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Use these quick, fun, and teacher

friendly energizers as part of your
Responsive Classroom.
Use them during transitions, long
periods of work, or assessments.

Directions: Print cards on cardstock,

laminate, cut, and place on a ring for
optimal use.
As Still As a Rock!
And Don’t You Forget It!
Children wander around
First student looks to the
the room until teacher
person next to him and says, “My
says “Be still as a rock!”
name is _____, and don’t you
Everyone freezes.
forget it!” Next child in order
Those that move
says, “His name is ____, my
become ‘watchers’ and
name is ______ and don’t you
look out for rocks that
forget it!” Continue around the

Boom Chicka Boom

Clap Your Hands
Teacher says each line and
Clap clap clap your hands
students repeat it
Clap your hands together!
“A boom chicka boom!
Swing swing swing your arms
I said a boom chick boom!
Swing your arm together!
I said booma chicka rocka,
chicka rocka, chicka boom!
Continue with march, jump, bend
Oh yeah! (Okay!)
your knees, click your tongue,
Uh huh (All right!)
whisper softly, shh
One more time!

Double This Double That Head, Shoulder, Knees,

Double Double – fish and Toes
This – plams Sing the words while
That – back of hand placing hand on each
part of the body as it’s
Double double this this named.
Double double that that
Double this, Double that
Double double this that
No-Talk Toss
Telephone While students sit or stand at
Whisper a silly sentence or their desk have them toss a
phrase in a students ear. small, soft ball to one another.
Have them pass it around Students must remain silent.
the circle. Have the last Without talking, students must
person say the sentence find a way to communicate to
out loud and say it to the the person to whom they want
original sentence. to throw the ball to.

Pass the Mask

Head or Tails
The leaders makes a face, then
Students must choose heads
turns to the child next to him.
or tails by putting their hands
The second child acknowledges
on their heads or their
the gesture by assuming the same
bottoms. Flip a coin. If they
expression. Then assumes a
were right, they can stay
different expression and passes it
standing. If they were wrong,
to the next child in the circle.
they must sit. Continue until
Continue around the circle.
one person is left standing.

Popcorn’s in the Popper Pop Up Number

Teachers sings. Students repeat. Select a number from 1 through 10
First you pour in the oil. (for example, 4). Have all children
Pour in the oil. sitting. When they say pop they
Sprinkle in the popcorn. stand. Continue until everyone is
Cover up the pan. standing
Turn up the heat. First child: 1
Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle. Second child: 2
Pop! Third child: 3
Fourth child: pop!
Row Your Boat Chicken Dance
Sing this song while making Sing
motions with your hands. I don’t wanna be a duck
I don’t wanna be a chicken
Extra: try adding a line I just wanna be me (clap)
each time or cutting a line Repeat 3 times, then fly
each time. around the room like a bird

Song of the Day The Wave

Play a different song every Stand in a circle and send
day, week, or month for the wave around the circle.
students. Remind the Change the direction of
children what they should the wave, if possible.
be do while the song is
playing (dancing, jumping,
singing, etc.)

Mosquito My Two Hands

The leaders says each line and My two hands go clap clap clap
the group repeats. My two feet go tap tap tap
Flea! My two hand go thump thump
Flea-fly! thump
Flea-fly-mosquito! My two feet go jump jump jump
Oh- no no no more mosquitoes! My one body turn around
Itchy itchy scratchy scratchy – And quietly sits down
eww I got one down my backy!
Just Like Me
Freeze Dance Say a phrase. For
Turn on some music. When example “I have a
you stop the music, students brother.” Everyone who
should freeze. If they don’t has a brother stands up
they are out of the game. and says “Just like me”
Continue with a variety
of phrases.

Four Corners
Laughing Handkerchief
Give each corner of the room
Throw a handkerchief high
a number. Teacher should
into the air. While it’s in
close their eyes and count to
10, then call out a number (1- the air, everyone laughs.
As soon as it touches the
4). Everyone in the corner
called is out. The person that ground, everyone goes
wins is the next one to count. silent.

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