I.T.A. No. 1548/Del/2022
आदेश /O R D E R
This appeal is filed by the Revenue against the order of the Ld.
68 of the Act.
2. Briefly stated that facts are that the assessee e-filed his return of
I.T.A. No. 1548/Del/2022
was required to furnish the details of sales made by the assessee for the
assessee has shown sales only for April to June 2017 only for three
to whom the assessee made sales. The assessee was required to furnish
Vardhaman Traders. Since the assessee could not submit the PAN related
with the above parties, AO could not issue notice u/s 131/133(6) of the
made to the above parties observing that the assessee has not explained
the credits upto the satisfaction of the AO. On appeal the Ld.CIT(A)
deleted the addition the Ld. DR submitted that the assessee has not
proved the sales made to the five parties as stated by the AO in the
has rightly treated the sales made to these parties as unexplained income
of the assessee.
3. On the other hand, the Ld. Counsel for the assessee further
submits that the total sales made by the assessee during the assessment
audited balance sheet which is placed at page 11 of the paper book. Ld.
I.T.A. No. 1548/Del/2022
Counsel submits that for affecting these sales assessee has made
sales and purchases and he has not doubted the purchases made during
the year. Ld. Counsel submits that when purchases and profit as
sales made by the assessee. Ld. Counsel submits that the payments
received from the five parties were received by a banking channel and in
support of this the assessee filed bank statement which is also placed at
paper book pages 43 to 48. Ld. Counsel further submits that as a matter
introduction of GST from July 2017 the assessee did not carry out any
business. Therefore, the Ld. Counsel submits that since the assessee has
not carried out any business from the month of July 2017 assessee is not
in contact with the parties to whom sales were made thereafter. Ld.
Counsel submits that assessee pointed out that assessee has paid VAT on
these sales which was 20% of the sales and has submitted the VAT returns
and hence the action of the AO in disbelieving the sales made to these
I.T.A. No. 1548/Del/2022
the Act. We observe that the Ld.CIT(A) had considered the issue
and the averments of the AO and the assessment order and deleted the
9.1 The applicant had further stated that the sales made
by him are genuine sales, the payments in respect of the
sales had been received via banking channels and has been
duly recorded in the books of the appellant. He has also
stated that the appellant has paid VAT on the sales which
was 20% of the sales and submitted VAT returns reconciling
the same with the sales. The appellant has also submitted
various case laws in his support stating that the sales
cannot be treated as bogus unless the purchases or stocks
shown by him are found to be un-explained. The Assessing
Officer did not point out any mistake in the purchases or in
the inventory or in the VAT return filed by the appellant
I.T.A. No. 1548/Del/2022
9.2 In this case, the Assessing Officer has added the sales
only on the ground that the appellant has not kept PAN and
addresses of these purchasers. It has been observed that,
the appellant has also shown cash sales ^ without any
party-wise details (or PAN details) amounting to Rs. 6, 64,
57,477/- which has not been suspected by the Assessing
Officer. The appellant does not keep any PAN or address
details of its cash sales. The Assessing Officer treated the
cash sales as genuine and declared party-wise sales in which
the payments were received via banking channel, with
verifiable trails, as bogus sales. I find that the action is not
sustainable and therefore the addition made by AO
amounting to Rs.2,12,14,164/- is here by deleted and the
assessee’s appeal is allowed.”
do not see any infirmity in the order passed by the Ld.CIT(A) in holding
that the sales cannot be added u/s 68 unless they are proved as bogus on
the basis of some reliable evidences. Thus, we sustain the order of the
Sd/- Sd/-
Dated: 25.05.2023
I.T.A. No. 1548/Del/2022
Copy of order sent to- Assessee/AO/Pr. CIT/ CIT (A)/ ITAT (DR)/Guard
file of ITAT.
By order