A Critical study of Vachaspati Misra Contribution to Avaita Vedanta
A Critical study of Vachaspati Misra Contribution to Avaita Vedanta
A Critical study of Vachaspati Misra Contribution to Avaita Vedanta
sRl v. SHESHAGIRIRAO, rvr.e.
. W
'"rsofl€ttilwEfflil F
--,"erCti' I I
.i -.
I tb.'h rubrtt|.|l to un
Ont'.r|tty of t{7ron lcr
ttrr 06j;aa of Dootor of
Shrtr frflo Sbal13ld Btoq l.l.t
DaD.rtl.ot ot PorSandlrt. 3hrdl.a
rnd Eorrllb 10 PhllopDhtt
Unlvrrrltt ef llycortg
llumt3rlfothrll lyrorr''6'X) Oo6'
n^{Amlsf,tr R^C)
,.r .J$o
. ,r\!a,a
i *seurchtn PhilosoPhl
llyeolrg ol ifitqt'
Plrsrr iios"gont,
Dat.df l4 ' L sl
\ru \w'14'9'-
(Y.I. .IIBI EAi.)
llmrr Htsnrt
Datrdf l8 -z-iggt
R r { , P A C i r
lla4tl anr.
ttr *"
} I
lt *'
to tb. otbrlr It lt onlt lr lL r.tll. of, dctellrl
mtbolr of l|.tontnl ral trchntqnr tihet b. lrtlotr
Ehi. r r l l lUiratl
lhi eCa.$i. r r ra Darrtl Crlnrttrt
E l r i 1 . .r . at t!|b $tddnl
BrP.r. aa f,trtort of Indlrn PbtlerDlu
Itlr$1. r la satrblarryr .il,drbi
P.Pt aa ?rfiruitlts
Ptt. at Pdiil Dadtlr ltrrrts
8.Lr8r a l 8!,dilbiltr -lrtr -$rajrebt
gt.UD{. a a 3hr.t-rbtrten E?rntrbri
?r$rllr aa r.d4Dtr -8 lddh-ntr tFB-|'rll
ctl'Isn P{&B
Prrh- t - Yfl
r lltrd|leilnr
(1) ?s6u.9atl tr I Sobohr ot r11 tlt ftctr
and pbrrt of lodten Phltotopby - lllr i.,lfr I
!{ortr - Iportooer 13 bhlrrtt tn Adtrlt.
ircdltlcn - YicrrDrtl .r regrorcftttn3 o[a
- lrorg r.ctltn of Adnltr.
(8) Dite of lEcrrDrtl. t r l l
tt tsllltl-eil-Eqlrldllt
TDltat f nctiia Sitvrrn sru r{9r Jfuor rd
Vrttl Jaunar
(a) ";iff-tuotnrrlty ot tmortclgr -
Yfcu::potlrs rt|unnt ln frwB! of erlf'
lunlnr,:lty of knrvlei3or
(3) Yef : itty of Xnovlodlr - lort of dtlrtr
Soal l tY.
(,ll t-c,rrpa3l rr trrrtrnt ad lrJttrttoa of
oihct thorlla* of srtot. 1l - 68
(li -.utrb.s of PrecE{rur
(3) ,.rs tr.xner lllnrory'
(3) .itrtur of Slutl .| I Prr{tsr
('l) ttclattrn botlr.an snrtt |at Frrtot|.
(6) only plfortful rorlptnrr 1| $thottta-
(G) .rorlghrlo rnd t lofPtlco.
(Z) ooor-prpcptroi nairy oetat|. dltf.t sr?
(t) vf,oarDrtlrg rrtltotlst of hditbbcdr te - 91
It --fl)
Tao,rpatlrr cluollrtlln of th. AdYrltlo
Oomc9tl6 Of Jtrharn - itlrhratt rt ihvOi{
ol eny quatltlcr rnd clstlnettoor $.!!o-
rttrt - Srabmn tt gure q?ntologtlatf lot
urdorgokg ltrt ohrngro
(8) Er.rbarn rt lobrn rndl unkncnbb.
( 3 ) :rphcu er llrbpmpllht.
(r) irahca 1r not Jrya - i,otb.l ts'l|hloa
anl -3tllctnctr of &lralta trldailtrr
t I
Et tt$otra itlrtt
(a) Jlntr b Clo to dVrnr
(r) Dr_lor of rCluitr.
( . ) Jfrr tn ltr tr-rrlmf lt 0 brtr I
lorl ad 6 lrUctrl.
elrr of tbr In-Ctvaluel Jrlf.
J[vur lo ltr rrrnol,lr lmtrl.
( ? ) tl- s6ont of ivartEtrrPr
. (.) T:rc ra'.rtlrn betutan lsr!trI ld Jt[ '
utffrrertr tbottlaa ol Jlnr
(r) inicoho'tr vfi,lr
(b) Pr'.ttbhbr wli
(o) rrh*r.rrcdr
tt) ;rtttorl marth.
(il) fecsrnrtlrr dtofrnce ol rtrrllrrdr
(11) crnolu{lng rclarrr
(f,gl .l 1va - one or_nay?
(lt,incirr*J ttl,tgalr
(11) StrJt'r-ur(h
(r11) crttloal rcqrlr
(tt) ;u r'lary of tlrl rerrrllr lil - ld)
rr I
rotl4lt '.:.s'ncrt
(: ) frl r DrltFtrr
(tt) ''rrnat tlol liirrrtr-antrr
(ltl) iriuurnt fren Dt*-Jtltl
(a) fm thotrt of Cru*rllcat Intloluotlon
(ll Ylnrt$ va'le.
' 15ea",;rr?tr.l rof.rtailrn o! tba
i{yE-yr vclCcil{r tboott of
(ttt) ifa'rqpattrr tllltrrlrn ef tDr-
j-. 'a'Y)Eo th-)ry cf orus''tira'
(tv) Isr'rt ai cath tbr ratrrlrl lnil
t'lc effirtont ocEff of tha notlcta
(r) Yaqaro.tlr* rfrrtatloa of Prrdbrnr
.!t rhelrlcl o',ugs af tba-oattl?!..
(rl) Bratrra:r arll t?rld rFl ctt ttlrntlorl
thru4h nrt dlffrnaS.
(vtl) Crltlctl !flrrkt.
(t) Th. Jootr{,ne ot Avldti
CBArldl tAgl
(r, Ilettltt of A?t{ya
( 1 r ) Avldtl rr
( u l ) frc llnrr ot eYttlYl
(1r) rrtdli - *fli
(r) r.coul Cf AvlllE -
-rlvarlrttr -.Yl lta{-L -
BrebnErbrl tr-gviiltd-rrdrr
("1) t[os s9a31| . ds ; .rr. o ot
J lvdshrlta -rvlJYr-v-th. -
(vl1) ia c,lEllatr of ihl'rrrtr'l .1
rtrad ca tbr Pruolll
(rltt) Plullllty of .'vlttlt
( l x ) f ifo:1ci 6f Andr-Jlv:-rhrlte -
a.rirk8-€Yl lYf tfdr
(r) -rhl lrloDblcrl lngltortloar
of tbr rltff,era,t vlotrl on
3I|. Drobier of th. rcfit of avlittl
( r l ) )rst,l-irrtl viCa
( d r ) i;!tt-$irt1 lsil
(xr 11) 'i' L'!,rrrri it"tvr astlatl.
(xtv) h t , l r s t a r l ' n o f t f o r r P r t t r r
,i:r'' . .--l-V. ;hrt ; r-.i'tqla-..1Ylill
v:la ir nrt laPlYlng Jtfll-
9rrtl vi'l"i
(rr) iiti'nfeoc of lfuar* l3l '3i
Y.lirshr ra th3 !1nl! b?nut
inc otrio cr .:r rrr ln tr', rf,rr of
:.rieitfo-fehana - terrrDett lr Ytcl
(s) i h.r VllErE nr vi *v
(4) irttlcls! 6f TicrrgrtLrr vlrr
(s) Ec., rpatl r s reJutrttcn of Jnrar
-t. nta ll|llocnltl v.rila
( 6 ) V',o. ipiCt t s diirtrctlvr tBt.tpl|htlil
of tre r i n l h a s o ;atuttrtr'
(?) Vte isptl on artdYa nttllll
(r) r strr 1'; g-1 'rv.''F eer$Lllbrdt frOt
noE ton:rr.htal fr"eEh Eo b| rltrlo.d
lnar - ,t t-prodrrct of aotton -
Jnane alrnr or! relltltl bon'!-'1c
vhlob 1r !h. trtult of lllu'or7
(e) i':o'ieaii-on Jinmkttr loo ' s
CtlnPfi;n PAOE
(.t ttt
.':'lt:trfr tFl lrfr E l..b
Ir Jlrrr
( 3 ) iver-trbrdrriilr b-tilrlFtt
ct.tltrottt tbgort.
({} "lur.llty of Jlrrr. -
(o) .gui ar-Crnttnt oalt rdhtr rd
l-i lrrcl karvle.!3t of hrErr.
(6) 1",r1{r tt ra Ir lrltr.
(?, ' -. tr 'ttlal bt aoal-L lt
e ., ttl ro l,rabllo
(gl ilrcrr 1r no vlirt
r;,.Loi !n tbr Ugrotrbrllll
orooaDt: vrri dfat..vl'o rantrtto
a l l l t l b Y i r l t . t t r b-'
(o) ttr ltrrarirri-oaishr Gl '3
It - ltO
lr&rcsart l?-ll
llblt,rgraPbt tiX) - lf
aa.a t
CfftPtiE - t
' oa thf lrt|l tt'n Ftlt
fol tfTr rrltrrr itr tnflno..
Jac trrnCmr.' lo lLt oardtrl rortr of Prof' Strtrrtbrtrltr
.In tlrr II cratur':re tlrr dorl of i*rttatllir Drrducd ta tl|r
grrlon ofs ldcrrD"t'l ttlrhrrl I rn So tr Eertratr thr rrt
llrtlntuishorl tbr rsholarly phtlologbctr ot Enhnnlcll
Inilt-r Htr tnorldaa lt ot"rh'hln{t htr lnforrottoa alratt
F sptr'!.t's.
tlhi"tlr -
0t lrh. sstt rttttbotst to tloregattr
ot.rlolrr 3hr llaltetlont lr I otruntatst rrxl 3o.. !o
tntDEaa bh cn crltloal rtandpoltttr vtth retrrd tc ttL
rnbtlo rnd tntrtcntr otnoaPtl of ,r{Y!tta rtrlo} llt pr:posrt
to .nqulr. lnSo rhrrt brr bcrn arDllottlt rnlill rhet hrr b.lr
ktl unrntd end riot her bra laadcquatalt lnlC ta th.
orlgtarl Dbarhtr of $btnterr. tttr lc tbr vlrr of Arrllotndrr
tbr corrntrtol on Slihatl.? tr rrgltottlt rrtr ttret thletl
tr aot . *!ra o(ttaatrttr brt r rfrtlffe8.
Pradropr I D.
o! thr bnt fo! ttrr rtrok r,rtllr tlol$ tt tr tc Dr
r0dttert th:it 'the tr* of ttrt lrlltortan 1r lnt{,artactrltt
ln phtlopltt'lC, tot th.ta lr r rbrrra nj ;;sutrrtf
oblonclrttf la tbo crt. of t-rrrDatt ltlrbrrr t|ir 9roblil
sf lotailtalt8 th. onot date of btr l| Ft ta$lubl.. :
[is orn ortr ftralrh ur r olrr fot thr dcterolortlon ot
hlr datro ldln flrlrr8 thc tlatr of li-oertrtl ur rhaltt
tlD ol$olyrr ta tonoh rltb tb. d)auilotr 31rro ll Virr,ntl
hlr||lt. Ia uoutd tb.o br lajlorll' cofjLlrt to oor. tc .
lrtlrton. lhtr pslC ba . L.tttl rnd I vlrcr rrtr Ia thlr
It.htq rl ftt own Ctronr{ tbr rutSotlonr trlrltll tha
orga of fi-orrgrtl, all[ bt rny rlbolrr otbt! ti.t lfrrrptl
blrsrlf. An rttGPt rt b. rrrh to Ifttt Coouilatert tlotl
rvtnood !t bl! qn Frtr to tBlt . aoltotttblr drte of htrr
(1) licrrprtl
hlrrrlf lrl.r r rtrg|ooot tbrl la
ctQl.tt{ thr wrt oillrd tlyfyr'-5riot-"ltDldbrrl r rbort
vorh o ttrr errrlr.rtnt of tntr rfrll tn tbr t "r 8l.l?
' fa.rittl rd llgjer
drata b. ltraal.
cf tltl tl3al.
tllot to VioarDetl.
tb. trtants ello ny b. pb..n tn tb. 9th oeaturT
l.;.91 &rt for ?ftf4rtt th. ltdtr e{0' o0o rrr rll tbrt
rt retr fltr 8r rrnrpt bat floutl*d rtther ln thr l0tb
or rflrt Sr llth atntut?r
ltl - lO irJr
' caly lo tonl
ln frct u! oro tglt of tdrette .PlltatbltSt
of Ytttl Jdiar rr !h. :l?tnrpa Jral ll ceuatrd rtth thf
rtuirlrtlnt rrallttr It 1r not r pt duct of rltblrui
It t! LcltLr lrfurl nor dfttFotitr tth rear that
It canmt unduto eot tnnrforttlotr (?lkirt) ui broor
(ntrrltsur). .t
lntabl. It Ir rtrrndr In |rttrr8 thtrr
t&arDrll Otrtla3utrhrr llr poettton fpr ttrt of thr
Yg6rnrrrClarr *o rratnl tt rr rrnltyar (arntrry)
tt lr obJ.athss (ntrrtrbqratr)1 todlrlrlbh (rttr{r)
ooartratr ta otbrtrordc rooordtn4 to tioartrtl Cofolour'
nlrr lr tbr foundatlon of rll ,ictclrlrutl ltnovlrilSrr lhtr
ftlttatf rdrehtrra te
tr tilalta.'rt.d bt tb. l'ralthadla
t.rlttyr Inodrlgt rnd laftnltTrl
F 'w
ootldf uarrelltt end lltusbrtailr of e falr 9r'xntatton'
tbu llot. 1r rn rlutot of rcrllrl tn hts rtrttr 8ut lt
F lod.t.ndcat of tltrhlo
Ia thle lepcotf ,liltrtlo
lt tl ilr.hrel
tts'lf flo!
th' ftfF
l t\rrthst qu.ttlca of vltrl lsttnnc. go ba
lltlrlnrs th obJoot rlonr rnrl door rot rqteel tlEdf nl
tnr rdf'6(t)no-n , thry bolr tbat thc s;alttrn It trt.t
on r.trtht bt tntlottaatltn ubtob rlretl rr"|rll ltr
3 }:
coaralorlt .rr lt t' th0 lFity ar.amo (c'ft$r} lf, thr self'
tb rtdDt ol thc .',ot lnt ?.r31{ abalrloa bt
tifcrrFtt !r tlrat ptrr oolnlousmrE tr rdf'tlvlllq ratl
tbrt tlrlr tr m nvdatloa of tlra c.tnlclocr or tha utFctrF
lcltur rr ruoh bt roother md flnaLlt tbrt thr obJ$t co|.r
to br nlrrhd cnly *rea tt tr la tllurolt ltlrntlft*lt,rn
(traat6 athyirc) rttb pun oonsoltnrrfltr.
thr dlrstrloa on tbr rllf-lurtnlltt cl tmn
kdir re brlajr at to tha nst t*orteat trrull vt&l
S.tirF lodrdlr fu lltdartedll nlll or lcm tt roqdlr
rnt otbet t rm to o.ttttt lt. tbot lel tr vrllilltt trbddd
tn thr o!3u!. of EnordrCta or acif lt {rp.d on loethltt alro?
fn lbortr tha glattlon trr lr lrpvlrrtar lrlt't;ltd or otbcl'
.|trt.tf,r of rmd.rdler thr lndJhtrtr hcll 3ht trr1.lttllty
lohrnc ln rll oolnttlonrr lut r.lt0tttr lr rrtabltcbad by
rorthlqi olrc rtfrl ttrr orprrlty to lral to o fnrltlll
rattrlty (rrth trrt; karltr)lg(l) A! raalnrt thlrr ti.
t{IlLrntrr rnrl trb Yrd5ntlnr rtntrtn thet vrlttttt tr rrlfb
rvldcn! rnd tt lr onV larrltdlty tbrg lr trtenlnd bt
artranao[a lautttr
rnrt tr mt th. rcrult of argtrn'ut .Lfintt
or co*lttlonl'3l
tr alnritT
thr tirfrraltr hcl{ tirt ell ltnorlcdtr 1r rlf'lrltd rr rubr
tbry potct out lrlet raltdltt l| rt
trduod )t rry otb.t
arurat cosdltlon tbra tbom of horktlar. plrbb.lrlt
oplsrr rosnttton lr rlf-ralldr ral rrlf .Dtlarb.rtrie
Yattrttty/coSnlaoil .lont rtth oolnltlca ttsrlfe soilr$tfrF
ralrr eod thl Yo{t5irttrr {nrr.l'r trllq rrlldltt to h bn
tlrqrtb Ur. t tt rlcrotr of latrvletlgr tirrrlnll
r *lrltlon rfitch lr not prwbutlT [non.d k rho ot
tontndlctr{.S trulh tr tbtdtq .t rtrrl enil oc'lontndletor/l?.
nf thar ctrldoc qt{re faouteda. tlon thf oom?tla of valli[ty,
",nt rcootdlrl to furrtb glalf lrrriru trrhl6r rbtoh ldtrr
on. to Dtrotloal rotl)nrgl(r) h t;r"rrtt tb*o lr rr rrf,rrlll
to rotbao
In thl. r.ar. illcrrtrtlrr srleaatlno of tbe t*llltt ot
Inrlrdtr 1r lrr rott retlafrotottr
{. IlrJlrnts-e;L.ltrll
filrrtcltr .r run la tbr fcr':8rlnl pe3rrl ll r
.. lrLl[l&l
?iirrr'rtlr llrrt rt'rrtr t8th tbr rtetcent of
la rpPrrbdlld rr erlrtont.
F oqlld
It !r thtr anloltnort
ttrt rLt th'
laq lt ornut tr rffrrlrde rlgrttq lllrrtotl
aontrrl of illt 1r onrrall h:crlprtl rllloulorl thrroug';
lrrpPtrlrtlr rrtr ttrr t{lfrratrl tn tbr lrrt of Set
lr unml.
Il lllror bc rbrolltrlt rpo erlrt'n3t lt rutt r'rr'ln uF
lart ebro'utrlt En''rtrtont thltt'
rlplrbrnderl fot rwtr
thur Vrcartrtll tbroujl
lrnnot "\a r9pt b.adrl rl lrlrtrn!'
I tb. satb of tbr {irtreL ttfut'r uatlh;ittralr'
b. Alil[Illl
llor olnttllnr.
of tb. fotl rI t ttltlts larofel .a ti. foaolrlt t. F
dtffrrnt frol thr co3nltlcar
cut Yf,certetl.
.. r*i!r
tho iidrmlr rftrr thur rlttt4 i-trrttT:tt1
ralntatne hlr om tt.- Folnt,njrrlta tbr nrture of
olFzrr It lr ultat lr geUd Akhyitl. Al.ot{lnt lo it ,
ftrtctlt rgraklngt tierc 1r trl c!t{!!r lb otlmr Sbrt
tn rholl-rllvcr lllurtrnl tht tsbl|ttnr ocnsoLdro.rr
llrotrr tritber ttre 'rtlvol" fttr gh. 'tlrlln.rl' bot 3hr
ugirtorl !rs8a of rllvor; alorrlored bt tbr lbn-
rDirchtnrton of dllttnotnolr. f,le Dorttlon rry br
rtatrl tbarr ln thr onso of $dl'llllrr tllurlol
tb.sr rn tl'lls of aoanlttcr -
tn (l) tbo ratlr.tl
rl. aErlialhtrll
tbr Halyaytlaa rd tirc 6blttr lohool of {liriaa
lo aot rocoDt tbr rtfittrGh of thr r'rabtral.tr rohool
cf :{fn:nrt. tbrlr rto, vlth r*lrt{ to thc nriurc of rltotq
tr rtrrt k oellrrt noyrthikbya-tlvridrf rcaordtlf to *tol
lir rrror oortrts ooo thtnt for rnoth.".
ll t*fot tbqf
lrj thr obJrot l?gr.Fr er rerVtthir re lortbtna otbel
then rhat tt tr.ll !n th. rhcll-rtlral lllurlrcl fol
tnrteoors rhrll 1r rppldtandad rr otberrlr (tlrthi-J
| $ t . t + B ) . i:;
i' .,"',,q'R€
3n€ {Y9ORa rr'
oont.it! tbata Fnld lccult lort ol oolfldtba ln rll
tia raar of raltd l*crhi3r1 ferl rtrrrdl4 to
Yiorr;rtl, ooSnttbn ll dt tllrl tbrough tbo frtt
frot of lEr coa?.tlaj lnorlrC3r rnl mt thtnrl ttr
rolttr|rt to ltr conttatt.CS a3aln, th. ltitalr-lti
. oranot ooavlnetotty !.tst|ltr tbat trror tr duo to tia
lnlpr.|rlol of 3bc !.r.rbar|.d obrrrctcrleth of rllwr
(t,t.q Hrory)p laar:tb rr hr rubrcrlbct to tbr
dootrtn. of rolf-lnrlourttt rnl llf-cslltllty of dl
ta tltqll-rratr lrJoln.s ll. r8!.or rlth
I ruDpottrl of Antath-tbvFll?
contrndr l:icerpatl.O
thlr df tho obJoot of crrol reeordtal to all
ottret thorlsr of olFotl 1r r!,thql rtatf o! rtlrtlt
tocorittng to lio'rrpatlre rnhtreflna.tr kiyrtl, tt ir
nrltbrr rtrtr ao! rarltr but tllffrrr.! tror botbt tt
h nolthor lrnl nor urrrrll but srr.thlrg mlquo (rde-
r'rrtvtletrhirp). It d||'rld b. trt d tbrt thonrSt tr-orF
pntl tn btr Bb-xtf rrfutor errt thtitt ar*l atrlltftt-
tma. tbsor3h tb. routh of th. rfhtaUTfilLnl rd tbe
rthtitl?tih ln turo bt tb| Antrthilhtdtt r'i!la' br
ilocr nt sg$e rvrr tbato
tlur tbt Atlrattlnf r rrphnotloa of rotslbltr bbnt tr
not lb. rtoe le thrrilrlyayttirtrrryrthi kby tl but ror-
thl'u Bntqua to tb. rdv*l!h.C8(r)u* roeordtn3 !o
lionrgrtl, et alrerdy potatrd outl tht rsrq)tlon of tir
rttrtbut|' of ,n. thtnl ln thr cert of rotier tt urtnrtt
or anlt:iti. Slret roaar lndrtcrcl,aebtlltt. Sbut,lt fcllcrr
that tn a1l systolt t,hor. tr tbc rilrktlra of rstroororotr
rllurlptlon of thr rttrlbutcr of cnrtillng Ln rnoth.r.
€ltAPl{l - tll
ootntltrn (enutalsbdhl)r
b3d Frd ol Frcoptloar Ig lr lros lnfrmntlrl roullll
thrt r. drrlt. tbr tnovhd3f of fl!. on th. htlll tboq!
re lo. tb.lrr ttt fllcr but onlt t*c; uirloh .ott ra I
rl3n of flro. thor Inf.tralr tr I Pntoarc of clrlrtnl rt
t"ntb Dt bt 6tr|ot oDtctttltor btt bt ner ol th. ttor'
lodtr of ttdDtf ot I qolt rcrl rolrtlon bltrma tuo thlnat.
It ny nc deflncd lr . rfoat of knorldt. gbroutl r|rlaD
9nfqrr c! lrarit of brbdjr recor{lng to
Viorrtrtl rtrr llintotts rr tn btr vkvl rr lor rll tdnttlnlq
tn'bn rloc tr rmtrr rll rlr otber then Errirl lclna
. lltuecra. Pntrml ln ttrle saafa rrrt Ft rbsolutrlt lrrL
Il,or tioa dpui ituti rtlo! tr rrjar{d rr tbr ultltut.
rrror (rnttr pralana) to lEh.rtsrcrllretloa? Viclrpatlrr
loruor fu that, tt too lr ll|lrort ta lberactrrr A.ri tliLa
rll orurel cadlttonr ot tb. furlDtlttf ot trLa3r
trc.r Pr lprt or tbc trlld anr of knrvlad3cr tbr
irt rtJ,rn tltnen diutl lr' rr-rr
lorr tot tnrlet lpoo $atlrbfu{ rrloa tlca t&r ttilfib
but cnlt to tr$rcrntl tha ralltorlot rotlvltt af, nqrro.
tlcarFtt nrltt rdrltr tbr clrtoa of rrrrcn rr tar rr
r.xttrlt rqplrtonl rrr ooeoornad. Itr funotlon lr to
Onlv nnrrnart ?ul ,{rltl lr rnthrl'!t rtln
ls nca:dualtrr.l?
b. to bo lt
itcrrd rutbo?ltltlY. tbrn thc lettel nr thr
fonar btnt llDrurtdl.tlr (tslrronrt ot ntn-ruthcrr<t) tr
rbaolutrty fr|. flor lll defcrtrr coubgt rd rurploloal
rad hcno. rDsfut.Iy tall:, $prcne pcrooptlrn tr lhbh
to l$rrfrctl:n tn Strat lt itrprxtr loB t[! fuootltolna
F rtrlottt
rnl rorlpturo
Y-aoarjrtl tnlrntf
aD.sltr{ thrlr
thtr oDJoottca by rrtln*
Lr m ctporltpTqrtur.n
sr tho lettqr doof nrt urul
thc rptrlctl
f'lr" ttr. otta loal tbrlr rnror r'l lut arDtltorl ad rll
tbat tr Brquhttd for thr orlllaottoa of rortpturcl EF
lrtltrr lc thc .rttt.il. of, tho eqtrloal vor{r rad lbrtl
tooirrl lot thtlt rbnlutc rrltttr lgr lactiBs.r thr
qnelltiu of lbort rrd lclgl do nt lrrtly b.loot tc
lctt.trl s'tbrl tbrt brlooS oolt to rord (dhvnat).
.!|tr.r llruDrtt.S
ritlrf arcodtoa to YForrtr0lr t lratllar lrf
!o t|rlu rDrrt f$ol thr !.lf'lullttoul relf'*ratfrrtla.
oonrolournesr (Jrutl). I! l'! tltrltt drPrdrnt ol
r6r1pt[ta shlch tr tbr ulttr'lte f,rutto. of Srrbrra -
lnorl,rrljro Jrutt tt thut th. lojlcsl trtul rcl trr'
rQodtloo of Drtar9tba.
rctgncellt lqndrntr.S
Dri PrrmotrEn r..! lr rolri " dr ffulli"?
to tlrqf+n ih.tt G'snDr no !onfltat brtrr'n Percrpttcn
ral fsrlptutfl l! th. oontct of botb It th' t'n ttr.'
non durllsl.
tntrlltftbl. ril llro lt lr lllueort. tirt 1r to rr1
S.,udllhrrr rnd thl ?r-abh6tlrrrs tlca of dlffelaoor -
thrrr rorltl bo ao thtnEr to br tltlfrnntl the tllurto!
of ahrll-cllrorr for llttasrl ttrcn rclltl not arl;or
fu*h.t lu tbag oa!r1 tbl ohJeot ad llto lo oalk'cl
dlff.ilrc. pdC lcoor tlDqtrour ud tlro rrpldcal
tta!$tnt lltr tlrr rFt tr ttffrtrntr rtll nluoc ltcrlf
to r trutolottr ("at. 'pct tr lotr)r lbul dlfffrlm
oarrrrt bo rc3,:rrilgl ag thr ltry n1t8tf of thtn8tr ttt
ll thr dtffcrcafi ftc:r rlyl tir olotb It th. t ft
neturc ofr thc Jltr thtntb. oloth ttsrlf tt to ba trl|a
ar tnrulvod ln thr netur. of tbr Jugr to tbat tlt t onn
br only J{ rnd mt ol rtho to roo.tt tbtt ll to l.a?t
nrn!{nll'| rnd hcnoc illffatotrc. fallr thlonth thut
lf dtft loooo bo of gh. lttlt of tbtattr tt rbdlfir
tr dtffrrentrr tb,it ttt to tllt of dlffot|acr b'g!'B tF
lor fi|arpltt t8r| p tbr Snrk rf trfilto'
Dt .tatr tt rt br rrldl la So nntr tb' flrrt iloil Dt snt
ott.l Dt rt9laboa.Li.
ll llr tb- c:n tr r"'ul for ttn
ar bt ltecllt lf tbore vrll oot onr (crch); tbcrr nald br
' ixr Clff.rlaot bcoaula tbrlr nlit Ul m locul!31 Bon'rltftenrilr
lu ao rrrl cl ear-tbtrt3 rlro Ul||rtrtr aotlri'rl fo? ib..'
ocliltilttl.tcilr ll I lcatrrl $E{ttl lr tt lfflnr d
Of,llFl$l r tl
rr !t tr CcrFtrl cf rltftclttilr ot tto9"tl" of dl:lt4cteF
of Erebra tn'ofrt r' rotloi
mt bf rr3ar{rd ar rn attllht'
rctlln 1r ttro oacre ct r ndtfloattoa ta ttr
- rlth thf Qnriqr|cneltlrt BreEa lottxr oo$'
la ttrr.?ttl rqlrr 'Il retlln rselttt la
rnctbot rnttttr tbr rotlcn o.onot Eloduaf lo rtd la
Errbrq ftr lnttrnaa rubbl4 r !lt!'ol orDt tlla
r 3rr glrr'f
tlln3 tlri k rr|r olt ot prrtr arl bcorr rnttlqr
$lnoc Brrbn tr rlheada (Prrtlorr)r tt rest ttttatlt
treorr rn*hin&. 9o rko tt thoul{l br trld tbet nrthln|
oorr or! of $rctrnn ee lt tr e bep3rmrl. lrrrr l|o!a'
tbr lfrr.D
llrrthotf ln tht vlcr ol tioarlrtte Brcbarap tbe
r.qulret ao nroh Dallflgatlcn for ltr rcvolettoa'll
arnnot bl hrltt that lt ta cttbcr en ohJsot to ltt'lt
or to r ilond prtnelgll of oontqtou6n'rt or an|n lt cn
ret ol Hlclcmtrrrl rr rll tb't' 3o ej tnrt tlrt
put' c{r|t'totF
i aat.ntlat nnturo of, srshuao Yrttoh lt rtaplt
It lr knrvl'rC'r ttlcli fhsr
nrrr (duc'lhr Caltrn;e).
laorebtllty tt be t.lcn to br thc lrr't otpltltte of rllr
lultmrltt of :inhrrlr
* lmrlrtaP.
(ttirrbro.ttr or rrlcablnnrtn) rnit lrrolrttoa (lfhl-
2 6 40 9 8
, Bnt PEtishttlrn l| of, lhr yl.v tb.t Dusr
Brtirlne cea b, ra obJrct qf rrrotrl rtlftertloa.
IIo rrtu.r th t pulr Snha rhtul{ br rfflrrrrt er
. so obJrat of natrl ndlnoatlcn la ordar th,rt cilckncr
rttoh tt tn itllraa tr to br ol3!t{d.b
furtbtl rocrrrtlng to ltrrrpett B!.bn& thf
rlllrrtr nrllty k rcdo (nbpreprHln)1 rr mthtnt,
oot ltro ooiltl erglrrattoa oao .!b.[rt lt. 8or to
ubrtrlt lt 1r to ltrlt ltl t]ot lt brlq toflattr (rnenthr)p
a.n n,:tcr br lloltsd brt lt sfrcuio ortrf to De lnltnlttr
It tt|naadr thr crtrjrrl.! of thr dulrablot enrl tho
unCrrttablrr.ll It .rmci b. c.ttnd tn tonr ol
crtrjcrlrrt to! tbcn t! oothtnl brtdr tt, trglaaatton
rnd dcrcrlgtlral rtrlctl,y rgrallat do not apply to Brehoan
rr tblrr prfrutporo to|ethtnt othot th.n drrlrn la to!|a
of lbtcbs lltlbtlrl r|t ba dorollbtdr itut rcoot{lng to
Advrttee tierr lt notlrin; othrr tirn drahnra. It k ratr
rrlrttcnrl. It 1r frr fma rll lntorrrl rd ertcrnrl
. rahgtcnrr It hu so tntogrrl alt;ller rltffrrrncrr. It )
hrr F lntrmrl trrl.tt ('rtlrtr Dbrdtr). Ont cro thtnl
of thr rlrllonrll onlt ul3b rafcr.m! to I ncena thlaa.
Nlt rcror{ln3 L ailvatt" tltr.l" D taood to Etlirl'
it tr'ltrrrer{vltotr' (onr vlthout r rcrd)ll lt h
rerpr'|ltl to pu! lt ln tbr ror{r of oanrtaDldrr lt lr
unrff$t.d (mrnn) rnd rbof (brrlrlr rbon !r orthtta
arl t totrga.lt
l{il lf ruqh ls tho rl,)!uf€ 61' 6q1cA1Oi]rflh!!:rnt
Itlr errrr lilittt rrf .t!rlaa{ to t lt ot F!' lll'tr
. Srr;i[. rrrr lrit rifr/r I -rrr'1.r a{ lthnF
rol lcur Io tha .t.{t!xl ,'ltrfe /hr turtb'rr rrtt Sbat ttia
radrr e?a itlt (grrbrrarr) btrathr th. ttlr trort rlfraatr
rFa [h tlria.l tla Dtrbtr rd tic trotlblo unlrfro tl
tlh vlrr 1r tnl| ul rll-tnlrrltrr l-.aaottlo| to
Itc;r9ett' rr ttot all ndhltlntl lt tr Btt 3it cl.rrcrt
arDlaoBttooof th. tlrthr tltr btth|rt qnrrtln brln!
.aorrlo rd'rll-rrolurlrr vhtd lrttlrlr !a aJletlol d'l
tnr tirrrpntt rblorrtn tir tb itftn*tlti!
of lrrira rls' tit.rtbr an4 rva.rtp'ar thfi rrtrctlwly
lailoatr gbr rocl{cntrl rn4t thf .tranllrl arttr| of $r|lrrnp
ot Htnr. lnfnrlil
Ct.P8:il - t
llcu ua rra ooafrtntol rllb tlrc quottl(n ra tt
Srt thc aintn (lnllvt{ull' erlf i Ito ln tjrr vlar of
YSoarlrttq th. Jlrrtrnr ti ltr .r3f,tloof lr rpt tb. ".rt
itor lr th. vlitdte4ftltlaf .d tnr }|rttlfl rlotNlnl
It lt rlr;,tt r tmduot of lllnrta. Ia ttr .l$.nor n
rlf ovrr tba tat till ortrn otorp tbtt alrr 'rDlttd
rlrnoil ttp||r|btDt onJotrtrbtD etGrl til bolyl tbl f!;rrot
*rt rt lll th. lrn '|tf rt th. tnr dfl tb' caf trtrol
tt rtrrr b i*r bfil tlrr lldSd reo. lt rt b
onllel thr talcotrtnl - frrtlng - lhlnklnt rntltt. thta
rtoi tbrouqt ttr os tllsrcrlmll alroaorlter tltr
rdf er flattr ral rot'rsr-rl(lrn. Bnblas tn rrlltt
ta {.Dt0 of ttlafr rkflt rtorl 3ut Cr to otrclrcq
lfr':r;rtl ck:rly polatr trSr 13 rttert tt lrr. rttnialC
tta r3su. ot ti. Jivr lbrnal ruDrrtlorltloar l'ao,lrrtt crpll'
ottlt rrtr ttlet rryrrhrcrlttoo lr tur to norctrnoltl vbrn
tb. ttu iodlllr dmqtbr drfmrptt:ol .tttlr lb Jfrr
gbr *st.rttrrr lurolf to ba L tnllniGe trrhltr
tor lt rt b. obJttrd tt.t tb.ta arnf D| tb
figatlttorltton of thr ralf o! tb. mt''|lf,r for ght vbteb
1r uaerrl oflt b. thf alrtrrtur of npflryorlttcao
Yis.,rpqtl rtrntr trbk obJtotton by rettlf tb t tb. l.at
rto (rnt-rlf) tr nrttlar mrl Dt l$rrl1 mr trt rrrl
rnll unnrll tbb br!{ a.lf'rtrtlsdlcttrt. It trr on tha
olhttrIni lnurltrrbb (rnlrrrrturn)rf /
rttbolS trrsalttt or .D.olfta grrltttcl rd llltlarlStlr otorl
ralrreobrntrtr ( lnar9tloaDlo ). S
en, obJ.otr
ffp Crabranr
Jirn, rn ltl rrrrrr, li rr. darl* al Lr-rrl|r l;l m lrlrl|lt
tlet tr *t -tn (rdf) rlntr rrr. to .tt rt ttloqf
tlrcrr itrarr lt ao.rr to br rSer{r{ rr tba .aaot thloil3b
thfr. fdJuhcts. ht ln rrllty lt tr korlodar ttrlf anil
my.r th. l*rrr:t. Slm. tbf lntlrtdurl rtf 1r nthln| but
Snhro rli rr tbc rrrotlel natlrr of Brrbna lr aoa.oltur'
nartr fifrfpttl r6til1 3br ladlvtdql rrlf lc rllo ot th.
nrttrra of contolo[roart.l
no rolr to pbt et dl tn tbr t r"turl Pto'rtr 'd h't
YfrrrDetl illtcurlrtrlth nlsra to tba Qt|rtl)q
of th. rtrr of tbr tadlvlrtqel rlf ln htl rdhtr.r f5-tr'
aortllt[ 3o.t utoaS rdtb oar trrt ot thr lclft thr otbcl
trtt rlro sla 3o rraa etth lbr r.lult lhrt tbr lntrltllrnt
bclrg lnbrn ln ltr ffaaio. at! fartlutl'ot dl-PrtrarlYt'
It tr mnr.lrnr to ut f'lrr tbl rlrr of thr Jk'r.$'
et th. qurlltl.. cf ||r tlt.lrl or|la rai thr rlt ril t:lol
or uDtquttour.s
Ia 8blrr311 unlttr t'h. gh'nlstabbtrtrte rd tbl
dr Strnr rt Ct|{ u li ErpL rit.l rbrt?hr
frtft{lr.S that tr riy ||..etloar ta ctlars t!. raftl to
b.b;istrarr hatbogi ttrr obJortr of <trrl 11!r thor
of rilrrr sta.f rt. nrl lcng ur tbr tlrrrr lartr 7rt
rl tbct rn llrblc to b. aDlrtrll thr lE Ld,ia of Inrr
rort t t ttl rttl7rfnan. It tr nn&$trdly rlthnJnrnr
rr lt irlr ot fr lqte ead llrroal td
rtenrl to thr trrt
. t.tr rllrtd htrt. st r ihcttb botb dnu rnd rr['tf
rgrtaa rt rlttttrr th.t aontlnm to br tr6 ttu gbr
lrtlrrtloa of .trrhlra.$
I jre Ohaptrl lI
, rt ftattr arlttano.r o! rcq)uot cf rrrlan rd lat|ulrbh
- lldtllt rdJuncts lrfrp rt',lldli roll ltr rcllflortlou nrch u
r llnde rto.1$ dut ln nlllty srrblil trrnlnt rnrffrotrl rnl
uotntntd bt thr tn'ttvldnl Drrlar rrd plra$nrl rr lhisbr tr
not rffrotrd bt tha curt rnd 3ba "rtout cf r Jrr ot e bruL
Ih. blrth ea0 orath ol tltc gdbl! of Jlvr do nrt tflt th.
coorolcurnrr dcllad rr lt ron bt tho lntclarl olltrn lt th'
rrhan lt. doflalaE rdJunctt rr'r rurtd throujb Jfiarr
lt ritnrr lo tBr ctcrnal ltihtr
(b) ErdMrhlrllr
lolrdta: tc ,rlobe Ptntlblrbr ride cf tho Vlrrrapr
Brrblra 1r rrll;t trcr ttf li litrntlflrr ltrelf Yttb tb'
gbTrlcal rnd 3hr Dftlholoelosl eoooQrntnrtt blotlaht rbout
nl tb. Dlotott?l.
lltr lut tbr rrflotlonr vrrt rccor{toi
tlr rdrorat.' rf tbr lGflrotloa thcott lo Dt
rtf. lrma lh{t.ltor la rll dotrlr Pnlirhlirra rli
btr f>llcrsra coat6o.l tbet arlCfr !t on oalt en{ *l.n
tbr grrrr ccnrflournarr lc rrllrctd ta ltr Ut.t. rrpaarr
Iirre rd rhea tbtr lruto of ldmra 1r nfloctcd la tbo
dnloer lt atvor rko to tb. rtp..s.!tr ot thr JiYrr
Sbur 3br .1fYrr rre tba !.tt lt|t.| of liv,tl.
(o) ilrnrall
lor codag to ltlue vrde (rshnar tbrort)r
tia rdreab rt frnfsr$r lrr I rhtlnlt F afr
la prlolatlq thtr Strory. raat ttrt k tc nclat out tbat
thr ohrrrottrlstler (rlrrh rr otlttcrhlPs
of lJrerr lurtatocF
rhlD rrC alort,rrtonhlg ctcos) ra0 that cf Jtt (rud rr lslovet-
rhlDr rnJotcrrhlg, dcerrblp eue.l) rt ralt rtpa.tar.r,rr livr
tni lint'rr t6oor{1al to gunrbvrra tn tho ulttrtr lfotrl rtr
rat .t rll ral but ooly rt9rntgotr fhlrl ohrrrclcrtttor
rr frltrlt rgtrtbutd Bo Errhlrrl $o tr frt fror rd far
rbovrl 3har. abarsotatl rtlor.
fbr rDct tlrr{tr rta not t'pc ftor drtrstfr
trrttbtrtr frdr lro b lrttt.l|.|| r' follavrl (1) r tt
1r unround to a!8ul tbat J lva 1r but tbt nfhctlon of
Erahlrn tlorlctr lnrrcnroh at tt.lt hollor rn<l coralntlrrr
to tnl,t ot toflcotlen of r oelourlrrl tht'nf (nfffpa Srlbrrl)
tn r mdlunr sbt6b tr rko colourlort (erttlyi). strtqtlt
ntrr rtrflnJ rl lt vctr. It lbtuld bt tFt'd b|r' tll|t
elroohrde ri?la hrr bratr Qlot.e both 0rutlrDi<lr rtd Shanlrrr;
for lrcg:.ng lr'nre aDlrt fFor th' trlntt of thr;{tt'
Pnttbtlbr rMar6
ronrttnlr of tbr rborr rrrt'rotlrr.elr
tnd trttt ls1 trl tba rt{ rgretlbllbrl
onr tqbr!,rat Dolot.
Vf,carprtll lo.! no? ir that ifrl 1r I Dlfloottorl tnt
A|llhdhfrlr tblS 3.tr |.t!hta* ltb r thrrctb ed rtrtrrtlr
ttre tcnt.
lbrn dl tr rr1<l rld doo' tt llrt br tftdll tut
llr Inllrllhrl rer f -r- cr rr rrr!
&otrrJ&a tb. qu.ctlon rbrthol thr, flvr lr or
tt trryr thrlr rr. Ctfferent vi.n rD{ ttro port'Sbralgrltrr'
ft thr fltrncm ot tbr tlrarrnr rdool bolrt rrlnth erlf,
thoortr (afrllnv.mdr)| thr lbartt |.hlot rdrocrtrt
thr ulrtrmr of, othf" f lrrl rd tir thrmr s-t0la
to thlr tbooryt ml br oogrtd to tb. d!.rr ct tbr! rtatlo
JIrr' Jurt rr lo e llcarl oalt tbr drrlrt blr nal arlrt lao
rul not th. Dlu!.lttt ot thtnSr ir rlrl lo eks onlt r llnllr
erlf har r.rl .Itrtoao.,rat tbl glnrrLttt ot Jirar rd thr
(t) rhtr tioryt on tbc nrqf l cr of !t Cn|tr
to br drfrottrc. It rborld br relt tht ltrJ fvrciilr lr
no ttroly but . fsn€t' It frllr tr dt*laiutrh brtrrrn
thr '.l|rqrd |!a tb. bold rtlf. ]rt thr t.rt dtrtttratttn
brlrto thr bcnd rnl tbr relcrdt DrrrtrDotot ntu rrtvn
(llrulr rlnsr lbr rur rrll arn t both bo loul rtd
llbrntrrl rt tho trrt tlrr
(rl) thrt, txr-ltr Qtrlcol coarlttlonJl ht
rn lneltc$bl. rtttul| ot -tnn (df) rnt! rnrtrra
(tutr:tr) (ltlr rnrtdtrngr)1 the Drldoot of rrldf;
rril url fftt tb. drorr ltrrlfo tlr lnnblr tr tbat rilr!
lrl*afunt ndrr.t blal. tfb:rtJtrl? lt tahttnr ft
F C.Dandrnt b rnrrrlr tlrnr tbr reel 1r tbct $ltcb ta
not mblatrd rt rrry tlrr lbr nalwr tr mt rrll
tn tblr frifrr lor 1r lt nnrrcl b.oc[tf tArt 1r ur
r.rl rnrt br olBld $tlr 3b. nnltsrra tr rcantrcl.
llrtb.' tt oaamt b. rtntf,tn d tilt thr untrcrrt lr
bottr retr rd unrll lra.!f. ct aontledtstton. Ern
It tf rntlt4 tllffmrnt tlor botb rcrl rd lnrsalr
ln otbomr{e tt 1r tdetorolnr}h (ealvaohrnrtrtr
tbr volM lr frlrr ln tlla aaoaf of brla3 lndmsrtbo'
blt ln ltr [|lr!a.
lrrrr{lof to lt rllmt t|!r Vtat|rt$rttrf
rtrt lr rrel nrt br !trhro4rabler tbc o$cotl of oot
uErriroor croot br rtrrtd l! trals altnf tbat cora
rrl p. lht irl tirl rs. €ls.ltlt rlrlatnar tL
tlt tblatt otber tbrn tbe rllf ortrt rt tor tl"!'f tn ron
rcooalt4 b tb. rrlnroBt ftor JrkrDrlir
Errtrillr (rrbJ..t-o$rst rrtrtlol) tbr ro o*lld obttot
Itrll lr nnlntd'llglbhr lrt ltoar ltr talstlon to
aortrtldlartr. Ar tolsglon nfocltrtllt lrotrrr rl'rtr1
trl tbe fot.Som Drf.rr tt nr rrrn tbri rooordlna
f trr*r rllr
uprrerlblo (ralrverrnnrr.le(r)
8r cplelnr tb. lrhtloa
lrtnrn arufa rea rtfcst ar rrnrtunrr llt bt tha tatr
l-Gl]rrrft rBf rlf,rtr ni + f .rlf iTltih
tr tt trrtbm or l, rt ralot attf t ttr? If l! tf
Drrtlagr lt 3o.t 30 prur| tlrt coolrta rbrlla tr
troduaal la tbr pdDrtlrl clull ta rv rt forr of t!a6-
frrrrlirn rlt tbl rfffot t.t br ltrmrL It I rilrtl
thr rrrcd dlrrrtlrrl tbr prcillrl, or!|. bfrc.r n
lmjrr .t nrlf lnt frldlDlr.l{
anrtr bat to! l3a l.t tlrl orr'.l thr r4r ta ronJwtbn
rhlob Ur.t rFr al.nd qrynmt. lurtb.l rftol grdrtr tb.!a rcglt
br o lnocntlvo fo! furtbrr alratton rr thrr r!'pl'| 3o bt
tr thc 3ruund.E
tt tr rdn @tlrrtot of rctlty ral rl rrl rdrterr.S
llrrrptlp lt k clrrh ll rgrtart thr vtrr
rt lrriha tl thr oltt rlllttr fitbtr ll Mrt Dr rlell tr
r irchnlorl nr{ rrrd tn r ro.. proultrr
to tirrtt . t! rlo!10
not br.qu.t.d dtb ttthcr r llctlon or r vcld ({nrVr). (fbtr
t.a urrl thr vot\|). lh1
t! tba rearo ln *rieb tbr o{trDllacttt
to .rt tlrt tba roeld ll ra rlDrlra!. (rttfyr), lr ot to rrt
tt l| uffrtt to lbit rrc lftrnttco co tlr
ir|lalt of AY:ldt{ tn Mrrltrr ftldti otbclrtrr orllrd
rd ryttlttiaE.
plryrtt? t, !1tr| or mtracdror llrlal tlr
, gurrttoa DroPr ln. lf rrtrl'f lr mttblr nrl trr wrll
rlnt el|. 1r tt? tfuutrtlr rttlh bb frllcr Attnlttnrl
rn||iltr thtr qtcrttoa bl |lyt tbrt tt lr rorttlaa qal{r'r
Durtlrrl arltllC tn th. vtt of ffcrrgetll 1l
lal .ia b. bn b c!rt. It l' tbr ail|. ct g!.
rpparnoo af th. rutfotd unlvrlr. It nrt bt rlrrtd'
rr Doltttr. rr lt tr oaly r gorttlrc ontttt tlet br lnorn
rlthout thr lorlodgc c! tbr cilnt.r corrclattr (Dntt-
-yegln)r It lr oolt r nqatlrc .ntttt ibrt grrupgorrr
thr hlbvldjr of thr oanlcr orrr.t6!1rq lot tbt tDrt
rttob tr porltlvrr tgrtnl lrror tn illurrry trgeltomr
rccordtnl t.r /Hrirttrp lr rmttrlog Dorlttya ra lt atatfta
to tbc porttlva urcrtlon ot re.thbt rlr rr tnlltlrr
tbtr ao.r rtetart tba "lau tf,.t !.mt.oeo (rv*ltf) lr
lrta lrrsncr of kmrllllto
lSrufrtf tw,Dlrt tvo ltlar ct ctlrlta
(l) nrirtdtf ot k-rrlr nrlrvl (cr prindnntrncr)
rnd (ll) tulltl0tf ot ktry. rvldfl (ot d.tltrtttr
r nor tt elrtt
orn n.?.! br lffrdr
b. ir erpd
for rrldtf
tr mtlbar
rtrrt b utrtrnt
ettrteat rr
F lcr
there tr r prrcDll u !c rhrtbc rrl{ti
enrl rItI .r. oL ed tbr tJrr oi rLtb.r tbrt rr. :ltfftrrrnt
F tnt!
El urlr
.6oh otlll. lfosrPrtlr .lrt . rvttltl-
lEtb rrr
thil rt rhott ryEltltn|
tro tcrlre rbtcb rlaal fot r.n rralaj rtr.r tllttoalnrrrr
?fnr tiar[ltl Colr rtof rnt dtrllnotloa
rdnlt brtnn
rtldt- rrtl| rftir lt 1c othcrrler odk<t rlrtikrtir cl
*r;lrltrlr Fe ntr that al! evyllrtu rm evllltlr.
, '
rd lt urst lcfer to ltDthlna. tlrqrilcb k thr reat
of rvl{tl srlllrrl cr Jlrr? Vi-lrrprtt'1clrollctto ul
rtrrlfbtlorrre lntrrt tc thtr dlrest ed ortulal qu..tt)!
rrvl Dutr oottrw rtt?b Ebrlhrt. rbo k.rgr lthnt on tb. qrl.rtlta.
Yfrarpetl tr rcrlost the vtiv tbat lnf,r'! l'
F frult of lnt.r{.p.tdart
rvrn ln thclr
orilDt b. r|otlb.d to Jtn^rrltlyf
rrlrtroooe btlruco !bo1h rrtrtl6 rrlrtr ln
obrttrntr oad rlqrlr rr lt fol ltr on .tt.t.na.r trt
rbrttrntr trl.r Jin Clee rtOtad oa rvlrttf for ttr
lgrtn llr rlor rrolrrrttoa ot ?icrrDetl rt l.
obJmtal toron the aloud th.t tt fu nnlntclltglblro tiri
brlr that ile$ane has tlvon tbe arn rnfir! to tbr riorl nlO
prcbltr Fr crglalnr rny th. CttfloultT bt truounol4 tbat
thtr bt nlntrlaftr.
booartrtrrnt tb|t vhtlc ilrshrro 1r
th. troc{r of evllfs J frr tr gh. t|rt of llthtlJ8u rd
*rn-.p&t do, fu i.rrt b. obrcsdL tt tt ftbl' tht
tho falluro to grrrD tb. rrhtlvr ltrtnr of rvlallt tr
tbo i.ln roct of rll tbr ourottcnr to th. otonc.pt of
rrlCyil lror tlSrhrr, YlJtdturtrrrttr erul Dnltrr .tb
rntologlotl Altclutlc o[ drtob Ad".ltr htrpbtrter
nrtrl ttv.| hrrt rcotr for !h. ortttchr| tovrlld
, ttl. ;lort-8br*rt1tlr.
lrr n rm oonftmtral rlth 3b. ptabl.l rlb.tril
. r"tdtf l, fr ot lnh lhi{er|.1 tbotl.h tbr rlrlllr
tblnBrt to ttfoDdild 3ltf.b'|,t. rtldti rlo*i tr txtt ll..t
brtr*n tbr tond rfil tb. nlerrld. If thoFa rxlltr only
oae tdlfitiyrl ann to elt tbr Jfvarl thco D iln crr
br roturllt fllr untll rll thr olrhel Jfvu t-lrr ,rl.
rorlln thclr grrlectlrnr tlrr thr ldral of filthrp on taoi
r vlrr tlrloa uarttrlnrd bt rnt J irr.
V-o*spetlrs doetltnc ot lrat rrldtffr lt rtt L
rrtds tr ort froakdfftoultlorr If tbo Ptrtrutt ot
avtrlyis lr.portulatcl by tao:rlpettl tc rbo'r tbr dtrtlnctl.:n
Drtvc.n tht rekrr0 rd tb. btutd r turlLt dltfloultt
ttrr othrrtrd tr rtrpt/ tnrrDltorlb (enlrtfrrrtr).
fbuc thr tcftulrtlott rf r glnrdtty of eYtdtic bt tSrrtrtt
{o.r lct to rlrlnst thr JUrr.atrl t.rt of tlo ttrtsr
lhrt tbr JIrr k Daa olbcr thea 8trlr! ta tte fttroorr
trt lt rbolll b. rtrtctlt otrd tbrt lirrrtett Ooft Dt
Yicarlrttr rvlilyfas to rrlt .tt .3' 14/ rnil tlrl lrr locrtd
llasnbl,?urlrrrt.tr rrlh JIn atrttile ltr on D"ronrl
ilr.t. l|t$ llr cra trrrocl rttil. lllr rrr tht
tbfrt 1r rr on. .lltl (orcrtlod rna to rll thr Jivul
rrah po!,o.ttrr br. lrlr orn prl"atr FfForl rprld (tTt!t).
It lt rrhrlydy llrlt.a to blrl lt rra trw r rPtttb.nrl)!
ol tbo sotld of thr otber llire. lr tcaa rt cn.rl rvllyt
arrttlrtto lonj do.t thr rorld .f!tt for omaalfr lhl
tllrrt. ut ;rloarl yorldlcrorld by.rrb Jfrl tbrr$
lgr on avlilferaolrber thr lrat ttl rvldyl lr lcd
by rljbg tnonkdar (rt'lyi). tor tattrnl, r f lrr rry O1l1
arr.trt ttt orn Dltlet unltorm (tff),ttrrorfh lt. o'rt lrldJi(r1).
Slrlt*lt tbr Jfrat lllr Jgl Jgr ila oorotorq onlttnt tErlr
ntrd ln couqttru
Jlrmr lbil tr ln D nt itff,rrtat tront(c-
l .
crxtrr lhf uafrclrr thr., utb fi6 orn orldyf.W tbnr rrcrdlaa
racor{lnt to tblr vtrl lboon rt trt obJ..ttvalt
adrtrnt bEt rr. olly lEbJf€tlrllt lr:lnslt P.!!.ptlttr
tr tho olorttcn of ob5cl3r.lol It, ulrtl u tt lr
prrorlvdr Ii b.t oo oth* ladcprnlrot ulrtroor rr9cct
thr leot of 1tt tslaDtlotr ft thsr drotlrr rrlrtenol tl
thr oaplrloa! rod<!' lllludrnt of rpprhrortoa. In aort
Dlrtl-$Ftl ctrutprrbrtoarl
tr{r dfnLr lrtrLlrtr
tbr Brrtrlrtra tr{aolpk ot rBtle .tt p.rclptf (to ur tr
to b. D.rsolYrd)ielro tb. Pr1oo19l. of tb. Drtll'r$rtl
ttdllr ro bh rter onclloa tl rtrultrtroor rltt rnrptlcnl
tho oblrtr 60 not rrlrt $rn tbot rr. mt Dercclva{r tbnr
It otf.|d to D?gtt sfqtl "8trr tirrr lr I rlrr
h lstnntr ttrt tbc obJrctr ol tlr *rild rt. .tlrt-t .a
th. t!gn. tll tb. rnrr Grtt.ot rlgb tbr gb.Frnr
.t tt a tbJrotlt E*crgttonr. ttroqh thl obJaetll
tbr rtn polntr of otatret! btgnc D4tt*ntl
vide a*l g9s1,l-D9rt1 vacr rry bc runrkrdt
.glttturl sntlStr
(tll) Ot bfn tir rlall lttr rrlttt r? tDr rortC
lf aill,.a rod tbo tlhrrorlmra of thr prld lr rdilttdr tbt
Iaoldl!| to botb lE tr onlt tbr ltlurart tbrt It t.rctrbl.
It lnorrld3. rnd at tbr rrl.ls
' of Yiorr;rtt rr
tbr othcr porrlbl. llt ttt trllon
vttv rq.lltlnj thr l.er sl arltltl rrrrl ltr trpllcrttoer rt
rror br tltrourectlr lroodto3 3e thlr totertntrtlon,lt lr
rtrnl to osnolud. tbrt l-orrpatl'a renrtl Jlrtrthrttr rnlr
rvldti lilrr Lrdr ltcrlf tl nitsd roltPrtrr rf tltc tttr
of ?retirbfnradrr tt &ortd br oardtlly unlrrtod rl
not tallylnl .oltp.lr larnob rl tboqtb l lvrl ta tbr
loour of rrlrtyfr lt l. bt tbr oontrtllrr ct rr1dt5, ar
conttol tr mt tn lt. iudrl ltrlf blry Ool'trr thlnj
tbr Loil lad 3.r3errlr Vrrlo tyins tha rutbo" of tta ltlbrarfitrrr
r. tt'. lilrtnitlon ol tir aoanttltr frlt' .t th. totl.llt
lbrn l-oarprtt brr lr{a oDot..r. to oo{ 1t1ltert rDd
isbl.s t &nr tt rodl l. ut cnlt rtterlt ttllador
but rrrn foollab to btrnl rtomtetl u rn rtbllltr ta
ahrrt ti.rc tr oot Jtta I ttlar rt rthrtr ln l-crqrtttl
lrrrl:o of Arlvelte rd bo tr raond to runc tn hlr l."otloa
to rnd rdrtntloa of lhclur In teetl lrlinrndrl t-crrgatilr
orlaatstorr la hlr lqlintr lrlpatrrn ier lcfl t[ ltalr utF
3r:rlcll to orpr.tt lnl tulold tbt ttuth tbat liorrFtt tr r fln
brlhlor la liryala. tt trto thr srtttcr to t .l rnl btr
trSr tubftdft onlt rttn br crllr th-r tlr foolr.
tr Ol tr ollatlorl ttf oa tbe otbrriraCp lt lo Ilour ot
tbr rlrr tta.l trrorPtloa tr of tbr o!..tdlr l-oalprttl
tercndlrq oo tr,b. Errbmr6tro IIr11.88 oonf,llir lblr. tLll
ir axtltoltlt rryr tl.lt .rtrlnrl ohJoosrs rrc rlrcalt cfuian!
onltld. tho P.laflter; t'helr nrturo rd ttBtf rt. tod.sottDrbtr
(anlnoebra$n)l tbrt rlr oot lrotrl tdctsr lblr nrnr tDrt
our pollrptlonr elvrtr relat tc obJmtr orlrttl3 cutlldr of
!f anil thrt tbry erc lttt of thf iBturr of pqro lln'.tllalr
Ia athrr uordt,gur Prrorptlcar rrr prclucril !t thr objrott
crtsttng outrt:lo ot rl| rd .!r no! l'llolse 3laolatoll tlol
rlttrlnl b.Fft of ouoctrr thtr frttbftl tat.ltr.t?tisn of
Ebrnlslr bt Y-rrrtrtl |rt b. I trl.! rr !ryporttry ttro tf|ll
tcrlblr bt rtt S.ttul of tht lryllcrtlong ot tbt ttoblcr
of tho lcnr at rda6.r&l(l)
lr no rrglptlcn to thlrr
lir lcri aot rar.lt oB til barb of lltr brlng tb' 'ruto of
tha qntratrre but on ill' b.tn3 tba ]ureo of rcripsrrr. tjrrrl
tad osl'
Dolnts outr tt to thtcr do$tr gon lbr onltol'oof
totcnoo of 0orll tor ln tlret clr fdrrral rttl brYr to tllt
cllrtB -,lt
lSctjettrr thur oo the ghor sf Xlrrr tn thr
l|loa of ldrrltto rldbonlq r.t Fr br tltrcurrtdr
uishala- tail hotrtr loch l3d Pta lodlrnt tbra tcobf rltbrtrt
fllrrtt3lrr rlal tblt bn lr r rrDt rL
for thr rlr of tlr rlrrtr to rrqulr tbr bltl.rt laorl'ad:.
Co.| not brt'rt tornr ghrt ha rtlo$ thr arblartloa ot
Vlqrrtrttr lfie lrhg{llrl tl of tL .r!.lprlod
vlrr tfrt rcnl ol arrotrrro lr oot il.3btot dct il{
iloro brrlrdlrt lt lr t.!r rlr rl blt.{tlrlo It thr
oglntrn cf tlorFtlf tb. lp!.lrlonr of rrclrnoo hoF
.tfr danr. tb.t rt bt1 crn b. !r|tl fy lrotreald
rrtttritoa itth dllta..aa.ll tbra iSltrr|aan (tbrt thoo
trtr ) k aoatla[d rtbntlllrltr lt .uitr t! tb. totr ct
tbo rs.!lmo. cf tht rrlil aorlnS rll rvliltfu tb. lnnlr
rell tban b.at t ohetl trta rnd lrlSlt.tr tt 1r tbrn
rakl to bevc lratl*rat ltr tlu !.tut . tba rrr lr tillp
bttrbv rtetlt b! llrgfrnr.ll |lth lbt4rnr,ta..rFtl
(ntfrltnl tfr SoL rrllaa do.. rl .olr |c L. fttrr
rrolfcrt3 tbuc rlnyr *urlnr tbr ill*tlnotton ol cblltt
Itrtl lrrl of rl,arltT of thr rrolnj of tb lt.rrd aehlrtlFl
bt rhttrtnt t|l rrn&X of tbe hrrr{ rbltriltr rDd W
ocortrntlt trDatttru ttr tb. rlr:le rilnlnj of tbr rtIrfi'r
brllrr ctlrtr al.irr Clraot rnd trriltrto. Eorcln llll
th. rttlltt of rrDrtltloa of thr ho*d lbivfl'r - oglmr
YitrrDrtt.il to quotr blr rnot ro rr 'It 1r of thr rrrt
aetrrt of tbr t D.tltlol .f tb. rrarftrlB||nt of trutb tlrt
!t lcrer lllurort lotnlttc; tior$ batrFiltrtt.rr rd
havlng {aaprrtra end Cnrr lDrrrrlrar. It k lai.d
of tbt rtrtllt ot tb. tntollrct to br puttrr ro t*tfm(tl
tmrrDasl rlaboalScr tha ltrltla
rtro.lpolot ot
Dlebrr lloblr or Enbeaclntutttoae fu mt I gtoalt ot
r lrllfloatlon or ro rttrtol.Bt ot totfthlni purtflrdl fot
rrl lljStrtlvor
tbr r..cl{fnt tC YtrrrDrltr rrlilr thod
rtnrtly rttatnc.lf fft brar.rf rt o[ilt ff 0ftlf. rf
tf uarttetari brarnr of E.3lElln|lrrr rrtiyir Jutt .r
oa. ulto rrruronrlt tratlrr tba lrlklila tql oilrt
neol to br urprrlrtrots rtrtt to rcrltrr lt 6ll tolottd
out by raothcr.Sl tr Sotr h1r rrrot Fr{tr rUodar tbr
brou3bt aboat Dt cott rplatlonl then lt ls bardlt l!..
f,ron doubt es ln the oaso of an lnrglnrd ldra and braoo
caruot br ve11al.39 t9 put lt ln technlcal ternrl nokcbe
or Brabnrn-lntultlon tr nolther produciblr (utPtilyr)r
th. qrattlil ltl.tb.l ot Eot thr foaort0 o? !lnn-
srtt (ltborl3loa frl S.o on 1r rllrr) 1r rc..tt bL to
tttrt tl, tt arr D. ltturrar tt rt fe rrhrr nrr
tlrrr orrut br tbr ro olb{ rJiretrdtrrl tt l;rrrloal
of n|'olca. (rvlity6 rtrtrlnr); rccoiltca ta Tfu119131,
sntloa to prrutrt ln ih (Jirro-nftr),u br tr rlltl
vtth r borly,rtrlch tr rtur to Prrrrbdbr lttn. ft! lmtrra
r J irenttr.
ilrltrrrsl (fror t}rr bodtt tb.n ho rtll bfool oil ult! lrrhrral:8
lcr lt rrnlt lr rrln { tbrt :lnbtJifar rt
.t1lr.r Ylcarletlr lt Dt rorl; fol lf tt u'L nrll that
knortdc. roe tb.t crr b loorort a".n tud'!8 llfl bl thl rlre
lhouli tb. bo{tt r.trq lt rtoor Dt blnd btlt lt b' lcob uPo
6rl'l[a - rrtt
In - rrgrtrnt rf tlcrrtstl'oontlthtltn to
ldilttrr tt rtll hqve to br rrtd tbt ln tb. -lnf blf
rcrh bgr tn rlusldatlaj rort P.tfoottot tbl rlrtlt rrrt'
Lrbtr tJvralbt ryrtlrr of !{on'lrnr enrt 9br*rne. Palbrtt
lrlr orlalnrllty hl ln rtlnt u! !.f roaoo9turl rnd lottorl
lrcune vlth re3*lt to toplot llkr Avldnl ltrr loour rto.
but nrt lo tb' natn lttE+f of rnpdual )ttolo8y' th' 'Ltr
thet h nelo of rtr*tn3 r nr ro[col of rBh[atfr ta
Adrrttr tra,Jttlon oltr o6lt bf ttr. t$ ooatrarted vttb tbr
ono orlglnatlnt rlth hdrrDad& rnd hk olor. cilatltatorr
tn rrtl.tt of i.3rtt Yhleb ftrrto bc rrroun ar trdvergr '
notrd Drlorr
tb rrt ltottrnt ttilf tb. flrti
r rito
adsf ltflftr flor gbr l$rrror (1) rrldr- d
r||ool rrrl
Itr loourl (lt) $rtbr! rrtrtyi tr om o! rrntf (lll) a.tbc
Jlrr tr r rafl.ctloa (Pntlblrlr) or r ddlrltatt:c (rrrrobrdr)
of Brrilll (tr) vhrtnrr JIrr lr car ot rrntl (t) th. nttrlr
of rcrttl tprlorlar rt tbr orlta of lrlt-rultrnttool l.r. 1
rtrlbrr ol utt rhbrlr lryr*r llrrt rr{ lrrdlltr brld3ll
(rl) Srthrr tnm tr ea tallttr or Dtl (rlt) thr obro.t
bt r|ldaf-ll t?'tttr 1.f.1 rbothc tt 1r tdttton d ol
laronrlltlonrrl lnh[| (vtlt) Yl.tbrt ot ltt tbrt. lr 't'dlrl
(taluttoa) ta thr rttrtrbadtc ArlccPtr lltrirrirdprt vtrb
$rcterto r.atrtto nliltrthlittteqTrhr(Br.ugtl II.1v.6)t (k) thr
rrphlnr{ .il dlbrt ghr Ji|rt rvttlyll thr oontrlnrd crn' 'i
oot br trPlelnrd.
. lrrturr rf
tr rlrrdl lrlls thr dlstln8ttt
llcrrtrtttr Yerrlon of rCrrltr lr tbrt br lroolntrr r
alidr vidr.
rrr lnttot or notr to oorlt. tDet rll of thc ltl quotl erft.
So rroh onr lf tbr rtrrlsl aoflrttntr l..b lnntlerttorl
lrrrt[ crt blrralf fill ltll oouttkql rduod up lhr totrl
nu$.' rf nlatr tb.t tr'| eorrorltrtclc1 lr thtt tboutbtr
tblf lbcy trtrlty rtrrrtl oil ot th.lt otrnlotrt. thon therr
arrl an dttact rnrt'lotatdl to tb. anletor rl fill rrt
at btt lolaa ttro tmtbr.n rni thet tbr riolr gtttt nl trtl.B
Itth thl. taltrnoff thr Ytvrtejl rohool polntr oltl tbrt vlrbll
tnElittq lr itr Yt||rt* rmttr tht
tboulb tbr qnalrbrallr tartr t.lDrttf tbl lrnlllrtr
Iaorleltr of &rllqtrt Drarurr of crrtrtl drtlrctr
tls :
, ? r
ttr.-fer Y6orrtrtt ratiStoa b.orr tlo
gr{rrt r.ot tot rkrbrl lor 3tr Ylr*trprntdr rloar
lr tbr rarnt to rbha.
tbrt lcorrr tbr otilrrtlcl of mlclell. thr r.ac|lt
to V5carDltlr gurr rra.r (rrttt tbrg l-I|t tba obFut|-
tloar of luotrncr) orltlrrtlr Errbna-bvlodgcr lt It
tb. ltrrsr,mt & flrfl3 rl'| to tln bdeda. et tba
tilrntllt of rlnn rai lrr|Irai
8rr +
rtrntrlt llltrr tL. ..otr(ttarnr: F on tblr ttlrdr
?r-cnprtl ra7 br trlon to htr lntor9rtd 6trolere rl
trturlnl Urr rlcr tbet L$r lr t tear c{ltro
F flvr-nrltrd
rrrlilr1 b7 trglloettoq
rntlrh ttkc thr brtrrl
thr [tln3
til! rtrlbll
of tba ttrrh
of oih'lt
lt att'
lrdfab irtr lato tbl fcnf. tlrtrp borrul k of trr
!'l thr orr. ot ff,rrrjrtll rr racafilrl to tll, tlcfi. lfrt
tr thr lotr rvldfl tt 1r nrrcl tLr tEtrnlt.r, ra aootlol
tt Ft tn ttr brniro thrtrrlrtr boloa tb. r1it",sr1 thrT
a.nnot orrrtr r nrl| Itll of 1irrr. tirrrfom tbr rorlrl
rurt ba ionrl{cfil to !r clrar,crl by Oogrb lr tht aootrollff
at rll t"tdtif.l thsr tbcr $nf,| rrlrt tbr olprrrat,
onl*elrat ral onlgotrat ljnrq. Xothlni orn b. fqrtbel
.rrt tlior tta trutb tbrn to rrt tb.t tn tftrfDrtlrt ryrlr,
tbfr. lr ur rrxn for lJntr. fhlr ldenrtt,tlo brr ttr
tlgpott at Itrb*radr. l&rrprtltr bllrtrrlq rttrrt n
thr lddbtrt tlJiLnrtrlr erut ltr totrl rrJrottonl 5orr r3rlart
orrtFrrrtt-vl0a. 8l trOlal ta vlr ol Vlrutrttrr l,astrtesa
on tb. r.Ltlr. artat !a. af Ool rlrl trhc ctatnrl Frlil, blr
ItarlrJlrtrrbrtt l!.I trtctll riitrr rlonli br ..!.fultl demtes{
rr not tpll&U ttn n{lor! rottprtr (h1!t-r;rt,t-ri{b) ol
tF tt?. ol Prrtrah-aufu. Ilvalll Jiv.r J.t.t ltoo rra rll
rral rs Loaj rl rvldtf fu rct rrrcrral thlorl! rltit bntd6rr
Idrrral ta btr ttrr !r rt bortp tbr htjtrot of thr rDprlrnarr
of Snbrnr tbr ultlntr rmlltyl nitclr tr rrerntlelly rltrl-
bot.laar (nlfupr) lfeld of rll dlrttnottont *rtrcor!1 rutnl
trrnlfote.bk (rgarlntrt), roorrtc, Stlrhpnprnb) I thr only
$tolotlcrl rrlltt ol tll groorul rtDartre.arr trvrtrt
tnr tbr rrylrlorl rt$a potntl Brrhrn tn aoaluoottoa rttb
rrlrtyflh. I lji|trl te lotb tbr rfttotrnt rnd tba r.t.rtrtr
o.of. ot thl rrrltlr loilir ntr h-rrrtrttp tr r ardltloorl
lttltttr It lr lnuDtlmblo (rahvraraeoir)r rl tt lr nttbrr
frtrtGa. (rntr) aor aol.*trtenoo (lurtr) mt btOb lrtsioncl
rnl noprrtft.ra ('|&rrt) - Shtr brla r €ontridt.tloa ln
tlnl -- ht d lffrnnt firr Doth ubttor latl rrrnredtt.ooa
(rrdrr*vttrk$.r)r rrtbflt rilfrr llt hrr ta..tttullt
rrtrbllrlsl tba lnd.t lrlatblo arlurl (ratrrrln.trtt )
of tD. rcrll' Ea rgtlt Flr tt ibrt thr rdrattlnr oon.lo
tr aot ro Ed vltt! th. ertebltrharat of tb |latltt b.tr.a
brrbrra rd tDa rcrltl r99ortr|rarl trtb|" tt t| rlth tbr out'
tt.nt rrr.tNilhtlu ol rll di".eclty rArtto"rt rr brtt{ lar
orDltorbb (rnlrreoaarrge). lbr nbolo thttt3 boltr Corn to
thk. f&arDrtl nrltbc! [d.t allrtr. th. lrluo of trtuFt
trrbrn or l{v*rr la tb. plrnr of rthttrltt nor dool bl
aorDtillte flttlf,l| lrr|ror
li-retl t hlr !a ttts s trl of glffrrrnaecur'paollf f .nila I
lloeegrtl tht trrrrotr r rrrr
rolblnetl.:n of tbr
round rnc altlr pbtloogtorl thought ot botb gbrohrtr rla
ltrdur Ia glvlq a ntlonrl tr rltrttaot ttol rorlgturel .ls:
l. Ybmrtl
---- srntlrnl tlbll rorl tn f&rtl rery ttu
soa dbe. ?P t5r 6lir 73Or letr trlsmt.rrlst
otll3lons idr ioeo3brrrlshn trttll.
8. laar.Drtl
-- ---:-rorfrt ilructt r.nttttr !!l aoottnattqa of, blr
nyfyr-taottr rod trttra nrllrh. tn
irttri vit-rurrllls blr otb.t rottl ro I'3tn
rstrbitrdt PPr 7t1 Sr
g. rtr! rFyr- rrrt!|.r trtttr-llrltr!!
-fofanar lttrrblocof rr;
rf.fr ".*ny. Ycliatloir nlbendhanrI
,l. trl. Orr iogtrr f,IF, Yol. II 99o ,!
C.- gndthtftlo Lcjlol-tcl. I-(Dw.! Fblh.ttontl l!
lortl 19d)1 19. Co
6. S.l{. Oer iogtre BIF fol. II ppr lO?
?r srr bltrteru II. tY. l?
!r !!fr rlrr $d. 9e$ubrrnatr Srrtttl 99' 33
fa !6r Inttuluatort "rtt lor?
lO. 5ro 5.K.R. Rrorr rrttolr-ll-trttflobl
art. lgtt)r 'lol. I. lorS
lL DrieSrlttlr 0'.il 0rltl6l of 8[lltrt ?9' 8l
13. ,$r!. Oar OlPt r 0P.olt. ?1. ll
13. rYiaiarrtlntt vtrbftn i.lrtlhr gnn$r vlreln'
CtlAll$l - tl
30. (r) i.C. Chatlrrjrr .lDrrlto tlr 10{-16r
3& ShC.orornr Pr 2C
3E.(r) l.K. suodalrrl Opooltr )t Atl
a6. Ibld. ). D.
l. t.llalr trttttlFr Chrtt.t I
4. Ibldo i. 6o.
g. Ibld. p.{9.
l. Ibld. P.tlo.
!o lbld. 0.6{.
C' tblil. Drtltl aaa rllo llrrl II.1.l4r
l. rtrlrldhlpl rlirlr lrlchralrrrrthl lrlrhrn
rlhfllo nirtlr $hr. I.l.{. Dr lll6r
l. rlrtirril Srrbrr dbrt[D Lrtli frryrh rrirhrrtr
vlL"rhattrttm srahr0o rtttNtri yfibltltr -
0h-. f rl.{r!p. 186-1fr1.
. tr tbl.Cr.Su. p. l?{
3. (r) lbr. lII.1t.u. (Ubhrtdlrridbttrernr)
$cc rlrc lhr. II.l.tt-8D.
rlr Eha. 9.t{81 ralrlrr rdltlonl i,8r Prur lg(fr
ft(r) Slf. ir ,116aaratbrXrlrbor rlttl dttlca.
t . 8irl.Cr. 3!r D. l!? r
6. Bblr l.l.UO. Irlg0
?r th& t.t.lr Pr EOo
!. 'Errvaqrr bl pnprncr gnhrtre trttyrllu
Pre 9r achr rtrrolrttrvid tuprtlurb lto trre$rtbglt | -
t[4. I.llt.4eDrDDr ]N{-U!C.
9. rirrrBED.Anl!.hltrt hl lvty.ilyo?tF ttt ga.trt. rtr
t6D.hltrrrDl - ahl.I.l.l.' p.68.
lO' rtrryr qprhlgr luprr Jltrl iuddrr tu mtu trrtr f-hrhlf
Ibld. t. ae.
rr' r'rr ?tl.lllHi"ti
tl, (r) lllrd.Ce.Juo Dr ?Er
ll. rr9ulrltr
- Jirlae rl6t tlctrrr -_ tba hostal Srrilal
Iha trosnrrble blbr eodTnovh{3re
gil. rr,rlrtfchtr rvtltf lrlttoyr lrrhltritl Dnlrtlto
Vltrtta tatFltc rlyrdrolle 3rJoob.t !.t.b-
' Ietr rohtDhidv I c'lra lrllrraalar ooh- lSohrrlrltl'r
88. fthirrrltruryr trdlb uretthltr rtrrtr tll.brtbltllt
Srtturltr ab.raobrr.rutr or tQ|rr lrhl tntrtr!.
le. Bbir lr {8r Brlrrr ldltlonl F.3r tlrarr ll0ec
30. Bb-. p. 3{81 trtlrrr adttls.
31. lLfr t.l.!r
3a. lI. I.1.8.
t3. !]brr IIto tl. llo rlerrrleldirtrflllr lqlrtb lb fealrofr'
Cbltlrtbeb r.
31. !b-. Iit.11.l8e rUgtrtbljrtr
- .tr ltDr lh{o brrhlnyl
D.ot;tr3o tlhtin-a-rther | .
!,1. (a) Krllrtan f.t.4l.
I irilrrlrcrhrr FtrrDsebrr ditrhltllt3rrr -rnkbrrrrh
Ir nndlr go-.arrtrltt ata rrvls.thr alltDrrlb'
tC. t5. I. 1.3.
96. E!i5. I.1.6r
t?r tiSr I.l.{.
l. ll5.Ge.8t. t.11
8. Ibtd. D.{l
$. rIe![ or buddbTAtl f.lF !.].9. malEtr-ryr. fltrl!
Wrolr rhrtSl a. trttr cbrttatrr. fl|-: olltrflr'
.;-f-lF fnnr rei3lrtrar Siaatntr lebnhr Flt|
bioSr .rktlhrr lbld. P. {1
l. fblb. Drll rlr lh.tu J lYr .ldrt-Stdtrtar
i. Cb.UDd. 6P3'8'
|lr h5.0e.3u. ?.a0ltao alrr llrr tf.tll.ft, ffOfnrregr th.
ild lba[tr toltlrt
?r la ISIO. D.lO.
tr 'lloca.riE. Er 3l3r
lr rCrl lrnta-Qror9$urb--b rt rtrr;tbcrt*.-nh lt ,.ntth-
DlrDrnchr lbhr. - IblC. D. a8
l0r lbttlr Dr llo. Ine hl c[ldrtrnrrrtatrad Citl|rrrrbo
attf.Sa r|lahltrr Xlrdlrrdrrtl I
LL lbtd. P.{0.
18. I6bld.E.ltl. 'l(eg![tn bltltrr Cutbr rhota nhr tyrrl
ls. (d UIsarr a'r|t|trr Y.'rtrrrr ina51t Df
13. Bbi.ce.gu. t.?9 Ufrr qyrtr trt ntIrlblrrhltrh 6ddhr
Dld ihflyirtt llrblrvof
1{. tild. F. 4ll rltt 5 fvr FrlrfS.rno frrfrtlrtrlrl-
Itrr trthaDl trryoprhtter nDu JlY.bl
lft lb&!. t. tOC rlnlll rnltt.nrtr rvldFFlanr mtr
lirrrnm JIn ttt or trbetleJnr ca o.Irh.t.l
16r lbl.dr Dr {t o... UlhltiCl nir ratrrrcdrtronr trd trtrdran'
ptr rotrncbr!.itsw-t
l?. H. lt.lll.g.
18. lE Cr.&. !.l,ltfr
le. lblil. pprllrt
$f. lEr P.l?r Anrntbrtrtrhrr Srrttlrr dttlol
ll. lbfrCr.Su. p.li
38r Ibldr 9e tE
$3 lblde lp,Ie{O
37. Er ll.11t.8t
8E. Itild.
tf. Eh-.r II.l.l8
,10. h6r III.lt.?r
,11. t[r 1I.111.1?r StilCblat r
{9. Ibld.
afu tb-.. !p. 6!l0-!!f tnantrlrlsar Srcttlrr odltlar
a{. IDtor D.{U
l,|lr lDlrL P. 0ll
tl?. Ibldr g.,lo0 3.. llr ltl.ttacht tD. l||l,|
l& tDr. rr.t11.3l.
lOr l-'. III.tl.9. slalthtllr
OO. 8 b r . I I . l t 1 . 3 l
t I . ffi,l zof, llrntrlltlhtrr $rttllr. Iltlcn'
67l ".''ql?:rdLni.:i:ifi
9IACLb-:,I[ .
l' r'r' t?tJy,:*l:t*
8. lbld. pol2o.
f' Bb5. Ilol.llr
{. frlDrtrro (tstlrrrtr tr;rr Prrrrr ttl?} }o llco
E. df. ll r 1.1,1.
a. Acbta'r DrishYr
?. 8Pr 5.!. Dlr 3uptr1 tOl. llr P.lil
t. Sir (i.s. Prerr) lel?rpD. 9Cr l6tr taer .t 5
9. B!.,i ll lh l. Dr lB.
9. (r) Ehf,. II.l.El II.l'!L
lo. Bbi. rl.t.l{
11. !ff. Il.t.{. Stl llrielS.
12. Bbf. IIrt.l8.
13. Bhf. ll.1.I
1{r Bbd. I.1.4. $os rlro lrlprtrrn l'1.1r
Itr Praecptorr
-- - of ..dil3rf 8r!e f rl.P. lhhailoru
h3|a/t,rtr rbrtdrr D-atlyaet rlyiil
l. ct.tll&lbt ppr t!'$?1 1341 1'15r-tf!:lf: elro llrrGr'Sol
.,lrv'pirrlrdhtk'reqr (III'tr'i6
Dr tlr r..r rgil;
la{ Illrlv.tl)
Griiiin inmuv. trrn rtrhrht Ylltl!?^t!"1ttthct
D-ir0"5rr; tltldllhrntl trJaanr 131 IFBEG'
e. tbi.Cc.$ur gr lO?
ta, Ibtd. t. t!
36. Ibtd. D. loB
36,. Ebf. Bl.Letb f{lhtL!.lr
t?r tbir0r.Su. 9. ?6
t8. fbll. pr lllllr
39. Ibid. D. ?6
{o. Iblll. D. lll
' tca
41. lbtd*rJlt
alr tbld. D. lGt
{3. Ibld. Do ll3
ll{. ludrlt ugC. Iltrl.&
4!s 3Sr tI'1.11. r|r rlrr tlt.llrlo
lGr lh6.qr.iiq. Dr l{0.
a7. lbld. p. El
Cl. 3hr-.Ca.$u' g. tt
C8. Bba. Iy.l.tr
!3. i.lrlrrubrenolrnr fflrf$rlil.Elr. Dr lC& f,ouatit
tt nrrt be 6oilrttft .trt.d bala tbrt ln trnilrlt
bot! ttr. rl.vf 1...; b><tyfelltaj off l[rllrtrlT
on tha
oB cnlat of grrhr|l
th. onr.t drrbru hoovhdlrr clgrl rnil rnd tb. Dodt
tbr Dodt
p€!.lrttnl fot trr tlr rm rftit Btrtt
Errbst r-
Itrttoa u r rrrrllS of tlrt. of|. tratltaaoa
tavaqta ltdrltn)
IallJ-, rlc
I| a I'E tb.r'r?
lr.!. rt. Both
trr. lo4orl
v ' r trf
h16. -t|r cound rnri tqnr 'lo.
ho .lotftar prcferl
ghc'roeod Dut rEt to tha .xolullG of 3br ftrr3.
9rr.-6r.Slddbtr Pr 1,38j'art I 9m alro tBtrrotluottol
p. Illvlll
t th&
t{1 tbrnlrr! ?[?!bn c tbo lrln .uttll^Ill.11t.32r
- It.l.llq I Y . 1 . l 9
5-5 OAe rv . i. rS \.1. x. r . ,t"E x9 S4
57' Ilat.tt. lEo leG to SO$ Br.YertltrrPrrt ltq Ppo ?lEr'lll
Cf. Ylrll?'l
cBaflrsr, - ?lll
l . 8rr. Cheptrl Vt
3 . Itr.Stdclhl. Dpr lal lll rtrd lie
O r lltrtrnal lrt Varnrxrt ip. 81o1lllr
{. 8.f,. ia4luptrr a C'r t'trlPr 6n 4rl t ttrtrnf SrLAlf p. g{9
i. Br.$ldilhl1 D. 19.
t . BhE-.l.tv.l. lcc d,so I.lv.t.
6 r (t) Bhr.Cr.iu. p. 7l
7 . rPrrrkthr lcrr
Siuar JriSnrrr Bt.slddlrlr pr 3$1tc tlro
trar ttrlel b. t.d.Eohlntrarr dtrta-tthrl'
P. l!4r
& lbl.Cr.s8r lDo {Cr ?e
9. dba. I.l.l. or Chtl sr 8ftrhitlirrb ilbdutr Dle'ralllt
'tn4l1rh IrrnrlrtloarCb.ptat
lO. i..r..1 . ttathi IIIr{.t nlra r!.
talrtbrrr airtr.rihs rnlod:Uttl|| |rblt.
trittsltir.otvr! Jrotrladsttrae'brdJ'{tt ttart
I ttr ufllbhad.n athyrttrrraubhrYat l1 tYrl
idrnttrghr talrlbtrrrhlto
J o - .rilll-to
.riEll-to J
I tieh
ltrh wrrtl
',!!bI DblYal aolBrlbtloat!' l r . - D i . C r . i u . g
Dc. 7 99
Ss. rlro 3ha.
8or tlra 3ha. II'lt.lO.
II.lt.lO. rad I Y l . l .
lL Srlr-il. la3lkb lrrarlrtlon. Int"o.luotton 9o tl;f.a rtro
lh6rCa.;iu. D.Tlt
l. tlNlr tllr lfl{h tpD.
8r $o. llot ilclr xo' llls Cbrtter YI.
8. Slbt|'ftlrr
- 'thi tr tbl tlortrlnr of tb. at.l.ttrnfr
ildotrlno botldr tbet thr rot{ lr of tb.
nag|lli of 's9botrrr *lob lr,|gtrrlnruourr
It rrltor 1lr th. rlid aftor thc vrr{ tr uttrlril.
I3 1r illrtllFt fill mC ovalrbota tlrr lottrtr.
looorttnt tt thtr tb.ort lt It tDbotr -rad lot
lattrrr *rlch nnlfrrt ih. r.entolt ol thr nrl|e
dDbotr ls th. €tornel couoCrllhtut prst!.
IL tr ttrc orrtr of tDa Frld roil !r lientlorl
rttlr Bnhrrn. sra Errlrrr-r6tttr3bfatltl-bbarhtr
t.111.5. Xrp{am bu l\llty tBrbrattld to lt.
irth $henlerl rail l-carprtt tavftllt
|'llhtro ttr lllrc ihra'ctrr YaorrPltl hol(lr
thrt tho lets.st thetrrlvrr ioErtttut. th. uoti.
inr trtterr of I rot{ tbosab rrntr rltan rao..dil
ln ror flrrd orlob tlvr rll tbr nrnln! tlrrt
hrtr. Sor Bhr. I.lt t.l3r
rlgh rltart to ti. lllrtloa lrtrm nr{r
ead thr rrn1n8 of lrntraorr thcto .ra tra Sb.otlcr I
ltr*ttf,bbld-qr iil{ .d-rooq3rd bv 3he Pribhrlrrr
-hooi or ifrinr inc luuurnttttta fdrr *lroortrl
ty gbo Bbitt totttol rort rdoptrd bt v-aerPttt'
l8cotittl 3o Alttltbh&l.lr riCrr-th. rot{.
ln r reatraq. oo!-ft botb tbalt lnllrldurl r|.nl[a -
anc thr tqort of I t.otfBcl. I!.t l. tc rfr !!fd!
oolt ln rf;oot.ttoa rrlth elbft .$!ttLot ntdr bllDl
out tlt. trtolt of r rt[t.rft
t. rtrtntt thlrl thr AbhtbttSnnf redf
btla tiat tbi nr{rr la-r lontrnco rtnlft tb.ll
cn l.ntl
O[ ordt. tht-lsolt
nnrr OnfJr rnl a{rg-I ||r of 'r tsrrrtr'!-!t,
'! r,r r.ntotrc.
rooilfnf to intr tlrgl' tr^but Bho t ..ult.of tho
och.r.n3a oi ttro nrnlq3r of vor{rr IbEt ttt tt-
lr rrnlt a ttntbarlr (rnvete) ot th. r'nli't gt
tbr reHiltr iprdr c:Dortrg lt' ica' DrYe 'g!-
;Ld[;--arrie.cr H o? p'cirprrh qilrSrtrb i r''rulrtto!
(ort rdl od.ntd rcrtesr lg{d). 9. 18
l. llrgl[rHtr ctrod l.lrrdtnSt{it:o11,F!tlrt boverrr br
corl!.tlt rirtrd.- lo rlorbt hr tr tnoltpod to
;;;;-iir tut-ot to tbr ssluitcn ot brtto'
--.: -- t y,tfoD rfmrr I -rosorltrS
uw.{-r- to
!,v .Dtq
..-a .t. .{tl.tr
lBq EOEa.
-.ad llbclett:n.
tctrl llbcr_ett:n.
tloelitt')n. rn hlr
In hlr
tlorr tfrc
tho ro
ro reiled
trthlte pnjnd(nn of rr.-6dy rrr0til
:lh.t!" Er.Jnd(no rtrady rfiAti)-tr rr on
hlthlt rtur.d Irrilbrkrt lot ot I rttdrtbrr-(iro
F !.9 t. Dol. Iif).shrnlrn
D. llt /r .ihe ySartl)ltl
rtd tSaro.tl
rta $ral atai
ttradl a-
ror e_toiel ttraotlro of thlr ytcv. (Str lo>t nrto.
llo. 6Ot Chrptri. tlII)r
Cr ltrr tbr.pp. e8$fi10, Amathrlilrtld rrrgrlta rllttonr
f. $rl loot lotr !lo. l?. CbrDtrr VIII.
7. 9lr loot lfotr ltoo CBr Cheptrr Y
t. $er Foot ilotr ;1o.30Obtptor VII. $er rlro Brrbn-rfitlr
ittaakltrr Bbilnyr I.I.{r Sco ttr?,lrcr shialrt|-bb.rbyr
or| itlrrlrd. ll.lY.6. f,fVt,t6-619rt,t,1{trr r6bbr
YyrtebE trb r.
Ahtont n.,t ., ...@of
iuntlrsrn r Eal. irusl.
(sbra3t 3rtrear-loodont 1960).
trrltrEdrr ... EStltr.rltlnrll& (srt Vanlvtlel
. ?rrur i ltfanlar. J.
tnrtb Hdttr tmtlt(ld)r.r
Drttrs D.|lrp
trl {-{
llrbrdrvr Srrtd Llrrf aal sa.@ .t
tlrdrar llrbnl aar
by ;irrtbrDrnt ld. 8.trlg9nrurq7
rirstr{ (Hadrrt. Oocrnrsont
Ortaotal :.laaurallptr rcrhl
to.{. l9$?}.
f,rr rrtllrte oo a
Prrllrlrtrrry "'m'}li.H!|"
b7 Pr irae artllr
Er0rlrtlllotor ... Ildllglhllelo$,trlolrr ! rad 8
(Ooor3otlhn erd Unrlo Lt6o l
Irendml llG6).
rcdbaltlsboane$.1 aa. I
o.orga A lra & 0nvtn tCrl
lrrl j
Errelrlrlr f.B.t aaa .$
Frrr r97l). .,::
$ealrnp -
a a .
Sert*t1 &lr1 .l
Jntv;rsltY of Crloutt r /937r'
Sattr{; 9.llr1
A:re-htvcrrltYs lgrr; l
of Yrlucl (Jaleurl
i"*lyttlo I
Stagh; lr|rr; ata I
$lnbrs Jrh.lNf
of ArYrnoad studt la PhllotoEDt d
Ykve Bbptatbts .;hantlt[t t !r i
.itrrilrr lA j
$ t to'';t; l{.1{.1 111 Oo.lrrrltr
Ldsllrrr 0ulpblrt ltllfbil
So0rfr {
)rfor{ TntY rrttt lrrttl !
Crlouttal !{rd?arp lPgtr. j
:lh. gtrtoft na 9..tritl. llrcnlht
St!!ats ll. i. t a.. l
Jrlntrenoillt Jolil. r
Arla Pqbl
9tchrrtrtclt I t
Dovor lublllberlt
gCDr Reol t.; rr. llullYt6 yl atlrrlt f,otorterlglrl
iurcllrretre .., klhrdrrrfF.blrnlrild .
Ytdtrlirsbrol 8o0r1 r..i@
(l(otllgl Srnrtrltarrr Jalhlr
f trrmnt PtrceC UDrdbt.tr r . . @ c h o F
kbanbr Yrtamrtr UXtOJ.
Vlnfhvrirrmdrl 3nry1 ... lht-ltlhl-.g!&t!r (^lltri3r
..rhtrr; t7rvrtl1 l9ltlr
ttrrp Hrlltlair ...@Edlgod
bt Joceoh Cupblll (hrutlrtllo
rod Kcgeo Prul; l0t2;.
ldrrrrbntalrnl Br t o..iAY'lye rd th. lllltolt l
Brler$ttloleog B .r ...?bo Plrot ol f,rrr tE tbf ldrrltla
robu of illntgllnr'
Aidiblulr-Eh$itrr vcl. Lavrrl I
. .!
I Vol. II fia'3t
fio.21 Juae, rtt9
rru;. lg?9.
lrrrChedfr lteol le&; lar
'Sc$oor ol adnltr PbtloroDbt'r
lros &frl 'ltcallt7 rall Catr3orlrl o{ Thcqbt
lrflrtllar ota
tnr riirttlo glriDlotlvlr
iPlobl.rr rd Jrtttfloettonr of
orrrb Chenilt Dar arf
"lbo feturc
tlrblartbrnr X.r ... and destiat of, tha
!,adlvttlual aoul tn Adraltai
Jonrnal of thc t{r<lrer Onlvir tty
Yol. II.YII. llo.l. 'hraLtrrtlonln
Jan, 19i76.
ItrrleHdrl SrrrYl -. -- -
...'lttalr&.tdll of
lon-iuriirr', xlienfr-Iglr&
i{a7 l!}66.
t{t I
M j
1. lullcttn of tbr t nlrtrbm ltlrrtol tnrtttttr ol cultuml '.:
jolDrrlr Cdquttr. -t
8 . Io{t1rn fhl.lomphlorl Qnrtrlly, unlvcrrlty it p-*,
rnd Pratag C.atr. cf PltlloroDhtr Poar - ?. t
l . Jrurnrl cf Inllea Phllo.oghtr iil. bt B.L ilrtltalr ^
J. Rotdrql Publlshtql CorDrtVr Dorr|rrchts lblfrad./
Elrbn. {