which are Virtual Path and Virtual Connection switches that can have different
virtual channel connections between them, serving the purpose of creating
a virtual trunk between the switches which can be handled as a single entity.
Its basic operation is straightforward by looking up the connection value in the
local translation table determining the outgoing port of the connection and the
new VPI/VCI value of connection on that link.
ATM vs DATA Networks (Internet) –
ATM is a “virtual circuit” based: the path is reserved before transmission.
While Internet Protocol (IP) is connectionless and end-to-end resource
reservations are not possible. RSVP is a new signaling protocol on the internet.
ATM Cells: Fixed or small size and Tradeoff is between voice or data. While IP
packets are of variable size.
Addressing: ATM uses 20-byte global NSAP addresses for signaling and 32-bit
locally assigned labels in cells. While IP uses 32-bit global addresses in all
ATM Layers:
2. Physical Layer –
It manages the medium-dependent transmission and is divided into two parts
physical medium-dependent sublayer and transmission convergence sublayer.
The main functions are as follows:
It converts cells into a bitstream.
It controls the transmission and receipt of bits in the physical medium.
It can track the ATM cell boundaries.
Look for the packaging of cells into the appropriate type of frames.
3. ATM Layer –
It handles transmission, switching, congestion control, cell header processing,
sequential delivery, etc., and is responsible for simultaneously sharing the
virtual circuits over the physical link known as cell multiplexing and passing
cells through an ATM network known as cell relay making use of the VPI and
VCI information in the cell header.
ATM Applications:
1. ATM WANs –
It can be used as a WAN to send cells over long distances, a router serving as
an end-point between ATM network and other networks, which has two stacks
of the protocol.
Ethernet is the most widely used LAN technology and is defined under IEEE
standards 802.3. The reason behind its wide usability is that Ethernet is easy to
understand, implement, and maintain, and allows low-cost network
implementation. Also, Ethernet offers flexibility in terms of the topologies that
are allowed. Ethernet generally uses a bus topology. Ethernet operates in two
layers of the OSI model, the physical layer and the data link layer. For Ethernet,
the protocol data unit is a frame since we mainly deal with DLLs. In order to
handle collisions, the Access control mechanism used in Ethernet is CSMA/CD.
Although Ethernet has been largely replaced by wireless networks. A wired
networking still uses Ethernet more frequently. Wi-Fi eliminates the need for
cables by enabling users to connect their smartphones or laptops to a network
wirelessly. The 802.11ac Wi-Fi standard offers faster maximum data transfer
rates when compared to Gigabit Ethernet. However, wired connections are
more secure and less susceptible to interference than wireless networks.
History of Ethernet
Robert Metcalfe’s invention of Ethernet in 1973 completely changed computer
networking. With Ethernet Version 2’s support for 10 Mbps and an initial data
rate of 2.94 Mbps, it first gained popularity in 1982. Ethernet’s adoption was
accelerated by the IEEE 802.3 standardization in 1983. Local area networks
(LANs) and the internet were able to expand quickly because of the rapid
evolution and advancement of Ethernet, which over time reached speeds of
100 Mbps, 1 Gbps, 10 Gbps, and higher. It evolved into the standard
technology for wired network connections, enabling dependable and quick
data transmission for private residences, commercial buildings, and data
centres all over the world.
There are different types of Ethernet networks that are used to connect
devices and transfer data.
1. Fast Ethernet: This type of Ethernet network uses cables called twisted pair or
CAT5. It can transfer data at a speed of around 100 Mbps (megabits per
second). Fast Ethernet uses both fiber optic and twisted pair cables to enable
communication. There are three categories of Fast Ethernet: 100BASE-TX,
100BASE-FX, and 100BASE-T4.
2. Gigabit Ethernet: This is an upgrade from Fast Ethernet and is more common
nowadays. It can transfer data at a speed of 1000 Mbps or 1 Gbps (gigabit per
second). Gigabit Ethernet also uses fiber optic and twisted pair cables for
communication. It often uses advanced cables like CAT5e, which can transfer
data at a speed of 10 Gbps.
3. 10-Gigabit Ethernet: This is an advanced and high-speed network that can
transmit data at a speed of 10 gigabits per second. It uses special cables like
CAT6a or CAT7 twisted-pair cables and fiber optic cables. With the help of fiber
optic cables, this network can cover longer distances, up to around 10,000
4. Switch Ethernet: This type of network involves using switches or hubs to
improve network performance. Each workstation in this network has its own
dedicated connection, which improves the speed and efficiency of data
transfer. Switch Ethernet supports a wide range of speeds, from 10 Mbps to 10
Gbps, depending on the version of Ethernet being used.
In summary, Fast Ethernet is the basic version with a speed of 100 Mbps,
Gigabit Ethernet is faster with a speed of 1 Gbps, 10-Gigabit Ethernet is even
faster with a speed of 10 Gbps, and Switch Ethernet uses switches or hubs to
enhance network performance.The Manchester Encoding Technique is used in
Ethernet. Using Manchester encoding, data can be transmitted over a physical
medium in communication systems. It is a type of line coding where the signal
transitions, as opposed to the absolute voltage levels, serve as the data
Each bit of information is split into two equal time periods, or “halves,”
in Manchester encoding. If the signal level is higher during the first half of the
bit period than it is during the second, the result is a logic high (typically 1), or
vice versa.
History of ISDN:
Before the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), the telephone system
was seen as a way to transmit voice, with some special services available for
data. The main feature of ISDN is that it can integrate speech and data on the
same lines, which were not available in the classic telephone system. In the
context of the OSI model, ISDN is employed as the network in data-link and
physical layers but commonly ISDN is often limited to usage to Q.931 and
related protocols. These protocols introduced in 1986 are a set of signaling
protocols establishing and breaking circuit-switched connections and for
advanced calling features for the user. ISDN provides simultaneous voice,
video, and text transmission between individual desktop videoconferencing
systems and group video conferencing systems.
Types of ISDN Interfaces
Basic Rate Interface (BRI) : There are two data-bearing channels (‘B’ channels)
and one signaling channel (‘D’ channel) in BRI to initiate connections. The B
channels operate at a maximum of 64 Kbps while the D channel operates at a
maximum of 16 Kbps. The two channels are independent of each other. For
example, one channel is used as a TCP/IP connection to a location while the
other channel is used to send a fax to a remote location. In iSeries ISDN
supports a basic rate interface (BRl). The basic rate interface (BRl) specifies a
digital pipe consisting of two B channels of 64 Kbps each and one D channel of
16 Kbps. This equals a speed of 144 Kbps. In addition, the BRl service itself
requires an operating overhead of 48 Kbps. Therefore a digital pipe of 192
Kbps is required.
Primary Rate Interface (PRI): Primary Rate Interface service consists of a D
channel and either 23 or 30 B channels depending on the country you are in.
PRI is not supported on the iSeries. A digital pipe with 23 B channels and one
64 Kbps D channel is present in the usual Primary Rate Interface (PRI). Twenty-
three B channels of 64 Kbps each and one D channel of 64 Kbps equals 1.536
Mbps. The PRI service uses 8 Kbps of overhead also. Therefore PRI requires a
digital pipe of 1.544 Mbps.
Broadband-ISDN (B-ISDN): Narrowband ISDN has been designed to operate
over the current communications infrastructure, which is heavily dependent
on the copper cable however B-ISDN relies mainly on the evolution of fiber
optics. According to CCITT B-ISDN is best described as ‘a service requiring
transmission channels capable of supporting rates greater than the primary
ISDN Services:
ISDN provides a fully integrated digital service to users. These services fall into
3 categories- bearer services, teleservices, and supplementary services.
Bearer Services: Transfer of information (voice, data, and video) between
users without the network manipulating the content of that information is
provided by the bearer network. There is no need for the network to process
the information and therefore does not change the content. Bearer services
belong to the first three layers of the OSI model. They are well defined in the
ISDN standard. They can be provided using circuit-switched, packet-switched,
frame-switched, or cell-switched networks.
Teleservices: In this, the network may change or process the contents of the
data. These services correspond to layers 4-7 of the OSI model. Teleservices
rely on the facilities of the bearer services and are designed to accommodate
complex user needs. The user need not be aware of the details of the process.
Teleservices include telephony, teletex, telefax, videotex, telex, and
teleconferencing. Though the ISDN defines these services by name yet they
have not yet become standards.
Supplementary Service: Additional functionality to the bearer services and
teleservices are provided by supplementary services. Reverse charging, call
waiting, and message handling are examples of supplementary services which
are all familiar with today’s telephone company services.
Working of ISDN
The ISDN works based on the standards defined by ITU-T (formerly CCITT).
The Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) coordinates standards
for telecommunications on behalf of the International Telecommunication
Union (ITU) and is based in Geneva, Switzerland. The various principles of ISDN
as per ITU-T recommendation are:
To support switched and non-switched applications
To support voice and non-voice applications
Reliance on 64-kbps connections
Intelligence in the network
Layered protocol architecture
Variety of configurations
Advantages of ISDN
ISDN channels have a reliable connection.
ISDN is used to facilitate the user with multiple digital channels.
It has faster data transfer rate.
Efficient use of bandwidth
Improved call quality
It provides Greater flexibility
Integrated services
Disadvantages of ISDN
ISDN lines costlier than the other telephone system.
It requires specialized digital devices.
It is less flexible.
Limited coverage
High installation and maintenance costs
Limited features
Characteristics of VSAT:
The end user of the set requires a box that acts as an interface between the
user and its system.
The box consists of an antenna and a transceiver.
The work of this transceiver is to send and receive signals to and from the
transponder located in space.
Every workstation works like a hub. The satellite sends or receives a signal
from it.
Each user is connected to each of the interconnected hub stations and
operates in the form of a Star Topology (There is a server in between and all
the nodes are connected to it, forming a star-like figure).
With this medium, we can transmit data, voice, and video signals.
Advantages of VSAT:
VSAT Terminals and its Hardware can be installed in vehicles such as Trucks or
Vans and can also be used in situations where mobility is a need.
Audio, Video, and data signals can be transmitted and received efficiently.
Internet Access: A VSAT Network also serves to provide internet access in
addition to pointing to a WAN link.
It is set in the consumer broadband industry to make it the leading major
wave. VSAT network provides an “Always on” broadband Internet Service.
Information from remote locations can be accessed using satellites.
It is more used for connectivity in rural areas, ships, and coastal regions.
Mobile access is another conventional strength of satellite networks. For
example, we can do online surfing, watch TV, use applications, and much
VSAT Networks are not affected by earthquakes, Cyclones, and other natural
VSAT Networks, with a low-cost architecture and extra powerful systems,
share digital information.
Disadvantages of VSAT: