Default user accounts

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Default user accounts

Single RAN, Rel. SRAN 18A, Operating Documentation, Issue 03 (HTML) > Single RAN System > SRAN Security > Configuring Security in

The description of the default user accounts.

After a new installation, the SBTS provides the following default user accounts (with default

BTS System Administrator (Nemuadmin/ nemuuser)
BTS Security Administrator (BTSSecurity/NA)
BTS Application Administrator (BTSApplication/NA)
BTS Read-Only User (BTSRead/NA)
Nokia SBTS Service accounts (serviceuser, toor4nsn)

Nokia SBTS Service accounts (serviceuser, toor4nsn, SSH Public Key Authentication)

Nokia BTSMED User account (Nemuadmin/NA)
Nokia BTSMED Service account (toor4nsn/ xxx…xxx)
Nokia BTSMED Service account (toor4nsn/SSH Public Key Authentication)

Using the default user account's username/password facilitates an unauthorized access to the
network element.

Security details for the Dual-Core configuration

In SRAN, Dual Core refers to the FSMF plus FSMF or full AirScale module configurations. The
default user accounts are the same as in the Single Core configuration. The most important
security properties are:

The security credentials are synchronized between the primary core module and the
secondary core module.
The secondary core is unreachable from the exterior of the Single OAM architecture (except
through the Local Management Ports).
The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) authentication is not possible for the login

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Default user accounts

attempt performed on the secondary core, when both cores are disconnected, or SRIO (the
interface between primary and secondary core) link does not work.
The secondary core supports only local user accounts when the cores are disconnected or
SRIO link does not work.
One service account (toor4nsn) in the primary and the secondary core modules used by R&D.

Password changing guidelines

To increase network security, change the default user account's username and password for all
users and service accounts with WebEM or NetAct (with the NEAC tool, for example).

It is recommended to use the Centralized Network Element User Management (CNUM)

functionality on NetAct to create a separate remote user account for each member of the O&M
personnel. It is also recommended to update the password regularly for all BTSs with the NetAct
NEAC tool (for example, every three months).


The strength of the account password is crucial for security. Using the default user account
password facilitates unauthorized access to the network element. In order to improve the
password's strength, several rules must be followed.

It is strongly recommended to change the default password for the local user account and the
service account. The strength of the account password is crucial for security. The password must
meet the following requirements:

It must have 8-128 characters in the case of a local user account and 8-30 characters in the
case of a service account.
The same two characters cannot be used consecutively.
There must be at least two digits.
There must be at least one lowercase and one uppercase letter.
There must be at least one non-alphanumeric character.
The password cannot be the same as the previous passwords (the number of passwords to
check is configurable by the operator).

For more details, see Single RAN Operating Documentation > Features > SRAN Features >
SRAN Features From Previous Releases > SRAN 16.2, Feature Descriptions > Descriptions of

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Default user accounts

operability features > SR000900: SBTS Operator Account Management document.

More on this topic

Local user account management
Description of a local user account and its possibilities to increase security.
Service account management
Description of the service account and its possibilities to increase security

Id: DN09249545 © 2019 Nokia. Nokia

Issue: 04A confidential.

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