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Greenwoodannual exam 2019

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Grade: 9 Time: 2% Hours

Date: 15/01/19 Max. Mark: 80

Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

You will NOT be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Attempt all questions from Section A, and any fourfromSection B.
All working, including rough work, must be clearly shown and must be done on the same
sheet as the rest of the answer. Omission of essential working will result in the loss of marks.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questionsare given in the brackets[).

SECTION A (40 Marks]

(Atempt all questions from this Section)
(a) On what sum of money willthe difference between compound interest and simple interest for
2 years be equal to 25, if therate of interest charged for both is 5% p.a.? [3)

(b) Without using trigonometric tables evaluate:

cos 26 + cos64 sin26° + cot 54o -tan 60 [3]

(c) A doorway is decorated as shown in the

figure. There are four semicircles. BC, the
diameter of the larger semi circle is of length
84 cm. Centres of the three equal semicircles
lie on BC. ABC is an isosceles triangle with
AB = AC. If BO = 0C, find the area of the
shaded region. (Taker= (4]

This paper contains 4 printed pages Page 1

Question 2
(0) Solve the following pair of lincar cquations forx and y using
cross-multiplication metno0:
3x-2y =6 a n d - 1 [3]
3 6 2
(b)Solve for x: log (*+ 1) + log (Vx + l)= 4 log 2 + log 3- log (Vx - I) (3]
(c) Use graph papcr to construct frequency polygon for the following data: (4]
Class Interval 150 160 160 170 170 180 180 190 190 - 200
Frequency 14 22 12
Take the scale of 2cm = 10 units on x-axis and 2 cm=5 units on
Question 3
(a) Factorise: &a -b+ 12a'b-6a8 (3]
1 1
(b) Ifp -== V34 find p' (3]
(c) In the figure ABCD is a parallelogram. The diagonals A Cand
DB intersect at O. Given AB =8 cm, BC = 5 cm, AC= 10 cm
and P is the mid-point of AD.
(i) Prove that: (1) PO||AB (2) CD =2 x PO
(ii) Find the perimeter of quadrilateral POCD [4]
Question 4
(a) Given: x=5- 2V6.If the value of the expression x avb, find a and b. (3]
64 3 1
(b) Simplify into a rational number: 125/ (3)

() In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle. The diameter A


AB bisecs the chord PQ at point R. If PR = RQ =8 cm and

RB =4 cm, find the radius of the circle.

SECTION B (40Marks]
(Attempt any four questions from this Section)
Question 5
(a)Find the coordinates on x-axis, cach one of which is at a distance of 5 units from the
point A (6, -3). (3]
(b) Mr Kumar borrowed 15000 for 2 years.The rates of interest for the 2 successive years are
8% and 9% respectively. If he repays 6200 at the cnd of 1" ycar, find the outstanding amount
atend of the 2n year. [3]
(c) Using ruler and compass,construct aparallclogram ABCD with AB= 3.6 cm, BC= 4.6 cm
añd he perpendicular distance between AD and BC is 2.6 cm.
This paper contains 4 printed pages Page 2
Question 6
(a) In the igure, BPC =20°, arc AB =are BC= arc CD
and arc AP= arc PD.
(0) Find the mcasure of 2 APD.
(ii) Prove that AAPD is cquilateral.
(b) Factorise complctely: (x -3x)-8 -3x) -20 [3]

(c) Attempt this question on graph papcr:

simultancous cquation graphically:
0) Plot only 3points per line to solve the lollowing
3x+ 4y= 12 and 3x- 2y +6= 0
(i) Write the coordinates of the point of intersection of the lincs.
graph of these two equations and the x-axis. [4]
(ii) Find the area of the triangle bounded by the
Question 7
9. If the digits are reversed, the number
(a) The sum of digits of a two-digit number is (3)
bears the ratio 3:8 to the original number. Find the original number.
BC of an equilateral
(6) In the adjoining figure, AD is perpendicular to side
triangle ABC. Prove that:
4 AD-3 AB'=0 B


(c) In the given figure, z BAC = 60° and ABC =65°.

If zADC =LAEC = 90°, find:
i) 2 DAC (ü) 2 BCE
Hence, prove that DC> DF

Question 8
volume. What will be the side of
(a) A solidcube of side 12 cm is cut intoeight cubes of equal
smaller cubes. (3]
the new cube? Also, find the ratio of surface area of original cube to the

b) In the figure, DE is parallel to BC.

Prov that: F
(i) area(A ADC) = area(A AEB)
(ii) area(A BOD) = arca(A COE) [3]

(c) If log 2 =0.3010 and log 3 = 0.4771, find:

(i) log 5 (iü) log v24 [4)

This paper contains 4 printed pages Page 3


(a) Solve for x: ( V 4 1
32 146 E [3|
(b) In the figure, ABCD is a rectangle in which the
diagonal ACis produccd to E. If 2 ECD = 146°,
find the angles of thc AAOB. (3)
(c) In the given figure, AB = DC and ABC = Z DCB.
Prove that:
(ii) AOBC is isosceles (4]
Question 10
(a) If sin (A + B) = 1and cos (A - B) = 2 then find Aand B. (3)
(b) In thegiven figure, PU =UT, ZURS= 100° and UTQ = |13°, /113* 100*
If ZPUT= x°, 2USR = y° and TQR=z°,
find the measure of x° y° and z°.

(c) Find the mean of the following distribution by step-deviation method. (4]
Class Interval 20-30 30 - 40 40-505060 60 -70 70 80
Frequency 10 6 12 5 9

Question 11
(a)Two pillars of height 10 m and 8m are on either
side of the road. From a point P in between the pillars 45E
the angles are formed as shown in the figure. 30°(
Find the distance between the pillars in 2 decimal places. [3)
(b) If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other at right angles, prove that the quadrilateral
is a rhombus.
(c) The adjoining figure shows a solid of unifom cross-section which is a trapezium in shape.
(i) Find the area of the cross-section. 23 cm
Top surface
(ii) If the total cost of casting this solid is3,80,000 at
9.50per cm",calculate the length (in metre) of this solid. 10 cm

(iiü) Find the area (in sq cm) of the top surfacc.

17 cm

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