9, September 2022
(ISSN: 2308-1365) www.ijcar.net
High School student’s canteen service needs an important that needs more research. While the
importance of offering quality education is notable, for many high schools that are embattled in
their quest to retain students, attention to canteen service can be important. Administrators must,
therefore, consider the total offering which includes canteen services. This study examines
school canteen services in the Province of Sorsogon. A model was built from available
information and tested using data from a survey conducted at the Department of Education
Sorsogon Division, Province of Sorsogon Philippines. The result suggests that the three most
important variables that explain student satisfaction include facilities, sanitation and food choice.
Other significant variables include availability, sustainability, responsiveness, and cleanliness.
Attention to these variables could enable those in charge of canteen services to deliver greater
value and satisfaction to enhance students overall educational experience.
International Journal of Contemporary Applied Researches Vol. 9, No. 9, September 2022
(ISSN: 2308-1365) www.ijcar.net
1. Introduction
To become fully aware of the concept of the study at hand, ideas, insights and studies
from different groups and individuals were taken as a source of information. This basically
contributes to the significance of the study.
Canteen is a store in a camp or school in which foods, drinks, and small supplies are sold.
It is a place where someone can energize himself. All canteens have the responsibility to its
customer of providing quality food services, proper sanitation and facilities through proper
maintenance and observation of good hygiene. (Merriam-Webster Inc., 2014).
Canteen services are important educational resources that provide the students food
choices and other small supplies. Its mission is to provide work and self-improvement
opportunities to assist in a community. It is necessary for a canteen to provide services and
merchandise at high quality and reasonable prices to the inmate population in an efficient and
profitable manner.
On the other hand, Satisfaction of employees and clients is an important element of
success in the school canteen. (Bay, An & Laguador, 2014).Employees’ service to customer has
the strongest influence on relationship quality (Bencito, 2014)
According to Deped (D.O 65, 2009), in environments where people do not practice good
hygiene, they are not protected from infections and they are exposed to germs and respiratory
diseases. With safe water, combined with good hygiene practices diseases can be reduced by
more than half. Hygiene is fundamental to good health practices, and it needs to be taught in a
fun, engaging way that connects it with the realities of student’s lives.
Salik 2013, states that food service operation should not only be focused on the food
they’ve rendered to the students but also it concerns with the management. Results show that
efficient canteen management is necessary in order to provide food of the lowest cost and higher
in nutritional value. Likewise from among the common problems identified were the lack of
space to accommodate the students, time allotted for cooking is very limited, the food prepared
and displayed are not enough for the number of students and limited choices of food.
Syed et.al. 2008, examines college students' satisfaction with their food service
establishments. Significant variables include atmosphere, responsiveness, and cleanliness.
International Journal of Contemporary Applied Researches Vol. 9, No. 9, September 2022
(ISSN: 2308-1365) www.ijcar.net
Attention to these variables could enable those in charge of food services to deliver greater value
and satisfaction to enhance students' overall educational experience.
K Ardzejewska, 2012 found out that, although positive changes to canteen menus are
evident, there are varying levels of implementation of the strategy with a number of poor
nutritional choices regularly available. Implementation is influenced by the local context, school
type, canteen management practices, meal type and the student body – in particular, their
religious practices.
2. Objectives
Statement of the Problem
This study will assess the school canteen services in selected high schools in the province
of Sorsogon, school year 2017-2018.
Specifically, it will seek answers to the following questions:
1. What is the extent of availability of the services of the school canteens along:
a. Facilities
b. Sanitation
c. Food choices
2. What is the level of satisfaction of the customers along the identified variables?
3. What are the problems met in the school canteen operation?
4. What could be proposed based from the results of the study?
3. Research Methodology
This study will assess the school canteen services offered of the selected high schools in
the province of Sorsogon, during the school year 2017-2018.
This study employed the descriptive survey method of research. The methods attempted
to describe the present conditions, events or system based on impressions or reactions of
respondents. The respondents of this study were the 190 teachers and 190 students in 19 selected
schools in the province of Sorsogon.
A checklist questionnaire was used to determine and assess the extent of services of the
school canteen operation along facilities, sanitation, and food choice, level of satisfaction of the
International Journal of Contemporary Applied Researches Vol. 9, No. 9, September 2022
(ISSN: 2308-1365) www.ijcar.net
customers along the identified variables, and the problems met in the school canteen operation.
The data gathered were tabulated, consolidated, analyzed, and interpreted using the responses of
the teachers and student’s respondents.
The respondents of this study are the selected students and teachers of mother high
schools in the province of Sorsogon who usually have canteen services in their respective school.
There were 10 teachers and 10 students involved in every school, they were chosen purposively
for they were the one available during the conduct of the survey. The respondents provided
truthful answer that made this study more reliable.
The instrument used by the researcher in data gathering is the teacher made survey
questionnaire which concedes of three parts. Part I consists of the Extent of availability of the
services of the school canteen along facilities, sanitation and food choice respectively. Part II
consists of the costumer’s satisfaction along the identified variables, and Part III consists of the
problems met in the school canteen operation. The questionnaire was administered to the
selected big schools in the province of Sorsogon.
The teacher made survey questionnaire underwent several revisions and seeks the
approval of the panelist before dissemination process to the respondents was done. It was
submitted to the thesis adviser for checking and presented to the panel of members for
modifications and suggestions.
The results of the data gathered from the questionnairewere tabulated, analyzed and
interpreted. The researcher used frequency counts, percentage, rank, and mean to determine the
extent of services of the school canteen along the identified variables, likewise customers
International Journal of Contemporary Applied Researches Vol. 9, No. 9, September 2022
(ISSN: 2308-1365) www.ijcar.net
weighted mean as perceived by the students as Available. SANITATION has an overall weighted
mean of 3.60 and 3.65 both the teachers and students describe as Available. FOOD CHOICES
has an overall weighted mean of 3.68 and 3.64 both the teachers and students described as
2. Level of Satisfaction of the Costumers on the Services of School Canteen along Facilities,
Sanitation, and Food choice.
The level of satisfaction of the costumers on the services of school along FACILITIES
has an overall weighted mean of 3.70 and 3.69 both the teachers and students described as
Satisfied. SANITATION has an overall weighted mean of 3.85 and 3.69 both described as
Satisfied, FOOD CHOICES3.77 and 3.69 both described as Satisfied.
3. That there are problems encountered on the school canteen services and Plan of action be
made to address the problems encountered in the school canteen services.
5. Recommendations:
1. The extent of availability of the services of the school canteen along the identified
variables are available but can still be improve to make it into very much available.
2. Level of satisfaction of the customers along the identified variables are all satisfied but
can still be improve to make it into highly satisfied.
3. The problem encountered be given attention for the improvement of the services of the
school canteen.
International Journal of Contemporary Applied Researches Vol. 9, No. 9, September 2022
(ISSN: 2308-1365) www.ijcar.net
4. The proposed plan of action be given due consideration to address the problems met
encountered and to improve the services of the school canteen in the province of
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