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Note: Hindi version of the instructions is printed on the front cover of this Booklet.
1. Consider the following statements: 5. Consider the following statements regarding ‘Disk-
1. Abolishing Industrial licensing for all footed bat’:
industries. 1. It is a type of flying mammal.
2. Establishment of Private Banks. 2. It comes under the “Least Concern” category
3. Reduction of export duties to promote exports. of IUCN Red List Status.
Which of the above were a part of policy changes Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
in Economic Reforms of 1991? (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 6. Consider the following statements about India-US
2. Regarding the Smart Cities Mission, consider the Bilateral Trade:
following statements: 1. India has a trade surplus with the USA.
1. Major part of the fund used for Smart Cities 2. India is the largest service exporter to the USA.
Mission is contributed by Public Private 3. India is not a beneficiary of the duty-free
Partnerships. benefits provided under the US Generalised
2. Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs is the System of Preferences.
nodal Ministry for this scheme.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
7. Consider the following statements regarding World
3. Which of the following countries share its border Trade Organisations’ (WTO) Dispute Settlement
with the Red Sea? mechanisms:
1. Saudi Arabia 2. Yemen 1. WTO has a two-stage dispute settlement
3. Israel 4. Egypt system.
5. Syria 2. The decisions of the WTO Appellate body are
Select the correct answer using the code given final and sanctions can be imposed on a
below: member in case of its failure to comply with
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 5 only (b) 2 and 4 only the Appellate Body’s rulings.
(c) 1, 2 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 4 and 5 only Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
4. A surge in the investment by Sovereign Wealth (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
Funds in India has been noticed recently. Which of (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
the following are the likely causes behind this trend? 8. Consider the following statements regarding the
1. Rapid rise of an educated middle class Anamaya initiative:
2. Positive demographics 1. The beneficiaries under the initiative are the
3. Regulatory reforms rural as well as the urban population of India.
4. Expanding infrastructure 2. It was launched by the Ministry of Rural
Select the correct answer using the code given Development.
below: Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only (b) 1, 2 and 4 only (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
641]çFke ry] eq[kthZ 21]iwlk jksM] djksy 13/15] rk'kdan ekxZ] fudV if=kdk IykWV uacj&45 o 45-A g"kZ Vkoj&2] 3
uxj] fnYyh&110009 ckx] ubZ fnYyh pkSjkgk] flfoy ykbUl] iz;kxjkt esu Vksad jksM] olqaèkjk dkWyksuh] t;iqj
nwjHkk"k % 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
9. Which of the following best describes Extended 13. With reference to Central Electricity Regulatory
Fund Facility (EFF)? Commission, consider the following statements:
(a) It is an IMF’s assistance to a country in case of 1. Indian Energy Exchange is approved and
structural weaknesses. regulated by Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (CERC).
(b) It is an international reserve asset, created by
2. Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
the IMF to supplement its member countries’
(CERC) intends to promote competition,
official reserves. efficiency and economy in bulk power markets.
(c) It is a loan facility extended by World bank.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(d) None of these (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
10. The terms ‘Event Horizon’, ‘Singularity’, `String (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Theory’ and ‘Standard Model’ are sometimes seen 14. With reference to PPP models, consider the
in the news in the context of following statements:
(a) Observation and understanding of the Universe. 1. In the Hybrid Annuity Model, the central
(b) Nuclear reactors government bears 60% of the project cost.
(c) Gene Therapy to tackle the spread of Covid-19. 2. Under the Engineering, Procurement, and
Construction model, the cost is completely
(d) Origin and evolution of living organisms on
borne by the government.
the Earth.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
11. The term ‘Talanoa Dialogue’ is sometimes seen in
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
news with reference to
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(a) Facilitative dialogue for taking stock on
15. Consider the following statements regarding the
progress towards long term goals stated in Paris
Aditya-L1 Mission:
Agreement. 1. Aditya-L1 is the first-ever mission of India to
(b) Facilitative dialogue to break deadlock in World study the Sun.
Trade Organisation negotiations. 2. It will be placed in the halo orbit around the
(c) Facilitative dialogue to deal with the problem Lagrange point.
of illegal trafficking of endangered species. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(d) Facilitative dialogue to build consensus in (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
Regional Comprehensive Economic (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Partnership. 16. With reference to ‘National Bureau of Plant Genetic
12. With reference to EASE (Enhanced Access and Resources’, consider the following statements:
Service Excellence) Reforms, consider the following 1. It was started in response to the realization of
statements: perceived effects of the Green Revolution on
1. It aims to institutionalize smart banking.
2. It helps in crop improvement and diversification
2. EASE was recommended by the PJ Nayak
through germplasm introduction from various
committee of the RBI on responsible banking. foreign countries.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
641]çFke ry] eq[kthZ 21]iwlk jksM] djksy 13/15] rk'kdan ekxZ] fudV if=kdk IykWV uacj&45 o 45-A g"kZ Vkoj&2] 5
uxj] fnYyh&110009 ckx] ubZ fnYyh pkSjkgk] flfoy ykbUl] iz;kxjkt esu Vksad jksM] olqaèkjk dkWyksuh] t;iqj
nwjHkk"k % 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
17. Consider the following statements about PM 20. Recently the “RESPOND” Program was in the news.
SVANidhi: It is related to
1. Urban Local Bodies have an important role to (a) Air Traffic Control
play in the implementation of this scheme. (b) Indian Space Research Organization
(c) WHO program to eliminate COVID-19
2. This scheme is aimed at Micro,Small and
(d) None of the above
Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
21. Consider the following statements about the
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? estimates of Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR)
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only for productive age group:
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 1. The rate of decline of female LFPR was sharper
in rural areas as compared to urban areas.
18. Consider the following Countries:
2. Female LFPR is higher in rural areas as
1. Bangladesh 2. Bhutan compared to urban areas.
3. India 4. Indonesia Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
5. Afghanistan 6. China (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
Which of the above are the members of the E-9 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Partnership for Education? 22. With reference to the institutions of the World Bank
(a) 2, 3 and 5 only group, consider the following statements:
1. The International Finance Corporation (IFC)
(b) 1, 4 and 5 only
provides loans, equity, and advisory services
(c) 1, 3, 4 and 6 only to stimulate private sector investment in
(d) 2, 3, 4 and 6 only developing countries.
19. Which of the following are the objectives of 2. G o v e r n m e n t s o f m i d d l e - i n c o m e a n d
creditworthy low-income countries are
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights
provided lending facilities by the International
(PPV & FR) Act, 2001? Development Association (IDA).
1. A farmer can save, use, sow and sell but cannot Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
share his farm produce including seed of a (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
variety protected under the PPV&FR Act, (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
23. Consider the following statements regarding the
2. This Act also facilitates the growth of seed Sagarmala Project?
industry for indigeneous availability of 1. The Union Ministry of Shipping is the nodal
advanced quality products. ministry for this initiative.
2. It aims to develop a string of ports around
Select the correct answer using the code given
India’s coast.
3. It does not include the establishment of rail/
(a) 1 only road linkages with the port terminals.
(b) 2 only Which of the statements given above are correct?
(c) Both 1 and 2 (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
641]çFke ry] eq[kthZ 21]iwlk jksM] djksy 13/15] rk'kdan ekxZ] fudV if=kdk IykWV uacj&45 o 45-A g"kZ Vkoj&2] 7
uxj] fnYyh&110009 ckx] ubZ fnYyh pkSjkgk] flfoy ykbUl] iz;kxjkt esu Vksad jksM] olqaèkjk dkWyksuh] t;iqj
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24. With reference to “National Education Policy (NEP), 28. Recently, seen in the news ‘Shaphari’ is
2020”, consider the following statements: (a) a certification scheme for food grains
1. It will bring the uncovered age group of 3-6 (b) a certification scheme for aquaculture products
years under school curriculum. (c) a certification program for trans fat elimination
2. Teaching up to at least Grade 5 to be in mother (d) a certification program for both aquaculture
tongue/regional language. and food grains
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 29. Which of the following is/are the provision of The
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 and Facilitation) Act, 2020?
25. Consider the following statements regarding Boao 1. The farmers will not be charged any cess or
Forum for Asia (BFA): levy for sale of their produce and will not have
1. Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) is a “Not for Profit” to bear transport costs.
Organization. 2. The act allows barrier-free inter-state and intra-
2. India is not a member of BFA. state trade and commerce.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Select the correct answer using the codes given
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only below:
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
26. Which among the following are components under (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojna 30. Which of the following are not the end products of
(PMKSY)? the process of coal gasification?
1. Mega Food Parks (a) Hydrogen (b) Oxygen
2. National Agriculture Market (eNAM) (c) Urea (d) Carbon Dioxide
3. Food Quality Assurance Infrastructure
31. With reference to IBSA Dialogue Forum, consider
4. Creation of Backward and Forward Linkages.
the following statements:
Select the correct answer using the code given 1. IBSA was founded in 2003 by Brasilia
below: Declaration.
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only (b) 1, 2 and 4 only 2. IBSA functions under the BRICS grouping.
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 3 and 4 only
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
27. With reference to Multilateral Development Banks, (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
consider the following statements:
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
1. Asia Infrastructure and Investment Bank (AIIB)
has invested in metro-rail projects in various 32. Consider the following statements:
cities in India giving a boost to the Smart City 1. India was the largest fish producer in the world
initiative. in 2018-19.
2. The USA is among the largest shareholders in 2. In India, more than fifty percent of the fisheries
the Asian Development Bank. production comes from inland fisheries.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
641]çFke ry] eq[kthZ 21]iwlk jksM] djksy 13/15] rk'kdan ekxZ] fudV if=kdk IykWV uacj&45 o 45-A g"kZ Vkoj&2] 9
uxj] fnYyh&110009 ckx] ubZ fnYyh pkSjkgk] flfoy ykbUl] iz;kxjkt esu Vksad jksM] olqaèkjk dkWyksuh] t;iqj
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33. With reference to the Marine Products Exports 37. With reference to the National Digital Health
Development Authority, consider the following Mission (NDHM), consider the following statements:
statements: 1. NDHM aims to provide health ID to Indian
1. It is a state-owned agency engaged in fishery citizens which will store an individual’s
production and allied activities. medical records.
2. It functions under the Union Ministry of 2. It is mandatory for everyone to enroll in this
Commerce and Industry. initiative.
3. Its mandate is to increase exports and imports 3. The Bureau of Pharma Public Sector
of seafood. Undertakings of India has the mandate to
design, build, roll-out and implement the
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 2 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
34. Which of the following ports is India’s first trans-
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 and 3 only
shipment hub?
(a) Cochin Port 38. With reference to the Mahatma Jyotirao Phule,
consider the following statements:
(b) Kandla Port
1. Chatrapati Shivajiraje Bhosle Yancha and
(c) Visakhapatnam Port
Gulamgiri are among his major publications.
(d) New Mangalore Port
2. He believed that the only solution to combat
35. Consider the following statements regarding the the social evils was the enlightenment of the
disease ‘Diabetes: lower castes women only.
1. It is a communicable disease. 3. He worked for the abolishment of untouchability
2. “Global Diabetes Compact” is an initiative and the caste system in Maharashtra.
started by WHO that will help to fight against
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (c) 1 and 2 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
39. Consider the following statements:
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
1. LaQshya Programme is aimed at improving the
36. Consider the following statements about Agricultural quality of care in the labour room and maternity
Census in India: operation theatres in public health facilities.
1. It is conducted every five years in India. 2. Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan
2. Agricultural Census is carried out as a Central (PMSMA) is a conditional cash transfer
Sector Scheme under which 100% financial scheme for pregnant and lactating women.
assistance is provided to States/Union Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Territories. (a) 1 only
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (b) 2 only
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
641]çFke ry] eq[kthZ 21]iwlk jksM] djksy 13/15] rk'kdan ekxZ] fudV if=kdk IykWV uacj&45 o 45-A g"kZ Vkoj&2] 11
uxj] fnYyh&110009 ckx] ubZ fnYyh pkSjkgk] flfoy ykbUl] iz;kxjkt esu Vksad jksM] olqaèkjk dkWyksuh] t;iqj
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40. “E-2025” initiative is related to which disease Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) Malaria (b) Tuberculosis (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Dengue (d) AIDS (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
41. Consider the following statements: 45. Consider the following statements regarding the
1. Over 70% of handloom weavers and allied Integrated Health Information Platform (IHIP):
workers are women. 1. It is the world’s biggest disease surveillance
2. The textiles and handloom sector in India is the program.
second-largest source of employment to people, 2. The Union Ministry of Health & Family
after agriculture. Welfare is its nodal ministry.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
42. With reference to Mahila Samridhi Yojana, consider 46. Which of the following statements is/are not correct
the following statements: regarding the Draft Defence Production and Export
1. The scheme is under the Ministry of Skill Promotion Policy 2020?
Development and Entrepreneurship. 1. Its goal is to achieve a turnover of 10 lakh crore
2. The scheme trains women belonging to the including export in Aerospace and Defence
Minorities community in tailoring, knitting, goods and services by 2025.
embroidery and allied activities. 2. The share of domestic procurement in overall
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Defence procurement should reach 60%.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only 3. Focus areas include Support to startups and
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 export promotion.
43. With reference to the State of the Global Climate Select the correct answer using the codes given
for 2020, consider the following statements: below:
1. Concentrations of the major greenhouse gases (a) 3 only (b) 1 and 2 only
in the air continued to increase in 2019 and (c) 2 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
2020. 47. Which of the following statements are correct?
2. Over 80% of the ocean area experienced at least 1. International Development Association (IDA)
one marine heatwave in 2020. provides loans and grants to poor countries.
3. It is released annually by the United Nations 2. Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
Environment Programme (UNEP). (MIGA) seeks to encourage foreign direct
Which of the statements given above are correct? investment in developing nations.
(a) 2 and 3 only (b) 1 and 2 only 3. The International Bank for Reconstruction and
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 Development (IBRD) provides financial
44. Consider the following statements about Pradhan assistance to middle-income and creditworthy
Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP): low-income countries.
1. National Health Mission is the implementing Select the correct answer using the code given
agency of PMBJP. below:
2. The objective of the scheme is to reduce the (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
out of pocket expenditure in healthcare. (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
641]çFke ry] eq[kthZ 21]iwlk jksM] djksy 13/15] rk'kdan ekxZ] fudV if=kdk IykWV uacj&45 o 45-A g"kZ Vkoj&2] 13
uxj] fnYyh&110009 ckx] ubZ fnYyh pkSjkgk] flfoy ykbUl] iz;kxjkt esu Vksad jksM] olqaèkjk dkWyksuh] t;iqj
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48. Consider the following statements regarding World 52. With reference to eSanjeevani Portal, consider the
Press Freedom Index 2021: following statements:
1. It is an indicator of the quality of journalism. 1. eSanjeevani Portal is being implemented under
2. Norway has topped for the fifth year in a row. the Ayushman Bharat-Health and Wellness
Which of the statements given above is/are not Centre (AB-HWCs) programme.
correct? 2. eSanjeevaniOPD is portal providing free of
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only cost service enabling two-way interaction
between doctor and patient and also generates
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
a prescription slip.
49. With reference to ‘The Convention on Domestic
Workers’, consider the following statements: Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
1. The convention has been developed under the (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
aegis of the World Trade Organization. (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
2. India is signatory to the convention. 53. Which of the following is/are the eligibility
3. The convention aims to set up labour standards conditions for startups to receive financial assistance
for domestic workers. under the Startup India Seed Fund Scheme?
Which of the statements given above are correct? 1. A startup incorporated not more than 2 years
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only ago at the time of application.
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 2. Startups should not have received more than
Rs. 10 lakh of monetary support under any
50. Recently released ‘SUPACE Portal’ is related to
other Central or State Government scheme.
(a) Judiciary (b) Police Stations
Select the correct answer using the codes given
(c) State Governance (d) None of the above
51. Consider the following statements regarding
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) :
1. DAY-NULM is being implemented by Union 54. With reference to the Land Reforms in India,
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. consider the following statements:
2. It is a Central Sector Scheme. 1. The policy thrust of the second plan was rights
3. Recently, it has been conferred the prestigious to tenants to cultivate land and abolishing the
SKOCH Governance Gold Award for its Portal intermediaries.
for ‘Affordable Credit and Interest Subvention 2. Land ceiling means fixing the maximum size
Access’ (PAiSA). of land which could be owned by an individual.
Which of the statements given above are correct? Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only (a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3 only (b) 2 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
641]çFke ry] eq[kthZ 21]iwlk jksM] djksy 13/15] rk'kdan ekxZ] fudV if=kdk IykWV uacj&45 o 45-A g"kZ Vkoj&2] 15
uxj] fnYyh&110009 ckx] ubZ fnYyh pkSjkgk] flfoy ykbUl] iz;kxjkt esu Vksad jksM] olqaèkjk dkWyksuh] t;iqj
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55. Consider the following statements regarding Select the correct answer using the code given
‘Alkaloids’ : below:
1. It is a naturally occurring psychologically active (a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 only
compound. (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 and 2 only
2. It is extracted from Opium gum.
59. Consider the following statements about the Buffer
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Stocks:
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only 1. The minimum buffer norms are fixed by the
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs.
56. With reference to the ‘Scheme for Adolescent Girls 2. The buffer stock for pulses is maintained by
(SAG)’, consider the following statements: the Department of Consumer Affairs.
1. It is a central sector scheme.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
2. The target group of the Scheme is girls in the
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
age group of 11-18.
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
3. It is being implemented through the Anganwadi
Centres (AWCs) under the Integrated Child 60. Consider the following statements regarding
Development Scheme (ICDS). ‘Sankalp se Siddhi’:
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 1. The major objective of this program is to
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only activate and digitally connect the Van Dhan
(c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 Vikas Kendras of the tribal villages.
2. It is launched by the Ministry of Electronics &
57. With reference to the Right to Education Act, 2009,
Information Technology.
consider the following statements:
1. It provides for free elementary education, Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
compulsory admission, to every child in the 6 (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
to 14 age group. (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
2. It specifies the sharing of financial and other 61. Which of the following are the basic dimensions for
responsibilities between the Central and State the measurement of ‘Human Development Index’
3. It provides for a specified pupil teacher ratio
1. Gross National Income per capita
for each school ensuring that there is no urban-
2. Life expectancy at birth
rural imbalance in teacher postings.
3. Mean years of education
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
4. Gender Inequality
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
5. Governance
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
Select the correct answer using the code given
58. Which of the following is/are correct regarding
Brucellosis disease? below:
1. It is a viral disease, which mainly infects cattle, (a) 1, 2 and 3 only
swine, goats, sheep and dogs. (b) 1, 2, 3 and 4 only
2. Person to person transmission is rare. (c) 2, 3, 4 and 5 only
3. There is no risk to humans due to this disease. (d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
641]çFke ry] eq[kthZ 21]iwlk jksM] djksy 13/15] rk'kdan ekxZ] fudV if=kdk IykWV uacj&45 o 45-A g"kZ Vkoj&2] 17
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nwjHkk"k % 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
62. Consider the following statements: 66. Consider the following statements about Asian
1. Headcount Ratio is the percent of the population Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB):
that lives under the poverty line. 1. The membership in AIIB is open to all members
2. Misery Index is the sum of unemployment rate of the World Bank.
and inflation.
2. The AIIB finances infrastructure in the
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
countries of Asia only.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
65. Consider the following statements with respect to (b) Protect our species
the Trade Deficit : (c) End Plastic Pollution
1. The trade deficit is an indicator to show a (d) Restore Our Earth
negative balance of trade.
69. ‘Blue Chip Stocks’ refers to
2. It forms a part of the Current Account Deficit
(CAD). (a) Highly priced companies stock
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (b) Low priced companies stock
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) IPO’s of any company
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) Government securities
641]çFke ry] eq[kthZ 21]iwlk jksM] djksy 13/15] rk'kdan ekxZ] fudV if=kdk IykWV uacj&45 o 45-A g"kZ Vkoj&2] 19
uxj] fnYyh&110009 ckx] ubZ fnYyh pkSjkgk] flfoy ykbUl] iz;kxjkt esu Vksad jksM] olqaèkjk dkWyksuh] t;iqj
nwjHkk"k % 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
70. With reference to the ‘Unique Land Parcel 2. On this day, the Prime Minister’s Awards for
Identification Number’(ULPIN), consider the Excellence in Public Administration are
following statements: presented to States.
1. The ULPIN is a 14-digit identification number
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
given to every piece of land in the country.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
2. It will be based on the latitudes and longitudes
coordinates of the land parcel. (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
3. The scheme will only cover 10 states in India 74. With reference to Market Intervention Scheme
by March 2022. (MIS), consider the following statements:
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 1. The basic idea behind this scheme is to provide
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only remunerative prices to the farmers when the
(c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 excess production leads to fall in general price.
71. With reference to International Civil Aviation 2. Primarily, the non-perishable agricultural and
Organisation, consider the following statements: horticultural commodities are covered under
1. It laid the foundation for the standards and the scheme.
procedures for peaceful global air navigation. 3. MIS is also known as the invisible hand of
2. ICAO also approves world flight routes for agricultural marketing.
international air traffic.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
3. It was established by the Chicago Convention
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
in 1944.
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
Which of the statements given above are correct?
75. Consider the following statements about the ‘Global
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
Gender Gap Report 2021’:
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
1. The report is released by the World Economic
72. Consider the following statements on the Code on
Forum (WEF).
Wages Act, 2019:
1. According to the Code, the central government 2. The current rank of India is under 100 in Global
will fix a single floor wage for the entire Gender Gap Index.
country to realize a basic standard of living for Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
the workers. (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
2. The Code does not delve into the issue of gender (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
pay gap.
76. Consider the following statements regarding the
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR):
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
1. ICAR has set up a Farmer Innovation Fund.
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
2. It was founded by Dr. M.S. Swaminathan.
73. With reference to Civil Services Day, consider the
following statements: Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
1. 21st April is celebrated as Civil Services Day (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
by the Government of India. (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
641]çFke ry] eq[kthZ 21]iwlk jksM] djksy 13/15] rk'kdan ekxZ] fudV if=kdk IykWV uacj&45 o 45-A g"kZ Vkoj&2] 21
uxj] fnYyh&110009 ckx] ubZ fnYyh pkSjkgk] flfoy ykbUl] iz;kxjkt esu Vksad jksM] olqaèkjk dkWyksuh] t;iqj
nwjHkk"k % 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
77. Consider the following statements about Women 81. With reference to Agri-Market Infrastructure Fund
Livelihood Bonds (WLBs): (AMIF), consider the following statements:
1. Small Industries Development Bank of India 1. The AMIF aims at setting up food processing
(SIDBI) acts as a financial intermediary for and storage units.
raising funds for women entrepreneurship. 2. The fund has been created within NABARD.
2. The WLBs will be listed on the stock exchanges. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 82. Under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi
(PM-KISAN) programme, which of the following
78. Consider the following statements regarding the
vulnerable landholding farming families will be
Navegaon-Nagzira Tiger Reserve (NNTR):
provided direct income support?
1. It is located at the tri-junction of Karnataka,
1. Farming families who have small or marginal
Maharashtra and Telangana. landholdings
2. It is one of the oldest tiger reserves in 2. Farming families affected by natural calamities
Maharashtra. and/or farmer suicides
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 3. Farming families who are landless
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only 4. Farming families who fall below the poverty
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 line
79. Consider the following statements with reference to Select the correct answer using the code given
‘Compulsory Licensing’: below:
(a) 1 only
1. Compulsory Licencing in India is regulated
under the Indian Patent Act, 1970. (b) 1, 2 and 4 only
(c) 1, 3 and 4 only
2. It is not permitted under the Trade Related
Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Agreement). 83. With reference to the National Supercomputing
Mission (NSM), consider the following statements:
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
1. Under this mission, a grid of supercomputers
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
will be established in educational and research
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 institutions.
80. India’s project for the development of motorable 2. The project is being implemented by the Centre
roads, ‘Project Dantak’, was recently in the news. for Development of Advanced Computing
It is being implemented in which neighbouring (C-DAC), Pune.
country? Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) Nepal (a) 1 only
(b) Bhutan (b) 2 only
(c) Bangladesh (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Myanmar (d) Neither 1 nor 2
641] çFke ry] eq[kthZ 21]iwlk jksM] djksy 13/15] rk'kdan ekxZ] fudV if=kdk IykWV uacj&45 o 45-A g"kZ Vkoj&2] 23
uxj] fnYyh&110009 ckx] ubZ fnYyh pkSjkgk] flfoy ykbUl] iz;kxjkt esu Vksad jksM] olqaèkjk dkWyksuh] t;iqj
nwjHkk"k % 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
84. With reference to the Demography of India, consider 87. Which of the following group of subsidies is also
the following statements: known as ‘Production-Neutral Box’ in World Trade
1. Total Fertility Rate is now below replacement Organization (WTO)?
level fertility in most of the major states (a) Amber Box
2. The population in the 0-19 age bracket has (b) Red Box
already peaked. (c) Green Box
(d) Blue Box
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only 88. With reference to the Aahaar Kranti Mission,
consider the following statements:
(b) 2 only
1. This mission is focused on increasing food
(c) Both 1 and 2
grain production as well as spreading awareness
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 about nutritional foods.
85. Which of the following statements regarding the 2. It is focused on a nutritionally balanced diet
National Minorities Commission is/are correct? replete with locally sourced fruits and
1. It is neither a constitutional nor a statutory body. vegetables.
2. The chairperson must be a former judge of the Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
supreme court and must belong to a minority (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
community. (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
3. The commission has been given the power of 89. With reference to the Mission Karmayogi, consider
a civil court while trying a suit. the following statements:
Select the correct answer using the codes given 1. The scheme covers group A and group B
below: officers in Central government only.
(a) 3 only 2. The Prime Minister’s Public Human Resources
(HR) Council has been set up under this
(b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(d) 1, 2 and 3
(a) 1 only
86. With reference to the Planetary-Pressure adjusted (b) 2 only
Human Development Index, consider the following
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
1. It is HDI adjusted to the impact of challenges
90. With reference to the Indian Rhino Vision 2020,
like COVID-19 pandemic.
consider the following statements:
2. India performs better in this Index compared
1. One of its aims was to relocate rhinoceros to
to the Human Development Index.
different parts of the country.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 2. This programme was started in 2005 and will
(a) 1 only continue till 2025.
(b) 2 only Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(c) Both 1 and 2 (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
641]çFke ry] eq[kthZ 21]iwlk jksM] djksy 13/15] rk'kdan ekxZ] fudV if=kdk IykWV uacj&45 o 45-A g"kZ Vkoj&2] 25
uxj] fnYyh&110009 ckx] ubZ fnYyh pkSjkgk] flfoy ykbUl] iz;kxjkt esu Vksad jksM] olqaèkjk dkWyksuh] t;iqj
nwjHkk"k % 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
91. Which of the following have been identified as 2. The targeted group is young children and
Domestic Systemically Important Insurers (D-SIIs) adolescent girls only.
for 2020-21? 3. The target of the mission is to bring down
1. The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) stunting among children in the age group 0-6
2. General Insurance Corporation of India years from 38.4% to 25% by 2022.
3. The New India Assurance Co Ltd 4. Swasth Bharat Preraks are a part of this.
Select the correct answer using the code given Select the correct answer using the codes given
below: below:
(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only (a) 1, 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 2 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 3 and 4 only
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only
92. With reference to Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme,
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
consider the following statements:
1. KCC is implemented by commercial banks 95. With reference to the mRNA Vaccines, consider the
only. following statements:
2. KCC also covers post-harvest expenses. 1. mRNA vaccine does not contain the small or
inactivated disease of the disease-causing
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only 2. The vaccines are safer and effective as
(b) 2 only compared to traditional vaccines.
(c) Both 1 and 2
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
(a) 1 only
93. Which of the following statements is/are correct (b) 2 only
about ‘Hedging’ ? (c) Both 1 and 2
1. Hedging is a financial technique that helps to (d) Neither 1 nor 2
reduce risk from future change in value.
96. With reference to Animal Husbandry, consider the
2. It is a kind of insurance that does not eliminate following statements:
the risk completely but mitigates its effect.
1. It helps to recycle the crop residues and
Select the correct answer using the codes given agricultural products effectively.
below: 2. It provides employment to about 8.8% of the
(a) 1 only population in India.
(b) 2 only 3. Livestock sector contributes around one- fourth
(c) Both 1 and 2 of total Agriculture GDP.
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 Which of the statements given above are correct?
94. Which among the following are correct regarding (a) 1 and 2 only
Poshan Abhiyaan: (b) 2 and 3 only
1. The National Council on Nutrition (NCN) has (c) 1 and 3 only
been set up under this. (d) 1, 2 and 3
641]çFke ry] eq[kthZ 21]iwlk jksM] djksy 13/15] rk'kdan ekxZ] fudV if=kdk IykWV uacj&45 o 45-A g"kZ Vkoj&2] 27
uxj] fnYyh&110009 ckx] ubZ fnYyh pkSjkgk] flfoy ykbUl] iz;kxjkt esu Vksad jksM] olqaèkjk dkWyksuh] t;iqj
nwjHkk"k % 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
97. ‘Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyan Yojna’ is related to 99. Consider the following statements:
(a) Accidental insurance for the workers in 1. In a multi cropping system, farmers grow two
unorganised sector or more crops on farmland in one calendar year.
(b) Premium payment of life insurance for below 2. A multi cropping system, includes inter-
poverty line persons cropping, mixed-cropping and relay cropping.
(c) Unemployment benefit to workers under ESI 3. Intercropping involves growing more than one
scheme. crop simultaneously without any distinct row
(d) None of the above arrangement.
98. With reference to the National Internet Exchange of Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
India, consider the following statements:
(a) 1 only
1. It is a not for profit organization that shares data
(b) 1 and 2 only
between the Internet Service Providers and
Content Delivery Networks. (c) 2 and 3 only
2. It manages the Internet country code domain (d) 1, 2 and 3
for India. 100. The ‘State of World Population Report’ is published
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? by:
(a) 1 only (a) National Commission on Population
(b) 2 only (b) World Population Balance
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) Population Media Center
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) United Nations Population Fund
641]çFke ry] eq[kthZ 21]iwlk jksM] djksy 13/15] rk'kdan ekxZ] fudV if=kdk IykWV uacj&45 o 45-A g"kZ Vkoj&2] 29
uxj] fnYyh&110009 ckx] ubZ fnYyh pkSjkgk] flfoy ykbUl] iz;kxjkt esu Vksad jksM] olqaèkjk dkWyksuh] t;iqj
nwjHkk"k % 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
641]çFke ry] eq[kthZ 21]iwlk jksM] djksy 13/15] rk'kdan ekxZ] fudV if=kdk IykWV uacj&45 o 45-A g"kZ Vkoj&2] 31
uxj] fnYyh&110009 ckx] ubZ fnYyh pkSjkgk] flfoy ykbUl] iz;kxjkt esu Vksad jksM] olqaèkjk dkWyksuh] t;iqj
nwjHkk"k % 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
Q. No. Answers Q. No. Answers Q. No. Answers Q. No. Answers
1 (b) 26 (d) 51 (c) 76 (a)
2 (b) 27 (c) 52 (c) 77 (a)
3 (c) 28 (b) 53 (c) 78 (d)
4 (d) 29 (c) 54 (b) 79 (a)
5 (c) 30 (c) 55 (c) 80 (b)
6 (a) 31 (a) 56 (c) 81 (b)
7 (c) 32 (b) 57 (d) 82 (a)
8 (d) 33 (c) 58 (b) 83 (c)
9 (a) 34 (a) 59 (c) 84 (c)
10 (a) 35 (b) 60 (a) 85 (a)
11 (a) 36 (c) 61 (a) 86 (b)
12 (a) 37 (a) 62 (c) 87 (c)
13 (c) 38 (a) 63 (b) 88 (b)
1. (b) z Corporate tax, which was very high earlier was gradually
Explanation: z The rupee was ‘devalued’ against foreign currencies
Pre-1991 economic scenario in India: which led to an increase in inflow of foreign exchange.
z India sought an alternative to the extreme variations of z Reduction of tariff rates (taxes on imports)
capitalism and socialism. z Export duties were removed to promote exports.
z India adopted a socialist society with a strong public Hence, statement 3 is correct.
sector but also with private property and democracy.
z As part of it, India adopted a centralised planning 2. (b)
approach. Explanation:
1991 economic crisis: z According to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs,
z By 1985, India had started having balance of payments highest share of funds for the Smart Cities Mission is
problems. provided by the central and state governments. After this,
z By the end of 1990, the government was close to default. Public Private Partnerships provide the second largest
z In 1991, India met with an economic crisis - relating to source of funding for the Mission. Hence, statement 1
external debt. The government was not able to make is NOT correct.
repayments on its borrowings from abroad. z Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs is the nodal
z The foreign exchange reserves, dropped to levels that ministry for Smart Cities Mission. Hence, statement 2
were not sufficient to last even a fortnight. is correct.
z The crisis was further compounded by rising prices of z Prime Minister launched three mega urban schemes viz.
essential goods. Smart Cities Mission, Atal Mission for Rejuvenation
and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) and Housing
1991 Economic Reforms consisted of two parts:
for All in urban area, setting in motion the process of
z Stabilisation measures:
urban transformation to enable better living and drive
These are short term measures aimed at solving the
economic growth.
immediate cause the 1991 economic crisis.
These included correcting the weakness which 3. (c)
resulted in the balance of payments crisis and steps Explanation:
to bring inflation under control. z There are six countries (Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt,
z Structural measures: Sudan, Eritrea, and Djibouti) bordering the Red Sea.
These are long term measures aimed at improving the Hence, option (c) is correct.
efficiency of the economy and increasing its
international competitiveness by removing the
rigidities in various segments of the Indian economy.
These reforms fall under three leads:
Liberalisation Globalisation
The Major Policy Changes Include:
z Abolishing Industrial licensing for industries except:-
alcohol, cigarettes, hazardous chemicals, drugs,
explosives, etc. Hence, statement 1 is NOT correct.
z Many industries which were reserved for public sector
had been ‘dereserved’.
z Reduce the role of RBI from regulator to facilitator of
financial sector.
z These reforms led to the establishment of private
banks. Hence, statement 2 is correct.
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 2
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
Phone : 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 3
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
Phone : 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
z Stage 2: the Appellate Body can uphold, modify or assistance in support of comprehensive programs that
reverse the legal findings and conclusions of a panel. include policies of the scope and character required to
z Therefore, the Appellate Body’s decisions are final and correct structural imbalances over an extended period.
adopted within 30 days by the dispute settlement body. The Special Drawing Right (SDR) is an international
Sanctions can be imposed on a member in case of its reserve asset, created by the IMF in 1969 to supplement
failure to comply with the Appellate Body’s rulings. its member countries’ official reserves. The value of the
Hence, statement 2 is correct. SDR is based on a basket of five currencies—the U.S.
z The establishment of the Appellate Body has given teeth dollar, the euro, the Chinese renminbi, the Japanese
and credibility to the rules-based multilateral trading yen, and the British pound sterling.
system. Moreover, it provided security and predictability
10. (a)
in the multilateral trading system.
8. (d) z All these terms come from the theoretical physics branch,
Explanation: which investigates the state of matter and composition,
Anamaya initiative: origin, and extent of the universe.
z It is an initiative bringing together governments, z Singularity and event horizons are related to Black
philanthropists, national and international Holes.
z The standard model of physics tries to explain Universal
foundations, Non-Governmental Organizations
(NGOs)/Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to end
z String theory is used in the context of Quantum physics
all preventable deaths among the tribal communities of
that is used to understand quantum phenomena. Hence,
option (a) is correct.
z It will converge efforts of various Government agencies
and organisations to enhance the health and nutrition 11. (a)
status of the tribal communities of India. Hence,
statement 1 is NOT correct.
The COP21 to the United Nations Framework
z It aims to build a sustainable, high-performing health
Convention on Climate Change decided to convene a
ecosystem to address the key health challenges faced by
facilitative dialogue among Parties in 2018 to take stock
the tribal population of India.
of the collective efforts of Parties in relation to progress
z It was launched by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs. Hence,
towards the long-term goal (referred to in Article 4,
statement 2 is NOT correct. paragraph 1, of the Paris Agreement). To this end The
9. (a) Talanoa Dialogue was launched at the UN Climate
Change Conference COP-23 in Bonn (Germany) in
Explanation: 2017 . Hence, statement (a) is correct.
When a country faces serious medium-term balance of
payments problems because of structural weaknesses 12. (a)
that require time to address, the International Monetary Explanation:
Fund (IMF) can assist with the adjustment process under z EASE Reforms Agenda: It was launched in January
an Extended Fund Facility (EFF). Hence, option (a) 2018 jointly by the Government and Public Sector Banks
is correct. (PSBs). It was commissioned through Indian Banks’
The EFF was established to provide assistance to Association and authored by Boston Consulting Group.
countries: EASE Agenda is aimed at institutionalizing CLEAN
(i) experiencing serious payments imbalances because of and SMART banking. Hence, statement 1 is correct
structural impediments; and statement 2 is NOT correct.
(ii) characterized by slow growth and an inherently weak z EASE Reforms Index: It measures the performance of
balance of payments position. The EFF provides each PSB on 120+ objective metrics. The Index follows
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 4
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
Phone : 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
a fully transparent scoring methodology, which enables fraud occurrence from 0.65% of advances
banks to identify their strengths as well as areas for during FY10-FY14 to 0.06% in FY19-20.
improvement. The goal is to continue driving change by Record recovery of Rs. 2.27 lakh crore in
encouraging healthy competition among PSBs. FY19-FY20. Banks have taken steps like
z EASE 1.0 Index: It showed significant improvement instituting data-driven risk assessments and
in PSB performance in the resolution of Non Performing introducing Early Warning Signals (EWS)
Assets (NPAs) transparently. systems.
z EASE 2.0 Index: It was announced recently on the
performance of PSBs from March 2018-2020 and the 13. (c)
best-performing banks on EASE were felicitated. It builds Explanation:
on the foundation of EASE 1.0 and introduces new reform Indian Energy Exchange:
Action Points across six themes to make reforms journey z It is the first and largest energy exchange in India
irreversible, strengthen processes and systems, and drive providing a nationwide, automated trading platform
outcomes. for physical delivery of electricity, Renewable Energy
z The six themes of EASE 2.0 are - Certificates and Energy Saving Certificates.
I. Responsible Banking; z The exchange platform enables efficient price discovery
II. Customer Responsiveness; and increases the accessibility and transparency of the
III. Credit Off-take; power market in India while also enhancing the speed
IV. PSBs as UdyamiMitra (SIDBI portal for credit and efficiency of trade execution.
management of MSMEs); z It is a publicly listed company with National Stock
V. Financial Inclusion & Digitalisation; and Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).
VI. Governance and HR z It is approved and regulated by Central Electricity
z Performance of PSB on EASE 2.0 Index- Regulatory Commission (CERC) and has been
1. Overall Score: It increased by 37% between operating since 2008. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
March-2019 and March-2020, with the average z It aims to leverage technology and innovation to establish
EASE index score improving from 49.2 to 67.4 out transparent and efficient energy marketplaces for
of 100. delivering affordable, reliable energy to consumers.
2. Top Performing Banks: Bank of Baroda, State Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC):
Bank of India, and erstwhile Oriental Bank of z CERC is a regulator of the power sector in India.
Commerce. z It intends to promote competition, efficiency and economy
3. Major improvements: in bulk power markets, improve the quality of supply,
I. Digital Banking: Nearly 4 crore active promote investments and advise the government on the
customers on mobile and internet banking. 50% removal of institutional barriers to bridge the demand-
of financial transactions through digital supply gap. Hence, statement 2 is correct.
14. (b)
II. Customer service: Increase in the number of
call centers and inclusion of 13 regional Explanation:
languages in customer service, enhanced z Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT), Hybrid Annuity Model
doorstep banking support by 75,000+ Bank (HAM) and Engineering, Procurement, and Construction
Mitras, etc. (EPC) are the different types of Public-Private Partnership
III. Easy loans: Turnaround time for retail loans (PPP).
reduced from nearly 30 days to nearly 10 days. BOT is a conventional PPP model in which a private
IV. NPAs and Frauds: Gross NPAs reduced from partner is responsible to design, build, operate (during
Rs. 8.96 lakh crore in March-2018 to Rs. 6.78 the contracted period) and transfer back the facility
lakh crore in March-2020. A sharp decline in to the public sector.
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 5
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
Phone : 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 6
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
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z Interest Subsidy: z The meeting was held on the theme ‘E9 initiative:
On timely/early repayment of the loan, an interest Scaling up digital learning to accelerate progress
subsidy of 7% per annum will be credited to the bank towards SDG4’.
accounts of beneficiaries through direct benefit z E9 Partnership was first established in 1993, formed to
transfer on a six monthly basis. achieve the goals of UNESCO’s Education For All
z Escalation of credit limits: (EFA).
The scheme provides for the rise of the credit limit z A group of E9 countries (Bangladesh, Brazil, China,
on timely/ early repayment of loans i.e. if a street Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, and
vendor repays the installments on time or earlier, he Pakistan) aims at strengthening political will and
or she can develop his or her credit score that makes collective effort to ensure quality education and lifelong
him/her eligible for a higher amount of term loan such learning opportunities for all. Hence, option (c) is
as Rs. 20,000. correct.
z E9 Partnership is working for the achievement of SDG4
z Encourage digital transactions:
The scheme incentivises digital transactions by the – Quality Education 2030.
street vendors through monthly cash back. 19. (b)
z Focus on capacity building:
MoHUA in collaboration with State Governments will
z The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights
launch a capacity building and financial literacy
(PPV&FR) Act, 2001 has sufficient provisions to protect
programme of all the stakeholders and Information,
the interests of public sector breeding institutions and the
Education and Communication (IEC) activities
throughout the country during the month of June and
loaning will commence in the month of July. Objectives of the PPV & FR Act, 2001
z Role of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs): 1. To establish an effective system for the protection
ULBs will play a pivotal role in the implementation of plant varieties, the rights of farmers and plant
of the scheme by ensuring to target the beneficiary breeders and to encourage the development of
and reaching to them in an efficient manner. Hence, new varieties of plants.
statement 1 is correct. 2. To accelerate agricultural development in the
z E-governance: country, protect plant breeders’ rights; stimulate
In line with the vision of leveraging technology to investment for research and development both in
ensure effective delivery and transparency, a digital public & private sector for the development of
platform with web portal/ mobile app is being new plant varieties.
developed to administer the scheme with end-to-end 3. Facilitate the growth of seed industry in the
solution. country which will ensure the availability of high
This platform will integrate the web portal/ mobile quality seeds and planting material to the farmers.
app with UdyamiMitra portal of SIDBI for credit Hence, statement 2 is correct.
management and PAiSA portal of MoHUA to Farmers’ Rights:
administer interest subsidy automatically. a. A farmer who has evolved or developed a new
It will help in integrating the vendors into the formal variety is entitled for registration and protection in
financial system. manner as a breeder of a variety.
b. Farmers variety can also be registered as an extant
18. (c) variety.
Explanation: c. A farmer can save, use, sow, re-sow, exchange,
E9 Countries: share or sell his farm produce including seed of a
z Recently, a consultation meeting of Education Ministers variety protected under the PPV&FR Act, 2001.
of E9 countries was held. Hence, statement 1 is NOT correct.
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 7
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
Phone : 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
d. Farmers are eligible for recognition and rewards z As a result of this, gender disparity in India’s labour
for the conservation of Plant Genetic Resources of market has increased which is reflected from declining
land races and wild relatives of economic plants. trend in ratio of female to male labour force participation
rate except for urban females.
20. (b) z In urban areas, female labour force participation more or
Explanation: less remained constant.
RESPOND Program: 22. (a)
z Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has
announced that it will support eight joint research Explanation:
projects mooted by the Space Technology Cell (STC), z The World Bank is an international organization dedicated
IIT-Delhi. to providing financing, advice, and research to developing
nations to aid their economic advancement.
z The ISRO will support the projects under its RESPOND
z The bank predominantly acts as an organization that
programme with varying duration of 1-3 years.
attempts to fight poverty by offering developmental
z STC was set up at IIT, Delhi under an MoU signed
assistance to middle- and low-income countries.
between the ISRO and IIT-D in November 2019.
z Currently, the World Bank has two stated goals that it
z Aim of STC: To strengthen the research collaboration
aims to achieve by 2030.
between the two organisations and to carry out focused
The first is to end extreme poverty by decreasing
research projects in the space technology domain with the number of people living on less than $1.90 a day
specific deliverables. to below 3% of the world population.
z Since then, eight collaborative research projects have
The second is to increase overall prosperity by
been announced.
increasing income growth in the bottom 40% of every
z Some of the projects include developing a system for
country in the world.
drought and flood forecasting and understanding
z The Institutions of the World Bank Group:
land-atmosphere interactions.
The World Bank Group is one of the world’s largest
z Main objectives of the RESPOND Programme: To
sources of funding and knowledge for developing
establish strong links with premier academic institutions
in India to carry out research and developmental projects
It consists of five institutions with a common commitment
which are of relevance to Space and derive useful outputs
to reducing poverty, increasing shared prosperity, and
of such R&D to support ISRO programmes.
promoting sustainable growth and development.
Hence, option (b) is correct.
The International Bank for Reconstruction and
21. (c) Development (IBRD) lends to governments of
middle-income and creditworthy low-income countries.
International Development Association (IDA)
z According to NSO-EUS (National Statistical Office-
provides financing on highly concessional terms to
Employment Unemployment Survey) and PLFS (Periodic governments of the poorest countries. Hence,
Labour Force Survey ) estimates, female labour force statement 2 is NOT correct.
participation rate (LFPR) for productive age-group (15- The International Finance Corporation (IFC)
59 years) shows a declining trend. provides loans, equity, and advisory services to
z Female labour force participation declined by 7.8 stimulate private sector investment in developing
percentage points from 33.1 per cent in 2011-12 to 25.3 countries. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
per cent in 2017-18. Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
z Though female LFPR is higher in rural areas as (MIGA) provides political risk insurance and
compared to urban areas, the rate of decline was also credit enhancement to investors and lenders to
sharper in rural areas compared to urban areas. facilitate foreign direct investment in emerging
Hence, statement 1 and 2 are correct. economies.
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 8
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
Phone : 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
International Centre for Settlement of z School governance is set to change, with a new
Investment Disputes (ICSID) provides accreditation framework and an independent authority to
international facilities for conciliation and regulate both public and private schools.
arbitration of investment disputes. z Emphasis on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy, no
rigid separation between academic streams, extracurricular,
23. (a) vocational streams in schools.
Explanation: z Vocational Education to start from Class 6 with
Sagarmala Project Internships.
z The Sagarmala Programme was approved by the Union z Teaching up to at least Grade 5 to be in mother tongue/
Cabinet in 2015 which aims at holistic port infrastructure regional language. No language will be imposed on any
development along the 7,516-km long coastline through student. Hence, statement 2 is correct.
modernisation, mechanisation and computerisation. z Assessment reforms with 360 degree Holistic Progress
Hence, statement 2 is correct. Card, tracking Student Progress for achieving Learning
z Under this port-led development framework, the Outcomes
government hopes to increase its cargo traffic three-fold. z A new and comprehensive National Curriculum
z It also includes the establishment of rail/road linkages Framework for Teacher Education (NCFTE) 2021, will
with the port terminals, thus providing last-mile be formulated by the National Council for Teacher
connectivity to ports; development of linkages with new Education (NCTE) in consultation with National Council
regions enhanced multi-modal connectivity including rail, of Educational Research and Training (NCERT).
inland water, coastal and road services. Hence, statement z By 2030, the minimum degree qualification for teaching
3 is NOT correct. will be a 4-year integrated B.Ed. degree.
z The Union Ministry of Shipping has been appointed as 25. (a)
the nodal ministry for this initiative. Hence, statement
1 is correct. Explanation:
Boao Forum for Asia (BFA)
24. (c) z Headquarter: China
z It is an international organization jointly initiated by
29 member states.
The Union Cabinet has approved the new National
z It holds its annual conference in Boao, Hainan, China
Education Policy (NEP), 2020 with an aim to introduce
on a regular basis.
several changes in the Indian education system - from the
z Founding purpose: To promote economic integration in
school to college level.
Salient Feature of New National Education Policy 2020: z It is a Not-For-Profit Organisation. Hence, statement
z Universalization of education from preschool to 1 is correct.
secondary level with 100% Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) z Mission: To pool positive energy for the development of
in school education by 2030. Asia and the world.
z To bring 2 crore out of school children back into the z First conference: Feb. 26-27, 2001
mainstream through an open schooling system. z It is modelled on the World Economic Forum held
z The current 10+2 system is to be replaced by a new annually in Davos, Switzerland.
5+3+3+4 curricular structure corresponding to ages z India is a member of this organisation. Hence, statement
3-8, 8-11, 11-14, and 14-18 years respectively. 2 is NOT correct.
z It will bring the uncovered age group of 3-6 years
under school curriculum, which has been recognized 26. (d)
globally as the crucial stage for development of mental Explanation:
faculties of a child. Hence, statement 1 is correct. Pradhan Mantri Kisan SAMPADA Yojana
z It will also have 12 years of schooling with three years z In 2016, Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI)
of Anganwadi/ pre schooling. introduced an umbrella Scheme for Agro-Marine
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 9
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
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641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 10
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
Phone : 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
z Shaphari is a Sanskrit word that means the superior quality z IBSA was formed after the signing of the Brasilia
of fishery products suitable for human consumption. Declaration in the year 2003. Hence statement 1 is
z It is a market-based tool for hatcheries to adopt good correct.
aquaculture practices and help produce quality z BRICS was founded in 2006 and IBSA does not function
antibiotic-free shrimp products to assure global consumers. under BRICS. Hence, statement 2 is NOT correct.
29. (c) 32. (b)
Explanation: Explanation:
The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce z Fisheries is a fast-growing sector in India, which provides
(Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020 nutrition and food security to a large population of the
Main provisions – country besides providing income and employment to
z The new legislation has created an ecosystem where the
more than 14.5 million people.
farmers and traders will enjoy the freedom of choice of
z India was the second largest fish producer in the world
sale and purchase of agri-produce.
with a total production of 13.7 million metric tonnes in
z It will also promote barrier-free inter-state and intra-
2018-19. Hence, statement 1 is NOT correct.
state trade and commerce outside the physical premises
z Of the total production of fish, 65% is from inland sector.
of markets notified under State Agricultural Produce
Marketing legislations. Hence, statement 2 is correct. Hence, statement 2 is correct.
z The farmers will not be charged any cess or levy for
33. (c)
sale of their products and will not have to bear
transport costs. Hence, statement 1 is correct. Explanation:
z The Act also proposes electronic trading in transaction Marine Products Exports Development Authority:
platform for ensuring a seamless trade electronically. z MPEDA is a nodal coordinating, state-owned agency
z In addition to mandis, freedom to do trading at farmgate, engaged in fishery production and allied activities.
cold storage, warehouse, processing units etc. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
z Farmers will be able to engage in direct marketing thereby z It was established in 1972 under the Marine Products
eliminating intermediaries resulting in full realization of Export Development Authority Act (MPEDA), 1972.
price. z It functions under the Union Ministry of Commerce and
Industry. Hence, statement 2 is correct.
30. (c)
z Its mandate is to increase exports of seafood including
Explanation: fisheries of all kinds, specifying standards, marketing,
Coal Gasification: processing, extension and training in various aspects.
z Coal gasification is the process of converting coal into Hence, statement 3 is NOT correct.
synthesis gas (also called syngas), which is a mixture of
hydrogen (H2), carbon monoxide (CO), and carbon 34. (a)
dioxide (CO2).
z The syngas can be used in a variety of applications such
India’s first trans-shipment hub is located at the Cochin
as in the production of electricity and making chemical
products, such as fertilizers. Port. Hence, option (a) is correct.
z The coal gasification process holds good potential in the z Trans-shipment Hub is the terminal at the port which
future, with coal being the most abundantly available handles containers, stores them temporarily and transfers
fossil fuel across the world, and that even low-grade coal them to other ships for the onward destination.
can be used in the process. Hence, option (c) is correct.
35. (b)
31. (a) Explanation:
Explanation: Diabetes:
z IBSA is a tripartite group consisting of India, Brazil, z Diabetes is a Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) that
and South Africa. occurs either when the pancreas does not produce
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 11
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Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
enough insulin (a hormone that regulates blood sugar, z Under NDHM, Indian citizens will get a digital health
or glucose) or when the body cannot effectively use the ID which is basically a digital format of all his/her health
insulin it produces. Hence, statement 1 is NOT correct. records which will be linked to the registry of doctors and
About Global Diabetes Compact Initiative: health facilities across the country. Hence, statement 1
z Global Diabetes Compact aims to reduce the risk of is correct.
diabetes. Hence, statement 2 is correct. z The enrolment in the initiative will be voluntary.
z It will ensure that all people diagnosed with diabetes have Hence, statement 2 is NOT correct.
access to equitable, comprehensive, affordable, quality z The health ID will contain information about medical
treatment and care. data, prescriptions and diagnostic reports and summaries
z This initiative was launched at the Global Diabetes of previous discharge from hospitals for ailments. The
Summit. WHO and the government of Canada Co-hosted mission is expected to bring efficiency and transparency
the summit with the support of the University of Toronto. in healthcare services in the country.
z The NDHM comprises six key building blocks or digital
36. (c) systems - HealthID, DigiDoctor, Health Facility
Explanation: Registry, Personal Health Records, e-Pharmacy and
z Agricultural Census is conducted every five years in Telemedicine - that will enable access to timely, safe and
India. It is the largest countrywide statistical operation affordable healthcare through a ‘citizen-centric’ approach.
undertaken by the Ministry of Agriculture, for z The National Health Authority (NHA), the apex agency
collection of data on the structure of operational holdings responsible for the implementation of Ayushman Bharat
by different size classes and social groups. Hence, Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY), has
statement 1 is correct been given the mandate by the government to design,
z The first Agricultural Census in the country was conducted build, roll-out and implement the NDHM in the country.
with reference year 1970-71. Hence, statement 3 is NOT correct.
z Agricultural Census is carried out as a Central Sector
38. (a)
Scheme under which 100% financial assistance is
provided to States/Union Territories. Hence, statement Explanation:
2 is correct. Mahatma Jyotirao Phule
z The tenth Agriculture Census with reference year 2015-16 z Phule was born on 11 th April 1827 in present-day
has been launched on 3rd February, 2016.The field work Maharashtra and belonged to the Mali caste of gardeners
of Phase-I of Agriculture Census 2015-16 has been and vegetable farmers.
completed and provisional results of Phase-I are being z His Ideology was based on: Liberty; Egalitarianism;
processed. Socialism.
z Phule was influenced by Thomas Paine’s book titled The
37. (a) Rights of Man and believed that the only solution to
Explanation: combat the social evils was the enlightenment of
National Digital Health Mission (NDHM) women and members of the lower castes. Hence,
z The project provide a health ID to every person in the statement 2 is NOT correct.
country, and benefit the poor. z Tritiya Ratna (1855); Powada: Chatrapati Shivajiraje
z It seeks to provide efficient and affordable health Bhosle Yancha (1869); Gulamgiri (1873), Shetkarayacha
coverage through a wide-range of data and infrastructure Aasud (1881) are his major publications. Hence,
services. statement 1 is correct.
z The key feature of this mission is the technology part z He was appointed commissioner to the Poona
- it will leverage open digital systems to provide high- municipality and served in the position until 1883.
quality healthcare for all. It will integrate various digital z He was bestowed with the title of Mahatma on 11th May
health services to create an ecosystem which can 1888 by a Maharashtrian social activist Vithalrao
assimilate existing health information systems. Krishnaji Vandekar.
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 12
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
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641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 13
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
Phone : 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 14
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
Phone : 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
z The new version of IHIP will house the data entry and To create an environment that encourages research
management for India’s disease surveillance program. and development (R&D), rewards innovation, create
z In addition to tracking 33 diseases now as compared to Indian Intellectual Property (IP) ownership and
the earlier 18 diseases, it shall ensure near-real-time data promotes a robust and self-reliant defence industry.
in digital mode, having done away with the paper mode z Outlined Strategies:
of working. Procurement Reforms:
z It is the world’s biggest online disease surveillance A Project Management Unit (PMU) will be set
platform, is in sync with the National Digital Health up for the development and production of
Mission and fully compatible with the other digital technologies involved, life cycle costs and
information systems presently being used in India. Hence, maintenance requirements of platforms, equipment
statement 1 is correct. and weapon systems.
z The refined IHIP with automated -data will help in a big It also aims to move away from licensed production
way in real-time data collection, aggregation & further to design, develop and produce indigenously.
analysis of data that will aid and enable evidence-based It also aims to own the design rights and IP of the
policymaking. systems projected in the Long Term Integrated
z IHIP will provide a health information system developed Perspective Plan (LTIPP) and a Technology
for real-time, case-based information, integrated Assessment Cell (TAC) would be created.
analytics, and advanced visualization capability. The TAC would also assess the industrial
z It will provide analyzed reports on mobile or other capability for design, development and
electronic devices. production, including re-engineering for
z In addition, outbreak investigation activities can be production of major systems such as armoured
initiated and monitored electronically. vehicles, submarines, fighter aircraft, helicopters
z It can easily be integrated with other ongoing surveillance and radars with the major industries in the country.
Indigenisation And Support to MSMEs/Startups:
programs while having the feature of the addition of
special surveillance modules. The indigenisation policy aims to create an
z It was under the Union Ministry of Health and Family industry ecosystem to indigenise the imported
Welfare. Hence, statement 2 is correct. components (including alloys and special
materials) and sub-assemblies for defence
46. (b) equipment and platforms manufactured in India.
Explanation: 5,000 such items are proposed to be indigenised
by 2025.
Draft Defence Production and Export Promotion Policy (2020)
More than 50 startups are currently developing
z Goals and Objectives:
new ‘fit-for-military-use’ technologies/products.
To achieve a turnover of Rs. 1,75,000 crore including
Optimise Resource Allocation:
export of Rs. 35,000 crore in Aerospace and Defence
The share of domestic procurement in overall
goods and services by 2025. Hence, statement 1 is
NOT correct. Defence procurement is about 60%. Hence,
statement 2 is NOT correct.
To develop a dynamic, robust and competitive
To enhance procurement from domestic industry,
Defence industry, including Aerospace and Naval the procurement needs to be doubled from the
Shipbuilding industry to cater to the needs of Armed current Rs. 70,000 crore to Rs. 1,40,000 crore by
forces with quality products. 2025.
To reduce dependence on imports and take forward Investment Promotion and Ease of Doing Business:
"Make in India" initiatives through domestic design India is already a large aerospace market with
and development. rising passenger traffic and increasing military
To promote the export of defence products and expenditure, as a result of which the demand for
become part of the global defence value chains. aircraft (fixed and rotary wings) is rising.
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 15
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
Phone : 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
49. (c)
The Convention on Domestic Workers
z It is the 189th International Labour Organization (ILO)
convention. Hence, statement 1 is NOT correct.
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 16
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
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Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
z India is a signatory to the ILO’s 189th convention, known It is a centralized IT platform which simplifies and
as the Convention on Domestic Workers; but has not streamlines release of interest subvention under the
ratified it yet. Hence, statement 2 correct. Mission.
z The Convention on Domestic Workers, is a convention It offers end to end online solution for processing,
setting labour standards for domestic workers. Hence, payment, monitoring and tracking of interest
statement 3 is correct. subvention claims from banks on a monthly basis.
50. (a) Claims for subvention are uploaded by banks through
their CBS (Core Banking Solution) in respect of the
Explanation: beneficiaries of the Self Employment Programme,
SUPACE Portal: which are verified and approved by the Urban Local
z It is a portal through which the Supreme Court intends Bodies (ULB) and State concerned.
to leverage machine learning to deal with the amount of
The approved claim amount gets credited directly to
data received in the filing of cases.
the beneficiary’s loan account through DBT mode.
z CJI SA Bobde was the first chairman of the Artificial
SMS is also sent to the beneficiary’s mobile number
Intelligence (AI) Committee.
intimating the credit of subvention amount.
z S.A. Bobde described it as a ‘hybrid system’ and ‘a perfect
blend of human intelligence and machine learning that The portal has been designed and developed through
does wonders when paired with human intelligence. the Allahabad Bank.
z The AI-driven tool is designed to only process information
52. (c)
and make it available to the Judges to take a decision. It
will not take any part in the decision making. Explanation:
z Only the Judges of Delhi and Bombay High Courts z eSanjeevani:
dealing with criminal cases would use it on an experimental It is a doctor to doctor telemedicine system, being
basis. Hence, option (a) is correct. implemented under the Ayushman Bharat Health
and Wellness Centre (AB-HWCs) programme.
51. (c) Hence, statement 1 is correct.
Explanation: AB-HWCs are envisaged to be the platform for
Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National delivery of an expanded range of primary health
Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM): care services closer to the communities.
z The mission was launched in 2014 and is being It seeks to connect all 1,50,000 HWCs using the
implemented by the Ministry of Housing and Urban hub-and-spoke model by December 2022.
Affairs (MoHUA). Hence, statement 1 is correct. Under the model, a network will be established
z It aims to uplift the urban poor by enhancing sustainable comprising an anchor establishment, or hub, which
livelihood opportunities through skill development. offers a full array of services, and will be
z It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme. Hence, statement complemented by secondary establishments, or
2 is NOT correct. spokes, which offer limited services, routing
Fund is shared between the Centre and the States in
patients needing more intensive services to the hub
the ratio of 75:25. For North Eastern and Special for treatment.
Category states– the ratio is 90:10.
Presently, telemedicine is being provided through
z The Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban more than 3,000 HWCs in 10 States.
Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) has been conferred
z eSanjeevaniOPD:
the prestigious SKOCH Governance Gold Award for
its Portal for Affordable Credit and Interest Subvention It was launched amid the Covid-19 pandemic to
Access (PAiSA). Hence, statement 3 is correct. enable patient-to-doctor tele-consultations.
z PAiSA (Portal for Affordable Credit and Interest Offered at no cost, this e-health service has made it
Subvention Access ): convenient for the people to avail of the health
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 17
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Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
services without having to travel. It enables two-way z Land ceiling was another policy to promote equity in the
interaction and even generates a prescription slip. agricultural sector. This means fixing the maximum size
Hence, statement 2 is correct. of land which could be owned by an individual. The
It is hosting over 40 online Out Patient Department purpose of the land ceiling was to reduce the concentration
(OPD) services, more than half of these are speciality of land ownership in a few hands. Hence, statement 2 is
OPDs which include Gynaecology, Psychiatry, correct.
z The policy of ‘land to the tiller’ is based on the idea that
AntiRetroviral Therapy (ART) for the AIDS/HIV
patients, Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) etc. the cultivators will take more interest, they will have more
incentive in increasing output if they are the owners of
53. (c) the land. This is because ownership of land enables the
tiller to make profit from the increased output.
About the Startup India Seed Fund Scheme (SISFS): 55. (c)
z Its aim is to provide financial assistance to startups for Explanation:
proof of concept, prototype development, product trials, z Two types of Narcotic Raw Material (NRM) can be
market-entry, and commercialization. produced from Opium Poppy - Opium Gum and
z It was launched by the Department for Promotion of Concentrate of Poppy Straw (CPS).
Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) with an outlay of Rs.
945 Crore. Poppy Straw:
z Some Eligibility Conditions: z Poppy straw is the husk left after the opium is extracted
A startup, recognized by DPIIT, incorporated not from pods.
more than 2 years ago at the time of application. z This poppy straw also contains a very small morphine
content and if used in sufficient quantities, poppy straw
Startups should not have received more than Rs. 10
can give a high.
lakh of monetary support under any other Central or
z Poppy straw is one of the narcotic drugs under the
State Government scheme.
Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances Act 1985
Hence, both statements 1 and 2 are correct. (NDPS Act).
54. (b) Alkaloids:
z Alkaloids are a huge group of naturally occurring
organic compounds which contain nitrogen atoms or
Land policy formulation through planning period (Five Year
amino or amido in some cases in their structures. Hence,
statement 1 is correct.
z In 1950, the Planning Commission was set up with the
z These nitrogen atoms cause the alkalinity of these
Prime Minister as its Chairperson.
Plan Period Chief Issue Policy Thrust z Well-known alkaloids include morphine, strychnine,
Increase area under Increase land under quinine, ephedrine, and nicotine.
cultivation. cultivation. Rights to z The medicinal properties of alkaloids are quite diverse.
Community tenants to cultivate Morphine is a powerful narcotic used for the relief of
First Plan pain, though its addictive properties limit its usefulness.
Development land. Abolition of
(1951-56) Codeine, the methyl ether derivative of morphine found
networks to take intermediaries.
in the opium poppy, is an excellent analgesic that is
care of village Hence, statement 1 relatively non-addictive.
commons. is NOT correct. z So far, only opium gum has been produced in India. The
Agriculture is Soil conservation. Government of India has now decided that CPS production
mostly dependent First phase of land should be commenced in India.
Second Plan on rain alone. Low reform z Current Extraction of Alkaloids:
India currently only extracts alkaloids from opium
(1956-61) land productivity. implementation.
gum at facilities controlled by the Revenue
Department in the Ministry of Finance. Hence,
development. statement 2 is correct.
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 18
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Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
Explanation: Explanation:
Scheme for Adolescent Girls (SAG) The Constitution (Eighty-sixth Amendment) Act, 2002
z Introduced in: 2010 inserted Article 21-A in the Constitution of India to
z Implemented By: Ministry of Women and Child provide free and compulsory education of all children in
Development the age group of six to fourteen years as a Fundamental
z Implemented Through: Existing Anganwadi Centres Right in such a manner as the State may, by law,
(AWCs) under the Integrated Child Development Scheme
The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education
(ICDS). Hence, statement 3 is correct.
(RTE) Act, 2009 also known as The Right to Education
z Coverage: Pan-India
Act clarifies that ‘compulsory education’ means
z Key Objective: To facilitate, educate and empower
obligation of the appropriate government to provide free
Adolescent Girls (AGs) so as to enable them to become
elementary education and ensure compulsory admission,
self-reliant and aware citizens. attendance and completion of elementary education to
z Target Group: Out of school girls in the age group of every child in the six to fourteen age group.
11-14 years. The scheme aims at motivating out of school z ‘Free’ means that no child shall be liable to pay any kind
girls to go back to formal schooling or vocational/skill of fee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or
training. Hence, statement 2 is NOT correct. her from pursuing and completing elementary education.
z Components: Hence, statement 1 is correct.
Nutrition: Provision for providing specified amount z It specifies the duties and responsibilities of appropriate
of calories, protein and micronutrients to AGs, etc. Governments, local authority and parents in providing
Non-nutrition: Includes health check-up, free and compulsory education, and sharing of financial
mainstreaming out of school girls into the school and other responsibilities between the Central and
system, Iron and Folic Acid (IFA) supplementation, State Governments.
life skill education etc. Hence, statement 2 is correct.
z It lays down the norms and standards relating inter alia to
z Funding Pattern: SAG is a centrally sponsored
Pupil Teacher Ratios (PTRs), buildings and infrastructure,
scheme. Hence, statement 1 is NOT correct.
school-working days, teacher-working hours.
It is implemented through Centre and State share in
z It provides for rational deployment of teachers by
the ratio of 50:50 for nutrition component and 60:40 ensuring that the specified pupil teacher ratio is maintained
for the rest of the activities. for each school, rather than just as an average for the State
For both components, the ratio is 90:10 for North or District or Block, thus ensuring that there is no
Eastern and three Himalayan States and 100% for UTs urban-rural imbalance in teacher postings. Hence,
without legislatures. statement 3 is correct.
z Achievement of the Scheme is measured through: z It also provides for prohibition of deployment of teachers
SAG- Rapid Reporting System (RRS): It is a role for non-educational work, other than decennial census,
based Management Information System (MIS) that elections to local authority, state legislatures and
parliament, and disaster relief.
captures details of the AGs that are taking benefits
under this scheme. The Act prohibits:
Kishore Health Card: To record the information (a) physical punishment and mental harassment;
about the weight, height, Body Mass Index (BMI) of (b) screening procedures for admission of children;
AGs along with other services provided under the (c) capitation fee;
scheme. These health cards for AGs are maintained (d) private tuition by teachers and
at the AWCs. (e) running of schools without recognition,
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 19
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
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641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 20
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641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 21
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
Phone : 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
z Unlike other MDBs (multilateral development bank), z The Bank can lend outside Asia provided that it supports
the AIIB allows for non-sovereign entities to apply for connectivity with Asia or it is for a global public good
AIIB membership, assuming their home country is a and that the loan significantly benefits Asia. Hence,
member. statement 2 is NOT correct.
Thus, sovereign wealth funds (such as the China The ceiling for non-regional loans is 25%.
Investment Corporation) or state-owned enterprises z The key sectors for the Bank are Energy, Transport, Water
of member countries could potentially join the Bank. and Urban development.
Financial Resources of AIIB z About two-thirds of the loans approved by the bank
z The AIIB’s initial total capital is USD 100 billion divided have been co-financed with other multilateral lending
into 1 million shares of 100 000 dollars each, with 20% institutions, including the World Bank and the ADB.
paid-in and 80% callable. z The triple-A ratings from Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s
Paid-Up Share Capital: It is the amount of money and Fitch, reflect the Bank’s commitment to the highest
that has already been paid by investors in exchange standards of governance, enhanced transparency and
for shares of stock. accountability.
Called-Up Share Capital: Some companies may 67. (c)
issue shares to investors with the understanding they
will be paid at a later date. Explanation:
Rural Infra-Development Fund (RIDF)
This allows for more flexible investment terms and
may entice investors to contribute more share z The Government of India created the Rural Infrastructure
capital than if they had to provide funds up front. Development Fund (RIDF) in NABARD in 1995-96 by
z China is the largest contributor to the Bank, contributing way of deposits from scheduled commercial banks
USD 50 billion, half of the initial subscribed capital. operating within the country from the shortfall in their
z India is the second-largest shareholder, contributing agricultural sector/priority sector/weaker section lending.
USD 8.4 billion. The corpus of the fund has been extended on a year-to-
year basis by GoI since then by provisions in the annual
Voting Rights
budget. Hence, statement 2 is correct.
z China is the largest shareholder with 26.61 % voting
shares in the bank followed by India (7.6%), Russia z The fund was established in view that many States have
(6.01%) and Germany (4.2 %). neglected investment in infrastructure for agriculture and
z The regional members hold 75% of the total voting power many rural infrastructure projects were left pending for
in the Bank. want of funds.
z The AIIB has a governance structure similar to other
z Such projects will assist states in completion of medium
MDBs (multilateral development bank), with two key
and minor irrigation, soil conservation, watershed
management and other forms of rural infrastructure.
it does not have a resident board of executive directors
Hence, statement 1 is correct.
that represents member countries’ interests on a day-
to-day basis; and 68. (d)
The AIIB gives more decision making authority to
regional countries and the largest shareholder, China.
z Every year, April 22 is celebrated as Earth Day to raise
AIIB Lending public awareness about the environment and inspire
z The recipients of AIIB financing may include member people to save and protect it.
countries (or agencies and entities or enterprises in z The year 2021 marks the 51st anniversary of the annual
member territories), as well as international or regional celebrations. This year’s theme for Earth Day is ‘Restore
agencies concerned with the economic development of Our Earth’. Hence, option (d) is correct.
the Asia-Pacific region. z In 2009, the United Nations designated April 22 as
z The bulk of AIIB’s operations are in South Asia. ‘International Mother Earth Day’.
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 22
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
Phone : 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 23
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
Phone : 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
z Gender discrimination: The Code prohibits gender z It benchmarks 156 countries on their progress towards
discrimination in matters related to wages and recruitment gender parity in four dimensions:
of employees for the same work or work of similar nature. Economic Participation and Opportunity,
Work of similar nature is defined as work for which the Educational Attainment,
skill, effort, experience, and responsibility required are Health and Survival and
the same. Hence, statement 2 is NOT correct. Political Empowerment.
73. (a) z The highest possible score is 1 (equality) and the lowest
possible score is 0 (inequality).
Explanation: z India is now one of the worst performers in South Asia,
Civil Services Day: it is now ranked 140 among 156 countries. Hence,
z Every year, 21st April is celebrated as Civil Services statement 2 is NOT correct.
Day by the Government of India. Hence, statement 1 is z In South Asia, Bangladesh ranked 65, Nepal 106,
correct. Pakistan 153, Afghanistan 156, Bhutan 130, and Sri
z It is celebrated as an occasion for the civil servants to Lanka 116.
rededicate themselves to the causes of citizens and renew Recent Report Updates:
their commitments to public service and excellence in z Political Empowerment:
work. India has declined on the political empowerment
z The date is chosen to commemorate the day when the index by 13.5 percentage points, and a decline in the
first Home Minister of Independent India, Sardar number of women ministers, from 23.1% in 2019 to
Vallabhbhai Patel addressed the probationers of 9.1% in 2021. However, it has still performed
Administrative Services Officers in 1947 at Metcalf relatively well compared to other countries, ranking
House, Delhi. at 51 in women’s participation in politics.
z On this day, the Prime Minister’s Awards for Excellence z Education Attainment:
in Public Administration are presented to Districts/ In the index of education attainment, India has been
Implementing Units for implementation of Priority ranked at 114.
programme and innovation categories. Hence, statement z Economic Participation:
2 is NOT correct. The report notes that the economic participation
gender gap widened in India by 3% this year.
74. (c) The estimated earned income of women in India is
Scheme (MIS) for procurement of agricultural and the worst, ranking at 155.
horticultural commodities which are generally perishable
in nature. Hence, statement 2 is NOT correct.
z The basic objective of MIS is to provide remunerative
prices to the farmers in case of glut in production and fall
in prices. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
z Market Intervention Scheme (MIS) is also known as the
invisible hand of agricultural marketing. Hence,
statement 3 is correct.
75. (a)
Global Gender Gap Report 2021:
z It was first published in 2006 by the World Economic
Forum (WEF). Hence, statement 1 is correct.
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 24
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
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Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
India (SIDBI) have come together to launch a five-year Bamboo occurs in abundance.
tenor women’s livelihood bond (WLB). z Fauna:
z The proceeds from these social impact bonds will be used Large Carnivores such as leopards and smaller
to help rural women in the country’s poorest States to set carnivores like wild dogs, wolf jackals, jungle cats
up or scale up their own enterprises. and also the good population of sloth bears are seen.
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 25
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
Phone : 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
The important herbivore includes Cheetal, Sambar, z Dantak was tasked to construct the pioneering motorable
Nilgai, Chousingha, Barking deer, Wild pig and Indian roads in Bhutan. Hence, option (b) is correct.
gaur. Mouse deer have also been recorded from the
area. 81. (b)
More than 300 species of birds have been reported Explanation:
from the area. z Recently, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs
z Tiger Reserves in Maharashtra and Year of Tiger Reserves (CCEA) approved a corpus of Rs. 2,000 crore for Agri
notification: Market Infrastructure Fund (AMIF) to be created with
Melghat 2007 NABARD for development and upgradation of agricultural
marketing infrastructure in rural agricultural markets.
Tadoba Andhari 2007
Hence, statement 2 is correct.
Pench – MH 2007 z The Agri-Market Infrastructure Fund was announced in
Sahyadri 2012 the 2018 Budget for developing and upgrading
agricultural marketing infrastructure in the 22,000
Bor 2012
Gramin Agricultural Markets (GrAMs) and 585
Nawegaon Nagzira 2013 Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC).
Hence, statement 2 is NOT correct.
Hence, statement 1 is NOT correct.
z At present, GrAMs are being developed from the
79. (a) MGNREGA fund.
Explanation: z The scheme being demand-driven, progress will depend
z Compulsory Licensing (CL) allows governments to on demand from states.
license third parties (that is, parties other than the patent
holders) to produce and market a patented product or
z The fund will provide subsidised loans to states and
process without the consent of patent owners.
Union Territories for 585 APMC mandis and 10,000
z Compulsory Licencing is regulated under the Indian
Patent Act, 1970. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
z States can also utilise this fund for innovative integrated
z Compulsory Licensing is permitted under the WTO’s
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights market infrastructure projects, including hub and spoke
(TRIPS) Agreement provided some conditions are models and in private-public partnership mode.
fulfilled. Hence, statement 2 is NOT correct. NABARD
z However, the agreement does not specifically list the z National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
reasons that might be used to justify compulsory licensing. (NABARD) came into existence on the recommendation
But the Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health of B. Sivaraman Committee.
confirms that countries are free to determine the z It was approved by the Parliament through Act of 1981
grounds for granting compulsory licences, and to and came into existence in 1982 by transferring the
determine what constitutes a national emergency. agricultural credit functions of RBI and refinance
80. (b) functions of the then Agricultural Refinance and
Development Corporation (ARDC).
Explanation: z Functions of NABARD:
Project Dantak NABARD gives high priority to projects formed under
z Recently, Project Dantak which is one of the oldest
the Integrated Rural Development Programme
Projects of the Border Roads Organisation (BRO)
commemorated its Diamond Jubilee in Bhutan.
z Project Dantak was established on 24th April 1961. It provides finance to support poverty alleviation
z It was a result of the visionary leadership of the third King programs run by IRDP.
of Bhutan and then Prime Minister of India Jawahar Lal It also makes the service area plan to provide backward
Nehru. and forward linkages and infrastructural support.
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 26
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
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Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
It seeks to establish linkages between Self-help Science and Technology (DST - Ministry of Science and
Group (SHG) that are organized by voluntary Technology) and implemented by the Centre for
agencies for poor and needy in rural areas and other Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Pune
official credit agencies. and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru.
It finances projects under the ‘National Watershed Hence, statement 2 is correct.
Development Programme’ and the ‘National z Features:
Mission of Wasteland Development‘. It is also an effort to improve the number of
It also supervises the cooperative banks and supercomputers owned by India. These supercomputers
Regional Rural Banks to periodically ensure the will also be networked on the National Supercomputing
development of the rural financing and farmers’ grid over the National Knowledge Network (NKN).
welfare. The NKN connects academic institutions and R&D
labs over a high-speed network.
82. (a) Under NSM, the long-term plan is to build a strong
Explanation: base of 20,000 skilled persons over the next five years
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) who will be equipped to handle the complexities of
z PM-KISAN is for the families of small and marginal supercomputers.
farmers. z Progress of NSM:
z Landless labourers are not covered under PM-KISAN. In the first phase, PARAM Shivay, PARAM Shakti,
z For the purpose of the calculation of the benefit, the Centre PARAM Brahma, PARAM Yukti and PARAM
has defined a small and marginal landholder family as Sanganak were deployed at IIT (BHU), IIT Kharagpur,
comprising of husband, wife and minor children up to 18 Indian Institute of Science Education and Research,
years of age, who collectively own cultivable land up to Pune, and Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced
two hectares as per the land records of the concerned Research.
states. Hence, option (a) is correct. Recently, PARAM-Siddhi AI has been ranked 63rd in
z Income support under the scheme will be transferred the Top 500 list of most powerful supercomputers in
directly into the bank accounts of beneficiary farmers, in the world. It was developed under the NSM.
three equal installments of Rs. 2,000 each.
z The complete expenditure for the scheme will be borne 84. (c)
by the Union Government in 2019-20. Around 12 crore Explanation:
small and marginal farmer families are expected to benefit z India is set to witness a sharp slowdown in population
from this. growth in the next two decades. Although the country as
83. (c) a whole will enjoy the “demographic dividend” phase,
some states will start transitioning to an ageing society
Explanation: by 2030s. Population in the 0-19 age bracket has
National Supercomputing Mission (NSM) already peaked due to sharp declines in total fertility
z Launch: NSM was announced in 2015, with an aim to rates (TFR) across the country. Hence, statement 2 is
connect national academic and research institutions with correct.
a grid of more than 70 high-performance computing z The southern states, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, West
facilities at an estimated cost of Rs. 4,500 crores over the Bengal and Maharashtra now have fertility rates well
period of seven years by 2022. Hence, statement 1 is below the replacement rate. TFR in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh,
correct. Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh
It supports the government’s vision of ‘Digital India’ are above the replacement rate but are also experiencing
and ‘Make in India’. significant declines. As a result, the national TFR is
z Implementation: NSM is jointly steered by the Ministry expected to be below replacement level by 2021 (adjusted
of Electronics and IT (MeitY) and Department of for the skewed gender ratio, it may already be there).
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 27
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Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
and five members and all of them shall be from amongst metric is used, leaving Ireland at the top of the table.
the minority communities. Hence, statement 2 is NOT The United States (HDI Rank -17) and Canada (HDI
correct. Rank -16) would fall 45 and 40 places respectively,
z A total of 7 persons to be nominated by the Central reflecting their disproportionate impact on natural
Government should be from amongst persons of resources.
eminence, ability and integrity. The oil and gas-rich Gulf States also fell steeply.
z Tenure: Each Member holds office for a period of three China would drop 16 places from its current ranking
years from the date of assumption of office. of 85.
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 28
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
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Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
z India’s Performance: This is a very wide box and includes all government
India would move up eight places in the HDI subsidies like – public storage for food security, pest
ranking. Hence, statement 2 is correct. and disease control, research and extension, and some
Under the Paris Agreement, India pledged to reduce direct payments to farmers that do not stimulate
the emission intensity of its GDP from the 2005 level production like restructuring of agriculture,
by 33-35% by 2030 and to obtain 40% of electric environmental protection, regional development, crop
power capacity from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030. and income insurance, etc.
Solar capacity in India increased from 2.6 z The green box subsidies are allowed without limits
gigawatts in March 2014 to 30 gigawatts in July provided they comply with the policy- specific criteria.It
2019, achieving its target of 20 gigawatts four means, this box is exempt from the calculation under
years ahead of schedule. subsidies under the WTO provisions because the subsidies
In 2019, India ranked fifth for installed solar under it are not meant to promote production and thus do
capacity. not distort trade. That is why this box is called
The National Solar Mission aims to promote ‘Production-Neutral Box’. Hence, option (c) is correct.
solar energy for power generation and other uses
to make solar energy competitive with fossil fuel- 88. (b)
based options.
87. (c) Aahaar Kranti Mission
z The ‘Aahaar Kranti’ movement is designed to address the
particular problem being faced by India and the world-
z Amber box: All subsidies which are supposed to distort
‘hunger and diseases in abundance’.
production and trade fall into the amber box, i.e., all
z Studies have estimated that India produces as much as
agricultural subsidies except those which fall into the blue
two times the amount of calories it consumes. However,
and green boxes.
many in the country are still malnourished. The root cause
These include government policies of minimum
of this strange phenomenon is a lack of nutritional
support prices (as MSP in India) for agricultural
awareness. Hence, statement 1 is NOT correct.
products or any help directly related to production
z The initiative will shine a light on the richness and value
quantities (as power, fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation,
etc). of India’s traditional diet, the miracles of local fruits and
vegetables, and the healing powers of a balanced diet.
z Blue box: This is the amber box with conditions. The
Hence, statement 2 is correct.
conditions are designed to reduce distortions. Any subsidy
z Organisations Involved: Pravasi Bharatiya Academic
that would normally be in the amber box, is placed in the
blue box if it requires farmers to go for a certain and Scientific Sampark (PRABHASS), Global Indian
production level. Scientists and Technocrats’ Forum (GIST), Vijnana
These subsidies are nothing but certain direct
Bharati (Vibha) and Vigyan Prasar (an autonomous body
payments (i.e. direct set-aside payments) made to of the Department of Science and Technology) have come
farmers by the government in the form of assistance together to launch the mission ‘Aahaar Kranti’.
programmes to encourage agriculture, rural z The motto of the Mission is “Uttam Aahaar- Uttam
development, etc. Vichaar or Good Diet-Good Cognition”.
z Green Box: The agricultural subsidies which cause 89. (b)
minimal or no distortions to trade are put under the green
box.They must not involve price support. Explanation:
This box basically includes all forms of government Mission Karmayogi
expenses, which are not targeted at a particular z Aim & Objective:
product, and all direct income support programmes It is aimed at building a future-ready civil service with
to farmers, which are not related to current levels of the right attitude, skills and knowledge, aligned to the
production or prices. vision of New India.
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 29
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
Phone : 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
It aims to prepare Indian civil servants for the future z It will be set up under Section 8 of the Companies Act,
by making them more creative, constructive, 2013.
imaginative, proactive, innovative, progressive, z The SPV will be a “not-for-profit” company and will own
professional, energetic, transparent, and technology- and manage the iGOT-Karmayogi platform.
enabled. z The SPV will create and operationalize the content, market
Comprehensive reform of the capacity building place and manage key business services of the iGOT-
apparatus at the individual, institutional and process Karmayogi platform, relating to content validation,
levels for efficient public service delivery. independent proctored assessments and telemetry data
z Features of the scheme:
z The SPV will own all Intellectual Property Rights on
Tech-Aided: The capacity building will be delivered
through iGOT Karmayogi digital platform, with behalf of the Government of India.
z Monitoring and Evaluation Framework: An appropriate
content drawn from global best practices.
monitoring and evaluation framework will also be put in
The platform will act as a launchpad for the National
place for performance evaluation of all users of the iGOT-
Programme for Civil Services Capacity Building
Karmayogi platform so as to generate a dashboard view
of Key Performance Indicators.
Coverage: The scheme will cover 46 lakh, central
government employees, at all levels. Hence, 90. (d)
statement 1 is NOT correct. Explanation:
Shift from Rules to Roles: The programme will Indian Rhino Vision 2020:
support a transition from “rules-based to roles-based” z Launched in 2005, the Indian Rhino Vision 2020 was an
Human Resource Management (HRM) so that work ambitious effort to attain a wild population of at least
allocations can be done by matching an official’s 3,000 greater one-horned rhinos spread over seven
competencies to the requirements of the post. protected areas in the Indian state of Assam by the
Apart from domain knowledge training, the scheme year 2020. Hence, statement 1 is NOT correct.
will focus on “functional and behavioural z The Indian Rhino Vision 2020 (IRV2020) has officially
competencies” as well, and also includes a monitoring come to a close with the translocation of two rhinos in
framework for performance evaluations. April 2021 to Manas National Park in Assam, India.
z Governance Structure: Hence, statement 2 is NOT correct.
Human Resource Council: NPCSCB will be z Seven protected areas are Kaziranga, Pobitora, Orang
governed by the Prime Minister’s Human Resource National Park, Manas National Park, Laokhowa
Council, which will also include state Chief Ministers, wildlife sanctuary, Burachapori wildlife sanctuary and
Union Cabinet ministers, and experts. Hence, Dibru Saikhowa wildlife sanctuary.
statement 2 is correct. z Wild-to-wild translocations were an essential part of
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 30
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
Phone : 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
z The translocated rhinos helped Manas National Park get cultivation and other needs like the purchase of agriculture
back its World Heritage Site status in 2011. inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. and draw
z 2018 and 2019 saw significant decreases in poaching, the cash for their production needs.
results of forestry, local and national government officials z The scheme was further extended for the investment
coordinating efforts to combat wildlife crime across credit requirement of farmers viz. allied and non-farm
Assam. activities in the year 2004.
About Greater One-Horned Rhino: z KCC covers post-harvest expenses, produce marketing
z There are three species of rhino in Asia — Greater one- loan, consumption requirements of farmer household,
horned (Rhinoceros unicornis), Javan and Sumatran. working capital for maintenance of farm assets and
z Poaching for the horns and habitat loss are the two greatest activities allied to agriculture, investment credit
threats to the survival of Asia’s rhinos. requirement for agriculture and allied activities.
z The five rhino range nations (India, Bhutan, Nepal, Hence, statement 2 is correct.
Indonesia and Malaysia) have signed a declaration ‘The z The Kisan Credit Card Scheme is implemented by
New Delhi Declaration on Asian Rhinos 2019’ for the Commercial Banks, RRBs, Small Finance Banks, and
conservation and protection of the species. Cooperatives. Hence, statement 1 is NOT correct.
z Protection Status: Javan and Sumatran Rhino are
93. (c)
critically endangered and the Greater one-horned (or
Indian) rhino is vulnerable under the IUCN Red List. Explanation:
z All three listed under Appendix I (CITES). z Hedging is a financial technique that helps to reduce or
z Greater one-horned rhino is listed under Schedule I of mitigate the effects of measurable type of risk from the
the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. future changes in the fair value. Hence, statement 1 is
91. (d) z It is a kind of insurance that does not eliminate the risk
Explanation: completely but mitigates its effect. Hence, statement 2
z The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), is correct.
General Insurance Corporation of India and The New z The Reserve Bank relaxed norms for external commercial
India Assurance Co Ltd have been identified as borrowings (ECBs) by reducing the mandatory hedging
Domestic Systemically Important Insurers (D-SIIs) provision to 70% from the current 100%.
for 2020-21 by insurance regulator, the Insurance z After the global financial crisis, the RBI mandated 100%
Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI). hedging for medium-term external borrowings.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
94. (b)
z The three public sector insurers have been asked to raise
the level of corporate governance. Explanation:
z Identify all relevant risks and promote a sound risk Poshan Abhiyaan:
management culture. z The National Council on India’s Nutrition Challenges-
z The D-SIIs will also be subjected to enhanced regulatory Set up under the Poshan Abhiyaan, the Council is also
supervision of the IRDAI. known as National Council on Nutrition (NCN). The NCN
is headed by the Vice-Chairman of the NITI Aayog.
92. (b) z Poshan Abhiyaan targets to reduce stunting,
Explanation: undernutrition, anaemia (among young children,
Kisan Credit Card: women and adolescent girls) and reduce low birth
z The Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme was introduced in weight by 2%, 2%, 3% and 2% per annum respectively.
1998 for providing adequate and timely credit support z The target of the mission is to bring down stunting among
from the banking system under a single window with the children in the age group 0-6 years from 38.4% to 25%
flexible and simplified procedure to the farmers for their by 2022.
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 31
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
Phone : 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
z Swasth Bharat Preraks will be deployed one in each Therefore, they can be quickly manufactured inexpensively
district for coordinating with district officials and enabling to ensure their “availability” and “accessibility” for mass
fast and efficient execution of the Abhiyan across the vaccination on a sustainable basis.
country. Swasth Bharat Preraks would function as catalyst Mission Covid Suraksha
for fast tracking the implementation of the Abhiyan.
z Mission Covid Suraksha is India’s targeted effort to enable
Hence, option (b) is correct.
the development of indigenous, affordable and
95. (c) accessible vaccines for the country.
z The Mission with its end-to-end focus from preclinical
development through clinical development and
mRNA Vaccine vs Traditional Vaccines:
manufacturing and regulatory facilitation for deployment
z Vaccines work by training the body to recognise and
consolidate all available and funded resources towards
respond to the proteins produced by disease-causing
accelerated product development.
organisms, such as a virus or bacteria.
z It is led by the Department of Biotechnology and
z Traditional vaccines are made up of small or inactivated
implemented by a dedicated Mission Implementation
doses of the whole disease-causing organism, or the
Unit at Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance
proteins that it produces, which are introduced into the
Council (BIRAC).
body to provoke the immune system into mounting a
response. BIRAC
z mRNA vaccines have no disease-causing organism, it z Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council
trick the body into producing some of the viral proteins (BIRAC) is a not-for-profit Public Sector Enterprise.
themselves. Hence, statement 1 is correct. z It has been set up by the Department of Biotechnology
z They work by using mRNA, or messenger RNA, which (DBT) as an Interface Agency to strengthen and empower
is the molecule that essentially puts DNA instructions the emerging Biotech enterprise to undertake strategic
into action. Inside a cell, mRNA is used as a template to research and innovation, addressing nationally relevant
build a protein. product development needs.
Functioning of mRNA Vaccines:
96. (d)
z To produce an mRNA vaccine, scientists produce a
synthetic version of the mRNA that a virus uses to Explanation:
build its infectious proteins. Animal Husbandry:
z This mRNA is delivered into the human body, whose z Animal Husbandry is an integral part of the farming
cells read it as instructions to build that viral protein and system in the Himalaya in general, and upper Rangit Basin
therefore create some of the virus’s molecules themselves. in particular.
z These proteins are solitary, so they do not assemble to z It plays an important role in the food chain.
form a virus. The immune system then detects these viral z As agriculture, horticulture and agroforestry form a major
proteins and starts to produce a defensive response to component of farming system, livestock rearing system
them. is to support the main component.
Advantages of Using mRNA based Vaccines: z They help to recycle the crop residues and agricultural
z mRNA vaccines are considered safe as mRNA is non- products effectively. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
infectious, non-integrating in nature, and degraded by z The livestocks are utilised as chief media of disposal of
standard cellular mechanisms. Hence, statement 2 is crop residues and agricultural by products.
correct. z The animals under this system thus have a multi-
z They are highly efficacious because of their inherent functional utility and their products such as milk, meat
capability of being translatable into the protein structure and eggs are by and large utilised domestically and
inside the cell cytoplasm. surplus if any is sold in the neighbourhood or in the nearby
z Additionally, mRNA vaccines are fully synthetic and market.
do not require a host for growth, e.g., eggs or bacteria. z India is number one milk producer in the world.
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 32
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
Phone : 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
z It provides employment to about 8.8% of the population Employees in receipt of a daily average wage upto
in India. Hence, statement 2 is correct. Rs.137 are exempted from payment of contribution.
z About 20.5 million people depend upon livestock for their z The Employees' State Insurance Scheme is administered
livelihood. by a corporate body called the ESI Corporation.
z Livestock contributed 16% to the income of small farm The Corporation is the highest policy-making and
households as against an average of 14% for all rural decision-taking authority under the ESI Act and
households. oversees the functioning of the Scheme.
z Livestock provides livelihood to two-third of rural The Union Minister of Labour and Employment is its
communities. Chairman.
z It also provides employment to about 8.8% of the
z It covers about 3.49 crore of family units of workers and
population in India.
provides cash benefits and medical facilities to 13.56 crore
z India has vast livestock resources.
z Livestock sector contributes 4.11% GDP and 25.6% of
total Agriculture GDP. Hence, statement 3 is correct. 98. (c)
z In July 2019, the contribution rate under the ESI Act was technical people in India to learn and relearn
reduced from 6.5% to 4% (employers’ contribution from technologies like IPv6 which are normally not taught
4.75% to 3.25% and employees’ contribution from 1.75% in Educational Institutes.
to 0.75%). Successful candidates (after passing the examination)
In a financial year, there are two contribution periods can take a certificate from NIXI, which will be
each of six months duration. useful to find/upgrade jobs in the Industry.
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 33
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
Phone : 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation
641, 1st floor, Mukherjee 21, Pusa Road, 13/15, Tashkent Marg, Near Plot No. 45-45A, Harsh Tower 2 34
Nagar, Delhi 110009 Karol Bagh, New Delhi Patrika Chauraha, Civil Lines, Prayagraj Tonk Rd, Vasundhara Colony, Jaipur
Phone : 8448485518, 011-47532596, 8750187501 :: www.drishtiIAS.com
Copyright – Drishti The Vision Foundation