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Noun can be defined as a name of a person, place or thing. Well, it’s all about
The word “thing” here can be described as -
‘NOUNS’ first!
Types of Nouns
There are usually 5 types of nouns:
1. Proper noun: It is a specific (i.e., not generic) name for a particular person, place, or thing.
Examples: Jigyasa, India, Delhi etc
2. Common noun: It is the generic name for a person, place, or thing in a class or group.
Examples: girl, country, city etc
3. Material noun: It refers to the matter, material or substance with which things are made.
Examples: gold, wood, water etc
Testbook Trick
If you want to ask about the quantity of a countable noun, you ask "How many?" combined with the plural
countable noun.
Refer to physicality. Something or someone that can be Refer to no physical existence. Can be felt. Feelings,
sensed. Emotions, Reactions, Actions.
Used to name people, place or thing in general. It refers to Used to name SPECIFIC people, place or thing. It refers to
the class or type. individual or single entity. Starts with a 'BLOCK' letter.
Two or more words that can create a noun. They can be Refers to a collection, bunch of a similar kind. Pack, bunch,
written as one word, or written with a hyphen in between. group, crowd.
(In the first example, Jury is a collective noun that means a group of advocates and judges but it takes a sin-
gular pronoun “its” and singular verb “has” since Jury is a group - a single entity)
(In the second example, Team is a collective noun that means a group of players but it takes singular verb “is”
since team is a group - a single entity.)
A collective noun is usually ‘singular’ but treated to be a “Plural”noun in the following cases-
i) If a collective noun is represented, divided.
ii) If members of a collective noun are represented individually.
1. The Jury are divided in their opinions.
2. The team are changing their dresses in the hall.
(In the first sentence, Jury is a collective noun but the verb and possessive pronoun with it are ‘plural’ be-
cause the jury is divided and “if a collective noun is divided it becomes plural”)
(In the second sentence, Team is a collective noun but taking a plural verb because individual members of
team are being considered. The sentence means - ‘The team members are changing their dresses in the
Below is the list of some important collective nouns, a student must go through them to have a thorough knowledge of
collective nouns.
List of Important Collective Nouns List of Important Collective Nouns List of Collective Nouns denoting a
Denoting groups of People: Denoting a Group of Animals & Group of Non-living Things
Note: We should not remove “s/es” from them in any case otherwise the word becomes incorrect.
trousers, jeans, pants, shorts, pajamas, breeches, jodhpurs, pantaloons, thongs, culottes, trappings, stock-
ings, shoes, socks etc
# Rules 3:
Some nouns look singular but have plural meanings. Such nouns take plural verbs.
Note: We should not add “s/es” in them because they are already plural.
Cattle, clergy, cavalry, infantry, poultry, peasantry, children, gentry, police, majority, artillery, cognoscenti,
vermin etc
Common Mistake
Example: The cattle is grazing in the ground. —WRONG
The cattle are grazing in the ground. —CORRECT
# Rules 4:
Some nouns look plural in form but have a singular meaning.
Note: We should use singular verb with them despite they end with ‘s/es’
News, politics, summons, physics, economics, ethics. mechanics, mathematics, measles, mumps, rickets, bil-
liards, draughts, 3 musketeers, Arabian nights, Philippines, Netherlands or Name of any noun ending with s/
es etc.
Common Mistake
Example: Ethics demands honesty. —WRONG
Ethics demand honesty. —CORRECT
# Rules 5:
Some nouns remain unchanged and can be used as Singular and Plural nouns both.
Note: We should not change these nouns for their singular or plural usage or meaning.
Sheep, deer, swine, offspring, salmon, fish, sturgeon, carp, pike, cod, trout, counsel, pice, aircraft, salmon,
series, species, innings etc
Common Mistake
Example: Sheeps are sold costlier than goats. —WRONG
Sheep are sold costlier than goats. —CORRECT
“Fishes” and “aircraft” are plural nouns used to mention different types or variety.
Fisherman caught many fish in his net. —CORRECT
I have 2 gold and 3 silver fishes in my aquarium.—CORRECT
India has signed a deal to purchase 30 aircraft from France. —CORRECT
Now, India has a unique collection of aircrafts.—CORRECT
# Rules 6
Some nouns change their meanings completely after adding ‘s/es’ in them.
Use of nouns as singular and plural in forms.
Common Mistake
Example: Cops caught the burglar and took him to jail in iron. —WRONG
Cops caught the burglar and took him to jail in irons. —CORRECT
# Rules 7
Not all nouns are changed into plural form by adding ‘s/es’. Some of them have unusual plural.
Datum Data
Medium Media
Forum Forums, Fora
Criterion Criteria
Phenomenon Phenomena
Formula Formulae
Oasis Oases
Lacuna Lacunae
Erratum Errata
Memorandum Memoranda
Alumnus Alumni
Syllabus Syllabi
Addendum Addenda
Common Mistake
Example: Bacterias flourish in left over food rapidly. —WRONG
Bacteria flourish in left over food rapidly. —CORRECT
A singular noun is always used before a preposition and after a preposition and hence followed by a
singular verb.
one of, each of, either of, neither of, any one of, a few of, very few of, half of, a lot of, a large number of,
We can make a noun in a possessive case just by adding an apostrophe (‘) and “s” at the end.
Example- Ram’s shop, Mohan’s book, Divy kant's notes, Children’s play. etc.
(ii) If a Proper Noun (singular) is ending in “s” then you can just add an apostrophe (‘) to show possession .
Similarly, If there is a plural Noun ending with “s” then we only use an apostrophe (‘) to show possession.
(iii) We do not use apostrophe (‘s) consecutively. (one after the other)
(iv) Usually (‘s) apostrophe is not used with “non-Living things” Unless the non living thing is personified, or
related to measurement or nature.
The baby slept in chair’s leap. (correct) - (because chair is personified in the sentence)
(v) If there are more than one noun joined with the conjunction ‘and’ -
B) Using ‘s with the last noun only will represent joint possession.
Sheela’s and Rohit’s fathers are meeting today. (Fathers of both Sheela and Rohit)
Sheela and Rohit’s father is going to the meeting. (Same father: both are siblings)