Bus Strat Env - 2021 - Pinheiro - Circular economy‐based new products and company performance The role of stakeholders and
Bus Strat Env - 2021 - Pinheiro - Circular economy‐based new products and company performance The role of stakeholders and
Bus Strat Env - 2021 - Pinheiro - Circular economy‐based new products and company performance The role of stakeholders and
DOI: 10.1002/bse.2905
UNESP – S~ao Paulo State University,
Production Engineering Department, Bauru, Abstract
Brazil While the circular economy (CE) attracts attention from scholars and practitioners,
EM Normandie Business School, Metis Lab,
the concept has been challenged by claims that the CE may be seen as a vague con-
Paris, France
Emlyon Business School, Ecully, France cept, or a new label for old green management practices. We propose a new approach
HLC Consulting, Department of Statistics, to study the effects of the CE on company performance: circular product design
Economics and Management, Semarang,
(CPD). Consequently, this work investigates how Industry 4.0 technologies and stake-
holder pressure influence CPD and, in turn, impact on company performance. Data
were obtained from firms which develop products in the electric–electronic and
Daniel Jugend, UNESP – S~ao Paulo State
University, Production Engineering equipment (EEE) sectors in Brazil. Our research results indicate that (i) the application
Department, Av. Engenheiro Luiz Edmundo
of Industry 4.0 technologies favors CPD, in particular artificial intelligence and big
Carrijo Coube 14-01, Bauru, SP, Brazil.
Email: [email protected] data analytics; (ii) pressure from stakeholders can encourage the adoption of circular
strategies, specially from suppliers because they are responsible for developing and
delivering smart components; and (iii) although the literature may be seen as contro-
versial, there is a positive relationship with regard to the impacts of CE adoption on
market performance. Among its main implications, the article also suggests a set of
design strategies oriented towards the development of products for the CE.
circular economy, emerging technologies, new product development, performance,
stakeholders, sustainable design
Bus Strat Env. 2022;31:483–499. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/bse © 2021 ERP Environment and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 483
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performance through a quantitative approach, which adds to the liter- Does the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies and pressure from
ature on the CE. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no stakeholders influence on the adoption of CPD? Does the CPD adoption
previous studies testing the relationship of these themes empirically. affect environmental and market performance?
Since CPD has been pointed out as one of the key movements To address these questions, we proposed and then developed a
towards the CE, it has been the subject of many recent studies quantitative research model, which integrates the constructs: Industry
(e.g., Arroyabe et al., 2021; Bocken et al., 2016; Schmidt et al., 2021). 4.0, stakeholder pressure, CPD, and environmental and market
CPD aims to develop products that have multiple cycles (Selvefors performance.
et al., 2019) while preserving the quality of materials and avoiding Although CPD can contribute to the development of sustainable
waste (Franco, 2019). In this regard, several circular strategies, also products and it is recognized as a field of study in the CE (Bocken
known as design-for-X (DfX) approaches, have become the standard: et al., 2016; Mestre & Cooper, 2017), no studies have been found
such as product life extension, modularization, upgrading, and durabil- addressing this topic by means of quantitative surveys, especially in
ity (Moreno et al., 2016). Moreover, products approaching the emerging markets such as Brazil. Therefore, it is relevant to contribute
servitization and product-service-system (PSS) business have also to this field and fill this gap, since the relationship between Industry
been proposed as circular business models (Halstenberg et al., 2019; 4.0 technologies, stakeholder pressure, and CPD is unclear, as well as
Okorie et al., 2021). the influence that CPD may have on the environment or market per-
Firms looking towards less-polluting energy sources and for bet- formance. For instance, the lack of market demand has still been iden-
ter input consumption have adopted Industry 4.0 technologies (Tiwari tified as a relevant barrier to the adoption of design for sustainability
et al., 2015). However, the adoption of these technologies has chan- and eco-design (Boks, 2006; Küçüksayraç, 2015); thus, it is relevant to
ged companies' operations (Rajput & Singh, 2019), affecting different investigate whether this also occurs in relation to CPD.
areas, such as supply chain management, manufacturing, and waste Companies from the electric–electronic and equipment (EEE) sec-
management (Bag et al., 2021; Shahbazi & Jönbrink, 2020). Some tors were chosen to participate in this research, since (i) their compo-
studies have also suggested the importance of Industry 4.0 technolo- nents are highly polluting (Bovea & Pérez-Belis, 2018; Sassanelli
gies for the adoption of CPD (e.g., Halstenberg et al., 2019; Lin, 2018), et al., 2020); (ii) several challenges related to the reuse and
since Industry 4.0 technologies can drive the development of smart remanufacturing of EEE have been identified in the CPD literature
products (Halstenberg et al., 2019) as well as facilitate the adoption of et al., 2017); and
(e.g., Bovea & Pérez-Belis, 2018; Talens Peiro
additive manufacturing in companies (Sauerwein et al., 2019). (iii) companies in these sectors have been pursuing the development
Furthermore, the adoption of Industry 4.0 may require efforts of more connected and smart products with technologies, such as the
from stakeholders such as governments and policymakers in coopera- internet of things (IoT) and sensors, cloud computing, data analysis,
tion with industries and end-users (Despeisse et al., 2017; Modgil big data, and artificial intelligence (AI) (Kahle et al., 2020).
et al., 2021). In the context of emerging markets, stakeholders' inter- The structure of the article is as follows. Section 2 presents the
est in the CE is growing, since stakeholders have greater power and theoretical framework and hypotheses; Section 3 contains the
influence on corporate environmental practices (e.g., Gupta research methodology; Section 4 addresses the research results;
et al., 2019; Li et al., 2019), and especially when considering the Section 5 presents a discussion; and Section 6 encapsulates the
recent efforts of firms towards adopting the CE (e.g., Jakhar conclusions.
et al., 2019; Li et al., 2019; Subramanian et al., 2019), and currently
even to the CPD (Hapuwatte & Jawahir, 2021). It is important to high-
light that in countries like Brazil that still have an institutional void in 2 | THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND
relation to the CE, the role of stakeholders is even more relevant HY P O T H E S E S
when considering the adoption of circular practices (Jabbour
et al., 2020). Thus, the theory of stakeholders deserves to be exten- 2.1 | Circular product design
sively investigated in the CE and in CPD, especially when considering
an environment of an institutional void. The CE proposes an approach to energy and materials that can pro-
This article aims to contribute to the fields of the CE by investi- vide economic, environmental, and social benefits when companies
gating the impact of the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies and replace the traditional perspective of “take, make, use, and dispose,”
stakeholder pressure on CPD and the impact of adopting CPD princi- also known as the linear economy, with the CE (Sauvé et al., 2016). In
ples on company performance. Due to the relevance of operations a linear system, value creation is based on material flow, where virgin
management, sustainability, and innovation technology (Sousa materials enter the upstream value chain. The entire product value,
Jabbour et al., 2019); the scarcity of empirical studies in developing except for the raw material value, is added through manufacturing
countries (Goyal et al., 2016); and company performance with respect processes (Ghisellini et al., 2016). Seeking to overcome this system,
to CPD, this study aims to answer the following questions which still CPD aims to decouple value creation from the consumption of finite
need further clarification in companies operating in an emerging mar- resources by enabling multiple life cycles in which products, compo-
ket, such as Brazil: nents, and materials have extended lifespans (Shahbazi et al., 2020).
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CPD aims to maintain product value as long as viable, focusing on shareholders and financiers, communities, and employees, and with
design methods that result in extending the useable life, either how they interact to jointly create and trade value (Sarkis et al., 2010).
through easy maintenance or by ensuring reliability and durability Due to an increased awareness and knowledge of stakeholders
(Chouinard et al., 2019; den Hollander et al., 2017). For this, the CPD regarding sustainability issues, industries push to reconcile the whole
approach presents three fundamental looping strategies: narrowing, product life cycle including sourcing, manufacture, use, disposal, and
slowing, and closing loops (Bocken et al., 2016). Narrowing aims to recovering the value of the product after its useful life (Jakhar
design products that use the least quantity of resources within a pro- et al., 2019). The relationship between industry and the environment
duction process. Slowing is focused on designing long lifetime prod- is relevant for a company's performance and its importance has been
ucts and related activities to use and reuse products and materials for amplified due to stakeholder concerns (Lieder & Rashid, 2016).
prolonged use and reuse. Closing aims to establish continuous product Stakeholder theory is considered relevant when moving from a
flows in an environment, from the end of the cycle to post-use and linear consumption system to a circular model (Gandolfo &
production (Bocken et al., 2016). Lupi, 2021; Gupta et al., 2019), since a well-designed business model
To allow the customization, updating, or upgrading of products, seeks to create value for a company and its customers (Moggi &
aspects such as software updates, exchanges, or the improvement of Dameri, 2021), as well as stakeholders, such as suppliers and business
components and modules during use are necessary (Moreno partners. Stakeholder theory has also found its way into research on
et al., 2016; Shahbazi & Jönbrink, 2020). Moreover, products that the CE and company performance (Jakhar et al., 2019). Moreover, in
offer an appearance customers desire to use for long periods are also the context of emerging markets, stakeholders' interest in the CE is
a part of the CPD approach (den Hollander et al., 2017; Haines-Gadd growing (Gupta et al., 2019; Li et al., 2019; Subramanian et al., 2019).
et al., 2018). The nature of CPD is such that it focuses on early failures Several studies have also considered the relevant effect of stake-
and uncertainties in the process towards environmental solutions holders on the performance of firms in these markets (e.g., Jabbour
(Andrae et al., 2020), considering new product development (NPD) et al., 2015; Li et al., 2019), some in the context of the CE (Jabbour
design aspects, such as recovery, disassembly, recycling, et al., 2020).
remanufacturing, reuse, repair, and refurbishment (den Hollander Although there are already studies relating the pressure of stake-
et al., 2017; Pinheiro et al., 2019; Sassanelli et al., 2020). holders to the adoption of the CE, its relations with the CPD have not
Although CPD plays a relevant role for the CE (Arroyabe yet been investigated. The shift from traditional NPD to CPD also
et al., 2021), the literature has shown some challenges to its adoption. requires changes in production and consumption (Subramanian
Chief among the main barriers are the technological limitations of et al., 2019) and, as such, the stakeholders involved in this process
products and processes (Holtström et al., 2019), and the high costs have important roles to play (Baldassarre et al., 2017; Modgil
and investments necessary to adopt a new business model based on et al., 2021). Furthermore, various stakeholder groups have been
CPD (Kaddoura et al., 2019). Moreover, the alignment and capability pressuring firms to adopt circular strategies (Gupta et al., 2019; Jakhar
of the supply chain (De los Rios & Charnley, 2017; Kane et al., 2018) et al., 2019), which tend to have implications as well for CPD
and customer preferences (Holtström et al., 2019) have been seen as (Hapuwatte & Jawahir, 2021). Therefore, we attempt to understand
key points to address. Additionally, customers may be not ready for the role that stakeholder pressure plays on a firm's CPD, through the
the idea of buying circular products (Kirchherr et al., 2018), either by following hypothesis:
supporting reverse supply chains or by having a belief common among
consumers that remanufactured, reengineered parts and recycled H1. Stakeholder pressure has a positive effect on CPD.
materials are of poorer quality (Kane et al., 2018).
et al., 2019; Pham et al., 2019; Rosa et al., 2020). In this sense, Indus- as the reduction of emissions, effluent or solid wastes, and a decrease
try 4.0 technologies can also drive CE by either tracking products in either the consumption of toxic materials or in the frequency of
post-consumption, to recover components (Jabbour et al., 2019), or environmental accidents should be considered (Li et al., 2019; Raut
optimizing sustainable solutions to reduce emissions from and et al., 2019). A positive EP can help a company establish a good image
resources used in industrial systems (Tseng et al., 2018). Furthermore, and gain reputation; it could also be a source of market legitimacy;
to meet end-of-life (EoL) product requirements, real-time product this is because a “green” image contributes to winning trust and loy-
monitoring systems tend to be improved (Hapuwatte & alty from customers (Li et al., 2019).
Jawahir, 2021). Prior studies have discussed the relationship between EP and
Within the field of emerging technologies, Industry 4.0 has intro- market performance (MP) (e.g., Dangelico et al., 2017; Jabbour
duced companies to the IoT or cyber-physical systems, which have et al., 2015). In this case, company reputation, image, and alignment
revolutionized inter-equipment communication—through the internet between what a company offers and consumer expectations are com-
and data storage in cloud computing, augmented and virtual reality, mon assessment measures (González-Benito & González-Benito, 2006;
simulation and virtualization of production, among other technologies Iskandar & Ariffin, 2019). An increase in EP provides a positive brand
(Avila-Gutiérrez et al., 2019). IoT technology also allows companies to image, increases market share, and improves operational performance
collect a large amount of data, usually called Big Data (Nobre & and innovative capabilities (Dangelico et al., 2017). MP can also be
Tavares, 2019; Rosa et al., 2020). Thus, Big Data combined with understood as the ability of firms to gain market share due to the out-
appropriate analytics can advance management directed towards the comes of their rivals with respect to customer satisfaction, new cus-
CE by feeding sustainability-oriented decision-making processes with tomer acquisition, and loyalty in the context of the service industry
information on environmental impact throughout a product's life cycle (Rajapathirana & Hui, 2018).
(Kamble et al., 2021), also contributing to reuse, waste reduction, and Some companies are motivated to implement circular strategies
product recycling (Awan et al., 2021). that could enhance their potential to gain substantial competitive
The development and use of AI and intelligent systems, which advantages through economic performance and EP. The CE approach
make use of robotic sensors and actuators, are also examples of could increase the revenue and market share of some companies,
Industry 4.0 technologies that can be applied to boost CPD since it may help them to advertise their products and to be competi-
(Ghoreishi & Happonen, 2020). Despite their relevance, studies relat- tive in global marketing (Iskandar & Ariffin, 2019; Raut et al., 2019).
ing to Industry 4.0 and CPD are still insufficient (Kiel et al., 2017; However, the adoption of circular strategies has faced market chal-
Müller et al., 2018). There is also a need to explore the connection of lenges, due to the cost of raw materials that are sometimes cheaper
cyber-physical systems to the IoT to support smart remanufacturing, than the recycled or remanufactured materials; consumers may also
while aligning with the evolving circularity in business (Bag be unwilling to accept products that are shared, remanufactured, or
et al., 2020; Bag et al., 2021; Kerin & Pham, 2019). Therefore, we reused (Kirchherr et al., 2018). In this context, it is still not clear what
derived the second hypothesis: influences CPD may present on company performance. Thus, we con-
sidered the following hypotheses:
H2. The adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies has a
positive effect on CPD. H3. CPD has a positive effect on the EP of companies.
Construct Reference
3.1 | Measures and scales Stakeholder Sarkis et al. (2010), Jakhar et al. (2019).
Aiming to answer the research question and to meet the objectives of Industry 4.0 Sousa Jabbour et al. (2018), Rajput and
this research, we adopted a quantitative survey. The development of Singh (2019), Pham et al. (2019).
the questionnaire used in this research consisted of two stages. As a Circular product Bocken et al. (2016), den Hollander et al. (2017),
first stage, the theoretical review supported in developing the design Sinclair et al. (2018), Halstenberg et al. (2019),
Selvefors et al. (2019).
research model was applied. Regarding stakeholder pressure, we
based questions on Sarkis et al. (2010) and Jakhar et al. (2019). The Environmental Paulraj (2011).
“Industry 4.0” construct was based, mainly, on Sousa Jabbour
Market Ingenbleek et al. (2013), Jabbour et al. (2015).
et al. (2018), Rajput and Singh (2019), and Pham et al. (2019).
The “CPD” construct was developed based on Bocken
et al. (2016), den Hollander et al. (2017), Sinclair et al. (2018),
Halstenberg et al. (2019), and Selvefors et al. (2019). Bocken
et al. (2016) and den Hollander et al. (2017) observed that CPD first draft of the document was sent to nine specialists—five working
encompasses design approaches to recyclability, remanufacturing, at companies and four academic researchers—to obtain their percep-
reuse, disassembly, maintenance, refurbishing, and emotional durabil- tions for each item of the questionnaire. Suggestions for improvement
ity. The design of products that are able to satisfy multiple different were made and incorporated into the final questionnaire. This stage
users was addressed in Sinclair et al. (2018) and Selvefors aimed to determine the validity and accuracy with which the ques-
et al. (2019). Finally, Sinclair et al. (2018) and Halstenberg et al. (2019) tions addressed practices in the industry. The questionnaire also had a
highlighted the PSS as a means of achieving CPD. cover letter containing the objective of the research and the contact
The independent constructs were EP (based on Paulraj, 2011) details of researchers working in Brazil (e-mail and telephone num-
and MP (based on Ingenbleek et al., 2013; Jabbour et al., 2015). bers), in case respondents had any doubts. The original questionnaire
“Company size” (number of employees), the presence of “ISO 14001” was developed and written in the Brazilian–Portuguese language,
certification, and “exportation” (if the company has export activities) which in this article has been translated into English (Appendix A).
were considered as control variables. Table 1 summarizes the refer-
ences we used for underpinning each of the constructs of the theoret-
ical framework. 3.2 | Sample description and data collection
The second stage adopted for developing the questionnaire
included a pre-test carried out on researchers and practitioners in the The population framed in this study, regarding the collection of data,
areas of product development and environmental management. The was Brazilian firms that develop products in the EEE sector. The
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population was obtained through lists of the companies associated bias and common method variance. An independent t-test was used
with the Brazilian Association of the Electrical and Electronics Industry to compare the mean difference of two response waves—early and
(known as ABINEE, its Portuguese acronym) and with the Brazilian late responders, with the assumption that the late responders repre-
Association of Machinery and Equipment Industry (known as ABIMAQ, sented a sample who did not respond to the survey (Fulton, 2018);
its Portuguese acronym). The LinkedIn professional social network was our results found no significant differences (p > .05) in both the
the main source for contacting the professionals from the participat- Levene test and the equality of means for the variables in the model
ing companies. (Table 3). In addition, the common method variance was considered in
The questionnaire was sent to mid-to-high-level employees of this study, which often occurs in the self-reporting technique using
the companies (e.g., analysts, engineers, managers, and directors). We the survey method (Doty & Glick, 1998; Malhotra et al., 2006). We
chose these positions because they are professionals normally concluded that non-response bias did not affect our further analysis.
involved with the NPD process and also with monitoring company In addition, the common method variance was considered in this
results. In addition, working in the EEE sector means that these pro- study, which often occurs in the self-reporting technique using the
fessionals are also involved with Industry 4.0 technologies. Several survey method. We use Harman's single factor to detect this bias. We
previous studies have contacted staff in this type of position as a suit- found five factors extracted, with the largest percentage of variance
able profile of respondent (e.g., Bag et al., 2021; Dangelico being 27.93% (less than 50%). Therefore, we concluded that the com-
et al., 2013; Schmidt et al., 2021). The website Survey Monkey hosted mon method variance did not occur in our measurement and survey.
the management of the questionnaire sent to the participating compa- However, we acknowledge that these biases may still exist and our
nies. Data were collected from companies across Brazil, thus ensuring data are not completely free from these biases.
sample representativeness.
The invitation letter reached 952 companies, and our final sample
comprised 142 companies. We only considered questionnaires from 3.3 | Data analysis
companies that develop products (i.e., companies that only distribute
products were excluded). In total, 81.7% of respondents identified We employed partial least squares (PLS) path modeling for data analy-
their companies as electronics, machinery, and equipment based, sis. Some justifications for the use of PLS are considered, as follows.
16.2% identified as being involved with consumer goods, companies First, the PLS approach is useful when involving complex models with
that make and sell products for direct use by the buyers (in the medium sample sizes. In our case, a small to moderate population size
business-to-consumer market, b2c), and 2.1% represented other kinds is appropriate for the case of PLS (Hair et al., 2019). Second, this
of companies (Table 2). approach is often referred to as an alternative method for structural
Several preliminary tests were conducted to ensure that measure- equation modeling (SEM) when the maximum likelihood
ment and data collection were free of biases, such as non-response (ML) estimator cannot work. Since our data are not normal, PLS is the
right choice over ML or multiple regression (Ramli et al., 2018). Finally,
PLS offers several other advantages, such as being suitable for model
TABLE 2 Profile of firms and respondents development with weak to moderate theoretical support (in our case,
Frequency e.g., CPD) and supporting advanced features. We calculated the mini-
Respondent characteristics (%) mum sample requirements for our model and found our data to be
No. of employees greater than 76 cases (where the minimum absolute significant path
<100 48 (33.8) coefficient was 2.64, the significance level was .05, and the required
power level was 0.80). Additionally, our sample is larger than other
Between 100 and 500 42 (29.6)
relevant works in the areas of green production and green product
>500 52 (36.6)
development (e.g., Dangelico et al., 2013; Klassen & Whybark, 1999;
Job position
Rao, 2002). The results of the PLS analysis were reported as follows.
Managers (marketing, sales, product, quality, among 44 (31.0)
First, we reported the results of the measurement model through con-
firmatory factor analysis (CFA) (e.g., factors loadings, average variance
Directors and CEOs 34 (23.9)
Analysts and assistants (marketing, quality, among 25 (17.6)
TABLE 3 Assessment of non-response bias
Engineers (projects, products, among others) 21 (14.8)
Construct Levene's test Sig. t-test
Coordinators and supervisors (R&D, quality, 18 (12.7)
environment, projects, products, among others) Industry 4.0 (IND) 0.822 0.683
Sector Stakeholder pressure (STP) 0.961 0.663
Electronics, machinery and equipment 116 (81.7) Circular product design (CPD) 0.533 0.507
Consumer goods 23 (16.2) Environmental performance (EPR) 0.901 0.750
Others 3 (2.1) Market performance (MPR) 0.862 0.666
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extracted, and composite reliability). Second, we reported the results our data were free from collinearity. To support this conclusion, we
of the structural model through the least squares (LS) estimator calculated the variance inflation factor (VIF) for each predictor in the
(e.g., r , effect size, and p-value). Third, we tested the hypothesis using model and found VIF values < 3, which meet a rule-of-thumb thresh-
a bootstrapping approach at a 95% confidence interval (CI). Finally, old (see Table 7). In addition, we confirmed that descriptive statistics
we reported the results of robustness checks to strengthen our main and correlations between variables were based on complete data
findings. without missing values. However, we excluded outliers from our data
We used the SmartPLS 3 software to analyze our data (Ringle to get precise results with z-scores > 2.56.
et al., 2015) and implemented specific settings before running it. In
the PLS algorithm settings, we selected the path weighting scheme
with the maximum number of iterations set at 300 and a stop criterion 4.1 | Measurement model assessment
7 07
of 10 (1.0E ). In terms of bootstrapping, we used 5000 subsam-
ples to obtain stability of model estimates through CI methods, We conducted a CFA to assess the measurement model, consisting
namely, a bias-corrected and accelerated (BCa) bootstrap. In addition, of factor loadings, average variance extracted (AVE), Cronbach's
we set the level of significance to reject null hypothesis using one- alpha (α), and composite reliability (ρc). We obtained the factor load-
tailed at 5%. ings values for each indicator > 0.708 and AVE > 0.5, respectively,
in line with the recommended thresholds for maintaining convergent
validity (Garson, 2016; Hair et al., 2017; Ramli et al., 2018).
4 | RESULTS Although a few indicators yielded values below this cut-off, it is still
acceptable for strengthening content validity (Bandalos, 2018). In
Tables 4 and 5 present descriptive statistics (the means and standard addition, we obtained α and ρc values greater than 0.70, which met
deviations) of each indicator variable; Table 6 presents the correlation the requirements of internal consistency reliability (Hair et al., 2017;
between the variables. Following the guidelines of Bedeian (2014), we Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994). Finally, the goodness of fit (GoF) index
confirmed that the mean and standard deviation of the variables in for the CFA model included a standardized root mean square resid-
the model did not exceed the maximum, and the correlation sign was ual (SRMR) of 0.077 < 0.08 and normed fit index (NFI) of
not reversed. We found no correlation greater than .70 for all pairs of 0.923 > 0.90, which indicated that our CFA model was a good fit
relationships between variables, which gave an initial indication that (Schuberth et al., 2018).
TABLE 4 Measurement model assessment of Industry 4.0, stakeholder pressure, and environmental performance
Abbreviations: AVE, average variance extracted; FL, factor loading; SD, standard deviation; α, Cronbach's alpha; ρc, composite reliability.
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T A B L E 5 Measurement model
Indicator/item Code Mean SD FL AVE α ρc
assessment of circular product design
A. Circular product design (CPD) 0.500 0.880 0.902 and market performance
Recyclability CD1 4.099 0.922 0.700
Reuse CD2 4.169 0.847 0.659
Remanufacturing CD3 4.042 0.978 0.703
Maintenance CD4 4.218 0.965 0.663
Disassemble CD5 4.155 0.842 0.674
Refurbished CD6 3.845 0.898 0.757
Emotional durability CD7 4.106 0.998 0.710
Updating/upgrading CD8 4.225 0.937 0.676
Product-service system (PSS) CD9 4.310 1.022 0.715
Multiple circles CD10 4.113 1.042 0.653
B. Market performance) 0.613 0.841 0.887
Increased market share MP1 4.197 0.833 0.783
Opened new markets MP2 4.444 0.666 0.685
Improved image and reputation MP3 4.479 0.647 0.809
Improved profitability MP4 4.141 0.924 0.777
Improved competitiveness MP5 4.303 0.814 0.850
Abbreviations: AVE, average variance extracted; FL, factor loading; SD, standard deviation; α, Cronbach's
alpha; ρc, composite reliability.
TABLE 6 Assessment of discriminant validity using the Fornell–Lacker criterion, the heterotrait monotrait ratio, and correlations
Construct 1 2 3 4 5
CPD (0.692) 0.310** 0.564** 0.304** 0.333**
EPR 0.350 [0.475; 223] (0.784) 0.219** 0.368** 0.538**
IND 0.647 [0.745; 535] 0.261 [0.350; 106] (0.772) 0.265** 0.220**
MPR 0.359 [0.497; 221] 0.436 [0.549; 309] 0.336 [0.456; 208] (0.783) 0.300**
STP 0.379 [0.501; 250] 0.621 [0.720; 510] 0.257 [0.374; 144] 0.364 [0.499; 225] (0.770)
Note: Brackets show the upper and lower bounds of the 95% BCa confidence intervals. Diagonal and bold elements are the square roots of the AVE
(average variance extracted). Below the diagonal are the HTMT values. Above the diagonal are the correlations between the construct.
**Correlation is significant at the .01 level (two-tailed).
In addition to convergent validity, we assessed the discriminant Second, we assessed the heterotrait–monotrait (HTMT) ratio. HTMT
validity using two approaches. First, we compared the square root of values greater than 0.90 show the similarity of measurements
AVE with the correlation between latent variables. This approach is between variables, while HTMT values less than 0.85 show the oppo-
often called the Fornell–Lacker criterion. In Table 6, the diagonal line site (Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994). In Table 6, the HTMT values gener-
shows the square root of AVE is greater than the correlation between ated below the diagonal line are less than 0.85, indicating that
variables, which means that the discriminant validity is fulfilled. discriminant validity was established.
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4.2 | Structural model assessment relationships between variables. Overall, our hypotheses on the rela-
tionship between variables (Table 8) were supported. For the relation-
We reported several core metrics for evaluating structural models and ships between STP ! CPD, IND ! CPD, and CPD ! EPR, we found
related parameters. In this regard, we reported the coefficient of positive and significant effects with beta (β) values of 0.233, 0.552,
determination (R2) for each endogenous variable and the effect size and 0.283, respectively, which were significant at p < .01 at the 95%
(f2) for each predictor in the model. We obtained R2 values for the CI. Therefore, H1, H2, and H3 were supported. Finally, for the rela-
endogenous variables in the proposed model ranging from 0.136 to tionship between CPD ! MPR and EPR ! MPR, we found a positive
0.417 (Table 7). According to Hair et al. (2017), these values fall into and significant effect with beta (β) values of 0.200 and 0.328, respec-
large categories. Regarding the magnitude of the contribution vari- tively, which was significant at p < .05 at the 95% CI. Hence, H4 and
ance, we obtained f2 values ranging from 0.088 to 0.497 (Table 7). H5 were supported.
Based on Garson (2016) and Hair et al. (2017), f values are included
in the small-to-large category. We obtained predictive relevance (Q2)
values through a blindfolding procedure for each dependent variable 4.4 | Robustness checks
in the model greater than 0. The Q2 results indicate that the PLS
model was “fit” (Latan et al., 2018). We conducted three robustness checks to reinforce our main findings.
First, we assessed endogeneity bias through the Heckman test with
the Stata 16.0 program. We found no endogeneity biases, including
4.3 | Testing of hypotheses inverse causality, sample-selection bias, and omitted variables
(Peel, 2018). We found no significant differences in the various com-
We simultaneously tested our hypotheses through the LS estimator. binations of each relationship in the model after controlling for other
The results of the hypothesis testing are shown in Figure 2. To test variables (Table 9). These results confirm that our main findings were
whether our hypotheses were supported, we looked at the sign of the free from endogeneity bias. Second, we examined the potential of
path coefficient (β) and the 95% bootstrap CI through p-values on the nonlinear relationships between variables. Because PLS generally
T A B L E 1 1 Assessment of
Number of segments
unobserved heterogeneity using the
Criteria k=1 k=2 k=3 FIMIX method
Akaike's information criterion (AIC) 1105.63 1090.07 1071.44
Modified AIC with factor 3 (AIC3) 1119.63 1119.07 1115.44
Modified AIC with factor 4 (AIC4) 1133.63 1148.07 1159.44
Bayesian information criteria (BIC) 1147.01 1175.78 1201.50
Consistent AIC (CAIC) 1161.01 1204.78 1245.50
Hannan–Quinn criterion (HQ) 1122.45 1124.90 1124.29
Minimum description length with factor 5 (MDL5) 1424.54 1750.66 2073.72
Log likelihood (LnL) 538.816 516.033 491.720
Entropy statistic (EN) n/a 0.499 0.670
Non-fuzzy index (NFI) n/a 0.567 0.677
Normalized entropy criterion (NEC) n/a 71.180 46.792
Note: Numbers in bold indicate the best outcome per segment retention criterion.
Abbreviation: n/a, not available.
assumes a linear combination between variables (Garson, 2016), a (Table 10). Hence, we concluded that our model had been correctly
nonlinear pattern (i.e., a quadratic effect) is considered absent. To test specified (Wooldridge, 2020).
the existence of this nonlinear pattern, we used Ramsey's regression Finally, we conducted a finite mixture (FIMIX) estimation to test
specification error test (RESET) (Wooldridge, 2020). Based on unobserved heterogeneity (Sarstedt et al., 2017). To ensure this bias
Ramsey's test, we found values of p > .05 for all possible relationships did not occur in our study, we assessed the GoF index for model
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comparisons. We obtained Akaike's information criterion modified (Jabbour et al., 2020). This indicates the relevance of suppliers within
with factor 4 (AIC4) and consistent Akaike's information criterion the stakeholder construct in the CPD context. Moreover, the lack of
(CAIC) falling into the same number of segments (k = 1), which indi- information and clarity regarding the responsibilities of each member
cates that this bias was absent (Table 11). To strengthen this conclu- of a supply chain could affect operational capabilities, also increase
sion, we examined the Hannan–Quinn criterion (HQ), the Bayesian the waste across supply chain processes (Jabbour et al., 2020), which
information criteria (BIC), and minimum description length with factor could move backward the CPD purpose. Furthermore, suppliers are
5 (MDL5), which generally works better to determine the number of relevant to support CPD initiatives of focal companies, as suppliers
segments. Our results indicated that there were no different results are responsible for developing and delivering smart components.
between tests, which confirmed our previous conclusion. This result can be considered an advance to the literature, since
although it was expected that stakeholders would be important in
organizational decisions regarding CPD, suppliers were shown to be
5 | DISCUSSION one of the most recognized stakeholders in the CE (Gupta
et al., 2019). This finding is relevant since it points out that suppliers
This study empirically evaluated the role of Industry 4.0 technologies can be presented above one of the most recognized stakeholders in
and stakeholder pressure on CPD and, in turn, their impact on com- terms of the CE, the government (Ghisellini et al., 2016; Gupta
pany performance. Considering the research results, the theoretical et al., 2019). Unlike the common literature, our findings can be
research framework proved to be suitable for empirically understand- explained, since most of the policies and frameworks regarding CE
ing the practical interactions of the research topics within firms. and CPD are commonly founded in European or Asian literature
Despite the fact that the emerging literature has dealt with Industry (Jabbour et al., 2020; Kirchherr et al., 2018), and Brazil is still develop-
4.0, stakeholders, and CPD (e.g., Modgil et al., 2021; Rajput & ing its institutional approach to the CE.
Singh, 2019; Shahbazi et al., 2020), there is still a lack of empirical evi- It is important to note that among the design strategies that
dence addressing these determinants affecting company performance. emerged in our study, PSS has been the most connected with circular
Hence, our findings provide relevant contributions and answer recent business models, approaching servitization (Halstenberg et al., 2019;
calls regarding both the performance of CE and NPD firms from Sub- Okorie et al., 2021). Moreover, the expansion of digital transformation
ramanian et al. (2019), and Industry 4.0 and CPD from Müller has enabled PSS offerings (Bressanelli et al., 2018). Servitization has
et al. (2018) and Jabbour et al. (2020) by filling empirical gaps in the grown through the intensification of the use of the internet, informa-
literature and adding unique evidence for CPD constructs. tion technology, and the adoption of mobile apps (McAloone &
Initially, the highest beta level of our results is the relationship Pigosso, 2017). These findings could be useful by raising new research
between Industry 4.0 and CPD constructs. This finding indicates that and contributions to CPD regarding both “DfX” strategies related to
CPD can be favored by the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies. PSS and servitization.
Besides adding new findings to the NPD and innovation technology We also observed positive relationships among the CPD adoption
literature, this result is aligned with previous studies (Nobre & and the performance dimensions investigated, supporting H3 and H4.
Tavares, 2019; Rosa et al., 2020), which have pointed out that the Despite the relationship between CE and MP being a controversial
adoption of these emerging technologies can contribute to the inte- point in the literature (Lonca et al., 2020; Subramanian et al., 2019),
gration of CE in companies. our research points out that the adoption of CPD may improve market
Regarding the Industry 4.0 construct, the development and use of performance, generating positive results connected to an increase in
AI was the most relevant technology (FL = 0.858). This can be market share, competitiveness, and improving brand image reputation
explained by the fact that AI has been broadly used for increasing effi- and awareness. It was expected that CPD had a positive relationship
ciency in electric and electronic-driven production systems (Pham to EP. In this sense, our results supported this hypothesis, which is
et al., 2019). Moreover, as the Ellen MacArthur Foundation has also aligned to previous literature regarding the relationship between
pointed out, AI can accelerate the transition towards a CE at scale, green product development and sustainable performance
offering substantial improvements into areas such as product design, (Dangelico, 2016; Jabbour et al., 2020; Korhonen et al., 2018).
operations, and infrastructure optimization (Ellen MacArthur The last hypothesis presents a positive relation between EP and
Foundation, 2019). Big Data and IoT were also relevant technologies, MP. In this sense, Dangelico et al. (2017) and Jabbour et al. (2015)
even supporting the literature that points to IoT technology alongside pointed out that an increase in EP could provide a positive brand
the collection of a large amount of data (Nobre & Tavares, 2019; Rosa image and increase market share. Taking this into account, but in a
et al., 2020). different sample and industrial context, our results reinforce the
Our results also show that stakeholder pressure (H1) contributes theoretical body of knowledge, presenting evidence that EP
to the adoption of CPD and that “suppliers” are the most relevant favors MP.
stakeholder in our construct. Previous studies on the CE have Regarding the control variables, neither of the constructs pres-
approached the relevance of the advancements of digital supply ented themselves as significant for EP or MP. Therefore, insignificant
chains (Gupta et al., 2019) and the roles and responsibilities of each control variables seem to generate suitable results, since it may indi-
member of the supply chain regarding the adoption of the CE cate the homogeneity of the sample, free from group biases.
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Develops products linked to service systems (offering, together Uses 3D printer (additive manufacturing) for prototyping parts of
with the products, services such as training, consulting, maintenance, the product, allowing quick update and maintenance.
extended warranty, and content consumption, among others). Uses simulation and augmented reality.
Develops products that are able to satisfy multiple different users, Uses artificial intelligence.
even after such products have been used (multiple cycles/
recontextualization). 4. Environmental performance
2. Stakeholder pressure Indicate the extent to which you agree that your
company has achieved the following environmental performance
Indicate the level of importance of each of the elements below results.
for the adoption of environmental product development practices by (Scale: 1. Totally disagree; 2. Partially disagree; 3. Neither agree
your company. nor disagree; 4. Partially agree; 5. Totally agree)
(Scale: 1. Totally disagree; 2. Partially disagree; 3. Neither agree The company has reduced atmospheric emissions (polluting
nor disagree; 4. Partially agree; 5. Totally agree) gases).
Customer demand for environmentally sustainable products. The company has reduced the waste of water and energy.
Environmental regulations from the federal government. The company has reduced the generation of solid waste.
Regional environmental regulations (state and/or municipal). The company has reduced the consumption of hazardous/nox-
Employees. ious/toxic materials.
Top management/shareholders. The company has improved the environmental situation (reduc-
Suppliers. tion of accidents and/or environmental liabilities).
In the product development process, the company you work for: Indicate the extent to which you agree that your company has
(Scale: 1. Totally disagree; 2. Partially disagree; 3. Neither agree achieved the following market performance results.
nor disagree; 4. Partially agree; 5. Totally agree) (Scale: 1. Totally disagree; 2. Partially disagree; 3. Neither agree
Uses internet of things for connectivity—digital connection of nor disagree; 4. Partially agree; 5. Totally agree)
objects and devices (sensors, applications, RFID, TAG—electronic The company has increased its market share (market share).
identification, etc.). The company has launched products in new markets.
Uses cloud computing technology (information storage, online The company has improved its image and reputation.
management systems). The company has improved profitability.
Uses and analyzes big data. The company has improved competitiveness.