STANDARD 20890-4
First edition
ISO 20890-4:2020
Reference number
ISO 20890-4:2020(E)
© ISO 2020
ISO 20890-4:2020(E)
Contents Page
Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Inspection technique........................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
5 Requirements........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.1 Test personnel.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.1.1 Task of NDT personnel................................................................................................................................................. 4
5.1.2 Personnel requirements............................................................................................................................................. 4
5.2 Test area......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.3 Optical auxiliaries and combined device system........................................................................................................ 6
5.3.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.3.2 Image quality and resolution................................................................................................................................. 6
5.3.3 Construction......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.3.4 Lighting equipment for the remote visual testing............................................................................... 8
5.3.5 Data storage medium.................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.3.6 Test robots.............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
6 Testing.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
6.1 Preparation................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
6.1.2 Test location.......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Performance............................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.2.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.2.2 Direct visual testing ISO.....................................................................................................................................................
20890-4:2020 10
Remote visual testing................................................................................................................................................. 10
6.2.4 Mechanizede5f386052c34/iso-20890-4-2020
visual testing...................................................................................................................................... 10
6.3 Evaluation.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
6.4 Final measures...................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
7 Recording................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Annex A (informative) Examples of a test image...................................................................................................................................12
Annex B (informative) Test procedures..........................................................................................................................................................13
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
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This document was prepared by ISO/TC 85, Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological
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1 Scope
This document gives guidelines for pre-service inspection (PSI) and in-service inspections (ISI) for
reactor coolant circuit components of light water reactors and their installations as direct or remote
visual testing in the form of a
— general visual testing (overview), or
— selective visual testing (specific properties).
This document is also applicable to other components of nuclear installations. The requirements in this
document focuses on remote (mechanized) visual testing, but also specifies global requirements for
direct visual testing. For specific requirements for direct visual testing of welds see ISO 17637.
This document is not applicable to tests in respect to the general state that are carried out in conjunction
with pressure and leak tests and regular plant inspections.
This document specifies test methods that ISO allow deviations from the expected state to be recognised,
requirements for the equipment technology and test personnel, the preparation and performance of the
testing as well as the recording. e5f386052c34/iso-20890-4-2020
NOTE Data concerning the test section, test extent, inspection period, inspection interval and evaluation of
indications is defined in the applicable national nuclear safety standards.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 8596, Ophthalmic optics — Visual acuity testing — Standard and clinical optotypes and their
ISO 9712:2012, Non-destructive testing — Qualification and certification of NDT personnel
ISO 18490, Non-destructive testing — Evaluation of vision acuity of NDT personnel
EN 1330-10, Non-destructive testing — Terminology — Part 10: Terms used in visual testing
EN 13018, Non-destructive testing — Visual testing — General principles
EN 13927, Non-destructive testing — Visual testing — Equipment
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://w
— IEC Electropedia: available at http://w
conspicuous indications
deviations in the actual state recorded during the visual testing from the expected target state
relevant indication
<visual testing> NDT indication (conspicuous indication) that is caused by condition or type of
discontinuity that requires evaluation
[SOURCE: ISO/TS 18173:2005, 2.24]
colour intensity
difference in a colour from the equally bright achromatic colour
Note 1 to entry: Colours with equally bright achromatic colour create the same grey tone in the black-white
chromatic and achromatic type of a colour
Note 1 to entry: Words like red, yellow, green etc. are used to refer to this in daily life.
Note 2 to entry: In this document achromatic colours means black and white and any type of grey.
ISO 20890-4:2020
data storage medium e5f386052c34/iso-20890-4-2020
<visual testing> storage medium for the storage of image information
direct visual testing
visual testing where there is an uninterrupted optical path from the observer's eye to the test area
Note 1 to entry: This test can be carried out with or without auxiliaries, e.g. magnifying glass, mirror, binoculars,
borescopes, endoscopes or fibre-optics.
[SOURCE: EN 1330-10:2003, 2.12, modified — The examples given in the Note are different.]
remote visual testing
visual testing where there is an interrupted optical path from the observer's eye to the test area
Note 1 to entry: Remote visual testing may include a device system that records, communicates, visualises and, if
necessary, stores image information.
[SOURCE: EN 1330-10:2003, 2.37, modified — Different systems are named in the Note.]
general visual testing
visual testing over areas of the component (3.10) to observe overall condition, integrity and state of
[SOURCE: EN 1330-10: 2003, 2.18]
selective visual testing
local visual testing for unique recognition of specified properties
Note 1 to entry: The selective visual testing is used in order to record the state of parts, components (3.10) or
surfaces to be examined in respect to cracks, wear, corrosion, erosion or mechanical damage on the surface of the
parts or components (3.10).
part of a system delimited according to structural or functional aspects, which can still implement
independent sub-functions
reference standard
<visual testing> specimen for inspecting the settings of the test system and its function during the testing
Note 1 to entry: Test images (e.g. colour boards according to Annex A or similar test images) are used as reference
standards during the visual testing. Depending on the test assignment and device system, a scalability of test
images can be necessary.
mechanized visual testing
remote visual testing (3.8) with mechanized guidance of camera or video-endoscope
test section iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW
part of the test area (3.15)
test supervisor ISO 20890-4:2020
responsible for application of the test method and for the individual details of the test performance
including monitoring of the activities for preparation and performance of the test as well as analysis of
the test results
test area
defined area on the test object (3.17) over which the tests are to be conducted
[SOURCE: ISO 5577:2017, 6.2.2]
test surface
surface of the test object (3.17) to be tested
test object
part of a component (3.10) to be tested
visual testing
method of non-destructive testing using electromagnetic radiation in the optical range
[SOURCE: EN 1330-10:2003, 2.53]
Note 1 to entry: The visual testing serves to acquire the actual state of a test object with the human eye for
comparison with the expected target state.
reference block
piece of material, with specified metallurgical, geometrical and dimensional characteristics, used for
calibration and assessment of equipment for visual testing
Note 1 to entry: Specified metallurgical, geometrical and dimensional characteristics means for example
material, weld seam implementation, form, wall thickness, any cladding present) with reference characteristics
(e.g. grooves, bores) that are adapted to the test assignment.
Note 2 to entry: Depending on the test assignment, the properties relevant to the inspection technique can be
determined by hue (3.4), colour intensity (3.3), reflectivity or texture of the surface.
4 Inspection technique
Visual testing is used to recognise deviations from the expected state. This state is specified in the test
procedures. Depending on the test assignment, the visual testing is conducted either as a general visual
testing or a selective visual testing. Depending on the accessibility and required detail recognition,
direct or remote visual testing is used, whereby the latter can be carried out as a mechanized visual
testing. The local radiation dose rate shall be considered when selecting the inspection techniques and
The suitability of the inspection technique and the combined device system shall be validated according
to the requirements of the applicable nuclear safety standards.
NOTE 1 The procedure for the qualification of the inspection techniques or the combined device system is
described in ENIQ report nr. 31[3].
NOTE 2 (
The visual testing test method discussed in this document involves a standardized test method whose
application is realised based on standard test procedures relating to nuclear power plants. A qualification as
above can be necessary in individual cases if there are significant deviations from the specifications from the
test procedures.
ISO 20890-4:2020
A general test procedure shall be prepared. Annex B contains the items of the general test procedure.
5 Requirements
NDT personnel[4] have a great responsibility, not only with respect to their employers or contractors
but also under the rules of good workmanship. The NDT personnel shall be independent and free from
economic influences with regard to his test results, otherwise the results may be compromised. The
NDT personnel shall be aware of the importance of his signature and the consequences of incorrect
test results for safety, health and environment. Under legal aspects, the falsification of certificates is an
offence and judged according to the national legal regulations. A tester may find himself in a conflicting
situation about his findings with his employer, the responsible authorities or legal requirements.
Finally, the NDT personnel is responsible for all interpretations of test results carrying his signature.
NDT personnel should never sign test reports beyond their certification (see Table 1).
NOTE For reasons of readability, the male form is used with personal names, however the female form is
also always intended.
The test personnel comprise the test inspector, the test supervisor and possibly the operating personnel
for the test robot.
Those personnel, using qualified non-destructive testing (NDT) procedures and equipment, should be
qualified through one or any combination of the following:
— certification through a national NDT personnel certification scheme;
— theoretical and/or open trials;
— blind trials.
Any personnel certification requirements invoking relevant national NDT personnel certification
schemes (e.g. ISO 9712) should be validated according to Table 1. Any additional personnel training
requirements should also be specified in the qualification dossier.
If no relevant scheme exists or if extra personnel qualification is needed, the qualification body should
determine the additional practical and theoretical examinations needed beyond those in the national
certification scheme, include these in the qualification procedure and ensure that the NDT procedure also
includes the necessary requirements. The qualification procedure should describe the proposed system.
The test supervisor is responsible for the application of the NDT qualified system and shall have
the knowledge required for his tasks as well as sufficient knowledge of the application options
and limitations of the test methods and have knowledge about the characteristic appearances of
operationally induced faults. Conspicuous indications requiring more extensive measures shall be
evaluated by the test supervisor, who has the requisite experience in respect to the test object, test
assignment, test method and combined device system.
The test inspectors shall have the skills to perform the work they are to carry out. In particular, they
shall have sufficient experience in conducting visual testing and knowledge in respect to this concerning
the test object and appearance of conspicuous indications that can result during operation.
The operating personnel for test robots and the test inspectors during mechanized testing shall be
trained for the requirements of the workISO to be carried out.
Test personnel performing NDT and the evaluation of the results shall be qualified in accordance with
ISO 9712 or equivalent at an appropriate level in the relevant industrial sector.
The test personnel shall fulfil the vision requirements of ISO 9712:2012, 7.4.
The test personnel shall provide annual validation of their visual ability, which has been determined
by an ophthalmologist, optician or other medically recognised person. The vision requirements of
ISO 9712 shall be fulfilled. The following modifications can be used as a substitute to ISO 9712.
a) The visual acuity testing shall be conducted using standard symbols in accordance with ISO 8596
(Landolt rings) or ISO 18490 (E shaped character). Here a near vision acuity of 1,0 at a test distance
of 0,33 m and a with at least one eye, with or without optical aid shall be validated.
b) The ability to distinguish between colours and between grey shadowing shall be validated with
colour sense test boards. The validation can typically be conducted with the help of Ishihara colour
boards as well as the "shades of grey test". In case of anomalies, the employer shall decide whether
the ability to see colours is sufficient for the test assignment.
If disorders in the adaptability are determined, these shall be considered.
5.3.1 General
The use of optical auxiliaries and combined device systems during visual testing is necessary if
— concealed test objects or test objects inaccessible due to ionising radiation have to be made accessible
to observation,
— the detail resolution is inadequate,
— image documentation is required.
Optical auxiliaries and combined device systems used shall fulfil the requirements of EN 13927 as well
as the requirements according to 5.3.2 to 5.3.6.
The recorders and playback devices shall meet the requirements of this subclause in respect to the
image quality of the optical auxiliaries. The playback device shall have frame-to-frame playback.
In case of underwater tests, an inspection of the function, image quality and capability of the immersed
equipment is necessary. The inspection shall be documented.
5.3.3 Construction General
The optical auxiliaries and combined device systems shall be selected with consideration of the
application conditions in such way that
— they can be handled in a time-saving manner in respect to the radiation exposure of the test
— they are easy to decontaminate,
— the materials used, in particular glass as well as electrical and electronic components are resistant
to ionising radiation and do not release or exhibit any impermissible impurities,
— the effect of ionising radiation on the image quality is kept as low as possible by corresponding
measures (e.g. shielding),
— they can be used in a temperature range required for the application,
— adjustable lighting equipment is available, which is protected against bursting and mechanical
damage, (
— connection options for recorders are available in examination equipment (for remote VT),
ISO 20890-4:2020
— visualisation of
the following data is possible in combined device systems:
— place, date, time;
— component, test item, comments.
Endoscopes and video-endoscopes shall be selected in relation to the test assignment in such way that
— focussing, if necessary,
— if there is a light cable, then the shaft needs to be rotatable,
— the probes are corrosion resistant and, insofar as required, watertight in design,
— if necessary, a scale or scaling function is available for measure the dimension of indications. Cameras
Cameras shall be selected with consideration of the terms of reference and the application conditions.
— autofocus,