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File System Layout in DevOps

Understanding file systems is crucial for efficient DevOps practices. This

presentation will explore the basics of file systems, their components,
and best practices for management.

by AKHIL Goud
What is a File System?
Organization Access Management

Organizes and stores data in a Provides a mechanism for accessing Enables operations like creating,
hierarchical structure and managing files deleting, and modifying files
Key Components of a File

1 Metadata 2 Directories
Information about files like Organize files into a
name, size, and hierarchical structure

3 File Allocation Tables 4 Inodes

Data structures that store
Track file locations on the file metadata
File System Hierarchy and Directory Structure

Root Directory
1 Top-level directory

Contain files and other subdirectories

Data stored in the file system
Disk Partitioning and Layouts
Single Partition Multiple Partitions
Entire disk dedicated to one Dividing the disk into
file system separate file systems

Logical Volume Management

Creating flexible, virtual partitions
File Allocation Methods

FAT (File Allocation Table) Inodes

Simple, but can be inefficient for More efficient, uses pointers to file
large files data blocks

Ext2, Ext3, Ext4

Popular file systems used in Linux
Advantages and Limitations
FAT Inodes Ext

Simple, widely supported, but less More efficient, but complex to Powerful, but can have performance
efficient manage issues with large datasets
Best Practices for File System Management

Regular Backups
Protect data from loss or corruption

Disk Space Monitoring

Prevent disk space exhaustion

Regular Maintenance
Defragmentation, error checking, and cleanup
Conclusion and Key Takeaways
File systems are a fundamental aspect of DevOps, and understanding
them is essential for efficient system management. Key takeaways
include choosing the right file system for your needs, implementing best
practices for management, and ensuring data security through backups
and monitoring.

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