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Yoga of Netra Tantra Third Eye and Overcoming

Death 2019th Edition Bettina Sharada Bã¤Umer




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The Yoga of Netra Tantra
Trinetra Bhairava, Kashmiri Painting

(Photo credit: Sameer Jotshi)

The Yoga of Netra Tantra

Third Eye and Overcoming Death

Bettina Sharada Bäumer

Edited by

Shivam Srivastava
Cataloging in Publication Data — DK

[Courtesy: D.K. Agencies (P) Ltd. <[email protected]>]

Bäumer, Bettina, 1940- author.

The yoga of Netra tantra : third eye and overcoming

death / Bettina Sharada Bäumer ; edited by Shivam Srivastava. –

Second edition.

pages cm

English and Sanskrit (Sanskrit in Devanagari and roman).

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 9788124609668

1. Tantras. Netratantra – Commentaries. 2. Yoga.

I. Srivastava, Shivam, editor. II. Indian Institute of Advanced

Study, publisher. III. Tantras. Netratantra. Selections.

IV. Tantras. Netratantra. Selections. English. V. Title.

LCC BL1142.6.N476B38 2021 | DDC 294.5514 23

ISBN: 978-81-246-1107-4 (E-Book)

ISBN: 978-81-246-0966-8 (Hardcover)

First published in India, 2019

Second edition published in 2021

© Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla

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ānandarasabinduste candramā galito bhuvi

sūryastathā te prasr̥taḥ saṁhārī tejasaḥ kaṇaḥ

baliṁ yāmastr̥tīyāya netrāyāsmai tava prabho

alaukikasya kasyāpi māhātmyasyaikalakṣmaṇe

The Moon is just a drop of nectar of your bliss

fallen on the earth,

And the Sun which shines forth from you

is only a particle of your absorptive splendour.

We offer ourselves to your Third Eye, O Lord,

the one symbol of your transcendental glory.

– Utpaladeva, Śivastotrāvalī 10.5-6

I got attracted to the Netra Tantra during my several stays at the Ishvar Ashram
(Srinagar) between 1986-91. It was with the great Master of Kashmir Śaivism,
Swami Lakshman Joo (1907-91), who used to teach the verses of this Tantra,
mainly the 7th and 8th chapter, that I was introduced to this text.¹ He also taught
the chapters on the Netramantra and he made his disciples recite the mantra in its
extended form. This text is clearly a part of the living tradition, and it provides
instructions for spiritual practice at different levels. At that time the publication
of the Kashmir Series of Texts and Studies (KSTS) was still available at Srinagar
University and I purchased a number of copies.² I decided to take up a thorough
study of the sections on Yoga, and thanks to the grant of a National Fellowship at
the Indian Institute of Advanced Study (IIAS), Shimla (from 2015-17), I could
propose a project for a book. I also received inspiration from the former
chairman of the IIAS, Prof. G.C. Pande, who encouraged me repeatedly to write
a book on Śaiva Yoga. I was not inclined to write a general study, but one based
on texts such as the Vijñāna Bhairava,³ and now the Netra Tantra. My intention
was to have a serious and text-based study which should also be helpful for

An indirect inspiration was the publication of The Yoga of the

Mālinīvijayottaratantra by Somadeva Vasudeva, which is extremely helpful in
understanding the complexities of Śaiva Yoga. His study combines a text-critical
analysis of the chapters of the Mālinīvijayottara Tantra concerning Yoga with a
deep understanding and description of the philosophical, cosmological
background and the practice contained in the Tantra. My study is not text-critical
in the sense that I did not attempt a critical edition of the chapters in question,
also consciously since Dr. Gavin Flood has taken up this work on the basis of the
Nepalese manuscripts.⁴

I am basing my interpretation on the commentary by Kṣemarāja and the living

tradition. The intention is therefore to provide a textual basis for the spirituality
of non-dualist Kashmir Śaivism which is very much relevant in the present
situation of the twenty-first century with humanity’s search for a viable way to
come upon a higher state of consciousness. The goal of this search is often
expressed in the symbolism of “opening the Third Eye”, indicating an
overcoming of the dichotomies and dualities which fragment the human

Bettina Sharada Bäumer


Kārttika Pūrṇimā


7 November 2018

¹ See the facsimile on pp. xiii-xiv in his own handwriting.

² One set of two volumes was lost in the fire that destroyed the house of Sri
Nilkanth Raina at Ishbar in an act of terrorism in 1991.

³ My German translation and commentary on the Vijñāna Bhairava also serves

such a purpose (see Bibliography).

⁴ Gavin Flood intimated by e-mail on 15 January 2018 that he is preparing a

critical edition.

The inspiration for taking up the study of the Netra Tantra and its Yoga is
entirely due to my guru, Swami Lakshman Joo (1907-91), who allowed me
access to the tradition of Trika or non-dualist Kashmir Śaivism. My gratitude to
him is unbounded and has been guiding me in every endeavour of studying and
practising this great spiritual tradition, which can contribute tremendously to our
present worldwide search for a holistic vision of reality, also combined with a
practical way to experience it.

It is the former chairman of Indian Institute of Advanced Study (IIAS), Shimla,

Prof. G.C. Pande (1923–2011) who had encouraged me to write a book on Śaiva
Yoga. I have in this way made an attempt to fulfil his wish. I owe much gratitude
to IIAS and its former director, Prof. Chetan Singh for having granted me a
National Fellowship from 2015-17, which allowed me to take up this project.
Since I could not complete it within the allotted period, I am also thankful to the
Institute, its Academic Resource Officer Mrs Renu Bala and Librarian/Secretary
Shri Prem Chand for bearing with me and allowing me the delay in submitting
the manuscript. I am very grateful to the staff of IIAS who have in one way or
another facilitated my stay at the Institute from 2015-17, for their friendliness
and cooperation.

My dear student Shivam Srivastava has contributed substantially to the making

of this book, both with his spiritual insights and technical expertise. After
attending my seminar on Netra Tantra in 2014, he spent two years at the IIAS
where I had taken up this project. His keen interest in the philosophy of Kashmir
Śaivism and continued discussions on various topics related with this text have
also shaped the contents of this book. His reception and understanding of
Kashmir Śaivism at a young age, coming from a very different educational and
professional background is itself a proof for the relevance of this spirituality in
the modern context.
Among the scholars working on the Netra Tantra in particular, I am grateful to
Dr. Gavin Flood of Oxford who has generously shared with me his own work (in
progress) on the Nepalese manuscripts of the text. Our work will be in a way
complementary, since he is going to publish a critical edition. Sharing ideas with
other scholars of Kashmir Śaivism – André Padoux (who sadly passed away in
2017 when this work was in progress), Raffaele Torella and Alexis Sanderson –
has been helpful and inspiring. I am especially grateful to Dr Sadananda Das
who has always been ready to help with the Sanskrit text. I remember with deep
indebtedness and respect Pandit H.N. Chakravarty (1918–2011) who was a
source of inspiration and knowledge of the tradition and especially of the Śaiva
Tantras in Varanasi, where he taught them with generosity to students and

I owe much gratitude to Dr Franz Nikolaus Müller who has given me the idea to
include a comparison with the Eye in Christian mysticism, and also very
specially to the monks of the monastery of Chevetogne (Belgium) who have
provided literature and ideas on the same theme, especially Fr Maxime Gimenez
who always inspires me, and Fr Antoine Lambrechts, librarian of the monastery.

Mrs Usha Hamm, who is also deeply involved with Kashmir Śaivism and Indian
Art, has provided photographs for the illustrations and has been helpful in
editing them. Shri Sameer Jotshi from Kashmir has kindly given me a copy of
the painting of Trinetra Bhairava, used as a frontispiece, which is a personal
heirloom used by generations in his family for meditation and worship. Shri
Shashank Narayan Singh has shared some of his treasures of Indian paintings for
illustrations. Dr Advaitavadini Kaul has contributed an illustration of Śārikā
Devī from Kashmir.

I also thank my students who attended several sessions of seminars on this text
(since 2013), whose enthusiasm and response have inspired me. I especially
want to mention Patricia Obermeier and Veronica Benjamin, both devoted to the
study of Kashmir Śaivism. Mrs Vandana Tripathi has helped in various ways in
the making of this book.

I am very grateful to Prof. Dr Peter Heilig, eminent ophthalmologist of Vienna

University, who not only took good care of my two eyes, but also developed
interest in the Third Eye, scientifically and spiritually.

I received blessings and encouragement from Sushri Prabha Devi, close disciple
of Swami Lakshman Joo, and an important living representative of Trika
Śaivism. She has graciously handed over to me Swami Ji’s personal copy of the
Netra Tantra volume I with his own handwriting of the verses related to the
Netramantra and its recitation, which I have included as facsimile in the book. I
am deeply grateful for the trust that she has placed in me.



List of Illustrations

Facsimile by Swami Lakshman Joo

Maṅgalaślokas by Kṣemarāja

Part I Introduction and Interpretation

1. Introduction


Revelation and Transmission of the Tantra

Kṣemarāja, the Commentator

Research on the Netra Tantra

The Context: Śaiva Yoga

Table 1.1: Yogāṅgas – Comparative Table*

Terminology and Description of the Subtle Body

The Mantra and Its Importance in Yoga

The Appendices

Iconography of the Trinetra

Contents of Netra Tantra

2. The Eye of Śiva: (Chapter I)

The Trika Dynamism (1.1-2)

The Divine Dialogue (1.5-12)

The (Third) Eye of Śiva (1:13-22ab)

The Eye as the Supreme Power: 1:22cd-34ab

The Conqueror of Death, the Liberator from Suffering (1.34cd-37)

The Power of the Eye (1.38-48ab)

3. The Netramantra and Its Practice: (Chapters II, III, VI)

Compassion as Motive for Revelation of the Netramantra: Chapter II

The Ritual Context of the Mantra: Chapter III

The Corporeal Yoga, sthūla-dhyāna: Chapter VI

A Summary of the three Upāyas

4. The Subtle Yoga, sūkṣma-dhyāna: (Chapter VII)

Structures of the Subtle Body (7.1-5)

Creating a Divine Body Through Kula-prakriyā (7.6-16)

A Brief Outline of the Process of Kula-prakriyā

Ascent and Descent of the Energy through Tantra-Prakriyā (7.16cd-29)

The Spear of Awareness (7.30-32ab)

Discovery of Khecarī-mudrā: 7:32cd-39

Manifestation of the Supreme Energy (7.40-44)

Flooding the Body with Nectar (7.45-53)

5. The Supreme Yoga, Para-dhyāna: (Chapter VIII)

The Supreme Goal (8.1-9)

Reinterpretation of Aṣṭāṅga-yoga (8.10-20)

Transcendence of the Yogī (8.21-28)

The Necessity of Śakti (8.29-36)

The Highest State of the Yogī (8.37-40)

The “Means” to Attain the Śāmbhava State (8.41-47)

Vanquishing Time/Death (8.48-53)

Universality of the Means (8.54-57)

The King of Mantras (8.58-68)

Universalism of the Netra: Chapter IX

6. The Role of Yoginīs in Yoga: (Chapter XX)

7. The Mantra Unveiled: (Chapters XXI-XXII)

Trika Theory of Mantra (Chapter XXI)

The Amr̥teśamantra (Chapter XXII)


8. Conclusion

Part II: Text and Translation

1. Chapters I, VII and VIII: Sanskrit Text

2. Chapters I, VII and VIII: Transliteration

Prathamo ’dhikāraḥ

Saptamo ’dhikāraḥ

Aṣṭamo ’dhikāraḥ

3. Chapters I, VII and VIII: Translation

Chapter I

Chapter VII

Chapter VIII

Appendix 1: The Spiritual Eye in the Christian Mystical Traditions: A

Cross-cultural Reflection

Appendix 2: Iconography

List of Illustrations

1. Ekamukhaliṅga, Kashmir, seventh century, (Metropolitan Museum, New


2. Śiva, Pārvatī, Kārttikeya and Gaṇeśa, Kashmir, ninth century, (Metropolitan

Museum, New York)

3. Ekamukhaliṅga, Bihar, seventh-eighth century, (Musée Guimet, Paris)

4. Bhairava, Vajreśvarī Temple, Chamba, eleventh century

5. Lāṭh Bhairava, Varanasi (mukha on the pillar-liṅga)

6. Yogī/Śiva, Ardhanārīśvara Temple, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh (Photo credit

Patricia Obermeier)

7. Durgā Mahiṣāsuramardinī, Vajreśvarī Temple, Chamba, eleventh century

8. a, b Devī Mohra, Himachal Pradesh

8a Musée Guimet, Paris, thirteenth century

8b Himachal State Museum, Shimla (not dated)

9. Bust of Śujunīdevī of Nirmand, Himachal Pradesh, eleventh century

10. Mask of Bhairava, Nepal, seventeenth/eighteenth century, (Indian Museum,


11. Śārikā Devī, miniature painting, Kashmir (Oriental Library, J&K, IGNCA
digital collection)

12. Durgā worshipped by the gods, illustration of Devī Māhātmya, Kashmir,

nineteenth century, (Alice Boner collection)

13. Prajñāpārāmitā, fresco from Alchi Monastery, Ladakh, c. 1000 ce

14. Bhuvaneśvarī Devī, painting, Rajasthan, c. sixteenth century, (Alice Boner


15. Śiva-Ādiyogī, Benares, c.1850, attributed to the family guild of Ustad

Mulchand (collection of Shashank Narayan Singh)
16. Svacchanda Bhairava with Aghoreśvarī, Benares, c. 1860, attributed to Ustad
Mulchand, based on a Kashmiri archetype (collection of Shashank Narayan

17. Śiva, Vietnam, eleventh-twelfth century, (Musée Guimet, Paris)

18. Hari-Hara, Cambodia, seventh century, (Musée Guimet, Paris)

19. Head of Śiva, Cambodia, tenth century, (Musée Guimet, Paris)

Christian Examples:

20. Mosaic of Christ in the apsis of St. Clemente Basilica, Rome, twelfth
century, (Christ has a point on the forehead at the place of the third eye, this
motif is also found in some icons of Christ)

21. The Eye of God, Salzburg (University Church, baroque style)

22. The Eye of God, Rome, Sta. Maria Maggiore

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M.) Mch.
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schōk-es-serqa (B.) Galactites tomentosa

tafrīra, tfēfra (B.) ‫تفيفره‬ !Acanthus mollis L.
tahhuirāt (B.) ‫تحويره‬ Papaver Rhoeas L.
teb-er-rajān (B. H-M.) Ononis alba Forsk.
tefifhha (B.) ‫تفيفحه‬ Matricaria chamomilla L.
⎧ corymbosum Sp.
tefra (B. H-M.) ⎨
Rhaponticum acaule D.C.

Centaurea Seridis L.
terirásch (B.) ‫تريراش‬ Silene inflata L.
terttūq (B.) ‫ترطاق‬ Genista numidica Sp.
téssekra (H-M.) Echinops spinosus L.
tessulāt (B.) ‫تسوله‬ Hedysarum coronarium
tibíua (B.) ‫تيبيوه‬ Ficaria calthifolia Reich.
!tiféf (B.) ⎰
‫تيفف‬ Sonchus oleraceus L.
tilfēf (H-M.) ⎱

tifitáss (B.) ‫تيفيتاس‬ Linum angustifolium L.

tirlelt (B.) ‫تيراللت‬ Cyperus longus L.
tsilfāt (H-M.) Sonchus arvensis L.
tuffélt (H-M.) Verbascum sinuatum L.
tūt (B.) ‫توت‬ Morus alba L.

tharrōr (H-M.) Crataegus oxyacantha L.

thatba (B.) Genista numidica Sp.
thinūg (H-M.) Nigella arvensis L.


tssabūn-el-'aráiss (B.) ‫صابون‬ Inula viscosa Ait.


⎰ Populus alba L.
tssaftssāf (B. LaC.) ‫صفصاف‬
⎱ Populus nigra L.

tssala-landhār (H-M.) Verbascum sinuatum L.

tssalahh-el-enttār (B.) ‫صالح االنطار‬ Verbascum sinuatum L.
tsserāt-el-ardd (B.) ‫صره االرض‬ Urospermum
Dalechampii Desf.
tssettbat (B.) ‫صطبه‬ Genista sp.

ttafss (B.) ‫طافس‬ Daucus muricatus L.

ttreilāl, ttreilān (B.) ‫طريالل‬ Chrysanthemum
Clausonis Pom.


uard-el-chla' (B.) ‫ورد الخلعه‬ Gladiolus segetum L.

uard-el-ghaba (B.) ‫ورد الغابه‬ Gladiolus segetum L.
uard-er-réqa (B.) Gladiolus segetum L.
'ūd-el-áhhmar, 'ūd-el- Alnus glutinosa L.
hhomr (B.)
'ūd-el-chēr (LaC.) Ilex Aquifolium L.
'udhēn-dhīb (B.) ‫اذن الذيب‬ Arum italicum L.
'udhēn-el-hhalūf (B.) ‫اذن الحلوف‬ Arum italicum L.
um-ess-ssuālef (B.) ‫ام السوالف‬ Salix babylonica L.
[30]d.i. „die kleine blaue“.
[31]Kabylisch: „asénsu“.

G H J. I K L M

!Acanthus mollis L. tafrīra, tfēfra (B.) ‫تفيفره‬

Adianthum Capillus- ess-ssāq-alekhhal (B.) ‫الساق‬
Veneris L. ‫االكحل‬
Ajuga Iva L. schendqūra (B.) ‫شندقوره‬
Alisma Plantago L. massāss (LaC.)
Allium sphaerocephalum kurrēt (H-M.)
Allium subhirsutum L. bibrāss (H-M.)

⎰ bebrūss (B.)
Allium triquetrum L. ‫بيبروس‬
⎱ bibrūss (LaC.)
el-chutss-el-áhhmar (B.) ‫الخوص‬

hhamrája, hhomrája
Alnus glutinosa L. ⎨

'ūd-el-áhhmar, 'ūd-el-
hhomr (B.)
!Ampelodesmos tenax dīss (B. H-M.) ‫ديس‬
Anacyclus clavatus Pers. mul'āli (LaC.) (für umm-el-
⎰ el-esēriq lesēriq (B.)
Anagallis caerulea L. ‫ليزيرق‬
⎱ ssrīss (B.)

⎰ hhafer (B.) ‫حافر‬

Andropogon hirtus L.
⎱ ssibūtss (H-M.)

Andryala integrifolia L. dhēl-en-na'ga (B.)

Artemisia arborescens L. schegeret-Meriam (B.) ‫شجره مريم‬

⎧ beqūqa, bqūqa (B.) ‫بقوقع‬

⎪ qerīua' (H-M.)
Arum italicum L. ⎨
⎪ 'udhēn-dhīb (B.) ‫اذن الذيب‬
⎩ 'udhēn-el-hhalūf (B.) ‫اذن الحلوف‬
Asparagus albus L. ssekkūm, ssukkōm (H-M.)

⎰ baruēq (H-M.)
Asphodelus fistulosus L.
⎱ beruāq (B.) ‫برواق‬
Avena fatua L. chorttal (B.) ‫خرطال‬
Avena hirsuta L. chorttal-berri (B.) ‫خرطال برى‬

almēlai-al'ali (B.) ‫المولى‬

⎰ ‫العالي‬
Bellis annua L.

mūl-'Ali (B.)

⎰ lift-mta-el-baqar (H-M.)
Beta vulgaris L. v. cicla L.
⎱ sselq (B.) ‫سلق‬
!Borago officinalis L. buschnēf (B. H-M.)
Brassica Napus L. libssān (B. H-M.)
Briza maxima L. qemhh-el-hhagla (B.) ‫قمح الحجله‬
Bryonia dioica L. cheijātta (H-M.)

Cachrys peucedanoides ⎰ bu-náfua', bū-néf'a (B.) ‫بو نافع‬

Desf. (= Magydaris) ⎱ drīass, drīess (H-M.) ‫درياس‬

⎰ gendūl (H-M.)
Calycotome spinosa Lam.
⎱ qendūl-el-gemel (B.) ‫قندول الجمل‬
Calystegia sepium R.Br. (= sskerga (B.) ‫سكرجا‬
Campanula Erinus L. ssrīss (B.) ‫سريس‬
Cardopatium corymbosum ⎰ rass-hhegla (B. LaC.) ‫راس الحجله‬
Sp. ⎱ tefra (B. H-M.)

⎰ feriēss (H-M.) ‫فرياس‬

Carduus pycnocephalus L.
⎱ sernīs (B. LaC.) ‫زرنيز‬
Carlina corymbosa bu-neggār (B. H-M.) ‫بو نجار‬
Celtis australis L. nschīm (B.) ‫نشم‬
Celtis australis L. (die qiqeb (B. Kabyl.) ‫قيقب‬
Centaurea sp. chof-el-gemel (LaC.)

⎰ abi-neggār (B.) ‫ابي نجار‬

Centaurea calcitrapa L.
⎱ bu-neggār ‫بو نجار‬
Centaurea Seridis L. tefra (B.)
Ceratonia Siliqua L. charrūb, chrrūb (B.) ‫خروب‬

⎰ chara-en-nahhla (B.) ‫خرا النحله‬

Cerinthe major L.
⎱ hharscha (H-M.) ‫حرشاى‬
Chenopodium murale L. akutun, aktūn (B.) ‫اكتون‬

⎰ berr-ess-ssmūn, ‫برالسمون‬
Chloris Gayana Kth.
⎱ brssmūn (B.) ‫برسمون‬
burgēm, bursēm (H-M.)

Chrysanthemum Clausonis kera'a-degāga (LaC.) ‫كراع‬

Pom. ‫الدجاجه‬

ttreilāl, ttreilān (B.) ‫طريالل‬
bursām, bursēm-el-abjadd
Chrysanthemum ⎰ (H-M.)
Coronarium L. ⎱
nuuār-tssefra (B.) ‫نواره صفرا‬
Cichorium pumilum Jacq. hharscha (LaC.)

⎰ gernēss (H-M.)
Cirsium lanceolatum L.
⎱ schōk-el-bēdda (H-M.)

Cistus monspeliensis L. ⎱
mellia (B. H-M.) ‫مليه‬
Cistus salviifolius L. ⎰

Cistus salviifolius L. ethaíja (B.) ‫اثايه‬

Citrus Aurantium L. schina, schna (B.) ‫شينه‬
Cladium Mariscus L. hhassēq (LaC.)
Clematis cirrhosa L. sénsu[33] (B. H-M.) ‫زنزو‬

⎰ bessbēss-berri (B.) ‫بسبس برى‬

Conium maculatum L.
⎱ hhermel (B.) ‫حرمل‬
hhaschīschet-mhabūla (B.) ‫حشيشه‬
⎰ ‫مهبوله‬
Convolvulus althaeoides L.

luája (B.) ‫لوايه‬
Convolvulus tricolor L. nuuār-al'aschīje, nuuār- ‫نوار العاشيه‬
l'aschi (B.)

⎰ sa'arūr (B. H-M.) ‫زعرور‬

!Crataegus oxyacantha L.
⎱ tharrōr (H-M.)

Cupressus sempervirens L. sseruēl, sseruīl (B.) ‫سرول‬

chórschef (B.), ‫خرشف‬
Cynara cardunculus L. chórschref, chórschuf (H-
Cynodon Dactylon L. nigm (H-M.)
Cynoglossum pictum Ait. messāssa, metssātssa (B.)
Cyperus longus L. tirlelt (B.) ‫تيراللت‬

⎰ asās (LaC.)
Daphne Gnidium L.
⎱ sās (asās) (LaC.)

Daucus Carota L. ssennaría (LaC.)

Daucus Carota L. f. radice serrūdia (LaC.)
el-hhasska (B.)
⎧ ‫الحسكه‬
Daucus maximus Desf. ⎨ hhessqa (H-M.)

ss'āqet-el-qott.tt (B.)
Daucus muricatus L. ttafss (B.) ‫طافس‬

⎰ schōk-el-hhomār (B.) ‫شوك الحمير‬
Echinops spinosus L.
⎱ téssekra (H-M.)

⎧ keff-eth-thōr (B.) ‫كف الثور‬

⎪ lissān-eth-thūr (LaC.)
Echium plantagineum

⎪ nuuār-en-nahhla (B.)
⎩ nuuār-et-t.hhāla (B.) ‫نوار التحله‬
Erica arborea L. bu-hhad.dād (B.) ‫بو الحداد‬
bu-schenēf, bu-eschnāf ‫بو الشناف‬
⎰ (B.)
Erodium chium L.

schenef (B.)

⎰ bu-neggār (B. H-M.)

Eryngium triquetrum Desf.
⎱ schōk-ed-dhab' (H-M.)

Erythraea Centaurium L. merret-el-hhanesch (B.) ‫مرة الحنش‬

Eucalyptus globulus l'Her. kelletūss (H-M.)
Euphorbia peplus L. hhalīb-edh-dhabba' (B.) ‫حليب الذابه‬

⎰ nuuar-dsáhhua (B. LaC.) ‫نواره اظحوه‬

Fedia Cornucopiae L.
⎱ rass-hhegla (B. LaC.) ‫راس الحجله‬
Ferula communis L. kelch (B. H-M.) ‫كلخ‬
Ficaria calthifolia Reich. tibíua (B.) ‫تيبيوه‬
⎰ karām (H-M.)
Ficus Carica L.
⎱ kermūss (H-M.)

Ficus Carica L. v. kerma-dhakār (LaC.)

Filago spathulata Presl. hhaschīschet-et-tbēr (B.) ‫حشيشه‬
Foeniculum vulgare L. bissbéss (H-M.)
Fraxinus excelsior L. derdār (B. H-M. LaC.) ‫دردار‬
hhaschīschet-er-rechām, ‫حشيشه‬
⎰ ‫الرخام‬
Fumaria agraria Lam.
⎱ hhaschīschet-er-rechess

esch-schōk-el-asreq (B.) ‫الشوك‬

⎧ ‫االزرق‬

Galactites tomentosa Mch. ⎨ schōk-el-hhamir (B.) ‫شوك الحمير‬
⎪ schōk-el-hhánesch (H-M.)

schōk-es-serqa (B.)
Galium aparine L. ermen (B.) ‫ارمن‬
Genista sp. tssettbat (B.) ‫صطبه‬
Genista sp. spinosae qendūl (LaC.)
⎰ terttūq (B.) ‫ترطاق‬
Genista numidica Sp.
⎱ thatba (B.)

Genista tricuspidata Desf. qendūl, qendül-el-gemel ‫قندول‬


⎧ ssēf-el-ghrāb (B. H-M.) ‫سيف الغراب‬

⎪ uard-el-chla' (B.) ‫ورد الخلعه‬
Gladiolus segetum L. ⎨
⎪ uard-el-ghaba (B.) ‫ورد الغابه‬
⎩ uard-er-réqa (B.)

⎰ ssilla (H-M.)
Hedysarum coronarium L.
⎱ tessulāt (B.) ‫تسوله‬
Helminthia echioides L. hharscha (B.) ‫حرشه‬
Hypericum perforatum L. hhaschīschet-el-hhasaïs ‫حشيشة‬
(B.) ‫الحزايز‬
Hyoscyamus albus L. bu-mergūf (B.) ‫بو مرجوف‬

⎰ full (B.) ‫فل‬

Jasminum officinale L.
⎱ jassmīn (B.) ‫يسمين‬
⎰ qettém (LaC.)
Ilex Aquifolium L.
⎱ 'ūd-el-chēr (LaC.)

Inula crithmoides L. memēje (B.) ‫مماي‬

bugranān (H-M.)
⎧ meqremān, meqramēn ‫مقرامن‬
⎪ (B.)
Inula viscosa Ait. ⎨
⎪ merssīta (LaC.)
⎩ tssabūn-el-'aráiss (B.) ‫صابون‬
Iris Pseudacorus L. borbēt (LaC.)
Iris Sisyrynchium L. scherraíeq (H-M.)

Koniga maritima R.Br. qornúnasch-el-gebel (B.) ‫قرنونش‬


Lagurus ovatus L. scha'r-el-erneb (B.) ‫شعر االرنب‬

Lathyrus Ochrus L. girfēla (H-M.)
⎰ chelchāla (B.)
Lavandula Stoechas L.
⎱ hhalhhāla (B.) ‫حلحلة‬
Linum angustifolium L. tifitáss (B.) ‫تيفيتاس‬

⎰ qellēb, qellāb (B. LaC.) ‫قلب‬

Lolium temulentum L.
⎱ sakkūm (LaC.)

Lonicera implexa L. mahbūla (LaC.)

nuuār-ssuēua (B.)

Lupinus luteus L.
⎱ rbīb-ed-driass (B.) ‫ربيب‬

Malva parviflora L. chobbēs (H-M.)

Malva sylvestris L. chobeīsa (B.) ‫خبيزه‬
ddemrān, ddomrān (B.) ‫ضيمران‬

Marrubium vulgare L. ⎨ meql-etss-tssēf (B. H-M.) ‫مقل الصيف‬

merriūt (H-M.)
Matricaria chamomilla L. tefifhha (B.) ‫تفيفحه‬
Medicago Murex L. ifiss-el-beqer (B.) ‫افيس البقر‬
Melilotus indica Lam. schenān, schnān (B.) ‫شنان‬
Melissa officinalis L. hhaschīschet-en-nhhāl ‫حشيشة‬
(B.) ‫النحل‬
Mentha aquatica L. flēju, flīju (B.) ‫فليو‬
Mentha piperita L. ssitssémber (B.) ‫سيصنبر‬
Micromeria nervosa Bth. sá'etra (B.) ‫زعيترة‬
Morus alba L. tūt (B.) ‫توت‬
Muscari comosum btssal-dhīb (B.) ‫بصال ذيب‬

⎰ less.ssāka (B.) ‫لساكه‬

Musci sp. omnes
⎱ letssāqa (B.) ‫لصاقه‬
Myrtus communis L. rihhān (B.) ‫ريحان‬

Narcissus Tazetta L. nuuār-es-suāra (B.) ‫نوار الزواره‬

Nasturtium officinale L. qernūnesch (B.) ‫قرنونش‬

⎰ defla (B.)
Nerium Oleander L. ‫دفله‬
⎱ dífle (H-M.)

Neslia paniculata Desf. sseq-ett-ttēr (LaC.)

Nigella arvensis L. thinūg (H-M.)
Nonea nigricans Desf. nussāhssa (H-M.)

Olea europaea L. f. sebūg (B.) ‫زبوج‬

Olea europaea L. setūn (H-M.)
Ononis alba Forsk. teb-er-rajān (B. H-M.)
Onopordum qernīna (B.) ‫قرنينه‬
macracanthum Shousb.
Opuntia ficus indica L. el-hendi (H-M.)
Origanum Majorana L. mardaqūsch (B.) ‫مردقوش‬

⎰ bohorr-el-berri (B.) ‫البهرالبري‬

Ornithogalum arabicum L.
⎱ sētta (H-M.)

⎧ bu-tssāla, ‫بو الصله‬

⎪ bu-tssāla' (B.) ‫بو الصالح‬
Osyris alba L. ⎨
⎪ nathāss (B. H-M.)
⎩ sās (B.) ‫زاز‬

bu-qra'ūn (B.), ‫بو قراعون‬

Papaver Rhoeas L. ⎨ buqraōn (H-M.)

tahhuirāt (B.) ‫تحويره‬
Papaver somniferum L. chaschchásch, ‫خشخاش‬
cheschchāsch (B. LaC.)
Parietaria officinalis L. hhaschīschet-er-ri' (B.) ‫حشيشه‬
Paronychia argentea Lam. kiftsē (H-M.)
Phalaris caerulescens ⎰ berāqa (B.) ‫براقه‬
Desf. ⎱ ssbulat-el-far (B.) ‫سبولة الفار‬
Phagnalon rupestre D.C. g'aïda (B.) ‫جعيده‬
Phlomis floccosa L. kmémta (B.) ‫كميمته‬
Phragmites communis L. qtssāb, qtssōb (B.) ‫قصب‬
Phytolacca dioica L. a'aqqarr (B.) ‫عقار‬

⎰ ddarū, dderū, ddrū (LaC.)

Pistacia Lentiscus L.
⎱ dsrū (B. LaC.) ‫ظرو‬

⎰ gnība (B.) ‫جنيبه‬

Plantago coronopus L.
⎱ maqramān (B.) ‫مقرامن‬
Plantago Lagopus L. nuuār-el-aqrab (H-M.)
Poa trivialis L. qellēb, qellāb (B. LaC.)
Populus alba L. ⎱
tssaftssāf (B. LaC.) ‫صفصاف‬
Populus nigra L. ⎰

Prasium majus L. rihhān-el-ghrīb (B.) ‫ريحان الغريب‬

Prunus domestica L. a'in-baqar (H-M.)
Prunus insititia L. sa'arūr (B.) ‫زعرور‬

⎰ ferssīk (LaC.)
Pteris aquilina L.
⎱ ssmēter (B.)

Pulicaria viscosa L. bu-gremēn (H-M.)

Pyrus communis L. lansāsch (el-hansāsch)

⎰ fernān (B.) ‫فرنان‬

Quercus suber L.
⎱ ballūtt-qescherīt (LaC.)

Quercus Mirbeckii Duv. sēn (B.)

Ranunculus acris L. muttār, muttēr (B.) ‫موطر‬

Ranunculus trachycarpus keff-el-gerāna (LaC.)
F. M.
b'atssūtss-el-charūf (B.)

Reseda alba L. ⎨ dhēl-el-chrūf (B. H-M.) ‫ذيل الخروف‬

dhēl-en-na'aga (B.) ‫ذيل النعجه‬
Rhamnus alaternus L. melīliss, mlīless (B.) ‫مليلس‬
Rhaponticum acaule D.C. tefra (B. H-M.)
Rosa canina L. bu-tssūfa (H-M.)
Rosmarinus officinalis L. klēl, kelīl (B.) ‫كليل‬
Rubus discolor Weihe. 'allēq (B. H-M.)
Rumex bucephalophorus hhaschīschet-el-qartssa ‫حشيشه‬
L. (B.) ‫القارصه‬
Rumex dentatus L. hhommēd (H-M.)
Ruta chalepensis L. figēl (B. H-M.) ‫فجيل‬

Salix babylonica L. um-ess-ssuālef (B.) ‫ام السوالف‬

⎰ sseïsseī (B.) ‫سيسي‬

Salix pedicellata Desf.
⎱ ssemlīl, ssemlēl (B. H-M.) ‫سملل‬
Salvia argentea L. frēsch-en-ndā (B.) ‫فرش النده‬
Salvia bicolor Desf. 'aschba-kull-alblía' (B.) ‫عشبه كل‬
Sambucus nigra L. ssbūqa (B.) ‫سبوقه‬
Scabiosa maritima L. chejattāt-el-geráhh, ‫خياطه‬
cheijátt-el-geráhh (B.) ‫االجراح‬
Scandix pecten-veneris L. meschtta (B.) ‫مشطه‬
Scilla peruviana L. butssēla (H-M.)

⎰ gernīss (LaC.)
Scolymus hispanicus L.
⎱ sernīs (B. LaC.) ‫زرنيز‬
Scolymus maculatus L. buqq (H-M.)
Scolymus hispanicus L. ⎱
qornēna (H-M.)
!Scolymus maculatus L. ⎰

Scorpiurus muricatus L. ssuāk-raijān (H-M.)

Secale cereale L. barrāka (LaC. B.)
Sedum caeruleum Vahl. betssūl-elqétt.tta (H-M.)
Serapias cordigera L. muhháget (LaC.)
Silene gallica L. hhaschīschet-edh-dhubān ‫حشيشه‬
(B.) ‫الذبان‬
Silene inflata L. terirásch (B.) ‫تريراش‬
Silybum Marianum Gaert. qorēna (H-M.)
Sinapis arvensis L. libssān (B. H-M.)
Sisymbrium officinale L. belgh-erniss (B.) ‫بلغ الرنيس‬

Smilax aspera L. ⎨ 'aneb-edh-dhīb (H-M.)

sskerschu (B.) ‫سكارشو‬
geda' (B.) ‫جدع‬

⎪ gerrēd (H-M.) ‫جرايد‬
Smyrnium olusatrum L. ⎨ ichtssetss (B.) ‫اخصص‬

⎩ ssolttān-el-ghaba (B.) ‫سلطان‬

⎰ 'éneb-edh-dhīb (B.) ‫عنب الذيب‬

Solanum nigrum L.
⎱ ramrām (LaC.)

Sonchus arvensis L. tsilfāt (H-M.)

⎰ !tiféf (B.)
Sonchus oleraceus L. ‫تيفف‬
⎱ tilfēf (H-M.)

Sparganium ramosum L. chebūq (LaC.)

Stipa tortilis Desf. schā'ar-el-fār (B.) ‫شعر الفار‬

⎰ bel-memūn, ‫بالميمون‬
Tamus communis L.
⎱ ben-memūn (B.) ‫بن ميمون‬
Teucrium scordioides Schr. magl-etss-tssēf (H-M.)
!Thapsia garganica L. drīass, drīess (B. Kabyl. H- ‫درياس‬
Thymelaea hirsuta L. metenēn (H-M.)

⎰ sa'āter (B.) ‫زعتر‬

Thymus serpyllum L.
⎱ s'ētra (H-M.)

Trapa natans L. bu-qornēn, bu-qornūn

Trifolium repens L. bu-schuēscha, bu-
schuīscha (LaC. H-M.)
Trifolium Jaminianum B. lifla (H-M.)
Trixago apula St. 'ánfes (B.) ‫عنفز‬

Umbellifer. sp. radix belgh-erniss (B.) ‫بلغ الرنيس‬

Umbellifer. sp. mtssātssa (B.) ‫مصاصه‬
Umbellifer. sp. scha'āret-el-ma'īs (B.) ‫شعره المعيز‬
Umbilicus horizontalis mustāssa (H-M.)

⎧ 'ántssal (B. H-M.) ‫عنصل‬

⎪ btssel-edh-dhīb (B.) ‫بصل الذيب‬
Urginea maritima Bak. ⎨
⎪ faraūn (B.) ‫الفاراون‬
⎩ !fr'aūn (B.) ‫فرعون‬
Urospermum Dalechampii tsserāt-el-ardd (B.) ‫صره االرض‬
Urtica pilulifera L. hhorrēq (B. H-M.) ‫حريق‬

Vicia lutea L. gelbanat-el-hhanesch, ‫جلبانه‬

gilbān-el-hhanesch (B.) ‫الحنش‬
Viola odorata L. belssfeng (B.) ‫بلسفنج‬

⎧ ssāle-lensār (H-M.)
⎪ tuffélt (H-M.)
Verbascum sinuatum L. ⎨
⎪ tssalahh-el-enttār (B.) ‫صالح االنطار‬
⎩ tssala-landhār (H-M.)

Ziziphus spina-Christi L. 'enēb (B.) ‫عناب‬
[32]d.i. „die kleine blaue“.
[33]Kabylisch: „asénsu“.



zur Bezeichnung der Örtlichkeiten, an denen die arabischen Ausdrücke
aufgezeichnet wurden. Wo keine Örtlichkeit angegeben, gilt der Ausdruck für das
ganze Land.

Alexandria (Al.) Assuan (Ass.) Cairo (C.) el-Qorēn (Qor.)

Assiūt (Ast.) Luqsor (Lqs.) Qēne (Qn.) Rosette (Ros.)


in arabischer in Süd-Algerien
Botanische Definition der Teile in Aegypten
Schrift[34] (Biskra)

Baum, als Artbegriff nachl ‫ نخل‬nachl

nachlât, nachîl
männlicher Baum dhekr ‫ ذكر‬dhakr
weiblicher Baum inthâje ‫ انثايه‬inthâje
Stamm des Baumes filq ‫ فلق‬cháschb
filâq (Plur.) ‫ فالق‬kurschef (Tun.)
Palmbusch, gebildet aus der 'ausch, 'ösch ‫' عوش‬ausch, 'ösch
Mutterpflanze und den
ausgewachsenen basalen
in arabischer in Süd-Algerien
Botanische Definition der Teile in Aegypten
Schrift[34] (Biskra)
basaler Seitensproß, Ausläufer, negîl ‫ نجيل‬dschebâr,
zur Fortpflanzung und dschubâr
Vermehrung der Pflanze
neqîl ‫نقيل‬
neqâïl (Plur.) ‫نقايل‬
bint-en-nechle ‫بنت النخله‬
Seitensproß an der Stammbasis; 'alûl (Qor.) ‫ علول‬rekêb, rókaba
verkümmerte, nicht Wurzel
treibende Mißbildungen mit oft
kontortoplikaten Blattfiedern
Dattelpalme, die keine künstliche 'áqrab (Ast.) ‫عقرب‬
Befruchtung duldet und nur,
massâssa ‫مساسه‬
wenn sich selbst überlassen, ihre
Früchte reift
jechrîq (Ast.)
Sämling, junge Samenpflanze schetl (Ast. ‫شتل‬
Lqs. Qn.)
neqîle-auîle ‫نقيله االويله‬
Wurzeln, dickere, die an der gidr, ‫جدر‬
Stammbasis in Menge
hervorbrechen gidûr, (Plur.) ‫جدور‬

gidûl (Qor.)
Wurzelgeflecht, das feinere im nussûr (Ast.) ‫نسور‬
Vegetationskegel, Kern der gumâr ‫ جمار‬dschúmar
Krone (Palmkohl)
Bastfasern der Blattscheide, lîf ‫ ليف‬lîf
aljâf (Plur.)
Blatt, Palmwedel gerîd ‫ جريد‬dscherîd
Blattstiel und Mittelrippe, !gerîd ‫ جريد‬dscherîd
Blattrippe, Wedelstiel
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