Quiz ; Physical Chem

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JEE (Main + Advanc11d) 2025


SECTION-I : (i) Only One option correct Type
This scc1io11 cn111ains 13 multiple choice questions . Fach questi on has lour choices(/\). (B). (C) and
(D) out ol"\\h1ch ONLV ONE is cn1n:c l 3(-1)
I. The snlub1lil) 111 \\ale, of a sparing I) sn luhh.: su it /\13 7 is 1.0 >- IO ~ 11101 L 1 • Its solubility product will
be -
( I\ ) I · I() 111 (C) 4 IO 15 (D) 4 x IO
( \) I '< I() 1., X IO

(. 2. Thl' dcnnx
:=- 1,f"ll\

dnil\. sis of'O IM sc, luli on o l co nju ga te base or 1-1/\ is 0.01. 1 ind the 11' concentrati on
in () ~ \ I snlu111lll of \
.wl i ( \ ) 5 ' 10" 1\I (13)5x 10 - 12 M (C) 2x 10 3
M (D)2x 10
4r o pl I ol"solution at first 11..J'" eq ui va lence point o f" Na 2 C0 3 when titrated wi th I !Cl wi ll be
(I '0 I . 11 2 co .I f'-,
. = I() K :, = 10- I I
7 • )
( 1
' 1

( \) 7 1- I Og J (B) 7 - log3 (C) I I + log3 (D) I I - log3

;$J. ( \\ hich of the fo ll owing is incorrect for aqueous so luti on of the sa lt of stron g acid & weak base
(,l:-sumc degree or hydro lys is (h) lo be neg li gible)-

( \ )[HJ = fi<:c, (C) Kh = K \\ (D) h =[I<:,

5. Equal volumes of three ac id s so luti ons of pH 3. 4 & 5 are mixed in a vessel. What w ill be the 11 10n

concentration in th e 111 ixture -

<A) J.7 x I o-,M (B) 1. 1 I X IO 3 M (C) I.I] x I0-4M (D) 3.7 x I 0--IM
6. 2 mole ofa weak acid is dissolved in 5L water. If the Ka of weak acid is I o-5, what is the% dissociation
of weak acid in resulting so luti on -
(A) 5% (B) 0.5 % (C) 0.05 % (D) I%
7. The dissociation constants of HF and HN02 are 6.0 x I 0-4 and 2.0 x I 0-4 respectively. The pH of a
solution which is a mixture of0.5 11101 L- 1 of HF and 0.5 M HN0 3 is (take log 2 = 0.30)
(A) 2.00 (B) l .70 (C) 2.30 (D) 1.90
8 pOH of [J/200] mol/111 3 H 2 S0 4 (aq.) solution at 25°C is-
(A) 2 (8)5 (C)9 (D) 12
9. ln the fol lowing graph at what point concentration of acid will become equa l to concentration of it's
conjugate base during the titration of monoprotic weak acid with strong base -


Volume of base added
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

E-1 / 4
Physical/ Quiz

~ :-~~~-:~
. . ) sn Iutt·on ,'11 2 °C is- (D) 12
pOll n1' !1 /200 ]molfm' ll ,S0 ,(,1q . (C) 9 .
JO. (H) 5 . luli on will be
(:\) -
. . ' o Il\tl Nn,\ (,1q ,) so
,-,,(. 1011 I cn11cc11 1r.111111111
It. \I - " · r (,.4 1
Ill ti " ' I J5
2.2,1. -.,,1I 13
(;inn : 1, ,(11 \ ) (C) z.7 ,. Io ' M (D) IO M
(l \)<,.J ~ 1o'l'vl ...
( \ ) 0 t \t , 1 lnl cutbo111 c ac id ate
• • 111 co n st,111 s
In ,1<'\lc11,1s s11l,11i1m the l1ll\lt':llll 11
t 2. .., 7 I 1• I~ IO . .
4.~ ),; t() :ult '2 .. t ·d O 034 ivl so lu lion of tl,e carbon ic acid:-
t I ll I -;a tlll ,I C .
'\1..•kd the c1wn:ct ,tatc111ct1 l ' 1· CO 2

1 11
is Joublc that o J
( \ ) l'hc C1)1ll.'.Ct1lrallt\ll O .
'H) rhl.'. umccnt1at1011 ol·co 3' is O.034 M _
l . or co 2- is orcater than that of I ICO3
lC) The conccntra 11 011 3 ° . I
(I)) The ccmccntrations or I I+ and I ICO3- are approx imate ly equ a . . .
0 c, then equilibrium constant of the given reaction 1s
f 1'. for RN I I, (aq) is I o M at 2s
tJ. I • ,
RN I 1 (aq) + 1ICl(aq) ~ RNl 1/aq) + Cr(aq)
9 9
(,\ ) 10' M (B) 10 5 M (C) 10 M (D) 10 M
(ii) On e or more options co rrec t Type
This section contains 5 mu lt ip le choice qu es ti ons. Each question has four choices (A). (B). (C) and
(D) out 01· which ONE or MORE are correct. 4(-1 )
J.t \ buffer solution or a weak acid and it's sodium salt NaA is excessively diluted . What can be the possible
out come or the experiment.
(A) The ratio or [A 1/ [HA] must remain constant.
(B) The ratio of [A-) / [HA] may decrease.
(C) The ratio of [A-) / [HA) may increase .
(D) If[A-]0 = [HA] 0, upon dilution , [A-) and [HA) may remain constant.
15. Which of the following is correct for O. l M BOH solution (Kb = Io- )

(A) pH or solution is 11
(B) 011- concentration is l 0- 3 mol/L
(C) it's salt with HCI i.e . BCI form the acidic solution in water
(D) Phenolphthalein indicator can be used during the titration of BOH with HCI
16. Based on the fol lowing graph for sa lt hydro lysis (monovalent type) mark th e correct statement -

i 4
pl I

(/\) Salt may be Cl l3COONa
(B) Ka or weak acid is IO 6
(C) Kb o r weak base is IO 6
(D) 1r above salt so luti on is titrated with stro ng ac id or base th en methyl oran ge may be used as indicator

Physical / Quiz E-2/4

JEE (Main + Advan ced1202s
. . 'so lu bl · I C co ol \ . us1Asrco URSE
Thcsolub1l1Ly o f spa rinnf) 0
c sa t 11 1 g 111 a buffer so luti on or ,
o t'X d )11 == X(X < 7)
(/\ ) increa ses as the value ccrea.ses
. , _, Li c n /' X 1 cascs
( B) dee rcas es as• th e v·tf< " ✓ c ecr
(C ) So lub ilit y or.s,llt .
is lll orc rnpurc Lo ll ld. t Ill d pu re WH Ler.
. Oi .
(D ) W ill be .sma ll er ,t
Lile I< 11 va lu e nt' th e Cl I 1CO I 1s greate r
cn ionic so lLrL ·10 11 C1epc ntJ s 0 11 _
is 18 . 1vf ofa r co nd uc tan ce ot'i'-'.!iv
0 (, \ ) fe111pcraturc (13) Conce ntrati on of so luti
(C ) Am ou nt ot' sof uti on ) ce ll constant
(iii ) Pa ra gr ap h Ty pe
th ·
sec tio n co nta ins 2 pa ra ur ap hs each de sc·1·1b·ing eory, experiment data etc . 6 questio ·
ns relate
Th is o aor aph E h . ' f
two qu es tion s on eac h par a paragraph has onl
lo tw o pa rag rnp hs with o • ac question o ;(~;c
(A ), (BJ , (C ) and (D ).
the fou r ch oic es
con-ect answer am on g
Q.2 1
Pa ra gr ap h for Q. 19 to
= J0--1)
cu lar ma ss = 80 ) is dis solved is I 00 ml water. (K
8 gm we ak aci d HX (m ole

19. Fin d pH of so luti on -

(8 ) 2 (C) 2.3 (D) 3
(A ) 3.3
OH find pl J at equivale
nce point (lo gs = 0.7)
ate d wi th 0.2 5 M Na
20 . If it is titr
(C ) 4.6 5 (D) 4.85
(A ) 9.15 (B) 8.65

lution (✓41 =6 .4 ; ✓5
=2 .24 )
d Lo 100 ml ori gin al so
I is ad de
11 . Fin d [H ;J if 10- mo l lIC
2 (C ) 2. 7 x 10-~ (D) 0.2 7 x I 0-
(A ) 0.6 2 x 1o-~ (B ) 1.62 x 10-

Pa rn gr ap h for Q. 22
to Q. 24
en resultant
M Na OH sol uti on till 2" d equivalence point. Th
is titrated with 0.5
J 00 ml of 0 . f M f-\ P0 4 solution
lut ion wa s mi xe d wi th IO ml of 0.5 M HC I
K, = I 0- M
3 K1 = 10-s M
K = 10- M

1 int w ill be
22. pH at 2'" eq uiv a len ce po
(C) 8 (D) 7
(8 ) I 0.5
(/\ ) 5.5
w ill be
23. pH afl er f fCJ was add ed
(D ) No ne of these
(8 ) 3 (C) 5.5
(J\) 8
or sa lt J\(O f f) in linc1 f so lution wi ll be
24. So lub ili ty 1

· n : K, ,,/ \(0 11 ) 2 / - 4 x I() ·311 M J

(G ive (D ) 4 X I 0- 1 ➔
(C) LI x 10 ~,
(13) 4 x 10 I ll
(J\) 10 /() M

E- 3/ 4

Ph ys ica l / Qu iz
JEE (Main + Advanced) 2025
·- ;;;rR''""r:m SECTION-II : Matnx-Match Type
·t,' 1 QucH!.ton hn H four statements (A B C dD
. con t·•.1inH· 1 qucs. (l1 JOI ' Co l unrn II . Any given, 1a' an •) given 111 .
T his Scct1011 Ir, ,' st·1t c n1cn 1.:-; . C't• R, Sand ., r) 111
8 L 1Lelllent C I
Column lam.. , nc "' . v thONEorMO Rb s talcm c nt(H)g ivcninColttmn TI Fo.111 oumn
•1 11111 t c11111g, 1
lcnnhnn:co11c c . ·t ·1l c 111 c nt I{ rnnlrht•i-; wtl.1, I 11c Htntcm cnlH rrivc,1 . iexample
. . , quest 1011, :-; ' "' 111 Q and R ti '
ifforag\\cll .1. 1
•tg ·iin :,1t.R l:tl c 11H' nt H, cl:11·w n lhc hubbl c~eo r ·, . , 1enfor
the p,1rt1cul;u• quc:-; Hm. • • t CHpondmg to Q and R

in the OH~. . .
. . 1u· m"• iit 1iwditk1'l:t1t co11tu111t:1, malch tht: cmrccl pl I for ti le.. given so lulion -
I. There ,1rl' 11, c ',\) I tt
o 1~ t O Ii\ I O I l'vl 0 I 1\ f () IM

1 COO1 I ll NII , NnC I NaO f I I ICI
1001111 1001111 1001111 501111
100 nil
,, l O') ( Ki, IO ')

(I) (11) ( 111 ) (IV) (V)

Column-I Column-II
(Solution mixed)
(pH of resultant solution)
( \ ) l : ll (P) 2.85
(B) l t- lll (Q) 3
(C) l + IV (R) 3.15
(D) 11 + IV + V (S) 5
(T) 9
SECTION-IV : (Integer Value Correct Type)
This section contains 6 questions . The answer to each question is a si J d'1g1·t I nteger. ranging ·
. )
0 to 9 (b ot Il .inc 1llSIVe ng e ~ from

WI . [ .,.] . . 4( l)
I. iat 1s Ag in a solution made by dissolving both Ag 2CrO • and Aoo 1Co tinti'II t . r· · hd
2 • sa u1 a 10n 1s reac e

"1th respect to both salts. K Sp (Ag 2 2 ➔ ) = 2 x I 0- 11
• KSp
(Ag 2
CrO ➔
) = 2 x
o · 11

If your answer is 3.5 x 1 M then fill x in OMR sheet
1. 5
10 ml ofO.IM weak acid HA(k. = 10 ) is mixed with 10 ml 0.2M HCI and 10 ml O.IM NaOH.
Find the value of [A-] in the resu ltin g solution.
If your answer is 1 o-xM then fill x in OMR sheet
3. Calculate that how many times is the pH of a solution containing equirnolar mixture of CH.COOH

and CH 3 CO0Na compare to a solution of 1 M Cl--l,COOH . [K 0 (CH 3COOH) = I0-5 M]

I litre solution of I a- M MgCl 2 is mixed with I litre solution of IO M NaF solution then find concen-
3 3
tration ofF ion. (K sp ofMgF 7- is 4 x 10- )11

If yo ur answer is x x 10-y then fill 'y' in OMR.

5. How many m illimoles ofMgCl 2 should be added to just precipitate Mg(OI-1) 2 in 500 ml buffer solution
containing 0.2 M NHpH & 0.1 M (NH 4) 2 SO 4 ?
{Given·' K b (Nll 4 Oll)= I o-5; K sp[Mg(Oll)~
J= I 0- 11 }
6. ll ow many times the O. IM IT;\ (aq.) so luti on shou ld be diluted to increa se it's pH by 2 units.
KaCIIA) = IO · .

Fill your answer as sum of diJ:ils (excluding decimal places) till you gel the single digit answer.

Physical/ Quiz E-4/4

JU (Main + Advanced\ 2025
-'flll•-- ; HOi! ·iffH,:li ii. QU IZ ENTHUSIAST COURSE
SECT IOi'i - 1 : (i) Ont~· One optio n co.rre ct Type
This section con la ins 23 111ull1 · · , •tions I ·H:h questi on has four choic es(/\) , ( B), C and (D)
plc chmc e qucs ·· • · ( )
out of\\ hich 0~1. Y ONF is con eel 3(-l)
. .. . t t
I. I.wo chc1111cal.
rcal.'.ltl111s. \ ,llll
· Ill · ·111ncc1.:di11g111s
,· .. . lfthcc qu1l1 bnum consa
cpnrntcc 1osct1co n1.i1nc1s . n
li.w rc,H:til,n \ '" ',ltld th ill ti.11 ICitLlllltl H is I .' lltc11
t \ ) Rcacttllll \ ,,,,\lid pnlLCCl I 111111.: · • l •s •1s I ltSI 11s I c.tl..l inn IS
11111.:. • · · . ,
. \ I
(B) Rcad ll'" \\ll\l l l"lllll. I .. , . I I istct luWtll ds c..:n111p lcl 1u11 th an rcactt on
:l , . . . B
(C) Rcallt.l'll \ \\l\\l 11 l 111· 1i1.:1.:cl
, •• 11:1Ltc1 tuWtll Lis co111pkl1011
, ., than , cuclto n B
(D) l\l1nc l,1 the abl\\C . . . . . ' . '· I conve rted lo roduc ts, has a value
\ rc,Kltl,n "htch l1ccms \\Ith the o11g.1n u l renct,111ts being lai gc y for
1'. "hicl l ' 1
\) \',act h 1 (B) Very sma ll I (D) Not predictable
l\ (C) Very arge
3. ·
l,nc-lttrc conta111cr holds at equd· 1·br1um · ? I r A 3 mole s
o - mo es
• or B and 4 moles of C.
2A(g ) + 3B(g) ~4C (g)
\\ h,ch c:--.prcssion gives the value of the equilibrium const
ant K/
4 4 4
(A) 1'.r = - (B) K c = -
2xJ (C) K c = 2 ., ,
2+3 7
~ X.)

4. The following reaction is known lo occur: A + B ~

Suppose pure Aand B were the mixed. Which or the follow
ing would take place as equilibrium was established?
(A) The concentration or C would increase for a time
being then remain constant.
(B) The concentration of A would increase for a lime
being then decrease.
(C) The concentration ofB would increase for a time
being then remain constant.
(D) More than one of the above answers is correc
5. For an equilibriun, reaction in which the forward reaction
goes on to a much lesser extent than the backwards
reaction, the equilibrium constant is
(A) Small (B) Large (C) Zero (D) Equal to I
6. Given the following reaction and equilibrium constant. which
statement is co1Tect forth is reaction at equilibrium
co2~c o + 202; K c,= 9.1 X 10 12
(A) The forward rate will be the same as the reverse rate.
(B) The forward rate will be larger than the reverse
(C) The forward rate will be smaller than the reverse rate.
(D) The concentration of CO must be much smaller
2 than the concentration of both CO and 0 .
7. The equilibrium reaction: 2AB(aq) ~ 2A(aq) + B (g)has 2
2 an equilibrium constant equal to 1.28.lfthe
concentrations or AB and A are 5 rnol /L and 4 mol/L
respectively, what is [B ]?
(A) 0.50 M (B) l .60 M (C) 2.00 M (D) 2.84 NI
8. What is the equilibrium constant for the reaction:
AB/g ) ~ A(g) + B/g) :
the concentrations at equi librium arc as fo llows
/\Big ) = 2 111 /L, /\( g) = 3 m/L and B:/g) = 2rn/L
(A) 0.06 (B) 2.50 (C) J. 00 (D) None or these

Physical / Quiz E-1 / 4



JEE (Mala + •-•••II)
ENTHus,AST cou118•

- ••.
•-h· w:m
One ,nolt: nf ,, 1111
. , ... ·ii lowed 10 react in a 21. cnnruincr. When cqu1Tb
J 1111c nllllc nf 'I ,uc'
. ...,
1rs . "l \: I· y ' -
1hc fi11/o\\ ing r~•iJCI i1111 ncc• .. - ,
.. 11.:
. I I
1 num
· reached,
Tb ·
___. /. lf'II · cotH.:cntrutinn of/. is 0 .2 M. ca cu ale t 1c cqu, 1 num

n1ns1ant fi1r th is clnscd syslc~\.., (l') <,.70 ( D) 66. 7 . . .

2. ( i \ l 0 .0 I 5 . .<' I) - *~ I C' () arc 1111, c n in an one ,11 I , vessel ut 127nc. If Kc for the following
Ill. ., 0 nwks ,,f •c,tl' I1.so ,. ( () . so' ,llll }

:,-() . ~ ( (
.) '
, •s<> • 1 co1 i~ ,-, 1hc11
'., 4
J. . Tb · ' · 8 (13) n( SO) -I n(C0 2 )
( \ ) li11,il ,n1111bl'r ,,r11H1k.s at cqu1 , riu111 ,s .. •

.l n(S(), )) ._ 1 (D) Both (8) and (C)

· · · h . . ·
(l) n(CO)
. . . • , NO) ·.· lved in the ror111ation of smog and ac id rain . A reaction t at 1s 1mpo1 tant
'\J1tn1l!l'll dttl:\•dc ( , I.S 111vo
f I.
; 11 thL'~i'<m11atio11 orN0 2 is
Q (g) + NO(g) ~ Oi(g) + NOi(g); Kc= 6.0 x IOJ

,1ir over a section of Mumbai contained

1.0 , 1o~i\ r 0 • 1.0 x I0-5 M NO. 2.5 x I0--1 M N02 and 8.2 x I 0- M 0 1 • what can we conclude?
( \ ) There will be tendency to form more NO and 0 3 .
(B) There will be a tendency to form more N0 2 and 0 2'
(C) There" ill be a tendency to form more N0 2 and 0 3 .
(D) There will be a tendency to form more NO and 0 2 •
11. rl1e degree of dissociation ofS03 is a at equilibrium press ure p .
K., for 2S0 3 (g) ~ 2S02 (g) + 0 2 (g)
pua ·" poa2
(D) None of these
(A) 2(1-af (B) (2 + a)(I -a)2 (C) 2(1-a)2
13. What is the effect of a cata lyst on the reaction :
N2 (g) + 31-f/g) ~2NH/g)?
(A) It increases the percent of ammon ia at equilibrium
(B) It decreases the percent of ammonia at equi librium
(C) It decreases the rate of the reverse reaction
(D) Ir changes the time needed to reach equilibrium
1-l. Consider the reaction: 2Cli(g) + 2Hp(g) ~ 4HCl(g) + Oig): c.H = +27 kcal
Jf rhe pressure on the system is increased at a constant temperature, the value of equilibrium constant for
the reaction will
(A) decrease (B) increase (C) remain the same (D) None of these
15. In an equilibrium sy~tem involving solids and gases, an increase in the amount of the solid reactant will
(A) Increase the concentration of the gas product
(B) Decrease the concentration of the gas product
(C) fncrease the concentration of all the product
(D) Not effect the concentration of the gas products
16. The followi ng "equation " represents a chemical reaction at equi Ii brium
A +B ~ C + D + heat
The yield of substance D is in creased by
(A) Removing substance D (B) Decreasing concentration of substance A
(C) Using a catalyst (0) Rai sin g the temperature

Physical/ Quiz E-2/ 4

/4~!-!! ®
% ~••1-ii=Miii _ JEE (Main+ Advanced) 2025

Which In K vs I IT plot is correct 10 . .. . ENTHUSIAST COURSE

i an equ1l1briu111 that shirts L

In K B In K t _ 1~i
In K L_,idreaclan~~~~ lghertempcratures?

(A ) ( ) (C)
I /T (D)
. Ier ti le 1·O 11 owi11n ·11·1··111 I /T 11·1·
,s. Cons1c :=-' • gc111c11t -
I ;-r

11101111 1001111
0IMNall Purc ll ,O

\ olumc orliquid in container I and 11 al Tb .· .

( \ ) l = 100 ml, 11 - 100 ml ' equ1 I 11um a1~-
(C) l = 0 mL 11 ....,. ml (B) I - 200 ml, 11 = O ml
r I · (0) I = 110 ml II = 90 ml
l 9. · or t 1c gt\ en endothermic reaction '
, ariation in conce ntta .
. t'1011 due to different changes is plotted.
,\ eglect the slope of'
ch · . -
ange m concentratioll when system approaches equilibrium. Assume that
changes are carried out ve,y fast.


effce t-1 e lTcet-11 effcet- 111
Time ~

Give the correct order of initials T (true) ofF (false) for following statements.
(a) Effect-] is decreases in temperature at constant vo lum e
(b) Effect-Il is decreases in total equilibrium pressure by changing volume.
(c) Effect-lIJ is addition ofB only at constant volume
20. For the reaction,
Nf I~I IS(s) ~ NJ Iig)+ H2 S(g), K11= 1225(tonf
fn a vessel , Nf f3 (g) at a par-Lia! pressure of 40 torr and H?S(g) at a partial pressure of 25 torr is taken.
After a long time, the total pressure of gases in th e vesse l becomes
(A) 65 torr (B) 70 torr (C) less th an 65 torr (D) 71.5 8 torr
21. A closed rigid conta in er of vo lum e I litre initi a lly co ntai ns 4 mo le ol' l ll (g) and 4.25 moles ofN/g) at
27°C. Wh en the mixture is heated to I 27°C, two reversible reactions take place till equilibrium is established.

Kc I

2N/g) + 6H 2 (g) ~ 4N I 1/g) Kc2 = ?

At equilibrium th e co ncentrati on or 12 and N I 11 arc I Mand 0.5 M respectively. Ca lculate Kc, x Kc2 •
(A) I (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
Physical / Quiz
JEE (Main + Advanced) 2025
~~ ALLEN ®
• _...~. I i•ii ii ·>if !-i,:t i I■

22. An equim o la r m i;..1u rc or PC I, and C l, is take n . Ca lcul a l the equilibrium pressure. ir7 5% or PCI , is converted
into PC I~'?
PCl,(g) ~ !'C l ,(g) -1 C l2 (g) I( 5 11 1111
38. (D) 12 0 a lrn
(/\) 60 ,11 111 (I I) 7,:;, [11111 (C) ,15 nlm
23 . \ 111111011ia ,1( a prc,,111·c nf ".1 111 1 1111d 11 ,~ gos ul u p1 css urc or IO a l111 a rc inlro du ccc.l into a n evacuate d
Nll,JIS(,), 'N I l ,(g) I 11 /:,(g) K ,, = 62.5 a lm

nic tot,d /H"c,,urL' \lt"gascs aflcr lo ng Li m e is:

(C) less th a n I 5 a lm (D) un predicted
( \ ) 15 ,1(111 (8) 11 10 1-c th a n 15 a l111

(iii) Pa.-agraph Type

I This sectiL)ll contains 1 parag raphs , desc ribin g th eo ry, ex pe rim e nt, da ta etc. 3 question s relate to one
". p~iragraphs with two ques tio ns. Each quest io n ofa paragrap h has only one correct an swer among the
/c)ur choices (, \ ). (B), (C) a nd (D).
Para g raph for Q.24 to Q.26
0.25 mole o(solid 'A' is taken in a I Levacuated flask at 27°C. Following two equilibrium exist simultaneously.

.\ (s) ~ B(g) + C(g) .......... .(i) Kc,

2B (g) ~ D(g) + 2E (g) ........... (ii) K c2

Ler 0.2 moles of solid decomposes upto equilibrium & 0.1 mole ofE was found at equilibrium.
[Given : R = 0.08 L arm IC' mor'J
14. Calculate total pressure at equilibrium -
(A) 10.8 atm (B) l 2.6 atm (C) 12.8 atm (D) None of these
15. Calculate K c -
(A) 0.01 (B) 0.02 (C) 2 X ] 0-4 (D) None of these
26. Calculate partial pressure ofB at equilibrium -
(A) 1.2 atm (B) 0.8 atm (C) 2.4 atm (D) None of these

Physical I Quiz E-4/4

L i l") JEI! \Mftlft • "llv■ncud) 2011
~ ,,· ~~ r:NTHUSU\Sf COURSE
Pl. (; ---- -
- l-=1vt , ~ fRY
-L ,;(-v TIME : 4 5 M I N.

SECTll ll': •l : ( l) •nh 011<• op llm , cot-r(• ct l'yp e

t:tt JI t Ct1 'tl 1i s 6 mulllplc choh:e 1111cst iu11s 1 Lich 111 cs ti o n ha'i fo ur cho1c1:.; (A) , (8), (C) and (D)
_ _ c~ut ' \, l r .. • l'\il ONE is C\l 1J~cl. • 3(- 1)
I. \\ 1111.:11 11 th• t<'l11n, in\ r1:,1cti,111 is ·i,01111 1111:ou n• tl v nt n· lalivl' l y low ti·m r,L 1.hm.: -
\dl,Hll' I \:,< I, ➔ Nl ,\ ) I Ill,'>
\l 'N~l 1t~•) J l I\ ) ,. Nil/ I\ ) I 1 \.I
1(') >Ill( l ( ) \ 1
11 ( l (/) l OJ(g) ·I '% Id
(D) H11tli (I~),\; (C)
2. Jl<11\: •, •1,hl'l'l\llt:tllot1upiclm11 1 \II ll uL1111 'cfi11 m co11\ainc;icos,ihcdrnlm11ts(1cusa\wdr,•l 1sar..:g11\m
s - , ' '<•1 lll'l'S '-\ 20 foci.! ,, l I u u11 t l\>tus at nil I J l.!OI m:r•; w1d all b()m\:, arc equivalent.
~) ~ ~
l'OS 11 ~di'al
C1c t~ \l-lj 1,ir kJ) pcl' mole ofcoron r:.lr- ns for,ning gas~0L13 icos:iht.. rnl i" L\l\ 1 (B-B)= 2.00 kJ!mol.
, , ,' lC (8) 600 (C) SOC lD) 25 0
.~. 11 , t'\'.J'l'ri nc n th,, tnlhalpy of neutrnt: ;;1 t io11 \Ji :-;u ct · :111 hyJro xic\: with ~ulp'1 unc aciu, 50;m c,f
0 P. :--1., d1um bydrl'Xidnvcrc titrn led tkrni•)rnetdolly wi lh O....,"M ~1 tlphli~ic acid_ Which or tht: {;Jl iowmg
J , ....,' :t till' nw:-1 prnba1,lc correct n,;pn;~;, ,rtlat.(i.1. t,.1npe,··,1urn ol so:ut.1011 (initial temperature uf '\10H

\ 2su-! ilr;' sam~).

ii / ! -
!A)~l~1/ -+--+--I-, - ! I -+ ·
(B) (C)
(~ .-r----._

1_ ,--,--t-+---
;;1_1 ~l_l

2ll •·O IC,.
1) 0 I
.. ,,J I' I '>U,

4. \ i'' 1
0 ~- wal<.;1 is - 285.8 kJ nt0J- . If en thalpy of Hf l t1alisnt 1 on vf monot.-:id stroug b.1se i·

: 7 ,; id mo! -I \I r\j of oH- ion will be


([1) 228.5 ld mu!

1 (.::·) 111-.25 kJ mol- 1 (D) - l l4.2J k.J mo1-,
'P..1-J.285kfuol 1

f' ( , ( I I' I }. ) I\\ )

.'\L' ",Oi(gJj 1 1:al/ mole

1n,! ,_jlJ •cit. ,u - I(, h.:at /mul lhtn calGulate 61-1\m:i:Hli,n of l\/0~ tg) nt ·n7uc
~ t. . t,ll /n1'J!
\ (B; ,t;," kcal 111u l
.. [ / ll\CJ I (l) J I Ol cal I ul ) l
( (_ ) 1, 1(C,,

- - :Mo. ..... ~. ..- - - - ~-- -

Physi ~, i 1 _r)u· z
JR IM111n + Allvla c1 tl
---- -=: --:- =1@ ENTHUSIAST cou._
• • CA 1l'r"d NS1,R U:,-S
• •· - ·D·•'·'· m;'"·~;ia
- . h ther is zero.
.· t'10110 fu n cm111ti• om er into t e O
6. tl
Sfn{cment-1 : SI.mt1arc1en 10 lpyofiso1 11c11za ti som e 1
ent1 1 fformat1.on.
f ·hi rnl compound have ie a py o
Statcmcnt-2 : The two enantiomcrso . fi . statement-I.
. rn1y c , • t-2 is corrcctexplanat1on 0 1
(A) Sta(cm~nl-1 IS true, slo(cmen l-2 ·., (rue nud stal1,;111cn . NOT Lhc cor rect exp l·,ma t·
'"' I sL'llC 111Cl l l-2 ion
(13) S1;-t,·111e11t I i:- t1 uc, stn1c1110 nt-.•,., is tnu;.; um ' IS

for st.1l1..'11J1.. · ll· I

(C1 s1ai-:m1e11l I is 1n1c, .,;(nh:mcn1-.J. is fobil
(D) S1a1c111.:-nl J j-; l.tfsc, sl11l1ellWl
l l-2 is true. T
(ii) One or mo r e opll ous co rrec .
t y pc
f'11s i;l!1'ti1,n 1:ontains S nml
tiJ> lc cho ice q ues tion. E ·1 1 c1uestiun hus four c h o1ce
·. s (A) (B) (C) and
\n) ,1tt ,fw hi,· h <'N F or l\tIO s. nc · ,
RE urc e-~o~rr~cc~·t:_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4(-1)
-- - 1 1 --
- _ _ _ _ __ _ _..:.......;;......--
7. ~:ik1'f th' inc, , n:ct sla{ctm m{ (s)-
•A) \H.,,, IL'1 I oi • ):.r:tplulc
• H 0(1))
IS equ al lo t.Hr [C( g)] (B ) A -r:r

\ I• 11 " 1..
u - •·omb O f 'H' atom is equal to b..H, [ 2
(D) 61-Icomb of graph ite is equa I). H [co g
(C') \Hf [l L,O(/)J ts ..:cro • •
1 ( )]

s. \\ 1 ~11o''th c following is correct option(s r

( E : "onl. cnt11,ilpy, L\H : enthalpy
of alom isal ion)

(B) (6/I )qg ) = (L\H )qgr .s) = (L\ubH)qgr,s)

9. For ;.r: \/s) latti ce enth alpy is 800

kJ mo1- 1 a nd enthalpy of so lutio n
is SOid n101- 1• If hyd rati on energie
of ,;\1 2 a '1.d x-
ions are in the rati o 3 : 1 , then corr
ect options are :
(A) Hyd rati on ene rgy of M 2+ is
-30 0 kJ/m ol (13) Hydration energy ofM 2+ is -45 0
(C) Hyd rati on ene rgy ofX - is -3 00 kJ/mol
kJ/mol (D) Hyd ratio n energy ofX - is -
I 0. Consider the fol low ing isomerization proc 150 kJ/mol
ess :
CH2=C H-C H -CH =C H (g) -> CH
2 2 2
=CH-CH =CH -CH (g)
Which oft he following statement(s 3
) is/are iTue regardin g this process?
(A) 1l1e process is coxthermic
Enthalpy change of rea ctio n= Resona
nce enthalpy of product
(C) f11e magnitude of enthalpy ofc
ornbustion of product is less than that ofr
(D) fhe mngnih1de of enthalpy ofh
ydrogenntio n of product is greater than
that of reac t.int.
11. I 00 in! 0.5 1-,1 H SO (strong acid
2 4 ) is neutralised witb. 200 ml 0.2MNH.PH in a constan
whil.:h res ults in temperature rise t pressure Calo1imetcr
of 1.4 °C. If hea t cap aci ty of Cal
1.5 k.J / 0 C. Which statement is/are corr ori me kr con ten t 1s
Giv w : HCI + NaOTI -> NaCl + H2 O + 57 kJ
CI 13 COOI·f + NH 0H -> CH CO
4 3 ONU4 + H2 0 + 48.1 kJ
(A) Enthalpy orncut1 a!isalion of.HCJ
v/s NH4OH is-5 2.5 k.T/mol
(B) Enthalpyof dissociatiou (ionization)
ofNTJ4OJJ is4.5 kJ/mol
(C) Enthalpy of dissociation of CI f C0
3 0l l is 4.6 kJ/1110!
(D) Lill for 211 0(/ )-- -> 2!-1+ (aq.)
2 + 20J-C(CTq.) is 114 kJ
Physical / Ghrlz
E-2 /5

ltlTIIUIIMT 0011111
(lll) \>nnar111>h Type
This sl!ction contains 1 ,nrngrapbs, describin
1 g theory, experiment, dutn etc. 3 questions relat
. 1 't\ two questions. Each question of u pnra e to one
pnragt ap \S WI 1 gmph hes only one correct answer among the

- tour choices (A), (B), (C) nud (D).

l'111·n~r11vh foa• Q.12 & Q.14
Stutlv tb~ following thClmochcmical equation:

(a) ,O(g) + Jl·l,(~) . ► 11 0(/) 1- N) t (/) ; L\ll
2 4 "" - 76 kcal
(b) .ri\u~) 1 3ll,O(/} ➔ 2Nl \fo) + JN p (g)
; L\11 = -~240 kcul
(c;) N H. (l) 1- H 0(l) ➔ 2NHig) + ½ Oz(g
7 4 1 ) ; llH = +36 kcal
(d) H,O(l) ► l\(g ) + 1/1 0 (g) ; Ml ~ -68
2 kcnl
12 The t',\th,llp) of combustion (in kcul/mol) of liquid Nl14 is -
(A) . 11.9 (B) - 138 (D) 147
(C) -147
l3. Th~ ~nthutpy of fonuation ( iu kcal / mol)
of liquid NzI-14 is -
(A) --ll (B) +44 (C) +11 (D) +13
t 4. Anunonin can be obntaincd ncco rding to react
ion (b) or (c). Which of the follo wing is correct
rega rding
these reactions, ror the smue mass of ammonia
(A) 1fore mass of reactants is needed for reac
tion (c)
(B) Less mass of reactants is needed for react
ion (b)
(C) More heat is needed for reac tion (b)
(D) More heat is needed for reac tio11 (c)
(iv) 'fable 1fype
• This section cont ains 1 questions of matching
IJ This section contains TWO tables (each havin
g 3 columns and 4 rows)
• Based on each table , there are TH~ E ques
t Eacb q\lestion has FOIDl options (A), (B), (C)
and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is corre
• For each ques tion, darken the bubble corre spon ct
ding to the correct option in the ORS.
• For each question, marks will be awarded in
one of the following catego1·ics :
Ft1ll lvforks : +3 If only the bubble cowespo11ding to the
correct optio n is darkened.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the bubbles is darkened.
Negative Maries : -1 In all other cases
Column-I Column~ll Column-III
(Reactions) (Cha rn:tcristics) (Charncteristics)
(I) C(s) + Oi(g) ➔ C0 (g) (i) AfI ;;: +ve
2 (P) MI> 6E
(Il) SO J(g) -> SOz(g) + 0 (g)
2 2 (ii) D.n~= +ve (Q) I ~H I > I6E I
(lll) 2CO(g) + 0 (g) -> 2C0 (g)
2 2 (iii) D.n" :::: - ve (R) AH< 6E
• 1
(IV) ·.C(8) + 0 2(g) -> CO(g)
2 (i.v) AH ::: - ve (S) I L\H I < I flE I

Phys ical / .Quiz

, ,,
,. JEE IMala + Ana11ced) 202,

. . is only correct mate
Which of th c fol 1owmg ..

(C) Ill iii, S (D) IV, iv, R
(A) r , i , r 0)u' •Q
3 11
. • I incorrect mntch ?
16 Which of the folJ owmg is on .Y , ... c,
>, (13) IJ I , iv , It (C) IV, m ' .:, (D) JI I ii IQ
( \ ) ]T , i I l'

Wl;ich ()f Clw l'olh>wi11g i8 ou ly col'rod match '? .

· .. (JJ) n , iii, (i (C) III , 1v, s (D) IV, ii, p
(A) I, 11, Q
SBCTION-II : lHatl'ix-IVlatch 'J'yp c

l'lns t,~c 1wn ( < ~. 11·n 14' J qucsl,io11. <tucs tion hus J.'our statements (A ' B' C 1:tnd D) b1ven m
• , . • >ti' • r, .
CiJlmun 1,md fn·c 8tato111011f s (P, Q, H, Sand 'l') in Coh.unn 11. Any given statement in Column
j t·:rn han, corroct mntching with ONg or MORE statomcnt(s) given in Column II. For example,
if for n givl'll question, stat9mcnt B ma tches with the statements given in Q and R, then for
tlw p~trlicuJar question, against statement B, darken the bubbles corresponding to Q and R
in th" ORS. 8(0)
1. C. illy obs_;rvc tho given cliagrnms which indicates stand.ire! enthalpy of formalion ofdifferent states ofone

mokMg and 2 mole Cl atom and match the entries in coltunnAand Bprovided.
Energy (kJ) 1' State of Mg and Cl2

+2600 ···1.... ·--·-·........ ___ [Mg.2\g) + 2CJ{g)]

+23~0-.. ·-· ....- ... [Mg2\g) + Cl2(g)]
+18 7Q.... - - · · · · - - - - [Mi/ r(g) I· 2Ci-(g)]

+111 O····, : - - - - - - - [Mg2+(g) ·I 2c1-(aq)J

+170 ..../ [Mg(g) + Cl2(g)J

-6~0 ....L. . . . . . --..· - i~!~;~(s)~

[Mg 2+(aq) + 2Ci-(nq)J

Col umn l Columll II

(A) .0.r-4 [Mg2+ (aq)] (P) - 1900 kl/mole

(Q) + 460 kJ/mole

(B) !iflr [CI- (nq)'J
[M (R) - 625 kJ/mole
(C) LHihydration 1 g-,.,. (g)]

(S) + 251 0 kJ/mole

DJ /L..c.Mi;Cl 2 (s) I
L.E. = Lattice enthalpy


JP.E (Main + /ldvanccd) 2025

· - - - - - - _ :~ ~ ~
SEC T[ON-lV ·, (1 ntcgct Vn hw Cu l'rcct 1' )
.~ . ,rpc
1 hi s scc!10n conta ins J questions · 1•110 ,,111sw er to unc h quc ·r 1·8 11 s1uglo dJgit Jutcg cr, ranging from
s ion
0 lo 9 (both in clusi w) 4(-1)

l. /.\Ir = -50 I< cal al 25°C

' an ideal gas.

e; like
· li l11dl ofL\l l (ill]( en I) ill 650 C. Assume gases behav
c~1..,.lrnla tc m:ll'l
[Gn en : R - '! C :1 1/ mol/ l(J
, . al place s) tr/I
_·(u d.mg r,ectm
·, , ( !l."tc . e digtl. answ er.
. y ou get the stngl
FilT •vow · llnsw er av• •rnm or'd' 'J ig1,~

cting vessel of volume V litres, so that 0.5 mole

2. HO\\ mud, hc,11 (in Id ) should be supplict! to a rigid condu
,) ·c i:- r()rmcd in the rc:1clion.
, JI ,i- I\;}- > c( 1., : L\TI = +7.6
Take:: R - ~ J/k mo lt, T = 300 K:

A t 500 kilob ar prcss mc, dens ity of dfomond and

grnphite are 3 glee and 2 glee respectively, at certain
Lemp crn turc 'T' . Find the v nluc /L\H-L\U/ (kJ/m
o!c) for the conversion of 1 mole of graphite to l mole

,)r ( ,i·1111011d ,1! tcrnp cmtn rc ' T ' :

al place s) till you get the sitigle digit answ er.
Fri/ your am,w cr as sum of dlgit~ (exclru!ir,g d1:cim

E-5/ 5
Phys ical I _

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