A Critical study of Vachaspati Misra Contribution to Avaita Vedanta

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A cRtrtcALsruDy oF vilcaspatPaaisrnn,s


sRl v. SHESHAGIRIRAO, rvr.e.


O F D O C T O RO F P H I L O S O P H Y ,
8fipr 0l rrc,\Iprlr l|l.lgqrs pftilrtlrtF
I llltl,crt

. W

'"rsofl€ttilwEfflil F
--,"erCti' I I

.i -.

I tb.'h rubrtt|.|l to un
Ont'.r|tty of t{7ron lcr
ttrr 06j;aa of Dootor of

Shrtr frflo Sbal13ld Btoq l.l.t
DaD.rtl.ot ot PorSandlrt. 3hrdl.a
rnd Eorrllb 10 PhllopDhtt
Unlvrrrltt ef llycortg
llumt3rlfothrll lyrorr''6'X) Oo6'


' titr tr !o .|Itttt tlrt 3il tthcrfu

't Crtttorl Stt:dt ot T-noal;ctt tllrhrerr Dlrtlnctlrr

Gontrtbutlonr to ld'ralta' bt gbrl t.!lr8ir*r3lel B;'o1

ruhlttec to Uatrcrrlty of tltto'. fol tbr {cal.. ol

Doolos cf ihll )toebtr ta grcprrrd ullr ry lutdsnaa

rnd rgcrtlrlon tlt lt hrr at l|rl tbl blrtr tl

trrt ot fuLL tot tbr lvrr{ ot rry ctplnr or d.ataa

ln thtr or .nt sg!1; Unl"orrlttr

n^{Amlsf,tr R^C)
,.r .J$o
. ,r\!a,a
i *seurchtn PhilosoPhl
llyeolrg ol ifitqt'
Plrsrr iios"gont,
Dat.df l4 ' L sl


I iopt! lrhro ttd tE rattlr rrct

aSfil!.d tn tblr thok ber brra orrled ont bg
lfe tbo crt3rt ol lnlol*rtlol dflvri! fror tlr
cxirttnt lltcntstr lm bcn l&llartd rrd fltll7
rbrllltd ln tbr tb.ft. rt tbr rpprrprtrtr
glr.mr tbr rrtt tr odltnrl rnd brl Et bf.a
rubdt?ad la Dert o3 la tlll fot rnt dlplor
or dr3r.. ln thlr o! any othor Ualwrelty.

\ru \w'14'9'-
(Y.I. .IIBI EAi.)

llmrr Htsnrt
Datrdf l8 -z-iggt
R r { , P A C i r

Ia tblc thrrlrp .n atborpt lr ledoe to protont

ln o rtltilatlo anil oritloel vrtr thr dlEtlnativc cootrl-

butt.on! of t-ltaeDatl illrbrr to Atlvalte Yeddatr. It cpounilr

thr dootrln. of AdYrtte rtrlotlt rooordlo3 to Bbll.tl. It

lr contcnitcd hrro tbet faa.atetl'r oontrl'butlone to adraltr

ht ln rluoliletlog tnd gorfoatln3 thc rlrclrlt rrellrblr

thought ttrtcr of both gtnnkara ead !h4{anr. fhrouqh .

rreroblnil fnqult1r lnto th. drrPer riuorttom of tilvaltel

ttoarpatl 3evr rlor to blr dlrtlnottvc lontr{butlonr. lb.

orrdlt of ooancettrng Sbanlarr Prrstham ulth ilrd.tr

Frrrthenr lrlnly aorr to b!r. tbe grrrsaat thrrlr btlnt. orrt

tho rllffrrrnort of oplalons ln r.tt.t! of dotell; brtncn

laoarPotl rnd Shrntara oa tbo om bend rnd l{asdenr on tbr

otb.tr borldcr 61vlng ln esttratr of tb. polntr of t3ra.'

ront brtrrcn tbr{tErm:3rtlt thlnlcrs. ft srcb to lboY

tbat Y5'cacPatt ilorl lqual Justlo. to both Sbanksra an'l

lla4tl anr.

lhr tbertr lr tn !l1ne Gie'tcrr. Olettcr I -

rlrtch lt lntloduatory dollr vtth thr llfrs uorkr rrd drtr

of V[catPatl. Ihc lllurtrtour nrlc of thr lobola! of

rll faocte td gbrrcs of Inllra Phllosophyr rrr brlcfly

cutllnrd bcltdrr tivlag r lhort rcedrnt of thr nrtur€ rod

11 .k
l4ortenof of 8[retl !a Advaltr ttrdlttoa. It 1. ot th.
vler thet tbcrt tr no obroaor of rocErrto ehrdology la
tho cs!. of {11s;p631 illtbtr rnd reltterr ln tht llgbt ol
tho olur tlralrbrd by hlr ova ntErl tb. Ylart of eolr
roholarr tfatldlng htr detr.

CbrDtrr II, lr onr tth. ttrture of Knovhillrr ta

tdveltrr It sborr hov thr rllrtlactlon Detvora Svrrdpr

Jiuna rnd V$tt Jiann 1r barto rndt ceotnl to ldrelte
hdinbe. Ihc flnc pboo of dlrlrotls vtth vblch l-carPltf,
utebltchcr tbr rclf-lurtnorttt ol hovlrdlc 1r dtrourrod'
It drbctrtr! ghe tilvrttlo ooac.Ptlon of tbr tort of truth

rnd oont€natrthat all other theodcc'of tnrth crn b'

ultlr.tclt rcituord to tba tttcory of non-€rntradlotorlnorrr
It elro orlttoellt rrellncr YicalDrttre troetrnt rod

tafutatlcn of otber theorhs of arrqr.

Trrcrptlon erul tho eonc.Dt of Bhrirt ls thr

rnblrotcttlr of thr III Cheptor. It rrltl to rbor hov
ttl. ot{tlolur rgrlnrt ^dvrltlo vlrr ol daudr (siutDur
rlsoneelvrd. thl Ptobl.r of tbo rclatlon betrlen thrtt
rnd trattalrbe, Jnrtt rnlt tattl (rcrron) rre lraalmd'
It ts of the vtrv tbat 9.la.ptlon1 rt:{otlt r9callnt do€t


ttr *"

rlr rf r hlghcr Llatlodt.. lot orl ltlfcle br

dcfeadrd by rrStraotr ln tenr ol lubateocl or qualltt.
It oorclurlrr rlth the oonslrlclatltn .nd r.fttatlen of
tha docttlnr of Sbedfbbc'de.

CbrPtat Il, ll on, tthc Doctrlnr ol |llrgupr

lrabnar rtrlob k thc rlrt illrtlntutcblog lrlture of
Advattr. It rlcatr vlth V6sarDatlrr rlqalihtton of tbr
rsroo It !hor! hov tbr lqbrrtr lrl0 on tho ooacfPt
of ltnflnlttr oorDalr one tt r0aapt tbc only rerlltyt
ylz., 8 bt!. tr thrrlr reok! io llnteta tho unr
sorpr,rlrlag oatoloSleal rorduellrr.

ChrDtal Y, tl oa, rtbl 'laturc of Jlvet.

lfsarpetlrr rnpplenontat'ton of tbe rlev tbet'Jtratva'
of thr JIva ts duc to etllulrr rd that a'lhylss lr tbr
r,oot o.ura ol rll tvll lr rlrborated brrrr lbo thrre

th|o!l.r of J-lve v1r.1 Ehbr-Ptrtlblrbr-Yfllrr Aveoohcfe

riitr end tbbtnrrda rrc odttorllt dlroulgril' thr

thulr ta.k! to tltot tbrt Aveoebldr fitlr1 by aad leljol

1r VloasPetlrr gct th.oryr regeillln3 th' rrturo of JIvr'

It rrfirtes thc flult vlrv tbat riosspatl lntlserlrlnntrlt
lrker utr of both pratlbhbe vida anil Avaeobfcar-dr'



} I
lt *'

Slotlarl.y ti. tloblr rbctbcr lll'fr oD. ot ry rd tb.

tbtlrroghloel lnpltcetlonr st both rlt rcrlcd 8t. It

brlagr lnto Llnqllght thr rdrrttlo oontontloo that Jlvl'
bhStr tborrgh tnartt & not oternrl. It ooelel to be JIre
tb. ro.o!! lt rrellrer 1!r om tto. D.tnl4. ft aodt ultb

ra .ltlxtc of Shenharatr gorlttoa rcterd lng tbo .rt"

- ltha o.t[r. ol thr Dbtllcrl unlr.rro' !l tbr

toplo of tbt fI Cbaptor. thl rtrtul of the vorlil rd tbr

<lostrlnr of, Crusatlon r!. olltlorllt ot!1nld. AvtdFt tht

corn.! ltonr ol Advcltlo lotephyllos rad rDltt.ilololt lr

rnrltrd rnd dlsouccrd. rArx.-aYtdyl--6drr1 ficaaDetltl

thrort lt oonttrttrrl rltb r*r-&1rtn-rf,ilrf
of tbr Vlrall0r lchool. tlnlltlly tha probl.r of tbc locrr
of rtldyi 1r dfueulsod. tbo phtloaophlcrl hplt'oatlonl
of tha dlffcrlnt vlev; on tbr Drobln of locnr of rvtdyt
It tr ooatoaalcdhrrr th't thottb r tcnirtlro
F rre vorhd ou!.
,tet€*rnt orn ba rCo thet rAaelJirettrrltr-AmtuAvldyt-rldat
vf,ilel lt k trt rcelly sot ll t'r rr
F oadr ql ln Drrtt-Slstl
ot th'
YicarFtl 1r coa;rnrd, la vlws of hk rloSnltlon
nmd for Ilrrra 1o th. ryrtlr. lhtr 1r llltbrr tonftn'd

1n thc tllht of hlr bltrtorlnS rttacl on the rudChlct

V$Srnvlda' lbo thrrk ilrerr attrntloo lo tho Dotnt tbt

Yaoarprtt ruccrrol\rl[ lrtebltrbod the ldrtcrrlarblc o'ituto

of tl| I!l!r!|.. t! tba ra(l r br{of con.rrSlt .rthtr
al both Dlftt-gtttl rad $rrtl-orrtt rller tr jlYon'

Cbaptrr YIIr l| on, rthl nltu't of l'lokrhr rad thf

rtrnr tburforr. lfiicetrtlrr vlorp tbrt rlrlrr lr I ftrl
trtobortr of tho tatornl o!3rnr ln tbr forr o? onttruc{
t dttt:ton oo tt of Boalltys rhlcb tr of t!.
trD artlt\r
lrtur. of bltsrl l3 .t1holrtollr Att atlon lr Inn go tha
frot tbat flluprtt' r rtarlrJ t+mllr- rvldyi-r-Cr I
dugttr ttt rbcltcorinSrl areerrrtltly crtabllehcl tb
llrttnattoa brtvcca tlr rrGcard lnd th. bound. f,lr
dltttactlYa vlr of tlrr plna of tarlr tn tb tJt'ltlo
ilbfl of $-(tb.nr tr outltar{ rd tr |hoiln to bo loer
ntlrfactolt. glrllailt hlr dlrtln*tlvc lntftpr.trtlrn of
tllthn artuttrtrr tr dlloumrd . lt tr $on torrll|t tha

ana of tb. ObrPt.t that thr ooao?t cf Jlrrnnrttt tr totellT

rd tkloNtt.dlt rcc.pt.{ bt Yfoaortl

0brt3* YtII, lt cq rthr dlrttmtlv. lcatrtbutlon'

of tloaatrit t{ltbtr to altrltrr. It il ulatttard brrl tnrt

blr dtrttaotlv. outttbutbar to adralta trt oalt tn eontrrt3

rttb ritt oar. ta la lstrt llon rt lir tlrrrepr SohooL

ta trt rr thr ontolottcrl rnplrlls'! 1r conorrnd br hsr

otblaa to rllffor lron 8tlrrbr1 oa tbr oil brld ld lle$rorl

to tb. otbrlr It lt onlt lr lL r.tll. of, dctellrl
mtbolr of l|.tontnl ral trchntqnr tihet b. lrtlotr

,crltlontn rt trcojnlrc rr tiffrnnt frror tbr fhlrpr

|li tlrrrt rrt br rtrilaa rr htl coatllbuttoar. It tt

tlro drora tblt tnr ltlnltr tnlmrilll vlil gotltt

torl titt rtttottt rDo*tat th.ra orn !. aa rdtrtttel r!


Ihr LI tni thr ftnrl Chaptct lc !,0 th. potntr

retl. ln tbo grrvtont oblgtaar rnd lttlrt8t r etttlaal

arttrtt of rll thr dlctlocttvr frarnrrr of ?Ear;rttrr


I rl CroDlt td.lO.d to ry td.tcd t.rai.r

ind tupat"lrr! Dtr f,ritr i-atrtrhor tIr Flotcrrr end

E|rrl ol th. Po.t-llrtfirtr DrFrtrnt of PhtL'o9hfr

lor btr tnrl;bBful frldilaa rubtb Fttt cttra |rd lrlnr'

ble ru.ttttlnrr rl$aet btr lnrrtntlco rnll tutpcrt

tttr rrl rqli rt brr Errn ooflltdr Lhrt I orl tc

blr tr Dta tlrra rirt I orl artlrrr b prca. I atro

oStf! ry ttatttEdr to rnotbot lalrtld tsach.l ot rtn"

Ptof.$ot 8r5. l{albrn CDerl Batlrrd Prcforlor ud tlrad
ot tb. IrrFrtlat of Pblloagtht fol hlr comtant brlpl
aacouttaarnf en{ lufllci,lonr. It 1r ry t|crd dltt to
rll 'T."i:.

!.ila|!.! brrrl fcdfnta -|lrl,r Vllyr-rrgn 8t1, Plttrrbn

gbrndrr"hrhrr lDrttrr rld.t Sss 163 I rr.a lErS[
rnd tol notoar ilt obalnnor to ct nt*! f.?hsrr fo!
bk ltnC lnt.mrt tn ry rorkr I rr jrrtrful to thr
tuthorltlrr of thr UntYorrlty rlbnrt for pmvldlaa r
th n.ofrlrrt frolllthr. l0 thrnl| lo to stl i.r lelaerf
tlll blr rrt ra0 lnlcl ttplaS. .

' (v.ii. itf,EgtrAonl eAo,

l v r u)

Ehi. r r l l lUiratl
lhi eCa.$i. r r ra Darrtl Crlnrttrt
E l r i 1 . .r . at t!|b $tddnl
BrP.r. aa f,trtort of Indlrn PbtlerDlu
Itlr$1. r la satrblarryr .il,drbi
P.Pt aa ?rfiruitlts
Ptt. at Pdiil Dadtlr ltrrrts
8.Lr8r a l 8!,dilbiltr -lrtr -$rajrebt
gt.UD{. a a 3hr.t-rbtrten E?rntrbri
?r$rllr aa r.d4Dtr -8 lddh-ntr tFB-|'rll

ctl'Isn P{&B

Prrh- t - Yfl
r lltrd|leilnr
(1) ?s6u.9atl tr I Sobohr ot r11 tlt ftctr
and pbrrt of lodten Phltotopby - lllr i.,lfr I
!{ortr - Iportooer 13 bhlrrtt tn Adtrlt.
ircdltlcn - YicrrDrtl .r regrorcftttn3 o[a
- lrorg r.ctltn of Adnltr.
(8) Dite of lEcrrDrtl. t r l l
tt tsllltl-eil-Eqlrldllt
TDltat f nctiia Sitvrrn sru r{9r Jfuor rd
Vrttl Jaunar
(a) ";iff-tuotnrrlty ot tmortclgr -
Yfcu::potlrs rt|unnt ln frwB! of erlf'
lunlnr,:lty of knrvlei3or
(3) Yef : itty of Xnovlodlr - lort of dtlrtr
Soal l tY.
(,ll t-c,rrpa3l rr trrrtrnt ad lrJttrttoa of
oihct thorlla* of srtot. 1l - 68
(li -.utrb.s of PrecE{rur
(3) ,.rs tr.xner lllnrory'
(3) .itrtur of Slutl .| I Prr{tsr
('l) ttclattrn botlr.an snrtt |at Frrtot|.
(6) only plfortful rorlptnrr 1| $thottta-
(G) .rorlghrlo rnd t lofPtlco.
(Z) ooor-prpcptroi nairy oetat|. dltf.t sr?
(t) vf,oarDrtlrg rrtltotlst of hditbbcdr te - 91
It --fl)
Tao,rpatlrr cluollrtlln of th. AdYrltlo
Oomc9tl6 Of Jtrharn - itlrhratt rt ihvOi{
ol eny quatltlcr rnd clstlnettoor $.!!o-
rttrt - Srabmn tt gure q?ntologtlatf lot
urdorgokg ltrt ohrngro
(8) Er.rbarn rt lobrn rndl unkncnbb.
( 3 ) :rphcu er llrbpmpllht.
(r) irahca 1r not Jrya - i,otb.l ts'l|hloa
anl -3tllctnctr of &lralta trldailtrr

+ ( 6 ) .iv:rrlpt rod trtlqtbr

(6) :io trrnrltton
${5unr lreilr!
lrlilarr gf BrrEl
trt8 tttfuBr tslrbrs to
ll ' tul
cgAtl$a PAOT

t I
Et tt$otra itlrtt
(a) Jlntr b Clo to dVrnr
(r) Dr_lor of rCluitr.
( . ) Jfrr tn ltr tr-rrlmf lt 0 brtr I
lorl ad 6 lrUctrl.
elrr of tbr In-Ctvaluel Jrlf.
J[vur lo ltr rrrnol,lr lmtrl.
( ? ) tl- s6ont of ivartEtrrPr
. (.) T:rc ra'.rtlrn betutan lsr!trI ld Jt[ '
utffrrertr tbottlaa ol Jlnr
(r) inicoho'tr vfi,lr
(b) Pr'.ttbhbr wli
(o) rrh*r.rrcdr
tt) ;rtttorl marth.
(il) fecsrnrtlrr dtofrnce ol rtrrllrrdr
(11) crnolu{lng rclarrr
(f,gl .l 1va - one or_nay?
(lt,incirr*J ttl,tgalr
(11) StrJt'r-ur(h
(r11) crttloal rcqrlr
(tt) ;u r'lary of tlrl rerrrllr lil - ld)

rr I
rotl4lt '.:.s'ncrt
(: ) frl r DrltFtrr
(tt) ''rrnat tlol liirrrtr-antrr
(ltl) iriuurnt fren Dt*-Jtltl
(a) fm thotrt of Cru*rllcat Intloluotlon
(ll Ylnrt$ va'le.
' 15ea",;rr?tr.l rof.rtailrn o! tba
i{yE-yr vclCcil{r tboott of
(ttt) ifa'rqpattrr tllltrrlrn ef tDr-
j-. 'a'Y)Eo th-)ry cf orus''tira'
(tv) Isr'rt ai cath tbr ratrrlrl lnil
t'lc effirtont ocEff of tha notlcta
(r) Yaqaro.tlr* rfrrtatloa of Prrdbrnr
.!t rhelrlcl o',ugs af tba-oattl?!..
(rl) Bratrra:r arll t?rld rFl ctt ttlrntlorl
thru4h nrt dlffrnaS.
(vtl) Crltlctl !flrrkt.
(t) Th. Jootr{,ne ot Avldti
CBArldl tAgl
(r, Ilettltt of A?t{ya
( 1 r ) Avldtl rr
( u l ) frc llnrr ot eYttlYl
(1r) rrtdli - *fli
(r) r.coul Cf AvlllE -
-rlvarlrttr -.Yl lta{-L -
BrebnErbrl tr-gviiltd-rrdrr
("1) t[os s9a31| . ds ; .rr. o ot
J lvdshrlta -rvlJYr-v-th. -
(vl1) ia c,lEllatr of ihl'rrrtr'l .1
rtrad ca tbr Pruolll
(rltt) Plullllty of .'vlttlt
( l x ) f ifo:1ci 6f Andr-Jlv:-rhrlte -
a.rirk8-€Yl lYf tfdr
(r) -rhl lrloDblcrl lngltortloar
of tbr rltff,era,t vlotrl on
3I|. Drobier of th. rcfit of avlittl
( r l ) )rst,l-irrtl viCa
( d r ) i;!tt-$irt1 lsil
(xr 11) 'i' L'!,rrrri it"tvr astlatl.
(xtv) h t , l r s t a r l ' n o f t f o r r P r t t r r
,i:r'' . .--l-V. ;hrt ; r-.i'tqla-..1Ylill
v:la ir nrt laPlYlng Jtfll-
9rrtl vi'l"i
(rr) iiti'nfeoc of lfuar* l3l '3i
Y.lirshr ra th3 !1nl! b?nut
inc otrio cr .:r rrr ln tr', rf,rr of
:.rieitfo-fehana - terrrDett lr Ytcl
(s) i h.r VllErE nr vi *v
(4) irttlcls! 6f TicrrgrtLrr vlrr
(s) Ec., rpatl r s reJutrttcn of Jnrar
-t. nta ll|llocnltl v.rila
( 6 ) V',o. ipiCt t s diirtrctlvr tBt.tpl|htlil
of tre r i n l h a s o ;atuttrtr'
(?) Vte isptl on artdYa nttllll
(r) r strr 1'; g-1 'rv.''F eer$Lllbrdt frOt
noE ton:rr.htal fr"eEh Eo b| rltrlo.d
lnar - ,t t-prodrrct of aotton -
Jnane alrnr or! relltltl bon'!-'1c
vhlob 1r !h. trtult of lllu'or7
(e) i':o'ieaii-on Jinmkttr loo ' s
CtlnPfi;n PAOE

(.t ttt
.':'lt:trfr tFl lrfr E l..b
Ir Jlrrr
( 3 ) iver-trbrdrriilr b-tilrlFtt
ct.tltrottt tbgort.
({} "lur.llty of Jlrrr. -
(o) .gui ar-Crnttnt oalt rdhtr rd
l-i lrrcl karvle.!3t of hrErr.
(6) 1",r1{r tt ra Ir lrltr.
(?, ' -. tr 'ttlal bt aoal-L lt
e ., ttl ro l,rabllo
(gl ilrcrr 1r no vlirt
r;,.Loi !n tbr Ugrotrbrllll
orooaDt: vrri dfat..vl'o rantrtto
a l l l t l b Y i r l t . t t r b-'
(o) ttr ltrrarirri-oaishr Gl '3
It - ltO
lr&rcsart l?-ll
llblt,rgraPbt tiX) - lf

aa.a t
CfftPtiE - t

lfcartrtt lftthn ri, I Yltlittlo lfhr rttl

rnetoloDerillo tc.mlng. Br bad r rcd.ttll rrtorttlcael
o&tll rnd ,rrrcrtrtlon of rh;,tcttos lubJ.ot ot rt.t l hr
oho$r to h.nllar Bo brd a llfe loaf tuclon for pbtlxophto
tfirthr A llltltldod pbtllorothlo t-lEr at ha vntt Yfioarprtt
drtotrl bl,llrlf to 3br isrh of rc&tlngforth suthotltattrr
rr0orltbog of rll thf drEhrrn.$. llo rtott oa rll thr l?oltant
rt3tril r| tnst,no.' of hlt phtbrr9blo obJo3ttr:ltt.

!h. nrfforfrl r"6 tbr prtl of ttfttrllf

(f) f6y1 - on of trtr rorts on :ly6tnr tr r lillttclt
on tha Vt{thlvttctr of tnilrna| (3) tattra Jrritrhe - r
co[entqrt on firailearre drahrtltltlhlzl (9) trttve Blad! .

rn lntlcprnlcnt trer.tlRr cn lrlfir3hr1 ({) ftit littttr

?atp:rttr fifr - htr an:thcl l!.,,t nrk - lr r oo5.at&ry oa
Ullyotlrrarr Intratr lSttllel. It t! en cDlrtrlglotlcel rolt
nbtch rttgcurrr la rlctull tho oagut. of tbr prlrrnirr It
toaoottruatt tttt .trticrhttr phllorrghfr on roconnt of
tbtr rlotftr hr alro b.orl frtout .r tltP.tt.ohatt'rf
(O) nylyr rEohl - Lb. rititr rr3'(r trttrt)t vrlttrn ar e
rutplart to t[tparvat (6) s6*hlr r tatltr - Itdll '

e oonatery cn lJvrrakltrbnarl i-dh7a tiltlal (71 tattvr

telrhilerlt I oo$lentsrt on lyi31t3 lolabhlshtsl (E) anrmtl .'

r Grntitt a Srehre-$utrg-$hmleF irhftiFr All thur
uottt ttd Ul.lt tet lcncl ln th. aaalldtnj thtr{ Yrr|.
of lr.ti3.

tctdrr ttrer nrtll li'rrlotl lt .Qtfit' t

br". rrlttfn otirr notr lllrt (f) itrF trttl Lohrl
(a) xt{/r lrrtae ttkal (3) slrbrttYr 3rnlb{dtlbrr
(f) f*tracigtlr - . rctrk oa $ -Dttrp G) frdiotr lrtt?a


llr ntts on fFlr rrr alrlC mtttatt devotrd

' oa thf lrt|l tt'n Ftlt
fol tfTr rrltrrr itr tnflno..
Jac trrnCmr.' lo lLt oardtrl rortr of Prof' Strtrrtbrtrltr
.In tlrr II cratur':re tlrr dorl of i*rttatllir Drrducd ta tl|r
grrlon ofs ldcrrD"t'l ttlrhrrl I rn So tr Eertratr thr rrt
llrtlntuishorl tbr rsholarly phtlologbctr ot Enhnnlcll
Inilt-r Htr tnorldaa lt ot"rh'hln{t htr lnforrottoa alratt

tlrs! hradl htr .tlo3ltlen Itrt of thc rtt dltfl$lt ro.l

rDttor tberlori tott ll'ldt htr $rrttrtltt .rQlsrt'

8a tt lot r G!c.to! of nr pbtlrrophlc tlrortcr' 'JEt h'

tr rn hlttotirn of pbltoetght lrblb'd vltb e tnl' tol'nttflo

F sptr'!.t's.
tlhi"tlr -
0t lrh. sstt rttttbotst to tloregattr

lld tattvr cilittbrr e!| l|lardrd by tcholqrrl :'r htt


tlli'ntlo orklo sut rnfFCtt iltt tiqt ttattta Btnlurl

flrrrDnt$ atrtbtt Yotkr k tlro lcdeotlo. Plof. Det
Orptr dou ntt r..l to eoortt tblr. Eaart a ln reitl*
Stn{u; h. rtsotttr thc rrtlre dlrcumlon lr on tSpbotr
llderr thr rtootrlnr ol rnd *ld lrr rtbtq to tI
vttrr ledfnlrf'

It rD.i?rr lssrrDattfr rrLh fbt trrttl oul'

rtnn!.d oril.t tn tho ngapbflo! of eCrelte tllloro,pbto
In a urt blr tchohlly srtr oa dlfrel.Bt rtrtr.f plrfnl

tlr to d:ro?r hlr llnl rlo'3 rnttrcly lo r tt$t rnd

lrDorlttrn 6f ^;tl*lte hilfalrr tbr hintl FrDartstr

thc onl,rln.tlyrg Db3. of htr lal| n.trlnrd rnd lntrgr 'trt
arart rr a phllrribta rrtt t

thr lhtlr ltb tlrr lrrir-lutrdtlhlr|.c

lbfihtr, It lorn fct ttt pnofounrllty of rPlltt rd nltldl

rf tbmthh tl '.?r'ratr o[. of tlrr rts rtt.|m ol

llrnk,rrrll latrlgrot*ttro' It 1r trrn for ttr vl3our of
rtylr rorl rlrtltt of gtrlratstlono I3 81t t r 3laet rnd

cnful'roco.nt ol tbr |.otral ltlrrr of Adlrtt.. It

orDsllt uo('|tl!rltll. nn-tlurll$ '.ttloj forttr ttr

frrlo Drtnolphr tn G3.at totrrr Ia lhort, blr vlrr of

tdnttr lr rttrd bt d.9th of tlrlthtr

It tr ilot rllfftoult to rrc ctet eocll berr lma

th. torc. th*t l.rtrlld Yaorttrt! tc vrttr r ao*r.Dtitt on
3bc lrebrrrttr*-SbtaLqre-bblrE7lr lhc l€lolrrr cl tio
cbtrtt sohorl ot trC&3e rttaoh nal |!to!t.s. to lltrtl.
thc sbvlous n:itont tt.r Yicrrtrtllr othet t*tfntlc rcrl1
y!1. 8:,tt!E srritdrr - r tlollntary on lb$elerr ilrrhl'

rtditht - bal not founl thr Ltglrt of thr {rlr Ir hato le

rtc thr tnht of Yiougrtlrs adrattlrl tn Bhhtl clcae.

gnirtir thur, tr tbr only .r!.n! rttk on ldrntal tt lr
3hr onlt |(tul!. rl flt rs tbo tedi.ntlo ttrt of tr-rertrtt
ur omrr!|d. lo Ccrbt !t lr r aoEsqgrltl but thtr doer
not Ditrot 1t tron brtrl oalteil r orttlorl 6rkr birnoh

er lt lr nt ltrltrtt la raolrr la th. rrat. thrt r Gt:lnt$totrr

0utt 1| only tc rrDrd rorl oterlfy i$r nrnltAr ol tbr ]toB'ptr
ot thr orlglaal tbtnl|lr tFtt tlor b.lna rur.ntrttt mtrtf,f

brr rll tht trsturlr of r! todaPatst tftlttl tt hr lnclltr"

to tdaotr to ltr loor. rtr9btrtoel at9ln'nattonr ot cthrr

ltltr[rr IntrrDrotlnl $heltrr.; lnrtrrrt tr r rubtlc rrt ad

la vrrutbt vttb orrtrln lctlfi! rhor3lorlnal. lct ln lnter'

pr*tlr| otltrtc ta Senerall tt 1r rry r tln rltnl that oarll

or! ttrua or lqllilrtlns ftrs r Dleor tn rlrnt lr brln3 tntrF

glftsit. fn frctl ln htg rttalpt to Stro ur ra rllrotlrr
.rporlglon tmth vi-o.'trDrtl dorr not lt.Dd rtlcntlt
of xJtattlo
but trtottr to orltlcl.r |!d ottluatlon anil ta loltu ro hr
brrrtly rrirlat trreooal cqrlesltonr of slaton. tbur vlcuPatlr

ot.rlolrr 3hr llaltetlont lr I otruntatst rrxl 3o.. !o
tntDEaa bh cn crltloal rtandpoltttr vtth retrrd tc ttL
rnbtlo rnd tntrtcntr otnoaPtl of ,r{Y!tta rtrlo} llt pr:posrt
to .nqulr. lnSo rhrrt brr bcrn arDllottlt rnlill rhet hrr b.lr
ktl unrntd end riot her bra laadcquatalt lnlC ta th.
orlgtarl Dbarhtr of $btnterr. tttr lc tbr vlrr of Arrllotndrr
tbr corrntrtol on Slihatl.? tr rrgltottlt rrtr ttret thletl
tr aot . *!ra o(ttaatrttr brt r rfrtlffe8.

Eof|t.!r lt shoulal br nl(l thrt Visrrtatt Ccrr mt

tata goq nrch llbeltt rlth tht orl3lnrl il.frbtr. ac Data
tloqucat trlbutg to tlrr lattrt. fr orllr t! rPrarrnnr

3r$horrelf rd loldr lt tn bl3h oltall. I! ll sk'rrt d|lttt

florrDrtl rd ioD. tbrt trs tt tr orlr ta arhd rDp.lrrnef
but tb. d.pth of thoutht rrvillcd on rmltrlr rhorr ttr rl3ltt

rnd dortt. llr crPlrsglr htr utraldyrtnorn llrelPlslblt

(vtarn) to htr hartll' ibrntrl|r i0r ntrr 'al ttrcel trt.rt
rrr lortfled bt telting lnto tbr itrrrrltr of thr oentrsr orr!
ao th. tovlt rltt of tbor lllr ra; bt thttl coaJuotlon vt{ttt
tbr rort of tbr ttltrrr.O

furtlrrr Slrt,l lr lrlirrd t tt ttort !y rtrtur

rf ttr herlrrt r nulbor of ruboorrn&rrt.rr [r{fnte llltrtrnrl

bt rrllSnrarlr (l;lth contttt A.o') lt tibr lort tpcrtrnt rnil

tbr rrrllrrt cl tlrc rerlrata?l.tr It Daar|| FL PoDd.t

obvlcult l*rsr of tbr rrghotf t odcbrttt. rtaafitF

kelprtanrr 1r furthrr rurntrl rror bt ItPrytr ollrtrlt'r

(teth ccntult A.D.) Gaet tb. lrrr [rd6ntr &I9ttenr
Pertrrb |.

trrllntr hl;trn ot lrtlnrfilr lr etlo ftlliltrt

cemrrtd upon bt r.ahabrl $rrllrrl Sbrttr, too ot fadr
tmrdr ttrr od of l?th orntury untrr !h. nrrr rl=hbartr
It blr rttnotd ltttlr rttentlonr It erltlalrrsfPrtirlrr
olBra th.utb tnrplroit bt th. letSor. It rolttut rrlattrrlT
rn lndrDrart.nt ltn. of tllaklq' lertlllr-bbotrr &akrbul
ilrtfrs tailt to b.ri Ylltt.o r&ttb.r vrrk orll;l rSrrlr'

Pradropr I D.

trllardr lr ttdrat'e Kalpatrtll lr ttrtlrll

cilontod S[ bt Yridtufthr Feyr3uodrl dcr tir mr
ry.dantr f,olgrtaru l{anJertrlll

lullarndr hrr llro lrltto luttbrr lndrtdrot

rort rlbd 'd-rtra ttar?r+rf riolrln br tllrcnlcre tlrr
Cttfaltttt tottrr (edhtlerrrg6s) of Bnhn'citler' lbrr

tbrn 1r but llttb to)pe tot tbr odrlbttlon of hir '

orltlnelltt. ln faot; r3lgtr'.drrPqrer lr ornlt r rfllrtlar

. of Vfnrtrttrt ttaflrUl n. hlrt.lt .arllr tbtr tn tba
- ta
roag n.t t Ftr of tho iirtrad ilplQlr
' ? ' a e
EtlU tbala rsr otbrt ootncntgrlr! t h-Dtft
ruotr rl rlltratl fllrh.r ot nlLh sdrl (l7oo A.Dr)r loo
of trtrtrnrlrbtrterl{ rtba llrti YtlEtrrf rthr Bheaatl
lytthydr or tbr Slu Prallrbtlrr bt irlrrn3rartha rtrc tr
rtrp lnorn ar atbandenrdr' rRJuPrrtarhlhat 1r r rtrylr
rttob c:ololt ftllm rKelDrtrlrlrJ r8h-rtf Ebrto-
Cdltlk5' b7 $hFla-$lrhnr tlrthrl uho rlso vlote r
oorn.otalt on r"il{ihtrhle-t orbrletrd tatttlTccyr BbI-trI

rnd rn r&qtltr f Bb-rnt1-tulll+irn3rabtr.U


llrr0rti l{ttitt thcrth r P.tlon of uldl rfrotrt

btr p.troarl llfr tc nct vcrT rtl born. tat htr tlrtr lr
Eot ro rnthFrudtd 10 rtstoltr though thorr 1| r total lall

of ar.ct ctronology ln r'rr17 ln{lon hl'torlr lhsrc hrr

bror la lnillrl en tnttffucnt attltdc touardt thc pereooal

btrtortcr of b.t lttrt|en. If rom Initrnr rctxtnt for
br,rrin3 b..n hollrq ln mttatF of btroorlalttt ogh.tf
oontd tbat, rtrtt"r. o! rlrutlrr lnorr oo oonttnrrant ot
raa rtxt tlr rnd 1r brtonal thrsr borlcrr er lt tl roordtrr
tllrr lhnor thrr l8 tlo naaarclttr ro tart tha 8n6lctrt
Indtr! vlrr to flr r certeln datl of r o.rtsln pbllorqbrl

ot thlnktrl for riet bl tr"ohoc 1| ort lcr hk om 6ountrt

o! thr bnt fo! ttrr rtrok r,rtllr tlol$ tt tr tc Dr
r0dttert th:it 'the tr* of ttrt lrlltortan 1r lnt{,artactrltt
ln phtlopltt'lC, tot th.ta lr r rbrrra nj ;;sutrrtf
oblonclrttf la tbo crt. of t-rrrDatt ltlrbrrr t|ir 9roblil
sf lotailtalt8 th. onot date of btr l| Ft ta$lubl.. :
[is orn ortr ftralrh ur r olrr fot thr dcterolortlon ot
hlr datro ldln flrlrr8 thc tlatr of li-oertrtl ur rhaltt
tlD ol$olyrr ta tonoh rltb tb. d)auilotr 31rro ll Virr,ntl
hlr||lt. Ia uoutd tb.o br lajlorll' cofjLlrt to oor. tc .
lrtlrton. lhtr pslC ba . L.tttl rnd I vlrcr rrtr Ia thlr
It.htq rl ftt own Ctronr{ tbr rutSotlonr trlrltll tha
orga of fi-orrgrtl, all[ bt rny rlbolrr otbt! ti.t lfrrrptl
blrsrlf. An rttGPt rt b. rrrh to Ifttt Coouilatert tlotl
rvtnood !t bl! qn Frtr to tBlt . aoltotttblr drte of htrr

t{lth th. help of tntat.:lrl rd ortrtarl rrttcr

. la lrtr rortrl htr crtr oan ba Cltrrrlnrtlr rnd lt
Crprnlr npcn thr frllrrl{ fictorrl

(1) licrrprtl
hlrrrlf lrl.r r rtrg|ooot tbrl la
ctQl.tt{ thr wrt oillrd tlyfyr'-5riot-"ltDldbrrl r rbort
vorh o ttrr errrlr.rtnt of tntr rfrll tn tbr t "r 8l.l?

(ttl lhr atr of lta3 lra: h ntload ln

tfrrti.rs tbtr ontrnttra &trrlly toutld tn hntl
hrlt! to dft lttnr tbo ohrooolotlaal mlatto b.tuadr

' fa.rittl rd llgjer

(111) llil th. atrElo3t..I l|fft asf of

(r) 0dryrH (s8| - 1.0.) 6rr brr conlteil upon Ytoertettrl
ffrtttr lrat4iltr tetFtlr trclr' !|a.t th. o.- riiTitr
rc-lttlrlStpnltr trolr trrtehudClrtr rnal (b) Jryenta Shattrl
tha ruthor of rJtitr f,tAlertr.

Constdorln! lbr ftrrt frctorl tba Satuotr ona

brr to rtl to! tn.t.lt lt,ti.tb.t thr drtr of sltttmtttl
of tha mrll lt'tlr-Flrt'l$tbrndhcr (l.or1 fNl) brloafr to
tllrrer ot Grh $1nor ltrrtrtt
.tr tr brllrred to bl oi
'{tthlh ol Oao3rtlo lltdnrurrnr19 thr '!rtr
tba nrttt of
rE'!t br trlan rt oorllrponiltot to ttttu .rr onlt, Ibleh
6t cctrt.rte{l Dooorr lll ..J."

llol oa tbo |tlotuth of ttr $dr Sotd tft.ro'

?ilrrftl rry nt|ty br rreltnrd to th. tctlotl tn D'trrd

ldl rnrl ,Oo A.o.& It oln br ocnctdrrt tbstr YlotrDrtt

flall,hral tn tho gth oantult Aogr rld rtogc stTfrbl rollrr

OtlnS to tll rrooo.l faoto! of rrtrlcnor vbtcb

rlrc helEr n. v.lt rlb la tlrloa lrls {atrr strt !br!' t|

ooo rlllflctrltlr Proi Du OuptrS lnl Jrtlr lordrfl

relatrta gb.t th.!a 1r ao rtllnpbtcrl rrcocd of tbr llaf

ltle rti banaa tl orm{ttr ln ihrtl rlarr trtr thrn rn'l

drata b. ltraal.

ht th.ra r!| othrr sohst;.,rs lllro :{rhcrhoDar-

tlhylTa Oralrnth JhrP $rdulraharotl Srltrl end Y.jubrrh-
lrnyr $artrl$ *ro 0lntll vlth orr oqttr enCJ.H. uordr'
thft gotnt out thet l;Slq tlte real tla3 ot Uthll',r*r tbr

tlr{f|rlrc! of tbl !$q !{lnyrclrol rtro lriaard rbrtf 13 a'oe

or 1ll9 Ytkr.r crarl

thf tro learnatl Srrtrlr !'rfir!!ld to rtot' Yttt'

thrt tlrSr nt t !'ral kl,n8.nd rxrt r ltthollttarl tllurrr

thtt rt br trkoo rt Goltfotq fot AnlSr*ht
rlnrt tE
lblgrttnl rrtt tb. follodalr 'trobrlvr trt
rrlra.Ftlt llrbryrnohala! t ltr rrl l?tr lttr. thon tr r

rnfiloltnt .vldfas. on rroocl tn Dlrtl tbat liirrDetl ral

under [t1r rlu rar r ttn6 of jrnrreut nrturr; httbv tild

fol hlr Fndottll l..dr.4(t) lc ar nll lrt'bllrhoi

tn tha 3olr3 of Ktn3 tl3r.3o t., for s Stee! r.qt trrlt

of hlr llfrl found rld ani orfort !nA.t $t' ldtrd Fttoo{'

cf tltl tl3al.

Crltn3 tc tho Sbttd tlotor of rrlCrncr lt un bc

ruy rrll |trocrmA ibrt th.:rr ilrt Lr'| b.|n r jco| tntorrel
tredl.|f '
of tlr bet[o Vtuq} !t m0 Udrtrnr 631 r'D') ld

to rddl lioasDatl rtl lrrlk! to Itdrtrnrr

hrtb.h rltlr rrrS-rrl to th. Flrtlon b.tr-
VicarDrtl rnd JrJrntr lirttrr ttrtn hlvr born ooaflletla;
raal sntlovrrrtrl rlfir. llorrtrtl, rntlonr rlyiyrrnfrrll

bt nrr ln tt{rr r(rnthf .t r rctt ol btr ter&.rll rad tn

Itlilr tri{lr r;tprttr rlb.' b. t trrr to trlroobrne er
tlr fraobrf,t 0n tblr lrllrp LL lltrt$ta tbat lrllrohrar
orulll b. nooo oth.r tbrn J.ttrntr EbttttrS'cf4brrtd authol

of rfltfta llqltrlrr tad hcnoc ln thc(/opl4ba Jrtratr nrr

tllot to VioarDetl.

But thls vlw 1| .!t!l|rolrr It lr bald on

vFeat DrerurDttrn rlra thf tltl. lRtatr tbnlarlr t fet!|il

to tn'l;51n hntka.t ltait b.to bon rol firln prt.

fsrthsr lt lc erron.o[s to &lcntlfy trttoohror ulth Jrtrntr

lhrttr for bl Jltratr rnd trlloCrrar ba.n ona rnd th. il

,lrmor Jryratr htrtrlf mld bavr bero tlr mtlrl of orr

lotrtpr.tstlrnr ol thr t trr ltlr frwaPqdrrhtrl rd
rlyrynrryuttotrrr lut tha 3lrrtc lnot 1r th:rt Jrtrntr
hr rt alt[ tlat totor9rrtrtlonlr Ia fertl !l rrr m31

rrrla of t||- ttfutr 8nt l-orrpa3l, olcr'*' tt tat tDrt

tbr rourar of btr nenl tnt.'plrtrtl'rnr ct gha rbola i

rntlon d tltlrl 1l hh lrrdrr tltl:ohenrr lbmo lt tr

qultr Jnrt go*rtllr Urat Jryrnta rnd Visarrttt r.!tl c)nta?o'

rrrl.'qnot lrortnl rt! oti.ta tlorrl ftt br {lur to laollle

phloel dlff.t na...t3

tb. trtants ello ny b. pb..n tn tb. 9th oeaturT
l.;.91 &rt for ?ftf4rtt th. ltdtr e{0' o0o rrr rll tbrt
rt retr fltr 8r rrnrpt bat floutl*d rtther ln thr l0tb
or rflrt Sr llth atntut?r

?lrrr to ttr tla Ctte of tSferpatt tltrbrr f, lt.a

not acrolt ooltlna oulrrdt t to tho drlrotlonr of *rra rlholrr
Ittr pmf. conrrftruru?6 rao*frT rt sorr hanrtrlrl
of rrl'trrr l| bft un!flidlr ti.|. dqt|' ur uncrnvlnotn3
vhrn oirt$ to li-ra0etltr crn rirt.Lat. go tbaar datot

l!o?a I flllutr. Ia frot to lrrl3n r partod m latr u

th. lOtb ofntut3 or lttb c.otutt to hllmtrtl $lsbm lr

tDor-tbto ln tho felr of tb. tttill .tldolr{ faol tn htl orn

rorttl atlaaltltt SDtfr stob 1r rrtnbtr u a routor of

nltrblr lnforrttr rr tstd .trd orDlrlnrrt .r!11.r. thlr

rotrronor ta 4Fqrrtt rhloh Sftr rtrGagb.n.d thosorabl't

plrf|ntr rnl to plror Yforr;rtl to tbo lttb (or lrt* tlr tt)

.rot$tt. ttrlb.l thr Drtorttt ot tlcr.rrtt to odryrar tF r.ntr

cn. tDor tlerlat hlr latlr t!.! l()tb tlralullr

lll thorc to to rba that ttorltltl tl"'a tn rtl

rpp"ortrtta aattrtntt Ft anilt.t or l.t.t tb.n th. prrt{

ltl - lO irJr

crla lorfiat |iiltd br trtrn to S* tDat

lhtrr rrtrtrd r htrl tfriltatl tn grnad (l;lto A.D.)
rlo lr ruDpomil to brlr rllttrn a oor'atttrlt oa s?lbrrrhef t
tffenfrn lhc$rir 64nr (tbr mctr of !.futetlonr) orlletl
tihrprlrrfllrnf rio ber nothtr[ to rlo vtth D-rti.tl


!. Dtrttrcttca brtrr+ trer+rJrnre ld t*ttltrinrt'

In tdtttta tralretrr huhdll tr nrrd to r..l

brth $srluto tprlr t3r rnd lalsttrr et Qltla.Vgret'
rrtlo Inorhigco tLc ebrotutr knvlrCtc rltlob 1r rlro
oaltrd trannd$rnt.rl k aorpplatlrrul; tt brt no rml
trlatton rlth c$lrloot obJcatt larrnrob r! th. lrltrrl
loooldto8 tc AdYnttlr rr| tha cr{ttoa of avll'5. lttiz

lorl lr os!'lrd $rel$r Jfrnrl tb. httr! lr Trttt

Ji-ar' sr:'rBt J-ndnr though rbpht lt Enrrlatrd to
' pt Ercomr oomrctoil utti obJactt
obJorttl Fldror
vtlob tt rnrrls. tbr or{lnart illtttactloo brtrro thl
laorrrl tba t6oua and thr hr€rl.Jg. 1r rPprrrnt rnl hooo'

rtlraoil. :lhorr k dft.:l a.e{ for livrtte to tottulrt'

fptf J6aH tn tbo otplrlerl PLn. rl thrt llonr ora

' caly lo tonl
ln frct u! oro tglt of tdrette .PlltatbltSt
of Ytttl Jdiar rr !h. :l?tnrpa Jral ll ceuatrd rtth thf

mtrEhyltml prtnottlc ln thr rttt.! vll.r Itlbrno

tbut thf dlrttnottrn blSnrn SvrfiIgr Jfror rI f3ttt

E Jirnr lr barls lnll clntrrl tl nctrlta Ysdiirtrr It 1r
F rlatnlt ldiotlfytnE tbrrr tw J6.{alr.

accrillnt to VioalFttt Srrr@r J?[i-nr atbr'

r1ro odlgt pot. oonrolcnlatr 1r rn lrdcpaoC'nt rd


rtuirlrtlnt rrallttr It 1r not r pt duct of rltblrui
It t! LcltLr lrfurl nor dfttFotitr tth rear that
It canmt unduto eot tnnrforttlotr (?lkirt) ui broor
(ntrrltsur). .t
lntabl. It Ir rtrrndr In |rttrr8 thtrr
t&arDrll Otrtla3utrhrr llr poettton fpr ttrt of thr
Yg6rnrrrClarr *o rratnl tt rr rrnltyar (arntrry)
tt lr obJ.athss (ntrrtrbqratr)1 todlrlrlbh (rttr{r)

aonrclourn.rr (Celts!rn). lt lr nlrt$atrlr ln tb.

rraf. thct tt lt-rrlf 1r not Et.|€trt.tl to .trtthlaa .lrr
tbongh rrcrttblag, clr lr ptftralxl to lt. tt lr uo'
Clfferntlrtod tnd tdrtrntnrtq (alrrlrrir). It
Corr mt trlrtt of uy dtffrlrnoo ultilo ltrlfr ilor hrr

It rxtctul rclrtlanr forl llrcrr te notht:r3 othct tbra

Itrclfl vlth rnleh lt ny br reletrCr It tr tbur non-
rlrttcuL 13 tr rlre nlr.|pap rr tntblo. aolrltt b.
rtttlht d to lto It trrrtd0br ltubffitlt otrotltsntn"
tt k nlf-rntfrrt (srrnr ?ntirir) rd .".rttbtn!

afL ralfrstd It 13. trt rntfertl ltrlf tn tbc J

rtrtr of rrJilhl rsl rlso l'! drlt rlml It brr

mlther bqtnnlal not ard. It It ttrrrtc.drntr\lalrcrnll

ttrrnl rnC urln. It tt tnllnlSeo It lrstnt Dl

a.r4ad oo thr arrud tirt rucb r oonoopttoa lr oDlrd

h to omn rrgrrtfrls larfrr m tt tr l6tfoproftd

(wrtrr rlrltbr) rrd sd,f'rratfrrh It tr unlronrl rd

ooartratr ta otbrtrordc rooordtn4 to tioartrtl Cofolour'
nlrr lr tbr foundatlon of rll ,ictclrlrutl ltnovlrilSrr lhtr
ftlttatf rdrehtrra te
tr tilalta.'rt.d bt tb. l'ralthadla
t.rlttyr Inodrlgt rnd laftnltTrl

'Jn th. rthor hr;d' ttttt tfir ot Qtttrl

tnorlslarr o,:t b. tsttrn rl !.t rltot to Qtrtorl trreprctltl
rlll thr nbtolut. ts vlrcd uadrr llrtlettcn*r lltnt 1r to

ray, httl Jfnr tr 16 tba DdlflorSlol of thr lnncr otara

rr lllurlod tY thr nlf.

lrttt Jfinmt llrtirrl rt bo aaraf ft rtotrt

natadli3 rlo! tht faotl rl|rthot ot Dt tt polntr to ea
.t tba optrlcol lolcl. Corrrct brlodS. (Lrrl
rlo thr ldrr aotrarrodr to ttl. ohJ$t) ley br odlrd J6Jn

rnd rrcna trddta (t.f.' rirn tbarrr tl F corrotton{eoo'

F b.ty.o tlr ldrr lll th. rbJoot) ritf. aocorrltnt to

ldvrltrf botb trc tsnr of abrolutt tlorlerlt ot rrrnfDl

J-D|r ril!. ifirn ln r Itt bo .qrat .t vttb tbl latt"

ritch te ontolo3torl. thlrs rocordlat to 'rltrttercDlrlcrl

Jrrfar (Ytttl t*Dr)r Stob ny b. Gort.et or Ytonlt tr r
fon rad h.nc. a! rtPlnnce of Strtfpr Jfrtraf larrnb u

It 1r rhtlrr ml tondltlrnal. Aitrltt b.r to brrltat'ton

to drolarr; tbat thr ro oalbi! Jiliine ( or rrntll

trodedlr I tr mt ltl3lblc for tbe tttl,l rltorhd3rr
(Jii6nr) unbrr tt & tlllrt!*! bt thr grtnolDb of
oonlotouraerl tllo1 Etebrnr thuo raoslCtaj to Adveltr
Y.iltrtrr tb. ht.ril.l oraen brolt of th'r grlnolplc of
ooarclourmr (SIIrht)
tr u aood rr Jrda (lncrt)1 lrrmr
It lr rrpnt to trlt o,f rvrn rrplrloal Jdinr vtth llf.ro.
to latam.l orlln b.rstt cf r-rlahl ot qrolol)Blnrr. I!
tblr comrotlont ldrrltl brr r olilr to nL rrd tirt lr
to tlcrlen ihat lll. elrtcel lnovlrrtlt rbiah tr hdl to
Dr flrrl bt tho rclllrtlo $hoolr 1r not Fxlit ftncl end
lltlnrtrl but ontt phenrol. to put lt to dtftrnlt
ro!(lrl adrrltr r4trtrrlly rp.rltna lr rrtelnrt tbr rnbJrcttr|
ldraltm of lir ffJi&rralr llrldblllr f,t tirrrr rlth tbr
rrllst ln rrtloa tb;t tn qtr{cel brrhdgr tbr kmnr
k rr roh iltffrrmt frur tlt tnornr er rn obJcct frorll
colntttrno lll crplrtoel Inorfn[r rsot{t{ t.r ailrottal
tr.ruppo.o! | rubJ.o! thet Lnovr (pndtr ottettratr)r th.

Dlrta.rr of Srilrdto (tru-nr obrltraJr)e rad tbc obJ.oi

of, lnorlrdSr (Pnrtr rtrttrntr)e fiorhlarr rocordlni
to YicarFtit ls tbur r trrletl of tho oiltftcqtton of tbr
lnternl olanr tltrectcd loartr th. obJ.ct loora rd tr
of thr oeturr of thc lntrlltcnor rrrtrtlg ln tbr r..ad
It h lartslnlt dlroltrlvc ln oharaotrrl hl rgrrkia3

flor ,thr ttrofoandantal lotntl tilletta tr rarlott th.

rQlrtocl trorl.dl. of tho rrllrtlo fehorlrr .It' 1r
rcal llrnr 13 lr prrlrnttdl tt b frlr trc*rrc 13 tr
risnlrrl tr tbr r*lr lScerFti lr tnrtcr to rrot<t tbr

F 'w

ootldf uarrelltt end lltusbrtailr of e falr 9r'xntatton'
tbu llot. 1r rn rlutot of rcrllrl tn hts rtrttr 8ut lt

1r aot nrl la th rdrPbtrlorl rcnrr Ia othrl rt)iltl

tfrrrDatt rcotptt pr'riotoatoll rarltn rr rrtl " th' ttr-

pbflcrl tdrrllr ln trtr tbcolt of tncrlcdgc' tbgt 1r to

frtr 3 loaa rr tb. tnotoedrn3rl tnlultl'ln iorr aot 6rrn

uDqr ulf tbr oc4atctt"clt tlllltlc ornlotouaBtrr gorrlrtl'

thnr tfoast tt 1r eltrr tc thr dl,t'notloo brtnln rQlilrcl

tllmtn rn0 rcDtrtosl tlutbf tterlatl Prrlllhinrndre thr

(tttb oatltltt)
rutbot of rtrdrnte sl.lth[-llt| ['rkt6vrllr
dtryrnre vlth thc itlctlnctton. In otber rordal tf

tE-g;rtrtl 8tl'ntr'!nlr tn rpltr ol htr rtr9byslor'f U..flrq

r rtetl'tlo alrraet tn tnovlortSr rnd obflcllvtty of tff.fsill

la prreegtlonr Prata-Sarderg tl r th?'ufbtot{ rotltrlrtlc

If Yaorrprt! taltc of obJtetlrrr laorbdlel lt ll

F ldrellrl'
orrr rd ulttlrt.t $onoc thr ro osllrd Ylttt J66!r ruqt bl

llvan a rodltltarl ttrtut.

thr nordtog to Altrital bnulrillr la tttcll

Imrlert:r (lv:l{pl J55ar) lr ulrearour to rld

ot Ab$lut.

F lod.t.ndcat of tltrhlo
Ia thle lepcotf ,liltrtlo
lt tl ilr.hrel
tts'lf flo!
th' ftfF

Ttr locoldlog rbtch tnrutriSr lr but r quaitt't of ?hr 'ocl

lhrt irlrr ltr rtrr rr e rccqlt ol aolto!'tlrn of lsll
loulr rrnro trgana rrd thr obJeott. It lr rlro lrrotly
bslatbrt n<ttrl3:r itlrtlnlutrber ttr po:ltl.xt frc thc Ptrrr
|llrirrl rooorllq tc vblch knorldlc lr tut the t'sult ot
Ilrrr of tbr rotl (hnr Jaitr)r

lal t reletnnt qulrtitn that relru ltr b*d h'rn

trt Eoy to oott 1nt) trtp! uttb tbr ultla*tc rlrlltT?
It tr otpoursee thrrugh rat"rbEarau t!'tttf lrtl VrllDatl.
loocrdlat to htrf vrlt,t knohd3c tc rnlabtrragr vfttt (
(n{lllootlon of tbc lnternrl ortrn} vlrloh le ot thr n trtc
of tnte ttla.occ retl{lo6 tn tbr r5fntr thk rntdrlrnnr
tttlt r6c aarrlod oa rlth rclotlell mdltatla oa tbc
sltlfita truth (:trehrad rr*ultc ln tbr tatuttlrn of dtrlnaor
Ihoujbl Ur* th. llttrrtl rerlttlq rtpt"'tr to br rdltbad
bt .ntrblrtrlrq rt tbf ttrd. of llul ro3nlttoas lt (rntel.t'
lrraga) tr ttartf oa lhr brlof of drgtnrott>a' trlt h..3
tblr tn thc rtrf of flarl oo3nttlonr tbc rntrlbtrlr trlttlt
(ln ttro fon cl rrhrr drrhlfntrlt I er ilretrra) .dr !E ln
tb. tntuttba of Breilrn bY rlcrtmylq ttrlf JBtt .t 3h.
dut ol thr oterrtnt ilt (futeJr rld) rtr|i utth rillt
r.g.t trtor lht a trt rd iltrrygrarl ltrllf ltltnt th.
uit.r ela..r.' ilall rtt tb. ftt3 Dorn of frlctlon of
lr-ror ln r tblrlt lcrr rlt rtln tho bdrbccr rtrlob irrrrto
fbrrl rtr{ Srn tlrr Sob lorcrt tr onrrdl lt {lcr1 out of
ltrlfr tbulp 1o th. tlau ol t&erpatt; lt oarmot bo .4u'tl
that thr rotrb-la'r0r tttttr brln3 ltself of thr n tr!! cf
[.aotano. o.n,rrt rbrtlot n.'otcft gn ttrc otlrrbrnd bt r

trola{d r6tt:'tlca rltb dlltarnorl thr rntalrkrrrp tfttlt

tbouglr of thr nrtur€ of rrat.6a.1 fndl Q t! th. tntulttoa
of ]rn5ar tbet ltrrtf dtntprr,rlnt ln thr fnlr talu.a
tforrgrtl.t tbtr vlcr lr tobatcrllt 3.tl.d prenGyianr

l t\rrthst qu.ttlca of vltrl lsttnnc. go ba

oonclitorrd herr k vhrthor tnorlodSt 1l celf-lultn/rul or

noto Aaaot{lag to Vioutrttl rl for ell Adrrltloct lrbr
lccgo tr relf-lurlrue (;vryu Prrrlirbr) td rvrrtthtna .lrr

arlr :nlfrrtrrl bt lt. lt tolcelr .nnt otb.l obJ.ot nott

tbrt ltilIf b|lrl. t !.rl.d by rqt oth.r entlttr tt lt b.oor|
ra obJeot to r taccod soocollusnar*; tt loru ltr t,ttla tt
ooatoloulrnasr roi vllt ao lon3rr 'Iln ll ocnrclowoallr
thur eaoor{la3 to Vfor?atlr 3h. oarrntt.l 6rtun of @oroloutrfta
roartrtr ln rrt b.loa ra obJrot of tnovlrdtrr Cttslhr SiYff
r rlsllar srSu!.at ln hts rrtttr AOorpfil!

tlrtr rlcr of tfoarpatl k rjelnit t'h. strtr Yl.t

tbrt bvledgo tt'Drrr Dr:kfrbrr (olher tli.urt[d). looorcln3
to thr lattcr, tt 1r only eo rct of ltltlolp.etlon (rrrtrruita)

tbrt eertlftor tlr lxlrtcnoe. Ihey'boltt liat rll fmldfr

rnrt br *rtatlel Dt e rspqurat lovled3rs ntc tbrrc tr ra
.o{8ltt rsout ltr thr tba tltrrlt @tnttlotr ot obJ.ot.

.11d. Chrgtc lll


lltlrlnrs th obJoot rlonr rnrl door rot rqteel tlEdf nl
tnr rdf'6(t)no-n , thry bolr tbat thc s;alttrn It trt.t
on r.trtht bt tntlottaatltn ubtob rlretl rr"|rll ltr

YFrd)rtlr tn btr tfrtf clrtllrbrr thr rratri

lntiibtrr of kmulorttr !t r rert lot tllttnl plroo of
dlelrotlc. lh utrr It ttro cognitlon tn rtrtch tho rbJrct
ra0 tho rrlf lanllrrt thertfltot (rr slotrlld bt tb.
Prflftrr) lncrt or r.lt-hntfctt? If lt It to.rt 3b.tr
both ttrc oblelt rntl thr sclf rolc Dc lncrtl th.n thcla
foullt larult tl'd<ncrt (non''ranlfcrtqtlen) f,or tha dtola
unlvotrfl thrrr br1n3 m td..ler1 lcr otn tt br hcld
thfit cr3nttl,n thruib ltsrtf not t.t rll:rtr trt mlil 16ro
both thr obJ.ct er(l ltr lrlfl Jurt rf thc ttrr tbouth ln
ttrotf uDGrlvo:tr tatc|rl?ot firrttblnt drrl for to ralr
brn lr tc prodnr acfottttn erd t&r coaaltlro tbat 1r
proCuod brtaa lnortp thr tmrfdltr of thlnla r bccorm
lsotslblr. tblr noulil lnrat to reytng th.t thr bltr!
h-dr tbr Dllntlr tbl rublcqulot solnltlonaq lf rdtttt.dt
rjaln bclng ln.str oanmt lk. th. obJeot kmmr ttnr

tirr ronlC br tnflalte !{trrlr (3Ul ta f{earDattl

atttlotrr of thc t!6tr tlr tr trnPrsfirid

that kuvldlr
thurfonl Y-orrpatl aonohros tbl31 cooroto[rlrlt ($ewlt]

mst br roknovld3rd to br rlf'aantfcrtr 9tatrd ln ctbcr

nt{r| Coatotontnrf itoulc tbt L tlraadrd rr i.p.oatlt o.
rntthlot d'. for ltr rlrlgtlon.?

ilor rr trr fec.d vltb r dtfllcutttr Stan t?ratl{

tbrt olratouln.tt lr ralf-lr.el|il lt ornlnt br ntatetard
tbet lt rit'rrlr tta obJ.ott tnrofnr et th. Lrttcr rm brltl
to b. arrGttrllt laa! (Jerh)r that lr to rrls thc obJ..tr
Crnrrot L trkcn to b. ;rrulrd rtopl/ Dlg'. th.t r!''
bFught into '|Ltlro rlth thr l.lt'!.t.rl'lai ooneolfirorlr1
fot lt ls tor nab to lstrElra Sbut r i.!| ralatlon vlth ror'

tblng df-rmrhd grlt3ter th. obJootr (vtrtol rn lnort)

to be rorlhd by ttn lolrl. lf tt bo ra ld tbet lt lr of

tbr y.tt ar!n!. of tb| rlf-lullnccr aoilclourlart lo la

rrrrabit to tlrr obJectr then ln tbat crrtl Tirlrftl tolnta

outj lt tc er lo3losl ar thl loflremc thrt brcrurr thr roa
1r a roholarl tbr fethar lhrul<l alto bo rrgar{rd rt r iohol'lr
rtrlcb tr rbrurt.t talr h fecrrpatlrr orltloln rErtarg the

Prfibltlhrrert tlfr thnt cqreol<xr$n€i. 1l r flnctltn ot stln

or. rr!f. lia Ptf,Dilbra botb tbo oblcct rnd thr

rclf rt lnett end thrt t,hr ttght of conrolonlnor
harlng thr oclf 'rl ltl bourl tlturino tbl obJot.E(l)

f$fr tf tt lf r'|t i bt ql. tr{bbttrrar tht ti

tr af 3ba tttt nttnrr of mlf'lurtnour ooncotluttrtt to

ranlf[t ttrlf tl){ dth lbe rcntflrtattoa ol Bbr obJrof


3 }:

rd tlro nlf rnd that thoro tr r rmlrttoa of rorctou!'

nrre ctt|b* tho nolf.ltrulrn of thr obJact ltd tb' t'lff

srlrl lf ooar'lqrmrlr dtlfrnat flor th'
tnrn l&eentl
r.nl'.rtaftto of oonlalousmlr on 3h' o'|' brn6,rnd tbr
rrnttattstltl ot tbr obJcot rnrt thc !olf1 on tbc othef
It tr dtffrtent f!o! tbc nnllertetlra of ornrclolrnrll

thr obJecEr enl ..lfs lbon ttlccloutntrt Yould b ltnfot

for ltc teYolatlln' thur crnrciorrroortl to thlt
tbrn ttrtls
Girr orntEt rn'fert thr obJmt rnd thl -;r[fr

lt aot Jlff'nnt flor tb'

tf lrowver oomclrsrntt
of 3ht obJoct rod thl r'lf r
illrtf.ltntlon of th. aoBatilrl'tt
thlr &oeanot fr!.hlt ' fol ghr oltllouraolr ttorr
of thf Gon!'loltn'r of ttt'
trlrnttoal vtth th: Hnitrrtnttoo
gb;r:ct enil tho taltl tia rrgltrtot th'n lotor ell ttr
rr lt ldsorl ltrctf lo I rDlrt'O
tor lt lr6lr r{tans.rnt

tutth.liorf. tbe crnrcloulmrt of tbttn! obJcctr

crutt D' tlmlt*$Gtur or

d ae tho prtt end thr tttsrr
ulbh tbo obJcots th@rol"'s' lt ornmt br
tn oonlsotlon
thr lo3altbn of
rsgu.d tb.3 tlao. tb'L lr jcnertted
rrhttol to that
rrlcctlon 08 rsoaPt.ns' ot tocltf'r'rn'
rlth tbl obJ'rot - trlntqlnr
as ootttantr tlrrrc ts attElltnncc
ldrrrlatlr la-rll$ rt t[o crlatttrn of rrJrotlon l3orl
Itlr t'lrr ooarolouinarl of tbr abJcot ltrclf o.!mt tateltt'

3rntty htrvr grrt or tuturc obJoatt aa ttt rlrotrntrr If tt tr

furth.r rr3ri r tbr ruD,ort|tt of tbo tn tt
bt tht ?tll$lrtrf
artu!. of lbr obJect ro,t th. lflf; thrt b.odatf of alrln3 ltta
to rcJcctlcn rt!.s tha oolnttl ,n of taraotlra lt€r1 too bsta
thr ObJGt rt ctntsntf .ufn lor lba aon|oton|a.rt of thr
obJrot too brr obioct r! ot:rtcntr t,hcn tftefttrtl rrlcr Slnor

ttl. oonJunotlon of t{r body utth tb. srlf lhrt tottfottb

rffort lc thr os|rta of thr rlttlnj B e'ril srleette'! ot boCllt
aottvltt ln rcrtrct of rn obrootr tl coalractlon toc | *o1'
frrta;tra cf thc al"'Joot? Jbvlonsly tbr lribbetorar brtr to
rntt t tbr! boirusl ol tts lnialnastr tbo ooalunctton of tir
bott rtrd th. |.tt 1r rat I arrtt ttrtttn ot tbr obJrcte rhlt
rqtla rsllrt to lrylt5,llet thonlb oolloloucntlr lt rllf'
nenlf.slr ltr lurtnoltlt/1 lttr lbt ct r ilowonp lr cnlt

ln trr;aot of ltrelfl lorrrrr lt 1r lrrt 1rl lrtprct ot


Var..Ftl ttrtbor .!.ror ttc,t tbr rt'rhf thlnf'

mlnt br obJrot oJ ttrr rclf rtrlch lr of trbr ortur' of nm

aoltaloltnttr oBnoot br of thr vett oatutc of

tha ou|otl
o6tcloBt[r3s ll ttro lll/raorr-ebr ny; fo! th" (ttrc oDfctrl
a!. af.tlancdl rr f,tnltrl ar loai ol Stott rtrlb ltgbt
rratfrr3 lttclf rs lotornrll lt ta o.lthet Sr<rt aot rubtbl
nettbrr lhott nt lragr tirt lt tc rafl thr obJeetr irw
rrtonrtoa ill rranttuir rd erl drrtl Derectvrd rr rttrrnrl
rbstrel Durr oonloloutoalt lr gumlt lntrtult hevtol tp

lrtrnrtcn at nloltudo. ll.no. tha r|rtttlrl tlhtrral olnmt bl

th. obJrct cf tDl reff. tlclllorr Yi-ccrpall sooludg th:rt

lt l| flt to bcld tbat tlrr obJoat rtlah tr ottc! thrn !b'

rrlf-rralfrut, 1r oltt lnltr hictlnlooblr lltr tb' tlcot

Frn q}|rlrnoad rlrog vlth th. locn.ll tbtr std(n|Drr

brtng tntcrflI| onrl tnntrirlol vtthtut Fltt rl|d h'naf

rttrarll tt lCaltlctl rltb the *df - rfrlrtt ff6'rrirtlr

It h tht tort rrt sr (rirar6pr) of Urr roLfr It tr oot

rstbiaE Eoat.. fd !f thr trlf,r hut sclt ttaolt. la thlr

tr-rrrDetl Ctrtta3ulrbm [trlrlf lrc thr tt'ndpolat of N7i]rt

rltoh lrtrrdt oot[oldLoarr .t on of tbr qullltlel of rtrar

lbur, rccordtnl to ficrrprtl rrlf-llllnr onntolour'

nrrr ll ttra r..ral ar thr *olf al tt l' lanatlrtrl rrrrirrnnt

rn0 lr hn[bltsbl.f Ytthort ln erv nyl br14 en obJcot of

coaralorlt .rr lt t' th0 lFity ar.amo (c'ft$r} lf, thr self'

It tr thc tltr.ct rrxt tbr tr.dtrtf rnrlrtlon ol tlr rclf'

ratcrllnl tlrrulhfr tn thlt Lrp€ott Y6arDatl Clrttatukhrr

tltnolt tror bot'h f,ndrlh eod Prrlhftrtrr Aaooldltl to

f,drfb 6ensgiorltour !r ot t'ndlrto lnl ll ontT lnfenblr

frra tht tnlfrrtln3 qutlty O6tetf}t cf oumtrr Sra tb"

rtr kpva by ur tn atnralotleo.rrs tbl thorry odlrd thr

ffft ta tsrort of 6arcbulorrr.! aod rcrtdtnc to
Pralialarr; eonrotrulmar rt omr tillrrr tbo Imrlrdjo;
th. obJ.ct of tnrrlrrdjr rnd tho i(nonr (trlpntl). It tr
trtrr r lrt $lob tlturlnrt.r l,oth Ur. obJ.ot et*l t'hr rolf.
Aocor{tq to btrr thr '|lf tlrpodr ttrn ooSnttloa of obJ.otr
for ltr t|rrhtlonl lt lafr act t ott ;t lt!.lt rlome lat fu
rlntr rercrlrd ritb tbr ta"tlrtloo of obJretrr

lor, to ltDFolt the rta tht thrlr orn b. <ttllrlrnr

ta aonroloud[rr1 tt rrt :]a rtlB.d thrt ilillrfno.r lral
objootr rdrlo! arr to&tf:rtnata tntroduor Clfforcnorr lnto
oortslournur rilch 1r {rtrrrtartrr Yiosertt aerertr thrl
lt tr uround tr rlaL roe liot that suti rr! th. dfgftll'
nrtlon of tbr tfter;iln rtr by rCthtnl lndrflaabh -
ritcl lr lbrurdr It tr tro nch to rllir. roru

tlr4.tt trgn. ttl"rt ttb nlf of brtt[ otirr

drpcnrlrot for ttr rrnlf.ttrtloa rd brt{ rttbaut Drlttr
fttFt br rn objfa3 6t gognltbo.l{ If th. 1errl[ty of
lmrlnt tlr rrlf tr rlttttrilr thrn th. ttmrn df uoll|l
baoor a aot-r.lf. htt tbrt rirorr rralftetetlrn h otbrr
rtcPrnrtmt lad $loh hr trrtr rtg.etr other tlen riet tt trl
lt co-r to br rp:rchradrrl la ttl fnord ltt[to but mt &
ltr apaalfto lltut.r brcrur of d.f.at ln thr oltrBr of
goanttloar llortrrll tha tnnarralt mt brlt|| othrr drprnirot
for ltt rcalfaltsgl.tn do.t ttot t qulr| tot tha laorlc*l8o of
ltgrlf rql ot3tnr bt d€frogt la rhtch lt rould lterlf b.oo-


tb rtdDt ol thc .',ot lnt ?.r31{ abalrloa bt
tifcrrFtt !r tlrat ptrr oolnlousmrE tr rdf'tlvlllq ratl
tbrt tlrlr tr m nvdatloa of tlra c.tnlclocr or tha utFctrF
lcltur rr ruoh bt roother md flnaLlt tbrt thr obJ$t co|.r
to br nlrrhd cnly *rea tt tr la tllurolt ltlrntlft*lt,rn
(traat6 athyirc) rttb pun oonsoltnrrfltr.

tbe Pr-rbhlbrru rlatn obJoctr ftrro crlrt br

rlgeilril ar tbc rubrtrrtl of thr ilrycrlryolcd obJrct rr tt
1r t4rrtltr (rlnor ta dl crtor of rugcrlrporttlon,thl

obJrot tr Dr*lt lorn tn{l 9r"tlt Eltlos)r Frrr tt tollxr

tbet tbrro cen lr no rpclryorltloa Dotb vbrn tb.ta tt
Eotphtf rp!'F.baaloa rtrd aG tb.tr 1l totrl rrlttrrhraetcn.U
tlorrltl rr.t! thts obJ.otlcn tiltl thr renlfrltrtl$ et
rattart qrnrelo|rtn tr la Dos-ibl. (fot lnrtracr;rtblr l' rtlrrlr)

riea tbn la onlllfftlmca bctr,o.n ttta tnraotl.nt obJcct rad

rintt earl thtl FtFtlffatmoo !.[ br rrplelnrd oalt on tba
barlr of tho tQortrporttlon cf thr obJcot on tb. pur. otilololr-
!.'rru lhc tatcll&cnt ||lfs lrt.rtr Yioarprt\ lr tofaot thr
obJrat of thr olnoopt rtr. It tl lnm thrt lnner arlf brlai
rrlf rnlfirt tr mt rn obloct ul tr Ylthrut gerttr but t't
havl.n3 rtBrtnd 3o tbo ttrt. et tbl Jlrre tboqb oot lrllty
rlrflnrd bt tha gtrttoulrl drflntng oondttlolt torttd bt

tadrScrrtarbb totlnnlnttrur LtotGlol n.[ lr tb. lnt.ll.csl

ttr rlnrt; rnbtlo rnd 3rcu brillle .to.f lgtarFr. tt 44''"t4'
thruglr ntt ra obJ.otr br rppearr .r tb. obJ..t
ol thr oonoapt llrl? rlt thlt ln other rcrdr lr lcoaErt ol
rilrtti tb| dlvlot[ fsrocf tbr ilnlSlrlnj prlnolplrr

thnr roaor{ln1 to T:ic.roprtlp lnodrd3r lr relf'

luolnilr aai tbtt tt tr lbr |ltl. 6i tltr tllf. ffo ilttftr.aor
rirtrcrr rrlrte botrroa tbc self rnd conlclo[tocn!o
Conrobrtarra lr but tbr vrrt rolt. It lllrrln.r ltrclf
rnd oy ltqrlle

Prlri{ap ln htr lrfobr*lltnl ello rdatrlar

thr a.ta thlrrlr f,o ccn3rrds tbrt trbr ..lf tr of tlr nrtura
of rtlf-rwrtlng tur Onroloul lrr It r OUr to lr
oellrd trDlr{rnoo (enuhlrll} riatr lt rplarlt ln Lllaotlcn
rlth ctbrr obJtogt rd rt rtrrn dl.n tt tr by ltralf'D

?nfnt5$ Ebdlnttrto hlQllarr illut

of r.lt-tOtarllnt oonrclournalrr ln hlr Vtlrrlelrrr no

rrtotrtnr that rolf-tordrtton 1r

of purr iorr391611gnlcs-
aot dsa to rnt otho? tflf-revrrllnj lrttrl bug ltsdf.D

thr dlrstrloa on tbr rllf-lurtnlltt cl tmn
kdir re brlajr at to tha nst t*orteat trrull vt&l

S.tirF lodrdlr fu lltdartedll nlll or lcm tt roqdlr
rnt otbet t rm to o.ttttt lt. tbot lel tr vrllilltt trbddd
tn thr o!3u!. of EnordrCta or acif lt {rp.d on loethltt alro?
fn lbortr tha glattlon trr lr lrpvlrrtar lrlt't;ltd or otbcl'

Ulth rrj:rrd tc t,he Droblu of tbr reltdtty of lnot'

lrrlgrr tbsrl atr Blntt trc tlrlorlaap ln Inrllrn i'blloropbf,r
thrt rrrl (l) SvetaF-Prld$trJirlr - ttlc tborrt rtrlob
riYocatrr Sbrt tbo truth os rrlt{tty cl lrrledgr lr rrlf
ooartltoLC td rlf-wldrot .nd (a) PrratrF Pt$ilfr Yidr -

th. th.ott rblcb rtntalar tbqt trltllttt ot tmrlcdg. It Dt

r.lf ooottttug.d bt tQo"t d ftor tlthtlt. tbrt 1r1 rcaotdltf

to tbtr thoodl bprklle $ tot rrlf'ovl tcntl ttr ralt'ttty

rlcprnilr uttrrlt a'- tilthtng outrllr - tbr frtraaioor
orgrrr If gh. flrlr*rr trul thr f.irnttnt rubrlltbr to thr

forr #(r) thr irttiylkr clrorlb. to tb. lrltrt.

lcoot{ll tr $-dbyrl D.tb tNltdltt etu tnraltdlt'

rlrl ttatril! ln tbr oojaltlon ltnlf rlrt tr rellll tr rlntr
rrtitl rirt lr lnrrltt tr rlvetr l$r.llit. iloth rtor ln thr

agtatoa ol $I*hyr, to bo lrtllttrd ln trrttitt thr irttittl'rrr

oa thr othtr bia|lr held tl,brt brth vallatttt rd sa'nl:dltt

rro t8t"td bt trtraaout arsf.. Itlnt outrltlr thl Htur'r 'd

.|trt.tf,r of rmd.rdler thr lndJhtrtr hcll 3ht trr1.lttllty
lohrnc ln rll oolnttlonrr lut r.lt0tttr lr rrtabltcbad by
rorthlqi olrc rtfrl ttrr orprrlty to lral to o fnrltlll
rattrlty (rrth trrt; karltr)lg(l) A! raalnrt thlrr ti.
t{IlLrntrr rnrl trb Yrd5ntlnr rtntrtn thet vrlttttt tr rrlfb
rvldcn! rnd tt lr onV larrltdlty tbrg lr trtenlnd bt
artranao[a lautttr

!o debontol roeoilln3 to th. ieltittxrr lnrn

hdlr lr drytl hrvkljrl tt !r nrlCher nltd ur lnrrlldr
tbet onterd tbrt tmvlc<t3. l| o.rtlfid go ba tru tt
frh trrlt.l c! lntrttC) It tb. othrt rail not by t3*cltr
thrt ertur thrt tbo I rnttCltr ot dbotrltr of tncvkdtr
ilrprnfu e! otha! acncttlont tllo tbr lorir| rad 3ut (
(Crfotr rnrt orttr) of th. or :6ot of tolofpt!ro ttr.&(o!

Pl.I- or tnthr rcaartltrt to tbr; oonrtrtr ln Ebr

acrlotrntrnoo of ld$r vtth obJratf. ltt thtf oortlrpondatn
caonot br tnorn rtrat;hlinyr th.t hold tbct lt tr to br
tnt lt.d froo thr orF.lt7 to leeC to tlultltrl rotlfltfr
truc or nltd lnouh"ltr tr that rblob foadr or to aotbal .
l.r. I lt tt t.|lr to tb. rttelnrnt of ilcstpd rc*uttr tt
lr relltl lnork'i3r1 ctlervlro tt tr tnrellC bvl.dSrr
tlut rccordlt go thr frtfiytbr rrllrl lnovl;l.r tr Dot
prqrrttc ltrvloaltr. thr vtllrltty of knorhdar tl rrtabllrltrt
bt trt hb |" r'illthtlu otlcr t$an ttr oonstttutr rf

lnorldlr. It tr grntrlt; both ln ttr ollSlmtloa

(utp"ttt)19(c) rtu eDgrlbrnelrn (JnSttl). Ihe ilrlt-rtlbr

lolrl tbrt ta ttr oll8lnallon, rlaht tnovldtc dcpordr o! r'(t-

rrterrrrl calr (nt rlrrr of rlcfcot otfrl) olfrr tbn

fotrrtttu.air ot lrpvlclal. thur relltttty ot lloflldt' ilf

3ot tO br rlteDltrbcd Dr ra tnfrrrocl brsad oo sttafptndl|trot

lredlq to ftultnrl rotlvltto

lvcn r13h llirtt to rppnlrnrlon of vlltdtty

(Jrfiptt)r th. irttatttlt holc tiet, lt 1r rko net rlf'

cvldrotl for tf rall<lltt rolr rrlf'rprdotddttbcn tborr

*tuld b. rn doubt vlttr faaaFj to o orlnltltt't0 Blrl o;nltlrn

Itrrlf ornlot atsolt tbr orrtalntt ot valt'ltt d hram [t

follorr thet valldtty tt aot solf, rgprrbrndrilr

lr oDpcrld to tla t.ratl$'tl-tflpr lf,r ef tb'

hlflyl!5rr tbr Srrlab'trt[pta vsita of tbr r'fi'nrilal rd

thr t.Cratlnrl boldr tbat rnllrtlty of lrmrlrllr !r Drlor to

vrrtflc*t1on.l[l(r) rnlrot ror{flcatlon Dr"uDp'r'r ud on!

oooflrlr thc trus or veltllltt of krnvlrrtlrr ln rcrlflol{3n

trutb tr Cltoo".t{ lod not lavc:rtr{r

rnrt tr mt th. rcrult of argtrn'ut .Lfintt

or co*lttlonl'3l
tr alnritT
thr tirfrraltr hcl{ tirt ell ltnorlcdtr 1r rlf'lrltd rr rubr
tbry potct out lrlet raltdltt l| rt
trduod )t rry otb.t
arurat cosdltlon tbra tbom of horktlar. plrbb.lrlt
oplsrr rosnttton lr rlf-ralldr ral rrlf .Dtlarb.rtrie
Yattrttty/coSnlaoil .lont rtth oolnltlca ttsrlfe soilr$tfrF
ralrr eod thl Yo{t5irttrr {nrr.l'r trllq rrlldltt to h bn
tlrqrtb Ur. t tt rlcrotr of latrvletlgr tirrrlnll

thc r-*n7a rtrr tb:rt botb nllnttt rI lnrnttlt?y

rla lntrlnrlc to Lnovlst8c oan b. otltlottrdr It thosu
bc potntd out thtt thr rfliyr rlor tr unttnsbl. lmursb
ar thi trra knoulclto cr&t Dt both ralll sn'! lnvallcr It
k rlf-aontrsCtstort to l:lua ro.

tSorpstl rhosr nuoh trrl ln lcftltlrt. tbr Buddbbt

rnd ttr lttn oontsntlon that thc vrllollt of brlrdar
4l.prdr r! artrsDaclr tondttl:nsr l. a'lttot*'tblr t!|r
ot pr$tlrrl rfftalocl d tbr ltorrr of rrrlltt ar I
lrnr (3rtt&ia--nyr-Sarer{D), ar th. rdrlralra ot tbr.a
lmdr to r rlurlltt.E tf plrotto.l .ftlol€lt or arlbr-
lrltlb]rltvr lr rthlttril u c t rt of rcrlttt ot valltlltt
of lrplltljol ttGs $au.t Yfcargatt; ooc ber to land lo
laflnltr tet$ltt lnrrueb .t oo. hrr to Poftuht. r !.oo!a
. pnatloal rfflolooct to d6t tltnr ttr t lldltt of rrld
tnorl,r0tr a'rd ao oar Ernoo rrntfcttrtl:n (Prelrehr l.r.g

htrorldp) alonr hss tc be rdrttte{ rr conttttutlnt thr

relldltt et tnrtb .!rr- fsclulat tlcergnttP

tbur rooordlnj to lxoatprtlr for oogntttrn thelr

lt rtlf-rnlldttt thloull tbr rsly laot of ltr conveTlng
knoulattao rd not tbrough ttt oonrlrnot to lts cont nt.ll
Iaarldlr ttsolf ls Utc tr[r of ttt tYn rlllltrtiar It

rrtlek ttr orn nlttltty .d dt r not taqqlt rntthtq al.a to

rrtsbllch ttt talldllt.

SlrtlrrV Vtiralantr lo btr VlranJre Fnrryr

lgrglrbrl t.firt.r th. .iuddhttt vlrr tbnt lnYalliltt tt
lalttBfto to taorled:t thr Budithlst crnoot nlsteln tlrt
lnvrltdtty tr lotrlarlo to knrul.ot. o! tbe lrornd tbat tt
(twrlldlty) 15 tb. rbr6. of, relltlty lnrofnr .t d tt
tr rtthrut rrrt trltd t rson (betu). Drobtl rarQ!1 rttlacoo
rtors llo tbt raL rbrlalt of itocrlci3a lnrt .r.. Porltl"r
tnorhCtr - rrrfltr Vltlfrar.rlr rpprorln3 frrfrll'er l.

lnvalldltyof tncvlerlgr tr prodnrC bt defrotf tn t!. arercr

of thr kmvlcteg lt Wffi* llebl'r to sublatlon bt thr lttbt
f,mvtdtr of tbr obJaett tt iltt br corrlurlrd that lmrlldttt
1r not lntrlnrlr to k&trto{3. - rtlns! rtayirannF

l-lerpetl1 lttc thr ttlnqllr oplno thst lnovlclllp

tr r.lf.tllld. tlcr.Ytt trc itlfi'lrr frol thr Hftrrtsr ln htr

3onorgtlon of vrlld co3nttlln. 8r ilrflorr valttl o3attton er


r *lrltlon rfitch lr not prwbutlT [non.d k rho ot
tontndlctr{.S trulh tr tbtdtq .t rtrrl enil oc'lontndletor/l?.
nf thar ctrldoc qt{re faouteda. tlon thf oom?tla of valli[ty,
",nt rcootdlrl to furrtb glalf lrrriru trrhl6r rbtoh ldtrr
on. to Dtrotloal rotl)nrgl(r) h t;r"rrtt tb*o lr rr rrf,rrlll
to rotbao

atatns rcoortln8 to gFcrrtrttf tn gha rlrflnttlon Of

Dru;r t'hr wlC fenr.lhtjrte | (rnt prrrlourly taorn) abouia ba
tako^_reolu,lt$ nott or rr[tt fmt thr ocopr of prali or vallrl
lotaltlen rr lt (rury) lr rlrcady tnovar lbt rlor{ {entdntttf
(not orntrrrdletad) abonld bc trtrn to aralda rroaj Emvldgol
ra tt, tt rlcqyr oontndlat.d. YEcrrprtl gotn|l oat thrt rll
thr dtffrrcot th.ort|. !|l|sdlr|t tbr nlldltt of kmrldgr rlti!
br rc,tuecd to thr tlrntt of tbo.aontrr{lstorlnsr. tbla
p!.rnouno.d rhr of riorrtttt r.t br trlo u oyrroortaj ttr
drlrct of, thl ootnrpondrrcr tbory of tntlrl rcaordlng to
rbtoh, tbr vrltdttt of toorler!3. aoort.tr fn[tr cornrpandcror
rlth fartrl for r le3tttnt q$.tloo mt b. tnt to tht $etye-
ttlr ra to lrcr br aolr to llou tb|t lnorlcdS. and rreltty
oorrugord? lct oeq lt b. lnt.trfd flor tba trct of brrurql
ff arDa"lo:roa ar thal.,6 lr m Snaraoto. tbrt th. futurf rtll
not ocotrsrtot lt. tifrntl'r theory of Bc!}.3oatrstllotorlnil
tr frc tror ell t'lrrr dllrtoultler la that hr holdc tlrrt rrll{
lnavlr<l8r b thnt rbtoh !.rtnr uncontladlotrd lor wrro

In thl. r.ar. illcrrtrtlrr srleaatlno of tbe t*llltt ot
Inrlrdtr 1r lrr rott retlafrotottr

{. IlrJlrnts-e;L.ltrll
filrrtcltr .r run la tbr fcr':8rlnl pe3rrl ll r

rnjgorlrl of tho tl.r thf,t hn:vb43r tr lolf'lurlnr

(rr,tro grasrbr) rnd rlt rellC (rreDrafpr) botb tn
!..taot of lts orl8ln (utDattt) ool r.o.rl.lanot (JtfPtf)

lry lt rt sshad rr to hor c!fitt .rlfar.

br totntcdlt
tllr talor w to thr oonatdotr:tlon of tlrc problur Gtitractod
rlth erlorl tuoh rr Ulo o'ratr ol trnrt 1.t.1 rhtirt thr

atrot ll blou8ht lato brlq Dt rn lnttruentrl celta 'lon'

lr rlro bt tbr rntathl oeolol tbl {llt|lta of ltrrotl ct!'1

tir groblu rt!o!' lr thrl tp hrs rljnlflornt than th'

ttr blr of frutb os l{.rlltt. fhr llrrto i3f rbtut ttaallttr

rcocxttng ti Yiicr.tlttr rhould ncorlrrrlly Dllrulptm'

tb. dtrqrtrloa of felr rrl ralld os3nltllnrr lacor{tt{lt

h. ilrlustor trtlour thortor of rrror uka r&tltttitlt

Itn:trfitt exlrtftt rlFtlrr lbtltl ft3.q ld tlt\|t'l thf'

flor ttrr rttelgotnt of thr orllbrrtcd antrrobamrtatbtitt

ol lltltrr tbr tboctt of .tto!, rl 'lt.ourt'd arlll lcrotopetl

bt V'oarFtt ln trlt ilErtI tr thur rn rll qDrcrbttu topto'

tfcrlEettrr tlrrtmnt rne t'fttrttoa of otlcr

thsorlrr of atlol tLb rt r.etlhtEtl fEr.tlF-tlr 'to'

rrt n br brtr/lY ocorldordr


.. lrLl[l&l
?iirrr'rtlr llrrt rt'rrtr t8th tbr rtetcent of

.rrtthtftl ol tlrr ,iuryrrl|lnr ct thr tfthtrrlla srdchl'tttt

rosorrllnt to rhor th. objrot tbrt tr grrre:rtcd ln rn lllurtol
k rtrollf lon-ulrtont (*ret)8 tro.s lo u tllullonl e

aon-r*trat thln6, (try| rllrct ln tba rrhrll-rllrer llLtrloil]

la rpPrrbdlld rr erlrtont.

fllrrrtr f t tr{tta{rr r" A rrtlhlitl

f&rrrett !.tttcf itct thtitt thtorab tbr ^lhtral

rtr tbr llrrfrrn tu.

ll thc [Ilfirntr ltronslt obJrotr to
thr burl,thlqtrl ylry of rrror. lbr srlrl $ttoh tl rbtohtolt

non-glrtsrt dctt<l of ut orPrcittr ilrrold of 'at t!u'

laqanoa Gsn.lttr f,e rr1ulrl br tbr otrJoet ol 'rtftllaoot rd

Itr tgrtllorltt{r cr tbo tntelltgrat 'lf lr out of qno.ltloi.l

th* ldittrlrt tlocrr|r to ratrot thr lf-ltllre tbrt th)utb

obJlotr of .rPstl.soa rta rhollt it'ttld ot rnt orPrctlt to

gpt:,!1 Blr frFctlrrr oofnttltnt tbartolvcr 31rc rtel to

tba rtparlaoor of tba l5a .ttrtent thloutb thl oe9eolttr

F oqlld
It !r thtr anloltnort
ttrt rLt th'


to thtr tnr $&rb t|rtatir Itrt lf Ulrr

faoutty of crtnlttrn lbrnlt lt llLt tb' unrnl rtpralt
Tbrt ts lt thqt tr orgrblr of? tt lt 1r unrrrtl tr lt

tffmtdt ol cnlt 3.1. rutua bt ltff

laq lt ornut tr rffrrlrde rlgrttq lllrrtotl

Ghrmf[ tho Dutb ot tht ilIrffralal tloot tb.t ll trr'

tatrlllltbl. tn tba oacc of ttrr unroeL lt oqnrret br

rrn rAut k lnauucb rse tberr fu m otbtt

mdr tlorn
rolotttoa tnom othrl than glrt ritoh orlrr lrntf,rrtr
Futthrt, tbel| ml6 !|tult lnflaita tlttfrrl ra ltot
lr tbur talfertrl b.to8 nns.ll rrq'rlrr r rr oognltloa
to be Gaotd rlthl rrxt tbtr rttlo I ncr cclnltlon
rad ro onrtS

to oct out ot tbc lbfa dltflouttt tbo

rs/unyarS{t dnldbl* rr|/ .t8ua tbrt tt tl tblntlt ft!g'

of soSaltlon ts naifirt thr lJrr,oal. iStt thlr dlc'r aot

ll9ron tbf t1tn6tloa la rqt u'tf tol r Lalttf,tf

qrttlil rt ba rshrdr lt lt b. rrlJ Sbat tt 1r tbr

trtt ati.nca of oo$tttoa to r.ltatt tb. tilr'rlt rtrt

tn . =
tr thlr rlrtlon bctn o thr lgrl rd th. ul.rl?

.!tu!tr lt lt lt lrlttl by thr Suddilrtl tlat thl rrlrttol

of oo|litlts rhtob lr rrels tr rrrtr drirralnr"to unlrr tba

aontrrl of illt 1r onrrall h:crlprtl rllloulorl thrroug';

thr noth of tbr tttrS$.lrr thlt rstrot of thf Butllhttt

(dth th. s:\loaatto srerl)t 'Hor t !t fortunrto lr
tblr too" lotnttltn tbrt rt',rlnr to llrtclrtttlco 'tr

.?m througb thr untclU$

crn'lot io tryshtaf t!.!rto loraob
cf rnl tuob ghlDg. lotng tbr rutportt it roulil br
ar tt tr tho tqpcrt
rFrltat aotnttlco

lrrpPtrlrtlr rrtr ttrr t{lfrratrl tn tbr lrrt of Set

lr unml.

nol tbr iruilrthlrt ilitbttt nltflra btr Eorttl'ra

ra.l |rtr tbat thr Glnlttoa k ot controllrl bt tbc unrrl

bnt thrt tt lt of tbr tos? n*tum of ootnltto!' mt t! i

. rtpa.3 at rt trol tha Ent'|l.

lSrh tfcar'|tt potnf to ti' fcttt ot ti| ''|ffi

tblrr rlol ofortunrtr lodrd lr thtr prtlrtltl for tbl

nuui, fitrbt ootnttlcn 1r lnvarlablt llnr'd b tht t'n'

".rlr thollh n.ltbrt orl8laetlng thorcfrol mr of tho lirqo I

natulr rr ibat.|{ t;or oonolu*lco; acoorttll8

thr ioevttablr
tr thtt th' vfioltt non'oiltt'rt (rtt'ntr
to 3h. llirfirr.Ir
rrat)l rr lt Lcoke !ru' otrl'qoan*rt brtor obJrot ot-

ltPcltlncl. tbut tbo '{Irlrrllr polott oot thet thc

3rrdChtst artl.a.tto! of orrrot "anot rcttrfy thr gillrcophtc

Il lllror bc rbrolltrlt rpo erlrt'n3t lt rutt r'rr'ln uF
lart ebro'utrlt En''rtrtont thltt'
rlplrbrnderl fot rwtr
thur Vrcartrtll tbroujl
lrnnot "\a r9pt b.adrl rl lrlrtrn!'
I tb. satb of tbr {irtreL ttfut'r uatlh;ittralr'
b. Alil[Illl

t3ttal tirrlntl tr tut grrPerrd to roolpt thr

rttrrrbtitr viler of tio l$inin r{illnr ol tclitrrr
hdttrtrtr roaorittr8 to |hor tbr obJrot tbrt tr t'|-otrd

ln ra lltutloo 1r rfuItt lrntrll rttlch It mgll ProJrctd

rr rorStllal artrrrf,L &rt tr, ls thr rbol!-rllro4 f,llurlon

It lr tho tatsrilal o! il.atol ttlcr cf etlr''r thrt oor' out

rad lanttrrtt rr a! arlsrorl obJ.ct lftlr betni rql*lrpolrd

oa tha rhrllr rooor{lng to hL?t ln rn lllrrrlool r

fubleotlt ldea lr rpthb.ndod ls .n utartrl obJ rotr
tbr Jud'thltt oontandt Slat tborr rtl lxt .'tsrnd obJeotr

bqt onlt talrst ot Vlrtihrtr t[ tb. rtrrll rlllrr lllurlonl

tbr tnttrnel ldor of sllrrr rtpaart to b' r rosl utontl

obJcctr Yolo.,lFtl tn hta D-rtfe bmuttfully crgandr

-tr ftttf,tl rlde ln tbr DirrrFtrhr. tbtro rro m atrttl

lh1a3r1 bEt onlt trtenrrl falrhortl oleatld bt tb. lryrlrrlonr

of be3llnlnShrr arrclrmr. Hbrrt ta of ttn totr ot catnltlon

(YlJl-rn, tl l;orci on tl. Ihe uudthlrt Jostltt" blr gorltloa

thurl 8r brltrrcr lo l'!. arnrrel nlr tbr! fitrr* lr

.rD.!lG..d ta I Etrttctrlrr frn thoold bt rtcrptcd ln tlrl

tol|. If r ro3nttba of aL.lat forcr rublrtor ltl tbrn :

rtbl' 1r rrt ;
tbrr roul,i s.tult thr rblrilo3 aolnttlrat
er rnDlatlal ti' rtbltr :
tllrlrr. lblr thoultl br unlrrtta'ld
.lnt rlcar rnC |bosll nt bo trlc tr ut td to ttr
rllltlrr oluotr ibt ihd'bt$t .t8rrt tbat tt reul| L

bftt.r to trt. tt tbrt tbr rBtrtbutr 'thtrm''' llonr ta

sublate{ not lhr srbrttotr ltFar rlcol for lf th. rob'

ltrrta istlYot' I!!c tublstodr th3[ bolh thr rllvrl rd

ttr rtltlhute of 'thlsncrr' uoold br rublitcJr Ib. rrF

rhot of thtt ,ttourrlcn tc tirt rlbcr rtrlch k ruD'lctrC

ln rlrot of utclmlltyr le bt tre.rrytton Fnflrud to

lnorldtr rlthto !!. llenor tbt trporitlon olttldr of

vhqt lr of tlrr tolrr of oonttton.$ thnr thc vulhnr vflttn

.r$ror lhat only ooSottlont (f $6foel) ubloh folt I tttlrr.,

lro !*al ld tbat thefc rra il, lrtorrlil obJeott aaDirlt'

llor olnttllnr.


thr rb*r '

Yforlpatt ls not t?otstoC to llatt
rt$aaat of the Bultltrlst. tor !f rlLrel ttorr l!{l of thr
forr of ecgnttirnl thco lt shouli br rltabllrbad cltbsl
bt ltradenor (1.o.1 pcroeptlon) or by lnfrronoo' If lt
ooulrl br rgtlDltrhd bt rrtprtcnsc tb€or lt rort b' flthrr
gba otSoltt)n of tllYes or th. oogalttoa tbrt eublatcr ltr
lor lt tr mt th. gotoapttcn of rtlverl fot tbrt rrl'r
tnorn ctliat rf b.tlnt fot ltt rubrttalre iht tthlrrl not

rbtt tr vtthln3 fot ln thet caro ih. aotattlon lold 5'

of tb. fotl rI t ttltlts larofel .a ti. foaolrlt t. F
dtffrrnt frol thr co3nltlcar

flov thr Y$finr ttlto ootr to ttcfrtd bt! Dottttra

thnr r tlc rrlgcr Shiit thr Orlurlr Llnltl)n ltrlf detrntn r
ttB o}n foln to be |rtenl tatl hcnor rrfrllr to rDprer er
tba t[brttstn ol rlr ot rb--lttlt rno tbet lt I'i only frcr
thr rublrtlna, ooantttro tbtt thr torl of cc8nlttaa sra be

to tbtrl Yi'o rpatls thr'[$ thf lonth of the

$lrluqltr oounlarouortioltr 0o.l tbet dltttaFllh fnr
rllrcl tbr ebf ':ct tlctatrt brforr rrr1 o! docr tlrt alro

tltor of lt tf,rt ttt mtur. h el the forl of cclntttan?

ttrr .rsdrthbfrnrrrl tbat lt (albhtlrg oo3nttlcn) ht tha
tunctten of ralint trra tho Drlor rrttttcnsl to lr"a tha
farn of oogntttaae tr.c[t of htr ltorarr lnot]tt !t

tbt mbletha cognttlt! arn aolntt llL tftrvn thr Dttol

.rD.!t.na. tt Drtf tbo totr of eointtto.gT(e) - polatr

cut Yf,certetl.

lltln thr ELdhlt! irtrtatntal htt Po.ltlcB

bt .rtlog tblt tt tr bm ttrC rllrcr tc ot 3hl forr
of qoanttlon oaly rd tr nt rrlmrle bt th. feot ol

tbo n Stttln of th. p!.l.,n€c of rllrr brforr ur.!f

l6*rtrtt (tlrooll tf $rfr|rb) re9l'l.. It r/n. rmrl

forr flot tbe rtoalrl ct tba [on.tpt.b.ortra of rn'troltrl3tt

tt rould b|lrrr nttFDtortreta o! F.Dtf to th. jjnlserr
dut tn rretltt lt Cocr rt frltcirlet ts nonflorlnatc ll

tha acgallot 1r .rt!.i.lt ptodratr to btlr lbat ll ttrr

f,aot of m{atlta of th. Drfrsnot of lllvrr clcebltcher onlt tlr

utht dlii.rlol. of !11!tt frrr lojaltbn .ll rt trlcntlty.*(r)

Ilrtho". t'hr ouildhttt srntrot rtgt| 3b.t th. Stnl.tlta

cf rtlror tr sllver ltrolf, or ocoartoord ln neclr lnrtrob rt

tt fu oppord to rryorl.na. If all rcrlltt la rcrtrl ln

ahrtrctotr tb.tr 0o|- b. l[ alltrtlol to dltttaanl$ b.tur|a

trntl ul(l flFolo

llrfl, lt a.Dt b. rrSufd ttrt colnrttca b tb

brrlr rr rrtrtrlt rlonti rlnr tlrt EuLd bf too rlil r

bartr ln tbt rnll thot ulrtarttalltt brlot coon to rlt

thtntr ft roolC follrvs thrt rnt of tlr omti !r thr brrll'tl

tbc lryttrrl qlrhot of tbl sbor dtlourrlca b;l

Y5onr;rtt1 tl tbe!1 tho l$ff6nr Yt3lnt tlr not Justtfld ln

rlrtcnllttr u th" {'qt
aalltg urr of tb. eonaQt of
'|rltw lo .qt obJ.Gt outtllar tnd thc relt 'ont'nttln cl

tho VlJdfnrrrdtnrs llrrl viat 1! lnt.nl lpPcart rr

Gtrrnols plct t tho rort lrtrteooe of tx36rn'1 obJrcta'

tblr lhr ttllbtrt tr ro?lld to rdrltl ttrt arat

(or rhcll) lr1 ri rrtrnl obJrot .xlstrf otbcrrlee
rentfrst:rLlon of rllrr hro{r[t lgolrlbk. lt|r|
ona orn talk of crlor only dlo thrlar !r ra obJoct
Lylnj outrlda rtttah rettar aa thc mbttlrtur of .tt{r?r
lfcarptl thsr brlrrtr out tbtouab th. Duth of fbr
ilfuilrtfr tbr unoou#lnrr ot ftrthyttlv;rlr.

.. r*i!r
tho iidrmlr rftrr thur rlttt4 i-trrttT:tt1
ralntatne hlr om tt.- Folnt,njrrlta tbr nrture of
olFzrr It lr ultat lr geUd Akhyitl. Al.ot{lnt lo it ,
ftrtctlt rgraklngt tierc 1r trl c!t{!!r lb otlmr Sbrt
tn rholl-rllvcr lllurtrnl tht tsbl|ttnr ocnsoLdro.rr
llrotrr tritber ttre 'rtlvol" fttr gh. 'tlrlln.rl' bot 3hr
ugirtorl !rs8a of rllvor; alorrlored bt tbr lbn-
rDirchtnrton of dllttnotnolr. f,le Dorttlon rry br
rtatrl tbarr ln thr onso of $dl'llllrr tllurlol
tb.sr rn tl'lls of aoanlttcr -
tn (l) tbo ratlr.tl

rad (lt) th. ithl.rl rrr do. tc Lrtrt.o{ th. othat

ds. to frDrrl.o€. (pomrDttollr fba 'thltr brrr lr
gb. rDtrb.n|lon of r alro obJeot lo tFot of url tbo
abrr lrtn?t of trbellnurrr th.tudb lt lr thurl 1r

Ft .tpt.bfndtod lleu|r of . c.featl thr rgg'.brnld

,.i ..r.t., brrlrrr or "trrrlrttr l.ttr !D ti. Ert
of rtlvcrl thmugh r*trln3 thr tryrerdonr ol thl
fo!*r .fcrl.oaa of rtlttt. thst tnrt thsah of thr
. n.3ura of rn rDpt belrlon of rbrt btr b.rli .tr.badarl,
b.aarta of tbr lcrc ol tba flolrnt of, thr oontfntr :hr
'i to r Crfeotl
rtglr rc beto rtgrrbcnsl:ar ln otbu-
eecorittnj to thc ftft'rrrbl arror ornslrtr la
taltaj I oofarlto vlqv of thr.'r tuo oo3at.ttrnrr It
oonrlrtr tn thr En-apprlclanrtrnirr th. dlftercnoa
brtvrta tbr rrcry of th. rllwr rnd tho apprelrcnrlcn
of th. baf' obJcot bcforl ul. lo Dut tt ln dtti.|qrnt
r9r*trf tha aatnttlon of rh.lt er tllter tr l!. to thr
ton-.Dp?.hanr!.ln cf tlrr tlffo"toa b.tyrgt tb. prrcntd
obJfot (rlr'rtb rtilrr) arr(| thc s.tto!.qteat l{bo (vir.i
thr rrtlwrr). Aoil bccrur of rctorblrruf to tha oo3nittu
of rllrarp tha tro coSnitlons rliltr arrl Stlvcr. brlng
out odplrdetl nrege rr non-dlffcnnt rrd qporttlrrl
drrl3nattoa. tbue rooor{lnt to tb. fi-raitr rllr.t
rr t.rxt ln thr rholl tr lolalt r. ra-q7 lrr3c rtth tbr
alaaant of roobrr:nor llll outr ld rfian tbcrc fu rub-
latt>n (rr la ti. o'rr of rhctl-rtlrrr lllurloa)l the
llrlurtnnort of th. grlor ootnlttcn k bcoaua of tha
rpporltiraal CcrtjHttrn of rntT rnil rpprabenrl.n
. Iltb rlrc.lsr to rsrh oth.r.'o t'hr ccorrltlt tc til.
rtbtittl5{as atl oo3nltlon rrr Lo b. r.ooaahrd ec veltilr

thE! tbr Abfrtlv;-dln Cealrrrrr tbetl rlrca thcre

tr rupcr&rgorlttrn cf, rllvcr otc.l oo rbclll tt te not
lua to ot conaltllari btf thG oogaltloa rr solrthlna elr.
rr tbo nntathilhtttt vd-dtn nstntrlar. Bctbor tt 1r r
drlullrn o,ndltlra.d by tba otrtng up ol thr pnsratd rd
rrprcrrntod or;nltloncr

rl. aErlialhtrll
tbr Halyaytlaa rd tirc 6blttr lohool of {liriaa
lo aot rocoDt tbr rtfittrGh of thr r'rabtral.tr rohool
cf :{fn:nrt. tbrlr rto, vlth r*lrt{ to thc nriurc of rltotq
tr rtrrt k oellrrt noyrthikbya-tlvridrf rcaordtlf to *tol
lir rrror oortrts ooo thtnt for rnoth.".
ll t*fot tbqf
lrj thr obJrot l?gr.Fr er rerVtthir re lortbtna otbel
then rhat tt tr.ll !n th. rhcll-rtlral lllurlrcl fol
tnrteoors rhrll 1r rppldtandad rr otberrlr (tlrthi-J

l.ool i! rltlrr rttch exlrtt ttl .or. olil|rl plccl' fhttl

rceordtrS ls rrntathilhttrtl th. tlln*lon oonttttt tn
;rrcrlrln1 rtlver tlot yDam lt rotlly 1r1 bot ln thr
. obJret rholle
llor.sDrtl plosrrrtr to ortttolr. rlhiiti tht{ll

thr ruth ol tb. enfathilhFllvi-ttlne Ho obJrstr to th'

contttrtttn of th. Pribbltete rchocl of ilfl5rrr, thatl ho

rbo frtlt to ttlstla5ultb brtr.an ntrt cd rpprrhonchnl

f*ar^'i,i-tfturica lnrrlcb ar tbr rcttvltt of In.l.ltag ilorn

to plok 1g id.lver olo.|r! sqaj lbcrt lrcr thl rt' tnllu!'

to rppnhrnd tho rot9pcaL illlfsrenoa bttn'! rnry antl

rtDrrbrnrlotr or thelr t.rpoctlYa lpheroer t\rtbcr 3ho

rottvttt and tt toh of, rn totolrtseat brlntr ?&rrprtl
Dointf outr rta thllt lYit aonltttsloil bt rrgt'i'atloat

not tbrt lt Ltultt t}'n brrr noatrlDr|hfnslrn'{e

fou th. ilirfnelr trtrr to lTrorc htr toeltbar

, -
tbt rlduslrlnrrl of rtlror !c!'rttr - h' rr't tpt rror

bata fitnrDpr.b.ntlon but flor latl anil lDplrhrnrtoa

' vbrre tbrlr <lltf*cnoo ln rrtPoat cf thcll nstulc rod

ooataatl trr rpt rpprcbendld baoiu!' of the tlrllstltt to

thr t.llal aoaalttn ol ltlrer bctorr ur''!

to thlrl lfrertltl r.l! ghrtugh tho nuth of

th. rntrtrhlf0t6't1 rfilo. tr tbl elrthrttt ol tbtN to

tbc nll<l lognltlrnr tbl ornrt of .{llrtcd uragll by

blaf rlflr[d.d or bt lt! b:ra utrt.tc. vltbost botru
r;prrbrarcdfft It lt !! thc tolur, th.n thr ttgFrh.alloa
nst bo ol tho fotir 'ot 3br cl3oltttnrrtbtrr anl rrtlvsrl
tberr k tuarbhoor to velful €otnlttone artl tho folr
iSftu-o thorr vcry tuo, DFdttforenot lr rtprrhrndod ta
lfrDiot of thclr natur. or oont.nt.l Of, thr$1 tlrr flr*t
gro rtro gha aoSaltlrnl rthk 1r Ltlr rrlld ooanttlrnr
lannot lred to retrloal trstf la tht rrr rrt ra vrlltl
oo3nltlonr for lnstrnra t.h tlrr oognttlon r{lrlryr 1r
Ilb t ccrrr Crrtelnly thlr {oor mt tnltcr rotlvltT
ll tn r.rpoet of r tr"rtrq lio roluelly rmr I lorr
r rn
Thr co3nlttor 'nrrFinpmbcnrt.rn of tbo d ttfor.naa bctru
thoro tart tror tr df-ccntrrCtotorT strnrl r rlrrrr tbrrr
tr non-rtgtrh.nrl)n of dltla!.na.r 1t orut br of tb. foil
ibctroln tbe tuorr &oclgnorlltr fron thrrl lr tbc rprr-
hcnrlrn 'Dotrrrn tho trot tbrtr oennot br noo-rpprdrtnrlrn
of lllffrrrnoor Bcnoq Gonold.r V5oatprtlr tlrat tho mn-
rtprrbearien of ltff.rcoo.r nt brbt ftrdf rpprrhrdd
tr thr o.trrr of .elrls,,l u'r3r tt tbo bar. faot of ttr

:i'or r lotttlratr qrrrtton rt br rrtrdl lr lt

thr osurr of rnplrlorl un3r thrrngh oscrtttx an l4orttlon

or of ttnlf ulttrort crtatla3 rn t4rrltlea? It [.t

br tbr fcllerr oplnrr l-crr9rttl rlrl tlro aetrtld
lmlr of an tniolllgen! brln3 a.Ft tnlrtllftblt Dt
oonlaqraat oa lg"oro116.S

Ior tt ..tr[t le obJrotrd tbrt thougb t! tr

tru gtet tbr rotlvlty of rn tntolilarot bcta3 tr
ooar.*rnt nrt ca tjmroncrl r.rthct lt lr oonrc6erri
otr rtlErh.nrlca rql ratFrt rlure dlrtlootrxrr ls nct
laarar for trTlt b rct the r.rrrt
tt of thr bet. trrt-
rtatC of tbr vor{ rrllrcrr Slrt olra.t rotlvtttr
It tr ndtaputrd tbrt titc eetlvttt ot ono vho r.rlt rllrr
lr llrotrd to tbr ruDrtroto of 'thlr-turcrr llmtrtt
rrE ol.'lrlt polnti octl tlat or ..nt !e rctlrl ln
trtrgaal of tho lubrtratr of 'thtt-norlt unlatr ona
!,ld!ll lt.{? tbrr preo0tcel ondrslomr ln rrletloa to
tclo.ttlon oralrrt br rrtlclnrd dttout tbr ldrnttflcf,tloo
cl rllrrl rd,tb tbr shdL hrther lt 1r rlf-ooatnilt'
rtott to .rt tht oao lorllcl aaf thtn8 rd roltr for
lcr|thlnl fhsr uitbont bnlt{
al!f. !hr't tt tg tllrrl
$rtoh It tlrr rnDrtr'rto of tha rthlt-trtlir on rrho r.dl
rllvtr; oraEt dlslro lt.

loflr tb. rlhftlv{itln

mt rtt!. that {.!1t. tt
ar to thr rubrtrata of th. rtita-ntlt' nrt brlq rntohortit
rr drt ol Sr Erttrr of that (rllvrr). llt, l-ugntt
rrtr tlrlrt tt Ir not rnrad to rrllf o1 tu'$ 1t tt tr mt
rpprobrair<t to br of t!. nrtull of rtl"Gr llhc lt art
br lojlth,:tcly artrd rr to rtrt oar lr Dot kdltt.Fnt
to ltr 'Ih. orloor of thtt dircurrt:n tr th,'tr Shlr

totrtt!3rnt brto3 rhouLd be dclrred rr ttlrtslrdl

brlnj Ffl.d tn olporttr dtrr€3bnt bt 6rptrrE. rtr.l i
lndtffrrocc. It lbtld br trlrn rl rtth{ bt tb.
sao.ptaoca of tbr trporltlen of ribrr on thr rubrtrrta
of rtbtl-nelrrr thur rgorllporttlcas tr thr orlra of
tbr rotlylty of rr tatrlll3cnt bolnt,ornt.odr lSrertlrt!.I

tlrr t-rrprtt pohtr dlt that rs. Ft-

rtprciorton ol tbr cllfffrncr (ilrttnctlor) crnrt
tacount for tb. rottrttl to rttleh tb. ta'|a ntblco!
to fakr pelcrptlon lt p!ory!.d. Yfcrrtatl rlrhtlt r4urt
tbrt ulr 3ctlrltt of thr ootrroloEr rtatcf rrt Dr tlur to
hnovldgc. ar tht. rotlvtty lc clr|otd Scnrr{r th. cbJ.ot
(ylt.r tbr rhrll) tb.r l;t bar V$-carlrtt ogtnot tntaF
mrllrrt ltafrt rftcr thr orn-rprrrlaotlco cf tbr dlffrrrnr
brtrm th. rlhtrr (prrrnnt'tloa ) rd tllrrr (rror7)1

vlteh haro blm t3mrrd by tbt Prlbbftrn ilfiflnlrs.

flr lntrncdlery stst rr thutr rr.r (1) ld.att?tlna
Itlrrr rtth tbt rtbllr (rbrll)s (lt) thr e6rotouriltt
tbrt rtlrrr tt'of Droottlrl rreq (tll) t{r rolllttil
tbat cltrtrnt objeot lrlna rtlrsr ulll telYe t prrottoal
ltrdr tbr rottrltt otr th. Drrt of ttrr trlcltlrnlt
pr.rElpotar rll thata tto8alro tbe rrrorl t|[rr t! tba

oElnton of Yloalrttl rt for al! Atlrritlnrl 1l Drtthlnl

gerltlro rni! nlt tbqt tt oanalrts ln thr fellut! to

l.rp ittftoroBt Flocptl'rnr dllllnot. lhr rnrT of

rtlrer 1o irorrrl orntrot ho19 orl rrtr Yirrtetlt to
lnfrr thr eilvrnljcoutmrr of tbr rc!rtr;:!a of itblt-ntrl'
tnrrnch rt the rstltltnrlr rculd Dt br knora to trrltl'
ln tbe flrbJ.ct. ietbcr lt dloul<l bl ralil that thr
oosnltlon of ltllcr lto.s brr th. obJ.st brforr onr far
ttr oootrntl lnrof ,r rrl tt tnrerlrbty laoD|r rotlr1ltt

ln btr rbo rrll rtlrer lr !r rio b:rr tbc art'tl'no' of

'thtr 1r rll,tr' rttlh ao utcrlonotaa ltt ldtcrtrr tlrr

rubrtrn€t tn tttot vlth htl flo3rr .to.rto thur llcr4rtl

potatr out tbat tioo. !h. obJeot sf 663attton tr lndlatal
trtre lt tr lltrrctlt pcrorlvcrtl afrrt ot tho prrt obJrct
rr dtrcctlt aootllbutlog go th' For"lbt'
orntrot bo rtafit.d
Itty of rtlor b.tnsb ar thl oblcot ln tbr qi!' ot sttrt

1r not lndtrtrtt Dlrront.Ol

hrthcl 3h. rlht4lltflltn otnnot n4[ tltat 'lf

tllnrott octntttoar b |rlil to be lnoonrtent to tholr

| $ t . t + B ) . i:;
i' .,"',,q'R€
3n€ {Y9ORa rr'

oont.it! tbata Fnld lccult lort ol oolfldtba ln rll
tia raar of raltd l*crhi3r1 ferl rtrrrdl4 to
Yiorr;rtl, ooSnttbn ll dt tllrl tbrough tbo frtt
frot of lEr coa?.tlaj lnorlrC3r rnl mt thtnrl ttr
rolttr|rt to ltr conttatt.CS a3aln, th. ltitalr-lti
. oranot ooavlnetotty !.tst|ltr tbat trror tr duo to tia
lnlpr.|rlol of 3bc !.r.rbar|.d obrrrctcrleth of rllwr
(t,t.q Hrory)p laar:tb rr hr rubrcrlbct to tbr
dootrtn. of rolf-lnrlourttt rnl llf-cslltllty of dl

tbtr k lflm|lrttrr rclY'"attrn of albyitt

It l' rko daborr-3clt osttlotr.d ty pafrnr.S
Ey hlta6 the tortetro. of rtlrlr Ti-orrgetl
ttrth.r Fltt€r rlbt;.tlfiie rnr! rrfrbllshlr hl| or!
ralrrrclrrnoyr lbye-tl. If tt l! rrlatelnrd bt tl.
tlfrlrrrle tbat ybrt 1r rbrolntrll gcnl drrold of,
ortr.ttt anl ttr .rrilr arnot bo vtthln tbe rrrlr
cl fi;l.slract thcn e qrrsttrn ||t br rtlrdl Ite tba
. lstr cf rriu (alrrgr) rerl rrca rr nLt (erltlr)?
lrr.l tr tbr llrr3r rrl ta tba a.oto tltrt lt Droorl
tb. obJrot of lrportcaco?
!o thk, tbr ll&r|e rQltor rrtror tlt
trtr rrc nrt nl t$o natu|r of lrtrt
ft ratrt ghat rta
rercrl ln tha lrlurt of ert.r (nltlr). locordlnt to
btr tbo t'!.oof of thhtt l' of tro tlr|llrr (l) rrl

tn rrq)act of tttourrlrr rnrl (tl) umrrl ln rrrDaat cf

thhtt oth.t thri thourlwlr li-oar9rttl ln itr
crpo3tttel of 3bc pf,rlrl nrflbl1 guotor . tcrrr f?ol

f,urrrtlr'r ilore ri'*rlr cfiloh nrnt tburr tthl llrrnsa

of 3tllnt. lr trargpril b7 rorr r! toD tfnr orS'{ncr

rr rral or ar ularll h ilrPoot lf tblrt ltct ol la
rrrto€t of otbrllr'

to tbh,tSautrtl rDltrl bt Prtttt|. . |xlont t

$rrrtil,oor h eointtlon of u.t ! 1o thc retr (rllr3r)

rotrpbtlloellt tnr? lf tbr rorflr k ltrlr tb.a b't{
rrllal lt mld not bl dllurln' tbur lt nuld Df bf

ta tltqll-rratr lrJoln.s ll. r8!.or rlth

?forrntt ln teylng tbet octalnly lt ffilC Dt ba tlb'

lntcts pmvlird lt epprcbood.d tb. !.t. rt tDt ot tb'

nrturo of uatlr. Ronent, utlro r;grchrrdrll or of tb'

nalutc of ratraqtt btou cotlrtrr.fr
lr lltrt rjeln tiorrjetl rrtoltrt tcl; of ttr
trtt nio ro rrAtslc tr morrtolatrr1 tbclr na3|lt rr ur3.F
nrrr t'l mt rerll lot 1! lt unrcrl tbl tccordlnt 30 tba
t{igr|alr (Xnt'rttr}rncrplrtrtcnccr 1r orktrnoe tt raotbf
forrl not rnfthtBa clrts rl raaord!4 to hhr .rt!t r. rld
aca-trlttcncr rla but co-arlrtcnt rrpaotr of .!.tytlt[t.
thur tlrr lryose,t trrr h not rootbar thln3r If tt tr
rootb.r rhoulj bo rlthor
thln8r lt tlrr rrtr or th. ultcr
ta tbr 0entorr rlot tnlcr hltarr Furthcr tf tta partloule!

tlecr br not rrotlt.eteil| tt rboultl ba rt.Lt of tba frrr

'n?crr nct rhatarr lgalnr lt oarno! i:rr rdltttrd tbrt

3h1r lr rolithtn| vholly ucleal - l lta falrrboctl dcrotl

of el,l adrt noar etrr lrsh a thtnS tt oot llgottcrold.
tberforr Yirertetl comludot tbct tbr st t rrtotl;crrl
on tha rryr 1r aoltbrt ral aor un!€'rll dtt ssfl tt be botb
roel enrl unrcel rr lt !r r conttrallotlrn tn tcrul ta
othar rotdr tt trlt ba lsloaaucd to b6 ranlttloaalryll
( lrlapltcaurrt!' thlr la bor,Yf,carlntl rr:fut0 tho
nlniurtr potltla rol .rtabllrhor tbr Yedfntls C{rotstna
cf lnrrplloeblllty (rnlrrrrntrvilr).

tbur Vlcargnt'l {rolant tbat ln tbt ortf ol rboll-

rtlrcr lltnclonl tbo onlt Gtut!. hf,t tc !e rllr rllvcr u
|[)frtgoaad on thl rbrtrL Slrlr rcrar tbt dttf"oot

rttrtlutu otb.l th.a ltl crn rrr arorlbcd to th' Ctdb

tbet tr to ny, rorotblnl "poatr 13 311etlittrg rlrr

tbtr rlcr tr ncthtnS blt 3hr rnyrthrthyetl ol rlgrehcndto

of ttrtithtn3 el roretlrtr[ elrll *tcb realty 1r Dtr

8rm e rcletant lnltton nl Dr rrlrdt rl ot li'il"tl

I ruDpottrl of Antath-tbvFll?

' tlor tr tbl oaly ralrlt

to tho quolilon'
'fi-rrrFtl ut br tot a to bavr okarlt lcfutld rrnyatbF
fntalf rlir larotal t. tba 1;tatlnor of rrlor roordtnS
3o blr/lr lloesly bouad l9 nlth ltr grro?tlon bt tor
oEls 1o tb. ra.. Dlrtr rnd ncver gerorPtlca ln dlff'lcnt
glrooto thtr t€aleptlcn ln tlr' t'rr Dlrcr ooonrll Yicrrpatt
oatl oolt tl rnpcrQcsltloao lb' 'irlt-ttlr ooBt'trlttfi
tbat rt tb. ttr. ot ttlnrort t Feptlon o[' tot6r1'dil, tb'
rllrl! lbat tr rlrdrn thlolrh nntrl
.ttrr t'n!c,do"

aot bold lntelr rr rllrr (la tnr egsl of "lhcll-slftcl*

111u11or/t1r returllt Dt tont'd to thr lrrcrtvcr tb'robt

lndtortlnt tclDot.tul actlra (rooh u lnccltaS dsvn tc

ltlv|!) on tb. 'rrt of, thr Prrortrrr' thl lttnrort
Itrf f
rllror, o! 3b6 othtr bandt tr r[ 'nttrlt ilr errrtlcn by

rvltltf vttb ttr ts povarl of proJrotltn rlil loflrnlnj'

ithlrr o! tb' Locut
Attdt[ rcra.nt tbo reql nrtu!' of thr
(raannr)1 rllr by rtrlr nlth thr romnt[t rotlcn, to.f
on tb. prlJ|cttat rctbn ot rvtltf, (rtbbtr). lhrt lr
to rr7, rvl<lyn- rot >nly ooncralt ths rcrl natura of tbr
rtbttr but rlro proJactr or crdb tn ttr plrcr r nrr
rlltcr; r.tloh thr porotplont obsqrrcrr It (sllr*l
ccmt lnto lxlst rnae stth thr prrccgtlon rd goer ct
of ulrteas. etth thr sornttrn of prtccpttcn. lhlt
th. flltor thr gorctgtcnt obt.rrl Ir aot thrt of thr
r.rtrf0 but tr aE cnttrrlt ncv orcntton for th. ttt
brln|t oa th. rhrlll by arlityfl r"fAth thus lr 3ir
taterhl olura ot llLurolf rllvrtr

ttltbo! thf lllrprt rlltrrl tn chf oplnl.cn of

lflarlrtlr lr neltbrr r posltlrc rpt t oc8rtlvr ootlttr
It tr n lthrr ra rbrolEtr /uayr (tuoohr) lltr thr buart
hor.n rpr en rbrrtute rrrrt,' (Iiralltt)e It oannot be r!
rbrclnta raltt:t rr tt 3ctq $ubltcd. Btt tbtclutr rerllty
oro noYe! br rubletcio It oronot bc ln rbaolute rtrVrr
b.|enr. 1g tr tatr.lyltl ln rbloluta rDt. ora acver bo
gcroclvrih aa tbt lllurort rllru lorr rpt rdrtt of
bclnj drflnttdy doortbrd utsatro!rtrtro! rr bothq
It rhill,il b. torrdt fil{ilntvllrhrbrqrt (dlfftr|it ftor
Dolb rrctt lnl trsntr)l tt lt ulrrrorrryr (larrollorblo)-

contrndr l:icerpatl.O
thlr df tho obJoot of crrol reeordtal to all
ottret thorlsr of olFotl 1r r!,thql rtatf o! rtlrtlt
tocorittng to lio'rrpatlre rnhtreflna.tr kiyrtl, tt ir
nrltbrr rtrtr ao! rarltr but tllffrrr.! tror botbt tt
h nolthor lrnl nor urrrrll but srr.thlrg mlquo (rde-
r'rrtvtletrhirp). It d||'rld b. trt d tbrt thonrSt tr-orF
pntl tn btr Bb-xtf rrfutor errt thtitt ar*l atrlltftt-
tma. tbsor3h tb. routh of th. rfhtaUTfilLnl rd tbe
rthtitl?tih ln turo bt tb| Antrthilhtdtt r'i!la' br
ilocr nt sg$e rvrr tbato

lbsr Yfiorrprt! b rp rqDctt.! ct rntoibi-

lhtatl ?8le at lt !e ortlrr nontlt brlal flr to!
la.trnoa P!ol. 8. Kutufi.ot Srrtlle lir lr of thr
rlrr tbet la 3br oarr of r3opfilhtka blllar t.r. I dlltltoa
c nr.d bt ttro Dnlroatc of rn .rteta.l rilJutr ACv:rltlnt

rm rllttnj to rgo.Dt tb. .tDbmtton of ragtnibyf,tl'O

Sogidlrtle bh'.r ..t bo .rPletnrd thfr $lan e Yhltr
crtrtrl la plrced ln th. vtaloltt of r rrd floorl rr
rtrtelr tlbr rhltc oryrtrl to tr r{1 Shllr"lt r t tron
ruffrrtng fror l$to. rlrtrl.r r rittr rhrll ta bl
yrllor rr thr btb of tho Jenodtcrl tcmonf ln tho oplnlon
of l{,oarFtl, rotuellt lo.. torth rlth tb. tatr of llSht
fnoa tltr etfr eod tbrr eptnhrd lho dlltr attttel rr

tlur tbt Atlrattlnf r rrphnotloa of rotslbltr bbnt tr
not lb. rtoe le thrrilrlyayttirtrrryrthi kby tl but ror-
thl'u Bntqua to tb. rdv*l!h.C8(r)u* roeordtn3 !o
lionrgrtl, et alrerdy potatrd outl tht rsrq)tlon of tir
rttrtbut|' of ,n. thtnl ln thr cert of rotier tt urtnrtt
or anlt:iti. Slret roaar lndrtcrcl,aebtlltt. Sbut,lt fcllcrr
that tn a1l systolt t,hor. tr tbc rilrktlra of rstroororotr
rllurlptlon of thr rttrlbutcr of cnrtillng Ln rnoth.r.

thr tndotrrdnrctllty nrt D. rCltttrrlltlcl3D

wtltlagly, by rll trh. kbtntt rirltar - rsft Yioor;letl.G
Ihlr lc t\rrtba! oonfirald by ,rrtanrnllr ln blr lltliote
felgrt":nr, lio {rclarer tbat thr llluroly cruor tr nrltict
ta.l tpr urd br antrl but rn acturl r orcrtbn fol
tb. tlr brlnar rtloh tr Dt ao!.r.tn blr rl3bu rr rcll
or uarerl.S .

In conluston lt lrt bo ralit thet rntltrlrtr attr ;

tttFtt ll'ce l *)rt ntlsfrotosy eeeouat gf thr nrtun of
arrrr tn lllnrort gercrptloo; rs tt attrt?tr rn raaq$ta
.xplin.ttrnl b7 teltng lnto Nooountrll tha utatt. of tbr
pnobl.q {iotirr rll otbor th.ot'r.ot of r rlor tlt 6lt e
Pestld .rPlesrttoa.G

tihl tn br{.rf; t; lfsr;r}atlrr ttsrthot rd

rrfut,r[lon of otb6r tlrrorlar of lrtorr

€ltAPl{l - tll

Y5o'rtattrr tt.rt on Dottttton (Pratyrrshr) rd

vsrbrl totlmnt (irbrr) rod hlr hrnllllol of tb. ttttbLr
ruc! || tbe rtetur cf rrDrl trrttnlv or e'abtr rr I prnifQlt
tts rtrttra rtth otbG soutorr of brhdjl lto.l lrt fitr
br oonrldcrrdr Ar V*aotrrtt !n htt lhartli dorr mt 0nll
ln s!. dotrlls oa ell thr ;rer-oitl ody thr pmbha of tbo
lrloltoa betreen tlerlooptlon rnd rcrbrl toltlmnt tt otlttorUt
rrrnlnarl blll.

ilreltel tthr tlrr hath rdto rl ef t{trrrtrl rdrltr

of rlr Drrrr[rt or thr nrnr of obtetolag valtl hnrylrdtrr
tirt rnt (1) trnotlcn (Drrttdrhr)i (11) Infrrcool
(lrr6or)s (tlt) Colrrlron fU9rfnr)1 (lv) lrrbal tlltlDnt
(iirur or 'rjrrr)1 (r) rlrq3ltn (Althq9attl) rad (vl) llctrp

ootntltrn (enutalsbdhl)r

Prrcrptlcq.Grittol to Adratlrl tr o trrfar

rlrtob Stvo ur llorlolsc of, r;trlorf, thlalr thrtuah trilr
cootic!. It lr i.tttrd .t thf nnlqur oalrr (krrr?.) tt
dlrl [nrutrdSeo tbr lrerl ctlons clitltut. thc lanar]
It t. tttlotlt llrltrJ to thr phrnrrl prld.

taterocrl ta thr oglatoa ol tir lCrrttlq tr

F rtro e rpmtflc trnr of hnorlcllrr Il lr brrd tn th.

b3d Frd ol Frcoptloar Ig lr lros lnfrmntlrl roullll
thrt r. drrlt. tbr tnovhd3f of fl!. on th. htlll tboq!
re lo. tb.lrr ttt fllcr but onlt t*c; uirloh .ott ra I
rl3n of flro. thor Inf.tralr tr I Pntoarc of clrlrtnl rt
t"ntb Dt bt 6tr|ot oDtctttltor btt bt ner ol th. ttor'
lodtr of ttdDtf ot I qolt rcrl rolrtlon bltrma tuo thlnat.
It ny nc deflncd lr . rfoat of knorldt. gbroutl r|rlaD

n drrtrr tbr klonl.ilar ol om terr of r rcktlcn tilal

h mt prrorttil tbm|rab thr lmvlrtlSr of thl oth.r tcr
rttoh 1r D.!ortt'r.! rnl fu arEllcltlt |rd6rltos6 el tn'
rsrtrblt rirlrt]t to ut. flrrt trrr.l(r) firrcrrl tlnrl
onlt t1rMr ladllcrt rad rrdlrtr lnrrldlSe. In ttrr rtrr

ol tho rdtrtttnr lnf.t laf too l! llrtt.d to tblr lt.E-

marl rrld.

brlcat ol qr t'.r!r atvrl ta bovldjl of

rbllarltt br3vorn tllaErr Adrsttr rdatts sp.rrn la

tn tn{epradcnt lilnt ol Yaltd kntrledsfo lt ttrtallablt

trarltDatat lttrlrptlilb I'ol lortrnotl tho hrlrd3r

th:,t rthr oor lt rtk Satryar b tbr rogult e1 ap3g'|(b)

Vrrbal t..tlDnt or drXr 1r tbe nrlf tc tbt

lnovlritio of the lbrolntr Ecrtltt (Ylz., sntrren)1 lbtcb

It k brlc43c derilci flol thr luth(F :
lr trrnndrntrls
(tprunrrbrTr) Y.d..l(o) tt t. :
tltt ot ttr. lrgcrunrl
rlx t tni dntt. It rtrdr lor thr .uthotltt ol ttl
Ydrr rnd the 0panlchellr rtr lah (tAeA rroord of li 't eoounl
to ttrr rlndr of roetrl ujer rrrd relatl ln thc btootr ot
l[teale oonsonttatlonr It tr rtcrnrl drdoa. Aoaordlt||
to tho ,rcratttn, dnrtl tr th. alttmt .nil tht lnly rl,ol
ol lnorlnj tha ulgllrte rollltt as lt tr ctoralle lry*ronrl
rrd tnfalrlblor fhr cther tiuret of lnorlctgl r1l lt
oalt Frccpturl ead on|?turl kmvlritar

Itttrpt,toa ol ArahStrttl llm rl thr nroaltr

tlqttg of ts rcrlr{ly oon?ndlotoqt faotrq by rrlll{
ror.tblnl nbtoh erplrtnd both. It rrt ttnt !. dqrorllel
ar thr pottul.ttm of vtrat crplatnr throntb tho kncdodl'
of rirt tr to br uplrtnec.l(d) lor laltaao; lrro thr
rtrtrln!1 rDc?r{lrttr ll rlho |t}t tpt D!€tont !n thr
bouccl thfm rn.:it to b6 rn rtP.lrst aotltndictl.a bctrrao
ip fcctr bctc ?tr.s lDrvedrttr lt rllnr rad r(lt.) k rpt

Dro!.nt la thr bo[tarr thlr bar to br eoeountrd forr

and tt oin b rccouotd for tnlt by Pnructng thr! br nrt
br tr.tlnt ln tl| DLa. cutltlr btf boutft lh;'t lrl lt
1g to be Dtaturd that hc lr grrlent rbrf,llft

Pmmtton ll rf tp llttdl - Dr*srtblfttt -

tlarrlltlon lton rirt le rroa rcl rrt-artbiDritt - t!'r!ur'

tloo t$or Stt 1r bluldr
foaropttfo! ct lryrtrl&!, La tlr nlr
thrroua! rdrtoh n 6ra to soqrh traovlelgo rDclt tbr
astr-jltstentr It 1l tbe unlpr a$trr ot thr horhljt
of rroFrrki.ss6.l(r) It carblcr u! to lrrr thr non-
rrlrtgrar of r Dertloulu co3nlSlcn. lot lotte8og
tbo rbrcrrcc ot r Jar rordt.rcr It lr qulte obrlor
tbat lt oatuxrt bc thr lranr to tsnov Brahua tn truoh et
Brrhr8o ts the or*rcrlglsnt lrelltt. It h rn lilhprolrnt
roul'lt of tha laortct3| of oon arttt|lll}

9nfqrr c! lrarit of brbdjr recor{lng to
Viorrtrtl rtrr llintotts rr tn btr vkvl rr lor rll tdnttlnlq
tn'bn rloc tr rmtrr rll rlr otber then Errirl lclna
. lltuecra. Pntrml ln ttrle saafa rrrt Ft rbsolutrlt lrrL
Il,or tioa dpui ituti rtlo! tr rrjar{d rr tbr ultltut.
rrror (rnttr pralana) to lEh.rtsrcrllretloa? Viclrpatlrr
loruor fu that, tt too lr ll|lrort ta lberactrrr A.ri tliLa

t.ttln ot qursttoor lelce tbolr brrdrr (t) lf dnttl $tci

lr tofrtdad er an lndlrponlabh llanl fo! kncriq ttrr

E roelttye la llllroryr hou a.n lt ronrl th. l..l to urt

ilor tin lt ralbb ur iotncrr thr mrlllt? lrrn tf lt
aln *rh. ur tnor tbr rcrlltyr hrr can thrt bl n:rlr tbrt
ltnlf Drfnf ltll'|rf Ia tlrt tlL tin lt D. @til.|
to trll lrr .nythtag rboilt the ultlrrtr Erelltt or tlt
Abmlutr? (tt) Vrlld brladjo 1l nrllt lbc dct'rat'
aatlon of tnrtb. [or crn thc rrm of kmvtad|l uhtob

rn ln.ttultr tbotetor h:iYe for thell locnr tb't tr

lhrrrtcrlnd bt arrrholo? tbrt tr to my1 rnnr of

tmrlrdar or{not fllll r locur tn Srt lr tb&tsaterlro'
bt ailotrurrl lln rfrccarlli"
tbrtr Ervledto (vlrlfi)
lr opDoarrl to amehnor (rrldy5). fnrr ot uot'd

tlnohln3r lr to t.rob rfut tr brnrflolel to llDr tht.

brtnl oD:cri tg orrotlncrl irsrxrt brrr tofrrarot to Sat
t| abtrtt.rtrrd by nrral.ncor (ltr) tr tt tot tru' tbrt
to .oottt th. rttr tbat rorlgturc le llt[totyt l' to tl'u

It rt aoFruthorltatlvo rnl holg to t.Jrot tt torthtlth

lr r nant of iirahlan rellratloa? If, Advrlta t rl tcJ'st

Crutt rs tllurcr?t bor oan lt olrlr ltrclf to br ra

ortbrlu' (YrlcttEr) ttltor?

tber qurstloal tlrou8h rtpxr to :rr forrtlrblrl

rt &tt r.rtlt ro la thr optalon of YaoarFtl' Io trL

rp 3hr ftrct grtrttror t DtrrNr rrt b' lllurortr trt'

tg oeE rrcrrll nyr f5orr;tls riat 1r ru\ rr fot loltr'nct

dlorr objrolrr tbot rti oartrlaly lllrrort e! ti" lft

rcblrteit bt ntlnt lttvlrclj} tct rbnrl tb" trocr'

atf.cB *lch rr rnl? tL roDFftrrlr rlttd lr tlblrf
tloduorr t o1 forrtr trlr n aa6 tbrt tba caure tr unnr\
but thc rffrctr ata teel. In r ltkr l$!r!r rcrlptnn
!i?oq;lt lllurory to obrtaotttr cea crrtalalt rrvml tbc trrlr
lhrrr 1r oothtnt ropulnrn! rc3et{jtt3 tltlt autDctttla. lbul
rlet tr lllusolt clo alt rl ntrt lr rcrl.

fba footrrt obJaotlo! tn tha oplatoa of lic:rrpatll

h no oDJootlcl rt all' $o rnrnrt tbr obJectloo bt trtlnt
tbat Slrr f\nrottootnt ol thr n.ar ot valtil tn*lclgl lr lr
tntrlllglirlol lf onc ta ilrrolrt of thr sao.tt of tlf ral
llnr ln tbr borlys rontc! ctcrp rtrlch rra thc tllllt ot
rrtdy63 thr lntsbhl eternal lntollttoat mll vhtoh tr
lnorprblr of trrarfonattons cartut bc lcttvr of ttralfr
It tr tlc lnSorrrel etlan that nrfiotlonr rtrd no!.t itrenp

rtrlch 1r (totold of rll rotlvlty.l tb.rctlt'l bt thf ttt9rF

lrgorltlcn of thc nrult! of tatcllrct rto rlrtob ur rotlvrt

thr rclf b.coret rstlvc rnd th. funotlonlnc of Plri0ir

broola DorrtDh. Ard vtthrut thtlr funatlontngp tb*r
iltd bs m flpldoll usagt tbrd^rrr thy oent
ftrnotton rithtut *rotloll rrxl control ll rnt iclslbb
.ro.pt bt r loCt on *t:3h !h. nrtur. ol thr df tr
srrperfiporrd.' fhrt ltq to bo I la{nt ll to br rn rSrnt

la torP.at of knovl.Ct.. tnd ttttt oonrl*r la tattlrttlq


rll orurel cadlttonr ot tb. furlDtlttf ot trLa3r
trc.r Pr lprt or tbc trlld anr of knrvlad3cr tbr

uaettacho<t lndtfforrnt (udfmear) relfl craoot be e

tocnll lo tht $ranaa of n?lrtsorltlrnr lifr. tlltt'

tr no horrrrbtl th. taor of trnledgr (Pnn?rrl ora-

not ttaotltn.{ thur ltorrpatl ccnolurlrt ttrat rear ol
vetti brleit3. hrto !.fa!.ra to aucllnor.S

lblr rooorrtl4 to Frlrratl llfati l' tlr Drrlr

rf rlt rQlrlor.l rmrarcgr rai rplrtclolc.Tr lb rac.'

that thc Adtrltto oolr?tton of Eerlttt rbrtrl tbl nry

fsqdatton of Qlll€rl tnovlcdp. Ia tbr otlotoa cf

Vlcargrttq rt for rll advetttllr Ittdtt 1r trot rr'

lamrrnEt tn thr orttnrry toltor Oo thc otbor brnd I

rll pbmrorf' borf.dar ts rlpll rt1lt6.

to trta rD gbc thlril qodllonr Utrn ltr tttlltta

ritr tlit ttrr rcrlptlr (irntl) too lr lllutott rbrt tr lt

thrt k nellt rant? Forr 1g lera tbrt gl' 'olt93ute lt

rbrclutslt unnrl llhr thr rrt tt lktflorr? tfoerDatt

rrtr r fhrr rlrl to thtr qsrrtloar tur c'utl 1r nel

rnd qonttnoos to bt lrsl onlt r Lrra rl Bnblanr tbr

ulttnt nrlltt lr rt lrrellrdr It turtr oot to b.
' lllurort rnly on tlrr onsrt of lrrinn knoYl,'dler b&t
aot trlos to 0laha:rn tacrlcdjtr It taon rr Enhre -
tncrldtr lt latultoill at toeol drutl rr r louror of
tnrulcdgr turnt out to br ltlngottr to I lmllltd rlf
3b.ta 1r !.lth.t todt lyr! trilt. thur tEorrtrtt lr rt
3bc Ylfl tbrt for rll pr',etlorl purlnror tbo Jntl rr
!.rl lld !t o'.n prodnc. r tld ksvldar of tba Frll
tt oanot otrlea to l'a ruthorlt,rltYl.t thtr vlov of
' lllrrFtt c.a b. treeril to $hrnbn. $httlt. It ot
tlrr oDlnbn Urt Jrutf 1r ralttt to onc rlbo tr l;n:raot
ol tbc ttuth of noa-iturlltt. to onc rto brr roeltrrl
thc truth of DD-dual,lttr tb. lrdu lrt rP 'nd.t. tiur

rcoordlr{ to Sheakrn Ylgh tho rcelll',tloa of tir mr

lurl nlltt tuoh tltstlncllrnl rr tbolf bctnra tbr
trqohcl rr*l thr taughtl th. torlEtulr rd ltr t.sohlnl
otore vaoltbl .,r rll th.sa sr. ituo to rvlatr.? Jrutl

!r of rugle tlortrr|.r tn th+rt lt lquilatcr thr

npttforlt {lffrrrmrr

!bur, t!.rr tr aothlnt qurct ;itout tbr porltba

cf Srqtf h lAntte ttClnt . lrahsa trlllgetlcne rcoorddlng

to tt k b.tonl rll tnnrn ilalor{ptlool brl:lni rfrdt enl

uotdrr lbacr nirtrtl t It uadnt'tcod ]ton thrtlr8b tbr iirtrer

. g l
!r rt trltlrlrll lirrt llt
only 6eltttrl (nfmrl
EtrLrrn. ttron r Dlrta gurttbn It br er!*lr l{btt
k ttrr rtaiu! of drutt tn lnrvtrg Brsbnn? fbet tol.
docr lt glry at r prnc4r? thr Artvrttlnr rnrnr ll
that Jrutl lr cnlt lnfrlrrltrrr It rttDl, leartrar
rr ot .n rtrFtlarfrrt factl It lloet lrot orertr tt,C
I! tntlr.tor riat tr othewtsr nrt kmlnr It hlatr
at the tarl Datetlvrtt .t thr ral cannct br rorttlnl,
dO|oftberlr tt ttr aft.ttl. rt.tr{ntr lt rbour tht
neal (lnlrrn) to ur thr purc tubJ+et, ultrtd rlth
rrat obJest. Ig t.rorr rtootftentlcu
rll rd dtrtlnottcrrt
rtloh rrc frlrolt tryarrrl on jflrbaa ira to rrlCrn.9
It purtrrtr to fhrr *rt thr recttty tt notby ltr
Itjrtive (rmtl . fnali.) ltbrdr lbl ftltbn ot 3'trr!t;
ta 3rrlr nfi, 1l Durrlt Djatlter 13 ruljrstr tbat br
cver ftar rnt lottt tbr .rt!.srloil rt h, tb.t rr.
rtlll rrDlolstcno rnil tbct cearut ba arp.ct{d to rptarr
th. lbrclott firttyr It dso lo.r tc Nulg.rt thrt Frttrl
truths rDp.rr rr tnilht ro lont r. tstb tr not latultd
ln ltt ontlnttr ltltbrl polntr to tbr ftttlltt of gll
poretbLr ilrla drtorlpttoer of tctlttt ln porltlw torur
E Thur thr tu.tton ot gntt k fstntlrltt [.artlr.. fb|t
tr:' 6
r'- tr-tlrry tht frlro cnd to afftra lhr tnr.r Io thr rt.r ot
frrrptt, n lrtlfr lr trlUt trteattcel rlttr Sr llar.D

lbr'?tr tolrttrr' (.ostlr raotir) rtiod of

Jruttl roootdtnt to VioarDrtl, brs thur thr bpcrtant
functlrnr lgl rt:(t) d.Dnrtratlag thr f,utlltty of
tblnltlog to by thr ulttrt. ttuth, (tl) rlelortretfuf
thc rflf.aotrlrrttlottoor ttrolr.d l,n tbr o.turf of tbrughtr
thrr tsdt!.otly rtre utnj thr lngortrinor aol v'iLut of
lrtultl)n or (rparrlshr Jitoa). Ihe erplrrnt b4cota
. llrc9lt oonvlnoad of ttr treacoradtntrl tlutb threuSb
tlrr rratural rnl rDoatencour dratrl by ,.inrtlo. lhur
eoaordtnj to ficargqtt, ;'rt tl ber r 3roet r.rr1o. to
!.od.t atd tht 1r tc drohr. tbe ell-ttn ?rutb thr!
truth trn olt br rl.o or lntullrdf but not unllerctoll
ln trlrr ol loglc o! rlaufnt.

[or1 tf sinrtl on thr ncritttrr ora rdrtrrloar

tr rrrcly nogstlvr ln ttr h9ort1 lt rry bc rrldl th.tbrt
tt rlll rpt lorr ttr ralltltyr fl{or lrtl tbr lJyalllol
for vallllty of drutt h gtabltrlrtl tlrrouab ltr on
nr3cttoe. tbr rdvrltla !r font of quatlnj Drrvlditbr4nr
rlltaliber tn nlvartrlrt"Atr (ltl ral,ldlty lr ost.bll$rC bt
Itr orn aalottrnr. Il rnrtl flrgt rrollbrr y'rlour qurlltlcr
to itlrhrrnl thr ulttrto nalltyl lt lr rnly to daqtr ln the
ad, rot ad Jltftl gurtlt7 to lt. dn*t ftrrt brlng ttlr
rn tnetnrcnt ot lnovtaj Srehleas rltnlnatcr dl rPcottl-
cattonr rnt Clrtlnctloil of Erobnrn rd rllllnatlr ltsalf
ln tho and. tburs ln tbr rnil irutl orrrcc to bo r'nrtl,
oori.f, to br r prirr!6flr lt tr'.nttr tt t'pt'ftrtd f;or
tho Astolollcal rtrnd potntl Jrutt thout! r t!|ragt tt
'rlthtrl tt erhr nr to rorllro Blahrarnby brlnj tto lhtr
tr thr p6rlt!.oa of Aitraltln Er to tho st"tr[ of S'rutt.
Ia lrrncl ,tiorr;rtt rcoaDtt tits tlrtr

irt rtJ,rn tltnen diutl lr' rr-rr

l ttrrtl.t rF.itlcn rtlob routd rllrellt rrtr

ln tblr oatert 1* trt tr thr !.lrtlon brtrrn jnrtt

rnd roasoo (trrla)? lsrrrFtl tr ot tbt crtrjorf,t vtru

tbrt traroa (tarle) lr not i lrrot of cstebllr\tn3 tb.
oltlrrtc tarllttr rr tt lt rt r PrtrS$. s'rutt or s'efar
tr tbr cnly prarngrll tUt oltabltrtrrr tho ttlttnt. tcrllttt
?1ro Blrbrut. tct tiorrSrtl 6orc not ladattrtlrrt. th. rola
of rrrton tn ttr orn ntr Stroo tleflattrlT blr r dollarnt
lolc to plry tn underrt:rndlna th. rcrlptunl trtth. It rctr
. lt ra rtrl to na|olt't to llrntr thc hruntlng doubtt of ntnde
Itr funotloo oootttt! l:r rxgollnj rnil oltrlaatlt4 untruthr
thlr {trnctton of rr}rton tr nrt hPtttaat lner*rb rr lt
l' r n...rrill aodtlloi ta! trlrlrt tto rdul rc.lltt.
Ilr nlo !n Attatta trl|r thr forr $icb rt b. |rglel!.l
:raCrr tbr tcolrnlosl trrrr $rrrane and ttearorr th. rl.ttt
eftcr truurr rooor{tnl to Adrrltal Dr.r torrr{r tha
nltratlqr of tb. noriurl !..ltty onlt bt ,rrelo3 bh.
rclf lbrou3b *tuntr bau! on r.lf,)o rhlcb rlr rt
<lhortrlarttot brtlao tba ralf en4l not-$lfr bstyaao
tha atfrnrt rnd mn-etornrt eto.e lbur Errtnl tbf nt
lo.roo trlre tbr |ltlrtnt to thr roalyttr ol tbo {rh-?fttrl
ot th. Srcrt 'ry&qrr Thc al'rotrc of t rron onrblu tbr
rlDlrrst to rfDr. tll| ltdtr€nt3 tooh rl doubtr ltool
rqrdlt5 thr DrFdurl netqrr of tbr trulh, tha drubt thrt
lho troa-dlrl trutb It ott br tha tk truth lrresilvrae).
It rmblcr tbr .rplrant tn lrnrlloittr{ tbr drep rootd
lrpr.'rl.rnr of thc aatsr. of ftsa113yoth.r thr! thr rn-
arrl. llarlt tr r eonrtant rafloott)n oo trutb. tlcaaorl
t frrr cf lrarcnlnf I ieg ltg funettra tn lonvlrrlaglhr
rrPltsnt tbat tbr tseohlag of ndntta eloac tr trucr 'IbBr
tha rrptllnt 1l aot srlld lDon to $rgoot ril.oo rrd to
trb trblngr on !r?. rutlbrlty. Cn thr rthrr brll{!, La la
a.ltad lpd tr lxllclel rrlron rhlotr tg ".rt ar^rntt.t
botb tc unlrrrtqoc l.noFdorl lnrtb erd to t|fe|!rr{ lt

rtrlnct rny Porrlblr rttrol anl ollnla. 8ver7 ldreltln

TL 't"+*. -,

tellril Srt ttrll tr m rbrolutr nrd to rlr th. tPts

durl truth rocaptrbli to rillelnr lhc llecoa tr rt
eltoarthcr I bentrbcll lrcr thr tlrtcrr

liorrrcr Yf3trtiSl 1r ne?cr tt!.| of |rtltu tbat

rc4qta lrs enty rn tntltrctr .od ncllir ra lndrptadcat rclt

tc pletr ttr mll tl orly to rtgtrln enl rubstrattrtr thr

rorlptutl trutht. It hr valul only nboa lt 1o.| tnt

aonfllot vltb $rutt. It olnnot b. !.altC.l rr ra eltcr'
nattvr to /rutl. Tc quoi. hlr rordrr 'Clllrtolnntto! bt

rrarcntng, not tn confllct' vlth rrrrbal tattlmntr rn'

lbptndcnt ther.on 1r cr,tlod rtflootlono !'eerontng tr

12 rn thlr t'4"
rlthcr prrrrrytton o! lntcranoa.*
tlorrprtl rlor{lnrtct tt'i3otr to Jtatl. tt le onlt 6

rtd to dnrtl. It ern Jurttft s'tltl Uut oront rplecr

or tllrDlect lt. ticerpetl tr ol thr lsald'd optnlcr till

thr t\rnotl)u of Cnrtl rDal t|rtoo crnnot b| tubttltutcd
for ral! otbc!. litr lorltlon vtth rtlrr{ to tbl troblo

br |rtlt thurr Ha noltht! undoFttlratd (lllr the

dogtettc rolt3lonlst) nor ovcroltlmt.t ro'lta (lllr thl

drrn hrtlonallltlc rctrools ln thr voltcrn lbouStrt)'

lc Glrrr larton ltt dul. tur irut'! ll eqDlrrotlonal mt

ln tbc trrtta tbat tt lr olpori to F ason but ln tbo

. rcBro tb"t lt trrn.ardr lrllroor llat lr to reyl ajlv3lBr

lorr tot tnrlet lpoo $atlrbfu{ rrloa tlca t&r ttilfib
but cnlt to tr$rcrntl tha ralltorlot rotlvltt af, nqrro.
tlcarFtt nrltt rdrltr tbr clrtoa of rrrrcn rr tar rr
r.xttrlt rqplrtonl rrr ooeoornad. Itr funotlon lr to

Judjc tbr truth ot rdetlonr ln qlrlcrl prcrcntrtllur

nnc tn hlr oplnton ghe Jlntlr crnot nr fporril to
trgortosl. ile lrtr tilt r thcusarrrttoliptultt rrrll;

a1a:rot oonrort . pot lnto r ototh.F 8ut ha !3rlrdr

ttr of tht rbortcollngr of nelon es fal sr trrnrcrrdratsl
ragtot! lli ooocnmrir nttonr rt dltcurllrc thtntt4l
wrtr {Plrloalty kncvlcd8f thrtutb tri,lon prccO.dr fror
talrtlotrr It rtolts wlth doubtc anC etlr
to rcletlons.
ln tGapttolgc rnit rhtrntr. gano. tt oannot rrrtn

uttonledr lt hrc tog to bc tranroc:rd.d tn rb.clut. rnd

tnn.osdfatrl knrvterlSc - thr A<tnlte ti-r.

lhurr ln tht rlff ol Yi-cal9ntl, rraroalaj

tnltonrnilcr! of inrtl lr quttr ulaltllc lors |l tbrt aat'

tbcrr pullt ba asthtoS tcft fcr rarsoo to thlnl rboto

If tbr bltrlrar (ttrtlrel) qrerrrl 1163 lh.rrrlvrr lr
tc thf caulo of tho rcrltll lt It Dtilt of lbotr titral'

adhcrca to I ctt r.lsontng (durf;/r terkc). Ptlra tcaroo

(Sushka tarte)l ln hls oplnlcn r.y r.aad 1n taforrl15

thet thrn nuct bi I o.llrl to thlr uotlil ht tt arng

Iiorrpetl potnts outl trll !f dtatbat thtl o:iuro lr rsnttent
or norFs€nlhnt.ll lbtorcr, hnorlrd le based on lrn rtrrontngp
lr trmarlurlr ln that thr ornclurloDr Ert.al on n !a rtattnlnj
oftftr ororr rrodr rith 'no rbth.r ac Sbrre lr ro llrtt to
rtltutag. lurthrt lt lr llroulSourl tt rrvtlr|r tn a olrch rl
hmor Srlr aeu,;ht t9 ln ttsrlfr lt.na. tha n orrtltt to tran.ocad
tt la tbr ulc of bl8hct ravoletlco ot lir tluth.

Onlv nnrrnart ?ul ,{rltl lr rnthrl'!t rtln

ilo* thr qucstlrn th.t !!;'!.g ur tn the fr,oc llt

tl lfc,rrFtl lr brnt co alpltetlllnt th! lubordlnatton oS
r...,,!o! to rctttt[trs rrtlt not blt phllrrlphy bror 10r'
oon*tslent lnncfsr st thg trtr phlllrophlo tptflt drtdr
rn lfr'dant rd orlttnat Pl.a. fir larton? tbr rarrrl
tr rflor. trrr fSc,tttrit 1lo.f tnt alrll tbr! sll rortpturl
tr au$rorttrBltcr to btrl only gurportful rcelpturre 1l
ruthorltatlrcr ijut ttor to drterlln. tha Dut?ort cf tho
rarlptusrt? Ubat yadsttrt tr th.rf to trll ur g[rt cnlt
ruoh rnd tusb tttlptutol t.rt lc ruthorl3attw anil not
thr otbf? Ia tbr sPlnlon ot liml9rtle ar for rll
tlralttnsl thrn lt.ot ltnkr ttrt dotrrrlr
r$r l*rtr
tba putpott of tha 6s31p!uteo Ttrt rrrr (t) lttc h.rDot
of thc lnttlrl ld thr s'Luittl3 trrtrltf (uDllter ani
rtr.r$tn)l tb.t dtmld b. ll Yl*rtr (riallr totlat
tn thr OprtreH enr! bmsnlrr (tl) lrlrtlttea (rbbfm)1
(ltt) ilrvrlty (rprirvrtnlt (tr) frutttltlrrl (9balr)t
(v) llorlflo*ttrn try oulojbtlo trrr8cr o! ccrxlrraetton bt
il.?rlstort Drtlrl.! (altbailr) rnl (rl) tntcllttlbllttt
ln tbe ltgbt of lorronln5 (ntrtr!tt). Sblrl rr. lbt
dctalrrlntng 6!tt.tlr of purprrtful mrlgturt rcl la hlr
optaton fbrpturllra (rdnttl) lr tho pur?olt of rll rcrtptst rD
t^aordtol to bl the rrntnj cf thr trtt l| L bc dot.rrlnGl
bt thr o{r|rtrrt rnrl tho prlrart .aorr ltrtt br prcfo'!nd to
th| llltod. the Vsdlo t. rt. rtl.b brrl mntsttc lTo*
raa rtnal rrd ruthorlt.tl'tirl th. t rLt s?ttoh rta Dra
nlo3tat all lot sc. Yllertnil porlttrrlt trtt tbrt tba
rrntlo of ster3loo r!c.e b7 thr ratlttut. It Dt t!:tt
ot tla Drlrrt latoatlc.lO tsrrr tt trr to br trct€d tb ?t
tbf rrpltartlta ol ltt.on 1r car of tbr rtir of drtclrtnlai
3bf Prrrport of ttrr rorlgtnrr' It Scuid rlr h mtrl tbat

tt ls ollt tbmugh tb. ttolottl ef rsroa t'brt tb. flpt

flro nrkr of <tctrnlalng tbr purport ot tb. tottttut.
brcora tntetllttbh. lrsfcs btr tlui r rtltal ph to glrt.
Oortrtntt thr inrtls Cc.t bt ldrnltlnBr tbr roh ol
tar$n ta ttl t. l.trt lt oalT vatntt rt .f.tat! oltF

rrtlrettna tfllotr la vtrr of ltr r.rlor rlrort rorla3rr

ltor n rrr frttil rlth r rlt'lil ploblal rr to thr
illattqr btil.o ar r trniqtr rtd PrrurDtlrnr
flor .Hstly ato thoy reteScrl? libloh h nre ltdrrntel?
Ibra thcrr erirat r'Onttict brtnrn tbatr tEr rhloh 1!

to br corcld.errl rc of lrcetor valscl thr problcr of llo

rrlatl.rn botrrrn the 3s altulas g?eilot rtlalflorooe ln
vlcr of th. trot that rartDtutr .ttd prtoaptton rc.r to
hl cDorcd to r.oh otbar tn tbat tlr lEttst rDpl'ttrnlf I

rorld ol ptulatttt rod {rllffmnq drerll tht ftott

of th. folrcrs rc€r{14 go Y6oirpetlt ar fbr rll l{lraltt:tl;

ls nca:dualtrr.l?

lioqspntt tt of tbt rtr lbat ln th. oontrxt of

aonttlst bctlcen torlptun lt|d giteogttaaf tb. folu *t

b. to bo lt
itcrrd rutbo?ltltlY. tbrn thc lettel nr thr
fonar btnt llDrurtdl.tlr (tslrronrt ot ntn-ruthcrr<t) tr
rbaolutrty fr|. flor lll defcrtrr coubgt rd rurploloal
rad hcno. rDsfut.Iy tall:, $prcne pcrooptlrn tr lhbh
to l$rrfrctl:n tn Strat lt itrprxtr loB t[! fuootltolna

of tho leaEc o!38nr of thr tnilltldtrrl Yhloh ttrruttpot'

dro.ltr aogll3cnocs llcblrratleo rd thr llil 5r

laeler|o., tho ll|urtan of Wo nor (rrlc[drr tbnrrlr)

tr Dlfor of tir otrtrttoa ot tbtrt$l rtd trtrllcgl
lrfrctr {r<l tlhornalorer 9troeptlon rt br trlrn or batnf
la1 ur ln thtr rforfr lurUrrlr slncr rer{ttunl rellilty
tr rlf-rlrrld by Ut. wrt feot of Itr ao!".tlna fnortdtt
tt 1r tndcp.nilrnt of rny oth.r tror of brlr<llr tn rrDrqt
of ltr rffrotl tla., ralli'knrrlrdgro tn thtr ranrf tctttturo
l! to br nterled .r of wrqia.tbmbla rqtb)ritt. It, prr{ulre
kn:yhl3r vltborc heylag .ry@)od; la ltr flrrr ltr
vall<ttt lr rlf rrtabllabrd (sYltrb-rldlb.)t lt 1r ltr oltr
orlt.rtoa. fbur Tfrerprtl rtl3.t that ln thr lontrxt ot
ooofltot b.tnoo ecrlpturr lt*l pt"Gtptl)nf th. forff thould
ba oonrlda!.tt rr bevtnS jrletcr ralltltyr$ rtnor lt tr
taitrpodcnt ta taataot of krorled3a lt 3rn.t.t...lt

tbr rutporttl of tDl fut.ttotltt ml tdorttt

of Dctc|ptton to tcllpturcs tl lt t Dtrg.ttd to atrce vlth
liorrgrtl. f,r Dlcr to rlr out r toa[tn orta for P*frottm.
Er rrguu tirt prlorpiud lncrtd3r lararlablt aorrl boto!.
bncvlait8a thrruSh rnt othat Lro! tuolr er lnfcrcncc rrd llQ
rortplnl laovlriljor Ia thlr ooo.lftt thf Prtorttt (Jdtbr-
trr) of Drrccotloa. Prlolptlon or gFrttrElhr lppt'h'n1! I
rorld of dttfastila rnrl glulrlttyr fraer Errr9tlci D.loa
ib. flrrl rd brclo rtut!. of lmrhdgr Qrrthr ttrraF.l
orolot bo laJ.ltctt tn frtour of rortpturrpfor to do rol fu
to rllou totlpturcr $loh tr not r J.?!hr grat'qhr to
ovcrrl,le Drrcepttolrr ttur ln hlr oglolcar torlptural
lnorkd8rr rr lt k ctpord to Dtlo.Dtlu otrould bt
oeclar{ rr tnrallrl o! tlsoretlr.ollo

V-orrlrtt prroodt to .n8tlt thtr log!t1rtr

qulltlon. Bc r3rrr rlth th. oDpoornt la rryttg tict
pctlcPtlto h tbr flltt n ns of knovlo4lo (Jrrthe '
prrrin)| ht ir rlcrr mt d?t the rltrjed olah of
thc oggonont that tt tr bellr rd foudeSlcnrf er lt
lr llrblr to rablatt.rn by e latt vslld haovlcd6cr
In fact tbr lrtt' vrltd kmvlf^8. lrtt oalt bt !utt-
lattnt rltnt tg flnt rf,flncd bt Ptr.tteklhr1 ar fot
larlrmrl nrcl..ttlter tlluston. llo lodt tho Jlrthr
pla-qe lrerq Dtelfel|brr affttu !ra!a .t rtlrot tn
tho flnt tartrocol bot tt tr of trlldr laaalroh rr tt

trtr rblatd bt ltrorl-fosnltlcn lrlrr. If tb. fo*ur

u.tr tDt o$lrt.itr tbr orlgtnetlan of thr lettlr lofnlttrar
uioro ett.aor tr tho subletlta cf tbo fotut Folil tbt ba
lntrlllglblc' In rugport of htr rlw Yionrptl q[ot r
tb. ruthorlty cf Purvr :{-lrarm iutrar qfbrro tbon lt tha
fillr,tlrnshtp of artlter rld tretrr1 tbo rarller tr nrlrq
rr 1n thr crt of th. rtcbfttt l rlte Onrrtt){?l lho.
* r l
& l
?r ;

rtat loru flrrt (trarr ttto.Pttca alflrrtaj dltfrrcnc.

rnd tlnldltt) It rrt vrltdl ar tt Srtr rubleted bt
Erabrarlmrledar (1..r ,jrutl). Rono. 9.forPttca telrt
b. tc0roirrl onr Only totlgtun rf,flrrlnl thr otraorr of
rll rrlltracr te lrlld. ttrlr k vtr'rt lr olhd'l;nrbrdr
ntitrrot thr pt{trolDle of rnbrcgueat tublatttn. tbrt t?hr
grtorltl or rdrt lr ot dQ.t$tl oo (1.e.1 tl'ttrlthr) la

r armna fot tt. betna rubteidr/tot lts brlnj nbtatiol

rmti.r lro$r ot lnevlcl3r - nDll t v'orrDrtt's sorlttulr

b thlr frortq $illd ocrtetalt a"elrldo Prloeptton ra'l

rt.hiv .t Ltatrtlt br'

A;rlit,tba dnoart of replrtortlg lt grrccpttol

trtrtt |.ttptrrtr *lt rrasr ti.q3 rorlpturr ltlrlf lr &pradrnt

on gonrpttotr rnd oot llcr lrrrr taarnra! er lf thr uordl

tnl lb.lr lanr.r .r. oot flltt Flortlrtr rcrltturrl

tnrkltr puld not tnlgltr ta oth* soilt tb. otltlnattotr

of rollpturel lrmrldlr rgLrrr tbc prlor D.tot.ottcn of

st{r |!d tbell tontlrr thur rortDtule k d'prnd'ot ea
gorrgtloo ln mrtrct of ltr orl3ta (utgottt)1 thoulb tt
tr lill.ndrnt tn lfrt .t rf thl laovkd3r tt f'rrrt'r
(Dnlltf,HtrtrhetY:t)o 81r. rollptrtr otgord to prrorptloa

drtrb eflllrt . slld of dtffcld.l llil tlBnllttr tt Yt

afrlC br drrlrred rr lnveltl or flgnratlYo - rrglrr tbr

llroa.L ot e.llortty ot Dctcottlil arart rrrlttlrr.S

F rtrlottt
rnl rorlpturo
Y-aoarjrtl tnlrntf
aD.sltr{ thrlr
thtr oDJoottca by rrtln*
Lr m ctporltpTqrtur.n
sr tho lettqr doof nrt urul
thc rptrlctl

yrltttty ol panrgtlrnl Ir elro:rtltrzot.lr ln thr oplnl,r

of lferrpr.gt, *vrn r thournnd rorlptuor Frllt anrDt
ornvatt . Dot tntc . cloth.6(r) co tho cthrr herd tt
6nulr tbr rEroluto r.Ualtt of Froogtlon. tbrt tr tt
rrtr ro"lptrF. ilo.r Dt rrt tbrt nbat k rrnla bt p.F
o.ptls lr oot tru.l lt oalt iltr tbst lt lf mt rbrotutrll
trr..l| 'Ilr ol tlqrqlttt of ulrtrlarr eblqh rrt
br utabllrbd oo 3bc brslr of grroeotba aGt ta tba
tr of YScrrptl bc rbrohttl tnlofrr rf trtcrptton tl|.lf
tr raly rrylrtcrlly vrlld. SrrhHaftlr th. orlt roroluto
rulltt rr drll.rr.rd ly thr {nrttr. lbur tforrtettl fror
th. rbrot[t. riatrd potnt ol tbr lirutlr *lo! lrrlrrr tbr
lealttt .! norFdurlr qrttlra* th. trroltl of tbr ttttil
rtrloh rdvreatr dtflrrenoel tni rcJretr thcr l| tflf-€oottir
tllctar17 rnd abrur{.

' lw, tt t'ba r{il'aerlr ol t,tt .i.tlo"lty ot t nt.Fttal

rlt!a!, tbst tbc tcrlpturel koo*ladt. tlrruDlot.t the pllor
tat".ttloo of uordll tt tr ro r ra[raot - trtr lirrrDatlr

f'lr" ttr. otta loal tbrlr rnror r'l lut arDtltorl ad rll
tbat tr Brquhttd for thr orlllaottoa of rortpturcl EF
lrtltrr lc thc .rttt.il. of, tho eqtrloal vor{r rad lbrtl
tooirrl lot thtlt rbnlutc rrltttr lgr lactiBs.r thr
qnelltiu of lbort rrd lclgl do nt lrrtly b.loot tc
lctt.trl s'tbrl tbrt brlooS oolt to rord (dhvnat).

3nt rr b.tot tutttl?otaal on l.ttatr tbtt cslto tr[

lpprohenrl.rnr rlret lr o.rard bt thar 1r trulp not drlurllrr
?for.rpetl att r tilo rot{r - ri{e;rr .66 rili3rr ar r ctta
ln polnt. riearr lc.rnr Strlr tlplealrlt-lrrmnr lloght.
Ibet prultr lror tblr Ctftrrlnso 1r Y'rll:t for rll preailo'll
tut?or.t tbcugb tbr orll thtalv'rt rr Qrrt4orC
folrr of tottttntl. thr rcudr erd lhclr ltar'l odt rntfctt

rorothlng Sttch le rlrrdy thorr (1.r.1 tn:rkdjre rhtob tr

rllrrrl). lhlr nanl that tbr sotdt th.'rlt"

thr prlcr trorlrrllr (scrtpuinll rntt tbrt thr ror{r rtd tbltr
hovlrdtr (tor laodrd3r
routds rtrr mt ooaral uttb rorlpturel
rcoodlnS to fefrnt. !.rn. thtt). In thtr ttotfl tbr vordr

rd rentet brro lrlur tDt ln thalal".t but only ln mntfr|t-

la3 lrurlr;t3l. thr thr uoldt hrr. r llnrottonel rafur enl

tt lr nrtttc io lnsllt upon tbrll rtrolstr rrlrtraot -

.!|tr.r llruDrtt.S
ritlrf arcodtoa to YForrtr0lr t lratllar lrf
!o t|rlu rDrrt f$ol thr !.lf'lullttoul relf'*ratfrrtla.
oonrolournesr (Jrutl). I! l'! tltrltt drPrdrnt ol
r6r1pt[ta shlch tr tbr ulttr'lte f,rutto. of Srrbrra -
lnorl,rrljro Jrutt tt thut th. lojlcsl trtul rcl trr'

rQodtloo of Drtar9tba.

, litarFtt furtbc! |rlsor thlt tbr rrdttorr

trniol b <trslnrd to br fl3uratlvl rl dontdcd bt tb'
silrooetr of tbr ruDcrlorltt of Dsra?ttol taargb r! th'
por?ott of dnrtt tr lrgctrdlt rrpltrllerCrl to rtrrnttbrn
htr cLlrdl Y{snrDatt gotot tha uSbottty of dcbrsa $nrlnr
rtbr rornlna of r prt lo ro lnf unotl|' ttrtat'ntr ottxtt

bf oth.t tlrrn ltt Drlr'rt oaqirf rd rlro r trrlr ftol

tratre fdrtltar llbr ngrrlorttt of thc lrtal o?et th'

a.rlt.t 1| ooglrrdr trlr tbllr cotnittonr rrl'. mt rt

rctgncellt lqndrntr.S

ttlr lrrbrrnl thr nltlmtr rolltTs ttllch tr

DFalul arllbt be rlQll dtrrllsd otr tb' Sround tir!

tt tf Dt tslD|.f.d bl plooltton Jld othct p1*nlagrl

atoo. of the tw1 dntl alrnr te foqodtsttoul rnl tsnF

. luls tbe littct bctag *lal rnd rloprnlrntt lrtntalnr

Yfo,rtrtt. ihlc be rndottls tln vtrr of llrq{rne th't ti'

rothorttt of irutf abcr rtll tEU lol rio lbro 'rttet

r ooontot b.waaa inrtl enrt puoeptlon'' tt tt 'tv"t

t.roo lrbr tnorlod.rof Jnrtt tb.rt tbr 'rlttllty of gcroogtlon

ls to b. Jujtoil |ld Ft tloc !.tlr. Siutt thur ts thr bod

roat of rll t ltntlo r|rtonlnge tttd tt 1' thr o't'3orterl

rtau of adrnrtta vod,Tntal tb;t ilralrreal thr ultlntr rc*113y

oro br r.lt'd only thmutn irutt rd Dt thrastb rnt othct


Dri PrrmotrEn r..! lr rolri " dr ffulli"?

sGltt thr qu6stlon rt ba rrlrrtr Dorr tlroeptloil

llallt ootnls. rltffcrrnor? llrg{ane rotlr to ebor tb"t

oognllr {ltf"oo€' thoreDt
Darocilsloa rtcee rn3 rrlly
rurttlnS at ntht thr rltrjei crlttolrr tbst !lts' th'Fr
Dorqrptten 1r thr flrrt not of lrrvledtrl tbr fortpturl

to tlrqf+n ih.tt G'snDr no !onfltat brtrr'n Percrpttcn
ral fsrlptutfl l! th. oontct of botb It th' t'n ttr.'
non durllsl.

th. rllo rllJFt putfower{ by trpfraa !t -tl

il.r! not oaatrr clfferoncrl ln r ntrhdle

tbrt Drn.ptlcn
Pcrorttlrn 'lo.l lD! co|nlre ' ltffcrenor; on Ul'
le tbltr
ottrrl bendl tt rrpt*.d. rn onttlttaa.nthi.d .a
tadoErrrlnab bcltl unurool"torl rltb nerl rd nlnttoar
(nlptdsehr rroitra)r It, ootn!'ret olJrotr .a t!.
|rtlt.ncl (rnttE). lbct arr norF'11ffr!.nt fDor on
aftrtberr Pcncptlra ln thtr rcntc It elv;ryr ll thr
onl rcrl lrld hco thctr o.&t br raf confl'lot rt
all betvron pereeptlon rn.l lcrlDturrl r! tortptata
elro ber tha fur nco-durl 11port.3t ht tttffrrernll
|ryr {eqilenar ooDs to bo ruprrtry,rrctl rn lt bt latcr
thouSht. tt|. 6lgottton of llffemDloe ln lbl o91nbn
of tlttrnr ls rn lllurlon duo to avtrtyi.Sl

ttrr lralrn brrr rlrr r dlttinotlan Dftroo

ldrtrrrlnrtt D.tc?ttrn (nlrtltcltrtr

Dr.rttababr) anl
tha d.trHrlnitr Flc.Ptton (r rvttrlprlr plrttlthr)r

If tbr forur rmds the ,rbJ6at sa Itnr rcllslcnocl

(or bclq), dotcl't of rll Gbrrnotcllrtlorr tbo lrttrt
rrt.rlr th. obJeot rtth r11 ltr ebrnotarl"tlor.
Detrlalneto sr8nltlon afstrtnty dorr ogntrc dllflnor

but tt 1r etnyr pcrrrlrd by lrrtlSrrrlnatr Prroalthn'

In othrr Frafr llfff.noa lr r rletlrc notl)n es ltl

ootnitloo h drgrnlent q)- tho knoulctgc of lt! tub-

rtrrtr (1c.1 tbr u4ltf.rntlrtctl rnd lnlctrnlnato bltr[)'

thur tihr oolr.ptlon of dlftrloaa ls not loglodlt

tntrlltftbl. ril llro lt lr lllueort. tirt 1r to rr1

<llffoloor or,olot br lrSrrord rr thl oontant of ttu

pcrceptton. lrncr iorolptlone tttlctly t9asllo8t Ct'f
not 68n1t. ltffcrsnoc rnd tbur tt ls rpt oppcrd to
rolttturc. )iradlrsc tt .ett th:t thr otb'l D!'i4rt
fall tc 1e3nlr dtfforonool rr $rrt rn rll 6'9"crtrt d

tirrrftt trt cloroly follorr tht! rltrrat

ol llrdenr tn latutlnt tltffrlrcce. At tb' oltrtl lt

rhrlld be golnted out tbrt thr lbhett'o on dtflct'no"

ec ford 1o BharttlrSS tr bt a rumrrtld ton ol

tlaa$rHrt rr3u.oatt rtrlnrt rllffurmcl dt rtprart to

bc thr anrll.tt tblnk t to r.tute dlffrnncr' th'

othar Doft-ijhraterlter llkr CltrulhT l Srlherrhl cto'1

Lr"a rtto tattted {tlffcts. ln thatr lcfkl'

ttp.leaerr rrjrnntr rSttntt dlft'f,'ac' rt nor

br Drllflt outltnd. I\agrtdln3 tht naturc ct tlffc'trt'

f,r$*ae rtttt tbnt tl tllff*uco? tl tt thl arturr of r

thtnS or lr lt aa .ttllbutr of 1!?3it 8l ntr tbr!

rltffrroaor oarllot bo rrrl rs lt osn br nitbcr ol th'

nrtqra cf thlngr tro! sn sttslbotr ef thel' If dttt"'oo'

S.,udllhrrr rnd thl ?r-abh6tlrrrs tlca of dlffelaoor -
thrrr rorltl bo ao thtnEr to br tltlfrnntl the tllurto!
of ahrll-cllrorr for llttasrl ttrcn rclltl not arl;or
fu*h.t lu tbag oa!r1 tbl ohJeot ad llto lo oalk'cl
dlff.ilrc. pdC lcoor tlDqtrour ud tlro rrpldcal
tta!$tnt lltr tlrr rFt tr ttffrtrntr rtll nluoc ltcrlf
to r trutolottr ("at. 'pct tr lotr)r lbul dlfffrlm
oarrrrt bo rc3,:rrilgl ag thr ltry n1t8tf of thtn8tr ttt
ll thr dtffcrcafi ftc:r rlyl tir olotb It th. t ft
neturc ofr thc Jltr thtntb. oloth ttsrlf tt to ba trl|a
ar tnrulvod ln thr netur. of tbr Jugr to tbat tlt t onn
br only J{ rnd mt ol rtho to roo.tt tbtt ll to l.a?t
nrn!{nll'| rnd hcnoc illffatotrc. fallr thlonth thut
lf dtft loooo bo of gh. lttlt of tbtattr tt rbdlfir

Oltrnilre rbo offrrr I ltdlrt rr|rcrn.

ir rtt tlt';t lf Clffcrenor l. qf tb. nrtur. at rn
o$cetr tbero strculC utet I oornlsto tlltr rrblab $a
objoot b !o br allffrrrnt!,tad. Brlt .t lt tr roorptrtl
bt tbr rdlooetr of {ttffa}soo tbet lt lr onr {th tho

obJcot Clffrnrctlag66 (I.o.1 the ootrol'rto) tbln uoul0

GrltLr?r lblob rrnr nar'durllgt.S

!lo! caa dlft ilcr tn thr vlrr of hilrarr bl

ratrt to Da r[ rttrlbo!. - thtr 1r th. Sdtltllr rni tbl

Itrlt rlrr rf dtfff!.irr - lbt tt tt rgf rn t|tltt$r
lt nt bf rrrdr tr ttrk r?ttlbot. rllffcl|nt frol tbc
rubrtlrtr ot rnt? lf tt rrr not Ctff,urntr thcn tlf
rttrlbutr rad thr sebrlrlta u-rcld boor[ llantloel
rad thlr r!;uront yf,Li rltlt lrll tn ltnr rtth Utc
ftlqt rltortratllr dtrourlrd rDovt. If th. rttttbuta L
dtffrtcot flor tlrr drtrnrl thaa rl vlll bc Lttt rltb
thrro unltrt (l) tic rubrtrato (tt) tbr rttrtbutr rtd
(lll) tbc lltffercnor of tbr rtttlbut f,rrr tbr lubsttattr
sov rf .l. xrtlellod to rrlr hor rrretlt tr thtr illffurul
rclrtad to thr RDrtr,rtr on tbr onr brnils rnil to thr atttt'
but. o[ tha othor? to rnrrrr tbl. |lastl)nr I|t rrc fot!.i
tg pllaDporr r r.crnd Gffrlcm. fgl! tt il1r bs arlrlr
Ihrt lr th. n{turs of reccnd dtffatoat Ir 1t dlffcroot
fru thf .!rrFt. lt dltf.t otletrg? tb. ra'U.t to thl'f
qtlstbn lcrrtr ltrrlf ln lnf,tnlte lrl'|rrr tbr fln*rl

ontoor. of tbir dleourrltn lt tb.t tba lDtltl of Ctffltrn

!,s ttrlf lotnt.llttlbtr.$ tttfttenGo tr tiul unleell

fl3lllloor rod rtcrFc:lstootr

In a3ls. YaoasDatt rorr tc tnkr thcqc s!|Faott

of l{eq{rar trt Srant.d rrd ttooa.dt to rrrfut ilftor.nl oo

th,:t bucllo rra l'al u rllffcrenol 1r aot thr.]un otrrtboard

la tctol ao Lat fiIorttrtl ortrDt buttd hll Hlrtcn of

aopCrlllr l.naa blr lrftHl rf nr.|lellil brllar uttb

tbr tnfirlrtlrn lf tba stta of Clffrnaocr f,o rrSler tbrl

onr tlorlrtltf of dltfrritrtl tr tnvrrlrbft brod up rlti

tbr! of ltn {tffrrontrr lbll nenr to rlt tlrt lhr oo|ntttta

tr dtffrrentrr tb,it ttt to tllt of dlffot|acr b'g!'B tF

lt to prilrrprt. ttla arl.Sfml of t*: thtnarr lht

lbrrr lr thr drtrrt ol nolDrrrl Oltrdenor' lirer,qtt

Dottrtr oute 1o ntstehrblr lrgrrlrr li't tb' ao|$'Pt ot

|lftrnrcr lr u:rtntelltstbl. rr|}| brarr lo.lc*lly rn|.&:bhr

rt tt but ra rtPrr.Ic. rftl not r trrltt '3'

lor fi|arpltt t8r| p tbr Snrk rf trfilto'

cttfrturFcr.roqltff.!.I| $tdifnraft ) rtlob t..-

to brt tbr lotld |rtoolt of lotrn .lratf 'od rtt'rluFr'

lrl.tlanaa stwllT tladrrr lr; r{!rr Blrc bbodibirdrvi?llat

thrrr la r ryatbell of t!' |o orlkd tltfftrenr esl

piltfferrnsr. Ibat n't ulsBt n3rrC both t{t'ntttt d

0tffrmr rl teal? llt rt '. looQt !o3b to br qurll'

ttlr d rrlu? In oth.FFtlr rrnlttt r€attllal to tbt'

rlrl $oclil ba rrld ts br bcth elftrn*r 'nt Fnillft"tnl

rto'' Slob rer npn'd1ff'!'nt tt|

r. for lnttroca blrcrktl
trtrrc lr iold rtril 'tff's|ot tn t'rt'ct ot
rilt ot of tbclr
ii"ltt trturt r| btroilrttr t Flnttl Gt$ftl! ltc.l tlrt tr1

rrcrrrltnt !r tibc tfcoiHer5ltaf dllfctao rnl fit'it

diftu.acor tlrouS! et9caal to l"oh otb'rr nilcrthtlttr llF

brsr la on.l lt ornnt be nt{ thrt lbrn o6n(ot bl thr

tllrlrolr ot tDa tro ta oa. rr tllr tr full lf lott'tt3'r

.a alrf.rc rlrlolr br.rr I rltn ar to tbe ttnth'rll ot

dlffrnmr rd noo-dlffatotrafgT Sb{h lsrrrDatt rurl

rrnttc|lr thr btrrd*bhrdr rrtltn by arll snlrnrndnl trlilprtltr

aon ntrlolr op1tr r lrirt tt 1r Hrtrnrr hllilbrlrvldr

tht 1r etltlot.c' rnil mfutrd bt titrrrrtlr

l-rrrrtrtl r rnrl nrn4lcarctllly rcnrtri*rre

snrl-lrbdrp ctltloltor lt ulth tmtr'tfltrt ttScus ll hlr

lbIrati. ttrilbbr{r' rhca rntfcct'i to ctltts|l 'Irllil'

tc ltrr-rlta ulf'ccntradlctbns' ltl lrtr bllr

tloa tt fold
tatolvod ln ruob I $tlse Er r|lrt nfrt
tba dlfflsnltl.!
tr tbtr dlob tr lelld dlf'-!'mr tb|t rirl{ .rlrt
rlth aonqlttfercno. ln ont plmr? It it D' reld to
dorl thtr t"tnlf lrlrt ol oott
br rrotDrscal ra:trtstracll
latu..n breorlct ral ioLl? lf Ftt tlerr b onomr! eloml

r! rtlffrronor If lt |orr .rl'i thrrc lt illff'ronoo

but mt non''{tlf1'fornrr liorsPrtlr ratr tbrt lhtr
If tb' tilriibboitaridln ar3nr
artttaoSa end nrnrortltan.ft
tirt r.ctrt rf lr Prtblrr tbra tbr nll lrxlt
non-rltfforrtta u mcb brtrn tt. htrr.Lrt ul rt
otntnif rt thtt .!a roqltfflmnt ln lrtp.ct of tbtl!
calra tlt.r loldr Strt lrr tbrt rerllt orpttffrrrlt?
tiorrFtl rryr ttat tlt t oiltrat bff tot la thrt crnl
br rto vaatl ra acFttlt lrtt br retlrfld rttfi tlr
br':oobtr If ell $fry3 rrr nrdtifrlldj tbrrc mll
Da ln$ dtrtlutloar Llb rfbtr 1r brrel lot lbrtr rtc. I

rtr to .il .ilt af lllr rllftlrulty rn0lrtrbftrl

bl| o{l .t.rltl Dotlt| thr $brdlbildr r.lla rrt lDfla thct tlr.

rrrrla lt tDn.{ltfotcntr oilt .a lrldl clt rr }!r|€lotl

bf.odpt lr crrtrtalt dlft '.nt fror rrf'lnil tblre tatrp

p!.3rtton feror m brttrtt for ta nplt licrrFil dt(tl

lf tb| bnorl.t tr oan-dlffrt o! fFo. jltil br ts tt tbet

aold {b.t not r.out tn rrratl. ato"? ld lt tt {s'r D3

rfou!1 bov lr tlro brscelct r!'dlff|!3nt ftor tou? tt

tbrn lool brtr'*ta a':t?'lql rd bmcdrtl

lr dllfrrrnool
'b.wt€o blPoal't rol
tbl thrrr r|t b. {ttr.trn. 3ol{
rko; rlctr Gtrbs d folrl rlo nrn''Jlffllrntr ld

Dt .tatr tt rt br rrldl la So nntr tb' flrrt iloil Dt snt

tbr rlondr hrl aold 1r ryftdrl trul r cllrtracr rrrrlnS

ott.l Dt rt9laboa.Li.
ll llr tb- c:n tr r"'ul for ttn

rtperttto[ rlrrrlnS !l Scldl? l-rrarFtl lrtt tlrt tD'r' 3'

(trfo1 tL utat at tL, rBr tnl latrlltlbbl ll thro

b! DFdttltlrnoFf['ll lfa]il.r 8br'fo!. lirertrtl

rrr.rtr tht ooa of srt tro (Lr.; dltf.?ail. rd rr.{tffir*m}

brr to bl rbuloaed. sl rdial llat 'tt tr on ttl' lrrk of '

$-dtttotcnor th.t tblro tl th. Eo.tttlt cf dttft!'afcl the

!.!.rrr la mt 3rual fal dltfrrrr. tr dldeat oB rbet

ar bt ltecllt lf tbore vrll oot onr (crch); tbcrr nald br
' ixr Clff.rlaot bcoaula tbrlr nlit Ul m locul!31 Bon'rltftenrilr

s th. etbal hlndr .IFt bc tbrm to }| it?'dt4t oa itffo?'n"

for ltt rrtstoncr, fotr thr rtPrrlnlcn of dtffcns' lo th'

,o!| rFt thlr ts 3btl. baq'&cd ol tir rTrrh.|tc rl thr

lu ao rrrl cl ear-tbtrt3 rlro Ul||rtrtr aotlri'rl fo? ib..'

t-rotur tt 1r rdrtratbh t'brt nly oa tbr Drrlr 'f FF

dlltcpnorr h tbrrc thr lortttaj of lnrlrtrnlmblr dttf.pns..t9

Ito ltlcagttlcnr hts attumnt bt qlogtot tho 'stholttt of th'

Ch.tdoltl lrrtr rollt It clrtt 1r tblr ltutr'

8berl ttorlh at 'ilD'tt;l|l tl r rt'inltrn; rttaerl

ocliltilttl.tcilr ll I lcatrrl $E{ttl lr tt lfflnr d

.. lllnlor thr tril t!|rth ln thr ril bt'rtb1 rd brncr !t tr

raotltlcall to sartt botb of tho lr tltl - Eolnt! o[t

lirrrtrtl. tL trl,f"rnt prtlon ahilr0 bdof tt... tuo;
rllfforwo rla uopdtffrrtilrr l|ttrt l| ur lurrntill
ln tbr llrr cf TSruprt!; m for rll lttrttllrl oaly ma.
dlffollro. k fUmrntrl rd fowdrtlcna! rfil iltff.to..
lr rrlatlnt lolrl.t er olffrrool rr rhrdt thwor lt
I rlrtdrnt .ntlttr tbtr 1r Vrorrtrtlrl nfltrtloa ol
d t ftrtrnoa rr nll rr illffrrraoo-otl-rdtftrlrootr

lbrr lirrrFtlr lU t tuttaa dltf.r.tr tllffrrrar

an Ddlftullnofl trcufr.r ill ettentloalrr rr.rntlrl
ter$la3 of ldrrltaq tlr.1 thr ldrnttty of tlht rlf rd
ilrl[ta' tb. rDlrr. rrellvr Hr tr nqt*r ttted ot tottttt|.
alt tLt tf Ctff.rracf 1r rcttord at elll lt lt b.*rr. et
rvttf or ryIaTorttlo.


Of,llFl$l r tl


tho conQtlen of stl3ur tr|hto tl lhr lat

rtlcttqrtablnS fr.:!upl of Aaralt:r tdnntar tiOarpetlrl

rrtorttton ot thc leln tirrlr of Lrrth a.nttoa toutlll

tb.i. Dohtfl (t) that lrrbrra tr the tfi olrrrolttr

tailtrtiurl rotf (J1ra)r (tt) t't t dtrb!'n or absrlnh 1r

dcrcld of rnt qu.lttt.t rod tltttlncttot vbrSrotltorl

thrt lt tt gula Starclouomtt attd door rt u:tdotSo rat

rb.ntr on raoo[l of or||llcnf tbat lrsbla tn ttr tt[r

nitutG la Prrlr (ftrlnnrnnr) mil b'ul 'Jnot D'

dotlf,sr ln Porlttrr tttat.

lo rlrboratr tLr potattl lcoltll| to Vi-rrlDrttr

rrrllty ittt.l rt bo trrrd 'lti't Brrhto ol

tia rltlrgf
Itul tr 6. .nl colt olf. lt ll latrpenlcntl 'lr r*

ldtoltt of, dl dlternlnatlcnlr It lr porr rr tt 1r ta$rrlrl

boCtl6tt ro't f!.a flor petn. l3 lt 't'ml1 rr lt hrr rp

rr !t tr CcrFtrl cf rltftclttilr ot tto9"tl" of dl:lt4cteF

rtlot alt of rll rtailr'l Ald b'arutt lt lr cicrnrl lt oan

of Erebra tn'ofrt r' rotloi
mt bf rr3ar{rd ar rn attllht'
rctlln 1r ttro oacre ct r ndtfloattoa ta ttr
- rlth thf Qnriqr|cneltlrt BreEa lottxr oo$'
la ttrr.?ttl rqlrr 'Il retlln rselttt la
rnctbot rnttttr tbr rotlcn o.onot Eloduaf lo rtd la
Errbrq ftr lnttrnaa rubbl4 r !lt!'ol orDt tlla

r 3rr glrr'f

lbrr YftsrDntl obJeotr to tb. tl'u tb''3

Brrtrrf uod.tlo.l rcdllloatlrn (prrtqfl. ilr rrtrr

If .3rrbr$ cblnaolf itoct lt obeage er r rbolc or ln

, Ftt? lf tt rhotat 8r a viehl bor crn tht' bo to

diltluttoo of ttr ortrtr? It lt ohinacr la De'tr

tr tbr D.!t .ltttrr.nt tlor tlrr rtrolr ol mndliferrnt?
If tt b dttfurnt th.!. a-rnt b. tltntfolrtton of

tbr orltlnrl for rtrn one thlag tt 'banltdt

r ittlfrrrnt thtnt tt rtm mt cbrrr|d rr that roold
roro I l!dn. .rloat!)a.t If lt bc !oFclff'!'!t th'n
tbr gtenttotnttoa rtt bo of thr 6olrr If thlr h

rrlrtttcrl, tha Srehrla b6oqbl tttFd'tl[l rl lt puld

ahrnfa vtth tbr rdllilbn of trealfonatlont rrnlrhln3

Qiltrtrlt et tbr rndr lt Brehra 1r tranelcltotrl'

It tr urbra|taj prnrnt rrut Deycnd tbe ortrSort of

3tt. tlnrr prrtlll la tbr crrr of Brrhn l! rnt

f,t doo bt Ddor. rnttblntr tbcn thr
qudtton of ltt btoodng flnltc or tlr.el or othft tbr!

tul or b*oorlnt ranyr doet not rrlr lt all' oaly r


tlln3 tlri k rr|r olt ot prrtr arl bcorr rnttlqr
$lnoc Brrbn tr rlheada (Prrtlorr)r tt rest ttttatlt
treorr rn*hin&. 9o rko tt thoul{l br trld tbet nrthln|
oorr or! of $rctrnn ee lt tr e bep3rmrl. lrrrr l|o!a'

orel proCuottrn tnlollrcr chrngt 6ut Frlblrn ta ttr

.r.rtro. b Drpnd rll chrnal rnil |lce[Itttr It 1r tb'
rtlnosr of ell trltae sdlfhetlons. $o lt ootrt b.

tet0 thlt Brahtl biooL! Itvaral nrld or Jtre but onlT

rpp..rtf af alal due fo erldTr, ar lf lt hir Eocom tb'
Jll r rtc.1{ Jlva fu not thr uitflcutloa (vtfirrl
of Srdaeol t|,t It tt tttlfetcat lror Brrhn. It tt llr

mrr grrhlra rttb ln<tcrcrlbebl. lu[ott.l(t] ,tra*, ta

Ercbr.l tr lnllaltrq lt la clrounl to rlgn fol any 'rton'rlon

of Srebraar tb!| tb.ta !a[ br m flrtl.l aticollon tr tlrr

lnfinlta rr b boua{art ltar ftrtr ln thr tnflnltrr ad

lr glrhrrs tr tof!'nlte1 tt nrt ba sa rod ontt onrf tot

tlara arlmt ba Euo lnftnlt.|' ttara tn Sbrt car ona vlulO
ttllt tlta oth.r. It It rbtohtrlt rLf'lcrntlolL Vf,oaet*tt

conclu<lrr tbrt Bnbrrn 1r 6cvotd of rlt tinlt of Ctffe*nilt

rll tr t!tro cnty thrrugi th. dr*l. Ad ootrt'?le0ton

crmt ocour !n th. ors. of 6rrha rt rxrtlrrtlrtlcn dopra'l

on th. orterrlbhnnt of clffrroacr of tbf ooatQlrtedl tlr

oontrplatlor larl tbr ooatQlntot ato.t

tbnr ?Ioartstl rtrtotr that tDr d*ltf rlrfr
of ontt thr .tttthtdrrg (al4upr 3nbra) t hao tt rrtra
lrablln b rttbott tfrftlr touohr oolour rd lr lnttnlt !
tbr trantdrntal Brrbrro ta dcttld of dl d.tctolnrttrnt.'
It tr rtrrnllt lrer fton baitnBo. Yh.n r Jlra h Ltbentcl
It rnltarr ltr on gurtty $lch l| nothf'|lblt Erah..!.
In ttr mlaicor lt la il+rot0 ot blrthr ollrSr rnll dnthr
gut 13 rtDarn to br band b.arut. of rvtdyi'? tbur
l-eerlrt! ttt.sgt that Atrrn ot llrbra lt thr only
rntclogtsal rlrttty of all phttorarl rtptilr-)crr. tltl
rtgar!'ua. of thr rcrld lal rrylrtcel !.l''ltf err dur to
tbr b.ltantnglrr a.st.noa.t Errbnn tl df'Lurtrtrr
Itlbl of aaarclttsat. It rhlnel by lt"rrlf rd rolr m
rttrtil. lltht to tlturlm lt. Infrot therc 1r m oSho?
lfuht othrr thea ttnlf. It lt lcttld of all ttrltltt.
r0J$nqtto- It lr ttre jf,trhla ol ltr orn llltterl forrl

tbr lfrr.D

llrrthotf ln tht vlcr ol tioarlrtte Brcbarap tbe

rltlrt rcrlltt It EtLaD|a rnd unkacYtblar It tr qnllmbb

rt lt 1r purr glrtglaf rnd purr orlrtrom do.t not rillt

ot a irocdl prtnctpb to lrmv ttr It tr rclf'llrtrrr
tnl rolf-tllCatlng oanroloslarrl trf k urtrn al ra

obJcot of rnt karrlrltrr ftr b fndr 8silhll'n fu tl

doltrlt slrinn. Y.otrgall ln rrrt rrPietlc ln rrtln'

th,,t thols GaEDt bc rnt tort of rdrl r'dtfltatiln ta

r.qulret ao nroh Dallflgatlcn for ltr rcvolettoa'll
arnnot bl hrltt that lt ta cttbcr en ohJsot to ltt'lt
or to r ilond prtnelgll of oontqtou6n'rt or an|n lt cn
ret ol Hlclcmtrrrl rr rll tb't' 3o ej tnrt tlrt
put' c{r|t'totF
i aat.ntlat nnturo of, srshuao Yrttoh lt rtaplt
It lr knrvl'rC'r ttlcli fhsr
nrrr (duc'lhr Caltrn;e).
laorebtllty tt be t.lcn to br thc lrr't otpltltte of rllr

lultmrltt of :inhrrlr

Botctft to trf thnt trabere tt frfin,rj ur

do.r not roJr llll l'r'rtr/tionr;rti'"lt rdr
rot lhoulb smi[l srDt ]' LIDIi
ug ln rgturtlolilr
lt ola b' Issa 1! r treoirtt
or rn obJ.ot of brlcrfuri
bt tho tnB$ttn tilulcdt' gmduortl tt tbr !cct'
tatttDntr bt r rodr of tng'snrl oslra ldlolt
d.ltrttr arlCfi std ltr offlot - rra$'r fSrutatl'11(r)
I.r.1 lt lr oalt tba Bt'bro lr rtrool'tel rttb

tbrt tr lfdilil||Trtnonbler thr' Etrha tr

laonblr lo r rconilsrt $Eto'
tll rtff tbt 13 lf orrt Strilrl rr rrloot*tel
rttb ntrl tttlf;lcetlon (ui$l3r t'.lr)1 tbrt t! tb.
obJoot ot ctnrrloolnur ll lot f!.r ttor tlltltculttorr
tlc Nltfloullt h tbta. If 8lrbro rr rucdetrd rltb I
rdrtrl ttrta b. tbt obJ+ot of .(tnralo[llflre tblr karF

l.lta obtlourlt crnot srDvi our lSrsrrnol of srolual

. larrntl rr thlf lgrlorrnr lllt bxlc; Llkrrlrr tot ltt

ob.lootr uprhltr Srlrbr or BrrI af .ttcclat d tltt

naflGaa. If ro1 th obJ.lt o! nclcllncet tt rlwl6
ba |rldr lr clffftctrt frol that of gh. orr|tDdtq

* lmrlrtaP.

lo$]trrr ln tbl vlr cl rrl-rnrdrl lirr4rtlrr

oor:drtotq t[tr tr m dtfftoulSt rt elL Bo nurr

(ttirrbro.ttr or rrlcablnnrtn) rnit lrrolrttoa (lfhl-

trtttr). Ibr rllffrrente bttrtao Itjlttrlr rd r tllJrrheaet

lf thtrl tbdbt ot .i[unct 1r tb:t rfittl niw! ealrlr tnto

3br Ll!| ot.u}e obJeotl tt only rtlffrlrntl'rtslt fF r otb"lr
ttt r,1 atrcohr{ttr ot vlcrrirar oa tbf otbf hrndl ontalf

tnto lbr Ltt balaS of .! obJ.ot st l,ito tt 1l ra r?aooh"

lrfr rd rllrSlnlutsh.r th. oUG't frtor otbctrol| lht

3r'hrrn t| Hc bt r trtttt
aaoaFltat to lac*spatil irrercr
It tt oalt rtrlltr Sttbrln .d rflil 9rll Brrbrtr

2 6 40 9 8
, Bnt PEtishttlrn l| of, lhr yl.v tb.t Dusr
Brtirlne cea b, ra obJrct qf rrrotrl rtlftertloa.
IIo rrtu.r th t pulr Snha rhtul{ br rfflrrrrt er
. so obJrat of natrl ndlnoatlcn la ordar th,rt cilckncr
rttoh tt tn itllraa tr to br ol3!t{d.b

furtbtl rocrrrtlng to ltrrrpett B!.bn& thf
rlllrrtr nrllty k rcdo (nbpreprHln)1 rr mthtnt,
oot ltro ooiltl erglrrattoa oao .!b.[rt lt. 8or to
ubrtrlt lt 1r to ltrlt ltl t]ot lt brlq toflattr (rnenthr)p
a.n n,:tcr br lloltsd brt lt sfrcuio ortrf to De lnltnlttr
It tt|naadr thr crtrjrrl.! of thr dulrablot enrl tho
unCrrttablrr.ll It .rmci b. c.ttnd tn tonr ol
crtrjcrlrrt to! tbcn t! oothtnl brtdr tt, trglaaatton
rnd dcrcrlgtlral rtrlctl,y rgrallat do not apply to Brehoan
rr tblrr prfrutporo to|ethtnt othot th.n drrlrn la to!|a
of lbtcbs lltlbtlrl r|t ba dorollbtdr itut rcoot{lng to
Advrttee tierr lt notlrin; othrr tirn drahnra. It k ratr
rrlrttcnrl. It 1r frr fma rll lntorrrl rd ertcrnrl
. rahgtcnrr It hu so tntogrrl alt;ller rltffrrrncrr. It )
hrr F lntrmrl trrl.tt ('rtlrtr Dbrdtr). Ont cro thtnl
of thr rlrllonrll onlt ul3b rafcr.m! to I ncena thlaa.
Nlt rcror{ln3 L ailvatt" tltr.l" D taood to Etlirl'
it tr'ltrrrer{vltotr' (onr vlthout r rcrd)ll lt h
rerpr'|ltl to pu! lt ln tbr ror{r of oanrtaDldrr lt lr
unrff$t.d (mrnn) rnd rbof (brrlrlr rbon !r orthtta

otb.! th.n tt rtgh'ritob lt rrl br relrtrd loc 16 t'tr'

of ritob lt rrt bl lrflacdr f*tf.t rhtJt" 1r rrtrll'

oaord lr llottds lrgurr, tplllatrlltgalt rti rlrrtmttblrr

tbtn| of thr a.tqtf of ,urtttr tnldlltroct ltc'| tb' nrtu!'

of lrrbea a.aot bo teflnr{ bt tba tnoulcd3o of tblre'

io blru crErrrrlcn of lt caa br rfftnrt' It ora r'tbrt

iardoqrrrtrty br rlrlordbrdr not te lortttrr t'l|r but onlt

ln trna of rirt tt lr not. tbat tr te T t ,'rttt$

ioflnttlrn of ilrahnon tl tryorrlblcl onlt r nlrtllo

d.ftnttlfi raot tblrrr rmt lhlrrr (ntt; n"tl)1rblolr

raala tl bdequrtr rt ba .ttrlta6. lrt Snhu tloald

aot, on tbat rrotot b. rtslt t.l'a to br rrrlt ar"ttst

er lt ll thr gotitl"e Slod of dl oog'rtl,otr

tt t. bryonatboqtrt nd nr{t th lrrfuoc[

|rte thrt thc rprrch.rd tir llnd raturo dtholt t'rcbltrt

Errlrsr tt tr oa'tltr9turlr It s|lrpt br drlortbr{

rr ono ln roletlon 36 nn'r ot r *ek ln rolrg rn to

tDt r mbttrso. tn nlrtl ra to sttslbulrr1 ml 1l

It I rnee ln rrlettoo to atf.cta r It lr&t b. l.ld
llrt tt l| tDl| ot tNitf tht lt t. tf'l, ral llrr tP

rn{ theor 'It, (irnbrD) lr lot ttrttr Ft tubtl.r aot rbolt

not lutr not rrdl not alttrfttel dticll |lrdil vltbort

darkactr; rlt!]out rllf Yltbtrt rDacsf snithcbadr rlthrut

lallrp ultlo[t tlrl,lr Yltio[t lllb! ......'t. rnl rtthaut
ettitr tntlta 6; 6r':rtlldl'1? - .a tbr illlbrde!.r.rtilota
Itr l|rta ln th. .rodlit rorlr rf t{5nl6ktr nprnllbrrJi
r...,... It lr tn|rlrn1 untllrt ilt lsrstl:blr1 ntr
lnfrrrblcr rralnata.bhl lnl0rrlabll rr..r'

rll u. cd !t rt dftr j't ll

tbl. rt
nlrttJrrbel (fretuHbn ) atrlrhtrtr (obJootlrrSl

nlltunr (ettltbsttl.,lt)r oltrlrtsr (Putlrtl) ll{'

(lorrtr)r ottitirr (fonlu:)1 rltooJ'!'
(rDotlrr)r ntttr (rt tlDI nlrtrtdr (crrrbrr);

(nn-rcttrr)! r[nthr (lnflnttr) rrfr (elrlr

({rlttlrrl}r rltbrlrr (ldr*rncttbl*
rJr (doralr rst
r.hcl. (lF rbl'rrr alar{a-ll (ern'trtarforrrbh) or

KElrrthr nttyl (tntrbV otc'trl)t ttD"thr ot rrrtlil

(ma-rrlat!rn l)r ribTa (fierlill), rtrrtg (tsniloor)1

rJiltl (16t;6v.t); &bottr (mrrnJr/c?)r lt l' !'rltt

tclctrlrtrhr slfttlr httol'naour "atdolrmrr rd

arl t totrga.lt
l{il lf ruqh ls tho rl,)!uf€ 61' 6q1cA1Oi]rflh!!:rnt

le tt ln rny v.y llfloroe! frrn tlro juaTrr (vrltt) of th'

,ludlnlrtr? It tf h rgc thrt lianlp'!1 triikrg Drlot to rrlr

l! ctorf gb tr thi fstluro of ittlourtlrr tho'lg!:t t) ltxbr'uit

ntn'-ltegroot 'f Smhtlso
thc ro)rclg ;tohtardt Clorr not t'Slt tho
o! tttrt 3b. r+rllti 1 9 'ftty". tb rrrrr ur agrln'l tquqtlnt

Ulgh o.t€ blentnrrr o' |l't' stbln.:t

th. ultls',"t. '|liltt'
tbr brllo evrrlrt orp+sl'no'
forl to lo ro 1r to p eallllt
?bot th' lxlqtencc ol
ot thc falcteoal rf rnlfs cm rclf'S
'ltoub! t4ltul 3bf ttubC'l
o'ttrl oua srlf lr lndublteltltl r!
' tott rat of
rlro lr nona oth.r thrn Efnh:ran' tttu'l la tbr
lt lr oor 6169ut
l{tubt'lngr m rrtlottt o!'rt oYo ertltlncl'
lntalnl!|dl' ft'lmltt fror
r tectnlr lrraras'dotrt ClrsnSlrrrl' l l
(iglrra-bullbr dtr tnDbsrr)'3r It It ttxhrrlt rd

It trrtttllliblChltr latter Jrlob

rproolclrlt irflrntr
' It tt rstatr
natro! lfSr cootrtralcto{l rt ar'rytlr"Il ,
tartt.ti rfrrf rr i'linC{ttr gutr tt'

tb. e{lrltl$l eoorpft'rnllrafftr uC Inf lnt!r

iitl poalSloa lloty tsuntr tt tbl|l
rat ia tultbel rorlltcrtr
It tt tha lnflntto and brnor thr lnde"cnl''rtt la th' ttrlct
rltcrlr r*l rtcc loliae
tlnlc of ttrf tcsilf tba! oro br aaltcd

Itlr errrr lilittt rrf .t!rlaa{ to t lt ot F!' lll'tr

e6s .fxolr or 'tndoge,rrllei lrrl*r rl thqt Eold to rarlolt

tha rbftlut$flrrt of tbl abtotut# Iore* rpSbtnt o!be"

ilraha,"ta cosl! br oall rhlef r. In othat ro!6tr thr

r:'lolutroalr of Erabrao ptt?Gnls un ltor orltta3 Jr$tl

Jtle liwr ftorl lr lheelrr lt rat ba c'atttnd ben

;brt thot| ttttrm vbtah tilrrti Jegat rnd Jlva rr llrl

tn rrtltltra to .3t.hlrnr ttttotlt lp'rrtloil €ut nt th'

t.tt t'Dt of thr lotlo rf tholt tttSfrt. 10 9{rt tt lo

rcr{rp lf ,rilrrlbr trdiqtr llatrtm lL lr r

lc?rr:lrlnl nrsclutllir thl othar ttr3gr' dllf dtloSr

thr Atrrolut (srehrrdt !t tlomnncla' th'''t tbo Jfir rnd

Ghr rcrli tn rko ltrrllt. ll.tr r| $illd trt gbat olthcr

.llrlutrr of g51s1 ;;rttin (Dnltar ltititetlvrttr atd
otbfr *trtart) l' rut r|rlLyl abr:lutl ot tbtt
t,hr J-irr rn{ the uorld rtr 11g rFeallr If the lont rtaftl

plat lr eocr?t|dt tbotl itftfrr rlrturllt 'oll'prc' Ifr

oo tbf tShat i.filr tb. Latta! tr riottcrill lhoc 361y vtll

brv. to rbrtr brcltrr tbngh loqt usntlltngtyl rltb thr

rrlrrlttlr lu rlorts lrtlorltt r9r'rltn t th€t' crfr bt^otlf
rlarlt tb".t tcrtrut, .oi tbat 1r t|rl ^brohtr ol crahmo

of Adrrlter lhtr le r ohrl lnt3em' of thr lotlorf

rtrtctnrra rd prroldoa of idvelta Yod{atar

nrr||rrt rto thr rllttv t' frortr0 lf !tl1r,

?icarFtt tat,rr prlnr to olotltt thst lt 1l lrot thr

rrtthrottctl on rf ranln't tn tr ritr It talt ||l*"3r

lint tlrr rrlltt tr mt tl(t ot ntrt ot tirt tt lr ot

lurtltt or Dlurrlltto la thc irasbrnldhtrnr'rnr$h) ur

rbrrlt trtt that ghr rlrntttn orgrtrr )nlt bh'lr ot

dttfolt trc. rd nt tba! br iblf"tlo.tlt Gh'1lrcttttt"

thr rrelttY It rsttttl. ,

. Srr;i[. rrrr lrit rifr/r I -rrr'1.r a{ lthnF

ln tbt fofrlctol prjil lt trr L'a tilt rcrordl4

30 ticitrtts ae fcr rnt tttsttln, 3rthe*o tn ltr otrroo'

of tt' Ilor
oetdr rll brra a.tatliln tbar rd deflnttirnr
rvetr gicqsDtSl .3!rrtr ttrrt thc lilre of, litrGuar ;r|[ll
It lt rsxtttrnsr (l+tJ1 kncrlr03r (ct!l
rrt b. frlrlr
rni blhr (inade).r lblr ltrd of .rtrrq rlon herlai rn ll.r
tr tht tvrl-l?r tikrtrQr of
of Brabr- llt' l]. illrcrtrld :

$rrb ot Brultin prt t.r lblr tntioator th'rt tnaul'43'

rrittficl rml blbr ia nt! thc gurlltlrr of Srablrn rf tt

th" oolttli"rtt ghr trtt
lr nlrSu3ar 'ro th. rthrl bd
fhlrl onlt golat cut thrt irrh'! tt
afraoar of Srrbnn.
(rnt)1 ntt uconroliltlilr (1arr) ad
iat aotpartt!.nco
(tnttrr). Ertrtrncll *|}telrlf'
sot ot !b. oegurr of rlcery
rnl bllrr :rtf lt tba tttt c elft.t rrt Qurlltlrr of Errblrlr
thot oartlcrtr ltt ffr€ocG All thrr thrsc rF. !crli.7 ooo.
In lr&n, arlrtaoc. tr ccnrltourctrr rn{ aoarcltatnal. It
.rlrt|r.t conrctd.t|.tr ls bllrl rrd bltrr tl oonrtlon"-ra.8(b)
nral-nnnrir ottner lhrt larrlalgr rn.l bllrr tlcr'td of .rtttaor
arr rcl{r atlttfnca rtrrrtl of knovlrttlr tr mt ralllrtr'l ln
conroloe$rlr lnd tl!o. tha rltittr (rearhln)r of thf nstura

of rrlttcnoc rod kncvla{tf bftof rn obJrot of rlplln l)tt,'

lt at tba mtut. of bltlr. fl rl8uil tb.t th. tlllftrrlror
trtvom drtqncr anl Fvhlal rnd tlr dtffrrrma hftrrc
lorrt.t{r rrrl bllrt tro ior lo ltritlaa raJrrtrr Jn43 r.
pluratltt ln Drlat ll {uo to ltrtSlg ldJt$xtto9'

tlelr ll rDlLt rt.l fonll u lrL. ot Brrbaio

uhltl rrt ba t.r!|d |ir t|t.ttb| lrtrb.p of gt6brl ot
itrrhrn pol locllmrr lor lartraole *I Errhr|n l| nd$rtoo{
rr rtbr or$fa ot tbr otlttn rttol lrtrrrn d 0rrtrutbn of

tba rnltrtars o 6r. rlp.itf.a to b.tr 3tt- th. taterlt|

hlrh*4af of lllrbsr. tblr ttli cf nlrrrtontllS Snhnn

r.t$ lt lllatlrnel t&outh l! fttenoa tt 1r non-nlrtirnll.

tt lr::lrr on to nllr!|!'Bt gr|ir|o
It tr oelld tatrslhsrlr
flrr a rel ,3l'| Dotn! of llar (1rrr1 tlre r?lillr bt thr

ohilr€tsFttEtct ot thr vorlrl rrt tn m rat rctrte'l rlth

Blrbrr{o thr vrrld tt lnattrnt nrll lrcr'chalgtngl lrr3
tnbrra lr tarlr .aatl.ot rrd ||u3dr.a.!(l) Btr rr
trlatttrtd $rrbrra at ghr ocEra of tlrc ntlcl rt ttt
rlntrlncl 'tratlot r th. r?Nl lorrttpt of tir qrrtd

rtlr,r rrd tbr tor{ of tbt Lrr of {rrlr tblnr rtllctll

rgmllngl lo tlot nl!7 drnclrllra ttt alrontial nranrrg
but rrr rrlrilvr to Strblanr tbr caunllt:r of Srrlrrl lr
aot ttr lfrrntlrl artllrl but rootdaatrl cr (rlututr).

lg tl dtrtlns3 trrr tir lrernttral noturar ht tt ltlna

l| ra ladlortlon or rtt: ot ilriror

t-rrlrtt rtrtrr tb. .rt r6lrf rd l..ldrntrl

obrtrotatirttGt of Erthqaa la tba ftpt rd facto{ otralat
rfrrl tf htt .rn-1r*t1r Sa trotfto*lly .trlrt tbr rrrrotlrl

arlurr tf xtrrbi.o la lha tlootth Ddr of tbr cpanlol T.trll

anil tht nlrtlrr nr?ula lo th. flttt thli. ,eilrr of tb. fllrt

t.rr.f rnil rrrln tn tir rrtqnd ftrrf tn tb tlrrt lbrlr

tltlir of thr llrrt t trl?ltr.prtl ilrflnrr 9rrbiln rr Lordl
vlth tbr h ltdr ef ladtt.trl!|bl. nolonc.. Itgfr tnrao

lro ktnlt of tatot l|tn*bb tlorclrar; h. ftttc?r th. tllstc"t

rrntfrrtrlt)ar at clbrrs rtrp ftrtl rltc! tr$ r.lthr lltr

thlr In.f,otth tha Eot!.rfa D'rbb rod lDtiblcl bt$

rol lcur Io tha .t.{t!xl ,'ltrfe /hr turtb'rr rrtt Sbat ttia
radrr e?a itlt (grrbrrarr) btrathr th. ttlr trort rlfraatr
rFa [h tlria.l tla Dtrbtr rd tic trotlblo unlrfro tl

Etr rrllrl i{lr rl.op 1| tr ftnrl rlrlut. (tubittrutr)


tlh vlrr 1r tnl| ul rll-tnlrrltrr l-.aaottlo| to
Itc;r9ett' rr ttot all ndhltlntl lt tr Btt 3it cl.rrcrt
arDlaoBttooof th. tlrthr tltr btth|rt qnrrtln brln!
.aorrlo rd'rll-rrolurlrr vhtd lrttlrlr !a aJletlol d'l
tnr tirrrpntt rblorrtn tir tb itftn*tlti!
of lrrira rls' tit.rtbr an4 rva.rtp'ar thfi rrtrctlwly
lailoatr gbr rocl{cntrl rn4t thf .tranllrl arttr| of $r|lrrnp

rr heloj full ofl rn{ f||r lllls rll ohrttotcrlattor ll

aiartO 3h. turltflrd illrbr.l 1l lmun rr ri3F lrdl|ot

rr'vrre rd thf usrtlftd gnhmne"r .rtrlft Blrlrnr

.iou r qs.!tl:o rrl uo rrLl tr trs *othrt alrlnpr

tnin lnto iir1rp Srrirtn fllor rr;r {iolrgetll
for lntru brlnl rrr.rli of rll otu{cr tho lnutloa of ttr

ehaaSlng lngo rlDtblr4 {crr Dt rrtrr. *t dl.lo sqrrrrr

rbfo n tl.v ntl3E$a Jrrb tbrnif otrt tat.ltlt lt $'rtrr

ntr Vi-crtetl| tr ||llP. Brrl5r fbra tf foanclounnlll of

r.tugr .3rrhn lr lur to llr mrtlai !t ou? lntill|et $ltrl

vortr th!'tr3b rltrlrtcr ln otbol ttt{tr lt ll Cur lo th'

rdlrot rvllti."' !e n7r tlrt at.rtlltyt Fllttf -i'sltutnrt'

raal tlirrlor rr. tht .rrGtid forc of rlrrbrae n,,t dir to


ttdttnt rtJutd" lrt oratrolrnr rd olgotrttr rrr th'

' to?
rll!.nller torril af lrrbra dur to etlllir ti. d.lilrhtl
quelltlrr rm dn to thr LlllSlnt rrdJioltr rd rrr tlttF
lnorrrt al lrrbrrl.tll lblr thr ford.|| lnha rttrlnr
th. trtr of, llrnn or pcrlonrl ;od tltb rhlArnt qurlltlr'

rod rtttlru!il. laaafDrtl rryr tbat tha ltat"rtnrtr f,o'r

of, lJ*srn 1r ngrrllrsod os lrrhran blcrlro ol thr ttrtttaa

dtJuactrr for thr grt?ttrr of nCttetto! ol p?{rf!

IrlEadntr Blr, that rll trotlr GtEt ua0lntroil tbr

aoottlna cf nlrru4r Hr|br.o l'or gotl' fi 'r!3 r[-

thtn| amil'.to tb.r lr ro6q 36;a1.31(r} tf.verrl

clottsrenot rl. ornt'o:olaa It du. to lo3lrnlnjlrrl rYlJti.s

lo tf tir loutal of ti. rrlrr, Er 1r Enltn ltrltd $r rrl{f-r

tt. tr crnleslcat ad |nlpctralr 8c lr thl ot.'to! ol thr vorld

$b! trilctrratnrDlt.S6 ht tn thr 11tt!1.3r lforfl rr rtrdy

tr rrl rnd thr m filt3{ |rlalr ftrbl! tr ht r! ltta.trdla

ot Htnr. lnfnrlil

tblr liorrpellp rnflof'rr Sbubtrrt tottulrtla ot

to rft!. r ,nettcal tlttofor It
3rclqra itrrhtatr ol lJrne
l6tr .t . rt$ol lor rdttrtlca (at5rral)' Yfurfprtlr ttnr

dom r! E&Jft tttDt. thr valuo of lrlpnr Stshlr! et lsuirer

It 1r of $trr.a laptrgraoa th+'ruqh not gh' ftnd lrelltt'
Ilor lerr L |Ittul'. Ilt3ur.rr lttrblo. l. 1l rn * rd cttt

Ct.P8:il - t

llcu ua rra ooafrtntol rllb tlrc quottl(n ra tt
Srt thc aintn (lnllvt{ull' erlf i Ito ln tjrr vlar of
YSoarlrttq th. Jlrrtrnr ti ltr .r3f,tloof lr rpt tb. ".rt
itor lr th. vlitdte4ftltlaf .d tnr }|rttlfl rlotNlnl
It lt rlr;,tt r tmduot of lllnrta. Ia ttr .l$.nor n

thr Jl"ltira lr mtrrbr}tdlrtbrr (tlrr oueot of &utt'rnl

It tr Srrhn ltrrlf. th. thloat tbrt thr qlrlcal rllfl

ll tgr tli.no€r lr onr rtti srrh.q forrr U)G gtttt o!

rhtob tbr r.tryhtrlaal lTrtrr ol ?icerrrtl lttttrr.

fh actatt of rlt cr ofol lc'rordlloS t'o l'i-rr4rtlr

dc*r nc! tlrp:tot tt tba tlrra rrgurr of itf ln'frcl rt

thr rltr-9rr',dtnf rad tatlntS. ltr|l ||n"pt br 'lntGl

rlti thr tliltf,l *.:rlf rlr' ''rdtiltllt va trtl t"lrrr
t rr ctrrtal rt bclr'Jnrt |t Sr r'.rt Bttur' drd beleht

af Eha tFfrll rtlsh .t on tDr tot of r htlll !tr' to $l

rodfrorth.tad 3td u#lrlrrlultd lr blr{l.| of tnfr tt

vtsd ltol loltorr ta thr I'nrtlrtlr

to rlior ro;r l-or4rtlt

thr lrl ostBt| of ilrm o.!|t te ba qn{altttlriS'd rt ttle

rll trrrrll{ -tru }rrr0 la ltrttd to thr troltl I}

tEoaagrtl lootcndr to tba clro tt llrt th'

lottlo rlr (rb*i-tril-tthr, lr ot tb' lFur relfr lol o
rtlr{rlr at slf ed rt alfr tl l! ott tnm illl!
blsn|rr tnro rclf tt atalarl rd liat l' rt|rarl rh'srll
tatrlrt ln rtl
t!| ti'.r ttr.r - trttr Dtatfat rnl fttrf.o
8ut th. notlon rlr dorr mt ntltlt thll ooc{tttro for lt
rllnDgrrn lil tlt *tn!t of ilt *t,"n. Il lt voir ttrlffilt
tn thr trtr of '|lcr..' tt Fult tollor tb.t .T|a !n tD*t
Itatr tbrrr It ttntr.ar (rr flr tr ltrr'd btlt l3 I
proloot of lgnrrrar, Stab 1r rtrnrrL ln .i*atN !ol'
r!nr1 lbr ootlrn rlr ll ttd to ba rtf?rlntlr vlti
oraolano. rn{ ornvrnlt ubrlrrr'rr tbrlr lr t'notloa ti.ll
tr rvtilti. rbr l-notlrn viarat tt .!3te!tr lt tFrofora
r ttofit of llLurloa rai rr rtfi !t frnt b. !rl|'"lcd

rr !h. tln relf. Tbue, Y*lrrt(tl otnclel.f thqt I'bo:rl

. k nrt'| rd ott{llFtrr It rt bol rt ltf Lft ro
qltrtcrl trailtttr but *t llt rorttr t! il lrlor rd

ftu Jlrr b ltr .rfortc. b mt tftr tdlrltlsl

o8o sa lr orltnrlll-v trchrltocd. Phtlo|ctbtc* I'y gnrlltS
tt li mn otbct tbln 3LbnD. lbtr tr Sut tdrrr;ett
tc'!ab! to ?!tr rrtt dtsbltlh.

J irrtlr l inr ta dlrrlrr

lorl tt jiva rncor{ttf, to t-cerplle !r Fa.

stiel tb|n ,ttlhr la lts ar.rFa.r tot rerllt |r9lalar

131 rf irrlrrlr? lt tr Lcr tb.t tdcrtlrtt Dri{t ln tbi
aonortt ol dbtE.re ot Srttgorltlcn r| ilt rAt 9[t
forw.r{ rnd rrglalnral bt 0henltrr tl bti oda|lrtrd
oolrntrrt oo th. Slrhldtlr| Of Bddrriturr ln ltt
rlnulr ilrtrllrr Ia fret lirertrtlrf lnttoiscttq| to
rdb1fl',1 bharhtr ol Slrantrm lr r tdrl ol ltr tltir Atr|
b7 edlyiianl V?oarpetl ltat rtltlbutt'{ to thc nlll of
tilt $ltoh tr crrrrl rd vlor lttrrr [t lrnr rlrtrhlng
tha t d tot th. ttrt,.ll rrd rlol Dur to rrlb;ior
!.ll r9ptr?a Itt lhr oor?t flr lr rsr$
th. tntolltgrnt
tbr lonrLrtton of tbl lcr.p3$ t1t
ro0 aqlrt t.l
(rtri-pntryr)s 1r rqrrrtlcrd oa tt lmor rrlf; wlrlcbl

on lecouot ol tba tairlltgrtaa rnr! tdlfllnr$cr rtGrl ll

3bf rlimtt of $t. tn3r*ul o'|.r hltrF-LrtrNL tbf

atlrtbut.r of tbr lnt mrl otlrn llL rlrrlt.l tr'r.l!.'

doubtl drtantilttrn ltt.q rta tuPfrlrDoretl on lha tanF

illf1 tbrt lr tbr niSalrr of 3br .ntllf rctt'ltlil of tbe

htrrnrl o rir klrlrrllh t(D sa rugrrtporrt tbrt lnnlr'

rlf ovrr tba tat till ortrn otorp tbtt alrr 'rDlttd
rlrnoil ttp||r|btDt onJotrtrbtD etGrl til bolyl tbl f!;rrot

ttr.l flnft lf eot rnl rnJot rdtlbr8 tlrr rll of ttrt'qllttm

ol Chrttrnyr. 30 tbt nlf rbcia lrtltl lr tatrllt6crl

Itll.lt rlth tb. bo'!t rd !h. cr|rnrr ra$lr.t th' r4lslw

to rlt rsel rqJolr tt tr tb.{ strrir6'rst: t*
th tllftrr*r.r
rart3 sstrfr ?!mli thr rtlrl h nrtfcrt
tat bt taSer.trtulr yttlr oDl.att lllr r.hr tntrlko! .ts.,
tor|lo[ botdr|| thr aoltret f lrr lhr rrrbJ6at 6f rflp;| -
poltrtt frt tu. It lt lrrl.ruill rurA rr J-ira1 o!'rltura
(Jrntd o? th. Ur|r of gb. ttrld (lrh.t,reJfra)l srt th.
llrr talrr| lr ot {ttttmrt fiur ihtr tnt.tlt$at rlf.l
I-orr;r3t hrrc qqogps lbr rcrlpturr rrarnr Slvcna{ tbrrl
1o tlo "!il of lfrrlpatl lba raanarL ot bodt rtoos llpeerr
ra tb. t|rl -tnu rler to rErl trpcr:lryorltl ,n (lt latrt|

tjrtnl lt lr Doourr ot tb. rtd qntt;orltiotr

at llr Srtttl.r of tbr rnt-rrlt rd tltr mlf thrt th. tla
rrl? torrr to b. yl.El rr tlrr livr or 3ho loillttdErl rtlf.
tor tstirorr thr qs.lltltt of not-retf lltr trgerllt; e!c.,
lrt bf rgrrtryorrl t tha $1f1 mt thr qu'rllttfr ot tia
relf lttr atrtnltt r!cr; lntum rttr f,tatlr'ol,li oc thr
not rrlfr t|llr tbl relfl r'n|n th'tai .ta!!d rtta'rtr ta
ba rorFr!|rlltr acladotrt rptarra L ba eGrolourl rill
lara.arat ltp.rrr to b. lq)annmatl l..rutt rl thl rtu.l
ruglrtacrltlon cf tba torllllrt (lblrl) cf tb. .rll rd
th. 0otqolf. tbt tr trr lE tnr. r.lr nt io b. vt.iaa
ra th. lndlrldqrl rlf Otra)f potnt. oro Vlcrrretl
th llnrt at tnr mlt ta ritt *r It lr lt
rr otJott rd lt l' vltbqrt prltrr t3 lt lot nrtly
"ot ttl|et
Crltnct bt tb. irllalqt odlttom trrl3d rdmbl'a
ba6tanlagtrrr oqnlrnt ruob rr tbfr ttrt llrat tb. rtdr
Slofr rd nbtl- brdt.f rd !b. orS.rnr but ltPorrr ra lf
loftul - ryt licar;rtl. tbr Jlvtp tn llr lllrncol lr
aot rt nll dtffrrcot tto! .8r.tnr but rtpartl to br tllffrrot.t
il. l' mt rn toJotrlr tot ri lrnt enC tpt in obJ.ltr but

rpra:it! rr lf en e:cfitl enJot1lt tr{ al tbr obJeot of tb

l)oof9t rlrr It lr Ut rtbltr l*r rttllr! rf dlffrlelrt

rn! tar'.bt Clwrr rttrtbut.t iaaaBra of tlftor€naa

lrltad bt rdtrnatt rrb ri 9ct1 bulnr? tto.1

itml trp tao4rttl tr mr bourdr L ll

t'r? lttantr!. ,rtdtthl rttrl bcla3 lnrrt rrc rko n.''rl

bqrrnll. It tt Jftlr rnts 1r atttlo3 tut rtiln ltldfl

irttard bt b.ttortnlt,r rrtCf tbrt g.tr borni rnal ltLrrtodf

V-a.ttrtt la nal*r ttrcl cf trtlttt llr'rt rlrt-td[rthr lr

*rt rt lll th. lrn '|tf rt th. tnr dfl tb' caf trtrol

ralf mc.ctad ulth tbc urlrrlrl1 tl r lar of lnt'rulc.n

ul lllrr rd lt floc tlror {.ry ra.t rnJot rrhl'.C tbr rlf

lr of tar fssr. of lntrllleenorr tle'. ll nt rntthlnl aot-

rtrhrnld ltf.a lla .ll.ot ot lntclllj-c. tt rlrr'boaC3LD

ttGol rtl ft t|rtlt 'ltffrtlat fnn
Bllrr .t1'mtttr tcrvrrltrnrs
tritulr of lEtrllllrooil.ll tibsteni rba4tt4rtbr Ot l'oltltn la
airslot ttrd tt ractr roJrfrSlt rlrrryr trL ril

Jlrrl ln ttt rf.gr,lr *rrrttlftrrrnt t"tll tbr

. lntslt[eot ..at.ltl(r) tt It tlt Jlll htrcilf tb"te rl{l

f,rcr fDr r{til[ncttf l' retC to !a !t.{b'6 tAol' nrrtur'

lr Dnrlttr iot.lltEailr ctoe S tlrt tttr tirattlt cf trrr

lln raa th. litr. tolf h rlnlsr to! ltt orrtttlond

fclr lr tir Jirr.tr 'rr rltl*n!ftrt lt tr not 'n obJoot'

tot tt tr ra obJoog tn tla oo*tltlorl fon' Jirel l"yr

f-orrprttl tr tbr tiruli !f tb. rt9lnnt lo*rllttrnlaf of

Brrhls lA beffnllltrlr tolrlctrlnt' oltclcnol otDll'

' of tbr lhrd (trbetrgl)'u tb'
rtr. orll.d t t. lsilt
dufr!'sa of gbo t|lf ftr tb. bto:!"t rto'f t' 'ltt

Vio::rFitr lalottttlarbla. I:rtrltrog ttr'f brlr|. tt{'?'F

rlr.bl. tbrll tllftrt{of ttot tlr rdf to tr tdot tltiqbl..L

tbl|r tt It fot g!. litollltdlt f'lt ttrdl 6trt

1r rr!3 notr.tt roit uadeftodr tbf!. h tt' 'cdttron ot

tbpntb arn'.?pF-orlcn of tlrr dlfhrrt' tr[

th Jirr.
th tlrftarl tarrtlrctl? rtfrl erd lhr oartgorat tq)rt'

trporltloa cl tbtrr rortlltloarl th. lBtttltt|nt !'lt 'or'r

to brr'l tbr ocarllttrn of Jirar ia rborte Yb'n 3b' ilr9rurl

tt rtrrr b i*r bfil tlrr lldSd reo. lt rt b
onllel thr talcotrtnl - frrtlng - lhlnklnt rntltt. thta
rtoi tbrouqt ttr os tllsrcrlmll alroaorlter tltr
rdf er flattr ral rot'rsr-rl(lrn. Bnblas tn rrlltt
ta {.Dt0 of ttlafr rkflt rtorl 3ut Cr to otrclrcq
lfr':r;rtl ck:rly polatr trSr 13 rttert tt lrr. rttnialC
tta r3su. ot ti. Jivr lbrnal ruDrrtlorltloar l'ao,lrrtt crpll'
ottlt rrtr ttlet rryrrhrcrlttoo lr tur to norctrnoltl vbrn
tb. ttu iodlllr dmqtbr drfmrptt:ol .tttlr lb Jfrr
gbr *st.rttrrr lurolf to ba L tnllniGe trrhltr

tor lt rt b. obJttrd tt.t tb.ta arnf D| tb
figatlttorltton of thr ralf o! tb. mt''|lf,r for ght vbteb
1r uaerrl oflt b. thf alrtrrtur of npflryorlttcao
Yis.,rpqtl rtrntr trbk obJtotton by rettlf tb t tb. l.at
rto (rnt-rlf) tr nrttlar mrl Dt l$rrl1 mr trt rrrl
rnll unnrll tbb br!{ a.lf'rtrtlsdlcttrt. It trr on tha
olhttrIni lnurltrrbb (rnlrrrrturn)rf /

Ittffitlvl[t. |tn lblrottn ft t rrtrl

agelert tlrr vrrt fgrlbtllty cf rlllrrer It ry br rtl

tb.g lL o\lfst to b. |trPctt{.g trt brtr I nal brtta

tffitrr fot ttrtrral tn tlr lrrr at 3ha ltsrtaorltlea
tf tb. rnrh on tir lqrr thr tF.ttrrorltlon of thr obJoat
(raalr) h Dorrtbtr tloaurt tt trr e lrrl ortrtonct la tla

Ylorrtett rlJ.otc 3bl. oblrotloo rl tt lr lnr&qpnt'r

lll irfrcttrr llrr oDlrctloo do.t nct ltoltl rrt.t,rt{SLf

lirerFtt tbrl lor rqerlprttloo to trlr tlrorr tba obJ$t
to !r ruFtrtrytrrd ard rt hrtr r !'r.l balq (tnlrprdrnt

rrktrllt) rlrr*lltr €r;nttloa ol DIJeri (nr"tmtll rlonr

tr nfflchnt tot ttr rgrlrycrltl:no It tr rnollb tf lt

utrrtl rolrrrblr rai rn tbrt Drlor .rt.ta'oo' lr tlsdf

l aata of rrpftltDorltllr thnr tha obla€3 rtgcrirperrd
I rilla! of brjtuln|hlr frlt. rrtqtorur of
Itartfi Il riort th. rqtrt lrtorltlrn lorr mi tl.t{Dr..

thr t.*l orkt*acr of tbr obJrcta rwrlrpolrdf0

lflr.tba att F.atDtlttt of ropcrlDotltloo Lt

la c{rctre on tba 3l![!il tbet tbl maprclf ostrot br 'trp'F

rttbolS trrsalttt or .D.olfta grrltttcl rd llltlarlStlr otorl

rhloh lr c al tbl oontltttoar fot Urr lortblltty ol ff'F

Ittorltlocr lhr!. 0rl bo D mr*lrytdtlon botf, ria th.!.

lr crtltte rolftrtrtlon ril €lotr utFrrtlfattaL tta.

tirrUltt .ltnrl Shlt obJlotlo Dt rlrtV rdrnt*

tbr rlrr of Sbra&rrr tlat lt ll iul to lr't ol rltr:rlrto+rtbn

(ltrr.c.i $l!|b rlttli,oanl drlttrb). t atra rt Dn
agprcimrtoa of dtff,rrrmr thlouabr tir rgt of lccOlt{ tb
tnr. rlth tlbr rrfirart otsurs rdhyl$ar tb.rrtota rn
luortllaatlon tr th. crrta of llluucr? lclattlon - fltt

lglla,etflbtotlStoa ft b. obJootct! ca !1.

fnanl tiat thc rdf lr r non-obJret rt lt It Dt othet
dcD.ad.nt fo! lti trratfrltrttsr rnil brlrg rlthcut p*trr
It auart lbcrrfor Lr m obJcct of CoSaltlon' .ttprrlrjorlttoq

tbs (bar rrot rtaaat ta r!|rilt.ll

frarrtatl rSrlnr tollrlrr 3hh cbJrotton by rdontl|

th. ttrt of Elr*rrrr tlet trn'oltoctlott ot tb. rlfe lt
not lfartsbb. It lr trar if Dolntt ettq tbrt tf tbc 1r
tdtljent rolf rrrr bt ra obfcotl thea tdrdl tb*o rorld
br no np$lrporttta lot lt k tpt lov^rlebl; t
non ollrot rr tt 1r lbr obJo€t of th. cono.Et fltr tbrt lr

to mt tbousb ?b. lnnat rlfl botnt rrtf'rralfrstt l. oot

ra obJtot rd 1r vltboot Drtttr tlt bevlnt rttelnrd to thr

ttrs. of JTrrl rf,ralr !t tba obloot of thc colc'pt tfl

lno to lnrblqrrlnsbk brltnalnjlosr tlllllnco ftrh rt tEa

latcllrctl tb. rtndf tubtlo ld Snrr bolloc and tbr otlilat
f!o.; tlnrr tt tr for thr tntrlllSont rlf rtrlcb lf rrlt'
rrnttcst end drftnde Ylce4etl potair outt thet tbo!'

tr thr onilltlon of thl Jiveq tbroth mrpltgprobrallon of

\tlr. Clttltrlrro trrr tb. rbllrl tatdlrot rtorl iil tir

oonloqEaat ilryorl?otttloe ct tbrsa.tf

l3etn, tlrfr b rlblhot t.rlt[t grcblrr It tl

lr etmttrc tbrt tbctf tr lturt ruPorhtorttton bctnaa

tbr rlf lnd thr not-nlfr l.frl rbco Ula altttono. ot

both Ura rflf rnd thl not-!.lf lr .tlttteCl fl tl't tDn-
iheltr loln3 to bc JoPat{tarC?

Ttoatgrtl {to.r nct trle thtc rr gorttr| r trtlctrl

ahrll]rt. to thr tdvaltlc rt$dr 8r r*bcratlf 0'f'tut tb'

A(lvnttto "truoi-g'rlnt bt llttat tbat lor adbyirr to tik'

pl|.rq tt lt @Ih lf therl lr Just th' bYl'd3t of tb'

ruprrlgordr not n.catlrtllt tbc rcry posltllr rrltt'lrf

of tba rrtDrrtl.||.ilr tn ttltcl llrdr thr ruportaord
rolf) nrd ctt bo ttoatedfntclly lrlto It It Jlrt

ralrreobrntrtr ( lnar9tloaDlo ). S

hrtb.illcr aupcrtrporttton 1! obJrttd lor

on th. trorrd of rrolgrocal itrprnirrno
vrrlch lr r drfcct (dcrbr). lblt k to rett thr rdl
D,:roocaar! obJaot only lf thrrr 1r rutrrtrprottol rtrl

tb.rr ara b. .qlttrDollston onlt tl tbr rrfl beort

en, obJ.otr

r3rln rirt ilolr ot .tF..t arimt t' '!trF

tacrd. 8|rt tb' frrt k1 rntthtn' rtp'ar! oa!' rftbrt

( ruto!{rtorttlcor

tblt -6t.ntlon; lioarpttl polntr outt ll

rbrur{1 rr lt 1r rrt e defrotr It rdrltr ot r rfrt ctlt
nrtlrrl €lrorttonr tla cbrtn of eurt|rry lrotoru !r
I faot roil !o tr brtond tb. trlD of lralor thotr Ut.rmn|
lott oa rnd rCfuffa4qq ht thtr 1r r orm ot brltulr[btr
rlhllra. thlt aobrolra contlnulty 1r e frct end loglc oar
not owrlooh lt. thr lotlotnn rrt ltrltf brrl to flna r
bcstantr| tbl atthtCrel but lnreloo tho bctlnnlnthrrnc!a
of rtbt5tr Ptoorrtt nst r. roorptrd u e tllt - ooolrdr

fbur ticasPstl prtlcrrtlt n9llcr to tho rborr

obJcetlon ly raTtag tlrt tbr rP?.rtsn o of Jlrr 1r tur

to r Drrvlour felr oofurtor $o ord frlrl oofirrlol

her fsr ltt oruro r grattelrt fsln ooallrton rnd tlil
rfittbal felrr coofurtoa rad to oa ln r brgtnrtalloar
ltrlor. tt trr only thtcn|b lucb I brglalttUhrr trltar
of sonftrlonr tlrrt ell tlrr lrtor rtrtG of aoltttton aro to

ba alplrtoa!. ltldt-r roordtng to Ytoaltetl oprrrtoloo

th. otr irari to thc trdlvtrturl srlt (Jlvr) ar ltl loour or
r[pT66 (lrtrete) rtrd 20 thr othcl lt ber At hru or Dttr
r.lf-sr''torllal oonrolou.natf ea ltr obreot (vt$rta)t
rrlilyr obrluror thr Vlrhrtr rrrrl Shrontb tts rlrr $b

. Oa tho groblol of t'br l)ou! of evtdYe vlCl,Oie;irr lt

.rttrltroo.r to be .rDFr.ml th.!.bt llrtq t!- | tlft.
roblrocr of, lcrllty.

fbuc, lllurton ln 9ioarprtlrr ltrrr 1r r ;r;rrtor

Lolloal onr for vblah th Jfn tr rrrtonrtbh rd lt lt
onurclt, a, rlsrsilt r,lli, throqh r brjtnetntl$t lbrla of
tllullil! ot ooafurlonrl lillo caoh anocrtdttE lllurort
crgErlcaor lr rxplatueil bt r grrvlout tli.Efott ode of
arD.Dlrloa enil tbrt by rmtb.! lnd lo oo. Ar tooa rr Srehnl
lr nrtlrd tbo rPparltnoar vtnlrhr fcr tbl rort ct rll
tppcorollo.t lr tliclr tlluoorT ccofulleo vtth rullty Ylr.

ffp Crabranr

VEoarpatt thrt lo.. baak to thr old rnaloty of

tha Dattaxtqhrs prccolr of thr drprrdrncr of rrd rnC
rprout rni Dotntr out thrt tber. t. m lrrorlrt.n{t l!

airlt slbrequant tug.ttlhot!tton barlo3 fol ltt obJect tb.'t

rbteb iu balr rrda tbr contelt of oaoh arrltrr lupar'
trDorttlon rrvl ttt l?laltlrtrt.f llb.n tlr Vicreprtl lr

ttlr{ anrt ab.ta.d nltt thr dcfrot of rretDrcoal tlcprodrtrrl

b. mt rto.llt !.tortt 3e r8tJ-ohra'ntiFr throutbout hlr
lb6lrt1. r0lJlnkurr ntlitsrs to to lrtr t! htl nrslt|.

t\rrtborl Yicrrtrtl ratr tb.t ruDerlrtorltloa

h mrtbln3 latural tbrt rattrr ttsolf, to b' sttlonrllt
undrrstori It tr r! aalunl for thr rclf rnd tbr not'
rrll !o ierr tturl rE fttrtotltton. Slrr liorrpatl
rlpcrlrr rr tbrl 3ret llhailrsl acatf to loot toto omrr
trpcriraoor rlttrotrt rrrrlnt rrrl Dlrtestll rrylrrtt5 tbr
rtole tfcarpattl brrr 3?lotrlt
lrcur. rcrttr .ql
lndrotca lha "vlat of Shrakrtr tbat rdhtefi tr netutil
end lr rrytdoal (arlrrftlotrr lokdtrvebinb).

lbur, Vio erpt t ol'earlt brtnSlrrut tbl d lrtt rretlon

!.trrn thr srlf rad thr r3olu (rlralEre) anC rrlntrlar
lbrt rlr lr not tbr taua-r.lf rr tr coat,rrdtd bt tba
Dratttnr tt lnr ttlldtdretttarr ln hlr ttrr, I-nrtba
k rDudorr torn oot of lSnnmlr *rrqr tbo purc rclf
(atr$l l,r lhr nrllott rrlltcotlfo

Jirn, rn ltl rrrrrr, li rr. darl* al Lr-rrl|r l;l m lrlrl|lt

In tlr rtrl of llonr;rtl1 thc lrlf rrmot b.

lr3ardlt clthrr rr tbr alo.! ol tDr|t os .nJolttr Dro*uro

et tottoll tt 1r lnilfftrrnt (u'lasrenr).$ It k to thr
tntoltootl bolltr ottrals ltc.l Yhtcb lto ualatclilt.at
balo{ thr crtrcttlcr to rot end enJoyr Erner lt rrt
lr tbr tntrlllgrot rtlt ltnk.a to tb. rta!.trto cf Dal'l

olisaf clorp l-o.strtt ltSlrlr i,beS trlar tho rrprcltT

to rat eod rnJot. lbolr1b thr eclf lr ralflltr tet !!

latrillrtnlr rltb obrrotr
llho thr latrllrct .ta., It-
hrr becorar tba oono.tt rlr thl rubJct of ltrt'r thr
log6l1lgint rlf thur rrp..tr to th. 6on.Dt rtl er rgrnt
rad anJry.r.

lor, tt nt br erioll tlrt tf tbr rlf 1r rt th.

do.rr thco thc fnrtt; l|a-tl ctc.1 to ftttlc lad thrt
thrrr rlll b. m onf to be brnefttfd bt thrr thl.

oontontba tr r'oa3 - polntl out Yiceltatt latralh ar

tbc inrtlr, rlftlt rtc.1 functtc onlt lo tho rllr of
rvlCli end hlnoa tlamPDolf tb. rf.mt of Jiral uhtsh lt
dur to rithtfir' thur YicarDrtl olartftcC E retlat thot
ttor tb. rnglrloel rtanlt polnt tho ifrr lr rrrtalnlt
r dcorl bot thf rtfnt ol JIvr tr adrnttllcra rtrd rut
tahrlant ln th. r.lf.?(t) It thr r.lfr bt ttr trtt aotillr
1r ra elrnt lt orrarot bc frr flor lt lnC hrn tt cil
f(D) ltr
nrror Nttrla rrlleatr !t orrroorlnl lts rtaot
Blntalnr thtt tha mlf lr tDt tht r5rnt of rotlto ht

rttarr! to br ro do. tc l.solllton vlt! the budlhl rtorl

Jlrr.la ltr rrrlnq ftttLt rtntrtnr tlror;ett

lr trtt lrrmrlodgr rtd Crt r lttolltl rubJrotr I0 !r cf ttr

Lattro of lrnrolouroorlr It tr thr rubJrct la otpotd 30

tb. tn.tt obJ.ltt ol trtr rdJun& llll lnt+l'hotl bo0ft rtGrl

tbrrn rrlJunG'rm tc elyl tlnlt or blad tha oonralour rdf
rS "*..tS.

tlet tr *t -tn (rdf) rlntr rrr. to .tt rt ttloqf
tlrcrr itrarr lt ao.rr to br rSer{r{ rr tba .aaot thloil3b
thfr. fdJuhcts. ht ln rrllty lt tr korlodar ttrlf anil
my.r th. l*rrr:t. Slm. tbf lntlrtdurl rtf 1r nthln| but
Snhro rli rr tbc rrrotlel natlrr of Brrbna lr aoa.oltur'
nartr fifrfpttl r6til1 3br ladlvtdql rrlf lc rllo ot th.
nrttrra of contolo[roart.l

l\rther tttnf loorlrritP larolvat ahanlor tha

ttrdltldlrl rdf tn lt! arr.nor 1t tE lmFtl u tlte rclf
lr lu6rblr. 3o oognlr.ttblpQronot bc tho proprrty lil
ot tia !df. It, nrtronir to tbr tnt.fnl olara (.nt l.rtrrp)r
tbc rotf anlt rtpoatr lo br tht knosl or sotntrl D'caar'

of tlt toD.ttrPorttloa of tt|. Dlot ttt of tbr. tnt lall

orlel oo ltr thr ralSetrtloo of otnt*rrdf 3 ra tlhrtoa

for, ool ao L8Rdt tba bott rt Ula trltr rr ln tbr aasl

{ ot thf oolnltlon rI u fatrr.

tfrr'rtt rsoo[ltr lbl thr lgerlrnorttlm of

tba ali6tl|'thtD on ..tnftlr[|a.rr ln r illffmnt rrfr

Jsrt er r rtrltr ottrtrl 6ca ttrrort orst . cblar tore

rtpaalt to bl nttl lllrrlr acnrolourn'rt Sl'b tr relfl
. ttor baoritr of ttr Itorttlltt of thr tat'flrl otlrr

rtp.rtf to b. th. oo.nllot. Co3nlrcrrblp thur fr ret*ilg

of thr rrlfr ta otbor vctdrl th' lnttitohr'i tdfr
trr thr rDrrnr of rrprrl;uttto! ll pt r brrrrl

lhr rrertlag to VSrarptts thouth thr rlf

b r trt of pura aoscloulntr rnd btke dmall cf
rlorft rnC nrtun ot rn ralotor ra|l tnn|o.nl.ot of rll .
.tpoltlacarr ilu to rrlifi; lt rtpoam to ba ro rltat
rol ra aD.lt.nsfs of El.eiur.r Drlar ||drt rod drlurio
b.oi,ur. ot ttr br14 lldt.d by tb. totrrnl crlra ril
tlotm .ttd ao,obf ll! 11 t1-6p1sr.3o

lbr .ipt!l.d r.lf ltttt.{ bt rttdti h thr

rbode of the Drrl-lrr (rrnr of lnovtaC;S\ lh. koorrl tr
fter ln ltr rcttvtty, ln r*;ar{ to trlti tnovhdje.Sl
lirerntl .trtr tbst r Fnt tr rn rgcnt of rrlll
lmvldlrr le5ilot lr tnilrpenlllrr lt rv.| rll
rrrar of rrlld Imvlollc to rot. A mntd Dif arml
ba ol tb lrtura of ooaeltornort tor ttl. lntrfirl otala
tr cnacnrolonr. tir rrlf o.aaot ba 3n rla[t of rrlll
tnorldtr lf tho totlrr tBtrnrl orjln ll qtt tq.F
tryom{ on ltr to beoauta of rugetlrgorttton of rtrtr
rad tbr lot.mrl o!3cl aa ..ob otbftr rrrultant rrll!
lwfsl8. abll.s ln rtrt tlrtt.d by thr lQuotr of
bldddbl rnd drrbtln.Sl

tbur rocorrllol to lrc*rDatlr oontsloltoott la

tL ntlft quottty of tlrr t:ul. Itrn tr ot tlr aatut'l

ol esnrlonrftl It jrlrlrtr rlrayc ra0 lbrrr lr !'rrt

r tlra l! ritrb lt tr tb'oat. tt fu tnf';rot ltr rrrnttrl

Eetullr It tt -tlr lt$Lf. It lr rtcrnrl lot ltr n{l'

f|-rthar (trltttr) rrt ba lotlYr ot ptrsltc. th" broor

mttvr rtlrn Ebctr rra obJot. rd rtnt dl.rptcet tn thr

rbrncc of obJrrtrr el ln lrrl rtrrl (rurinDtl)' tbrt tr.,

tt tr vrtttl tht dtnppoln !n tbr rbrm ot obJ'ot

til aorr oontclcgra-r $toh ls ltrrnrll relntrlor li1.trtt.S

thr ldrrpl|hla catodr llblt oont'loorn lr ot

tir rolf thonth rtonrl tr
Jiior lr pt orttrr to tbr rtll.
ftooil to b. dttilt n|.tcflrrr at ttrrr l{orrorrr lt

r. rarlt tidconnloofn rt ll utlrr to th' toul tt nrnt

tbrt thr r(Er. ott.ll p rrrld lr|ll' la llrt e!il ll

no rolr to pbt et dl tn tbr t r"turl Pto'rtr 'd h't

thry brSlr mgrr0uour. tbur itrtil'otourn'rs b to D'

t.arr{rlr .rtotrln. tlrr fitrtprtlhln, .' 'n rdrutitlonf

qurlttt of ttltt.

tL.r'rtl dbJrltt thlr vtcr ot tDr pire'elrhln

clrlnrtlcn lnd lrllto ltr tt r| IQt tho

to oltttml
Lb.q re'r licrtatll n rlll b'tr
rlrr ot ihe f6rtprt-ta
tbrt atarn 1r la."t (rdr'. tot itnn lr net lmri
to rillt
Ittr r Ft. tf tt tr lrrtl thu lltr .bt rrtf tiltr
Itnn vlll booor rr obJ-'ot of dolbtl tllullo! rad lndll.rl
trttfrttton rr atr lnrrt obJaot k rlt tLrr lnt Itrra lr
not r! obJrct of lllurloal 3brl3h lt rel tr hrrr lllr|lon
of tbr tn*t obJrotr llko tot .te.r lbt{otrl itra tr rt
rtoubtfirl lttr tha Eot but th. doubg.tr rrbo Coubtrr Dt lm Ai'
dn .dr!s. (tot thrt tr lQorrlbl.) but thr .ll.nl ol

otbrl lnft obJtotrr thrrofom 53ra tr of tb. ortule cf

aufaloror, eod rt no tlr lt b.anr txtrlbt. ltrt tr;

loaroloarDrr ll ctltorl. thl sovut or8.nr hrtr a detlitta

roh to Dletr tn tlet thct rr| tbr Drars l,blob btl!3 loto
btrth th. ktbvlcd3a ot th. obfoctr u+ltob lrtt lolrl rhl'r

rtorl Bsr tmt rto ntt rqrrf,Lour rtltr r Yirrartt'il

Xnorylcl:r arnnot bc tho qqrtttt of ilrn llt .; tha lttt"
1r rnlt ra tlrtnrat rari lt' It Dlrtcrtrtur to contral liet
rltltout tgrdtttt ln ndl of eaotter lnrttlnt thr rlad

aen o9ctrt. by tisrlfr Ia otltll rorlr lt' 1r mt Ltwfdaf

(JiLnr) tDrt lr ra rtttotltu. qu.lttt ol tbf rrlf lnt th'

oa|ntrrltblpr tbc. lloarrrtl lo!.ludfr tb''t th' lllr la

ttg rrroot tl o tmrt ot aolabot; [l 0orr rnd D 'rlct'!t

but ktprl.d3t ltdf.

YfrrrDetl illtcurlrtrlth nlsra to tba Qt|rtl)q
of th. rtrr of tbr tadlvlrtqel rlf ln htl rdhtr.r f5-tr'

Jlrrr rcrelta3 ooi atorto brfrure th.l. illt!

to htl, ll
aot th- Dr 3be qr68a 3b3t'I er fatr rI eo telll cto'1

lor lf lire lr 13 of th. tlt rl thc rtoq !r

lt of tbr dr of 3be lol'? Vio"rirtl .itt ho'r If tt

te rcnElrd tbrt, Jire lc ct tlo rtr cl thc Dodt tbcn tt

fol,los t$at lt totlttf of partr lltc tbo bcltr rd

lf lt tr tdrlltd thst tbr rllf rlre llrtltr of parttf tb'

aoll.att!. rctlTltt of tb| rlf 1r to br .acomtrd f,orr

It tt tr rirlttcd th t rari trtt of, tho :rlf lr frm ral

lnfupcadatr tlln lt !.t br Porrlbh tiai thr rlf nu:tl

bloakqfol thr rlTtl llrroa ttrt thr dttf.roat lodrgotdrnt

Prrtr nt lot ln dtttclcnt Cltrottoos et thr lotr' titr

llaoot thlrr rqrlrl oa.rotlcnr
rlmlt If tt tt rdltttcC

tf,rt tho sclf er e ulrclr nrtr (lntrtllflrcr) tiral !f

aortllt[ 3o.t utoaS rdtb oar trrt ot thr lclft thr otbcl
trtt rlro sla 3o rraa etth lbr r.lult lhrt tbr lntrltllrnt

arlf nlrt rt tntctltttt.r tbon thc Gtnolntlon tr lnorttnbb


bclrg lnbrn ln ltr ffaaio. at! fartlutl'ot dl-PrtrarlYt'
It tr mnr.lrnr to ut f'lrr tbl rlrr of thr Jk'r.$'

Jlrrtrn lr tlrr ilrt rtorbr Dr to rtlatft tb.r'

trl.' g1,rrr1 ff,ouprtl rrlnirlnrs thr ntlrl mfftQorttlon

et th. qurlltl.. cf ||r tlt.lrl or|la rai thr rlt ril t:lol

rtllrrr tter tt tr rrtlbtrrrqe or ldrlbl thrt tr rtolts rt

not Gh. r"lf'3? Quslltll lllc looln (dltn), Rir (Lcrr)

rlrort (Cqf,he) rtor lrrloot to Bdilht rad hot to thr sllfr

lbo rctf ncrcr frllr r tilt to lrlftr. ta tbr rDrrnol of

ttr crnn.atton vtth hadhl ato.ril lnll rlnoc tho quelltlm

Etrildthlotorl ttl€ suprllryortil on itLn (rlf )t lt oortt to
lr calkd rtollcr tn rdretrrD lrt tt !.!lttt lt bttbhrl

or uDtquttour.s

te of tbr ttrrr tbrt thr tndtvlillrl

tf,tr, ti-gerFtt
(r. r3elnrt Jrlntn] '
df lt neltbcr of tbe rlla of th. bdtt
rrr ot tlrr rlrr of .n oto! (lr rtalnrt tle Dvrtttarl rlilite'
ittrtttm o!!.1)r cn tbr o3lrr bmi tt tl vlbbu ol ublqullourr

llttholl .aordlna to taoartrtl tho trdlvlCuel

r.lf 1r urrotrctril (rlrl ur hdaa ct lnl. lt 1r rfdl

(le3lnnlrubar). It tr mt et rll dltf.r.nt lror Srrhrn

tn ttr rrloffirr lt 1l crt tDr rffoct of thr orEtt Ytrol
tnbrar i;oxepatl quotot Jnrtt !o r.latttn tbrt Jitl
lt trnl othts thta llrbnl rnc brl trltn u, r loct.{l
And rtno. thrrr tr t[ ltdrrattl itttffracf b.tra-
Errbrrn rrd tlro lallrtdud selte rn{l rlnoll Br$rn lr

lrnortel tba tadttldurt rclf-lllo lncilrl rnd atorrrL

tblr tlioasDrtl rr.tnr for th. tmortaltty ol tbr ldivltlurl

llt r gu.ltloo rt tr arl.llr If thr lnrltrtiurl

tdf !.r hortrll tb.o bor to rocosrt fot thf qtrlorl

u.rl.l ttat Chrltre It r"ora rad Cbaltra 1r llld rto';?
ticrrtett ttrsrrtr tbir qnrstlon bt nttnt tblt tbo|r
aBlrlo.I l't{tr lefrr tol thr orla3 lnto bolnt rt!

trrrtnt rnt of th. llrltlal reluotr rf, rt tbr rlf

rhlob 1r .trrnrl aad lrtrtr!.{3

Ia 8blrr311 unlttr t'h. gh'nlstabbtrtrte rd tbl

lirtltr alt nuoh grortnmor !.r tlro to tbr dlrourrton of

Itrttltntr. In tbl rlw of tl} Viscr9rttt tt lr thr

r.ntel CkDorlttonr (rrSllrer) tlrt oauer drlr ltl

lrttc'rc'dr tbr dtrrr lr ih
rrrl notblng urt "rrbrlrr
rtur to ttrr rlrfcot of droD.S


dr Strnr rt Ct|{ u li ErpL rit.l rbrt?hr
frtft{lr.S that tr riy ||..etloar ta ctlars t!. raftl to
b.b;istrarr hatbogi ttrr obJortr of <trrl 11!r thor
of rilrrr sta.f rt. nrl lcng ur tbr tlrrrr lartr 7rt
rl tbct rn llrblc to b. aDlrtrll thr lE Ld,ia of Inrr
rort t t ttl rttl7rfnan. It tr nn&$trdly rlthnJnrnr
rr lt irlr ot fr lqte ead llrroal td
rtenrl to thr trrt
. t.tr rllrtd htrt. st r ihcttb botb dnu rnd rr['tf
rgrtaa rt rlttttrr th.t aontlnm to br tr6 ttu gbr
lrtlrrtloa of .trrhlra.$

lrt ?icartrlt loo nl nr to irrr lrrn e

rrltlril dbcgrtoa o tbl lrtlt-t"Oil ol ttto lSdSltr
L!11r. It rertt hl f,t of thf oDtnlm tbgt thr nl,thtrt"i
ot th. tF ill br ||trbltrhd Dt ..rnt ef ln@ltcabl. tistt
(ullvmbrn|lfrtr). Rrfirllrg thf iltu|lloh on 'SDt:lt
tbrrDrtl Itar ot lrrr rllcr ulth llsfatr. Ltta lrgtrn
trceeptl elr rrtt tlrt ln rdwtl Bbr!. tt thr dhlortttra
of nrlbbrpr (proJccttoa)5$ bnrl rnt tbr ot ntton ol ttr
tal l*enr tt tr frr flor dtrbatr o?antlrnt tho Jt-"r
rta.th tr rafbugtlr to br ln . Putr oldllla.l?

lcoorall{ It Va.rtrttr ln .r|iE t!Ut'r' tr tbl

art'rtten ot rU thr Srols funottonr tf tb. b.". ht tt
lr nol ttt.tlt r mn'durl (rlrryr) rtrtol rlilo tn tlut ttrt'
rlr tDcrr prtrlrtr rilAa h r rl0r lorn ffcrlrtt
'lolEtfT lptatr tr tblr. 8r tlfr JI|t rr :nltrrrr
(prun$r) rtlob tr tot attrllt tr.$nt ln r bctr lort
!o reatfrrt ln r latc *Qt ln Ltt.f ro rllol rvtS
lotrntlallt pF.|.ott h t$rttt ntrr t|t ttrlf apttol
Itr th. nllna rtrtr. Cl..tloa t! nttblna but tobtl. ao.tlt
|ocrlal trofr.{a frrrrtrtt rt rnrth.! plrrr lr tlirtl
1o!,nir to tbr pllr.oc€ of rvlrly{l tarr tn a rubtll ttd:-
tn thr rtrta ot tnrq61r0

*d tt rrnDt lr rlntrlnrrtr .rtr ldcorgall

?bnt rttiltl rilob vxr ruDtpree'r6! tn rubrgtl rcll4
rudrlralt latc ltr blrtb rfra$ ta thl nllng statrl fot
thnt norllt lply tSat lrnlLsrrr (grwartr) meld ovon
or.ta. tlor .n laototr It k rbnr{ tr lrtntelnt gohtr

out lic*qlrtl1 ltrt rootbt4 rrblcb nr lst 9'|$ont wrn ll

r rnbttr rtrtr tn sanather thtngl arn br rEl al''d tr ror
ou! latcls u roaltblqj oreut rla otrg of notbtalp rd
Satetr ls, hu rlratr L6.50

ht3Ltf lioerrrtt tl cl tsr c$alon tlrrt tr

lal{r mrleQtl rnl tb. Jltlt rtrtore *vliyr rnd ltr t fffrl'f.&
tfraaar rt pFrrrnt ln tht forr ol grtrr enll rSfrot.tl
Ia bt}r prrhtr rd auhqtl alr ptalont tho dttDotltlonr
of arldyi; bttt thr onty ltfftrcntcbcts{roo th. tE ll th"t
|r ntbuDtlf thcro ll priqal ubaltltr lr tnlrtrr lt tr Ft -

potntr oo! Tioa4ettrlS

thr Jlrer rccor{lai to l-crrprtt ber thre: boittrt -

(rltrtrr isrecrr) rd
tbr o.slrl (x5rrFr j116rs|l1 tb. .ubtlc
lba tlorr (sth-ulo irncrr). Ihr h-ar:rnrirrrrrr tr mthtoS

but nnotcaotr ttr. tlbtla bott atasttts of flvc oBror ot

ra$rar ltvl otgrnr of actton, llvc rttd etral rlnd rd
$o jrroll bott le nttbtna but tttr phyrltdr l!'
1lt oflrr|}oniltat to tb.t. ttrr be{l|t lr ru9lstttolt

crllrrl 9r$rrr lrlJr* rtrd ltisr


- Jlffrqnt lhrar'r qr rr?-lirr


fiou, rlth reT,rrt to tb' qpottloo rl to tbr rrct

nrtu?. of Jllol Sholr ur rllrer8oot vt'vl' If lioaspatl

nlntrtnc r*l Nrooltatrt'd',th'

drvllopr tlrott th*t Jirr

b ra rptrrot ttlltntbn (rvaodrrcr) ct th' unllrltrtl

llabaans tha lttr"o1rr rohool lrlatalal rd rlrrrloF Prattblabr

rrdr - th. thcoty that Jivr tr ht r rrfloctlrn
of Bmb.rn tn .rl{tr. 'ra rlllhtll dtffrrsnt flor Ul' Ytr';lapr

tt.rr tluttlrtn boldr rirt lr lellrd [b!i-eor rfilrl ttro th'ory

th.t Jirr 1r r trkr rtlblrnor of lnllo' la thtt lrctl)l

It tr lntorylrd to rhlon!. .ad Gttttcrltt ltt.rn tbr nlatllr

rcrttr of tblr th.otl.lr

: (r) ellldltalr
rilorrdlnt to thtr th.otyf th. lallttiarl rolf (1 fnl

tr mstq tut tb. rppsrrn! Ltrttstlan of blrbtrin bt rvtdtto

It Ir basr, on tbo llrr that lhstf ortrts r Dlurelltt ol arldtrd
rad th:rt tttf pEta unlltldd ilsrhoro rtPrF.ntlt cotr.ltttcard by
th||r evllyor lpp.'1rt 'rt tho ladtrltturl rolvato tbrt lr to
!a:/1 tho rlt:r! rrc thr lltl,t,itt'rnr (rrrcohctrr) of thr Darr

Orrhra bt ttl. tnrivtdarl orrelanoll. fhlt thoort lr porulerlt

celhl atacob,ltr rllh ot thr llrlt:ttrn thacryo licertrtt
t.la to brre lsltYrd lnrptntlra fot thtt ti|ort tlor or$r-

taar tittkr (.tdrettr gtrrtrlrar)r

tit rn rJ nblrnar ot ttlh tDa"t |rt br rtatrd

thurt lh. ltdlvtlrl.l 1r nog th. fafl{ctioa of Dorr

oonrolousaarr ln thr tntomel orSra (rr 3b. ptottblaba trlr
of tba vlvara?c gohcrl h,rlrlt) F.tbft tt tr tfre purc eoa|.toutoear
ttmlf crndltl>nr<t bt tba lnterorl ota.il Jutt rt i61 lfloper-
trflt .tb.! rt9t tr to bo llrtt.d r&rn lt 1r drrutlttonrd Dy

Ftlr pltohcrrl oto.18 ldt rloerr oa thtt "levt fonttttr

tn th. oor:,:tlon of rrlrlti of tlrt Drrtloular J lrr. thoqi

onr Jlve lrtr nler'drtha otbet JIEI conttauc to b' ta

boadetr tlaaa th. evlityrr lroatrl tn th'r oontlnu" lhr

laoraillttcoll Brrhrol utrtoh tr tho ccnbrnt of arllti 1r

I I'ot r dotallell loo{rrut of thr doatrtnr of tlslrllty of

eYlittu rtlr Chrptcr f l
Iiurn. Horrvrr Srdrrn ta .t.to.lty fllr ril bm artth*
bodege rbr relrarl.

lhurr th. JIru mor{14 to tblt tl.rr ert n'rthtn3

but thr uryltrtrtrrt wrt"rrnl conlolouon6!4 trcrlol to br ltrltd
r(Il nultlpltrd by lndivtrttrrl rorot.oaar. fho Jtv*:,rrr thr
ona tl1 ,cratlt Erahrla rttaaltat to bo llattrd bt tha
ta,llvtCuel mrctoncorl thr lool of tn llnir of oYlctrr
aoorstoqi Co6r! .nd grJryrn.S at aobcdavf,da tl r.'t
doftalto lo ilttot thnt thrro lt mltb|t eay rrfbctlon ror
.tpfsnnc. ot ltt (Dorr conrlorrorrr) - rr dlrttrgulrhcl
tto! thc Pnttbllbevriila of thl tlrrrrqe rqhool rill 5bhat.6dr
of rurrhvrrt - but calt rtr)ar.nt delbitatloa of thr u'p
tlrttnl rbrolulr rnlltt thtoqb ttrr rrtdtdr of tb. Jltrt.
Strtrd ta othot ntdrl Arrocbrile riir ll but r ooao.Etu.l
Itrttsubn of lhe unltlltgcd tblofab erldtir It oan be brcf
tllurtratrtl bt trktoS tbr rnrloSf of frcrbe or tproer ftasbe

tr ea unlbltrd rnrl rll-jrrvedltr. rattiln hi tt rtl.rtPr

r! lf rnolorlng ftntte pottloat of thr rEy ruch'rr jliSliehr ral

ttur to atltf.mnt ttrtnf ttctttar r{Junote llh
h)!|.a of rllfforrlt tl:.t rtrd tot. of dtffrront lhrgor rd
Otnrtonrr Ia tbo r.lr lrnn€rr th. cm unltlttrd naltiy
tlr.r Brrblrn €f tc br rtrcometrrrl rr lhltr{ nllltlcr

I jre Ohaptrl lI
, rt ftattr arlttano.r o! rcq)uot cf rrrlan rd lat|ulrbh
- lldtllt rdJuncts lrfrp rt',lldli roll ltr rcllflortlou nrch u
r llnde rto.1$ dut ln nlllty srrblil trrnlnt rnrffrotrl rnl
uotntntd bt thr tn'ttvldnl Drrlar rrd plra$nrl rr lhisbr tr
not rffrotrd bt tha curt rnd 3ba "rtout cf r Jrr ot e bruL
Ih. blrth ea0 orath ol tltc gdbl! of Jlvr do nrt tflt th.

blrth and drath of Utrblo. tnl elr rrrpporlttcn 'fcctrrc{ ot

' is bqt r blrtent uryrmtltl:n fortrre'l by tho
nnt rorllttcr
itlrtertlnt rn{ o}rscurlot [rturc of rrlrtyl looat3l tndtvllusll,
ln rrrrt Jfve. rbot rccordtaf to Avrcehlir Yddrt iivr lr

. not r r..rlrotlcnl lr llro evltlti ls aot r nrtiu of rclkottrn

(oolourkrr) Inlriprr ttrbran oennrt br
lnrofar tr folrhsr
lall to be lr*rcteil ln rrld6 rlrtoh tr rlro colo'r!6.s.6C(r)

Atrtr Dirrhtta Clllumrl r'iracb.drtitlr tn ttl

trrtrrlr a! tbr olott of t. t|l. lnrsldrl la htl oDlntcn

coorolcurnrr dcllad rr lt ron bt tho lntclarl olltrn lt th'
rrhan lt. doflalaE rdJunctt rr'r rurtd throujb Jfiarr
lt ritnrr lo tBr ctcrnal ltihtr

lol lt rr| Dr ntl tbrt roaot{h3 to Attcch'dr

YdCr tlro rorltt rtp*r rltffcront ta tttffrrlnt lnllvldullr

Dson[ra of thrtr tttffrnnt nltrllnollr Saob lnillYltlual rlf

u tt lr ao[llltltacd ot r9pe!.atly ltrtgrd bt ttt ilrslloo'

(tt urfq 3h. Itour of rvtdti) l.3hrrt 3b.'rrt.tlrl olurr of

tbc rotl,l epga.rrancl.CO

(b) ErdMrhlrllr
lolrdta: tc ,rlobe Ptntlblrbr ride cf tho Vlrrrapr

rlhlllr Sivr or th. fuslYlrturl srlf tr rpthla3 but pun

aonrolournctr !'rtl.ot.d tn rrt|tf rtt ltr product dndl both
tn ltr jrorr r{ albtla lgltllr Bsio3 e rofloctctl ln|rl lt

Brrblra 1r rrll;t trcr ttf li litrntlflrr ltrelf Yttb tb'
gbTrlcal rnd 3hr Dftlholoelosl eoooQrntnrtt blotlaht rbout

bt th. vtlrhrF rheltt of rvilyi rrr<l thuefott lt @rtlrmrr

rlnly tn thr fon of ttmrrlarrtto!.6? tbr rrflctlon or

lnao fu oallrd tb.rprltlblsrreod ltr otlllnrl rturcr ot

plottttt. rblob tr 0rebil! lr lillrd thl btrbi' loootdln3

to thlt tbaortr Dlnttbll!. ll e nfhotl'rarl ltt'rromo lt.l

tha orlftnrl rPpurlnl bt rEt of rrflrctton u t'Patrte rod

ilrtlnct fmr ltsllf. It k rcrtr ln tbr nrr trnt' rt th'

btlbal boini lrlnttod vlth thr lettlt.

ttlr rooor0trnj to Pratlbldr rtlFt arltlfl vhlob

tr rErrtrnorrd ca urrhialt tbr Pnn oontoltortltret rclcrllol

ltr roflrottoa llh I rltt{tt rroctvlnt thr rfhcttoa of I

traa. tbr pol. aoorotout|lrrr rtltob rtl'|t rr ttrotott?a
(ltaua) 1r lJsa}r rnl l|| l. mt rffGtrd by tbr dcfrotl

Dfrtalntrr3 to thr ttdttn1 rr$unoto - ortrlti. tl tr

aot ororgtFnrt by iv!'ly6.oa th. ctt l hlrra.,llc aaattth
!t. thr truth of, non-'lu.ltty lt not oono.rkd tlol Hlr.
f,r arrtl bnr tltht rf htr t.l.atltt rlth thl nrn-dnel

tc ltrtr fbr ?rrttbtor vilr rtlll rof. ohrrlyr

tb. rllvr'|rl .oltottraa.rrl thr Ptotott?ef tsfl.ot.il ln tba

llot ntotaacr l| I6rre. Br 1r thr rubr of tha unttlr|a

or tbr I.e'rL thr trr c-t.lolr.rlr trflrctld tn nrclltrol . ...

llrttcd bt th. tat rrrl, c!3ra 'td tbr lrDtorloal rd

Fotraolrt tn tt 1! rE tcttrlortr nlt. lbr rllootlonr rlr

nl tb. Dlotott?l.
lltr lut tbr rrflotlonr vrrt rccor{toi

to tbr a.3ur. eod pulltt at the rcf1rstlat rdlul.

tr nserlrer {.crttat tc Pretlblrta r-cr; thr

onr srlf (!rrlro) rtgaltt cl nat brln3 nflmtrd ln

nrl.rfit ht torl ottaar llrt rr thr rlallr Do! lD9'rlr

rt rrnt brla3 refllctrd lo thl rrnr lll ,o th. *rrlltt of

rlrot lr aat ultlrrtrly rrl. thsf .alodlnt t' thr llvrnp

.ohoolr rate[lenal. ato .rtt tho ltlttllg rdJunotr to! th"

tbdldtcr rrl tht prcdlrtr ef evtrltir At tbet hsr' I

bo3rnatal tn ttrrr tb.t rt urultablr for tho b'ttad'4'r'

tlr rdrorat.' rf tbr lGflrotloa thcott lo Dt
rtf. lrma lh{t.ltor la rll dotrlr Pnlirhlirra rli
btr f>llcrsra coat6o.l tbet arlCfr !t on oalt en{ *l.n
tbr grrrr ccnrflournarr lc rrllrctd ta ltr Ut.t. rrpaarr
Iirre rd rhea tbtr lruto of ldmra 1r nfloctcd la tbo
dnloer lt atvor rko to tb. rtp..s.!tr ot thr JiYrr
Sbur 3br .1fYrr rre tba !.tt lt|t.| of liv,tl.

llrdlat ta s.*iJnatrilr tr.bry r.n.oi.il

li rvtrlfi rar to bo crlld tt liva!. rnd srrhrrn
rrflcotrd ln rnt$l.!r0r oorrt !o h otll.d lr Jirr
Bh6rattttrth.-Yldtar$tr1 1n htr Prnbrderht rdroortrf
r vlrr vtrlofr tr r co$tartlon of rrftootlca rnl lbltetlol
thoorlc fr

tbr Ylrcrana tairol furthcr hrllr tDet thr 9B!.

lnharn bt ltr rttoctrtlot ufth |5t[ .llrrr flrrtly thl
' &rn of Ylritl tllreatraublrr (or s[tratrnl rnrl Idnnl
'rnd tr$en rad lliJllrl
rrcoorttt thr folr of Yllnl
oosr.Ffrttal to th. tbtaa tSrtcr cf JIn Yll. rnklnj
(Jrgg)r lleil (rerpn*) rad drrrrhu ilrrD (rtrrruPtl).68

(o) ilrnrall
lor codag to ltlue vrde (rshnar tbrort)r

tbr f$irlvf,la of scnrbnern tr rlmlt tb. .rm rr ?htlbt$r

rtdel lt 1r dlff.rrat cnly ln ltt oooccDtlon ruil lntotpr.trtloo
rl tba tntrlr ol rcflrctton. lbrt tr rllo

lcaortttnt to flbfrafihl thr rcflectcd trrjt lr

not ldrotlart rttb ghc t!otott?.. 0n tb. otbrr bendl lt
lr dtffrrcnt llor tt en{t 1r ldtrtrralnabtr rlthrr u nrl
ot r! urrlel.t9 Tha Dur. otnloleurnarr tbat tr rrfteotJ
h rrldtr k l&em rd thr Gtotalollto.rr tbat k rctlrctrd
ta alnd tr Jivr. I/nrr rnd Jfva bolnl refholod oarolrnl-
aaleia rrr Ctfforrn! flor thr Drototttr aoalolsfrlrtr rnd
rrr lndctcrnlaablo rlthrr er tcrl cl ll uotatl. tfa
rcthotd lns16ra.rr ln erfultl rd ta rlnd rrr f.ls.lt
taanttfl.o ulth th. coorolournllr ttrt tF et rt tbt Ploto'
ttto rnd thlr roaouotr for I&rre brlaa nlrrrlrd rl thi or.rtot
roC Jfur rt th. bu.rr rjrnt rrd rqlotcrr

thr dlffrrrm. t gv.rn th. totlrctloo thcott lill

tht rrblrnor tbort rt b. rtatc{ rr frllonr If reeorttaa

to nflrotloa thr:ry1 tbr Jlrar ttr r"cal, (u thot er

rc0cottonr ot inr.bnn-ooolc1cutn.r.r tho Dlototypd rr|
haoo. ttrotl.rl nttb ltl rccodlna to tdlrnor theort tbt

JIvu mlt rerrrbb Jnhlrn (rs tbrt ur only rlrbbmcr) snd

h.nor lra dlftfnnt frol rd rt ldrnttoll vltb tt. 8ln
tbrt .F. ibr rDp.rnla.t of lrrblen, th.t otnlxtt br ocnsldrlri
rr rltbor nel or uar$le

tia rdreab rt frnfsr$r lrr I rhtlnlt F afr
la prlolatlq thtr Strory. raat ttrt k tc nclat out tbat
thr ohrrrottrlstler (rlrrh rr otlttcrhlPs
of lJrerr lurtatocF
rhlD rrC alort,rrtonhlg ctcos) ra0 that cf Jtt (rud rr lslovet-
rhlDr rnJotcrrhlg, dcerrblp eue.l) rt ralt rtpa.tar.r,rr livr
tni lint'rr t6oor{1al to gunrbvrra tn tho ulttrtr lfotrl rtr
rat .t rll ral but ooly rt9rntgotr fhlrl ohrrrclcrtttor
rr frltrlt rgtrtbutd Bo Errhlrrl $o tr frt fror rd far
rbovrl 3har. abarsotatl rtlor.

Furlbf tr of tbt tlw fir! .i[urtugh

titr lD.ott
Iinrr rn{ Jire coJot ttre r3ra ,tstst (1.o. I toth rrr rt..r.
bleaoo of lirabro), J*ln lt olrrtbrllrd bt Dotb thr gowta
of rvtdyi - Irara4r rrd rlhrhrprq rirlrrl ljrrn h rut
oy.rb.lrd bt thc -Yilrnr iektt of rltdyi. E ao. It tb.

Jirr Xmrr r rlllrtn ld udrraorr prln and Dhafulr

hrgpttra.r rd alrrriTr I rrrtr arrcr Drlon! r DDct to lrtratr
eni bracr trrlt htrrtlf froo froa ruffrrfua rad atrlq/r hr
lr evrt llbontei.
tlrur rocor{tru !o l'bberrrilr| J tr mtthat .
rrfkctton or r llaltetlon hlt aa aDplrrxno. of 3rshlrnr

fbr rDct tlrr{tr rta not t'pc ftor drtrstfr
trrttbtrtr frdr lro b lrttt.l|.|| r' follavrl (1) r tt
1r unround to a!8ul tbat J lva 1r but tbt nfhctlon of
Erahlrn tlorlctr lnrrcnroh at tt.lt hollor rn<l coralntlrrr
to tnl,t ot toflcotlen of r oelourlrrl tht'nf (nfffpa Srlbrrl)
tn r mdlunr sbt6b tr rko colourlort (erttlyi). strtqtlt

lpcahtnt tcflectltns arr o/ obJ.ett Pot!.ttlsl ocloar (rrba)

la rdtr rko pomrrlng orlrur (riitr). uut htlr netthor

tbr lnt*lllgcncr (gtotott?r) nor nGo!enoc (ttrr rrflecttn3

o$dlut) prtfrtfuf.rur (rige). {ot|'r oin th.r. br refhgtto0

thent of oar ln rnlthcr? thlr obJcottcnl tc fret lr iotl'l-

patrd fl'Ylcr.trtl blmclf ln hic shEntl.Go snb r illfficulty

1r clelcrly or.rioctt bt r rrro.lde v6-ttaftth ltl C.|tetrtl,rn

tbet Jira tc but -jrohrrtl (purr conrclourrrrll Crftnrd rr lt

rolrr fbtr tr t oleur l*ltoatlro to tba rtfact that licerPetl

rJrctcd o[trlthtr tb psattbloNfa. md .$"t'd etcoohodt'


(lf ) ltlrlrorntalourolrre tt rbonlrl b' t'ltt

door |I,t .Ilrtln tha lntoffrl orfea ln rfrloh tt lr rrfleotgl

atta tr r tcoc 'tscr rlt frltt tn lrlrrol ln drlch lt tl

rrflcotrrl rad thrS ltrcrrfonl ldven osnrxrt bo thr trulr

oontrollct ta rll 1iv.r.

;i"ii1 Furtlrer by rrrlltaj ldrere to lthf rtrFr ot

roflactionl lhe p".lttblfi ritl rlor licrre r lrolglrrr

rntttr la rn6t br letrr{rd m thr soattoll.l ol JLu
tnernb rf onr rtlhottla ar[{tt oontr|ol rtbtbor ranrtton.Q(')

(1l1) It ll oprn to thc obfcotlon tbat ths fl'rt

. of thr clflarl nerolrnoep th. rdtunotl for'lotttnc' cttF

rlalrcl.aor t!cr; telai l*rrra1 rt I rlrrtrr an riJsnctt

tatntr tht nltratlcn of r lrot os tt Ylth dtrtln tt.C

(tr) lurtl|tl, tb.tf [r uolilpr dtfftodtt. to ||y

tb,rt tlrr !.tl.ctlto tr rp tlhrort oreetlrn ls to llntltn

thri! J fva too l! tllortt rnd |iattc tDrrr rocltl br aonr to
!r rslrtscl. Tho lrrrctr.dr rirta biuttfully ovorooHr thtr

ntrr rtrflnJ rl lt vctr. It lbtuld bt tFt'd b|r' tll|t
elroohrde ri?la hrr bratr Qlot.e both 0rutlrDi<lr rtd Shanlrrr;
for lrcg:.ng lr'nre aDlrt fFor th' trlntt of thr;{tt'

(r) taeln, rrcol4lna t: thc tbcrtT of trfloctlant

vlth th. dutrwtton of ertdyil tbr rxltr: of rclkotbn; tbl

rttrtn, nltt. tf,f ttta fect lt ttra!1 nborrth. Fdtt! It

drqtrotd ata! th. lllEtory sclf coru to bo d"ttryed' lhst

1r tt ersntt to thr hsttuotloa of tht lelt ldf'

. (vrl drutl'dro mfr to |l .lrtart tntlDt*r

vldar dartl dellrrrs lbat Errbnn lr both traalclent rnd

lrrnrat to thr tndlvliturl goalr end the rorld' But rrflocttm

ti..tt k btat oa rlntrlafng tirt Btrb$n rtr$r
taarcead.atrl to rll ttirrc !.tl.€tltntr *t t rornlt
tt fotlwr th"t 3nbrl oretpt br tnrodl h thur Eaof
tho t.ntttloa tbecry lr unnlllfrctot-'o

Itlrrarear rry ltrro )a e ortttGlsedr It lrt b.

oDil|Gted that talo oorrsolcusooft ttt or ltt|! tr frcer thet
r lonbtrmr of th. lolt (obtitelrbels) 1r bouadr tlrrt bode*.
rnd llbet'tlrn subrllt ln diff.tcot tqbltratrrr tt $ould

rko br ntld tbrt tn rubltrat. rtaltr on$ctf to bta3

rDdt onrrr ovo c.ltruotlln tarrrnob rt th. cclf 1r .tt!trfl
' to br Dcund bt lt. rerblrnor.

P!rL6-qhitoan oitsrr tho follqdna crltlotrl of

Yl.|rrrllrt dcotrlno of lhltrltoor lf 'trrlln rnrr

ltdted by oarot.nc. or rn lnt*nrl otten ot 'n sdJunet lr

rthc tr ttrttrat bt r Jrrr Braltls botlj oattrly unllaltrdl

tn th. etll.of J1ree thr unltaftod ltllbna toultl lrlrt

outsld. thr Jlrrr rnd'reutrd aot br ublquttour ead orcntot
of a!1.63

llll obJeotloo 1r ult.lrblr tn vlcr ol thc f,ret

tlrt thr !o o illcl of srahtao tr oalt e9?rrr'|t

rrll tn no erta !lal. V-s'"rFtl trrrt gpltott ta rattqt
rrr lt t'!'r'
lbat Jtrr tr ht pure oonrctorrllrr! ttrttrrl
tilr frttlotr lr trtt ferourebll .r thf laftnltr Erebll

Gln Elttrr becom thl ftatto; lf tt docrl lt vlll ao loatct

bc tnllnltrr 3o lscuPatt It lnrtllld tn coalmdlnc tb't

JIvr tr th. ttttutt of rtDurnt lhlistlon ot tbc untlrttad

Srrlrn. tttr rterr! of gicrrtrtt rtrblrl bll4go rolv' rent
pttbl-t rilsh tbo oth.r tbta!.ru frll to ilo.

lhut crochcl. trdr lr r Flt{ntt ld utt"lt

rlrytr rxplrntlon ot tbe lln. It off.tt a ratttfrotort

rrplsnattcn lrlaratlnS tha .rlrtLa ef r Plnrrltty of rclttl

nnd lhelr cltfrraEaa rgn3 tDrrrlwr by deot*rlo3 tbrt thr

jivar ert br€aulo of tb. rgBrnnt llrltatlon of irebrnl thr

ultlnt rnllty, by loi[vtdurl alrelraoeto


Ih. aL!3t l6atort licartrtt thrt bo tr loor rn{l

ldlrcrlrtaat. tn ro.ttr,,, boutht prrtlDlt5. ral lrrcohrilr

,idif rt nor b. artttcallt oonrtdcttd. vertonr tlfutrillt

.r. Stttn to lrritrrtr tb',t faorrtqtt rdrttr rnd ldnortrr

Pnttbtlbr rMar6

(l) tt:rdo? I. l.{ tiirlrpett 1r rrl'l to eitleortr

botb th. ttrot{ef ol ltdtattt[ rnd rnrotloar lb'r' hf

.rtrr 'lcoor{l4 to Jrutts l irrr rre rcflrlt'lool of trrbrn

ta the trllrot of rvltlY'ir

(il) 0nlrr ft.tl.lg lrrrr;rtl tr letd la re9ort
ltnocttoo tb.ott rtrurla br nyrr i| rcfloottoa dorl ot
{!tf.l frc ltr rrabrtyg. la rerllttr ilt tt roquhrr
lrDo"ltt tlr r rtrror thc '.dlul of trflocttcn. 8o r
Jfre brclnril by cvlityif rn .dJuaot; tr llkr r lcfLGtl.ttr
of jJ'tbrg ot rugana l3l[r-

(Ul) utrlL. oor.ntloa oa thr ctgttea lnrvn it

ftrdnlnlrttt adhits-rr 166(r) l5oarrat! nt!r irrldtl.
EDadal| frbltr .t ocb.tlt Jtrril lrlrrtrl Prettbl$a

(tv) rn thr YihlSnrrtr rrhthrnf,llll vSc.rpett

il'rr rrrtlrogf,ciarr or yrdtrgl "ldt{rnbhftr Frrrritnnt
ar rilrtrrdertl tath-pt trt Ptrttbirb E!9! tiYrtltllo
trtrlctn |rShtrterr

ronrttnlr of tbr rborr rrrt'rotlrr.elr
tnd trttt ls1 trl tba rt{ rgretlbllbrl
onr tqbr!,rat Dolot.
Vf,carprtll lo.! no? ir that ifrl 1r I Dlfloottorl tnt

nt b. llhoad !o r ro0oatlen for thr Dur?ort of rtDctltloa.I

tf tt urn rll br oodl brr vrrt nIL r*td; rtrt lrattbl$r

l{vr' lnrtrrlt of crylnt rt t glttlbfrfr ts}31 trlvrhr.

lo rlaborato turthcll Ia tloerptlr ito labt

tb*r l| r dlaculstrn of both thr thoorlo -- thlr h. osnDt

rirtil lbt tlrr rtato litf,)a ihtt hr 1r r €oGdrtrtcr
gbrolmr ln blt lfrhta on tb. Yerlratr Sutrr'l bst DL
urc otl both th. tnrtogto& Sr palltl both thr rnrlo3lrl f

tquellt ll|Crt$nt rnd rt'.atlrl to nnlrrttrtrd tb' t}U

nrtrrlr ol livr. c)rrilnttnt on thrnturrr 3lorr t! tsliotr
$6tnry Yfoartrtl oaotpt lut .ttt rr lnd ergerl Sbrnl*rtr
rt.u. But nr nltollrtt of tbo ilr of r,rtttoqLt
th.ort m.d tFt b. 3*.o to br thr oo"lofd t$aorl ot th'
iGrttonrlr thoujh llrroltl rntteal ltr br tocr bt rotr

to l.t loF eod tlefrnil ftatlbltt. rllal.r Elr mtertd r$.tl'

oa AvraoislelEeee tha r.tlour lrrdft cf sbirtl c{,r' lo

lnorr trdr blr r btt tolglolour of DlatlDt$tYf,Car It

rbmld br rarrDerrrat'tbrt V-cr;rtl k Jurt tatrrDrotlo3

Sbankqrart tlw of pr;rtlblnlr rrd lt 1r r tq ln thlt

o&ooottonl to sat tbat t&erirtt frrcus lntlblt l-ilr'

lroarDetirr Fst and favculttr tbrort nlaritlq tb' n'tuFo

of Jfre ll Arerobrd. Y'iAr sod aafttlnly not ln ut 3r'fre thl

Pntlbhbr reCrr lbtr o:a bo nle rtllr nrr c"totn rtlrn
n rrfrt to rdhtft bhathtr of forr;atl nteroln br gotntr
out (rr rlnrlt mtl!) thetl ltmo Bteblrn 1r fonlrra
lt rrrrrot br ruDDord to bo rcfhog.d t! r rrdlea rlrlob lr
elro fiotdrrs. tlr, lnfeqt tr blr dtrf'r otltlcttr rtrd

outrttbt rtlntrnl of trettblrbr "firr It 1! rl udrtalrblr

rrfrlxr to hlr trJootioa of tbo rrfhotbn tbroll' lt tf

I llart out rtrtorat tht art. rt il3bl dl rlnrlrr
' rt.t.&nt'<vhlch let*r rtD.sr ln th5rtf tn thlr tlrlatde
f hrr,la hir vlevl tt !t tlhslsal rnil tncolrr t to tell
of lanc€tlon of Srahau.

llolotcr1 b ltrtf, th. t[stlmr of docrtbtl3

lirat'rr rr drltqlted bt ragrFataq. rFl 6tp8rett".lt gtart t

th.n tb. lnrtencor rlbteh ttlra jln to r. rrf,L:ctbn-In

Yio'"rgatl tt lr nvrccbcdaritlr tht tr ilcllnrtlnj rrrl urrrtlrrp
ptrglbllblvane brtnf rd ual rutfflnourr In lnf crr lr
do.r *rt holn Drettbllbe teds tr |lrlolt rnd vltb lrllhtr
oom.tt| rr lhr llveratlrl-tl dorr. Ylfiltetl lrht lt r polatl
rh.o!ll! cooelton irttrrr to hDr.rt ltao thl tatlrr of
thartl thnt rrrccbr<hrilr tr htr dlrtlstlt ud drolrllt
tho''r 8. rdottt r torttlrr rttltudr tsrarlilr ttr to bla
tt dt!.ctlt rboss ltrrlf to b. lrr t\drrntrl then thr
lrncctlon ticory.

tht tr Ytrergrt! rr ftad tlat rvacsbcdt rddr

btr ltt f;trn loatorl rre gryoneloglcel brrlr. It k oalt

la rnd Shtouah ltrthrt Y-oarpeti 3llo r r.tt tuot0 rocolrl

of th.rJirxlttrof atlnr f,r oonrldrrr tt to br th. rat
$tkfaotolt vtc of tbr Jirr es lt h Llrr abetrrot rar!
rr tt tlotr ret dbodt tbr rnopolsto tnterprltrtloa J

lt |ea trrttbl*r ttdrr

Ilonae thr a?nt6lrtl)nr tbet thsre k lrlr fluldftl

tn Yic:rrDrttrr Yiarvlth !.3art to tb. tholry of JIva fllll

flat to tb. Srtutd. lt rt *fclt h rllrrbarC rtth,ut rnt

lorr to Ylortttl blrself. It lc ereoohcdarllr tbat Srovr

ln nrntrrt rd bcoomr lnflurnttrl rlth itr. It tr rffirdr'
riitr tbat tr aprltrrl out tn rrc <letrlt 1:r Yf6;691g1t rn

tbtt ooo3ilt Dr. Arutorh Srctrlrr ooat.ntloo la rorth nctlnfr

Drr Strtt'.t ln hll -,eniall rcrl tlodsntr Clrrbenr'ulvrltr

a*6.rGG(e) b retc 3<rcontead t[rt ln tioarprtt gb.!. tf

thr dlrcurrloa of Drrtlbtrbrr-rle1? but bo br drftattcly

rdTlrrtod atacshedr Yadr rf ra 1a{lepraitrnt llnr of rrgurrnt0(r)

rh.t. b. dotr rpt !trlove lblllraer htr rlrl of follovtnEr vbo

ln htr tnhrttrlrtbl ht trtpolt.C Frlttbltbqv&rr$

Itrtlol ln ltl lotrttrrtrtlon of SihlhTeErllr

rill trlr lrtrrrl lrortDrgl lrr aot rloptrrl ltibr tnttbltbr

rotbod for tlr Put?orf of rrDlrhtnt tb. relrtloa Drtrmn
grrrr|br rol platrtl. In tbe rbora ufttlng. h. bra uioc tbl
ron! ftooblFl 30 rrfrl to tbo rolrtton ol rtt to lnt.lLGt.
ol Hbt toaclblr vtth rYt"otr (tb'
Sbat tntllllstntlor
rrrtstlnE qondltto) 1l naolrrtt fol orsrltu tb' ccftrel
hrl brn ldllttcrl bt liorrtrtt in
9oleogtlon of Flrrbrr
btr $ulblr-;lggl ntlrr
ln dort lt rtronll br raltl lht llocrDrtt tibfr

of tratlbt:tba rida rr rtrdotly l.!s [llrf,eotott tb'r! drl-

ochadav.:(da' tr ilrlvol drca lnto hl, aor'''ntalt o! *nlt-an,.,

bhtrlyn to 3.* a&llanatttn ln rryftt cf btr rlcr of Jlrro-

In lrl' feartl br hrr 8ltcn r rltcltt tlttly ol trroobrilsvftlr

r.ttlnttotth tta br..dth rryl doirth vtth 116't olrlltt rnd

botd t'tti r$on'
tst.trsllon. flr !.lll ur tl 4co ld
tltf.Lnt tho r.rrd lr Uc ltritral
fr!. rr the Dtt 'thEt

etoo I f![ 3b. oBhor at frr3o.t?J Br oogrr tir ;lvs

to tbr tth.lto rubrtrac. trttottrd by Jarl pot rto'1?l

tf,lr lr tltthor oonftnd bt tba rttrlbutlon of 'Yrsoh!d!'

tittr to lioarDatl bt lrt t tbtnt'tr ltlo r{rdhur0lrn iarerntl'?8

ttrr Stro nrt$rrl oslalEtlon to L C!r[ Ilt r

A|llhdhfrlr tblS 3.tr |.t!hta* ltb r thrrctb ed rtrtrrtlr

ttre tcnt.

lbrn dl tr rr1<l rld doo' tt llrt br tftdll tut

aad Areoebrilsvddt' rrr artnly berril on

tbat boti gnttDlrb
rnrlcalrr; tbr caly Delnt ot rtlffrrrntetr tbetl ilttlolrat

tnrlollr! rta nrda u!. o! bt tbor| tbeorltk It fot tar|lriill

ol bl- rd Dretlblsl (ttrr grotott"' roi tt'

tf tbr rilloat
rcfkctlca) lr rlr trrr ot bt 3b. vtnrilF rehool'1 thr
rnaloty ol gDrtilf,rba ud rrtitirbe lr n lr ur. of bt
gb. 8tretl, tobok tctb tbrn tlroordrr att llllt trrF
thlatrble ln thf rbt il. of tb. rarlrtloro rd lt choull
br rtrtottt rBt .lr tbrt l!f. .ll othot lrrlojhrl lt tr
btrr{l on r half-truthr lo df,bt tt cctttltt tLe rplrlt
It lrlrlta tpldlCltr but rnrloalorl rrmhS brr
lt! on lhttatlontr

. llt riet lr tb. Dttlr b.iitd tLr thrort.Jt

lll tlrtr tlrror{rr bs!. th. .t.a txutora ln rloultU tbl
tb. rc aallrd Jftr h ttr crraor 1r rt rt rl\ tttffrrrd
fpr hrlnnr Jnrt rl r Pratlblrbr rrnt br llffrrnt

tlr ltr tlatott a . tbl Dtl". brhttd llaoebdlrfitll

ln grrtlarler lr btl tb. Enr orlnt of -trn oennot

b. lfrtlot.d .ro +f lt rp lrtr to b. llr!.i It tb.

.{Junots JEtt ri th. unlllltod rl|'r rtp'rtf rr tf bod

or Ltrttri! bt a Eotf Jlrl ctc.e th.,| theotlol rt'rlve

ta *il lt t tJtrrtvrl (Jtvrbot) tr onlT ldrrntlttonr
(ruprdrrfir) ill Et ti.t Jfrr tr dt.itnot rt{ tatrnt'
(er ctorrd to &altap ttalJtrdtdtr ld oth'r th'llttlt

rbolc of t.df,at , tllr !s.bra' 3hr rqttlrn r;:llltYr

on rltbout I ttoottd (rkurrr r{vltccta) ead thal to

tbr trutb of srdurlttr. ttnr rll gb' tb'otarl

rltlr. ln rrttnt trht liYrutr-nf tboutb rrill (b{frrla3klr}
lr rri rtrtnL ?bl Jlvrtlilt trnirbcr t!. H.ot lt. tfr
rrr.n tr lrrlkcd. tbtto tb.tr It no ld*tlcnd dtft t'ma
bctuto tbrsr thcctdotr

Ia ronclutlcg !t *out C t .tttcgll otd hrlr t[rt

raroldtnt to thr*rtrr botb Pratllt$r' rvaoctdr ctorl rri

ao! ttbrorlrgr (velas) brt Jgrt rhDtr larlollrr. Ia btr

Bbfrbyr I tba Bnhalrftrers br rlce [t. of, botb th rorloglrr

Jrrt to lrtaf lor thr rdlotltlour atrtat of Jiva. tb.'. 1l

no clrot 9!of ln tbr df,alrn

ltrtbril l6rtr to thr of;hot
tiat hr ugltotdre ihel gs t'h6ot{fr (Yldrll. thr oo"rtontlol
thr ?trrlr{t rd ttrr Btrlrrfl Ssbcch thrt Prattbtrbl rotl th.
atlcihcdr mrbglor erc rlro thr rthrollur (rl!rr)1 lt nrt

br tnvrrlably rofntTcutr h tro rtretaod ral rrtlt'loteL

llr Inllrllhrl rer f -r- cr rr rrr!
&otrrJ&a tb. qu.ctlon rbrthol thr, flvr lr or
tt trryr thrlr rr. Ctfferent vi.n rD{ ttro port'Sbralgrltrr'
ft thr fltrncm ot tbr tlrarrnr rdool bolrt rrlnth erlf,
thoortr (afrllnv.mdr)| thr lbartt |.hlot rdrocrtrt

rlf thror!&lr (rarrrJ Irrvflel'

?hr' tt lr r rtrpn3 ratrrrL cf thr <lcotrlar of
rry jlrar. locordl4 to blr rvtiltl rlr rint rad th.!l rlr
lmlrrrllr J1vat rtrtch rti thl lcot of thf rrlttafr tbtra
rla rr ult JIrar .a tb.t rn rrldylr. Ibr lrny 1lr.t ril
but 3r*tfl corrilltlod bt rat tvldtrrr trrbrn b oar rn{
tbe rnrl r"tdti-f .tr dlff.t.nt rol rrl7r thr rrr Brrht)

rnrn ltattd bt I t."tloulrr rvlcti lr onr fivr. fhr rr

lrrbn San lttlt d bf r nttlrrnt erldti lr r rllffrrnt

J Ir rr Ctrttnatlthd flor tbl Drrtlonrr {rltc thlr tlnr. rt

r.rv noy Jtrrr. tltr lt ctlld aa-riltr 6dr.?3 r|dbu'

ruhar $rnmtlp ta lrtr ludl|ltl llaaF ber lrrntlfully

lnrird tforrDatl rr torttloa.?{

lna roaolitoa to filert t|r th. J inloot ttlrr

onlt r lonj er l|titfl rTrll ndcrtrotd. Ibc Jlr+r

r!| tlol rrld to br ln lodofr o? lrrr!8r tto i rvao lor

tb.!r JfyrrrA tb. n nt thrlr atlltlr llr d$trotrdbt

J?tan3. la other vrtdfl aa tilt rirr tio obJrotlrr rcll!

rlclr ot dlrrDDrt rll on r luddeo frotr th. olher JI*r rr

loa6 u tho avlltil rrrldtl| ln t&rl .tr lrt rolri fll

tb. r.tt.ctlr Jlrrrrr til !t tlr rorlt o..rot to orlit

for oaa Jlrr tliorl trtrtp bar born nrrrl bt tltbt tilF

h0gcl th. uoilrl conitnu.! to erlst for tho otbor JiYarl

ilora attttar ie|| Ft rt b..a a.*trtrl. lhtf ticor;
tilt ct ctcrlt rmld! r ror{oul rbfldtty1 "tr ritlr nttil
$rna nltr tnrrnarr (tho vlcr ttretl lf oer Jfrr fi h
lrlrrrrdl ell othrl trlver rn tbc!.tt ctnttorlly
rct.itd)?l- $rtch tr tbc lncvtt,.rEt altoor ot !b-
JTra riie c? tbo ttraralr t t ol. fDbJfyr-r-ih t,lrur
Cort flrttor ts thr utttra.a ol mry Jlrrrj ln tbr rtrtr
of ftstlSt'.r rhlsb 1r ht r lnal daf.{rcf of anaronr.
rdtlnr flrr tbr ldrallrt Vi'ar4l tl trr6r out to bo .
.Srlborn o.t?. r.rllrtr It tr lritr rlrrrnt of rr.tllr
1o f-orrgrtlr tbrl r.trr hlr tbllraothy lntrr.rtloa .rd
rt thr l|t tt[ abrrrstortrtlatlu dtffrmt flor tl!
tl,trlrl. taDrrlr tblr 1r rilthlot norrl to tirrrgrlll
rtrloh lr bll ChSlnotlr. aoatrtbutton rr rll. $.!r n
osr ol.rtlt r.| tb. laflel.t of lllrtltte on lioesDett.
Brt ?rloertrtl tr nrnr ttld of ra'lng tbet thr rc adld
JIrer ln thrtt rlren,b,.* sm othfr tbra lrahrlor

lr cgpord !o an lrJfvrrd4ne th.r. tr fb1-lrrr5lrl

aaoordtng 3o rblch thcta tr raly oaorrlf, rho brlq Dou*!
by rnr eildyt tr Crldrrl rrd ti. rrr;in 1r rlrrrd ril
tbrt ."tdta lr drrtrotrCr lbur eooortloj to thtr thoott tr.ta
rrlrtr oolt oar rdf filrr) rd rll otbrr Jlrar rod ilcnr
r!! W th. flSnotr of trjlaatl:a of t!e! rtolb Jlvr.

thr ulrtrmr of, othf" f lrrl rd tir thrmr s-t0la
to thlr tbooryt ml br oogrtd to tb. d!.rr ct tbr! rtatlo

JIrr' Jurt rr lo e llcarl oalt tbr drrlrt blr nal arlrt lao
rul not th. Dlu!.lttt ot thtnSr ir rlrl lo eks onlt r llnllr
erlf har r.rl .Itrtoao.,rat tbl glnrrLttt ot Jirar rd thr

tbrmmr rrr llkr tllnjl fatn ln I drcel. lr lonf rr tblr

rlngl,r JIve trrjtnots ro Lonl tht rHtartrno. ot othrr Jlrar
rla th| phrFr.a. lrrt} lnd tha -Nfnt truf brl'al3a drnr
on t!. riajlo rlfl tt on cul of ltf ora h.Sla.tloa rtt
tllnrory Gtctt.no.f ot thr dtf.r tb.t bt Plrttln| I ttoP to
lbr rtttu ns. ot otbrr,lirer rni tbr fr{urar. ld
rooorttn| !c thtr theoth thr llqlc rrlf tel.t only on
bo<ly cnd tbr bodto of rtt othfr ||lt r .!f but tb. tlll.ott
rgottraolt of thrt rlnSle rtbodlee df. lteaT lnfrlrnttrl
lr3ui.nl3 at Put ?orur{ to tbry Strt tbcrr tr rnly om J lrr
ohtttotal of ray ltlttf. 'tba bodLt ln
and tbr lllnrort
lqtltlon Dorrt. qt oE lalf rr tbltl rllr.f boar|l|. thfT {tr

Dclttr ltt. ry rya boll tn qurrtloar llbr relf of dl ta lt'

reltl Deorlro lt tr rottrnt lltr 17 ora rlF.

lhus,.llrJ trrr v.ldta aD.f to tb a artrt of trr'ittn3

rr.sttbtnS 6.Pt ltr oa lrlf rr tir trcsrntrtlcn of, |

ilrurr ft t|t[rer to rdrtt tle trlrtanor of otbcr Jlrerr

nhmrd ot b:sndr taoor{ltu to btnill ll 9rm rndfhffr

lllurlonr In ctbrl rlrdrl hr 1r r renl solltrtrtr llll
tfrlt lr r|tdbutri| to PletIrb5rntrl tbr rutDor ot
Ycdantt ltttdbdatr llullrvelll r€corcl.l. !o Sor th.tr
k ontt onr ertCti rlbtob brr srrhra tcr ltr lomr
rnd clleotr hra rrlrltf oorl|ttton! g*rbn!,tiorr
rDgartr tbf ph.tbearl rorlC. tbr lnrrttrbtr outrol
sf tbtr thoora tr tbrtl lrbrrc tr rrr n $r lu bon
trlurtd. Srln thf ldrrr of ruob Drtroll er drb d
f-rrdrrul tr !o be undrrrtcod rt tllrfott rr tbl rrlrrl
of tb. dta.r t rtonro tbr Jfra brl! eaor tbrc tr n;
r.aor{t{ to thla thorrryr 1.rl tltftrlcr Dat!.o lodr|l
rd rclc:rar thl dltfalolo. Drts.n r Lcnd rrlf lad I
erlrrn<l rlf 1r ltl. ear FF.lt d tn drcer.?t

(t) rhtr tioryt on tbc nrqf l cr of !t Cn|tr
to br drfrottrc. It rborld br relt tht ltrJ fvrciilr lr
no ttroly but . fsn€t' It frllr tr dt*laiutrh brtrrrn
thr '.l|rqrd |!a tb. bold rtlf. ]rt thr t.rt dtrtttratttn
brlrto thr bcnd rnl tbr relcrdt DrrrtrDotot ntu rrtvn
(llrulr rlnsr lbr rur rrll arn t both bo loul rtd
llbrntrrl rt tho trrt tlrr

(l,tt lblt ut.ort 8tlil r dcrtiblrr tt ti. rrtt

lrlrtcam n3 1lt.;lr rt thf orrrtcr of thr rolltll taarsb
et tt bolrtr ||brt tlrr otbcr JIvrr rni lbr rotlc of thtt|.r
r?l| lilt alDrrtll3r| l! r rla3k |.lf. l|t lt h .toilt
rocrttotl tbat ljnre tr thr crcrtor of tho rcrld rd rbt
thr rolfr llrtbcr lt tr lncoltaot .tld lllotlcrl to bolc
that |Da. i.nt boill.rr ooll oor bolt tr rnlrrtd rd
aot thr otb.r bodl.rl fot hr rlll bavr to ddt tbq lirt
rll othrr Jfru rm nldlrrrl vtrlo! k tbnrft

(llf t ff ti.ri L ral'y om edfl thrrr .rnot ?,a

r it|atlot So bu r.|Flt|d ttrr knorlotar rf lrrbsn rad
Yho a- lnfttut rl |ttttant al!|t t.|lcela. !l.||.a r botd
roul crn o.lrt b. rrlrurd rt ell. lhut tntr $aoty laatt
to tbr cooolullon thot thrrr lr rtrrnrl bondrao rltl ti.
lrcrcd tfittr uhlsh !ry.!{u tb. tarlt of ctroortn| botd.||
roltl ao ftttla. 5o ihc alnaL rlf throry tr u'rtkfrot€ftr

tor cthot ffrJivr rarltnrl tn orlr to oDlrar tla

rtot Ctffftrnltler, r.latrla tbr! Htrerya3rrbhr rlonr 1r
tbet rtatb rlfl lio 1r thr rrtleotlon of Drebm ral tlrt
th. otho! Jlrrr rs. lut th !.tlxttont ol HlrqSrrbbrl
uho .nlut t ttt. trt rlrte rn! atrtlnt bo{ttlr thur mrailll
to tblr rlil; tbr tct tlta rd dlrttnot borltcr rlr bo{lrr

tltbrut th. r!lf,, tl.aln d bt tb. lla3h t.lf.

lotb.t ttQ af lb Jlvrledlnrr lrleotr tbh

tler rlrcr er tt 1r dlffloolt 1o llr rlbtcb BlrratrluDr

1r tbr DrlnatDrl solfi rlnor Stnaygrrlhr 1r dtffraat
rctol{lnt to rt.f !a rr.l tsa. tnrlrl tbif lrLa lLt
thc rtaElo !|lf rntrrtla tlto aul ttollmp art&t.r rll tbr
bcrtlrr dthrr! rnt dlrttootloa.T

lblr Yla elro lrl r8rlntt th. coDa r4lrrlenot

of thr tlnnllty of Jlrerr lf otbft f lrarl .s.gtlnl
ltnntrSrrrbbr rlrl gcullcl bccla. (rr tblr theolt ocrrtftall
tbcn tbey Srnnot c:lcrtraor rot 9lf1.uD. or Erln o" rEahina
at rlL hi ltl lt r rattat ol oonoa .{ptlasaa that oar

J tt| qtrrlrm.' galo1 ptrarw otorq r! ilttttnct tt)6 tha

othcr Jltttr ttu rp.rktr{ tlor thi .?tttasl rtad Flntr
tb.r SarlC Orlrt r Dluralttt ol Jltrrr to. .1-trI"r-tiid.

trvt ttr lbrrrp lt nlt br golatd o$q rrr frnotrr retbt

thrn tbmrlat lnd gh.tofolr er f,tt to De trort.a oolt rr

Erfor vlodtn3 lD tbc dlrcuetlon,on' rt'rlllo tctnt

nt !a rdat u"* .b'siYerrillr aarl A'nbJlnrrdre tbolil

olporelerl cther ln tb.l! tletrllr; l!. onr r|'tb thr ocnttrl
thuk of ldvattr Yadaatel rlroe tBXJtt tsdrf r


to ;nrtlr thr rrlo ,alntr of lrHrtrttrl

falooEtlon of JIre or th. tndttldorl t.tf.

(l) tbat th.r'r lf r flrtlnot rnd *rtalatr
ln|lflt6[l tolf otbu tbrn Errhrarr tt lrut r ltl*r lltusloal
r drohtrf thtd by evlit'fl - oont,rrly to tltc rtm of
rdlbtr-totrl ffyrfltleJihrq Pur:va ltfurn; }rr ttal
tfllitrFrfte rnd th. otbrt feror of tlttftlrosl cur
uon-dlffrrrncr (bhs{-nheta)1

(lll tbat thr Jirar ln ltr frtutr 1r dlrtlrt

tlt tlta bodfl lfntf ot;ear etorl lfid tllt lt tlF lv.t

tho dortnrotlon of l! - ooatr"rtf to tDr vtlr of tba


(r11) tht tbon6h bcjtarrlrgbrr (mrll)

tf bC otrrul;

(lrl ttrt, ln ndttt,lt ll oonr olfr* tDn tir

ln0tft tcnt .rrnf rll ntrtjlrtree (lrdrlrltlnrt') nlrrr.

(Prrtlort), olritfre (forbrrrrlp illtyr (rt*arl);
atrrugr (tttttbrt klrl; atlvlfhrt rr (obJretlur)I
nttralrnr { tprtbtr ) I ntttotuicr (crrrlilr} e rnrnttl( tnilnttr)1
rlbenih (lnrtvkturh rlr (ntcrn)1 rrr3r (drrthhrs)1
rtshrrr ( 1od..t!$ttbh)I rahrh (t'rorrrull)r rprrlnrirt
(non-trrnrforsck) or htrltbinItt (lnlrbly ctcrrrl)I

r.r!trr (t non'nlrtloael); lrttr Jdtr bddbr rttr 'vrlblrr'

(ctcnatty Purr rnd rler Llbrrrtotlr ft tra Jtott (rlt'ludrpur)
atrtnirlddbe (rrlf-cvltent)1 JuAala chrltrryr (;tro

aoasotournait) | iatobt{airdr (trtstrneol tnDalo'l8f

.rnil bllu)s 8keqfir rdrttmyr (onr vltbout e ccoord)

(t) tbrt,lt tr thr bnrl lott rtd .aloto!

of rotlror tbcuEh lbt ln rnlttt btrt orlng to tb.
lrnDnrttbl. lnflutaoo of tb. rvldydlo tbmrl

(a!) that, tn tts rrirltlGll tt It but 9u!a

oomalournfrr (lrlOne 6,rl!eq[) hrrft ol rll duelttt
brt*rca thr lrnrrr tb. hot! and tlto lmvl' tdlr3

(rtt) lbtr rtril

fior th. ttltlael P6lntq
J lra lr lrat rad nct ono aontlrry ao gli-;It -vadrl

(vfft,) that, ttrt m ertkd Jfn tr r. tlnrl rr

Ijranr ln the ultlnrtr rcrlr (tbr ultinto t.'ltqt
brlnj ntrrltotlr at$n)f

(k) llrt ti. t$dtttrtnrl rlf (.1Tro) tr tte


lrour (frlrrn) of rrtdyr rnd oot dtrhu - cont't'ltt

to th. rtrr ol thr Bt b6'rhrltr avldyf tailtntl

(d tirt rvlrlri.f on flrr cllnd tll tDr

rttff of thr otber rnd tbrt thcr tr r plulrlltt of


(rl) thrt, txr-ltr Qtrlcol coarlttlonJl ht
rn lneltc$bl. rtttul| ot -tnn (df) rnt! rnrtrra
(tutr:tr) (ltlr rnrtdtrngr)1 the Drldoot of rrldf;

(rtt) lirt tt rttttt to lr {trlu6d }l brtt-

mlngtrr tncrpttislbb rrldti tou.r (rn6cl evtlYi'
rh eltl ) 1

(r1!l) tbr3, rJlrrtlrr 1r Lailrr of rdhtatl

ide'afi cJ 'P'th
rad rvtttyr tr !b ci& tt adbyfrrl

(rlv) thet, thr Jtre lr €rrrbtr of, thlortnl

trat ltr frlrc adJuaotr thrlollh Laortrdjr of tbr rrd
nrtsrr of ltr crn cilfl

(rr) lbrt llr nltrrlton of ttt ot! glt

-lAro.d { co. stal ;eelito-{ion

(rrf) lbrt,lt tr nrltbcr r |.rlen Et .o

rrb r lsllcotloa ot tna. ol tbo rnifr*trtton cf
brabrra throsth tho loocr of arfl (oontrery to tb.
-.bhit. k a.rtrltf dr'
rnd ;tttlnlrbrvaiterllut
Itnltrtton of !h. alatlrl tat -torn (rracoDelr) et{
tl nrrll r rydl (lrrlrrlr - oontrrtt to tl. rtrr
rrlatslnrd by thr ttalatr|r.l0lntl
\ rro
(tvlf) t[ate ln ltr
rlr.ace, tt tr nrlthcr
&ttrr rCottu.l€ of the boily (crlab prefnr) nrr ol
' etorrto elra (airuprrr5or) ltrt vtb}ru (r!rrbu) -
oontrslt to tbc vtrur of ttrrfrlarl tbt Dretttor rd
I I il Jtllyal tlnr rfrg.qtlyrlyl

(nftl) l!rt' la tt| tr!. rtllflrs tt tr lut |l

mltatrllr ftct ead ruvor rubJoot to doubt B{rr nr[-
arlttanlr mt tapcrrl L...eontraly to tlr vtcvr of tAe
Juyefidl Sudlhlrta utd orrlt Sulthltt - lllt tlra-.l-
(rk) tbrtr lo ltr
?lrln6.r tt lt rrrrr r
Itl|t le tn rrlatlcn to rttllbutfr - orotrarf te tbr
rtrr cf tb. st'i-trrrldcdtrr - ht ntrjlrlr (rttrltota-
lorr) I

(rr) thtr ln llr alrlarf tt tr arrtr r

thtal tn rdrtton to lbo[ni (eonlntnl)l tbrt lt t.
bryonl tb. ltrrg of th. ftnlte tntolbct Olnitrr)t
tlrat l3r !.rllgrtlon tr lncormlooblor Dut tLt lt lr
tho attanof of, rll; i**r
Stttlll . lt
fltl nAturn or rF+ 'rsicrr.

th. rtrtur cl thr Ontrrrrl $rlrtt tl llrrrrlttrr

L'|lol of &lrrtta ril nor br olfeo|trd' lf lnlrrn donr

brr tl a'mt fol tir prll -
tr rrrl rr ldtrlla lctrrdrl
r FrtC of tlutrlttt rfitab n rrgrrtcner? thtt tt r lr3lttrll
qriltlon; *loi '!lrt rtlttlo tttt'a lrr tr
rnc tionllrblr

lb ilrtlrrl lrilt tltG to tbt' C'ltton t!

llntta tr tlrt tlrr ulvrrlr 1r lrllltrr (tltrroly)r lbrr

tr erllotl tbr th.ott ol ttrr phraordttv ot tbt nildlt

fllrtrr stoh ral firlt tat:fornr{ b7 th. YtJti-lrlfllm

tbt. th'ott ar letrr tr|.to'.|t tf
aoc ttrr l6irrtullSrr
t[tttr' ta ortrl to .'trbtltb tbr
oaurlrD6dr ln btr fagfif
artua. ol lmtltyl tt tt lt.'etlrr tlrrt tbr ucrl|l
ot th. mrltt 1| Dl 'rt'bllrbdl ro lfil tbr t!o'
ot rcsllty (rll"1 Brrbrrn) 'rn{tt br lrrltredr

Itrr Artrettl. tl.dt of ttr' lc'rutt tf

lrtrtocr tr brrd o[ tbr follortnl 'tlnt'ntrr


(t) tbr l'trnil tt't 9lttrtrr

(tt) .trrlrctr ffu l{frrrnrt'r
(ttt) lrurnt ttl 9lt'Srfiflmra&r

rooetdlr[ to thc .rtu;nt tror gri'n|trr. Jttrr

vorLl l! nlrr{rd rr tllulott (dthn)., tn lhf
:lounl tbrt tt lr plarntal to blrlerltc ol tliat tt 1l
obJeotlr ln ohataetsro ontt ttl. rl|r ('lqt) tl rrrls ttl
th. a..n (lr&r) rlacl r |..n cr rbora ontltt tltatlrblt
tlrtrrdr oa .Etbar ccarotosrtrl b.t!3 fot b.15t lc,vn
arrl nrdl furt rt ln r rlnar tt tl nll tbf tlrl tbrt lr

rril url fftt tb. drorr ltrrlfo tlr lnnblr tr tbat rilr!

lr aot rrlf-lutour, bot th. trl! (or ltra) ll rell'

lnlaouct 3hr rsoor{lnl to tbll att[ratl Srtever tr

coanlrdt tr tlllrort, lltr ttrr alrll-rtlnrr

lL adnttt! alrbotrtrr !h. rootal of rltbtatt

'tltttryr'lr tbrt drlolr 1r rltlrr nrl norcorl blt
rllffalaat fiul botbr tbet 1r to rcyl tb. rrnlvrtr' 1'

tlla|olt ln lDr tGar. tDrt lt oanDt D' 'brtrGSstl-


t.C attbfr .r !r.l ot rl uttl' lba sll'"rl tr rt lcll

bs6*uf. lt Srtr rubletdt b7 Brnllra'lnlll3r. rnd bt 't'tlt

Ylsrrtrtt n]r rnt entttT.rbtob lrr tb. ort|lt| of lt. oq

rhlob 1r rt Dmtncr0 fy oeutete ritoh tr rol'f lurtaolr rnd
rtrtob lr Et cl.Drd.nt oa rntthini rhr tho rul lr tbl

' rldr Cbrltcr II


lrl*afunt ndrr.t blal. tfb:rtJtrl? lt tahttnr ft
F C.Dandrnt b rnrrrlr tlrnr tbr reel 1r tbct $ltcb ta
not mblatrd rt rrry tlrr lbr nalwr tr mt rrll
tn tblr frifrr lor 1r lt nnrrcl b.oc[tf tArt 1r ur
r.rl rnrt br olBld $tlr 3b. nnltsrra tr rcantrcl.
llrtb.' tt oaamt b. rtntf,tn d tilt thr untrcrrt lr
bottr retr rd unrll lra.!f. ct aontledtstton. Ern
It tf rntlt4 tllffmrnt tlor botb rcrl rd lnrsalr
ln otbomr{e tt 1r tdetorolnr}h (ealvaohrnrtrtr
tbr volM lr frlrr ln tlla aaoaf of brla3 lndmsrtbo'
blt ln ltr [|lr!a.

slrlterlt nrmltq !a trLt5ft tln p*l

lr frtr brarcrt tt t; t1].tt;trnblrr lt lr falrr
rr lt or$t b. d.tlad aa tlto tobrgFtnr of .ttbat

brlat cl not brln3.'

Ir r llrr llrrtl ?nErl.trra ilnra tl.t

tbr lo!1c [rt b. aoartcctu! te b. frlol llncr tt
of$trr rtltb lDa brldaa cl thr cofferplflllla .rD.ttrlil.t

lrrrr{lof to lt rllmt t|!r Vtat|rt$rttrf
rtrt lr rrel nrt br !trhro4rabler tbc o$cotl of oot
uErriroor croot br rtrrtd l! trals altnf tbat cora
rrl p. lht irl tirl rs. €ls.ltlt rlrlatnar tL

nr&l lt mttbrr r pEll br&a Pr per apfclnlr thtnll

ol thr lotrttta rtr Dtq bnt rlvqtr bao-r lbry "t'rt

tot lr ttr. rad tit[ rrnlrh lato Dtllot. lotitr*nl

.ntttl.l trr rtnr;r ltlr tlrt. tLrT berc r ltdtc{

trporil rrlst.nsar ltbnt tr ltlltrd ln 3lr1 rtilr rd

oontont (Dgrlocbtanr)l tr tlh rt to th' Grrr ot tlluory

rlpartnilccfrl ![t tho rrtf lrt4 sdtaltrrl la rtlcttrr

rnl cqrlrnt tr rbt frtr. rrtr trliaantlaot th 'Lf crlatr

(larretre)s rt rtt Strl (rurrtf) d ln
.trr1t S.t.
Br.t, )frr. rrt (rerrtb6). the .rlf h tn n !'nt' abr'ntr

tlt tblatt otber tbrn tbe rllf ortrt rt tor tl"!'f tn ron

rnl rlr ttrt*rlar{ bt rorcthlat.t Hral tbr Etntlrr

mrt br lrttalld er 1!lnror71 rlfiot llrrrFtL

tbur, rolrratlt[ lo laaut'itt tb' ntld l' r

r.lltt rrd rbt rn rbrolutr lnlltt' tt rrnml

br lr rrrl rr Bnlrn lnrnrqh rl tho ftrrt 1r lnrrtl

rubJrct tc r'.ryrtrl elulr rod dfr& rbtlc tbo lettrr

tr totl rrt-cbtt-iordre lnrrblr rllf'ldrur ultqrrr

conaoloulaoatr In otlrnor{i1 tbl nrltl lr r trllrtal

t:trrilto of rra.ltty md Dt tlll clrtonol'


rcooalt4 b tb. rrlnroBt ftor JrkrDrlir
Errtrillr (rrbJ..t-o$rst rrtrtlol) tbr ro o*lld obttot
Itrll lr nnlntd'llglbhr lrt ltoar ltr talstlon to
aortrtldlartr. Ar tolsglon nfocltrtllt lrotrrr rl'rtr1

rt$rat ttrt telrtr; !.lstlon 1r uatltaleDho [ct lt nt

b. .*aill lou tnotlt ltt th. !al831co rtxl tbe rclatr

rdetrd rtgh a.ab oth$t Cbvlon|ltr l8flt to thtr
qurrtlon lnrolru rn trnflaltr !{toltr

tbmr ur tu?th.t dttflolrltlfl rotrnllnl S

utotr ot ||lbJ.ot obJ.Gt lrl.tto6. It oen mtth'r D'

.n artrml rclattot D|)t ln latcrarl Orr It osnmt br

ro arlcttrl rrlettoal u tbr rnbJort tr rt r lot?c3irtr

tblntr trrn lt !.a1ct rrlattol

Da t! lr contolsF
grn tbito tl rt loqt
nr.t t &rt be |'o!*cn0 tn thr obJrctr
thr rchtlon of latrntitt b.turontbr tn? llot rt dll rt

th. t- rsr Oorrd to a.dl otbel.' lt 1r rl$rC to idl

ot ldsrtttY !.tnrn tlr.

tlrr lotb lfitolontn rr rr{ oDlet rr&t b'

rglly nrl. of th. tnltbc tom.r lr tnctuhltrblr (m

It lr rrlf-lurlonr rrd h]|aa rdf-atld.ot)p rbrrrrr t'hr
lattr tr dnbttrlb lerfir .r ttt istttflf lr lrFadlnt
oa Ooaclotrlorltr lhl onlt lorl rrrarattlaor (lhlmnl

h rorl rn! tir obJmt 1r llluroth

ljrlnl rcoatcl|| to Ac'nttlr 6tro1o[taaa. tr

UlflC.d (rlrbende). tbtr untty ot aaa$losrnor tr9llrr
tbrt tO.!. ofn bo m rdrtton bftrom qtlralr|r|n tr ral
thr otrlr tafaotl Sra retherr dor| ool alltt .i llll lr
Srrbn k ltrolf rll-*ktrnctr

hrrtlftl thr rrltcltol of f,.rltttr rlcodlnl

to l6cr.t tt lr rbldhttrtt"r tmrrrublrtlon) rntl rtlPtr'
lSrirtrr (rlf-furldfltrt tt lr ao3 rrtheBrttilrrltvr
1i61 6prttt ot dot[ nrl) ol thr $utltblrtr; lr tl tt
3br 'rrtlolgr3lc of tbr olrrr oil$t of brlq er thr
lrt'fdbr holl. lh rlrflorr r":rllty lr lrrdhtr relf'
Itrlrtlor (rnDrrlsrbrtr) ritcb tr lrtrr oonttrdlct C.
oa$ tb. plm lrrlro .ra br leli to l. lltfrltrly rrrl
tn trbtr ralo.?

trl tbe fot.Som Drf.rr tt nr rrrn tbri rooordlna

to tiorrgrttl thr lobf ectlrrr lorld lr glnoladr If ra

Ilrt nlre ltf rrtpnrf?
lpr doer tt lqpl rt all?
tbtr lavolrrr ooorldrrrttoo of tba do'tiln' of ouBtlonr

f trr*r rllr

Cnlrtton lr I trtr rrtapr' ln llft

trtcrl.aor brccrr torrtbll cnlt rtor tFltrttorf

orulrtiohr In blr oonocpttoa c? G$trtton V-or4rtt
. lloarlt foltorr '?$hl*ererr tbr lilrttr tloltrlne cf

oaurrtlln lt hera rr ttvartrtllr rt olDot'd to tb'

antblrtrfdr rt lrr-br{itl of tbr r'iy1'leticJltl ud

' lcrorlla3
tba trt-Iarttricr cf tDr ra*hnt-tolt ryttrrrr
to "lrlltr r6dri ttrr llfrct lr rpt r ttrnrfotrtlor
(terlo{rr) btlt tl oalt r ralfrrtrtlu (vlrrrtrl
ot oirr.r
of th. ldlfor 8lrcl ttr cffrct tr onlT r rnlfratltloa

oi not r trrartotrlloa of tbr .llrl1 3hr "r|. rcrelal

nrffolr{ tn ttl at|nrirr

tEtb.l ailttatl[ lo tttit'Crtfdr Errbtl tf ttt'

rrDe.trnlt ot th' nntlrrf" t[rt lt,

frrtr ol tbo ltllprt
tba sitctta ll rn lU|rstt nnlf'ttattcn of Er|hlrnl

trrben ttErlf rpp.rtr .! tba untrrllft tb' a'ttttt'

rllhlnt thlf , on tb. rmtclt of thr totr rPpmrlnt rr th'

totlro lbr rc?r dorr st ttrlttott ltr|lf tnto tb' rtrlrr

oa tb. otber brtdp tt oall qtntr rl ti. rnlr erl tr
Itaorrmr (dilna). fb. laDa 1l rr3rr{ed It tb. ornrr
of thr lppirtsnar of tn *r lnrrrt r a lt te tlr
Derlr cf tb. lllnrry ftrrLr tr rlloe lrahu rhloi
lr lbo bertr cl tho nrl<l rlgftlluo.r lr to br n3al|rl
rt tho rtrrlrl adlr of tla unlYrlralS contrnrll tlcertrtl.
tbr rtrrrtbr vle rlas to bt prr ntlrfactort er ll
buuttlllly lrtonethe thr nturll' contraltctort rltttrF
nl tctr rtth ltl adltrelon of thl fact tb:rt tht unttrllt
lr rn lllurott ranlfartrttrn ol halren. Ihla 1r tba thftlt

of rtrlttr edtrooqtcl It Vrartrtt tn htr tEnrtl' ffr .r,plrlr

src clrrlt tbtn rhnfin 0
tbtr tbcort of t:lrrttf,

tirefrtt Cenlor tbr r&fbtr .ilt.ntle Lt lL

onusl rad fffagt slo ttl.ntlrl oa thc rtbet lrrnCq ?ioflil
holtlt tbrt tb. rbtlc! D.tYtl o':aI lll rffrot 1r tnr

uprrerlblo (ralrverrnnrr.le(r)
8r cplelnr tb. lrhtloa
lrtnrn arufa rea rtfcst ar rrnrtunrr llt bt tha tatr

trnrqnr, br doll Di rrn fidh (mn'dltfcrnortl rr lr

rrloiqln.d bt lallitr.U' iln th. othl ta{ tt rrrnr tirt

tha atf.ot l.. r t.lttt ln ltrlf rDert fltr tb't ol
In frot fior:rprtl lntrrDntr th. tst felrntl0
thl trultr
noltber er rltff*oaac (tsrrrr) utr u tdrntlty($leite) bt
lryrlrlDb (rnlrrriurrn). t! llrtrr3 thtr rr
latittiltrtlrn br rltffftr !ot! frur lrbr f,trr-ta-tetjrrlfr
rr{ tbr filhtr t/rarrr

l-Gl]rrrft rBf rlf,rtr ni + f .rlf iTltih

liorrpetl. t|rbjrtr ti. r'rrtF|lfdriffr vfrr

of crurrtbn to odttoal rriltnetlon'Il tbr llyiTar
vatJrltta vlrr ol s6utrtlon tr tn:ur rr r-rarbhrliitr or
lr,ttlfiyrrfdar tbtr thoert bal r gcotttlel vtrr rt tr!
ia tb. cffrct lf ocnearrcl ' ft rlntrlt{ tbrt tbr rffrct
lr rtntr (noarulrtrnt). It rdoptr r oorntftrtfl eYt!y'
lry rlrr rd loldr tbrt tbr rifrrt lr ml clrtort brtorr
Itl om:ttoar aooot{lo3 to tblt ttrc:rye lt tr tlr rotlvttt
cf tbr r3.ot tblt Infrf e tld of !g.ffct flil tt
rerH rfrloh nr oa-clrtfntr b.fol. thf o!.tstlon of ttr
rlrrrto an lnit Do srnll rtr tbk mana|r lhart
cLartr ,l Jrr brforr lt nr rlliad lnto r rfotlr bt tha
tottrtr lbrt tr to rrtr thr Pottrr olLtol r n rffrot
(pot) frrll tb. Gan (olrl)r utth tbta lnr!'rnoo tht
arnn.crrfJritn plfferEhur rrrr io drtve lcr thm

Dclot|| (t) tlrt ptlttb ttt grtduatlcap tbl rltcd

r! fuai ir m.erlrtGltl (11) tirt thr rtt.at! brvr r
trt !|rt rxlrtnr. tlrt l|' th.t .DQ$t cil late
lclq d r$! frrl.h fril (fU) tbt tlL lxr|. rd d?ri
rtenil ln rrlrthn of rlqulrnr rnil ctn no! ba l{rattcrl;
tbet lte {nnra etrd lffrct lgpart la onr cotrtllonrolrt rr
srparatrl Jstt qt r Jar tr lot tdlntlorl rtti ttt 6rl|a
vlr' I tlr;.

t-csrgttl srfutrr &.rbnNtlrr frarbtrvSl lr

lrtl+rtr rttb trltotrt dttflaulltft. to tbr t tt fllit .ttht

tt rpprrl to br lncoaelltent' lf th. olu!. rrrll rbtotutflt

rl.rrlrtrdr brforr ttr tro{natlonl rr rlatelri ly tlr

llile.veliar|le tblntrrur tt rtoltl nt rt rll br trrlu|bt
tntc brl'r3 taallrh rt to..tbtn3 orrut oor. oqt of E ghltl

and rlttaft!1 lr1 brr ll''rtr la6r lor laltrnotr n cr|l

)rtra latc b.lnt tb. oll frr (nrt.rd) x?6ft tt lt

ptrnthtfy a[tttt tn thr rit.tttl oer (nrtert rel];

bt trurtat ltr lrt rt olotpt Gttrot oll frlr thc rad

tarlu ac thr otl lr t$tlldl to r br or{frtlly mo'

arl|!ro!, c"a6 pot.nttellT ln lhr f|rd. tl|m rnn..tlrtaoa

o.n liartit br t?rfitf,olrac lnto .rlrtloo'[

hrtlrnt.,lt r rd.tt tlr ItPtbutl ol

Ireilrntrl Sb.ae V&rrtrtt t llt rrr n rlll b' non''l
to drlt . tlulilltt of or[|rt. If tb. rlfct do.' DC

.rt!t tatlnttrtlt tn tba arrr. grlol to ltr nalfrllrtloE 'f,1

ieor rid.rlt aor| lrrto frlaar (tr rllttlld bt tl|
l6Tr.trlJrdlrr)r rr ullt hrl. to lrad ourtrlvor ll
hopolur rbnrnllttut rr dlf tbr br forlrd to b.ll.ltl
tb.t r$tthtnl r.[ rr- ott of rntthlnt d|. ral tbrrr
b ao rettrtntt ttrit thr rur o3[r.r v111 pmlrn tbt
lria affact. tlt vl br flor rrDer{noa tlrt tbr currl
oonlrotl|n tr r rtrtrart rrlrttonl ur trt oll ttor tb.
(nrtrrd) rtd rnlt Lrrsa otl lr lnhrrrnt ln tbr rdr
tinr tlorortl aoaoluir !t ntlat tbrt to rocitt tblt thf
rlt .rur. rlll plodu6. trba |.r. attrt tr to *a.tt thrt
thr rf,frot lnttrr t*l,tolt to th. qll|. b.f,otr ttl reot-
Lltstbo. Io otl.t ro!{rp ttr rlhot tr rct gt'al' r.rl
or trlrF.drt.nt grlor 30 tt. Droltrttont lt fu to b foila
ldtrllag ln tbe rrura rnd tl thr tr'tott of rctrtlon *et
tr lrpltrtt nlrlt broorar *pllottr


lcl, ffcrrirti llJertt lhr Sulbtl rlrr of

lrrretlon to lrltllrl erraln*ttlll fhr 1lr*btr gb$oropbarr

lbr rn l?!ct-.ot ovsr tlot of tb ht'fyflrr la t'hrlr

t1.r at caa$ttonr tblr hollt tLt th. rff,rct lr lt|l ol
trtrr tlrtt t!.ott lt o*lbrt rrltifrtr tilCrr lbl holl
tlrt th. r?frot rr ,Illclll! t!.mit ta th trta rld 4'.+ 'i tr<'v *-
c+$t<sri r!. tilrntlcel;
rffrot .|nr rod .tr.ot rn| xrt t$o
iltlfrrrnt rulltlml th. o.!r. llnlfrltt tg{lt la tb
F tffrltl th. tfo .r. thr dlffrt.fit .t.otr of thr mn
DbGam[r to pct lt ln olarl t rrf thr crurl moordle
to lbr r1dtbn pbllrropt*re brfoil ltt tlrlttttrttoo.at .i
b. orllrd tbl crllll rd rlBrr ltr trrnrfotrrttrn rrt Da
crttr{ tlr tffrotr crrntla ln tbrt! "t.r !r . Dnto.rr
of bccrlag la rilob t[. ost. ttd{rlrt iracer rd
ra.tterr ln tha rffrotr ttt: 'rtllrtrratrr tlnf |[rrB!.t
to tbr frrfhr v-de ol th. $titr.tel|.rllr rtttrr

tir.9rtl }rl{tt r tb. |rtlfltUr{r. llr vler

of Calrrtten lt laora at ylvartr tfrb. tht effrat
.er.rtlat to thtt ttolt 1r mt gtlrDtb'lrrtlrn (lrrlFd

ol 3hr crln (rl tc lcld bt tb. tSofEr gtllrrolbrrft bnt

1r tbr nntfurterlrl (Ytrrtr) of tb lrtlrrrl rad ln tbr

ptocrrls thr oa:lr lrt.ttt liffwtdr fao'rrjrtt hrr!.

r.Jact| thr v.rt lootosSloa of tbr .r*htr tbtLoatiatr

tlrt tlt trt.a tt nttbil ltrrlt tlL tlhr rlfrot.D
t5lrrptl rrtrr lt rrrcttt ilo tos rrn bt tte tnalfor'
ritl.rn of tb. orntr lnfo rtircl? rbrt 1l tbr nllrn of tbl
rgtlrr oalra tlrt lr traarfond tnto dl!|rflfld fotr?

tr tt trrtbm or l, rt ralot attf t ttr? If l! tf
Drrtlagr lt 3o.t 30 prur| tlrt coolrta rbrlla tr
troduaal la tbr pdDrtlrl clull ta rv rt forr of t!a6-
frrrrlirn rlt tbl rfffot t.t br ltrmrL It I rilrtl
thr rrrcd dlrrrtlrrl tbr prcillrl, or!|. bfrc.r n
lmjrr .t nrlf lnt frldlDlr.l{

ftrtf|'r tl trrlorttloa Itlt.| r ttLt

illr;r ol crrrr.r Inorl.03r nL b. lrtorrlbb tor tt
lrt.r rrrrf rtrtf at.rtrtrla. dtffflant lroE th. lartlou.
rtatar ft rllo ftrth.r lrdr to tha rrxptrm. of Curltttr
tbu. F t!5rr tr rnt !ad. It lr lr;tn.ll DrctEr. of rrtClio
lld tLt ralrb Ir nolrrl rea.t tons tnhn.l{(r)

lfcrl'rtl ptatr tr Sbrrr lfflct. rrs rlortc

. aorlBtr of utl-rTrvidr rni r.J.otr lt . outrltbl rrpLmlot
lt bt bl| on tbcolt of vit|ttrr

fnrl rorrrClal to tl"rtt"rdel thr rffiretp il

rlrrr0t Dotntrrt atl k I rla r!pr.!att.l6 It doer not

tortolr tbr nr |l'urt of lrlaa rr tb. octltr l|alr srafi

loa. mt 'rdft tlmrtort ltcrlf lntc tho rrlll Dlt oolt
arp.rr dr. to rrtC'q rr tbr rarlor ta tlllr rco'| it lt
rn .prartrmr rnd tr relti onty fmr tbl rDlttool rtrtd
Dotatr It tr lrlr or mprrlrt.ot ftol tbr oltolcllcel
. fr llrlltl (lo..r lrrbral oo.r Dt td lat
rctnd,lt ltrnrtorl ltrclf .ta!o tbr rcild1 for only r tblat
rbtah tr rrCr out of grttr arn trrnlton ltrelf ot fDraclf
toa€thlntt .r fot tartara rttb broortnj fur{lrr trt Btrbn
trlnj prrtlerr (rlirdrl cnot b.col rnttlhar llttbrt
rtutla CaaLrla tlrt lrrhl lr rDrrlnlrt (m-trrnltorrtlt)r
tt lr flEtrrtie alttr'l tllrra ttltltr rebltrr rn{'nlrbf,rl'rr.
Ernor thr ro cellrd vorld arrut br r Drlt of ttrbu rf
hnnqlr hotdrl rrt lr tt r rrlf-rul3fka1 ratltte snbn
oalt rralbrtr ttralf rr tir vorldi ldrittr tbr r|r!.lrr
tho tnth !o th. bltt t cnd rlthct lr|ttna tn brlf-v.t
itttlrft tb rolrtlra bltrG lrbrrn end tlro rotld lr I
onr rllrd rdrrtlonr tbr nlrtloo 1f ftot ftrll tc nrll
rrd mt vlca trrlrr tbr rcrll lr I Clo*rnt arlttrnc. rnC
h Cqaalrnt ot tha rbtolutc atatorl artlt.nof of, brblro;
om rttblut r toooni' It rppcrrrs aryr li-lrrgrtls rr tbl
rorld tbroutb rvtdtdr rttctf tt tbnr t'br rirlrrllrrrnr cf
lhr vcrld.

ticrrtrtt tdfi Flot to tlolara tilt orurrtlol

lr r|.rl ealt frr tb. |ltttorl rtrdgolnt ul b. $trr|
ti o'!|!-!ettt, ftio| t{rr oatolotlrl rt.r polntl rr lt 1r
plf-dlrrrprntr Srca tbo ontoloSlorl polnt ol rtrr $rttr
th. Esr. all rrrlorllr ltrrbarn lr thr only rrrlttyp
. .'
tr|r||tloo ta lrFltralh rnd brmr lot.| rU, tt. fartft
irlbrrqtrrrrradGtdlt toold tt, lr n ltb.r tb. fsrrrl
to! trha rillclr of tba rorkls Uraulr tba cooofttr lllr
rcelrols |tortloor rto.s rll brtaj qplr{orl oinbt bo
rgpltrd to tb. rloof rn{ lndltt !.nt (trnU rnl rllrrrnl
lrrbrar thlr frrrr thr ontoloStul ,atnt of rtrr tbrrr ll
notbL{ ltlr thr otl.!ra. of tbr unlt.rlr fFor Etri$.lt(d


lcosrttng to VfcerDrtll lnlna tn ocaJuntior

rlth imlcnor (ertttyi)s fror the rllrtosl rlrv Dolngf
lc thc btertrl cmrt of tha u$tYeila.lo tht ualrer'o
utelr tn snhrrl rnt tt ebrorbcd G! ta ttr Jrtt rr r

anrtr bat to! l3a l.t tlrl orr'.l thr r4r ta ronJwtbn

dtb tbr t3mrril of tbr tota. lh. rlrlr rrlrtl lf tbr

rogl rrlrtr tnC lr abrorbrd ln lhr lo9to tbnr 8rr!5

rltb arl<tyf,llrr3l{ ta ltr Jlvrp tr th. rat t{d ortrtl

of tbo rorld ta Slch tbr rorld tt !trxr0..l ri ebllrtd.f

lr l'lr to lntsr?lo! tbr rrlrtloo !n r ndrllrttr ntr

ilrrhrn tr tbr ulttlrt Smtb llictl,ttal th| vorlt! of

ltgartraaar tbr rtcrot of ob.!3a rd ltt|'dlt tr dlr

tc arlltfr tbr wrlrl fr r $br rtpm!6$. of lrrbil

rr|rnlatd rlt! lnrlefllrbb tvo'fol{ r'lcti.b sr|?rrtr[

tht IrI| rn| ta|ol.rs rttb bs3tnlltt.|r l*flr$lr
rvtdtf lr lbr mtethl Gnlto at ttrr nrli.D ttnr

rtfiyi; racottlnl to tacaqptt, ta onll e nhlirt (tnltnp

rat) D! rlrtch thr on Srebrn rtgaarr ra tht nrld ef

rptfaranoar. Ia ultr ||loac rrlaltt lrt br lc8artlell rr

Fdn[rl.!!Gn rnd ltralrs rr ?trrltoDacanl.D

, tc tbo ri*lfr phllorcpbmr; tlrrtlSt lr ttrcll

3h. rrL!la|, crut of th. uott& trt tCcrrgrtl aot| tbg

Irut tlrt rvtdyi It rtnlSh$rnt tba Gdll. ot tb. $rlldt

rr lt h lartt (Jrdr). Srra llrbrrFrmt br rrll to bc

tla Eoum of tbe rorld dotbicdr$er tt lr I ral rsr

cf gnrr aoatllotltlftt. tblr thr ciuta of thr rorll tr bt

irrtrrra rln'b brodrle Dt tt tt rrrlrtli E l3rllf. Jl tbr

o3lrrr{u! lt (tbc orqr| of thr prli) te tlhr oonJuncttoo of

trrbm eall tt:ltlYtr

ncaortl4 to tllr;Fdal 8rnbru tr lbr c'ut' of

th. sttt! lnmrli rc tbo arll riPrrtrner tl rnttrrtrd

oa tb. Srnni of lrlnrs ttrr rrrllth ?ntiehltern

tbtr b1 ttfattla tbr.c rltrta.tltt vlrril (ll
bnhrur rol ifi Ltlr tlo trlrtrd trltlada stt tototb" ttlr
F Jotnt crura of ttrr rorlrl. thlr fa il.l rl l-oaapatlrl rtrtr

{lf) tbt rbtrb br rfti ra ltr pouor & cb. crule td

F (llt) tbrtr Jtlhrrn rilob brr rS luDported oo lt tr tb
agtr. at ttt rorlti.ll

llcrrtrtt rrfuter tbc t-lbtr "lit tbr! tnlh-r

(uroonrolour pr|t?31) l. tlr lgtttrl orur of tbr utTtrrar
loGorllnt to blrr prrrti-rn aantrot bc thr arrrta of tlhr norlrl
.f lt tr orplntrllljeat (rolt) r !b o.lr. ot glr. rotll

nrt br lnt*l lgrntr fol lloro lr drllll rll u{c tn tba

ualrorrll vhlob arnat ba ltrad tc mn-lntallt3rnt prrlltlr

Itr wrld lr {tffcrrntlrtrd by n r.o{ fon ltb tG ctt.l

rra lt I.t brt rn btrlltCoot brlat er ltr lilrrr F'rdlt5nr

rhlob tr Oiloli cf fclr cll1 tlltt 13o.1 orDt atY. rtll te

thr rorll $rlob tr rlt thrrl beorut rr tr tb alll rlt rrt

bc tbr rflmts .. .oaoPt.d by thr lifltbyr phtlorophort til'F
rrlnr. tbtr lrrdt to tb. rbnrtd oonclurlon t|lrt aorothlng
ubtct 1r Ft lell.ltly D!.|.!t ln mnctblr tblnl tnlc nn

out latul tlrr rcsrPtrncr of rtrtob Eoli aorpol tbo rlilbn

pbllugburl to lnvltr rttb ogos $rtr tb. rrltli-r6rflrl !o

rhlob Ur.t rFr al.nd qrynmt. lurtb.l rftol grdrtr tb.!a rcglt
br o lnocntlvo fo! furtbrr alratton rr thrr r!'pl'| 3o bt

no ltrotal otx for ltr If munbrg amttto tr r{r:lttrdl

tt glnr r'l,sr to tb. tl.r t|i! otm thl Ltberrtd - .blrfa

E r.:rtn br st.ltac - dllab lr rDlrrr(l. faaca tha dl thrt
proCburr lr tbr ltettrl crrusa of thr ualrerrc hltr ltet

tr thc 3ruund.E

!,1f. S riiilhtr ?rulrtl ttr lilrrlttnrl

brtityir tr rtro Dianlcut (rohrtrm). lfaar9atl tolilr
out that risrtetr tlrtTtt bctot Jrde (lnrt) rrnrrct *?rI
rltbrut hvlnl ohotrtrr ol lrlroltlrrtt at ltr bcriron

thr otber hanll rvldyi thol3tt bltaa J44tt rfir lr lt br'

p"tncotlaa rr ttt lrrrlrr Flrur{rrrr, belni th' cont'S

ct rrtlt tbor rott r: thq eftlohnt olllt{tr It tr tbr

Drsk of thr ttllrlon of thr s"lcr Ju..t |r. ?oD' ll

thr brsll of thc tllurlca of thr rarbr

llr rltitr 'btlorDLc'| la tun ilt rtlL

' etrlnat tbr rliffnrttr of BP.h.aa. tbtf rt rrlDtrln

tbrt Dtltlorr lptrra c.naat ttvc rtlr to thr uo"td tfitoh

tr dtrtrtblcr lhtr o$octloa or'nnot Dl ralrrd 'tolnig
A{t tt rtnol rocoltllo* to ttf ntrh! 1l onlt rlrr'tctf,&l

rirnr| rrtrly- tt pulg[rl lpatfirr hrtbrl th' obJtotloo

crnl h rntul r3elnlt a{rrltr rlaor $r lrr rrt bc lald

tbr fi*bte1 a! $t!O-nr lr rbo Fltfcrrr It' lr

rlD rlrtnst tlr ttatrtatjriffa etoalc th'ort rilch rlntrlnr

ibat prttlrtt ltcer tn thrlr trtotblf|.| lll' rlrr to

obj.otr of njnltu<lrr lnt r0"lltr tr ftrr flor tbur ilrfrotrl

r! laltrll roactdtng tc tt, tr ralt 5vtdtrfr err.l nct rrd'


tt tr rdn @tlrrtot of rctlty ral rl rrl rdrterr.S

lbotf .aEot{laf to Y-rrmPett lrrhrn ln uroolrtlon

vltb arldyi ln tbo J fq rrt tre rttrcd rr thr ceurl of tbl
vorldl tnarm! .t tltt stdrn vtrloh tr Intrbplrprnchrt
(aooutc); alnrtt br rrirr<lrd u thr o.urff ltmlfo llta
honrct,dronll Dt L !.16 to urdot|ln tb. 'trPr.rat of
gtohrs as !t rlom tr thr Prlrart brlk (rdblcth:rnr) of

rll tlrt lr lasttlcablrr ttnrl ll llccrprtlrr vtcq

Iivare (ilrrhrn ttgrthcl rtil ert<lti)s lrcr tbr latrl
rtendgo{/n{r tr thr c.trr ot tht nnltorrr It 1r lot.ll{rot
anil ertctrr thf artom.l plltl rttlr hrvla4 conllCowt ttr
nrlr aod fon. A noallntcllt3ont br14,rret olt]lt.r
I..|l|. lt crarnt rilrl(ler th. n|la rd lolr la thr
tnteUrotts all thtr otc.tltnr reeorill{ lo tiorrFtt
l,r ralrrecbenett.& tio rff*t ot I lroup ot .tfrt.
lr but l n,\t!. (fbttn). It holdt aootl onlt tol thr

DllDotaot ttrttifra. Pbttoactbtaelty lt 1l noto It

tr Jnrt r aart anl ifttr. It tl oolt gloJrctlon (rtlrlF).
Caly thr q136 (lniran) lr rrrl. Onlt tb. oht lr nll mt
ttr rorltttr.tlcf (rllfrfr) lllr gotr ato.l tb,rt rlrtoh ll
of tbo nrtur. of rtpgranoc-dlreDtotrm h lllr rr lr
tbr tlraErl that vhtoh lrlstr rlratr tr lcrl er lt ooaralilr-
orrr (llt or ctrtdftn). tbr nrlt 1r ra rffrt ltrtglt bt
rDJoo3r lr lD. Ilr'! af E Dt rsl tbnr or .lttrr"r-rt
ttet rr. nrttbrt rrrrl nr unrl but lldofilnblrrl
th.t m rarlrr Infrctr l{orllrtt nrDitrltt rayrl thi
rr.ltthlat clrop otbrr ghra Bleb.|! t' lacxpltceblr '
(rnlrvrobrna.F).9 lhug ln lfttlr tl*r tr r rondrl-
fBl rfold of thr enlrrrohrnoelr- "6'ita uort rrplelndr

rbtrrthe obJoottoa tbrt thr oot9l.t rd lrltl-

flrltr srlll oeaot bo lotarcd rt gb. rtfmt ol tbr
o*orlr !ilhr (lbt$ 1' rtptr rd loFS{oaolr) rlo.|
aot !trnd./ lnrrna! lr thr rtrtfttil! lob [oyc{ by
rrtCli lr r tlrt cf elr{crl rrlstlll (nirsrt).
Artdtr btn! tb. lftnoltl. ot co.rlo tllurtoa titrieioaf
rulttEll'ttTl rnbJrct obJ€ct rrlrtba; tutloularlntton
llore ttrl'r 3Ll. tt oaol ndllfrrlnttelrtll lutnr|
trnlltt. lnfrot avl0r- !r Crillllrd rt ona ttiio! ta
..trbL ot bl|lllal to,;rtbrr trc lroartlbb $taf#
ttrEt tilrrtrtl erclulot tbat thf .al ulttrct Btr|na

rlparttr tbrlr3t erlCyll of tbe lirr rr thr lnrrptLrblr

folr of tbr mrl0.D


Flrtbrr FrcrrDrtl ..*r to rlrrr tiet lreiu

rad tbr rcrld rlrr Et itlftf!.nt lnrcab rr tlrr forrl

h tt. tn.Nrt Sr!|ld .t 3b. codfttml rrltlt rlte

tbr uorldr llt Facrtrit tr rbrue rol.! brrel lo

ralatrln tlrt tb. rcrtl rrrl Errbra rll Dt Lontt'rl

ttrorgb aot lllffcrot. to nlrr{ lt rillto tdontloll

rith Brrbu tr r uront comtlclcq rooonlln3 3o botb

shrntilr rd lirarprtl fflrbil. ffoal *lcntltl !r lrlltd'

Thlt It lo hfruel tbr qulrttoa of ldcntlty rcootdlot

to btr rrl.ar r cnIT }rh.n tuo 'tl'tloot rod trEstrt'

rntltltr Sloh rta acsrltt frltdr Slacr tbr rorLl 1r

act .r tlr|c rr ,tt ltllr lt srnoi br lemtlcel rltb


ttlr rral Latttt 1r no|rtc6o trtrt' th'

nrartlcn of ld.nttgt ilo$ ot 9ro't' tbo !'d itlttfl.E

brtralt t!.brt rnd tba ttlitr Brrbn tr tbe oatoo

lodtoel rllltye but tba ntlC lt r fdrr lpp€lrao€rr

tlry ber ttlffcot r|l|srrr of nrlltt rrnd hfiro' tbtr'

arl|t bc ent r..l ilffcruco b'tr"s thcl rr lml

atlftrrmr rteprdr qpon thr rlaltty ot th' llttlootr -

tb. antltt Dotrtfcit ot ul orttty rrS itr 'ntltt torrtred

cf ttr aooltrt .ntltttlO

tL1 tl.r6tt r.r lb|t t{rr rfirttlrll lolrla

rttt tie .rtrDllrhreot ol tlllntltt btI.I

tr lot ro noi
lrti|t lt 1r rttb tbr
anbu rnat tha prlo of rP9rat'm";
trlttrll'rtlo. ol rl1 cl$ttllt *t|..l.'' '.
tbla rgild trl|n by ticccgatt bellr btr lo rrlntrln
tbrt tibr olklrrel arnrt of tlr prld (vtr. Errhrrn)

ratar rarffiolrd tn llr Putttt ltrrp r! tt 1r not

ltcattcd n!'th tb. nrlrl iloulh Dt dltfclent flor


llrrrptlp lt k clrrh ll rgrtart thr vtrr

ttrt ttr' rotli 1r oorlttdt tllno rtr rbl porltton

. of Vio.rtrtl !r tirt Dtlolt ltrttDllctttt obrtu' -
- rll tbrlr orrr !h. trrontlrl frrtnrer ol thr lcnre

strl& tily rto lrtrtr But th. rrtarnl rorld tr rt

th. troa brlnt. tlerrFtt O.t Dt draf ttrt 3h' toili

lrlntl. fir lc.r lpt dorv tbrt tbr lttlfllcltt ulrtrr

to br tr.|lrr tmertrtl doil rrt deiryl thr vorldl srt

hl dralcr te thr trutb of ttr utrtracrr tbct 1rl

raoor{toa to hlr, tba obraott rtoo0 nr brvr ldrtlrtl

bgt aot lrlf'ulrtrncl. lbrf k; tlotr rrlrtrnr lr

aat 3!ood.d tn ths..tttrt but fr grcdd tn aotbrt

rlrrl illeha d faon fror tt nbldr ltrolf lr lrlf'

rdtt.nt rod rlf'nbotrntlrl' lhrt ar ttrrf,rro


rt lrriha tl thr oltt rlllttr fitbtr ll Mrt Dr rlell tr
r irchnlorl nr{ rrrd tn r ro.. proultrr
to tirrtt . t! rlo!10
not br.qu.t.d dtb ttthcr r llctlon or r vcld ({nrVr). (fbtr
t.a urrl thr vot\|). lh1
t! tba rearo ln *rieb tbr o{trDllacttt
to .rt tlrt tba roeld ll ra rlDrlra!. (rttfyr), lr ot to rrt

tbet tt tr ooDlrtcly uarrrd rr lnrcrr iato ol tll xlrtt .$-

flonrr In ltt trobaloal totllrl .t rad ta livlltrp rtthtr

nrnr frnlltoheolctll (ttrc tnrrPltorblr)l tt lrrnr r i?aod'ot

onttttr It lr ral. lor ell DrsotLrl pqttarr. lot t! aoop

Itcrne\ r| tt tr lteble to nblrtlcnr tt Drcnt tb. b&Ll

relttt (r rlr lrahrn) ll

eullrrd.tl Erara tL stld 1r mt
trnttrr ln thc rnrn drrrbtt b1 glahrq thl Bratl !r tirt

rhlab oo!.s t.!r oonlladtct.a rt rnt ttn (ttlrdl lbanhlb)r

V6orrFtt orerT obJrel !' thr nrlc

eatr tbri l! anlrve$r
letatl lrt rlllferrnt t!o'
alftr ar lt tr orttbat rletr lot
tot! (nilurtrilrlrhane)r It tl r ronllttoarl rcrllttr

tbu $la Bir tpralrb*tr dcslrn ||rf tb' uorld 1r f,sl'rl

(rltbyt)r rtrt tf rully l*IW ltrltl rocorllai to lf't'D'tlt
r*l not tbrt' tt tr r roll (Jufl'
lr that lt if oondtttrorl
tbtr ttofrm. of tho rotll r. r oondtttolul rrlttt 1r to b'

found rslt ll ttlrtl.$

tbnrl tn tb. tt u of Vll|rlrtlr tdt.ltl lr nt r

$ttur lrtYtng ihtlocoPf Dot r srld-ttenrcrnrllag thllctsht

t. rt l' rqr!.td rr r !..lltt fror tbr Qtrlorl grlat
at rlrr ral ra rbrolntl$ tlrot th. blSb.tt polat of rlwr

tt l| uffrtt to lbit rrc lftrnttco co tlr
ir|lalt of AY:ldt{ tn Mrrltrr ftldti otbclrtrr orllrd

dfaor,t. th. ilr ltrta to tL roulo prtrtpll ttllb

3hrr tlr to ti. llluntonr tt lt thc Dlttt oo YDlcb tb

*ol. of, silt lta phllomgbr rolrt..l tt !s ono of tbr
try oorttr m rilab tb llrulte rtlrtrdcAr ntrDiF
rlrr rnd erlolrgT ulttrtcltllttmit. tt,ln otbot nlitl1
k tbt ooptnl rtlr of th. tdveltlc .(tttl€ It tr ro to

nyl tlrr |llt.(rt to Mtrttl DbttoroDby. tllcrthrlul

It brr bta tho nuFg. of ;1ch ooalldoa r* lt 1. rbtn

rd ryttlttiaE.

It th. trttotr tt Sotll !. rrld tDrt thr Cetrlil

rf erdiilil la lrlrelta tt mt laplnhl rrDott d llor ostrlilr.

tt do{rld eleo bc tlotad b.lr |Drt'.b lbtt rt tt 1l rl roor'

tlrrr olrlrdls r llrluhetl rorllen cf tbr fi'dhtilfb r|l tb'

v{tloeilrlo rohoolr of Buddbtrn,thosfb lt lenrblcr vrrT r!

thl rer|. Io thrr dcok elrol tiot$r tt' tr rrfulyi tbri
oaur.r lil.rttt h.illoa of tbr lul rnl rlFrtPrrbrarlo!
af tt rt rsrcthlng rlrrp tbe tortnlrclon of folrr ol trrll
tr .ntlr.lt fonlta to tha '.tlk of rruddhl[r oa thr otlrr
brrd tbr lDratrlr(lr trDltlltlt r?..l cl rrliltr enl rtlrtr-
rhrtrlr rDrat$rd 1r vcry Drltlooht rbout tbr uDltct!
rratlon ot Aytcti otborulsr trnrd ffi r-.yr?{ In dtdrFFtr
t-rltrl rgetn, lt ootrrt tirt lraq!r.!t$. tt brt tltu ltr
rol*l rnDrort ln tio rorlpturt It arntat br 0ulloltrd la
rnt Dorltlt trErr ta.rtrtt lr ot tir rl.r tlrt lh l!|
r phtlcrort." tt!.r to 6trv.L tlr ryrtlrfevtd7iq tL Dt
h. l.tr Gtrntlrd ln tt. It tetutrr tc tubllt ltrlf to
lcatarl llrro:rlnjr

toil, ti. qn.ettoar ttat srln ttllr irir tr tblr

roaartloa rr.3 rrirt lr thr nrtun of avtdyi? 13 ft rontrblaS
real? f,rl lt rnt o[tolodcil atatar? rtor

Aocot{lat to ln.|;etlr rvtdyi tr mtlhor rrel ml

torral. It tr rt rr11 ln tb. tltr srrlrn tr1 ar tt l.tt
rulbtcd Dt Brrhra'brldae. lol tr lt oorylctolt ucnl
Itk the lolilt rlt ftrnt ot thr ro of I lrrnr IeE
It t. .rD.rlrncd aa{ hanor lrDt }r rlrylt ltrdrrrd rl
rliolll rotodr If tt tt nrtthr rlel aol oalcrl oen lt lo

plryrtt? t, !1tr| or mtracdror llrlal tlr
, gurrttoa DroPr ln. lf rrtrl'f lr mttblr nrl trr wrll
rlnt el|. 1r tt? tfuutrtlr rttlh bb frllcr Attnlttnrl
rn||iltr thtr qtcrttoa bl |lyt tbrt tt lr rorttlaa qal{r'r

dltf.rnt ffor botb rar|r ld rtlrtr

r tlrlr{ rorthtng,
(m0ereCrllrtrhrH)r lt rtrnll rtdny b.tr.rn th. t-
.rttt-t. tt, 1r lllFrlrbl.r tlaotorlbrbtr end ldrtlnebbr
It dorr Dt tr Eadrr rnt of tbo nrnr of lrcrlciir (frr{q-r}

Itr artun tr rbroudd ln I ryltrrt. lt tr bcjtantnjlrrr

(rn-C1)1 ht hrr .! -d 1 tt rtlgprtrp rttb th. on|tt of l6ltn

lntntttoa. It hra thr D ontolo3lorl dlalfloraor hut rnly

rptrtrloalcrl dlalflololt Sron rr rn lDlrt'rrlodcrf

acoo.ptr lt 1l rot ldf'erPlrHtort. I! flff|'r tro'l rn ln'!

oontr.dlotloo rait la tt ntt be tmlrl It r! "9.r!ril'

th. ooooaDt ot rrirttr tn tdTrtt dorr oot tot r ehrlbnsr to

tha !1t1'rt. t rllttr r| artilyr tr rt r ttral rrelltt .rlrtlnl

rltb bY rtdl rlth gtabtn.

llrlber; rddlS rceor{tal to liarDrtlt phtr I

. dtftt tltot 4! tbr Jlvr b mt d.trtrdltg ltr tlut artutl'

It lelr.rl rteohlef r.Iorr er lt 1| r&d rlth tn vth

teu.rt Ylr.1 rfverrn lblM'(oowtnt tba ttu' lrtutr ot

rrtltvlrt!| tilt-fti balth.tr rbet3f ('lrtortlnS tb' tril

!rt!!it af lorlttt rail FlJ|lttal lt er #bful olm).
rvlatt aot cnly rcalor tht tro. nrtnrc cf lrrbnns tbl
Frlltt bot rlro illttoltt lt rall treJrctr mr.tltttrt 1!
Itr glrtrr It Prertatr trriun u Ctffrnnt fior arl
!t lrr tlrifEtr tr tio ortilrr. cf tbtt rtiobtrt cf
rvtrlt[r thr torllvldarl rclt$lq),thlb sreb*a ln ltl
frlato' ffrt to forld ltr ora t}I srttrt brcrttrr ol
thr opmtloo of ritrranr rLrlstr ot rvtlyi; tt frllr
r vtat!{ to tlr C.luttsl of nb5n rr rrtdrf dlttolt'
ttr trllr nrtunl (ttrt tt k flrtl rohltr andd aa

DroJoctr l! el r urhtl rnrtoti (trdrgratn)i ttlt

tt tr ot tbc nrt[t of rlr't eto.s I! tlu .onr to

br botrd tn th. rorhrr ol lrrbiltr. Inlrct thr rlr of

r.i1atc-3ocot{ttl to tfcregrtl tt to drrttot tblf

Itlly-, rlo{ vttb ttr ltlrlrloall rtrleb tr gh. t"{

of ctl rvtl.Icaly lhrn t'brt thr fln tullnr ttt ttl

rrtor. (tnrt tt lt nom otb.r tll|n tbr bllrrlll Sreirmn)r

Durtlrrl arltllC tn th. vtt of ffcrrgetll 1l

i.t rlrr rbrlnal ol haovlrdgr but ntbtla Frttt"'

(bbfvrr{'r}r lrldtt It not l.ra rbrintr of bttolgr
(er lt rsrll lttrnlty nrn); for lr tbrt carl t! slla

lal .ia b. bn b c!rt. It l' tbr ail|. ct g!.
rpparnoo af th. rutfotd unlvrlr. It nrt bt rlrrtd'
rr Doltttr. rr lt tr oaly r gorttlrc ontttt tlet br lnorn
rlthout thr lorlodgc c! tbr cilnt.r corrclattr (Dntt-
-yegln)r It lr oolt r nqatlrc .ntttt ibrt grrupgorrr
thr hlbvldjr of thr oanlcr orrr.t6!1rq lot tbt tDrt
rttob tr porltlvrr tgrtnl lrror tn illurrry trgeltomr
rccordtnl t.r /Hrirttrp lr rmttrlog Dorlttya ra lt atatfta
to tbc porttlva urcrtlon ot re.thbt rlr rr tnlltlrr
tbtr ao.r rtetart tba "lau tf,.t !.mt.oeo (rv*ltf) lr
lrta lrrsncr of kmrllllto

llrt&er rrllyr rrt L !||rrtd tr lsrruqtq

tarrnob .f our orgrrlonor of lt tt gottttrr rni tlrotdrtr
tn thr fortr lI ltd rt ttDU o.olol but rbt I tmlrl
rf u fcrlldrr rto.q A;rta lt tr poatttrr rr n dc brvr

toturl lrprrl.rro.r botb of larosroo. rnd of ltr rnral

by lnovlrdgrr tbor rr.tr tarrrattlo[ tttrbltrbrr th porlttrl
lrturtt ol rJ nilner

ljrln rr trrr dr$tr Srlrl Crllrr rtmn lt r

ttrltttr .ntltt. br lnrtrnorr

(t) "illddta bt tt ir tslnrfl

(11) lltrm tttr nr arltb.! oo.brlq Dt l|ll|l
thrta rrr iarlnrr bLldc la ile*tnror{f7
* , , "

(ul) ':SX rrrvdr trlm onrry ron'il

. :l1lt
l3rlal YfoecDrlt 1r ol thr $lntoo ltrt rrlrtf
(to tbe ferr of ttlitllhl o!.) Perrlrir !a r tctsrtlrl foll

ln d.Otl.rt (r&ntf t cna Aholutlon (Dmlrtrlr Jcrt

rs rrnllnorr (Dennuhr) lr prtrotlrllt tmnt trn r Dol

ufitoi l.to" el.r to nnlfrct ltt.trf ln hl' youthr thlr

abauli bf to aqDfa.']r rttrar l"rlrrirtll for olfrlrlrq

ra rbould arDart rnnltnoll to notfrrt rton tl rD l{o!'nt
(llraan)rstrtel tr lbtrrdr Ir j!ftr lcoor{lru to YAorErtt
lr aot roald.ntil rnrt tf *xrthln| er3il fror
riltber thttrar tb. |lamrat rurt bo ctDotd to br drelt .
lt rrt't'f
tsra.ntr tn r rubtlr tolr h tlrl tht41 fnol rtrlch
th{t t"rr'rtl bellrrer
thlr 1r I ollct tndlrrtton to tbr 'ffmt
la HEllrl0yi dloh t r.trtr ln lSu*t rd grahyr

lnl-roede; lice rpeti' o:mtrtoll lrlrrdr tfu Ortt I r

c6jptloo rt ol lf,tivlllil{erhtob lr Dottt1g. (bferrlftr}

(ra-C!) ln lbettetorr tt'r odlr lt OedI'
era0 ltturln3l.rl
trtvlittfr Dfnrlrtatld6.ll th' 'tbft ktod ef evtdlt lc€odlat

lt r nt{|' of lrtrnt trylrrubar rt{ttd ftr

to lrdindr
olltmltr o3otlioal (bfr ffrrrtCltr htrn reilrn$'
tt tlouf
lnllnarilr tbo, ,rplrlno tF tldr of rvlilyr.G Er, oltlr

gmcrrdr to rstebllrb tb' ,oiltlt..lrtrct'l ot

t o
rJrel bt &ar of trrDar llir iaffru. rl.t

l&rrFtt ttrttr.! rth.r rt tb !|rFfru ln irrlnl

tbrt rjrrbrr.n (mn-lprbrnrlen) rd vlptryryegnbrpr ol
rltrlrpr 'rh;ltru (ltrtrcrttd ct|porltlonr) .r,ltO ta
Dott a,ruptl ra{ prrlrtr.{t th. rtil 11 lrtaj1tn d b, :
ttrfr$rtlt ln btr vlnrrtrtr Aoaotllat : to trlll la
.llrlrhaf rtrrrp; thr rolf lr rttrrctlt erlrr ef tlmlf1
ef tta nturrl bl,lrr rnrt ct todtltr nlolonaa.{

furtharrorrantlat ca tha rutrr l.ltl.!9,

llrerprtl lrtr tist rt tb. ttn ot rh.Dmlrtrs (thr
jrrrt illrrolutlonf rll tbr produotr of rvlatyf rnb rl
ente}lrrr{r (p taternl ortra) otfr; r3o} Ilmtlonlq
rnd rrr r4d Lq tbrlr root .rurq thr lrdarorllrbL
ertdf- rnd rxlrt u potrottrl oegetttlrr. Ui.n Cod trrdr
ut.f n6-Drrleyr, tha potsntlel cegecttl.r cotr. out ltlr
tbr llrb* ot I trrtol!. or tlkr tb. roJuil|a.tlo! ot thr
boCla! ol llolr durlaj rrtorj ettcb rr!. tltt tira rrnlnr?
llrtt rnd llfrbrc. In otbrrvordl_ tfr htit{ra gotrntlrltttff ?
th. t€t orulrr tL. tb-rrl".. .r'gltolt tn tba torr of
pcltttulrr arr.. rai fonl. thlr tntfrtmtrtl)E cf tht
rbcrr ditn lt r obar trtrrtrllrttrl tf ilr hdtosttonr
tbrt titr4rtl brllrrrrt ln $AlSrtdt- rlrlob lr brjlartqkrr
(raf,dt)1 obJ.!!1r. (rlfirqr) trd lrr&rortbabb (rnfremlr)ll
lerwtlrllrt tt lr! ba potntd out tirt Eh.!l lr r
rt.olflo d.tar|.f of Slrrtdli tn 8b-rntl. thtr tt ra
brarlr.r ?-orrptt tn blr lfirtlr trr aot Droer{ to
tlot tbc ulltmcr of rrl|'i Dt rnt ct tla m nof
of brldar lltr ,trttrttbrr rdll Jrbillr *thiprttl
rtrre pbablt tSarttrtl dtht f,r?r tbolht ttrt lt uer

t|.le lr to ml i{'t 3h Ptuof of ertdyf rr lt tr prsrd

bt ,)iltrt otn oontotoltar. ii'o tloot of rrtrtti u r

trdtlvc ratltt 1r orllrl forl rforprtt rltbt lrlr t'ieatl,

tlt. lt tr trtdrt to all. At rlrlnol tbtr ptrltrlr fr

r.tt @tt61t tn htr a'la!,tdoo ol r Dotltlvr bralanlolbrr

lorr9llorbl. .ettlt lrlll 1r llr rlrrtrl orur of edbflr'

f,r crra groerrdtr{ ltrr
6!tllut!r14? thluitrnl€
forn<lrbodlrrrl a3o.r tc tto". th. arlst.oa. ot rorltli
rrlly,i- bt Pllr5Fr lll tlr3trt h.r rttbSDattt rttl
gllrtlrrtrT tlll{rbftro.S tlro fluo!6r3.r rtd trutot tb'
porlttvr arhrn of lrldrf bt tt.Lh5r.

lSrufrtf tw,Dlrt tvo ltlar ct ctlrlta
(l) nrirtdtf ot k-rrlr nrlrvl (cr prindnntrncr)
rnd (ll) tulltl0tf ot ktry. rvldfl (ot d.tltrtttr

n.|tlrncr) r lLll broarl llrrrlt Dtu5frrl ln bll

lnt!.{I.tottlnrtr.t rAntrrbitc?lrlt'f |l'f||.'r f,rchtt$F
grrblrrtrtorr ll rntlcnr thorf tro avldtar rfrlu md
rgrtn ln hlr Hlrtfrtl llr fr.Sr.at natlon cf tbut
tno rvliltir tltrr 3hr llrt rtd forr of tiryrtSrrQ| rrtrlf
lrryit gotb rra lc.lnnlnjlut lbe Sqlrrldtfr foll I
coatlnuur rtr.rr (errrcll cJnfllr ot Dd.l lfmrrno).
ilulertryi ll r Dortttrs (lhE^rr rifpe),urilaalallilr
(rSCt) rnd rn tnloflntts rntltt (enlrdlote). tt lr
tottrftntrblc ln t'rru of rltbcr tnl or mtrrrl. It tl
nrltior lrrl rr nanil but ilffuont flol botl (rrillrt
rtl.tfitr) Itrtn othel uordlr tr borptlcabh (ralr-
rroienryr) r

ftt3rfCIr tr r rrt{or rf plrtrc (rlaatr}

ol Dlrrtanr oafudoar. tbry tn tir ollrhotl ol llflf|
rl{yis tbry en trt$o1o';toal ln ohelectrr. tbet ele
rrrlolr rttratr of .rtdtf uortlal ta td thrur,h tba
ratfoll obJr.tr of .du.t rhto! rla rtlarrbh by ttr
lrodritr of tho tnro Srturc of ttor obJcotr. Ia rb,rr!
thft l'r tbo oraotrtr fonl of d{vl(l'6r lt tbf oi of
rrrtbnl thrt lat th[.rllff Cllrolrd tn ladrflnablr
tnsrnttrnt Eolltir rvlilJir tbct {rtn oor to br rrvtvd
rt thr ncrt orratloa ot tbr Filal rDp..tfla aL 9t!.lu
tbr rtrd-bolt corylrnr of rrptrlorl rttvm. Durta
ttrrrlrtloa Jlrer Drrl
!b. lntola f, oltrlt d ltl
rlld rttb thr ldrfllebb lrldli rul rrlrt ttttb ti.
trDrurlonr of aoaltttonr rr rubtla po-rr.'8

?b. lEtildtlt r!. tbl| d?fot.nt or tb.

rilirtdytr. aa0 areodttt tc t-.rfFt! torltvldrrl
drlurtcar r!. Flduott of tbrrr tro lldr of rrldtir
llil.rt{l5r t! tbo oplnlo of fir.{ttrtlr 1. rt tbr
aauo of tba tttil of rugorllpollttoll (rdntlrr) r
i.cb nFslgorltloa 1r thr rflrot of ra rarltrr
rnDrrl+orttlqr rad tb. tt!..r of ltdltrnlaeblr
rug.rlrFofltto[r Ir bollm|lSLrr.B'lhur licrlprtl
llrntlflral rltbtr-Jnlor rttb rdhtfrrr ll tl lrt|t
to th. qnltlrnl *rt 1r tt arar. of rOrrltorltloal
Virrrtstt rrerr go .aoftt tbr vtrr cf lqlral tlrt
tlab rqt.drpotttloa 1r thf .tfit ol la aill.r ttr"F
lrprrltlco d lafinltnr

ht OUit I rftblf-Jaah. toto rdttvrl

rta rrrnln r ra! thr trtr thrt pr{rrt fo|!rl! l3nol|I|
(mfaddtf) h tlr ornro of r9rrtrtolltlcnl thll lr eil

Jrrttttod bt tb. rrllnt of th fvrnp rio thtnkr tbrt

thr abovc vlr ef Yicrr'etl rorltr tbr ldtrot of rrl!'
rl.t odrao. (ftafOnlr). tlt !11p416 rnd Trorrtltl do [O
tf.N to r.oaDt thtrr tbry eolal frt ttrt ola a.r rt l.|t
rrtfct aontlntrlllllblltty tn tbr trt. of svldtft !n fr.t
lon-tnt.lltrtlbllltt lr tbr rrrt netur of ert{1t5.

Itnr t&rtatl rrplteilly layr tbrt ptao! r!tr!'

trtodttoot rrr th. oelra of lubnqnrat ruDrrtrpcrltlare
tBr trooerr tr b{tanlaglls. t t ih.tr h no lrot9rcd
drprndmorr boatrta th. ploa.at ll lllr ruoclrrlcn of thr
rred ud th. r?!trt.

hrtb.t/ lf dttt|ltlro tSnorrn. (tulf"t&rt

rn r$lrtrblc by oolnttton of thc obj.at. to uftlob Cb"

rfors pttleL nttotomr (ftlaitCtr) tr lsrrblr solt Dt
gbo lbddtr of tbr runaiirelttr. ttll thrn lt Dotltlt'lt

Drrtrtr rrilltlttt !n prllcfrLrrlratlttr llrelDrtt trtulrt'r

a?cn l tlurelttt ot rtltrvtdtf. rt ataara to th. gilrrrellr

raboolr noor{trtt to drtoh frf-illtf lr on cnlyl thr

d.strstloo of rbtob brbtr llboretlon.

r nor tt elrtt
orn n.?.! br lffrdr
b. ir erpd
for rrldtf
tr mtlbar
rtrrt b utrtrnt
ettrteat rr

F oon-crtrtlnt but dtff,rl'on! fror Dotlr It tt rltbtr-

lr llro
tn thll
trohnlorl r.!er rod boodrga Doro of avllyf
tl3ht haorlitta orn oortttalt Det?r thc ttrba utton of

rtrln.6.[ thur drn erldf tr ihrcrllctl rr lhfvlrfl9q tt

lorr rl ro lt.t 1! tr rrl ta th |rr tlet tt$5
F tlo tt tr lEvrt{Dr ontt ln thr ttni. tbit lt l! tDt
aon-lrtrtct (rrDhivar)l lt tt Dt rn rlrolutoly flatl-

tloqa rntttl lth th. mtrrt rlt flwer. llon$ 1l tr

bcatanlnSlorrp lt !r ni ctcrnrl ttl| clrbnlr It lr
oot ooatrl vlth llrahnt lt 1r irrtropd rt tbr dra
of Brrhr6rlnllcaglon. fn fcot rorofiltc to livrtfl
vcilaatrl Elrbrlr tr thr ontt Dorltlv. r[lttt rll d|.
oth.t tbra Srebrr! b.t6t tn rDllrrbh (rntrrrrnrae{r).c6
thnr t$o edvrltlarr drtrrloo of rrt<lyf, rt r prttlvr
.ntttt (Ufrr r$r) doo Dt ;o rgrlnrt tbt tdlnottl
tb.rlr cl tbr rttt.r th":t ltf rretity (rb. ,rrahaen) l|

onr rltitt I sndr Fltth.r lt nG br r1{ tht lt lt

tbr tttrlbutton of Dorltlt n|tEt to rvldtf tirt iltrttr
jnkhu tbc Advettl#cnc.Otlca of lhl lrrt flor tbrt ol
thr ilhtrtrr

F lcr
there tr r prrcDll u !c rhrtbc rrl{ti
enrl rItI .r. oL ed tbr tJrr oi rLtb.r tbrt rr. :ltfftrrrnt

F tnt!
El urlr
.6oh otlll. lfosrPrtlr .lrt . rvttltl-
lEtb rrr
thil rt rhott ryEltltn|
tro tcrlre rbtcb rlaal fot r.n rralaj rtr.r tllttoalnrrrr
?fnr tiar[ltl Colr rtof rnt dtrllnotloa
rdnlt brtnn
rtldt- rrtl| rftir lt 1c othcrrler odk<t rlrtikrtir cl
*r;lrltrlr Fe ntr that al! evyllrtu rm evllltlr.

PrtrrFdr 1r tlro ol tbr oglolon ttet tbo

l.torlgt a$aa of rrlbtisr rlr. *tdy. rnrt tbr ratyrtrtr'
s11a1enl forrr} tbl roursr ol tbl vorkl rrr onr rd thr
n1.57 BuB fldtilrryr dtattoluh[rr !.tnoa avldJf lal
fyi. Loottl4 to btol 'rlti tr dltfaront fmr lvlrltiot
tbet ltlt. lormr tr collrotlro rd rtrr3h rblh tbr laStat
rrr ilttcrrt Ajrln, rcoor{lng to btll in tbr fotnt thl
rttvr coottttu.n! tt gntr $rilc la thr lattlr tt tr trpcrltt

tbrt lJnra tr the nlkottoo of Brrhcra ln tF rhth tho

,;Irrr err tb. !.tl.ottona of Br.b.! ta rvtdtt.

, '

. 8Fr l.aarrr af arrild

lor thft tt tbr g'obl.r of tt|. l.rt ol loclt

- tf.itrtr, of avlrltr. rvtCF or rJrt'5oap tttr J65ne lr

' btpolrr. It trglt.t lorrr t lrtro tc ulror tt Drbqr ui

tor. obJ.at to Slo! ll rrfcrrp Jl|t .a ln tDe ont' ot

thdl-tllvsr-lllurlra; tlr prron do alrt.t.s tbc rhdlt/
F rilrcr ls thc srat (fdtrtr) of {rr-o. en't thr rhrll lr
-= rcoartlna to
ttr obJoot (rtrbrtr)o ilovl atnl rvtdtlr
T6-orl;ttll 1r r porlttvr catlttr lt mtt b;rYr !I tc'q''

rd lt urst lcfer to ltDthlna. tlrqrilcb k thr reat
of rvl{tl srlllrrl cr Jlrr? Vi-lrrprtt'1clrollctto ul
rtrrlfbtlorrre lntrrt tc thtr dlrest ed ortulal qu..tt)!

tc thrt JIrr tr tho fertr of rrldyi rod llrfrl lr thr

obJoat o! oontint (rtrhryl) of ev1dyi.8 ntlt coa.ntt[
on gln t|ottoB fstrln"rtldhthnlnr ll..rtett tdla Shrt

r"ttttla brr J lrt lr ltr locur rnd tt tr lottrttlotnabltr

lrrhraa ta rfr.t. plrt'S lbl lt tcrart.'! ttf
raur Ylrr
hlr !.n hlr lor.ntrrt on 3br rettlon of rrattatrr 9frrltldbtl'
altbragr | 1'l Anr:Snllid hltrrrnG8 rod [rtaa"rTran fterepJ.G
In nlntrtnt[ tbtt ttrr YfcuEett olonly fbllorr 'tdrnt0(r'

rrvl Dutr oottrw rtt?b Ebrlhrt. rbo k.rgr lthnt on tb. qrl.rtlta.

lllr vler of ffetrDett, or !b. looul of rvltltl tl

o9porrd to lhr vtrr rt tb. itrs.F. -af ritoh llntrlar

titt drabtro 1r botb tb. loasr (frbren) rad obJ.og (rlrtnra)

of rr!{t5.S tb. tttrt g. tahool tbrt loat not rrtllt ol rn7

itlffrroar b.ttr.o lh. loout rnd tb. oLr.ot of rrtdtiS.G

$tctlrtlyl g['|rJEtlrq tr of thr vlrv tbet thr lll|ltton 'o'r

not bcloaj to thc ladtltdurt EfF oo lrt lt ot r trrnrornilratrl

oberrot r. It tr lln btrltltrc. tiiS rhlau tbtloab rU

Jlrer tiet tr obronrd rd dtv*rlnod lnto I ralf,ol<l of

. attarlrloar tn I trrromalsaot|l rrmat'6

Yfrarpetl tr rcrlost the vtiv tbat lnf,r'! l'

bcti s' lollr ed 'oatrat of erldtir l.lt *?l l*vrr vrat

to hlt rltnrttrfrotloa ovrr tucb rl.qhnrttrn' f,'

rtgoter .tt ry ntull ooottldtotlra of thr Fnlrfrhrttr

rvldlt vlrrr f,r lrlr tbr I opgoorat to lool lato tb'

Jrutlr. 9laor Orehra tt l..L!al l' 3br {nrttl rr t'lf'

lnrlnour lotrlllSolor u rtrrarllt fto fru bodrjll tt

a.nnot bf th. toaua cf tSnot.Dca. Bl|brn rlttci lr
satoloraoartr tr of tha nrturc of lttbt 'td bGlr c'stt
rbrtrtn rd stPcrt rJaalrr rhtoh lt of tbr nrtoti ot

derknlrr Acaotttnt to mrlptursll rjrtnl $!fhr'l tr mt

tot lnorldlr ttrotf (J6ar rnrrflr)1

I krrorrt 0fintr)
of Frr aalroloulotrl (fuCclrcmttenyr)O
tt tr of thr artur.
rnd hlner crnnot Dc t{rr tort of ljmrrncr, rtrtob 1l oPpot'd to

l3r ariun rnd vhloh tr trrDoril u l3rlnrt thr rirrnil

lhlrs.l ta thr orle of Jirae llturott br'rthtt
(rQrr lrForttl'rn) tr rdrlttr'lt lt nrt b'
ttur to .dtltlst
pe3rrdrd rr th. i.et of lrldF. ooly tn r lnor" 'r! rjn&|r

rattatar not tn lDrcluto q)nrolo!'nt!f' lt|rthrl JIrr rlonr

bt tlrc
rhonltl b. gb. looue ol rvtilyi rl lt 1| lnttlcotd
aorlgtur. to rtllva tot tba tcrvrl of rrl<ttC' tbr .lgrrlrncl
ln I jlrr'
lbrt rI ec l3nrtrotr ruagortr thrt 'orobnottitrld'r
F Ib. oont.ot ot rtlltfttt br tlrrLu beotntt tsrprlrdlr rf
lrrlm tr rnlolrrl E $rtptu.. !!ur lt lr cdt tb.
lirr tlrt r.t b. r.|rrdd .l t5. r3t .f rrllF - tDt
Enbrro ooolrrtd t YfcntDrtl.0

tt rrt br rrluril that Jfva oaant b. th. lonl

of rrlCf rr ti ltrrtf 1r r ttduot of notolatr.. that tr
to nys ooa orn thht of Jfvr only ricn oaa Erosptotct
tbo tr{ot ertrtram of rvlrty{, rtnor lluirt tnrEtDor.r
th. prlor op.rrtloo tbur tbt !trtrlrgr
o| rvtll1fr rcbool
rrlat.lnr tbrt JTvr cmoot bt thr loour of rvtdf larrrtnb
rl thr torut tr r r*ttttattlon of aridtir lo rry tbrt

lfrr fr tbr lcour of ryldf 1r 3o oonlt thr fllleoy of

rntul drtcrlrrror (rrvoat{rbrrtr dorhr)r Sbtr lr tbr
ober3o of Dq|tag 3bc gurrtlanr ttrt k1 rltholt rlldtff
ttr rffrat dr'1 Jlrrl rrsi br rrplrlad rnd rttbout
th. Jltlr rrlrtyt thr oontrhadl rt|rnrDt br cxPlrlarrt.o
J[rr oannot br brld rr thr bltr of rvldyl rino ln
thrt or|.p or rlll br rffirrt!3 tirt qorclroer ltrlf

te thr se cf lat€trto. rhtob lr rbrull flol bor gn

n.rattxt. ltmlf rcglCl lo ti?

lirartr3l ntWrl tbr rboor obtretlm rttfi r

bor.ri-htttlnS r.plt. thr obJocthn 1r Ertanablrl rlyr
Vr-oqrDrtlr rr lt 1l rlrur{ tr nt tbet f lra tn or{rr to
br tbr Lcil of fletfr tr to b. trrdrtrat. It b
Enrouttc to rtntrta thrt Jlratrs DruruDporfr thr prtor
oporrttoa cf riltyfs for tbr; en not latrdcpralcntr
tb. lnt.rr6tl:a of nerolor rnd Jlnhod lr to br rfrttrt
il brjtanln|Lilr lllr 3h. rad rd tbr |lnt - r|lr
lirrryrtl.?o llre brtal Drrtnntn3tcrr (ra-ilt), rrt b.
13uCrt! at tho mbrtrrtur of bcjtaotajlrm (ra3ll

rJalnrr lr thr lrrmri rdtlorr ot tb. ll-rtf artttutrt

polnt oqtt .tir advettln (Vicrrtett) <toor Dt rrt tlrt rl
rnt tlr rtldtf vrc rl| tno JIn rrr ilrt or tlrt 3br JTrr
rar url rvtdtf rer artl tba tuor on tbo aoatrrrt .tr
tqtnatnjlcrr!?l tbnr, ta btr vler tb.rr arDt br thr
irt ot of nlrral itrDGa.noa rr tf,. rt'irr lr hatlnlatltr.

Idbflrlr errarntt ln bll llrrtta ltttdht

drfrfr tbf Jfrlrhrtte rvlrtyt fitr ol lforrlntl. tb nf
tbrt totl rnd Jf,rl bet4 frjlanlaalmsr
rvlrf tberr tr
al qnutton ot lototdatriooyq ln thrh prulntloa. ,8bl
- o"nd

F frult of lnt.r{.p.tdart
rvrn ln thclr
orilDt b. r|otlb.d to Jtn^rrltlyf
rrlrtroooe btlruco !bo1h rrtrtl6 rrlrtr ln
obrttrntr oad rlqrlr rr lt fol ltr on .tt.t.na.r trt
rbrttrntr trl.r Jin Clee rtOtad oa rvlrttf for ttr
lgrtn llr rlor rrolrrrttoa ot ?icrrDetl rt l.
obJmtal toron the aloud th.t tt fu nnlntclltglblro tiri

tsf to rrt tbat tbr tatanatbn brtnco artotaoo. ad Jf6-

booi lr britnrrtajlora ttb tho nd ul tne rttst, tr aot 4
ro lve 3nr Droblar.

ffolrtrtl r.tt tttr obJocttoa rltb qulto I tllpl'

F rlr[h Et't ratUlt ll rr rtrylr er lt 1r rtreltltttbtrrriL

It tr l!t11. to .rDoot tntllllflDlllty ln tb. crt' ot

olrct8ftl rlrr lt tr iie tott artan€e of a.aotolo' t' Df

E atntdllatblr ln th. lrlt fefo?trB It $trli br rtel

brlr that ile$ane has tlvon tbe arn rnfir! to tbr riorl nlO
prcbltr Fr crglalnr rny th. CttfloultT bt truounol4 tbat

rtmr rvlilt. 1r lndctcratnbl.q rll lronrtrtrad'! br'or'

rcaolnairl.?{ tbnr borr Ylcertetl bloroly follotr lbF{ril

rnrl nDltcr tbr obJrrttoa ulth lbqfrnrl rtrailrrd lntrrtr

lhr rocoillrj to tfcrrtett rnri f,rrtilrrul Jfvr la

tbr lcrur of rrtlyS rlt 6t lrrbrr$rlaor flol tbr rtrdPolnt

ot Brtbnn rP rrt<ltf 1r lorslbbo

tltiiaradr, tn blr td-otrtrlpat"nril rn{tonrr tblr

rier of Y5cartrtl. PrrlfrlSardr rolfillr thtf rlru ct

ffcargatl lten br tollrr rtbr Srrrt btnt! of th' ttuth

rrlatetn tbrt J fva lr tbr rDorlr of rrtdyf rad tbrt 8!rn!

1r tbe.Dr.ot ff rtl,ltadlt ||lhflrr rr'rrttt rlre
r3roe. rlth YicuDatl ta tnlr nrtreS.?
' t c
rnrlr.r It tb. Dt-rtllrt tr e |ftf-rbrttr
rvtrty&d?ltn1 tlrr llvrlrfhlre 1r r trbrarbrttr rvtntirSltt


Eeutetl clnl go bt oolLot to rtatelntnt

th. tla tbat JIvr te thr looul of rYlalt- latrlroh rt
th.r. r$t, bc r ailt rubctrrtura fol both Yldtl ld
trlrlti. tbat lr1 tf rr:tdyi (t3aonmr) brloatr to JIrr
th.! tt3ht teorllllr (vUye) rbould rlro bototl lo hll.
thtr rqurm vrll rlth tbl lorrrd Orlntlco tbat lrrbdgr
ulf.r ta tbl J[vr and tLt lt rJto.lt tb. tnr| nrgur. ot
tho JTrrr tbh tr ra tlrrntra. ot.l tho tlvllrF mirol
rblci nlntrlns gbc iJrabrirbrlto-aYttt--vlcrl rttob utt.tlt
frllr to ful'ftl thfa oonatttten.

a{.ttst thr gtrrre4l loioel gth. to r4trtl

. l

thtr bt nlntrlaftr.
booartrtrrnt tb|t vhtlc ilrshrro 1r
th. troc{r of evllfs J frr tr gh. t|rt of llthtlJ8u rd

thur lbr tenrrl of rllbtrJnfne 1r poaelbh tlrouSb "lltf

or pbtlerotbbrl knorlrdtro lcnvrr tt ltrtt bl polatr0

out thrt tht! rtt et g ortrillt lltottort re$rrtrnotlra

lrrra bFrn rJo-fl rDa rtthtrJtfin lr mlrdra.?l


lorl thrrc tr r nrcorttt to forl r aorrret llrr

rf Dorltlon r{rrdta3 th. fcat'rhrolrllt
Sbrolrrrr r
. brnrillnS of thr problrr of thr toqur ol ArtCtl. 0n tbr
- rholo tt tboulal br {e1{ tt'b.t luah of ntat tho lhirstl
rnd ttro YttrtrF rohorb hrrr uld on thc ambhr tL Dt
trtr to birL thrlt t(Fts tn thellrrrl ar bc locl ott rdrlt
of rt4to ryrlr or lmr talrenr ior br hnar that moi

rntr('lt oolld not do JEattof to l'rrtbr g1 l1trr to tr of

thc vtev tbat thr qtrastloar ttsrlf 1r mt lo3lcrlly aol.nt
rod tbst tb. Drbl.r ot Bhr Lrcur ot eYtdft tr r trclc
ttoblr rtllah trLr ttr llx l! th. d.dr of tbcrr *o frll

to slx tlol thr lglrlcrrl to tbr ttlnfo.ld.atrl. tba

qrottlcn l| rnnlqtrfr la Ytrr cf tbr leot tb|t lt ttrlf'

lr ra trpr.|64 of rrldtfr It lt ftttl. to lrlolft tla

ttobh ot Ut. looul of evtdf trrnb rt ."ldtf lr Jgt ro

rrglrtco'rPlat.Dloabrl Dortuletrl rnd nt! rtr ontrl{lorl

tttDcttlcr tbrt brlag ilrrhl rlcl. Ar &'It. llrllrai rptlt

tutr ttr bor crn ra cftlntlally norerl .ntitt balt t rrrl

lcdgcrnt.f thr onLrlojto.l ttlmtplol drrl lrrbnl rt it is

*rn-.p&t do, fu i.rrt b. obrcsdL tt tt ftbl' tht
tho falluro to grrrD tb. rrhtlvr ltrtnr of rvlallt tr
tbo i.ln roct of rll tbr ourottcnr to th. otonc.pt of
rrlCyil lror tlSrhrr, YlJtdturtrrrttr erul Dnltrr .tb
rntologlotl Altclutlc o[ drtob Ad".ltr htrpbtrter
nrtrl ttv.| hrrt rcotr for !h. ortttchr| tovrlld

lr rgalnrt the Loour of evlCyrf& ltrt 1r drt go tb.

3 qnrltl)o rfo nbol dcor rvtdt[ Deloatlr? gbrnlarr jtrol
r GttDtlo rcplt t!.t tt bolonir to th. qtfstlotr.t ral
n,rae tlrc.tl

Eb.ntrrr thlr rmrlrrr thr trirr of rrtlf tL

rtit rtpucb to phllcrgty bt eonooil{ Drtroy to
rbrolutlrtlo oatololtr rubor{lnrttal tho rletlvlrtlc
.ptrtGloat to tt. 6r rtrdr rD to Ylo'llc.tf th.
troth th.t ut CrFttu!. ftor thr ontolotlorl golnt of
rr rould dl,ttqt rll pbtlo*rFhlsrl lpasulrtlonrr

latl ta thr lbirtf 1d tDr YtrrFr?r t|bool.r tb.

f trdlr of tb. lcour of rvtdyCl trta rlla tef ll rt irt
elnrdt ftor golarlor rad .a.itltleaE arguc.rntt ad G'f,ltr"
rlfulttrtro lhrillorr to r{it tb.tt thata polfllor rL hrr!
frvourrbb to rclf-rccltratlrn. tbat 1r 6t Snatrta strdt
rvoldr tbr dtrrulsbn ot lbc ttrrortlcrl problcll aoilrrcLd
dtt t|. lorur rrtrlti. tilrr tt rlruli L .rtdndl hrl'
tbat lllulrf| !.ttt|r to b. drlill lato tbf gorltlcn of

, ttl. ;lort-8br*rt1tlr.


lrr n rm oonftmtral rlth 3b. ptabl.l rlb.tril
. r"tdtf l, fr ot lnh lhi{er|.1 tbotl.h tbr rlrlllr
tblnBrt to ttfoDdild 3ltf.b'|,t. rtldti rlo*i tr txtt ll..t

trthlr evtdf tr rtrgb o! notf br 1r rlro Ft cltrt

vt.t!.r ot E t . tD.olfilo Jfvr ls tb' ta't rf r rpaolflr

- rtttlYf. 5ut tforrDrtt tt rltt .Itltolt otr thli llf'
Aooordtat to hll,rYldtr la Dt o!t, but notr ttr tr tbr

rlro3rtr of tbc plurrlttt of |!ra nlrvl0Fr Io blr vtlq

tt tr rv!{yft tbt orplrta tb. rPprtl:tc dtttcl.nlt Dltvra

thf lrulabh Jfrlr. tlrrr rre ra lqt nlrrldtIr rr

, 3bfr. rro JfrrllfS om rrlittf for rrrb ffrr' lhtrl lnfrotl

t. tba rost rllrttnottrr tt trlc of tscnrFttrr Yrrlton ol


ffifarfryi fiet Dr r3rr{ri rl oaa otrltr ttu

to rll tbr J ltr - rt3o.t t-amrirttls tor ta tbrt cmr lf
rvtrtfi 1r 'rnlri bt rllht tlortdtrr tbrn rodi bl

rlnltenost rcletL for rll thr JIru' tllr nltt! lfrrr

of rBtrr rll3a! ttnllrllr
fr,ril to thr rDrurt taaltlon
tlrnltrr (lf oar lll tr lllrlltrit rll .tt l JIrrr,on ?brt
rorcrot era rlro rntcrttarllt ltD.tottil;.lil(e) thl*1
hon"r?r lt bt tbo stor tf Crlln lrtlttnr! !1r rvldF
!t rlaht lrb|lrdafr br tre tt bf Fl.rrrd fror tbr
clutahn of mt|Itar ht rhltre dror lvltltl brt bt Lt
lfstaat contlourr to br la bonilrgr thr to rarnr tir
eborr rrtd dlfttculttrlfuergatl rCvocrtcr I plutrlttt of
.tldt-rr (snehe-rvtdyi-r3lr) rooor{lnE to utll.b tb*l strt
rr rlrndy r*tit, tannllrblo .Ytaltirl on rrtdti for rrsb

;irrl raoh Jfre bor ltr rn grttloul,rr rtldta ultb tbr

lntal of vhlcb tbat trrtlculal JIrr qDrat to br nlrrred.

lllorrrtt olmtlt Itr th,rt oB.r! lrbrlod8. do.t Bot

ooatlrdlct rmtbrrb nerormfS(b) to rrplatl tf aheltrr

1r rqllared rltb 3br nrral of blr ora trlttculer rrtCyil

tlettra osttfru.r go b. to bodetr tlll blr evltlti tt rtlt'd

by rtlbt laorlollrr [raol tbrrr tlrfltd ulrt r Eluretltt of

dtirfdtri - oontcnilr llcarPatl.

, f,trc rttrotloa tbfrlC bl dnn to olr rDrolflc

polnt. lbr.b ?i.lrltl dorr tnt lcturllt utr gh' rort
r!l[Lrr ln blr portutatlc:r of atrtr-Avllliv*lrl tt trDltrl

taC rbculrt lDlt rdLltdyir oalt tnrrni rr lt 1r onl;

thr oortulrllan of r glurrlltt of rctirl4tSr ti't oa

frttifaotorltt rr9lelnf r. rltllrdl rrrnt th' dttttatloa

brtr*n tbr tond rfil tb. nlerrld. If thoFa rxlltr only
oae tdlfitiyrl ann to elt tbr Jfvarl thco D iln crr
br roturllt fllr untll rll thr olrhel Jfvu t-lrr ,rl.
rorlln thclr grrlectlrnr tlrr thr ldral of filthrp on taoi
r vlrr tlrloa uarttrlnrd bt rnt J irr.

ftrtbcr Ecrriatl ogtnr tbrt frin tb. lxlbtr

ghlloropbcrr rrr oTolld bf tirtt o- tab*rat to3lr

to .oo.9t rrmlrrrlrtfi-vlctrt I fot lf trdhi-n of thl

rA*itr jtllcrogbrg corti br dutrotl! bt taoul.dSrs tbro
.wt7tbtry u'El{ t dfrttoyrdl lf tpt nothllu firld b.

il.'trgtd rttb tbr rclult tbat llbrnttra ltsrlf ba.frr

lrDorrlble.t otltlrt tbtl dlfflcultyl thr tSlfyr

Dbllcroth*r tb.t forl rltr tLt lt tr sntdtrsrlaluttln

trtrrn Fturb. rad gratrtl (ertnle)€btoh tr llnorrn
cl rv!!y-), tbat te tlr ceu'. of bonrll8r enil';nnl'he'grekrtt-
rtt.t{6tnd (tuorlooar cf Ctrortttntto! Dttt'.an Dsltrbr eail
grrlrtl) llboretol ptltuthl frol tbc clntohil of pr*rtt'
If tbrt tr tlbt orsr li.tc tr thr p'oDta.tt to pottulltf

rt r"tdta rtrclf 1r rufftolrot to |rPbtn bon0$'

rnal ttlarra? - t-c..Flt rrtr. Y{osrtrtt futth6! layr tzbrt
toorll Lvfhrtrror rrttrltrr (vhlob be
tt lt n$rrttvo
.qlrtt! rttb rvlity{) rr oml ln r[ltty1 th" rri re47't
lllr rttilrtn'cf rdDtr b7 ffurrpe$ tqrhrl (r) tirt
lt tr rrtrlyt rtlob tr nrttbm rrrl mnt nntml but dlfferrt
fror botb (rdrratrllrbbem) tbrt btadr thr Jlvrr rlti thr
rcroril of $rieh tJre JIrrr ct r to br llbcntrdl (ll) rnd

thet artittli rlt lrrlfr tbnr corllo5 to tierrtrttr rYldti

rllffcr ' lrcn Jirr to f fvrr tt tt gctltlvc rnil Q.otflc to
rrch Jlrrr ttr ntql| tl rcb tht tt sruttg b. |rtt to b.
rl3brr lttffct|nt ot tDtr.dltf,.t :|g f&tr th. Jf". - optod

titr rrllrbl. tttl 6tqu. rlrr of tiorltsSt lr

otDoll to tb. rl.v of tbl tlrrngr .ab.olr raootCl{ ta

ybtoh erldtf iJiatff end nt ratr lt lr ronm to dl
3hr J lvaar ttrt lt hu rlllfrrrnt art oittor (vtjtrtr nhttr)

to bld rrtort Jfrrr rb.a r D.*toELt JIrr 1l r.h..edt onlt

gbrt FltI€uler [trclty ol ertttr-, to bloa tb| Jln,tr loctl

ntt tho *ob cf n talrct (rvlrtyr)l !t t rrltCl fct otb'!

; [r,r.m bmr thr Srnttntloa rf loulr3a tot tho tth'r

Jfrtrr 3hl thr Ylvrrr0rlrn lbinlr tb't th'!' 1r no t|rl

to lrrElrt. r plunlttt of rtldtfl tn ord.' to oilox tb'

rbsuld potltlon of lh *3ru trttr*ltt. Dlrrelrfr flr rlta

on ltr rrtdti-rdlr (alrr||- liorollmr thott, tuob rn rht{

porltloa ooulrt bc rrlly r|trlid el uphlnorl 'Dtto' It 3brt
nrtr to rcoaoltr ttr rllkorrr rt r"ldtt rttf tt
Dlur:rlltt of thr Jfrer'

till rlrr k nt rooetrblr to lirutrttr It

cu Dr allttotrrd tr lollorrr It lt uratlafaotart rr tt
1r dtflloult 3o fr. hor r dertl (gcteacy) a.l b. 0.rtrotd
rlttout rttc!3furj tb. tcrlrrfor of ltl rr ialtl rnl thr
tor.saor .rr atr.$tlrllt arn-ltffrrtlrtl rt ln tha orta
rrd burnlr[ 'fo t|mrr thr burnl4 gorrt
cf ftl. lou.f.ft
fror fln 1r to 't|.n tlrr tt'.t'. tbur tbarttr eviCff
ridrrfatlr 3o .rplrtn tbr dlrttaotto b.t$.an tba bolt rd
tbr rlmlr<lr

?br rlcr lbt thor tr rt{lr rvtdti rl b.

orltlotrd yet co o[a DF. lrlEad ttrrs frpr"brnor If
thr rrtcrlrasat of lndltldtrll jivr'r arl Prrduatt of r
rta3k rtltt- thc rll tbr JIru mtt b. harlng tbl erlr
arlPtttrooafr lot ttrk 1r not rrlly tht otcao Cbrtttl
,tcrr mt forl; llrttrarr Patn r. hlr ovnr lbr Dolron
ilrct bt chrltrr vltt rt tftpv. tbc llfr rf }bltnr
Thk nrnr tbet thcr tr r lom orlutrr asaStl
l*llrt0nrk. tlrnl tbrrr rbonll .rltt r tlnrrtlty of
rvtrltfr .ol tbrt thot rhorl{ dlffrr fror tldtrldrrl to
thr th trotlettoa of . ttnnltty of evtdtfr
tmtt to bl rro ntlrfnctory rr t! lr rlryhr elro; |.$
.tldtf ltnlr r prrtlouler Jf,rr rlt! tb. d.rttuatlon of frlcb
tbet Fttoulrr JIrr cor.r to bl rrhecdr lsortErtl foli
a'trn |.t tht 1t tbr rrtl.t Adt lttn| t tk of onf rfti'ft
th.t lllf la tbrtr drxlrl tbr jrnlrlltl cf tvlrlyf ( rrvlrlyd-
boa|c rnd lot tlrt th.sa .rlrtr r 116g1. rvtdtif clrrto to
otrr tlat ill.P l..ll.tr tc trt thlt tbl! tat.rEr.trtltn
polatc to tb. lnrtarpbL tafluo;nso of iltatr on lfcrrprSlr
tlrr lrforDatl nlntrlns tbrt *vltt-r rr. ttrt bltl rrob
tlitfrrteg froa ovrt? etbotr

V-o*spetlrs doetltnc ot lrat rrldtffr lt rtt L
rrtds tr ort froakdfftoultlorr If tbo Ptrtrutt ot
avtrlyis lr.portulatcl by tao:rlpettl tc rbo'r tbr dtrtlnctl.:n
Drtvc.n tht rekrr0 rd tb. btutd r turlLt dltfloultt

b v)trlc rrlrl' ln tlrt cre. * lt rould b. dltftoutt to {at.F

llnc ttro ttlotltt of evldtr ri tbl dtff.rrml brtsrn th'

Jfrar.fhat lr, oolt fior 1fv:.t rrr otrDltrlrd to b. rdltf

tt follorr tbrt rtt'!ti. ato lrntf rxlDFcelly onlT tdcn
ayl,ltEr rrr doteralnrit to ba ntrtr tlrr Pluralttt of J lrlr
etrair $tabttgbrri. It tr I rloc! cerr of l oolproo.t
drgrnlrnlr rad brnao tha rtt8t.nt lr Ofoott?oo
YEonrtrtlr {.lar on lir nrlog of tf,r
bcatutajltssnoer of rd rn4 r9nut sryr tbat thotl
k no &lrct of tulprocrl CrDrndrnol rd that thr
arturrrt lr gound.go(r) ..rldtri brloaSr to tbo J[rl
rBd !tlt. J lrrr rrr [n1., evldt-r nrl rlro br rrtlrtd
ll llqh

re.!! tl6. lr cti.t illlftoultyr It tt t.

rvtdyi tbrt tletlngutrhm cno JIrr tlor thr othcl rfil It
rvlcyir rar lrofl tic doat !t Dt !.Bn tbrt evlctf,r lrr
roetblaj nel rad tiei thr dlft teil. b|3ut.! na JItr
tnd tb. otbel !r rlro rol? Docl tblr mt aa alatnlt tia
(entrrohiot.trtta) 'Io thr
lnorpllorlllttf of rYtcyifl
qurrtbn rf to hou tb. lttdya lrr of oao JIvr lllterr fror

tb.t of thc ctbatr 1! 1. [ta.d tbt tb.n tt D -L

rrtltlrrotort aafrot lbrghot'lln3 tbra ttret thtt iltffirrntlelr

tllrlvcs. ooel not tfrrlFtl rp')c.t to br r vlctlr of ltr

orn frroballon rnd ot Lnthurl.tr ln Eolgubtl{ e glurltSt

of avlilyfr thorrgh lt rrbht hlr to ttst. bh r|ttton of

Allr:rlta rlrylyr dtrrctlt rad olrarlt? ?hough thtr' tr'm

to bt o olo.r out ltrrr.ra tn lhjfrstr to uta aboto r.atlanad

qurcttcarl gbar. 1r mtbtn* vloot tn .rD.otttra tblt, YlorrDrtl
rodd bar trld r oltat fNotr ltr oermot atrlt tlrt th'
rltffcronoo Drtrrca thr llrar tl rltbor rcrt or unrull tt on

ttrr othrrtrd tr rtrpt/ tnrrDltorlb (enlrtfrrrtr).
fbuc thr tcftulrtlott rf r glnrdtty of eYtdtic bt tSrrtrtt
{o.r lct to rlrlnst thr JUrr.atrl t.rt of tlo ttrtsr
lhrt tbr JIrr k Daa olbcr thea 8trlr! ta tte fttroorr
trt lt rbolll b. rtrtctlt otrd tbrt lirrrtett Ooft Dt

rlrrtr r,rlbcrr to tbr aootttn of Dlnntttt of rrtittfr.E

lo trlr ||9 tba gttl of onqulrlni tato tb' phlloro'

pbtc* lrDllcattror of ltr dttf.t nt Yln" oa tbr problel ol
tb. loaur of avtil6. Ih. otff.Lqt vt rr ca thc atlbltr r|t

br lnrrrlre{ rr udcrr (l) Jfrtgnrltrorebrvllhrtrb-

lvlrttlrfdrr tct:roflrd by ihrxlrar l! itr onbrr rlidhtl

( t t ) lrabl irfr trrt trrtrrirrr I rbrtrtrtnoll'lrHy5'rd aI

rdwat.d bt tlrrrtrtl ta hlr $b'lrtll (ll) lnbj-

shrlta-s,nbavttbrtelr -akr {rtdt&8lr gsogondril bt th'

?tv'rrnne sotbol (tr) BfrJlrirhrltr-liru"t"t"flr lo tl(F

potn{rrt rnil fnliy rlrrrtojed bt Pl|Frhftudr la btr tedlhtr-

-stalrliartrlrBbfvallr 0f thlrr vtrur nbr .to!d rnrlo tli{tl

rrt ba ntedrd rt ttrlar lclrllna to tha 3rrllrl rlelutloo

and devolopront rt tbr htjbly tt.culrtlt' Dfrtt-ir?t1 vnlr

enil tbr fouttb rl tb. tcatcrt oulrl&tt'n of tbr t"otd rn'l

thc thtrrt flHtty rodtnj ? la tb. .rtBfra folr of Drrtl $rstt

ridr cr tf.''drntlr roltld|| of lntSrb&rdr.

Ihr tlau lhrt striru 1r Dotb tbr loc[! .'d th'

(srrtr'l5rhrltr-Srebrl.brtr b-bh tnnfiat -
oost.l$ ot artlt5
arJrltl:rrtste-rrl0tfridr) rnonlc be tnt.t?rtrd rr lrniltg

ttstlf ln rolttrln larrrrri rr Errbq r thl' tt'rr

tbtltufb ltr om avtetir ra-t to br bonart rr lt Yorat d

tbtough ltt oa lErl.Ata ta{a ta br rrlor.|d rl tt vrrft

Sbur tloutb t! lr tn Tratfrb-ldl tlat sollprtlrl to thr

looj rnp flcrtr ltc aultrlnrttGl li hrr ltr touao' 1n the

Br.bnab rt t a-Blrbrrlrhrtrtr-Elrr'Ar t'l f -'ffi. of tbr t 1r[r9r


It rhonlil dso bl rtri iarr tbrt Y&ertrttrr

lrrtr:J rbrtrlrp aoebrYtdt'vdd r nt rlro
ivirh rl ta- 3trberl
b. lntottr.lrc rr htntlng at rolltll|le It lrt bo rcArrid

ra re9lot-trndilrr .Lr.ntrlt rtaSr ln tht rtolutlon rd

iroolrDl.st at toca-htL roltprlrr rt [odltl accol{lnt to

Yicarlrttr rvlilyfas to rrlt .tt .3' 14/ rnil tlrl lrr locrtd

la r.ry rbrrrd rlr Lllrf,lrl]lo rttrltfil onr r"t<l/5

for racb Jfrr. ltlctf at :trta llvr Clffolr froa the rvttltl

ot .tcrt othar Jlrrr tarl rtnm ertdy- lr nluirtl ly l&artrtt

llasnbl,?urlrrrt.tr rrlh JIn atrttile ltr on D"ronrl

ilr.t. l|t$ llr cra trrrocl rttil. lllr rrr tht
tbfrt 1r rr on. .lltl (orcrtlod rna to rll thr Jivul
rrah po!,o.ttrr br. lrlr orn prl"atr FfForl rprld (tTt!t).
It lt rrhrlydy llrlt.a to blrl lt rra trw r rPtttb.nrl)!
ol tbo sotld of thr otber llire. lr tcaa rt cn.rl rvllyt
arrttlrtto lonj do.t thr rorld .f!tt for omaalfr lhl
tllrrt. ut ;rloarl yorldlcrorld by.rrb Jfrl tbrr$
lgr on avlilferaolrber thr lrat ttl rvldyl lr lcd
by rljbg tnonkdar (rt'lyi). tor tattrnl, r f lrr rry O1l1
arr.trt ttt orn Dltlet unltorm (tff),ttrrorfh lt. o'rt lrldJi(r1).
Slrlt*lt tbr Jfrat lllr Jgl Jgr ila oorotorq onlttnt tErlr

an ltltrtr uttcrrrr lltr I31 lfu It rrrclo tblou8b th'lt

ovo avlltit ltto r3e rqr t oor o!or1 lflflClf rtc.tl
dttfartan! flroa oecb otD.tl lto lr. 'd1r{f,I1 oto. tarld u

tlrry Ofjffl etc.) rro tlr locl ol ilffrrclt rvldv{r

(r1r lgr r,11 ctor)r tbr prorCt4 to thlt vlr tbrrr
rrlrt aoratlur untvclrrr rrtdnS out ot osntLtr rvltlyirt

ntrd ln couqttru
Jlrmr lbil tr ln D nt itff,rrtat tront(c-
l .

r.i-Dtto t&rirm (D?ttl-$tttt vtrta) || ErrPound.d bt FrEthi'

nrndr. thnr botb alrb-thtlte-snbl-rtlhrtrb{b lvttyi.lith

r ntl f nrb! ir-rbrttr -lr.*ttr;.t ao.a.tr-rYldtrriir dtlrrtd,Sl

ani t la Drstl-$rrtt tCCrr

J lrl$iltr-tla-rr&lli-'tidlr ertn lrailr
ttrrll ln rrrlloal roLlprlrrr Acolclat to ltl thcro
lr onlt oar JIrr (Enlrrm) rlth o:rlt or rYldt- rod
th. notlor of rll oiLt j ivor tr oaty rn tltlrlr or
ilru cf tirt rlrgb JIn bet trrt t t !ar! lrbaldr
fbra lt tr rslrrdr tb. rrtcl. rorld trrrr to .xt$f but
tlll theq tbr rl*tr Jlrr oonttn.t to brtc th. llluler
of tbr ro r*bil otbtr Jirerl tt otxtrl ll ltr llellartbor '

thr otbrr llrrrl tbr rttrtlnotloo DeCu.n tbl tuoi* rnd

tbf ieathtr thr bold rnd tb rrt.rrd fto.r tblt rootdlnl
to tblr tlrcttr all oth.r Jfnr enrl th. phDrroe lnatud&t
I6rrr elr rlaplt thc ftErntr of tbr lnataltton ol tlrt

rtnth Jftrr. tbo rlatlo rttdta at ti. rtntlr JIre vrttll

nlntrlnr Frllsl|.altrl ltcr tt tho orxotlrl trutb of ltr

brlnj rart troj.ot. I lntY.tt tull of dlrorrltt.s

lor r rDrclflc potnt rrt br utrbllrhrd' lnb'

J fririrltrllrblrkbyrh'aacluYldtat{thr tn thr ult trtr

rnrlydt tunrr outr lt rrt br rfr$ uldl to fa tt1-Jfli'

rhrltr 8!r-rv!lyi-rdrta, lnlel atf tht torr t otrbltohcr no

rrttrlltcly t.Latlon brlnca tho unltalro of onr Jtr

(rtttoa lr rtue to lt. .'n rttdtl) lal tlrr unlvs'le ol tho

otbott lrrl J-tn tbur Dlnontt.r rntlrelt ulth ltrrlf

roil ltr tubj.atttr pttrrtf Enttfrr.o & tn tb' Gd thtt
thrort htr. m rltlr tat0lr| nr ttrl rla.ll llrr rI
ltr rvldtir lbr rarlr-Jfrjrbiltr-rnrlr-rr1:tti-ddr tr
th. rldi lr lltlt 31a-3lr5alrlltr-lb-rvillyfrille. lilh-

J fvfridle-rmbarlrtfq5rtr, thnr raf. to br d.corrttr

rdodat th. ktt.Fhldr. tt nft br ntd tbt tlcrrtrtl
lnoontolortlt nlcrr r{ raoottftg fttrlfrfrhrltr-
lbcrvtctl-rFlrr lblr brrr thr redcr !.d.t of ltrtf
gurrld; to rrt !h lnrt.

th. tt ln Dr all thl Yaartrtl rr lorlcdlt

r{lalLC to od rD tl 16-3 lurhtlt -llrrrtlyS-lff1r rdlob
brr Drrn rlrrdy *'d to bo th. floel rtrgr of tbr ndtcrl
"*!fatlo roltD.trr (Drrlt-rptl rirhlr lJorttrttr tn lhb
ronrG ,ro;t!or ltr rorlar raa torylratto! itt tbr rrdlcrl
rolltdrn ct Pr.L|lanldr * |.rr' to lrt| l..n lurcd by
tho lorvr* of tb aoatrlrl.. tontu tholr tr o!. Dalnt of
rtlffrrrn3efhtn.n thc tro. tl lbf lrrrhrlte-litrr-rvllytrv161
tr ltrlf ndlogl rltDttttr l-eatprtllr tp11-Jfr.lbtltr-
rnrlr-rvldt{.rf0e rntt tatlr to roltgrlr; lt lr Jlrt c- Llt*
ls tbr rrolntba ot ?cdfntic nllprlro

ta ooaolurlohl ul ilt nrprt tbrt Dntl'qlttrrl

brr ltr drtDtt rcotr to totl rnrhrJ irmarltr'Strbntltbrtrlr
rnrtr-rrtdtsr5ilr url trrbfrltltr gt.lrr lt-ttldy6-
vSdrs ol rblob ;rrllrrtoulr tl tbe lnlrrltor. I3 tt but
! U nf til bjlorl culrlr.tl,r of boltr th. tbrod.a.
lhlr tr tbr vlr of ll{tllor!.nr Srttrratl u nll. Ir
bb rtriilblntr Slnilu br llttfrt qlie prrtotttr tatclltraor
aondlttoard by l3nrnrr 1r l/ven rd t$rlllfrnoe rrfhctd
lo lgmrrmr tr tbe ,1krl prc lntrlllarnc. lroialtlild bt
lanrtut. tr ljrrrrr lrt lr rcadlttoarc bt tsrprrrrr tr thr
,1lrr1 rltbcr ot thar.r rr th. Drlnclr.l corahrloa ot tba .
l*ltntrr b frt lr cellrrl tbr llrJlrrridt. l! h tbl' tbrt
tnrt oell Drrtl-.rrgl til&U

tbtr lr onLT o porrlllr tntrt?lrtrtlcnr flrtt

thctt br r trsdrart to lrrlto rtt tbro on lntrrprt sl)n
fbf otb.t latlttlrtrtbl lr tirt of 9nbinestr ta blr qDrrn
trtl on st{dhantr blnio. tbr ocntrd th.x of tt dll b.
rEnelrtrd tn letu tot'llont af tt!| ohDtc"r


llr Dl*l-''rtl v6lr rrt r tt rlrborrtrcr foc.allt

to tb artlf- forr of Drttl-erttl rldr .t lluprdrd bl

lrrl,I&aarn{rl $rt tr arnsrellt oberoot*ttod rf fl arternl

rrrll$ red rr ra obJ*t cf rgproirarlon lr rnlty ra latotul
oac rnd rn rDplaborlm ltrrlf'S lhr obf ootl roeolt!:ri te
tblr rir lr mt tb. tolrf of laod,rdlrr tlnoukd:l tr etlrnrt
.. !t tatrt*r dryq lt dorl of !|llttr tb. tGrn
of m obJrotr go! c.n tt b. [tpord ttrt tbr objri
ptacuoor snrclolrloalrrfo! eoltctiolroarr l, .trt pllllontr
go thr D$rrilo of obJtot 1' qnrftlrtr rttnr Pral-lbl'

irilrr lr s tarsrmr bl olt6t tb. lodrd3r of tbr lntarrrt

Ilnlle *rtcb trfot ltr blrtb rvrn ln tbr rbrmor ot tbr ou,;ert
tru ulr rhpbrnt ol rollng rpar{lrr tc not rn obJ.ot of
ror-rlgbtl tt tr rr lrd rt I llnet rlr$mt.S lbrrc tr
ro llf,f.t.r| uirttoGtr liln.l rrffas rd lral cFtl'[r
tbrt to r rollgrlrte tbr rcrldly ulrtrme k t tur' ilbJ'ctlt'

llturloa. lill orn trrca tblt to lld rlr atrllrrt thhl'r rr

ONor1i{a.D tb.rr tr no obJoctlvt ilrtul ld rmb j irr cnrtrr

for blnrlf blr ora lllnrlorl th. JItr td.trnd.6t ot ldv*r

crxtrr lhf uafrclrr thr., utb fi6 orn orldyf.W tbnr rrcrdlaa

to tsatji$Inmdal tlr rdf 1| oal rnd r tbr onlt dtlrrt| rrllttl

ttrrr lt [o ct .tton of tbr rclllL ldvrn; $]tld rt8'1 rt' thc

cnrtloor ol ttill rlryll Jln. Illtnry Eerocptlon of rach

irtrrnr fot btr rubJrcttnly et blr s aortrtros{tlnt cbl'olttr

$rnorar er ltr ltroEdr 6r llrturtia tat I rrr lcot{lol

to tb. 0rr3.1-rq1!t fidh bu m r*trtrn. t'tfer I lrfprd to

brtr tba DrrnrDtlon tbrt thrr urr t[r pb l| tcoo rt totp

tllBrlil ..8tdl to lr t ||16 trirt thrr nl tbe Dot' lh|r|


racor{lnt to tblr vtrl lboon rt trt obJ..ttvalt
adrtrnt bEt rr. olly lEbJf€tlrllt lr:lnslt P.!!.ptlttr
tr tho olorttcn of ob5cl3r.lol It, ulrtl u tt lr
prrorlvdr Ii b.t oo oth* ladcprnlrot ulrtroor rr9cct
thr leot of 1tt tslaDtlotr ft thsr drotlrr rrlrtenol tl
thr oaplrloa! rod<!' lllludrnt of rpprhrortoa. In aort
Dlrtl-$Ftl ctrutprrbrtoarl
tr{r dfnLr lrtrLlrtr
tbr Brrtrlrtra tr{aolpk ot rBtle .tt p.rclptf (to ur tr
to b. D.rsolYrd)ielro tb. Pr1oo19l. of tb. Drtll'r$rtl
ttdllr ro bh rter onclloa tl rtrultrtroor rltt rnrptlcnl
tho oblrtr 60 not rrlrt $rn tbot rr. mt Dercclva{r tbnr

tbk rla r.llllrr !".lytbt!3 to tba rtrtnt of, llturtoa. tc

PEt tt ln othrr rctittr tbc ro cillril rclobJoott rFr not

et ell dlftu.nt fror tbo cojntttonl. tln rlrl Fa.fil th'

mrlill r|tt rr at th. mltrr. of octaltloarr
tbr dclurlrr! t.!rnn! ernlrourl,t thtnk lt to ba of tb. ortc'
of obrrott.H fba obJctr of 4rrlna. r!. crGt'd rt thr

-rllt rt|l th.t ril Ecrsrlrr4 ad th.t co st lrlr3 brfon thry

rm t.!ot".d. tbr rcrlrl !r rlr oo3nttlota$ tdrer lrrt ac

obJaattvf brrtr to uhloh tbot oomlgoci' th'!o 1r r Clffrrroe

brtilrr tbr tran rtd tba rrrlat.16

hilb.! r||ottlq to trrlSfifcnir uota- (rrtcill

lr onr lut lt torfarr rralfcld tofrla rd hcnor tb"t ftltt

rllfoll lnlv.trrrr tut ra or thr of d..t tr ffl lo
groduer vrrloar at!{rat|llO{ $r rtatrtns th.t ou! ecrtrn
tr lnrrgllorblt pruvtilril r*lcr thr lnllEtao of oor ertillS rt
tbat b.tonil tlrt "o obJecttvr ornn lload! orlrtle

I ett-rt vtfl of tlr rbour lrtllc| lbrt orrtl.

alrtl fidr hrr no ptotrt Otrtgdolott r! ttra .rltrbactr of
arrh p,.r!on rt drtolllr|.d bt ttr orrr rubJ.€tlt rvtrlyf.
tl thtr nr|t ct Drrtl-rrrtl riir rgprolltntlr to ib lunlar-
virtr of $[l|l|ltrr. Eonlir tb.!a l| on tlDorirtrt dlff|la..
bctncn ttr tFr If lrrlCbtrttr V$ri6-l||t'st1 doil not drtt
of rat D.rilamt brlotr tb. V.atrntlc;ottprtrl ot fatl-rbfn.nile
rrlnttr ct 3ba Eaohen8sahla trrn.ofndrqt rraltty nrrly Err|ernt
rr th. onlt tlutbr drlraa th. lur|ott rcltty rd ranntrlt
;orcegtlcn rrll but llorttloor on lt.S

It otf.|d to D?gtt sfqtl "8trr tirrr lr I rlrr
h lstnntr ttrt tbc obJrctr ol tlr *rild rt. .tlrt-t .a
th. t!gn. tll tb. rnrr Grtt.ot rlgb tbr gb.Frnr
.t tt a tbJrotlt E*crgttonr. ttroqh thl obJaetll

tlorr tn thrt.lt r rra tha lClfLrtlonr of arllyft

t.t tbry prertrtr thr ilnn trou*! for tir q.rl.nol of rlL
tbtr rlrr k fit ll odld Sl9tt'Drrllr&r rhlob 1r tlr
convr[tlonrl vt.r of crr::tl>nr Drrtl asoc'{ltn| to thlt tilrt
1r ot tha ctlrt.dr &l liverr ottatrl tha stl0 lca tc

rll !b. D.totPt.nt Jiru la tbr rtrtd tfqu.n . Dt tL

rorllttanr grratlco h tlrnr tbr mnrlt of 0a6rf roluntr?
affort rdl tha ulYerta lr thr .n.lild rlth rn-oojatr0
tulltn tlnt lrl tht unllttta hrt rrtra'lgprrbrnrlonrtr
artrtatrct of ltr artr ln ttortl lf Oorlrr tl $rrtl'Dntl
rlrtel Jivarc ls lrrrtl-stttl v;de1 tf tb. f,otrtt lr ol tln
rlrr tilet t ltlstlon 1r of tbr a!.ri'dt thr lrttrt tr cf

tbr tt.r tbt Ftltptlol 1. crlatloa.l$

thr trultchfll Y6de tf t[f rtrlnrt tte nllorl

rolltd|| of PclLrhr-n'nde rlbhb t'rlr to lrnrr tlr

Itrtlnotlil brtrrro tbr llll rd thr lclnrdl. ay lotlj

ror tt tgrrol untortunrtrlt th| lorl9tulot lileh d'ol'r!'

tbrt o.rtrln scll lllrr t-odrval 3ll cto'1 barc brrl

rrllrrd. lt tr ftt to bf r$.otdt er tt deltrtnr ihblltrf

ln rorlptsrrr ta nob |uDllE rttar sr lriroloil

lsiol lL Dtttt'srrtlrila Ll| to "t$' ti'

plrgrtlo trttb (ttrtilSrlkr retti) '
dl$lnttton bateLn
tbrt tr th. t€il'lrrntt lllurory tnrth (tlrttbhtrttr aettl)

tho tllusln ot 8!rL ln t roDr. lll onrtlonr rhetttt!

to lt. tt6tu! of u tllurlonr thr tir Drrti-tntlridta
lrhra r |oclaqt of th. &rrDo ll|tf "1.r of tbr rorl| vltl
htr iholrlrtton tiet r1l phomrr laolu0lnl lisrn k
but blr orrr dtrralo tltce thr Drrtl-0rrttrtdln rothronu
th. JItr on thl b$hort Dratortrl rait rrillrr 0od to nothltu.
t{tth tbr rllrrlon ot Dlrtl-Srrll rirle thr ldvrltr Yrdinte

3cta lnto tha roorlr

tbr rtn polntr of otatret! btgnc D4tt*ntl
vide a*l g9s1,l-D9rt1 vacr rry bc runrkrdt

(f) lt tb. coteot ul sacld mt frll to l.aotBl|o

tha om cqtr.nt tbrt llrrr nlfolrlll tr lctb llo rlrrr
ilt tbrtt loaooptlsn of tbr llttttc rrrllty' larPttr ol

thrlr rflraglf!. oono.tturl gbtlorpphlt vrt vlEh *clt othlrl

both tbr vldrr rlril tn $ylng ghrt lnbea lr tltr bllbert

rellty rlrl tbat tt 1| mtchldInrndr; tlrrr could bl n

ro..r, to tt.

(U) rno$rr rYl{t{ tr onr ot tnyf botl gh. crtrpl

r!r.. t! $tltrt tbrt lt b rtrlrrlour qrt'lyi tbNt 1r l|ltolrlblr

for tbo f.lt. rhor of tbr lttlletr.r tor lotb ct tb-t rvl{fi

tr rn rnrnlltnbb ntt ltrt D[tPcrrtlt. lnctltorbb noa'

.glttturl sntlStr
(tll) Ot bfn tir rlall lttr rrlttt r? tDr rortC
lf aill,.a rod tbo tlhrrorlmra of thr prld lr rdilttdr tbt
Iaoldl!| to botb lE tr onlt tbr ltlurart tbrt It t.rctrbl.
It lnorrld3. rnd at tbr rrl.ls

(tvl rr grctl'Dtttl nft !r ftclrntrltt rlPlr

Drdt slrtl virla lr ct!.rolt ollorr

(v) If mcfrrttnS to gttll'Dlctt ritlr thrn tr

onlt Io rorld coror to rfl tbr Jltlq rooorttlu to Dr$,l'
srrtl tfCrrtDcr k It na llcna of rrlortearl .r a-t

f fvr ber ltt tn ullttrrr rtllotlt pdrrtr rnd prtlondr

(tl) tt tir rtlrS-lolhet ttrd tolot ol tbr

Srrtt.Drrtl Y-rtr rey br dcrtbei! rr t.rllttla tbtt of
Drrtl.Slrtl Yidr, !n lt! .tttr. lor rr 6rrdoni !y
?rrI-.baldr rrt b. odbl btlbly ltlrrllrtle.

(tlt) lotb ti. .iltt ctlsrlt dlttlatutlh thait

'todtlrr t!6 tb. Burtrtblrtlo ttJiidr r{ir1 3bon3b Dfgtl-
Srrtl ritr rt .or to tl.atlft tt*rl! rlottrtgb tlJbiar'
Yrdr of 3!dlll-o

trlt) It oodrr tr t9rtl-Dntl r5drl Jlvrrr tr

Drrtl.Qrtt v€dr.

' of Yiorr;rtt rr
tbr othcr porrlbl. llt ttt trllon
vttv rq.lltlnj thr l.er sl arltltl rrrrl ltr trpllcrttoer rt
rror br tltrourectlr lroodto3 3e thlr totertntrtlon,lt lr
rtrnl to osnolud. tbrt l-orrpatl'a renrtl Jlrtrthrttr rnlr
rvldti lilrr Lrdr ltcrlf tl nitsd roltPrtrr rf tltc tttr
of ?retirbfnradrr tt &ortd br oardtlly unlrrtod rl
not tallylnl .oltp.lr larnob rl tboqtb l lvrl ta tbr
loour of rrlrtyfr lt l. bt tbr oontrtllrr ct rr1dt5, ar
conttol tr mt tn lt. iudrl ltrlf blry Ool'trr thlnj

thrr.[vr! tbr 5 iv+r th.t !.onot orost. e prld lltl of

Jlrrr lllr ih{rtlYor' Ibllrforr thf Ytrl{ l.t bf ronrt&rd

to E. at rtra Dy Ood rtto tf tb. retroltu ol rll rvtrltrr.

tbtr lr dro thr laterPr.trtlon $Yrn ll lrrbiarntu tn btl

oaartrlt fl llllradrlrlr rt<kl!5atr elalu.lQ lr Dt' so

&rrllrlrlchno reyrr tbtb rrtlli F..ta ln thr ldlvtdurll

It tr trt rhDradsrt m OodSo lr lr e*rlrt rnl OJrotlll0
trnor Slur $outd oxlrt tbo Sltolrntr mrotantr od'

tror1n! ljrrn * oprtrr tba ult*re. firele lbr atnlroll.t

rf rrtlttr lortea ln tb. Jlrarp Srdbll ttn nrlC.lD tb'

;In 1r t'om to ll.3!b thr rorld tnrtd bt lla{ rr llluaort

drr. to ltt o|n ryrtorloor md rtrhtrrour rrlltll lt ailntt

tt ttrtt tb. Dbooor.ml nrlth
.!rri. tbr !t liurrr
rrt b. leobrl uton rt tta arrr. of tbr .lDtslosl rilllr
lin lr til caurt ot th. tlluory rorle.U

tbkl lt rbrld L rubrtttrall rlxlr to bf tba

oorrrst rna ttta.nt fnfrpr'&Urn of, ldoartrtltr lrrtl
J iyfiltlternole -rvllti lidtr . tblr 1r irrtilr ooftlid
bf florrftl rttb hlr etlrtrrton of thr .rlellttt Dt ra
obJrct of grlerptloa. IE thh,h. olorolt follon 0brnlrnr
tccorlllng to bl., th. 3ik$ln Prrcrtrrr l! rDDrbondoa
re aggrtbottlnt rn rxtrtnrl obJcctr tbtl lrtarnl Sjrot
arilot bt torlcrl ra lt 1r dtft tct ttor ea totGnrf,
oo3rttlon. lbrr ov|t r oolnltlol crDot jcjnlrl ttrrl$ r.

rn obJcot rtnr tt lstoltat ..ltraolttrdtotlos. tb.!.ton

ti nit De rrlrltteil ttrt tb. Eaf$f! o{ol'|r ra obj'ct

dtrtlnot fror ltsdf. Ia otbcr ilttAlr thrn isul{ rrlrt '

rn art tal objoGtr rttrr looaryrtt.lB tblr rcrodla3

to Yi.r.Drti thr obJcotr llr rlruAl rdrcot ladcpoa,lml

cf thr p.ladr|lr nrtola ril ttuff rtr

but onlT ttt.l!
lafunr"lbrbloo tbtr lr r Cgtb btcr, 'l-orqntt tl"r' Lll

to th. lddhlrttr ?ur5nr60r ral tb| 0rrtl-9trtl Tfrlrr

hre lr9t4 ln vtr rt tArrFtlrl Coctrlr

of 'lqtttf of avltlyirl tt ry nll br rryml tb|t ooir
Dt controllla6 thr illfforat rrlcJtr ln illl.r|. Jfr.rt
llolt'rrr of tFnp dbrrrr utl.'lfi for tbl. ltoqt
tha unltr"r.r rnt ttrtctlt trtaonrlr tot rY.lt 3irr rril
to trrrlrt tit rrlr unlvrrt. dua to th. .rtrc rt|rllrfl3t
ol tbf utrlttrrtr. t$or lr tD. dalld fol I rtolb anlt tra
.crn to rll tbr J1rae lqnrrllrr rlncr lll tbet 1r nd.{
1r mtnlal nlia ||Jt ill rn rtlrrat rnl tbr trltld,-
prntr of lllurtol. bt lnrtan rit I drr of taoDl.
tlrtrh. ln tL ir*i a rcD. tot r lr'lrl ttry btvr #
tba lllurlon of r rnrlcr tilt elrrll ln tbrtr latllvltlmtr

laraEttonr tbat tbly t ! rtl rio tba rer rrntr tboutb

lrrtr nrtly hi btr orn tlhrrlon. h tbr rtrrar-ot rnl

th.r Co.f lpt plort tbr crlrleaor ol e flotl. rbJrotlt. rnlle'lil

Xt rrt br ftrt'hrr rtlld c tbo llnr of lrllnttl

tbrt th{ *o cnetal lta itt"ltt s0vlrrtr fol thr dlr"'

t irar D! ailt1,lllnr tbrtr aylrtyltl lrr rrna1rd tb.r. rilltlf;1t

' ln |!h I tf, tbr J trar lool |ton tbrt' dlt'ctlt'
tbrt dl
rr Plo"tctn3 r fil rnul of fiprrio.r tnrct
rl g. L tb. rcil aoatrtrt .t tlt rrl'ar.lll(r) ltlt*

th. ittt t r unl?arlrt rt !c loobd lDst rt rtrtler tiffilh

tbat ittffer fror laitrttlurl io tadttl{uel1 Jlil r| tlf

lo.tl.r of dtfLFct lrllrfulrrrlr rrr rhllar tboucb dltf.t tt

tlor .roh othcr.ls


lor ttr ecerllg to tbb lttt.tt".tatlonr tha

n"ll 'nBft br conrldrrrrt to br at ria.l bt oo{tr Dt aentt)luol

of rvtity-r ln tb. ; lvarr tben rrl||r thr qrrtloa of ttr

Docltlon of Iivrrer la rt!.rpt lr rcttbor nll to ilor

tbrt tb.r. lr rp lor for fuan ttr VacrtFtlrr strtcr cf
loo-iludlrtr arrcohoCr ridqlfoarpettrr '|t th.ary rtti
ntrr{ to th. nrturi of Jlrlrr tr tbr rlt.td blrlr lf rul
ra att{gt. lt nt b. .lplrln|d rt lnd.rl lilct{ltll tc
ltlecttadrrllalr DBra lntrll!8rm tr Brahrnl th. tr-
drflnd bt tllff.r.rt rrldyir rnr tb llvlrr If ror *olr
tr thr rqrr fot lhr? lblt tadrr to lc r ".!t laaltlat'
qnortl rn.

lorwrr lt nrt b. Polai.a {t|l tbrt laso!'drtidr

lr nlt rDovo ruc! . .tlttol$' la antf,r io thlr otttl'tri

It rrt ba artd| tl3l .t[ar fSoartrtl brr rrco3atrd r glunllty

of trldtlrr p$tr onttolrna.r u drttrtl bt dtr"r amotrncrq

ln gb.tt toLrllttr rt Do rtrrdrd rr rirenf enrl pn tonrclont'

nfrf rr rlrftnrd ly ftmrr aa.Gl'?no.r ltfltr rt Dl rcae'n.|el I

tn lhrt cirrr kylrr brrorf e oollolttrr Jfrrr. ltt rnl

f 1lr.
r mptlca tr fqr tlor |rttlt.otort fror tbe rllltour totat

of vhr, rr lt frlle to ord lnl t*ttrt erS rdorettonr

tb. olnr to tb. rrlutloa of thtr problil rrt b. foal lo wfdllfllt

tlcrltr3t f r trnrbl irrrlatrqrnUstfGtilrr I strb br dlrrNl
Dln erplatcrd. the Jlnl brlaj tbr toour cf arldJt |r flalt.t
larl lryerirotr It cranc! rtlltbutr thr oh$rotcrt*tor ct
gcllrethnl oqi'cotcaoo, ocnlgotroll rtool to Bnhru rr lt !r
9un tnto'Lllgrler (Juldhr obrltrwr) dolold of dl burn
tb$rotorkrlLrnrr io tba Sive roil tc ''L4t. tbera
tbrract*lrtlor vlth eo rcbr{lrnt rnd thtr rtodtntt ot
elt prrfroHotrr r{/ br oeltrC l(lrrs rttcb tr tb. oon
lont.nt of rll dltcre. av!lt{r. tbur tbufi tbt eridyfr
tr <ltffrrent tlor ed olher rr rkc tb JInrr 3D.tt arn b.
t.t r e@ unllrrsl.lll

lblr l/nsrr b rr t|la Jlrr o! | trlrlltt ot

Jlrarr It cannot be rqudted dth . coltoottrr JIvr, for
It tb. soltcottve j-lrr 1r Lo3totllT bdil t bf radrt tb.
tnflurg af ooll6tt!. crlltrr lirrre tr thr orrrlortl of
rlttttir In rhortr lirah tr not only th oontlolltt ot

;iyas1 Dut rlro tbctr evld1ir. l|r bt shtr raro; trtottt

thlr sntrnttcnt '8t !r tlr rtrldrr of rll thr nrmtroou

tDtt lrr|rr ttt'ttrt olir ta onr o,? ttrr oprata3

lttrrar qf thnnatfltrll la rhlol tfcrtatl ratuallt cffcrr

tratftf to Oodrr llho l5lt.ntl ltbhrrtrtnl lhlf OrnrFttr

ldlttr llo.3 Bl ltrtto! trlr th:rt lln vrinr rli thr bnrth of

tbr Loil lad 3.r3errlr Vrrlo tyins tha rutbo" of tta ltlbrarfitrrr
r. tt'. lilrtnitlon ol tir aoanttltr frlt' .t th. totl.llt
lbrn l-oarprtt brr lr{a oDot..r. to oo{ 1t1ltert rDd
isbl.s t &nr tt rodl l. ut cnlt rtterlt ttllador
but rrrn foollab to btrnl rtomtetl u rn rtbllltr ta
ahrrt ti.rc tr oot Jtta I ttlar rt rthrtr ln l-crqrtttl
lrrrl:o of Arlvelte rd bo tr raond to runc tn hlr l."otloa
to rnd rdrtntloa of lhclur In teetl lrlinrndrl t-crrgatilr
orlaatstorr la hlr lqlintr lrlpatrrn ier lcfl t[ ltalr utF
3r:rlcll to orpr.tt lnl tulold tbt ttuth tbat liorrFtt tr r fln
brlhlor la liryala. tt trto thr srtttcr to t .l rnl btr
trSr tubftdft onlt rttn br crllr th-r tlr foolr.

tble lfi-carDrttrs ryater of tlrrlta tstal{ L

tbr'ratat'llrd rr lrclltttor b.Din3 tn rtlvpblr lnrtrtcnor
on tho ulrtratr of fioC srd thr Dluntttt of Jlv*sr tbt{t
lo r ccnra lt tt tdcallrttee ln ro firr BGtlr. rrtrrlel prll

Gennot lr !rtgr,!c{t u rlf-trlrtrnt.l$ tntilr rtrr Doldr

tho vollilty ertrtrnccl thur It tpt r tubJ ]otlr?r oteillon.
odlr Jirar .to.r r!. raal lr lona rr artdtf ll |bf lrlt li
bt ttslrt Erdriltrr Io tbtf ttt|rt Y-ro:rrpatl ht, rn ff|cttca
.bont Jotnlnl lrnlt vlth tho tetdfttar. thtt lt orsirlnlt
ranlnrt tba rsdtonl lotlprin of Pnlilhi-nenalr tb:rt rll
phrnrarnr lnolullnj t/v'rr tr Dot tho ftlDntr of, h4taatloa
of r dltk JIre. It tt il|o eaatnrt th€ vt€rr th+t prlrrptbn

tr Ol tr ollatlorl ttf oa tbe otbrriraCp lt lo Ilour ot
tbr rlrr tta.l trrorPtloa tr of tbr o!..tdlr l-oalprttl
tercndlrq oo tr,b. Errbmr6tro IIr11.88 oonf,llir lblr. tLll
ir axtltoltlt rryr tl.lt .rtrlnrl ohJoosrs rrc rlrcalt cfuian!
onltld. tho P.laflter; t'helr nrturo rd ttBtf rt. tod.sottDrbtr
(anlnoebra$n)l tbrt rlr oot lrotrl tdctsr lblr nrnr tDrt
our pollrptlonr elvrtr relat tc obJmtr orlrttl3 cutlldr of
!f anil thrt tbry erc lttt of thf iBturr of pqro lln'.tllalr
Ia athrr uordt,gur Prrorptlcar rrr prclucril !t thr objrott
crtsttng outrt:lo ot rl| rd .!r no! l'llolse 3laolatoll tlol
rlttrlnl b.Fft of ouoctrr thtr frttbftl tat.ltr.t?tisn of
Ebrnlslr bt Y-rrrtrtl |rt b. I trl.! rr !ryporttry ttro tf|ll
tcrlblr bt rtt S.ttul of tht lryllcrtlong ot tbt ttoblcr
of tho lcnr at rda6.r&l(l)

lbr atorr latrttrtlttrn of1 tir t+ltcrtlorrr o?

tbr problo of thr lorur of rrtdyr.l t.tr| to bo lclr leural
rn"f rr.breutifullT mcandettt ood la ?Irrrgsttl rtttar of
n!-astltr grtth brr laFtaFalttu l'ltrQlro€rrr lor tg

rc6ot gntt-5trtt tslr It ta rb>llrh 0ort rlr! otirr Jltaer

oola rd tbr rll fl9l tbr Ettt.r of oa'rluelltt lelullllu tl

thr trtd .rhrrcr of ndlarl sollDrtu. l lJorltt of

Ait"rltlns rtr| otpoaai to nrob t vlcrr thtlth ocal tr tDt tba

blabrrt rulltt ln &!!ottr rod oruld br rrlrly dt'Drnrl rttb

frrl tbr trrarcrnrteatrt ftn! of rlrr (findr':bfhll Ft tfr
gortulrtlcn flcr lbe rrylrtoel Dolot of vlrr (rtlrebSrt[r) 1r

r af!.ttlty frr prt of thr rdrrttlnrr 0o. ldvnttlo rt

Dortuhto oar lrl(lttr lEthil r.t pottulrtr r Dluralltt ot

rtt{}ieo llt to ny ibt livnltr frol ttrr rrPlrlorl 9o1at

of llw, ctuld bf CJFtd of Iiretr lr to sttlk' rt th' "oAl

toot of, strdsallla. 8o loo3 rr tlqllreblr rrt0ti or

rtlitSt rrf oot atrEal by litbf Fd...l||r th. palltv of
Ijnrr lr I trtt rd ttr r.ttrltacr -tg trr tnrrrtrbly
poatulatd tt rt.ly tf,l|rft|.a tt ot rt lilrrltlar lforrDril

lr no rrglptlcn to thlrr

tfoerPrtl 9laaadt to rlt$tlrh tb' 'dmrrocl ot

lir lcri aot rar.lt oB til barb of lltr brlng tb' 'ruto of
tha qntratrre but on ill' b.tn3 tba ]ureo of rcripsrrr. tjrrrl

1r ornlgotrat beornrr }|r tr boCylrlr; Er lr crnl'otrnt| 'ltu|

tbfra lr ao clrhok to tttr rotltltyr E. tr Dt rt dl rnbJ'tot

to bonde8r. tborll loth ilrr rad liu'rn .|l!r tb' pfduot of

rtldtdr th.t 3t oot to cr tqurird Yttb a|tb otbrlt for th'

brl r ilrul-DoCl'lrylrr rd brnor r6Jrot to ba$r'c rnd

ruftatlnSr Jin bee lhttrd ktnrlrrtr ral Ponr ol rcttYttt

!i.t lt lJrrn hm nnltdtrd borlrlle' Ibc Jirr tr ra+:lltr'l d

llattrd !t rotrQtrrtrs$ rtlrl DEe to rr*lyf1 !t uadrrlor|

irrnnltlrtloa rnd ruffrrtrBr ltr rnerldlr tboutb 't'r[l

!s obstruqted !t rrlltt !t th. trudrdgr ol tie anhsl.nt
otrl utoodr to rll thlt[il thf rrbJ.ot rtt.r of 'rord
tlaohlqa rxtdr to ell thtit..ltrl Fr offrtr tbrt vltl
rcrt rlltbt rffoil er lf ln rpcrtl Stob thc diYt!. rrtfrt
rvon rlth lrrat rffort .lilrrt o"ry.rr.E lJvrn thnt gctrtrltr
nor. rrte;)llrr hurlrdl. thro thr Yadr& lbr rrtlrr rrt ba
.rtrnrlvr lut tirlr Gnt nt! rltl not rqurl to tb. laorldSa ot
lllrl *ro *tr ttr thr lloarrrtl eonoludrer lfuuo, thr
ttort .t htal 1r tho Dlrta cf tbo Vrdarl Eoafatt.l !trfuF

;rrrrd onlrtaalr rnd mtpotrnoe.r8 f,o rnelst tha rsrt

aot rtlrrbl but tn rooor{rm vlth 6rt th.t ffr. ta |8tllrt
cacstlcnr.l8' tlr rcterlr tho radu afil !!q .Err vrrtht of
irltb rlnor ba !)os;ai!.r lacrlrrlar of thr trulb rnd 1r flrr
frol rl1 drfeott uelttc thr lsn'rrenlr lfu'ata 1l Brrh*rne
vlth tbo s{tJurut cf avtilyi. Br 1r tbr croato! of rtltnel
ralucr. In tbtr hr taroElrter htnself rtth be8lanlnjhlr
arrolenol.S thr Cr?cnlmtc $lrllttct of linrr arl dua
to thr ttlttlag ailjunotc rnl rrr lugrrrlapotld oa Brtll[r
ft rtrre th€ ptrlcsr ol riltrilor rrd plrtotr Htf artura

trn ba rt|.r'tal'lal thlough thc f elth of DnJaD.tt d thr

itirtnrui'.a to rrirtrd rt th. flrlt orrtl:n1 Sr Po.t|tr
vlrtuel rlstoer ron-rttaohLn! ad lcritly pcult! ln rHrlcr.lao
thrcr*h thrlr frlth tbUdt thr frltb of thr !tta! onrl. Sbta
tfun; r.rrat[ L tacrrDrtl i6 thf rr.tra re. ft lir
|rolral trmhlatr

,f-r ttttb.! srtr tfrrrtrttl tr n'trt r filrf,tln

(onr t frlodrfr); hc !r frrr frr rvlrttir bodt rn{ Dondastr
tr lr not ndot th. .ontlol of rrlr1f16(rluottlr tirr Jfvr.
h lr wrr llberrtdr f,l lr frrr fmn rll .onluout tor (ri|r)
ral Nrltlon (Dtrbr)r In rcoodrnor tltb tb! Drtt lrrr of
raah Jltrr bc Dlo tt to do r Prrtlculrl act.W !r lr fnrl
I frrritthletthr' ona rbo ,!|'ltlrt otar ltrll. llr Jrrt ,uDaltlrrt
th. cp.rttot ef tbr lrr ot Liil ln rlltr{rtraa rltb vhtch br
ellotcl rrrrrrdr rd tunltbrstrtr to tbr Jfrrr rt atgmglrrtr tlr
rcl plraor tbr irpplnur rd rtatryl vhlob thl JItr. rd."aof
rr. ln rtttct ooaforrltt vtlb tbrtl oro prrtfrnr' El |[ot
lbrrrfon b. rhta.d rttb grrtlrlttt, splacr YrcmPrtl.fl h
ornt br hrlit to b. tb. rolo lrtrrrtoln3 r3rntr l*aras ta
othct F&tae l' not iltblfft rnd fr;rnbl. to a floaao f.u
rr br brr m betlotl tovlrdr rot-bcdt Jstt rr r r{tatr! blr D
lr.tFcd tor3|{. blr rqtt orrotlon of tblolrr tnr rrtlStoa cf
tbr rorld tr Jnrb rto* rnd tbcrr tl !o r.rl rtlt! brhldl ttr
tt tr rncrlreld. $trtortlon rd ptrrrllttra of ror.l !.lrlc

tr tht Ftl". b.tlrl finrn lttorcrttat th. €tlal. lr 1r thr

trnet oontrollarl tbe ulttttr Grrrutat of Frrl ?rlulrr
Crrllon at S. stt,t L frft olF F frifrelr
t! ilancar lrtatalnr ?tcrpltl. thr vorld otD.tt bltr

rr ltr tlll!€; ona tho lr not croltcloot rd omitgtrnir

It tr ro.lrruerl hlt horlcdgr r*l or9rcltt nlld tbta
ba ltrltarl. fasoa ba Llst Eu .tral pmihr tlrr mltltr'r
tAr ll trmt .l7rr aoilarlt ot tbr {rrltn ot tbr rorldr
Ubrn tlk rtd k unrlb !o add". of tbr {ard'gn cf r
atntll bodys lt lr forllrt to tblttk tbat bl lrn oorprlrr
of thr rlcrtga ot thr rholr unlrrllf e aontrtdr ISrerltt.ltr

thlr l*oltrr to l-rrtatlt rjrrlrr flor sr

;trtcal ttirad Dolnh tr bot! tbc rfftolcat raC rt'rlrt

arBr! of tbr nrlrlp (rDhr+r drtBteni{in}S lnrl bcr

!t lr brth llmat rtd tlraecnilrntr Br tr ln thr nrltll

trt brtond !t. Er lr groetrt th.B thr roflll be brl orrrtfl"

tbta tlrr tr q|)orrl tr tbr rtrr ol Eb' tit.|t llb'

f;|nrtrtCoJltar toter Dtrlt r!3r1 rltlob rrlntrlo tbet ljlllr

tr oott rn cfflolot orutl of thr tntrttra. licrrntt fanr!.lt

tad osl'
Dolnts outr tt to thtcr do$tr gon lbr onltol'oof
totcnoo of 0orll tor ln tlret clr fdrrral rttl brYr to tllt

tha rlot ot lxttol (gretptl). lbttrr tb|rr l'tr drl.|d tc

tbr rtabst ef rn todlpraornt neltty rd lirrn rll! nr.r br

tl I ,.'ltlil fo trrrtr thr u&l l! r.oortrrr dtb tt.
ovn rtll. thrt trl ttlr rlcr ralrr ljvarr l.p.tral u:on
r.ttcr tn tlr r.t cf sr..iloo tbr!.bt alltrritftr. ooA t:in
rll hlr orlpctcmr. tf arnot t'brtr br rrarrild rr r tlll-
rlrtrmlolrt3 Jodl h. o(rrr to br Yknd l. om rt-lt$ f;b!'tr
ladtrt{urlr. [encl lt tt lTorrtbbl taoittgrtl coateaClp to
tbtnt of llnrl rr oalt thr rfflohat o.ut. of tbo nrld.Bl
AII titr lr rgrtnrt tlrr sontcntba tsrt thota l. r !t{
for ldnrr ln Vlcrrtrtlrr ryttrr of noardurlltr rod tlrt

3lre hbrrlf 1s tba clrrtor ot tb. utflll. Eror lt Cfrrlvta

3e br rJrotrdr

cllrtB -,lt

lseorttnt to td"rltr tr.t-ltrt sr for dl otLr

ttrtc of lrdlm Pbllrrcpbyl rrrrptlot tbo Ohfnrilrl
nkrbr !r tbr br-rll ud ttr ead-tll of rlt blnl .rrlaaDot.
It lt thr tltbort till (ln lord to br rrccbdl rt
Hraa rtlf-rr.ltrrtton (ftrr tfldrfthfn)r It ooarklr;
tn tbr Jirr rratlalq ttr orn t!!. nrtulf -- ttrt lt ta
norl otbrr thrn tbr tnflnlt f ctrrtrrls tlrttrbrt rd ltfih'
lrrr [trblillnodr. It tbr l|.|!r, rattlt5 rn rd to thl
cTolc of b!,"tb rt 0xthr lbdor t|lol t.bllth lt lts tuP.
llgrl. ln rbortl tt m traalo froa rll rllrtoal |tlt'
trttror rnc ruffrrlnS.

tbr ttrcurrlon ol tlt. €ffit of tlldtr t!rrll'a..f

th. rtrt. of rrlathr )d.lf of tir Jirr. Ualur thf JIrr
tr b Dcirtrr tbe qnrtton of l3r rtrlvltq to lolllm ltr

oun trlr ilturr itoor Et rrtn rt rll. lhr J ivar thlttr|f

Erelrs tn lt. ftlrnool ilrr tt br3lantnjhrl lnalllortlr
n aalano. (rCClp rotriurnorfr ed0r) follltrp es lt rrre
Itr orr trr aatur. d arrr io lrtla. that lt lt fttrtt'r

l,lttt. ltrFlagl roil r r||lrt, strrtrr. (lfiClr Jrntu).

Haaoa lt utrrtalao.t rll r$rrt end rnffrrtnfr lhl tbr

ruffrrtnl af thf !ive; ll th. lltlrrtr rrtllTrll,lr tlur to

tbf frltt|t,. to lnor tbr titl. n|gurc ol ltt.lf. ltr ln othat

!- nilrr tr aur !o frln leonrl*ljr (dgtr rtrr).
It cea b rrorrl ool,7 Dy riebt tnontrrijt of thr roll
(yldll)r |rllr Sha|enl Vicuprtt 1r nrnr tircd of
Hyin6 th:t J'aiat lod Jfitrnr rlonr tr tb. rrar to tlcbar

lSctjettrr thur oo the ghor sf Xlrrr tn thr
l|loa of ldrrltto rldbonlq r.t Fr br tltrcurrtdr

ilrrrilanr ad Vf,oarpr.tt rrr onarot thr Ybrrtbet

latr brr i trtt ?c plrf tn tbr toba ol ridhrn by
atvtq rtrr lr tbr itrrllr to hay. JIII (btlrt;r) for
lloishr.l thtt rlcr 1! !rr.at.d bt btr 1! blr txr.tt
on thc qgbortn rlrtstrLl! sl te ftr $brrrllljiltl .
lurrp ln !h[r lrlrc1 ln thr vlw of t-o.tFttr tr r
local of tba r.r!. to ubbr t.rrl Jllflr 8l h ef tbr
rhr tbrt tb. d|'tl| to ttpr ara b. brll|tbt lbout bt
traetlrlnt vlturl rd tblr Xo rlur c{xrtfa ltlflh ttrlf
thrputb InorLdS. tol rehrr

lfcrrFtlr rotuellt orrk tltb tha rtraca h

tlf firmtlontnt of rlturk torar{r tht tl.!tr. to Jiinr
(Inorlortgr). tril th. r obt.t"rtrf of oll$rlott tXt.tl
artlt tf gracrtdll rttb thr rtre cf rttobrttor uilob
rrllr ti. lntrltmt utftfr thrc{al o?lorl .f ti. ntf,tf
of oolnltte of rtarnltts pulltf l!.rl ln r arirrl|r orlrrlr
thr oblttrtort rthr tbur lutrr? tnurrut rln rad thelrbt
purtflr th. pr"rar. Iltb thr oitsatlco of rlnr o!.n| tb.
corr]nrrottloa rnl rrrroatnt rltultlaa ta tlrr rrgtrantb
taorlng ot tbr tgr,c*rnrnorl tryurlty ctr|ry rto.s of
rrirlrrr thra artrrl rnrhflo$ toatltttna of btF.ttroh-
r.nt tbo!.tol thfn 31!qt tl| dlrl"r lo trilt. tt1 horrlnl
tbet tnortedr,. et th. tlu n|tltr of thc rclf l| tbr rl.t|
to br t!.Ltr ooa tlrslror to tor tlrb tr rrnrotr co ttf
taeroar ebont tts !.n[trt rll obJrottolt l.ltlttal r|rtntt
Itr flarllt bt rlartr aotrtrryhtlnt tb. rrryt'rr hsbilar
tbm thtr r..ltarttr! lf oonttill rnbtrrmPtrallt rttb
i.totlo for r lonj ttr.r thro ont nor to rhootr tt.l
& Srtr thr tntutllon of tbr nrptcE tatclltgrno. tbrt trr
bryood ell rballty rtd llrt!1h lbtr lntutllon ilutrotr
!.rohll6o rai tte Dtolrttt. tbr rjtrtt tb.n thtt t ln ltr
om gtm Ertsro. fhurs ln th. tlav of lfcrrprS! Ttturll
Itr Gootttbr$ory tc tbr rhrlr& to kmv $lebcar thft brttll
rbort the nurltt of do{ rd trrrDErtl tbr tlcodr
t$r for
tb. !1!r of frrbre{5fna, thr h[hort lurtl4trr

' Sbcrr rt. tn rdatl.tlot ot aoattlbltot{.l ot

rrrtltcrtu. (t) lrortrat. .d (ll) *utrr I trotl
rndllery tlfaufrffrnl 1r rtet .rb||!|.f r lktent
tluttl oo tbr otbo! irdr !A.i tubtft|," l r rttr dtFotlt ta a

?rcrlf,ta coottlbutolt (nantntn ol rrrtftltFoFras.tr)i

For lnrtrn.rq tbf ntrrlrl urd ln ooniucttng rttlrllrtlo
lotlr ttnrr, tf tbt t Dto rnrltlalt tlfratr.r tllr llutt
tlrrotlyr E t tb. rt3.f tbr grorhrtl oonttlbsort rub'
lrFrr. tlrr rltr rnit tndllertlt th. ttlltt. lrd tdraqetlrt
vlc k th;rt thr rttnlr r". !fml. rurtllrrtll. thtr
k rlt*tns!t!. to Yeorrtrtl

hr noor{l'e; t flm?rtl tttflltrtlo rctlol

tr rrrtll oalt to ctitr ln r.n tb. d.olF to br srriao
(ittrtdtr$tlt, thr"?stt tho purlflostt:n of grttrr (lotqll..th

Ar rn dttlbrlty Vdcar;rtl Gotrt r!nth.'l lhrlr t0rt

d.tllcrlrl rBrlag of pwlltral lntclbctl br tirn nr thf

trrtl.t! (Erbnrn) Gbnugi latrDlrtlo'r lr dro {rotrr

tba Bdbddrut lr tortl ttrr.t|| taditFtrarnr ttrnn?|

ttvldlrbrntl y{aor dan,o tlDrai'airbrkerter (Bnbn€ir

dcslrl to krpr str (anlma) tbnutb tb. rtilr{t of thr ldll;

bt rrortftorl by ltlrltTl r by ruqtslltt .na It lrrttC)C

tbte tgt thrprtt la/r; ohnrlv tellr ur tblt raerlflor

!tc.r lra anJcfml rr rt|brldtrtlat to tt daolta to lnor

m+l nrt r! a r.la to tla taovlodgr of Erdtrf tt tt t|tt

partlcolrr la rytni tlrt tb.t (irirbnir) n||&f !f I

(ttYt{ttL!!l) rnrl not tbrt tb.t Llfflu 8a tlc
(rttlrntl)e lurthr lo tb. dnrtt tblrr tf tft..tr
rlbbrtrtlp strtch totttt to tor.'nlnrr' liunr to nbrt?
Yfurrntt !r9ll.rl rfent to rlvtdlltn In rlrldbhrl

Jrnlnr rnd tn*rlratrlur tbrn ln tlr fcll of rdbftur.

In tbtr;te*r l| r rmar to h d$!rr to llDt Bleirn.
lltr h ro; t-crrplSl irtnl !.oruttr ta r prd ratob
tr r ooabtartten of tlrr nfftr (prrtWr) rni tbr rtt
(frrtpf )r th6 fotlrt tr ?rlrrt .t aalh?til !o tb.
frttlt ublcb 1r subrlittrxtr lhlrcr thr rrltnt tllfd
by tbr rulftr lt nrr tryoltrlt tbrB tbrt cf the lootr
In tbf rborr gnotri tutl llncl <lcrtro fttnr tba
nrlln3 of tbr rofflxl tL 3.tr r"tvtiltbrntl| tboulc
br trtrt?rrtri to run rtbry Crclro to Erto thoql

ln last lorlcdar tr prlnrt rt rorrrtd rlth thl d|rl!.

tbalrtbtr tst t||/f t-altrttl rlnor ln tbr ilC1 tt tr

thr rc*nlog ol tbr ltq u coryrnrl ttth th. rufllrl ll

tr rubrldlrur rdltr drtttr b.tt{ th. mratai ot tir

ruf,ftx 1r prllelt. rsl tl !r obvlour t'!rt rcttrttT

rrbt|t tc t|ht tr lr{nrf u lot batrul th. ttrta'

rBrlru thr
rent rBrlnE tbc tlagrr lrnr. l{lrn onr rrtrr

llnfrc r.a ono lr not fttrEtd to brlt{ tbr tlnr oo t}tl

SrrurnC tbrt bs l! trtrrt. oa tbr 4bcr hrtdl tbenjh

ti. lt'lt fu lrtrr'' tl frote lr tat nbrlflrrT ln tir
st{ .t tba Grltltoetton of rltir. tlurq of reollfloel
ar of lbr ltudy of ttrr lllrl thcrr lr p"atctlDtlil.r
th. |r(tr!t to llcrlrr (vtvtittila .adb.or); lbll hrr tr
r iloic S for tlrr rllr of thr dlrtrr to roqulrr thr
hltb.r| Errlcdarr

thl; llrarD.tl r..D to arFa ort llr hrrl

r llillmttn plaar tn lbr rcbcr of r*lbor bt rr8rr{lal

It rr rrra ilnnttrl to rlourc tbo irrlr lo lrelr tbl

kmuhdlr of, Elrbtnr Bt rlntrtnlrg 3h!r rlcr br oloarlt

0lrtlntutim btlaelf fror lbr tlrllrp llatmL

' !ta tlvrtrp $hotl boldl Sirt rtturlr rrr

t 1

lontttlotott to tsrlrdlr ttrrlt roal not rrrrlt ton-d.'trt

lo Ww'r,? tbtt tr; tbl gorloluacc of thf lltu'l(blrrl

tr"-Hut1 bt to crtate drrlrr tc terr lmdcdgr of
rr.fr|o, but . rlnt to btl ttr trytrrtto at Btehrt
Itrlf (rrar* rfChrnr). In lll vtvaranr rd rlro la

btr f Jrrrtnbr Wln rrrarrhrr bf rfrtlrt tbtf "to["

(d'rtrl)4 !'"r''*
Ifl f-rrrgrtl rt t r (ttrtlaottoo b.trtin k'L

uishala- tail hotrtr loch l3d Pta lodlrnt tbra tcobf rltbrtrt

tbc Ytvslsnr toboll tttataof ronr oa pnttltrthr'

' !! frrrtrll tl tarrrnti rtilrtrr tlr rlrr
that b'|| l' codwtlr to rlrtdlrbrl thr ylran'. ffol
rrtntellr tb. flff th.t lalre le orainlll not to rtrtdlrbr
bBt to Ytrtyotjil.{rr

lnltirl, !b. llrlrrsr holdr t'irt thr trrtbr$r

of ?ltnrlr vtrll iarc potrnot rttob Drill*tr ttll th. brr
bdgr of $rrilrr lr obtrladr l8l srodlaS 3o lfoutltt
tb. Drrfoffia of llturk rt L tlotDad tt rorn rt lt
torrltr ltt ole.tlot tbr dorlrr to !il. thr lorledlr of
$tlhcen.g la otbrt Y(tttrr tartblrrnco of rltulll tr ol
r Dotrnct yhtclt t ttlttr tul tbc knovkdtr of Srrtno tr
oltrld. lbtrr th. reluc of tlturlltll! rsttcn lr lrheuatr
a0 bt tha rtEl3rl of trdre ta lnor lrrhno It l. borr
ttet lrloertrtl cl?frrr lta rbgfrc to o tlr rr 3bl lTttst

elmlrr ;en th. lrstltnrttto of lrrrr rlrn afl* tbo rlsl

of-fieln to lmor 3lrrhln. tlai fol l&lrprtll ten tr r
,i*. rrrrlllrrt (ataarprr.trfr)r 0trtlqrkirr thr tlilSlo
gocltton fltr tbrt of thr lFrandrr rio lold th.t trtrr
tr r rrnr to tbr bl.hl! |n{' lrclrgatl 1r rphrtll
h. 'rfnt thi la thl rltlrt !f!rf1 tfitl rfa.. |! 3ir
lolr rrnt to tdf-rllllrtloar

Ia lrtatrtatrg tbr rlc tbt hn lr aodrolti

to lvlvtrllrhrl t-rrrrDett lrrr to brti tha ruDgott of slr*r!r'
Ebr6rr rrf tf,rt t[a ttfrot{bril dtm llh tdaer dorr

r'r latrdrd go ffrnr 3br plrll,rtnrtt Puttot' of lrrprrtnj

!t Srlurtlt| lt. rtlltrs to ffi (vlvlotrnr) rac
tbr rlndl
ihor bdDlat thr r4trnn! tn rrqnirl!3 lbf tnovlrtt3l ct

lrrtra.P ld Shrof,ttr lr Drot oa tlttaS thrt Jilae rd

j nlnr alonr 13 gba n nt to rlebrr

llcfetlrt ttL!?rteliol ot ltr nlr of lerr

la riite u ooartrtlat ln alcrtlrt th !'rr tl'llrr to

on lbl f*r ol
toou gtrbrla (rlvlrllrbi) arl b. crttlcllrdr
llr lt toolt lrntaarblr foll ttrr 6rrlm to taorl k aot trtly

rirtrrolard ln tha rDna. of rAat tr to b' dcrlnl' thr

io lmrl grlrrrttt nnir rn cDJc!! lloml rr lt 1r

lond nD rltb tbr rttrlnrent of th hortrrhr of 9ralnrnr

tbur tho il$lrr to tnu 1| st trtrrrlrd tn thc lb..u of

rdrt lr dcrlnd !o b. brnr thl t[orrlrtl tr ot Jnrtltlrl

ln rrlftU thl roocnl attr prlrtt ld tir pri$ry| rmodlttr

tha nnl n?rtcb 3lrrr ur thc obr"t of tlrdl. ll

nobhl rai rttona.r th.l lr nrr|i rtrlob tr only e rmr

lo orrtfdlrlrr 3o bta Eur'C3t l3 srehrnr

obJrotlolf flmrpetl gll !r!11

to tbtr Durlblr
tlet Etlg!3. tr lourd !D rttb 3hc rttrtaml cf
bt rltlat
lnd fot balrdtrr tet lr to br Ul l*lrrhra'
tbr ilrrlnl
It tr rn of ou! clrara .a to $rloh rrrar !r rtror[ctl
rr rloutd toot lnto tt Jtuttl rlrltt fia&rLcllror
8rrlrrsr rtltittrbrotf
t{nr dfur trprl niiCrllrrrr -
lioelFtl rcullt lrlr In tt1 tbrt tt tnttrtt-rthrr
thor ' locbr'ls {lcrtarat rnd bcoor trrcr brr to D' Srcrt*l
.r I rr.rtlt toiJeatr go trou Br$trrlfrc*rtrti oontr$rr

fllrrtt3lrr rlal tblt bn lr r rrDt rL
for thr rlr of tlr rlrrtr to rrqulr tbr bltl.rt laorl'ad:.
Co.| not brt'rt tornr ghrt ha rtlo$ thr arblartloa ot

$tar rnil trn (J6ri(atlr'$rnocbrn) rr ' ainot to

loltbrr gIoasrrtl tboch follorr tllr :bgdrarrr lrrdl

tmldu th. htt.rrt vl.u sn trnr ln the PEFrFLbr

rnd rrf'ntrr lt latrr bt ruPportta3 Shrnrarrrl Ybv
tr$ror le llllaltllt ln irrout ot r grtSloulrt ttE of
Srtaarta.U ll ts faroqnblt atkporrt to $r|t!r6r-
prtbrtltr 'lbbr or tbr lrlnclgbof'tro.lt-Gc'f rl

ricosllnS to rhloir rll tho lurl lsr3rttbd ltr th'

terar[otla of lbr te'ia| lrttl tF lletthn!' ltrrtly

tb.t 6rbt. thr srDlrsnt to !.ocb tie drel.lrd tall llb

horvool r.oontttr th.t llio atn rt rllf'rcrltrrtlrn rr

statdantr 'Xtl th' Btrirr'

t!.!t It thr totlgtural
m.t lo Fr bf llr rtull ot ttt n Caf Dt nrrtflrlr'[
tbe rcrlptrrrl rt&t.|.at drclqtlr lrbst lanr 1r rubrldtrtt
to Enorlrt3r' lbur rrryrya-Pltllttvr attrtnr thr rdrttoa
b.tv.dr lrrr rDll lrllrr[r ln 3rna cf lbo DttlolDtr ot
SurFlrrprlrr !t lr nlt|}6rtlgb.ktt ltr tba ttra thlt ofra

9r{nolph rcF.r t[ clr. It 1l lo ttlr .cnta thrt ]bdrar

rr3rrtr Ltr .r I Lllt to rltir r| lt hcltr tbo .t9ltrll
to rst.Qlat. oa tb| rrnlEe ot tla rcrlptunl t!.t.tnt bt

oonstrat reprtltloa hbfr|r) ot tha :-. ad, tn th. "t't

of llepfrne tb. nlr lo r'lril (1.t.; Joratslrtr'|rLahrtr)

ta ttrr tostnrtton of qretrd o$t.rplqtltn (r!tffn)
of th. la|llnct tsrovl.dgl of tha rorordllt| rDrolut'r lerlrrd
frol ttrr uprotrhrdtc {r/b<lr ud rlro thr lt|ldirtlo llratcltar

rf th. E!.rcrtDlt trrml rot rd otlrer rtgcr'D th*rnr

ttl jtrhl|t6tlrt 'iarl"{prltDr
{uotrs tl .|D?ort of hll vlcrl
re frJn-$lolntrndrr}rrf,tr.X thut .tot{ltu to tlNftllo

?ttbrttt hrrrl rt. oduoltrs ilt onlt le 3i.lt !'rt'otlt'

fellltrq but rlro tt $. !$llrltton ct 3hl mlfr

tlrartrtl lrfirtm thtr tlou tn [tr &irrtl'S

Srrtrar.?ftheBtvel brl tr GJu?tlttebb

rfr belurr of
rlt 1r rrttlrd tbt
lrollrttf. to Sota ttt. lrrat std.l
ablta.tort rlter dortott tacuttt<t lla rnd therl'' ttrrl''
tbr p.arool rhG thr rubrtdlrrtllr of oblllrtott tltot to
th. fanrmllcn rf t!od.dl. lr llrr t!ftl,llttllrr tf
tr net tFcDrt to rlr st dl!.at tnbrldlarls.$ bt tb
Drtarltb of tro-tn.ctlrrr (rrqn4r-Dtthrl,trr), u tbat
ronld tod to proltr,ltt ot lrrtltl*r.rl0

tbntl Y-crrpetll llf,r abrrtrlq 1ou dl rlg

te rbor th. uttrr stdrbllttt of J.inr-lrtr trrcb.tr.
Sirlhr. k ol tbr oatrgorlorl vkv tlrt lril i.. D
tlrcr la 3ba r..nt of nlf-!.rllsatloa.f solar|.s
rrrcrrly crttlrtrct Jn-nr-lan ramaohttr i.dr.U
Aloal vlth $brohrll aod snrr.bnre, tifoa.titl rilrltr ttrt
lrtr bnr cnlt r pF.tttatort roh tc pbt ln padftlaj tba
rlld of tlr uplnat by oeratl4tJ'r"trl to b.r. rlrbrr
Ilra thb gtrrporf tr trrd I ell thr rltnllrtlc .cttyttlal
yrntri lllr rlntcnrlrto ts. rrt dnr rttontln ficrr to il
rtrotflo gcl,ltr Drt rtn rtlDn lol nrl rr nrlrodrtal
r.Joatloo of hlr .r . Har to nlrtr tr to b.t rD tb.
lllapndoot rptrlt at Ad"dtr ejrtnrt tbr l|lrraa;s1.
l&rrftt brr tblr t rt lao{ ltarrla fbr irll,nl lblr rtrld.
Er brr !o trtt.$€. ultb ltora sl treob rlrd .d$lort.
Jta---bt'r |.nabrtr yadr. tt cernt br rlntrlrrir rrft
llorrtatt tiet tbcn tr nrd of rttnl ior oootrDhtlon la

E tn rrrrrct of tatultton of trrlro& fct co-opot tbo vltb

rlt'ret tr ll||trtllltibl rtaor telr tr r lrtl.|lr
of ooat.ryletton en[ tbo cDf.rtraor of tllnl.tN blr
llpll.| thr dtrtlnotton brtrrs rgoat ul or{otr|nt rd
b.oo. b.l.iltr to thr rrb ol evtd;6. lb.t otlnot oostrt
.r tbrt rtllr rtirrltt Clurlll. lt 1r borr ttlt Vttrrrptt
trrtr fo{rut rtth {rolrn. fit ht tp brrttrtlrnp lclttg
3o dfrtrt. flor lhFF. tloatbr blr rlr trt to !rtr181
rtral r' 'c'|tbh ot hta t ttt t. ftca l|Fdrar end tc
rrlrt tt lstc gh. ooldurllr of balrllr

Via^r?ri! rr trrqlndtrrn,ltr.ril.qllr^i a" lFilin -hiilF I

Acoor01n6,to Sbr*.tol tho srlht .tttr tlrttr;

nrt tr mppord to b.r rlnrlt ln Do!.lrrlon rilth four
obrlrotfthtlor. tbrg e!.r (1) tttr ebtlttt to ltltlatnlrb
bltroG tho rt lort antt thr llro-ctrlt|ll (ntttinlttrvrrtr'

rtt kr!)r (e) th. nurclattra to .aJot

of tbr thslrr
.onlud Plrrtltrr tn thtr ral ta tbr othtr sotld (lhirtti'
rthrbholrlltrh)f (a) fnr cultlvntloa of rt!tu|' Lllr
r.ltrrlnt of rtn{ rt6 bodtrr rttbdrrrtrg th. t.nlct ft'r
obJ.otr of ittrlrel fortltuitet oonocntrttlon ea! to fattb
(Jo||lrrlrtt-rSlbonr-rrFt) rad (4) tho iulrr tor rclilr
(rntrilrr). tbrrt lourl tn tholr togctbrtmrr, rn tnot

11 lrttbrg Crturlryall rttcb r eooOrdft[ t,o $hanlrrrt ll

tbr r$rsrtrttr to lf,r rtilr of Yrdltrtrr OalT ir al tlrf.r..|
tbrrr cttrreatortrtlor lc.-r .ltttbL to bor th. taa-ltL

to t*tr uE th. llttt oi.tlot.rlrtlor In tho ltrr cf,

lirntrnq tbr dlrcllrlnrtlon btturln ihr ttatnal rd th tloot

rt r1|rl 1r thrt ooodtttool tn thr rbroo. of $llobf tf,.rr rotrlc

br oo il$lrr to br Sr.bn rul tn the prrllaca of $lob tta

drstm bcont eattrlnly ortrtrq0a. lfhet 1r cpmlrl 1o Viecrgrtt'

tnt.rpsrtatlon of rnltyinltfersctu "lrol.Fr 1r tbrt thr lllr-
orlalnatlon botr,a.n tlrr tvo, tlatr thr rt.tllrl trd thc nra'
rtcrnal, tt not ol the netura of ocrtl'tull1 forl 1n lhEt ost't
Srabo Erlal rtrerdy inmn thr 4.3lrc to lnor 3rrltlrq brcorl

ruDcrfluur. tlrt 1r, eocorttni to VE"adptte riet lr ltrrart

1r not alrlr0t knon rr {trtlnot frn rblt tr uoa'ltltnll lr

lor ln tirt tr.. th.tr orl ba tD tlrthcr .nqotrit. ta futl

.ntttranttn"rrtn vlrrtrrlrq lt rry br arlurdl Lorrr poulblr

onlt rfler on. brt d. | . ttst of Vrdintr ra4l " ruoi lt

arenot b. r trrtaqnlsltr to tbo rtu{y of t|dlntrr lnl t'il

cl$rtrlnrtton b.trr(n.tbr rtcrnrt rrlll tha noarrtrrorl ll m3

of tbl nrtut of aertttdt - rtt.ttr Vfcltrtl' xor 1r tt

cf th. nrtara of doubtr tor tbrt 6rnriog trlne-$rt nc

rttcobrntl bsoo th.t of,nnot br the oqum of tlr tlrllt. !o

Lnor lnbnr lor lt ry ur lrllttr !f,, moordlnS to vtorttrtl

tbr lttrcdrlrrtb lrtno ti. ts - th. rtunrt aa S.
noo-etrmrl - 1r aetthr! of tb. a.tu!. of orttltu{r nol
of doubts rtrt rlr 1r tt? YiolOrtl lo9ltet tbtr $mtloa
by ||ytljj thrt tB 1r but thr rlpl.bl[|lon of dltf.t ao.
brtrrra tlbttrst.a lo agrrrlr rr dre bltrrra th.ll rtttt'
butrrl et rtetntl rail unrrtrrilLl trrrl lt onlT lur tho
dlrttutt.ra of otrnlttt tro'l nrn-ciotnllttf lbillroll'
rln tloo ol ttr .ttdbt tr utlt rr ff erlbd rlrlturl
13 th.t rllrll tbrrdn - golatl otl! brr f,o rleborrtrl lf
rolrnr tho <tlrorlrrloatloa bctnon th! rhtrb tr tc br trlaotal
rai tbrt rllbl 1r to ba rro.9td. Io Pt lg Dr. prretrllyl

to b. .Sttarl tr to bo lnrol lbat ln vblcb thll tr tll |r

*alarl anet lt k tb.tofon to ba .ao.Dtd (Iltbllooerr); to
br noprtrtar! ?b.t la dloh tbk lr frtrt{
lc to D. I|tr!.l
Ir noFftcttrl rni 1r ttnc to b. Fal.ot.d (rdrtbf,Soerrr)'
Abrt rblsb tr otrtltrled to ba tt!.r c!.tarl eai plrlrntr
tirt oarr ta t!. tt!.tr of d.tltrl thrt tr to br Strrt ry1
rtrlcb baoora, nrrrtrrarl,uttor raec,ryrrrC bt lbrro ttole

rtrett.l9l tl:t rocordlal to V,?oarlrt! tbr laouk''t3r ol

F .t.rn.l,ttt rnil rupcltmrlltl 1r ltn*d Q rltb tbo tootld3r

of rlralr.'rbtltty rd tbn-d.tlnblltStr tbrt rab of laertrrdfrr

rtr{ thr tllrlr
E tr lolh
30 Eu
Lo .ocotlnt foll
Dotb ilo'rttaaln[t
tfrmtrtl rrtr tlotr thlt t[tottrbrtlon of
thl4lrtrtul rnd aon-rtrrarl ocr.f to htrr dtota
tntrlbot h|' biln pulftd bt tt. rtt.| porfbnl
rfioth.t lo r Erlor orlslraar ot 1rr ihtr omrrr rnoln W
rrFrl.ncr rd r.sronlrrt.ll(l) lb. lruomlf lf aterull
tbr Fo-.t.rnl tr tba bodtr ortrarr obJcotrp cto.l lrol
thr oetelctlon of tblr tlnd ot dbadrl8|ttonr tl.!.
rrrultr for blrr sryr lllar;rttl rF||.rttrohrnt to lba
.nJ rtnlt ot ftutt bon rd b.sretlrtr ' tatth thtr br
so.at to posrar! ltt $udracar of o.l|rr.trl tqlratrlty
rnd otlr.! rflhr r..nr (bCegaf rirthrorreftt). i'rt
l. rubJrsrtbn ct thr tntrmrl rrarrsl den tr thr crjaclty
ot tb. rlnd ro nbJu3etd for tlrr tatrrtt::atbn of ttotbl
tbr dortrrir abcoconcbjcetr tr tttltth.l tunlna rnt
t!!r tDJrotr tr ;rrrttl rni frlti ln tbr truth tt
irualn.le(c) thtr erEnrer th. alr.lrr ln bh; ro! mhara
frar rptrlorl bdge. f,r rlro lrr boaril that tho htrLdlt
of tb. drraelty purol lntdlllrtr rai lrrt ltlhtl -
thtr m tbr ornrl of rchrr; for trtr tiur oru Ura datlta
to koor tht r".a brtbrr tDr draln to lncr !|ltgtot lutyl
||tr Yiortlrtl. lror tbtr rcrnltr Dt rtr|lt thr d.rtn
te kaor bot kD$.i|r (netlrrttoa) ttgeu.le(d)

Vlqrrtrttr lfie lrhg{llrl tl of tL .r!.lprlod
vlrr tfrt rcnl ol arrotrrro lr oot il.3btot dct il{
iloro brrlrdlrt lt lr t.!r rlr rl blt.{tlrlo It thr
oglntrn cf tlorFtlf tb. lp!.lrlonr of rrclrnoo hoF
.tfr danr. tb.t rt bt1 crn b. !r|tl fy lrotreald
rrtttritoa itth dllta..aa.ll tbra iSltrr|aan (tbrt thoo
trtr ) k aoatla[d rtbntlllrltr lt .uitr t! tb. totr ct
tbo rs.!lmo. cf tht rrlil aorlnS rll rvliltfu tb. lnnlr
rell tban b.at t ohetl trta rnd lrlSlt.tr tt 1r tbrn
rakl to bevc lratl*rat ltr tlu !.tut . tba rrr lr tillp
bttrbv rtetlt b! llrgfrnr.ll |lth lbt4rnr,ta..rFtl

.Crltr tbot 3b. taorlr{jr ot tb. Frllty obtrlnd flor tb.

t'ntt tr ot r dlrrot lrlttttlta ol ltr but ro ladtsoct

|ollltlonr I! tbott irutl trtrrtr ooly lndlrrct rnl roCtrfr


lo1 !t rt bc rttr{ tbet *t ttrr rbatittr ( rtirt

tlor utt) tr larffrotlvc ln ,rrlrlnl ltJrrftr-f|'r Ji-ht

ttr! rbao lt tr hmrd onlt ooaar hav eu tho Ftatttloo of

tb. rr. glvt rln to tlrrh-trr'lkn-J6int l-trprtl rrplllr

tbtr c'{rotln }l .rtlol tir3. tn rot brerd $r{Etunl re71a3

(ntfrltnl tfr SoL rrllaa do.. rl .olr |c L. fttrr
rrolfcrt3 tbuc rlnyr *urlnr tbr ill*tlnotton ol cblltt
Itrtl lrrl of rl,arltT of thr rrolnj of tb lt.rrd aehlrtlFl
bt rhttrtnt t|l rrn&X of tbe hrrr{ rbltriltr rDd W
ocortrntlt trDatttru ttr tb. rlr:le rilnlnj of tbr rtIrfi'r
brllrr ctlrtr al.irr Clraot rnd trriltrto. Eorcln llll
th. rttlltt of rrDrtltloa of thr ho*d lbivfl'r - oglmr
YitrrDrtt.il to quotr blr rnot ro rr 'It 1r of thr rrrt
aetrrt of tbr t D.tltlol .f tb. rrarftrlB||nt of trutb tlrt
!t lcrer lllurort lotnlttc; tior$ batrFiltrtt.rr rd
havlng {aaprrtra end Cnrr lDrrrrlrar. It k lai.d
of tbt rtrtllt ot tb. tntollrct to br puttrr ro t*tfm(tl

lf.raFtt tbus tarttrl tbat tbr onEttr-ttyr'

filn rrteo lrr irrrtat tbr Hliriltrtl !u! ilo.t mi
rao.pt tho rla tirt nror rd ntdldhtSa.lr rrc unolsrntttl
on tbr otherbrnlr hc rpcundr tbr rir ih|t lt 1r oalt rl r
rrrult of, tho p.tt.otloa of, 3hvrnrl $urcr rr{ ntdtrlbtirar
ti.i Br. rorl (Bnmnhr-tbnr-Jhiar) colld br nllrd.'
lat tt nl{trtbtinnr tdoar;rtl rrar groloud ndttlttol Oniar-
bbt&e ot btltrrnr)r' t

Ihur rolf nrllrattcnl ln hlr vtrr tr r ;lrtlootrr

. for ra rlrborrtlca of thtr vlrre rrr Cbrlt* tIIl

trtrb.|lr of tDr tlt.8||rl ollror gluor n.|oltr lr
.rtrtl.ild er lredlate lt cea br armrrd onlt bt trrldlr
rhlab tr rlco lodtrter tblr trrdtrtr rogaltloll tn Llt
oplnlodf rqutrar tba trrtlorll| ot I r.nrl orlan (dnd)
cr lntotarl !6nr€r &l tllr rratal t lcaptto! ort ba r|da
porrtllr oalt by lotu mttnad coltrryLetleor ltrr prychorlr
of thc lntrrarl ottra lr rrtb.t mt f,ot thr latslttoa ot
llrlta. rn rronbhsntr lha tnr ntut of thr JIva ralfertr
ttrrlf rtrrn aarclonor lr !:l't.{df vttb thr lntultlon of thr
on .utlrdrr tntrllllooar aalol.nor .nd t.tt Drodutr rta
lrrtntrll. 3bb rrprrleoct le ct tba o.tula ol ntrn bltrrl
rtltob rlprr ont rll rlrrltff vhtab lr tb. tsDt f,r burol 1od. -
rrrartr FroarFtl.

Itr tt ..6 !r raf- tict ti. t||t ttrl' f*|f,

brla3 ltrrlf,;th. rtco of nerot$., orut dfitolt mtstdtca
ad brnca tbrrr ornot bc ltb.tlttoa (Dttbr); forf rryr
Yn'carprtll ltfo lt f,ull of lart|nlr of rntlthr tblcb d.rtlot
thrlmlrer anl otbrrt of 3hr rrra cdltr rr tlriltrlrtre to
trtr rt olftc lnrt*norrl (f) lortt rllh dorttttt ttsltf r'lt
otbrr lllt. (8) polro trtrl oth.l potml er nll rr ttlrlf
tS) tnr {rrt oi thr .l.rflnt nut (lttrlr)1 rlrrd vttb ditt

rrl.t t-til lotl ttrelf d thr d rd rrl.r thr ust.!

cherr Errrr l! aeet ha rltutl thnt *lte!-lanvrc r
thlnl .rlrpt ltrflf b. th. thlnt t Dtr{c thr tbr
tatrrnrl o!3r!r tbral cf tb. nrtut of n.tstrtsr Dt
r ploloaad rrdlte{toa rlth dllllracal drltrr ttrt otb.t
nalotaDaf raal Urat tttolt drpeltl ln tbr rdr It tr !D
nadrt gi.t aa r"llta (la ttrr lotr ff ratrl ,rtcborlr
or lrth) rcrDt.r rnotbrr rvlnf (la ttrr forr ol rdbtlra)
rd lt1 llrdf dlrltgrrtt ln tbr rnd - tpr'att out

Fnrtbrrl lt rrnt b. rtt[dr ln thr oplatoa

of YloarDatlf ttrt tbr gryrlorlr }ll* aon-v::lti (rr
It prar;n r tbr dtrtlaotbn betrn tb. llaillr tia
lnsva end lnorhd3r) a.Dbt jln r{r to rDsolutrll rcrl
rag.tt aaa ef Dn-Curttgtl tor .tn a bt tbot. rbo lrlntrts 3L
rbrlulr rrellty ot tbr rorld, lt ruct bl rdle rrabr ?Ilstg;rtt
tbrt thr rooo.lt cf tb. relt ln trbr botll tto.p lr tllErcrtr
f lnof lt tr sblrtrd bf rnllr! t&lrlda. lrd tirt lt rlrtnlnr
thr rcrl rrtcb of lhr mtldr titr ndr l. rlro thr lir of
thr &tnltln tt !r.D.ot of tb. tntdttoa of Fntdqdltt.tr

tmrrDasl rlaboalScr tha ltrltla
rtro.lpolot ot
Dlebrr lloblr or Enbeaclntutttoae fu mt I gtoalt ot
r lrllfloatlon or ro rttrtol.Bt ot totfthlni purtflrdl fot

Erabrrn t rrlf-lllurtnrd rtrd rilf'ltldrnt. hl '

lntuttlol !r of ltr ffn n4tur.r rg$ul rd beaol prodrnttol

k aot lnt.lllatbtr. ln tbat GrloeD ttofrhr tr ot |artbtlt
ta br Setard .fr.sh rd rner; lt 1r rrcr rrlrtiltr It tr
rn r'|r rcf,gllrhrd lrotr It l| aothlnl bui srrlg
trrlfl thc rbrolub bllrrr It tt rrlketlon of td rl:
rrsJt .xl'tr.S It tt bE I a.t rt,rEo of tr.dor to ba
Fn bt rftloltr It tt tr! ba proCuc.dr 1! boeil.r trrycrl.tl
It nolit tb|o b. lbJ.ot to drrlnctlonr It tr r rlf'l||ltrtfu
It tr itrf!5!. or t6rnr ibat tl itrr orlhtr3a tr tlanlebl7
.trrilrl rnd dl-p.rmlrr rntl btrf F(tlncetloaq Ftltlr;ttr
or iltrlmtrt ornot roult thtor$ loatc4lrtbn.3l [or

elr J lrr rltrla rltbrr rnc lt lr rlrrrdt tbet? [tr .r!

srairrn L rftrhl rtttcb lt ell Drrarlrrrl rlnTr rd

lhre rttb th rlrnl ol rehTinq tb. Pttra c||raa

af hafrso rad ttr lnPrtrloarl bv rl3bt xnovlda. 06an lr
tlrrr rr{rt brtplltrrr On 3bl lrorel of tilt rulrrlnrltloa
thr bll:eftl, !|tur.r tlotra! rtosilllt .3tr1n d Daocr
rttrtnrd rr lf oot rttdad allarilt. Orlrf rtrcrt rtcrr

tlcSb eterorllt rbl*ndl lrtre rbrndoo.a rt lf lnrbon0-

oord rlmlt.St til| lrar tf,rtp lrccrltaj to t-crrprttl

rthlnl! ot mhrrr 141 1!as!eor*t of tnarlitattonl

rrl lljStrtlvor
tbr r..cl{fnt tC YtrrrDrltr rrlilr thod
rtnrtly rttatnc.lf fft brar.rf rt o[ilt ff 0ftlf. rf
tf uarttetari brarnr of E.3lElln|lrrr rrtiyir Jutt .r
oa. ulto rrruronrlt tratlrr tba lrlklila tql oilrt
neol to br urprrlrtrots rtrtt to rcrltrr lt 6ll tolottd
out by raothcr.Sl tr Sotr h1r rrrot Fr{tr rUodar tbr

lnnuiar of thf la,ietrtrtq.ble Dttbrta3l.rs rrolcl.noot

th. r|.trr. of sl|Stal thil$ Dt llblttrd Dt .ooitrt
rnd tbensh rblatn':t rtprrtt rr ll mt ehirlf tol rr tf
lll;rala.ll by rnotbrr! tbilO dlffrrrnt f,ror thl bo{yr
Cl|llt rto.s lt rPptrsf ar ll oot dtffa!.nt froi ttlcr.
BrrEl Drtor ts thf trlrtrin "tton of tbl rrtlrl aftolfoca
etle I thl rrdr of ttrBtllttrtttq tt tr lrtt|llrl rl
!t rrla rd vttb tbr ctatdtr.tl,on !! beoonl rtt'lld
rr tt nrr# ibcr obbr lt ot .oDthloa ffir$ to !a
galsd roarr It 1r rrfrrlrtcnt' ft lc ttrroellf rttrhcdG

fld rilt lf aolar.tfd tc tbr lrrc rrrtrl of tbo

'otl ol !h. tlo fqlt l!d,.t ntoabh iltcle|sa eal mthtn|
rlr; tba ntril ol gtrlu1 te lna rtlrnrlr tb. totuitloE
of Brrbra crnrxtt ur trorratrrlfl - .lrartt Tfertrrttr
llolrbe thr lr st tb. olfrst of Gtntrrhtlon or lir rflcct
of ra nna..! ?otra!1rl1tt.il lutberl lf, latutttcn cri b.

brou3bt aboat Dt cott rplatlonl then lt ls bardlt l!..
f,ron doubt es ln the oaso of an lnrglnrd ldra and braoo
caruot br ve11al.39 t9 put lt ln technlcal ternrl nokcbe
or Brabnrn-lntultlon tr nolther produciblr (utPtilyr)r

nor ettrlaablr (grEpyr)1 ror mdlftrbh (perlgtrya)1

nor purlfltabh (sairkf,r/ya). It 1! nttya (rtrrnel)1

et.rnrlly purtf;lcd ( Jurldbe) ruroobodled (ubarrera) t

unsurputeblr rad bring naturally ertabllshrd (rv6bhi-
vlka)i- It 1s tbr nralfestatlon of rrahnan tbrough thr
renoyal of nesclcnoo ublch 1r beglnnlnglen lnd lnileflnablo

rnd tha root of bondegro fcsclenoc (evltlyi) oan b. renoYed

onlt bt ltr opposltr Yit.1 knovlcilgr (v1cyi). It ls knowloilgo

of ttrc real naturl of Jiva ar atnan rlrlsh ihstrotr avldyd

and lratfcsts thr etrrnel frocdon or rllceso.{l

tEoarPatl thus desor!.bcr okgba ls bvlilyi nlvrttll

tble aogritloa ls of tho fora of frtran ll knovno It ls tho

rcellsatlon of oners ota tmo naturGr It lt th. loallsatlon

of tho JIva that lt 1r mne othrr tban tbc rternel frccl

sslf-lunlaous Bnbnan. In ghort lt 1l standlng ln Brebnva-sthe

after lrrailcatlng avldyi ard ltr lqlrustcar. IortYctl

to descrtbe bkthr u rvlityi nivrttlr does not nllltrtr

rgainrt thc Dodtlvc etuan. l{olshrl ln otbel vorilll 1g not s

I t nr nrartlvr rtatr ot brtrj lrre trol rhlys lrt
lt of ttrr nrtur. of Dclttlvt bttcr (llde).€ tt, lr
aot ralt.nttdonrl lut ttr ovn ttua natllih In thtr
rrrp.ot r Yilaratt,l lrtt!|Blalor btrrol f fnvrrr!tlt| ttlrttr
durlilhlrtr r*l tbr lyfyl-s111111L. llol-r k torttlvr
inaollrl rait lr rlllt]t tbrfilb thr drrtrrrottco of evl(ltl
gh.t as{tortr tt. Iatutttcn of tbe tnrtb gluotr out
tho fe.tlrporrl bt thr mrt rrd {mtrotr li.S

rnd rrrcr{ln3 t-r*gt!1 ttr tdtrtttnl rrlf

(Jirr) ln th. rtrtc of rrtrar tbtort rnt ttt J[vehod
end rbtorr rr grrhna la t!| ahtlltt!. ,alltt. lt tr
tbrn nlil to b. tCrattcrl rltb BttbrnoHr trl.t thl.
rtend on tbo ruthorlty of tho rortDtural trrtr tSrabt-
rtde-tsrshrttvr-lhtrtt' (Ilo lnr'*rr cf 9nbnn bfoom
gnbrrn).{ .trrtrlvrrthl lr rorrrturf, (rdrrn)l tt rltoa
tr nl rnd st bhoir ({ltfcrcnct)' rt 1r thr oonrl&l
vlw of tt..rtetl tbat tt lr only Jnnrr tbrt orn Fr3?a
bondap ntlch tr Slrr nuult of tlllrlt lorlodtr. It tr
gnllcrophlc taortrrttr (Jnino)r lot helr (actlon/ tlrt

darltloyr oufdti tttr loft oaurl o! lhelr. ltcdr or {ltflcronclt

raooralln! go f{lutrtl lr rrl:rtll. rd not l}tolutcl
0nly ebbrlr (aoq-lltfolcmo) 1r tc.l rrd rDlolutc. lt
DirCt ffi dre rr rtd ll lr rthdlf tbra tt -lld rrF
bo !.Gt il by pbtloaaphlorl llorloago (Jilar). Jftrl
' ,to.r E t rL r tbln|r rhtoi ll roalr vrnllhl lt onLT
lolrtv.t fllsr tnorl.d{1.{l tlr borlrr!;r ol oaor'|
- (tbhqCe) lr ngrrtrr. It rllrlrr dl rrgrrlrnrr of |Ittttr

tctlrrl te-lrrtrtt l!'|rtf tbat tbr fiD'ttf|o. of

!'abra (nnnot br tecqnrtelt srpr.'rrtlr llrbrintttrr ot tba
frp.rtfnaa of rolrhe aaEmt br trertfC rr I tbroty ot .
ltalo It trrntodt !.l.tlonl thol|!$ tbtt It tlur
eurn of oldlmtt lurdtrh alt.ttala.lt of tlven obJlctrr
'thc dtsttnetl"a rttllbutil of nrlo[' thlagr oranot ba
ilrllrrds ttes$ .t'ollrnrd, thr dltflrracr la lfrr rlclr
orlr of r{r?1 rllr rnC Jr3t.tt aanuot rcrllT b. alt-

lftrrrtrn to1 rtrn ll thr foC&rl of, Lalalnl - atl

Y{certstt.{ th l..rat rltrE. of 1831 oiltt b.

.rtLhd ln nlrlrl ht tr to bf arr.riuoerl ln thr iTnnlr

rlbnoa of onlrt ovn rlrqtrt rrdttattcnr., lic[grtt trrrrtr :
thnt thr nlf lr hlos tbrc$ lodobttablr Dn'arroooour end
lrltrto arDerlaneao

th. qrattlil ltl.tb.l ot Eot thr foaort0 o? !lnn-
srtt (ltborl3loa frl S.o on 1r rllrr) 1r rc..tt bL to
tttrt tl, tt arr D. ltturrar tt rt fe rrhrr nrr
tlrrr orrut br tbr ro olb{ rJiretrdtrrl tt l;rrrloal
of n|'olca. (rvlity6 rtrtrlnr); rccoiltca ta Tfu119131,
sntloa to prrutrt ln ih (Jirro-nftr),u br tr rlltl
vtth r borly,rtrlch tr rtur to Prrrrbdbr lttn. ft! lmtrra

r blltsnr Fr$cnr thcEah clrcl of bte btlo rrt otntlna

to brre tha tr9!.ttlt$ tbat 6nl.t l| btttrrr 5o rllog
ln thr Grio of tb' ro oallrrl Jtvrrfultel tb' l'o!"rionr
?f tnltrltrrll)o ln{ orarlqnt l.racr (rvtdli) nl

contln !e ptrrtrt. Via.rtrtlt J.Gtt thtt ooatfntlor

by aaftat tbet rtmr tbr rnttlbtraad oaa bu n hltb
tn thn (tbr rvtdti raial-lar)i b. botdt tirrr rqtrlcrl
ntrlat rnit notlrnr tc br ftotlttolrr t p.rtoa tufftllEt
frco bttr rnd ooasrqunttt mt.a of ttr lra la lrctl E
falth ln tb. bltt.tc.rt of ruSr!.t ha brf rrrltrld th.

tlutb,thrugtt br *tt! lt oS ld $rdonr tt.{? thr

tbr lry36arlJnr of nrrcllr. bt aoottnnr to Prrrlrt tl

ra rnltjbtlrrl ;rltcrllrt br brr !o frlth la t$l. fhlr

l.rnt tbrt tbr lltrrrrtoal of arrolrror do ut nllt Mil

r J irenttr.

A.etn1 tfcarteit r.t.rt! lbrt thr .lImrtr

lr frm fru dl r.ttonr .t br brr rcllral 3b.t totrutt
of rotl rafntr ra|nt rfii &utt tterl l| tDt latlr In rror
.lErlttt tLrt l. arlthr tbr edrtlo.itt ol olfot ml
rubJroll &rr rl.asy ttlaa tb.!a tr ncthtn3 to br rlom.C
tc qeotr hfu prttr rAr tor tbst tntuttton nhteb Lr lerll
tbrlr tr Dt Drathllrt to bo doarl dncr 13 lr of tbr
nrtuFl sf 91a51a.il9 hs *o hrt b ltthr l,r nt rltjlbb
to .njrfr la lttuale end oowrlrrlt r{tullr t.rfor.d bt -i:

Itnrttgtbbr gcrtoal (r1r. tht Jlrro-nttrr) bclo n fmtt.S

lrq u t tL a$.t of rht;Ilrr-rttr,

ta.rr'rtt bol,l. tb^t onlt tiltbltlonr rtElt to th.
Jlrro-ntrr rnl rt Drfrorlpttrlfr It b ror trtr.r
Yicrrprtlr larrruob u tbo laltcl nqutrr trlth, ooualt
of rafrat rtarlht not thr forrolr 8rp rho har falth Ln
Dtatcttptlonrl lr rLtjtbhp not br rtto bet no lrltho
In otb.! rer.{tt Shougtrcodr! rt0 ooatrntlonr of ordttlrt
roralllt do mt bld th. linrnfh, lt orFt b fild that
br tren{rrrror th. Dnl lev' gnsh e 1ot13lo iorl m!

rrlrr at rl,l tartnob er br bra D rjolrrl rttci rrt foror btr

to trlnttrlar thc ttrrl lrro lb lr rbrotutrly frro frra
.toitr rd rlll br lht uto bt:rrlfr to qrre31htt nrrtrl
'lor hlrl lrlrt.tl 60 kl|rf !!r dlffrr.t|a fa!. .r.rtthlol
brllnnlal rlth th. llirlbctl tlrr htr $o lr drrol(l ol thr
oonarlt of the roJot.r'hlp of lrnrr Sbcr 1r ac .tlalbtlltt
ltr lr0rot of lrrr' AM tb!|l lhrr tr rEt (lbr htr,
rotln3 ff-.U|.ll[bff rlnoel for hlr lbo lr dwold of
?om.ltr tb.s. ta trot frm a*a.to(d

ldtr.'l tt rbcutd b. 6tdl tlrt tlorrprtt

..{lf, to rDDr!|otlt ooatra.ltot tblr r|trnd rl!| rbrnr
ll. |.rrr to .at tboB tlro Jivraaltr t! not doltt rlrtlil ot
3h racrlt ti.t h. 1r hrr!' trtlor ioar thrg aonolt
ooatln[ la htr b tUaht lr..ar tblos3b thr ronttnnsor
ot thr lrgrorrtonr ct rfrltaoo..tl tblr Clffloultl
bont.rr lr rn rgpuant tlra rr br lborly
ml peoncuncrt
ilrDrctrloas )
tbrt rlnr thr Jlvrn-nltr iar dr frltb !n S+^ar ooortdrrr tbr
t; tc b. lllr.ort.

tt rlt br rjrla obt.ot l tDrtl rrllf lrll. unrll

adatt ba atDa€trd to kavr l|?lrrltom rr onlt r rrl .nlttt
arn lrr?t rn ltlrrrloa lebful|r ln t*rrrt'rl of rvtdti tr
not laal rnil ro cr&o! oontfunft f,aor trbero ortroot br .lboltrl
mbar (5lreant3t).

l-ecarpetl rlfttlr tblt acSfntlolto to btll

rll rffrctr 6rlt!Et Dotaaol.l lu oernl nuclrtreo h gir
rtetr of, dlltolutlot borklSa i.t rn lryrrrrtenl frler
tnortrdla rlro brr an l$rrrrloor r"10ta la l€rrillrrbb
(entrtrcbuotr) rnil ltr rflrctr t!. ello brrgllorbtrr
ttlr lr $ttlal urrrrrDl. la tbb tla.||
It .fodd lr rtrtrd hcrr tbrt tlrrrnrt! l|
atDed tc Lp{anrr drv tbrt rt tbr onrot of tstrhro'
tnrrk{8qrll letrr' (lcnltrror tirt t*tl6b ir| not trt laa|s
to .nr| al ogelrtor|l!5tir ol tbt t,btob tr tot to lor
rrrd Drlrrldhd or fructtftrd lelr) rultb lthr tbta r1!.t3
Ia tbr ottttrn of [foertrtll Braborn-tmdrdtr lrrmr rll
lrtr.r .roGpt tbc At{rtDdbSA rtam tt brr rh'rrC7 bqu
:lvlnt rkt to ttr ".rllft lt lst €aErr of ltt oro -aot{
rr 1! gh. oer cf flu rnd for thll !t to.a not srqtlsr
raethol fnoddf3al tlll tbtn lt oonttnut tn the tolr ot tb
gbtrtrrl lorttr Prtrrbdhr krtal rrt ba aotrttd to r rtcrir
tbrt hu lelua tc trh. ntbt ral lt drrryr ootrt rftrr ltr
forcr brr b..n lp.nt. lllr thoott 1r crllral Sidbtt lltwttl.

thr ltr loat a[tln.r to t tttff rrE rflcl tba

!.ilttrrtttl ef 0lrbrillr lt |eatte{.r tc ra&t rt leRl rl tbr

tt[rili|l h'll lertrr l!| tt k trh €onttnrtto. of tir bodT
rvn rflel tir !.l.rr ft tb. rrul ttrt ||lit Dotrlbh tba
tarlhlal of ldvrlte 17 tho 9!re.9tor.r It tL bodt {tcr not
arit! tt?.t lthrrp rr rlll ba fottad to ihbaltrrr ltr 3b.

f lnnltrr llkr ||nq UCdElrtrr lllrrnyr;rrttr otcre rbo ltr

brllcrd to lm ltrd r llfo of lorgrr durrtlon lrrn rftr!
ltleretlcal r. trttbt !t lb. tqr-ill -- ltt rtr tEcertrtt.I

thrl lior4itl .lol13 rltlr Slre:*r-6t .a| sutcn#?

nlnt.lnr tbc rler that gbf *rtrt.rl bodt of . !.lart.d arl
ooatlm.r to arttt b.a.ut ot Dti'txbr rd ttrt tt rlll eor
to rn .trd oalt rrh.a ttr ta.vltrblr rorllatl en llltt erirurlr{'
llh lnfrot 1r tbr rutal of thr Afal{tr tfitr ifirrcetr-

atlelt lDot htrrtb.t !r drlry onlt ro loni ltbr 1r rt

ilrltrrrsl (fror t}rr bodtt tb.n ho rtll bfool oil ult! lrrhrral:8

rctr YIcuDrtl. *o rt rd{ thrt tb. vltrrrF rclool ttt.r

rlrort tbt nrr rrglnrllon or lirrnrrtf.O

tt lr tl L. aotd tbat Vilrrtrtt loltll 30 th' t18r

of thrntrrr tbrt ln tbr ort of tl. Jfrra*te tbrn lr tbr

ot r Drtt ot nrol.6 tn tha firr ll pr{rrbtbr {

lr[.. td lt nrt br erlo tbat rlrnbrrr h ..llr to holl

to f,rndanrf r tttv elro ltrt ln tbrinanttr onlt tbr hgrtll-

tonr of oalcLnc. Dcrrtrtr aot r ,lrt of nrrEl'tlc"& !! E

lrtrrrrlor of nalol.ncrl tirrrprtl 1r rrry 'rybrtl' ln trtltr3

Sbrt rl!a. tlr

ffreanf!'{ hrr D frtth fa tbrr bl oonrllrlt
tc. thft c'8tt btad htr' ::'
ti|}t to b| rr.lt ltlrrort'

ttnrl tb. 6ntlmra. ct bodt rber ot dify or lntc onltlct

rlt! tlr iinattr. tbrl rr. ory'tlbL rltlt oa'[ o0httle


lcr lt rrnlt lr rrln { tbrt :lnbtJifar rt

Dttrrldhr lurr oranot fFdrt tn oill ot thi Sfrr*tl'

rr th? rrr <trrd qporrt tc tnob otbr4 fol lt tr r frot

tblt lr tb. *9116,optoolto rxtrt togrtbrfl rrtr trcrrPetl'

lbur 3rrlm.prrellratloo Brrd not br rlrrltrrrlr rltn

illrerborl!,rrtf th. bodt oontlnqcr to tnrutrt ll.n eller

lrahou-nrlltatlcn' But tbr palrtrtrmr of thi bodt doar
not caur. rlt bcndl8. to thr tdt at br bar rrlltsrd tb' l!|lth

of norilurl 3nbru. It vlll not lcN{ to tGt t\ttb'l tofult

bearul|. hr hrr fillrrl btr tn|. Batum rd blnct ormot

.t1lr.r Ylcarletlr lt Dt rorl; fol lf tt u'L nrll that

udl(l lot oart. dultat ltfrl tt tr lourru 'iErl !t lLlr|.rt

knortdc. roe tb.t crr b loorort a".n tud'!8 llfl bl thl rlre

ot tnr. Irlilbdt . Iorrerbodtrot !t tbo ttea iltbt'ct ti'

rrhrll nnl .aa lt oranot !a tLrtpfatf fot bt dlatruotton-llr

af arBt thrrr rcnLC rlrnlt dr.ttutlo! " 'llstrtL'8 rrttf

1r c'rurrl lt lUstort lloLla'|r lt lr

Itoco boloi r$*ttrl
rrteblhbd lllorr, llcargetlr llonS rltb lilnkrrrl thrt flt

lor ttr * dr o!a2G7an Sra rllvr, tb'rt tt noFll-ottl'ato

lhouli tb. bo{tt r.trq lt rtoor Dt blnd btlt lt b' lcob uPo

[. tb. noEltir{l .lfh'r'fot| rl tbr

It er llluror?. Sotc.
F 8C6
rlcti of . filll l1|r lrd rd orrl .t? fli tbr tat.tttt,
tn tbr v.tt 'rtr ny ll|r tblr boityS tiro tbrt Fn-
rrbcrllsd lrortrl llfr lt Otebrm rlonrl llght doar.r||
Xalr ?r!rr|}rtt *oleheerterltf tidoltlsl nl'trr tb0|.n,
th. tt"r of $brnkaraj th.rt r rthttrpraJnr (r rra of rtu,rly
vldod/rldabr (pllfrb{ onr) .nd Ft I rfdtrrte (rrrler
rft.r palt ctlrn).S f,r lr rrlf rorllnil rnd porfroir f,r
h r ra rltbost dlrtloctlous ot rnt rortl of $o brt rrllrrrd
th. nca-O!.I nrturc of, rcrltttrl tbr pr{rrbrlbr lrlrr of
rEoD | ,crail t.tr.a to tbotla of ltt oG ra.ord tn th
.nrotrntr ilrr tc bt rxhrurteil then thl bodT falk (rlrb-
gi!a) and tbt rort requlrrr llrrt rcltrr (rlyo-nttl). Fr
artrt !ctu?!r to thlr r|Ifl*r r3rtn.

6rl'l[a - rrtt

In - rrgrtrnt rf tlcrrtstl'oontlthtltn to
ldilttrr tt rtll hqve to br rrtd tbt ln tb. -lnf blf
rcrh bgr tn rlusldatlaj rort P.tfoottot tbl rlrtlt rrrt'
Lrbtr tJvralbt ryrtlrr of !{on'lrnr enrt 9br*rne. Palbrtt
lrlr orlalnrllty hl ln rtlnt u! !.f roaoo9turl rnd lottorl
lrcune vlth re3*lt to toplot llkr Avldnl ltrr loour rto.
but nrt lo tb' natn lttE+f of rnpdual )ttolo8y' th' 'Ltr
thet h nelo of rtr*tn3 r nr ro[col of rBh[atfr ta
Adrrttr tra,Jttlon oltr o6lt bf ttr. t$ ooatrarted vttb tbr
ono orlglnatlnt rlth hdrrDad& rnd hk olor. cilatltatorr
tn rrtl.tt of i.3rtt Yhleb ftrrto bc rrroun ar trdvergr '

rt r latcr tlrr Dotnrn htrcrlf .nd th.Fnratllh ttadttlta tr

(raton brd not trt trl.o tt| a.Do bt tbt t,tr) tb. Clffrrnar
lrt h btr it'toad robl.lost of thl retrohrrblp rtdr ot
Llnf rolr rrucltr rn! rtirbr|id ln tht folt of lcrntrltrtl
on eath ol tbr rtrtara of Inltra pbllorothtf tba tlodtdto of
rhlclt bt bm{$bt t'o borl tn hlr orDorltloa of Adntter lto

doctrlnrl rtlfferralr'1s tbc nlo tberh ol non'durllnr

(m tCtrartci dtt 51;1,3'PrrPrtnhr rd hrrtrtrrl) brlry

lonrs tltiel rlib lb4lr'| ol rltb 0t!*.rrr hlt oettlbutl'lnt

lrt lcn tn tbr rrtt.tt of drtrit rnd or0orltfoat afal rt hr

notrd Drlorr
tb rrt ltottrnt ttilf tb. flrti
r rito
adsf ltflftr flor gbr l$rrror (1) rrldr- d
r||ool rrrl
Itr loourl (lt) $rtbr! rrtrtyi tr om o! rrntf (lll) a.tbc
Jlrr tr r rafl.ctloa (Pntlblrlr) or r ddlrltatt:c (rrrrobrdr)
of Brrilll (tr) vhrtnrr JIrr lr car ot rrntl (t) th. nttrlr
of rcrttl tprlorlar rt tbr orlta of lrlt-rultrnttool l.r. 1
rtrlbrr ol utt rhbrlr lryr*r llrrt rr{ lrrdlltr brld3ll
(rl) Srthrr tnm tr ea tallttr or Dtl (rlt) thr obro.t
bt r|ldaf-ll t?'tttr 1.f.1 rbothc tt 1r tdttton d ol
laronrlltlonrrl lnh[| (vtlt) Yl.tbrt ot ltt tbrt. lr 't'dlrl
(taluttoa) ta thr rttrtrbadtc ArlccPtr lltrirrirdprt vtrb
$rcterto r.atrtto nliltrthlittteqTrhr(Br.ugtl II.1v.6)t (k) thr

tlrsr of lrrr tn t|to tot[. ol Ailvaltlo ridbrm etfrl

tbrar golnta nt b. rlrborrlrdr

(t) rocordlry to tll|'rtli tbl tocur (l$nnl

of Nt{tttr u rllrrilt rpldtude 1r tbr ldlvliurl imlf
(JIrr) end 8rr!n lr ltr obJ.ct (rlrbrya).1 Io utntrlalal
tbtr qbrtlc rlcrl trrrpltl olorrlt follrrr lh;|ill3 rrr|

pertr ooryra7 rttlt Sbltrtr lbo .loldt lrtl4 lbc lprrtloa'

tbt, tl.r (il tl. Erotlr of lL locur of rrlCf,

to t ?..tr l|Q.r.d to thr vler el thr 'lrrnp t$tol

ri:toh rlntrtar thet 8mlr.l tr both lbe loour rnC oblcot

of rvllttl.t lcttr tbrlltnlrF rd !!Gr-rll rlatrl.n
tlat thr Jtrr clnot br tho trour of rrldf lnrlol rr

tbr totr.t tr r nitlflcittto of arirltfr to t t tlrt JItr

lr til lornr of lvtrtyir th.t potnt iltr 1. tc 'rlt tb'

falhcl of rtnrl ilfpanlon . (ratlatlrbll! iloGr) I lbrt

lrp rttimt rviilyie ltt fff.ot ttt. JIrl crmt lr

rrphlnr{ .il dlbrt ghr Ji|rt rvttlyll thr oontrlnrd crn' 'i

oot br trPlelnrd.

tL. tb. tt"rur rnool dolr ut rlrlt cf rtv

llrtlntha htnrn tbl loclr (iOnnl ld tb. obr.'t
(vrrrryr) ef rvlrtti.t

frrf rh#r.. u[ YlrrArtt 0o not 4n vtth tbtr

rlr d ttrr Ylvrn4r rcbL i'L't
tlln ot oe'rnot b. tb
(rll' lbr
rntnrl rletrradraocl tbat Fl'|t oatl rl tlrr rlr'ilcr
Jlr ral rrtCf) tr r bejlnntnjlrrr lrllrr llh tbrt of thr
at!o'!t rl0 tb ...d. (tlJ&frrr qtlta). In faot tnartenr

argtatnr rny tbh dltftloltt bt Eromulloa tlrt rlam

rddta tr ldctrnlnrblrl rff fnranilrnclu Drrn r'stalt

trrl.c t-orrtett bcrr olorll lollorr th${'n rd rPller

thr obJ$tloa rlth tho{enarr |teder{ rntt't'

thuf YaortFtt rni llg{aar lrtr thon tlrt lt h th'

tirt tt th. loru ef rvtdil rril lot Erehrlr dn fnr

J ltr
tNr rlml pclnt oi hrlrul m rrlltl tr plrtDb. It r
.t!|tab rf lnjlnrCloo e,d&f tbes. br .!rrn I tlajr of
ttmrrla la srebn - polatr out Ytoerprtlo ia tttbta
rbt lf luci r pcrltlonr

($l hltbu, rorofilt{ tr fmrFltr l"ldt{

ilflarf tlor Ladlrldlrl t tadlrtl''dr li lf Dorlttr.
and rDrrltlc to .rrh ,irrr b frct tlrrr tro u r.qt
rttdtar rr tbrn rr.r 1itr.' Er thur brllrlrr la r
plurrtltT of tru rilr rrl{t{rr tblr k r reltrblr
rtrr ol fioarprtll rhtrh k opgcrrd to !h. YtrlrtrFr
raboolr rtleb portulrtrr onlt o!. rtldyar rtlch lr
orf|r! to rl.1 tbr I irar but brt ltlt t.nt rlil or
potrnohr (irltir) to blll tbe f ivrr

Itrlal rr rlrrllf trlar lf Virrgrtt rco.Dt. .

(vrtttrg :
. -trql $rttt gouft) rloan rr t tla Corltrint
ti tba rr. of arliyil tlr Ytvennr holdr tbclp la thr
orrr of rylCfl bott avlrr$r rn{ rllrloDr (pmjrctlal"'
po;l) rbrt3lr rrr rgrllT dnlarntr

ltrtf,.tlllortPrtl taaotrlt.r tuo ltndr of rYtrtil

(1) ttue attdta or grtoel |.rottnot (l1rr1r;rrtdta) .ol

ttf) tbfr rtldtl o! Ctttrrtttr trtrrlrace (firle rvldtl)r

lotb rn frllanh3lrnr It tir itutvetlro rlldl$r; ln

btr vlcl err rubletrblr bt ooaattt ro of tbr obJtaS 30

riteb tbry lrLrr6(t) $rr pdlll nrlclGor ta rriarlblr

onlt by tb. lni'uldtc ef, tbr nrp!'rr r.rlttt'

. lrrturr rf
tr rlrrdl lrlls thr dlstln8ttt
llcrrtrtttr Yerrlon of rCrrltr lr tbrt br lroolntrr r

tlrnlllt ot .t.n :titivl{tft. tblr bc aoetulrtlrl la

oslor to rllot the Clrtlmttoa bltr..a thr bfrla rad ttl

to rloll tn r3lr dtr|
lrlrrecd rad thr trts{bt
llrr lillr Pa1ro3lrl rntch trr tbc tnrvltrbll rltorl

af ||lr rrldli rfiilrrof lhr tlrrrr4r lelorl'

(tll) arrrnl lf AYr*dlo+t l-rutrilrl

nrt rlroccil loil trt tbrortr PntlDlrbr 6dr tr riFo'

artd bt tbl Vtvrhqe t&olr to thr orlurloa of avr-

alidr vidr.

(tr) If tb. !5rrtf rchorl rdvoortor e

of lfvlrl tnr tlrrrrgr iobt brllover ln r
rtntlr JIrr. to lr. Pnrln tf r tllrlDrtl tr rn renrlr

3larrrllnrl tbr llnnprltrr lr an ltrJlrrrr&tlar

(v) ffrta. tho vtsr cf ul' tro ilttcolt I

irUr or rrita t.rttnt altf.t fior aroh otbsro tt'

qlrrtlolr tt t titra ttrlr bsdr b.r r!.t fr J$dr or
tutlany (irutf) I lla! ot taort dar? If le rdrt lt
t!. utur. tf tmntcdjr rrtdal fror Jabne? Il r'lutl b
a slr cf brlrdlrs tr lt r dlrct or rn taltrrrt nnrl
flbat b ltr thar rnrl d6ntftornr?

titrrpltlrr vlrr b tfrt r.b0 ttrr ooly

rdlrtr bjl,rd;or It jlvrr orlt ldtmct rnC rrdhtr
Inorldtr. It 1r it lr rdr dtrrrt d lrClrb tntwt|
ooort nt plrttlo. of nttoart contr?htlanlrHor) rd
nlttatlcn (ntdtttltlinle)1 ritol tr tbr tlrrot ornt of
mllsatlonr tltr rtrr tr trohntcrllt tcffl tPnral-
tbttner rtrtob lr ftflf Cfdl by tlrldnnr? ani Yf,lrrDrtlr
thur rtccr{trf, io Y-oasprtl, tir lardclar rrltlng tlt ot
thr nFnlrir{lc tutr ltL. flrtlv.trelr tr todtrrot ad
ra{lrtro lblr tr r rbrr bdloetton of tlr Profod
tnflnr ot lt-tt oa llrrrtrtl. It rt br brlrlfy
nctlC brlr tirt tha Slyr vter lr tbat C.!Cr o.o aQl.t
sdt o lrilFot co3ntgton trttot e nlrtloErl ooalmtr
Ia tblr !r?..t elror ttargrtl 1r aQlrt lt u rltb
lh{rarr Yrerrtett 1r cf tbr vtrr fi'bst vbrr drrtralfin
flbu ltrbrardr) lr oatlnu..l rbatlr'|lt lt radr up ll
ttr lbn ol ttr rrDcrlncc ot ,.lf-Fdlntloa rd tlll
.ttrrtan.f of 3b. rrlf rgmr ell tr|rltfl.l
!b bt.&. of ttr rrlltl rDtrtfl irsr
tlro lrtttl roccr{tng to lioartrtl lr thur rt r Clrrct
lrelliltton of lt but ra tn0lruot co3nltloar titr lrr
to br rtrnatl.d rtl| latraflftrn tblollb tnourrnt
Drrctlcr of dttettor lf lt lr to Lrd to Srrhn

. t;a for tir .-rl of lrr$ra ril t-rrrftlr

tatrrnl orSsn t! . t at o!!r!r It trtlltt
tbl rrrl
rldral bt turlott3r t.lrd thrcuG VcdtG t.sttronf (iebhlrrad

rrrdalnt thcraco It lasrrttr la tbr oadltloartl |.lfl

thr tn{tttr Drtohortrbl llt rrnlttaj lg tbe dl!.at
lEork0tr (prrctrltb.l of tbr !.1f.'" tbrtr roottdt!3
to ttarrprtt,nlrflrlaflar lr thr prtaolDrl ctlrnr cf tt!.
laodltle of rclf rialtt {retage ril ntrr rla reood.rl/o

tbr DlSrrgI robol th|. botCr tbet 'tbl f,lnt

lntnttloa arDt L rff-ttt ln CmtrottttS llnolrooo
*lch lr l'r| llrt. Eabrr tt tr ltr.lf lrrrtletcr tlct ll
tnrdtro' ora ocr onlT ttor tb| ttntlonla: of r t|ota
or3el rnd tbrt tbtrtaorr ot3r! tr thr rtac'}l Arallnrndr
ronflrr tbtr vl.r.

tblr vtrr ot fdrrtrtl tr ClrrrtrtrrlU q'ff,a

tc tbt vtr of tbr tlranr rolnrll raaordlaa |o rnlob
srlrmlr b tb. pr{arld tacrntlt! tbnrtr 3tl nllmttoa
of ltra rnd rnrnr rn| ot(ltAbt5teal rar rubrlrlcnt to !t
(pbrloprlirtrryr). tbr rnrnr rnl otdldhtarrnre In otbr
rot{tq onlt rffrgt tho aoilsatr.tltll of thr rlrllr tba
illla lr Ft rn lnfttult tare for tlro lretfuatlon of lttba.
anl llrrraqr rould rl+11 quot. lhr ohrt{a3t r'nrttrle Stol
nya tlet bt nrr tnstluoll:nr tlrtdlrtr lnorldlr k lftccteal.

ti|Nr tbr ttrr4 sbocl bl{r tbt brrldar ttlolal

lrrtll trrtlrcnt (jlrvene) tr of lteoll !n{htr. r0rdttln'

ctntaclr (ihot rrt tbf tcoth) lr tbr ln*rtro. oftrqotdl Dt

tba ftyltaFr Sobcol. lbr rtory nlnr tbult tbrlo nrl ontr
r teltt of tao f*clr rbo br9plneil 3o ororr I llrrt. lftst

ororclll tbc rtrtr, tbet vrntrd to bt *riblr thrlt maat

rrr lnttot or notr to oorlt. tDet rll of thc ltl quotl erft.
So rroh onr lf tbr rtrrlsl aoflrttntr l..b lnntlerttorl
lrrrt[ crt blrralf fill ltll oouttkql rduod up lhr totrl
nu$.' rf nlatr tb.t tr'| eorrorltrtclc1 lr thtt tboutbtr
tblf lbcy trtrlty rtrrrtl oil ot th.lt otrnlotrt. thon therr
arrl an dttact rnrt'lotatdl to tb. anletor rl fill rrt

thc tcathr. lhra tbcro rlota th. lull rd tnallctr crrtttEdl

at btt lolaa ttro tmtbr.n rni thet tbr riolr gtttt nl trtl.B
Itth thl. taltrnoff thr Ytvrtejl rohool polntr oltl tbrt vlrbll

lrntloays of tircl'f; tr thr lrnr. ot trardletr bLtlg..

tnElittq lr itr Yt||rt* rmttr tht
tboulb tbr qnalrbrallr tartr t.lDrttf tbl lrnlllrtr
Iaorleltr of &rllqtrt Drarurr of crrtrtl drtlrctr

ruG rt Yttb.t blotrilnnol grrrlge rublfvraa ril

Ylprrrtr bblilrr tt ettrrrl to be rilletrr [b.o

th|rr defiott .m t?a!'llta bt tho oultlretlon of

ytrgu|t LtI. oontrct ot tha tntelhat c3rr1 rnd by
teC-ntlc ttiltt tt f.lrir to lr lrllrtr rnc cborr ttldl
to h trdlrtr.U

to tbla rllr of t;tr tttnqr,li'cttrtt tlt

r.rct !F nytng t{st thf latultton ftbou rrt thr ldbt

trlults ontT froa tbl r.atr offr! rt rtdrd bt titrl rtrtr'

r.rtr tb. rtrt.nntl rtlno rlt thr t.othr Dt!|lraf ao
lntuttlol allrPt thnnaD tbr rtadr tlu oognttton rrlnr

rdbt bafr[.. of thr altutr of tho tiltllant (r.!bd

tcrtlrony) rd trr lot ilrlurbr. tc Qntl btr tltthotl

rlbl| lntdttoa (thou rrt tbrt) rlolr otp vctlyl r$ult

lrl vrr*el ttrttmy' . . r o. t . ' . . . o. t . .. . r trt fnor lhr $:

latqsorl otSal t rtaot.C bt tlr eonto$lstlon of thr

rotnlng of, tcnttncrr ol lailltrbla bportr .t'ort'!'r'r

tor !r ttrts rrp*lrnor ltnolf of tbr nrtula lf trrhrrl

tn vlloh oat. lt oold mt br 3rnorrtrdl toghttr lt lr I


tls :

Errtlculrr Drtsbrrtr (rgttt) of thr lntrrTrl orttn

ltrclfl hstlnt 3rrh1re for ltr oatontlE

, ? r
ttr.-fer Y6orrtrtt ratiStoa b.orr tlo
gr{rrt r.ot tot rkrbrl lor 3tr Ylr*trprntdr rloar
lr tbr rarnt to rbha.

It r1;nars rrnllblr ttrt firmDrtl *ld lrrr

advrcottc Pnnltt-arq lmrnl ll luovtoilte of tlr

rortptura! taltfoattr (rh7, fol th.t rrttalf rnt r-tan')

tr.fuppotrtr tba b'rL'l3e of tha lodlvtdurl ,ofarr foQo3lll

ltr In tblr rfolt1 lt r.t br rei.C tirt rr?ctt3a lr

nro.rrrrt to art tbl rrllaa crSrroro tcnt.soa.

tbat iel{r oaut.f tnly r"lrta Lmvlodtr lr

lgslnrt the tllrt ol $balen.lG .n{ Jutalhvele. Ohrnlarr

frltlctttrl la rccortn rft! tba Jrutll ttet rlro |Ftrt

plrtlon rnd mllttca oa tlrl lrealn! of i*lttr lorlr to tbt

rnlllatboP sutrrbrrtr rlntrlg th;'t dtrrot 9r$rc

lrrlkatlon trlrrl onry frn brrrtnt tba 8r'rt trrtr of

?hr Jrutl rnd Ft fro6 rrdttslton'll tbua Sbrnkrn rd

gurecbvare lte16 tbat thr rbrbde o*llrft {trcst taovtdSl

rrrt lrbat thr truvlrdtr obtalaed fror ircrlng thr Jnltl

la lnrdlrttr ttlt vtcr rnteb ll o;ord to th' nt{tr €

vtrr trrttllt rccDtrd .nit cnrlotrd bt tb. Ylreagr Sclrcole

tnrrr rtt.lDal AXr tr flobtr ot rlrolrh,
thrla tr r itlffrrnor of glatoa rDla tb. tro rloclr
tattilltnl ttr bportracr rl tbr oaly nsn. lr.dln| to
rplrlturl brleil3t'D

(rl) Fol th Bbrlrtl i. llioor trrts lr

dnrry l.t{' tr . rcaf. ofrn (tadrln) ratl lt 1r I

trnrEt of ritrbtl.S 8br tnoletlr of brpplnor;

rlrrrt ctfol lrt rllll rlnor th.y .tf inrntd Dr tbr

rm.' rttlsh 1r r reQ.t oSllEr In lulrrlr rcaotttoa to

t-lcrprtl; all rart jrnrntd tlctladaf 1r vrlltlr
VScarprtlrr rrlust tr t!.$u.. b tbr lnsttur'ot ttt

tntanal Pat0tptlon rnd tharato!. lt tl I ror ll!i'!r

Ibrn lt tnn..ltlr tbr ftaoil tt rnloyr th. ttrtf ot

lntrrataat.ntrl tcelltt tfer'rtlu rtlrr{t mtd

!.J.ot. tbr vtrr Sbal tb. Otlattbrdtc tartr orn dtilotlt

llrdurr tntulttt tnrttbtr On tho ibr bl&ho r{lrrlnl

tb. n a f,ot aoltQlrttoa ol alaltdhtturr llrnrr fot

blq 1r r rr$tr orto rd &lbtJtlln rrtr! tblootb

I$rr sut oo thtr sooGtr tt .|ollit mt br lnt''lprot'd

tbrt Errhr.-l[Is tr ntrl t!.dd3.r rr lrrlrrn ra..rclna

tr tlaatDrtl 1l mt tb. oostrnt ot tf rld thrt lr lrFrr

Errb!.q cn tbr oti.t hradr lr tbr contrnt ol !l' Y.fttl


tbrt lcorrr tbr otilrrtlcl of mlclell. thr r.ac|lt
to V5carDltlr gurr rra.r (rrttt tbrg l-I|t tba obFut|-
tloar of luotrncr) orltlrrtlr Errbna-bvlodgcr lt It
tb. ltrrsr,mt & flrfl3 rl'| to tln bdeda. et tba
tilrntllt of rlnn rai lrr|Irai

Eut ftr-rDlir to&tt to tb. goirlbllttt of omrf

brlnl rrar ol omrrlf dtbout tb trtrmtrtloa of rlrdr
Io tbr rtn of ttrarrqrp trdlrtr eotaltton rt lr|llt
rro ttll tbr vortrl tartllrayr utlbrt tbr fir*rtlonlnl
of l ttrra otE.or tot tcl ol .rtatul ui tbet $r ltd
lr mt I taata ottrB.Sl pednp-rte ergu.r tb*t ronroloilrnla
ltmlf lr lrr tbr nrturlr of lltuhr€oo1 tt Co.! Dl ild
rtal to tttutsta .tnra rr ooa brt tlou rt nrd rmthcr
trt to rbar lt. llql tlor ttr tlrrrrnrr lrarr lc rt I r'!r'


Dfrutli ittt.-vtarr*+oolk blr Prnbriluhl'

ttlcr to r1albulrr !i. |n .tFrld rlrrr ef tbe tbartl
rd tbr Vhlarr4rr 8r rbrrctcrlrtr rurr rr en tntrlnrl

rrordtla to 8ilnxrrh rcrlpturrS lo.r Et bol!

rltd to bc r rfft ottrtu lttt thr !rtt8' ratloar llil

8rr +
rtrntrlt llltrr tL. ..otr(ttarnr: F on tblr ttlrdr
?r-cnprtl ra7 br trlon to htr lntor9rtd 6trolere rl
trturlnl Urr rlcr tbet L$r lr t tear c{ltro

(rtl) A3rln,tbo thirrtl rd ltrr ltrerapr

Itcbok dltfrq u to rlrt tr lrltl to br tbr tntulttoa
of tarr lrrhren rnrl fit lt ntd to bf tltnttlon ll
oondttloari hban. totor|lol to f&rrlrttp rirt tr
vetlrt by nrrinor tr thr oondltlcnrd 8rrfrup tDornoh
tr tbr nnooelltto!.{ k f;Lrrllgll tt €rnatt bc rtldr :
rxrr o',lr lt bc lclr|lad. Ih|rt It Hrlrrt.d bt ft8.L ttF
ta I tlo! rrt lt tonrl
tbr rr torr I roncludr r Y6ar e9rt t r^^'coorl

8nt rooortlt{ to tbc lttrt ?. ttfol1 1nrr

3tri.r irrarrtoprd tf raf tldbl (ra1nt)r b ra ctflt
' of irorrttl.! tbt tsr thr roo-drltrttrd lnhr k
Eba obJ.ct of rlbrad&in vrttt.

llrrrtrtl lb|r Dt rostDt tbirr l.cerdln| |.

ifqDtto srrlro oltrnot br thr ot{rot rl rl. kcrrkilat
rt tr rllf rfftl3rntr tbr oadtttod srrhu (rp$ltrl

rloar !t th. obJ6ot of trltrotloo' Ia btr rrDtlclt tot{rl

rladrtdl lbrt rblch tr frrr froa ell rtJunot. 1r leolued

to br rlf-.ftulalar mt tbrt *loh 1r adttlor' too"'


rorl lr thrrc fr.ra{or tril rlf ru$tr b thr bturtt€a

cf Blfirar tbon,:b r prtSolll of tt. tntrrarl trgrnr toh
thr latqtto$r lr lnil to br ra rdJunctr opporcil both to
llldf en4l tc rtbor dJnactrr brlaa ltrrlf oa tb. brlnt r?
of rlGtrtctlss.rll Arlnrdrr b bh Xel'|t.r! rrl.t thla
lleu vary olas!.f

(rfff l A1elol tb*r lr r tllffcroncr brt6s1 lL.

lblrqll tarl thr llrrr*4e datrl vtth rarr{ to th.
Itrcrrlon r,b.3b.s or net tbrra ll tl,thl (lrrJlnotleo} ln
thr 0gratrbtdto praa.lrtt r^tafvar. c?rtrt|b irctrtyr l
ldllsyto ntdt{fht-.ttrqfabr (thr r.Lf t! 30 bo taro to b.
ltrrd1 to bf r.lftr€tad ad ootlteLlel thrroon),S rll .
tbe crturs ol vldhl rtcr

laoorlltr! tr ltrr ltrrrr+r a-olf rolf-rnlk,rtlonq

thf ulttntr rtr ol llfr le porslblr onlt tbmrat thr loJwttrng
tltra rfr d$trvtrb ....r...f tt 1r.t tho rort of tnryha
rnd tdatrt odtnS gh. tdlatrr ?rrErtrPfo rrpbrrlu ugon
thc lrrllrltton of tbr rrlf oaly thmqD tbtt lalstttn'
lhur thr ortgta ot Ylil5tttlo .tudlet tt tn tht tnJrrtlol ol
Crerege. Prrhfrlltrrn cltarlt uteblkbsrs tn hlr tllrrrFt
tbat ln tf,tra firo ..r..rr...o I tlrtre lr thl rtt|p of r
dtrtlnot vtilbl. Atdr oa th. rtchtr lbr tlrrrr+t rolcrl
loneludtr ttr,t S-ravaBrlt th. prtnotDrl onr err! narn ril
trldl(tbtarn rr. .ullrrt.'
lrt llcerprtt tr of tbo rtrr *ral shrrarl
ranrar rd lldlChytrenr lnr (rt tb. obJcctr ot rEt
tnJEnotlonr but rrrl onlt obJ.ctr ot fectusl rtrtrnl;
(?thl,tiawi'tata)r thrcr bdcrrt to thr rrlr of purr
lE ddt. Oii'nr)r ylttob lr coTtrtdt drwiC ol rry
lalunatlvo flroo. f&rt|rtt 3o.f r to trt thst br'
llrlar rrtsrt rt a-! m tht roailltlcr cf 13 rrr fullllldl
rtl| tot tltr D clr? of rldhl lr nrlrltrr'r lhlr thG
threr rt.pr onlt lntlrrqtlT rbor [| th. trtb of mlf'
rr&[tloa rrl th.t rt. at rldblr' fhte trccrr f\rrtlrf
tlfrr .ad tr sonf;lrrril by thr rltlo! of tbr Pnrrtfrtbcg
rho rtrorutrt o$rctot lralur*rr tor Ticrrtrtlrr
ln rltc
rllolrl rlrdrb rioPttoa of s16d1a1rt ?l.rr.O

torf to lratlno brlel!71 tba netur. ol vltbt,

ttc rrrlrtlf! .'td ltr hpllcetlcnrr Yltht or lnJttrtltnr
rcoordlnE to th. IfrDretres k that rtlcb or{tnt Jrrrt
ladlrldtrrl to rto r trrtlculrr eotr rtlol ll otf,rrwtr nt
rrqttrul to bl orrrlad oatr rr tu thr oua of tt t ogaht
ta Da dola (dutt). ltrr th;,t tloar 1r ra lnJuootbqrnlt
lncnaat retlvlty rbon tharr urt Fr bcforl.8l ttr dtatl-
nctirr t.rtBt ot rldbl lr rnob tha.t tb. lnosleltr tt 3turl
aranot br obtrttrrl bt .st otba! loono rr&a! of lncrldSr;
otbf thrn ltrrlfl $'fmftr gllFto vtdhlbl .
tbfr. tbrr ttoib ot tltlblrl
rrf (1) rilrt (clt$.f

lafuaotlon)t (t) nlyrn (rrortrlatltr lnJunotl*t\ rni

trrhrrltbtf (rrchrlrr tnJrmitta) .

to trh rt th. ftrat oarr lp[ttr rlcht .t\ietnr

m tn{lvlCnl to lo . Drrtlouhl rot itt thr rurllntloo
of r rg.cltlo Dur?or. r'lloh lr othrtller lrpor.lbl. bt
tat of tha tDotn rrnr of lnovlrdgoo For lnrtrmt totr

v{rc lortrr Doevea rhrnld tatfoti 68plbotr. tactlflort

(A6nthatrrl l||bqtat Gttr-Iinh) lr rn erilvr rtdhll rr
It rdolm ra ladtr&lsrl; nrjr/cur e{rrrrffro ala (rnr|l
or b.tvlrr)f to ?rrfrn r tgrolfh ncrttlo hlottotn).
tbe rcktlo! b.tyraa tb. ctr|. (gcrfornnoa of atolh)ttrt

rnd thr rffrot (rtrrtlrmt of brtna) b rdr born only

Uy Jnrtt enct rll otl.t len rrnr cf Dllaata .r. lo!r1tl-
bb of Dotntlal to lt - .rtt gbo Xiiubr lb'rt kl
hcn Snrtl baenrr ttrr onv roror rnd tb.tr cen hr n
rlt.rrrtlv. -rll u[loi rrt mla.tt tblt. Tbur rpElrr ttChtr
lr tb,t rhlqh tellr r tonthlll utt llt l&o- (rtyut'e-

r;rtjtfttbr}r It htr thf EotTlra of ntlal laon rb.t n.

lot non lt

ifnr ildbl or rrtrtottvr lalurttoa o! tL

otbrr hrn<|1 tr thrt vttthtr rdtob onJclor oalt on nrlf
to |et r tl.'lret tilrltr o6t of railrtrl rltrr&tt"o lrilr
llet lel teoorcllnS to lble ttCbtr only oae nrar tr rqlolnel
rt thr !o!t of otlr.t r.rnr, for ln.trEar ronr liclc tbrrh
tbr tloo arrlnrf (rritnfnrntrntll. rf,crr to a.t th. ranlt

of tbr lotrlrtlra of burlr fior doqta crdrl to tr0are

crollftclrl crklrl fmdlnf (rrrllltr) ot pr{dt lr rnJolnrdr.
Ot coulr. thcrc rr. trltour rltornrtlr rnth><lr ubl€b tlr rt
tbf rertrtt)a of hurlr fror ftco lltr tEottloa by orlle rtc.l
lrt i.sr vr rloell Bta tbrt only rrvr|i-hf 1r rnJotnd bl
tho tt{bl. alro lt tm r toslttro slanlfloatsls .lthor fot
raptrlorl Emuhitjr ol rcrlgltrrl brtrsotloar. trrl tbr
rlteranttrrt rla rltlrltt xclurtvr eotl lrolpntlbh. t$r
of thr podtlir eltonatlrrl nlyrr "ldhl t ttrlotr lr

terttouler rlteruttrr oaltlr

lbr trrlmatl'f ot an oroluglve lalmotloa It tb.t

tqlrnctlon, vtrle! dirrrtr clr of tbr tuo rltorrrrtlrtt tc

Doth ot vltlcb mthlil |l.|ttlc rry br trlG to rrfrr r!]l-

trnrowlt.SO lol lnetrnabr -cal'd rrt thr ftlrh of oalt

flvr fln-nrtlcd rntflrr (plohr pur|rrrtbl bhrkly-b). Brrr

th. Droo.Dt rnlotnr tir rettni ol tJtl rr.*rb of onlt lh

F flvr-nrltrd
rrrlilr1 b7 trglloettoq
rntlrh ttkc thr brtrrl
thr [tln3
til! rtrlbll
of tba ttrrh
of oih'lt
lt att'

ntrlr tttc lho naby. lbnr grrtnntby- rldbl tr tirt uhlab

rtlrlrtrr onr of tb. rttrrartlrrr rltci rr dn|' lbn
( Dt-ptirth. ).

Ia r mtrhelll lf Aptrr rldbl tolb rcrrtbla3

rttfrlt lrEuol tbr ilrur aail Prrltrnlhta tldblt rtr et thl
rltltartton of, one of tha rltrrnatlvrr rilob rrt rlrtdt
loorar l3rlnl tbo itJrre rlltrt tr dtrtlnet lroa trrlnttbtf
rtathl ln tbrt !t hr pt r Dotttlv. rtgnltlorm.roltbrr for
oDlrtoel hrprlrtao ot rcrlPtural tartnrotloal rirlrrl put'

rinkbti vttlbt brr onlt 3 prlratlvr rl3atf,toracr ln thr roorl

tbat lts onLt Dtrtpos. lf to rrJoct ootltlht thr othlr l1n{r.31

tho Vtverer.rr $rbool .drltt that thr vtdht to th.

t rlto gEo.pt I Itrfilrl {ptlvn'b orrr.ft..l l' trrtllotlrr
o" ntttnr laesno! rr thr .ltrrnttin ia.nt to rrlf'lrlllratloa
trr ruttlstel by tbr ool,7 lr.iol Ylt Crr'rFr. Ia otbrturdrl
$rrvrg lr rdrocetrl rt thf aort cf etber arear. Ihur tbr
Tlrrrrar rtbct te ct tbr fln oplaloe lbt tl6!1 1r ptrnrtbb
lo tha rattfr of rlf-rrrll[3tonr It la na'lat tird of rrylnj
tbrt snlt bcorur 1! tt r vtdhl trlrt th. rttllrot irtrlrtlfr
to rola tn tDr trth of tltf-lelflttloar

h31 toetr{taf to rirlrprt!| tnrAt{ ttrla Ctltrttrb"

rre r&tort tborc 1r no vtdbl. Ar fot tho *bctff tcrtrs VFcupatt

rrtr tirt thrt rla v!.t hq!. tha rDPatrlinr ol lnJrnctlcorl

rt lol talnottcnrF to quotr htr 6ot sorlrr rtb.

t.rt btatilPlatr ot thc qrlfr lt mt rn llr|onatlonf JEtt

rr for trrqbr tertr llbr fVlrhqu ts to br lrsrlflood to
rttb tho uD&bur qrr rtrl hrt. tho rDD.errtta of lnJuncttoml
thls la tb. .on.. lntitr|dP6 |l lct rn ladlrcot kwl.dt.
of Brrin firor tbt lod6ntlf trxta rnd thc rorltrstlon of lt
tn D!rott.. trguirot tntnlnt of ttrr drl thtlrll rrdttrtlon.$?
trner fbl tloerpetlr rdltstlcn hrilr r tttxltf rrnt !e

ttr rlrr tiat thrrl tl rtrflrt lr {fu llClr fa*lt

rltra vdrr irotrvyo ....i.oroitoo' la ooanaottrn rit! tbr
brlaalsf of Bralrrrnl oln bo ortttot|..t tl|utl lbe rDralrlulr

rpct of $rabta or ftlrn,ar ghr tndtD.tdcnt ,rlaaltla of

leit3intls kmnled8c. Io rat tbrt t!.ro 1r vtqlht ta ffhr rfr
dlrtalyrb..rrrr. .torr ta thur !o rddt onlt thc taacdrrt
!ryortancr ot 3t.!-a tbcrrDy nttng l! tl?odcnt on tif
tnJolctlv. gltllaPto lbce Brrbrrl blolr aao)nitrlt la rl3nl'

ftcanorl rdlh thl vldht ltcrlf baaont Pt{ralyf lrnsl

t-aotlatl ltJoctt ruoh rr rl|r. Ia rrlatrtsfq tDrt tbcto l'

oo vllht tn'f,tu vTla atlttrttlh...ro ftorr YSuDrtl brr tDr

roltd aupport of strrr*.n rbo bu rrfttrf,t tbo PLt.[r cf

onlg tt{hr ln thr ooat.xt of lnbrr-Jnrarr

tltrr ?Scartril h of thr rtrr tht tbr lfiarr
rtrlt|rtlon of ttr tlr Drtur. tr rlom thr orn.r sf thr
e.fi.'tlor of tbr rttrlbqtc of ttrn|rllrrtlon rail tot tbot
cont.flrtloar r.nlcgloa atc.r b.t thilur?o"t of loJuat
otlcar thr Yior$ott oonolql.tr tl.t rlra cl rrllrottoa
eni sntafletlonp thap lr ao ,nrorlptbor rlrr of tb..r
trcr tbl6b rta artrbtlehed bt oopFrfancc rnC aorbtraot to
hsvr tho frutt of lnJucotlrar th'rle l. but !.ttrsrrtrt
(rrnrvdir) bt !.ntaosar rtttoh brYo tlrr rtp.rtraaa of ta'
lunctlcnr.t tbrr rrordlnt to talrrtetlr tt tt tb.
co?t.rcnoa rnd co.blo?loc of acf,kotlta ltral ooatrrplrttone
ttnt rstqbltrbrr thr rubstdlarlnrtt to tb. tltultton of
srrbnan rad lt 1r rnt ea talsaothl.

llourvttr lt mct bc Arlntail o{rt th.t V6carprttl

tn trtr oon|nt.tt on t{[a edhtlrarr.allr tfca to rrcrtt ln'
Junctlrn tn lrtFct of tadaqtlo ttEdt rto.r for tnrtrm

rhlh ooornll{ on th. !.etton tnorE rriTfttfnny*thllerrpll0

tlrartrtl rat.r r-Elrlvr lrertevtrl tfllhrtlflttrttrb at.r
liithad ce irsranidrral vthtttat dlotrvtlb tttrdlo-r. ta.
rlro rrrbrtlryantrrr rtathlyicbll.t *r{l drerr hr nyrr
lD€l'rtYC "tdb lfittbtYrbt'

tturl lt tro tbt V-rarprtl drltq of loJnctlc!.

rr r€lilld! fdtiatte rtuily rtt.r rttloh lr olorrtrt l aontladtatlor-
tcrrrrl lrrtlnrnlas llr rolratatoltl oonr to lta Faaa
of V&rrDr3l. rrrllardr gmerrtr to !.ao.ll. thtf Cprarnt
oontra{lotott poltttotr bt totntln8 out tlrt th. ttrsrntrtt
rhlab rtpaat to brl| tbr r.n!. of lnr&tlon rf. rrrlt lr
rtrtaDat! of lbet lt r rttrr of ortlmtt axprrlamf. In
hlt vlcu thtt JEtt hclp thl rnlt*Irt to lita ttFna rttracttln
tourrdl Yiadotla ttulY eto.t

(lx) rSrtn,tbo llirtl rno tb. tl;rrrl nbook

rCwrtr dttf.t3rt vlrtt at tc tb. phol cf trf|| ta tbr
rclrr of ld"rltlc ridh*tn. tf tbr lb*rr rlntrlsr thr
vtrv tbet lrrt tr rdrrtire to tbr dtttra to hv Brehll
(vlrtdishe) tbr lettrl tr of thc rlrr tbrt kart lr orndtrtt
trot to tbt Crrln to lbr Btrb!.! lNrt tt lrr Erharn ttnll


r Srt ChrDtrt lll

Gf,ittll r tl,

lilrrPrtl tlrbtr rrr titrllt (n of tbr gnetrrt

tihf|'r of thr PotS-Shrolat. .Lalt ltr lbouSbt. Ia thr
.rtlr. hlqtrtt of port-Shetrla ldlrtte ttdlotrr hlr Bb5ntl
hlr brt tbr fltrt coq|I.t. corGtrlt on tia srrbotrutrr
Etinlrrr-tbfritr. Ia tt ho itt rdl tbr tulLtt porltblr nro

of lottr tbrt k ln rocotdrnoo rttb Jhrtt' 8r bll ruocrtddl

tn r padcrt\rl rnmr ln rttlnS rt rDl{h! t'ir frBbttto
raottrr of thr r':eroatnl rbteh tbrr Et b.vr thr lrnotlco of
$rntl. Xlr hu boea r tlnr Etrr of ttirlcetlo h r*rbltrht4
thr rlf-lurlorlty of EmrLdgG fr br| lhoo ncl r.rl ll

tcfutin3 tb. 3udlhttt rd thr I'I'r contrtlcn tbrt thr tltl0ttt

of knorldtaa .lep.df on art!.ttail$ rdttlonr. 8k drftatttoa
ot prrs lf to otDt$alllcr tlrt lt rrdrrr dl tha Clffrrsot
gb.o?t.f narr{lna gb. trlldttt of taorlodSrr to tb. thGtt ot
non-ectD.dlctortnos!. hrtnerS 1t l| onv la Dirttl rnl

oot 10 P|ra0rtadtlrp tlet ilhrniralrrt btl6f |t.tcrnt oo "|llqf

tb|lottrtr ct rlt<trr aotr a{|OArl b r tt !t.l dlBell' Ib'

taohnlsa ol tfoa4rllrr orttlrllr of, otlcr tbrod.r ot fltlo!

1r to br tt.otallt lotr'd !err. Aarardh to lht orttlrln

colrelrtr ta rtrrvlal oit thf lrtltsntlonr ot tbo v hv of tbo

offlrG!1 oo lbr Drrtr of tbr prlnrlDtrr roolttrd by itrrll
' ! r
(|f,r *rotlr rll t[ril Flnttru to tt .dl*lilf.b|'
cbrrtrrt t of tbet rtcl lhlon3f dr4foiftrl .ot't0tot n.tt
lrcarlrtl ltrartr tbrt bt itr lltoltor! rrmr9tloafr tha
olprodr posltlil 3rtr ttrrlf ttard to ro rb.utdltto
lirrrtrtl thur rrplbt|t tbr rt.l| ot th. ottarntr ul
ortrLlhhrr blr on llrrlclr atrnit Dotnt. tltr 3.6balqua
lr trsttoularlt tttn*srtd ta ttt lollcrl D.rt otltn bt
lirrrFtlr la blr rtttrtloo of othc tborlrr ol lttotr
lhur thr srvilt ef cr{tlnllt alrboiltlol o{tlrl tbooll.t ot
.rnt! tla rr rt.t tlt5tlr atr lhtattr rrbli31r rnyrll-
Ilryiti ui tbrtr it|rtrrd ll frrcrr of anlrtroroQyl hyftlt
3C.r ta itr.

FrtrrFtlrr otrtrr att tittl3 tb. rtrrlr of Jlrrl

lr only I ttuaa rear rlrlruloa cl bm ltrltrttont rd I
pbtlonpblod olrrlfloattc of tlrrrr In btr vtri tbr t'notloa
lt rDullorsr bora of t3mnr. $.F.rr th. Frr ertf (ttra)

ta ttr r|rclug. nrtutts tnarsdr !|rt lotloa. thr JIre tr

nothloj ft lit th. rrtrirlt lldtnttc of lnlrn !' eYldli.
Jlrrbtfrt tLl.b borffanll.l,trr (rnftll)l ll aot rtrrmlo It
lr rrtrbh ot tbforl{ rny ttr tllr rdJualtr llrrtb tbr
taorlotgr of thr tfila iltutr of ttralf. l{lth lrt*r{ to tb.
t\rttllttt o3 Jirarl he grcporr I rlqlalalrr! loftml rrtlcl
of oo@arlntar 8r lr3ar{r rrytr{rrl loatr rr r mDhtrtlortrt
frt.rdoil of aomr.ot.. ltr vlrr tiat llrr fu ttr totlt
of cvldyl end thet tb.r. rrr rr flat rrldttr rr tbllr rll
,;irrr1 co. tbr oech JInp tr rl1llrttol ltml3htfotter{
ral lnarlt nttrfrotoryr tloo$i Ft f!.. tlor dttttaulttf.r
It tho tlufrlltt rt rvtaly&lr ta.fElrtcd bt blr to |bou tho
dtrtlnatlo! frtrrcnt tbr rilrrlil rd tha lo||eli hlr rolutlone
rr elnrdy rDt dr ondt nltb I Fnbl.r. lt .|dr np tn S
{.fret ot rrctproral drtedrno. bctr.il JIn rnd rtldtft
VierrDrtl rrrr to roltr tblf tlcblr bl brlrylat tn tbr
rSiJ5ntnr| qtStrr ot tlro b.tlanttral..t tFa.tt of tbr
drprnsl.r ct rr.C rnl r?lont. Stmrr lirtmrtl 1r laorl
rnd rhr|ll tttb tlr fillrry of rct9loc.l d.Drnl.n.f b.
tep.rt llt trtottt to rBlJtuhrlr o/ifr'r It lr lrlr rrroplnl
rDltbrtr It bre ltc jbtlorogbio louto. la t14{161. tblr h
talb.r r -.1 ftttft to attrt' lroa tbr dtftlrlttr le lolr
no! .a.r to brrr trXra tato btr rlnd OandrDlttarr tr{lllrat
iltrtrottcl thrvdaf it orrborrtlr .ft.t fhortlt tbo Ett.t c'
lntdltflbtlltt of ?br Coctrtne.l

tlEtlot rflrelaf Vuftrtlrr ftdrliririrttr

ttr.l. lrlctfYdlrr r t.o!|lt!l ltrt.rant ara lr nilr ttrt 13 I

lctlorlll roltt up la Dtrgltgqg,l'liitr ol th. rrdlorl rollgrl6

of, thr ttpr ol PrrErtfHadrrdth t!. rilrlr*loa of ritcb rdlrlta

, l

lrdfab irtr lato tbl fcnf. tlrtrp borrul k of trr
!'l thr orr. ot ff,rrrjrtll rr racafilrl to tll, tlcfi. lfrt
tr thr lotr rvldfl tt 1r nrrcl tLr tEtrnlt.r, ra aootlol
tt Ft tn ttr brniro thrtrrlrtr boloa tb. r1it",sr1 thrT
a.nnot orrrtr r nrl| Itll of 1irrr. tirrrfom tbr rorlrl
rurt ba ionrl{cfil to !r clrar,crl by Oogrb lr tht aootrollff
at rll t"tdtif.l thsr tbcr $nf,| rrlrt tbr olprrrat,
onl*elrat ral onlgotrat ljnrq. Xothlni orn b. fqrtbel
.rrt tlior tta trutb tbrn to rrt tb.t tn tftrfDrtlrt ryrlr,
tbfr. lr ur rrxn for lJntr. fhlr ldenrtt,tlo brr ttr
tlgpott at Itrb*radr. l&rrprtltr bllrtrrlq rttrrt n
thr lddbtrt tlJiLnrtrlr erut ltr totrl rrJrottonl 5orr r3rlart
orrtFrrrtt-vl0a. 8l trOlal ta vlr ol Vlrutrttrr l,astrtesa
on tb. r.Ltlr. artat !a. af Ool rlrl trhc ctatnrl Frlil, blr
ItarlrJlrtrrbrtt l!.I trtctll riitrr rlonli br ..!.fultl demtes{
rr not tpll&U ttn n{lor! rottprtr (h1!t-r;rt,t-ri{b) ol
tF tt?. ol Prrtrah-aufu. Ilvalll Jiv.r J.t.t ltoo rra rll
rral rs Loaj rl rvldtf fu rct rrrcrral thlorl! rltit bntd6rr
Idrrral ta btr ttrr !r rt bortp tbr htjtrot of thr rDprlrnarr
of Snbrnr tbr ultlntr rmlltyl nitclr tr rrerntlelly rltrl-
bot.laar (nlfupr) lfeld of rll dlrttnottont *rtrcor!1 rutnl
trrnlfote.bk (rgarlntrt), roorrtc, Stlrhpnprnb) I thr only
$tolotlcrl rrlltt ol tll groorul rtDartre.arr trvrtrt
tnr tbr rrylrlorl rt$a potntl Brrhrn tn aoaluoottoa rttb
rrlrtyflh. I lji|trl te lotb tbr rfttotrnt rnd tba r.t.rtrtr
o.of. ot thl rrrltlr loilir ntr h-rrrtrttp tr r ardltloorl
lttltttr It lr lnuDtlmblo (rahvraraeoir)r rl tt lr nttbrr
frtrtGa. (rntr) aor aol.*trtenoo (lurtr) mt btOb lrtsioncl
rnl noprrtft.ra ('|&rrt) - Shtr brla r €ontridt.tloa ln
tlnl -- ht d lffrnnt firr Doth ubttor latl rrrnredtt.ooa
(rrdrr*vttrk$.r)r rrtbflt rilfrr llt hrr ta..tttullt
rrtrbllrlsl tba lnd.t lrlatblo arlurl (ratrrrln.trtt )
of tD. rcrll' Ea rgtlt Flr tt ibrt thr rdrattlnr oon.lo
tr aot ro Ed vltt! th. ertebltrharat of tb |latltt b.tr.a
brrbrra rd tDa rcrltl r99ortr|rarl trtb|" tt t| rlth tbr out'
tt.nt rrr.tNilhtlu ol rll di".eclty rArtto"rt rr brtt{ lar
orDltorbb (rnlrreoaarrge). lbr nbolo thttt3 boltr Corn to
thk. f&arDrtl nrltbc! [d.t allrtr. th. lrluo of trtuFt
trrbrn or l{v*rr la tb. plrnr of rthttrltt nor dool bl
aorDtillte flttlf,l| lrr|ror

tlohrbr or nlf-rrettrctto! e tbo trDltrrr ltra

311t * tn tbr tt.v ot YSoetgatl; 1r r flnl gltlioltr of
tbr btsrnd o?tra b tba tblr of ooattnrd rdttrtloa ca tb. tro.
mtun cf lrrlt!1 h.srd ftor Jnttr rbtll lr of tir a.tc!.
of rulnr bltsr. lt vttrr rt .llr rker*7r f,l' loiulettc
of fentditl'lt5 vf6rr 0rrplte ttr rhortcortngrl nttrfeotorttt
. .rglalm tbc tltrttncttrt b*tvra tbr rdrrrrc .{im. ft
bar r robtlt rdrlatrtf or.t tl["lilyl viirr If $corillat tc
tbr lrttc vht tbcr rrfu3t oatt onr rvfdyi !orF! to rll
tbr Jlrarl tbr b JIn crr br rld tc b. oatlrtllt flrre
uatll dl thr Jlter btccr lrtrr llnrr rrtrbr ltnlfq r
tblr vlov b.trrf r.t cvlnluEtltt. [o trfrtrorrj rdlocrtr I
J lvandtf,. fc hrr orrrrd out for btrr r Ctlttnatttr Plraa
tn tho tGbsr of r-liurq Dt relrr{tol lt u vcra ilt.nthl
to rtou!. tbr dortlr to krg lnbea (vhlclrbrlr tblr ltut
to bo lrtbrr r rrrl slrtrdr Oa th. fllc of lt1 lt loolr
uotcnrbl. lbt tht drrlr to lot k ltt rertly ctetralorl
ln tbr tbtrr. ot rtrt k to Dr ilerltlCr Eb ooatrntl*
' bar rr. r rrllptlrrl rrlattcr tb! Atr|crl rdl0attonr

ln 3trtej r?.rtl-t. ef tirrrDrttp lt lbrl'd bo

rtrt.d trrrr t|rt br t| ectl.t.Lt oa. !.ttb t||.lbtr ln bl.

uargrrlnt otlttotrr rnrl ontr!:bs dlnlrrl of (t) tttotr
vidr3 rd (1f) Jr(s'nrlerr artoabltt-vllr Siei rn
atlutly b7 tlrplrrrr Slrttrrly (fU) f! rrir'rtntly '
dofradtng rnC oorttlng bturtf to r liloh bsattr<l lco.Dtcaa.

of Jiveonltlr{ ti'cclpett lulty dDrlttb" to Sblnlrrarl

gorltlinrc Eouscls tcrrptt t r. to b la Frfult
rpetlrt vttb f{r4drarl 1l rrpllcttlt Dlntslotg trt
(t) lfva 1l thr locur ol rvtdySl (tt) tn rdroortta
fnlrnnnrytnrr th. tb.ott of tbr Dcatantruler. a'
D$rnor of the r.(t rn<l tb artoutf ln tia lrrr of tbr
Dlobbr cf thr trlrtlon brtvrrn JIrr rnir rrtrl'6t (lll)
ln rlatrlnt4 a.Dd. ltv.. only lnltnct
tbt td rdlrto
laodrdlr of ,rrrb..nl (lr) ln hll'dltl tbrt ltd tl rn
ln{rlyr (rnro orlrn) ul (r) ln lotrllt rrbrretnj thr
<lsctrlac ol Pnnlitirn or ailtlnud rrdttrtt tor ll
trlcs btr brct to rtirtbutr Ftr||lllfinr to tb.rtrlr
tbroulh t stratardl totrtttftrlloar by ttls314 rd
ttltlr5 ro.. roFl! ln thr 9ilnf,am bbfrbtrr }|r lnrtrq
ybth ooldtaa oo th. mtrr rltnlt crrr t'jlorrPrtt rvo
lcrrrn rnd rltthr to llt Shrntrte nlrfltbf lo Pnrai-
thTiaast rfrtoh 1r rrttrrlt orltlstrd bt bogb Shrnhrs
oni Srrrllvrlc.G tt la .ttoo$htna tltt Y-olrPrtt rhcnll
hrre oplrt[il tlo rbo?l t.It ta tbr |lFfrll ntr It ll
irlr tbrt Vfcrrgttl D.?tr ratrnv itth gbrnlrn rrl llrtr
lato th. b.ilr ot lr;frnr. It' tbodn bor|lt t b not.C
tbrt VllarDaltrr Crfolr of thr ltlrptrletbh rclf'
' of tho !.ltl btr contrntlol tlrt
lnrlnodty aiooalarlo.t
Jaldr trlru ooU lnclnt rnl redletl lrdrdlrr
tiiiargrtt kfl tlrtt rrLI tlet br lr nh tdflrl t
tlr{rn.e rb rloa. vlt! Sbratrre butlt up tbl rcltd
ftlroltn of Atlvrlter for (l) bl. rdtlqu of dlflrrrar
(B*ipr)r rhtch br clTlt brrwr rnl rqloptr la btr ri

li-retl t hlr !a ttts s trl of glffrrrnaecur'paollf f .nila I

(tlcclbbadf) ttroucl ro ldrDlrl.nl rlSmtr ultrlthcLaa

oyrr ltr ftrtt to frFirlrl gtil fcr (tl) provtOlnt e

'.rrltrrltr lnfft!' lt tt uftar to rny Dorslblr cbroctlol

rtrtnrt thr tloetrtao of rvtltSs by rrrorttat to tho
tnrlrtrrcbrblr a.tult (ratnrcraetrtYr) of aildt-. Bc

ftrt ta qbtlerlly ellcretlaj freiofrCr rffdr1 lt tio8li!

ba rnlll tlet l5o;rprtl dlttrrr fnr llrdrnr *r rlroortol

ln qnttr .D11.tt t.n'tr Pretlbt$a vftlr ta htr Bnintldbt'?
Prirtnl to thr polntt ot rtflnltvl ia bro*tlr totul dlllhn
tb. ttrll. !r.rt thloLrls lt *lt'd br rrtC t!r31 llmrgrtl
tr tn rqrl rfrrll$ rttb botb Sb.fftl rt lhq{rer llr
( 1) rhrrlnj thr pnDlil of nrolrtnj tbr ccnfltot rnd contrr-

dtsttcn brttlru &rtl rad t raoo la f'rlqr! of thr lbrrrl

(ft) b hcldlqt tht boodr3r lr !.cr[t. of D..l[ltdlore
tndotrrrbrblr orrllenc. (roadt entnlrn .tltltl)l rndf
(tlt) l,a ntDtrttrtra tir vtrr titt t!. rraonl ot rt.l'ra
(rvidlintrrttt) tr ltrctf nlrtd or itnloalrt cl to tat

It rop pretldyq Jriinr tbt lr ftrr

lloeegrtl tht trrrrotr r rrrr
rolblnetl.:n of tbr
round rnc altlr pbtloogtorl thought ot botb gbrohrtr rla
ltrdur Ia glvlq a ntlonrl tr rltrttaot ttol rorlgturel .ls:

founlrttoa for rdvrltrl lfcrrprtl fldr nctblal ro urcful rr

llrg{rnr Prrrttriar. tlnr thc or.dtt of oom.ltlla tb. rpre trl
fartrtor of llrgror trertHae to Shra,Ien 9rart5a1 to.t to
l-oarprtl $rbir iorr-datrr l,t tr lrr. to flla ?di-nttat
vbo follor f,lrpdrar pnrtiflr tllrrctlyl but tbrF lr rp llll
of Vodinttar rno lbllor trgrar tnrtblar la tbr nrr of
VFoargatl. f,r nor to tnvttt ralt roa.?t cattrtn rdlftlp
ttolir rr rlnrly Dtd, totlocnaa toto tdrrtte Ccotlln.t
Cuttot ol rltct lhnlutlr lltb rtt btr rwl*rer fol
thrntarr; Vilstgrtl 60.r Ft ho*ltetr to rpF"oDflrtt teprflttr
tbutbtr E. tt to holit tht tha a.t].r!. .d ortorttle
of Slrakrn arto tbrlratlellT tn rtr rtntrl polnSr fhtoutt
r nlglultrtt'ra ol btr thoutit vlth llr{rarrr rlarrGta.
In thlr be lr follord by rll thr rubroqulat tb!nt.!r of
ACvette. I! thtr rrnr tt uy br rrt{s thet ?Icrrprtt dorl
Jctnt Jnrtter to brth shrnlrm rt{ llrgfanr. Ibila tbr crrdlt
of rtrfflrrtn|l orplrtntnj rlebcratlrg rnl tsFlldatltr3 Q
thc ioctrlna of ncn-Curltra gocl to lfs.?rprt!r fllr orntrl-
butlcn to lrtretta frrllatr b.r conrotlttqt.d ttsclf uftluMnl

rbleh 1r {rot^r[rll trttutr to .rry tblnkrlr



l. Ybmrtl
---- srntlrnl tlbll rorl tn f&rtl rery ttu
soa dbe. ?P t5r 6lir 73Or letr trlsmt.rrlst
otll3lons idr ioeo3brrrlshn trttll.
8. laar.Drtl
-- ---:-rorfrt ilructt r.nttttr !!l aoottnattqa of, blr
nyfyr-taottr rod trttra nrllrh. tn
irttri vit-rurrllls blr otb.t rottl ro I'3tn
rstrbitrdt PPr 7t1 Sr
g. rtr! rFyr- rrrt!|.r trtttr-llrltr!!
-fofanar lttrrblocof rr;
rf.fr ".*ny. Ycliatloir nlbendhanrI
,l. trl. Orr iogtrr f,IF, Yol. II 99o ,!
C.- gndthtftlo Lcjlol-tcl. I-(Dw.! Fblh.ttontl l!
lortl 19d)1 19. Co
6. S.l{. Oer iogtre BIF fol. II ppr lO?
?r srr bltrteru II. tY. l?
!r !!fr rlrr $d. 9e$ubrrnatr Srrtttl 99' 33
fa !6r Inttuluatort "rtt lor?
lO. 5ro 5.K.R. Rrorr rrttolr-ll-trttflobl
art. lgtt)r 'lol. I. lorS
lL DrieSrlttlr 0'.il 0rltl6l of 8[lltrt ?9' 8l
13. ,$r!. Oar OlPt r 0P.olt. ?1. ll
13. rYiaiarrtlntt vtrbftn i.lrtlhr gnn$r vlreln'

tlr 8.!. Dm OtrDtrr 0i.oltr PDr t8

l!. 3ar loot lot to. lI)

16. $lr. 8r Llbohrttbernr lrltea Pillo|('Pntf }!Ll. P'e

( r ) Itrt-inle-ret! rrttrlal rs qcoted by 3.I1. Del
ouDtr Jp.sltr D. ldl
( b ) tlrrt -rittton sq lFf lfVr
!r3c ot t$. eppcdtx ?-rtffr
ar itira ta tbo .t th. l'lfr rfrtlb
ta ibo Blbtlothoor lndloll l9ol1 quotd ln
til @ill bl-JJ. rocdrl
Introductles Pr rttlt
( r ) rte|rtr rhrDa trh.n qil btttrl rErlru
lr3&d qrym atbradbd' ? $r&f.'lltr

( b ) i.t elro tb. &afi[' II. !. 3e

(rl &-rfl D. ||0r tltrortr Srtu .dttttnl 8o-rfr
( b ) tblr rouli rln rgpler to bo rrtrlrlt flol tltr
rcprotqA rrfrrirhor to nrtu{ otl 1o thr
(s) Dr' 0rrhe
'-ui-i l{1r$r rotu.Ilt laqlor-thr dllall
tmt St i to nrird aftrr VE-sartlt!-'
fc-rivoi cllrr rrrlrrrnr ta :q--fcr- hr tdttt. lz|tet
iioitpril-w r o.tttt of tlt-srllc. $rr hlr
itiil@ r6t. rro D' l(xt
(r) 8lr 11,1s1!b-r Cl. !n..(rb.colDt 9ulllentnj
xouroi th{rrll 193)1 1933 Pr r; rntrr'
(r),t.il. trfttbr@ D. to
(b) Dr. h.aL llldrrrs cp.ctt. P. 'l?r 1Oa
(l) tioilo D.taugtrf op.ollr D. 1Ol
(a )
(r) D.tr. Srttltr 0Deoltr Er ll3
(b) Itl. 9. lrtlhr
f,rlrbnen rad Ohrlrr lo lbta (Orforl tfat.
Plrrtl l0t?)r gr {81

(Cl I. tlrttunar ottllnil of la[. PblloropbTr l. i,fll

rnd D. tle.
(1) $oil, Derjtpte; Jg.ottr lr lO?
(f) Sittrh obudrr vldtrbhcrbrn ll llt lJ&ltE-tl
&4f8..Lff!r(llottl.l ErHrllCrrr 1971)
tr 133r
(r) @ r @
ttbthr rttb th..o!.q3rtl.f
atTDr-FEAm--A Tflyr-rrtg f,tdbl .t Ftadr
lsli.trsbSilr iHo Dt E. E-si rhrtrl
lgE Yr$rbrrhlrnye
I rirut Ltlralir/a sritrl
Jattr. (0o!t!
l|,l,vla Jrltntll
w. rrrrrerl- ra'
torltt i.lfnrtr l(8rlnre 19al) Iatroductloae
(ll 0robr :,ltt!nr Jp.oltr
Do 1O{
(o) Taotmrtl tirinr la tbr gth orntEtt qu)to hlr
(Olitutttrr)-rorrrl tlrrri ln ll;6y1 tertlbl
tr3prrte tfrrt tp' lo0r lmr q::-!il ta Prufr
Ito'uir[rtrty.'lirilllttlo .tildr Yol. I (-rswr
Fobllortttnri 'tcr to*r le€s)r 19 411 CO.
83r Op.olt p. l0t
8{r (lrrnfc ortcntal ltcrtrrl
Slor rtto J.Tr Bbnttr
CbarYrt lrfrr-Urnler wra
Dr rxr Iatroduottoae
3lr !1a. l3orlrlt lntloduotloa to blr adtttt ot SenbYl'
trtttrtrrsdL rce P 3eo
It. ct,olt. ltltrritudtlrt
8l' Urrrhr l|kbrr rtro ielrlr thtr rtrr 0prcltr lD. J?
l. Ibti t. 9l rni l0o
le . Ehilltlr xltal'r mtrt .atttil
le. (r) Il.. toct *g3; Ior D(r) rnd (b)
Soldsrlu lllrlrll rfinlbtb.hi trrgt tftr. of, .!ll|fff
(l) &.!lrtl (tatnlltrrtr |.tat *lttttrr) P. lll roi 108o.
(r) Illtl II. ldl.
31. rPrrjrma
- ttrlsr rrru trrtrrtr $iyrry(lrno
t[rlr.rpr lla.r C.Dr l$rlyrol IEull-I!|etLrof
fnOf,tftff berod lPol J'y 1ntrr. ttiyl - renJ rtt
tE?ffi PuDltrtirrl :i. '1clhll 197) lntracuctlcao

!1. (rlr?nra;lthj1 Plrbhatltht.

llityrtarrYt ts.{o3unt I

(b) tltloohr.or arrttslltlfl .r.. o.. '

trllr v='rttkr tatoeltr t'lke1 1-1-{
Sie- rko u{alYrnl cP.clt. 9. 19
t!. Jrtiothl iha3trl t!. ruthot of stitr rnjerl "'nt Ftt
rf Utr t'ifrrr ttlc la K3rhnlt rtrororr Yiotttrtl
tr! t natlYf of l{ttbtlro f-acarp'tt locr D3-r
It t. t.lt hDort nt Eltrl la.|r tr a':x31t tnf
nnt of darboirl la eny ol hll uotlso
g{. !t.{' j+nrrrtl thatm
-ia;aiarr fiertroJ r-P!lno.-ot'dtlrr
lof. ilI ittrctton tc
Dpr l{t-3'llo IntF
lt-tr lialhr 9p. l'3
36.rho"'i:l: Isi:':ii:,-B
0p.olt. 3rd cdlttcll

te. ilho fac11p:rtl ,!o tho aa{t of llth ot tho

-- rttlSnt
;f lE'osntult er qmtcd tn J'll' lltrolfl
Ibld. P. lrlls Intrr t::ctl rn'
!?. p. !6r llt gho.r
V6oerprtl rcon efBrr 1160-t.).
O} Erl. Drsaugtir Jp.olt. pr lS foo! nrtrro


CtlAll$l - tl

l! fgattrr Jrfilarr |nrrthu tn!n' -trtr OFl. II.t

l. Jrt lbi. Oe.3u. p. tO
3, Ib!1. P. ?t
{o lbtd. Dr lXf
t. Ibld. Dr g,
Cr lbld. 9. e
6. (r) $rc. cbrttorJorr @
(Ua1o of Crlouttrl l&f)' lr $)lo
?. ilfr. Cr.8u. P. fC
E. Ibldr D. :}6
l. (e) srC. CbattrtJlr 09.cth lr SGlo
9r lfhl.Ca.,iur pe 3C
10. Ibtd. p. 37
11. IDld. p. 3i?
12. llIP 9cl.t p. l?il
lt. 8b-. Gr. 8u. p. 3t
l,l. IDtd. p. 3E
ll. Ibld' p. 3t

16. o. Yrnkelarrrrlrh'r laar trurlrtloa of lrlbflltll.lrr

P. l1lr Intler
l?. Bblr0r.5q.pDo li-{)'
l8r ru1 A.Br $rrtrlr D. 7?
_ lgr lbld. D. 7?

!p. (r) ,-rffililnar s.ltnlqCbrptor oa Jrhta..tr

lt. (b) lb1d.

19. (o) 5.c. cbattlrtti op.alt. Pr ll

lf. (l) lbldr g. 8o

30. (r) i.C. Chatlrrjrr .lDrrlto tlr 10{-16r

81. @f tr l08tV':]'3r l8lr

88. ilh6r8rrSur po llr

33. fbllr PPr 8123o
8{' rb1{r''3fr
ln frvonr of rlf'rrlldl3t of lmvlo(ltro

li. @ Pr lolr Y.J.9. lllB

36. rab-rlblt. .nrrhl3rtr rt.adlShlh -bo{heJrnelrttsl hl

P terfartvrr Prrdgitn.li

t11. 'lDallhttr .trtrr Dnrirbttrltr lettl tr t' Itrfi4r:lr

o$ftiralhr - 3h-. 251 Anentbrlrlshne
e? (e) $. iedielrtrlad' taC. PhllercDht. lol. ft np' fOf'-
* !0i[,ot.{lu. tr ll
]1. lDlll. DP. 19-2C.
tOr lbld. D. D.
tL lblb. po Sr
32. Iblb. P. 30o
83. Ibtd. pr 2lo
3a. Ibld. Dr 2lr
35r fbtJ. p. lG
36. Ibld. Fr l' -ico rlto !. !l{11 tlrntatrlrhnr Srrttlrl
3?. lbld. pr 5o
3?. (r) r'.K. 3rndrrrr @ ?!t!.Illr
Che9tol I n. 8l (Unl. of trdrall I!llB)'

3& ShC.orornr Pr 2C
3E.(r) l.K. suodalrrl Opooltr )t Atl

39. Elf .Ca.Sur pr 5r

{Oo IDltl&C?-z..
41. I blilo !o 2Eo
43. lbld. 9r 8.
,l!1 Ibll. po*

.{. fbtd. Dr 29o

a6. Ibld. ). D.

l0o Ibtdo po €9.

47. Ibltlr pr 3Or

at. Ibld. P. 3(!.

{9r llti. p. 3Or
60. Ibld. 9. 31.
tl. trranntbltr rlrtryrtlrr or rrrtlnrprtrrar fDtlr t.1?r
t8. :bld. D. 38r
!f. b;.;it{.lhl pp. 1116-1,,1?
6{. Bbl.Cr.Su.0. 81.
Clr Ibtrl. pr 81o icr rlro .lUlt-llftfnr 9c (lA
t0r lbldr pr I
6?r lblrh p. 88
t8r lblrl. p. lf
t f 1 5 1 C oC h . t 3 . ! J . . r Jp.Cltr fr ttr
It{lr thl.Ce.3u. p. 1?. E.' rlro thr relotent portxonr of
{r lprtenr.
61. @ (lrndelbelt I Co.r llrdrar
lf,l8)lp. 130-131.
3ll r.lrc thd.larju. pr rtYl tntrcluctlolr
43. BhE.Cr..iu.?P. ldr 87
62r(r) !. Brhrubnr.ahlr $fdon-tft&ll (Unt. of "bdnrl
Gl. lblrGrr9!. p. tt. ftd![arnaatrtr nlrltrntt ttdabrnt
Ityarthrb I
C{. KrltrtaFor D. Lr Ao.itrlttsltla 8.l:trlrl tlda.

ll. Io ro.nt tlrar vr hYa .lro attrrttt to tr.rt .rtor

tror tba ltn3ulrt or rnrltttorl gotnt of-rlrre
rei dtffoioattrtrd fror tba g.tohtl)Elorl d
rnd tbr rtrphttlorl ttrnd polotr. :ica fot
!.11. sr!. @
lastaaca t.ll.
{rate Jubr Dolhl.

l. t.llalr trttttlFr Chrtt.t I

l. (rl rbti. 0beptrr Il

1. (b) Ibld. Cbrpter III
l. (c) IblC. ChtDtol lY

l. (d) lbla. chtDt.t t

l. (l) Ibld. Cbr9t.r YI

l. (f) 551.Q11i!lr p. {tr

4. Ibldo i. 6o.
g. Ibld. p.{9.

l. Ibld. P.tlo.
!o lbld. 0.6{.
C' tblil. Drtltl aaa rllo llrrl II.1.l4r

?. Srrhr-rfrtn-Sbaat ra-l{rbF 1.1.1; JI.l.l{.-- - -

rllo rao ihin.'cd!.tl sGc-t'"lt oo Jro 9F: -fv
ttl. 88r Y 1.I. rd btr e't egtrlt cn tt' JlEl

8. Uilprtrr 6rttt .r or f,a1r!el: {r rtro-strrnbtltr

cocra--'qs I.tv.
dsl0gilr l0l lI'1'gOl
IlI.tr.8. Ilrlll.!!r
g. Ibld. llrl1t.6. tlel dro f. idrrobrelratuf &a.ffnffl
Irqlll1 s. tlr
lO. Bba.P.t8eanrntalrlshor tl-lltrl lcltlon'
11. !bf.Ce..'rrr 9r ll{
. 18r l5ld. D. lfr lf. rl|o tDt Gs tl.
13. rfehl l3urh rthlstu lPl tbrtr'
D.trtliur tcrtrr - Bbt. I.l.Ir
l4r 3to lhr.pp. iLar rl.|9r Anrnthrkttrbnr Stqtrlr rdtthrr
15. Blti.Ca.ltu !r llt0-tllg$tc rlsol thl. Irtil.33f II.tlt',|O.
l{1. lbl. II .l.t$
17. 3lr Blrt oCa ollqo lilr
lc. r.tati:rttrvatl irntttl tntlrlrbSrt lrhYrtl' -
8bi. I. 1.1.
1 9 . B b E . C r .; o . D r 8 .
go. lblal.D.f

8le YI.t.C.l - rPaurrrilrlta ,Errr drstb.lt.r prrlStlntr.

t8o tDJ.Ce.5u. P.9.

83. Ibld. I rdo
3. (e) !.. loot 'trtel irc.lll.
8l.lbi.Br.irr prdlr

8t. tbldo 9.Or

El. Ibld. grlll.

87. rfir tldbru p*il Jrtttrlfrl lntd tn thlr -. b5.qir$or


I. rPuwrtgrtr b.loatrrtYrl trttr a-l ttrEc.trt a

lrucntrr IlrrD.tt!.n[ Jlor trthn dhttlr bhrY.t'' -
fuitririrturi l. flt qlot.d ta !hrlld,:!. Dt..Co. ]u. po?.

19. Srolltlibl pr {Os{f,r Frrt I

3ColBlL Dr {lo gert I

3l,o lbllo F'69r Prrt I
3lo lhl.I. t.4o
33. gp.$l(Mht tt. {?-{8
3{. l.a..irlltr il l(;{;rorr; 1*?{)
ttr Sr.ttrlCbtl p. 4t-al,
06. :ihdrce.ju. tD. L?byn.
37.IUld. DD. 176-l?G.
3it. Ibld. 9. l?9.
39. Ibld. g.l?0. ar. tl,lc tbl. lI 1.1{.


l. rtrlrldhlpl rlirlr lrlchralrrrrthl lrlrhrn
rlhfllo nirtlr $hr. I.l.{. Dr lll6r
l. rlrtirril Srrbrr dbrt[D Lrtli frryrh rrirhrrtr
vlL"rhattrttm srahr0o rtttNtri yfibltltr -
0h-. f rl.{r!p. 186-1fr1.
. tr tbl.Cr.Su. p. l?{
3. (r) lbr. lII.1t.u. (Ubhrtdlrridbttrernr)
$cc rlrc lhr. II.l.tt-8D.
rlr Eha. 9.t{81 ralrlrr rdltlonl i,8r Prur lg(fr
ft(r) Slf. ir ,116aaratbrXrlrbor rlttl dttlca.
t . 8irl.Cr. 3!r D. l!? r
6. Bblr l.l.UO. Irlg0
?r th& t.t.lr Pr EOo
!. 'Errvaqrr bl pnprncr gnhrtre trttyrllu
Pre 9r achr rtrrolrttrvid tuprtlurb lto trre$rtbglt | -
t[4. I.llt.4eDrDDr ]N{-U!C.
9. rirrrBED.Anl!.hltrt hl lvty.ilyo?tF ttt ga.trt. rtr
t6D.hltrrrDl - ahl.I.l.l.' p.68.
lO' rtrryr qprhlgr luprr Jltrl iuddrr tu mtu trrtr f-hrhlf
Ibld. t. ae.
rr' r'rr ?tl.lllHi"ti
tl, (r) lllrd.Ce.Juo Dr ?Er

tg. Kel,grtrrqr l.ltrlir 9'{$ l.I.

Ul. Illl.09. ol t. Arl(p fryohrdtnry r DDollt'tgo.
1{r 3h6. }, |f.lt detrcrr ldltltof l{r3r Pretlt 1O9.

15. g[.ilpdo ll.11. l.

1!. rfrtto tiobo nlrattrnta ePrSsta lor.ah trbl
lrtlt.U9dr ll.l.

t?. lr.Opd. III.rltt

l& ?tb ,nr!r. of tfrr t{Sditfe UtrllrhrC
tl. (r) Bba. Il.tll.a'0.
lg. llha.rIl.ll.!1.1 lII.1lr18.
| f,lrrL sorhr.ck nrpcrr C.ttrntrttrtpn '|l slebrf

fll Bbir P. eCr Brlrtrr dlltton.

21.8h.. Il.tll.Sl.
It' lh[' P.L3r Oelnrr ttlttoa.
83. K.8. lrrnkrtsbnr Rro. Ilsllttil-AArJlbt rltD rorolrl-
t f.t no. to {il7e (iil"ocroh enl tnbllortltnr
gouth Indirr tg64).p.?

l. (r) Ibtdr ta. rltor di..I.l.l&30.

tto (b) Bf,lrl.t.l. p. llo. rBudrtbrttr Prtrdtcarr D'lrt-O|r

tnlntattranu lrrsbrtrtl iade Drslfsitot rbbadSSr.

fft lrltttrll IrLS' Pr 9t.

8{1. lrl.Up.:l. lI'1.1.
|l. (a) dbl. rl.l.Ift

ll. rr9ulrltr
- Jirlae rl6t tlctrrr -_ tba hostal Srrilal
Iha trosnrrble blbr eodTnovh{3re

gil. rr,rlrtfchtr rvtltf lrlttoyr lrrhltritl Dnlrtlto
Vltrtta tatFltc rlyrdrolle 3rJoob.t !.t.b-
' Ietr rohtDhidv I c'lra lrllrraalar ooh- lSohrrlrltl'r
88. fthirrrltruryr trdlb uretthltr rtrrtr tll.brtbltllt
Srtturltr ab.raobrr.rutr or tQ|rr lrhl tntrtr!.
le. Bbir lr {8r Brlrrr ldltlonl F.3r tlrarr ll0ec
30. Bb-. p. 3{81 trtlrrr adttls.
31. lLfr t.l.!r
3a. lI. I.1.8.
t3. !]brr IIto tl. llo rlerrrleldirtrflllr lqlrtb lb fealrofr'
Cbltlrtbeb r.
31. !b-. Iit.11.l8e rUgtrtbljrtr
- .tr ltDr lh{o brrhlnyl
D.ot;tr3o tlhtin-a-rther | .
!,1. (a) Krllrtan f.t.4l.
I irilrrlrcrhrr FtrrDsebrr ditrhltllt3rrr -rnkbrrrrh
Ir nndlr go-.arrtrltt ata rrvls.thr alltDrrlb'
tC. t5. I. 1.3.
96. E!i5. I.1.6r
t?r tiSr I.l.{.


l. ll5.Ge.8t. t.11
8. Ibtd. D.{l
$. rIe![ or buddbTAtl f.lF !.].9. malEtr-ryr. fltrl!
Wrolr rhrtSl a. trttr cbrttatrr. fl|-: olltrflr'
.;-f-lF fnnr rei3lrtrar Siaatntr lebnhr Flt|
bioSr .rktlhrr lbld. P. {1
l. fblb. Drll rlr lh.tu J lYr .ldrt-Stdtrtar
i. Cb.UDd. 6P3'8'
|lr h5.0e.3u. ?.a0ltao alrr llrr tf.tll.ft, ffOfnrregr th.
ild lba[tr toltlrt
?r la ISIO. D.lO.
tr 'lloca.riE. Er 3l3r
lr rCrl lrnta-Qror9$urb--b rt rtrr;tbcrt*.-nh lt ,.ntth-
DlrDrnchr lbhr. - IblC. D. a8
l0r lbttlr Dr llo. Ine hl c[ldrtrnrrrtatrad Citl|rrrrbo
attf.Sa r|lahltrr Xlrdlrrdrrtl I

LL lbtd. P.{0.
18. I6bld.E.ltl. 'l(eg![tn bltltrr Cutbr rhota nhr tyrrl
ls. (d UIsarr a'r|t|trr Y.'rtrrrr ina51t Df
13. Bbi.ce.gu. t.?9 Ufrr qyrtr trt ntIrlblrrhltrh 6ddhr
Dld ihflyirtt llrblrvof
1{. tild. F. 4ll rltt 5 fvr FrlrfS.rno frrfrtlrtrlrl-
Itrr trthaDl trryoprhtter nDu JlY.bl
lft lb&!. t. tOC rlnlll rnltt.nrtr rvldFFlanr mtr
lirrrnm JIn ttt or trbetleJnr ca o.Irh.t.l
16r lbl.dr Dr {t o... UlhltiCl nir ratrrrcdrtronr trd trtrdran'
ptr rotrncbr!.itsw-t
l?. H. lt.lll.g.
18. lE Cr.&. !.l,ltfr
le. lblil. pprllrt
$f. lEr P.l?r Anrntbrtrtrhrr Srrttlrr dttlol
ll. lbfrCr.Su. p.li
38r Ibldr 9e tE
$3 lblde lp,Ie{O

8{. Ibldr P.l?

ltr lbtat. p.{lr rtrot rdhttt.trlhi tttht tnlr Vtth.trtv.

lr rChtfcah lti ratontilhr$ltrttr ltl l.n'
ttrtrr brtlnhlnvrdisldltl"rt gcrl purn
ldnrter 3rt rtlbtilr or Ylsbryo. tttElta
gttallott tr rdbffl. lllhrFtvtri rvlndbftr
lf. Ibtl. D. ll rf, rr utrrroutr tslt lrltr ralSt! tlrojrr
&rltir rir rarDir"rttr alx
f?r lllle tr {l ttruta btokte chltlftr .!rr D$ttrtr Pllttr-
8 1 7 .( r ) t e . ll.ttl.Str
&7. (b) lh-r lt.ttl.{d}r
l. lF. rr.ltl.lt
D. 8bi.Cr.$u. P'CO
90. Ebt-o
31. Iblil.
38r Ibldr 'Prrr-tyr llrrlu gbeLrt tt.lrotn ttr-tr lbrrltll
.oSrblrslo. trtloalr bhrdershe 9!r|.tr PtrrlDrll
f,altrrtrrcbl$ltth r r ..,........ t r or.. f . ore i'

tlr ll& tl.ttl.l8, rl.ltt.tl

3{. rblft
t6. Ibttl.
lfl lb-l0crlu. tDr ll-tle I

37. Er ll.11t.8t
8E. Itild.
tf. Eh-.r II.l.l8
,10. h6r III.lt.?r
,11. t[r 1I.111.1?r StilCblat r
{9. Ibld.
afu tb-.. !p. 6!l0-!!f tnantrlrlsar Srcttlrr odltlar
a{. IDtor D.{U
l,|lr lDlrL P. 0ll
tl?. Ibldr g.,lo0 3.. llr ltl.ttacht tD. l||l,|
l& tDr. rr.t11.3l.
lOr l-'. III.tl.9. slalthtllr
OO. 8 b r . I I . l t 1 . 3 l
t I . ffi,l zof, llrntrlltlhtrr $rttllr. Iltlcn'

O2. Iblie pr lll

tlo lE. ll.lil.l?t ll.lltr!; I[.111'3O'
hatrh:.r.nrdt rttohlnDr ttrtt{Ftl- ob'trnrb lrlttt
lbo'iii J frttrrJtrrlo Irl.l.

lCr tbr. l,ttl.?3 t I . 1 . 1 1 1 1I I . L l f

C6. ( r l H . C a . i i u r !o Gr

CCr lbdr I. l.{ o

67l ".''ql?:rdLni.:i:ifi

llo jirilr ltr lCUlc

C9. t . B r IIrCI

OO. Ahi:Cl.gu. p.6r Nlr {'p tISr DP'l?1-176

f{L (s) Btr3. $.0.E' $ertrtfr trrnrlrtlc P'lO' Intlrr '

p;elsl Botbrt)
6 L fd6-ntr PrrtbhlF De Stl hntrtrrhv'3l
III.3{ enrt thdrnll rilntrr' tl'ilF
flo Jrudrtfdrllllbr

ll| I .r. s''hrg.rilBtffi

i:l ifi::i*?:l?rll'El$,lff ih'r
! rSAr
Ol. I.l. Pottfh q
8or rlo
I rKr grl

Gr lbSrl.t..lr I.ty.&lr ll.l1.lE.. II.lL83r Il.!lt.lilr

II.lll.,ltr jct-rlro frlDrirnrr lt.t;st.
tt. (r) Ilrtlrl to lO
c6. (b) l.Iv. 19. tc il
66o 3bt| lntcrprolarloo 1r tttart.d Df f||fen Oibiltr
ln hlr P a r l t l r I . l . { .
ta. llr':r $rlr.5r D.36r lnttoilnotto[
3. (r) Erl(.Jca Oqlta Op.olto p. ltC.
til. ifrfrlYrS2l I11!!.fr II.ltl.llll.

6?.(e) thi. f.U.l8.- Antrrt0t. rlhl:rrlqr lr !4

tXo nlyrntr lstc rlrtdlrab lr'prrrrtrtvr
lptdttt r'?rcoboal. lrlptta bbrtortrtbr ttf lltf
feta tttr rekdi tcdltanr-
al. ttrarrJfui rgt Brebitrttva .ytft!!*I{M-Jo|abr rrrDbfrrlq
tst lathu Soll rytrtttrariirb? ?frtmrtrt Dr oll Elvril-
btlb$rva<!5t53 Pntlblrb.r trtDIDadlro bhlarrml rth. or
Srtli - rrtrrt-a I raloddh tnv&il.i tlbllt 1 r- ( f r..; tdI n 11 lrI.
Snflilnt odnl Pert I p. llo
ltr rlro tPrrrdrtb.Dr rbhlnnl rll lrrlrrF ,frri trl-
pr,|rta rlttrylbd,lhti btnbrDt t tblrbrornfdnvrolr
lato- bblrlyrntrl orrncr bhgl.tltt rtra 1ilp1l!1vy r
JeakbrgSnttllr ra rr.$ldtlbtl 9.11 lr.| rlnJ
Prtt II po'38r
Cer laa tot mtor Io. 16 (r)
O.(r) p. tt tntro. 6co dro Par{rrlr t.l.{.
?0. IblC. D. 11? '|rt fdw&l Dh-tto Jlr-tr lrrrritirhi{l"o
?1. H. llt.ll.tr II.l.i1 tt.lll.llo
?8. Oirlr l{lth!.r op,olt. Yol' II p. lll
?3. !S.lI.ltl.,(tr IIl.tl.lo. 8.4 rlt tbEten lbf,|htl
m IIIollrloo

?1. rAlntor tkLrttltgrt arltrntr livenhf AJaSor -rhnto.

bh8te oo livrb 131 Y-orrgrtt rtlbfrh. |l|fn D|t'h.
AJaSlr nrn-tvrt lfrr ara-trerr Pratl Jlvraoe DJrPtnshr
tnoeelt - stddh-nt1 llnduq l)t 2fl-8 Cbottl-. .d1t1(8.
!f rfr $oi.$r PPo !65-1t6r
ff,1 hr ll.llt.l0r

?0. $.!.s. g.l8O

??. got0ltauttlon of vrrtoor fonr of slr'Jtvr-ttr-de ri

Advalta 9t&lbl D. 6t!9.

9IACLb-:,I[ .
l' r'r' t?tJy,:*l:t*
8. lbld. pol2o.
f' Bb5. Ilol.llr
{. frlDrtrro (tstlrrrtr tr;rr Prrrrr ttl?} }o llco
E. df. ll r 1.1,1.
a. Acbta'r DrishYr
?. 8Pr 5.!. Dlr 3uptr1 tOl. llr P.lil
t. Sir (i.s. Prerr) lel?rpD. 9Cr l6tr taer .t 5
9. B!.,i ll lh l. Dr lB.
9. (r) Ehf,. II.l.El II.l'!L
lo. Bbi. rl.t.l{
11. !ff. Il.t.{. Stl llrielS.
12. Bbf. IIrt.l8.
13. Bhf. ll.1.I
1{r Bbd. I.1.4. $os rlro lrlprtrrn l'1.1r

l{, (t} Bha. Ir.l.|.

15. Bhi. IIo!.82o
15. (a) Bhi. II.l.9{r
16. rlrl{ta nbtte lrrtn!*trnel Jatrtr tbl. Ilot.3?o
file llto. fltlo II.1.33r

l?. Dttl. t.1.8. rRalJl dra-n sebltr taltf:Fd$r r....o..

rnir tyld'a.rhtt. trrheDrdrnrr J{rt
lritirntiii .stl htrrtYi or lecirir lttt
ll. H. I.ttt.3cr D. 3s. Slr rlao gbc oP.llng vrrll ot
:rhr.'i.ntttaahtr rratltt Cttt.tta grcblt..F
tr.bbartto |.

19. rtnidprrrhrf anlit-ralriohtaltdta trob kir Jrtrt

W-.Filal - .bha-. I.t'5.

tO. 8oL.E. pr llt

ll. ttlPr Vol. II lr lo|l
lg. Htl. IIrl.!O,

tlf 1 Drro II. t.tDr

l{r Bb5. fo 1.2.
It. uil lt.l.L.

ttl Db-r f.l.!t. Srt lko lrr fl.l.ll rrf tl.ttrl

97. hr III.11. I to I trdnytdbltrrr;rr

Itr Praecptorr
-- - of ..dil3rf 8r!e f rl.P. lhhailoru
h3|a/t,rtr rbrtdrr D-atlyaet rlyiil

f. lfir P. {ilBr ll.3r aarthrrtttbar srrttlrr lrl. $1Q Prorl

3O. tf. Il.trl{r
E1. lbltl,
33. trbld.
93.' 8lIf.Curdur P.23r tba r*nt 1r ucll llc!lbt.s!-!f.. ..
l{atlhnrrlaae Srtrrvrtl ln hlr tAdtrltr lidddhl'r
pr {891 lltlrtr nlrt Bdltl:n.
!{1 $rr ItDd. lvr lo. lfiTtntl ur }|r!|thtrlrlrr
36. HrCa.5q. D. l{r
g6r rl1;tj1rr ht prrttSrbr - chi Epi r111.3.L

S?. I ili-reCatta-ao-trdillt - trlSa lr-t.n -to.3 3d'- 3lllbrr

aaaDa plalotelr - I rf Ertoiii .rt t,-or

8g. rln.tro f1l5bfith F1a 1.trtr lyatrr-lf re<tr ttl rtlllll.

E9. 8Fr II.11l.jl.

{0. SrdDrvetatthtlannr ln klflta trlD.trn'
' lrllt'3'
11. Eelpataln I.1t1.3. uit also PrrLnlr
{!lr frlDrtasr I.1.1.
{l}. trrrlCltte pp. ezr l3t !br'. Il .11t.31. rd ttl'tl't'

{1. $.e Ytrarrlrl tlllatulrtil adtilet p.6?

ato lll?. Ycl.l t.lO

Itr Prnche.'tl{ltrr tD.t rnd 8a lol 0LY. E{' P' ll trrtrl'

CltruFirrrr oontrtlutl6o to Allrltr--

{?. lrAr $harrr
llvrorl lsTr) t' ?l'
,ll. lgtr SlCCht 1-9.

{9. ?rAr3hernl 0P.clt. Pr ?lr

p' lll
Co. $or PrHrpirilrr tl,tntull PPr?{r aG l{08t clt ldt
tlr lt5,Ce.sur prrr 5tr ?6f 7lr Ull
6e. 8brol. lll.30. I.lltrSllr
!8 r hI.Ct .5!' t. l!
6.. !!fe lII.lt.ger

tt. sot hrt lotre&L

t6r Eb-r Dr ltf Aaratht lrtrbat Jartrtfr .dttls
C?. HIP YoL III po 10|r
5!r Prnohrrl,rtil I.16-1?.
l0r Ulvdthltrrenihl rrtrlltr - thar Llt.tr lrDrtr Dl--trhttr
retrl Ulia frr .Jat[.btrtr! nr bnh.r ltyetrr
prt1$rtf . _ l.lVd r
lor lf,r rrldtrta Bgbrfrbnteb tt! tu J lnllY.a.lrrtr
ttnrlta. tanr ntttb rbudche blrhlf - Bhl.I.l.|l.
611 85r f.tlrl ta I
68r Ohfo l.tt'l. to ?
G3o lh5.IriY. l9 lc 18
Gl. (r) $rr llr'SlCithl t. l0r ll rnl tft
Ca. Ylvrrrnrr lrt vuorlrr 9ir. tl0r alC t. rl.o let.tl.
DD. 1'! - 10Cr l,l. l{ttlytnnrrr adltl>0.
tt. P&ohrDaillr vlvcragr Do ?lrlCrlr 99r |lilE. CLt lr
P. nrr irstllr lac rlro s.I" ';*n OnDtltr
r-Crfltou-qilrJnrur-glltof. Dr atfr
t{1. EIPr fol. tI po lUfr
01. Bbi. II.ltl.ta.
(!s !!dr t'll.l0tb rai llth dbttrrrnrr
te. lrt.rl. III p. lO7
?O. ohr.DDr BCr {8lr Anantb.Itlltrn 'irrtllrt dl3lon
Err rko lr.Sldlil EDr lor 1l
?1. ni5.or.nr I lrlllr lntrcdrotls
?1. SenJuktg Jortrl
lltc I l. ir. rt!
I tD ilFeo
?9. rtr.l.rilrortldyfaii r"ldtatt lr flr1ro &l.Gertlr
D' IIIll. Iatroiuottqa.
?le Inrbt .-trtar frd&nrrrtttbl rryaCfrfaUf*btvr hl
ftfr Nt.gldrlht g. lor
76t Irltrtrnrl Dr !8 Anrngbrlrlthnr gurtrtfr dttlln.
?Q. {lrr lrftll f irrurrtr (l89tr Crlo'rttr) pr ll
Tlt 9rl loot loto ior ?8
?3. $re lrqugrtl oa A.ltrlte frdlbtnl 9.9o f,ldltrrr
(DrrDbuar) p. r,o
?f. trl fl,lnfnl o.B. t{eltrul (tnrm I Oc.l lrloq rr3}
!r 31o

l0r f,.D. Rrttrklnr tror $lOlgf.el,Jtltllfr lntroJuctlrn

Pto tEl'8
11. Dt bD-titn-Etl*rt! n5riF tl.tl,loGlo
18. rlr "rtrr DlrilblnvrC .tlCyl ntrl-Jlvotb1rn frrr ^.
I.|l|br rdrrrat rtr lDrlrbbt rbtr l1r t|r .ylr Dlltl
lhldFt r - EDfo f .tt. L
lg. Sbar l.tt'3r lrltnrdr rryrt Sbrt ln tb. tnttlDr.t.tlco
of tbtr ntrr t.o"rtitl atffrrr fror :ihr*rtl lc
ral'llarlar olrlt cs. rrtltl.
It (r)
- -at Il.lltrlor
tb5. lrlnnrndr tot|lir to tb. tltfflo-ultt-
ruob I "t.r. If rvtdir te om oolt tttldlnf 1l
lrabro. rtltb tbc drrtrutton ot th'u .1o31r
.YtlFr'tborr riltc !a !.1.3t lttta rlL [,tbf
0thl i.ES tf tt l| rct lcrtFot.d tbtl. tr dnyr
th. lsalrt bt th. tlbrrrtd-touh t'lFnlna to---
|rts5".; le. thfs. tholEIC frt.t rr r|lt rtlltr|
al lfvrlr rnr for Gah Jlv.. rrrldytdghr! tp.tt t
trrr|Itirr - gllfnnt rD.tlh-lrtll' Erlgrtaruo
3. (!) Sbfan*lDl hnlrlh vlttr evtdyrtpl rrtpdhr-tr Df.
8{r 8bi. g.
- t?8 Anentrlrlrbnr qrtt-tlrt-cltllonr l-crprll
tnt tprat. th. trtr (rrfrf,tr) rr lrrd.tfrntarbb,
eltb.t rr !'mf or [lrrlh
rlyrt rlr artr rvtrlttrr trd aatF rcrn.cFttrr
na[ | tbi.
ff; Hr lt 8l?1 ,tn nghrltltbnr Sertrtrr tdltba.
tor P.P.Vo (lraobt P.dlb tt"as.l|)pD. 7{1 8ts lr lor
fGl Ci,Y Ed. P. lrrr reitrl. rrr-dr6 5.1.5.-DD. l|l.r
lt. - 8ao anrniettdrt aorilratert G i].lr.3. 8te rlro frdiilr
lrrf6isrr h L?2 itqikh f rrarlrtlra s.sri;. trrtll.
(l[j rdtrrLlbraryl ltaS).
fNs lfrr II.1I1.{O' 8ce rlro 8r!.$r lntltdtstto! h lO.
l9r 8r!r$o lDr tll 31f tlmrlro thr Ca.ll6. !r i*Ilr; Intlor

iQ1 BbL S1 {l lrlltfr tlllon

D. (d tlrdlttft bl,J&hrrvarl qbbrtr rlldobf 1i6'

tl. Bhfrhtr llrthtr Po f,lgr

;3. BhEo D. 11 ltno I lo 1O. lrlnrr ltltloar

99. Eba.Crr{h. D. f,irlt tntrp.

t{r t.Brs. (llalrrbbuiln |na tlttrDodhr; Crlanttr)r 'pr I.EO

lE. itddl-lt 8lndul Mvdte nalrrl .dll6 tt. Ul'Lltr
quotd tn'b! irSrSr lhrtrt S.!r3. lq. ttrnrl.
F. +l-at ltltto.
O6.rDrrttitr{trelrr !r3rtr - YJn (tlrlnlirrb.ttr rad Uttn
bodhrl oalauttd 0.91.
Oil. Er Indha Ittoeltrrs ;.!1. o.! O ptr Dr !?t
Srr rko .ir.rr5r ta8. Irarrrlr ?Pr 88-819
ll' 9lS ta3. tlrarletloa p. Lr ltt tUffir ttf- ltaf.
t9o l{mluttr hrfh trOf?r CbrDtm.I

lOOr l&lr ld. 0otc lltbr! lonttr pr 16r

lO1. ttP lol.l. 9. l7l
tO?. $.i..$.8ns. tnarlatlcn p. 30lo
1o3. Ibldr Po 3ol
!o{. t.8J. tltrr Jirrardr P. 3O'{l
lo6. niP. tol. I |h 1l?48
106r J.L.S. laj. trrnilrttca p. 3Ol.

l(ll. HrCariur P o &tl,l lntroo

1O8r SrLrEr &afttl tnarlrltol tr D9

13g. (l) Scc Snhllardrrl
--i.-Ut ollatrlt.a JtddhDtr ll'Bdr --
cGGd l! 9.3.$' $irtrtlEngllrb tnnrlrtlcc
. Po lA Ietro.
(tt) lb-.Cro,"u. rIIlllt lntro.
(iiii iiii$ir-iu [rhrsfirarerr - svBtr U9l. If'lo.
- 9. Brt&rtrirbaot lll.gtllr-Entglt 3ngI l'rb r r nrletlon
(ullo rad 0nvtt|. l{3.
nvtr| r l,l3r

Ul. Ulr-dhlkarede eDt svattr nlolttrtryr-lllbrtrlltr tl

trbvrru e-brrtrt. ltl lrbrrrlttrt-.ftl E l9'-?r E?
5r!Bl1 '! tlno
dhifntaitrr Bbdr D. l?Er lartrltb.Itlrhr
ili iilo l6a. r:i.l. rr.I.l3r 8!s N3o 8.. dto 8rlr3r
D. lf,l laal. trrndrtlonr
tl& $.L.sr do8. tlrnilrttot tDr ll?-1ll
l13o lba' Il.lt.ll l. llllrlt0 lad tCb 't!'lthrltttbnr thctrtr

lllo Srirrllr tagllrb lrrnrlstlcn Dr tD fr rl.o Dl'Gl'sn'

io ii.Ir tactoimSlon
ll1. tr]
' tlrtl 1r laastl,y-Arllnrslrrr lot'fstt'tttot
Ilrr frlDrtrrut Ir tt8.

115. th gtCrtlra3l l|rlr [r lI2-11'3 167qtt1-ilraJ'lt-|l|ltttlt

{uotaa !a trl.tr IESIltb tLnslr3ltl Dr rlh

llG. !.Lt!. tnl. tlrnrlrtlon tr {8 Intror

ll?. rt{aylnfir ta bi.rf,rllt - sr.UDd. Dtl 10.
llt. lrrra f,:.lr
119. 8ro thr lnroortost tarla ;{o.C.
l3O. tF.Cl.8l' !. lattoluotlon
Pr X,:riJrl
l8l.(r) cbaDtrr I I D r t - ?
181, th[rCrrgu. D. IDI
119. Iblil. 9r 1{O1
l!3. Ibld' Do 1'l(l
184. Iblil. Dr l{3
1$. lf,r I.lJ. 3lo elso III'ttr 11 rrul tl
139. lb- I.lrlr
l||. (r) thr, lt.tllolO
1t7. IbtC.
13g. EEr II.l.3{. 8lr rlr tt.lll.ll.
lI. Dfr l.L&
l3o. EhI. II.l.$t
131. Ho tl.ll.f ' .l1


l. ct.tll&lbt ppr t!'$?1 1341 1'15r-tf!:lf: elro llrrGr'Sol
.,lrv'pirrlrdhtk'reqr (III'tr'i6
Dr tlr r..r rgil;
la{ Illrlv.tl)
Griiiin inmuv. trrn rtrhrht Ylltl!?^t!"1ttthct
D-ir0"5rr; tltldllhrntl trJaanr 131 IFBEG'

8 r il16 ttI.1l.3|r 3co 11,30li.Lrlo Bng' Iranrlrtloa 9'!tt'

t. tbi.6e.tlt. p. !r
l. drhDrtba ErFbn+r Ltr ltt Cr llf l hdrlr tltrlol.
6 r 9;,0pdo tX r lv. i!:t.
6 . thi.Cr.;iu. Epr fll-ll ru rlro Bhr. lfr!.l2ti r0htlanr
? , $.L.gr Sogttrh lrorlatton tr tltL
tr Vtvereor.tB;"11#3t tCa (oott. orltnlrl rrmfottptt

e. tbi.Cc.$ur gr lO?

lO. Btrhrd- sfrtr'r -iihl nkrtrlf5thtr I I t. lY.l!. aro dto

rr. :1,1d1. i{i, S.tqrttuarary srrttlgalr }. Ilifrl lntroo

lh Brrstttrlthtr Dp. larlSrotr tc. rllto lntroducttra p. tlltl!

18. Br.UD:l. ll. llr3l!.

lll, S(l."ilddhl. p. i\{ltv. lntlor
tl. Srqhrrlqtta- Illt lt . 46.
15. 8br. p!o61s lti Anathrtrlrtrar lfrli'f ?ltttoalr. .lt
i-r. slcdbl Br.gtddht. E. Iltltf rntlto

16. 8trl.Ca.3!. Er lCr 3rr ttro U. I[I.1rr!r

t?o Sr|hla-r0tra-Bhfslrlr-tilllya I. l..|

rlmrth.tr trrrr lbrti'8tat tllatthrnr nHtrlrltrr
slr rlso- lllrtv.tri atbru lerrl'gt rtdta
nlitr,brlr tld':lhru !.
rtahrb.trtrtr . utPrttru or
. liolrirYrntl'.
trr rtetn tll.lv.l. Sre ltrthcr ihrnkntlfi 4r.dltt
on gtrBtd. 9. .lUHlllr 66?.atar 6lt 3o 0l&
18r trl.li. I-aa to 61 enrt fitlbodrtratrtr rlrttlr trtt I
frno 381 to t51 Prrt III t r..r 7?t t9.
l9r lh-r.Cr.5o. g. ?9r
tt.(A) tblde D. S
f0 t|) trbldr p. Nt
le. (r) lbllr Fr Qq
lCr (it) Ibldr gr 9?

8Or 8r. $t.ldhl P. 38 ntldtrdrrtr Jtr ffffiotYFttttrt.

ri6. ilro DD. lal-ilf8 or'r"ldt.nltrttlhf r
3rr lbr. 1i-.1.1. rnl IY.1.2. tbr omnSton of svltt
tr ttrrlf tlr rtr of tnr. kaorhl3..
al. lba.Cr.su. EEr Oll 1!C.
89. Ibld. 9r ?3.
93, Dr.ilddhl. Dr tt
. l{r thS.Ivrlr lst l|htb|lnrr
81. (r) $irCe.$u. t. rll
S. Ibt{r p. ia
lG. Iblrl. D. It
81l. Iblit. Do 8O. fhlr utbartloa lrr ltr lortr ts thtdenrrr
IitorDr:trtroo ot UtralTr tutr rvtdti! or lrldyinl
tbt rlro k lll.
18. Ibti!. ?. 8*l
!tg. Ibldr 9r Tt
90. Bbfo IV l.eth Aditktrrlr
31. !hf. ll.lrrll
38. Bb-.Cr.Su. p. ?!
!ll. Ibld. pr 1,C6

ta, Ibtd. t. t!
36. Ibtd. D. loB
36,. Ebf. Bl.Letb f{lhtL!.lr
t?r tbir0r.Su. 9. ?6
t8. fbll. pr lllllr

39. Ibid. D. ?6
{o. Iblll. D. lll
' tca
41. lbtd*rJlt
alr tbld. D. lGt
{3. Ibld. Do ll3
ll{. ludrlt ugC. Iltrl.&
4!s 3Sr tI'1.11. r|r rlrr tlt.llrlo
lGr lh6.qr.iiq. Dr l{0.
a7. lbld. p. El

lE. Ibld. p. ll8

at. Ibl{. 91 9*l

CO. Iblir ;P. t1'88
60. (t) thi. II.tll.llp po at ln|athlrtrhor grrtllrl dltlao

Cl. 3hr-.Ca.$u' g. tt
C8. Bba. Iy.l.tr
!3. i.lrlrrubrenolrnr fflrf$rlil.Elr. Dr lC& f,ouatit
tt nrrt be 6oilrttft .trt.d bala tbrt ln trnilrlt
bot! ttr. rl.vf 1...; b><tyfelltaj off l[rllrtrlT
on tha
oB cnlat of grrhr|l
th. onr.t drrbru hoovhdlrr clgrl rnil rnd tb. Dodt
tbr Dodt
p€!.lrttnl fot trr tlr rm rftit Btrtt
Errbst r-
Itrttoa u r rrrrllS of tlrt. of|. tratltaaoa
tavaqta ltdrltn)
IallJ-, rlc
I| a I'E tb.r'r?
lr.!. rt. Both
trr. lo4orl
v ' r trf
h16. -t|r cound rnri tqnr 'lo.
ho .lotftar prcferl
ghc'roeod Dut rEt to tha .xolullG of 3br ftrr3.
9rr.-6r.Slddbtr Pr 1,38j'art I 9m alro tBtrrotluottol
p. Illvlll
t th&
t{1 tbrnlrr! ?[?!bn c tbo lrln .uttll^Ill.11t.32r
- It.l.llq I Y . 1 . l 9
5-5 OAe rv . i. rS \.1. x. r . ,t"E x9 S4
57' Ilat.tt. lEo leG to SO$ Br.YertltrrPrrt ltq Ppo ?lEr'lll
Cf. Ylrll?'l

69, PiP.tr(Y.s.$,r lteSl p. lt

66'. th.Gr.Ju. po ll
61. Bha. llr t. llltS ltldbrntr
6?. 0hr.Cr.Sn. 9. !(l
63, 5r. Upd. Iv.!v. ?.
6S f,rlgetelE IY.1.15.
69. i3he.Il.l.161 Slillbaatr.

cBaflrsr, - ?lll
l . 8rr. Cheptrl Vt
3 . Itr.Stdclhl. Dpr lal lll rtrd lie
O r lltrtrnal lrt Varnrxrt ip. 81o1lllr
{. 8.f,. ia4luptrr a C'r t'trlPr 6n 4rl t ttrtrnf SrLAlf p. g{9

i. Br.$ldilhl1 D. 19.
t . BhE-.l.tv.l. lcc d,so I.lv.t.
6 r (t) Bhr.Cr.iu. p. 7l

7 . rPrrrkthr lcrr
Siuar JriSnrrr Bt.slddlrlr pr 3$1tc tlro
trar ttrlel b. t.d.Eohlntrarr dtrta-tthrl'
P. l!4r
& lbl.Cr.s8r lDo {Cr ?e
9. dba. I.l.l. or Chtl sr 8ftrhitlirrb ilbdutr Dle'ralllt
'tn4l1rh IrrnrlrtloarCb.ptat
lO. i..r..1 . ttathi IIIr{.t nlra r!.
talrtbrrr airtr.rihs rnlod:Uttl|| |rblt.
trittsltir.otvr! Jrotrladsttrae'brdJ'{tt ttart
I ttr ufllbhad.n athyrttrrraubhrYat l1 tYrl
idrnttrghr talrlbtrrrhlto
J o - .rilll-to
.riEll-to J
I tieh
ltrh wrrtl
',!!bI DblYal aolBrlbtloat!' l r . - D i . C r . i u . g
Dc. 7 99
Ss. rlro 3ha.
8or tlra 3ha. II'lt.lO.
II.lt.lO. rad I Y l . l .
lL Srlr-il. la3lkb lrrarlrtlon. Int"o.luotton 9o tl;f.a rtro
lh6rCa.;iu. D.Tlt

tL (rl f,atPrlrnr p. 31E Anentirlllrht rrstdrr rrlttlnr

ler ChrrltDd.Yl. Itt.3
13r ltal.rl III ronor al.?l .nl Drrrlrtltrrl"ttrra fat
l.l. tlrarrar (Oort. Jrhnttl ilurtotlDtt Llbrrery a{n.)
pp. 1O3r{8.
ll. 8triJ.Cr..iu. g. 7E
LC. rPrrttrakrhei Jrut$r - lrah-rn-:rttrotsi&bn - l6-rrh!r
!1 8tr rko III.lt.ll rllrttrtdt5rr+r-aaDbru irtrtl
l?. dtrbrrrrqSre-jh-nlrrrtsbCrhyr i. 1.2. rY-prrSbt
"loEr{a{dht:ivf,irrnaolvlttr hl br.b!.vr3rtth I
36'r alro I.l.{. rh?saltf tarthalltt rrarar
l!. lrt.rllcll l.?. ltt verro tE to ggr vorecy'l83-Ul
r.o drc Dit. Virttkr Prtt I ?ciqo. 8lt to ElDl
Prrt III vl?t.i fi)C - e61.
1,9. 8a. Brlbr-rttra-irlnkrtt-Dt-rhya t.lJr
rJirgrrd rrr Dtarllrlt r.. .....bltbl .lhl{!trt.i
- lho rko Fr.:-ildllhlr p. 13$ Inr arts nD.rt
$ebdatl Jrtst"\h rlddhlt .

lO. t!i. ll.tv.l?.

81. IrlElrlrrll&I$r+
--ltha lt.los o ft rtrls la3 lt ri t rrorht ln.
Adt.r .6tat?r ,idttlr ftts); P. itlttr rntlor

18. l.t{'P. tLhaCilelr @ (t 8cn.) !r *1.

llo Brrbra- a[tre-Shlabsr-$hirya- I I. lr' I?.

8{r B.01trs JtV-?

3.lr (r) Bhf.ca.$u. lr ?a
tC. YttlltFr 0t|.Cttr Fp. 8llrlUlr88ft
tC. lliir€l..iu. P. ?8
87, i(AlFtrnrt UrffibtEdhfbr.Crt l.l.e. t?rttt
lhfirtrtru 19 t-tqbrlrr uPrhltrrtr 6r ttttttr(lb.
tanm tst anirtavtdrt .
3tr :1t.Opd. I I o1y.5.
8!1. il.K. llcaqlrr Oprcltr P.3.
80. Srloil.r iiogllsh ttrnrhtl€e pr {lattoCnettrar
!11 thf.Carliu. tr ll?
38' IDld' D' 1'l?
33. &rlrluubluenlill O!.tltr Drll
t{. B,l(r|uturtrr 0p.ctt. pr &O
3{i. Blri.Cr.$u. tt. 9{.1?ar lg9
36r lbtd. D. l??.
8?. BbI;1.1.1. rk dl.tttr..rrrrrrtrlilf;tl tilElltr ihatul
18. Srshrr-dtrr-Shlnxerr-Ebd rhtr I. 1.4. | $lrrtbaattrrll t
ttch tocbatrlD rrrh t! I vi-Fadt?l
Sr BhJ.Cr.Sr. f . i89r
rlor BlrJr f.lt.Gr l. 0l lr8r i3dltlon.
Bha. III'1.1.1. Dr llBr $.3. adltlo!. SL dlo r9rlrg'
t.tth.dbllit.6.r' ( I1I.lv.8C end lllrtr.lil

l. tlNlr tllr lfl{h tpD.
8r $o. llot ilclr xo' llls Cbrtter YI.
8. Slbt|'ftlrr
- 'thi tr tbl tlortrlnr of tb. at.l.ttrnfr
ildotrlno botldr tbet thr rot{ lr of tb.
nag|lli of 's9botrrr *lob lr,|gtrrlnruourr
It rrltor 1lr th. rlid aftor thc vrr{ tr uttrlril.
I3 1r illrtllFt fill mC ovalrbota tlrr lottrtr.
looorttnt tt thtr tb.ort lt It tDbotr -rad lot
lattrrr *rlch nnlfrrt ih. r.entolt ol thr nrl|e
dDbotr ls th. €tornel couoCrllhtut prst!.
IL tr ttrc orrtr of tDa Frld roil !r lientlorl
rttlr Bnhrrn. sra Errlrrr-r6tttr3bfatltl-bbarhtr
t.111.5. Xrp{am bu l\llty tBrbrattld to lt.
irth $henlerl rail l-carprtt tavftllt
|'llhtro ttr lllrc ihra'ctrr YaorrPltl hol(lr
thrt tho lets.st thetrrlvrr ioErtttut. th. uoti.
inr trtterr of I rot{ tbosab rrntr rltan rao..dil
ln ror flrrd orlob tlvr rll tbr nrnln! tlrrt
hrtr. Sor Bhr. I.lt t.l3r
rlgh rltart to ti. lllrtloa lrtrm nr{r
ead thr rrn1n8 of lrntraorr thcto .ra tra Sb.otlcr I
ltr*ttf,bbld-qr iil{ .d-rooq3rd bv 3he Pribhrlrrr
-hooi or ifrinr inc luuurnttttta fdrr *lroortrl
ty gbo Bbitt totttol rort rdoptrd bt v-aerPttt'
l8cotittl 3o Alttltbh&l.lr riCrr-th. rot{.
ln r reatraq. oo!-ft botb tbalt lnllrldurl r|.nl[a -
anc thr tqort of I t.otfBcl. I!.t l. tc rfr !!fd!
oolt ln rf;oot.ttoa rrlth elbft .$!ttLot ntdr bllDl
out tlt. trtolt of r rt[t.rft
t. rtrtntt thlrl thr AbhtbttSnnf redf
btla tiat tbi nr{rr la-r lontrnco rtnlft tb.ll
cn l.ntl
O[ ordt. tht-lsolt
nnrr OnfJr rnl a{rg-I ||r of 'r tsrrrtr'!-!t,
'! r,r r.ntotrc.
rooilfnf to intr tlrgl' tr^but Bho t ..ult.of tho
och.r.n3a oi ttro nrnlq3r of vor{rr IbEt ttt tt-
lr rrnlt a ttntbarlr (rnvete) ot th. r'nli't gt
tbr reHiltr iprdr c:Dortrg lt' ica' DrYe 'g!-
;Ld[;--arrie.cr H o? p'cirprrh qilrSrtrb i r''rulrtto!
(ort rdl od.ntd rcrtesr lg{d). 9. 18
l. llrgl[rHtr ctrod l.lrrdtnSt{it:o11,F!tlrt boverrr br
corl!.tlt rirtrd.- lo rlorbt hr tr tnoltpod to
;;;;-iir tut-ot to tbr ssluitcn ot brtto'
--.: -- t y,tfoD rfmrr I -rosorltrS
uw.{-r- to
!,v .Dtq
..-a .t. .{tl.tr
lBq EOEa.
-.ad llbclett:n.
tctrl llbcr_ett:n.
tloelitt')n. rn hlr
In hlr
tlorr tfrc
tho ro
ro reiled
trthlte pnjnd(nn of rr.-6dy rrr0til
:lh.t!" Er.Jnd(no rtrady rfiAti)-tr rr on
hlthlt rtur.d Irrilbrkrt lot ot I rttdrtbrr-(iro
F !.9 t. Dol. Iif).shrnlrn
D. llt /r .ihe ySartl)ltl
rtd tSaro.tl
rta $ral atai
ttradl a-
ror e_toiel ttraotlro of thlr ytcv. (Str lo>t nrto.
llo. 6Ot Chrptri. tlII)r
Cr ltrr tbr.pp. e8$fi10, Amathrlilrtld rrrgrlta rllttonr
f. $rl loot lotr !lo. l?. CbrDtrr VIII.
7. 9lr loot lfotr ltoo CBr Cheptrr Y
t. $er Foot ilotr ;1o.30Obtptor VII. $er rlro Brrbn-rfitlr
ittaakltrr Bbilnyr I.I.{r Sco ttr?,lrcr shialrt|-bb.rbyr
or| itlrrlrd. ll.lY.6. f,fVt,t6-619rt,t,1{trr r6bbr
YyrtebE trb r.

Ahtont n.,t ., ...@of
iuntlrsrn r Eal. irusl.
(sbra3t 3rtrear-loodont 1960).
trrltrEdrr ... EStltr.rltlnrll& (srt Vanlvtlel
. ?rrur i ltfanlar. J.
tnrtb Hdttr tmtlt(ld)r.r

Atlrttr Dtkrhltrr .,[email protected]

rm rn-Eusftrf tra*orlittoo b7 -
3.j. j.ttll
Sultroa!.trol YoI. I
(UnivlrrltY ef !l6drrl; illdrali
lrlrrlblrrnlral l.g ..r ld.ldSda4l0br (Uolrslrltt of
lhilrrrl WIO)o
h.e fh. Trl ?Ql tl rrrD-il.lr .l-hh.f.htl
Srlrrublurnbas r..
rftiltr of riurubn4l ($rrcr
rlty of llrdlrlr ltt{). lotr T!.

Brlvalhr lnd Bal.Cor lar

P-DE{ l9gll.
tterrtl lt14trr-tttn11nll er r r lgfrlrfll (Ed. ) t.l.P. Irird.tr!
IEnfrerrrty ol r.eilrrrr {rdtarr
lhrrrtl ttrtbr-tldfrtltrtll rrr , lna.lt.
bt :;--ltrnsratrDr .;atEtl .ni
5;llouilr Sons rrndbra Untwrrttt
.']tt.ar l9t/,1-

lhettrrtrrtrl &Gr; .t.

lbettrrbelYe I t lllnt-rtrr r r Iha A:rr iertte of Ordrtrdar
ddltd rnd trrnrl4tld (OntvrrelSt
of Crlcut3rr l0a3).
Stfrlrae C.Org ata @rbrrcd
on JrtlBtarr liYe'r {rqtrnr tlE
D.Lttr l#711.
lrdlqr lrtr ...ffi
(i'tlriry of Pbllrrepbyl lfOl)o

Cirtteltrrl 8rGrl ttt


OruiburTp l.LB.r aaa

nt^r (Frloa-rslvr ?ubllrle?rf;
rlouttrs lDlO)r
D3l; $af,.; ...WrlLln.

Der OoPte1 tlrf,.1 ... A lll qtor.rr .rf lrlho Phll^rarSt j

9.1. . t ... (Crrld3e lal.
Itrr Ogtrl It4!!,J,IIl[r
Prlrte l0t2)o

Drrl lelrl .r. tba Errontlelr 9f ^dreltlt!;

(Hotlt.t i'rnrrtrtlttle 19331o

Drttrs D.|lrp

Deirtrcl lrl ...ffi('ttrnt

DrrareJrl telrl ':'ffi..
Erouitderrl Jolhll u)62).

DbrtrrrJ. ldhrrta ... rdi+*gttlrr.?iiT;,E:l:

SurYenr fl'rateal -selgllt ^tlna
rdYir i.lcnrY1 ldYrrl l9a3r.

Dhtrrrnlr Adlt ttl a.o


DtruJll l.Orq o.. Elllllrldllll -crratelt tl llstbnrudenr

rlth the of Pw.bogtrr
lag. Ir. (0rrlrad Olloatrl rorllll
lrr{re lsl3) r
Etlotr Ddtr- - - - li-rrl!t-td+!!l
... - I Phllorophlod
EoonttrnEf tD; 6nomtulul 110
S5;i. s )
Obrtrl t.8r ... IllJdrllD ttr lQrdrrtrdl
(frlratrl R-a.rrrb Itrtltutrt
Pooart l9ao).
f,rntlrtl 3.8.t ...@
(ntbllr Inrtttatot JrrbDeagat
itdYrnnrl ltrq ...ffi
e.or3a t 0nl
Blrtyrnrrl llrg at I

ilu{yrnnel llo1 ... id8ll-..il!l,rlr. (Jrtrntal lrrl

rsonot; Foodf EDJ r
llrlyurl lLl r.r ltlrhlltlfadlllt llr
&r lliLSldlLl.

tllrt; ll.3. g ... thr ttr lrttrt Ptlnolr

( Orfcr{ Uatvorrlty F!.ltr r.otrilolr
liverr lrldrore la a llttrd rdl
t,r. byl.;. SuinnrrrREr 1'arttt;
Ualverrlty of lhdratl lllll)o
ftcrillf.V. ^ t t"nror
ffi ".ri{:$!*, ilLi lo
Jrrk hrradl aal
mi5tirr ltrnobrrlr

Orrqrlrttl ..f lrrrr lrrtrl. ?rtrriil tt'Ll(td O

Iratl aa a
'Thc-e1is fA:Jos+Lv: 4rS&t"
I cll4y it 94:S:
Irr; ltlrl Oa. s i.d.u ;1+;o,Ja- h^.Lt: cd i'.'s ,D.Ll.i , t918 )
'*arrtetl I rOrl
Krtshnr aat
Iuppumry ttrtdl th ... I hrnr of Idlrn Erh
(YarrdenbrtT lad too I l{rd ntr
t s8).
Kuppurvary Sartrle E o o.r@
I nadY s ,t94I .

I'.frbrf:s.l$r, ... Ilr8r r-.or ontrrv ro ffi1E*

-C irhalsrr iovcrnc.n3
Orlontel 3ertcll ,'b. CItrtVIII'
l{rclrarl Ur66) r
lhiliettlrlhrlyat r..@
to5o Tr. by CoYrlt rrvl oou$r
(il . _-ruPtul nad tlo. t iodoor
I '14).

lhdhrraaldrl tlrrryg att lnt.tl.

iitl ttir or!{ntsrt oo tlhrnlrrr'
chartt(lArr ltrrltrarr llrtrYs ghI t
Htnlrtrrr 19tol.
iletbrrdrnr Srlrrmtil ... Ald{bli lldbr 1r. bt p.tll ltledtr

hbrC.trlr trlf 'r ror omirl-l.- f Sg$dt ta trrlt

Advattre (lnlverrlSt of \adrats
trbdilrsrr tolrlls ...@rttl
roro lrl taf':ltcnoa to flrcretl
firttrr - Vldteraatr (rtmld
Erlaurnnr Jrlbtr ltlCr.
llrhicrrar t.tif.r(jdr) a . l

lbbrttrvrrl t;IrP11 (tl.t) ...@(.jrl_I.rdl

lcrrahotl gbrnk.t ll.adtlr 5.o['
tlrrebadl t9te)r
lihtelrrral tilrl.1 r.. @ Dla.e gtail
ta blr bonrurl(iita6s[ 1r{t Gorl
lldrrrr,96z ).
|!hr lrrtlLr d-lllr*rr= rr
lrhlfrll tIJ.r .-^ irrlrrdh
(UnlverrtSY of llelrerl l$!l8).

trl {-{
llrbrdrvr Srrtd Llrrf aal sa.@ .t

lhrfUr ulEb tb. otDeotrrl4r ot

&t!rjlB!Ir. lhlElll rnd rllrlr {
Il.Elrtrl(r.S. Plrtrr lo$ryr l9Ofl.
lellrnll 0.R.; laa
(trlnrr leal).
lblhrnl; 0.R.1 I Othora ... (!nnr rd Co.l l.t.ot = -1

tlrdrar llrbnl aar
by ;irrtbrDrnt ld. 8.trlg9nrurq7
rirstr{ (Hadrrt. Oocrnrsont
Ortaotal :.laaurallptr rcrhl
to.{. l9$?}.
f,rr rrtllrte oo a

ttrr ilLlrrl aar

lloorrs Obrrlol A. sd: ro. thr ftatln lrnr!r(lhtlrft-ttt 'aot at

IlryrI PFallr ll)not'ulnr u

lluktcrJ rc1 A.C.1 ..r rhl-lrLltr-o.t-falt, at4 et'(L+i"'-

(J\e g"rdien P:,'ss LL'l ) hllo'J'''' bad 't943)

lllhtlenrdal &.rf1 "'ffi]silgqt'.

Cofr'atertr Ens. -ttr (44-!1?"
iirilor rif,ruf trorrr lilt).
Itllrtlrdrl lraryt "' I*i:lir.3,llt illilill'iir. r
llrttbt tbelrrl llvl "'mllmlS'ffi,t"
Prdregrdor Ira
Gi5iltiiin, l"l"i:'kPo?i
Srvrrna lr:ecrl
?tadfyl 8.!.1 r.. r
Drrrtrra Da.3b r 'llrhenads l9?4.

PrtraJrlte art I ?ng. fto

otrr of tb.
ittniur lti 3rd rdttlon).
9ataaJtll; aaa l.f. roiltl(frrcrr{ 0rleatrl
.},rlott fot. l?).

Pottot f,.8. ala

Pr€otlor {rl1
of ladlr Lt0.1 llrr
ItGil) r
Pralf$llenatr aaa @ .i
Jlianrslr Orlqutter l'8{l7t ,'
Prarttte rtubodhr Vl{ltr bhurbrnr
rd Pratltt lltFrudtr crlouttel
IgsE)r 8ag. lt. bt atlbur "6lt
(a.J.'.diur C iq.r leorrrl, l89O).

Prrllrlrtrrry "'m'}li.H!|"
b7 Pr irae artllr
Er0rlrtlllotor ... Ildllglhllelo$,trlolrr ! rad 8
(Ooor3otlhn erd Unrlo Lt6o l
Irendml llG6).

o.. Lhljit3hn$lE, (o.ot|3 AttG

anl Usfn r.td.1 i€Gdaf 1066).

rcdbaltlsboane$.1 aa. I
o.orga A lra & 0nvtn tCrl

Srdhrhrlcboet tl Xm!| CrA. r.r

irlus F.trl aal

oao!gc rllo end
RrJnl F.t.; air
rb Ual"ettltt
surime Chrdlg''rhg


lurlrldtnr lgl I.8.1

t a a
!gnnp" .I
lB tAIlfiPi
Unlrnrs tty ol qfY"g1ir 19 )) r
llglltrbH lrol Ll.; f .. (vttb I
lodicl nferroct tc llrF)r I'l
hirorrub Publlorrtl rncl Y{rYi.
Collo3rl lhlll; 5. IrALa, t967 lc

lelrtrtrh lroe f,.3o,

lrrl j
Errelrlrlr f.B.t aaa .$
Frrr r97l). .,::

lrr nttttr l.r art ,4'r|Lll Hrrtblr a? lihrrlkrrr. r

thrnhrlr r c€ntr| of td?rno.d i
.tuCl.! la tblloroPbYs Ylm'
blerethts 3hutblallri$r /97+ ,'

lfldrs &.Dr; ara

Forbet- lcTo).
l. C..n.trmtrn lrrtr.r tf
lrllrl l.Drl ...
notbr Lilr rrr llEfllr (orortr [lras I uarlnl

Fo;; S.s.t "'ffirgoi)r

4rbrre afa

,ffi '[*$'3:ll:,'*: r'*rrr,

hrodrs ).
!rebtdmultndtr -- =- . @
Clrrrvatll @r f,olcrrtetPt.

|rahll|ar$r {urtbtr &r aaa

$r{drclal ... ldll|lJ]r' cclts! YtBb l!g!o'
rluctloo rd tl. bY llo HlrtYrrel
(ortoatal Eorl 48.!otr PcGrr
(rotlrrf Einarrlrtrrrs
rrldrrls r

$ealrnp -
a a .

lEtilg8ng. t!. b' SranY

Lrilhrha.drl Adrrltr lrDtilqarDn
a-rrlri r. th' hi.|rthct ha{ Lr
Srilrtr1 ...
jtdl.r li thr oh I l*rGf,ll-nl
;;rdut3r Otltrr ...


Sert*t1 &lr1 .l
Jntv;rsltY of Crloutt r /937r'

Sattr{; 9.llr1
A:re-htvcrrltYs lgrr; l

Berirl t6pt Prat||; ' "'Eillti':ll.i,'3s'I;'8. .i

lrltratrrbsneuCr 3rary "'ffi (Oco4o

LoadO .1
!060) r

!r OPtrl Drl.l - - r-r-..-I-rry

(f-fn r;s. ltukbyoDrlUrrt
Orlruttrl l9!Ol.

ftrns tr53 Duttl .''ffioff'r3s,.

Sitil YrA.l ... C! t rn}|rr I r.Cant rplrrttg4-ll-- ^-.
f-IE.. wrr.lr Publt ehrns
Sbrtrrslare1 8.toLr; "'iiiliffiD.lhrf lr..).
Sln3bp LP.g ..-@ ._l

of Yrlucl (Jaleurl
i"*lyttlo I
Stagh; lr|rr; ata I

$lnbrs Jrh.lNf

{llnhe1 Dobbrrtre ... .ihc Ii ral I qt rt4 aza Fo! nt --

of ArYrnoad studt la PhllotoEDt d
Ykve Bbptatbts .;hantlt[t t !r i
.itrrilrr lA j
$ t to'';t; l{.1{.1 111 Oo.lrrrltr
Ldsllrrr 0ulpblrt ltllfbil
So0rfr {
)rfor{ TntY rrttt lrrttl !
Crlouttal !{rd?arp lPgtr. j
:lh. gtrtoft na 9..tritl. llrcnlht
St!!ats ll. i. t a.. l

rd.,-qll!trl& (cdltbn tar

Jrhntel Bootrl lics Drlhlr Lll6r'
3rart1 italrrlg a a a
djlltnlhtr (0ror3o- illra efil
ihvlal .ondonl !ttll). .

Jrlntrenoillt Jolil. r
Arla Pqbl
9tchrrtrtclt I t
Dovor lublllberlt
gCDr Reol t.; rr. llullYt6 yl atlrrlt f,otorterlglrl

Sghtr Pr&.r aa. dt!..rlr!rd

le tl
Sltrrbre!r1 ... &lt!lrl$tr-ddl!& |abr/;
$rnrldt md Ptktt lrllrt
.L';(VIII. 106
$na |rhtag . r. $d. -ng'. lr. Prrf. i.i. h3htr
Cbarr (Prrrrtrntrr UnlrorlltY
of :{trort, l9a6}.

iurcllrretre .., klhrdrrrfF.blrnlrild .

SEtt aantrne 3ettrtr tr3.

rai ttrUlor,rn t..'|./.r - ... @ I
tt o rril.slnl of gh. ilh'dr
lblltrrr (OnlrarcltY of lrdrart
thlbrFt, aall

ttvertp hgtlt 1.1 ...@ !

r,rr er t. r (llotllll Danerrlderl
I n thr ..ltht rl f tt J|rntr
trlprtblr f,rf,. . . . iar tra rr t
if rilrU r Delrhrn lctlas ..orlo

llrbnr !l lrtr.rv a? hilrn Phlllroahlr

Unrbr r..
XCf^-Un (ttrabhuktl PubIlo.tltntt
Allrbrbiill 1966).

liiorr;tl; lkirrl aal dltd rltb

in ;ng. lr. bt S. j. i utt$a tatrnr
$grtri rnil C. funbea Srlr (Thco'
Fublllhtal Earol i{-rlrrsl
V-ce4att xlrbrlt ta a

lfcsrtrtlr l{llbtrt ... Ihl-Il,lftl-[ttfllr dnjo Tl.

irogrnrtha Jbr ed Ear{utt ;hrlll t
(Pooarr 19o6).

Yrrlrtnt[rtrr l.r aaa

Unlrerslty of
trlrifur 1972).

Ytdtrlirsbrol 8o0r1 r..i@
(l(otllgl Srnrtrltarrr Jalhlr
f trrmnt PtrceC UDrdbt.tr r . . @ c h o F
kbanbr Yrtamrtr UXtOJ.
Vlnfhvrirrmdrl 3nry1 ... lht-ltlhl-.g!&t!r (^lltri3r
..rhtrr; t7rvrtl1 l9ltlr
ttrrp Hrlltlair ...@Edlgod
bt Joceoh Cupblll (hrutlrtllo
rod Kcgeo Prul; l0t2;.

Ertrrubrrrulrnl Rrt ... ton Stta Loltrr o? lrt l1r'

ldrrrrbntalrnl Br t o..iAY'lye rd th. lllltolt l
Brler$ttloleog B .r ...?bo Plrot ol f,rrr tE tbf ldrrltla
robu of illntgllnr'
Aidiblulr-Eh$itrr vcl. Lavrrl I

0ot. l9Gl1 llov. 1963 lni Doc.

l9rBr lrlclltr.

trle rubtrrrohnr &ot ...!!ba

- tbootY qt Ken d' tho
PhlloroPbY of ,'ttllt :
IdfrLirh1forsc-b{ arl lllllt
Tot. YIr lor3e ^grllf lt?et
UalrertltY of ,,-ooan.

Cbattotrthtrtil 8Jo1 ...rri CoDai)t of achtatr aat 3bl

hdrntr of jb.nbn'
f,o.,ls JulY tf?91 UntrlrrttY

Dtrl R.Vr1 ...tfha li,tur. of tba rrDlrloel iolf


. .!

Datlr I D.llr I rrr rlnvlrd ud 0rh rt ttlvrltr

lrtla ntrr lhr.lllf.crl$fcrf
lturtorltr Arrrlmre VoL. *rl
Jct. 196?. q
Intrlkr 0enlol H.H.g ... tiulatt on tba quostlonr
r.hor. trliltlir .llltrtghl
frrLld--.rlt,t'JalrrrrlSt i
Etuatr llonalulu I Ur9rArl I
tol. Illr .ir.1r 1e63.

O.R.r .lrdrntlor f,trttslrrr

llrbrel o.t "$hrabtrrt Dectrlna Ot I
lollln r SilllilgllLll er
tpport t tolel rY'abollrr'
inii.. Pt'tl"..nila.l4ntlt,Jrrr'
Gmrtltt of PoonrrYoL.II
llo.81 Jrn. lfrlC.
t.i.Y.g -lbr rrtlcHl b..eh cl liltlltler'
f6T.TllTc.ll epr[I1 1930.

llllfrhr ipratlrkehr tA 1ta ttr Yedsntr' I i

tumrhcttrr .
dlfhr$D lll=rll-Islr
Vol;III To.lr Jan. 19tfl. I
k.thatr Chatr 3 . S . t ... 'Srt jbrntrt rad 'orM lhttrj|b
itlllrUfr. lagalerrl YoI' II-
,{o'Cr !lb. lgt.
Chnr1 5 r 3 . t .r. rstl Shurkqla rod tbc ilrrbr
lalhrtr annq'lotf
Sutrass lrlltrll.bf{
lol . II I 'it.3r .{u3. 1 :i'). :
-.. r$henlar cn ldrlbtrttktr-
f,rgbe'tr C b r ! ; 9 . 8 . t
rhrrrr4 VoL. I fio.c, hb. l9:l9'

lrtlllr se{ lr|rr ... T:i.*k: Bffi:i"*.*'Illl'i


I Vol. II fia'3t
fio.21 Juae, rtt9
rru;. lg?9.

lrrrChedfr lteol le&; lar
'Sc$oor ol adnltr PbtloroDbt'r
lros &frl 'ltcallt7 rall Catr3orlrl o{ Thcqbt
lrflrtllar ota
tnr riirttlo glriDlotlvlr

ledrklnr lltor f,.t'r aaa thtnftnS otla& tunllgtr j

tbr Adrrttlo PtttP.otl"c I

r lorr Ul?8. I

lretrlrbna !to, f,.!., ... lfht coooaEt of ;"tborrtloa

rod lte rllevrnce to Dblloto9ht'
ttnlvertlSy of !{r lrrrr YoLr Yr I
1169. I

.Jn t,l! .o![t Of t'l dtr - II

3trrt11a!et; Prlel ...
(Iorerdr r rolutlon) -
igfl,trnr Ern3rloro. vol. rrr,
lio.{' 0otooDftr lg8o. i
rnrllglon of lttrttrit
lldtllll P.X. g aaa
ffi;$#":i'lih.i'l' :

iPlobl.rr rd Jrtttfloettonr of
orrrb Chenilt Dar arf

"lbo feturc
tlrblartbrnr X.r ... and destiat of, tha
!,adlvttlual aoul tn Adraltai
Jonrnal of thc t{r<lrer Onlvir tty
Yol. II.YII. llo.l. 'hraLtrrtlonln
Jan, 19i76.
ItrrleHdrl SrrrYl -. -- -
...'lttalr&.tdll of
lon-iuriirr', xlienfr-Iglr&
i{a7 l!}66.


t{t I

M j
1. lullcttn of tbr t nlrtrbm ltlrrtol tnrtttttr ol cultuml '.:
jolDrrlr Cdquttr. -t
8 . Io{t1rn fhl.lomphlorl Qnrtrlly, unlvcrrlty it p-*,
rnd Pratag C.atr. cf PltlloroDhtr Poar - ?. t
l . Jrurnrl cf Inllea Phllo.oghtr iil. bt B.L ilrtltalr ^
J. Rotdrql Publlshtql CorDrtVr Dorr|rrchts lblfrad./
Elrbn. {

a. phtbrphy se:t rnil lrrtr ilrnlr Untrorrtty of [rrr!1 I

Ilonolqlur :t. S..i.,
|. Prrbualilhl Bharelrl l{ay1v*tl1 tbtrl Elalryrrr
6. thr Phtloroghtcrl ?uartrrl1 tlalaet.
?. tettrrlokrl $aaij,EP'
l. th. Orlriror Int mrttonrll llorrdrbrCl U.?.1
tr th. Jotrrtll of thr ltr'.ltr! rrardrry of Phlltrcp[tr Orlrtttrr
19. tbr Jonrarl of tbr l{aCnr 0ntvcroltt.
ll. fbr Patbvrt to Godr Eel3mto
1,8. Yadlatr bntir l'hdtrl.



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