CDLO_SCI_VII_202425 (3)
CDLO_SCI_VII_202425 (3)
CDLO_SCI_VII_202425 (3)
• Pre Mid-Term Formative Assessments (FA1 & FA2) includes the syllabus as mentioned in the portion for FAs in the CDLO.
• Mid-Term Assessments (MT) is cumulative in nature and includes the entire syllabus of Term-1.
• Post Mid-Term Formative Assessments (FA3 & FA4) includes the syllabus as mentioned in the portion for FAs in the CDLO.
• Annual Examinations (AE) This is cumulative in nature and will be based on selected content from the syllabus of Term-1 and the entire syllabus
from Term-2.
Written (FA1+FA2)=10%
Formative Assessments
PF/NB=5% 45 mins
Annual Examination
AE=80% 3 hours
Mid-Term Result: FA [Written - FA1 + FA2 (10%)]+ [PF/NB (5%) + SE (5%)]+ MT (80%) = 100 %
Annual Result: FA [Written - FA3 + FA4 (10%)]+ [PF/NB (5%) + SE (5%)] + [AE (80%)] = 100%
Continuous Assessment
I. CLASS WORK/ HOMEWORK / ASSIGNMENT • Regularity & Punctuality: Student records the tasks carried out in class as 5
RECORD taking down running notes, drawing diagrams, note down dictated
matter and solve assignments given in the prescribed notebooks in every
• Completes the home assignment at home and brings it to class on the day
• Neatness: The notebooks are maintained well and the task in recorded
• Attentiveness.
II. PRACTICAL SKILL Manipulative skills of the student would be evaluated based on: 5 Assessment Evaluation criteria Marks
Written Assessment
This section includes the cognition levels at which the students would be evaluated, marks distribution in terms of percentage for each cognition
level and the commonly used terminology for framing questions under each cognition level.
Has the child assimilated the facts, figures and theories discussed in the classroom? This includes questions like define,
Knowledge 20
Stating Laws, Theories, Expansion of abbreviations etc.
It tests whether the child has comprehended the concepts. This includes questions like describe, differentiate, compare,
Understanding 30
justify, reason, derive, classify, illustrate etc.
Application/skil Can the child apply the concepts learned, in daily life situations? This includes questions like Problem solving, numerical
l interpretation of data, reasoning, predicting, analyzing, synthesis, drawing diagrams, application in daily life situation etc.
This section includes the structure of question paper and the marks distribution pattern for various types of questions.
Formative Assessments
The question paper has three sections, the details of which are given below. (Total = 20 Marks, Duration: 45 mins)
Total 20
Section C (Application/skill) 3 6 6 33
Science is a dynamic, expanding body of knowledge, covering new domains of experiences. It is a human endeavour to understand the world by
building-up conceptual models on the basis of observations and thus arriving at theories, laws and principles. In a progressive society, science can play
a truly liberating role, helping people escape from the vicious cycle of poverty, ignorance and superstition. People today are faced with an increasingly
fast-changing world where the most important skills are flexibility, innovation and creativity. These different imperatives have to be kept in mind in
shaping science education. Good science education is true to the child, true to life and true to the discipline.
As consistent with the stage of cognitive development, science is being taken as core subject in the curriculum at upper primary stage. At this stage, it
is a gradual transition from environmental studies of the primary stage to the elements of science. It is important to expand the horizon of child
gradually and start with things that are within the direct experiences of child. The child should be engaged in learning the principles of science through
familiar experiences, working with hands to design simple technological units and models and continuing to learn more about the environment and
health, including reproductive and sexual health. Scientific concepts are to be arrived at mainly from activities, experiments and surveys. Group
activities, discussions with peers and teachers, surveys, organisation of data and their display through exhibitions, etc., in schools and the
neighbourhood should be important components of pedagogy.
Curricular Expectations
• Understanding about the nature of scientific knowledge i.e., testable, unified, parsimonious, amoral, developmental and creative.
• Process skills of science which includes observation(s), posing question(s), searching various resources of learning, planning investigations,
hypothesis formulation and testing, using various tools for collecting, analysing and interpreting data, supporting explanations with evidence,
critically thinking to consider and evaluate alternative explanations, reflecting on their own thinking.
• Respect for human dignity and rights, gender equity, values of honesty, integrity, cooperation and concern for life.
The curriculum has been organized around the following themes that are cross disciplinary in nature:
• Food
• Materials
• Natural Phenomena
• Natural Resources
The learner is to be provided with opportunities in pairs/groups/ individually in an inclusive setup and encouraged to:
• Explore surroundings, natural processes, phenomena using senses viz. seeing, touching, tasting, smelling, and hearing.
• Pose questions and find answers through reflection, discussion, designing and performing appropriate activities, role-plays, debates, use of ICT, etc.
• Record the observations during the activity, experiments, surveys, field trips, etc.
• Analyse recorded data, interpret results and draw inference/ make generalisations and share findings with peers and adults.
• Internalise, acquire and appreciate values such as cooperation, collaboration, honest reporting, judicious use of resources, etc.
This section contains the term wise details of the syllabus, portion for PT 1 & 2, MT & Annual exams and the SCM schedule. It gives an overview of
the specific objectives topic wise. The expected outcome, i.e. what the students must know after the subtopic is covered, is mentioned in the form of
learning outcomes.
Topics of SCMs:
Photosynthesis • List down the raw materials LAB ACTIVITY 3
• Nutrition in Plants
required for photosynthesis.
• Extraction of chlorophyll from leaf. • Heat
• Explain the role of stomata, • Nutrition in animals
• To test for presence of starch in leaf.
leaves and vessels with • Acids, Bases & Salts
(Activity File)
reference to photosynthesis. • Motion & Time
• To observe stomata using permanent • Physical and
• Explain the process of
or temporary slide. ( Chemical Changes
Course No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Learning Outcome Activity/ Art Integration Activity
Description Period & Topics of SCMs
• Interpret methods of
replenishing soil fertility in
environment friendly manner
Speed & average • Define speed & average speed. OUTDOOR ACTIVITY 1
Course No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Learning Outcome Activity/ Art Integration Activity
Description Period & Topics of SCMs
Units of time • Know the unit of time and Constructing a Sun dial 1
and speed speed.
Distance - time • Develop skill for plotting CLASS ACTIVITY (Activity File) 1
graph distance time graph. • To plot a distance time graph of a
given problem, calculate speed and
discuss the nature of graph. (
September • Apply the concepts learnt in • Oral / class test / diagram test/ 12
First and Second Term rapid fire/ quiz/ teach a concept/
activity-based test.
TERM-II (18.09.2024 5) CLASS- VII, SCIENCE
• Differentiate between
electromagnet and natural
magnet/ permanent magnets
1. Story of a seed.
2. Role of forests.
3. Consequences of deforestation
Sensitizing others on
environmental concerns
Real and virtual • Develop the concept of real and LAB ACTIVITY
image. virtual image.
• Demonstrate real & virtual image
with the help of plane and
spherical mirrors and also with
Course No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Learning Outcome Activity/Art Integration Activity
Description Periods & Topics of SCMs
plane and
Water our
Course No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Learning Outcome Activity/Art Integration Activity
Description Periods & Topics of SCMs
January Sewage and • Know the types of sewage and LAB ACTIVITY (Activity File)
Sewerage their point of origin.
Demonstrate Jal Tara Water
Testing Kit for
• pH
• Temperature
• Turbidity
• Hardness
Treatment of • List the various methods for • Learn about Bio-toilets and its
polluted water treatment of polluted water for working.
REVISION • Apply the concepts learnt • Oral /class test /diagram test/rapid 12
throughout the year. fire/quiz/reteach the important