Mil Reviewer.yen
Mil Reviewer.yen
Mil Reviewer.yen
- is a natural and inseparable fact of life. -messages sent and received are open to
- is one of those everyday activities that is various interpretation based on the context
intertwined with all of human life so and the culture of the receiver.
completely that we some times overlook its
persuasiveness, importance and complexity ENCODER- a communicator who produces
(littlejohn and foss,2008). and sends the message.
DECODER-the one who receives and
COMMUNICARE interprets the message.
- Latin word meaning “ to share” or “ to
divided out”. 5. RECEPTION MODEL- the reception
COMMUNIS- Latin, roughly means “working model show that it is not just about saying
together”. the message but also considering how the
message may be received because of the
COMMUNICATION MODELS factors that may influence reception.
1. TRANSMISSION MODELS- this model is
relatively straightforward and tells you that MEDIA AND INFORMATION: THE MEANS
communication originates from someone and AND THE ENDS IN COMMUNICATION
their message flows through a channel, either There are 2 distinct elements that intrinsically
through sound waves or light waves, and that interconnected with the concept of
someone on the other end receives the communication:
message with a corresponding effect. MEDIA AND INFORMATION
2. RITUAL OR EXPRESSIVE MODEL- in the - they are so intertwined that information is
expressive model, communication happens one of the reasons why communication is
due to the need to share understanding and done in the first place; and this information
emotions. can be shared through media.
ex. When you use symbolism/euphemism to
indirectly refer to certain things, but you are MEDIA- refers to the combination of physical
sure that your audience still understands objects used to communicate or mass
what you are trying to say. communication through physical objects such
The communication is ritualized because the as radio, televisions, computers etc.
meaning is suggested more than explicitly
stated and the understanding of it, through CATEGORIES OF MEDIA
connotative, is mutual.
Modality text,audio,graphics,
3. PUBLICITY MODEL- this model explains animation
that communication involves audiences as Format Digital or Analog
“spectators rather than participants or Way of Transmitting Electromagnetic or
information receive”- (McQulals,2005). radio waves, face-to-
ATTENTION is important because it is a face
measure of how successful the Mass Media Form tv,radio,print,internet,
communication has transpired. telephone,or mobile
4. RECEPTION MODEL- you come to MEDIA MODALITY- refers to the nature of
understand communication as an open