Final Paper Template Ava Chaikin
Final Paper Template Ava Chaikin
Final Paper Template Ava Chaikin
Bacteria was cultured from the girls’ locker room bathroom at Massapequa High School.
As seen in Figure 2, cultures were successful. Riboflavin was made and applied in accordance
with method steps 2, 3.3 and 3.5 respectively. Light was first broadly spread across the plate; in
the future, it will be concentrated to a particular colony. After failure to accurately determine if
bacteria had been (to any degree) sterilized, bacteria was transferred from the blue light plate to
an additional agar plate (see figure 4). This was in an attempt to determine if bacteria was able to
reproduce (i.e. if the bacteria had not grown on the plate in Figure 4 but did grow on the control
plate, it could be determined that the bacteria had been sterilized).
As depicted in Figures 2, cultured bacteria did grow successfully. As seen in Figure 3, no
evident change was seen in the bacteria. Figure 4 also shows the lack of sterilization as bacteria
was still grown after being transferred from the sterilized plate to additional agar plates. This
suggests that the bacteria was not sterilized when blue light was shown on the plate with
Riboflavin (or without Riboflavin).
To restate, the hypothesis for this experiment was the following: If surface bacteria is
sprayed with a 0.01M solution of the photosensitizer, Riboflavin, and placed under high intensity
blue light (405-470 nm) for 2 minutes, then there will be fewer colonies on the experimental
plate than the control plate (not sprayed with Riboflavin or placed under blue light). With the
data collected from the above trial, this hypothesis must be rejected seeing that no sterilization
was evident after being treated with a 0.01M solution of Riboflavin and placed under high
intensity blue light with the preceding wavelength. That said, this is an ongoing study; it requires
more data to reject the hypothesis with certainty.
Future research includes utilizing different wavelengths of light (such as a red light) with
Riboflavin as a photosensitizer. Interestingly, Vera Bärenfaller and her co-authors collected data
supporting that red light should be able to sterilize some times of surface bacteria suggesting this
wavelength should be further studied (Bärenfaller et al., 2016). Comparably, a recent study
evaluated the impacts of violet, blue, green, and red light regarding the sterilization of P.
fluorescens as planktonic cells, individual cells, and biofilms (Angarano et al., 2020).
Additionally, various other photosensitizers could be tested to determine their effectiveness
regarding bacteria sterilization. Moreover, by utilizing suspension cultures rather than agar plates
in the future, the Riboflavin may be able to more properly be absorbed by bacteria allowing for
sterilization. In furtherance, determining the shortest amount of time the light needs to be on the
bacteria is important to determine the necessary speed of the vacuum. It is also important to
determine if the bacteria is gram positive or gram negative; with this information, a greater
understanding of the cell membrane could be established allowing for the potential to expand on
the photosensitizers used. Ideally, gram negative bacteria would be sterilized and they are more
commonly harmful to people and are more resistant to antibiotics. Sterilization has become a
more pressing concern with the Covid-19 pandemic and individuals becoming more aware of
antibiotic resistant bacteria; with this, creating systems of bacteria sterilization that is effective
and mitigates harm to humans is necessary.
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