Edward S. Bennett, OD, MSEd, And Milton M. Hom, OD (Eds.) - Manual of Gas Permeable Contact Lenses (2004)
Edward S. Bennett, OD, MSEd, And Milton M. Hom, OD (Eds.) - Manual of Gas Permeable Contact Lenses (2004)
Edward S. Bennett, OD, MSEd, And Milton M. Hom, OD (Eds.) - Manual of Gas Permeable Contact Lenses (2004)
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Edward S. Bennett
Milton M. Hom
Corneal Physiological Response and
Consequences of Hypoxia
Chapter 1 Corneal Physiological Response and Consequences of Hypoxia 3
Oxygen tension (mm Hg)
80 Epithelium
20 Anoxic
Equalens I F-S/A 1 49 48 51 47
Boston 7 F-S/A 1 49
Boston EO F-S/A 1 58 58
Super Dk (61-100)
Menicon EX F-S/A 4 64 62 58
Fluoroperm 92 F-S/A 2 57 64 63 61
Fluoroperm 151 F-S/A 2 74 88
Equalens II F-S/A 1 85
Quantum 2 F-S/A 1 99 93 95
Boston XO F-S/A 1 100
Hyper Dk (>100)
Menicon SF-P F-S/A 4 126 134 125
Menicon Z F-S/A 4 163
Measured using ISO/Fatt (ISO/DIS 8321-2) method and categorized according to the criteria listed by Benjamin (1996). In the ISO/Fatt (ISO/DIS
8321-2) method, oxygen transmissibility (Dk/t) of a contact lens is directly proportional to the oxygen permeability of the lens material (Dk, Barrer) and
inversely related to the lens average thickness (L, cm). For comparison with corneal critical oxygen values, use nominal center thickness of 0.15 mm (e.g.,
divide by 1.5 to obtain Dk/t value; need Dk >18 × 10−11 Barrer, for Dk/t >12 × 10−9 Barrer/cm).
1, Polymer Technology Corporation, Bausch & Lomb; 2, Paragon Optical, USA; 3, GT Laboratories, Illinois; 4, Menicon, Japan; 5, Wesley-
S/A, Silicone/acrylate; F-S/A, fluoro-silicone/acrylate.
Chapter 1 Corneal Physiological Response and Consequences of Hypoxia 7
1 cm2 CO2
mm3 mm3
Figure 1-2. Volume of oxygen entering and carbon dioxide leaving, 1 cm2 of corneal surface per
hour. (From Hill RM: The physiology of soft contact lens systems. In Ruben M, editor: Soft
contact lenses, New York, 1978, John Wiley & Sons.)
relationship between the EOP and Dk/t for open- and closed-eye situ-
ations. Lenses of medium to high Dk/t provide an EOP of more than
10%, but hyper-Dk/t lenses are preferable for extended wear. Many
hydrogel lenses today still fall into the low-Dk/t category, particularly
plus-powered and toric lenses, and thus rigid lenses continue to have
a significant advantage in terms of corneal physiology with such cor-
A further lens type that can cause problems with hypoxia is the
“piggyback” lens fitting. A piggyback lens has a rigid lens fitted on top
of a soft lens to improve vision or tolerance.20 The Softperm lens
(CIBA Vision, Duluth, GA) is an all-in-one lens with a similar philos-
ophy, using a rigid lens center and hydrogel periphery. Unfortunately
it too is made from low-Dk materials.21 One possible alternative is a
“reverse-piggyback” fitting, for which a silicone-hydrogel disposable
lens is worn over the top of a rigid lens, giving the combined benefit
of good vision and potentially high Dk/t (Figure 1-4). Scleral lenses
Low Medium High Super Hyper
Dk/t Dk/t Dk/t Dk/t Dk/t
Open eye
Closed eye
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Oxygen transmissibility (ISO/Fatt)
Figure 1-3. Equivalent oxygen percentage (EOP) and Dk/t. Relation between oxygen tension
under a lens and the lens Dk/t, for open and closed eyes. The data are derived from Benjamin
(1993) but using ISO/Fatt Dk values rather than the gas-to-gas values originally used. The
closed-eye curve was created by reducing the open-eye EOP values to ¹⁄₃, a proportion that
approximately reflects the palpebral oxygen availability.(From Fatt I, Weissman BA:
Physiology of the eye: an introduction to the vegetative functions, Boston, 1992,
Chapter 1 Corneal Physiological Response and Consequences of Hypoxia 9
Figure 1-4. Reverse piggyback fitting. A patient with keratoconus wears a silicone-hydrogel
lens over the top of a rigid lens to improve comfort and lens tolerance. (The silicone hydrogel
lens is lightly stained with fluorescein to aid visibility for the photo.)
Epithelial Abrasion
An epithelial abrasion is seen as confluent central fluorescein staining
resulting from overwear of PMMA or closed-eye wear of low O2 trans-
missibility lenses. Scanning electron microscopy shows desquamation
of epithelial superficial and wing cells for low-Dk/t rigid lens groups.28
If the abrasion is traumatic or the result of the lens being adherent
to an epithelium already weakened by hypoxia, then the abrasion will
have sharply demarcated edges. The epithelium in patients with kera-
toconus may also be weakened relative to the healthy cornea because
abrasions are more common in those with keratoconus. Weissman et
al31 found the frequency of abrasion was 5 of 68 (7.4%) during 2 months
for patients with keratoconus and 6 of 426 (1.4%) during 2 months for
patients without keratoconus, a statistically significant difference.
These are acute conditions, and the patient may experience signifi-
cant discomfort or pain. However, the lesion is not usually infected,
stromal infiltration is not present, and after discontinuing lens wear,
rapid healing within a few days may be expected (Figure 1-5). A pro-
phylactic topical antibiotic may be prescribed if there is a risk of sec-
ondary infection.
Microbial Keratitis
Microbial infections and their sequelae are not primarily hypoxic
responses. Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning these conditions in this
chapter because they are complications that can potentially occur subse-
quent to corneal hypoxia and the subsequent epithelial disruption.
Signs of microbial keratitis include:
Pain that does not resolve or is exacerbated by lens removal and
accompanied by redness, discharge, or decreased vision.
An epithelial defect with an underlying stromal excavation and
infiltrate, typically unilateral and likely to be central or mid
peripheral in location.
Other possible associated signs are surrounding epithelial,
stromal, and endothelial edema, stromal thinning, necrosis of
the infiltrate, mucopurulent discharge, keratic precipitates, and
an anterior chamber reaction.
Risk factors for microbial keratitis are the presence of pathogenic bac-
teria in the eye and epithelial disruption (fluorescein staining).
Statistically, of patients who have both of these conditions, fewer than
1 in 100 will develop a corneal infection.4 This statistic is a testament
to the natural antimicrobial defenses of the eye.
The front-line ocular defense mechanisms include blinking and
tear flow, which sweep away bacteria before they can adhere to the
cornea.33 Mucous strands are rolled across the cornea by blinking and
tend to trap bacteria. Desquamation of epithelial cells is a regular
occurrence, which assists in removal of bacteria that may have
adhered. There are also tear film antibacterial factors that act toward
lysing bacteria. These include lysozyme, lactoferrin, transferrin, ceru-
loplasmin, beta-lysin, and cellular immune factors. The acquired
immune system of the eye consists of immunoglobulin A (IgA), secre-
tory IgA, and the complement system; the natural immune system
consists of macrophages, neutrophils, and natural killer cells.
Rigid lenses have greater tear flow around the lens than hydrogel
lenses and support a more complete post-lens tear film.34 This charac-
teristic of the fitting of rigid lenses may be one reason why the various
reports of microbial infections consistently show a lower incidence of
infections for patients who wear rigid lenses.
Cheng et al35 estimated the annual incidence of microbial
keratitis to be 1.1 per 10,000 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.6 to
1.7) for users of daily-wear GP lenses. This is similar to the
incidence of microbial keratitis for persons who do not wear
contact lenses.
Nilsson and Montan36 found an annual incidence of 1.48 per
10,000 wearers of daily-wear GP lenses.
Stapleton et al37 concluded that for daily-wear soft contact lens
users, the relative risk of microbial keratitis was 4.2 times (1.1 to
16.0) that of GP lens wearers; for sterile keratitis, the relative risk
was 2.3 times (1.3 to 4.3) greater than that for GP contact lens
Bailey38 found that extended-wear soft lenses were nearly 5 times
more likely to be linked with microbial keratitis than daily-wear soft
lenses and approximately 7.5 times more likely than GP lenses.
Chalupa et al39 found the lowest incidence of acute complications
in hard contact lens wearers compared with daily-wear and
extended-wear soft contact lens wearers.
Despite these encouraging statistics, rigid lenses should still be fitted to
minimize the effects of hypoxia and other factors that may compromise
epithelial integrity. Emphasizing the patient’s compliance with lens care
instructions and avoiding contamination of the care solutions should
minimize the possibility of microbial contamination of the lenses.
Stromal edema occurs within hours of the onset of hypoxia, with the
degree related to the severity of the hypoxia. An inflow of water into
the stroma (edema) can result from an accumulation of lactate in the
Chapter 1 Corneal Physiological Response and Consequences of Hypoxia 15
edema (%)
Low Dk Medium Dk High Dk Super Dk Hyper Dk No lens
lenses lenses lenses lenses lenses
Figure 1-6. Guide to overnight edema with rigid lenses, showing 95% confidence intervals
(see Table 1-2). (Data modified from La Hood et al [1988] and using the Dk categories cited
by Benjamin [1996].)
Distortion is an uncommon complication of rigid lens wear and may
result from the effects of hypoxia or the mechanical effect of a poorly
fitting lens. Distortion refers to an irregular corneal shape that causes
a decrease in visual acuity not correctable by spectacles. It is also
known as spectacle blur or corneal warpage. The condition is distinct
from the more common regular shape changes that have been
observed in rigid lens wearers, such as a slight steepening in the ver-
tical meridian.45
Corneal distortion can also be distinguished from keratoconus
because in the former condition the corneal apical curvature is usually
Chapter 1 Corneal Physiological Response and Consequences of Hypoxia 17
less than 47 D.46 The amount of corneal toricity and the eccentricity
and shape factor are also usually lower in patients with rigid
lens–related corneal distortion compared with those with keratoconus
(Figure 1-7). The correct identification of keratoconus is important
because rigid lenses remain the most effective for masking irregular
corneal topography.47 Similarly, distortion resulting from refractive
surgery can be corrected with rigid lenses.48
If hypoxic in origin, corneal distortion is an effect of localized
corneal edema. The wearing of low-Dk GP lenses or PMMA lenses will
cause more edema in the center of the cornea than in the periphery
and consequently will cause corneal distortion. If the lens does not
center well, then the edema will also be decentered, causing even
greater distortion. When long-term PMMA contact lens wearers are
refit with moderate- to high-Dk GP lenses of similar fit, then a more
regular and symmetric central corneal shape can result, with improved
spectacle visual acuity.49
Normal human corneal stromal pH during closed-eye conditions is
7.39 ± 0.01, a level similar to that of the blood. During open-eye con-
ditions, human stromal pH increases approximately 2%, and it may
Figure 1-7.—cont’d
Endothelial Edema
Endothelial edema is a reversible, short-term change in the corneal
endothelium induced by contact lens wear. It has also been termed
blebs, events, and pseudoguttata. Using the biomicroscope, endothe-
lial edema appears as nonreflective areas in the endothelial specular
reflection. It occurs within 10 minutes of lens insertion, peaks after
approximately 30 minutes, and may last for several hours.52 For wear-
ers of PMMA and GP contact lenses, the edema tends to affect the cen-
tral cornea, and there appears to be an inverse correlation between the
number of blebs and the lens Dk/t.53 The initial bleb response to con-
tact lens wear does not result in cell loss; however, it may foreshadow
long-term changes in the endothelium.
Endothelial Polymegethism
Endothelial polymegethism is a greater than normal variation of cell
size in the corneal endothelial mosaic, observed with the biomicro-
scope or the clinical specular microscope (Figure 1-8). Polymegethism
is graded by the coefficient of variation of cell area, which is the stan-
dard deviation divided by the mean. Although long-term contact lens
Normal Polymegethism
Figure 1-8. Polymegethism. Schematic diagram of the endothelial mosaic, showing the effect
of polymegethism, with an increased number of small and large cells.
The exquisite sensitivity of the human cornea is well known; therefore
it is perhaps surprising that patients with corneal hypoesthesia are
asymptomatic. Many factors have been found to cause reduced corneal
sensitivity, including diabetes, some topical medications, anterior seg-
ment surgery, viral infections, and many others.58
Millodot59 first reported the adverse effect of PMMA lenses on
corneal sensitivity more than 25 years ago. He found that wear of
PMMA contact lenses for 12 hours increased peripheral corneal touch
threshold by approximately 110% in 12 adapted subjects.60 The major-
ity of this decrease in corneal sensitivity occurred after the first 4 hours
of wear. Corneal sensitivity returned to near-normal levels within 30
minutes of removal of PMMA lenses worn for 8 hours.59
Improving the O2 availability to the cornea reduces any effect on
corneal sensitivity.61 Refitting PMMA contact lens wearers with gas
permeable contact lenses leads to an increase in corneal sensitivity.62
Current generation daily-wear rigid contact lenses of medium Dk may
increase corneal touch thresholds by approximately 15%, a statistically
significant but perhaps not clinically significant change (Figure 1-9).
Chapter 1 Corneal Physiological Response and Consequences of Hypoxia 21
Controls Soft CL Wearers RGP Wearers
Figure 1-9. Corneal sensitivity. Corneal touch thresholds are shown for some presenting
patients wearing low-Dk soft materials and medium-Dk rigid materials compared with patients
who did not wear lenses. An 8% to 15% increase in touch threshold was observed with lens
wear. (Data courtesy Dr. SM Ho.)
Limbal Hyperemia
It is important to recognize the features of the normal limbus, so that
physiologic or pathologic changes are only ascribed if they are really
present. The normal limbus is a transition zone between the vascular
sclera and the avascular cornea. It is approximately 1 mm in width,
although it is often wider superiorly or inferiorly. The limit of the lim-
bus can be located as the limit of the translucent conjunctival overlay
using marginal retroillumination imaging.65
Limbal hyperemia is a reversible dilation of existing limbal capillar-
ies. It is a common hypoxic complication of hydrogel lenses, and
patients are usually asymptomatic. In rigid lens wearers, limbal and
bulbar conjunctival hyperemia is most commonly a sign of ocular sur-
face desiccation (“3 and 9 o’clock staining”). Hypoxic limbal hyperemia
might only be expected in a rigid lens wearer if the patient had a poorly
centering low-Dk rigid lens or perhaps a medium-Dk rigid lens was
worn for extended wear.
Superficial Vascularization
Superficial vascularization is penetration of blood vessels into the
superficial cornea, and such vessels can be observed as continuous
with the limbal vessels. The superior limbus is most susceptible. Stark
and Martin66 defined vascularization as vessel penetration greater
than 1.5 mm. Corneal vascularization is of concern because the cornea
becomes more susceptible to inflammation or hemorrhage. Because
vascularization can develop in the absence of symptoms, routine fol-
low-up examinations are the only means of detecting this condition.
Intralimbal contact lens designs promote less corneal vasculariza-
tion than hydrogel lenses. Neither long-term daily wear of PMMA con-
tact lenses nor extended wear of hard gas permeable lenses has a
marked effect on the limbal vasculature.67,68 However, there is a risk of
vascularization with piggyback lenses and similar hybrid designs
because of the low Dk/t of the hydrogel periphery (Figure 1-10).20
Vascularization associated with rigid lens wear can occur secondary to
3 and 9 o’clock staining.
Figure 1-10. Corneal vascularization with a Softperm lens. The lens has a rigid center and a
hydrogel lens periphery, both of low-Dk materials.
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Material Properties
As a result of the undesirable findings of hypoxia, manufacturers have
taken it on themselves to formulate new products that have higher oxy-
gen permeability. As discussed later, sometimes the properties of these
more permeable materials lend themselves to new problems.
However, the overall benefit of highly oxygen-permeable materials is
superior health for the eye. To many, this outweighs the disadvantages.
There are many different measures of the oxygen permeability of
contact lens materials. The industry standard for measurement is Dk,
which was first described by Fatt in 1971. D represents diffusion, and
k represents solubility. Diffusion is related to the speed of movement
of oxygen molecules in the material. Solubility represents the number
of oxygen molecules dissolved in the material.2 Penetration of oxygen
molecules, or transmissibility, is from diffusion of oxygen through
spaces in the copolymer. As the values for Dk increase, the more per-
meable the lens becomes. In 1993, Benjamin divided contact lens
Chapter 2 Material Properties 31
Rigid gas permeable monomers are the components that make up
rigid lenses. Each monomer is polymerized into the material to give it
certain desirable properties. The recipes developed by the polymer
chemists designate certain percentages of the monomers.1
Silicone is a monomer that can make the polymer gas permeable.
Silicone gives oxygen permeability as a result of silicone-to-oxygen bonds
in the polymer side chains. The angles between the bonds are wider and
more flexible than carbon-to-carbon bonds. The bonds rotate and allow
greater space for oxygen to pass through the polymer. The oxygen mole-
cules rely on diffusion to move through the material.2 The highest Dk
attainable with silicone was 355 Barrer, measured by Fatt 20 years ago.
Chapter 2 Material Properties 33
Fluorine adds oxygen permeability by solubility. The high solubility
allows the polymer to have greater transmissibility. Oxygen dissolves
in a material containing fluorine. Fluorine soaks up oxygen like a
sponge, enabling the polymer to increase Dk.1 The affinity fluorine has
for oxygen has been demonstrated by other applications. One use of
fluorochemicals is in artificial blood. The newly created blood supplies
oxygen to the body tissues while carrying away waste products such as
carbon dioxide.19
Another property of fluorine is deposit resistance. One well-known
fluorinated polymer is Teflon, known for preventing matter from stick-
ing to it. A contradiction in monomer properties occurs when fluorine
is added. Fluorine is intensely hydrophobic. This acute hydrophobicity
causes fluorine to attract deposits just as silicone. However, the low
coefficient of friction and low surface tension of fluorine prevent
deposits from sticking and permit removal with blinking.1 The proper
combination of monomers can take advantage of fluorine’s deposit
resistance and at the same time counteract the deposit affinity of sili-
cone when both are in the same polymer.16
Rigidity monomers are usually added to make the lens more rigid.
This is done to compensate for the softness that other monomers,
such as silicone, bring. Without rigidity monomers, the lens would be
flexible like a soft lens.
Silicone/acrylates (S/As) are copolymers of MMA and alkylsiloxanyl-
methacryalate. The first well-known material of this genre was Polycon
(Ciba Vision, Duluth, GA). MMA or PMMA provided stability and lens
performance characteristics. Silicone provided the oxygen permeabil-
ity.1 The ratio of PMMA and silicone is generally 65% PMMA and 35%
silicone.19 Another monomer, methacrylic acid, was added for better
wetting capability and to counteract the hydrophobicity of silicone. The
surface of the S/A is actually hydrophobic with highly hydrophilic
zones of methacrylic acid. Some of these zones have a negative charge,
giving the surface a net negative charge.1 The negative charge attracts
The Dk of Polycon was 8 Barrer. This is low by today’s standards.
Manufacturers in the latter part of the 1980s attempted to increase Dk
values of the S/As. Increasing the silicone content was performed to
increase permeability. However, there were drawbacks. Higher sili-
cone content makes the lens softer. Base curve changes, such as minus
lenses flattening and plus lenses steepening, have occurred. Cracking
and crazing have also been reported. The hydrophobicity of silicone
makes the lens attract protein. To counteract this, enzymatic cleaning
was recommended on a regular (weekly) basis.1
Fluoro-silicone/acrylates (F-S/As) are the newer generation rigid gas
permeable lens. Bausch and Lomb’s Boston Equalens (Rochester, NY)
was the first lens to incorporate this technology. Fifteen F-S/As have
since replaced S/As. F-S/As differ because of the addition of fluorine
for increased permeability. F-S/As have better deposit resistance,
higher oxygen permeability, and more stability than S/As. When fluo-
rine is added, silicone content can be decreased. Subsequently, better
protein resistance results.1
Because of greater hardness, F-S/As have better optical quality than
SAs. The surface haze seen on S/A lenses is less commonly observed.
The surface of an F-S/A can be polished better. A more polished sur-
face results in better deposit resistance and less surface haze. Comfort
is also better when the surfaces are kept cleaner. Enzymatic cleaning is
Chapter 2 Material Properties 35
also needed less. However, lipid-based deposits are more likely with
F-S/A lenses. Lipid deposits appear as greasy and oily deposits.
F-S/A lenses have an inherent affinity for mucus. The fluorine com-
ponent attracts mucus and enhances the formation of the glycocalyx.
However, compared with S/A lenses, F-S/As have greater tear break-
up times (TBUTs). The adaptation times of F-S/A lenses are shorter
than S/A lenses because of greater comfort.1
Other Copolymers
Menicon Z (Menicon, Clovis, CA) material is derived from fluo-
romethacrylate and siloxanylstyrene and bounded by cross-linkers. Dk
values, measured by Fatt, are 189 Barrer. The ultraviolet (UV)
monomer is benzotriazol. Menicon Z, as well as other Menicon mate-
rials, has limited availability. Menicon is manufactured in the United
States by Con-Cise (San Leandro, CA) and recently received Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) approval for 30-day continuous wear.
Fluorocarbon lenses, such as the Advent lens (Ocular Sciences,
South San Francisco, CA), are composed of fluorine and MMA. The
polymer polyperfluoroether has N-vinyl pyrrolidone added for better
wetting capability. Dk/t values are approximately 100 Barrer. The lens
is flexible like a soft lens.1
Novalens (Nova Vision, Morrisville, NC) is made of strylsilicone.
The lens surface has a neutral surface charge and is more deposit
resistant. The surface is treated to become hydrophilic. However, the
lens cannot be modified because of the special surface treatment.
Silicone elastomer lenses offer tremendous permeability. The
Bausch and Lomb Silsoft lens has excellent permeability and a surface
treatment. The surface treatment counteracts the inherent intense
hydrophobicity of silicone. Elastomeric silicone elastomer lenses han-
dle like soft lenses but feel much like a rigid lens on the eye.1
Silicone elastomer lenses are shipped in purified water. The lenses
partially lose their optimum wettability if allowed to dehydrate. The
loss of wettability may be permanent. The dehydrated lenses are not
able to restore the original contact angle after reimmersion into solu-
tion. Loss of silicone elastomer wettability and reduced comfort have
also been reported after 6 to 12 months of wear.21
Cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) lenses were the first commercially
available gas permeable lenses. CAB was originally developed in 1938
by Kodak and used in contact lenses in 1974. The major drawbacks of
CAB are poor wettability, dimensional instability, and low Dk. Located
on the cellulose ring are free hydroxyl groups and butyryl groups. The
hydroxyl groups give the polymer wetting capability. The butyryl
groups give the material permeability and flexibility. When the material
Wetting components make the lens more wettable and help to over-
come the hydrophobic properties of silicone and fluorine. Wetting is
important for proper comfort, excellent visual acuity, and corneal
integrity.21 The tear film wets the lens through three types of surface
interactions: hydrogen bonding, electrostatic interaction, and
hydrophobic interaction. Electrostatic interaction is the strongest of
these binding forces.
The overall net surface charge of a GP surface is negative. Water is
a positively charged molecule. It is attracted to the negative surface by
electrostatic interaction. Wetting components are delicately balanced
in a GP material. Too many wetting monomers make the material
too soft. Too few monomers do not provide adequate wetting.1
Methacrylate acid is a wetting agent that adds a negative charge to the
material surface. It can also be found in soft lens materials. N-vinyl
pyrrolidone adds an electrostatic charge to the polymer. It is also found
in soft lenses. Polyvinyl alcohol and HEMA are other components
used for wetting.
Wetting Angles
Wetting angles are measures of the material’s affinity for water. Lower
wetting angles are more desirable. Higher wetting angles indicate
Chapter 2 Material Properties 37
Drop of distilled
Figure 2-1. The equilibrium sessile drop contact angle is determined by angle A. A is the
absolute sessile-drop contact angle on a flat surface.
Liquid Gas
Nonwettable Very wettable
Figure 2-2. The captive bubble technique. The air bubble is trapped under the inferior surface
of the test material. The angle decreases as wettability increases.
Chapter 2 Material Properties 39
surface molecule
Partially Hydrophobic Hydrophilic Fully
dehydrated (Apolar) (Polar) hydrated
Figure 2-3. The wetting can change when the polymer is fully hydrated versus partially dehy-
drated. The side chains can rotate to expose more of the hydrophilic ends and attract water.
wettability. Lenses that wet poorly will exhibit low TBUT. Normal val-
ues for TBUT are 10 seconds or more. When a lens has wettability
problems, the tear film will break up on the lens surface rapidly, some-
times within 1 to 2 seconds. When related to poor wettability, most of
the breakup will occur on particular regions of the lens surface.
Compromised lens surfaces with deposits or scratches will also have
poor wetting.21 Manufacturing defects, such as pitch residue on the
surface, can also cause rapid tear breakup.
Direction Direction
of travel of travel
The tear meniscus surrounding the lens edge and adjacent to the
lids can indicate wetting quality. Smooth, reflective tear surfaces over
the superior and inferior tear prisms and around the circumference of
the rigid lens denote excellent wetting.21 A “black line” appears in the
concave portion of a good quality tear meniscus (Figure 2-5).18
With GP lenses in thin designs, flexure can be a problem. Rigid lenses
do not normally conform to the cornea. The rigid lens can mask astig-
matism caused by corneal toricity.1 Flexure can occur when there is
one diopter or more of toricity.23 For higher toricities, the lens tends to
conform more to the cornea, and flexure is induced. When the lens
Figure 2-5. The “black line” can be seen encircling the lens just posterior to the edge. The
“black line” represents good-quality wettability and is located in the concave portion of the
tear meniscus.
Chapter 2 Material Properties 41
than lower-Dk S/A materials, although not as much with the newer
F-S/A materials.27 However, the answer may not be that simple.
Another study has shown that there is no correlation between perme-
ability and flexure measured with autokeratometry. There were no sig-
nificant differences between PMMA, S/A, and F-S/A lenses with
respect to flexure.28
Hardness is defined as the resistance of material to penetration by
standard needles or similar devices.29 Hardness testers include the
Vickers indenter, Rockwell hardness tester, and Shore durometers.7
Hardness testing can be divided into three categories:
1. Hardness tests that measure the resistance of the material to
indentation. Some durometers are Brinell, Vickers, and Shore.
Some of the tests measure the indentation with the load applied,
and some measure the indentation after the load is taken away.
2. Hardness tests that measure resistance to scratching by another
material. The tests involve pulling the sample beneath a loaded
indenter. Examples of these types of tests are Bierbaum scratch
test and Moh hardness test.
3. Hardness tests that measure recovery efficiency or resilience.
The different Rockwell testers fall under this category.7
Many of the hardness tests used for contact lenses are a combination
of 1 and 3.7 Each of the hardness methods uses an arbitrary scale.
Although each method can be approximately compared with one
another, a precise correlation cannot be made.
For hardness measured on the Shore D scale, PMMA has a value of
approximately 90.7,29 S/A copolymers have a hardness value that is
slightly less because of the softer silicone content.29
Impact resistance is a measure of the brittleness of the material. The
energy it takes to break a standard test specimen of a specific size
under standard conditions of impact is measured. Wetting agents such
as methacrylic acid can increase brittleness of the material.25
Specific gravity refers to the weight of the lens at a given temperature
divided by the weight of an equal volume of water at the same tem-
perature. Water has a specific gravity of 1.0. Specific gravity values for
rigid lens materials can be low (≤1.10), medium (1.11 to 1.20), or high
(>1.20). Higher specific gravity materials may tend to position inferi-
orly. Sometimes a low specific gravity material can make a lens posi-
tion higher.30,31
Table 2-1 shows different contact lens materials and comparisons of
material properties.31 The major problem when comparing the differ-
ent materials is the lack of standardization of some of the measure-
ment techniques. Many of the values are based on the manufacturer’s
literature and claims and do not include edge effect corrections.7
There are problems with comparing wetting angle measurements.
Variables include different solutions used and the effects of soaking.
For instance, a lower surface tension wetting solution combined with
the captive bubble technique produces a low wetting angle no matter
what polymer is used. Coupled with the theory that the pellicle masks
any differences in wetting, some experts question whether wetting
angle measurements offer any clinical significance or rational basis for
There are problems comparing oxygen permeability measure-
ments. Potential sources of error are provided in Table 2-2.11 Despite
these sources of error, the choice of GP lens modality can be made
based on stated Dk values. One suggested material selection protocol
would be:
Low Dk/L materials for myopic daily wear only
Medium Dk/L for myopic and hyperopic daily wear
High Dk/L for myopic flexible wear or hyperopic daily wear
Super Dk/L for myopic extended wear or hyperopic flexible wear
Hyper Dk/L for myopic and hyperopic extended wear (if the
material is FDA approved for extended wear)3
Another advantage that should be considered when selecting materi-
als is that most high- and hyper-Dk materials have a UV-inhibiting
monomer. UV protection is thought to be helpful in macular degener-
ation and cataract prevention.32
The problems with comparing hardness tests are not reflecting the
actual mechanical failures that normally occur. Patients have problems
with chipping, fracture, splitting, distortion, and warpage. Hardness
1. Hom MM: Rigid lens materials. In Hom MM, editor: Manual of contact lens pre-
scribing and fitting with CD-ROM, ed 2, Boston, 2000, Butterworth-
Heinemann, pp 105-111.
2. Fatt I: Oxygen transmission. In Bennett ES, Weissman B, editors: Clinical contact lens
practice, Philadelphia, 1997, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp 13-1 to 13-10.
3. Bennett ES: RGPs: When oxygen is a priority, Contact Lens Spect 13(4):18, 1998.
4. Mandell RB: Oxygen supply and corneal needs. In Mandell RB, editor: Contact
lens practice, ed 4, Springfield, 1988, CC.Thomas, pp 81-106.
5. Hom MM: Soft lens materials. In Hom MM, editor: Manual of contact lens pre-
scribing and fitting with CD-ROM, ed 2, Boston, 2000, Butterworth-
Heinemann, pp 215-218.
6. Gasson A, Morris J: Background. In Gasson A, Morris J, editors: The contact lens
manual, ed 2, Oxford, 1998, Butterworth-Heinemann, pp 1-13.
7. Tighe BJ: Contact lens materials. In Phillips AJ, Speedwell L, editors: Contact
lenses, ed 4, Oxford, 1997, Butterworth-Heinemann pp 50-92.
8. Alvord L, Court J, Davis T, et al: Oxygen permeability of a new type of high Dk
soft contact lens material, Optom Vis Sci 75(1):30-36, 1998.
9. Benjamin WJ: “Wiggle room” and the transitional Dk statistic, Int Contact Lens
Clin 25:118-120, 1998.
10. Hill RM: The “physiologically effective” correlates: peDk/L and peDk, Optom Vis
Sci 76(3):135-140, 1999.
11. Lebow KA, Campbell-Burns D: Understanding the values that describe oxygen
flux through a contact lens, Contact Lens Spectrum 13(1):34-39, 1998.
12. Benjamin WJ: A transitional period for Dk values, Contact Lens Spectrum
13(10):16, 1998.
Chapter 2 Material Properties 47
13. Morgan CF, Brennan NA, Alvord L: Comparison of the coulometric and polaro-
graphic measurement of a high-Dk hydrogel, Optom Vis Sci 78:19-29, 2001.
14. Fatt I, Ruben CM: Oxygen permeability of contact lens materials: a 1993 update,
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 17:11-18, 1994a.
15. Tranoudis I, Efron N: Oxygen permeability of rigid contact lenses, Contact Lens
Anterior Eye 18:49-53, 1995.
16. Holden BA, Newton-Howes J, Winterton L, et al: The Dk project: an interlabora-
tory comparison of Dk/L measurements, Optom Vis Sci 67:476-481, 1990.
17. Polymer Technology Corporation: Boston update—news and information,
Summer:6-7, 1998.
18. Tomlinson A: Choice of material—a material issue, Contact Lens Spectrum
5(9):27-35, 1990.
19. Phillips AJ: Rigid gas permeable corneal lens fitting. In Phillips AJ, Speedwell L,
editors: Contact lenses, ed 4, Boston, 1997, Butterworth-Heinemann, pp 313-
20. Grohe RM, Caroline PJ: Surface deposits on contact lenses. In Bennett ES,
Weissman BA, editors: Clinical contact lens practice, Philadelphia, 1992, JB
Lippincott, pp 24-1 to 24-12.
21. Benjamin WJ: Wettability. In Bennett ES, Grohe RM, editors: Rigid gas-permeable
contact lenses, New York, 1986, Professional Press, pp 118-136.
22. Smith BJ, Fink BA, Hill RM: Dk/L: into the ultra-high zone, Contact Lens Spectrum
14(1):31-34, 1999.
23. Quinn TG: RGP insights: material solutions for gas permeable questions,
Contact Lens Spectrum 15(5):19, 2000.
24. Herman JP: Flexure. In Bennett ES, Grohe RM, editors: Rigid gas-permeable
contact lenses, New York, 1986, Professional Press, pp 137-149.
25. Brown S, et al: Effect of the optic zone diameter on lens flexure and residual
astigmatism, Int Contact Lens Clin 11(12):759-766, 1984.
26. Toscano FR, Bridgewater B: A comparative study of RGP materials in thin lens
designs, Contact Lens Spectrum 12(10):25-28, 1997.
27. Quinn TG: When flexure is a good thing, Contact Lens Spectrum 11(3):12, 1996.
28. Sorbara L, Fonn D, MacNeill K: Effect of rigid gas permeable lens flexure on
vision, Optom Vis Sci 69(12):953-958, 1992.
29. Ratkowski D, Rump J, Bennett ES: The manufacture of rigid gas-permeable lens
materials. In Bennett ES, Grohe RM, editors: Rigid gas-permeable contact
lenses, New York, 1986, Professional Press, pp 92-114.
30. Bennett ES: Material selection. In Bennett ES, Henry VA, editors: Clinical man-
ual of contact lenses, Philadelphia, 1994, JB Lippincott, pp 27-40.
31. Levitt AP: Specific gravity and RGP lens performance, Contact Lens Spectrum
11(10):43, 1996.
32. Giedd B: Understanding the nuances of contact lens materials, Contact Lens
Spectrum 14(7):23, 1999.
Gas Permeable Materials
The introduction of these copolymers in 1979 was a major break-
through in gas permeable material lens clinical application. These
Chapter 3 Gas Permeable Materials 49
lenses were much more stable than the first GP material to obtain
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval, which was manufac-
tured from cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB). However, to meet the
corneal oxygen demands for an edema-free state, higher Dk materials
were necessary. This required the need to increase the amount of
cross-linking agents to enhance material stability because of the soft-
ness of silicone and increase the wetting agents, such as methacrylic
acid, to offset the hydrophobicity of silicone. However, in higher Dk
lens materials the stability and surface wettability tended to be com-
promised relative to lower Dk lens materials.3 There is actually an elec-
trostatic attraction between silicone-based lens surfaces and the tear
film (Figure 3-1). They appear to be preferable to F-S/A lens materials
for patients prone to lipid accumulation.4
The addition of fluorine to S/A lens materials increases the deposit
resistance of the lens material. Fluorine promotes tear film-mucin
interaction with the lens surface, which increases the over-the-lens tear
film break-up time relative to S/A lens materials.5 F-S/A lens materi-
als have also been found to be more dimensionally stable than S/A
materials.3,6 Through solubility, fluorine also assists in oxygen trans-
mission through the lens material. This allows for the reduction of the
silicone component in the lens material, for increased permeability in
GP materials, and therefore for a number of materials to be FDA
approved for extended wear.
Positively charged
Lens deposits +
− −
+ − −
Negatively charged
Silicone acrylate CL
Electrostatic interaction:
1. Like charges repel − −
2. Unlike charges attract − +
3. Lens deposits are positively charged
4. Silicone acrylate lenses are negatively charged due to organic acids
Figure 3-1. Electrostatic attraction of tear film lysozyme to a silicone-based GP lens material.
Styrene-based lens materials were introduced in the 1980s as a result
of good flexural resistance and low specific gravity.10 This material is
currently used as the rigid center of the SoftPerm lens (Ciba Vision
Corporation, Duluth, GA). This lens has a 14.3-mm overall diameter
with an 8-mm rigid center composed of tertiary butyl styrene and a
wetting agent. The outer surround, composed of a low-water-content
hydrogel, is molecularly bound to the rigid center. The primary bene-
fits of this lens material include initial comfort and centration for
patients who could not achieve good centration of comfort with a GP
lens.10,11 Specifically, patients with keratoconus have especially bene-
fited from this design. However, the limitations of this lens have
included cost, tearing at the junction between the rigid and soft sec-
tions, edema (styrene is low in oxygen permeability), and difficulty in
lens removal.7 This lens may be introduced with a higher Dk GP core
material in the future.
Gas permeable lens materials can essentially be divided into three
categories using oxygen permeability as the primary criterion.12
Chapter 3 Gas Permeable Materials 51
The CLMA has adopted the oxygen permeability method recently pub-
lished by Benjamin and Cappelli.13 The author also uses a modified
version of Benjamin’s14 classification of oxygen permeability with
essentially the omission of the lowest two categories and modifying
the other three categories into low (Dk = 25 to 50), high (Dk = 51 to 99),
and hyper (Dk ≥ 100).2 Although S/A lens materials are still used
today, the industry standard pertains to materials also containing fluo-
rine or F-S/A.
for extended wear for patients with myopia and hyperopia and, ulti-
mately, for continuous wear. This group includes Boston XO (Polymer
Technology Corporation), Paragon HDS 100 and Fluoroperm 151
(Paragon Vision Sciences), and Menicon Z (Nagoya, Japan and Concise,
San Leandro, CA). GP material selection with a focus on oxygen con-
siderations is provided in Box 3-1.
The type of GP lens can also be described by factors such as refractive
error, corneal topography, refits, occupation and hobbies, and age.2,7,12
Refractive Error
Refractive error was described, in part, in the previous section. With
the thin center thicknesses used today in minus powers—notably the
ultrathin designs—daily-wear patients with myopia benefit from the
dimensional stability provided by low-Dk F-S/A lens designs while still
meeting the cornea’s daily-wear oxygen requirements. Because the
patient with hyperopia, on average, requires a lens with twice the cen-
ter thickness (i.e., +3.00 D power vs. −3.00 D), a lens material with
twice the Dk is required (i.e., Dk of 60 instead of 30). Therefore a high-
Dk lens material is required for these patients. For patients desiring
extended wear, a high-Dk lens material would be preferable if the
patient has myopia; a hyper-Dk lens material would be preferable if
the patient has hyperopia.
Corneal Topography
Patients with myopia and a moderate astigmatism (i.e., ≥1.50 D) would
benefit from the stability and flexural resistance provided by a low-Dk
F-S/A lens material. If a bitoric lens is necessary because of poor
corneal alignment, decentration, or such, a low-Dk material likewise
would be easier to manufacture and would provide a stable correction.
If the patient has keratoconus or a high amount of irregular astigma-
tism, a low-Dk lens material will also provide more flexural resistance
Patients with myopia who are accustomed to wearing polymethyl-
methacrylate (PMMA) or low-Dk GP lens materials are more likely to
warp high-Dk GP lenses and would benefit from the stability of low-
Dk F-S/A materials.15,16 These patients are accustomed to using exces-
sive digital pressure on their lenses with minimal damage or warpage.
Soft lens patients, however, are similar to new GP patients because
they are accustomed to cleaning their lenses carefully in the palm of
their hand and can be refit with any GP lens material.
For the young patient with progressive myopia, a sturdy stable mate-
rial is important to minimize warpage and wettability problems.
Therefore a low-Dk F-S/A material is recommended. Because young
people are active, often participating in numerous athletic activities, a
larger than average diameter (i.e., 9.6 to 10.5 mm) is recommended to
provide stability of fit and minimize lens dislodgement and loss. The
patient with presbyopia benefits greatly from GP lens wear. The most
common lens design for patients with presbyopia is the aspheric mul-
tifocal design. Because these are thin designs and fit steeper than K,
with the goal of good centration and limited movement with the blink,
a low-Dk material is often used, notably for patients with myopia. The
fabricating laboratory typically recommends a specific material for a
given multifocal design, therefore eliminating this as a variable for the
practitioner. For patients who have the proper lid anatomy and critical
vision needs, a segmented translating bifocal design is recommended.
Because these lenses are prism ballasted and therefore much thicker
low Dk
keratoconus wettability
Low Dk GP Low Dk GP
Aspheric Segmented
if myopic
multifocal translating
If ⱖ2.50 D Irregular
bitoric design astigmatism/
keratoconus Low Dk High Dk High Dk
(myopic) (hyperopic)
1. Jones L: Modern contact lens materials: clinical performance update, Contact
Lens Spectrum 17(9): 24-35, 2002.
2. Bennett ES: Matching the patient with the gas permeable material, Rev Optom
139(5): 45, 46, 2002.
3. Bennett ES, Tomlinson A, Mirowitz MC, et al: Comparison of overnight swelling
and lens performance in RGP extended wear, CLAO J 14:94-100, 1988.
4. Quinn TG: Material solutions for gas permeable questions, Contact Lens Spectrum
15(5):19, 2000.
5. Doane M, Gleason W: Tear film interaction with RGP contact lenses. Presented
at the First International Material Science Symposium, March 1988, St.
6. Weinschenk JI: A look at the components in fluorosilicone-acrylates, Contact Lens
Spectrum 4:61-64, 1989.
7. Bennett ES, Levy B: Material selection. In Bennett ES, Henry VA, editors: Clinical
manual of contact lenses, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2000, Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, pp 59-74.
8. Schachet JL, Rigel LE, Reeder KM, et al: Rethinking the link between RGP lens
performance, Contact Lens Spectrum 13(9):43-47, 1998.
9. Gilfor M: RGPs today: an industry of innovation, Contact Lens Spectrum
13(10):10S-15S, 1998.
10. Morgan P: Practical experience with a new soft/RGP combination lens, Optician
204:16-22, 1992.
11. Tucker IS: Insights on using the SoftPerm lens, Contact Lens Spectrum 8:53-56, 1993.
12. Bennett ES: Choose the right RGP lens material for your patient, Contact Lens
Spectrum 16(5): 9, 19, 2001.
13. Benjamin WJ, Cappelli QA: Oxygen permeability of thirty-seven rigid contact
lens materials, Optom Vis Sci 79(2):103-111, 2002.
14. Benjamin WJ: EOP and Dk/L: the quest for hyper-transmissibility, J Am Optom
Assoc 64:196-200, 1993.
15. Ghormley NR: Rigid EW lenses: complications, Int Contact Lens Clin 14:219,
16. Henry VA, Bennett ES, Forrest J: Clinical investigation of the Paraperm EW rigid
gas-permeable contact lens, Am J Optom Physiol Opt 64:313-320, 1987.
Patient Selection, Evaluation, and
The benefits of wearing GP lenses are many, particularly as they are
compared with the performance of soft lenses. These benefits include
quality of vision, ocular health, durability, profitability, and patient
Quality of Vision
Studies have shown that GP lenses provide refractive error correction
that results in higher quality of vision relative to soft lenses, objectively
and subjectively.2-4 As a rigid lens maintains its shape over the cornea,
the lens provides a more stable, consistent refractive surface. GP
Chapter 4 Patient Selection, Evaluation, and Consultation 59
lenses are also less prone to surface deposits, which, in turn, can com-
promise vision. These visual benefits are especially important for
patients with high (regular) astigmatism, irregular corneas, and presby-
opia. Spherical GP lenses and bitoric designs can correct essentially an
unlimited amount of cylinder without the visually distracting lens rota-
tion that can compromise soft toric lens visual performance. As will be
mentioned later, unlike soft lenses, the ability to mold the front surface
of the eye into a more spherical-like nature can improve vision by several
lines on the Snellen acuity chart for a patient with an irregular cornea.
Likewise, the ongoing improvements in manufacturing technology have
resulted in improved optical quality of GP aspheric multifocals, which—
combined with the optimum vision resulting from properly fitted seg-
mented, translating bifocals—provides a tremendous advantage over
soft multifocal and bifocal designs, which are limited to simultaneous
vision and compromised by the water-absorbing lens matrix.
Ocular Health
For several important reasons, GP lenses result in improved eye health
relative to their soft lens counterparts. Clinical studies have concluded
they are less likely to result in corneal staining and ulcerative kerati-
tis.4,5 Likewise, the optical quality and improved surface wettability
characteristics result in less deposit buildup, which, in turn, mini-
mizes the potential for deposit-induced lid inflammation or contact
lens–induced papillary conjunctivitis. Another important health bene-
fit is the increased oxygen transmission of GP lenses over hydrogel
soft lenses. Hydrogel lens wearers, particularly those wearing
extended-wear lenses, exhibit more potential for hypoxia-induced
complications, such as generalized corneal edema, polymegethism,
neovascularization, and microcysts. Oxygen transmission is perhaps
as important a consideration in hyperopic contact lens wear as it is in
extended wear. In 1990 Gordon and Bennett6 concluded that high-
Dk/L GP lenses approximated or exceeded the Holden-Mertz crite-
rion7 for an edema-free state for extended wear and daily wear in the
+3.00 D power, whereas soft extended-wear materials provided an
average of only 40% to 45% of the oxygen necessary for edema-free
extended wear and approximately 60% for edema-free daily wear.8 The
introduction of hyper-Dk GP lens materials makes this disparity even
greater. The introduction of silicone-based soft lens materials has
resulted in an oxygen environment simulating the hyper-Dk/L rigid
lens materials; however, the incidence of peripheral corneal infiltrates
and related complications resulting from limbal compression is not
reduced. The smaller-diameter GP lenses do not compress the limbus
and therefore are unlikely to cause such complications.
and compliance with the wear and care regimen, potentially increasing
the complication rate. This problem may be reduced if there is future
regulation of alternative distribution sites. Because of their custom
design and greater cost per lens, GP lenses are rarely price advertised
or promoted by these alternate distribution sites. For these same rea-
sons, GP prescriptions are rarely requested by patients and are not of
great interest to independent suppliers.13 Therefore patients are more
likely to return to their prescribing practitioner for replacement lenses,
which, in turn, serves as an incentive for eye health care examinations,
spectacle purchase, and so on.
The number of indications for GP lenses is many and increasing.
Among these candidates are patients with astigmatism, presbyopia,
juvenile progressive myopia, myopia and including those desiring a
reduction in their refractive error, keratoconus, irregular corneas, and
borderline dry eye, and those desiring flexible or extended-wear lenses
or soft lens refits. These are important applications for which GP
lenses represent the lens of choice.
The GP application exhibiting the most recent consumer interest is
orthokeratology. Orthokeratology, or the reduction of myopia through
the application of specially designed rigid lenses, has been in existence
for 40 years. However, there appears to be four reasons why orthoker-
atology has experienced a rebirth in recent years18:
1. The introduction of corneal topography instrumentation to mon-
itor corneal change and predict the amount of myopia reduction
2. The use of reverse geometry lens designs and—more specifi-
cally—four zone designs to accelerate myopia reduction while
often accomplishing this task with one lens only
3. Limiting retainer wear to nighttime only
4. The increasing number of patients desiring an alternative to
refractive surgery
Chapter 4 Patient Selection, Evaluation, and Consultation 63
Irregular Cornea
The application of rigid lenses results in the molding of an irregular
cornea into a more spherical optical surface. As found in the
Collaborative Longitudinal Evaluation of Keratoconus (CLEK) study, rigid
lenses resulted in a significant improvement in corrected visual acuity
compared with manifest refraction.19 This makes the GP lens the lens of
choice for not only patients with keratoconus but also for all patients
exhibiting irregular corneas (e.g., trauma, postsurgical, corneal warpage).
The contraindications of GP lenses are comparable with those for
other types of contact lenses. Obviously, if a patient is sensitive to
something touching the eye, the patient may adapt easier to a soft lens;
however, this is rarely a contraindication. Likewise, patients with
spherical refractive error should not be contraindicated as GP lens
patients. Once again, the benefits of vision, eye health, myopia control,
and presbyopia among others make GPs a viable choice. Certainly
patients who desire only part-time wear or opaque lenses to change
their eye color are best fit into a soft lens. Overall, the viability of a
patient for GP contact lenses depends on anatomic, physiologic, and
psychological considerations. Therefore a comprehensive case history
and a diagnostic evaluation are essential to determine which patients
can successfully wear these lenses.
Case History
The patient selection process is initiated as soon as a patient enters the
office. It is always important to determine if the patient is interested in
contact lenses and, if not, what are the reasons for failing to use this
1. What type of lens material(s) have you worn?
2. How many years did you wear each type of contact lens?
3. Were these lenses worn successfully or unsuccessfully?
4. What was your primary problem with these lenses?
5. What other (if any) problems were present with these lenses?
6. Do you wear spectacles? If so, do they provide satisfactory vision? How
old is the current prescription?
7. Did problems appear at the onset of lens wear, or was successful lens
wear present before symptomatology?
8. Were previous lens-induced problems present in one eye or both eyes?
9. What is your present wearing time with your contact lenses (if currently
wearing lenses)?
10. What solutions have you used with your present or former lenses?
1. Systemic medications: The use of certain medications, such as
antihistamines, anticholinergic agents, some β-adrenergic blockers,
tricyclic antidepressants, and oral contraceptives, can affect contact lens
wear by reducing production of the aqueous phase of the tear film.26
2. Abnormal dry eye as determined via diagnostic testing.
3. Pregnancy: During pregnancy, particularly the third trimester, the tear film
and corneal curvature may change significantly. This usually stabilizes
soon after childbirth.
4. Diabetes: Patients with type I diabetes, in particular, may have varying
degrees of corneal anesthesia, poor corneal epithelial healing, and the
potential to develop neurotrophic keratitis.
5. Collagen vascular disorders: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis and related
collagen vascular disorders may have Sjögren’s syndrome with
keratoconjunctivitis sicca and associated tear film abnormalities.
6. Thyroid imbalance: Hyperthyroidism may result in exophthalmos and lack
of blinking, which can make contact lens wear difficult because of
insufficient tear flow to the cornea.
7. Recurrent ocular infection or inflammation: This can include recurrent
keratitis and contact lens–induced papillary conjunctivitis.
8. Seasonal or chronic allergies: If frequent antihistamine use is necessary,
contact lens wear should be limited or contraindicated when medication
use exists.
From Bennett ES, Watanabe RK: Preliminary evaluation. In Bennett ES, Henry VA, editors:
Clinical manual of contact lenses, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2000, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp 1-33.
Diagnostic Evaluation
In addition to the case history, a thorough preliminary evaluation is
important to determine if the patient is a good candidate for GP lenses
and contact lens wear in general. This includes anatomic measure-
ments, refractive and corneal topography information, biomicroscopic
evaluation, tear film evaluation, and binocular vision status.
Anatomic Measurements
These include pupil diameter, horizontal visible iris diameter (HVID),
palpebral aperture size, blink rate, and lid tension.
Pupil Diameter. Pupil diameter determination is critical for later
determining the optical zone diameter (OZD) and overall diameter of
GP lenses. The OZD of GP lenses should be, at minimum, 1 to 2 mm
larger than the pupil diameter in dim illumination. Pupil sizes can be
categorized as follows (as determined in dim illumination):
Small pupil <5 mm
Medium pupil 5 to 7 mm
Chapter 4 Patient Selection, Evaluation, and Consultation 67
under the upper lid is often possible. If the aperture size is more than
12 mm, especially if this is accompanied by an upper lid located at or
above the superior limbus, an intrapalpebral fitting relationship with a
smaller-diameter GP lens positioned between the lids is often indi-
cated. This measurement is obtained with a PD ruler positioned verti-
cally with the patient viewing straight ahead (Figure 4-3).
Blink Rate. The blink rate and quality should be evaluated without
the patient’s knowledge. A normal blink rate is 10 to 15 times per
minute. If the patient has an infrequent or incomplete (especially if
<50% closure is obtained) blink, hydrogel lenses for social and occa-
sional wear are recommended.
Lid Tension. During the evaluation of the palpebral conjunctiva
with lid eversion, the patient’s lid tension can be evaluated. Tight or
difficult-to-evert lids will be likely to pull a GP lens superiorly with the
Chapter 4 Patient Selection, Evaluation, and Consultation 69
Example 1:
Manifest refraction: −2.00 − 1.00 × 180
Keratometry: 42.00 @ 180; 43.00 @ 090
CRA = refractive cylinder − keratometry cylinder
= −1.00 × 180 − (−)1.00 × 180 = 0
Example 2:
Manifest refraction: −2.00 − 2.00 × 180
Keratometry: 42.00 @ 180; 43.00 @ 090
CRA = refractive cylinder − keratometry cylinder
= −2.00 × 180 − (−)1.00 × 180 = −1.00 × 180
Example 3:
Manifest refraction: −2.00 DS
Keratometry: 42.00 @ 180; 43.00 @ 090
CRA = refractive cylinder − keratometry cylinder
= Pl − (−)1.00 × 180 = +1.00 × 180 or
+1.00 − 1.00 × 090
If the actual residual astigmatism (ARA) is 0.75 D or greater, a
spherical GP lens is typically contraindicated because of reduced
vision. However, if the patient otherwise appears to be a good candi-
date for rigid lenses, it is important to select a diagnostic lens and per-
form an overrefraction. In some patients, the ARA will be less than
predicted, often the result of inaccuracy in keratometry, refraction, or
both. In Example 2, a soft toric lens would be the best option if the
Chapter 4 Patient Selection, Evaluation, and Consultation 71
Biomicroscopic Evaluation
An evaluation of the lids, conjunctiva, and cornea with a biomicro-
scope is essential. The inferior and superior palpebral conjunctiva
should be examined for the presence of papillary or follicular hyper-
trophy. Follicles are lymphoid hyperplasias, and papillae are elevations
or projections that are essentially a central vascular response with sec-
ondary lymphocytic and plasma cell infiltration. Allansmith et al27 pro-
vided a classification of lid papillary hypertrophy (Figure 4-4). Grade 0
indicates a smooth or satin lid; grade 1, uniform cobblestone appear-
ance; grade 2, two or three papillae per millimeter; grade 3, papillae
1 mm or larger over the majority of the conjunctiva. Large papillary or
follicular hypertrophy covering the entire conjunctival surface is
termed contact lens–induced papillary conjunctivitis (CLIPC). Patients
with a history of atopy, a faulty contact lens edge, or a mucoprotein
film on the front surface of the lens are most susceptible to CLIPC.
An external evaluation is also important. The presence of such con-
ditions as meibomian gland dysfunction and blepharitis must be man-
aged and under control before fitting contact lenses. If in-turned or
adjacent to the green-stained tear film—is the TBUT (Figure 4-5). This
value is equal to the time it takes for dry spots to form in the tear film
via the mucin layer being contaminated by the lipid layer of the tear
film. A TBUT less than 10 seconds indicates that the patient may not
be an optimum candidate for contact lens wear.28 A value of between
6 and 9 seconds should limit the patient to a daily-wear schedule
because of borderline dry eyes. These patients should be instructed
that all-day lens wear might not be possible. A TBUT of 5 seconds or
less should be a contraindication to contact lens wear. If such values
are found, it is important to repeat the test several times. In addition,
such conditions as meibomian gland dysfunction or blepharitis can
reduce TBUT and should be managed before fitting the patient into
contact lenses. There are also several noninvasive TBUT tests involv-
ing either the projection of a grid pattern on the tear film or the use of
the keratometer mire image to observe tear breakup.29,30
Several tests are commercially available for evaluation of tear vol-
ume. The most common test is the Schirmer tear test. There are several
methods of performing this test. A Schirmer test strip is placed over the
temporal region of the lower lid such that the 5-mm notched section of
the strip is inserted underneath the lid. The patient should be viewing
superiorly. Depending on the test, the strip can be removed after either
Figure 4-5. Formation of dry spots when determining tear break-up time.
Is the Patient Motivated?
The motivation to wear contact lenses is essentially through a desire to
improve one’s cosmesis, vision, or performance in sports. Typically, by
Chapter 4 Patient Selection, Evaluation, and Consultation 77
Figure 4-7. A prefitting evaluation of a good candidate for RGP contact lenses.
completed this study. Six of the eight dropouts were from group 1 (fear-
arousing), and the other two were from group 2 (neutral content
nonenthused). Not only did all of the subjects in group 3 (neutral
content enthused) complete the study but also they were significantly
more compliant in returning their daily questionnaires than subjects
in the other two groups.
Therefore the verbal and nonverbal presentation of GP lenses is
critical to patient success with these lenses. This is especially true with
highly sensitive patients, including children, patients with kerato-
conus, and those who experienced some anxiety during prefitting pro-
cedures. Reassurance is obviously important during the adaptation
process. In addition, there are numerous aids available from the RGP
Lens Institute (www.rgpli.org), including the video entitled “Have You
Considered Oxygen Permeables” and the GP Benefits/Applications
laminated pocket card, which will be beneficial in assisting the patient
through this process.
Box 4-7 summarizes the key factors to consider when presenting
GP lenses to a patient interested in contact lens wear.42 If the patient’s
fears and expectations are understood, if the necessary time is devoted
to performing the indicated preliminary testing and explaining the
available options, and if GP lenses are explained properly to the
patient, it is likely that the percentage of patients adapting to GP lenses
Determining who are the best candidates for GP lenses initially
depends on performing a comprehensive preliminary evaluation to
determine if they are good contact lens candidates in general. If this is
the case, there are few such patients—those with a strong desire to
wear soft lenses, wear the lenses occasionally, or wear tinted lenses—
who are not good candidates for GP lenses. If the patient is a good can-
didate, it is important to communicate this option with confidence in
a manner that will be perceived favorably by the patient.
1. Bennett ES: Seven reasons why you should recommend RGPs, Rev Optom Suppl
132(7):4A-6A, 1995.
2. Ziel CJ, Gussler JR, Van Meter WS, et al: Contrast sensitivity in extended wear of
the Boston IV lens, CLAO J 16(4):276-278, 1990.
3. Timberlake GT, Doane MG, Bertera JH: Short-term low contrast visual acuity
reduction associated with in vivo contact lens drying, Optom Vis Sci
69(10):755-760, 1992.
Chapter 4 Patient Selection, Evaluation, and Consultation 83
25. Bennett ES, Watanabe RK: Preliminary evaluation. In Bennett ES, Henry VA, edi-
tors: Clinical manual of contact lenses, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2000, Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, pp 1-33.
26. Jaanus SD, Bartlett JD, Hiett JA: Ocular effects of systemic drugs In Bartlett JD,
Jaanus SD, editors: Clinical ocular pharmacology, ed 3, Boston, 1995,
Butterworth-Heinemann, pp 970-972.
27. Allansmith MR, et al: Giant papillary conjunctivitis in contact lens wearers, Am J
Ophthalmol 83(5):242-252, 1977.
28. Andres S, Henriques A, Garcia ML, et al: Factors of the precorneal fluid break-up
time (BUT) and tolerance of contact lenses, Int Contact Lens Clin 14:81-120,
29. Mengher LS, Bron AJ, Tonge SR, et al: Noninvasive assessment of tear film sta-
bility. In Holly FJ, editor: Preocular tear film in health, disease, and contact lens
wear, Lubbock, TX, 1986, Dry Eye Institute, pp 64.
30. Patel S, Murray D, McKenzie A, et al: Effects of fluorescein on tear breakup time
and on tear thinning time, Am J Optom Physiol Opt 62:188-190, 1985.
31. Holly FJ: Diagnosis and treatment of dry eye syndrome, Contact Lens Spectrum
4:37-44, 1989.
32. Lupelli L: A review of lacrimal function tests in relation to contact lens practice:
I. Contact Lens J 16:4-17, 1988.
33. Elliott L, Henderson B, Bennett ES, et al: Comparison of overall performance of
hydrogel and rigid gas permeable lens materials in the contact lens man-
agement of the borderline dry eye patient. Presented at the Annual Meeting
of the American Academy of Optometry, December 1996, Orlando.
34. Sakamoto R, Bennett ES, Henry VA, et al: The phenol red thread test: a cross-cul-
tural study, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 34:3510-3514, 1993.
35. Zuccaro VS: Rose bengal: a vital stain, Contact Lens Forum 39-43, 1981.
36. Manning FJ, Wehrly SR, Foulks GN: Patient tolerance and ocular surface stain-
ing: characteristics of lissamine green versus rose bengal, Ophthalmology
102:1953-1957, 1995.
37. McMonnies CA, Ho A: Patient history in screening for dry eye patients, J Am
Optom Assoc 58:296-301, 1987.
38. Benjamin WJ: Visual optics of contact lens wear. In Bennett ES, Weissman BA,
editors:. Clinical contact lens practice, Philadelphia, 1990, JB Lippincott, pp
39. White PF, Gilman EL: Preliminary evaluation, In Bennett ES, Weissman BA, edi-
tors: Clinical contact lens practice, Philadelphia, 1990, JB Lippincott, pp 17-1-18.
40. Polse KA, Graham AD, Fusaro RE, et al: Predicting RGP daily wear success,
CLAO J 25(3):152-158, 1999.
41. Bennett ES: RGP fitting: how to increase comfort, Pract Optom 8(4):148-152,
42. Bennett ES: How to present rigid lenses more effectively, Rev Optom Suppl
132(7):8A-10A, 1995.
Chapter 4 Patient Selection, Evaluation, and Consultation 85
43. Davis R, Keech P, Dubow B, et al: Making RGP fitting efficient and successful,
Contact Lens Spectrum 15(10):40-47, 2000.
44. Benoit DP: Try RGPs for fun and profit, Contact Lens Spectrum 11(10):47-48,
45. Quinn TG: Maximizing comfort with RGPs, Contact Lens Spectrum 12(3):21,
46. Bennett ES, Stulc S, Bassi CJ, et al: Effect of patient personality profile and ver-
bal presentation on successful rigid contact lens adaptation, satisfaction and
compliance, Optom Vis Sci 75:500-505, 1998.
Lens Design, Fitting, and Evaluation
Chapter 5 Lens Design, Fitting, and Evaluation 87
Empirical Fitting
Empirical fitting has gained greater acceptance and success in recent
years. Whereas it was initially used, in part, by practitioners who were
not optimally confident in their custom-design skills and therefore
placed their trust in manufacturers’ nomograms and design philoso-
phies, there are good reasons to consider empirical methods today.
Empirical fitting is time efficient and also accurate. The latter is the
result of higher quality manufacturing, which has resulted in greater
success with newer designs with standard parameters (aspheric
peripheries, average diameters, ultrathin construction). One such
design resulted in a 70% first-fit success rate.6 In addition, corneal
topography instrumentation has included sophisticated contact lens
design software with the ability of accurately simulating the fluores-
cein pattern based on topography while recommending a lens design
that results in a high first-fit success rate.7-10 In addition, as mentioned
previously, the powerful effect of providing good vision after initial
application of a GP lens on a new patient should never be underesti-
mated. If the appropriate diagnostic lens power is not available with
A fourth drop can be instilled 1 hour after insertion
This regimen can be maintained for 3 to 5 days or until
adaptation is completed
Once fluorescein is applied, the patient should blink several times
before the practitioner assesses the pattern. Allow, at minimum, 20
Chapter 5 Lens Design, Fitting, and Evaluation 93
For the same reason, a “pseudoflat” appearance may result with a plus
lens because of the greater center thickness present.
Fluorescein evaluation of the lens-to-cornea fitting relationship
should be performed at the fitting and all progress evaluation visits. The
ability to accurately assess fluorescein patterns comes only after constant
and frequent evaluations. It is not uncommon to have a lens that centers
optimally but could induce corneal compromise over time because of the
absence of an alignment fluorescein pattern. It is important to under-
stand that any contact lens design philosophy is merely a starting point;
likewise, GP lens laboratories tend to vary considerably in the design
parameters that they recommend.4 These factors, in combination with
individual corneal topographic differences, make evaluating the fitting
relationship of a rigid lens to the cornea with fluorescein critical to long-
term patient success with gas permeable contact lenses.
edge of the gas permeable lens positions under the upper lid (Figure
5-5). For patients with a larger than average palpebral aperture size in
which the lids are approximately tangent to the limbus, making a lid
attachment fitting relationship difficult to achieve, an interpalpebral fit
is desired (Figure 5-6). This necessitates a smaller than average OAD
lens that will not abut the upper lid but will be positioned away from
it; ideally it will be well centered on the cornea between the lids.
Pupil Size
The OAD should be large enough to allow an OZD that is larger than
the pupil size during dim illumination. Otherwise, the patient is likely
to exhibit symptoms of flare under low illumination conditions, espe-
cially if the lens is decentered.
Refractive Power
It is not uncommon for practitioners to use a larger OAD lens for
patients with hyperopia. Because of the mass of these lenses, they may
decenter inferiorly; therefore although a larger lens has greater mass,
it also allows the incorporation of a special peripheral design (i.e.,
minus lenticular) to increase the likelihood of centration.
Figure 5-4. An example of a normal lid-to-cornea relationship, which is optimum for a lid
attachment fitting relationship.
Figure 5-6. A large fissure resulting from a highly positioned upper lid.
Corneal Curvature
Steeper than average corneal curvatures (i.e., >45 D) often necessitate
a smaller than average OAD to maintain centration on a cornea that
typically flattens at a higher rate than normal.
Other Considerations
Young people, particularly those involved in sports, can often benefit
from the selection of a larger than average diameter. These lenses typ-
ically move less on the eye with blinking and are also less likely to dis-
place when playing contact sports.
Recommended diameter values are provided in Table 5-3. An aver-
age OAD/OZD of 9.4/8.0 mm should be successful for most patients,
particularly when a lid attachment fitting relationship is desired. A
smaller than average OAD/OZD of 9.0/7.6 mm is recommended for
patients in whom an interpalpebral fitting relationship and/or steeper
than average corneal curvatures are desired. A larger than average
OAD/OZD is indicated for patients with a larger than average pupil
size and for athletes.
In recent years, gas permeable lens designs with OADs as large as
10 to 15 mm have been introduced to increase initial comfort. These
have included ComfortFlow (Acculens, Lakewood, CO), Macrolens (C
& H, Dallas, TX), and Epicon (Specialty Ultravision, Campbell, CA).21-23
Z (axial edge lift)
Center Thickness
Overall lens thickness depends on a number of variables, but prima-
rily lens power and OAD. The center thickness is greater and the cen-
ter of gravity is more anterior for plus lenses, whereas the edge
thickness is greater and the center of gravity is more posterior for
minus lenses (Figure 5-8).
Center thickness is an important parameter for the flexible GP
lens materials. If the lens is too thin, flexure and instability can result.
If the lens is too thick, its mass may result in inferior positioning on
the cornea. The latter situation is especially problematic with GP
lenses. It has been found that increasing the center thickness by 0.04
mm decreases the equivalent oxygen percentage (EOP) by less than 1%
but will increase mass by 24%.38 Fortunately, the introduction of more
Figure 5-8. The difference in the anterior center of gravity of a plus versus a minus power
Chapter 5 Lens Design, Fitting, and Evaluation 105
Lenticular Applications
A lenticular design is sometimes indicated because of the variance in
edge thickness resulting in changes in lens power and OAD. In a
lenticulated lens, the front surface consists of a central optical portion
Avoid use of Assume PT has Consider for all first- Edge Centration Peripheral
"discomfort" negative perception time patients; essential curve system
Attempt to
lid attachment
Other Considerations
It is important to make a significant change in lens parameters when
an improvement in the lens-to-cornea fitting relationship is desired.
The magnitude of such design parameter changes is provided in Table
5-4.53 A summary of lens design and fitting pearls is provided in Box
5-3. In addition, typically the right lens is ordered with a dot to distin-
guish it from the left lens. Also, a light blue (visibility) tint is recom-
mended to identify the lens if it is displaced. Other tints are available in
most materials; however, because these lenses are typically ordered with
OADs smaller than the horizontal visible iris diameter and because they
move up to 2 to 3 mm with blinking and may reduce light transmission
significantly, darker, iris-enhancing tints are not recommended.
Power Determination
After obtaining an optimum lens-to-cornea fitting relationship, accu-
rate determination of the final lens power is important. Two factors to
be considered in the prediction of lens power are tear lens power and
vertex distance.
Eye Eye
−2.25 D −3.50 D
Contact lens Contact lens
Figure 5-10. Tear layer power cross diagrams can be used for determination of lens power of
steep versus flat base curve radii.
Vertex Distance
Another important consideration in predicting the final lens power is
the effective power at the corneal plane for patients with severe myopia
or hyperopia. Appendix 2 to this text provides the difference in effective
power from the spectacle to the corneal plane, assuming a 12-mm vertex
distance. This can be determined by using the following formula:
Fc = Fs/1 − dFs
where Fc = contact lens power, Fs = spectacle lens power, and D = dis-
tance between the spectacle lens and the contact lens (in meters). If a
12 mm distance is used and the patient’s refraction is equal to −5.00 −
1.50 × 180, at the corneal plane this will equal:
Rx (corneal plane: horizontal meridian) = −5.50/1 − 0.012 × −5.50 =
−5.16 D
Rx (corneal plane: vertical meridian) = −7.00/1 − 0.012 × −7.00 =
−6.46 D
The contact lens power becomes more plus at the corneal plane,
although a +0.25-D change in effective power is not present in specta-
cle refractions less than 4 D. These examples assume a 12-mm vertex
distance, but this should be measured carefully for all patients with
severe myopia and aphakia because an error of only 2 mm can result
in a predicted lens power incorrect by as much as 0.75 D.
As a result of tear lens power and vertex distance, it is extremely
important for practitioners to predict what the final lens power should
be. The following example, using the author’s base curve fitting phi-
losophy, demonstrates how both of these factors can result in a lens
with more than 1 D of plus power less than predicted from only using
the spectacle refraction.
Keratometry readings: 43.00 @ 180; 43.25 @ 090
Spectacle refraction: −6.50 − 0.25 × 180
Spectacle Rx (corneal plane: 12 mm vertex distance):−6.00 − 0.25 × 180
Base curve radius: 42.25 D (0.75 D flatter than K)
Final predicted Rx: Spherical refractive value (corneal plane) −
Tear lens power
= −6.00 − (–0.75 D)
= −5.25 D
One of the many benefits of using diagnostic lenses is that the actual
power determined by refraction over the lenses is often different from
the predicted power. Factors such as an inaccurate refraction, an uncali-
brated keratometer, and so on can result in an inaccurate predicted
power. However, the use of a diagnostic lens with a known power and
base curve in combination with the spherical overrefractive power
should be a more valid predictor of the actual contact lens power neces-
sary for optimum visual performance. If the vision is reduced with a
Chapter 5 Lens Design, Fitting, and Evaluation 111
Figure 5-11. Example of fitting and order data for a patient with myopia.
Figure 5-12. Example of fitting and order data for a patient with hyperopia.
The success of a GP lens patient depends highly on the practitioner’s
ability to design, fit, evaluate, and troubleshoot these lenses. With the
introduction of higher-quality ultrathin lens designs, the probability of
success is increasing.
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of daily wear fluoro-silicone/acrylate contact lenses, Contact Lens Forum 14:38-
44, 1989.
2. Bennett ES: Detailing your RGP Rx, Contact Lens Spectrum 13(10):5s-9s, 1998.
3. Davis R, Keech P, Dubow B, et al: Making RGP fitting efficient and successful,
Contact Lens Spectrum 15(10):40-47, 2000.
4. Schwartz CA, Bennett ES, Moore C: Setting standards: what is a peripheral curve?
Contact Lens Spectrum 12(10):19-22, 1997.
5. Keech P: The top 10 reasons to inventory RGPs, Contact Lens Spectrum 11(10):
32-36, 1996.
6. Choatt C, Wing E: An RGP lens with a soft lens fit, Contact Lens Spectrum
15(6):49-52, 2000.
7. Soper B, Shovlin J, Bennett ES: Evaluating a topography software based program
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8. Szczotka LB: Clinical evaluation of a topographically based contact lens fitting
software, Optom Vis Sci 74:14-19, 1997.
9. Evardson WT, Douthwaite WA: Contact lens back surface specification from the
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10. Lebow KA: Fitting accuracy of an arc step-based contact lens module, Contact
Lens Spectrum 12(11):25-30, 1997.
11. Jervey JW: Topical anesthetic for the eye: a comparative study, South J Med
48:770-774, 1989.
12. Lyle WM, Page C: Possible adverse effects from local anesthetics and the treat-
ment of these reactions, Am J Optom Physiol Opt 52:736-744, 1975.
13. Bennett ES, Smythe J, Henry VA, et al: The effect of topical anesthetic use on ini-
tial patient satisfaction and overall success with rigid gas permeable contact
lenses, Optom Vis Sci 75:800-805, 1998.
14. Schnider CM: Anesthetics and RGPs: crossing the controversial line, Rev Optom
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15. Gordon A, Bartlett JD, Lin M: The effect of diclofenac sodium on the initial com-
fort of RGP contact lenses: a pilot study, J Am Optom Assoc 70(8):509-513,
16. Caroline PJ, Andre MP: NSAIDs in RGP adaptation, Contact Lens Spectrum 16(5),
17. Mandell RB: Trial lens method. In Mandell RB, editor: Contact lens practice, ed 4,
Springfield, IL, 1988, Charles C. Thomas, pp 243-264.
18. Bennett ES, Barr JT, Johnson J: Unmasking the RGP fit with fluorescein, Contact
Lens Spectrum 13(10):31-42, 1998.
19. Bennett ES: Easy ways to improve your RGP lens fitting, Rev Optom Suppl
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20. Davis LJ, Bennett ES: Fluorescein patterns in UV-absorbing rigid contact lenses,
Contact Lens Spectrum 4:49-54, 1989.
21. Winkler TD: Case report of a corneo-scleral RGP lens, Contact Lens Spectrum
14(9), 1999.
22. Cutler SI, Szczotka LB, Maynard R, et al: Managing irregular corneas with gas
permeable lenses, Contact Lens Spectrum 17(10):25-31, 2002.
23. Eisenberg JS: Safer, healthier, longer, Rev Optom 138(4):71-76, 2001.
24. Caroline PJ, Norman CW: A blueprint for RGP design. Part 1, Contact Lens
Spectrum 3:39-49, 1988.
25. Bibby MM: Factors affecting peripheral curve design, Am J Optom Physiol Opt
56(1):2-9, 1979.
26. Young G: The effect of rigid lens design on fluorescein fit, Contact Lens Ant Eye
21(2):41-46, 1998.
Chapter 5 Lens Design, Fitting, and Evaluation 115
27. Jurkus JM, Howe VM: Contact lenses: the 7 secrets of RGP success, Rev Optom
136(11):51-58, 1999.
28. Bennett ES: The effect of varying axial edge lift on silicone/acrylate lens per-
formance, Contact Lens J 14:3-7, 1986.
29. Schnider CM, Terry RL, Holden BA: Effect of patient and lens performance char-
acteristics on peripheral corneal desiccation, J Am Optom Assoc 67(3):144-
150, 1996.
30. Stone J: Designing hard lenses in the 1980s, J Br Contact Lens Assoc 4(4):144-150,
31. Holden T, Bahr K, Koers D, et al: The effect of secondary curve liftoff on periph-
eral corneal desiccation. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Academy of Optometry, Denver, December 1987.
32. Sorbara L, Fonn D, Holden BA, et al: Centrally fitted versus lid-attached rigid gas
permeable lenses. Part II. A comparison of the clinical performance, Int
Contact Lens Clin 23(7,8):121-126, 1996.
33. Bennett ES, Henry VA, Seibel DB, et al: Clinical evaluation of the Boston
Equacurve, Contact Lens Forum 15(3):49-52, 1990.
34. Andrasko GJ: A comfort comparison, Contact Lens Spectrum 4(4):49-52, 1989.
35. Bennett ES: Silicone-acrylate lens design, Int Contact Lens Clin 12(1):45-53,
36. Schnider CM: Getting the edge, Contact Lens Spectrum 7(7):18, 1992.
37. Picciano S, Andrasko GJ: Which factors influence RGP lens comfort, Contact
Lens Spectrum 4(5):31-33, 1989.
38. Hill RM, Brezinski SD: The center thickness factor, Contact Lens Spectrum
2(10):52-54, 1987.
39. Norman C: Today’s RGPs: better performance through innovative technology,
Contact Lens Spectrum 11(11), 1996.
40. Achiron LR: Custom-designed ultra-thin RGP lenses, Contact Lens Spectrum
16(5):40, 2001.
41. Pole JJ, Kochanny L: The comparative flexure of Polycon II, Silcon and Boston II
contact lenses on toric corneas, Optom Monthly 75(4):151-155, 1984.
42. Corzine JC, Klein SA: Factors determining contact lens flexure, Optom Vis Sci
74(8):639-645, 1997.
43. Edwards K: Rigid gas-permeable contact lens problem solving, Optician
219(5740):18-24, 2000.
44. Campbell R, Caroline P: Don’t take RGP edge design for granted, Contact Lens
Spectrum 12(7):56, 1997.
45. La Hood D: The edge shape and comfort of RGP lenses, Am J Optom Physiol Opt
65(8):613, 1988.
46. Andrasko GJ: Getting the edge on RGP comfort, Contact Lens Spectrum 6(8):
37-40, 1991.
47. Bennett ES: RGP fitting: how to increase comfort, Pract Optom 8(4):148-152,
48. Bennett ES, Grohe RM: RGP quality control: the results of a national survey, J Am
Optom Assoc 66(3):147-153, 1995.
49. Quinn TG: Maximizing comfort with RGPs, Contact Lens Spectrum 12(3):21, 1997.
50. Bier N, Lowther GE: Lens design. In Bier N, Lowther GE, editors: Contact lens cor-
rection, Stoneham, MA, 1977, Butterworths.
51. Snyder C: Designing minus carrier RGP lenses, Contact Lens Spectrum 13(12):20,
52. Lowther GE: Review of rigid contact lens design and effects of design on lens fit,
Int Contact Lens Clin 15(12):378-389, 1988.
53. Szczotka LB: RGP parameter changes: how much change is significant? Contact
Lens Spectrum 16(4):18, 2001.
Computerized Corneal Topography in
Gas Permeable Lens Fitting
The two most prominent measuring systems in CVK technology
include reflective devices and slit scanning devices. Purely reflective
devices are the placido-based systems, which use the corneal tear film
as a convex mirror to reflect a series of illuminated annular rings. The
rings may be thin or wide and usually correspond to the type of illu-
mination cone device set at a certain working distance from the
patient’s orbit. Thin ring systems are typical of small cone devices that
are brought close to the bony orbit and use a short working distance.
A computerized algorithm finds the peak luminance within the center
of the ring and identifies this position relative to the videokerato-
graphic axis. The small cone system allows good corneal coverage
without shadow artifacts from noses, brows, or lashes, but it can be
more sensitive to defocus. Wide ring systems are typical of larger cone
illumination devices with much longer working distances from
the patient than the small cone counterpart. These projection systems
use a border detection algorithm to detect each edge of the reflected
thick ring (Figure 6-1) and to identify the positions of the rings relative
to the videokeratographic axis.8
Placido devices measure rate of change of the corneal slope by cal-
culating the positions and distances of the reflected rings from the
center of the image to the periphery in a radial fashion. They can only
acquire information from the anterior corneal surface. Placido sys-
tems have to use many assumptions to calculate the rate of change of
the corneal surface, such as where the surface lies in space.
Additionally, any values from the posterior cornea used in calculations
(such as total optical power or simulated keratometry) must be
assumed based on population means.9 Reflective devices also suffer
from other ambiguities. Because of the inherent symmetry of the illu-
minated rings, placido-based corneal topography cannot disambiguate
a central hill from a central depression on the cornea. Both appear as
a local increase in curvature on the CVK map. For example, consider
reflective optics of two test surfaces, one convex and one concave. The
reflection of an illuminated placido ring from the convex surface
Chapter 6 Computerized Corneal Topography in Gas Permeable Lens Fitting 119
Figure 6-1. Example of thick ring placido system and border detection algorithm defining the
two edges of each ring.
would be erect, and off the concave surface it would be inverted. The
only difference is the direction (erect or inverted) of the specular
image. Therefore curvature ambiguity occurs because erect and
inverted (round and symmetrical) placido ring images look identical.
Nevertheless, placido image systems remain the most commonly used
instruments and provide relatively accurate and repeatable data.
Slit scanning systems enable the acquisition of elevation topogra-
phy from the anterior and posterior corneal surfaces and from the
anterior surface of the crystalline lens. The Orbscan II system is cur-
rently the only commercially available example of this technology and
uses a slit scanning technique in combination with reflective CVK
because of the addition of a placido disk attachment, which acquires
the front surface curvature data. The instrument scans the eye using
light slits that are projected at 45-degree angles to the cornea. Forty
slits (20 from each side) are projected sequentially onto the eye.
A computer algorithm computes the anterior and posterior corneal
surface elevations by comparison to a precalibrated known spatial
position. The corneal thickness is then determined by the difference in
elevation from the anterior and posterior surfaces.
CVK maps can be viewed with one of several curvature displays, scal-
ing options, and various refractive and three-dimensional displays.
There is no consistency among topography system manufacturers in
the methods or terminology used to describe the data that are ulti-
mately displayed. However, several common maps and terms exist that
are worth describing. The various terminology used in the industry for
these data displays are listed in Box 6-1. The underlined names will be
used throughout this chapter because they are the most common
terms used in the literature today.
Normalized Scale
Color Map
Autosize Scale
Adjustable Scale
Customized Scale
Curvature Maps
Axial Distance
Sagittal Map
Color Map
Default Map
Other Displays
Elevation Map
Height Map
3D Map
Refractive Map
Power Map
Snell’s Law
Chapter 6 Computerized Corneal Topography in Gas Permeable Lens Fitting 121
Figure 6-2. Comparison of axial and tangential maps on a patient with keratoconus. Note the
tangential map highlights the central cone position much better than the axial map.
Figure 6-4. Schematic representation of normal prolate corneal elevation relative to reference
sphere. The elevation is highlighted red when the cornea rises above the reference sphere, and
blue where the cornea dips below the reference sphere.
Figure 6-5. Schematic representation of post–laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) corneal ele-
vation relative to reference sphere. The elevation is highlighted red when the cornea rises
above the reference sphere, and blue where the cornea dips below the reference sphere.
lar pattern of tear pooling in the central depression where the cornea
dips below the reference sphere, and corneal bearing over the relative
peak outside the ablation zone (Figure 6-7).
Any of these map displays can be viewed on multiple color scales,
which can add more confusion when the practitioner is considering
which map to ultimately select for viewing. Two common options are
the absolute and normalized color scales. The absolute scale is consis-
tent at all times. It always assigns the same dioptric interval to a given
color. Often the absolute color scale has larger dioptric intervals and
encompasses a wide range of curvatures compared with the normal-
ized map. I recommend always engaging the absolute map first to get
a global view of the eye; however, using it as the only map option can
mask subtle differences and irregularity. Some systems use an
absolute scale that mimics the keratometer range (35 to 52 D); in some
cases, this type of absolute scale may saturate on either end, giving a
global sense of curvature but no detail. Figure 6-8 demonstrates a
post–penetrating keratoplasty (PK) patient who saturated the absolute
scale because most curvatures were above the peak 52-D curvature of
the scale.
Figure 6-7. Simulated fluorescein pattern of a gas permeable (GP) lens fit over a post–laser in
situ keratomileusis (LASIK) eye.
Figure 6-8. Absolute color scale from a post–penetrating keratoplasty (PK) patient, which sat-
urated because most curvatures were above the peak 52-D curvature of the scale.
Figure 6-9. Normalized scale of the patient in Figure 6-8; high astigmatism can now be
observed in the post–penetrating keratoplasty (PK) patient who previously saturated the
absolute scale.
Figure 6-10. Difference map of a patient during orthokeratology treatment. Central corneal
flattening is observed as early as after one night of wear.
Figure 6-11. Difference map of a post–penetrating keratoplasty (PK) patient (with kerato-
conus) who is assumed to have early recurrence of keratoconus in the graft based on inferior
steepening of the cornea over time.
be used for qualitative analysis and suggested starting points for lens
base curve selection, after which a diagnostic lens should be applied to
begin the fitting process.
CVK can assist in selecting the best starting base curve for trial lens selec-
tion for patients after cornea surgery and for those with keratoconus.
Understanding CVK is essential for the GP lens fitter. When proceed-
ing with normal or specialty GP lens fits, qualitative CVK analysis and
quantitative data selection can assist in initial lens selection. Corneal
topography analysis should also be used for routine follow-up evalua-
tion and long-term treatment of the GP lens patient.
1. Bufidis T, Konstas AG, Mamtziou E: The role of computerized corneal topography
in rigid gas permeable contact lens fitting, CLAO J 24(4):206-209, 1998.
2. Donshik PC, Reisner DS, Luistro AE: The use of computerized videokeratography
as an aid in fitting rigid gas permeable contact lenses, Trans Am Ophthalmol
Soc 94:135-143, 1996.
3. Jani BR, Szczotka LB: Efficiency and accuracy of two computerized topography
software systems for fitting rigid gas permeable contact lenses, CLAO J
26(2):91-96, 2000.
4. Szczotka LB: Clinical evaluation of a topographically based contact lens fitting soft-
ware, Optom Vis Sci 74(1):14-19, 1997.
5. Lebow KA, Grohe RM: Differentiating contact lens induced warpage from true
keratoconus using corneal topography, CLAO J 25(2):114-122, 1999.
6. Maeda N, Klyce SD, Smolek MK: Comparison of methods for detecting kerato-
conus using videokeratography, Arch Ophthalmol 113(7):870-874, 1995.
7. Wilson SE, Klyce SD: Screening for corneal topographic abnormalities before
refractive surgery, Ophthalmology 101(1):147-152, 1994.
8. Szczotka LB: Instrumentation for detecting corneal changes from contact lens
wear, Contact Lens Spect 15(4):XX, 2000.
9. Cairns G, McGhee CN, Collins MJ, et al: Accuracy of Orbscan II slit-scanning
elevation topography, J Cataract Refract Surg 28(12):2181-2187, 2002.
10. Roberts C: The accuracy of “power” maps to display curvature data in corneal
topography systems, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 35(9):3525-3532, 1994.
11. Roberts C: Characterization of the inherent error in a spherically-biased corneal
topography system in mapping a radially aspheric surface, J Refract Corneal
Surg 10(2):103-111; discussion 112-116, 1994.
12. Roberts C: Corneal topography: a review of terms and concepts, J Cataract Refract
Surg 22(5):624-629, 1996.
13. Chan JS, Mandell RB, Burger DS, et al: Accuracy of videokeratography for instan-
taneous radius in keratoconus, Optom Vis Sci 72(11):793-799, 1995.
14. Chan JS, Mandell RB: Alignment effects in videokeratography of keratoconus,
CLAO J 23(1):23-28, 1997.
15. Azar DT, Yeh PC: Corneal topographic evaluation of decentration in photorefrac-
tive keratectomy: treatment displacement vs intraoperative drift, Am J
Ophthalmol 124(3):312-320, 1997.
16. Sano Y, Carr JD, Takei K, et al: Videokeratography after excimer laser in situ ker-
atomileusis for myopia, Ophthalmology 107(4):674-684, 2000.
17. Lim-Bon-Siong R, Williams JM, Samapunphong S, et al: Screening of myopic
photorefractive keratectomy in eye bank eyes by computerized videoker-
atography, Arch Ophthalmol 116(5):617-623, 1998.
18. Rabinowitz YS: Tangential vs sagittal videokeratographs in the “early” detection
of keratoconus, Am J Ophthalmol 122(6):887-889, 1996.
19. Wasserman D, Itzkowitz J, Kamenar T, et al: Corneal topographic data: its use in
fitting aspheric contact lenses, CLAO J 18(2):83-85, 1992.
20. Rabinowitz YS, Garbus JJ, Garbus C, et al: Contact lens selection for keratoconus
using a computer-assisted videophotokeratoscope, CLAO J 17(2):88-93,
21. Szczotka LB, Thomas J: Comparison of axial and instantaneous videokerato-
graphic data in keratoconus and utility in contact lens curvature prediction,
CLAO J 24(1):22-28, 1998.
22. McDonnell PJ, Garbus JJ, Caroline P, et al: Computerized analysis of corneal
topography as an aid in fitting contact lenses after radial keratotomy,
Ophthalmic Surg 23(1):55-59, 1992.
Chapter 6 Computerized Corneal Topography in Gas Permeable Lens Fitting 137
23. Jani B, et al: Topographic reference points for spherical RGP contact lens fitting
after LASIK, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 41(4):S73, 2000.
24. Eggink FA, Beekhuis WH, Nuijts RM: Rigid gas-permeable contact lens fitting in
LASIK patients for the correction of multifocal corneas, Graefes Arch Clin
Exp Ophthalmol 239(5):361-366, 2001.
25. Bogan SJ, Maloney RK, Drews CD, et al: Computer-assisted videokeratography of
corneal topography after radial keratotomy, Arch Ophthalmol 109(6):
834-841, 1991.
26. Szczotka LB, Capretta DM, Lass JH: Clinical evaluation of a computerized topog-
raphy software method for fitting rigid gas permeable contact lenses, CLAO
J 20(4):231-236, 1994.
27. Szczotka L, et al: Corneal topography for contact lens fitting, Optometry Today
6(6):38-46, 1998.
28. Chan JS, Mandell RB, Johnson L, et al: Contact lens base curve prediction from
videokeratography, Optom Vis Sci 75(6):445-449, 1998.
29. Waring GO 3rd, Hannush S, Bogan S, et al: Classification of corneal topography.
In Schanzlin DJ, Robin J, editors: Corneal topography: measuring and modify-
ing the cornea, New York, 1992, Springer Verlag, pp 70-71.
30. Eggink FA, Beekhuis WH, Nuijts RM: Rigid gas-permeable contact lens fitting in
LASIK patients for the correction of multifocal corneas, Graefes Arch Clin
Exp Ophthalmol 239(5):361-366, 2001.
31. Szczotka LB, Aronsky M: Contact lenses after LASIK, J Am Optom Assoc
69(12):775-784, 1998.
Lens Care and Patient Education
Wetting-Soaking Solution
Combination wetting-soaking solutions have the dual function of wet-
ting or cushioning the lens before insertion and disinfecting the lens
on removal. Among the many ingredients in these solutions are wet-
ting agents and preservatives, which are intended to provide optimum
wettability and disinfection without causing sensitivity reactions.
Wetting Agents
Commonly used wetting agents in combination wetting-soaking solu-
tions are polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and methylcellulose derivatives. PVA
is water soluble, relatively nonviscous, and nontoxic to ocular tissues,
all desirable properties for successful contact lens wear. It exhibits
good surface wettability while also having optimum viscosity-building
Chapter 7 Lens Care and Patient Education 139
With overnight soaking, preservative agents should be capable of
killing microorganisms without causing epithelial insult and subjec-
tive symptoms of stinging and redness. Preservatives can either inhibit
the growth of microorganisms (bacteriostatic agents) or kill microor-
ganisms (bacteriocidal agents).2 Preservatives in common use today
include polyaminopropyl biguanide (PAPB), chlorhexidine, Polyquad
(Alcon, Fort Worth, TX), benzyl alcohol, and ethylenediamine tetraac-
etate (EDTA). Less commonly used preservatives include benzalko-
nium chloride (BAK) and thimerosal.
Polyaminopropyl Biguanide. PAPB has been used in a common
wetting-soaking solution as an adjunct to chlorhexidine. It has been
proven as a successful soft lens preservative (e.g., Dymed) and has
been added to a GP lens system as a result of its antimicrobial effec-
tiveness, particularly against Serratia marcescans.3
Chlorhexidine. Chlorhexidine, like PAPB, has been a commonly
used preservative in soft lens solutions. However, although it is bacte-
ricidal in action, it has essentially been eliminated because of its bind-
ing properties to hydrogel lens materials. However, as a result of its
large molecular structure and weak cationic action combined with the
excellent surface wettability properties of GP lenses, chlorhexidine, in
a concentration ranging from 0.003% to 0.006%, has been successful
in many GP lens wetting, rewetting, and combination solutions.4
Polyquad. Another preservative that was initially successful in soft
lens chemical disinfection systems, Polyquad, has recently been suc-
cessful as a preservative in a combination wetting-soaking-cleaning
Benzyl Alcohol. Originally considered as a solvent, it was deter-
mined that benzyl alcohol has good disinfection capabilities. It has
been shown to exhibit negligible binding to fluoro-silicone/acrylate
(F-S/A) lenses while exhibiting many positive qualities, including
water solubility, bipolarity, and low molecular weight.5 It has been
included in several combination cleaning-soaking systems.
Ethylenediamine Tetraacetate. Although not a true preservative,
EDTA is often used in combination with other preservatives because of
its synergistic ability to enhance the bacterial action of pure preserva-
tives against Pseudomonas.6
Benzalkonium Chloride. BAK is quaternary ammonium compound
that is effective against a wide spectrum of bacteria and fungi and
has been a popular preservative in many ophthalmic preparations,
Representative Examples
There are several commonly used wetting-soaking solutions, including
the Boston Advance Comfort Formula Conditioning Solution (Polymer
Technology Corporation, Rochester, NY), Boston Conditioning Solution
(Polymer Technology Corporation), Opti-Soak Conditioning Solution
(Alcon), COMFORTCARE GP Wetting & Soaking Solution (American
Medical Optics [AMO], Irvine, CA), WET-N-SOAK PLUS Wetting &
Soaking Solution (AMO), Sereine Wetting and Soaking Solution
(Optikem, Denver, CO), and Perma-Cote (Danker, Sarasota, FL).
Rewetting Solutions
Although solutions limited to rewetting the surface of a GP lens do not
have the advantage of rehydrating the lens, as with hydrogels, and
therefore may not increase lens-wearing time unless used frequently,
they do have the benefits of rewetting the lens surface, rinsing away
trapped debris, and breaking up loosely attached deposits. Wetting
agents such as PVA are added to increase contact time; likewise, some
rewetting solutions contain hydroxyethylcellulose, methylcellulose, or
other cellulose derivatives to increase viscosity and prolong surface
wettability. Representative examples include Boston Rewetting Drops
(Polymer Technology Corporation), CLARIS Rewetting Drops,
Optimum by LOBOB Gas Permeable Wetting/Rewetting (Lobob
Laboratories, San Jose, CA), REFRESH CONTACTS Contact Lens
Comfort Drops (Allergan), and Sereine Wetting Solution (Optikem).
There are several types of cleaners and cleaning agents, including
nonabrasive surfactant, abrasive surfactant, and enzymatic and labora-
tory cleaners.
Chapter 7 Lens Care and Patient Education 141
Nonabrasive Surfactant
Most GP lens cleaners are nonabrasive surfactants because they con-
tain detergents that, in combination with digital pressure during the
cleaning process, remove lipids, mucoproteins, and other contami-
nants on the lens surface. These solutions cannot be used directly in
the eye, or a keratitis is likely. Representative examples include COM-
FORTCARE GP Dual Action Daily Cleaner (AMO), RESOLVE/GP
Daily Cleaner (AMO), Optimum by Lobob Extra Strength Cleaner
(Lobob Laboratories), and Sereine Cleaner (Optikem).
Abrasive Surfactant
The attraction of tear proteins, in particular, positively charged
lysozyme to the negative-charged silicone-based GP lens material, can
make removal of these deposits difficult. Therefore several cleaners
have added particulate matter to help cleave off these deposits from the
surface. In fact, these cleaners have been found to be more effective
than nonabrasive cleaners.12 The primary problem with these cleaners
has been the addition of minus power and reduction in center thick-
ness over time because of the digital pressure applied during long-
term cleaning.13-16 With the introduction of smaller particle abrasive
cleaners, this problem has been much less reported. Representative
examples include Boston Advance Cleaner (Polymer Technology
Corporation), Boston Cleaner (Polymer Technology Corporation),
Opti-Free Daily Cleaner (Alcon), and Opti-Soak Daily Cleaner (Alcon).
Combination Solutions
There are several solutions that have combination cleaning-soaking
capabilities such that the ingredients within the solution help to dis-
solve the deposits during the overnight soaking cycle. Several are ben-
zyl alcohol–based solutions (e.g., CLARIS Cleaning and Soaking
Solution, Menicon/Allergan, and Optimum by LOBOB Gas Permeable
Cleaning/Disinfecting/Storage, Lobob Laboratories). Other combina-
tion solutions include COMFORTCARE GP One Step (AMO) and
Sereine Soaking and Cleaning Solution (Optikem).
There are also two all-in-one solutions that are used for wetting, dis-
infecting, and cleaning GP lenses. Unique pH Multi-Purpose Solution
(Alcon) contains hydroxypropyl guar, a proprietary wetting/conditioning
polymer system, along with polyethylene glycol. BOSTON Simplicity
Multi-Action Solution contains PEO sorbitan monolaurate and a betaine
surfactant as cleaning agents and a silicone glycol copolymer, a cellulosic
viscosifier, and a derivatized polyethylene glycol as wetting and cushion-
ing agents. Often these systems are used in combination with a liquid
enzyme to enhance cleaning. If the patient is an allergy sufferer or is
Enzymatic Cleaner
Because mucoproteinaceous deposits can be difficult to remove, the
use of an enzymatic cleaner can be a useful adjunct to surfactant
agents. Originally used as a tablet that would be dissolved in saline and
for which GP lenses would soak for anywhere from 15 minutes to a few
hours, more recently these products have been replaced by liquid
enzyme cleaners in which a drop of the cleaner can be placed into the
case well for each lens either every night (e.g., Opti-Free Supraclens
Daily Protein Remover from Alcon, which uses porcine pancreatin
enzymes) or weekly (e.g., Boston One Step Liquid Enzymatic Cleaner
from Polymer Technology Corporation, which uses subtilisin). These
products are especially beneficial for extended wear and patients with
dry eye and in conjunction with all-in-one systems. They are not to be
used directly in the eye. Dissolvable tablets are still available from
AMO (PROFREE/GP Weekly Enzymatic Cleaner with papain) and
Alcon (Opti-Zyme Enzymatic Cleaner with pancreatin).
the patient about lens care and handling. This includes visual acuity,
overrefraction, and slit-lamp evaluation.
Visual Acuity
The visual acuity should be assessed once the lenses have settled. If a
topical anesthetic has been used, the lenses can be assessed within 15
minutes after insertion. Not only should the visual acuity be recorded
but also the subjective response. Sometimes the visual acuity is inter-
mittently good but varies with blinking. This is most likely the result
of decentration, and more time should be allowed for the lens to set-
tle; a refit may be necessary.
A spherocylindrical overrefraction should be performed to determine
if a change in power is necessary. If the addition of the cylinder sig-
nificantly improves the patient’s visual acuity, the cause of the cylinder
should be determined. If it is the result of cylinder unrelated to the
anterior cornea, a decision should be made as to whether GP lenses
are the best option. However, it is recommended that keratometry be
performed over the lenses to determine if flexure is present. If the
overrefraction is cylindrical, the lens is most likely flexing. Selection of
a flatter base curve and standard thickness lens design should mini-
mize this problem.19 In addition, a smaller optical zone diameter will
also decrease flexure.20
Slit-Lamp Evaluation
Evaluation of the surface and fitting relationship of the lenses should
be performed next. If the surface wettability is poor, a laboratory
cleaner or solvent should be used to remove any pitch polish or residue
on the lens, and wetting solution can be rubbed onto the lens surface
to condition it. The lens-to-cornea fitting relationship should be evalu-
ated with fluorescein.
Patient Education
The success of a patient with GP lenses often is a result of the ability
to handle the lenses with ease. The patient should be able to demon-
strate proficiency with insertion, removal, and recentration.
Insertion. Any new lens wearer is going to exhibit anxiety about ini-
tially placing a contact lens on the eye. This is especially true for the GP
lens wearer who may have heard that GP lenses are uncomfortable.
The key to successful lens insertion is proper lid retraction. For the right
eye, the right middle finger should pin the lower lid back, and the left
middle finger and forefinger should pin the upper lid back. The most
important factor is positioning the fingers over the lashes and pinning
the lid margin against the sclera to create a wide fissure (Figure 7-1). The
next step will be—with the lens on the right forefinger—placing the lens
directly on the eye without hesitation. If there is hesitation, the eye will
move up and out, and the lens will be inserted onto the sclera. In addi-
tion, if the lashes are not pinned back, the lids may slip, and the fissure
becomes too narrow. For the left eye, the right middle finger and fore-
finger retract the upper lid, and the left middle finger retracts the lower
lid with the lens on the left forefinger. The patient has to be reassured
that he or she will not harm the eye during insertion. If the patient is
anxious during this process and becomes frustrated, it is recommended
to reschedule a second visit after the patient has had the opportunity to
simulate the insertion process by placing a drop of warm water on the
finger and gently touching the eye. The water has a slightly numbing
effect, and the patient should gain confidence in the application process.
The patient should be able to successfully insert the lens several times
before leaving with the lenses.
Removal. Whereas GP lens insertion is easier than soft lenses
because of the smaller diameter, removal is slightly more challenging.
Once again, proper lid retraction is important. The middle finger and
forefinger of the left hand can be used to retract the upper lid against
the sclera. The middle finger and forefinger of the right hand are
Figure 7-1. Proper position of fingers over lashes for lens application.
Chapter 7 Lens Care and Patient Education 145
placed over the lower lashes to pin them against the inferior sclera
(Figure 7-2). It is essential for the fingers to be placed over the lashes
such that the lid margins will be used to eject the lens. Once the fin-
gers are in the proper position, the lids should be moved temporally;
when the patient blinks, the lens should be ejected (Figure 7-3). For the
left lens, the right middle finger and forefinger should be placed over
the upper lashes, and the left middle finger and forefinger should be
placed over the lower lashes. Removal should occur over a flat surface
with a towel even though the lens will often eject onto the lashes. It is
relatively easy for the patient to not keep the lashes pinned back, there-
fore allowing the lids to evert. When this occurs, the lens will not eject.
It is imperative for the lid margins to be pinned against the sclera for
successful removal. With the low edge clearance designs in common
use today, the conventional method of using one finger at the lateral
canthus to eject the lens is not as effective in removal. Another effec-
tive method of lens removal is to place the fingers in the same position
as for the other method. However, instead of pushing the lids tempo-
rally, they are instead moved vertically to eject the lens.
Recentration. It is possible for the lens to be displaced over onto the
sclera, especially during the adaptation process when patients are still
perfecting their handling skills. It is important for them to know how
to quickly recenter the lens to lessen their anxiety. The first step is for
the patient to determine where the lens is displaced. The patient can
typically feel through the lid to find the lens. The next step is to look
away from the lens and—with the forefinger against the lateral edge—
the patient then views toward the lens, and it should relocate onto the
The handling procedures are similar for the assistant training the
patient. The lid retraction is just as important such that lens insertion
and removal can be performed smoothly and confidently. Reassurance
is extremely important when training the first-time GP lens wearer,
and patience is a vital quality for staff members in charge of patient
education. If the patient detects frustration and disappointment from
a staff member, the likelihood of success will decrease as the patient
loses confidence in his or her own ability to handle the lenses.
It is also important to emphasize that the patient needs to handle
the lens over a soft surface, such as a towel, to avoid the possibility of
surface damage, which can result if the lens is dropped on a hard sur-
face, such as the counter or the floor. If this occurs, a drop of wetting
solution should be applied to the forefinger to act as a contact agent
allowing the lens to adhere to the finger and lift off the surface with-
out inducing scratches, which would most likely result if the lens is
dragged across the surface. Patients should also be advised about the
possibility of losing a lens down a sink drain if the lens is handled over
a sink with an open drain. A list of handling guidelines is provided in
Box 7-1.
It is extremely important to not only explain each component of the
GP lens care regimen in the order that the patient will perform it but
also to have the patient repeat the instructions and demonstrate how
to perform the procedures. This would consist of the following:
Chapter 7 Lens Care and Patient Education 147
blur at near viewing or the letters becoming smaller, verifying the lens
power is indicated. Patients who have been long-term PMMA/low Dk
GP lens wearers are typically the patients who have to be educated about
changing their cleaning technique to be gentler with the current gener-
ation of GP lens materials.
It is also important for patients to clean both lenses equally. It is not
uncommon for the patient to clean the first lens (often the right lens)
thoroughly but only briefly clean the other lens, if at all.
Rinsing the Lens. It is controversial as to whether the cleaner can be
rinsed off the lens with tap water. Obviously, patients prefer tap water
use because of convenience and cost savings. It takes a large amount
of conditioning solution or saline to effectively rinse the cleaner off the
lens. The author recommends that tap water can be used for rinsing
off the cleaner at night before disinfection but never after disinfection.
It has been found that case contamination is not greater if tap water is
used for rinsing off the cleaner when compared with saline.25
However, patients must be told that saline is preferred for rinsing
because of the potential contamination of the lenses from tap water,
including Acanthamoeba. Geffen26 has recommended the best com-
promise. He recommends cleaning the lenses with the recommended
GP cleaner followed by a tap water rinse. However, immediately after
the tap water rinse, a brief rinse with the conditioning solution is per-
formed before insertion into the case. This minimizes the risk of any
contaminants coming in contact with the lens—especially if the
patient is noncompliant—and also reinforces the importance of mini-
mizing tap water use to the patient.
Chapter 7 Lens Care and Patient Education 149
Conditioning and Disinfecting. The next step will be for the patient
to place the lenses into their case, which has been completely filled
with conditioning/disinfecting solution. The patient needs to be
instructed as to the importance of this step and the potential of an eye
infection if the lens is placed into a dry, dirty case. If the patient places
the lenses into a dry case not only do any deposits on the lens become
more bound but also the lens can be damaged via direct contact with a
dry case (Figure 7-5). It also maintains the lens in a hydrated state,
which optimizes on-eye wettability when the patient inserts the lens
the next morning.
The lens case needs to have large wells to provide for a sufficient
amount of disinfecting solution while also easily differentiating the
right well from the left to avoid inserting the incorrect lens on the eye.
These cases should also have ridges or holes in the well to minimize
adherence—and possible warpage—if the lens is placed convex side
out (not concave) into the case well.
The use of a liquid enzyme solution at bedtime is also often rec-
ommended as an adjunct to surfactant cleaning. This is performed
either daily (with SupraClens) or weekly (with Boston Enzymatic
Cleaner) via insertion of a drop into the lens well after application of
the conditioning solution.
Figure 7-5. Lens scratches from frequent removal from a dry case.
Before Insertion. The lenses can be inserted directly from the disin-
fecting solution, although this will depend on the solution being used.
However, a rinse with either saline or the wetting solution is often
Rinsing and Disinfecting the Case. After insertion with the appro-
priate wetting solution, the case should be rinsed with saline and air
dried. It is important to note that cases can become easily contami-
nated. Bacteria can use a survival strategy to make them more resist-
ant to preservatives when they are present in a nutrient-deprived
environment such as a contact lens case. They can then develop a
biofilm, which consists of a collection of bacterial cells in an
exopolysaccharide glycocalyx slime secreted by the bacterial cells to
provide protection against disinfectants.27 It is evident that the risk for
eye infection is increased when dry, dirty cases are used. To minimize
this problem, it is imperative for patients to rinse their case every
morning with saline and allow it to air dry. Once a week, the case
should be cleaned with soap and water before a saline rinse and air
dry. To further ensure sterility, the opened case can then be placed in
freshly boiled water for 20 minutes. In addition, regular replacement
of lens cases is almost as important as regular lens replacement.
Patients should be told to replace their cases, at minimum, every 3
months, similar to when they replace their toothbrush.28 Likewise,
they should be provided with several cases to ensure that compliance
Insertion with Proper Wetting Solution. It must be emphasized to
the patient that only the recommended wetting solution should be
used for application of the GP lenses. Saliva is not to be used because
of the contaminants that can come into contact with the lens. Likewise,
tap water is absolutely contraindicated for insertion of GP lenses not
only because of the impurities in tap water but also because of the pos-
sibility of Acanthamoeba keratitis. Although Acanthamoeba is much
more likely to attach to soft lenses—notably high water ionic
lenses29—interaction of Acanthamoeba directly to the eye via tap water
or a hot tub can result in the possibility of this devastating condition.
Finally, the use of a saline solution that is only recommended for soft
lenses may compromise the wetting ability of GP lenses and affect
long-term comfort.
As mentioned previously, practitioners have to be honest and realistic
when communicating adaptation and, specifically, adaptation symp-
toms. Patients much better perceive the use of terms such as “lens
awareness” and “lid sensation” than “discomfort.” They need to be told
Chapter 7 Lens Care and Patient Education 151
that it is likely total comfort will be achieved once their eyes and eye-
lids become adapted to the lenses. The amount of time for adaptation
is patient dependent. Patients who react negatively to such procedures
as lid eversion, tonometry, and drop instillation should be provided
with a longer adaptation schedule (i.e., 2 to 3 weeks), whereas patients
who exhibit minimal apprehension to these tests and who react favor-
ably to the initial GP lens application can typically adapt within 1 week.
Regardless as to whether the dispensing date is the same or different
from the initial fitting date, if a topical anesthetic has been applied, it
should be allowed to wear off, and thus the patient can experience full
awareness of the lenses and the practitioner can assess how the patient
is reacting and what kind of wearing schedule should be provided.
Normal and abnormal symptoms are provided in Box 7-2. Mild lens
awareness (particularly when viewing superiorly), mild redness, pho-
tophobia, and short-term tearing are normal symptoms. Prolonged
tearing, pain, moderate redness, awareness that does not decrease over
time, haloes around lights after lens removal, and prolonged (greater
than 1 hour) spectacle blur are abnormal symptoms. A typical wearing
schedule is provided in Box 7-3. This can be adjusted by how the
patient initially reacts to lens wear. Patients should also be told that if
they discontinue lens wear for any reason, they will need to gradually
rebuild their wearing time over a period of a few days to 1 week
depending on how long they have been out of lens wear.
Daily-wear lens patients should be evaluated 1 week, 1 month, and 3
months after dispensing. If successful at the 3-month visit, they can be
evaluated on a 6-month schedule. They should also be advised to wear
their lenses for several hours before their scheduled follow-up visit to
better evaluate lens performance. The most important visit is the 1-week
visit. If new GP lens–wearing patients are going to experience discom-
fort with lens wear and eventually discontinue wear, it often can be diag-
nosed and remediated at this visit. This is the time when care and
handling procedures should be reinforced (Box 7-4). The patient should
be asked if lens handling has been problem free. If the patient is experi-
encing problems with insertion and removal, this can be solved at this
particular visit with further practice. Likewise, if the patient is experi-
encing any problems that are associated with adaptation (e.g., excessive
awareness), changes in the lens design and fitting relationship can be
made at that time to reduce the symptoms. Patients should be asked if
they are cleaning the lenses every night in the palm of the hand. They
can be asked about their wearing time and solution use as well (Figure
7-6). It has been found that for patients who have had their lens care
instructions reinforced at progress visits, there was only a 6% contami-
nation of their lenses and care products (i.e., solutions, case), whereas
patients who did not have their care instructions reinforced had more
than 50% contamination.30
1-Week Visit
1. Review the care instructions to ensure understanding and compliance.
2. Confirm the patient is still using the same solution system.
3. Confirm wearing schedule is as instructed.
4. Inquire if the patient is experiencing any problems with handling; if so,
reinstruction can be provided at that time.
hand cream or soft soap product that contains lanolin can be easily
transferred to the contact lens, resulting in loss of surface wettability
and burning and blurred vision. These products also often contain
additives, such as perfumes, oils, abrasives, and deodorants, that can
further complicate the problem.31 Patients should be instructed to
wash their hands with hard soap, or, if a lanolin-containing soft soap
is used, they should dry their hands thoroughly before handling their
contact lenses.
Mascara and other cosmetics should be applied after contact lenses
have been inserted to avoid trapped particles between the lens and
cornea. Mascara that contains “lash builders” can be especially prob-
lematic because these fibers can possibly result in a mild foreign body
abrasion. There are numerous cosmetic products on the market that
are recommended for contact lens wearers.
If cosmetics are not replaced regularly, bacteria and other organ-
isms can colonize in the mascara tube, possibly resulting in a bacter-
ial infection. Likewise, eyeliner should not be applied to the margin of
the inner lid because it may clog the meibomian glands, possibly
resulting in blepharitis, chalazion, or hordeolum
Swimming. Patients need to be educated about not swimming with
their contact lenses or, if so, to wear the appropriate swimming goggles
Figure 7-6. Information provided on solutions and wearing time recorded at the 1-week fol-
low-up visit.
over their lenses. GP lenses can dislocate easily if the patient swims
Educational Materials. There are several educational materials that
can serve as beneficial adjuncts to verbal education of a new GP lens
patient. A comprehensive written booklet can serve as a useful resource,
especially for those patients who want to review their care information.
It also allows the practitioner or staff member to highlight important
Chapter 7 Lens Care and Patient Education 155
An estimated 80% of contact lens complications are associated, at
minimum in part, with poor compliance of recommended lens care
guidelines.32 Studies have found that fewer than 50% of patients are
compliant with lens care instructions.33-37 Often expired solutions have
1. Hill RM, Terry JE: Ophthalmic solutions: viscosity builders, Am J Optom Physiol
Opt 51:847-851, 1974.
2. Mandell RB: Lens care and storage. In Mandell RB, editor: Contact lens practice, ed
4, Springfield, IL, 1988, Charles C. Thomas Publisher, pp 326-351.
3. McLaughlin R, Barr JT, Rosenthal P, et al: The new generation of RGP solutions
meet increasing demands, Contact Lens Spect 5:45-50, 1990.
Chapter 7 Lens Care and Patient Education 157
4. Bennett ES: Lens care and patient education. In Bennett ES, Henry VA, editors:
Clinical manual of contact lenses, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2000, Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, pp 125-159.
5. Feldman GL: Benzyl alcohol; new life as an ophthalmic preservative, Contact Lens
Spect 4:41-44, 1989.
6. MacGregor DR, Elliker PR: A comparison of some properties of strains of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa sensitive and resistant to quaternary ammonium
compounds, Can J Microbiol 4:449-503, 1968.
7. Wilson WS, Duncan AJ, Jay JL: Effect of benzalkonium chloride on the stability
of the precorneal tear film in rabbit and man, Br J Ophthalmol 59:657-669,
8. Herskowitz R: Solution interaction and gas-permeable lens performance, Contact
Lens J 15:3-8, 1987.
9. Imayasu M, Moriyama T, Ichijima H, et al: The effects of daily wear of rigid gas
permeable contact lenses treated with contact lens care solutions containing
preservatives on the rabbit cornea, CLAO J 20:186-188, 1994.
10. Binder PS, Rasmussen DM, Gorden M: Keratoconjunctivitis and soft contact lens
solutions, Arch Ophthalmol 99:87-90, 1981.
11. Witten EM, Molinari JF: Allergic keratoconjunctivitis from thimerosal in soft
contact lens solutions, South J Optom 23:12-20, 1981.
12. Chou MH, Rosenthal P, Salamone JC: Which cleaning solution works best,
Contact Lens Forum 10:41-47, 1985.
13. O’Donnell JJ: Patient-induced power changes in rigid gas permeable contact
lenses: a case report and literature review, J Am Optom Assoc 65(11):772-773,
14. Caroline PJ, Andre MP: Inadvertent patient modification of RGP lenses, Contact
Lens Spect 14:56, 1999.
15. Bennett ES, Henry VA: RGP lens power change with abrasive cleaner use, Int
Contact Lens Clin 17:152-156, 1990.
16. Carrell B, Bennett ES, Henry VA, et al: The effect of abrasive cleaning on RGP
lens performance, J Am Optom Assoc 63:193-198, 1992.
17. Krohn JC: A menu of lens-wear options for allergy-prone patients, Rev Optom
(4):77-80, 2000.
18. Landa AS, van der Mei HC, van Rij G, et al: Efficacy of ophthalmic solutions to
detach adhering Pseudomonas aeruginosa from contact lenses, Cornea
17:293-300, 1998.
19. Herman JP: Flexure of rigid contact lenses on toric corneas as a function of base
curve fitting relationship, J Am Optom Assoc 54(3):209-213, 1983.
20. Brown S, et al: Effect of the optic zone diameter on lens flexure and residual
astigmatism, Int Contact Lens Clin 11(12):759-766, 1984.
21. Quinn TG: Maximizing comfort with RGPs, Contact Lens Spect 12(3):21, 1997.
22. Ghormley NR: Rigid EW lenses: complications, Int Contact Lens Clin 14:219,
23. Bennett ES, Henry VA: RGP lens power change with abrasive cleaner use, Int
Contact Lens Clin 17:152-153, 1990.
24. Caroline PJ, Andre MP: Inadvertent patient modification of RGP lenses, Contact
Lens Spect 14:56, 1999.
25. Davis LJ: Tap water vs. saline rinsing of rigid gas permeable contact lenses—com-
parative case contamination: a pilot study, Int Contact Lens Clin 23(5):
177-182, 1996.
26. Geffen DI: What your patients need to know about tap water, Contact Lens Spect
13(7):14, 1998.
27. Caroline PJ, Campbell RC: Strategies of microbial cell survival in contact lens
cases, Contact Lens Forum 15:27-36, 1990.
28. Norman C: Solutions for keeping RGPs in top form, Contact Lens Spect 13(11)
16-18s, 1998.
29. Seal DV, Bennett ES, McFadyen AK, et al: Differential adherence of
Acanthamoeba to contact lenses: effects of material characteristics, Optom
Vis Sci 72:23-28, 1995.
30. Wilson LA, Sawant AO, Simmons RB, et al: Microbial contamination of contact
lens care systems, Am J Ophthalmol 109:193, 1990.
31. Baldwin JS: Cosmetics: too long concealed as culprit in eye problems, Contact
Lens Forum 11:38, 1986.
32. Keech PM, Ichikawa L, Barolow W: A prospective study of contact lens complica-
tions in a managed care setting, Optom Vis Sci 73(10):653-658, 1995.
33. Claydon BE, Efron N: Non-compliance in contact lens wear, Ophthalmol Physiol
Opt 14(4):356-364, 1994.
34. Collins MF, Carney LG: Compliance with care and maintenance procedures
amongst contact lens wearers, Clin Exp Optom 69:174, 1986.
35. Chun MW, Weissman BA: Compliance in contact lens care, Am J Optom Physiol
Opt 64:274, 1980.
36. Ky W, Scherick K, Stenson S: Clinical survey of lens care in contact lens patients,
CLAO J 24(4):216-219, 1998.
37. Donzis PB, Mondino BJ, Weissman BA, et al: Microbial contamination of contact
lens systems, Am J Ophthalmol 104(4):325-333, 1987.
Modification and Verification
One of the many benefits of GP lenses has been their receptivity to in-
office modifications that immediately improve vision or enhance the
lens-to-cornea fitting relationship for comfort. Surface polishing can
often relieve symptoms of dryness or fluctuating vision. Others who
report dryness may have inadequate lens movement with blinking;
blending or flattening the peripheral curves can rectify that problem.
In some patients, adding a little more power can provide better vision
without having to order a new lens. Patients typically find that polish-
ing the edge or front surface of a GP lens makes the lens much more
comfortable. In addition, almost all modification procedures can be
performed without compromising optical quality.1 Modification proce-
dures usually take no more than 5 to 10 minutes to perform, and pro-
cedures such as an annual polishing can be incorporated into the
service agreement.2
Patients want convenience. If a problem can be solved without hav-
ing to order a new lens, the patient’s time and money will be saved.
Patients place a high value on such personalized service, and any prac-
tice that fits GP lenses should also be verifying and, when necessary,
modifying lenses.
It is not expensive to modify the current generation of GP lens materi-
als. A practice’s investment can be as little as a few hundred dollars. Even
if the only in-office modification procedure offered is edge polishing, the
number of patients who will benefit, either from an initial polishing to
smooth an otherwise defective edge or solve an acquired problem in
which the patient may have induced an edge defect through careless
handling, should more than compensate for the expenditure, especially
considering the effect dissatisfied patients can have on a practice. A
patient who is experiencing initial discomfort caused by a defective edge
that either goes undetected or results in the lens being sent back to the
laboratory, may become discouraged and not only simply discontinue
GP lens wear but also even abandon contact lenses altogether. As with
soft lens patients, as many in-office services as possible should be per-
formed to keep GP lens patients from discontinuing lens wear.
Modification Unit
The main piece of equipment needed to perform in-office modifica-
tion is the modification unit. The modification unit is basically a
motor-driven spindle mounted in a box, and a splash bowl surrounds
the spindle (Figure 8-1). If this is an initial acquisition, radius tools and
polishing tools must also be purchased. The modification unit and
accessory tools are often offered as a package because spindle size can
vary from one unit to another. Likewise, if a replacement unit is pur-
chased, it should not be assumed that the spindle size of the new unit
matches that of the previous one.
The modification unit should operate at a spindle speed no higher
than 1200 rpm; higher speeds generate excessive heat, which may
damage high- and hyper-Dk materials.1 Some manufacturers sell vari-
able-speed units. These units offer the advantage of using higher spin-
dle speed for lower-Dk materials and for procedures where there is
little risk of compromising optical quality, such as edge polishing.
Suction Cup
A two-piece suction cup to hold the lens during modification proce-
dures is the least expensive yet perhaps the most important modifica-
tion tool. It is used for almost all the different types of procedures and
allows the lens to be attached by either the convex or concave side
of the lens, depending on the procedure. When used, it is imperative
that the lens is well centered on the tool.
Sponge Tools
There are three types of sponge tools commonly used for in-office
modification: a flat sponge for polishing the front surface, a smaller
Chapter 8 Modification and Verification 161
flat sponge tool with a central aperture for polishing the edge, and a
cone-shaped sponge tool for polishing the back surface. These sponges
are to be soaked with water before each procedure and, along with fre-
quently applied polish, provide a safe and effective means of modify-
ing GP lenses without compromising the optics of the lens.
This tool, particularly the suction-cup type, is beneficial for procedures
such as repowering, surface polishing, and edge polishing. The end of
the spinner is cushioned with ball bearings, so it spins with the spin-
dle. With the spinner rotating the lens, changes can be made to the
lens evenly and symmetrically with little risk of optical compromise.
When purchasing a new spinner, it is important to verify it rotates
freely with little resistance.
Radius Tools
Brass or plastic radius tools are used to blend or flatten peripheral curves
and to reduce the optical zone diameter. These tools are typically covered
There are many polishes available, typically having a grit aluminum
base, that help reduce the modification time and keep the lens cool.
With some exceptions, they appear to be successful with all GP mate-
rials. A study by Reeder et al4 evaluated the effectiveness of seven com-
monly used polishes, five premixed and two powder, in repowering a
92-Dk GP lens material. All seven polishes added 0.50 D of power to
the lens. The powder forms were faster at adding the desired amount
of power, taking 35 to 40 seconds. The premixed solutions took up to
2.5 minutes. In each case, the lenses had good or excellent optical qual-
ity after the procedure. It is important to remember that ammonia-
alcohol–based compounds such as Silvo are incompatible with GP
Other Tools
Less frequently, a velveteen-covered drum tool and a 90-degree ante-
rior bevel tool may be needed. The drum tool may be used in a similar
fashion as the flat sponge tool for edge polishing and repowering. The
anterior bevel tool is used for thinning a blunt or thick edge.
Most laboratories sell modification equipment à la carte and in eco-
nomical packages (Box 8-1). Basic packages range from approximately
$225 to $350.5 These typically include a single-speed modification unit
and a minimum number of tools for basic modification procedures,
such as sponge tools, suction cup(s), polish, and possibly a velveteen-
covered drum tool.
Deluxe packages range from approximately $300 to $500. These
include the same equipment as a basic package, possibly with a vari-
able-speed unit. Also included are radius tools and pads, a spinner, an
anterior bevel tool, and a 7× or 10× measuring magnifier. Some labo-
ratories include the spinner and radius tools in their basic package.
Modification Procedures
There is some debate over what procedures are safe for presently avail-
able GP lens materials, particularly the softer, higher-DK varieties. One
procedure that should not be performed on these materials is diameter
Chapter 8 Modification and Verification 163
reduction. These softer materials are more likely to break or chip, and
it is not worth the time and effort to reduce the diameter and then
reshape the edge and reapply peripheral curves. Likewise, prolonged
surface polishing—polishing lasting several minutes—is not recom-
mended, especially with high-Dk and hyper-Dk lens materials. Some of
the defects that can result are not evident with biomicroscopy. Grohe et
al6 evaluated the effect of front surface polishing on 20 GP lenses. After
polishing, the modified lenses were evaluated with high magnification
(100 to 500+) scanning electron microscopy. Several microscopic
Edge Polishing
Verification of the lens before any modification procedure is a must. If
the optical quality of the lens is compromised, it will affect the
approach taken. In the worst-case scenario, if the lens is damaged dur-
ing modification, the original specifications can be used to order a
replacement lens.
Edge polishing is one of the most common and vital modification
procedures done in the office. Some practitioners will polish the edges
of every new lens to ensure optimal comfort. It can never be assumed
that a replacement lens will have the same edge as the original or that
the left lens will have the same edge as the right.
If a patient complains of lens awareness or discomfort after insert-
ing a new lens, poor edge quality should be suspected. It is imperative
to evaluate the shape and quality of the lens edge. A simple test for
edge quality is to place the lens in the palm of the hand and push it
across the hand.7 If the lens does not glide easily or feels rough, the
edge is most likely defective. A projection edge inspection device or
reticule can be used to determine the type of edge defect.
Ideally, the anterior and posterior edges should be rolled and
tapered because the posterior edge is in near alignment with the
cornea, and the anterior edge is often in contact with the upper lid. A
defective edge may be too sharp or too blunt; it may have small
microchips; or it may have a rough appearance. An inspection device
that gives a frontal and profile view is especially useful in confirming
the latter two problems.
Chapter 8 Modification and Verification 165
Once the nature of the edge defect has been determined, one of the
following approaches may be used to polish the edge.
Edge Sponge Tool. A flat sponge tool with a central aperture is com-
monly used for rolling and polishing the anterior and posterior edges.
First, the lens should be mounted onto a water-moistened suction cup.
Cleaning the lens before this step will enhance suction.8 The convex
side of the lens should be placed against the suction cup. Proper cen-
tration is crucial to avoid uneven polishing (Figure 8-2). Once proper
alignment has been achieved, the pressure on the top of the suction
cup should be released. The lens will then adhere to the suction cup.
The sponge should be thoroughly moistened with water to remove
residual dried polish or other debris. As the tool rotates, polish should
be applied to the tool every few seconds. The suction cup should be
held vertical to the tool, and the lens should be pushed into the central
hole of the sponge and moved up and down (Figure 8-3). The lens
should be inspected every 30 seconds until the desired result is
achieved. Prolonged polishing of the edge (more than 2 minutes) may
result in decreasing the diameter of the lens.
Flat Sponge Tool. An alternate way to polish a lens edge is to use a
large, flat sponge tool and a spinner. The lens is attached to the spin-
ner concave side out. The sponge should be moistened with water and
a little polish. Initial position of the lens is at the far right of the sponge
tool with the lens parallel to the tool surface and the edge pressed
lightly into the sponge. This position is held for 5 seconds, and as the
lens spins, it moves gradually toward the left side of the sponge.
This procedure should be repeated until the desired result has been
achieved. A similar method is simply to guide the lens across the
sponge tool for 30 to 60 seconds.9
Regardless of the procedure, it is important that the lens edge ends
up at the right side of the sponge tool. Otherwise, the plastic may get
pushed or rolled toward the inner lens surface. The lens should be
kept spinning at all times, and polish should be applied often.
Finger Polishing. The fingers can also serve as polishing pads. A
brass tool that holds the lens concave side out with a suction cup is
useful for this purpose. (SYG Enterprises sells this tool under the
name of “finger-lishing” tool.10) The procedure is to simply wet the
thumb and forefinger with polish, and then the lens edge is polished
as it rotates (Figure 8-4).
Anterior Bevel. When the edge is too thick or blunt, an anterior
bevel should be created before polishing. This method also helps for
patients in whom the lens rides too high from too much lid interaction
with the edge. A cone tool is used to add an anterior bevel to the lens
edge. Most practitioners use a 90-degree cone tool. A 120-degree tool
Chapter 8 Modification and Verification 167
may be used for a wider bevel, or conversely, a 60-degree tool will pro-
duce a narrower bevel.11,12
This procedure is done with the lens attached to the suction cup
convex side out. A velveteen (or similar) pad with a one-quarter section
cut out is placed inside the cone surface. The lens should be placed
within the cone as it rotates, and it should be gently rocked back and
forth, and left and right, with polish added frequently (Figure 8-5).
This rocking motion allows for a bevel with a smooth transition zone.
However, excessive rocking may compromise the quality of the periph-
eral anterior surface. The lens should be examined every 10 to 15 sec-
onds until the desired edge thickness is obtained. The edge should
always be polished after an anterior bevel is applied.
Surface Polishing
Surface polishing may be indicated when a lens exhibits poor initial
wettability, has an adherent mucoprotein film, or has surface
The ability to change the power with in-office modification is a signif-
icant advantage when fitting GP lenses. Occasionally, patients will
Figure 8-8. A, Proper position of the lens before adding minus power. B, Addition of minus
power by direct contact of the lens center against the sponge.
the lens to be in contact with the pad while the periphery receives less
friction. This creates a flatter front curvature and therefore produces
up to a 1.00-D increase in minus power.12 The procedure takes 1 to 2
As long as the lens is spinning during the procedure, there is little
probability of degrading the optical quality. It is important to be dili-
gent about monitoring the power change every 15 seconds so that over-
correction is avoided. The amount of minus power added depends on
the pressure and duration of polishing and the compound used.
Plus power may also be added in much the same manner. The key
difference is that once the lens is spinning, the lens periphery, and not
the center, is aligned with the sponge tool (Figure 8-9). The polishing
removes material from the periphery rather than the center, which
steepens the front surface and adds plus power to the lens.
Approximately 0.50 D of plus power may be added with this method
because the rate of power change is slower than with minus power.
Flat Sponge Tool and Suction Cup. Another method to add minus
power is to use a flat sponge tool with a suction cup.3 The lens is
mounted on a suction cup convex side out. The flat sponge is wetted
with water and polish, and it is placed spinning on the spindle. The
lens is positioned approximately 1/2 inch from the edge of the tool.
Figure 8-9. Addition of plus power by tilting the spinner at an angle to the sponge.
Chapter 8 Modification and Verification 173
Figure 8-10. The use of a brass radius tool to blend or flatten the peripheral curve radius.
is free of dried polish or other debris during the procedure. The lens
should be inspected using a 7× or 10× hand magnifier to view changes
in junction quality, optical zone diameter, and peripheral curve width.
Another method used to blend or flatten the peripheral curve radii
is to place the suction cup at a 30-degree angle from vertical, with the
entire outer edge of the lens in contact with the covered tool at all
times (Figure 8-12).12 The practitioner rotates the suction cup smoothly
with his or her fingers in the opposite direction of the spindle rotation
(typically counterclockwise). Both of these procedures require skill, but
when performed properly, they can produce the desired result within
seconds. A list of symptoms and the related modification procedures
are provided in Table 8-1.
There are several parameters of gas permeable lenses that are impor-
tant for the practitioner to verify before dispensing and periodically
throughout follow-up evaluation. The small amount of time required
Figure 8-11. Modifying the peripheral curve radius using a figure-eight motion.
to verify the GP lens may provide large benefits to the patient and
make the difference between a successful patient and an unsuccessful
one. For example, a new wearer is given lenses with poor edges. The
patient may discontinue GP lenses and have a lifetime bias about the
discomfort of the lens, when a good, well-rounded edge would have
been comfortable and liked by the patient. At minimum, verifying the
BCR, the power, the center thickness, the overall diameter, and the
edges will aid in providing a good-fitting and comfortable lens.
Verification is also a valuable diagnostic tool when patients develop
symptoms. An edge or surface defect or warpage may have resulted
from lens wear and care, affecting the patient’s success with contact
lens wear. The minimum amount of equipment necessary for verifica-
tion of a GP lens is a radiuscope or radius gauge, lensometer, center
thickness gauge, and a 7× or 10× measuring magnifier. A projection
magnifier is also beneficial in evaluating the edges and the surface.
There are additional types of equipment, but the authors recommend
those mentioned previously.
Chapter 8 Modification and Verification 177
Figure 8-12. Modifying the peripheral curve radius using a 30-degree vertical motion.
5. Proceed back down the scale toward zero until the light filament
is passed and the bottom star pattern is observed. When the
bottom star pattern is focused, zero the instrument by using the
silver knob on the left side of the instrument. The silver knob on
the front of the radiuscope is used to focus the internal scale for
the observer.
6. Proceed back up the scale using the coarse adjustment knob, past
the light filament to the top star pattern. When the top star
pattern is clearly in focus, take the reading. The BCR is read from
the millimeter scale to the nearest hundredth. On the radius
gauge, this scale is located on the outside of the instrument. On
the radiuscope, this scale is viewed inside the ocular. A typical
reading is 7.85 mm.
If the needle of the instrument will not position on zero when the star
pattern is in focus, then the needle must be placed at the nearest whole
number. If it is placed on the +1, then 1 should be added to the final
reading. If it is placed on 1, then 1 is subtracted from the final reading.
If on viewing the aerial image, the practitioner observes that one to
two lines focus clearly with the rest of the pattern blurry or not appar-
ent, and by changing the fine adjustment, the spokes 90 degrees away
can be focused, the lens is either warped or toric. In this case, both
readings should be recorded, for example, 7.65/7.72 mm. The power
should be verified on the lensometer, which is discussed in a later
Chapter 8 Modification and Verification 181
Lens Power
When verifying the lens power, the back vertex power is most com-
monly used. It is recommended to check with the laboratory to ensure
that they use back vertex power and not front vertex power. It makes
little difference in low powers, but when the power of the lens is high,
the difference between front and back vertex power can be as much as
1 D.16 Verifying back vertex power is similar to verifying spectacle
power. The lensometer is tilted up, and the clean, dry lens is held on
the lens mount with the back or concave side of the contact lens
against the lens stop. The contact lens should be centered on the lens
stop. It may be beneficial to rest the lens on the thumb, but caution
should be taken not to flex the lens. The reading is taken and recorded
like spectacles (e.g., −4.50 D). If a spherocylindrical reading is
observed with no prism, the powers are recorded exactly according to
the lensometer drum (e.g., −2.00/−5.00 D), that is, the power in each
meridian. If the prism is observed, the lens should be rotated so that
the prism is in the base-down position or the image is displaced below
center. The power should be recorded like spectacles (e.g., −2.00 −
3.00 × 180). The prism will be observed in the lensometer when the
image in the ocular is displaced off the center even though the lens is
centered on the lens stop. The reticule inside the ocular has concentric
black rings that mark off the prism from 1 to 5 prism diopters. For
example, if the center of the target is displaced to the first ring of the
reticule, it corresponds to 1 prism diopter. Primarily, prism is used in
front surface toric or bifocal GP contact lenses to stabilize the lens.
Proper notation of a bitoric GP lens would be BCR: 7.50/8.04 mm and
Power: Pl/−3.00 D.
Proper notation of a front toric GP lens would be BCR: 7.76 mm and Power:
−3.00 – 1.00 × 160, 1 prism diopter.
lens resists movement, does not glide easily, or feels sharp or rough,
the lens edge needs to be polished. Another excellent method of eval-
uating the edge is the use of a projection magnifier. A side profile of the
lens will allow the practitioner to judge the thickness and whether the
lens is rounded, sharp, or blunt (Figure 8-16). A front profile will allow
the practitioner to view microchips in the lens edge (Figure 8-17).
Figure 8-16. A, A profile of a rounded edge. B, Blunt edge via a projection comparator.
Figure 8-18. The Contact Lens Edge Profile Analyzer for verifying edge profile.
overall diameter, the optical zone diameter, and the peripheral curve
widths can be read from the scale. The optical zone diameter is the lens
area between the peripheral curves. There can be from one to three or
more peripheral curves on the lens. Typically lenses are a bicurve (one
peripheral curve in addition to the back curve), a tricurve (two peripheral
curves), or a tetracurve (three peripheral curves). The measuring magni-
fier may need to be moved slightly back and forth to determine the
peripheral curve widths. The heavier the blend between the peripheral
curve junctions, the harder it is to distinguish where one peripheral
curve ends and another starts. Blends are described as light, medium, or
heavy. In a light blend, it is relatively easy to distinguish between the
peripheral curves.
In some lens designs, toric peripheral curves are used, which result
in an oval optical zone. In this case, it is important to rotate the lens
90 degrees to measure the optical zone in another position. Other
methods of verifying overall diameter are a projection magnifier, PD
stick, V-channel gauge, or a dial gauge. Accuracy of these methods is
not as precise as with the measuring magnifier.
Anyone can learn to verify and modify GP lenses, and staff members
who learn to do so can be of great assistance to a practice. Numerous
organizations (e.g., the RGP Lens Institute, the Contact Lens
Association of Ophthalmologists, the Contact Lens Society of America,
and the Heart of America Contact Lens Society) provide workshops, as
do many members of the Contact Lens Manufacturers Association. The
RGP Lens Institute (800-344-9060; www.rgpli.org) offers instructional
videotapes pertaining to modification, verification, the radiuscope, and
the lensometer. Practice lenses should not be difficult to obtain, and
rigid contact lens laboratories readily assist in these activities.
In summary, the verification and modification of GP lens materials
will enhance a practice’s ability to fit GP lenses and care for the patients.
A little time is required, but it enables the practitioner to solve many
problems efficiently without inconveniencing the patient. If the guide-
lines presented in this chapter are followed, GP lenses can represent a
growing segment of every optometrist’s contact lens practice.
1. Morgan BW, Henry VA, Bennett ES, et al: The effect of modification procedures
on rigid gas permeable contact lenses: the UM-St. Louis study, J Am Optom
Assoc 63(3):201-214, 1992.
2. Clompus R: How to polish and modify rigid lenses, Rev Optom 124(4):106-113,
3. Tracy D, Sanford M: Modification procedures, guidelines and tips, Norfolk, VA,
1997, Conforma Laboratories.
4. Reeder RE, Pate JR, Snyder C: Effectiveness and efficiency of rigid gas permeable
lens power modification with various polishes, Int Contact Lens Clin
23(3/4):67-70, 1996.
5. Bennett ES: Offer added value with in-office RGP modification, Contact Lens
Spect 11(10):18-19, 1996.
6. Grohe RM, Caroline PJ, Norman C: The role of in-office modification for RGP
surface defects, Contact Lens Spectrum 3(10):52-60, 1988.
7. Morgan BW, Bennett ES: Modification of RGP lenses, Contact Lens Forum
15(7):33-50, 1990.
8. Meszaros GK: Simplifying lens modification, Contact Lens Forum 11(11):42-49,
9. Jurkus JM: Modifying RGPs: a straightforward approach, Optom Manage
31(9):54-58, 1996.
10. Bennett ES: Successfully modifying contemporary RGP materials, Optom Today
5(10):27-34, 1997.
11. Bennett ES, Egan DJ: Modification. In: Bennett ES, Grohe RM, editors: Rigid gas
permeable contact lenses, New York, 1986, Professional Press, pp 247-273.
12. Morgan BW, Bennett ES: Modification. In: Bennett ES, Henry VA, editors: Clinical
manual of contact lenses, Philadelphia, 1994, JB Lippincott, pp 172-193.
13. Bennett ES, Clompus RJ, Hansen DW: A hands-on approach to RGP modifica-
tion, Rev Optom 135(1):88-96, 1998.
14. Clompus RJ: How to polish and modify rigid lenses, Rev Optom 124(4):106-113,
15. Picciano S, Andrasko GJ: Which factors influence RGP lens comfort? Contact
Lens Spect 4(5):31-33, 1989.
16. Sarver MD: Verification of contact lens power, J Am Optom Assoc 34:1304-1306,
Problem Solving
It is recommended that practitioners evaluate GP lens patients after 1
week, 1 month, and 3 months of lens wear, with a regular 6-month
evaluation to follow. At each visit, it is recommended that practitioners
perform the procedures given in Box 9-1.
Case History
A comprehensive case history is important, especially at the 1-week
progress evaluation. As mentioned in Chapter 4, this visit represents a
good opportunity to determine if the patient is having any problems
with handling or care of the lenses and to proceed to reeducate the
patient if necessary. In addition, patients can be asked about their
overall level of satisfaction, and the practitioner can determine if the
patients are experiencing any problems with vision or comfort.
Patients should also be asked about their wearing time to ensure they
have been compliant with the schedule provided to them.
With Lenses On
Before lens removal, several procedures should be performed. First,
the patient’s visual acuity should be performed and compared with the
baseline vision. Spherocylindrical overrefraction should be performed
Chapter 9 Problem Solving 191
Flexure. Flexure-induced reduction in visual acuity results from the
bending forces of the upper lid on the lens during blinking. Because it
is the intent of the rigid gas permeable lens to mold the anterior
corneal surface and correct all toricity, if the lens bends during the
blink process, particularly with a patient who has with-the-rule astig-
matism, all of the toricity will not be corrected. Typically this is prob-
lematic for patients with corneal toricity ≥ 1.50 D.
The most common cause of GP lens–induced flexure is excessive
sagittal depth with a minus power GP lens (e.g., via a steep base curve
radius).1-3 Likewise, a large optical zone diameter will result in the same
effect.4 Material flexibility (i.e., high/hyper-Dk lens materials in minus
powers) and a thin center thickness also contribute to lens flexure.5,6
Flexure can be diagnosed at the fitting visit. If the patient’s best cor-
rected vision is reduced with a spherical overrefraction and optimally
corrected with a spherocylindrical correction and if significant residual
astigmatism is not predicted, flexure should be suspected. Diagnosis
of lens-induced flexure can be made via performing keratometry over
the lens; if these values are not spherical but instead are toric (i.e., 41
D × 42 D), flexure is present. However, with the radiuscope, the base
curve radius is spherical.
Management of flexure pertains to changing the lens design and/or
material. Selecting a base curve, at minimum, 0.50 D flatter would be rec-
ommended if this does not compromise the lens-to-cornea fitting rela-
tionship. If an ultrathin design is being fitted, it is recommended to
change to a more standard center thickness. A secondary design change
would be to reduce the optical zone diameter, again by a significant
amount (i.e., ≥ 0.3 mm). If flexure persists after lens design changes, the
selection of a more rigid lower-Dk lens material should solve the problem.
Chapter 9 Problem Solving 193
Warpage. During the past 20 years, a common cause of reduced
vision with GP lenses over time is warpage of the base curve radius.
Excessive digital cleaning in the palm of the hand can cause this per-
manently induced toricity.5,7 It also tends to increase as the Dk of the
material increases and with the use of an abrasive cleaner.7,8 It is dif-
ferentiated from flexure because it is acquired over time and the lens
is toric when verified with the radiuscope. As with flexure, sphero-
cylindrical overrefraction will result in best corrected visual acuity.
Warpage is best managed by a combination of a new lens and patient
reeducation. Patients need to be reminded to clean the lens carefully in
an up-and-down/back-and-forth motion in the palm of the hand, not in
a circular motion. In addition, the lenses should not be cleaned between
the fingers. This has been a traditional method of cleaning that was suc-
cessful with the more rigid polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and first-
generation GP lenses, but it can result in frequent lens replacement
with the current generation of GP lenses, particularly high- and hyper-
Dk lens materials.9 Warpage appears to be a problem today because of
improvements in lens materials and manufacturing technology. In
addition, the introduction of milder abrasive cleaners, such as Opti-Free
Daily Cleaner (Alcon, Fort Worth, TX) and the Boston Advance Cleaner
(Polymer Technology Corporation, Rochester, NY), has also reduced the
incidence of this problem. If warpage persists, the use of a “hands-off”
system, such as Claris (Allergan/Menicon, Irvine, CA) or Unique pH
(Alcon), is recommended.
Power Change. It has been found that a patient can increase minus
power in the lenses over time as a result of digital pressure, especially
if the lenses are cleaned in a circular motion in the palm of the hand
(Figure 9-2).7,10-12 It can also be exacerbated by the use of an abrasive
cleaner and with higher-Dk lens materials.7 The center thickness of the
lenses also decreases.7,12
This problem can be decreased, as discussed in Chapter 7, using
the same methods of reducing warpage and changes in patient educa-
tion, cleaner, and possibly lens material. Patients need to be educated
to clean the lenses carefully in a noncircular manner in the palm of the
hand. The use of a mild abrasive or nonabrasive cleaner is recom-
mended. As a last resort, the patient can be refit into a lens of lower-
Dk material.
Poor Acquired Surface Wettability. Another common cause of
acquired reduction in vision is the presence of poor surface wettability.
Although this can be, in part, lipid based, often it is present in the
form of a mucoprotein film or haze (see Figure 9-2). This mucuslike
film is easily diagnosed with the biomicroscope. Among the possible
Chapter 9 Problem Solving 195
causes for this problem include marginal dry eye (i.e., tear quality or
volume), lid margin disease, poor compliance with care and cleaning,
poor surface wettability of the lens material, and less than optimum
blink quality, which is often lens induced.
Management of this problem depends on the cause. When a patient
has lenses with heavy deposits, the lenses should be cleaned in the
office with a laboratory cleaner or solvent. In addition, the patient’s
method of lens care should be evaluated. The questions provided in
Box 9-2 should be asked. It is important to determine if the patient is
cleaning the lenses appropriately in the palm of the hand every night
on removal. In addition, the lenses should be cleaned equally (i.e., not
cleaning the right lens more than the left). Likewise, the patient should
be asked if the lenses are placed into fresh soaking solution on
removal at night and reminded not to use a cream or soft soap prod-
uct that contains lanolin before handling the lenses. If the lenses are
placed into a dry case, the mucoprotein deposits can dry out on the
lens surface and be more difficult to remove. If a liquid enzyme was
prescribed, it should be used as recommended; if not, it should be
added to the patient’s care regimen. There should be confirmation that
the patient is using the care system that was prescribed.
If the patient has borderline dry eyes, it becomes important that
the patient is compliant with the prescribed care system and also
incorporates liquid enzyme into this system. If the patient has ble-
pharitis or meibomian gland dysfunction, these conditions need to be
managed because they are disruptive to the tear film and can induce
dryness-related symptoms and signs, including deposits. Finally, a
change in lens material should be considered, especially if either a
high– or hyper–fluoro-silicone/acrylate (F-S/A) or silicone/acrylate
(S/A) lens material is being worn.
Dryness is often associated with corneal desiccation (3 and 9 o’clock
staining) or inferior decentration.
Corneal Desiccation
Corneal desiccation, or “3 and 9 o’clock staining,” is a common GP
lens–induced problem that is present in more than 50% of wearers.9
It pertains to a drying or dehydration of the peripheral exposed cornea.
In the majority of patients it would be considered grade 1 isolated
superficial punctate keratitis (SPK). In certain patients, the staining
can coalesce, typically resulting in symptoms of dryness and redness
(Figure 9-3). Although rare, scarring, neovascularization, and opacifi-
cation can occur.7 Corneal desiccation is easily diagnosed using bio-
microscopy. Management includes changes in lens design, material,
and lid hygiene.
Corneal desiccation has been associated with inferior decentration.9
The incidence of corneal desiccation was found to be twice as much
for inferior decentering lenses than for those exhibiting lid attach-
ment. Several factors influence lens centration. An important factor is
to minimize lens mass with the use of an ultrathin design, if possi-
ble.13 The use of a lenticular, when indicated, is also important. In par-
ticular, a plus lenticular for lens powers ≥−5.00 D will reduce edge
thickness and minimize the risk of the upper lid literally bumping the
Chapter 9 Problem Solving 197
Reduced Comfort
If the patient indicates that initial comfort is poor, it could be the result
of several factors. The patient may be apprehensive or sensitive to the
GP lens, and therefore the patient is more likely to react with tearing
and excessive lens awareness. The use of a topical anesthetic at the ini-
tial fitting helps minimize this problem. In addition, it is important to
use milder terms such as “lens awareness” and “lid sensation” when
describing GP lenses to a new patient. Sensitive patients may benefit
from a slower adaptation schedule.
Another common cause of initial reduced comfort is a defective
edge. Manufacturing quality has increased in recent years, in part
because of programs such as the CLMA Seal of Excellence, resulting
in more consistent edges. However, it is important to verify the edge
when such symptoms are present. Finally, some of the same lens
design factors that cause desiccation (e.g., thickness, absence of a
lenticular, excessive edge clearance) can increase initial lens awareness
and should be managed accordingly.
Patients should also be educated that they may experience, on occa-
sion, a transient awareness whenever a foreign body becomes trapped
behind the lens. This results in superficial staining, which pertains to
the path the particle traveled before being ejected (Figure 9-5). This
typically lasts for a matter of seconds.
Vascularized Limbal Keratitis. Associated with corneal desiccation,
vascularized limbal keratitis (VLK) is a more acute peripheral corneal
complication. Most common in patients who wear GP extended-wear
lenses, this condition consists of a raised inflamed translucent area in
the 3 and 9 o’clock region. It is accompanied by corneal staining, vas-
cularization, and conjunctival injection (Figure 9-6).23 Patients report
reduced wearing time, discomfort, redness, and often an awareness of
a “white spot” on their eye. It often affects patients who wear S/A lenses
with a low edge lift. The edge of the lens tends to compress the periph-
eral cornea, leading to a heaping up of epithelium adjacent to the edge.
Management of this condition initially pertains to combination
antibiotic-steroid therapy (i.e., Tobradex qid; Alcon, Fort Worth, TX),
and the patient should be evaluated at 24 hours. Typically after 4 to 5
days, this region has dramatically regressed, and tapering of the med-
ication can occur (Figure 9-7).23,24 Refitting into a more wettable mate-
rial would be the recommended initial step. If the material exhibits
good wettability, flattening the peripheral curve radius should improve
tear flow and minimize the recurrence of this problem. Likewise, if the
patient is wearing the lenses on an extended-wear schedule, reducing
to daily wear should be beneficial.
Figure 9-7. The patient in Figure 9-6 after 5 days of discontinuation of lens wear.
GP lenses are a great problem solver as well. They are often used in the
refitting of soft lens patients who are experiencing problems and for
PMMA and first-generation GP lens wearers who are experiencing
hypoxia-related complications.
Large OZD
Warpage Vision gradually reduces Digital cleaning Toricity with radiuscope Clean in palm of hand
High-Hyper-Dk Sph-Cyl overrefraction “Hands-Off” care system
Lower-Dk material
Power change Vision reduces at Near Digital cleaning Increased minus power Clean in palm of hand
(prepresbyopic); may Abrasive cleaning with lensometer Nonabrasive cleaner
be asymptomatic
Inferior Vision varies with blink Thick lens design Biomicroscope: shows Ultrathin design
Lens awareness High WTR cylinder inferior decentration & Lenticular: (+) if power ≥
Corneal apex located excessive movement −5.00 D (−) for all (+)
inferior lenses; ≤ −1.50 D
Plus power lenses Bitoric if ≥ 2.50 D cyl
Tight or loose lid
Superior Flare around lights Flat BCR Biomicroscope: shows Steepen BCR
Lens awareness Thin CT superior position; Increase CT
improved ocular health that often results. However, the primary rea-
son to refit soft lens patients into GP lenses pertains to vision. It is not
uncommon for spherical soft lens wearers to be dissatisfied with their
vision because of some level of uncorrected astigmatism. Likewise, a
soft toric lens wearer who experiences variable vision because of lens
rotation would appreciate the vision obtained with GP lenses. It is
important to always recommend GP lenses as a viable alternative for
patients experiencing blurred vision with soft lenses.
When discussing GP lenses as an alternative, it is important to rec-
ognize that soft lens wearers have most likely been given the percep-
tion that GP lenses are uncomfortable. This perception has to be
managed as soon as possible. GP lenses should be presented as rec-
ommended in Chapter 4. “Discomfort” should not be mentioned;
“lens awareness” should be substituted. The RGP Lens Institute has
numerous consumer-related educational videotapes and brochures
available (www.rgpli.org) (Box 9-3).
The most important factor in the refitting process is to make it as
similar to soft lenses as possible, in particular, the initial comfort. The
first step is to use a topical anesthetic during the initial application,
which is the moment that a soft lens wearer is especially apprehensive.
The anesthetic gradually wears off, and the patient then experiences a
more realistic sensation. However, during the interim, the patient
experiences the most important benefit of GP lenses, good quality of
vision, which may, in turn, take the focus entirely off of the comfort
Chapter 9 Problem Solving 207
GP Problem Solving: Part One: How to manage decreased surface wettability,
flexure, warpage, corneal desiccation, and adherence. In addition, video
grand rounds of cases pertaining to myopia, hyperopia, against-the-rule
astigmatism, high with-the-rule astigmatism, irregular cornea, and
presbyopia are included.
GP Problem Solving: Part Two: How to manage GP lens decentration,
including inferior, superior, and lateral decentration. In addition, information
on how to refit PMMA and soft lens patients into GP lenses is provided.
Have You Considered Oxygen Permeable? This is an in-office patient
promotional video emphasizing the benefits and applications of GP lenses.
issue. In other words, the first GP lenses soft lens wearers will wear
will be in their prescription, so they can experience quality of vision
that they may never have experienced before. Therefore fitting from an
inventory or empirically is recommended.
PMMA/First-Generation GP to GP Lens
Why Refit
There is an old adage that says “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.” This is often
associated with PMMA lens wear in a satisfied patient. However, the
problem is that it is broken. PMMA lenses and, for that matter, all GP
lenses with a Dk value less than 20 do not meet the Holden-Mertz cri-
terion for edema-free daily wear.26 Therefore although there are PMMA
and low-Dk GP lens wearers today, they are a walking time bomb for
corneal compromise. These lenses are still being fitted today, particularly
specialty lens designs such as bifocal designs and those for patients with
keratoconus. In addition, the prescribing of these lenses in the twenty-
first century is contrary to the standard of care for today’s patients just as
fitting a first-generation hydrogel or soft toric would be.
Corneal hypoxic conditions include central corneal clouding (CCC),
edematous corneal formations (ECFs), polymegethism, corneal
exhaustion syndrome, and corneal warpage syndrome. CCC is present
in almost every PMMA lens wearer.27 It is a circumscribed region of
epithelial edema that is located centrally and appears as a grayish haze
against the dark background of the pupil when viewed with sclerotic
scatter. Patients with CCC often see well out of their contact lenses but
experience “spectacle blur” when viewing through spectacles. ECFs are
Polymegethism pertains to alterations in endothelial cell size or area.
Because the endothelium controls corneal hydration, this is particu-
larly critical to minimize, if not avoid. The use of high magnification,
high illumination, and specular reflection with the biomicroscope is
critical to diagnose these endothelial cell changes. Chronic hypoxia
with endothelial disruption can result in difficulty in reducing edema,
resulting in recurring corneal abrasions and loss of wearing time. This
is termed corneal exhaustion syndrome.29 Corneal warpage syndrome
pertains to corneal distortion resulting from chronic hypoxia. This
condition, present in as many as 30% of long-term PMMA lens wear-
ers, results in irregular astigmatism and unpredictable changes in ker-
atometry readings and refraction. This could represent the mechanical
effect of a GP lens on a softer edematous cornea. In addition, hypoxic
corneal change can induce decentration of the lens, which, in turn, can
result in corneal distortion, which is easily detected via evaluation of
the corneal topography.30,31 Refitting these patients can be particularly
challenging because they can exhibit keratoconus-like changes,
although in patients with corneal warpage syndrome these changes
are either partially or totally reversible.
Patient Education
Patients who are satisfied with PMMA or first-generation GP lenses
will often need to be convinced of the benefits of current GP lenses.
They can be told about the consequences of edema and the benefit of
being able to achieve satisfactory vision with their spectacles. There are
two educational videotapes from the RGP Lens Institute that are ben-
eficial for educating these patients. These include “Oxygen-Permeable
Contact Lenses—Promotional” and “GP Problem Solving Part 2.”
Once fit, patients need to be reeducated about lens care. PMMA
lenses, in particular, are more resistant to scratches and warpage than
current-generation GP lens materials. Patients need to be told to han-
dle the lenses over a soft surface and, if a lens is dropped, to place a
drop of wetting solution on the tip of a finger and gently pick up the
lens. In addition, they need to clean the lens gently in the palm of the
hand, not between the fingers. On occasion, patients will temporarily
exhibit sensitivity to their new lenses. They should be warned that this
can occur, and practitioners should reassure them that this temporary
corneal sensation gradually disappears.
Chapter 9 Problem Solving 209
Refitting Process
These patients should be fit immediately into GP lenses without loss
of wearing time.32 It has been found that the refraction and keratome-
try values will stabilize underneath the GP lenses as the hypoxia grad-
ually decreases.33 If the patient has corneal warpage syndrome, it
would be preferable to reduce the patient’s wearing time to the mini-
mum number of hours (often 8 to 10 hours) and have the patient
return to the office after 1 week. At that time, the corneal distortion and
other clinical signs of hypoxia should be less, and the refitting process
should be more straightforward. Unless a corneal abrasion is present,
these patients should never discontinue lens wear cold turkey in an
effort to stabilize refractive readings and corneal health. Large and
unpredictable refractive and topographic changes can result.34,35
If a satisfactory lens-to-cornea fitting relationship is present with
the PMMA/first-generation GP lenses, often this design can be dupli-
cated in the new material, particularly if a low-Dk F-S/A material is
being fitted. This is recommended because of the rigidity and surface
wettability of these materials. If a poor lens-to-cornea fitting relation-
ship is present, refitting the patient into a new design is recom-
mended. Current GP lenses are typically fitted with a larger diameter,
flatter base curve radius, and steeper periphery than PMMA lenses.
Patients should also be told that they will be prescribed new spectacles
once refractive stabilization has occurred, usually in approximately 2
weeks, although it can be longer for patients with corneal warpage syn-
GP lens problem solving is actually straightforward, and although this
chapter does not attempt to address every problem nor will the man-
agement options suggested result in success for every patient, the
great majority of problems are a result of blurred vision, dryness, and
reduced comfort. The management of these problems is not compli-
cated and is often successful. In addition, soft lens wearers experienc-
ing eye health compromise or reduced vision are good candidates for
GP lenses.
1. Corzine JC, Klein SA: Factors determining rigid contact lens flexure, Optom Vis Sci
74(8):639-645, 1997.
2. Herman JP: Flexure. In Bennett ES, Grohe RM, editors: Rigid gas-permeable contact
lenses, New York, 1986, Professional Press, pp 137-150.
3. Herman JP: Flexure of rigid contact lenses on toric corneas as a function of base
curve fitting relationship, J Am Optom Assoc 54(3):209-213, 1983.
4. Brown S, et al: Effect of the optic zone diameter on lens flexure and residual
astigmatism, Int Contact Lens Clin 11(12):759-766, 1984.
5. Bennett ES, Egan DJ: Rigid gas-permeable lens problem-solving, J Am Optom
Assoc 57:504-512, 1986.
6. Egan DJ, Bennett ES: Trouble-shooting rigid contact lens flexure—a case report,
Int Contact Lens Clin 12:147, 1985.
7. Carrell BA, Bennett ES, Henry VA, et al: The effect of rigid gas permeable lens
cleaners on lens parameter stability, J Am Optom Assoc 63:193-198, 1992.
8. Ghormley NR: Rigid EW lenses: complications, Int Contact Lens Clin 14:219,
9. Henry VA, Bennett ES, Forrest JF: Clinical investigation of the Paraperm EW
rigid gas-permeable contact lens, Am J Optom Physiol Opt 64:313-320, 1987.
10. O’Donnell JJ: Patient-induced power changes in rigid gas permeable contact
lenses: a case report and literature review, J Am Optom Assoc 65(11):772-773,
11. Caroline PJ, Andre MP: Inadvertent patient modification of RGP lenses, Contact
Lens Spectrum 14:56, 1999.
12. Bennett ES, Henry VA: RGP lens power change with abrasive cleaner use, Int
Contact Lens Clin 17:152-154, 1990.
13. Quinn TG: Avoiding the low riding lens, Contact Lens Spectrum 16(7), 2000.
14. Schnider CM, Terry RB, Holden BA: Effects of lens design on peripheral corneal
desiccation, J Am Optom Assoc 68:163-170, 1997.
15. Edrington TB, Barr JT: Peripheral corneal desiccation, Contact Lens Spectrum
17(1):46, 2002.
16. Bell GR: A new theory on 3 and 9 o’clock staining, Contact Lens Spectrum
12(12):44-47, 1997.
17. Edwards K: Rigid gas-permeable contact lens problem solving, Optician
219(5740):18-24, 2000.
18. Bennett ES: Silicone/acrylate lens design, Int Contact Lens Clin 12:45, 1985.
19. Bennett ES: The effect of varying axial edge lift on silicone/acrylate lens per-
formance, Contact Lens J 14:3-7, 1986.
20. Lowther GE: Review of rigid contact lens design and effects of design on lens fit,
Int Contact Lens Clin 15:378-389, 1988.
21. Musset A, Stone J: Contact lens design tables, London, 1981, Butterworth-
Heineman, pp 1-12.
22. Doane M, Gleason W: Tear film interaction with RGP contact lenses. Presented
at the First International Material Science Symposium, March 1988,
St. Louis.
23. Grohe RM, Lebow KA: Vascularized limbal keratitis, Int Contact Lens Clin
16(7&8):197-209, 1989.
Chapter 9 Problem Solving 211
24. Bennett ES: Rigid gas-permeable lens problem solving. In Bennett ES, Henry
VA, editors: Clinical manual of contact lenses, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2000,
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp 181-210.
25. Connelly S: Why do patients want to be refit? Contact Lens Spectrum 7:39-41,
26. Holden BA, Mertz GW: Critical oxygen levels to avoid corneal edema for daily and
extended wear contact lenses, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 25:1161-1167, 1984.
27. Finnemore VM, Korb JE: Corneal edema with polymethylmethacrylate versus gas
polymer rigid polymer contact lenses of identical design, J Am Optom Assoc
51:271-274, 1980.
28. Kame RT: Clinical management of edematous corneal formations, Rev Optom
116:69-71, 1979.
29. Sweeney DF: Corneal exhaustion syndrome with long-term wear of contact
lenses, Optom Vis Sci 69:601-608, 1992.
30. Wilson SE, Lin DTC, Klyce SD, et al: Rigid contact lens decentration: a risk fac-
tor for corneal distortion, CLAO J 16:177-182, 1990.
31. Wilson SE, Lin DTC, Klyce SD, et al: Topographic changes in contact
lens–induced corneal warpage, Ophthalmology 97:734-744, 1990.
32. Bennett ES: Immediate refitting of gas permeable lenses, J Am Optom Assoc
54:239-242, 1983.
33. Bennett ES, Tomlinson A: A controlled comparison of two techniques of refitting
long-term PMMA contact lens wearers, Am J Optom Physiol Opt 60:139-145,
34. Hartstein J: Keratoconus that developed in patients wearing corneal contact
lenses, Arch Ophthalmol 80:345-346, 1968.
35. Bennett ES, Gilbreath MK: Handling PMMA-induced corneal distortion: a case
study, Optom Monthly 74:529-533, 1983.
Representative Cases
Initial Summary
An 11-year-old boy is interested in contact lenses. His mother indicated
that he is nearsighted and has been wearing spectacles for almost 2
years. The patient is unhappy with wearing spectacles, particularly
when he plays soccer and baseball.
Clinical Findings
His ocular health was normal. His refractive findings were the following:
Manifest refraction: OD: −2.25 − 1.00 × 180 20/20+2
OS: −2.00 − 0.75 × 176 20/15−1
Keratometry: OD: 42.50 @ 180; 43.50 @ 090
OS: 42.00 @ 180; 42.75 @ 090 (clear mires OU)
Lid-to-cornea relationship: Normal (upper lid overlaps superior lim-
bus by 1.5 mm)
Pupil size: 5 mm with room illumination
As a young patient with progressive myopia, GP lenses were presented
as the preferred alternative. The RGP Lens Institute GP Benefits/
Applications Pocket Card was shown to the patient and his mother,
and the benefits were explained. Although the mother was a soft lens
wearer, she was receptive to the benefits of good quality of vision and
the possibility of slowing down his myopia progression. The following
design was empirically ordered:
1. OAD/OZD: 9.8/8.4 mm OU. A large diameter was selected to
minimize dislodgement and loss during sports.
2. BCR: OD: 42.25 D (7.99 mm); OS: 41.50 D (8.13 mm). A slightly
flatter than “K” base curve radius was selected to achieve
alignment on an aspheric cornea.
3. Peripheral curve radii/widths: OD: SCR/W: 8.8/0.3 mm; ICR/W:
9.8/0.2 mm; PCR/W: 11.2/0.2 mm; OS: SCR/W: 8.9/0.3 mm;
ICR/W: 9.9/0.2 mm; PCR/W: 11.3/0.2 mm; medium blend OU.
Final Comment
Young patients with progressive myopia are excellent candidates for GP
lenses although it is initially important to verify that it is the patient who
desires contact lenses and not only the parents. Spectacles can hinder
one’s athletic performance and self-esteem. Even if the parents wear
soft lenses, they are typically receptive to what lens the doctor recom-
mends. Certainly they are impressed that the GP modality can improve
the quality of life of their son or daughter via the potential effect on
myopia progression. Because young people can be apprehensive about
the initial awareness, the use of a topical anesthetic when the lenses are
dispensed will help any apprehension that is present.
Initial Summary
An 18-year-old man is interested in contact lenses. He had been fit into
soft lenses 4 years previously, but he had discontinued lens wear
within 1 year because of blurry vision (through the entire 12-month
process) and a corneal ulcer resulting after 1 year of wear. His doctor
did not recommend GP lenses as an option. The patient is unhappy
with wearing spectacles, primarily from the cosmetic appearance.
Clinical Findings
His ocular health was normal. His refractive findings were the follow-
Manifest refraction: OD: +4.25 − 0.75 × 180 20/20+2
OS: +4.00 − 0.75 × 180 20/15−1
Keratometry: OD: 42.00 @ 180; 42.75 @ 090
OS: 42.00 @ 180; 42.75 @ 090 (clear mires OU)
Lid-to-cornea relationship: Normal (upper lid overlaps superior lim-
bus by 1 mm)
Pupil size: 4.5 mm with room illumination
The following design was empirically ordered:
Appendix 9-1 Representative Cases 215
Final Comment
Contact lenses can change the life of the patient with hyperopia visu-
ally and functionally. The magnifying spectacles—even with the cur-
rent spectacle lens technology—are heavy, limiting in their field of
vision, and typically not cosmetically appealing. Soft lenses, particu-
larly soft toric lenses, do not come close to meeting the corneal oxygen
demand. Chronic hypoxia can potentially result in ocular infection,
such as a corneal ulcer. GP lenses can provide the vision and eye health
needed by this group of patients.
Initial Summary
A 27-year-old man is interested in new contact lenses. He has been a
14-year GP lens wearer who feels his vision has gradually been blurry.
Clinical Findings
His ocular health shows the following:
Slit-lamp evaluation: Mild central superficial punctate keratitis,
grade 1+ papillary hypertrophy (everted upper lid), grade 1 central
corneal clouding
Contact lens evaluation:
VA: OD: 20/25; OS: 20/25 −2
Overrefraction: OD: +0.25 − 0.75 × 162 20/20;
OS: Pl − 0.50 × 016 20/20
Slit-lamp evaluation: Good centration OU with alignment fluorescein
pattern and 1-mm lag with blinking; upper edge was directly in contact
with the upper lid. Mucoprotein film and surface scratches OU.
His refractive findings were the following:
Manifest refraction: OD: −5.25 − 1.25 × 158 20/30+2
OS: −5.75 − 0.75 × 018 20/25−1
Keratometry: OD: 43.50 @ 160; 44.50 @ 070
OS: 43.00 @ 015; 43.50 @ 105 (slight mire distortion
Lid-to-cornea relationship: Normal (upper lid overlaps superior
limbus by 1 mm)
Pupil size: 4.5 mm with room illumination
His lenses verified as the following:
1. Material: Polycon II (via previous records)
2. BCR: OD: 7.72 × 7.80 mm; OS: 7.78 × 7.85 mm
3. OAD/OZD: 9.0/7.4 mm
4. Power: OD: −4.75 D; OS: −5.00 D
It is apparent that this patient’s reduced visual acuity with lens wear is the
result of multiple causes. The lenses are somewhat warped and that
should impact acuity and induce spherocylindrical overrefraction. In
addition, his lenses have deposits. These problems appear to be, in part,
a result of poor compliance because he fails to clean them every night,
and when he does, he cleans them between the fingers, not in the palm
of the hand. Therefore he was reeducated about proper and regular clean-
ing. In addition, he was refitted into a low-Dk fluorosilicone/acrylate lens
material (Boston ES) to optimize wettability and oxygen. He exhibits a
low-grade edema and mild corneal distortion resulting from chronic
hypoxia. Refitting into a higher-Dk lens material should eliminate the
Appendix 9-1 Representative Cases 217
edema, improve mire quality, and provide improved vision with the man-
ifest refraction and therefore improved vision through his glasses. In
addition, he was advised to wear these lenses for daily wear only and to
soak them in fresh soaking solution after cleaning them at night.
Final Comment
Fortunately the number of PMMA lens wearers has reduced greatly in
recent years. However, on occasion, a practitioner may have an early-
generation GP lens wearer who exhibits signs of mild hypoxia.
Refitting into a higher-Dk material should eliminate this problem;
however, if it is a daily-wear patient with myopia, a low-Dk F-S/A mate-
rial would be preferable to a high-DK material because these patients
are more prone to warping their lenses, and the stability provided by a
low-Dk material would be the better option.
Initial Summary
An 18-year-old man is interested in new contact lenses. He has been a
5-year monthly replacement soft lens wearer who believes his vision
has gradually been blurry. In addition, he has had to discontinue lens
wear in the past several times because of “swelling of the lids” and one
other time because of an eye infection.
Clinical Findings
His ocular health shows the following:
Slit-lamp evaluation: Mild diffuse superficial punctate keratitis and
grade 1+ papillary hypertrophy (everted upper lid)
Contact lens evaluation:
VA: OD: 20/25; OS: 20/25 +1
Overrefraction: OD: +0.25 − 0.75 × 180 20/20+2;
OS: +0.25 − 0.75 × 180 20/20+1
Slit-lamp evaluation: Good centration OU and minimal lag with
blinking although a positive pushup was present OU. Mucoprotein
film OU.
His refractive findings were the following:
Manifest refraction: OD: −3.75 − 0.75 × 003 20/20+1
OS: −3.75 − 0.75 × 175 20/20+2
Keratometry: OD: 42.50 @ 180; 43.25 @ 090
OS: 43.00 @ 180; 43.75 @ 090 (clear mires OU)
Lid-to-cornea relationship: Normal (upper lid 1 mm over superior
Pupil size: 4.5 mm with room illumination
GP and soft toric lenses were presented to the patient. Although the
soft toric lenses should have resulted in better visual acuity than spher-
ical lenses, the benefit of potentially improved eye health and less risk
of eye infection and discontinuation of lens wear appealed to the
patient. It was explained that he would experience some lens aware-
ness initially. The following lenses were diagnostically fitted:
BCR: 42.00 D (8.04 mm) OD 42.50 D (7.94 mm) OS
OAD/OZD: 9.4/8.0 mm OU
Power: −3.00 DS OU
Paragon Thin
A topical anesthetic was used to provide better initial comfort and
accelerate the time it would take to evaluate the fluorescein pattern.
The patient was predicted to need a corrective power of −3.25 D OU
because of having a spherical refractive value of −3.75 D, and the base
curve radii were 0.50 D flatter than “K,” creating a minus tear layer
requiring addition of plus (“flat add plus”). Therefore the patient expe-
rienced good initial vision with the diagnostic lenses, which was
important to making his first experience with GP lenses a positive one.
An optimum fitting relationship with lid attachment was achieved.
The initial comfort was aided by the ultrathin design selected for this
Final Comment
Soft lens wearers who have either experienced complications or com-
promised vision are very good candidates for GP lenses. In particular,
patients who have some uncorrected refractive astigmatism with
spherical soft lenses or rotational problems or corneal hypoxia with
soft toric lenses almost always appreciate the quality of vision they
achieve with GP lenses. The use of a topical anesthetic eases them into
the adaptation process. Providing lenses that approximate their cor-
rection allows them to experience an important benefit of GP lenses,
good quality of vision, which may, in fact, appear to make the lenses
more comfortable. The use of a thin design assists in achieving lid
attachment and also aids initial comfort.
Initial Summary
A 14-year-old girl is interested in new contact lenses.
Appendix 9-1 Representative Cases 219
Clinical Findings
Her ocular health was normal. Her refractive findings were the fol-
Manifest refraction: OD: −6.25 − 1.50 × 175 20/20+2
OS: −6.00 − 1.50 × 180 20/15−1
Keratometry: OD: 43.50 @ 180; 45.00 @ 090
OS: 43.00 @ 180; 44.50 @ 090 (clear mires OU)
Lid-to-cornea relationship: Normal (upper lid overlaps superior lim-
bus by 1.1 mm
Pupil size: 5 mm with room illumination
As a young patient with progressive myopia, GP lenses were presented
as the preferred alternative. In an effort to provide the most comfort-
able fitting relationship and minimize movement while optimizing
centration, the following lens design was diagnostically fit:
Material: Boston EO
BCR: 7.67 mm (44.00 D) OD; 7.76 mm (43.50 D) OS
OAD/OZD: 9.6/8.2 mm
CT: (ultrathin): 0.11 mm OU
Power: −5.00 D OU
Contact lens evaluation:
VA: OD: 20/25; OS: 20/25 +1
Overrefraction: OD: +0.25 − 1.00 × 180 20/20+2;
OS: +0.25 − 1.00 × 180 20/20+1
Overkeratometry: OD: 42.00/43.00
OS: 41.50/42.50
Slit-lamp evaluation (with lenses on): Good centration and a lid
attachment fitting relationship were achieved with these lenses. A
mild apical clearance fluorescein pattern was also found in both eyes
with slit-lamp evaluation.
Contact lens verification:
Power: −5.00 D OU
BCR: OD: 7.67 mm; OS: 7.76 mm
Because toricity is present on overkeratometry but not with the
radiuscope (which would have been indicative of warpage), these
lenses are flexing. This is most likely a combination of several factors,
the most important of which is a steeper than “K” base curve radius.
Other factors contributing to this problem include an ultrathin design,
a large optical zone diameter, and a high-Dk material. The following
lenses were successfully fit with an absence of significant flexure:
Lens material: Boston ES OU
OAD/OZD: 9.4/8.0 mm OU
Final Comment
GP lens flexure can be especially problematic for patients with highly
toric corneas, particularly when a steeper than “K” base curve radius is
selected. This can be diagnosed easily during the diagnostic fitting
process because performing keratometry over the lenses will result in
toric readings, not spherical; however, the base curve radii will be
spherical when verified with the radiuscope. Selecting a flatter base
curve (minimum 0.50-D change) is the first and most significant
change. Using a standard thickness, a smaller optical zone diameter
(i.e., decreasing sagittal depth via a flatter profile), and a more rigid
low-Dk lens material should also reduce this problem.
Initial Summary
A 31-year-old man is experiencing dryness with his GP contact lenses.
He has been an 11-year wearer of GP contact lenses (silicone/acrylate
with a Dk of 26). Recently his wearing time has reduced from 14 hours
to 10 hours. He has noticed his eyes becoming red as the day pro-
gresses. He also observes glare around lights when driving at night.
He replaced his lenses less than 1 year before because of deposits and
scratches, but the dryness symptoms continued to increase.
Clinical Findings
His ocular health shows the following:
Slit-lamp evaluation: Corneal desiccation with grade 2+ coalesced
staining temporally and grade 1+ staining nasally. Vascularization of
approximately 1.5 mm temporally was present OU. Meibomian gland
dysfunction was present OU.
Contact lens evaluation:
VA: OD: 20/20 −2 (fluctuates); OS: 20/20 −1 (fluctuates)
Overrefraction: OD: −0.25 − 0.25 × 080 20/20+1;
OS: Pl − 0.25 × 088 20/20+1
Appendix 9-1 Representative Cases 221
The following lenses were diagnostically fitted:
BCR: 43.50 D (7.76 mm) OD 44.00 D (7.67 mm) OS
OAD/OZD: 9.0/7.6 mm OU
Power: −6.00 DS OU
Boston ES thin (0.11 mm)
A slight apical clearance fluorescein pattern was present with good
centration and an interpalpebral lid-to-cornea fitting relationship.
Overrefraction: OD: −1.00 DS 20/15−2
OS: −0.75 DS 20/15−2
The following lenses were ordered:
BCR: 43.50 D (7.76 mm) OD 44.00 D (7.67 mm) OS
OAD/OZD: 9.0/7.6 mm OU
Power: −7.00 D OD; −6.75 D OS
SCR/W: 8.50/0.3 mm; ICR/W: 9.50/0.2 mm; PCR/W: 10.90/0.2
mm OU
Medium blend OU
CT: 0.11 mm OU
+ lenticular OU
Boston ES thin
A smaller overall diameter was selected because of the large palpe-
bral fissure, which could make a lid attachment fitting relationship dif-
ficult to achieve. In addition, reducing overall diameter in combination
with a large reduction in center thickness should significantly reduce
lens mass and therefore improve centration. The addition of a plus
lenticular should assist in better lid attachment and also reduce edge
thickness. The power to be ordered equals the predicted value because
the spherical manifest refraction value equals −7.00 D OD and −6.75
D OS. Because both lenses were fit “on K” because of the smaller over-
all diameter, there was no tear lens correction. A low-Dk fluoro-
silicone/acrylate lens material was used to optimize tear film
interaction with the lens surface. The patient was also provided with
lid hygiene instructions (e.g., warm compresses, lid massage, and
cleaning) and rewetting drops to be used as needed.
Final Comment
Coalesced corneal desiccation, or “3 and 9 o’clock staining,” is often
the result of an inferior decentered lens because the superior edge typ-
ically exhibits greater edge lift when the lens positions inferiorly.
When combined with a thick edge, as often is the case with a high
minus lens—particularly when a plus lenticular is absent—the lens
can literally be pushed inferiorly. In addition, the patient’s blink qual-
ity is compromised, and the peripheral exposed region of the cornea
dries out. A large fissure combined with a larger overall diameter can
also aggravate this because a lid attachment cannot be achieved (or
rarely), and the lens edge literally sits adjacent to the lid, creating an
increase in lid–lens interaction and possible compromises in blink
quality and comfort. Likewise, such factors as low tear quality have to
be ruled out, and lid-related conditions need to be controlled to mini-
mize dryness-related clinical signs and symptoms.
Although the specific cause of the corneal changes observed in
patients with keratoconus has not been definitively established,
Yabinowitz18 has indicated a triad of classic histopathologic corneal
changes that have been observed. These include (1) thinning of the
stroma, (2) breaks in Bowman’s layer, and (3) iron deposition in the
basal layers of the corneal epithelium.
It is evident that all layers of the cornea are most likely affected in
patients with keratoconus. The earliest histopathologic signs appear in
the epithelium. These changes are most prominent in the basal layer
and include cell degeneration, breaks accompanied by epithelium
downgrowth into Bowman’s layer, particles within a thickened subep-
ithelial basement membranelike layer, and accumulation of ferritin
particles within and between epithelial cells.18 As the condition pro-
gresses, Bowman’s layer may exhibit breaks filled by eruptions of
underlying stromal collagen and reticular scarring.17 It has been found
that these breaks in the basement membrane and Bowman’s layer are
unique in their composition to keratoconic corneas, and the subse-
quent wound healing responses may explain the differences observed
histologically in the keratoconic cornea.19 The stromal collagen fibrils
are affected significantly with compaction and loss of arrangement of
the anterior stromal fibrils, decrease in the number of collagen lamel-
lae keratocytes, and normal and degenerating fibroblasts with fine
granular and microfibrillar material associated with the keratocytes.7,18
Descemet’s membrane is typically unaltered except for breaks
observed in patients with acute hydrops. Likewise, the endothelium is
often normal, although in some patients, intracellular dark structures,
pleomorphism, and elongation of cells can occur.
Biochemical studies of keratoconic corneas indicate that the loss of
corneal stroma after digestion by proteolytic enzymes could be caused
by increased levels of proteases and other catabolic enzymes20 or
decreased levels of protease inhibitors.21 The role of interleukin-1
(IL-1) also appears to be important.22 It is produced by the epithelium
and endothelium, and keratocytes can be shown to express the IL-1
receptor. IL-1 induces keratocyte death in vitro and negative keratocyte
chemotaxis, and it has been demonstrated that keratocytes from kera-
toconic corneas have a fourfold greater number of IL-1 receptors than
normal corneas.23 The apparent important role of IL-1 in the regulation
of corneal cell proliferation, differentiation, and death suggests that
the increased expression of the IL-1 receptor sensitizes the keratocytes
to IL-1 released from the epithelium or endothelium, causing a loss of
keratocytes through apoptosis and a decrease in stromal mass over
Atopic History
The etiologic factor most commonly associated with keratoconus has
been some form of atopic condition, including allergies, hay fever,
eczema, and asthma. The incidence of atopic history and keratoconus
has ranged from 42% to 55%, with most reports showing a slightly
Chapter 10 Keratoconus 225
Although not a high correlation, there appears to be an association
between heredity and keratoconus. Various studies have shown that
6% to 15% of patients with keratoconus have a positive family history,
including 13.5% of the CLEK patients.6,10,12,34-36 In addition, with the
use of videokeratoscopy, 30 family members of 5 patients with kerato-
conus were found to have related corneal abnormalities—often sub-
clinical—including central steepening, inferior corneal steepening,
and anisometropia.37 A few reports of isolated cases of identical twins
with keratoconus have been documented.7,38-40 In a study of 150
patients with keratoconus, a statistically significant excess of older
mothers was found compared with the general population.41 The find-
ing of a maternal age factor suggests that keratoconus is chromoso-
mally determined, although it is possible that the genetic mechanism
may act synergistically with another mechanism, such as allergy,
which may itself be independently genetically determined. A molecu-
lar genetic analysis in a family with keratoconus in three generations
suggested that chromosome 21 might be the location of the defective
gene in some patients with keratoconus.42
Systemic Conditions
Keratoconus has also been associated with a large number of systemic
diseases. Some of the more common conditions are discussed below.
Down’s syndrome (trisomy 21) is a common chromosomal anomaly
that often results from an extra chromosome 21.7 It has often been
associated with keratoconus, and an incidence as high as 8% has been
reported.43-47 The presence of excessive corneal changes and hydrops
has been attributed to “chronic traumatizing mannerisms” observed in
each of these patients.7,47 Keratoconus has been reported in association
with many noninflammatory connective tissue disorders. Prominent
among these conditions is Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, in which the
basic defect is abnormal cross-linking of collagen. Seven forms have
been described, but it has been reported that ocular tissues are defec-
tive only in patients with type IV.48-50 Other connective tissue disorders
and dysplastic conditions with which keratoconus has been associated
include osteogenesis imperfecta,51 Rieger’s syndrome,52 craniofacial
dysostosis (Crouzon’s syndrome),53 and Marfan’s syndrome.48,54 It has
also been found to be associated with infantile tapetoretinal degenera-
tion.55,56 Often multiple ocular disorders are diagnosed in patients with
these conditions. Although these associations have been documented,
it is important to note that the largest and most valid study on kerato-
conus to date—the CLEK study—found no incidence of these condi-
tions in their study of 1209 patients with keratoconus.10
The diagnosis of keratoconus begins with a comprehensive case his-
tory. The practitioner must ask the correct questions and be a good lis-
tener because the symptoms of incipient keratoconus are varied and
frequently confused with psychogenic complaints. Often the patient
has difficulty putting his or her problems into words. Monocular
diplopia or “ghost” images and blurring of images are common symp-
toms, but practitioners may fail to ask questions eliciting a description
of image blur. Vision may not actually be blurred but distorted; letters
may be confused, and parts of letters or words may be missing or
altered. Therefore the practitioner should ask the patient about any
distortion of vision with one eye (i.e., whether it is at night with street
lights or actual monocular distortion).
It is not uncommon for the patient with incipient keratoconus
to own many pairs of glasses, perhaps an indication that the previ-
ous doctor had difficulty ascertaining the prescription. In addition,
if questioned, the patient may report a history of blurred vision but
may have difficulty naming the condition. Finally, asthenopic com-
plaints, polyopia, photophobia, and halos around lights may be
A gradual decrease in visual acuity is often the first clinical sign of ker-
atoconus. The vision of one eye will typically be affected before the
other, and the blur will be present for near and far distances. The
patient may be able to see better by squinting or holding printed mate-
rial close to the eyes.
Refractive Changes
Early refractive changes include a shift toward myopia and increased
refractive astigmatism. In addition, one of the first clinical signs
observed by the practitioner via retinoscopy is a “scissorslike” motion
resulting from corneal apex distortion.
On ophthalmoscopy, a circular, oblong, or dumbbell-shaped shadow
may appear that looks like a large indefinite cataract separating the
central from the peripheral reflex. On closer inspection, this phenom-
enon is noted to be corneal in location. Fundus details are indistinct
and unable to be focused.
A technique called photodiagnosis has been beneficial in diagnos-
ing and following the size, shape, and location of advanced or severe
cones (Figure 10-1). In this technique, the image of the cone is viewed
against the red fundus reflex. The procedure is as follows:
Corneal Topography
Keratometry. Keratometry is beneficial for the diagnosis and monitor-
ing of keratoconus. However, keratometry has numerous limitations,
most noticeably the measurement of only a few paracentral points on the
cornea. This can make diagnosis of keratoconus difficult, especially if the
patient has a decentered apex of the cone (as do many patients with ker-
atoconus). This can often result in a false-negative finding because the
central keratometry values could be in the normal range (i.e., 41 to 45 D),
but the decentered apex has a value much higher or steeper.69
The earliest sign of keratoconus is lack of parallelism of the kerato-
metric mires (Figure 10-2). The mires are typically mildly distorted
When evaluating the VKG color map, it is important to use the tan-
gential (instantaneous) rather than the sagittal (axial) radius of curva-
ture.17,71 The use of the sagittal radius in VKG distorts the apparent
position and power of an apex that is located in the peripheral cornea.
This distortion is even more exaggerated in patients with keratoconus,
particularly in those with advanced (>55 D) cases.72 With the cone apex
aligned with the optical system of a VKG, Mandell17,73 determined that
a true apex power reading can be obtained and therefore compared
with the normal range in the detection of keratoconus. It was con-
cluded that if the cone apex power is 48 to 49 D, keratoconus might be
suspected for that patient. For powers of 49 to 50 D, keratoconus is
highly likely, and for powers greater than 50 D, the diagnosis is almost
certain. The modified Rabinowitz-McDonnell method18,74,75 uses the
following guidelines. If the central corneal power is greater than 47.2
D or if the difference between the inferior and superior paracentral
corneal regions (i.e., I-S value) is greater than 1.4 D, then keratoconus
may be suspect for the cornea. If the central corneal power is greater
than 48.7 D or the I-S value is greater than 1.4 D, then the cornea is
classified as keratoconic.
Several VKG systems have developed applications for the screening
and diagnosis of keratoconus.74,76-80 This is particularly important
because keratoconus is a contraindication for refractive surgery, and it
has been found that as many as 5% to 7% of refractive surgery candi-
dates have subclinical keratoconus.81,82 In addition, although more data
are forthcoming from the topography assessment group (TAG) of the
CLEK study, it is evident that previous philosophies indicating that the
apex of the cornea is typically inferior-central are erroneous. The affected
region of steepening can occur anywhere on the cornea. The apex—
although rarely superior in location—is often located as far as several
millimeters from the central cornea with an apex location that tends to
vary between the eyes of a patient with keratoconus. Inferior steepening,
more prominent temporally, is the most common pattern observed.83
Likewise, before the introduction of VKG, cones were described as hav-
ing two basic shapes, oval and nipple, that could be differentiated by slit-
lamp biomicroscopy and some form of early-generation Placido’s
disk–based instrument. VKG instrumentation has demonstrated that
the corneal shape in patients with keratoconus is more complex.75,84,85
The use of a VKG system is also valuable in monitoring the pro-
gression of keratoconus. This factor, in addition to providing informa-
tion on apex size and location, is invaluable in assisting in the design
of the contact lens. Although the presence of a VKG instrument is not
essential for the management of keratoconus, it is beneficial for the
diagnosis and monitoring of the condition.
Chapter 10 Keratoconus 233
Biomicroscopy is essential for the diagnosis of keratoconus. As with
VKG, subtle corneal changes can be detected (i.e., changes occurring
within the specific layers of the cornea). The classic clinical signs of
keratoconus that, at minimum, should be present for diagnosis are
Vogt’s striae, Fleischer’s ring, and scarring.
Vogt’s striae are a series of vertical or oblique lines or folds located
in the posterior stroma or Descemet’s membrane (Figure 10-4). They
are most likely the result of the stretching of the corneal lamellae. They
can be observed easily via viewing through the contact lens itself with
the slit beam. They were present in 65% of the patients in the CLEK
study.10 They temporally disappear when transient pressure is applied
to the globe through the upper lid.86
Fleischer’s ring is a yellow-brown to olive-green discoloration
appearing as a broken or interrupted ring encircling the base of the
cone (Figure 10-5). It was present in 86% of the patients in the CLEK
study, with 56% bilateral and 30% unilateral.10 It appears to outline the
base of the cone and represents hemosiderin deposits in the deep
epithelium near Bowman’s membrane. Sometimes this is best viewed
through a cobalt filter.
Thinning of the cornea can be observed at the region of the cone via
an optic section. Increased visibility of the nerve fibers can be observed
ties; and they proceed to increase and become opaque.90 Corneal scars
were graded as “definitely present” in 29.4% and “probably present” in
8.2% of patients in the CLEK study.91 In addition, factors found to be
associated with corneal scarring included corneal staining, contact
lens wear, Fleischer’s ring, a steeper cornea, and advancing age.
Corneal hydrops occurs secondary to a rupture in Descemet’s mem-
brane in patients with advanced keratoconus, resulting in aqueous
access to the corneal stroma, which results in first corneal edema and
ultimately corneal scarring.67
In patients with advanced cases, the profile of the affected region or
cone can be grossly observed via Munson’s sign (Figure 10-7). This can
be confirmed by having the patient view inferiorly until the lower lid
is at the equator of the cone; the shape of the lid will be altered because
of protrusion of the cone, and Munson’s sign will be evident. The cone
can also be grossly viewed via Rizzuti’s phenomenon.92 When illumi-
nating the cornea with a penlight from the temporal side of the cornea,
focused anterior to the iris, light is sharply focused on the temporal
side of the nasal limbus.
As mentioned before, in early stages of keratoconus, it can be difficult
to diagnose although mild corneal irregularity may be present and a
Differential Diagnosis
Stage Two
1. Definite corneal distortion and irregular astigmatism observed with
keratometry and videokeratoscopy
2. Further increase in myopia and refractive astigmatism
3. Keratometer values exhibit 1 to 4 D of steepening
Stage Three
1. Best-corrected spectacle visual acuity is greatly decreased
2. Accurate keratometry readings are difficult to obtain because of mire
3. Keratometry/topography readings have steepened 5 to 10 D
4. Increase in irregular astigmatism; commonly ranging from 2 to 8 D
5. Slit-lamp findings, including corneal thinning, increased nerve fiber
visibility, Vogt’s striae, Fleischer’s ring, and possibly scarring, are often
Stage Four
1. Intensification of above signs, with the cornea steepening to greater than
55 D
2. Scarring present at apex
3. Munson’s sign present
Keratoglobus is a condition in which the entire cornea thins, most
notably near the limbus, as opposed to the localized thinning in
patients with keratoconus.7,18 Although, like keratoconus, ker-
atoglobus is a bilateral condition, it is typically present from birth and
tends not to be progressive. Unlike keratoconus, keratoglobus is rare,
and the thinning is such that rupture can occur, even with little
Patients should be informed about keratoconus as soon as it is sus-
pected. At that time, the condition should be explained, including the
progression and the fact that some patients (about one in eight)
require corneal transplantation because of the scarring and subse-
quent reduced vision that can result in the worst-case situation. A dis-
cussion of corrective options, in particular GP lenses, should be
provided. Because patients with keratoconus are often inquisitive—
not to mention understandably concerned—they can be directed to
web sites that can supplement their knowledge of the condition (Table
10-2).95 In addition, the National Keratoconus Foundation has an
excellent consumer brochure on keratoconus. Because the CLEK study
has found that one in nine patients with keratoconus have missed
Because of the increase in corneal irregularity as the condition pro-
gresses and the benefits of GP lens wear on reducing the irregularity,
spectacle lens wear is often not beneficial as a vision correction. In
addition, there is tremendous variation—including diurnal—in refrac-
tive error, not to mention the impact of the progression of the disease.
In addition, there is often significant anisometropia caused by the
asymmetric nature of the disease, resulting in one eye exhibiting
greater disease progression.67 However, 16% of patients in the CLEK
study wore spectacles as their only mode of visual correction,10 and
spectacles have been shown to result in good visual acuity, particularly
in early stages of the condition or for patients in whom keratoconus
does not progress to advanced stages.97 With this in mind, it is espe-
cially important to perform an accurate refraction, in particular,
obtaining the indicated astigmatic power and axis. This is likewise
important in providing a supplemental correction for the GP lens-
wearing patient with keratoconus who otherwise tends to wear his or
her contact lenses during waking hours.
Chapter 10 Keratoconus 241
GP contact lenses are often the preferred mode of correction for
patients with keratoconus as they are for those with other forms of
irregular corneal conditions because of their ability to provide a more
uniform surface. GP lenses neutralize the majority of the optical aber-
rations of the anterior corneal surface because the tear fluid lens
formed beneath the lens has a similar refractive index to the cornea
and therefore neutralizes most of the aberrations of the anterior
corneal surface. Therefore in most cases, particularly for patients with
more advanced forms of keratoconus, the patient’s visual performance
will be improved with GP lenses.98 Almost 75% of the subjects in the
CLEK study were corrected with rigid lenses.10 This value is similar to
the 75% of patients with keratoconus wearing rigid lenses in the CLEK
pilot study97 and is similar to other reports.65,99 In studies comparing
the visual performance of GP lenses with spectacles100 and with both
spectacles and soft lenses,98 GP lenses provided the best visual per-
formance. For many patients, vision will be several lines better on the
acuity chart with GP lenses versus other correction options, and in
advanced cases, it is common for patients, even with the most precise
refraction, to be unable to exhibit satisfaction with spectacle correc-
tion, even for part-time wear. However, it must be emphasized that
even if the visual acuity chart vision is “normal” with GP contact lens
correction, most likely there is some decrement in vision performance.
Contrast threshold measurements have shown a vision loss at low spa-
tial frequencies (0.25 c/degrees) that is not improved by contact lens
fitting.101 Therefore, although GP lenses can provide a significant
improvement in visual acuity for patients with keratoconus, there may
still be residual loss of visual function.
It must be emphasized, however, that as keratoconus progresses,
GP lenses can have a detrimental effect on relatively fragile corneal
apex if they either decenter or exhibit too much pressure on the apex.
Corneal staining and scarring can potentially be induced by such a fit-
ting relationship.102
most likely the result of many factors. First, the corneal irregularity
often makes an alignment fitting relationship impossible and there-
fore increases lens awareness. In addition, numerous patients with
keratoconus are not particularly motivated for GP lens wear but were
encouraged to pursue this option by their eye care practitioner. Topical
anesthetic application will minimize initial lens awareness, increase
patient satisfaction, improve attitude toward adaptation,109 and reduce
chair time. The latter is particularly important because several lenses
may have to be attempted before an acceptable fitting relationship is
The initial lens should have a base curve radius equal to the steep
keratometry value. The fluorescein pattern should not be viewed
immediately after instillation because a false pattern of apical clear-
ance may exist when in fact bearing will be present after several blinks.
Slit-lamp evaluation with cobalt blue illumination and the use of a yel-
low Wratten or Tiffen filter will dictate what change in base curve
radius, if any, is indicated. The use of high illumination and low mag-
nification is important when viewing the pattern. It is beneficial to
view the pattern with a Burton lamp or, if not available, to view the pat-
tern grossly outside of the oculars to provide the benefit of a larger
field of view.
With a base curve radius equal to the steep keratometry (or simu-
lated “K” value), a slight apical clearance pattern is commonly
observed. The base curve radius can then be changed in 0.50- to
1.00-D steps until apical bearing is first observed. At this time, a three-
point touch or bulls-eye fitting relationship should be present. Careful
evaluation of the peripheral fluorescein pattern is also important to
ensure that peripheral seal-off is absent. An alignment fluorescein pat-
tern is not expected with this or other keratoconus designs; however,
good centration is important. If the lens decenters inferiorly as a result
of a corneal apex that is greatly displaced in that direction, either a
larger diameter or one of the specialized lens designs discussed later
in this chapter can be used.
Lens Design. Once three-point touch has been obtained, it is impor-
tant to design the lens to be consistent with the changes in corneal
topography. As discussed earlier, some VKG instruments have soft-
ware for keratoconic GP lens design that can be beneficial as this con-
dition progresses. Generally, the OZD should be decreased as the
cornea steepens to maintain optimum centration. In this philosophy,
which can vary depending on such factors as pupil size, fissure size,
and lens position, the OZD is often equal to the base curve radius in
millimeters. For example, if the base curve radius is 7.00 mm, the
OZD will likewise be approximately 7.00 mm.
Problem Solving
As a result of the irregularity and fragility of the cornea, it is important
that patients with keratoconus are evaluated on a regular basis.
Fortunately, these patients are often receptive to follow-up care as a
in these cases. If the patient still experiences lens awareness, the use
of a piggyback-type design would be recommended.
Reduced Vision. Although the use of GP lenses often improves
vision by several lines on the acuity chart compared with the best spec-
tacle correction, the quality of vision can still be reduced significantly,
particularly for patients with advanced stages of keratoconus. Every
effort should be made to perform an accurate spherocylindrical over-
refraction to put into overspectacles for use during critical vision tasks.
When the patient is no longer satisfied with his or her vision, consul-
tation with a corneal specialist for a possible penetrating keratoplasty
is recommended, particularly if dense corneal scarring is present.
Decentration. If the lens decenters inferiorly, several options are
available. Reducing the OZD, keeping the edge thickness to a mini-
mum, steepening the base curve radius, or ultimately using a piggy-
back-type design should be beneficial.
Frequent Decentration/Dislodgement. If the lens is frequently
decentering off the cornea or dislodging from the eye, this could be the
result of excessive inferior edge clearance. An excessively flat base
curve radius almost always causes this, and simply refitting into a
steeper base curve will solve this problem. Selecting a large diameter
lens design or a piggyback-type modality are options as well.
Adherence. Because of the absence of an alignment fitting relation-
ship, absence of or minimal lens movement can occur. Often, periph-
eral seal-off is present, and this problem can be managed by flattening
and widening the peripheral curve in-office. Additionally, the optical
zone may be too large, increasing the disparity from alignment in the
fitting relationship.
Staining. Corneal staining can often be thought of as synonymous
with keratoconus resulting from the fragility of the cornea and, partic-
ularly, if a foreign body such as a rigid contact lens is being worn
(Figure 10-14). An easy mistake to make when a patient has experi-
enced a mild corneal abrasion necessitating temporary discontinua-
tion of lens wear is to then refit the patient into a different design.
Because it is not uncommon for patients with keratoconus to wear
their GP lenses all waking hours, for any of a number of possible eti-
ologies, punctate staining can coalesce, resulting in a corneal abrasion.
However, if the patient has a good lens-to-cornea fitting relationship,
he or she should resume wearing these lenses once the staining has
A swirl staining pattern located over the apex of the cone is com-
mon in patients with keratoconus.17,67 This is typically mild and should
simply be monitored. If it coalesces, resulting in lens awareness, the
back surface of the lenses should be cleaned and polished to remove
The diagnostic lens would be selected equal to the average K (or sim-
ulated K) value. If the keratometry values were 46 D (7.34 mm) × 50 D
(6.75 mm), a 48-D (7.03 mm) diagnostic lens would be selected. If this
lens exhibited apical bearing, the next steeper base curve radius trial
lens would be selected. This process would be continued until the first
definite apical clearance fluorescein pattern has resulted, which is the
Chapter 10 Keratoconus 255
can be a limiting factor with this design.110 The goal is to vault the apex
of the cone or lightly touch it and align the more normal peripheral
cornea. Because aspheric lens designs tend to increase in plus power
toward the periphery, patients with presbyopia and keratoconus can
benefit visually. Traditional designs such as the VFLII and the Ellip-
See-Con (Conforma Contact Lens Co.) are progressive aspheres, which
gradually flatten from the center of the lens to the periphery to provide
better alignment with an ecstatic cornea. The degree of asphericity of
eccentricity increases as the rate of flattening increases.115 “E-values” of
0.4 to 0.6 are ellipsoidal in shape and fit a nipple cone most effectively,
whereas e-values of greater than 1.0 are paraboloidal and hyperboloidal
shaped and fit oval-shaped corneas.
The ComfortKone lens (MetroOptics, Austin, TX) is a triaspheric
lens with a 4.0-mm optical zone, which is designed to fit the peak of
the cone to enhance visual acuity. The triaspheric periphery is
intended to maximize overall cornea-to-contact lens alignment. The
fitting set consists of 24 lenses. The diameter is either 8.5 or 9.0 mm,
and there is a choice of base curves with differing aspheric fitting
curves.110 When ordering the ComfortKone lens, the OZD and periph-
eral curve system are controlled; therefore ease of fitting is a benefit of
this design. The practitioner needs to determine the base curve radius,
power, overall diameter, and aspheric fitting curve of the lens to be
ordered.69 It has been found that, even with first-time patients, an
average of only 1.5 lenses per eye is required for a successful out-
come.120 The success of this lens may be because of the generation of
computer-controlled lathes for better optical quality.
The CentraCone lens from Blanchard Laboratory (Manchester, NH)
has a posterior design divided into three principal areas. The optical
zone is spherical (5.75 mm diameter) and is fit to provide apical clear-
ance or a slight apical touch. The paracentral area of the lens is designed
to applanate the cornea tangentially, thereby assisting it to position the
lens as centrally as the corneal shape permits. The peripheral profile area
has a reverse aspheric zone applied, which produces a wider peripheral
zone. Unique to this design is the Bi-Sym enhancement, which allows
the midperiphery of the lower quadrant of the lens to be steepened inde-
pendently of the upper zone. This enhancement allows for a much-
improved fit of the decentered or severe cone, for which excessive lower
edge lift is common. The Valley K lens (Valley Contax, Springfield, OR)
is a unique design modified after the McGuire lens. This design has
computer-lathe curves midway between the basic four–peripheral curve
McGuire design, creating an almost aspheric periphery. It is repro-
ducible, and the peripheral curve system can be modified as needed by
making the curves flatter or steeper for a given base curve.110
Chapter 10 Keratoconus 259
The Infinity Cone lens (Infinity Optical, Inc.) fits on the sagittal
value principle by using larger diameters (9.0 mm and 9.5 mm). The
periphery of the lens should be fit to the peripheral area of the cornea
as far away from the apex of the cone as practical.
The KAS lens (Aero Contact Lens, Inc., Kalamazoo, MI) has a
paraboloidal ocular surface geometry with a spherical front surface.
The edge lift is considered hyperboloidal, and diameters range from
7.5 to 10.0 mm. By nature of the lens design, as much as a +2.25-D
addition can be achieved.110
Contex, Inc. (Sherman Oaks, CA) has numerous aspheric lens
designs for patients with keratoconus. The Aspheric-20 lens is the
most common, having a hyperbolic design. Larger than average diam-
eters are recommended, and varying edge lift designs are available.110
A recipe for fitting GP lenses for patients with keratoconus based
on the type of cone has been published by the coauthor and is provided
in Box 10-2.110
Piggyback-Type Designs
Because of the difficulty of achieving an alignment fitting relationship,
it is not uncommon for GP lens design adaptation to take longer
because the initial comfort is often less. This problem, in addition to
the difficulty in achieving good centration—especially in those with
advanced or displaced cones—makes the option of a piggyback-type
A. Nipple Cone
1. Rose K
2. ComfortKone
3. Valley K
4. Aspheric
B. Sagging Cone
1. Duozone
C. Keratoglobus
1. Ni-Cone
D. Advanced Cones (topographies reveal much distortion secondary to
scarring and resemble a reverse geometry pattern)
1. ComfortKone
2. Valley K
3. Rose K
4. Ni-Cone
Modified from Cutler SI: Managing keratoconus with proprietary designs, Contact Lens
Spectrum 14(10):21-28, 1999.
Bitoric Lenses
Toric back surface lenses have little application for patients with ker-
atoconus because of the irregular toricity of the cornea. Although
keratoconic corneas typically have a high level of toricity that, in the-
ory, would benefit from a toric lens, the toric curvatures and corre-
sponding power corrections are 90 degrees apart. This is often not
the case for the irregular astigmatism in patients with keratoconus,
especially in those with moderate and advanced cases. The astigma-
tism in patients with keratoconus is usually confined to a small area
within the apical area, close to the visual axis. Posterior toric lens
designs are most effective in limbal-to-limbal or global cylinder cases,
not local cylinder cases.135 If the apex of the cone is decentered, a suc-
cessful fit is difficult to achieve.17 The corneal toricity error from the
central cornea to the apex varies from 0 to 3 D when the apex is decen-
tered by 1 mm and from 0 to approximately 6 D when the cone is
decentered by 2 mm.
If, however, the cone apex is well centered and the topography map
shows a symmetrical bow-tie pattern, which is rare and almost always
found in mild or subclinical forms, a bitoric lens can be successful.17,136
It has also been successful in combination with a soft lens (i.e., piggy-
back).137 However, if the condition continues to progress, one of the
aforementioned designs will most likely be indicated.
Soft Lenses
As with bitoric GP lens designs, spherical and toric soft lenses have lit-
tle application for patients with keratoconus. In the CLEK study, soft
lenses were worn bilaterally by 2% of the patients and unilaterally by
2% of the patients.10 The inability of a soft lens to neutralize corneal
irregularity and improve vision limits its application typically to mild
cases before the onset of significant irregular astigmatism.17,67
In a comparison study in which six types of contact lenses were
compared in their ability to mask irregular astigmatism in patients
with keratoconus, correction with GP lenses provided the highest lev-
els of visual acuity and best masked the majority of the corneal irregu-
larity.98 It was concluded that there is probably no advantage to
patients with keratoconus wearing soft lenses as opposed to spectacles.
Therefore to optimize vision in patients with keratoconus who are
Penetrating Keratoplasty
It is always important to be able to communicate to a patient with ker-
atoconus at the time of possible diagnosis that an outcome of kerato-
conus—for advanced cases—is corneal transplantation. Between 10%
and 22% of patients with keratoconus will have a penetrating kerato-
plasty as a result of their condition.6,9,10,12,97,138,139 Ten percent of the
CLEK study patients underwent penetrating keratoplasty; however,
patients who underwent bilateral transplantations were excluded from
participating in this study. Tuft et al12 reported that 21.6% of 2363
patients with keratoconus had undergone grafting. The mean duration
of the condition before grafting was 8.8 years. The primary reasons for
grafting included unstable contact lens fit (52.6%) and axial corneal
scarring (36.3%). High-risk factors for the eventual need for penetrat-
ing keratoplasty appear to be (1) onset at a young age (<20 years of
age), (2) keratometry readings >55 D, (3) best corrected visual acuity
<20/40, and (4) apical scarring.12,140
Corneal transplantation is highly successful with as many as 96%
of cases resulting in clear grafts.141-143 It has been reported that 84% of
grafts resulted in ≥20/40 vision, and 40% achieved ≥20/20.144
Coster145 reported that 93% of patients undergoing grafting believed it
was “worth the trouble.” It is also important to emphasize that surgery
can be avoided in many cases by the fitting of contact lenses. In one
study of 190 eyes referred for a penetrating keratoplasty, 69% could be
successfully refitted into contact lenses.138 Kastl146 found that 95% of
64 patients could be successfully fit into contact lenses. Belin et al147
and Fowler et al148 found that 87% of patients referred for surgery
could be successfully fit with contact lenses with 85% achieving 20/30
or better corrected visual acuity. Therefore it is evident that contact
lenses should be considered initially with surgery an option primarily
when contact lens wear is intolerable or when the condition has pro-
gressed such that significant apical scarring is present.
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74. Probst LE: Case 13: LASIK with forme fruste keratoconus. In Machat JL, Slade
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75. Rabinowitz YS, McDonnell PJ: Computer-assisted corneal topography in kerato-
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76. Caroline PJ, Andre MP: Help for screening abnormal corneal topographies,
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79. Wilson SE, Klyce SD, Husseini ZM: Standardized color-coded maps for corneal
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80. Lebow KA: Clinical applications of axial and tangential maps, Contact Lens
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81. Wilson SD, Klyce SD: Screening for cornea topographic abnormalities before
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82. Nesburn AB, Bahri S, Berlin M, et al: Computer-assisted corneal topography
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83. Rabinowitz YS: Corneal topography: corneal curvature and optics, clinical appli-
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Wilkins (in press).
84. Wilson SE, Klyce SD: The topography of keratoconus, Cornea 10:2-8, 1991.
85. McMahon TT, Robin SD, Scarpulla KM, et al: The spectrum of topography found
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86. Davis LJ, Barr JT, VanOtteren D: Transient rigid lens induced striae in kerato-
conus, Optom Vis Sci 70(3):216-219, 1993.
87. Mandell RB, Polse KA: Keratoconus: spatial variation of corneal thickness as a
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108. Bennett ES: Use a common sense approach in fitting keratoconus patients,
Primary Care Optom News 1(5):14-15, 1996.
109. Bennett ES, Smythe J, Henry VA, et al: The effect of topical anesthetic use on
initial patient satisfaction and overall success with rigid gas permeable
contact lenses, Optom Vis Sci 75:800-805, 1998.
110. Cutler SI: Managing keratoconus with proprietary designs, Contact Lens
Spectrum 14(10):21-28, 1999.
111. Gromacki S: What every optometrist should know about keratoconus, Contemp
Optom 1(6):1-8, 2003.
112. Caroline PJ, Norman CW, Andre MP: The latest design for keratoconus, Contact
Lens Spectrum 12(8):36-41, 1997.
113. Cox N: A new system for keratoconic fitting, Optician 214(5630):28-30, 1997.
114. Mannis MJ, Zadnik K: Contact lens fitting in keratoconus, CLAO J 15:282-289,
115. Burger D: Contact lens alternatives for keratoconus: an overview, Contact Lens
Spectrum 8:49-55, 1993.
116. Mandell RB, Barsky BA, Moore CF: A new lens for keratoconus, Contact Lens
Spectrum 10:17-22, 1995.
117. Schendowich B: The “Duozone” lens; fitting the proud nebula, Contact Lens
Spectrum 14(12):44-47, 1999.
118. Mountford J, Noack D: KBA fitting guide (update). January 2003.
119. Siviglia N, Fiol-Silva Z: Keratoconus fitting with the Ni-Cone contact lens. In
Contact lenses: the CLAO guide to basic science and clinical practice update 7,
New York, 1990, Little, Brown & Co, pp 55C1-55C6.
120. Connelly S, Broe D: Comfort for the keratoconus patient: a comparison of lens
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121. Harsant R: Silicone-hydrogel piggy-back fitting, Optician 220(5766):34-36, 2000.
122. Yeung K, Eghbali F, Weissman BA: Clinical experience with piggyback contact
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123. Gasset AR: Piggy-back fitting corneal lenses for corneal diseases, New York, 1976,
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124. Tsubota K, Mashima Y, Murata H, et al: A piggyback contact lens for the correction
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126. Kok JH, van Mil C: Piggyback lenses in keratoconus, Cornea 12(1):60-64, 1993.
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128. Rubinstein MP, Sud S: The use of hybrid lenses in management of the irregu-
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129. Maguen E, Caroline PJ, Rosmer IR, et al: The use of the SoftPerm lens for the
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130. Maguen E, Martinez M, Rosner I, et al: The use of Saturn II lenses in kerato-
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131. Szczotka L: Comparing semi-scleral RGP contact lenses, Contact Lens Spectrum
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132. Pullum KW, Buckley RJ: A study of 530 patients referred for rigid gas perme-
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134. Vreugdenhil W, Geerards AJM, Vervaet CJW: A new rigid gas-permeable semi-
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135. Miller B: Systematic application of toric contact lenses for high astigmatism—
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136. Morrison RB: Bitoric rigid and soft contact lenses prescribed in tandem for ker-
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137. Zadnik K: Meet the challenge of fitting the irregular cornea, Rev Optom 131(4):
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141. Davis LJ: Keratoconus: current understanding of diagnosis and management,
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146. Kastl PR: A 20 year retrospective study of the use of contact lenses in kerato-
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147. Belin MW, Fowler WG, Chambers WA: Keratoconus: evaluation of recent trends
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148. Fowler WC, Belin MW, Chambers WA: Contact lenses in the visual correction
of keratoconus, CLAO J 14:203-206, 1988.
CLMA Laboratories Keratoconus GP
Lens Design Lens Material Diameter B Base Curve Power (D)
ABB Optical: 800-225-1812
Cone Adaptive Any Made to Order Made to Order
Dyna Intra- Boston XO 11.2 mm (Standard/
Limbal Custom Available)
McGuire Any Made to Order
Rose K Boston EO, XO 8.7 mm (Standard
Custom Available)
S Cone Boston XO 7.0-9.2 mm 4.50-8.00 mm +20.00 to −35.00
Appendix 10-1
Soper Cone Any Made to Order
American Contact Lens Service, Inc.: 800-428-4479
Mail to: [email protected]
Custom Any Made to Order
Blanchard Contact Lens Inc.: 800-367-4009
CentraCone Boston ES, EO 9.0 mm Standard 5.30-7.60 mm Plano to −30.00
(8.6, 8.2 available) (0.10-mm steps) (0.25 D steps)
Custom Any Made to Order
Rose K Boston EO, XO 8.7 mm (Standard/ Made to Order Made to Order
and Aquasil
Lens Design Lens Material Diameter B Base Curve Power (D)
Chessman’s Contact Lens Lab: 800-486-5367
Custom Any Made to Order
Clear Optics, Contact Lens Laboratory: 800-221-0213 (NM only), 505-983-5075
Custom Any Made to Order
Con-Cise Contact Lens Co.: 800-772-3911
Custom Any Boston Material Made to Order
Corneal Design Corporation: 800-634-0785
Lens Design Lens Material Diameter B Base Curve Power (D)
Dist-O-Con, Inc.: 800-543-8007—cont’d
Dist-O-Cone Fluorex 300 or 8.5 mm 5.82-6.89 mm Made to Order
Paragon HDS
Dist-O-Cone Fluorex 300 or 8.0 mm 5.63-6.75 mm Made to Order
Paragon HDS
Diversified Ophthalmics, Inc.: 800-626-2281
Ultima “K” Paragon HDS Made to Order Made to Order +/−20.00
Firestone Optics, Inc.-Corneal Lens Laboratory: 800-373-2020
Appendix 10-1
Custom Cone Any Made to Order
Soper Cone Any Made to Order
Global Contact Lens, Inc.: 800-988-5130
Mail to: [email protected]
Aspheric Cone Any Made to Order
Custom Any Made to Order
GL-cone Any Made to Order
McGuire Any Made to Order
Soper Cone Any Made to Order
Lens Design Lens Material Diameter B Base Curve Power (D)
Insight Contact Lens Labs: 800-486-8228
McGuire Any Made to Order
Soper Any Made to Order
Int’l Contact Lens Labs, Inc.: 800-422-8489
Mail to: [email protected]
McGuire Cone Any Made to Order 5.00-7.00 mm Made to Order
Appendix 10-1
Custom Any Made to Order
Rose K Boston EO, XO 8.7 mm (Standard/ Made to Order Made to Order
Custom Available) (0.05 steps)
Metro Optics -Arkansas, Inc.: 800-482-6905
Mail to: [email protected]
A-Series Any 7.8-9.5 mm Made to Order
Metro Optics Of Austin, Inc.: 800-223-1858 (Austin, TX)
Comfort Kone 7.8-9.5 mm Made to Order
Lens Design Lens Material Diameter B Base Curve Power (D)
OPTIK K & R, Inc. CANADA -International CLMA Member*: 800-465-0048
Custom Any Made to Order
Oculus Limited SINGAPORE -International CLMA Member*: (65) 62845922
Rose K Boston EO, XO 8.7 mm (Standard/ Made to Order Made to Order
Custom Available) (0.05 steps)
Appendix 10-1
Platt Contact Lens Service: 800-537-5711
Mail to: [email protected]
CV-6 Any Made to Order
PLATT DB Any Made to Order
Rose K Boston EO, XO 8.7 mm (Standard/ Made to Order Made to Order
Custom Available) (0.05 steps)
Precision Optics, Inc.: 800-584-9110
Mail to: [email protected]
Custom Any, Hydro 2 Made to Order
A-Series FluoroPerm 30 7.8-9.5 mm Made to Order
Rooney Optical, Inc.: 800-362-1400
Custom Any Made to Order
Dual Base Any Made to Order
McGuire Cone Any Made to Order
Lens Design Lens Material Diameter B Base Curve Power (D)
Safeway Contact Lens, Inc.: 800-354-4291
Mail to: [email protected]
Custom Any Made to Order
Soderberg Contact Lens: 800-736-9339(MN)–See Directory for other locations
McGuire Any 8.1/8.6/9.1 mm Made to Order
SK 2000 Boston XO Made to Order
Soper Any 8.0/8.5/9.0 mm Made to Order
Appendix 10-1
Mail to: [email protected]
Custom Any Made to Order
McGuire Any Made to Order
Soper Any Made to Order
Universal Contact Lenses of FL., Inc.: 800-874-4884
Mail to: [email protected]
C5 Any 8.0-9.4 mm 5.00-7.50 mm Made to Order
CLCK Any Made to Order
McGuire Cone Any Made to Order
Soper Cone Any Made to Order
Custom Any Made to Order
Astigmatic Correction
Residual astigmatism has been defined as the refractive error present
when a contact lens is placed on the cornea to correct an existing
ametropia.1 With a spherical GP lens in place on the eye, the residual
astigmatism is approximately equal to the difference between the
corneal astigmatism and the refractive or composite astigmatic error
of the eye. With a spherical soft lens, it is equal to the refractive astig-
matic error only.
Residual astigmatism can be classified as either physiologic or
induced. Physiologic residual astigmatism results from the compo-
nents of the refractive system of the eye.2 Any of the following may
contribute to residual physiologic astigmatism: (1) the posterior
corneal surface may have power at the aqueous interface, which is usu-
ally not considered; (2) different meridians of the crystalline lens may
have different curvatures at the interfaces; (3) the fluid lens may not
totally correct the anterior corneal surface cylinder; (4) the cornea and
other media may have varying indices; (5) the crystalline lens may be
tilted; and (6) the incident beam of light may be oblique to the cornea.
Induced residual astigmatism pertains to the status of the lens on the
eye and may result from one or more of the following:2 (1) the lens is
warped3; (2) the lens is flexing on the eye4-7 (in 1 and 2, 0.25 D of residual
astigmatism results from each 0.25 D of warpage or flexure)8; (3) a decen-
Chapter 11 Astigmatic Correction 287
tered lens, which may induce astigmatism2; (4) the contact lens may be
tilted sufficiently on the cornea to induce radial astigmatism, a common
problem for patients with aphakia with keyhole or otherwise displaced
pupils9; and (5) a toric anterior or posterior curve(s) on a rigid lens.10-12
Example 1:
Given: Spectacle Rx = −2.00 − 2.00 × 095
Keratometry = 43.00 @ 095; 44.00 @ 005
Then: CRA = TRA − 䉭K
= −2.00 × 095 − (−1.00 × 095)
= −1.00 × 095
Example 2:
Given: Spectacle Rx = −3.00 − 1.50 × 010
Keratometry = 42.00 @ 010; 45.00 @ 100
Then: CRA = TRA − 䉭K
= −1.50 × 010 − (−3.00 × 010)
= +1.50 × 010
= +1.50 − 1.50 × 100
= −1.50 × 100
Example 3:
Given: Spectacle Rx = +2.00 −3.50 × 180
Keratometry = 41.50 @ 180; 44.50 @ 090
Then: CRA = TRA − 䉭K
= −3.50 × 180 − (−3.00 × 180)
= −0.50 × 180
Example 4:
Given: Spectacle Rx = +14.00 − 3.50 × 175
Keratometry = 42.00 @ 180; 45.50 @ 090
Example 5:
Given: Spectacle Rx = −9.00 − 3.00 × 180
Keratometry = 42.00 @ 180; 45.00 @ 090
F90 (12 mm vertex distance):
= ________________
1 – 0.012 (–12.00)
= –10.49 D
F180 (12 mm vertex distance):
= ________________
1 – 0.012 (–9.00)
= –8.12 D
Spectacle Rx (at corneal plane) = −8.12 − 2.37 × 180
Then: CRAs = TRA − 䉭K
= −2.37 × 180 − (−3.00 × 180)
= +0.63 × 180
= +0.63 − 0.63 × 090
= −0.63 × 090
Examples 1 and 2 are representative of residual astigmatism because
the majority of patients manifest against-the-rule residual astigma-
tism.15,16 The importance of carefully determining vertex distance and
including it in calculations to derive the patient’s refractive correction in
the corneal plane is illustrated in Examples 4 and 5. In both examples,
if vertex distance were ignored, the CRA would equal zero. Vertex dis-
tance calculations should be used whenever one or both principal
meridians have a correction equal to or greater than +/− 4.00 D.
Chapter 11 Astigmatic Correction 289
Example 6:
1. Spectacle Rx = +3.50 − 1.00 × 005
Keratometry = 41.00 @ 005; 43.50 @ 095
Diagnostic lens = +3.00, 41.75 (8.08 mm) base curve radius
2. No vertex distance correction is necessary.
3. LLP = BCR of diagnostic lens (in diopters) – flatter corneal
(axis) meridian:
+41.75 − (+)41.00 = +0.75 D
(Because the base curve is steeper than the flatter corneal merid-
ian, the tear lens fills in the void and gives more plus power.)
4. [CLP + LLP] + 䉭K = [+3.00 + (+)0.75] + (−)2.50 × 005
= +3.75 −2.50 × 005
5. OR = Spectacle Rx − [CLP + LLP] + 䉭K
= +3.50 − 1.00 × 005 − (+3.75 −2.50 × 005)
= −0.25 +1.50 × 005
= +1.25 −1.50 × 095
Example 7:
1. Spectacle Rx = −2.00 − 2.50 × 180
Keratometry = 42.00 @ 180; 44.00 @ 090
Diagnostic lens = −3.00, 42.25 (7.99 mm) BCR
2. At corneal plane, spectacle Rx = approximately −2.00 −2.25 × 180
3. LLP = +42.25 − (+)42.00 = +0.25 D
Spherical GP Lenses
Spherical GP lenses can be successfully fitted to patients exhibiting
residual astigmatism if any one of the following conditions exists:
ARA is lower than the CRA
The patient’s acuity is not decreased to an unacceptable level
The demand on critical vision is not low
The lens can flex on the eye to reduce residual astigmatism
Typically patients will not tolerate ≥0.75 D of residual astigmatism with
a spherical GP lens. However, this will depend on several factors. First,
the ARA may be less than that predicted via the CRA. This could be the
result of slight inaccuracies in the refractive cylinder or the keratomet-
ric (or simulated keratometric) values. Likewise, as previously noted,
the ARA is often less than that calculated for patients with against-the-
rule astigmatism. Therefore, if −1.00 × 090 is the CRA, the ARA may
only be −0.50 × 090. Consequently, it is important to use diagnostic
lenses to determine if residual astigmatism will be problematic, even if
the CRA would predict a significant reduction in acuity.
There are several other considerations. A patient with severe
myopia will exhibit a lower amount of astigmatism at the corneal
plane. If, for example, the keratometry values in Example 5 were 42.00
@ 180 and 44.25 @ 090 and the refraction stayed unchanged at
−9.00 − 3.00 × 180, the CRA at the corneal plane would be only −0.12
× 180 because the refractive cylinder at the corneal plane is −2.37 ×
180. Likewise, patients exhibiting a high refractive error may be able to
tolerate 0.75 to 1.00 D of residual astigmatism, as would patients who
manifest critical vision demands.
There is one refractive situation in which residual astigmatism can
be reduced by the flexing of a thin GP lens on the eye. It has been
found that when the corneal toricity is with-the-rule and the residual
astigmatism is against-the-rule, a thin spherical lens will flex and
reduce the amount of residual astigmatism.5,18 With the flexibility of
high-Dk GP polymers, designing the lenses such that the BCR is
steeper than “K” in an ultrathin design should optimize flexure. This
is illustrated in the following example:
Example 8:
Given: Spectacle Rx = −1.25 − 1.00 × 180
Keratometry = 42.00@180; 44.00 @ 090
Then: CRA = −1.00 × 180 − (−)2.00 × 180
= +1.00 × 180
= +1.00 − 1.00 × 090
A Menicon Z (Nagoya, Japan) thin design can be fitted with the fol-
lowing parameters: 9.6/8.2 mm OAD/OZD; 7.89 mm (42.75 D) BCR;
and 0.11 mm CT. It is likely that this lens will flex and correct, at min-
imum, 50% of the residual astigmatism.
Example 9:
Given: Spectacle Rx = −3.00 − 0.25 × 090
Keratometry = 42.00@ 090; 43.25 @ 180
Then: CRA= −0.25 × 090 − (−)1.25 × 090
= +1.00 × 090
= +1.00 − 1.00 × 180
In this example, the residual astigmatism for the soft lens wearer is equal
to the refractive astigmatism, or only −0.25 D. The use of a spherical soft
lens avoids the necessity of ordering a more expensive special design lens.
Example 10:
Given: Spectacle Rx = −3.00 − 2.00 × 180
(at corneal plane): −3.00 − 1.75 × 180
Keratometry = 43.00 @ 180; 43.75 @ 090
Then: CRA = −1.75 − (−)0.75 × 180 = −1.00 × 180
Example 11:
Given: Spectacle Rx = −3.00 − 1.00 × 180
(at corneal plane): −3.00 − 0.75 × 180
Keratometry = 43.00 @ 180; 44.75 @ 090
Then: CRA = −0.75 − (−)1.75 × 180 = +1.00 × 180
Because soft toric lenses are most effective as the astigmatic power
decreases and are also available in planned replacement and dispos-
able lenses for cylinder powers between −0.75 to −2.00 D, these are
Chapter 11 Astigmatic Correction 293
Example 12:
Spectacle Rx = −1.50 − 1.00 × 090 −2.50 − 1.25 × 090
Keratometry = 43.25 DS 43.00 @ 090; 43.50 @ 180
Diagnostic lens = 43.00 DS; −3.00 D 42.75 DS, −3.00 D
(prism ballasted) (prism ballasted)
Slit-lamp evaluation: Inferior positioning with 1 mm lag after blink OU
Overrefraction: +1.25 − 1.50 × 090 +0.75 − 1.25 × 090
CL power: Dx lens power + overrefraction
= −3.00 + (+)1.25 − 1.50 × 090 −3.00 + (+)0.75 − 1.25 × 090
= −1.75 − 1.50 × 090 −2.25 − 1.25 × 090
Because the cylinder will be ground on the front surface of the lens in
plus cylinder form, the contact lens powers are transposed to:
= −3.25 + 1.50 × 180 −3.50 + 1.25 × 180
and, with compensation for lens rotation, becomes:
= −3.25 + 1.50 × 165 −3.50 + 1.25 × 015
The contact lens order can be written as follows:
Base curve radius 43.50 D (7.76 mm) 42.75 D (7.89 mm)
CL power −3.25 + 1.50 × 165 −3.50 + 1.25 × 015
OAD/OZD 9.2/8.0 mm 9.2/8.0 mm
SCR/W 8.8/0.3 mm 8.9/0.3 mm
PCR/W 10.8/0.3 mm 10.9/0.3 mm
CT 0.24 mm 0.24 mm
Prism 1䉭 double-dot base 1䉭 dot base
Material Paragon HDS
The base of the prism on the right lens should be double dotted so
the patient can distinguish between the lenses. The center thickness
was derived from Borish’s equation and assumed a standard center
thickness of 0.15 mm for an approximate −2.50 to −3.00 D equivalent
power. Because these lenses are thick, a high-Dk GP material is rec-
Truncated Prism-Ballasted. These lenses are indicated for patients
with normal-to-high positioning lower lids and upper lids at or near
the limbus.19 Many laboratories automatically or strongly encourage
truncating the bottom of the lens for the purpose of providing addi-
tional stability. If this is performed, the truncation should be inspected
to ensure it is well polished and therefore will not result in lens aware-
ness. Fortunately, truncation-induced awareness is rare and only
occurs if the truncation is not well polished or the upper lid picks up
the lens too superiorly during blinking.
A well-fitting truncated lens on the eye is shown in Figure 11-3. The
truncated area should align with the lower lid after blinking. The lens
should lift slightly with blinking, similar to a circular prism-ballasted
lens, and then settle in an inferior-central position.
Periballast Lens
A periballast lens design is cut in lenticular form with a high minus
carrier. Two forms of this lens design are available. In one form, the
final lens is cut with no flange at the top, and the entire 1.0 to 1.3 mm
of flange is left at the bottom to achieve the ballast. In the other form,
Whereas a small amount of corneal astigmatism is often favorable for
good centration of spherical lenses, a large amount (2.50 D or greater)
can easily have the reverse effect. As corneal cylinder increases, an
alignment fit becomes more difficult to achieve because the lens is not
parallel to the entire cornea but instead is often aligned with the flat-
ter meridian (i.e., horizontal in a with-the-rule cornea); the steeper
meridian has excessive clearance.
Soft toric lenses are an option for these patients; however, as the
refractive cylinder increases, any lens rotation on the eye will result in
an increase in cylinder induced by this axis misalignment, resulting in
mild-to-moderate compromise in vision.21 These designs have bene-
fited from advancements in manufacturing technology, greater param-
eter availability allowing for almost any cylinder power and axis to be
manufactured, and availability in frequent replacement and disposable
modalities. However, the latter modalities are typically reserved for rel-
atively low amounts of cylinder power (i.e., ≤ 2 D of refractive astig-
matism). In addition, if corneal distortion or irregular astigmatism is
present, a much better visual result can be attained with the selection
of a GP lens. A soft toric lens should be reserved for those astigmatic
patients who are highly motivated for soft lenses, have regular astig-
matism, and whose need for critical distance vision is not great.22
Therefore GP lenses play an important role in the correction of the
high astigmatism and, in fact, are often the lens of choice for visual
purposes. GP lens alternatives for those with high astigmatism
include spherical and aspheric lens designs but more commonly
include back surface toric and bitoric designs.
Figure 11-4. The fluorescein pattern of a spherical lens on a highly astigmatic cornea.
Example 13:
Spectacle Rx: +1.00 − 4.00 × 180
Keratometry: 41.00 @ 180; 45.00 @ 090
Spherical Dx lens: 42.00 D (8.04 mm)/−1.00 D
The diagnostic lens decentered inferiorly with minimal movement
and excessive vertical pooling of fluorescein. A back surface toric lens
design, using the Mandell-Moore method, would be as follows:
Kf = 41.00 + (−)0.25 = 40.75 D
Ks = 45.00 + (−)1.00 = 44.00 D
F1f = +1.00 + (+0.25 or lacrimal lens power correction) = +1.25 D
F1s = +1.25 + (40.75 − 44.00) = −2.00 D
An example of a back surface toric lens order for BCRs and powers in
this example are as follows:
Base curves: 40.75 D/44.00 D Power
(8.28 mm/7.63 mm) +1.25 D
Only the power determined in the flatter meridian (i.e., the most plus
power) should be ordered. Therein lies the major limitation to the use
of back surface toric lenses. The great majority of patients with high
astigmatism would not be able to achieve optimum visual acuity from
a back surface toric design because of the problem of induced cylinder.
A back surface toric GP contact lens in situ induces a cylinder in the
optical system (contact lens, fluid lens) designed to correct the
ametropia. This minus cylinder is a result of the difference between
the index of the contact lens (approximately 1.49 but depends on the
lens material) and the index of the tear lens (n = 1.336). The minus
cylinder axis will lie along the flatter principal meridian of the toric
back surface of the contact lens. This induced cylinder rarely corrects
and typically compounds the residual astigmatism.
When determining the changes in power induced by a back sur-
face toric GP lens, the following contact lens conversion factors are
matism and the refractive astigmatism equals approximately 1.5 times the
back surface cylinder). Example 14 illustrates how this can occur.
Example 14:
Spectacle Rx: Pl − 3.75 × 090
Keratometry: 42.00 @ 090; 44.75 @ 180
Design toric base curvatures: 41.75 @ 090; 44.00 @ 090
䉭K of back surface = 44.00 − 41.75 = 2.25 D
Induced cylinder = 0.5 × −2.25 = −1.12 or approximately −1.00 D
Residual astigmatism = refractive cylinder − corneal cylinder
= −3.75 − (−)2.75 = −1.00 × 090
Another use for back surface toric lenses would be if the lens selected has
an inside toricity of one third or less that of the corneal toricity.33 However,
this design defeats the purpose of toric fitting because such a lens may not
have enough toricity to properly align on the astigmatic cornea.
Ease of Fitting
A misperception of bitoric lenses is that they are complicated and dif-
ficult to fit. A goal of this section is to emphasize that this does not
need to be the case, that, in fact, bitoric lenses are little different than
spherical GP lenses other than having two tear lens calculations (ver-
tical and horizontal meridians) as compared with one. In a survey of
Diplomates in the Cornea and Contact Lens Section of the American
Academy of Optometry, the respondents were asked to rate on a scale
of 1 (very easy to design and fit) to 5 (very difficult to design and fit)
how they would rate the design and fitting of back surface/bitoric
lenses.34 The results were:
1. 10.5%
2. 43.3%
3. 35.8%
4. 10.4%
5. 0.0%
In summary, 89.6% rated these lenses from very easy (1) to accept-
able (3). No respondent indicated that these designs were very difficult
to design and fit. In a separate survey of the Cornea and Contact Lens
Section Diplomates, on a 1 (not a benefit) to 5 (a very strong benefit)
scale, GP lenses were rated 4.34 and soft lenses were rated 3.07 as they
apply to patients with severe astigmatism.35
Optical Principles
In Example 13, it was demonstrated that if the induced cylinder is cor-
rected on the front surface of the lens, a bitoric lens design has been
created. This is further illustrated in Example 15.
Example 15:
Spectacle refraction: −1.75 − 3.00 × 180
(corneal plane): −1.75 − 2.75 × 180
Keratometry: 42.75 @ 180; 45.50 @ 090
CRA: −2.75 − (−)2.75 = 0
Base curve radii: 42.50 (7.94 mm) @ 180/45.00 (7.50 mm) @ 090
Lens powers (via Mandell-Moore): −1.50 D/−4.00 D
In this example, there is no CRA. If the induced astigmatism, which is
equal to approximately one half of the back surface toricity of the lens
or 0.5 × (−2.50 × 180) or −1.25 × 180, is corrected with corresponding
Chapter 11 Astigmatic Correction 307
plus cylinder on the front surface (i.e., +1.25 × 180), a spherical power
effect is created. This lens can rotate any amount on the eye without
affecting vision because the corresponding vergence correction will be
present.33,36 Figure 11-6 illustrates the extreme case in which the lens
has rotated 90 degrees. However, it can be shown that the tear layer
will compensate, and the front surface cylinder correction will still
equal the new cylinder and axis of the induced cylinder.
Fitting Methods
Empirical Fitting. One of the roadblocks to bitoric success is the mis-
perception that bitoric lens design is too challenging for the practitioner,
especially determining the BCRs and powers. This is simply not true,
other than the aforementioned additional tear lens calculation. Methods
of calculating these values without the use of diagnostic lenses include
Mandell-Moore, computational, and optical cross.
Mandell-Moore. The Mandell-Moore Bitoric Lens Guide is an easy-
to-use resource for determining the BCRs and lens powers.30 Once the
spectacle refraction and keratometry readings are provided, this guide
incorporates the tear lens powers using the aforementioned fit factor.
It has been found to compare favorably in overall success to bitoric
5.00 0 5.00
Figure 11-6. An example of how the principle of the “spherical effect” bitoric lens design works.
Example 16(a):
Refraction (at corneal plane): −2.00 − 3.00 × 180
Keratometry: 42.00 @ 180; 45.00 @ 090
Calculate residual cylinder: Spectacle cylinder − corneal cylinder
= −3.00 × 180 − (−)3.00 × 180 = 0
Select BCRs (via Mandell-Moore):
Kf = 42.00 − (+)0.25 = 41.75 (8.08 mm) @ 180
Ks = 45.00 − (+)0.75 = 44.25 (7.63 mm) @ 090
Calculate back vertex powers:
Ff = −2.00 + (+)0.25 = −1.75 D
Fs = Ff + (Kf − Ks) = −1.75 + (41.75 − 44.25) = −4.25 D
Final powers/BCR: −1.75 D/8.08 mm; −4.25 D/7.63 mm
Another relatively simple method related to the above is the acronym
SAM-FAP for steep add minus–flat add plus. In other words, if both
meridians are being fitted with BCRs flatter than “K,” the correspon-
ding amount of plus can be added to the refractive power at the corneal
plane in each meridian.
Optical cross method. Another method of empirically determining
bitoric lens powers and BCRs is via the use of optical crosses. This is
illustrated in the following example:
Example 16(b):
Refraction (at corneal plane): −2.00 − 3.00 × 180
Keratometry: 42.00 @ 180; 45.00 @ 090
42.00 2.00
4.25 D
Chapter 11 Astigmatic Correction 311
Example 17:
Spectacle Rx: −0.50 − 3.00 × 180
Keratometry: 42.25 @ 180; 45.25 @ 090
Diagnostic lens: BCR: 42/45 Pl/−3.00 D
Slit-lamp evaluation: Alignment fluorescein pattern and good
Overrefraction: −0.25 DS 20/20+2
Final order: BCR = 42 (8.04 mm)/45 (7.50 mm)
Powers = −0.25 D/−3.25 D
Boston ES bitoric
In this example, although a Polycon II lens was used for the diagnostic
fitting, a higher-Dk lens material was used to meet the corneal oxygen
demands for a daily-wear lens patient with myopia (i.e., Dk = 25 to 50).
In addition, because there was an absence of residual astigmatism, a
spherical overrefraction is not unusual. As with spherical GP diagnos-
tic lenses, if there is little residual astigmatism (typically <0.75 D), it
may not reduce the patient’s visual acuity significantly and therefore
would not need to be incorporated into the final lens powers.
When a spherical overrefraction results in less than optimum visual
acuity, however, it is likely the residual astigmatism is significant
and—as with a spherical diagnostic lens—a spherocylindrical over-
refraction needs to be performed. When this occurs, a cylinder power
effect (i.e., incorporates induced and residual astigmatic corrections;
CPE) lens design is indicated. Determining the powers for a CPE
bitoric lens is a little more challenging than an SPE design. It can be
summarized as follows:
1. Select the recommended SPE diagnostic lens.
2. Perform a spherical overrefraction; if visual acuity is significantly
reduced, a spherocylindrical overrefraction is indicated.
3. Finally, add the overrefraction in a given meridian to the diag-
nostic lens power in the same meridian.19
Representative CPE bitoric cases are provided in Examples 18 and 19:
Example 18:
Spectacle Rx: +1.00 − 4.00 @ 180
Keratometry: 42.00 @ 180; 45.00 @ 090
Diagnostic Polycon SPE lens: 41.50/44.50 Pl/−3.00 D
Overrefraction (sphere): +1.25 DS 20/25−1
Overrefraction (spherocylindrical): +1.50 − 1.00 × 180 20/20+1
Add the overrefraction to the corresponding power in the diagnostic
To obtain the final lens powers:
180-degree meridian: +1.50 + plano = +1.50 D
090-degree meridian: [+1.50 + (−)1.00] + (−)3.00 = −2.50 D
Final order: 41.50 (8.13 mm)/44.50 (7.48 mm) +1.50/−2.50 D
Material: Fluoroperm 60
Example 19:
Spectacle Rx: +1.00 − 3.00 @ 180
Keratometry: 42.00 @ 180; 46.00 @ 090
Diagnostic Polycon SPE lens: 41.50/44.50 Pl/−3.00 D
Overrefraction (sphere): +1.25 DS 20/25−1
Chapter 11 Astigmatic Correction 313
Example 20:
Keratometry: 42.00 @ 180; 45.00 @ 090
BCR: 41.75 (8.08 mm)/44.25 (7.63 mm)
Determine mean BCR: 43.00 D (7.85 mm)
SCR/W: Mean BCR + 1 mm = 8.85 (rounded to 8.9 mm)/0.3 mm
PCR/W: SCR + 2 = 8.9 + 2 = 10.9/0.3 mm
Final order: BCR: 8.08/7.63 mm
SCR/W: 8.9/0.3 mm
PCR/W: 10.9/0.3 mm
Example 21:
Keratometry: 42.00 @ 180; 47.50 @ 090
BCR: 41.75 (8.08 mm)/46.25 (7.30 mm)
SCR/W: BCR + 1 mm = 8.08 + 1 = 9.08 (rounded to 9.1)/0.3 mm;
7.30 + 1 = 8.3/0.3 mm
PCR/W: SCR + 2 = 9.1 + 2 or 11.1/0.3 mm; 8.3 + 2 = 10.3/0.3 mm
Final order: BCR: 8.08/7.30 mm
SCR/W: 9.1/8.3 @ 0.3 mm
PCR/W: 11.1/10.3 @ 0.3 mm
Another option that has been recommended for patients in whom the
corneal cylinder is relatively low (i.e., 1.50 to 2.25 D) but a spherical GP
lens does not exhibit optimum centration is to use a spherical BCR but
toric peripheral curves. Using a similar formula as above, 1 mm could
be added to both keratometry values for the toric SCRs; an additional
2 mm could be added for the toric PCRs. This is described in the fol-
lowing example:
Example 22:
Keratometry: 42.00 (8.04 mm) @ 180; 44.00 (7.67 mm) @ 090
BCR: 42.50 (7.94 mm)
Toric SCR: 8.04 (rounded to 8.00) + 1 = 9.00 mm; 7.67 (rounded to
7.70 mm) + 1 = 8.7 mm
Toric PCR: 9.00 + 2 = 11.00 mm; 8.7 + 2 = 10.7 mm
Whenever toric BCRs are used with a spherical BCR, an oblique opti-
cal zone diameter will result (Figure 11-9).
Center Thickness. Because bitoric lenses are thin lens designs, the
center thickness of a bitoric lens is equal to the center thickness of a
spherical lens in the most plus power meridian. For example, if the
bitoric lens powers were −3.00/−6.00 D, the center thickness of a
spherical lens with a power of −3.00 D in the material being used
should be ordered.
Additional Considerations. Other considerations include the highly
astigmatic cornea and oblique or irregular astigmatism.
Chapter 11 Astigmatic Correction 315
Example 23:
Spectacle Rx: −4.00 − 6.00 × 180
(corneal plane): −3.75 − 5.25 × 180
Keratometry: 41.75 @ 180; 47 @ 090
Polycon 3 D SPE Dx lens: 41.50/44.50 Pl/−3.00
Overrefraction: −3.50 DS 20/20 (fluctuates)
Powers: (add OR to Dx lens powers) −3.50/−6.50 D
Slit-lamp evaluation: Lens decenters slightly inferiorly; excessive vertical
clearance and horizontal bearing
Solution: Steepen vertical meridian 1 D to 45.50, and add 1 D minus
to the power in that meridian = −6.50 + (−)1.00 = −7.50 D
Final order: 41.50 (8.13 mm)/45.50 (7.42 mm) −3.50/−7.50 D
Irregular Astigmatism. Bitoric lenses are rarely successful for
patients with irregular astigmatism, notably when the refractive
cylinder axis and corneal cylinder axis differ by ≥ 15 degrees. In par-
ticular, bitoric lenses are not recommended for patients with condi-
tions such as keratoconus, in which the corneal curvature varies
Bitoric GP lens designs should be the lens of choice for patients with
severe astigmatism. These designs have been found to not only con-
sistently demonstrate improved visual acuity as compared with that
obtained with the best spectacle correction but also as compared with
spherical rigid lenses.42 Table 11-2 shows the results provided by
Diplomates in the Cornea and Contact Lens Section of the American
Academy of Optometry pertaining to various refractive errors and
which lens modality (i.e., soft toric, spherical GP, back surface toric
GP, SPE bitoric, or CPE bitoric) they would customarily fit in this case,
knowing that this can be influenced by numerous other variables.34
The first two cases are patients with 1 and 2 D of corneal cylinder who
would be good candidates for either soft toric or spherical GP lenses,
and the results show parity between these two options. The third
Table 11-2 Cornea and Contact Lens Section of the AAO Lens Preference
Question: Assuming the following patients are first-time contact lens wearers
who you find to be good contact lens candidates and exhibit no preference for
contact lens type, which one of the following contact lens options would you
Case 1: −1.00 −1.00 × 180; 43 @ 180; 44 @ 090
Case 2: −1.00 −2.00 × 180; 42 @ 180; 44 @ 090
Case 3: −1.00 −3.50 × 180; 42 @ 180; 45.25 @ 090
Case 4: −1.00 −3.50 × 180; 42 @ 180; 44 @ 090
Case 5: −1.00 −3.50 × 180; 42 @ 180; 46.50 @ 090
Back Surf. SPE CPE
Soft Toric Sph. GP Toric GP Bitoric Bitoric
Case 1: 52.9% 47.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Case 2: 42.6% 44.1% 3.0% 10.3% 0.0%
Case 3: 14.7% 10.2% 11.7% 58.8% 4.4%
Case 4: 32.4% 2.9% 22.0% 5.9% 36.8%
Case 5: 20.5% 0.0% 11.8% 11.8% 55.9%
From Blackmore K, et al.34
Chapter 11 Astigmatic Correction 317
1. Mandell RB, editor: Contact lens practice, ed 4, Springfield, IL, 1998, Charles C.
Thomas Pub, pp 265-283.
2. Borish IM: Clinical refraction, vol 2, Chicago, 1975, Professional Press.
3. Bailey NJ: Residual astigmatism with contact lenses: part 3. Possible sites, Rev
Optom 98(3):31-32, 1961.
4. Harris MG: Contact lens flexure and residual astigmatism on toric corneas, J Am
Optom Assoc 41(3):247-248, 1970.
5. Herman JP: Flexure of rigid contact lenses on toric corneas as a function of base
curve fitting relationship, J Am Optom Assoc 54(3):209-213, 1983.
6. Corzine JC, Klein SA: Factors determining rigid contact lens flexure, Optom Vis Sci
74(8):639-645, 1997.
7. Lin M, Snyder AC: Flexure and residual astigmatism with RGP lenses of low,
medium and high oxygen permeability, Int Contact Lens Clin 26(1):5-8, 1999.
8. Pole JJ: The effect of the base curve on the flexure of Polycon lenses, Int Contact
Lens Clin 10(1):49-52, 1983.
9. Sarver MD: The effect of contact lens tilt upon residual astigmatism, Am J Optom
40(12):730-744, 1963.
10. Ellerbrock VJ: The role of toric surfaces in contact lens practice, Am J Optom
40(8):439-446, 1963.
11. Goldberg JB: Clinical application of toric base curve contact lenses, Optom Weekly
53(39):1911-1915, 1962.
12. Korb DR: A preliminary report on toric contact lenses, Optom Weekly 51(48):2501-
2505, 1960.
13. Sarver MD: A study of residual astigmatism, Am J Optom 46(8):578-582, 1969.
14. Dellande WD: A comparison of predicted and measured residual astigmatism in
corneal contact lens wearers, Am J Optom 47(6):459-463, 1970.
15. Kratz JD, Walton WG: A modification of Javal’s rule for the correction of astig-
matism, Am J Optom 26(7):295-306, 1949.
16. Carter JH: Residual astigmatism of the human eye, Optom Weekly 54(27):1271-
1272, 1963.
17. Mandell RB: Corneal contour and contact lenses. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Academy of Optometry, December 1963, Chicago.
18. Salmon T: Beneficial flexure-using thin RGPs to correct residual astigmatism,
Contact Lens Spect 7(8):39-42, 1992.
19. Silbert JA: Rigid lens correction of astigmatism. In Bennett ES, Weissman BA,
editors: Clinical contact lens practice, Philadelphia, 1990, Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins, pp 40-1 to 40-24.
20. Bennett ES, Blaze P, Remba MR: Correction of astigmatism. In Bennett ES,
Henry VA, editors: Clinical manual of contact lenses, ed 2, Philadelphia,
2000, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp 351-409.
21. Myers RI, Jones DH, Meinell P: Using overrefraction for problem solving in soft
toric fitting, Int Contact Lens Clin 17:232-235, 1990.
22. Snyder AC: Evaluation of “high-cylinder” toric soft contact lenses, Int Contact
Lens Clin 160-164, 1997.
23. Henry VA, Bennett ES: Contact lenses for the difficult-to-fit patient, Contact Lens
Forum 14:49-68, 1989.
24. Wilson SE, Lin DTC, Klyce SD, et al: Topographic changes in contact lens-
induced corneal warpage, Ophthalmology 97:734-744, 1990.
25. Wilson SE, Lin DTC, Klyce SD, et al: RGP decentration: a risk factor for corneal
warpage, CLAO J 16:177-183, 1990.
26. Seibel DB, Bennett ES, Henry VA, et al: Clinical evaluation of the Boston
Equacurve, Contact Lens Forum 13:39, 1988.
27. Remba MJ: Contact lenses and the astigmatic cornea, Rev Optom 99(24):25-30,
28. Barr J: Toric gas-permeable hard contact lens design, Int Contact Lens Clin
11(11):652-653, 1984.
29. Edwards KH: The calculation and fitting of toric lenses, Ophthal Optician 16:106-
114, 1982.
30. Mandell RB, Moore CF: A bitoric guide that is really simple, Contact Lens Spect
3:83-85, 1988.
Chapter 11 Astigmatic Correction 319
31. Neefe CW: Prescribing torics: easy as 1:2:3, Contact Lens Forum 6(3):59-65, 1981.
32. Quinn TG: Astigmatism. In Bennett ES, editor: Contact lens problem solving, St.
Louis, 1995, Mosby, pp 83-108.
33. Grosvenor TP: Optical principles of toric contact lenses, Optom Weekly 67(2):37-
39, 1976.
34. Blackmore K, Bachand N, Bennett ES, et al: Survey of the Cornea and Contact
Lens Diplomates of the American Academy of Optometry regarding GP
toric fitting trends, Optometry (submitted).
35. Bennett ES: Will GP lenses be obsolete in 2010? Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Academy of Optometry, December 2002, San
36. Bergenske PD: A recipe for SPE, Contact Lens Spect 16(2):15, 2001.
37. Pitts K: Putting a bitoric RGP lens fitting guide to the test, Contact Lens Spect
16(10):34-40, 2001.
38. Sarver MD, Kame RT, Williams CT: A bitoric rigid gas permeable contact lens
with spherical power effect, J Am Optom Assoc 56:184-189, 1985.
39. Kame RT, Hayashida JK: A simplified approach to bitoric gas permeable lens fit-
ting, Int Contact Lens Clin 15:53-58, 1988.
40. Weissman BA, Chun MW: The use of spherical power effect bitoric rigid contact
lenses in hospital practice, J Am Optom Assoc 58:626-630, 1987.
41. Shovlin JP: Bitoric RGPs for keratoconus? Rev Optom 138(1), 2001.
42. Kajita M, Ito S, Yamada A, et al: Diagnostic bitoric rigid gas permeable contact
lenses, CLAO J 25(3):163-166, 1999.
Bitoric Case Grand Rounds
Patient Information
A 23-year-old law student desires new spectacles because vision is not
great with current glasses; the patient has been an 8-year GP lens
wearer (approximately 10 h/day).
Lid-to-Cornea Relationship
Upper lid overlaps superior limbus by 1 mm.
Refractive Data
Refraction: OD: −2.25 −4.00 × 180 20/20
OS: −2.75 −4.25 × 180 20/20
Keratometry: OD: 44.00 @ 180; 47.50 @ 090
OS: 43.50 @ 180; 47.00 @ 090
Patient Information
A 16-year-old spectacle wearer has been wearing soft toric lenses for
Lid-to-Cornea Relationship
Upper lid overlaps superior limbus by 1 mm.
Refractive Data
Refraction: OD: +0.75 − 5.75 × 180 20/20
OS: +1.00 − 5.75 × 180 20/20
Keratometry: OD: 41.50 @ 180; 47.00 @ 090
OS: 41.50 @ 180; 47.00 @ 090
Slit-Lamp Evaluation
Grade 2 papillary hypertrophy OU
Vascularization × 2 mm inferiorly OU
Patient Information
A 19-year-old male college student had symptoms of eyestrain, partic-
ularly after prolonged reading; he has been a spherical GP lens wearer
for 4 years.
Refractive Data
Refraction: −0.50 − 2.00 × 180 OU 20/20
Keratometry: 42.00 @ 180; 45.00 @ 090 OU
Slit-Lamp Evaluation
Inferior decentration; dumbbell fluorescein pattern OU
erhaps the best kept secret with gas permeable (GP) lenses is the
Chapter 12 Presbyopia: Gas Permeable Bifocal Fitting And Problem-Solving 325
into bifocal lenses” (and then are fit with monovision correction); or
“There really is no such thing as bifocal contact lenses.” However, it is
important to emphasize that when the 50-member Advisory
Committee of the RGP Lens Institute was surveyed as to how many
fits did it take for them to become comfortable with any specific GP
bifocal or multifocal lens design, the most common response was
Certainly, GP bifocal and multifocal lenses are not going to be suc-
cessful if this option is not presented to patients. A pertinent example
is a recent study in which 160 non–contact lens-wearing subjects were
divided equally into “reactive” and “proactive” groups.5 The reactive
group was not presented with contact lenses as a corrective option
unless initiated by the patient. With the proactive group, contact lenses
were actively discussed as a vision correction option, and the patient
was invited to try them. Only 9 of 80 patients in the reactive group
were fit into contact lenses, whereas 46 of 80 patients of the proactive
group—including 21 of 33 patients with presbyopia—were fit into con-
tact lenses. Therefore this would represent a 6.3-fold increase in
contact lens wearers. This is especially important with GP bifocal and
multifocal lens designs because the visual freedom (i.e., absence of or
limited need for spectacles) is a powerful benefit if patients are aware
of this option and the practitioner is motivated to provide it. GP bifo-
cal and multifocal wearers can be among the most satisfied patients,
and because they represent an age cohort that is at the high end of
earnings potential, the income generated by a GP bifocal practice can
be increased by fitting these patients and the patients who are referred
to the practice. The success rate of GP bifocal and multifocal lens
designs is high with several studies resulting in a success rate of 75%
or greater.6-10 In addition, if GP multifocal lenses are fit to patients who
are wearing another mode of contact lens, it has been found that 86%
prefer the multifocal correction.11 Likewise, in a study in which
patients with presbyopia were randomized into wearing GP monovi-
sion lenses for 6 weeks and then a GP multifocal lens (or vice versa),
75% preferred the multifocal lens.12 In addition, they rated the overall
satisfaction and visual adaptation significantly higher with the multi-
focal lens. It is apparent that GP multifocal and bifocal lens use is
increasing and represents a large potential area of growth in the con-
tact lens industry. A trend toward bifocal and multifocal GP lens fitting
and away from monovision correction was demonstrated in a recent
survey of the Cornea and Contact Lens Diplomates of the Academy of
Optometry13 as compared with a 1998 survey.14 It is also evident that
leading contact lens practitioners tend to position bifocal and multifo-
cal GP lenses first and monovision correction second.15 The goal of
Only one lens is changed for present wearers
No special lens design is necessary
It is less expensive
Less chair time is necessary
Chapter 12 Presbyopia: Gas Permeable Bifocal Fitting And Problem-Solving 327
Lenses are thinner (in some cases) and more physiologically
Some possible bifocal and multifocal contact lens problems are
avoided, including ghost images and glare (notably at night),
reduced illumination, reduced contrast sensitivity, and fluctuating
vision (particularly in pupil-dependent lens designs)20
Monovision correction has resulted in a number of induced problems,
including reduced stereopsis,19 increased disability glare,21 reduced
contrast sensitivity, notably at high spatial frequencies,20,22-24 suppres-
sion as the add increases,25 asthenopia, and reduction in distance
vision, which can compromise tasks requiring critical distance vision.
In addition, it is possible that a practitioner could be liable for any
injury in which a monovision contact lens correction may have been a
contributing factor.26 It has been recommended that monovision
Case History
A comprehensive case history is important to determine if the patient
is a good candidate for GP multifocal lenses, not to mention contact
lens wear in general. The case history presents an important opportu-
nity to assess patient motivation and goals (to be discussed) and
whether there are systemic-related contraindications or concerns. The
latter could include medications (e.g., antihistamines) that reduce tear
volume. Likewise, is there a history of unsuccessful contact lens wear
and why? It is important to ask about previous surgeries, notably, cos-
Chapter 12 Presbyopia: Gas Permeable Bifocal Fitting And Problem-Solving 329
metic lid surgery, which can impact which type of lens design will be
prescribed. How patients spend their time each day is also important.
What are their occupational and recreational needs? What distances
are most important to them and why?
Anatomic Measurements
It is important to measure the lid-to-limbus relationship, lid tonicity,
palpebral fissure size, and pupil size. If the lower lid is positioned
below the lower limbus (notably ≥1 mm below) during straight-ahead
gaze, a translating bifocal design is not recommended because of the
inability of the lens to shift sufficiently with downward gaze such that
the bifocal segment would position in front of the pupil (Figure 12-1).
Lid tonicity is important as well. As people “mature chronically,” the
structure and function of the lids change, which can adversely affect
bifocal contact lens success. A loose lower lid will not allow for an ade-
quate support structure to result in lens translation on downward
gaze.33 Recording the palpebral aperture size and the relationship of the
eyelids to the center of the pupil will be beneficial in determining the
type of design and overall lens diameter.34 It is also important to record
two pupil size measurements.3,35 The first measurement can be per-
formed with the interpupillary distance ruler positioned across the
pupil with normal room illumination. Once this value has been
recorded during mesopic conditions, the lights can be dimmed to
record the pupil size during scotopic conditions. The pupil size meas-
urement is particularly important to determine whether an aspheric
design can be selected. In patients exhibiting a large pupil size—greater
Figure 12-1. A low lower lid that represents a poor candidate for translating bifocal
designs. (Courtesy Ursula Lotzkat.)
Manifest Refraction
A careful refraction will be beneficial for patient selection. Patients
with emmetropia or low ametropia are often not motivated for bifocal
contact lens wear because of possible compromise in their distance
vision. The best candidates for bifocal wear should have >1.25 D of
myopia and >1 D of hyperopia.38 In addition, if amblyopia is present,
caution should be used when considering a bifocal contact lens, par-
ticularly if the amblyopia has resulted in several lines of reduction in
Snellen acuity.
Corneal Topography
Corneal topography instrumentation is certainly not a requirement for
GP management of patients with presbyopia; however, it can provide
information that can be beneficial in the decision-making process. If
the corneal apex is decentered excessively, an aspheric lens design—in
which the optical center should position directly in front of the center
of the pupil for optimum distance vision—should be discouraged
because of reduced vision at this distance. Likewise, an inferior decen-
tered apex lends itself well to a translating design.3,39,40
Chapter 12 Presbyopia: Gas Permeable Bifocal Fitting And Problem-Solving 331
Patient Consultation
If the patient is deemed a good contact lens candidate, it is important
to review all of the options available to him or her. These options
include single-vision lenses and near spectacles, monovision correc-
tion, and soft or GP bifocal contact lenses. The latter category should
be mentioned and emphasized.
The patient’s goals and expectations should then be discussed. As
mentioned before, it is important to determine what the patient’s occu-
pational and recreational visual needs are and whether bifocal contact
lenses will meet those needs. What is the patient’s goal from wearing
contact lenses? Patients must understand that these lenses differ from
spectacles. The dynamics of lens movement on the eye must be
explained such that they understand the stability of visual correction
present with spectacles is not the same with GP bifocal and multifocal
designs. They may experience transient blur in certain directions of
gaze. It is important to mention that some visual compromise may be
present as compared with spectacles such that the patient who desires
good vision at all distances during all activities should be told he or she
is not a good candidate for this modality. The goal of presbyopic con-
tact lens wear should be to reduce, rather than eliminate, the need for
supplemental near correction14; in other words, the goal should be to
satisfy “most of the visual needs, most of the time.”15 It may be neces-
sary for an intermediate distance correction during prolonged com-
puter use by a GP bifocal (not multifocal) wearer with presbyopia or a
+1.00-D spectacle correction for prolonged reading of small print for
the patient with absolute presbyopia who is an aspheric multifocal GP
wearer. These scenarios are typically the exception to the rule.
However, the practitioner is more likely to be successful and patient
confidence in the practitioner maintained if practitioners “under-
promise and overdeliver.”41
A realistic approach to GP bifocal adaptation should include a dis-
cussion of the time frame for adaptation, including the possible need
for lens exchanges. It is safer to tell a patient that it could take up to 8
weeks to achieve success than to have a patient return after 1 week dis-
satisfied because his or her expectations included relatively instant
gratification. However, the patient can be reassured that if he or she is
patient and motivated, it is likely the lenses will be successful.42
Obviously, the current GP wearer who has developed presbyopic
symptoms is one of the easiest patients to fit into a GP multifocal lens.
However, the spectacle wearer and the soft lens wearer should be con-
sidered candidates as well. If the spectacle wearer is motivated by the
improved cosmesis and visual freedom of a GP multifocal or bifocal
correction, success can be obtained. It is not uncommon for a contact
1. Explain the adaptation process to each patient; for new GP wearers,
emphasize that the initial comfort should be similar or possibly better than
for single-vision wearers.
2. Use a topical anesthetic at the initial application to relieve patient (and
practitioner) apprehension and accelerate the fit process.
3. Use loose trial lenses or flipper bars—not the phoropter—for refracting
over these lenses.
4. Once the lenses have been applied with the appropriate correction, have
the patient walk around the office and perform multiple visual tasks to
simulate his or her daily activities. They should report back with any
activities for which visual compromise was present.
5. The laboratory consultant is invaluable for providing lens design
recommendations and troubleshooting specific patients.
Aspheric Multifocal
Figure 12-2. Some translation of an aspheric multifocal lens design will optimize near
vision. (Courtesy Ursula Lotzkat.)
Figure 12-3. An optimum fitting high eccentricity lens design with apical clearance
and midperipheral alignment. (Courtesy Conforma Laboratory.)
Translating Designs
Description/Patient Selection
Translating lens designs are successful if the lower near section
shifts upward or translates such that most of this section is in front
of the pupil during downward gaze for reading (Figure 12-5). They are all
prism ballasted—typically between 1.5 and 3.0 䉭—with some of these
designs also truncated to optimize stability such that the lens positions
on or adjacent to the lower lid. Because of the center thickness of these
designs, a high-Dk lens material is required, and most of these lenses
are provided in lens materials such as Boston XO (Polymer Technology,
Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, NY), Paragon HDS100 (Paragon Vision
Sciences, Mesa, AZ), Menicon Z (Menicon/Con-Cise, San Leandro, CA),
and Fluorex 700 (GT Laboratories, Austin, TX).
Figure 12-5. A well-positioned translating bifocal with distance gaze (A) and with
downgaze gaze for near work (B). (Courtesy Dr. Irvin Borish.)
with distance vision. The lens should be picked up slightly with blink-
ing, but the seg line should not move more than 1 mm into the pupil
during blinking. It is important to evaluate the seg position with the
patient viewing straight-ahead in normal room illumination. If the
patient is viewing slightly superiorly, the seg position will appear low,
and the resultant lens may have too high a seg line via overcompensa-
tion. Likewise, if the patient is viewing slightly inferiorly during the
diagnostic fitting process, the seg position can appear to be too
high, resulting in a lens that is ordered with an insufficient seg height.
Because the simple act of smiling can result in raising the seg
height, patients should be advised to be aware of this, particularly
when driving. If the patient has a slightly low lower lid, not only is a
larger seg height often indicated but also the overall diameter should
be increased to ensure that the upper edge of the lens is adequately
covering the pupil for optimum distance vision. If the patient has an
upswept lower lid and a truncated lens design has been prescribed, the
Chapter 12 Presbyopia: Gas Permeable Bifocal Fitting And Problem-Solving 343
Figure 12-6. A well-centered crescent translating bifocal lens design with the seg
position near the lower pupil margin. (Courtesy Dr. Peter Kollbaum.)
RALS acronym (right add left subtract) can be used to align the trun-
cation with the lower lid or to align any rotated segmented translating
design.36 When the lens rotates to the practitioner’s right, this amount
can be added to the 90-degree position; if the lens rotates to the prac-
titioner’s left, the amount of rotation can be subtracted from 90
degrees. For example, if both lenses are rotating excessively toward the
nose, the lenses may be ordered with the prism at 105 degrees OD and
75 degrees OS.
It is also important to assess translation. While under the slit lamp,
the patient should be instructed to view inferiorly. When lifting the
upper lid, the lens should shift superiorly, and most of the segment
should be positioned in front of the pupil. This can be confirmed by
viewing the seg position in primary and down gaze with an ophthal-
moscope at arm’s length. In addition, the patient can hold appropriate
reading material at normal viewing distance and determine if his or
her near vision is uncompromised. The patient can then raise the
reading material to a straight-ahead position to ensure it is blurred
(i.e., patient viewing through superior distance power zone). Seg
height change, if necessary, can then be made according to the results
of these tests. It is also important for patients to know how to hold
reading material, where to look, and where to guide their eyes. It is
important that they realize the importance of dropping their eyes to
successfully view near material.53
Problem Solving
Potential problems experienced when fitting a translating bifocal con-
tact lens include the following54:
Excessive lens rotation with blinking
Lens positioned superiorly
Poor lens translation
Poor distance vision
Poor near vision
Poor intermediate vision
Excessive lens rotation with blinking. For with-the-rule corneas,
excessive lens rotation is often associated with a base curve radius that
is too steep (Figure 12-8). A flatter than K base curve radius, in combi-
nation with a thick lens, tends to result in a rapid descent of the lens
to the lower lid after blinking, a desirable characteristic for a prism-
ballasted translating bifocal design. If, however, the lens is fit steeper
than K, the resulting lacrimal lens will assist in promoting lens cen-
tration. The result would be a lens that may not descend rapidly toward
the lower lid but rather will be subjected to the forces exhibited by the
upper lid, which can assist in promoting lens rotation. For against-the-
rule corneas, however, selecting a steeper base curve radius would be
recommended. As mentioned before, an upswept lower lid can also
promote rotation resulting in the need to order the prism ballast at
approximately 105 degrees OD and 75 degrees OS.
Lens positioned superiorly. When the lens is lifted too superiorly
with blinking such that the segment interferes with distance vision,
Figure 12-11. An excessively high seg height that may result in blurred vision at dis-
tance. (Courtesy Dr. Peter Kollbaum.)
There are numerous resources that will assist in practitioner and
patient education.
The most valuable resource is the laboratory consultant. This is the
person who will recommend a given lens design, provide fitting infor-
mation, assist in troubleshooting, and play a valuable role in a practi-
tioner’s confidence level in fitting these lenses. The manufacturer
fitting guide for each lens design is always beneficial and typically
uncomplicated and straightforward.
There are also several resources available from the RGP Lens
Institute (RGPLI) that can be beneficial. The “GP Bifocal Fitting and
Chapter 12 Presbyopia: Gas Permeable Bifocal Fitting And Problem-Solving 349
Case Two
Overview: A 44-year-old housewife who also coordinates social functions and
is experiencing some difficulty reading (i.e., newspapers, books, menus)
with her single-vision soft lenses. She is wearing −6.25 DS Acuvue II
lenses OU.
Refractive Information: OD: −6.75 − 1.00 × 010; OS: −6.75 − 1.25 × 176 Add:
+1.25 D
Keratometry: 44.75 @ 180; 45.75 @ 090 OU
Anatomical Considerations: Lower lid at lower limbus; 4 mm pupil size in
room illumination.
Lens Design: Patient was empirically fit into the Boston MultiVision
multifocal (Polymer Technology Corporation) with the following
parameters: 7.40 mm BCR; −7.00 D OU.
Troubleshooting: Both lenses decentered inferiorly with excessive movement
with blinking. The lenses were reordered in 7.30 mm BCR/−7.50 D OU,
which resulted in an improvement in centration and subjective satisfaction.
Comment: Aspheric multifocal lenses are an obvious choice with an absence of
critical vision for a patient with early presbyopia with steeper than average
corneal curvature values. These lenses are often successfully fit empirically;
however, when a change is necessary, it often pertains to steepening the BCRs.
Case Three
Overview: The patient is a 53-year-old secretary who has been wearing single-
vision gas-permeable (GP) lenses with reading glasses. Because she devotes
Chapter 12 Presbyopia: Gas Permeable Bifocal Fitting And Problem-Solving 351
Case Four
Overview: This patient is a 56-year-old electrician who was a previous soft
lens wearer but discontinued lens wear 10 years previously because of
blur at near and because his doctor indicated that “bifocal contact lenses
were not perfected yet.” Additionally, he was never entirely pleased with
his vision at distance with his soft lenses.
Refractive Information: The patient’s refractive information was as follows:
OD: +2.50 − 0.75 D × 172; OS: +2.75 − 0.75 × 010 Add: +2.25 D
Keratometry (sim Ks): 40.75 @ 180; 41.50 @ 090 OU
Anatomical Considerations: The lower lid is positioned at the lower limbus;
the pupil diameter is 4.5 mm in room illumination.
Lens Design: The patient was fit into the Presbylite lenses: OD:
8.28 mm (40.75 D) +2.50 D; OS: 8.28 mm, +2.75 D; 9.6 mm OAD and
1.5䉭 OU.
Troubleshooting: The first pair of lenses fit well, provided acceptable vision
at all distances, and translated well.
Comment: An electrician requires good vision at multiple distances.
Unfortunately, his case is not unique because many patients with
presbyopia are denied the opportunity to be fit into bifocal GP lenses
Case Five
Overview: A 49-year-old accountant, who has been a long-term soft lens
wearer, has recently failed in his efforts to wear a series of soft lens
multifocal designs because of poor vision at near. He has made it clear
that spectacle wear—in any form—is not an option he desires.
Refractive Information: The patient had the following refractive information:
OD: −3.00 − 0.50 × 085; OS: −2.50 − 0.75 × 092 Add: +1.75 D
Keratometry: 42.50 @ 180; 42.00 @ 090 OU
Anatomical Considerations: His lower lid is 0.5 mm below the lower limbus;
his pupil diameter is 4.5 mm in room illumination.
Lens Design: The patient was fit into the Tangent Streak bifocal with the
following lens parameters: OD: BCR: 8.04 mm (42.00 D), OAD: 9.4/9.0
mm; 4.2 mm seg height; 2䉭, −3.00 D/+1.75 D add; OS: all parameters
same as OD with −2.50 D power.
Troubleshooting: At the 1-week visit, the patient complained of variable vision
at distance and poor vision at near. The lenses only intermittently
translated, and the seg height was positioned approximately 1.5 mm below
the lower pupil margin. The superior lens edge was right at the upper pupil
border. The lenses were ordered with BCR equal to 41.50 D (8.13 mm) OU
to improve translation, and a larger diameter of 10.2 mm with a 5.0-mm
seg height resulted in better pupil coverage—especially in dim
illumination—and greater near area in front of the pupil on down gaze.
Comment: This patient had critical vision demands, but having been a long-
term soft lens wearer, it is understandable that a soft bifocal lens would be
an option that he would initially desire. However, this is an excellent time
to “plant the seed” about a GP bifocal lens design. Ultimately, for vision
purposes, this was the design that was successful. Another important
factor is overall diameter on patients exhibiting a borderline low lower lid.
Although they may still be candidates for a translating design, it is not
uncommon for a larger than average overall diameter in combination with
a greater seg height to be necessary to provide complete lens coverage over
the pupil for distance viewing and a greater area of the near zone in front
of the pupil with downward gaze.
Case Six
Overview: This patient is a 43-year-old teacher who has been a long-time
single-vision GP wearer but is beginning to notice that her vision is
somewhat blurry while reading.
Chapter 12 Presbyopia: Gas Permeable Bifocal Fitting And Problem-Solving 353
The key to successful GP presbyopia management is to take the initia-
tive to fit those first few patients. As in orthokeratology, keratoconus,
and other specialty fits, it is preferable to begin by fitting aspheric mul-
tifocal lenses on a few relatively straightforward patients. This could
consist of patients with early presbyopia, perhaps current single-vision
GP wearers in need of a near correction. As confidence is gained,
aspheric lenses could be fit on soft lens refits, new contact lens
patients, and patients with more advanced presbyopia. Segmented and
concentric translating diagnostic sets can then be obtained and used
with the appropriate patients.
A primary reason to position GP lenses first in the contact lens
management of the patient with presbyopia is the improvements in
lens design and manufacturing technology. Current designs have
reduced mass, improved initial comfort, sharper acuity over a wider
performance range, and increased add availability to meet the needs of
a “chronically mature” population.55 With new lathing technology,
greater design reproducibility, more wettable materials, and enhance-
ment of previous bifocal designs to provide better performance, GP
multifocal and bifocal designs have numerous benefits over their soft
lens counterparts. In addition, although the fees are higher (typically
2 to 2.5 times spherical lens fees), fitting these lens designs often
results in enthusiastic patients who refer others to the practice.
Monovision correction does not have this effect.
In summary, as described by Ames,41 GP presbyopic lens designs
put the “fit back in contact lens fitter” and can enhance the profes-
sional image of the practice. As mentioned earlier, many of these
patients are unaware of the availability and benefits of GP bifocal and
multifocal lenses and are therefore fit into spectacles, monovision cor-
rection, or a soft bifocal design. However, it is evident that these GP
lens designs can build the practice. Not only are patients with presby-
opia a relatively untapped group of patients who are willing to pay the
appropriate fee for a corrective alternative that will provide them with
visual freedom and good vision in general, but also the lens designs
themselves are not especially difficult to fit and the benefits to the prac-
tice and the practitioner can be tremendously rewarding.
1. Wooley S: “Doctor, do I have to give up my contact lenses just because I need
bifocals?” Optom Today 6:40-42, 1998.
2. Rigel LE, Castellano CF: How to fit today’s soft bifocal contact lenses, Optom
Today 7(suppl):45-51, 1999.
3. Hansen D, Baker R, Bennett ES: Why today’s GP designs are easier to fit, Rev
Optom 140(1):43-46, 2003.
4. Bennett ES, Schwartz C: The secrets to success with RGP multifocals, Contact
Lens Spectrum 13:37-40, 1998.
5. Jones L, Jones D, Langley C, et al: Reactive or proactive contact lens fitting—does
it make a difference? J Br Contact Lens Assoc 19(2):41-43, 1996.
6. Kirman ST, Kirman GS: The Tangent Streak bifocal contact lens, Contact Lens
Forum 13(6):38-40, 1988.
7. Remba MJ: The Tangent Streak rigid gas permeable bifocal contact lens, J Am
Optom Assoc 59(3):212-216, 1988.
8. Lieblein JS: Finding success with multifocal contact lenses, Contact Lens
Spectrum 14(3):50-51, 2000.
9. Byrnes SP, Cannella A: An in-office evaluation of a multifocal RGP lens design,
Contact Lens Spectrum 14(11):29-33, 1999.
10. Hansen DW: What’s your excuse for not fitting RGP multifocals? Contact Lens
Spectrum 11(10):16, 1996.
11. Woods C, Ruston D, Hough T, et al: Clinical performance of an innovative back
surface multifocal contact lens in correcting presbyopia, CLAO J 25(3):
176-181, 1999.
12. Johnson J, Bennett ES, Henry VA, et al: MultiVision™ vs. monovision: a compar-
ative study. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Contact Lens
Association of Ophthalmologists, Las Vegas, NV, February 2000.
Chapter 12 Presbyopia: Gas Permeable Bifocal Fitting And Problem-Solving 355
13. Westin E, Wick B, Harrist RB: Factors influencing success of monovision contact
lens fitting: survey of contact lens diplomates, Optometry 71(12):757-763,
14. Bergenske PD: The presbyopic fitting process, Contact Lens Spectrum 16(8):34-41,
15. Barr JA: Bifocals, multifocals, monovision: what works today, Contact Lens
Spectrum 18(5):41-45, 2003.
16. Schwartz CA: Specialty contact lenses: a fitter’s guide, Philadelphia, 1996,
WB Saunders, pp 58-93.
17. Weinstock FJ: Presbyopic correction with contact lenses, Ophthalmol Clin North
Am 111-116, 1996.
18. Collins M, Bruce A, Thompson B: Adaptation to monovision, Int Contact Lens
Clin 21:218-224, 1994.
19. Bennett ES, Jurkus JM, Schwartz C: Bifocal contact lenses. In Bennett ES, Henry
VA, editors: Clinical manual of contact lenses, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2000,
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp 410-449.
20. Josephson JE, Erickson P, Caffery BE: The monovision controversy. In Bennett
ES, Weissman BA, editors: Clinical contact lens practice, Philadelphia, 1991,
JB Lippincott, pp 44.1-44.5.
21. Rajagopalan AS, Bennett ES, Lakshminarayanan V, et al: Performance of presby-
opic contact lenses under mesopic conditions, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci
(suppl), 2003.
22. Loshin DS, Loshin MS, Comer G: Binocular summation with monovision con-
tact lens correction for presbyopia, Int Contact Lens Clin 9:161-165, 1982.
23. Collins MJ, Brown B, Bowman KJ: Contrast sensitivity with contact lens correc-
tions for presbyopia, Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 9:133-138, 1989.
24. Johannsdottir KR, Stelmach LB: Monovision: a review of the scientific literature,
Optom Vis Sci 78(9):646-651, 2001.
25. Westendorf DH, Blake R, Sloane M, et al: Binocular suppression occurs during
interocular suppressions, J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 8:81-90, 1982.
26. Harris MG, Classe JG: Clinicolegal considerations of monovision, J Am Optom
Assoc 59:491-495, 1988.
27. Nakagawara VB, Veronneau SJH: Monovision contact lens use in the aviation
environment: a report of a contact lens-related aircraft accident, Optometry
71(6):390-395, 2000.
28. Wick B, Westin E: Change in refractive anisometropia in presbyopic adults wear-
ing monovision contact lens correction, Optom Vis Sci 76(1):33-39, 1999.
29. Hansen DW: It’s time to minimize monovision, Contact Lens Spectrum 16(1),
30. Gromacki S, Nilsen E: Comparison of multifocal lens performance in monovi-
sion, Contact Lens Spectrum 16(5):34-38, 2001.
31. Kirschen DG, Hung CC, Nakano TR: Comparison of suppression, stereoacuity,
and interocular differences in visual acuity in monovision and Acuvue
Bifocal contact lenses, Optom Vis Sci 76(12):832-837, 1999.
32. Jimenez JR, Durban JJ, Anera RG: Maximum disparity with Acuvue Bifocal con-
tact lenses with changes in illumination, Optom Vis Sci 79(3):170-174, 2002.
33. Norman CW: Measurement tips to increase presbyopic RGP fitting success,
Contact Lens Specrum 18(1):15, 2002.
34. Hansen DW: Location, location, location = RGP bifocal success, Contact Lens
Spect 16(5), 2001.
35. Hansen DW: RGP multifocal fitting and pupil size, Contact Lens Spect 14(3):17, 1999.
36. Davis R: Pinpointing success with rigid gas permeable bifocals, Contact Lens
Spectrum (in press).
37. Hansen DW: RGP multifocals for dry eye patients, Contact Lens Spectrum
12(8):15, 1997.
38. Josephson J, Caffery B: Hydrogel bifocal lenses. In Bennett ES, Weissman BA, edi-
tors: Clinical contact lens practice, Philadelphia, 1991, JB Lippincott, 43.1-43.12.
39. Hansen DW: Multifocal contact lenses—the next generation, Contact Lens
Spectrum 17(11):42-48, 2002.
40. Hansen DW: Mapping the way to successful bifocal RGP selection, Contact Lens
Spectrum 13(3):14, 1998.
41. Ames K: Fitting the presbyope with gas permeable contact lenses, Contact Lens
Spectrum 16(10):42-45, 2001.
42. Bennett ES, Quinn TG: Problem solving bifocal lenses. Presented at EYECARE
2002, Chicago, IL, May 2002.
43. Anderson G: A GP bifocal for active presbyopes, Optom Management 38(6):74, 2003.
44. Smith VM, Koffler BH, Litteral G: Evaluation of the ZEBRA 2000 (Z10) Breger
Vision bifocal contact lens, CLAO J 26(4):214-220, 2000.
45. Bierman A: Beyond monovision, Optom Management 38(4):70, 2003.
46. Hansen DW: Advanced multifocal fitting and management, Contact Lens
Spectrum 14(8), 1999.
47. Hansen DW: RGP bifocals and computer users—the real world, Contact Lens
Spectrum 11(2):15, 1996.
48. Hansen DW: A specialist’s guide to fitting RGP multifocals, Contact Lens
Spectrum 12(9):7S-12S.
49. Hansen DW: Coping with astigmatism using RGP multifocals, Contact Lens
Spectrum 12(12):18, 1997.
50. Businger U, Byrnes S, Baker R: An RGP multifocal for moderate to high presby-
opes, Contact Lens Spectrum 15(10), 2000.
51. Hansen DW: Multifocal contact lens expectations—be prepared, Contact Lens
Spectrum 14(1):18, 1999.
52. Hansen DW: Fitting flat and steep corneas with RGP multifocals, Contact Lens
Spectrum 13(6), 1998.
53. Hansen DW: Educate your new RGP bifocal patients, Contact Lens Spectrum
11(8):18, 1996.
54. Bennett ES, Luk B: Rigid gas permeable bifocal contact lenses: an update, Optom
Today June:34-36, 2001.
55. Hansen DW: What’s new with RGP bifocals, Contact Lens Spectrum 13(1):19, 1998.
Optical Considerations
Optical changes that occur postoperatively result from the disruption
and displacement of the nodal points of the eye from their preopera-
tive position. In the aphakic eye, the previously two separate nodal
points become coincident and lie 4 mm more anteriorly than in the
phakic eye. Other special optical considerations emerge as a result of
the high plus power correction that is required for patients with
Vertex Distance
The significant high plus power causes the vertex distance, which was
of minimal consideration preoperatively, to become an important fac-
tor. Small changes in the vertex distance can cause large changes in the
refractive correction required in the spectacle plane. In effect, visual
acuity through a pair of aphakic spectacles can be adversely affected by
small changes in the vertex distance, while the high mass of the high
plus power lenses makes it difficult for spectacles to stay in place.
The vertex distance also presents as a special optical consideration
in another way: the conversion of the spectacle refractive power to the
required contact lens power, taking into consideration the vertex dis-
tance. With high plus powers, there is a pronounced increase in the
amount of plus power compensation needed in a contact lens, and the
greater the lens power, the more the calculation is sensitive to errors
in vertex distance measurements. For example, a 1-mm vertex distance
measurement error can result in a 0.25- to 0.75-D error in the result-
ant contact lens power. Despite the most precise vertex distance
measurements, there may still be unintentional contact lens power
miscalculations. Therefore to arrive at the most accurate contact lens
power, the practitioner must use diagnostic lenses of high plus power
and the overrefraction to determine the required contact lens power.
Lens Aberrations
High power plus lenses, in aphakic spectacles, produce alterations in
retinal image size and in the patient’s visual perception.1 These result
from lens aberrations, the effects of which are significantly amplified
in the power ranges of aphakic spectacle lenses. Among the spectacle
Chapter 13 Aphakia 359
Figure 13-1. Image magnification with spectacles and with contact lenses. Note disparity.
(From Grohe RM: Aphakia. In Bennett ES, Grohe RM: Rigid gas-permeable contact lenses,
New York, 1986, Professional Press Book/Fairchild Publications.)
Figure 13-2. The prismatic effect at the periphery of high plus spectacle lenses causes a blind
area in the visual field. (From Mandell RB: Contact lens practice, ed 3, Springfield, Ill, 1981,
Charles C. Thomas Publisher.)
on the dioptric power of the required correction (i.e., the greater the
power of the lens, the greater amount of aberration and distortion).
Because the amount of magnification is greatly reduced in contact
lenses, the amount of perceived distortion is also greatly reduced.
Physiologic Considerations
Fitting contact lenses postsurgically, the practitioner must consider
wound healing and recovery. Also, the majority of patients with
aphakia are elderly, and changes in corneal sensitivity and tear film
quality in this group of patients are important factors to assess before
fitting and evaluating GP contact lenses.
Chapter 13 Aphakia 361
Figure 13-3. The induced base-out prism effect when looking inward from the optical center of
a high plus lens. (From Mandell RB: Contact lens practice, ed 3, Springfield, Ill, 1981,
Charles C. Thomas Publisher.)
Wound Healing
Because of the nature of the wound-healing process, the refractive and
keratometric status of the eye is variable during the recovery phase. An
extended recovery period may necessitate multiple power adjustments
and possible base curve fitting changes. As the eye heals and the cornea
returns to normal, the true postoperative status is more readily deter-
mined. Therefore the stability of the refraction and the keratometry
measurements can be used to judge when the patient has healed suffi-
ciently to tolerate GP fitting and contact lens wear, and to eliminate
excessive lens fit or power changes. The type of surgical procedure, the
postsurgical complications present, and the patient’s health are factors
Corneal Sensitivity
A majority of patients with aphakia are elderly. This factors into the GP
fitting consideration because as a patient ages, there is a slight loss of
corneal sensitivity. There is also an accompanying decrease in the
amount of corneal innervation after surgical incision. Cataract surgery
can result in a reduction of up to approximately 50% in corneal sensi-
tivity because of severed afferent sensory nerve fibers.7 Corneal dener-
vation is an important consideration because it may result in impaired
epithelial wound healing, increased epithelial permeability, and
decreased epithelial metabolic activity in more severe cases.8 Therefore
elderly patients with aphakia with a GP correction will require more
frequent follow-up care and more aggressive management of other-
wise minor corneal complications from contact lens wear.
Tear Film
As a patient ages, there is a reduction in the tear fluid volume, which
may result in corneal desiccation and staining.8 This will affect the
success of contact lens wear.
Many patients with aphakia complain of postoperative photopho-
bia. This is a result of distracting reflections, disturbing glare from
overhead fluorescent light fixtures, and halos or glowing of light
sources produced from removal of the crystalline lens, which has
served as an effective barrier to optical radiation before surgery. As a
neutral density filter, gray tints in aphakic contact lenses may be ben-
eficial in restoring a degree of comfort by filtering some light. In a
study by Chou et al,9 it was concluded that for hydrogel and GP poly-
mers, there was essentially no difference in the quality of ultraviolet
absorption as compared with spectacle lenses. However, it was sug-
gested that protective filters should still be prescribed whenever
appropriate because there is mounting scientific evidence that expo-
sure to ultraviolet radiation may play a role in retinal diseases, partic-
ularly age-related macular degeneration.2 There are several GP
Chapter 13 Aphakia 363
Patient examination and evaluation are necessary in determining the
suitability of a patient with aphakia for contact lens wear. A compre-
hensive examination should include the evaluation of the lids, lashes,
tear drainage system, conjunctiva and sclera, limbus, cornea and pre-
corneal tear film, pupil, retina, and accurate measurements of corneal
curvature and refractive status.
integrity, tear film break-up time (TBUT), tear volume, and viscosity is
essential. Although the use of GP contact lenses most likely will not sig-
nificantly compromise the cornea because of hypoxia, any existing
epithelial defects and tear film inadequacies may be exacerbated.
The size, shape, and location of the pupil should be evaluated, making
special note of any key-hole pupil or encroaching iridectomy that is not
covered by the lids.
A careful evaluation should be performed to rule out cystoid macular
edema and peripheral retinal holes, tears, or detachments. Any other
existing retinal abnormalities should also be noted.
Refraction of the aphakic eye should be performed with care to estab-
lish the baseline of the expected visual acuity.2 Variations in the actual
visual acuity attained through contact lenses can be explained by the
loss of spectacle magnification or the correction of irregular astigma-
tism by GP contact lenses. When performing the refraction, an accu-
rate measurement of the vertex distance should be made.
Thoroughness and accuracy in prefitting examination procedures
are essential and will aid in patient profiling. During the consultation
with the patient, the examination findings can be reviewed and dis-
cussed in terms of potential implications for lens selection and wear-
ing schedule. Although it is a subjective judgment, the practitioner
should attempt to estimate the patient’s ultimate goals, expectations,
and motivation for wearing contact lenses because these are influen-
tial factors in the patient’s success with contact lens wear.
Contact lens practitioners have traditionally selected from two primary
designs for rigid aphakic contact lens fitting: single cut and lenticular.
Variations of both designs are available. Figure 13-5 illustrates the more
common variations of aphakic lens designs. The selection of a single-cut
or lenticular design is a function of lid position, pupil size, keratometry
Figure 13-4. Oxygen performance (EOP) over a range of thicknesses of three rigid gas-
permeable lens materials not yet approved for clinical use by the FDA. Each point is the aver-
age of six measurements: the dashed curved segments are extrapolations beyond the
thicknesses actually measured. (From Flynn WJ, Hill RM: The oxygen performance of hard
gas permeables, Contact Lens Forum 9(11):61-67, 1984.)
Figure 13-5. Common aphakic lens designs. (1) Single cut; (2) lenticular carrier; and (3) minus
carrier. (From Grohe RM: Aphakia. In Bennett ES, Grohe RM: Rigid gas-permeable contact
lenses, New York, 1986, Professional Press Book/Fairchild Publications.)
values, and lid tightness. The indications for single-cut and lenticular
designs are compared in Table 13-1 and are described in this section.
Single-Cut Designs
Because the optical zone can be manufactured large, a single-cut
design is the initial choice of design when the patient exhibits
extremely tight lids, steep corneas, or large or irregular pupils. Single-
cut lens designs also typically result in improvement in lens comfort
and reduction in lens-lid awareness for patients with unusual lid spas-
ticity or blepharospasm. This improvement in comfort may be attrib-
uted to the generally smaller size of single-cut design lenses and less
edge thickness, leading to decreased lower lid sensation.
An ideal single-cut lens will position centrally or slightly superiorly
after each blink. Pronounced inferior displacement should be
avoided. The fluorescein pattern should reveal minimum apical clear-
ance and smooth transition zone. Generally the initial base curve of
single-cut lenses is equal to flat “K” and steepened by 0.25 D for each
diopter of corneal astigmatism, except for patients with high corneal
Chapter 13 Aphakia 367
From Grohe RM: Aphakia. In Bennett ES, Grohe RM: Rigid gas-permeable contact lenses, New
York, 1986, Professional Press Book/Fairchild Publications.
Lenticular Designs
For patients without tight lids and steep corneas, the thickness and
mass of an aphakic lens result in an anteriorly positioned center of
gravity, resulting in inferior lens decentration. A lenticular design will
greatly reduce lens mass and center thickness. Lenticular carriers are
available in a couple of different configurations, including minus
Table 13-3 Aphakia (Small Lens, Lenticular, Minus Carrier) Diagnostic Lens Fitting Set
Second Second Periph. Periph. Power Optic Anter.
Base Curve Curve Blend Curve Curve OZ Lens (Front Cap Curve
Curve OZR Radius Width Curve Radius Width Diam. Diam. Thick. Vertex) Diam. Radius
46.00 7.34 8.1 .3 9.0 10.0 .4 7.2 8.6 .33 +13.00 7.2 9.1
45.50 7.42 8.2 .3 9.0 10.0 .4 7.2 8.6 .33 +13.00 7.2 9.2
45.00 7.50 8.3 .3 9.0 10.0 .4 7.2 8.6 .33 +13.00 7.2 9.3
44.50 7.58 8.4 .3 9.5 10.5 .4 7.2 8.6 .33 +13.00 7.2 9.4
44.00 7.67 8.5 .3 9.5 10.5 .4 7.2 8.6 .33 +13.00 7.2 9.5
43.50 7.76 8.6 .3 9.5 10.5 .4 7.4 8.8 .35 +13.00 7.4 9.6
43.00 7.85 8.7 .3 9.5 10.5 .4 7.4 8.8 .35 +13.00 7.4 9.7
42.50 7.94 8.8 .3 9.5 10.5 .4 7.4 8.8 .35 +13.00 7.4 9.8
42.00 8.04 8.9 .3 10.0 11.0 .4 7.4 8.8 .35 +13.00 7.7 9.9
41.50 8.13 9.0 .3 10.0 11.0 .4 7.4 8.8 .35 +13.00 7.4 10.0
41.00 8.23 9.1 .3 10.0 11.0 .4 7.4 8.8 .35 +13.00 7.5 10.1
40.50 8.33 9.2 .3 10.0 11.0 .4 7.4 8.8 .35 +13.00 7.4 10.2
40.00 8.44 9.3 .3 10.0 11.0 .4 7.4 8.8 .35 +13.00 7.4 10.3
From Sarver MD: Contact lens syllabus University of California Alumni Association, 1973, cited in Mandell RB: Contact lens practice, ed 3. Springfield, III,
1981, Charles C Thomas.
Table 13-4 Aphakia (Modified Contour, Lenticular, Minus Carrier) Diagnostic Lens Fitting Set
Second Second Periph. Periph. Power Optic Anter.
Base Curve Curve Blend Curve Curve OZ Lens (Front Cap Curve
Curve OZR Radius Width Curve Radius Width Diam. Diam. Thick. Vertex) Diam. Radius
46.00 7.34 8.1 .5 9.0 10.0 .4 7.6 9.4 .37 +13.00 7.6 9.1
45.50 7.42 8.2 .5 9.0 10.0 .4 7.6 9.4 .37 +13.00 7.6 9.2
45.00 7.50 8.3 .5 9.0 10.0 .4 7.6 9.4 .37 +13.00 7.6 9.3
44.50 7.58 8.4 .5 9.5 10.5 .4 7.6 9.4 .37 +13.00 7.6 9.4
44.00 7.67 8.5 .5 9.5 10.5 .4 7.8 9.6 .38 +13.00 7.8 9.5
43.50 7.76 8.6 .5 9.5 10.5 .4 7.8 9.6 .38 +13.00 7.8 9.6
43.00 7.85 8.7 .5 9.5 10.5 .4 7.8 9.6 .38 +13.00 7.8 9.7
42.50 7.94 8.8 .5 9.5 10.5 .4 7.8 9.6 .38 +13.00 7.8 9.8
42.00 8.04 8.9 .5 10.0 11.0 .4 8.0 9.8 .39 +13.00 8.0 9.9
41.50 8.13 9.0 .5 10.0 11.0 .4 8.0 9.8 .39 +13.00 8.0 10.0
41.00 8.23 9.1 .5 10.0 11.0 .4 8.0 9.8 .39 +13.00 8.0 10.1
40.50 8.33 9.2 .5 10.0 11.0 .4 8.0 9.8 .39 +13.00 8.0 10.2
40.00 8.44 9.3 .5 10.0 11.0 .4 8.0 9.8 .39 +13.00 8.0 10.3
From Sarver MD: Contact lens syllabus, University of California Alumni Association, 1973, cited in Mandell RB: Contact lens practice, ed. 3. Springfield,
Figure 13-6. Optimal 0.7-mm anterior flange creating superior lens positioning by interacting
with the upper lid. (From Grohe RM: Aphakia. In Bennett ES, Grohe RM: Rigid gas-
permeable contact lenses, New York, 1986, Professional Press Book/Fairchild Publications.)
Figure 13-7. Minus carrier lens is pulled by the lid into a superior position. (From
Mandell RB: Contact lens practice, ed 3, Springfield, Ill, 1981, Charles C. Thomas
Diagnostic Fitting
Valuable information can be obtained from diagnostic lens evaluation
by assessing the lens performance on the eye and by performing an
Chapter 13 Aphakia 373
Figure 13-8. The use of a Q-tip soaked with an abrasive surfactant cleaner, if applied correctly,
can eliminate deposit buildup at the flange junction of a lenticular rigid aphakic lens. (From
Grohe RM: Aphakia. In Bennett ES, Grohe RM: Rigid gas-permeable contact lenses, New
York, 1986, Professional Press Book/Fairchild Publications.)
Figure 13-9. Lid and flexure forces can create fracture stress at the junction between the lens
flange and the optical zone. (From Grohe RM: Aphakia. In Bennett ES, Grohe RM: Rigid
gas-permeable contact lenses, New York, 1986, Professional Press Book/Fairchild
Figure 13-10. A guide to differentiating aphakic lens design preference. (Courtesy Polymer
Technology, Inc.)
Aphakic GP lenses provide superior vision compared with spectacle
correction, and they are excellent alternatives when IOL implants are
contraindicated. Diagnostic lens fitting should be performed to obtain
Table 13-5 Comparison of Aphakic Rehabilitation Options
Extended Wear
Hydrogel Contact Gas Permeable
1. Grohe RM: Aphakia. In Bennett ES, Grohe RM, editors: Rigid gas permeable contact
lenses, New York, 1986, Professional Press Books/Fairchild Publications, pp
2. Weissman BA: Contact lens application in aphakia. In London R, Harris MG, edi-
tors: Mosby’s optometric problem-solving series: contact lenses for pre- and post-sur-
gery, St. Louis, 1997, Mosby, pp 67-96.
3. Borish I: Aphakia: perceptual and refractive problems of spectacle correction, J Am
Optom Assoc 54:701, 1983.
4. Boeder P: Spectacle correction of aphakia, Arch Ophthalmol 68:870-874, 1962.
5. Dyer JA, Ogly KN: Correction of unilateral aphakia with contact lenses, Am J
Ophthalmol 50(1):11-17, 1960.
Chapter 13 Aphakia 379
GP lenses provide several advantages versus their hydrogel counter-
parts.1 Deposits on the lens can be easily removed by polishing.2 The
lenses provide superior optics with good stability. Table 14-1 compares
the benefits of GP lenses over hydrogel lenses.3 Complications associ-
ated with extended-wear GP lenses will be discussed later in the chapter.
Safety is one of the most important issues concerning GP extended-
wear materials compared with hydrogel lenses. Complications of
hydrogel lenses are primarily the result of four limitations to the lens
design and materials3,4: (1) insufficient oxygen transmission; (2) lens
surface deposition and contamination; (3) limbal compression and
seal-off; and (4) porous polymer composition.
Insufficient oxygen transmission can be manifested in several
ways, ranging from corneal edema and microbial keratitis to corneal
infiltrates and neovascularization.5,6 GP lenses can use dry monomers
to provide higher gas permeability.3
Lens surface deposits can create intolerance to hydrogel lenses and
distort vision. They have been associated with the development of
giant papillary conjunctivitis7 and increased bacterial adherence to the
lens.8 Lens deposits can be polished off the lens surface, often without
affecting the wettability or optical quality of the lens.
Limbal compression can induce complications such as conjunctival
hyperemia, neovascularization, corneal infiltrates, and keratoconjunc-
Chapter 14 Gas Permeable Extended Wear 381
One of the first documented uses of extended-wear GP lenses per-
tained to contact lens wearers with aphakia.5,9 Patients with aphakia
often have poor digital dexterity and uncorrected vision; the use of
these lenses with replacement at regularly planned intervals provides
these patients with the full benefit of this modality.
To achieve successful GP lens wear, it is vital to screen patients
before placing them in an extended-wear modality. Similar to all situ-
ations concerning patients, extended wear is not the ideal option for all
contact lens wearers. Such as for those with contraindications for
extended-wear hydrogel lenses, patients with a history of diabetes,
microbial keratitis, pathologic dry eye, corneal dystrophy, or other
anterior segment pathology should avoid extended wear of their GP
lenses. Whether it is contaminated lens cases and solutions, inade-
quate disinfection, or simply a lack of good personal hygiene, studies
have correlated an increased risk for extended-wear complications
with poor lens hygiene.5 Smoking has also been implicated as a risk
factor for complications such as microbial keratitis; the mechanism as
Careful assessment of patients before fitting them for extended-wear
lenses is necessary, similar to the fitting required for daily-wear lenses.
The patient’s health history is significant. As mentioned earlier, dis-
eases that represent poor wound healing (e.g., diabetes, immunocom-
promise) are indicative of a poor candidate for extended-wear lenses.
Although not an automatic contraindication, the use of oral antihista-
mines may exacerbate symptoms of dryness. In addition, patients with
irregular corneas, such as those with keratoconus, Fuchs’ dystrophy, or
Chapter 14 Gas Permeable Extended Wear 383
Although the extended-wear modality has typically represented a small
percentage of the lenses fit in the past, the development of lenses
approved for overnight wear, 7-day wear, and most recently 30-day
continuous wear is changing the mindset for contact lens fitters. Table
14-2 lists high- (51 to 99) and hyper- (>100) Dk lens materials approved
for extended wear.15 Menicon Z (Menicon Co., Ltd., Nagoya, Japan,
manufactured in the United States by Con-Cise Contact Lens Co., San
Leandro, CA) is the most recently Food and Drug Administration
(FDA)–approved lens. With a Dk of 163, it is currently the only GP lens
approved for 30-day continuous wear.16 A comparison of the Menicon Z
after 30 days of continuous wear with Acuvue (Johnson & Johnson
Vision Care, Inc., Jacksonville, FL) after 7 days of extended wear showed
equivalent performance between the two lenses.17 Many of the subjects
showed thinner corneas; the authors hypothesized this was possibly
because of a decrease in hypoxia-induced corneal swelling, GP-induced
reversible corneal epithelial compression, decreased epithelial slough-
ing, or long-term contact lens-induced keratocyte apoptosis.18
The edge lift for the lens needs to be higher than for daily wear to help
with tear flow and assist in minimizing adherence. Schnider28 recom-
mends edge lift between 0.15 and 0.20 mm. Studies report that lenses
with lower edge lift show more severe staining29,30 and that as edge clear-
ance decreases, lens adherence increases.31 Therefore a wide region of
definite 360-degree peripheral clearance with well-blended peripheral
curve radii is recommended to minimize staining and adherence.
Flexure plays an important role in the fitting of a lens for extended
wear. As mentioned earlier, the silicone component of GP lenses
makes them softer, more oxygen permeable, and less resistant to flex-
ure. As the oxygen permeability of the lens material increases, the lens
is typically more flexible. Studies report a practitioner should avoid fit-
ting an apical clearance lens-to-cornea fitting relationship to minimize
flexure.32-34 To determine if flexure is present, overretinoscopy and
overkeratometry must be performed during the examination, as dis-
cussed in Chapter 5.
It is also recommended that practitioners take advantage of the lab-
oratory consultants and obtain their advice for the ideal fit. They can
serve as a valuable resource when designing a GP extended-wear lens.
Good communication is essential for patient success with extended
wear. It is beneficial to attempt to minimize the potential for compli-
cations. As discussed earlier, when performing a comprehensive case
history, it is important to understand the patient’s motivations and
expectations concerning extended wear. It is also important to discuss
the risk and benefits, potential complications, and requirements for
compliant wear.
Instructional videotapes, booklets, and other resources can be used
to help educate the patients in handling, care, and management of
their lenses. Patients should be advised on insertion and removal,
cleaning and disinfection, and wearing schedule of the lenses. It
would be prudent to discuss discontinuing extended wear during ill-
ness or infections and address concerns regarding cosmetics and per-
sonal items such as hairspray.
Progress Evaluations
Although some practitioners advocate initiating extended wear from
day 1, we recommend beginning lens wear with daily wear first and
Chapter 14 Gas Permeable Extended Wear 387
warranted. If the issue is lens binding, the patient may need to remain
in daily wear. Assuming findings are normal, the patient should then
schedule follow-up evaluations at 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months,
and every 3 months from there. It is advisable to recommend the
patient remove the lenses overnight, at minimum, one night a week
for cleaning and disinfection.
Most manufacturers have preferred cleaning and disinfection regi-
mens. It is important to adhere to their recommendations because
materials are becoming more complex. Frequent lens replacement
may help to minimize deposit- and warpage-related problems.
Furthermore, Woods and Efron36 suggested a regular replacement
interval of every 3 to 6 months might also prevent other adverse reac-
tions such as lens binding.
The most common complications associated with extended-wear GP
lenses are hypoxia, lens binding, poor lens wetting, decreased vision,
ptosis, and dryness. Most of these can be addressed with simple
changes to the lens or lens materials. However, complication rates for
the extended-wear GP modality are low, especially compared with
hydrogel lenses.37-39
Hypoxia, as addressed earlier, can manifest itself through signs
such as corneal edema, striae, endothelial polymegethism, and
increased myopia. Oxygen delivery to the eye through the lens depends
on lens material, lens thickness, the tear pump, and tightness of the
lids during sleep.40 This is customarily managed by refitting in a
higher Dk or different lens material.
Lens adherence is not uncommon and most likely occurs in 100%
of extended-wear lens patients on a transient basis.41 Typically, the lens
will be decentered, and tears will be concentrated at the periphery of
the lens because of the relative absence of tear exchange (Figure 14-1),
while debris will be trapped behind the lens (Figure 14-2). Although
the patient may be asymptomatic, areas of indentation may be appar-
ent with staining (Figures 14-3 and 14-4). Lens binding may cause
superficial punctate keratitis, corneal distortion, spectacle blur, and
even microbial keratitis.42 The Fisher-Schweitzer pattern may also be
apparent. A corneal mosaic pattern, the Fisher-Schweitzer pattern is
not one of epithelial cell loss but rather occurs secondary to lens com-
pression on the cornea.3 Usually disappearing within a few hours of
waking, it may be related to the rigidity or swelling of the cornea.
Blinking, digital pressure, or artificial tears may initiate movement of
the lens.43 Lens-to-cornea adherence without lens movement was
noted for the first time in 1979 with silicon rubber lenses.44 It was
Chapter 14 Gas Permeable Extended Wear 389
described as a suction effect from the contact between the lens and the
eye; it was suggested that poor quality tear film or surface hydropho-
bicity and the negative pressure of the lens against the eye contribute
to this effect. More specifically, they hypothesized that tears between
the lens and cornea produce adherence from the shear forces exerted
by the high pressure.45 The action of the lids forces the tears from
underneath the lens, with the midperipheral portion of the lens being
the first area of the lens to contact the cornea, eventually progressing
to corneal seal-off. Large overall diameters with low edge lift and a flat
Figure 14-2. Trapped debris that can form a mucoprotein “glue” to aid in adherence.
With the high oxygen transmissibility of new lens designs, the GP
extended-wear modality is a safer and more comfortable alternative
than before. The most important concern for eye care practitioners is
the health and visual needs of the patient. With careful screening, this
is a modality that can aid in building a successful practice.
1. Fonn D, Holden BA: RGP vs. hydrogel lenses for extended wear, Am J Optom
Physiol Opt 65(7):545-551, 1988.
2. Maehara J, Kastl P: Rigid gas permeable extended wear, CLAO J 20(2):139-143, 1994.
3. Schnider C, Bennett E, Grohe R: Rigid extended wear. In Bennett ES, Weissman
BA, editors: Clinical contact lens practice, Philadelphia, 1991, Butterworth-
Heinemann, pp 56-1 to 56-14.
4. Bennett ES, Ghormley NR: Rigid extended wear: an overview, Int Contact Lens
Clin 14(8):319-332, 1987.
5. Brennan NA, Coles MLC: Extended wear in perspective, Optom Vis Sci
74(8):609-623, 1997.
6. Chahine T, Weissman B: Peripheral corneal furrow staining: a sign to discon-
tinue hydrogel contact lens use, Int Contact Lens Clin 23(6):229-233, 1996.
7. Fowler SA, Greiner JV, Allansmith MR: Soft contact lenses from patients with
giant papillary conjunctivitis, Am J Ophthalmol 8:1956, 1987.
8. Aswad M, Barza M, Kenyon K, et al: Bacterial adherence to extended wear soft
contact lenses, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 27(suppl):166, 1989.
9. Gurwood AS: Prescribing contact lenses for aphakes, Contact Lens Spectrum
10(11):17-23, 1995.
10. Poggio EC, Glynn RJ, Schein OD, et al: The incidence of ulcerative keratitis
among users of daily-wear and extended-wear soft contact lenses, N Engl J
Med 321:779-783, 1989.
11. Cutter GR, Chalmers RL, Roseman M: The clinical presentation, prevalence, and
risk factors of focal corneal infiltrates in soft contact lens wearers, CLAO J
22:30-37, 1996.
12. Kartchner MN: Fight fires with contacts? Contact Lens Forum 10:13, 21, 23-25,
27-30, 1985.
13. Rengstorff RH: Eye protection from contact lenses, J Am Optom Assoc 45(3):
274-275, 1974.
14. Holden BA, Mertz GW: Critical oxygen levels to avoid corneal edema for daily- and
extended-wear contact lenses, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 25:1161-1167, 1984.
15. Thompson TT: Tyler’s Q 20(2):52-56, 2003.
16. Gleason W, Tanaka H, Albright R, et al: A 1-year prospective clinical trial of
Menicon Z (tisilfocon A) rigid gas permeable contact lenses worn on a
30-day continuous wear schedule, Eye Contact Lens 29(1):2-9, 2003.
17. Gleason W, Albright R: Menicon Z 30-day continuous wear lenses: a clinical com-
parison to Acuvue 7-day extended wear lenses, Eye Contact Lens 29(1S):S149-
S152, 2003.
18. Pall B, Barr J, Szczotka L, et al: Corneal thickness results in the Menicon Z
30-day continuous wear and Acuvue 7-day extended wear contact lens clini-
cal trial, Eye Contact Lens 29(1):10-13, 2003.
19. Ichijima H, Imayasu M, Tanaka H, et al: Effects of RGP lens extended wear on
glucose-lactate metabolism and stromal swelling in the rabbit cornea, CLAO
J 26(1):30-36, 2000.
20. Polse KA, Graham AD, Fusaro RE, et al: The Berkeley contact lens extended wear
study: part I and II, Ophthalmology 108(8):1381-1399, 2001.
21. www.menicon.com, April, 2003.
22. Swarbrick HA, Holden BA: Rigid gas permeable lens binding: significance and
contributing factors, Am J Optom Physiol Opt 64(11):815-823, 1987.
23. Yamane S: Fitting RGP lenses for extended wear, Contact Lens Forum 13:24-27,
24. Jones L, Woods CA: Contact lens fitting and design, Optician 203:16-22, 1992.
25. Lebow KA: Clinical evaluation of the Boston Equalens for cosmetic extended
wear, Contact Lens Spectrum 2:47-53, 1987.
26. Morgan P: Advanced contact lens fitting. Part one: extended wear RGP lenses,
Optician 5595:20-26, 1997.
27. Bennett ES, Sorbara L: Lens design, fitting, and evaluation. In Bennett ES, Henry
VA, editors: Clinical manual of contact lenses, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2000,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, pp 75-124.
28. Schnider CM, Terry RL, Holden BA: Clinical correlates of peripheral corneal des-
iccation, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 29(suppl):336, 1988.
29. Solomon J, Snyder R, Klein P: A clinical experience with extended wear RGP
lenses, Contact Lens Spectrum 1:49-50, 1986.
30. Andrasko GJ: Clinical implications of 3 & 9 o’clock staining. Presented at the
First Annual RGP Lens Institute Symposium, St Louis, MO, July 1989.
31. Swarbrick HA, Holden BA: Rigid gas permeable lens binding: significance and
contributing factors, Am J Optom Physiol Opt 64(11):815-823, 1987.
32. Harris MG, Chu CS: The effects of contact lens thickness and corneal toricity on
flexure and residual astigmatism, Am J Optom Arch Am Acad Optom
49(4):304-307, 1972.
33. Herman JP: Flexure of rigid contact lenses on toric corneas as a function of base
curve fitting relationship, J Am Optom Assoc 54(3):209-213, 1983.
34. Pole JJ: The effect of base curve on the flexure of Polycon lenses, Int Contact Lens
Clin 10(1):49-52, 1983.
35. Morgan P, Maldonado-Codina C, Efron N: Comfort response to rigid and soft
hyper-transmissible contact lenses used for continuous wear, Eye Contact
Lens 29(1S):S127-S130, 2003.
Chapter 14 Gas Permeable Extended Wear 395
36. Woods CA, Efron N: Regular replacement of extended wear rigid gas permeable
contact lenses, CLAO J 22(3):172-178, 1996.
37. Fonn D, Holden BA: RGP vs. hydrogel lenses for extended wear, Am J Optom
Physiol Opt 65(7):545-551, 1988.
38. Schnider CM: An overview of RGP extended wear, Contax May:10-12, 1987.
39. Weissman BA, Remba MJ, Fugedy E: Results of the Extended Wear Contact Lens
Survey of the Contact Lens Section of the American Optometric Association,
J Am Optom Assoc 58(3):166-171, 1987.
40. Koetting RA, Castellano CF, Nelson DW: A hard lens with extended wear possi-
bilities, J Am Optom Assoc 56:208-211, 1985.
41. Swarbrick HA, Holden BA: The incidence of RGP lens adherence: experimental
vs. clinical findings, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 30(3, suppl):166, 1989.
42. Kenyon E, Polse KA, Mandell RB: Rigid contact lens adherence: incidence, sever-
ity and recovery, J Am Optom Assoc 59(3):168-174, 1988.
43. Polse KA, Sarver MD, Kenyon E, et al: Gas-permeable hard contact lens extended
wear: ocular and visual responses to a 6-month period of wear, CLAO J 13:
31-38, 1987.
44. Bennett ES, Grohe RM: How to solve stuck lens syndrome, Rev Optom 124(12):
51-52, 1987.
45. Swarbrick HA: A possible etiology for RGP lens binding (Adherence), Int Contact
Lens Clin 15(1):13-19, 1988.
46. Henry VA, Bennett ES, Forrest JF: Clinical investigation of the Paraperm EW rigid
gas-permeable contact lens, Am J Optom Physiol Opt 64(5):313-320, 1987.
47. Sevigny J: Clinical comparison of the Boston IV contact lens under extended
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48. Fonn D, Holden BA: Extended wear of hard gas-permeable contact lenses can
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49. Holden BA, Terry R: How to succeed with extended wear, Rev Optom 126:81-86,
50. Grohe RM, Lebow KA: Vascularized limbal keratitis, Int Contact Lens Clin
16(7&8):197-209, 1989.
Contact Lenses After Refractive
Although not seen as a primary means of refractive surgery today, we
are encountering post-RK patients who are now manifesting ani-
Chapter 15 Contact Lenses After Refractive Surgery 397
Figure 15-1. Exceedingly small optic zone in a radial keratotomy patient experiencing
significant glare. Unfortunately, the patient had three enhancements.
Base Curve
According to DePaolis et al,4 it was determined that an initial contact
lens base curve (BC) should be based by subtracting one third of the
refractive error reduction from the preoperative flat keratotomy. For
example, the preoperative keratotomy readings are 43.00 × 44.00, and
the RK myopic reduction is 2.00 D. To select an initial BC, one would
take (43.00 – ¹⁄₃[2.00]), or 42.30. Modifications are then based on flu-
orescein evaluation, vision, and lens stability. Given the flat central
curve and steep “knee” periphery,3 another method of determining BC
is to calculate the flattest dioptric meridian of this transition zone
(approximately a 3-mm radius).7
When a cornea is altered by incisional surgery (e.g., central flattening),
an ideal pattern appearance would be an unavoidable moderate-to-
significant central clearance, alignment–mild touch in the midperiphery,
and some mild-to-moderate edge clearance for good tear exchange.
Standard multicurve designs often reveal excess edge clearance and
increased movement; therefore aspheric lenses should be considered
because of their junctionless curves and ability to mask astigmatism.
Goldberg9 describes an RK-aspheric ellipsoidal back surface design with
an eccentricity of 0.6. He recommends fitting 1.75 D steeper than the flat-
test preoperative keratometry reading and selecting an overall diameter
2.0 mm larger than the BC radius to minimize decentration.
Unfortunately, prescribing practitioners do not always have access
to the original preoperative keratometry readings. Lee and Kastl10
addressed this issue. They found the preoperative keratometric read-
ings are not necessary. Applying diagnostic lenses and observing fluo-
rescein patterns could achieve an optimal post-RK GP lens fit. Most
lenses were between 9.2 and 10.0 mm in diameter. BCs ranged from
36.00 to 42.50 D and were usually steeper than the postoperative flat-
ter meridian keratometric reading.
Peripheral Curves
Peripheral curves are selected based on lens position and diameter.
They should not be so steep as to obstruct tear flow given the midpe-
ripheral topography. The curves should not be too flat as to prevent
proper circulation of tears.11 To compensate for this, reverse-geometry
GP lenses (steep peripheral and flatter central curves) were developed
to conform to the corresponding corneal shape. Reverse-geometry
lenses generally have secondary curves 3 to 6 D steeper than their cen-
tral curves. This design prevents pooling of tears or lens bearing and
promotes stability. Examples include OK Series (Contex Inc., Sherman
Oaks, CA), RK-Bridge (Conforma, Norfolk, VA), and the NRK Lens
(Lancaster Contact Lens, Inc., Lancaster, PA). In fact, many regional
laboratories with DAC (DAC Vision, Garland, TX) lathing capabilities
can fabricate these lenses. A study in Singapore by Lim et al12 showed
how 11 patients (13 eyes) who had RK, PRK, and penetrating kerato-
plasty (PKP) wore the reverse-geometry lens (Menicon Plateau Lens,
Clovis, CA). The authors found the fluorescein pattern of the plateau
lens fit (central bearing, midperipheral pooling, followed by bearing
and peripheral edge lift) provided patients with good visual acuity
without complications. An advantage of the plateau design is its abil-
ity to incorporate a front toric configuration, which is beneficial to the
residual astigmatism of the postsurgical corneas. It should be noted
that any changes made to the OZ of a reverse-geometry lens have an
opposite effect when compared with a conventional lens. Unlike a
spherical lens, smaller OZs result in a tighter fitting relationship with
reverse-geometry lenses.
In PRK, a 193-nm argon fluoride excimer laser removes corneal
epithelium and stroma (a process called photoablation),8 often affect-
ing only the anterior 10% of central corneal depth without altering the
peripheral cornea for treating refractive errors. A smoother transition
through the ablation zone should provide the practitioner with an eas-
ier contact lens fit. A 6- to 12-month post-PRK forestallment should be
given to facilitate corneal healing with refractive and topographical sta-
bilization.13 Regression of the initial refractive response is directly cor-
related with intended myopic correction. For example, with a larger
intended correction, there is a greater amount of regression and longer
time for stabilization to occur.14 Because the corneal curvature often
steepens 1 to 2 weeks postoperatively,3 early contact lens intervention
may be difficult.
Regardless, there are reasons for fitting post-PRK patients. They
include residual ametropia caused by laser programming errors,
aggressive corneal wound healing, abnormal collagen synthesis, and
epithelial hyperplasia. Central corneal thickening by approximately
5 μm may result in 1.0 D of refractive regression.15 Another indication for
contact lenses is irregular astigmatism caused by aggressive corneal
healing or central island effect (area of corneal steepening)(Figure
15-5). A decentered ablation zone (Figure 15-6) resulting from poor
Base Curve
An initial GP BC approximately 0.50 D flatter than the flat preopera-
tive keratometry reading has been recommended as a starting point.4
Corneal topography must be used to determine if the ablation zone is
decentered because this could be the reason for not obtaining a stable
lens fit in some patients. Patel et al19 studied the shape of the corneal
apical zone after excimer PRK. They found the average post-PRK
corneal contour to have the appearance of steepening ellipses from the
apex toward the edge of the ablation zone.
Peripheral Curves
Because the transitional zones are smooth in the ablation zone, stan-
dard peripheral curves can be used.4 Reverse-geometry contact lenses
are rarely indicated.
worn daily is best. Because central vaulting with excess tear pooling
can occur,17,18 a flat BC with a larger lens diameter for better centration
should be prescribed. A thin central thickness is also recommended.
With soft lenses, a spherocylindrical overrefraction should be per-
formed. This will determine whether a soft toric contact lens or GP
lens is indicated for residual astigmatism. If the spherocylinder refrac-
tive error ratio is ≤ 3:1, then GP lenses are the better option.21 GP lenses
are also preferred if there is irregular astigmatism or if significant
astigmatism is found. Conversely, if the patient has against-the-rule
corneal cylinder, soft toric contact lenses provide better centration.21
If spherical aberrations are of concern, a newer aspheric soft lens
should be prescribed. This lens category includes Frequency 55
Aspheric (Cooper Vision, Rochester, NY) and the Specialty Choice AB
(Specialty Ultravision, Campbell, CA).22 Concern is generally at night
for most but can be a factor for patients with large pupils even during
the day. Complaints consistent with aberrations warrant some alter-
ation in lens approach.
have been written about such post-LASIK contact lens fits, and each
will be explained.
To design a post-LASIK contact lens, corneal topography must
again be analyzed. According to DePaolis et al,4 one should use the
sagittal topographic maps to determine the diameter of the flat zone.
To determine the midperipheral corneal curvature, the tangential
maps should be used. Because this area has a high dioptric variability,
using data averaged from the sagittal map is beneficial to determine
the initial BC. Fluorescein evaluation assists in finalizing the BC. The
authors also recommend the BC formula for post-RK fitting (subtract
one third of the refractive error reduction from the preoperative flat
keratotomy value). If the patient’s fluorescein pattern has sharp
demarcation within the transition between central and peripheral
curve area, an aspheric GP lens should be used with lid attachment.
For an unusually shaped cornea, a gradual fluorescein transition is
desired. An aspheric design can sometimes provide a more gradual
rate of flattening effect. This results in a more acceptable midperiph-
eral pattern. Another option would be a reverse-geometry system. This
will decrease bearing at the transitional zones and increase edge lift.
To determine the secondary curves in a reverse-geometry lens, the pre-
scriber should average the dioptric value of the data points at the tran-
sition zone on the sagittal map corresponding to the 0, 90, 180, and
270 meridians.5
Chapter 15 Contact Lenses After Refractive Surgery 407
The lens diameter should promote lid attachment (9.5 to 11.5 mm).
This will decrease cornea (more specifically the corneal flap) bearing,
thus promoting vaulting. Consequently, the OZ diameter should be
2.5 mm smaller than the overall diameter to diminish debris entrap-
ment, hypoxia, and poor vision. The material should provide optimal
oxygen transmissibility, resist lens deposits (FSA material), and be
thin enough for comfort and centration.
Szczotka and Aronsky25 advocate post-LASIK GP lens fitting when
necessary, largely because of the lacrimal lens’s ability to neutralize
irregular astigmatism and enhance oxygen transmission and tear
exchange. They state that use of corneal topography makes it difficult
to determine the initial BC because of the oblate corneal shape after
surgery. The authors recommend diagnostic lens fitting with an initial
lens BC to be 1.00 to 1.50 D steeper than the flat postoperative kerato-
metric reading. This will promote the vaulting pattern and midperiph-
eral alignment advocated by DePaolis et al. For optimal centration, the
overall lens diameter should range from 9.2 to 10.5 mm with the OZ
1 to 4 mm smaller than the lens diameter. Therefore the posterior con-
tact lens OZ should vault the LASIK ablation zone and thus be large
enough to provide full pupillary coverage in dim illumination. Most
OZs are 6 to 8 mm in diameter compared with the 4.5- to 9.0-mm
ablation zones from the excimer laser.23,26,27 Reverse-geometry lenses
(Figure 15-8) are preferred for those patients with oblate corneal
shapes caused by the sharp curvature of the corneal cap made by the
microkeratome. When deciding on peripheral curves, the authors rec-
ommend using the axial map, measuring the “knee” of the transition
zone, and averaging the midperipheral curves by placing the cursor at
these sites. They then select the secondary curves equal to or slightly
flatter than the average at the transition zones. The BC can be selected
to be 1 D steeper than the flat keratometric reading or, if more than 2 D
of corneal astigmatism remains, an average of the keratometric read-
ings.28 Although they advocate use of GP lenses, Szczotka and
Aronsky25 also use soft contact lenses 4 to 12 weeks after surgery for
those patients who cannot tolerate GP lenses. The Harrison post-
refractive lens (Paragon Vision Sciences) functions like a reverse-
geometry lens. Patients with residual astigmatism can be difficult to fit
with soft toric contact lenses because of poor lens-to-cornea contours.
Chou et al29 evaluated the long-term efficacy of contact lens fitting
after myopic keratomileusis. They found postoperative keratometry
readings to be more beneficial, ranging from 7.9 to 9.2 mm, with use
of fluorescein patterns with associated OZ diameters ranging from 5.6
to 6.7 mm. They used larger lens diameters to decrease movement,
with incremental increases of 0.2 mm. Of greater interest is their find-
ing of soft contact lens fitting. A patient from this prospective evalua-
tion who was fitted with a soft lens developed epithelial hyperplasia
and increased myopia. Another patient (not in this study) who was fit-
ted with a soft contact lens 4.5 months after myopic keratomileusis
developed tight lens syndrome on the third day of the soft contact lens
fitting. This changed her undercorrection from 1.50 D before soft con-
tact lens wear to 5.50 D as a result of corneal steepening.
vascular growth is less the result of the excimer laser’s ability to ablate
with minimal collateral tissue involvement. Although refractive out-
comes have not been affected thus far,31 the use of GP lenses compared
with soft contact lenses does not seem to alter corneal integrity.
Finally, the practitioner must be aware of post-LASIK contact lens
wear complications. These concerns relate to flap hypoesthesia and ocu-
lar surface drying. These two conditions can delay contact lens wear for
up to 6 months or longer after the surgery.4 Of interest are the effects on
the corneal endothelium. Reports have been recorded of improvements
in endothelial cell density, most likely because of discontinuation of con-
tact lens use.25 However, no such studies have adequately addressed
what occurs to the endothelium with a post-LASIK contact lens.
To provide the optimum corneal homeostasis, a GP lens should be
used first when fitting postrefractive corneas. This will stabilize the
altered corneal layers and provide additional oxygen for the eye’s res-
piratory needs.32 However, if the patient cannot tolerate this type of
lens because of edge sensation, the patient should be fitted with a soft
contact lens.
It is difficult for patients after refractive surgery to return to corrective
contact lens wear, especially when they had hoped to be free of them
all together. They often revert to poor lens hygiene, predisposing them-
selves to additional ocular infection. Appropriate discussions of the
risks, benefits, and especially outcomes (good and bad) of refractive
surgery must be addressed with prospective candidates during their
refractive surgery consultation. This will help avoid patient disap-
pointment should contact lenses be required postoperatively.
1. Binder PS: Optical problems following refractive surgery, Ophthalmology 93:739,
2. Aquavella JV, Shovlin JP, DePaolis MD: Contact lenses and refractive surgery. In
Harris MG, London R, editors: Problems in optometry, Philadelphia, 1990, JB
Lippincott, pp 685-703.
3. Astin CLK: Refractive surgery and contact lenses. In Hom MM, editor: Manual of
contact lens prescribing and fitting, Boston, 2000, Butterworth-Heinemann,
pp 363-380.
4. DePaolis M, Shovlin JP, Henry VA: Postsurgical fitting. In Bennett ES, Henry VA,
editors: Clinical manual of contact lenses, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2000, Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, pp 531-558.
5. DePaolis MD, Shovlin JP, Ryan RA: The state of refractive surgery: a clinician’s
guide to post-op care, Rev Optom 132:93-96, 1995.
6. MacRae S, Rich L, Phillips D, et al: Diurnal variations in vision after radial kera-
totomy, Am J Ophthalmol 107:262-267, 1989.
7. Szczotka LB: Contact lenses for the irregular cornea, Contact Lens Spectrum 13:21,
8. Kaufman H, Barron BA, McDonald MB, et al: Companion handbook to the cornea,
ed 2, Boston, 2000, Butterworth-Heinenmann.
9. Goldberg JB: The RK-aspheric RGP corneal lens of for radial keratotomy, Contact
Lens Spectrum 8(3):23-24, 1993.
10. Lee AM, Kastl PR: Rigid gas permeable contact lens fitting after radial kerato-
tomy, CLAO J 24:33-35, 1998.
11. Shovlin JP, Kame RT, et al: How to fit an irregular cornea, Rev Optom 124:88-98,
12. Lim L, Siow KL, Sakamoto R, et al: Reverse geometry contact lens wear after pho-
torefractive keratectomy, radial keratotomy or penetrating keratoplasty,
Cornea 19(3):320-324, 2000.
13. Waring GO, Bourque L, Cartwright CS, et al: Summary of initial results of the
prospective evaluation of radial keratotomy (PERK) study, Ophthalmol Forum
3:177-185, 1985.
14. Gartry DS, Kerr-Muir MG, Marshall J: Excimer laser photorefractive keratec-
tomy—18 month follow up, Ophthalmology 99:1209-1219, 1992.
15. McDonnell PJ: Excimer laser corneal surgery: new strategies and old enemies,
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 36(1):4-8, 1995.
16. Aquavella JV, Shovlin JP, Pascucci S, et al: How contact lenses fit into refractive
surgery, Rev Ophthalmol 1:36, 1994.
17. Astin CL, Garty DS, McG Steele AD: Contact lens fitting after photorefractive
keratectomy, Br J Ophthalmol 80:597-603, 1996.
18. Schipper I, Businger U, Pfarrer R: Fitting contact lenses after excimer laser
photorefractive keratectomy for myopia, CLAO J 21:281-284, 1995.
19. Patel S, Marshall J, Fitzke F, et al: The shape of the corneal apical zone after
excimer photorefractive keratectomy, Acta Ophthalmol 72:588-596, 1994.
20. Bufidis T, Konstas AGP, Pallifaris IG, et al: Contact lens fitting difficulties
following refractive surgery for high myopia, CLAO J 26(2):106-110, 2000.
21. Bennett ES: RGPs and soft torics: making the right decision, Contact Lens
Spectrum 14(3):19, 1999.
22. Jackson JM: Management of irregular corneal astigmatism, Contact Lens
Spectrum 15(12):23-27, 2000.
23. Perez-Santonja JJ, Bellot J, Claramonte P, et al: Laser in situ keratomileusis to
correct high myopia, J Cat Refract Surg 23:372, 1997.
24. Pallikaris I, Siganos D: Laser in situ keratomileusis to treat myopia: early experi-
ence, J Cat Refract Surg 23:39-49, 1997.
25. Szczotka LB, Aronsky M: Contact lenses after LASIK, J Am Optom Assoc 69:775-784,
Chapter 15 Contact Lenses After Refractive Surgery 411
26. Danasoury MA, Waring GO, Maghraby AE, et al: Excimer laser in situ ker-
atomileusis to correct compound myopic astigmatism, J Refract Surg 13:
511-520, 1997.
27. Tsai RJ: Laser in situ keratomileusis for myopia of -2 to -25 diopters, J Refract Surg
13(suppl):S427-S429, 1997.
28. Menicon plateau fitting guide, Clovis, CA, 1986, Menicon U.S.A.
29. Chou A, Swinger CA, Cogger SK: Fitting contact lenses after myopic ker-
atomileusis, J Cat Refract Surg 25:508-513, 1999.
30. Shivitz IA: Fitting contact lenses after radial keratotomy, Contact Lens Forum
13:38-39, 1988.
31. Astin CL: Contact lens fitting after PRK, Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 15(5):371-374,
32. Mizutani Y, Matsutaka H, Takemoto N, et al: The effect of anoxia on the human
cornea, Acta Soc Ophthalmol Jpn 9:644-649, 1987.
Contact Lenses and Myopia
Chapter 16 Contact Lenses and Myopia Progression 413
axial length were not available for the control group of single vision
spectacle wearers, who were selected from a pool of subjects partici-
pating in a study of myopia control with bifocal spectacles. Although
valid comparisons using the 3-year data were not available, the 2-year
data illustrate the potential effects of rigid contact lens wear on axial
elongation of the eye.
A GP contact lens myopia control study was also conducted in
Singapore.10 Subjects were randomly assigned to wear GP contact
lenses or spectacles. One hundred five children were fitted with GP
contact lenses, but only 45 children (42.9%) wore their contact lenses
regularly through the end of the study. After 3 years, the spectacle
wearers progressed an average of −0.78 D per year, and the contact
lens wearers progressed −0.42 D per year, a clinically and statistically
significant difference (p < 0.0005). The investigators measured the
axial length and found a significant difference in annual axial growth
between the contact lens wearers (0.22 mm) and the spectacle wearers
(0.31 mm). Previous hypotheses regarding slowed axial growth in rigid
contact lens wearers were finally validated, but the significance of the
conclusions from the study is still limited because the study is com-
promised via a differential loss to follow-up evaluation and incomplete
ocular component measurement.
Baldwin20 conducted the largest study that failed to find an effect of
rigid contact lenses on myopia progression. Seven- to 13-year-old chil-
dren with myopia were fitted with rigid contact lenses or spectacles
and followed for slightly less than 1 year. The mean rate of myopia pro-
gression extrapolated to 1 year was −0.53 D for the rigid contact lens
wearers and −0.45 D for the spectacle wearers. The study may have
failed to find a positive effect for rigid contact lenses because the sub-
jects were followed for less than 1 year and because the patients were
not randomly assigned to treatment groups. The patients chose the
treatment best suited to their needs, so the rigid contact lens group ini-
tially had more females, greater myopia, steeper corneas, and longer
axial lengths. All of these factors are related to higher amounts of
myopia and greater progression of myopia, so the rigid contact lens
group is expected to experience a greater change in myopia.
Table 16-1 Mean Annual Rate of Myopic Progression for Rigid Contact Lens
Wearers and Spectacle Wearers Participating in Myopia Control
Rigid Contact
Lenses (D) Spectacles (D) Significant Effect?
Baldwin20 −0.53 −0.45 No
Stone13 −0.10 −0.35 Yes
Perrigin11 −0.16 −0.51 Yes
Khoo10 −0.42 −0.78 Yes
Table 16-2 Limitations of Previous Rigid Contact Lens Myopia Control Studies
Adequate Older
Control Axial Length Contact Lens Than
Author (yr) Group Measurement Subject Losses 16 Years
Khoo (1999)10 No Yes 47% No
Grosvenor (1989)9 No* No† 44% No
Stone (1976)13 No No Unknown Yes
Morrison (1960)15 No No Retrospective Yes
Kelly (1975)19 No No Unknown Yes
Baldwin (1969)20 No Yes 30% No
Historical control group only.
No 3-year axial length data for the control group.
GP contact lenses subjectively provide clearer vision than soft contact
lenses, especially when worn to correct astigmatism caused by corneal
toricity. GP contact lenses also allow improved tear flow and oxygen
under the contact lens, thereby providing ocular health benefits to the
long-term contact lens wearer. Anecdotally, GP lenses are easier to
handle because they cannot invert or fold as soft contact lenses do, and
less contact time with the eye is necessary to allow the lens to settle.
Children with myopia may also benefit from a reduction in the pro-
gression of myopia because of the influence of rigid contact lens wear.
The Contact Lens and Myopia Progression (CLAMP) Study, an ongo-
ing study of myopia control with GP contact lenses, limited partici-
pants enrolled to subjects who were able to wear rigid contact lenses at
least 40 hours per week and reported that they were “usually comfort-
able” or “always comfortable.” Of the 148 children who were fitted with
GP contact lenses, 116 (78.4%) were able to adapt to rigid contact lens
Children with myopia represent a relatively untapped population of
potential contact lens wearers (Figure 16-1). The 78.4% success rate is
higher than that reported for adults (69.6%).24 Although children are
successful contact lens wearers, the fitting and dispensing of contact
lenses is different for children than for adults.
Figure 16-1. Eight- to 11-year-old children can be successful gas permeable contact lens
effect still occurs. The anesthetic improves the child’s disposition and
the practitioner’s ability to evaluate vision and lens fitting with fluo-
rescein because of reduced tearing.
Children often squirm to avoid having the contact lens inserted in
the eye. The practitioner can avoid chasing the child by having the
child fixate on a target while he or she firmly holds the eyelids open
and stabilizes the head. A quick insertion of the contact lens will make
the entire fitting process much easier for the child and the practitioner.
There are few differences between an adult and a child when decid-
ing the lens parameters to order. Most children can be fitted with a
9.2-mm diameter contact lens and a 7.8-mm optic zone diameter.
Some practitioners like to fit children with smaller contact lenses
because the palpebral aperture is smaller, and some practitioners like to
fit children with larger diameter contact lenses because they may fall out
of the eye less often. The philosophy a practitioner chooses is an indi-
vidual decision, but a 9.2-mm diameter may be a good compromise.
The base curve for the initial trial lens is based on keratometry read-
ings and the standard fitting guide found in contact lens textbooks (Table
16-3). It may be difficult to get accurate keratometry readings from a
child fidgeting in the chair, but the practitioner can be more sure the
readings are correct if the two eyes have similar readings, the keratome-
try readings are similar to simulated keratometry readings from a
corneal topographer, or two measurements of the same eye are similar.
Because of tearing and time constraints, a refraction performed over
the rigid lens to determine the final power may not be necessary. An
alignment-fitted contact lens should result in a refraction that is equal to
the spherical component of the manifest refraction, so an empirical
power determination is appropriate given a suitable fitting relation.
Table 16-3 Guide to Determine the Base Curve From Keratometry Readings
Corneal Toricity Base Curve
Spherical 0.50 D flatter than flat K
Up to 0.75 D 0.25 D flatter than flat K
0.87 D to 1.37 D Fit on flat K
≥1.50 D 0.33 times the toricity steeper than flat K
GP contact lenses are a standard treatment option for patients with
myopia, and they may provide a therapeutic affect by slowing the pro-
gression of myopia. They also provide good vision with relatively few
ocular health risks or side effects. The benefits of rigid contact lens
wear greatly outweigh the potential risks and irritations associated
with contact lens wear, and young children represent an untapped
population of prospective contact lens wearers.
1. Sperduto RD, Seigel D, Roberts J, et al: Prevalence of myopia in the United States,
Arch Ophthalmol 101:405-407, 1983.
2. Blum H, et al: Vision screening for elementary schools: The Orinda Study, Berkeley,
CA, 1959, University of California Press.
3. Goss DA, Winkler RL: Progression of myopia in youth: age of cessation, Am J
Optom Physiol Opt 60:651-658, 1983.
4. The Eye Disease Case-Control Study Group: Risk factors for idiopathic rheg-
matogenous retinal detachment, Am J Epidemiol 137:749-757, 1993.
5. O’Brart DP, Corbett MC, Lohmann CP, et al: The effects of ablation diameter on
the outcome of excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy. A prospective,
randomized, double-blind study, Arch Ophthalmol 113:438-443, 1995.
6. Goss DA: Attempts to reduce the rate of increase of myopia in young people—a
critical literature review, Am J Optom Physiol Opt 59:828-841, 1982.
7. Hirsch M: The prevention and/or cure of myopia, Am J Optom Arch Am Acad
Optom 42:327-336, 1965.
8. Birnbaum MH: Clinical management of myopia, Am J Optom Physiol Opt 58:
554-559, 1981.
Chapter 16 Contact Lenses and Myopia Progression 423
Orthokeratology is a process that uses specially designed gas permeable
(GP) contact lenses to temporally reshape the corneal contour.1 The pur-
pose of orthokeratology is to reduce or modify myopia and astigmatism
by applying GP lenses that have a curve that is flatter than the cornea.
Because the curvature of the cornea changes in response, myopia is
reduced, and uncorrected vision improves. Once the desired effect is
achieved, a retainer lens is worn part-time to maintain the effect. The
usefulness of orthokeratology for a given patient will depend on the
magnitude of change achieved, versus a target goal, and how lasting the
effect is. The goal of this procedure is to allow patients to see sufficiently
to perform daily tasks without the need for correction for, at minimum,
part of the day.2 This process has also been termed “contact lens corneal
reshaping” and “corneal refractive therapy (CRT).”
Early Fitting Philosophies
The principles behind orthokeratology were initiated by George Jessen
in 1962.3 His technique—termed “orthofocus”—used the principles of
the liquid lens and flat-fitting polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) lenses
for corrections in his patients. However, with all of the pressure placed
on the apex of the cornea, this approach can often result in an unsta-
ble fitting relationship and discomfort.4,5 Likewise, Nolan6,7 fit his
patients with a much flatter than “K” base curve but altered wearing
time to achieve the desired effect. The wearing time was initiated at 4
hours and increased 30 minutes per day up to 10 hours. He also
restricted the amount of initial myopia to a maximum of 2.25 D. These
early approaches to orthokeratology also defined the process as one
that would correct myopia and hyperopia.8,9 Two pioneers of orthoker-
Chapter 17 Orthokeratology 425
It was evident that these early studies did show a reduction in myopia
but also exhibited numerous results that were not positive and tended to
dissuade practitioners from adopting this approach. These included
variable unaided vision, little reduction in myopia, unpredictability of
outcome, increased WTR astigmatism, possible corneal distortion, need
for retainer lens wear that was often variable but could be as long as a
few hours of wear during the day, and regression of myopia toward the
prefit level. These results are summarized in Box 17-1.
New Developments
In the 1990s interest in orthokeratology increased dramatically because
of several factors. These included newer four-zone and similar
7.6 P.S.B.C.
6.0 Diameter of P.B.C.
1.0 Diameter of P.S.B.C. (Tear reservoir)
.7 Aspheric edge lift design
Figure 17-1. OK-3 lens design. (From Wlodyga RJ, Bryla C: Corneal molding; the
easy way, Contact Lens Spectrum 4:58-65, 1989.)
Chapter 17 Orthokeratology 429
Lens Designs
Perhaps the first four-zone lens design to become popular in the
United States was the DreimLens (DreimLens, Inc., Melbourne, FL)
developed by Dr. Tom Reim and first reported by Hom.42 The primary
advantage claimed for this lens was the ability to reduce myopia by
more than 2.50 D.43-46 It was believed that a patient with 4-D myopia
should be able to maintain clear, uncorrected visual acuity during all
waking hours. In addition, the change in refractive error would occur
more rapidly, typically in a matter of weeks often using only one pair
of lenses, not a series. Modern orthokeratology pioneers John
Mountford, Roger Tabb, John Rinehart, Jim Reeves, Sami El Hage,
Jerry Legerton, Jim Edwards, Rob Breece, and others soon introduced
their designs.
Cross-section and schematic diagrams of a four-curve lens are
shown in Figures 17-2 and 17-3. Each curve and zone of a four-curve
reverse geometry lens has a specific purpose and relationship to the
cornea it opposes and the other curves of the lens. The fitting
Power curve
Base curve
Reverse curve
Alignment curve
Peripheral curve
Figure 17-2. Cross-section view of a four-curve reverse geometry lens.
Reverse/Relief Curve
Range 0.5-0.75mm
Alignment/Fitting Curve
Range 0.8-1.6mm
Peripheral Curve
Figure 17-4. The similarity between a four-zone design and a bottlecap. (From Bennett ES:
Rebirth of Ortho-K, Rev Contact Lenses May:36-39, 2001.)
Chapter 17 Orthokeratology 431
Overnight Orthokeratology
The wearing of GP lenses for the purpose of overnight retainer wear
was first reported by Nolan in 1977.70 However, the lens material rec-
ommended at that time was cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB), which
had a Dk value of approximately 4. Grant71 reported that if GP lens
materials were safe for overnight wear, then the retainer effect could
occur while the patient was sleeping, and a variable daily-wear retainer
schedule was unnecessary. Several other potential benefits have been
reported from overnight wear, including the following2,56,71:
Lesser adaptation time because lens awareness is reduced in the
closed-eye environment
Increased effectiveness because there is increased eyelid pressure
from closed eyes and rapid eye movement during sleep
Problems with wind and dust are avoided
Less risk of lens loss
Convenience for the patient because (theoretically) no optical
devices are required during the day
Better ocular health because the overall wearing time of the lenses
is less
Progression of myopia may be retarded or stopped if used in
In recent years overnight lens wear, during the orthokeratology
process itself and as a retainer when the endpoint has been reached, has
become the recommended method for lens wear, and the lens materi-
als used are often hyper-Dk (≥100) lens materials that are approved by
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for extended wear. It is
important to note that in June 2002, Paragon Vision Sciences (Mesa,
AZ), with the CRT lens, became the first manufacturer to receive
approval from the FDA for overnight corneal reshaping.
From Norman CW: Is there a sustainable market for orthokeratology in North America?
Presented at the Global Orthokeratology Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 2002.
Chapter 17 Orthokeratology 435
There have been numerous theories to account for the corneal and
refractive changes that occur in orthokeratology, although the most
widely accepted would pertain to that of corneal “sphericaliza-
tion.”30,47,76,77 The most valid explanation to date has been provided by
Swarbrick et al.63,76,78 They have found that the changes in anterior
corneal topography in orthokeratology are achieved through central
corneal thinning and midperipheral thickening.76 The central thin-
ning was primarily epithelial in origin, whereas the midperipheral
thickening appeared to be in part stromal in origin, although whether
the midperiphery changes in thickness significantly is still in ques-
tion.78,79 Essentially the corneal topography changes are limited to the
anterior cornea as opposed to an overall bending of the cornea.
The importance of the presence of a tear film behind reverse geom-
etry lenses has been reported to be essential to provide the forces nec-
essary to create the corneal tissue redistribution necessary in
orthokeratology.46,66,79 The flat BCR that is selected applies central
positive compression to the thin layer of tear film between the anterior
cornea and the posterior lens surface. Although with fluorescein appli-
cation an apical bearing relationship is visible, a thin tear layer of 10
microns is present.66,80 The steep reverse curve provides the negative
or tension force that accentuates the midperipheral corneal steepen-
ing. The difference in force (in theory) between the positive compres-
sion and tension force exerts a tangential stress on the cornea such
that a squeeze film force is established, which results in the flow of
epithelium until equalization of force under the lens is obtained
(Figure 17-5). The redistribution of tissue creates a reduction in sagit-
tal depth and causes the cornea to approach sphericalization with a
resultant reduction in myopia.
Because refractive change appears to be related to central corneal
thinning, an analogy could be made to refractive surgery, in which the
amount of refractive error reduction is related to the treatment zone.
Munnerlyn’s formula for refractive surgery is ablation depth = RD2/3,
where ablation depth is equivalent to epithelial thinning, R is the
refractive change required, and D is the diameter of the treatment
zone.81 Because Swarbrick and Alharbi78 have found a maximum
change of 20 μg in epithelial thickness, this value can be entered into
the equation to determine the treatment zone of the contact lens. If
only 2 D of refractive error reduction is required, a 5.5-mm treatment
zone should be sufficient to result in this effect. However, if a 6-D
myopia reduction were desired, a treatment zone of 3 mm would be
necessary. This would almost always be impractical because the
patient’s pupil diameter—particularly in low illumination—will be
movement depth
in microns
Preradius r1
Postradius r2
Treatment diameter
Figure 17-5. The Mountford squeeze film force concept.
greater (often much greater than this), and the patient’s unaided vision
would be compromised by haloes and flare.66
Numerous studies have been conducted pertaining to the efficacy of
orthokeratology lens designs. In its FDA study, which ultimately resulted
in approval for daily-wear orthokeratology, Contex reported on 110 eyes
that had completed, at minimum, 3 months of orthokeratology.82 Myopia
reduced by an average of 1.69 D with 39% achieving 20/20 or better
unaided visual acuity. The most common complaints were blurred vision
(20% of eyes) and variable vision (17% of eyes). Lui and Edwards83-85 also
reported on the efficacy of daily-wear orthokeratology during a 100-day
period. A control group of standard GP lens wearers were compared
with a subject group wearing reverse geometry orthokeratology lens
designs. The mean overall reduction was −1.50 D in the orthokeratology
group and 0.01 D in the control group. Uncorrected LogMAR visual acu-
ity improved several lines during the first 30 days for the orthokeratol-
ogy group but not significantly after that.
Chapter 17 Orthokeratology 437
(COOKI) study, Walline and Rah93 studied children with a mean age of
10.4 years wearing Paragon CRT lenses for overnight orthokeratology.
They found that 87.3% of the children rated the lenses as either com-
fortable or usually comfortable; 84.1% rated their unaided vision as
either perfect or pretty good; and 90.2% indicated they either never
had a problem or usually did not have a problem with handling. The
incidence of initial staining observed was high; however, there were no
lasting adverse effects, and the staining resolved 80% of the time.
Reim et al94 evaluated more than 450 eyes of children with a mean age
of 12.5 years during a 3-year period wearing the DreimLens. After 3
months, the average refraction had decreased from −3.32 D to −0.31 D.
From that period onward, myopia increased approximately 0.13 D per
year with a resultant myopic refractive error of −0.67 D after 3 years.
It is apparent that children are good candidates, although because the
axial length of the eye continues to grow, promises of emmetropia are
not realistic. However, it is also apparent that further well-designed
clinical trials are necessary to determine the effect of overnight ortho-
keratology on axial length, corneal topography, refractive error,
unaided visual acuity, and eye health.
Contact lens history: if GP wearer, the patient will need to
discontinue lens wear while also understanding possible
compromises in effectiveness
Age: typically rule out patients with presbyopia; young patients with
progressive myopia can be encouraged, with the knowledge that it is
premature to indicate overnight orthokeratology will result in
emmetropia at this time
Refractive status
Need for a temporary correction during the treatment phase (often
daily disposable lenses)
Need for an overnight retainer
Costs involved and typical visit schedule, including trials and
possible lens exchanges
In-office Screening. A quick in-office screening can further deter-
mine if the patient is a good candidate. This can consist of, at mini-
mum, the following tests:
Manifest refraction (cycloplegic if young person)
Slit-lamp evaluation: rule out anterior segment pathology and dry
Corneal topography: important to correlate corneal eccentricity with
refraction and to rule out corneal distortion and decentered apex
If a telephone screening was not performed, the information that
would ordinarily be asked at that time can be performed (e.g., contact
lens history, expectations, fees, visit schedule, retainer, and temporary
The Evaluation
Initial evaluation of a potential orthokeratology patient is essentially
the same as that for any potential contact lens patient. The exception
is that corneal topography evaluation at the initial examination and
during the follow-up period is important. The instrumentation needed
for evaluation and follow-up review of orthokeratology patients is pro-
vided in Box 17-3. After passing the screening evaluation(s), the fol-
lowing should be performed (some tests may have already been
performed at the in-office screening):
Case history: includes ocular and medical history; inquiry should be
made as to the patient’s reasons for desiring orthokeratology
Visual acuities: aided, unaided, and best-corrected acuity (Snellen is
acceptable; high- and low-contrast acuity charts or contrast
sensitivity testing would be preferable)
External evaluation: evaluate pupil size, vertical fissure, and
horizontal visible iris diameter; also observe whether the patient’s
eyes are deeply set
The cornea should be inspected for signs of trauma, dry eye
syndrome, and limbal staining
The tears should be assessed for quantity (i.e., phenol red thread
or Schirmer) and quality (i.e., tear break-up time)
Abnormal lid structures that may interfere with blinking or tear
exchange should be ruled out
The meibomian glands should be inspected and expressed
because meibomian gland dysfunction will result in poor tear
quality and reduced lens comfort; this condition must be
successfully managed before considering orthokeratology
Determine the rate of the patient’s blink and its quality; too slow
a rate or incomplete closure will likely yield poor results
Evaluate the endothelial layer for possible dystrophies, significant
polymegethism, and blebs
Evaluate for corneal scarring, elevations, and vascularization
Evert upper lids and inspect for signs of papillary hypertrophy
and GPC; also rule out loose lid tension
Keratometry and corneal topography
Visual analysis
Patient or parent consultation: includes an in-depth discussion of
the positive and negative implications of orthokeratology for this
Chapter 17 Orthokeratology 445
Assess the patient’s motivation
Are the patient’s goals realistic for the correction?
Does the patient have a positive attitude; is the patient
Does the patient’s schedule allow him or her to keep the
appointments? (This can be a time-consuming procedure for the
first 3 weeks)
Discuss fees with patient or parents
Total fee and how it is to be paid
Refund policy
Guarantee policy: it is important to not make any guarantees
beyond the fact that the practitioner will always attempt to obtain
the best possible results
It is not possible to predict the exact result that will be achieved for
any orthokeratology patient; therefore it is important to be conserva-
tive with the prognosis. The entire patient, not just the eyes, should be
evaluated. A patient’s eyes may be perfect for the procedure, but the
patient’s expectations may not be compatible and vice versa. Both of
these potential patients should be discouraged from the program.
1. Verify the BCR and power of the diagnostic lens before placing it
on the patient’s eye
2. Allow the lens to settle on the eye for 10 to 15 minutes before
evaluating the performance
3. Instill a small amount of fluorescein
4. Using the yellow Wratten filter to enhance the fluorescein pattern,
evaluate the lens positioning and movement
5. The ideal lens will be the one with the lowest sagittal depth that
If the lens positions too high or moves excessively, increase
sagittal depth by steepening the alignment curve radius (i.e.,
instead of BCR)
If the lens positions too low or does not move, decrease sagittal
depth by flattening the alignment curve radius
It is preferable to have the lens position slightly low as opposed
to slightly high
6. Overrefraction: use this value to do a calculated central K and to
verify the necessary lens power
The power resultant of the lens will be +0.75 D. This will allow
for some regression toward myopia to occur on awakening and
subsequent lens removal. It should be seldom necessary to use a
BCR that is more than 5.00 D flatter than the central keratometric
It is now necessary to calculate the reverse and relief curve radius.
The perfect reverse and relief curve radius will maintain the lens-
cornea relationships (i.e., sagittal depth) that have been determined
through diagnostic fitting and base curve calculations. The computa-
tions necessary to determine the proper radius of curvature are labori-
ous and virtually impossible to do without the aid of a quality
mathematics computer program.
The peripheral curve radius and width complete the back surface of
the lens. Most frequently, the peripheral curve width will be 0.4 mm
with a radius ranging from 10.50 to 12.25 mm. Figure 1 again shows
the final lens configuration.
Empirical Lens Design Procedures. The procedure to design the ini-
tial lens empirically is similar to that of the diagnostic lens fitting
except for the determination of the sagittal depth. The empirical
method necessitates estimating the proper lens sag. Three possible
methods of estimation include the following:
1. Using the flat central keratometer reading for the radius of the
alignment and fitting curve
2. Using flat K reading and corneal eccentricity to estimate the radius
of the cornea in the midperiphery
3. Using topography, the radius of the temporal cornea can be
measured approximately 4 mm from the corneal apex, and this
value can be used for the radius of the alignment and fitting curve;
even if the most optimum corneal topography exists, it will not
consider lid pressures and tear quality and quantity
The radii of the remaining curves (base curve, reverse and relief
curve, and peripheral curve) are determined using the same method
described in the section on diagnostic lens fitting.
Lens Material
Lenses that are to be used for overnight orthokeratology must be
approved for extended wear. This will provide the best possible oxygen
supply to the cornea during sleep. For overnight orthokeratology, the
material should have a Dk of, at minimum, 100 and exhibit good sta-
bility and wettability. Lens materials in common use include Paragon
HDS 100 (Paragon Vision Sciences) and Boston XO (Polymer
Technology Corporation, Rochester, NY).
Figure 17-8. A desirable bulls-eye fluorescein pattern. (Courtesy Paragon Vision Sciences.)
Therapy Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Advanced Corneal Roger L. Tabb, O.D., Nightmove Refractive 2363 S.W. Cedar Hills Blvd.
Engineering, Inc. F.A.A.O., F.I.O.S. Lens Portland, OR 97225-4534
Fax: 503-643-9751
Fax: 602-843-2245
E-mail: [email protected]
Gelflex Laboratories Don Ezekiel Gelflex EZM 3 Hutton St.
Orthokeratology Lenses Osborne Part
Western Australia 6017
61 89 443 4944
Fax: 61 89 443 4147
E-mail: [email protected]
Table 17-2 Modern Orthokeratology Lens Designs and Software—cont’d
Company Designer Product Contact Information
E-mail: for clinical assistance
[email protected]
Metro Optics, Inc. Alvis Blackburn Orthofocus 11034 Shady Trail, Ste. 106
Dallas, TX 75229
Fax: 214-351-4405
Figure 17-9. With the CRT lens design, the landing zone should be tangent to or in alignment
with the midperipheral cornea. (Courtesy Paragon Vision Sciences.)
BE Lens Design
The BE lens design is designed by John Mountford and Don Noack
and is manufactured (in North America) by Precision Technology
Services. The fitting of the BE lens design is based on the theory that
the sagittal height of the contact lens must match the sagittal height of
the cornea, allowing for the tear film layer. Sagittal height of the cornea
is determined with an equation that requires the following informa-
tion: the apical radius of the cornea, the elevation of the cornea, and
chord length (i.e., the total diameter of the lens to be fitted; often this
is 11.0 mm). The software program for this design is available with the
Medmont topographer (Medmont, Camberwell, Victoria, Australia).
The apical radius can be determined with this topography software
program. From this information, the treatment zone diameter can be
determined. As previously mentioned, this will decrease as the refrac-
tive change desired increases (Table 17-3).99 The final apical radius and
Figure 17-10. The CRT lens should exhibit wider midperipheral pooling and slight central bear-
ing at dispensing and then gradually “land” or result in definite midperipheral bearing and the
desired “bulls-eye” fitting along with the appropriate edge lift. (Courtesy Paragon Vision
Chapter 17 Orthokeratology 455
treatment area are determined after inputting the initial apical radius,
the eccentricity and elevation data, and the horizontal visible iris diam-
eter (HVID), all of which can be derived from the topography program.
The following example demonstrates how the trial lens is derived99:
With a spectacle Rx = −3.75 − 0.50 × 180; an apical radius (Ro) = 7.43
mm, an elevation = 1.5733 mm, a standard lens diameter = 11.0 mm,
and an HVID = 11.5, the screen will appear as:
Initial Ro: 7.43
Eccentricity: 1.5733
(or sag at tangent)
HVID: 11.5
Lens diameter: 11
Refractive change: −3.8
Final Ro: 8.109
Treatment area: 3.832
Extra refractive −0.50
New final Ro: 8.208
New treatment area: 3.58
In this example, the calculated Rx change is 3.80 D. Allowing for an
overcorrection of 0.50 D, −0.50 D is added to the “extra refractive
change” box. The new apical radius and treatment diameter will be dis-
played. Ultimately, the following trial lens information will appear as
Lens required: Right
Trial set diameter: 11.0
GP laboratory. Lenses are fit from a 14-lens diagnostic fitting set. The
lens design can be either four- or five-curve reverse geometry and is
available in diameters of 10.0 mm, 10.6 mm, and 11.0 mm. The
10.6-mm diameter is recommended most often.
A training CD for this system is being developed and should be
ready before the publication of this text.
Contex OK Series
As mentioned before, the Contex three-zone lens was the first to receive
FDA approval for daily wear. Since then, Contex has developed several
modern orthokeratology lens designs. The Contex OK lens is fit based
on the central K reading, manifest refraction, and corneal eccentricity
value obtained from topography. The lenses are labeled with the K
value, the desired refractive change, and a peripheral fit size. For exam-
ple, for a patient with a K reading of 43.00 D and a refractive error of
−2.00 D, the initial diagnostic lens should be labeled 43.00 D/–2.00 D,
which will have a BCR of 40.25 D (i.e., the base curve is automatically
adjusted for the desired refractive change). The peripheral fit size is
determined based on the corneal eccentricity value from topography
data: XXL (extra, extra loose; e = 0.8), XL (extra loose; e = 0.7), L (loose;
e = 0.6), S (standard; e = 0.5), T (tight; e = 0.4), XT (extra tight; e = 0.3),
and XXT (extra, extra tight; e = 0.2). After selecting the initial diagnos-
tic lens from clinical data, the final lens determination will be based on
fluorescein pattern evaluation and lens centration.
The DreimLens, designed by Dr. Thomas Reim, is available in the
Boston XO lens material and, as mentioned earlier, is a four-zone
design. The BCR of the central zone is calculated from the flat central
K reading and the amount of refractive error to be corrected. The stan-
dard fitting zone, alignment zone, and peripheral zone parameters
have been clinically and theoretically determined to work together to
provide the best results for the majority of patients. Therefore the
DreimLens is often ordered empirically based on the patient’s ker-
atometry readings and refraction. It is emphasized that the fluorescein
pattern should only be used for gross observations because clinically
significant differences in lens parameters (e.g., base curve, diameter)
can result in a similar fluorescein pattern.
OrthoTool 2000
OrthoTool 2000 (EyeDeal Software & Design, Fresno, CA) is a GP
design, tear film modeling, and manufacturing software. It performs
the optical calculations from keratometry readings and spectacle
refraction to display complete lens parameters, manufacturing data,
the cross-section of the lens, thickness profile, and the tear film thick-
ness across the lens diameter. The contact lens practitioner can choose
from 12 different contact lens designs, such as standard spherical
designs, thin, ultrathin, aspheric, or bitoric lenses, and several reverse
geometry lens designs.
The initial lenses are dispensed after ordering the lenses using empir-
ical or diagnostic fitting; if dispensed during the fitting process, a 1-day
trial is recommended. The initial dispensing of an overnight orthoker-
atology lens is not different than that of any other GP lens design. In
addition to measuring visual acuity and evaluating the fluorescein pat-
tern, the patient must be taught insertion and removal of the lenses.
The patient should be instructed to place the lens on the eye 15 to 20
minutes before going to bed. Lens removal is especially important
because these lenses tend to fit tight and also typically adhere during
sleep. Because of this, the patient should wait, at minimum, 30 min-
utes before removing the lenses in the morning. Before removal, the
patient should apply wetting or rewetting drops and gently nudge the
lower lid into the lower edge of the lens to break any seal or suction
that may be present. The method of removal should not simply consist
of one finger at the lateral canthus but should consist of the upper and
lower lid margins pinned against the sclera and then pulled laterally as
recommend in Chapter 7.
Proper use of care products must be included in the instructions.
Because these are high- or hyper-Dk lens materials, the lenses should be
cleaned gently in an up-and-down manner in the palm of the hand on
removal. Patients must also understand their lens-wearing schedule.
Patients should also be educated about what to expect during the
treatment phase. They will typically experience some lens awareness
initially, but usually within a few nights they are not aware of any sen-
sation when they go to bed. However, it is not uncommon for patients
to experience some glare around lights and mild ghost images because
of the immediate impact these lenses have. This should stop when
patients adapt to the lenses. As mentioned before, a significant effect
can occur within 10 minutes.62 Patients should be aware that their
unaided vision should be much improved even after one night; how-
ever, the overall program could last 1 month or longer, especially if lens
changes are necessary.
It is common to perform 1- to 3-day trials with an overnight ortho-
keratology lens design. When fitting from a large diagnostic fitting set
or an inventory, overnight trials are a good alternative to better deter-
mine if the patient will be successful while also quickly determining
what, if any, lens design changes are necessary. All lenses are typically
+0.50 to +0.75 D in power but vary, at minimum, in base curve; inven-
tories allow variance in reverse curve (or RZD) and alignment curve
(or landing zone angle).
Chapter 17 Orthokeratology 461
Follow-Up Visits
The patient should then be observed at day 1. This visit should occur soon
after awakening in the morning. If possible, the patient should return
wearing his or her lenses so that the fluorescein pattern can be evaluated.
A bulls-eye pattern should be observed. On lens removal, corneal topog-
raphy should be performed to determine if the topography map exhibits
a bulls-eye appearance as well (Figure 17-11). The appearance of this map
is not unlike a postoperative refractive surgery patient with the central
blue flatter treatment area surrounded by a dense steeper red-colored
region, which is surrounded by a flatter peripheral region. A central
island from excessive apical clearance (or bridging; Figure 17-12) or a smi-
ley face pattern from a lens that exhibits excessive localized apical bearing
often accompanied by superior decentration (Figure 17-13) can result.
The patient can then be observed from 3 to 7 days after dispensing.
If the topography map is not quite a bulls-eye at the day 1 visit, it may
take a few more days to determine if the treatment effect will be opti-
mal or if a new lens, with either a flatter base curve or alignment curve,
needs to be trialed.
The next evaluation should be after 1 week; afterward the patient
can be evaluated at the end of 2 weeks of wear, at the end of 1 month
of wear, and then every month for 3 months or when the cornea is sta-
ble. Expect stability within the first month for most patients. The fol-
low-up schedule is modified depending on the patient’s response to
the initial orthokeratology therapy. Each time a new lens design is dis-
pensed, the patient should be evaluated the next day. A patient should
Chapter 17 Orthokeratology 463
Figure 17-13. An apical bearing fitting relationship accompanied by a “smiley face” topography
map. (Courtesy Craig Norman.)
never be allowed to continue to wear a lens that is too tight. A tight lens
will cause deleterious consequences in optics and physiology.
The typical follow-up visit will include the following:
Retainer Wear
Once the target refraction (i.e., +0.50 to +0.75 D) or the best possible
endpoint has been achieved, a retainer wear program can be initiated.
The average amount of regression of the orthokeratology effect has
been found to be between 0.50 and 0.75 D per day.63 Therefore a
retainer program could be as simple as maintaining a nightly wearing
schedule. However, this will be dictated by the patient’s acuity. If the
patient is wearing the lenses only at night and acuity is good in the
evening, every-other-night retainer wear can be attempted. Because the
amount of regression can exhibit individual variance, some patients
can ultimately go to an every-third-night retainer wear. A well-
informed patient should be able to monitor and modify his or her
retainer wear safely.
Problem Solving
Overnight orthokeratology problems are rarely sight threatening
and are typically remediated with changes in lens design and
Chapter 17 Orthokeratology 465
Reduced Vision
Reduced unaided vision—or best correction with manifest refrac-
tion—can be the result of several causes. If the lens is undertreating
the cornea, a more aggressive approach will be necessary (i.e., flatter
alignment curve or base curve). If the lens is decentered, resulting in
a decentered treatment zone, it should be handled as recommended in
the section on decentration. If the patient is experiencing poor reten-
tion of the reduced refractive error, the patient will need to increase the
retainer wear schedule.
It is apparent from overnight orthokeratology studies to date that this
process does not appear to result in a greater complication rate than with
other types of contact lens materials and wearing modes. As mentioned
before, lens binding is not uncommon because contact lenses worn dur-
ing sleep will adhere. It is important for the patient to use rewetting
drops on awakening to help initiate movement. The presence of persist-
ent adherence and associated epithelial imprinting and possible staining
should alert the clinician to change the lens design or material to attempt
to loosen the fit. Corneal staining, when present, is typically in the form
of mild central superficial punctate keratitis.93 Albeit rare, corneal ulcer
as an adverse reaction has been reported in China.103
An interesting finding—although to date not classified as an
adverse event or significant complication—has been the documenta-
tion of the so-called “Rah ring.” Rah et al104-105 have documented a
series of overnight orthokeratology patients—all wearing their lenses
from 6 months to 2 years—in whom an arcuate ring in the corneal
epithelium, presumably iron based as in the Hudson-Stahli line,
Fleischer’s ring, and other similar pigmented entities, has resulted
(Figure 17-15). This finding was more prominent in patients with dark
irides and in those with higher baseline refractive errors. It does not
appear to affect visual acuity, and patients have been able to remain in
overnight orthokeratology. Although overnight orthokeratology to date
appears to be relatively safe, there is a need for a well-controlled long-
term study to evaluate the safety of this modality.
“Smiley face” Flat-fitting relationship Increase sagittal height
topography Superior decentration Steepen base curve
Central island topography Apical clearance Decrease sagittal height
Flatten base curve
Superior decentration Flat-fitting relationship Increase sagittal height
Steepen base curve
Table 17-5 Paragon CRT Problem-Solving Guide—Cont’d
From Paragon CRT professional fitting and information guide, Mesa, AZ, 2002, Paragon Vision Sciences.
Chapter 17 Orthokeratology 471
one lens design was approved; however, several other designs have
been submitted for FDA approval. For use of nonapproved designs,
the guidelines for promoting and advertising orthokeratology, as pro-
vided in Box 17-4, are important.106 It is especially important to note
that practitioners should avoid making exaggerated and unsupported
claims of safety or effectiveness. Likewise, claims of permanence or
the use of testimonials should be discouraged.
However, it is evident that patients are interested in a nonsurgical
method of potentially lessening their reliance on spectacles or contact
lens correction during the day. Orthokeratology has great potential as
an in-office modality that can be highly profitable while potentially
increasing a patient’s quality of life. Gerber107 has indicated that ortho-
keratology may represent the most profitable modality available to
optometry. The important factor is marketing the potential benefits
it provides, such as convenience, freedom, peace of mind, and self-
confidence. This is provided in Table 17-6.
West108 presents the Paragon CRT option to all of his current
patients and emphasizes that the practitioner should not prejudge a
patient’s interest, ability to afford the procedure, and ability to com-
prehend how it works. Certainly it can be promoted in an office
newsletter and also via a brochure; the latter can include what ortho-
From Rinehart J: Guidelines for advertising and promoting orthokeratology, Contacto 40(1):7-13,
keratology is, how it works, its benefits, the follow-up care involved,
retainer wear, potential limitations, and a “Q & A” section. If the office
has a web site, this would be a viable addition to the other services
listed. Likewise, just as is commonly performed in refractive surgery
practices, educational seminars on this procedure can educate the
community and build an orthokeratology practice. One staff member
could serve as the primary educator and handle informational calls
and in-office sessions. It would be advisable for this to be someone
who has been through the process.
The fees for orthokeratology are competitive with refractive surgery.
The fees tend to vary greatly; generally the all-inclusive fees range
between $750 and $2500. The average fees tend to range from $1100 to
Chapter 17 Orthokeratology 473
From Gerber G: Marketing techniques for the successful orthokeratology practice. Presented at
the Global Orthokeratology Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 2002.
There are several resources that will help practitioners increase their
confidence and expertise with orthokeratology. There are numerous
workshops performed by Paragon Vision Sciences (CRT), John
Mountford/Precision Optics (BE), John Rinehart and Jim Reeves, and
others. The Annual Global Orthokeratology Symposium is a compre-
hensive program that combines workshops with contemporary clinical
presentations and the most current research. Organizations such as
the Orthokeratology Academy of America and the International
Orthokeratology Society are in the process of developing educational
programs. Likewise, the orthokeratology newsletter (www.ortho-
k.net/profess.htm) and the British Orthokeratology Society
(www.boks.org.uk) are useful resources. The RGP Lens Institute has
two monthly online symposia every year dedicated to orthokeratology
with faculty including Roger Tabb, John Rinehart, Harue Marsden,
Marjorie Rah, and Jeff Walline. The online schedule is posted at
www.rgpli.org. Publications such as a new text from John Mountford
and A Guide to Overnight Orthokeratology available from Polymer
Technology Corporation are also valuable resources.
Orthokeratology is rapidly becoming an important part of eye care
practice and an invaluable application of GP lenses. As more con-
1. Position Paper on Corneal Reshaping with Contact Lenses, Corneal Refractive
Therapy, and Orthokeratology. American Academy of Optometry Section on
Cornea and Contact Lenses, www.aaoptom.org, March 2003.
2. Rah MJ, Jackson JM: Contact lens corneal reshaping. In Bennett ES, Weissman
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3. Jessen GN: Orthofocus techniques, Contacto 6(7):200-204, 1962.
4. Dave T, Ruston D: Current trends in modern orthokeratology, Ophthalmol Physiol
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5. Leach NE: Orthokeratology. In Bennett ES, Henry VA, editors: Clinical manual of
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6. Nolan JA: Approach to orthokeratology, J Am Optom Assoc 40:303-305, 1969.
7. Nolan JA: Orthokeratology, J Am Optom Assoc 42:355-360, 1971.
8. Ziff SL: Orthokeratology—part I, J Am Optom Assoc 39:143-147, 1968.
9. Nolan J: Orthokeratolology with steep lenses, Contacto 16:31-37, 1972.
10. Grant SC, May CH: Orthokeratology—a therapeutic approach to contact lens pro-
cedures, Contacto 14(4):3-16, 1970.
11. Grant SC, May CH: Orthokeratology control of refractive errors through contact
lenses, J Am Optom Assoc 42(13):1277-1283, 1971.
12. Fontana A: Orthokeratology using the one-piece bifocal, Contacto 16:45-47, 1972.
13. Patterson TC: Orthokeratology: changes to the corneal curvature and the effect on
refractive power due to the sagittal length change, J Am Optom Assoc 46:719-
729, 1975.
14. Ziff SL: Orthokeratology, J Am Optom Assoc 47:376, 1976.
15. Ziff S: Ziff orthokeratology procedures, Optom Weekly 67:430-434, 1976.
16. Potts AV: Functional vision through orthokeratological reduction of astigmatism,
Optom Weekly 67:29-33, 1976.
17. Williams B: Orthokeratology update, Contacto 20:34-38, 1976.
18. Paige N: Orthokeratology for non-orthokeratologists, Contacto 21:31-36, 1977.
19. Grant SC: Practical orthokeratology, Contacto 25:13-21, 1981.
20. Paige N: Full ortho-k with two lens sets, Contact Lens Forum 7:42-43, 1982.
21. Grant SC: Viewpoints: orthokeratology, a safe and effective treatment for a dis-
abling problem, Surv Ophthalmol 24(5):291-302, 1980.
22. Lebow KA: Orthokeratology. In Bennett ES, Weissman BA, editors: Clinical con-
tact lens practice, Philadelphia, 1991, JB Lippincott, pp 49-1 to 49-6.
Chapter 17 Orthokeratology 475
66. Mountford JA: Advanced orthokeratology: part 1: history, lens design and mode
of action, Optician 224(5862):20-25, 2002.
67. Mountford JA: Advanced orthokeratology: part 2: patient selection and trial lens
fitting, Optician 224(5867):26-37, 2002.
68. Carkeet NL, Mountford JA, Carney LG: Predicting success with orthokeratology
lens wear: a retrospective analysis of ocular characteristics, Optom Vis Sci
72(12):892-898, 1995.
69. Bennett ES: Is orthokeratology OK in the new millennium, Contact Lens Spectrum
15(4):19, 2000.
70. Nolan JA: Night retainers, Optom Weekly 68(4):42-44, 1977.
71. Grant SC: Orthokeratology night therapy and retention, Contacto 35(June):30-33,
72. Rinehart JM, Karpecki PM: Which to recommend: LASIK or Ortho-K? Rev Optom
139(10):50-51, 2002.
73. Norman CW: Is there a sustainable market for orthokeratology in North
America? Presented at the Global Orthokeratology Symposium, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, August 2002.
74. West WD: Patient selection criteria for CRT. Presented at the Global
Orthokeratology Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 2002.
75. Barr JT: Contact lenses 2002: annual report, Contact Lens Spectrum 18(1):24-31,
76. Swarbrick HA, Wong G, O’Leary DJ: Corneal response to orthokeratology, Optom
Vis Sci 75(11):791-798, 1998.
77. Joe JJ, Marsden HJ, Edrington TB: The relationship between corneal eccentricity
and improvement in visual acuity with orthokeratology, J Am Optom Assoc
67(2):87-97, 1996.
78. Swarbrick HA, Alharbi A: Overnight orthokeratology induces central corneal
thinning, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 42(suppl):S597, 2001.
79. Nichols JJ, Marsich MM, Nguyen M, et al: Overnight orthokeratology, Optom Vis
Sci 77:252-259, 2002.
80. Cannella A: A guide to overnight orthokeratology, Rochester, NY, 2002, Polymer
Technology Corporation.
81. Munnerlyn CR, Koons SJ, Marshall J: Photorefractive keratectomy: a technique
for laser refractive surgery, J Cataract Refract Surg 14:46-51, 1988.
82. Contex FDA data, 1997.
83. Lui WO, Edwards MH: Orthokeratology in low myopia. Part 1: efficacy and pre-
dictability, Contact Lens Ant Eye 23:77-89, 2000.
84. Lui WO, Edwards MH: Orthokeratology in low myopia. Part 2: corneal topo-
graphic changes and safety over 100 days, Contact Lens Ant Eye 23:90-99,
85. Lui WO, Edwards MH, Cho PO: Contact lenses in myopia reduction—from
orthofocus to accelerated orthokeratology, Contact Lens Ant Eye 23:68-76,
86. Rah MJ, Barr JT, Jackson JM, et al: The clinical results of the Lenses and
Overnight Orthokeratology (LOOK) study. Presented at the Global
Orthokeratology Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 2002.
87. Legerton JA: Contact lens overnight corneal refractive therapy: Paragon Vision
Sciences FDA study data summary. Presented at the Global
Orthokeratology Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 2002.
88. Siedlecki I, Morgan BW, Bennett ES: Comparison of three different methods of
fitting orthokeratology lenses. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Academy of Optometry, San Diego, CA, December 2002.
89. Subramanium SV, Bennett ES, Lakshrimnarayanan V, et al: Comparison of
overnight orthokeratology in RGP and non-RGP wearers. Presented at the
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90. Mountford JA, Pesudovs K: An analysis of the astigmatic changes induced by
accelerated orthokeratology, Clin Exp Opt 85(5):284-293, 2003.
91. Jackson JM: Can orthokeratology correct astigmatism? Contact Lens Spectrum
18(3):23, 2003.
92. Walline J: Fitting kids with rigid gas permeable lenses, Contact Lens Spectrum
15(7):33-40, 2000.
93. Walline JJ, Rah MJ: Children’s Overnight Orthokeratology Investigation
(COOKI). Presented at the Global Orthokeratology Symposium, Toronto,
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94. Reim TR, Lund M, Wu R: Orthokeratology and adolescent myopia control,
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95. Morgan BW, Tam C, Bennett ES, et al: An evaluation of the Correctech® Lens
design in overnight orthokeratology. Presented at the Global
Orthokeratology Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 2002.
96. Rinehart JM, Reeves JW: Expand your knowledge of orthokeratology, Optom
Management 37(10):49-54, 2002.
97. Luk B, Bennett ES, Barr JT: Fitting orthokeratology contact lenses, Contact Lens
Spectrum 16(10):22-32, 2001.
98. Caroline P: What makes CRT different? Contact Lens Spectrum 17(9):10-13S,
99. Mountford J, Noack D: BE optimal orthokeratology. In Precision Technology
Services Ltd. fitting guide, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2001.
100. Tabb RL: Orthokeratology overview, Contact Lens Spectrum 15(10):22-27, 2000.
101. Hom MM, Watanabe R: Rigid gas-permeable cases. In Hom MM, editor:
Manual of contact lens prescribing and fitting with CD-ROM, ed 2, Boston,
2000, Butterworth-Heinemann, pp 419-422.
102. Paragon CRT professional fitting and information guide, Mesa, AZ, 2002, Paragon
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103. Chen KH, Kuang TM, Hsu WM: Serratia marcescans corneal ulcer as a com-
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Chapter 17 Orthokeratology 479
104. Rah MJ, Barr JT: Corneal pigmentation in overnight orthokeratology: a case
series. Presented at the Global Orthokeratology Symposium, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, August 2002.
105. Rah MJ, Barr JT, Bailey MD: Corneal pigmentation in overnight orthokeratol-
ogy: a case series, Optometry 73(7):425-434, 2002.
106. Rinehart J: Guidelines for advertising and promoting orthokeratology, Contacto
40(1):7-13, 1999.
107. Gerber G: Marketing techniques for the successful orthokeratology practice.
Presented at the Global Orthokeratology Symposium, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada, August 2002.
108. West WD: Integrating CRT into your practice, Contact Lens Spectrum 17(9):
4S-7S, 2002.
Sample Orthokeratology Agreement
and Informed Consent
Hartsdale Vision Health Center
1355 West Main Street – Anywhere, USA 12345
(555) 123-4567
This document pertains to an ortho-k pretreatment evaluation about
orthokeratology and care of ortho-k lenses, which I have read and
understood. All questions that I had were answered by Dr. ( ). This
program involves my wearing specially designed gas-permeable lenses
overnight that reshape my cornea overnight in order to provide accept-
able unaided distance vision during my waking hours. I understand
that the ortho-k effect is temporary and reversible and that it may be
necessary to wear my retainer lenses during waking hours to maintain
satisfactory distance vision, especially if I failed to wear these lenses as
advised. I also understand that the quality of my unaided vision is
dependent on wearing these lenses as prescribed by my doctor and on
how much internal astigmatism is present in my eyes, which is not
always predictable. If I do not find the results acceptable, the process
will be reversed by my wearing rigid, gas-permeable, or soft contact
lenses for about one to three weeks.
BENEFITS: These lenses have been designed to provide excellent
visual acuity and oxygen transmission to the eye. The lens design is
believed to provide a reduction in the refractive error of a treated eye
with a resultant improvement in the unaided visual acuity. This
change is believed to be completely reversible and temporary in
RISKS: While no harmful health risks to your eyes are anticipated
from using the lenses, as with any contact lens, there are potential
risks of irritation to the eye, infections, or corneal ulcers. Transient dis-
torted vision that is not corrected with spectacle lenses may occur after
removal of the lenses. No harmful effects are expected from any of the
examination procedures used in the fitting process. If you develop any
unusual symptoms or prolonged discomfort, removing the lens
should, in most cases, provide immediate relief. In addition, you
should contact your eye care practitioner immediately.
Chapter 18 The Internet and Gas Permeable Lenses 485
Any discussion about optometry and the Internet would not be com-
plete without mentioning the Optcom list or Optcom Online
Community. Originally a mailing list, it is offered through
the Optometric Computing site (www.optcom.com), which is also the
official site of the Southern Council of Optometrists. Walt Mayo, OD,
a pioneer in the field of technology for optometrists, moderates the
Before the Internet became commonplace, Dr. Mayo founded the
Optnet Bulletin Board System in the 1980s and early 1990s. A hand-
ful of optometrists would log onto the system and exchange ideas and
news. Much of the same networking and sharing of information goes
on today on the Optcom list. The Optnet System subsequently evolved
and found a place on the Internet. The Optcom list has a membership
of approximately 1500 optometrists. The advantage of the Internet is
the worldwide access. There are optometrists all over the world form-
ing the optometric online community created by Dr. Mayo.
One problem he faced in the beginning was lack of sponsorship.
At the outset, Dr. Mayo financed the Optcom list himself. He devoted
a great deal of time and money to develop online optometry.3
Since that time, the Southern College of Optometrists has gained
The Optcom list has evolved and has been available in four forms:
mailing list, digest, newsgroup, and Web board. The mailing list is the
original format. Messages are sent to the subscribers as e-mail as
they are posted. The digest format sends the subscriber a packet of
messages. There is also an option to have the digest sent in a com-
pressed (zip) format. The newsgroup and Web board are no longer
There is a wealth of information available on the Internet. One author
likens it to a library with 1 billion books. The problem is finding where
the information is located. It is as if all of the books are piled on the
floor. Additionally, many “books” disappear within months, and thou-
sands of new ones appear daily.7
Search Engines
Most people use search engines to locate Web pages. The problem
with search engines is that even the best ones only document 20% of
all the pages on the Internet.7 Search engines also have a difficult time
discerning the meaning of the key word. An example is the word “bill,”
which would generate thousands of hits but not necessarily what is
being sought. The word bill may be a legislature bill, a bill on a duck,
Chapter 18 The Internet and Gas Permeable Lenses 487
Usenet and the newsgroups are other areas of the Internet that can be
searched. Newsgroups are messages posted by users pertaining to a
particular topic or interest area. In the past, the Optcom list could be
subscribed to as a newsgroup.
One newsgroup open to everyone is sci.med.vision. Some practi-
tioners do not like sci.med.vision because some members display an
anti–eye care practitioner stance. Most participants are patients hon-
estly seeking information about their eyes. However, there are several
vocal members who can be argumentative and impolite. The numbers
of these disenfranchised members are few; however, they sometimes
post the majority of the messages. I personally find sci.med.vision an
interesting forum to occasionally read because it gives me the pulse on
what patients are thinking today.
Newsgroups themselves are difficult to read. They are somewhat
organized by thread (message subject), but many times the thread
wanders away from the original topic. However, the newest informa-
tion can be found first in the newsgroups. It can sometimes be bewil-
dering to find things because of the inherent disorganization. Web
pages are more organized, but the information needs to be processed
before it appears on the site. Newsgroups are almost spontaneous in
Another more conventional search engine is PubMed (http://www.
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PubMed/). This engine searches the medical litera-
ture and is current. Formerly, literature searches were only available in
libraries or on expensive CD-ROM collections. PubMed makes litera-
ture searches accessible from the Internet. The US-based optometry
journals that PubMed searches are peer reviewed: Optometry and
Vision Science and Optometry (formerly Journal of the American
Optometric Association). PubMed is the best search engine for leading
someone to peer-reviewed studies related to GP lenses. Because
the majority of contact lens information has been written in non–
peer-reviewed journals, PubMed has limited use.
Archive by Archive
A journal-by-journal archive search is effective to find valuable contact
lens information. Contact Lens Spectrum (www.clspectrum.com),
Optometric Management (www.optometric.com), Primary Care
Optometry News (www.slackinc.com), and Review of Optometry
(www.revoptom.com) all have archives on their Web sites. The major
disadvantage of the archives is only recent years are available. Finding
older issues will still require a trip to the library. Another disadvantage
is the lack of viewable pictures that appeared in the article. Despite
these disadvantages, an archive-by-archive search is a useful tool.
The RGPLI offers many resources on their Web site (www.rgpli.org).
A database of RGP lenses is available in searchable form. There is a
directory of GP laboratories and a listing of GP materials. With regard
to the RGPLI on-line symposia, the schedule and summaries can be
found here. The resources described in Chapter 19 are available on the
Web site. The optometry schools and colleges workshop schedule and
areas to sign up for the student and practitioner newsletters are listed.
Links to the RGPLI consumer site (www.contactlenses.org) and other
sites are also listed.
Visioncarece.com is an online continuing education site sponsored by
Boucher Communications (BCI). The courses on the site are Council
on Optometric Practitioner Education (COPE) approved. There are
classes available on contact lenses. The user takes the class and
answers questions online for continuing education credit hours. The
certificate is e-mailed back to the doctor in minutes. The classes are
available to an eye care practitioner 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Allaboutvision.com is a consumer site offering information about all
aspects of vision. The article on GP lenses is a useful reference for
patients. Pertinent topics such as adaptation and benefits are covered.
Contactlenses.org is the consumer site sponsored by the Contact Lens
Manufacturers Association (CLMA). The site concentrates on oxygen-
permeable lenses. Some questions answered include what are oxygen-
permeable lenses; how do oxygen-permeable lenses compare with soft
lenses; and can oxygen-permeable contact lenses control myopia in chil-
dren? There are other sections comparing contact lenses and glasses,
teens and parents, bifocal contact lenses, athletes, and refractive surgery.
1. Barr JT: The contact lens event of the year, Contact Lens Spectrum 13(1):15, 1998.
2. Gilfor M: Contact lenses in cyberspace, Contact Lens Spectrum 12(1):30, 1997.
3. Top 10 ODs of the decade, Optometric Manage 34(12):9, 1999.
4. Murphy J: 2010 an optometric odyssey: episode I: E-business: the next e-volution
of your practice, Rev Optometry 137(1):50, 2000.
5. Goodwin J: Mail order: public benefit or public health threat? Optometric Manage
35(9):30, 2000.
6. Quinn KA: Contact lenses and e-commerce, Rev Contact Lenses 140(3):129-130,
7. Maino DM: It’s all on the web...if you can find it, Rev Optometry 134(5):29, 1997.
Gas Permeable Lens Educational
Current Texts
Other than the first edition of this book, there are no other books exclu-
sively dedicated to GP lenses. However, some books from the authors do
have extensive coverage of GP lenses, including the following:
Manual of Contact Lens Prescribing and Fitting with CD-ROM, Second
Milton M. Hom
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000
ISBN 0-7506-7215-3
Description: The CD-ROM included with this book has more than
90 video clips depicting GP fitting and cases. The CD-ROM adds
eight multimedia chapters to the book. The screen text has been
reformatted into chapters included in this book. In all, there are
19 chapters dedicated to GP lenses. The late Rodger Kame wrote the
Chapter 19 Gas Permeable Lens Educational Resources 491
Legacy Texts
Many of these texts are older but are still currently available.
Out-of-Print Books
Complications of Contact Lens Wear
Alan Tomlinson
Mosby, 1992
ISBN 0-8016-6309-1
Description: Tomlinson’s classic book introduced the area of complica-
tions. The chapter “Abrasions secondary to contact lens wear” by
Jeffrey Dougal is a milestone in GP lens complications.
The videotape series by the Contact Lens Manufacturer’s Association
(CLMA)/RGP Lens Institute (RGPLI) is the most commonly used in
schools and colleges of optometry in the United States. There is a
series of 12 tapes available from the RGPLI. It is also called The GP
Professional Advantage Video Series. Here are the tapes available in the
Other educational resources, which are product specific, are available
from button manufacturers and CLMA member laboratories. In addi-
tion, there are some excellent resources from contact lens organiza-
tions, including the following:
Contact Lens Society of America (CLSA):
1. Contact Lens Manual
2. Advanced Contact Lens Manual
3. Photo Atlas C/D
Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists (CLAO)
1. CLAO Pocket Guide to Contact Lens Fitting
A Alkylsiloxanylmethacrylate, copolymers
Ablation zone, 407 of, 34
Abrasion, epithelial, in hypoxia, 11 Allaboutvision.com, 489
Abrasive surfactant, 141 Allergy in keratoconus, 224-225
Acanthamoeba keratitis, 150 Anatomic measurement, 66-69,
Acidosis, stromal pH and, 18-19 67f-69f
Actual astigmatism, 287-290 in presbyopia, 329-330, 329f
Adaptation to lens, 150-152, 151b Anesthetic, topical
nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs for child, 421, 422b
in, 90-91 in diagnostic lens fitting, 87
Adenosine triphosphate, 10 in empirical lens fitting, 90-91
Adherence Annular translating lens, 344
in extended wear, 388-391 Anterior bevel, 166-167
in keratoconus, 251 Antibiotic-steroid therapy for
Against-the-rule astigmatism, 100, 288 vascularized limbal keratitis,
Age 200
progressive myopia and, 62 Antiinflammatory drug for lens
type of lens and, 53-54 adaptation, 90-91
Algorithm for videokeratoscopy, Aperture, palpebral
118, 119 in lens fitting, 96-97
Alignment fitting, 93 measurement of, 67-68, 69f
Page references followed by “f” indicate figures, by “t” indicate tables, and by “b”
indicate boxes.
Epithelium Eyelid
abrasion of, 11 anatomy of, 53-54
in keratoconus, 224-225 in aphakia, 363
metabolism of, 10 extended wear and, 387
Equipment lid attachment fitting relationship
for lens modification, 160-162, and, 98f
161f Eyelid tension, 68-69
vendors of, 163b
for orthokeratology, 444b F
Equivalent oxygen percentage, 32 False fluorescein pattern, 93-94
Ethylenediamine tetraacetate, 139 Family history of keratoconus, 225
Evaluation, 64-76 Fargo lens, 457-458
anatomic measurements in, 66-69, Fees for orthokeratology, 472-473
67f-69f Ferritin, 225
in presbyopia, 329-330, 329f Film
of binocular vision status, 75-76 mucoprotein, 194-196, 195f
biomicroscopic, 71-72, 71f tear
case history in, 64-65, 65b-66b evaluation of, 72-75, 73f, 74f
of corneal topography, 69-70 wettability and, 36
of daily-wear lens, 152 Finger polishing, 166, 167f
determination of good candidate and, Fissure, large, 99f
77, 78f Fitting, lens
fluorescein in, 91-94, 92-94, 94f alignment, 93
for multifocal lens, 328-330, 329f base curve radius in, 100, 101t
for orthokeratology, 443-445, 444b center thickness in, 104-105
patient education in, 78-82, 81b, comfort factors in, 106f
82b computerized videokeratoscopy in,
of patient’s motivation, 76-77, 77b 117-135. See also Videokeratoscopy,
progress evaluation, 191 computerized
of refraction, 69 diagnostic, 86-89, 89b
of tear film, 72-75, 73f, 74f edge shape and design in, 105
Exhaustion syndrome, corneal, 20 fluorescein evaluation in, 91-94, 94f,
Extended-wear lens, 63-64, 380-393 95t
assessment for, 382-383 in keratoconus, 241-247
benefits of, 380-393 laboratory in, 112-113, 113b
complications of, 388-393, 389f, lenticular design in, 105, 107
390f, 392f overall and optical zone diameters in,
design of, 385-386 96-100, 97f-99f
follow-up care for, 386-388 parameter changes in, 107, 107t
hypoxia and, 59 peripheral curve radii and width in,
materials for, 383-385, 384t 100, 102-103, 103b
patient education for, 386 philosophy about, 94, 96
patient selection for, 381-382 power determination in, 108-111, 109f,
Eyelashes in aphakia, 363 111f, 112f
Lens care, 138-142, 146-150. See also Care Marginal degeneration, pellucid, 238,
system 238f, 239f
Lens case, 149 Marketing of orthokeratology, 467,
Lens fitting, empirical, 89-91 471-472, 473t
Lens-induced corneal molding, 127 Mascara, 153
Lens inventory, 87, 88t, 89b Material, lens
Lens rotation with translating bifocal after radial keratotomy, 400-401
lens, 345 age and, 53, 55
Lens surface deposit, 380 in aphakia, 364-365, 365f
Lens-to-cornea evaluation, fluorescein, for bitoric lens, 313-316, 315f, 316t, 317b
94 comparing properties of, 43, 44t-46t,
Lens-to-cornea relationship in 46
keratoconus, 241-245, 242f-244f copolymers as, 34-36
Lenticular design, 105, 107 corneal topography and, 52-53
in aphakia, 367-368, 369f-370f, Dk measurement of, 30-32
371f-374f for extended wear, 383-385, 384t
Lid attachment fitting relationship, flexure of, 40-42
98f fluoro-silicone/acrylate, characteristics
Lid tension, 68-69 of, 49-50
Lid-to-cornea relationship, normal, 98f hardness of, 42
Lift, axial edge versus sagittal, 102f high Dk, 51
Light transmittance, 42 hyper-Dk, 51-52
Limbal compression, 380-381 impact resistance of, 42
Limbal hyperemia, hypoxia and, 22 in keratoconus, 249
Limbal keratitis, vascularized, 200 low Dk, 51
extended-wear lens and, 392-393 luminous transmittance of, 42
Limbus, in aphakia, 363 multifocal, aspheric, 336
Local anesthetic, in diagnostic lens occupation as consideration in, 53
fitting, 87 in orthokeratology, 448
Low Dk lens material, 51, 52t polymers as, 32-34
Loyalty, patient, 60-61 for post–photorefractive keratectomy
Luminous transmittance, 42 lens, 404
refits and, 53
M refractive error and, 52
Macrolens, 262-263 selection of, 48, 52t, 54f
Magnification in aphakia, 359, 359f silicone/acrylate, characteristics of,
Magnifier, projection, 183f, 183m 184, 48-49, 49f
184f specific gravity of, 43
Mandell-Moore bitoric lens guide, styrene, 50
307-311, 308f, 309f wettability of
Map, corneal topography, 231-232, 231f clinical observations of, 38-40, 40f
Map display, videokeratoscopy, 120b, wetting angles and, 36-38, 37f, 38f,
121-128, 122f-129f 39f
U Visioncarece.com, 489
Ulcer, sterile, 12f Visual acuity
Ulcerative keratitis, 59 extended wear and, 391
Usenet, 487-488 in keratoconus, 228, 251
with new lenses, 143
V with translating multifocal lens,
Vacuole, 11 347-348
Vascularization, 21-23, 23f Visual field in aphakia, 359, 360f
Vascularized limbal keratitis, 200 Vocation, extended-wear lenses,
extended-wear lens and, 392-393 381
Vendor, modification equipment, 163b Vogt’s striae, 233, 233f
Verification, 175-187 Volume, tear, 73-74
of base curve radius, 177
of diameters and peripheral curve W
widths, 185, 185f, 186f, 187 Warpage, 194
of edge quality, 182-184, 182f, 183f keratoconus vs., 236-237
of lens power, 181-182 WAVE software, 459
Vernal keratoconjunctivitis, 225 Wearing schedule, 152b
Vertex distance, 110-111 Website, 488-489
in aphakia, 358 Wettability, 35-40
Videokeratography clinical observation of, 38-40
in keratoconus, 231-232, 231f in extended wear, 391
in orthokeratology, 431-432 measurement of, 37-39, 37f-39f
Videokeratoscopy, computerized reduced, 193, 193f
data acquisition in, 118-119, 119f Wetting agent, 138-139
data displays in, 120-128, 122f-129f Wetting angle measurement
fitting irregular cornea using, 132-133, captive bubble method of measuring,
133f, 134f 38, 38f, 39f
base curve selection and, 133-135 sessile drop method of, 37, 37f
for lens fitting, 128-130, 130f Wilhelmy plate method of, 38,
software module in, 130-132 39f
Videotape, educational, 493-495 Wetting solution, insertion of lens
Visible iris diameter, 67, 68f with, 150
Vision Wilhelmy plate method of wetting angle
after photorefractive keratectomy, measurement, 38, 39f
403-404 With-the-rule astigmatism, 100
with extended wear lens, 391 orthokeratology and, 426
quality of, 58-59 Wound healing in aphakia, 361-362