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Government Institute of Medical Sciences

Greater Noida
Pro-Forma for Display of Information on the College Website
The Following Details are mandatory to be filled up by the Medical College and displayed
on their website (once entered should be updated without removal of data)

Information of the medical GOVERNMENT INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL

college/institution SCIENCES, GREATER NOIDA

S No. Year of Inception: 2019

Government/private: GOVERNMENT

1. Name Government Institute of Medical Sciences

Greater Noida, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Pin-

2. Address with pin code 201310
King George Medical University,
3. University address with pin code
Shah Mina Road, Chowk, Lucknow, U.P.-226003
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University
9th Floor, Academic Block,
Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical
Sciences, Vibhuti Khand, Gomtinagar,

4. Official website

5. Dean/ Principal/ Director Brig. (Dr.) Rakesh Gupta, Director

6. Mobile Number 9850042002

7. Email ID of Dean [email protected]

8. Hospital Yes

Date and Year of Registration of the Hospital 15/02/2016

Registration no.- RMEE2116882
Date : 12/07/2021

10. Number of Beds 460

11. Number of Beds for emergency 30

Date of the First Letter of Permission(LoP) Letter No: MCI-34(41)(E-60)/2019-
of MBBS (DD/MM/YYYY) & number of Med/115514
12. Dated : 20-05-2019
seats No. of Seats : 100 Students
2nd Renewal (3rd Batch)
13. Status of Recognition Letter No. :NMC/UGR/2020/000012/021499
Dated : 22 September, 2021

3rd Renewal : (4th Batch)

Letter No : NMC/UGRENEWAL/2022-
Dated : 08-10-2022

4th Renewal (5th Batch)

Letter No : NMC/UGRENEWAL/2023-
Dated : 31-01-2023

Number of MBBS and PG broad specialty and MBBS: 100

14. super specialty students admitted in this MD/MS:NA
session* DM/MC:NA
2024 : Jan- 2391
Inpatients registered and admitted 2023 : 24345
(Previous Month Record) 2022 : 18409
2021 : 12096
Outpatients registered 2024 : Jan- 25256
(Previous Month Record) 2023 : 393821
16. 2022 : 325796
2021 : 208823
Number of Deaths reported to the 2024 : Jan-116
Municipality/ village register 2023 : 1129
17. (Previous Month Record) 2022 : 885
2021 : 806

Address and pin code of the Chief Medical Officer,

18. Corporation/village where the Death records 39A, Jain Road, Sector- 39, Noida
are reported Pin-201303

Website link/ email ID/ hyperlink of the

corporation in case Death Records are reported

Number of Births reported 2024 : Jan-250

(Previous Month Record)
20. 2023 : 2706
2022 : 2420
2021 : 1228

Address and pin code of the Chief Medical Officer,

21. Corporation/village where the Birth records 39A, Jain Road, Sector- 39, Noida
are reported Pin-201303

Website link/ email ID/ hyperlink of the

22. corporation in case Birth Records are reported

Number of Rooms in Men‗s Hostel and students No of Rooms : 200 (Double

23. accommodated seater)
Accommodated : 280
Total Number of Rooms in Women‗s Hostel No. of Rooms : 100 (Double
24. and students accommodated seater)
Accommodated :140

Name of the Grievance Redressal Officer

25. Dr. Amit Sharma
Professor & Head
Dept. of Forencis Medicine
26. Address with Pin code Government Institute of Medical Sciences Kasna,
Greater Noida, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Pin-
Telephone Number [email protected]
Email Id

2024- 03 (Til 31st Jan-2024)

28. Grievances reported 2023- 15
2022- 29
2021- 11

29. Details of Post- Graduation Courses offered

Post- Year of Number of Students Number of Students

Graduate Commencement of the Currently pursuing the admitted in the current
Course Course Course session

DNB General
2020 4 4

DNB Obstetrics &

2020 2 2

2020 1 1

DNB Paediatrics 2020 2 2

DNB Radiology 2023 2 2

Department wise list of
Faculty Members
29. Department wise list of Faculty Members

Name of the Nature of

faculty employment
ent Regular/ Details of service in the last 5 years Number of lectures taken/year.
Qualification IMR permanent Topics covered
Number 1 2 3 4 5

Anatomy Dr Ranjana Regular Associate Professor Prof. & Head Dept. of 1. Approx. 70-80 hours lectures/ year in column 1
Verma Dept. of Anatomy GIMS, Greater 2. Approx. 80-90 hours lectures/ year in column 2,
MBBS, MD Anatomy Noida 05-04-2018 onwards 3, 4
Hamdard Institute of Till Date 3. Approx. 60-70 hours lectures/ year in year 5
Medical Sciences & 4. SGD / DOAP / Tutorials / Practical - 375-400
DMC-22180 Research, New Delhi hours / year in columns 1-5
09/05/2014 To 5. ECE/SDL/Linker cases - 40-50 hours/ year from
04/04/2018 2019 onwards
6. TOPICS COVERED: General Anatomy, Gross
Anatomy, Embryology, Neuroanatomy, Genetics
Dr Pragati Sheel Regular Associate Professor Associate Professor ,GIMS, 1. Approx. 80-90 hours lectures every year.
Mittal KDMCH&RC, Professor Greater Noida 01- 2. Didactic Lectures / ECE / SDL/DOAP
MBBS, MS Mathura (UP) ,GIMS, Greater 01-12-2021 to Till 3. TOPICS COVERED: Gross Anatomy,
07.01.2016 to Noida 01-12- Date
(Anatomy) Histology, Neuroanatomy, Genetics, Osteology
30.11.2017 2017 To 30-11-
MP-1219 2021
Dr Sonu Regular Senior Assistant Professo GIMS, 1. Approx. 70-80 hours lectures/ year in column 1
MBBS MD resident Santosh medical Greater Noida 2. Approx. 40-50 hours lectures/ year in column 2, 3
(Anatomy) UCMS, college, Ghaziabad 13.01.2021 3. SGD / DOAP / Tutorials / Practical - 375-400 hours
DMC/R/05607 New 25.09.2020to 02.01.2021 / year in columns 1-5
till date
Delhi 4. ECE/SDL/Linker cases - 40-50 hours/ year from
23.06.2017 to 2019 onwards
22.09.2020 5. TOPICS COVERED: Gross Anatomy, Embryology,
Histology, Neuroanatomy, Genetics
Dr Pulimi Vineel Regular Senior Resident Tutor, Assistant Assistant Assistant 1. Approx. 70-80 hours lectures/ year in column 1
MBBS MD Anatomy GIMS, Professor, Professor Professor 2. Approx. 40-50 hours lectures/ year in column 2, 3
(Anatomy) ACSR Greater GIMS, 3. SGD / DOAP / Tutorials / Practical - 375-400 hours
Dept of , GMC,
MCI 13-52388 Government Noida 18- / year in columns 1-5
Anatomy, Haldwani Greater Noida till
Medical College 4. ECE/SDL/Linker cases - 40-50 hours/ year from
09-2018 To Sharda 13-01- date from
Nellore 2019 onwards
29-07-2017 To 31-12-2020 University 2022 to 16-04-2022 TOPICS COVERED: Gross Anatomy, Embryology,
06-08-2018 04-01-2021 31-03- Histology, Neuroanatomy, Genetics
to 31-12- 2022
Dr Bharti Regular Associate Professor Associate Professor 70-80 hours of lectures, DOAP sessions, SGD, ECE,
Physiolo Bhandari Rathore AIIMS, Professor GIMS, Greater Noida SDL, AETCOM.
gy MD(Physiology) Jodhpur GIMS, Greater 30-11-2021 onwards till date
Topics from General Physiology, Nerve & Muscle
MCI 18405 01.07.2016 to Noida
Physiology, Hematology, Respiratory, Cardiovascular,
29.11.2017 30.11.2017 To
Excretory System, Central Nervous System, Special
senses & Integrated Physiology
Dr Aprajita Regular Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor, GIMS, Associate Professor, 68-80 lectures, including AETCOM, SDL, ECE, SGT,
MBBS, MD Ananta Medical Gr Noida 09-11-2017 To GIMS, Gr Noida 09-11- DOAP sessions
PHYSIOLOGY College, Rajasthan 08-11-2021 2021to till date Different topics from all systems in the Subject of
MCI 36921 29-11-2016- Medical Physiology Hematology, Respiratory system,
09-07-2017 - CVS, CNS, GIT, Renal, Repro, special senses,
Dr Prerna Regular Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor, Dept. About 70-80 hr/ year of teaching - including lectures,
Agarwal Department of Dept. of Physiology, of Physiology, GIMS, tutorials, practical, other T-L activities
MBBS G-40220 Physiology, JNMC, School of Medical Greater Noida 201310. Different topics from all systems in the Subject of
(GUJARAT), Datta Meghe Institute Sciences & Research, 09.02.2021 To 05-04- Medical Physiology over the years from time to time
MD,MCI-13-14402 of Medical Sciences, Sharda University, 2022 during the period of service (June 2010 till Date)
Sawangi (Meghe), Greater Noida – Assistant Professor, Dept.
Wardha 442001. 201310 U.P. of Physiology, GIMS,
12.10.2017 – 02.11.2020 – Greater 08-04-2022 to till
26.10.2020. 08.02.2021.

Biochemistry Dr Manisha Regular Associate Professor, Associate Professor Professor 80 hrs of Lecture, ECE, SDL, SGD, AETCOM
Singh, Era's Lucknow Government Institute of Government Institute of Different topics from cell, carbohydrate
MBBS, MD Medical College and Medical Sciences, Greater Medical Sciences, Greater metabolism, Protein metabolism, Heme
Hospital, Lucknow, Noida, UP Noida, UP metabolism, Vitamins, ECM, Hormones, Protein
MCI -33287
UP, 21.12 2016 to 29.11.2017 to 28-11-2021 29-11-2021 To Till Date sorting and targeting
Dr Ijen Regular Professor, Rama Professor, ASMC, Hardoi Professor GIMS, Greater Noida 50 hrs of Lecture, ECE, SDL, SGD, AETCOM
Bhattacharya Medical College, 02-06-2021 To 18-07- 19-07-2023 To Till Date Different topics from cell, carbohydrate
MBBS, MD Hapur 25-11-2013 2023 metabolism, Protein metabolism, Heme
To 17-05-2021 metabolism, Vitamins, ECM, Hormones, Protein
sorting and targeting
Dr Mamta Padhy Regular Senior resident, Assistant professor, Associate Professor, In 70 hrs of Lecture, ECE, SDL, SGD, AETCOM
MBBS, MD MAMC, New Delhi In government government Institute of Topics: Bioenergetics, Oxidative Phosphorylation,
DMC/R/05256 (28/8/2014- Institute of Medical Medical Sciences, Greater Enzymology, Acid base balance and disorders,
28/8/2017) Noida, UP 08/11/2021 To Till Lipid metabolism, Nucleotide metabolism, Mo
Sciences, Greater
date lecular biology, Immunology
Noida, UP 8/11/17
To 07-11-2021
Dr Devesh Sharma Regular Senior resident, Senior Resident, Assistant Assistant 40 hrs of Lecture, ECE, SDL, SGD, AETCOM
MBBS, MD VMMC& Safdajung UCMS, Delhi 11- Professor, Professor, Topics: Bioenergetics, Oxidative Phosphorylation,
DMC-R-08493 Hospital Delhi 09-2020 to 29-08- GIMS, Gr GIMS, Gr Enzymology, Acid base balance and disorders
09-10-2017 To 09- Noida 30-08- Noida 19-04-
08-2018 2022 To 18- 2023 To Till
04-2022 Date
Pharmac Dr C D Tripathi, Contractual Professor, VMMC & Safdarjung Professor & Head, GIMS, 21 hours Lecture and 60 hours practical sessions
ology MBBS, MD, DMC Hospital, New Delhi 10/04/2003 to Greater Noida 04-01-2021 To Pharmacodynamics, GIT, Antidepressants,
12550 31/05/2020 Till Date Neurogeneratives, Antiviral, anticancer, antimalarials,
antiarrhythmics, hormones
Dr Ekta Arora Regular Assistant Associate Professor, SMS Associate Professor, GIMS, 15 hours Lecture and 20 hours practical sessions
MBBS, MD Professor & R Sharda University, Greater Noida 16-06-2023 to Till Pharmacodynamics, GIT, Antidepressants,
1401 J&K, Medical SMS&R 01-03-2022 To 15-06-2023 Date Neurogeneratives, anticancer, antimalarials, antiarrhythmi
07-07-2017 To

Dr Mani Bharti Regular Senior Resident Assitant Professor, NDMC Assistant Professor, Government 10 hours Lecture and 15 hours practical sessions
MBBS, MD NDMC Medical Medical College, New Institute of Medical Sciences, Pharmacodynamics, GIT, Antidepressants,
UPMC-67989 College, New Delhi 08-09-2021 to 02-05- Greater Noida 03-05-2023 to till
2023 date Neurogeneratives, Antiviral, anticancer, antimalarials,
Delhi 19-09- antiarrhythmics, hormones
2019-to 06-09-
Dr Mamta Yadav Contractual Senior Resident MAMC, Assistant Professor Santosh Medical 8 hours Lecture and 15 hours practical sessions
, MBBS, MD New Delhi College, Gaziabad, U.P. 24-02-2023 Pharmacodynamics, GIT, Antidepressants,
UPMC-10905 01-02-2020 to 31-01-2023 to 05-11-2023 Neurogeneratives, Antiviral, anticancer, antimalarials,
antiarrhythmics, hormones
Assistant Professor GIMS, Gr. Noida
10-11-2023 to till Date
Patholog Dr Shivani Regular Professor Dept. of Professor Dept. of Pathology GIMS, 38 hours didactic lectures & SGD
y Kalhan Pathology Greater Noida – 21/04/2020 till date Broad Topics – Introduction to Pathology & Role of
MBBS SHKM, Nalhar - Pathologist; Necrosis, Apoptosis & Autolysis;
MCI/11016 27/12/2013 to Calcification, Gangrene, Hyperplasia, Hypertrophy,
MD Path MCI 20/04/2020 trophy; Chronic inflammation;Iron Deficiency Anemia;
4309 Sickle Cell Anemia; Thalassemia; AETCOM-
DNB Path 4467 Communication; IBD;Hodgkin‗s Lymphoma; Lung
mors; Carcinoma Colon; Cirrhosis, Portal Hypertension;
esticular Tumors; Diabetes & its complications; COPD;
Dr Shalini Regular Associate Professor Associate Professor Department of 50 hours of teaching includes lectures, practicals,
Bahadur Department of Pathology, New Delhi Pathology Government Institute of seminars, small group teaching)
MBBS, MD Municipal Corporation Medical Medical Sciences, Kasna, Greater NoidaTopics covered on general pathology (cell injury,
UPMCI- 25/11/2017 To 24-11-2021 hemodynamic disturbances, infarction) and systemic
College & Hindu Rao Hospitals,
41940 Malkaganj, New Delhi Professor Government Institute of pathology (anemias, leukemias, gastrointestinal tract,
Medical Sciences, Greater Noida pathology of lung, female genital tract and central
16/1/2016 to 20/11/2017
25-11-2021 To till date nervous system
Dr Vivek Gupta Regular Assistant Professor, Jawaharlal Associate Professor Jawaharlal Nehru 60 hr/year of teaching - including lectures, tutorials,
MBBS Nehru Medical College, Datta Medical College, Datta Meghe practical, includes lectures, small group discussion,
2002/02/769 Meghe Institute of Medical Institute of Medical Sciences, seminars, practicals and other T-L activities
MD 12/12431
Sciences, Sawangi, (Meghe), Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha Different topics of general and systemic Pathology
Wardha 22/08/2014 to 31/12/2016 01/01/2017 to 25/02/2020
Associate Professor, GIMS, Gr Noida
26-02-2020 to till date
Dr Shalini Shukla Regular Assistant Professor Assistant Professor GIMS, Gr. Noida 70 hrs (includes lectures, small group discussion,
MD(PATHOLOGY) GSVM Medical College, Kanpur 20/02/2020 to till Date seminars, ethics and practicals)
UPMCI-56138 28/09/2015 to 11/04/2019 Different topics from General Pathology, Systemic
Pathology, Seminar
Dr Bhuwan Regular Senior Resident, UCMS & GTB Assistant Professor, NIIMS, Greater 40 hrs (includes lectures, small group discussion,
Adhlakha, MBBS, Hospital, Delhi 20-10-2017 To Noida 06-04-2021 To 06-04-2022 seminars, ethics and practicals)
MD, DMC - 54773 19-10-2020 Different topics from General Pathology
Assistant Professor rama Assistant Professor, GIMS, Greater
Medical College Hapur 05-01- Noida 19-04-2022 To till date
2021 To 31-03-2021
Dr Priya Yadav, Regular Senior Redident UCMS & GTB Senior Resident UCMS & GTB 20 hrs (includes lectures, small group discussion,
MBBS, MD Hospital, Delhi 01-05-2018 to Hospital, Delhi 27-09-2021 To 23-04- seminars, ethics and practicals)
DMC-R-16547 05-08-2021 2023 Different topics from General Pathology practicals and
other T-L activities
Senior Redident UCMS & GTB Assistant Professor, GIMS, Greater Different topics of general and systemic Pathology
Hospital, Delhi 05-08-2021 To Noida 24-04-2023 to till date
Dr Sukanya Contractual SR Jorhat Medical College, Assisitant Professor Jorhat Medical 10 Hrs practicals and other T-L activities
Baruah Assam 07/02/2011 to 05/07/2012 College, Assam 06/07/2012 to Different topics of general and systemic Pathology
MBBS, MD 10/08/2013
DMC-50525 Assistant Professor GIMS, Gr. Noida
20-11-2023 to till Date
Dr Bhumika Contractual SR, AIIMS, Senior Resident, Assistant Professor GIMS, Gr. Noida 8 Hrs practicals and other T-L activities
Gupta Jodhpur 9-12- SGPGI LKO 24-04- 04-12-2023 to till Date Different topics of general and systemic Pathology
MBBS, DNB 2022 to 21- 2023 to 02-12-2023
DMC- 81199 04-2023
Microbio Dr (Brig.) A K Contract Armed forces medical services Venkateshwara Institute of Medical 60 hrs
logy Sahni, MBBS, 01-01-2017 To 31/12/2017 Sciences, Gajrula Professor and Head (Includes lectures, small group discussion, seminars,
MD MCI-3981 Depty Director Med. Services (Prof. Mirrobiology 04/03/2019 to ethics and practicals)
Micro) 16/10/2020 Different topics from General Microbiology,
Armed forces medical services GIMS, Gr. Noida Professor and Head Systemic bacteriology, Applied Microbiology,
Mirrobiology 01/01/2021 to till date Virology, Mycology and Immunology.
01-01-2018 To 28/02/2019
Depty Director Med. Services (Prof.
Dr Harmesh Regular Associate Professor Associate Professor 62 hrs
Manocha, SMS&R Gr Noida 04-10- 2014 to Govt Institute of Medical Sciences, (Includes lectures, small group discussion, seminars,
MBBS, MD 11-11-2017 Gr Noida 13-11- 2017 to Till Date ethics and practicals)
DMC 29981, Different topics from General Microbiology,
UG&PGUP Systemic bacteriology, Applied Microbiology,
Virology, Mycology and Immunology.
MC: 41359.
Dr Varun Regular Assistant Professor, Santosh Medical Assistant Professor, Government 68 hrs
Goel MBBS- College and Hospital, Ghaziabad (Includes lectures, small group discussion, seminars,
Institute of Medical Sciences, Greater
96287 MD- from 1/02/2016- 19/02/2020 Noida from 20.02.2020 - ethics and practicals)
12-12983 till date Different topics from General Microbiology, Systemic
bacteriology, Applied Microbiology, Virology, Mycology
and Immunology.
Dr Sneha Regular Assistant Professor, SMS&R, Sharda Associate Professor SMS&R, Sharda 10 hrs
Mohan University, Greater Noida University, Greater Noida 01-06-2020 (Includes lectures, small group discussion, seminars,
MBBS, MD 09-02-2015 to 30-05-2020 To 15-06-2023 ethics and practicals)
DMC- 68863 Assistant Professor, GIMS, Greater Different topics from General Microbiology, Systemic
Noida 16-06-2023 To Till date bacteriology, Applied Microbiology, Virology, Mycology
and Immunology.
Forensic Dr Amit Regular Professor, Hamdard Institute of Professor Government Institute of 55 hrs
Medicine Sharma, Medical Sciences & Research New Medical Sciences, Greater Noida (Includes lectures, small group discussion, ethics and
MBBS, MD Delhi 07-05-2022 To till date practical classes)
Introduction to forensic medicine, legal procedures, death
MCI IMR- 28-02-2019 to 06-05-2022
and its causes, various injuries, asphyxia, identification,
09-7522 autopsy, law and ethics etc
Dr Anju Rani Regular Assistant professor, SMMH Medical Assistant Professor, 61 hrs
MCI- college, Saharanpur, U.P 247002 GIMS, Greater Noida, U.P 201310 (Includes lectures, small group discussion, ethics and
IMR/13/2044 12/09/2014 to 20/12/2017 20/12/2017 to 19-12-2021 practical classes)
Introduction to forensic medicine, legal procedures, death
Dated Associate Professor, GIMS, Greater
and its causes, various injuries, asphyxia, identification,
13.12.2013 Noida, U.P 201310 autopsy, law and ethics etc.
20-12-2021 Till Date
Communit Dr Rambha Regular Prof.& Head, Dept. of Prof.& Head Dept. of Community 45 hours Concept of health General
y Pathak Community Medicine Epidemiology Nutrition 30 hours of
Medicine, Government Institute of
Medicine MBBS, MD, Hamdard Institute of Clinico-social assessment
Medical Sciences, Greater Noida
Medical Sciences &
DNB 26th Feb. 2020 Till date
Research, New Delhi 8th
DMC-12929 July 2015 to 25th feb. 2020
Dr Anurag Regular Professor, TMMC & RC Associate Professor, Government Institute of 42 hours Lecture Environment, Demography, Health
Srivastava, Moradabad, 27-07-2013 to Medical Sciences, Greater Noida 05-04-2018- education and communication, 30 hours of Clinico-
MBBS, MD 05-04-2018 To 04-04-2022 social assessment
UPMC- 67637
Professor, Government Institute of Medical
Sciences, Greater Noida 05-04-2022 To Till
Dr Priyanka Regular Assistant Professor, LHMC, Assistant Professor, LHMC, New Delhi 04-01- 90 hours of clinical posting and 45 Lecture classes
MBBS, MD New Delhi 10-10-2017 To 14- 2020 To 24-12-2021 Topics covered in Lectures, SDL, GD: General
DMC-53735 12-2018 Assistant Professor Associate Professor, Epidemiology, Environment, Nutrition
Assistant Professor, ESICMC, VMMC 23-12-2021 GIMS, Gr Noida 21-04-
Faridabad 15-12-2018 To 03- To 20-04-2022 2022 To Till Date
Dr Deepshikha Regular Assistant Professor, Assistant Assistant Professor, 90 hours of clinical posting and 35 Lecture classes
Verma, MBBS, AIIMS, Uadipur RJ, 23- Professor, Dr Government Institute of Topics covered in Lectures, SDL, GD: General
MD, UPMC- 11-2018 To 30-06-2019 BSAMC, New Medical Sciences, Greater Epidemiology, Environment, Nutrition, Vaccines,
Noida 13-05-2022To Till Date Maternal and Child Health, Health system and Delivery
78088 Delhi, 21-08-
of health care, Demography
2019 To 12-
Dr Anirudh Regular Senior Resident, Assistant Professor, Government Institute of 30 Hrs of Clinical Posting
Saxena MBBS, VMMC, New Delhi 04- Medical Sciences, Greater Noida 21-04-2023 To 07 Hrs of Lecture
MD 10-2019 To 03-10-2022 Till Date Topics covered in Lectures, Nutrition, General
Epidemiology, Hospital West Management
Dr Shurti Regular Senior Resident, Senior Resident Assistant Professor, 20 Hrs of Clinical Posting
Singh, MBBS, ASMC, Mirzapur 14- RMLIMS, Government Institute of 05 Hrs of Lecture
MD 02-2022 To 27-08-2022 Lucknow 05-09- Medical Sciences, Greater Topics covered in Lectures, Nutrition, General
DMC-73768 2022 To 11-05- Noida 15-05-2023 To Till
Epidemiology, Maternal and Child Health
2023 Date
Dr Kriti Singh, Regular Senior Resident, Assistant Professor, Government Institute of 15 Hrs of Clinical Posting
MBBS, MD GSVM, Kanpur 29-09- Medical Sciences, Greater Noida 17-05-2023 To 05 Hrs of Lecture
UPMC -17233 2021 To 12-05-2023 Till Date Topics covered in Lectures, Nutrition, General
Epidemiology, Environment
Dr Abhishk Contractual Assisitant Professor Assistant Professor, Government Institute of 15 Hrs of Clinical Posting
Bharti UPES, Dehradun Medical Sciences, Greater Noida 17-11-2023 To 05 Hrs of Lecture
11.07.2022 to Till Date Topics covered in Biostatistics
General Dr Saurabh Regular Professor School of Professor, Government Institute of Medical 60-65 hours including clinical teaching and theory
Medicine Srivastava Medical Sciences and Sciences, Greater Noida from 28/12/2018 till lectures Various topics from major systems respiratory,
MBBS, MD Research, Greater date cardiovascular, neurology. abdominal, hematology,
MCI- Noida From 27/9/2011
nephrology and rheumatology
IMR/10/356 to 27/12/2018
Dr Payal jain Regular School of Medical Associate Professor Government Institute of 60-65 hours
MBBS UPMC- Sciences and Medical Sciences, Greater Noida from 13.11.2017 Various topics from major systems respiratory,
78224 Research, Greater to 12-11-2021 cardiovascular, neurology. Abdominal, hematology,
MD (General Professor Government Institute of Medical nephrology and rheumatology.
NoidaAssoc. Prof.
Medicine) Sciences, Greater Noida from 13-11-2021 to tll
UPMC-9052 06/04/2016 To
08/11/2017 date
Dr (Major) Regular School of Medical School of Medical Sciences and Research, Greater 18 - 20 hours
Ajai Garg Sciences and Noida Assoc. Prof. 01/08/2017 To 30/12/2018 Anemia, thrombocytopenia, acute coronary syndrome,
MBBS Research, Greater heart failure, jaundice, diarrhoea/dysentery, viral
UPMC-40089 Associate Prof Government Institute of Medical
Noida Sciences, Greater Noida from 31 Dec 2018 to 30- hepatitis, cirrhosis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia,
MD (General
Medicine) Asst. Prof. 12-2022 tuberculosis, diabetes millions, hyperthyroidism,
DMC-24880 01/08/2013 To Prof Government Institute of Medical Sciences, hypothyroidism, malaria, dengue, covid 19, rheumatoid
31/07/2017 Greater Noida from 31-12-2022 till date arthritis, meningitis

Dr Rashmi Regular Consultant Fortis Assistant Prof, GIMS Greater Noida from June CLINICAL POSTINGS 30 HRS Case studies
Upadhyay Noida 01-Aug.-2016 26th June 2019 To 21-11-23 Demonstration Tuberculosis Obstructive airway diseses
MBBS 55269 To 01-April-2019 Interstitial lung Diseases Allergy Infectious diseases of
DNB 4457 lungs

Dr Deepak Regular Senior Resident, Assistant Professor, Government Institute of 09 Hrs Bronchial asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis,
Sharma, KGMU, Lucknow Medical Sciences, Greater Noida from 08-05-2023 diabetes millions, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism,
MBBS, MD 22-07-2021 to 05- to till date malaria, dengue, covid 19, rheumatoid arthritis,
UPMC -76595
05-2023 meningitis

Dr Deepak Regular Senior Resident, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor, GIMS, 06 Hrs Bronchial asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis,
Kumar Verma, KGMU, Lucknow GMC, Kannauj UP, Gr Noida 26-06-2023 to till diabetes millions, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism,
MBBS, MD 24-07-2021 to 05- 26-09-2022 to 24- date malaria, dengue, covid 19, rheumatoid arthritis,
UPMC- 19690 06-2023
09-2022 meningitis

Dr Preeti Contractual Senior Resident Senior Resident Assistant Professor, GIMS, 10 Hrs of Clinical Posting
MBBS, MD VMMC & SJH GIMS 18-8-2023 Gr Noida 17-11-2023 to till 05 Hrs of Lecture
DMC- 14463 27-04-2021 TO 17- To 16-11-2023 date Topics covered in rheumatoid arthritis,
Dr Ankur Contractual Senior Resident GIMS 5-9-2022 To 30-11- Assistant Professor, GIMS, 05 Hrs of Clinical Posting
Kumar 2023 Gr Noida 1-12-2023 to till 05 Hrs of Lecture
MBBS, MD date Topics covered in hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism
UPMC- 73185
Dr Hardeep Contractual Senior Resident ASMC, Firozabad Assistant Professor, GIMS, Gr Noida 05 Hrs of Lecture
MBBS, MD 07-09-22 to 21-12-23 22-12-2023 to till date Topics covered in hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism
Paediatrics Dr. (Brig. Regular Director & Professor, Government Institute of Medical Sciences, Grater Approx-30-40 Lectures/Clinic in year Pediatric HIV,
Rakesh Gupta Noida 21-07-2018 To till date Nutrition, Immunization, and Covid care
DMC- 13143
Dr Anita Regular Professor, Shri Ram Murti Professor, GIMS, Greater Noida 12-08- Approx-30-40 Lectures/Clinic in year Pediatric HIV,
Kumari Smarak Institute of Medical 2023 Nutrition, Immunization, and Covid care
MBBS, MD Sciences, Bareilly, UP
UPMC-22459 01-01-2016 to 12-08-2023
Dr Ruchika Regular Associate Professor SRMSIMS, Associate Professor, GIMS, Greater Approx-30-35 Lectures/Clinic in year Pediatric HIV,
Bhatnagar, Bareilly 01-01-2020 to 16-05- Noida 18-05-2022 Nutrition, Immunization, and Covid care
MBBS, MD 2022
UPMC- 5382
Regular Assistant Professor, Dept of Pediatrics , School Assistant prof, Dept of 40- 50 clinics / lectures per year
Dr Sujaya
of Medical Science & Research, Greater Noida Pediatrics, GIMS, Greater
MBBS, DCH, 2.11.2018 -17.03.2020 Noida 18.03.2020 - till date
MCI Reg- 26661
Dr Rajeev Kumar, Regular Senior Resident, Narayana Hrudayalaya Assistant Professor, GIMS, Approx-20-25 Lectures/Clinic in year Pediatric
MBBS, DCH, Bangalore, Karnataka 23-08-2019 to 22-08- Greater Noida 08-07-2023
DNB, DrNB 2022 to till date
DMC –R/6356
Dr Meetu Singh Regular Senior Resident RML hospital new delhi 06- Assistant Professor, GIMS, 15-20 clinics / lectures per year
MBBS, MD 11-2017 to 05-11-2020 Greater Noida 04-09-2023
DMC-10920 to till date
Dr Sanju Yadav Contractual Senior Resident GIMS 02-12-19 To 03-11-23 Assistant Professor, GIMS, 15-20 clinics / lectures per year
MBBS, DNB Greater Noida 04-11-23 to
UPMC 36905 till date

Dermatol Dr Rakesh Contractual Professor, KD Medical College Mathura 01- Associate Professor, GIMS, Clinical teaching 20-15 hours
ogy Kumar 08-2019 to 30-11-2022 Greater Noida 07-11-2023
Various topics covered- Basic skin lesions/ Anatomy of
Chawla skin nail and hair Scabies
Professor KM Medical College Mathura
MCI-17- 07-01-2023 to 31-08-2023
Dr Pihu Sethi, Regular Senior Resident, SGRRIM & HS & S & Assistant Professor, GIMS, Clinical teaching 50 - 55 hours
MBBS, MD, Indresh Hospital, Dehradun, Greater Noida 09-07-2019 to
Various topics covered- Basic skin lesions/ Anatomy of
DNB Uttarakhand13/06/2016 TO 21/09/2016 till date
skin nail and hair Scabies/ pediculosis Psoriasis/ LP
MCI -41606 SMS & R, Sharda Hospital, Greater Noida, Bacterial infections Fungal infections
UP 01/10/2016 To 28/06/2017

NDMC Medical College and Hindu Rao

Hospital, New Delhi 05-07-17 08-07-2019
Psychiatry Dr Kiran Jakhar Regular Senior Research Associate Assistant Professor GIMS, Greater 25Hrs of lecture 15 Hrs of Tutorial and 05 Hrs
AIIMS, New Delhi 1/7/2017 Noida 20/06//2019 to 19/06/23 of SDL in 3rd Prof part I 18 Hrs of Lecture in
MBBS, MD MCI to 21/2/2019 3rd Prof part II (six lecture taken) 02 weeks of
16_21504 Associate Professor, GIMS, Clinical Posting in II Prof, III Part and III Prof
Greater Noida 20/06/2023 to till Part II Topic pertaining to history taking,
communication and mental status examination
General Dr Satendra Regular Professor Surgery Professor Surgery GIMS, Greater Noida 03 hours as scheduled Consent, autonomy Chest trauma
Surgery Kumar SMS & R Greater Noida 05th April 2018 till now Arterial diseases Clinical classes as scheduled (Total 65
MBBS MS 25th july 2016 to 05th April Hours)
(General 2018
Dr Atul Kumar Gupta Regular Professor Santosh Medical College, Associate Professor 65 Hrs Theory lectures & Clinical classes
MBBS, MS Ghaziabad 10-06-2015 to 14-12-2018 Government institute Of Medical
(Surgery) MCI- Sciences (GIMS), Greater Noida
016060 Since 17-12-2018
to 16-12-22
Professor, Government institute Of Medical Sciences (GIMS), Greater Noida
Since 17-12-22 to till now
Dr Mohit kumar Regular Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor 65 Hrs (Theory lectures and clinical classes)
Mathur MBBS, MS, School of Medical School of Medical Government institute Of
MCh, FMAS, Sciences and Research, Sciences and Medical Sciences (GIMS),
FIAGES, EFIAGES Greater Noida Research, Greater Greater Noida Joined on
UPMC (Dated 13 /06/2014 to Noida 29/12/2018 to 29-12-2022
10/02/2016) 31/07/2018 01/08/2018 to Professor Government institute
MBBS 72616 28/12/2018 Of Medical Sciences (GIMS),
MS 7087 Greater Noida Joined on
MCh 7088 29/12/2022 till date
Dr Manabendra Baidya Regular Government Government Assistant Professor, Government 48 hrs of clinical teaching/year and 4 hrs of lecture
MBBS, MS MCI- Medical Medical Institute of Medical sciences, Greater
18484 College, College, Noida 17 Nov 2017 to 06-11-2021
Azamgarh Azamgarh Associate Professor Government
Senior Resident Senior Resident Institute of Medical sciences, Greater
11/08/2016 To 28/03/2017 To Noida 07-11-2021 till Now
27/03/2017 06/11/2017
Dr Samaksh Giri Regular Senior Resident Assistant Assistant Professor, GIMS, Greater 40 hrs of clinical teaching/year and 4 hrs of lecture
MBBS, MS GIMS, 25-09-20 Professor, Noida 19-04-2023 to till date
UPMC-66815 to 27-08-22 GIMS, Greater
Noida 29-08-22
to 18-04-23
Dr Sapna Singh, Regular Senior Resident, Assistant Assistant Professor, GIMS, Greater 38 hrs of clinical teaching/year and 5 hrs of lecture
MBBS, MS HIMS, Atariya, Professor, HIMS, Noida 04-05-2023 to till date
UPMC-11587 Sitapur 01-01- Safedabad,
2020 to 30-10- Barabanki 15-09-
2021 2022 To 10-03-
Dr Anurag Saraswat Regular SR, SMS&R 7- Assistant Prof Assistant Professor, GIMS, Greater 20 hrs of clinical teaching/year and 4 hrs of lecture
MBBS, MS 03-18 to 31-3- SMS&R 1-4-21 Noida 19-06-2023 to till date
UPMC 9751 21 to 17-6-2023
Dr Sunil Kumar Contrac Senior Resident IMS BHU Assistant Professor, GIMS, Greater 10 hrs of clinical teaching/year and 2 hrs of lecture
MBBS, MS tual 12-08-2020 to 11-08-2023 Noida 23-11-2023 to till date

Dr Krishna Murari Contrac Senior Resident VMMC& SJH Assistant Professor, GIMS, Greater 05 hrs of clinical teaching/year and 2 hrs of lecture
MBBS, MS tual 13-03-2020 to 12-12-2022 Noida 09-12-2023 to till date
UPMC-18002 Assistant Professor, NIIMS,
Greater Noida 15-03-2023 to 08-
Orthopae Dr Vikas Saxena Regular Associate Associate Professor 32 hrs clinical teaching / year - including, case
dics MBBS- MCI- 25866 Professor Professor , GIMS, Greater Noida 11-11-2021 to discussions, journal clubs, small group
MS (Orthopaedics) Rama Medical , GIMS, Greater tll date discussion, seminars, practicals and other T-L
IMR-O8/866 activities.
College, Hapur, Noida 11-11-
UP 06.12.2016 2017 to 10-11-
to 10.11.2017 2021
Dr Ashok Kumar, Regular Professor, Santosh Medical Professor Government Institute of 28 hrs clinical teaching / Approx. 40-50 hr/yr of
MBBS, MS College, GZB 01-01-2009 to 12- Medical Sciences, Greater Noida, UP teaching - including clinical teaching, case
MCI- 5843 12-2019 11-04-2022 to till date discussions, journal clubs, small group
discussion, seminars, practicals and other T-L
Dr Ankit Kataria, Regular Senior Assistant Different topics of Orthopaedics 22 hrs clinical teaching / year Approx. 40-50
MBBS, MS, DNB, Resident, Lok Professor, hr/yr of teaching - including clinical teaching,
MNAMS GIMS, Greater case discussions, journal clubs, small group
DMC -7746 Nayak Hospital Noida discussion, seminars, practicals and other T-L
and Maulana 15-01-2021 to activities.
Azad Medical 05-04-2022
College, New
Delhi 01-08-
2017 to 31-07-
Dr Akshay Panwar Regular Senior Senior Resident, Assistant Professor Government 15 hrs clinical teaching / year Approx. 40-50
MBBS, MS Resident, Rama GIMS, Gr Noida Institute of Medical Sciences, Greater hr/yr of teaching - including clinical teaching,
DMC-53252 Medical 11-05-2022 to Noida, UP 19-04-2023 to till date case discussions, journal clubs, small group
18-04-2023 discussion, seminars, practicals and other T-L
College 02-01-
2022 to 10-05-
Dr Varun Akshay Contractu Senior Resident, GIMS, Gr Noida Assistant Professor Government 15 hrs clinical teaching / year Approx. 40-50
MBBS, MS al 4-8-22 to 3-11-23 Institute of Medical Sciences, Greater hr/yr of teaching - including clinical teaching,
UPMC-81613 Noida, UP 04-11-2023 to till date case discussions, journal clubs, small group
Dr Sumedh Kumar Contractu Senior Resident, NDMC Medical Assistant Professor Government 10 hrs clinical teaching / year Approx. 40-50
MBBS, MS al College & Hindu rao Hospital Institute of Medical Sciences, Greater hr/yr of teaching - including clinical teaching,
DMC-12267 3-9-2021 to 14-11-23 Noida, UP 16-11-2023 to till date case discussions, journal clubs, small group
Oto-Rhino- Dr Hukum Singh Regular Professor & Head, RMC & Professor & Head, Government Clinical teaching 15-20 hours onVarious topics
Laryngolog MBBS, MS Research Center, Hapur UP Institute of Medical Sciences, Greater pertaining to clinical history taking and
y UPMC -046927 12-03-2018 to 11-05-2023 Noida, UP 03-05-2023 to till date examination

Dr Rahul Kumar Regular Assistant Professor Associate Professor, Government Clinical teaching 35-40 hours onVarious topics
Bagla, MBBS, Government Institute of Institute of Medical Sciences, Greater pertaining to clinical history taking and examination
DMC/R/5473 Medical Sciences, Greater Noida, UP 08-11-2021 to till date of ophthalmological complaints
Noida, UP 08-11-2017 to 07-
Dr Monika Patel, Regular Assistant Professor, SMCH, Associate Professor SIMS, Hapur 28- Clinical teaching 40-45 hours onVarious topics
MBBS, MS, DNB GZB 20-04-2018 to 31-03- 07-2021 to 15-05-2023 pertaining to clinical history taking and
MCI - 32557 2020 examination of ENT complaints
Associate Professor, SNMC, Associate Professor, GIMS, Greater
Agra 07-04-2020 to 17-07- Noida 16-05-2023 to till date
Ophthal Dr Yogesh Contrac Professor, AMUIO J.N.M.C. Professor, Government Institute of 15 hrs clinical including clinical teaching, case
mology Kumar Gupta tual 16-12-06 to 28-02-2023 Medical Sciences Greater Noida discussions, journal clubs, small group
MBBS, MS 06-11-2023 till date discussion, seminars
Dr Nandita Regular School of Medical Sciences Assistant Professor, Government Institute Clinical teaching 45-50 hours onVarious topics
Chaturvedi and Research, Sharda of Medical Sciences Greater Noida pertaining to clinical history taking and
MBBS, MS University Greater Noida 13/11/2017 To 12-11-2021 examination of ophthalmological complaints
DMC-30627 3/12/2013 - 11/11/2017 Associate Professor, GIMS, Greater
Noida 13-11-2021 to till date
Dr Shalliy Raj Regular Associate Professor, SMMH, Associate Professor, GIMS, Greater 30 hrs clinical teaching / year Approx. 40-50
MBBS, MS Medical College, Saharanpur Noida 12-05-2023 to till now hr/yr of teaching - including clinical teaching,
UPMC- 2342 28-11-2022 to 11-05-2023 case discussions, journal clubs, small group
discussion, seminars
Dr Ritu Sharma, Regular Assistant Professor at Associate Associate Professor at GIMS since 12hrs of theory lectures 60 hrs clinical
MBBS, MS DMC- NDMC Medical Professor at 05.04.2018 to 04-04-2022 classes Basics of Obstetrics &
Obs & 34764 college & HRH, New NDMC Medical Gynaecology Labour/ Obstetrical
Gyane complications Clinical history,
Delhi 10.06.2013- college & HRH,
08.05.17 New Delhi Professor, GIMS, Greater Noida examination, Common obstetrical case
05-04-2022 to till now scenarios
09. 05. 17 -
Dr Ruchi Verma Regular Senior resident ESI 1) Senior Assistant Assistant Professor MBBS Lecture & Clinical teaching (2nd prof.and 3rd
MBBS, MS Rohini New Delhi resident AIIMS Professor GIMS Gr. Noida Prof. Batch 2017,2018 in MAMC Agroha)
UPMC-65079 25/01/2017 to New Delhi MAMC 21/10/2020 - Till MBBS Lecture and clinical ( 2 nd Prof.) 4 hrs
02/04/2017 05/04/2017- Agroha date of theory lectures
30/04/2018 Haryana 60 hrs clinical classes
2)Senior 29/02/20 Post graduate training classes in DNB Obstetrics &
resident ESIC 20 A/N - Gynaecology - Journal clubs, seminars, case
PGIMS 20/10/20 presentation, mortality meet, Clinical history,
basaidarapur 20 examination
New delhi 04/-
Senior resident
MAMC Agroha
29/02/2020 F/N
Dr Pinky Mishra Regular Senior Residency Assistant professor GIMS Gr. Noida 02-01-2020-till MBBS Lectur and Clinical (IInd Prof.)
MBBS, MS Sarda Medical date 4 hrs of theory lectures
DMC-38953 College 60 hrs clinical classes
23/08/2016- Post graduate training classes in DNB Obstetrics &
31/10/2018 Gynaecology - Journal clubs, seminars, case
presentation, mortality meet, Clinical history,
examination, 2020-2021
Dr Pratima Maurya Regular Senior Resident AIIMS Assistant Professor GIMS Gr. Noida 29-04--2023 – MBBS Lectur and Clinical (IInd Prof.)
MBBS, MS Rishikesh 30-07-2021 Till date 4 hrs of theory lectures
UPMC-108065 to 20-04-2023 50 hrs clinical classes
Post graduate training classes in DNB Obstetrics &
Gynaecology - Journal clubs, seminars, case
presentation, mortality meet, Clinical history,
examination, 2020-2021
Dr Vaishali Contracutal Senior Resident Assistant Professor GIMS Gr. Noida 17-11-2023 – Post graduate training classes in DNB Anesthesia-
MBBS, MS VMMC & Safdarjung Till date Journal clubs, seminars, case presentation, mortality
DMC-R14012 Hospital, New Delhi meet, CME July 2020- till date Integrative
13-5-2021 to 09-11-23
Dr Vikansha Contracut Senior Resident Assistant Professor, GIMS, Gr Noida 22-12-2023
Kaushik al ASMC, Firozabad to till date
MBBS, MD 01-09-22 to 21-12-23
Anaesthe Dr Nazia Nazir, Regular Assistant Professor Associate Associate Professor GIMS Post graduate training classes in DNB Anesthesia-
siology MBBS, MD SMS&R 10/10/2012- Professor 05/04/2018 To 05-04-2022 Journal clubs, seminars, case presentation, mortality
MCI-11-9801 30/11/2016 SMS&R Professor GIMS 06-04-2022 meet, CME July 2020- till date Integrative
01/12/2016- (AN)- Till Date undergraduate classes with physiology, pharmacology-
05/04/2018 (FN)
Dr Ajai Kumar Contracu Deputy DGHS (Medical) DT. GHS, MOH& Professor GIMS 06-11-2023
MBBS, MD tal FW 06-05-2016 to 09-05-2018 -Till Date
Dr Savita Gupta Regular Assistant Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Post graduate training classes in DNB Anesthesia-
MBBS- 59855 Professor, Government Institute of Government Institute of Journal clubs, seminars, case presentation, mortality
MD- 59855 Santosh Medical Sciences, Greater Medical Sciences, Greater meet, CME July 2020- till date
Noida 28.03.2018- Noida 29-03-2022- till date
College &
Hospital, Ghz To 28-03-2022
Dr Anupriya Regular Senior SENIOR SENIOR ASSISTAN T ASSISTANT Post graduate training classes in DNB Anesthesia-
Saxena, MBBS, Resident RESIDEN T RESIDENT PROFESSOR PROFESSO R Journal clubs, seminars, case presentation, and
MD ESI UCMS SSPH & GIMS GIMS mortality meet.
DELHI DELHI 30.08.2020 31-8-2020 to 23-04-2022
14.09.2016- 5.03.2018 - 05-04-2022 TO TILL
28.02.18 11.02.2020 DATE
Dr Ruchi Singh, Regular Senior Resident, Dr Senior Resident, Dr Assistant Post graduate training classes in DNB Anesthesia-
MBBS, MD DRAIRCH, DRAIRCH, Professor Journal clubs, seminars, case presentation, and
DMC - 52182 AIIMS, New Delhi 08-03- AIIMS, New Delhi 04-01- GIMS, Gr mortality meet.
2018 to 03-01-2019 2019 to 03-07-2022 Noida 28-04-
2023 to till
Dr Santosh Kumar Conturac Senior Resident, GIMS, Gr Assistant Professor GIMS, Assistant Post graduate training classes in DNB Anesthesia-
Verma tual Noida 9-6-22 to 29-8-22 Greater Noida 30-8-22 to 6- Professor Journal clubs, seminars, case presentation, mortality
MBBS, MD 11-23 GIMS, meet, CME July 2020- till date Integrative
UPMC-69279 Greater Noida
Dr Garima Sinha Conturac Senior Resident IMS, BHU Asst Prof SMS&R 01-01- Assistant Post graduate training classes in DNB Anesthesia-
MBBS, MD tual 1-07-2018 to 18-08-2021 2021 to 31-08-2022 Professor Journal clubs, seminars, case presentation, mortality
UPMC-81669 GIMS, meet, CME July 2020- till date Integrative
Greater Noida
Assit prof Santosh Medical 21-11-2023
College 22-05 to 2023-20-
Radiology Dr Arti Conturact Professor, GS Medical College Professor, Government Institute of Medical
Chaturvedi ual Hapur UP Sciences, Greater Noida from 17-01-2024
MBBS, MD 22-May-2022 To 16 -Jan -
UPSMC-7222 2024
Dentistry Dr Sandeep K Regular Pool officer Assistant Professor, Government Institute of Medical
Pandey (Senior Sciences, Greater Noida from 29.03.2018 to 28-03-2022
BDS, MDS Research
UPDC- A-4091 Associate)
Associate Professor, Government Institute of Medical
Sciences, Greater Noida from 29-03-2022 till date
12/08/2015 To
Regular Professor, ITS Associate Professor, Government Institute of Medical
Dr Rupali Kalsi
Dental College, Sciences, Greater Noida from 01-10-2022 to 18-04-2023
BDS, MDS Gr Noida 06-09-
A 0147 2019 to 29-09- Associate Professor, Government Institute of Medical
2022 Sciences, Greater Noida from 19-04-2023 till date

S. Name of Faculty Publacation Name Scopus Pub Med

1 Dr Ranjana Verma 1. Dr. Ritu Singh, Dr. Pooja Singh, Dr. Ranjana Verma & Dr. R. K. Diwan. Unusual
additional distal aponeurotic slips of biceps brachii - A rare variation are provisionally
accepted in Journal of Anatomical society of India. No Yes
2. Singh R, Verma R & Rani A. Intercostobrachial nerve-An unusual course and No No
innervation pattern. IJSR,Vol 9 (9), 4-5.2020.
3. Kaushal P, Verma R, Banerjee A, Mehra RD. Ossification of the Anterior
Longitudinal Ligament: Clinical and Embryological Aspect. Int J Anat Res No No
4. Joseph B, Verma R. Effect of polycystic ovary syndrome on the morphology of
ovary- A Review. IDC International journal. 5(4): Aug-Oct 2018. ISSN: 2395- No No
5. Joseph B, Verma R. A review on the morphology of uterus in patients with polycystic
ovary syndrome. The Genesis. 5(3): July-Sept 2018. ISSN 2395-2164. No No
6. Mahajan A, Verma R, Kumar S, & Raj D. Mehra. Evaluation of osteologic parameters
of jugular foramen and its significance with respect to expanded endoscopic endonasal
approach. Eur. J. Anat. 2017, 21 (3): 225-233. Yes Yes
7. Kumar S, Verma R, Mahajan A & Raj D. Mehra. Morphological and Morphometric
Analysis of Hypoglossal Canal in North Indian Dry Skulls and its Significance in
Cranial Base Surgeries. JCDR. 2017 Mar, Vol-11(3): AC08-AC12. No Yes
8. Verma R, Kumar S, Rai AM, Mansoor I & Raj D. Mehra. The anatomical
perspective of human occipital condyle in relation to the hypoglossal canal,
condylar canal, and jugular foramen and its surgical significance. JCVJS, 2016,
Volume: 7(4); 243-249. No Yes
9. Kumar S, Verma R, Mehra RD. An anomalous origin of accessory head of flexor
digitorum profundus in forearm: A rare variant. JASI 2016, Volume 65; S73-S75. No Yes
10. Verma R & Bhadoria P. Variations in the Attachments and Innervation of Muscles in
Axilla. IJAR 2016, Volume: 6(2); 124-26. No No

2 Dr Pragati Sheel Mittal 1. Mittal P.S., Khanwalkar P.G., Naik D.C. Use of Silicon Gel to Mould the Cavities of
Hollow Viscera. J.Anat.Soc. India. 2009; 58(2): 201-202. NO YES

2. Chhaparwal, R, Mittal, PS., Joshi, SS. and Joshi, S.D. Variations in the morphology of
platysma muscle in central Indians. J. Morphol. Sci. 2013; 30(4): 244-248. NO YES
3. Joshi S D, Yogesh A S, Mittal P S, Joshi S S. Morphology of the bicipital aponeurosis:
a cadaveric study. Folia Morphol. 2014; 73(1): 79–83.
4. Lakhwani O. P, Mittal PS, Naik D C. Piriformis Fossa – An Anatomical and PubMed Central
Orthopedics Consideration. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014; 1- (Oct 2012 to Sep NO
8(3): 96-97.
5. Joshi S D, Joshi S S, Yogesh A S, Mittal P S. Some details of morphology of biceps
brachii and its functional relevance. J.Anat.Soc. India. 2014; 63: 24-29. NO YES
6. Mittal PS, Joshi S S, Chhaparwal R, Joshi S D. Prevalence and Morphometry of Os Central (Oct
Peroneum amongst Central Indians. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. to Sep
2017) NO
2014; 8(11): 8-10.
7. Chhaparwal R, Joshi S S, Joshi S D, Mittal PS. Variations in the insertion of peroneus
longus muscle. J.Anat.Soc. India. 2015; 64: 133-136. NO YES
8. Lakhwani O. P., Chetiwal R and Mittal P. S. Clinical significance of trochanter shaft
angle as determinant of alignment of femoral canal and trochanter in management of
fracture shaft of femur. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2015; 4(12). NO YES
9. Reddy N, Mittal P S, Joshi S S, Joshi S D. Accessory fissures of liver and their clinical
significance. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. 2016; 5(82) 13. NO NO
10. Reddy N, Joshi SS, Mittal P S, Joshi SD. Morphology of caudate and quadrate lobes of
liver. J. Evol. Med. Dent. Sci. 2017; 6(11). NO NO
11. Joshi SS, Reddy N, Joshi SD, Mittal PS. Morphological variations of left lobe of liver.
Intl. J Contemp. Med. Res. 2017; 4(9):1956-1958. NO NO

12. Mittal S, Saxena N, Jain D, Mittal, PS, Shaikh MKS. Fetal Outcome of Preeclamptic
Mother with Hyperuricemia. Int Jour of Med Sci and Cur Res. 2021; 4(4): 78-85. YES NO
13. Mittal S, Gulia R., Mittal P S. Effectiveness of Early Clinical Exposure (ECE) as a
teaching- learning method for first-year MBBS undergraduates in basic medical
sciences. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research. 2021; 4(20):221-

3 Dr Sonu 1. Sonu, KalraS. Rare variations of extensor tendons in the dorsum of hand. Int J
Anat Res 2019; 7(3.2):6865- 6867. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2019.245

2. Singh D, Gandhi V, Sonu. Morphometric analysis of the orbit in dry skulls of

north Indian population: A direct measurement study. Saudi J Pathol Microbiol,
2020. ISSN 2518-3362
3. Sonu, Kalra S.An undocumented rare branching pattern of external
carotid artery. IJAR, 2020; 8(4.1):7767-70. ISSN 2321-4287
4 Dr Pulmi Vineel 1. Pulimi Vineel, Ramesh Kumar Subramanian, S.Senthil Kumar Unilateral Isolated Bifid
Ureter - A case Report. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue: 10 October
1. Aprajita, Bhandari B. Cultivating self-directed learning skills in the budding doctors: An
Dr Bharti Bhandari
5 Attempt to transform an ‗Indian medical graduate‗into a ‗lifelong learner‗. South-East Asian
Rathore No No
Journal of Medical Education. 2021; 15(1):65–7.
2. Mavai M, Bhandari B, Singhal A, et al. Cardiac Autonomic Modulation and Anti-
Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Antibodies in Subclinical Hypothyroidism: Does a
Correlation Exist? Cureus 13(10): e18844. DOI 10.7759/cureus.18844 Yes Yes
3. Sidhu JK, Chopra D, Bhandari B, Singh S, Rai J. Knowledge and awareness of ethics
among phase 1 medical students: Appraising the role of the foundation course. MGM J Yes Yes
Med Sci 2021; 8:236-43.
4. Chopra D, Bhandari B, Dwivedi S. Beneficial role of Indian medicinal plants in
No Yes
COVID-19. MGM J Med Sci 2021; 8: 166-70.
5. Chopra D, Bhandari B, Sidhu JK, Jakhar K, Jamil F, Gupta R. Prevalence of self-
reported anxiety and self-medication among upper and middle socioeconomic strata
amidst COVID-19 pandemic. J Educ Health Promot. 2021; 10:73. Yes Yes
6. Chopra D, Boparai JK, Bhandari B, Srivastava A, Gupta R. Pharmacological
strategies for COVID-19 - A review of the most promising repurposed antiviral
drugs. Infect Disord Drug Targets. 2020 Dec 18. Yes Yes
7. Chandran DS, Muthukrishnan SP, Barman SM, Peltonen LM, Ghosh S, Sharma R,
Bhattacharjee M, Bhandari B, Carroll RG, Sengupta J, Chan JYH, Ghosh D. IUPS
Physiology Education Workshop series in India: organizational mechanics, outcomes,
Yes Yes
and lessons. Adv Physiol Educ. 2020; 44:709-721.
8. Jamil F, Bhandari B. Learning through Reflection: Exploring COVID-19 pandemic
experiences of Phase 1 undergraduate medical students. International Physiology, No No
2020; 8: 51-

9. Bhandari B, Chopra D, Singh K. Self-directed learning: assessment of students'

Yes Yes
abilities and their perspective. Adv Physiol Educ. 2020; 44: 383-386.

10. Chandran DS, Muthukrishnan SP, Barman SM, Peltonen LM, Ghosh S, Sharma R,
Bhattacharjee M, Bhandari B, Carroll RG, Sengupta J, Chan JYH, Ghosh D.
Physiology without borders: report on physiology education workshops in India-
Yes Yes
IUPS Initiatives (20182019). Adv Physiol Educ. 2020; 44:309-313.
11. Mehta B, Bhandari B, Singhal A, Mavai M, Dutt N, Raghav P. Screening
asymptomatic school children for early asthma by determining airway narrowing
through peak expiratory flow rate measurement. J Edu Health Promot 2020; 9:72. Yes Yes
12. Chopra D, Bhandari B. Sofosbuvir: really meets the unmet needs for Hepatitis C
Yes Yes
treatment? Infect Disord Drug Targets. 2020; 20:2-15
13. Dwivedi S, Chopra D, Bhandari B. Role of Terminalia arjuna Wight and Arn. in the
treatment of chronic coronary artery disease from pharmacovigilance point of view. Yes Yes
AYU 2019; 40:104- 8.
14. Bhandari B, Mavai M, Singh YR, Mehta B, Bhagat OL. Rhythmic Breath Holding and
Its Effect on Arterial Blood Pressure and Its Correlation with Blood Gases. Acta No Yes
Medica Iranica 2019; 57: 492-497.

15. Boparai JK, Chopra D, Pandey SK, Bhandari B. Generalized seizure following
Yes Yes
lignocaine administration: Case report and literature review. J Family Med Prim
Care 2019; 8:3440-2.
16. Bhandari B, Mehta B. Singh S. Implementation and Evaluation of Priming as a No
Teaching- learning tool for enhancing Physiology Learning among Medical Yes
Undergraduates.Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2019; 63: 37–41.
17. Mehta B, Vyas A, Bhandari B, Parakh M. Association between Childhood Seizures
and Speech and Language Impairment. Br J Med Health Res. 2019; 6: 1-8.
18. Aprajita, Bharti Bhandari, Vivek Kumar Sharma, Rahul Kumar Bagla, Mamta Mohan.
Attitude, Ethics and Communication competencies training module in undergraduate
medical students. International Journal of Integrated Medicine 2019;1: 37-43. No No
19. 21. Bhandari B, Mehta B. Singh S. Implementation and Evaluation of Priming as a
Teaching- learning tool for enhancing Physiology Learning among Medical
Undergraduates. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2019; 63: 37–41. No Yes

20. 22. Bhandari B, Kumar A, Mehta B. Correlation Between Rate Pressure Product and
No No
Severity of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. International Physiology 2019; 7:
1. Upadhyay R, Aprajita, Srivastava S, Raja A, Gupta RK. Healthcare professionals'
knowledge, attitudes, and practices on coronavirus disease in Western Uttar Pradesh. J Educ
Yes Yes
Health Promot. 2020 Dec 29; 9:359. Doi: 10.4103/jehp.jehp_622_20. PMID: 33575395;
PMCID: PMC7871925.
2.Kaur, Gurkiran & Mohan, Ankur & Mohan, Ekta & Panwar, Aprajita & Mohan, Mamta.
Dr Aprajita (2020). A Review of the Importance of Atypical Otorhinolaryngological Symptoms in the
Yes Yes
Screening of COVID-19 Patients. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck
Surgery. 73. 10.1007/s12070-020-02045-y.

3.Competency-Based Medical Curriculum: Exploring the pre-clinical medical teachers' Yes yes
pedagogical and technical readiness levels Accepted for publication- National Medical Journal
in 0ct 2020
4. Kaur G , Mohan A, Mamta, Aprajita (2020). COVID 19: concerns and preparedness among
health care workers. International Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 6. No No
1044-1048. 10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20202088.

5.Aprajita, Bhandari B. Cultivating self-directed learning skills in the budding doctors: An

attempt to transform an ‗Indian medical graduate‗ into a ‗lifelong learner‗. South-East Asian No No
Journal of Medical Education. 2021;15(1):65–7.

6.Aprajita, Bhandari B, Sharma VK,Bagla RK, Mohan M. Attitude, Ethics and

Communication competencies training module in undergraduate medical students. No No
International Journal of Integrated Medicine. 2019;1(1):3743.

7. Mohan M, Aprajita, Sharma VK, Bagla RK. The up - coming era of Nanotechnology:
No Yes
Revolutionizing medicine. International Journal of Integrated Medicine. 2019;1(1):55-60.

8.Aprajita, Mohan M. Curriculum Trends in Medical Education in Mauritius. Journal of

No No
Medical Education. Winter 2017; 16(1):51-54.

9. Mohan M, Khaliq F, Aprajita, Vaney N. Assessment of auditory conduction in mobile

No No
phone users: A pilot study: Indian Journal of Medical Specialities. 2016;7(4): 163166.

10. Jain P, Aprajita, Jain P, Jain A K, & Babbar R. Influence of affective changes on
Behavioural and cognitive performances after acute bout of Exhaustive Exercise Journal of yes Yes
Psychophysiology. 2014; 28 (1): 1-10.
11.Does Chronic Exposure to Mobile Phones Affect Cognition? Mohan M, Khaliq F, Aprajita,
Yes Yes
Vaney N. Funct Neurol.2016 Jan-Mar; 31(1): 47–51.
12.Mohan M, Aprajita, Panwar N. Effect of Wood Dust on Respiratory Health Status of
No Yes
Carpenters. J Clin Diagn Res.2013 Aug; 7(8): 1589–1591.

13.Aprajita, Panwar KN, Sharma R.S. Lung function test among petrol-pump workers of
No Yes
Amritsar city, Punjab. J Clin Diagn Res. 2011 October; 5(5): 1046-1050.


1. Authored ―Log book for MBBS students - First and second edition according to competency
No No
based new curriculum as per MCI‖ published by Jaypee Publishers.
2.Co-author in Book ―Health impacts of mobile phone‗‗ in LAP LAMBERT (Germany). No No

3.Author in Book ―Pulmonary Function tests among Petrol Pump Workers‖ published by LAP No Yes

4.Co-author in Genetic basis of oro-dental diseases in child published by LAP No No

1. Vivek Gupta, Prerna Agarwal, Sunita Vagha. Triple Positive breast cancer: A case series.
No Yes
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2021;08(04): 600-607.

2. Gupta V, Agarwal P, Deshpande P. Impact of RASSF1A gene methylation on clinico-

pathological features of tumor and non-tumor tissue of breast cancer. Annals of Diagnostic
Yes Yes
Pathology [Internet]. 2021 Jun ;52:151722. Available from

3. Agarwal P, Mahajan AS. Need Based Role of E-Learning in Current Medical Education
Environment: Skepticism to Acceptability. J Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2021; 15(8): No Yes
JE01 – JE 06. Doi 10.7860/JCDR/2021/49281.15243.

7 Dr Prerna Agarwal 4. Agarwal, P. and Gupta, V. COVID 19 pandemic: An opportunity to investigate medical
professionalism. Canadian Medical Education Journal. (Aug. 2020). DOI: Yes No

5. Biswas D, Agarwal P, Debnath M. Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Lipid Profile in Type

2 Diabetic Patients: An Observational Study. International Journal of Physiology. 2020; 8 (4), No No

6. Biswas D, Agarwal P, Bhirange S, Debnath M, Taksande A. Effect of Lifestyle

Modifications in Patients with Essential Hypertension- A randomized controlled study. No No
International Journal of Scientific Research. 2020; 9(9), 53-8. DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
7. Taksande A, Bhirange S, Agarwal P, Biswas D. Nerve Conduction Study in Leprosy
Patients - An Electrophysiological Evaluation of Motor Ulnar and Motor Median Nerves. No No
International Journal of Scientific Research. 2020; 9(9), 1-2. DOI : 10.36106/ijsr

8. Biswas D, Bhirange S, Debnath M, Agarwal P, Taksande A. Comparative Study of Two

Sets of Lifestyle Modification Measures in Management of Essential Hypertension- A
Randomized Control Study. Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal. 2020; 10 No No
(July Spl issue), 14-37. Available from

9. Agarwal P, Rawekar A. Laying the foundation of medical professionalism among pre-

clinical students: importance of reflection [Version 2]. MedEdPublish. 2020; 8, [2], 33, No No

10. Gokhale M, Agarwal P, Patil AR. Correlation of body fat distribution with iron profile and
No Yes
haemoglobin level in young overweight females. Int J Phar Res. 2019; 12 (1): 1153-6.

11. Agarwal P, Rawekar A. Laying the foundation of medical professionalism among pre-
clinical students: Impact of 'Reflection' with Early Clinical Exposure‗. Indian Journal of No Yes
Physiology and Pharmacology. 2018; 62(5), 98.

12. Mahajan AS, Agarwal P. Current Perspective on Vitamin D Deficiency: A Mini Review.
No No
Journal of Physiological and Biomedical Sciences. 2017; 30(1):5-11.

13. Agarwal S, Kahlon N, Agarwal P, Dixit S. Relationship between Student‗s Family Socio-
Economic Status, Gap Year/years after Schooling and Self-concept: A Cross-Sectional No No
Study among Medical Students. International journal of Physiology. 2017 Jan- June;
14. Agarwal P, Jadeja JM, Naik SS. Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in the General
Population of Ahmedabad City. International Journal of Basic and Applied Physiology. 2013 No No
Dec; 2(1): 197- 202.
15. Agarwal P, Jadeja JM, Nair GB, et al. Relationship of anthropometric adiposity indices
with blood pressure in urban community of Ahmedabad. International Journal of Basic and No No
Applied Physiology. 2012 Dec; 1(1): 71-78

16. Agarwal P, Jadeja JM, Nair GB. Face Recognition and Habitual Sleep Duration In 1st
MBBS Students. International Journal of Basic and Applied Physiology. 2012 Dec; 1(1): 71- No No
1. Padhy M, Garg AK, Solanki HK, Rao R S, Gupta V, Singh M. Evaluating laboratory
parameters for diagnostic accuracy in COVID 19 patients in a tertiary care hospital in Greater
Noida, Up, India.International Journal of health and clinical research, 2021;4(18):288-299

2. Padhy M,,Solanki H, R Ravori, Garg A, Singh M ,Gupta V. To explore the association of

vitamin D3 with laboratory parameters in RTPCR positive covid 19 patients in tertiary care
government hospital in Greater Noida, UP, India. IJHCR. Accepted online on 23/9/21

3. Seth S, Sharma R, Mishra P, Solanki HK, Singh M, Singh M. Role of shrt term Estradiol
supplementation in symptomatic postmenopausal COVID !9 females:A randomized controlled
trial. J Mid-life HEalth 2021;12;211-8

4. Singh M, Karli S, Choudhary S. Fetuin- A in association with metabolic syndrome. Int J Res
Med Sci.2021:9(8);2342-46
5. Kalani R, Chandra A, Kanwar S, Singh M, Aparna Misra Thyroid stimulatory hormone
(TSH) reference ranges in the normal pregnant women of Lucknow.Eras Journal of Medical
8 Dr Manisha Singh
Research.2018;Vol 5 (2)1-4

6. Singh M, Anwar E, Kumar V.Assessment of biochemical parameters in the patients of

coronary artery disease with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.International Journal of Pharmaceutical
Sciences and Research.2017;Vol 8(3).1000-1007

7. Khan A, Rathore B, Singh M , Misra A.Association of creatine kinase and its

isoenzymes(CK-MB, CK-BB) activity with high risk pregnancy.International Journal of
Research in Medical Sciences.2017;Vol 5:1464 - 1470

8. Misra A, Singh M , Trivedi A, Rathore B, Anil K. Balapure. In-vitro effect of picroliv on

plasmodium Berghei Induced Alterations in the Activity of Adenosine Triphosphatase, Aryl
Hydrocarbon Hydroxylase Enzymes and MDA in Liver Explant Culture. Indian Journal of
Pathology Research and Practice.2016; Vol 5( 2)81-86
9. Singh M, Choudhary I, Pallinti V, R Jothimalar, Kumar V, Misra A. Association
between PRO12ALA polymorphism at the PPARγ2 gene and insulin sensitivity in South
Indian population with type-2 diabetes mellitus. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical
Research; June 2016: Vol-5(3): 722 – 741

10. Rathore B, Singh M, Kumar V, and Misra A. Osteocalcin: An Emerging Biomarker For
Bone Turnover. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2016; 4 (9): 3670 –
11. Kumar V, Karoli R , Singh M, Misra A and Mahdi F. Evaluation Of Oxidative Stress,
Antioxidant Enzymes, Lipid And Lipoprotein Profile In Type-2 Diabetic Patients.
International Journal of Bioassays.2015:Vol 6: 3484-3489

12. Kumar V, Mahdi F, Singh R, Mahdi AA, Jawad K, Singh R K and Singh M.
Cassia Tora Seeds Extract Regulates Lipid Metabolism in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats.
International Journal of Pharmacology Science and Research.2015; Vol. 6(8): 3484-3489.

13. Gupta R,Singh M, Jibhate A, Mahdi F .Novel Methodology for Implementation of OSCE
as Examination Tool to Delimit Space and Time Constraints. Journal of Medical Education &
Research. 2013.Vol3(1)
9 Dr. Ijen Bhattacharya 1. Bhattacharya I, Praveena V, Saxena R. ; Study On Dyslipidaemia And Oxidative Stress In
Elderly – A Clinical Approach To Predict Cardiovascular Disease Risk. ( Authors –
Kumar Vs, ; Scholars Journal Of Applied Medical Sciences. 2017 ; 5(4) : 1504-1508.
2. ▪ Faldesai N, Shareef Ma, Saxena R, Bhattacharya I. ; Association Of Vitamin C With
Erythrocyte Malondialdehyde Levels In Type 2 Diabetic Patients – A Clinical Approach. ;
Scholars Journal Of Applied Medical Sciences. 2017 ; 5(11d) : 4606-4610
3. ▪ Prajapat R, Bhattacharya I.; Effect Of Vitamin E And C Supplementation On Oxidative
Stress In Diabetic Patients. ; Advances In Diabetes And Metabolism. 2017. 5(3), 39-42,
4. ▪ Prajapat R, Bhattacharya I, Jakhalia A. ; Combined Effect Of Vitamin C And E Dose On
Type 2 Diabetes Patients. ; Advances In Diabetes And Metabolism. 2017. 5, 21-25,
5. ▪ Shareef Ma, Faldesai N, Saxena R, Bhattacharya I. ; Assessment Of Plasma Paraoxonase
Activity In Metabolic Syndrome Patients. ; Scholars Journal Of Applied Medical
Sciences. 2018; 6(2): 609-613.
6. ▪ Karki K, Agarwal S, Rai G, Saxena R, Srivastava S, Shrestha S, Bhattacharya I. ;
Association Of Oxidative Stress And Psychological Stress In Hypertensive And
Normotensive Diabetes Patients. ; Scholars Journal Of Applied Medical Sciences. 2019;
7(7): 2504-2507.
7. ▪ Kumar A, Kapoor S, Bhattacharya I ; To Compare The Levels Of Vitamin B12, Folate
And Ferritin With Thyroid Hormones In Hypothyroidism Patients: An Institutional Based
Study. ; International Journal Of Medical Research Professionals. 2020, P-Issn: 2454-
6356; E-Issn: 2454-6364. Doi: 10.21276/Ijmrp

1) Padhy M,Garg A,Solanki H,Rao R,Singh M,Gupta V. ,Evaluating laboratory parameter for
diagnostic accuracy n covid 19 patients in a tertiary care government hospital in Greater
Noida, UP ,India,IJHCR,2021;4(18):288-293

2) Padhy M, Solanki H, Rao R, Garg A, Singh M, Gupta V. To explore the association of

10 Dr Mamta Padhy vitamin D3 with laboratory parameter in RTPCR positive covid 19 patients in tertiary care
government hospital in Greater Noida, UP, India. IJHCR. Accepted online on 23/9/21

3) Husen N, Padhy M. Screening of mean platelet volume as a prognostic marker in patients

with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Research and Review: Journal of Medical Science and
Technology. 9(1):47-52,2020

4)Padhy M , Kaushik S, Girish M.P, Mohapatra S,Shah S, Koner BC. Serum Neutrophil
Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin and Cystatin C as Early Predictors of Contrast Induced
Kidney Injury in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention..Clinica Chemica
Acta. 435(2014)48-52.

5)Shah S, Goel A ,Garg R, Padhy M, Guta A, Procalcitonin and C reactive protein in early
diagnosis of neonatal sepis. IJMS,5(2),102-106,2014
6) Shah S, Goel A ,Garg R, Padhy M, Guta A, Bhoi S. Correlation of oxidative stress marker
of brain injury in hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. International journal of medical and
applied science. 3(1):106-115,2014

11 1. Relationship of serum apolipoprotein AV levels, oxidative stress and inflammatory

biomarkers with hypertriglyceridemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus D Sharma, S Garg, M
Dr. Devesh Sharma Mehndiratta, SV Madhu, D Puri International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
15 (2)
2. Benign Ovarian Cysts with Raised CA-125 Levels: Do We Need to Evaluate the Fallopian
Tubes? D Sharma, Vinocha Journal of laboratory physicians 12 (04), 276-280
3. Laboratory Changes in SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Review D Sharma, M Mehndiratta, D
Puri. Indian Journal of Medical Biochemistry 24 (2), 63
4. Association of apolipoprotein AV with mRNA expression of IL-6 and NF-κB genes in type
2 diabetes with hypertriglyceridemia: a possible link with inflammation D Sharma, S Garg,
M Mehndiratta, SV Madhu, D Puri International Journal of Diabetes in Developing
Countries 39 (2), 308-314
5. Diabetes with Complication-scope of Serum Ceruloplasmin as a Biomarker K Prabhu, D
Sharma, VS BELLE, M SUNDARAM, P GYAWALI, Journal Of International Academic
Research For Multidisciplinary 2 (5), 841-6
6. Expression profile of NFKB1 gene in the patients of type II diabetes with and without
hypertriglyceridemia. M Mehndiratta, S Garg, D Sharma, SV Madhu, D Puri Indian
Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism 21

A). Research Papers

1. Tripathi CD, Srivastava VK, Srivastava YP and Jaju BP. Interactions between doxycycline
and certain antidiabetic agents. Ind J Pharmacol 14: 97-8, 1982

2. Jaju BP, Srivastava YP and Tripathi CD. Interactions of certain antibacterial agents with
glibenclamide on blood sugar levels in rabbits. Ind J Pharmacol 16(2): 109-11, 1984

3. Srivastava YP, Tripathi CD and Jaju BP. Interactions between antibacterial agents and
insulin on blood sugar levels in induced contracture on frog rectus abdominis. Ind J Exptl Biol To
12 Dr C D Tripathi 29: 849-51, 1991
4. Srivastava YP, Lal BB and Tripathi CD. Evidence for the presence of dopamine receptors in
papers and
iris. Ind J Pharmacol 23(4) 247-52, 1991
5. Tripathi CD, Srivastava YP, Biswas AR, Pradhan SC and Bapna JS.
Neuropsychopharmacological studies of the leaves of Rhododendron arboreum (Smith).
Fitoterapia 63(11): 63-6, 1992
6. Ramaswamy S, Shewade DG, Tripathi CD, Tyagi MG and Tripathi KD. A study on the
vasopressin induced delay in the gastrointestinal transit: possible mechanism of action. Life
Sciences 53: 991-6, 1993

7. Tyagi MG, Tripathi CD, Bapna, JS, Stephen PM. Renal Denervation Blunts Centrally
Administered Minoxidil Induced Attenuation of the Pressor Response to Vasopressin:
Relationship to Adenylate Cyclase Activity. Pharmacology Communications 7 (2): 115-12,

8. Tripathi CD and Bapna JS. Adverse drug reaction monitoring at a peripheral center. In:
Education on Rational Drug Use, Tripathi and Bapna (eds), MAMC, New Delhi 1993, pp70

9. Tripathi CD, Bhandari PS, Tiwari IN, Bapna JS, Ahuja RB and Patnaik SM. Efficacy and
safety of hydroxyethyl starch in hypovolaemic burn patients: A comparison with polygeline.
Ind J Burn 4(1): 36-40, 1996
10. Bapna JS, Tripathi CD and Tekur U. Drug utilization pattern in the third world.
PharmacoEconomics9(4): 286-94, 1996

11. Gulati R, Roy V, Sachdeva A, Tripathi CD, Gupta U and Bapna JS. Bioequivalence of two
brands of sustained release theophylline preparations. J Asso Physician Ind 45(10): 780-2,
1997rabbits. Ind J Pharmacol 18: 255-6, 1986

12. Srivastava YP, Chauhan BS, Jain IP and Tripathi CD. Mechanism of haloperidol induced
miosis. Ind J Exptl Biol 27: 946-9, 1990

13. Srivastava YP, Chauhan BS, Jain IP and Tripathi CD. Interactions between reserpine and
antidiabetic drugs on blood sugar levels in rabbits. J Diab Ass 20(4): 99-102, 1990

14. Kela AK, Srivastava AK, Tripathi CD and Mehta SC. Effect of alcohols and their
potentiating response on acetylcholine

15. Gulati R, Tripathi CD and Chandra D. Comparative bioavailability of two formulations of

azithromycin. J Assoc Physician Ind 48(6): 606-608, 2000
16. Chaudhury RR, Dhawan BN, Handa SS and Tripathi CD. Statement on Specific Principles
for Clinical Evaluation of Dugs/ Devices/ Diagnostics/ Vaccines/ Herbal Remedies. In: Ethical
Guidelines for Biomedical Research on Human Subjects, Ind Council for Medical Research,
2000, pp 29-41

17. Rehan HS, Singh C, Tripathi CD and Kela AK. The study of drug-utilization pattern in
Dental OPD in a tertiary care hospital. Ind J Dent Research 12(1): 51-56, 2001

18. Bhattacharya S, Ahuja RB, Topaz M and Tripathi CD. Evaluation of ‗Micromat‗Dressing
(Viscose Polymer Vehicle for Chlorhexidine) in partial thickness burns and skin graft donor
sites. Ann Burns & Fire Disasters 14(1): 12-17, 2001

19. Rehan HS, Vasudev K and Tripathi CD. Adverse drug reaction monitoring: knowledge,
attitude and practices of medical students and prescribers. National Med J Ind 15: 24-26, 2002

20. Gupta S and Tripathi CD. Anti TNF-alpha therapy in congestive heart failure. Ind J
Pharmacol36: 257-58, 2004
21. Gupta S, Tripathi CD. Current status of TNF blocking therapy in heart failure. Indian J
Med Sci. 59(8):363-6, 2005 Aug
22. Bhalla S, Banderwal D, Jain A, Tripathi CD and Singh S. HIV seroprevalence in
tuberculosis patients. TuOrD1208:

23. Smith, D, Chandy, S and Tripathi, CD: The introduction of instruction on herbal remedies
at Oman Medical College in the gulf region of the Middle East. Conference Proceedings from
the 11th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators, 2007. abstracts / instructional_ methods.htm

24. Ansari MN, Bhandari U, Islam F and Tripathi CD. Evaluation of neuroprotective effect of
ethanolic extract of EmbeliaribesBurm in focal cerebral ischemia/reperfusion-induced
oxidative stress in rats. Fundamental &Clinical Pharmacology 22 (3):305-14, June 2008
25. U. Bhandari, M.N. Ansari, F. Islam and C.D. Tripathi. Reduction of serum homocysteine
and lipid level by aqueous Embliaribes Burm extract in methionine-induced
hyperhomocyateinemia in rats. Atherosclerosis(Supplements) 9 (1): 223-224, May 2008

26. Bhandari Uma, Ansari M Nazam, Islam F, Tripathi C D. The effect of aqueous extract of
Embeliaribes Burm on serum homocysteine, lipids and oxidative enzymes in methionine
induced hyperhomocysteinemia .Indian Journal of Pharmacology 40(4): 152-157, August 2008

27. Mohd. Nazam Ansari, Uma Bhandari, Fakhrul Islam, C.D. Tripathi. Effect of ethanol
extract of Embeliaribes fruits on cardiac changes in rats subjected to ischemic reperfusion
injury. Pharmaceutical Biology 47 (12): 1180-1186, December 2009

28. Agarwal Krishna Adit, Tripathi C D, Agarwal Brij B, Saluja Satish. Efficacy of turmeric
(curcumin) in pain and postoperative fatigue after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a double-
blind, randomized placebo-controlled study. Surgical Endoscopy 14 June 2011: DOI

29. L K Gupta, R Gupta, C D Tripathi. N-Methyl-D-aspartate receptor modulators block

hyperalgesia induced by acute low-dose morphine. Clinical and experimental pharmacology &
physiology 38(9): 592-7, September 2011

30. U Bhandari, M N Ansari, V Kumar, N Khanna, F Islam, C D Tripathi, G Khanna.

Attenuation of ischemia reperfusion- induced myocardial injuries by aqueous Embelicaribes
Burm. Extract in albino rats. Hamdard Medicus 54 (3): 33-41, July-September 2011

31. V Kumar, U Bhandari, C D Tripathi, G Khanna. Evaluation of antiobesity and

cardioprotective effect of Gymnemasylvestre extract in murine model. Ind J Pharmacology
44(5): 607-613, October 2012
32. V Kumar, U Bhandari, C D Tripathi, G Khanna. Ameliorative effect of ethanolic
Gymnemasylvestre extract on diabetic cardiomyopathy against streptozotocin induced diabetes
in Winstar rats. International Journal of Green Pharmacy 7(1): 6-11, Jan-March 2013

33. Ashish K Mehta, C D Tripathi. Commiphoramukul attenuates peripheral neuropathic pain

induced by chronic constriction injury of sciatic nerve in rats. Nutritional Neuroscience (0): 1-
6, 2013

34. Mehta AK, Bhati Y, Tripathi CD, Sharma KK. Analgesic Effect of Piracetam on
Peripheral Neuropathic Pain Induced by Chronic Constriction Injury of Sciatic Nerve in Rats.
Neurochem Res. 2014 Aug; 39(8):1433-9. doi: 10.1007/s11064-014-1329-8. Epub 2014 May

35. Patil AN, Arora T, Desai A, Tripathi CD. Camparison of the species-sensitive effects of
different dosages of calcium and varapamil on gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats and
rabbits. Toxicol Int. 2014 Sep-Dec;21(3):225-31. doi: 10.4103/0971-6580.15532

36. Pranjit Santonu Bhajoni, Girish Gulab Meshram, Mangala Lahkar, Manik Shankarrao
Ghadlinge, Harmeet Singh Rehan, Chakra Dhar Tripathi. Evaluation of the role of nitric
oxide and antioxidation in the antiulcer activity of Ocimum sanctum leaves: an experimental
study. Orient Pharm Exp Med; October 2015; DOI 10.1007/s13596-015-0197-3.

37. Girish G. Meshram, Anil Kumar, Waseem Rizvi, CD Tripathi, Khan RA. Central
analgesic activity of the aqueous and ethanolic extracts of the leaves of Albizialebbeck: role of
the GABAergic and serotonergic pathways. Z. Naturforsch. 2015; DOI 10.1515/znc-2014-

38. Meshram GG, Kumar A, Rizvi W, Tripathi CD, Khan RA. Evaluation of the anti-
inflammatory activity of the aqueous and ethanolic extracts of the leaves of Albizzialebbeck in
rats. J Tradit Complement Med. 2015 Jan 30; 6(2):172-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jtcme.2014.11.038.
eCollection 2016 Apr
39. Uma Bhandari, Vinay Kumar, C D Tripathi, Geetika Khanna. Protective effect of
pioglitazone on cardiomyocyte apoptosis in low-dose streptozotocin& high-fat diet-induced
type-2 diabetes in rats. Indian Journal of Medical Research 142(5): 598 • December 2015

40. Abhilash B, Tripathi CD, Gogia AR, Meshram GG, Kumar M, Suraj B. Pharmacokinetic/
pharmacodynamic profiling of imipenem in patients admitted to an intensive care unit in India:
A nonrandomized, cross-sectional, analytical, open-labelled study. Indian J Crit Care Med
2015; 19: 587-92.

41. Abhilash B, Tripathi CD, Gogia AR, Meshram GG, Kumar M, Suraj B. Variability in
plasma concentration of cefotaxime in critically ill patients in an Intensive Care Unit of India
and its pharmacodynamic outcome: A nonrandomized, prospective, open-label, analytical
study. J Pharmacol Pharmacother. 2016 Jan-Mar; 7(1):15-21. doi: 10.4103/0976-500X.179356

42. Manukumar Shetty, Chakra Dhar Tripathi, Veena Verma, Biswa Mohan Padhy,
AbhilashB, Girish M. Predictive validity of some common animal models of bipolar disorder
using lithium and lamotrigine therapy; An attempt towards a battery based approach for the
evaluation of mood stabilizers. Psychiatry Investig 2016 (March); 1-6

43. B Suraj, C D Tripathi, Krishna Biswas, B M Padhy, Tarun Arora. A Comparative

Evaluation of Safety, Efficacy and Cost Effectiveness of Three Add on Treatment Regimens in
Type 2 Diabetics; Not Controlled by Metformin Alone. Research Journal of Pharmacy and
Technology 2015; 8(1): DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.201

44. Lhamo Y, Chugh PK, Tripathi CD. Vitamin D Supplements in the Indian Market.Indian J
Pharm Sci. 2016 Jan-Feb; 78(1):41-7.
45. Chakra Dhar Tripathi • Ashish K Mehta • Amol M Yadav. Drug combinations in diabetic
neuropathic pain: An experimental validation
46. Tripathi CD, Mehta AK, Yadav AM. Drug combinations in diabetic neuropathic pain: an
experimental validation. J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol. 2016 Nov1; 27(6):617-624.

47. Rani SG, Chugh PK, Sah RK, Tripathi CD. Critical appraisal of drug promotional
literature using World Health Organisation guidelines. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2017;
6:2014- 9.
48. Rajeshwari Gore, Preeta Kaur Chugh,, Chakra Dhar Tripathi ,Yangshen Lhamo, Sandhya
Gautam. Pediatric Off-Label and Unlicensed Drug Use and Its Implications. Curr Clin
Pharmacol. 2017; 12(1):18-25.

49. Preeta K Chugh and Chakra Dhar Tripathi. Spaced education and student learning: Results
from a medical school. June 2020The Clinical Teacher 17(2) DOI: 10.1111/tct.13180

50. Sheikh S, Sonone P, Tripathi CD, Verma V, Karim BA (2020) An experimental study
targeting N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor in depression; beyond ketamine. Ann Psychiatry
Treatm 4(1): 057-061. DOI: 10.17352/apt.000021

51. Sheikh, S., Malik, N.K., Tripathi, C.D. et al. Correction to: Pharmacological evaluation of
prophylactic anti-microbial use in laparoscopic cholecystectomy; an open labelled study
evaluating the concentrations of single dose intravenous ceftriaxone at serum and tissue level.
Eur J Clin Pharmacol 77, 1017 (2021).

52. Ram K, Sheikh S, Bhati RK, Tripathi CD, Suri JC, Meshram GG. Steady-state
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiling of colistin in critically ill patients with multi-
drug–resistant gram-negative bacterial infections, along with differences in clinical,
microbiological and safety outcome. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2021;128:128–140
53. Sheikh S, Sonone P, Verma V, Tripathi CD, Karim BA, et al. (2021) Comparative
evaluation of anti-depressant effects of Citalopram, Ketamine and their combination in animal
models of depression: A potential anti-depressant? Open J Pharmacol Pharmacother 6(1): 004-
008. DOI: 10.17352/ojpp.000016

54. Sheikh S, Sonone P, Verma V, Tripathi CD, Karim BA, et al. (2021) Ketamine; A better
anti-depressant? An animal study evaluating the efficacy of citalopram, ketamine and their
combination in animal models of depression. J Neurol Neurol Sci Disord 7(1): 019-023. DOI:

55. Faruqui, Atiya R.; Xavier, Denis; Kamat, Sandhya K.; Chandy, Sujith J.; Medhi, Bikash;
Tripathi, Raakhi K.; Shetty, Yashashri C.; Raj, John Michael; Kaushal, Sandeep; Balakrishnan,
S.; Atal, Shubham8; Tripathi, Santanu K.; Badyal, Dinesh K.; Dikshit, Harihar; Roy, Sukalyan
Saha; Trivedi, Niyati; Chatterjee, Suparna; Desai, Chetna; Tripathi, C.D; Rege, Nirmala N;
Gupta, Pooja1 Raveendran, R.; Kaul, Rajni; Kshirsagar, Nilima A., Safety of
hydroxychloroquine in healthcare workers for COVID-19 prophylaxis, Indian Journal of
Medical Research: Jan–Feb 2021 - Volume 153 - Issue 1-2 - p 219-226 doi:

B). Review Articles:

1. Tripathi CD, Pradhan SC and Bapna JS. Clinical review- Rifampicin adverse effects. Lung
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2. Tyagi MG, Tripathi CD and Bapna JS. Current status of hepatoprotective plant products in
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3. Rewari S, Sinha VK and Tripathi CD. Individualization of antibiotic dosing in burn

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4. Tripathi CD. Management of multi-drug resistance tuberculosis. Centaur Med News 1(1): 7-
8, 2001
5. Kamlesh Garg, C D Tripathi, Surinder Kumar. Clinical review of sitagliptin: A DPP-4
inhibitor. The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India 61(9): 645-9, 2013

6. K Garg,CD Tripathi. Management of constipation. Journal International Medical Sciences

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C). Books:

1. Tripathi CD and Bapna JS. Education on- Rational Drug Use. Department of Pharmacology,
Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, 1993

2. Tripathi CD and Chaudhury RR. Introduction to Rational Use of Drugs. Narosa Publishing
House, London, 1997
3. Tripathi CD and Chaudhury RR. You and Your Medicines. Sterling Publishers Private Ltd,
New Delhi, 1999).
D). Chapters in Books:

1. Bapna JS, Tekur U and Tripathi CD. Introduction of the concept of essential drugs and
rational drug use for the training of doctors. In: International Experience in Rational Use of
Drugs, Chaudhury RR (Ed). The College of Public Health, Chulalongkorn University,
Bangkok, pp 79-84, (ISBN-974-631-009-7)

2. Sharma S, Tripathi CD and Bapna JS. Rational use of drugs in Indian context. In: The
Pharmacist‗s Year Book, Dandiya PC and Gurbani MK (Eds). CBS Publishers and
Distributors, New Delhi, 1998, pp 108-111

3. Tripathi CD and Sachin Manocha. Introduction to Pharmacology. In: Association of

Physicians of India Text Book of Medicine, YP Munjal (Ed-in-Chief). Jaypee Brothers
Medical Publishers P Ltd, New Delhi, 2015, pp 204-209

1. Singh H, Arora E, Narula S, Singla M, Otaal A, Sharma J. Finding the most cost-effective
13 Dr Ekta Arora option from commonly used Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors in India: a systematic study.
Expert Rev Endocrinol Metab. 2023 May 26:1-8.
2. Jangra I, Dubey AK, Arora E, Peerzada BI. Self-medication with modern and
complementary alternative medicines in patients with chronic pain. J Res Pharm Pract 2022;
3. Manocha S, Arora E, Dubey AK, Sah R, Suranagi U. Evaluation of Module Based Medical
Ethics Training Among Medical Students of a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in National
Capital Region, India. Sains Medika, 2021;12 (2).
4. Malhotra DS, Arora E, Dubey A, Manocha S, Handu SS, Mediratta PK, Ahmed QM. Role
of TNF-α in hypertension and its modulation by antihypertensive agents. Int J of Pharmc
Res 2021; 11(10): e5646.
5. Garg A, Aro ra E, Dubey A, Manocha S, Nazer H. MD and Mehta P. Determinants of
medication adherence to Levothyroxine in pregnant women with Hypothyroidism.
International Journal of Pharmacological Research 2021; 11(01).
6. Tandon T, Dubey AK, Dubey S, Arora E, Hasan MN. Effects of COVID-19 pandemic
lockdown on medical advice seeking and medication practices of home-bound non-COVID
patients. J Edu Health Promot 2021;10: 28.
7. Katyal J, Arora E, Gupta YK. Impact of increased focus on pharmacovigilance on
knowledge and attitude towards adverse drug reaction reporting among medical students in
India. Int J Risk Saf Med. 2020; 31(1):15-24.
8. Tandon T, Dubey AK, Dubey S, Manocha S, Arora E, Hasan MN. Knowledge, attitude, and
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9. Tandon T, Dubey AK, Srivastava S , Manocha S, Arora E , Hasan N. A pharmacoeconomic
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10. Sharma A, Arora E, Singh H. Hypersensitivity reaction with Deferasirox. Journal of
Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 2015; 6(2).
11. Arora E, Khajuria V, Tandon VR, Atul Sharma, Mahajan A, Gillani ZH, et al. To Evaluate
Efficacy and Safety of Caralluma Fimbriata In Overweight And Obese Patients: A
Randomized, Single Blinded, Placebo Control Trial. Perspectives in Clinical Research
2015; 6(1), 39-44.
12. Arora E, Khajuria V, Tandon VR, Sharma A, Choudhary N. Comparative Evaluation of
Aliskiren, Ramipril and Losartan on Psychomotor Performance in healthy volunteers: A
Preliminary Report. Perspectives in Clinical Research 2014; 5(4): 190-4.
13. Choudhary N, Khajuria V, Gillani Z, Tandon VR, Arora E. Effect of Carum Carvi, a Herbal
Bioenhancer on Pharmacokinetics of Anti-Tubercular Drugs: A Study in Healthy Human
Volunteers. Perspectives in Clinical Research 2014; 5(2): 80-4.

1. A comparative Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety of 5% minoxidil and 1% finasteride in

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2. • Understanding and attitude of healthcare professionals of the tertiary healthcare system in
Delhi towards Covid Vaccination‖ (September 18, 2022) Conference: International
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3. • Implementation and assessment of simulation-based learning in medical students at Hindu
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1. Sharma PK, Yadav M. US-FDA Drug Approval Process: A Glimpse Through Regulatory
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2. Yadav M, Sharma PK. Confidence Interval: Advantages, disadvantages and the dilemma of
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3. Sharma PK, Mamta Y, Alka et al. Current Update on Promising New Anti- Alzheimer‘s
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4. Kumar Sahil, Roy Vandana, Maheshwari Nidhi, Yadav Mamta. Exercise, drug and diseases:
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2. Preeti, Kalhan S, Alka, JainK, Arora KS. Should Mucin Histochemistry Be Routinely Yes No
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3. Dudani S, Kalhan S, Sharma S. Vitamin D – Potential Pathophysiological Role In Yes No
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4. Kalhan S, Joseph P, Dubey S, Sharma S, Dudani S, Dixit M. Comparative Study Of Yes No
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5. Kalhan S, Sharma P, Sharma S, Dudani S, Ramakrishnan T.S, Chowdhary A. Evaluation Yes No
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6. Singhal O, Kaur V, Kalhan S, Singhal Mk, Gupta A, MachaveYv. Arthroscopic Synovial Yes No
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8. Singhal Mk, Gupta A, Kalhan S, Singhal O, Kaur V, Sharma V, Dudani S. Study Of No Yes
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9. Sharma S, Gupta A, Kalhan S, Dudani S, Sharma P, Devra Ak. A Study Of Bio- Yes No
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11. Gupta A, Singhal Mk, Kalhan S, Gupta A, Singhal O, Kaur V. Cytomorphologic Yes No
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13. Dudani S, Kalhan S, Sharma S, Gupta A. Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours (Gist)- No No
Pathology And Clinical Applications Of Recent Molecular Advances –A Perspective
Review. Journal Of Contemporary Medicine.2014:85-90.
14. Sharma P, Sharma S, Kalhan S, Singh Bp, Sharma S. Insulinoma: A Comprehensive Yes No
Summary Of Two Cases. Journal Of Clinical And Diagnostic Research.2014;8(9):5-6.
15. Giri S, Kalhan S, Gupta A. Hydatid Cyst Of Spermatic Cord- A Case Report. Unique No No
Journal Of Medical And Dental Sciences.2014;8(9):62-63.

16. Sharma P, Singh P Kalhan S, Garg S, Gill Mk, Sangwaiya A. Myoepithelioma Of No No

Parotid: A Diagnostic Dilemma. International Journal Of Biomedical And Advance
17. Rana S, Kalhan S, Hasija S, Gill Mk, Jain Ng. Primary Hydatid Cyst Of Spleen, A Rare No No
Entity. International Journal Of Biomedical And Advance Research.2014;5(8):393-395.
18. Satarkar R, Hasija S, Sharma P, Garg S, Kalhan S, Sangwaiya A . Desmoplastic No No
Fibroma: A Rare Entity. International Journal Of Advances In Health Sciences.2014;6.

19. Rana S, Gill M K, Kalhan S, Satarkar R N, Sangwaiya A, Singh P. Immature Teratoma Yes Yes
With Embryonal Carcinoma; A Rare Malignant Mixed Germ Cell Tumor In A 13-Year-
Old Girl. Iranian Journal Of Pathology.2016;11:66-70.
20. Rana S, Kalhan S, Sangwaiya A, Sharma P, Hasija S. Metaplastic Carcinoma Breast With No No
Extensive Osseous Differentiation: A Rare Case Report. Ijbar. 2014; 05(11):580-582.
21. Sharma S, Sharma A, Kumar A, Kalhan S, Kaur J. Pyogenic Granuloma Of Tongue: A No No
Rare Case Report. Asian Journal Of Medical Sciences.2015;6(3):84-86.
22. Singhal M, Kalhan S, Agrawal R, Sharma S, Dudani S. Fnac Diagnosis Of Proliferative No No
Myositis In Axilla, A Case Report. International Journal Of Sciences And Applied
23. Kalhan S, Sharma P. Sharma S, Kakria N, Dudani S, Gupta A. Paragonimuswestermani Yes Yes
Infection In Lung: A Confounding Diagnostic Entity. Lung India.2015;32(3):265-67.
24. Rana S, Sharma P, Satarkar Rn, Kalhan S, Garg S. Pulmonary Blastomycosis On No No
Autopsy: A Rare Case Report. International Journal Of Research In Medical
25. Singh P, Sharma P, Kalhan S, Satarkar R, Gole S Garg N. Distribution Of Abo Blood No No
Group And Rh(D) Factor Among Blood Donors In Haryana. International Journal Of
Biomedical And Advance Research.2015;6(03):249-252.
26. Rana S, Kalhan S, Sangwaiya A, Singh P, Hasija S. Cerebral Aspergillosis On Autopsy; No No
Masquerading Clinically As Brain Tumor In A Young Female. International Journal Of
Biomedical And Advance Research.2015;6(1):67-70.
27. Singh P,Kalhan S, Rana S, Hasija S, Sangwaiya A, Satarkar R. Seroprevalence Of Viral No No
Transfusion Transmitted Infections (Hiv, Hbv And Hcv) And Their Possible Correlation
With Abo And Rhd Blood Group Types In Blood Donors At A Tertiary Care Institute In
Haryana. Sch. J. App. Med. Sci.2015;3(3):1594-1598.
28. Rana S, Sharma P, Kalhan S, Singh P, Gill Mk, Kumar A. Cytomorphological Patterns Of No No
Tuberculous Lymphadenitis: Experience From A Tertiary Centre In Rural Haryana.
Medical Sciences (Sjams) Sch. J. App. Med. Sci.
29. Sharma P, Rana S, Gill Mk, Singh P, Satarkar Rn, Kalhan S. Spectrum Of Lymph Node No No
Lesions On Cytology In Rural Haryana: A Retrospective Analysis. International Journal
Of Research In Medical Sciences .Int J Res Med Sci.2015;3(5):1125-1130.
30. Garg S, Kalhan S, Garg N, Rana S, Gill Mk, Sangwaiya A.Low-Grade Adenosquamous No No
Carcinoma Breastin 55-Years-Old Female: A Diagnostic Challenge. Clinical Cancer
Investigation Journal.2015;4:230-232.
31. Sangwaiya A, Garg S, Kalhan S, Satarkar R, Singh P, Gill Mk.Malignant Brenner Tumor No No
Of Ovary: A Rare Entity. Clinical Cancer Invesigation Journal.2015;4:584-86.
32. Rana S, Sharma P, Hasija S, Kalhan S, Garg S, Gill Mk. Pleomorphic Adenoma of The No No
Upper Lip: A Case Report and Review of Literature. South East Asian Journal of Case
Report and Review.2014;3(4):846-851.
33. Hasija S, Satarkar Rn, Kalhan S, Puja. Squamous Cell Carcinoma of External Auditory No No
Canal. Otolaryngology Online Journal.
34. Gill Mk, Gole SG, Rana S, Garg S, Kalhan S. Inferior Turbinate Osteoma. No No
35. Rana S, Gill Mk, Garg N, Garg S, Kalhan S. Tuberculous Pericarditis on Autopsy: A Case No No
Report. European Journal Of Forensic Sciences.2015;2(2):27-29.
36. Gill MK, Bains SPS, Satarkar R, Kalhan S. Case of Eumycetoma of The Hand: A Rare No No
Occurrence. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences.2015;3:1081-82
37. Bairwa S, Sangwaiya A, Kalhan S, Satarkar R, Singh P, Hasija S. Sternocleidomastoid No No
Tumor – Rare InfantileNeck Mass Diagnosed by Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology:
Report of Two Cases. Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal.2016;5:356-8.
38. Sangwaiya A, Bairwa, Kalhan S, Sharma P, Satarkar R. Trichoadenoma of Nikolowsky- Yes No
A Rare Tumor with Unusual Presentation Over Vulva. Journal Of Clinical and Diagnostic
Research. 2017; 11(1): 5-6.
39. Hasja S, Bairwa S, Garg S, Kalhan S, Tomar S, Dutta S. Granular Cell Tumor: A Rare No No
Tumor at Rare Location.Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal.2016;5(6):486-488.
40. Garg S, Marwah N, Goyal R, Hasija S, Kalra R, Sen R, Duhan A, Kalhan S. Yes No
Immunohistochemical Detection of Micrometastases in 580 Cervical Lymph Nodes fFrom
Patients with Head and Neck Malignancies. IJHBR.2017; 5:112-121.
41. Singh P, Daiya M, Tandon SK, Puja, Bairwa S, Kalhan S. Seroprevalance of Transfusion No No
Transmitted Infections Among Blood Donors in Delhi, India – A 3 Years Retrospective
Study. Annals Of International Medical and Dental Research.2017; 3(3): 2395-2814.
42. Sharma NR, Sharma S, Ahmad J, Nakarnu N, Rana S, Kalhan S. Slidenafil: A Rare Cause Yes No
of Erythmamultiforme. Indian Journal of Sex Transm Dis.2016;37 (1): 85-7.
43. Hasija S, Puja, Saini N, Kalhan S, Garg S.Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Of Nasal Antrum: Ä Yes No
Rare Entity.Ijhbr. 2018; 6(2): 165-168.
44. Saini N, Hasija S, Gill MK, Kalhan S, Dutta S. Conjunctival Squamous Cell Carcinoma: No No
A Rare Entity: Case Report Of 2 Cases. Oncology & Cancer Case Reports. 2017; 3(2):
Issn 2471-8556.
45. Bairwa S, Satarkar R, Kalhan S, Garg S, Sangwaiya A, Singh P. Sclerosing Stromal Yes Yes
Tumor : A Rare Ovarian Neoplasm. Ranian J Pathol. 2017;12(4):402-405.
46. Dutta S, Garg S, Satarkar RN, Kalhan S, Sangwaiya A, Tomar S.Proliferating Yes No
Trichilemmal Cyst Mimicking Squamous Cell Carcinoma In 12 Year Old Male Child.
IJHBR.2017; Accepted: 2319-7072.
47. Bairwa S, Sethi B, Singh P, Sangwaiya A, Kalhan S, Dutta S.Osteocartilagenous Yes Yes
Choriostoma Of Palatine Tonsil : A Rare Hidden Entity .Iranian Journal Of
48. Singh P, Daiya M, Tandon SK, Puja, Bairwa S, Kalhan S. Role of Demographic Factors No No
on Seroprevalence of Transfusion Transmitted Infections Among Blood Donors in Delhi,
India- A Four Years Retrospective Study. Annals Of International Medical And Dental
Research. 2018; 4(2):10-13
49. Sharma P, Singh P, Kalhan S, Garg S. Analysis of Factors Affecting Academic No No
Performance of MBBS Students In Pathology. Annals Of International Medical and
Dental Research.2017;3(5):9-15.
50. Rana S, Kalhan S, Satarkar Rn, Garg S, Sangwaiya A. Isolated Tuberculous Epididymo- No No
Orchitis Masquerading as Testicular Tumor: A Diagnostic Dilemma. International Journal
of Research in Medical Sciences.2017;5:3254-3256.
51. Hasija S, Singh P, Garg S, Kalhan S, Khan A, Saini N. Kimura Disease: A Rare Case No No
Report of 2 Cases Diagnosed on FNAC With Review of Literature. J Cancer Res
Oncobiol.2018; 1(2):106.

52. Hasija S, Garg S, Singh P, Kalhan S, Saini N, Khan A. A Study on Cytomorphological No No

Spectrum of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis in Rural Tertiary Care Hospital. IJBAR.2018;

53. Hasija S, Singh P, Khan A, Puja, Kalhan S, Garg S. Hibernoma: A Rare Entity at Rare No No
Location: Case Report Of 2 Cases with Review of Literature.IJHBR.2018; 9:125-127.

54. Garg S, Hasija S, Sharma P, Kalhan S, Saini N, Khan A. A Histopathological Analysis of No No

Prevalence of Various Heart Diseases: An Autopsy Study. Int J Res Med

55. Saini N, Hasija S, Kaur M, Kalhan S. A Study on Clinicopathological Spectrum of No No

Conjunctival Lesions In Rural Tertiary Care Hospital. East African Scholars Journal of
Medical Sciences. 2018; 1(3): 58-63.
56. Singh S, Mishra SK, Kalhan S, Sharma P, Satarkar RN, Singh P, Singh NK. ABO and No No
Rhesus (D) Blood Group Distribution among Blood Donors in Rural South Haryana
(Mewat-Region): A 5 Years Retrospective Study. Annals of International Medical and
Dental Research.2018;4:30-33.

57. Singh S, Mishra SK, Kalhan S, Sharma P, Satarkar RN, Singh P. Utilization, Manpower No No
and Information Management of The Blood Transfusion Services in A Large New Rural
Based Tertiary Care Centre. Ann. Int. Med. Den. Res. 2018; 4:39-47.

58. Singh P, Satarkar R.N, Kalhan S, Hasija S, Bhawna, Sangwaiya A, Chawla S. Correlation No No
of Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis Typing and Luminal Narrowing with Ischemic
Myocardial Lesions in Post Mortem Heart Specimens: A Four Year Retrospective Study.
Trop J Path Micro. 2018; 4:248-257.

59. Singh P, Saini N, Kalhan S, Sangwaiya A, Satarkar RN. Thyroglossal Duct Cyst- A Rare Yes No
Site Presentation Diagnosed On FNAC. International Journal oSf Recent Scientific
Research.2018; 9: 29733-734.

60. Singh P, Sethi B, Garg S, Sangwaiya A, Kalhan S, Saini N. Choroid Plexus Papilloma in No Yes
adult as a cause of sudden death- A rare case report and review of literatrure. JDMS.
2018: 65-66.

61. Saini N, Singh P, Kalhan S, Sangwaiya A. Male Breast Carcinoma- A Rare Case Report No No
in A Young Male. IJHBR. 2018; 1: 2319-7072.

62. Bairwa S, Sangwaiya A, Kalhan S, Singh P, Satarkar RN. Diagnostic Efficacy of the Yes No
Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid: A Two Year Prospective Study at a Tertiary Care
Centre in Rural Region of Haryana (India). International Journal of Recent Scientific
Research.2019; 10: 30383-388.

63. Singh P, Saini N, Bairwa S, Kalhan S, Garg S, Sangwaiya A. Bifid Cardiac Apex: An Yes No
Incidental Finding of a Rare Morphologic Structure on Autopsy: A Case Report and
Review of Literature. International Journal of Recent Scientific

64. Singh P, Garg S, Saini N, Sangwaiya A, Satarkar R, Kalhan S, Sood S. Epidermal Cyst of Yes No
the Popliteal Fossa: A Common Cyst at a Rare Site. International Journal of Recent
Scientific Research.2019;10(10a):35177-35179.
65. Singh P, Garg S, Bairwa S, Saini N, Satarkar R, Kalhan S. Benign Peritoneal Cystic Yes No
Mesothelioma of Pouch of Douglas – Incidentally Detected: A Rare Case Report and
Review of Literature. International Journal of Recent Scientific

66. Yadav S, Sethi B, Sangwaiya A, Singh P, Satarkar R, Kalhan S, et al. Fibroadenoma/ No No

Benign Phyllodes: A Cytologic Diagnostic Challenge. Int J Res Med Sci. 2019; 7:3480-5.

67. Rao R, Singh A, Singh P, Garg S, Kalhan S. A Rare Case Report: Juvenile Granulosa Cell No No
Tumor.IJMSDR. 2019; 3:58-60.

68. Singh A, Rao R, Singh P, Garg S,Kalhan S. A Case Report: Ameloblastoma of the No No
Mandible. IJMSDR. 2019; 3:55-57.

69. Kalhan S, Garg S, Satarkar R, Sharma P, Hasija S, Sharma S. Correlation of Nuclear Yes No
Morpometry with Clinicopathologic Parameters in Malignant Breast Aspirates. South
Asian J Cancer; 2020: Accepted for publication.

70. Garg S, Kalhan S, Saini N, Sharma P, Mishra S. Study of Endometrial Pathology in No No

Patients with Abnormal Uterine Bleeding and its Clinicopathologic Correlation.
International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology. 2020; 3(1): 88-91.

71. Hasija S, Kalhan S, Garg S, Sharma P, Singh P, Sethi B. Role of Morphometry as No Yes
Diagnostic Adjunct in Evaluating Premalignant & Malignant Cervical Cytology. Middle
East Journal of Cancer; 2020: Accepted for publication.

72. Satarkar R.N., Sangwaiya A., Singh P, Kalhan S, Puja, Saini N. Fine Needle Aspiration No No
Cytology-based Spectrum of Salivary Gland Lesions at a Teaching Institute in North
India. Tropical Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 2019; 5(12): 976-982.

73. Toor D, Jain A, Kalhan S, Manocha H, Sharma VK , Jain P, Tripathi V and Prakash H. No Yes
Tempering Macrophage Plasticity for controlling SARS-CoV-2 Infection in COVID 19
Patients. Front Pharmacol; 2020;11:1-6
74. Mishra SK, Kalhan S, Singh NK. The trends of Transfusion Transmitted Infection among No No
Blood Donors in a Tertiary Care Medical College from North India: A 7 year
Retrospective Study. International Journal Dental and Medical Sciences Research.

75. Gupta B, Kalhan S, Shukla S, Bahadur S, Singh G, Pathak R. Evaluating Association No No

Between ABO Blood Groups & Covid 19. Medical Laboratory Journal. 2021;15(6):1-7

76. Bahadur S, Kalonia T, Kamini K, Gupta B, Kalhan S, Jain M. Changes in Peripheral Yes No
Blood in SARS CoV-2 Patients and its Clinico-pathological Correlation: A Prospective,
Cross Sectional Study. International Journal of Laboratory Hematology.2021;00:1-7

77. Gupta B, Singh G, Gupta V,Kalonia T, Kalhan S. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia No No

Unmasked by Covid 19 infection- A Case Report. JCDR. 2021;15(6):ED12-ED14

1. Bahadur S, Kalonia T, Kamini K, Gupta G*, Kalhan S and Jain M. Changes in peripheral
blood in SARS CoV2 patients and its clinic pathological correlation: A prospective cross
sectional study. Accepted to International J of Laboratory Hematology in 2021.

2. Gupta G, Kalhan K, Shukla S, Bahadur* S Singh G and Pathak R. Evaluating the association
between ABO blood groups and COVID 19 infection. Accepted in Medical Laboratory
Journal, 2021

3. Kesarwani N, Bahadur S, Mahajan S, Kumar A. Justification of blood requisition: A

17 Dr Shalini Bahadur
review in a tertiary care centre in Eastern India. Glob J Transfus Med 2021;6:89-91.

4. Agarwal A, Mukherjee A, Kumar G,Chatterjee P, Bhatnagar T, Malhotra P on behalf of

PLACID Trial Collaborators. Convalescent plasma in the management of moderate covid 19
in adults in India label phase II multicenter randomized controlled trial (PLACID Trial).BMJ
2020;371 doi: https;// (Part of PLACID Trial Group)
5. Bahadur S, Rathore R, Bansal R, Verma U, Nargotra N. Genital Tuberculosis: coexisting
vulval and endometrial tuberculosis in multiparous female. JCDR. 2018;12(2):9-10.

6. Bahadur S, Soni S, Katiyal A, Bansal R, Nargotra N. Cytodiagnosis of Ewings Sarcoma,

hip and its confirmation on immunohistochemistry: A case report. A P J of Health Science.
7. Bahadur S, Katiyal A, Nargotra N, Soni S, Nain M. Case of Chondroid syringoma
mimicking as nodular hidradenoma: A diagnostic pitfall on cytopathology. Diagnostic
cytopathology. 2017;00:1-4.

8. Bahadur S, Anand P,Prajapati K, Nargotra N. Occult Primary Thyroid Carcinoma

Presenting as Lateral Cervical Mass: Report of two cases. APALM. 2017;4(2):59-62.

9. Bahadur S, Anand P, Narula A, Nargotra N. Tubercular Dactylitis: Cytodiagnosis to rescue-

A report of two cases. ACCP. 2017; 3(3):1061.

10. Bahadur S. Isolated Tubercular Liver Abscess: an entity rarely thought, diagnosed on
cytology - a case report. APALM. 2017;4(5):148-151.

11. Soni S, Ansari F, Bahadur S, Singh S. Sclerosing polycystic adenosis: A rare tumor
misdiagnosed as retention cyst on fine needle aspiration cytology. Diagnostic cytopathology.
12. Qayoom S, Khan S, Bahadur S, Jetley S. Lingual schwannoma: A cytological diagnosis.
J Cytol. 2016;33:111-2.

13. Bahadur S, Pujani M, Jetely S. Epithelial inclusion cyst in a cervical lymph node: Report
of a rare entity at an uncommon location. Ann Med Health Sci Res.2016;6:137-8.

14. Pujani M, Bahadur S, Jairajpuri ZS, Jetley S, Jameel J. Giant cell tumor of bone in an
elderly male- an unusual case misdiagnosed on MRI as a malignant sarcoma. IJSO. 2015;
15. Singh SK, Pujani M, Bahadur S, Pujani M. Mucinous carcinoma of the gall bladder - An
incidental diagnosis of a rare variant. J Cancer Res Ther. 2015;11(4):1045.

16. Bahadur S, Pujani M, Khetrapal S, Raina PK. Large cell carcinoma with rhabdoid
phenotype: report of a rare entity presenting with chest wall involvement. Cancer research and
Therapeutics.2015;11(3): 657.

17. Bahadur S, Puri V, Nain M, Pahuja S, Jain M. Apheresis platelets: a study of effect of
donor variables on outcome of plateletphreresis. NJ LM. 2015 Oct; 4(4):1-4.

18. Bahadur S, Sethi N, Pahuja S, Pathak C, Jain M. Audit of Pediatric transfusion practices
in a tertiary care hospital.Indian J Pediatrics.2014; 82(4):333-9.

19. Bahadur S, Pujani M, Jaitley S, Raina PK. Mucinous carcinoma breast with
psammomatous calcification: report of a rare case with extensive axillary metastasis. Breast
Dis.2014;34(4):177-81. 177-181.
20. Pujani M, Jyotsna L, Bahadur S, Pahuja S. Donor deferral characteristics for
plateletpheresis at a tertiary care centre in India- a retrospective analysis. JCDR.2014;8(7):01-

21. Bahadur S, Pujani M, Jaitley S. Coexistent axillary hydatid disease and tuberculosis:
Case report of an extremely rare occurrence. J Cytol. 2014;31(1):32-35.

22. Pujani M, Choudhury M, Rautela A, Bahadur S. Preanalytical errors in laboratory

medicine: an overview. Research and Reviews in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.

23. Pujani M, Pujani M, Bahadur S. Ectopic Decidual Reaction in Fallopian Tube.

Research and Reviews in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2014;1(1):01-02.

24. Bahadur S, Pujani M, Jain M. Donor deferral due to anemia: A tertiary care centre based
study. Asian J Transfus Sci.2011;5(1):53-55.
25. Bahadur S, Pujani M, Jain M. Use of rapid detection tests to prevent transfusion
transmitted malaria. Asian J Transfus Sci.2010; 4(1):140.
26. Bahadur S, Sonal J, Jain M. Estimation of hemoglobin in blood donors: A comparative
study using hemocue and cell counter. Transfusion and Apheresis Science.2010;43(2):155-
27. Bahadur S, Sonal J, Goel R, Pahuja S,Jain M. Analysis of donor deferral characteristics
in Delhi, India. Southeast Asian Journal of tropical medicine and public

1. Vivek Gupta, Prerna Agarwal, Sunita Vagha. Triple Positive breast cancer: A case series.
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European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2021;08(04): 600-607.

2. Gupta V., Agarwal P., Deshpande P. Impact of RASSF1A gene methylation on clinico-
pathological features of tumor and non-tumor tissue of breast cancer. Annals of Diagnostic
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Pathology. 2021;52(151722): 1-5. DOI: 10.1016/j.anndiagpath.2021.151722. PMID:

3. Rahul C Bhoyar, Abhinav Jain, Pawan Singh, Vipin Kumar, Blessy Jose, Vidur Mahajan,
18 Dr Vivek Gupta Vivek Gupta, Rakesh Gupta, Vinod Scaria, Sridhar Sivasubbu. High throughput detection and
genetic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 using COVIDSeq next-generation sequencing. PLOS Yes Yes
ONE. 2021 Feb 17;16(2):e0247115 PMID: 33596239. PMCID: PMC7888613. DOI:

4. Vivek Gupta, Rahul C. Bhoyar, Abhinav Jain, Saurabh Srivastava, Rashmi Upadhayay,
Mohamed Imran. Asymptomatic reinfection in two healthcare workers from India with
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genetically distinct SARS-CoV-2. Clinical Infectious Diseases. PMID: 32964927. PMCID:
PMC7543380 DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciaa1451/5910388
5. Anurag Srivastava, Manickavasagam Rengaraju, Saurabh Srivastava, Vimal Narayan, Vivek
Gupta and Rashmi Upadhayay. A double blinded placebo controlled comparative clinical trial
to evaluate the effectiveness of Siddha medicines, Kaba Sura Kudineer (KSK) & Nilavembu
Kudineer (NVK) along with standard Allopathy treatment in the management of symptomatic Yes Yes
COVID 19 patients - a structured summary of a study protocol for a randomized controlled
trial. BMC Trials. (2021) 22:130

6. Sheronica Laishram, Vivek Gupta, Arvind Bhake, Akanksha Wankhede, Deepika Agrawal.
To Assess the Utility of Proliferative Marker Ki-67 in Surface Epithelial Ovarian Tumor. No Yes
JDMIMS. 2019; 14(1):6-10. Doi: 10.4103/jdmimsu.jdmimsu_71_18

7. Wankhade, R., Gupta, V., Belsare, A. Role of Ki 67 in pathological prognostic staging of

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breast cancer. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2019, 11(3), pp. 1469–1473

8. Agrawal D, Gupta V, Bhake A, Laisharm S, Wankhade A. Comparative Analysis Of Two

Method Of Enumeration Of Platelet Count In Thrombocytopenic Patient: Manual And No Yes
Electrical Impedance. International Journal Of Scientific Research. 2019: 8(5); 2277 - 8179

9. Deshpande P, Gupta V, Bhake A. Methylation pattern of Retrotransposons: Biomarker for

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human cancer. JDMIMS. 2018;13:66-70. Doi: 10.4103/jdmimsu.jdmimsu_3_18

10. Gupta V, Bhake A. Reactive Lymphoid Hyperplasia or Tubercular Lymphadenitis: Can

Real-Time PCR on Fine-Needle Aspirates Help Physicians in Concluding the Diagnosis? Acta
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Cytol. 2018;62(3):204-208. doi: 10.1159/000488871. Epub 2018 May 15. PubMed PMID:

11. Gupta V, Bhake A. Assessment of Clinically Suspected Tubercular Lymphadenopathy by

Real Time PCR Compared to Non-Molecular Methods on Lymph Node Aspirates. Acta Cytol. Yes Yes
2018;62(1):4-11. doi: 10.1159/000480064. Epub 2017 Sep 26. PubMed PMID: 28946148.
12. Gupta V, Bhake A. Molecular Diagnosis of Tubercular Lymphadenopathy from Fine-
Needle Aspirates in Pediatric Patients. Acta Cytol. 2017;61(3):173-178. doi: Yes Yes
10.1159/000475832. Epub 2017 May 20. PubMed PMID: 28528339.

13. Gupta V, Bhake A. Clinical and cytological features in diagnosis of peripheral tubercular
lymphadenitis - A hospital-based study from central India. Indian J Tuberc. 2017
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Oct;64(4):309-313. doi: 10.1016/j.ijtb.2016.11.032. Epub 2017 Feb 13. PubMed PMID:

14. Gupta V, Bhake A. Diagnosis of clinically suspected and unsuspected tubercular

lymphadenopathy by cytology, culture, and smear microscopy. Indian J Tuberc. 2017
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Oct;64(4):314-317. doi:10.1016/j.ijtb.2016.11.014. Epub 2017 Feb 13. PubMed PMID:

15. Gupta V. Better thyroid cytopathology reporting and interpretation using different
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classification systems. Thyroid Research and Practice. 2016 September 01; 13(3):110

16. Gupta V. Molecular biology technique combined with Fine needle aspiration cytology
revealing the diagnostic dilemma in tubercular lymphadenitis cases. International Journal of Yes Yes
Infectious Diseases. 2016 April 01; 45:15.

17. Gupta V. Pattern and frequency of thyroid pathologies among thyroid cytology specimen
in rural part of central India: A retrospective secondary data analysis. Thyroid research and Yes No
Practice. 2015; 12(3):93-95
18. Dipsha Kriplani, Vivek Gupta, N. Samal, Arvind Bhake. Correlation of glycosylated
hemoglobin with microalbuminuria to predict renal damage in diabetic patients. Int J Res Med No Yes
Sci. 2015 Aug;3(8):2014-19
19. Gupta V. Assessment of red blood cell parameters and peripheral smear at different
temperatures in case of cold agglutination disease. Ann Med Health Sci Res. 2014
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Mar;4(Suppl 1):S25-8. doi: 10.4103/2141-9248.131703. PubMed PMID: 25031901; PubMed
Central PMCID: PMC4083734.

20. Vineet Chaturvedi, Seema Dayal, Dhiraj Srivastav, Vivek Gupta, Anju Chandra. Pattern
and frequency of uterine pathologies among hysterectomy specimen in rural population of
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northern India: a retrospective secondary data analysis. Indian Journal of Community Health.
2014. 26;103–106.

21. Singh D, Gupta V, Acharya S, S.N.Mahajan. A Case Of Plasmodium Vivax Malaria

Associated With Severe Autoimmune Hemolytic Anaemia. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Yes Yes
Public Health. 2012;5(2):133-136. March- April 2012.

22. Vivek Gupta, Kishore M Hiwale, Sunita J Vagha. Ectopic Lingual thyroid: A Rare
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Presentation. The Antiseptic. 2011;108(12):579-580.

1. Shukla S, Baweja .I,Gupta. R,Bal.M.Estimation of TLC,DLC,ESR and CRP in 200

suspected cases of acute appendicitis,RJPBSC.2015;6(2):732-737

2. Joshi.P,Shukla.S,Rai.J, Mishra.P, Incidental detection of microfilarae in cytological smear:

Case series of 10 cases, JEMDS.2015;4(8):14354-14359.

3. Shukla.S, Nigam S, Rai, J,Joshi P. Adeno-Squamous Carcinoma arising in mature

19 Dr Shalini Shukla
Dermoid Cystic Teratoma: A rare case report. JEMDS.2015; 4(84):14748-14752.

4. Nigam S, Shukla S, Ahuja N, Rai J, Joshi P ―Myxoid Liposarcoma of the Spermatic Cord
Mimicking Left Inguinal Hernia: A Rare Case Report.‖ Journal of Evolution of Medical and
Dental Sciences 2015; Vol. 4, Issue 96, November 30; Page: 16198-16200, DOI:
5. Gupta B, Kalhan S, Shukla S, Bahadur S, Singh G, Pathak R. Evaluating Association
Between ABO Blood Groups & Covid 19. Medical Laboratory Journal. 2021;15(6):1-7

20 1. Gupta V, Devdhar S, Gautam R, Chaudhary A, Adhlakha B. Intracholecystic Papillary

Dr. Bhuvan Adhlakha Neoplasm with Low-grade Intraepithelial Neoplasia: A Rare Entity. J. Clin. Diag Res.
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2. Adhlakha B, Miskin A T, Inamdar S S, Mural P. A histomorphological study of malignant
skin Tumours. Int J Life Sci Scienti Res., 3(4): 1162-1166.
3. Singh AK, Gogoi P, Diwaker P, Adhlakha B, Gayatree A. Osseous metaplasia of ovarian
cyst: a rare case report. Int. Surg. J.; 2018; 5: 3164.
4. Sethi P, Betkerur J, Sethi P, Adhlakha B. A study on community associated
Staphylococcus aureus and its susceptibility pattern to Mupirocin and Fusidic acid in
primary pyoderma patients. IAIM, 2016; 3(11): 27-35. (Indexed in Index Medicus for
South-East Asia Region & Index Copernicus
5. Sethi P, Kumari N, Adhlakha B, Kanwar AJ. Focal actinic porokeratosis: A new variant?
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6. Pradhan S, Adhlakha B, Dombale VD. Ovarian mature cystic teratoma with
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7. Adhlakha B, Khageshan AP, Pradhan S, Singh AK. Pelvic actinomycosis mimicking an
advanced ovarian carcinoma: a rare case report with review of literature. Int Surg J
8. Adhlakha B, Jigjini S, Pradhan S, Yadav P, Singh AK. Cytomorphological Features and
Diagnostic Utility of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Salivary Gland Lesions: A 2.5
Year Study. Int J Med Sci Current Res. 2021;4:1013-23
9. Adhlakha B, Devdhar S, Chaudhary A, Gupta V, Gautam R. UTERINE
LIPOLEIOMYOMA: A RARE CASE REPORT. Indian J Appl Res; 2021; 11(11)
10. Adhlakha B, Devdhar S, Chaudhary A, Gupta V, Gautam R. MUSCULAR
Res; 2021; 11(11)
11. Adhlakha B, Sethi P. Improper Disposal of Used Masks during COVID-19: A Health
Hazard? ; 2021; 15(11)
12. Sethi P, Maheshwari K, Adhlakha B, Kalhan S, Gupta R K. Cutaneous Adverse Reactions
after Administration of Covishield Vaccine in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Western Uttar
Pradesh: A Series of Cases. Int J Pharm Clin Res. 2022; 14(11): 176-86.
13. Adhlakha B, Yadav P, Jigjini S, Swati. Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland
Cytopathology with the Implication for Risk of Malignancy: An Experience in a Tertiary
Care Hospital. Int J Pharm Clin Res. 2022; 14(11): 274-81
14. Singh D, Arif S H, Rehman S, Adhlakha B, Kalhan S, Allahabadi S. A Study of
Hematological and Lipid Profile Status of Apparently Healthy Donors in Blood Bank at a
Page 5 of 6 Tertiary Care Centre in North India: A 2 Year Experience. Int J Pharm Clin
Res. 2022;14(11): 295-9.
15. Adhlakha B, Gogoi P, Diwaker P, Yadav P, Singh A. K. (2023). Xanthogranulomatous
Orchitis Mimicking a Testicular Malignancy: A Rare Case with Brief Review of
Literature. National J Lab Med. 2023; 12(1): 01-03.
16. Singh D, Adhlakha B, Shukla S, Allahabadi S, Kalhan S. Nevus Lipomatosus
Superficialis: A Rare Case Report. Int J. Pharm. Clin. Res. 2023; 15(5): 1306-08
21 Dr Priya Yadav 1. Yadav P, Tanveer N. Giant Submucosal Lipoma of Colon causing Intussusception in
Adult. Clin Cancer Investig J. 2020; (9):25.
2. Adhlakha B, Jigjini S, Pradhan S, Yadav P, Singh AK. Cytomorphological Features and
Diagnostic Utility of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Salivary Gland Lesions: A 2.5
Year Study. Int J Med Sci Currnt Res. 2021; 4:1013-23.
3. Adhlakha B, Yadav P, Jigjini S, Swati. Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland
Cytopathology with the Implication for Risk of Malignancy: An Experience in a Tertiary
Care Hospital. Int J of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2022;14(11):274-81.
4. Adhlakha B, Gogoi P, Diwaker P, Yadav P, Singh A. Xanthogranulomatous Orchitis
Mimicking a Testicular Malignancy: A Rare Case with Brief Review of Literature.
National J of Lab Med. 2023;12(1): PC01-PC03
5. Yadav S, Gandhi V, Yadav P. Oral involvement in borderline tuberculoid leprosy: Report
of a case with review of literature. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2022;XX:XX-XX.
22 Dr. Bhumika Gupta 1. Gupta B, Jindal R, Joseph M, Kaur K, Chopra S, Lakhiani L. Primary low-grade mucinous
adenocarcinoma spleen resulting in Pseudomyxoma peritonei: A case report. Indian J
Pathol Microbiol. 2020 Apr-Jun;63(2):286-288.
2. Gupta B, Singh G, Gupta V, Kalonia T, Kalhan S. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
unmasked by COVID 19 infection: a case report. JCDR 2021 Jun;15(6): ED12-ED14.
3. Gupta B, Kalhan S, Shukla S, Bahadur S, Singh G, Pathak R. Evaluating Association
Between ABO Blood Groups & Covid 19. Medical Laboratory Journal. 2021;15(6):1-7.
4. Bahadur S, Kalonia T, Kamini K, Gupta B(corresponding), Kalhan S, Jain M. Changes in
Peripheral Blood in SARS CoV-2 Patients and its Clinico-pathological Correlation: A
Prospective, Cross Sectional Study. International Journal of Laboratory
5. S. Chopra, R. Jindal, M. Joseph, B. Gupta, Lipakshi Lakhiani, Kuldeep Kaur. Adult spindle
cell/ sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma of the buccal maxillary gingiva: Unique entity, a rare
case report. IP Archives of Cytology and Histopathology Research. September 2021.
6. Shukla S, Kamini K, Gupta B, Bahadur S, Kalhan S, Gupta M. Parameters of Coagulation
in COVID-19 Patients: A Correlation with Clinical Severity. 2022; 10: 153-156
7. Singh N, Gupta A, Kumar S, Mawalankar G, Gupta B, Dhole N, Kori RK, Singh A. Flow
cytometric measurable residual disease in adult acute myeloid leukemia: a preliminary
report from Eastern India. Journal of Hematopathology (2023) 16:17–25
23 Dr. Sukanya Baruah 1. Baruah, Sukanya, and Meenu Bajpai. ―Effect of FFP Transfusion on International
Normalized Ratio in Liver Disease Patients.‖ Indian journal of hematology & blood
transfusion: an official journal of Indian Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion
vol. 34, 4 (2018): 719-722. doi:10.1007/s12288-018-0934-0
2. Baruah, Sukanya, and Meenu Bajpai. ―Comparative assessment of single-donor
plateletpheresis by Haemonetics® MCS® plus and Trima Accel® .‖ Asian journal of
transfusion science vol. 14,1 (2020): 23-27. doi:10.4103/ajts.AJTS_138_17.
3. Baruah S, Periyavan S. Adverse effects of intermittent flow therapeutic plasmapheresis in
neurology patients in a resource constrained setting. Glob J Transfus Med 2019; 4:163-7.
4. Sukanya Baruah, Lokesh Pal. Seven years‘ experience in NAT testing of blood donors in a
tertiary care centre. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research 2019;

1. Priyanka Pandit, A.K. Sahni, Naveen Grover, Vaibhav Dudhat, N.K. Das, A.K. Biswas.
Catheter-related blood stream infections: prevalence, risk factors and antimicrobial resistance Yes Yes
pattern. Medical Journal armed forces India 2021;77:38-45.

2. Sriram R, Sahni A K, Dudhant VL, Pujahari AK. Matrix-assisted laser desorption

ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) for rapid identification of Yes Yes
Mycobacterium abscessus. Medical Journal armed force India 2018;74:22-27

3. R Sriram, AK Sahni, VL Dudhat, AK Pujahari. Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption ionization-

time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) for Rapid Identification of Yes Yes
24 Dr (Brig.) A K Sahni Mycobacterium Abscessus,; Med J Armed Forces India 2018 Jan 23;74(1):22-27.

4. Khan I d, Sahni AK, Sen Sourav Sen, Gupta R M, Basu A. Outbreak of Prototheca
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5. Nair V, Sahni AK , Sharma D, Grover N, Shankar S , Chakravarty A, Patrikar S et al. Point

prevalence & risk factor assessment for hospital-acquired infections in a tertiary care hospital No Yes
in Pune, India. Indian J Med Res 2017;145:824-832.

25 Dr Harmesh Manocha Last 5 Year Publication

1. Ritesh Kumar1, Manisha Kumari, Dr. Harmesh Manocha, Sri Ram Chaudhari
Comparative Evaluation of Centrifuged Buffy Coat Smear, Peripheral Blood Smear, and
Rapid Antigen Detection Test in Malaria Diagnosis, Sch. J. App. Med. Sci., Sept, 2018;
6(9): 3251-3254
2. Manisha Kumari1, Ritesh Kumar, Harmesh Manocha, Nidhi Pal4, Clinico-Mycological
Profile of Dermatophytosis in Sharda Hospital, Greater Noida. Sch. J. App. Med. Sci.,
Dec, 2018; 6(12): 5005-5009

3. Devinder Toor, Aklank Jain, Shivani Kalhan, Harmesh Manocha, Vivek Kumar Sharma,
Payal Jain, Vishwas Tripathi and Hridayesh Prakash Tempering Macrophage plasticity
for controlling SARS-CoV-2 infection for managing COVID-19 disease. Frontiers in
Pharmacology,October 2020; 1: 1-6

4. Dua S, Arora S, Manocha H, Chandnani P. Evaluation of effect of COVID-19 pandemic

on voluntary blood donors and their donation practices: A survey-based cross-sectional
study. Glob J Transfus Med 2021;6:245-6.

5. Toor D, Jain A, Kalhan S, Manocha H, Sharma VK, Jain P, Tripathi V and Prakash H
(2020).Tempering Macrophage Plasticity for Controlling SARS-CoV-2 Infection for
Managing COVID-19 Disease. Front. Pharmacol. 11:570698.

6. Comparative Evaluation of Centrifuged Buffy Coat Smear,Peripheral Blood Smear, and

Rapid Antigen Detection Test in Malaria Diagnosis Scholars Journal of Applied Medical
Sciences (SJAMS) 2018.

7. Clinico-MycolgicalProfile of Dermatophytsis in Sharda Hospital Greater Noida.Scholars

Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS) 2018.

8. Histopathological Study of Malignant Breast Lesions with Special Reference to Rare

Tumors. International Journal of Contemporary Surgery, January-June, 2015, Vol.3, No.
1 2015.

9. An Analysis of Deferral Pattern in Plateletpheresis Donors J Cont Med A Dent 2015.

10. Carriage of ESBL and AmpC-Positive Enterobacteriaceae in Gastrointestinal Tract of
Healthy Community Subjects and Hospitalized Patients and Detection of blaCTX-M
Gene in ESBL Positive Isolates Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci 2015.

1. Gupta S, Goel V, Nazir N, Srivastava S, srivastava A. Impact of body mass ndex on

26 Dr Varun Goel No
critically ill COVID-19 patients admitted in a tertiary care hospital:a retrospective No
observarional study. Asian J of Medical Sciences AJMS 2021; 13(3):1-5.
2. Goel V, Gupta S, Gupta V, Sahni AK.Environmental surface sampling for SARS-CoV-2
around hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in a tertiary care hospital. Asian J of No
Medical Sciences. AJMS 2021; 13(1):3-7.

3. Goel V, Gupta S, Bisht D, Sharma R. Bundle of care approach to reduce ventilator-

associated pneumonia in the intensive care unit in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Yes Yes
North India. Lung India 2019; 36:177-8...
4. Bansal J, Bisht D, Goel V. Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus Aureus in Different Age
Groups Among Healthy School Children and its Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern. No No (DOAJ)
National Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 2021 Jul, Vol-10(3): MO05-MO08.
5. Goel V, Kumar D, Lingaiah R, Singh S. Occurrence of Needlestick and Injuries among
Health-care Workers of a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in North India. J Lab Yes Yes
Physicians. 2017; 9(1):20–25.
6. Goel V, Kumar D, Kumar R, Mathur P, Singh S. Community Acquired Enterococcal
Urinary Tract Infections and its Antibiotic Resistance Profile at a Tertiary Care Setting of Yes Yes
North India. J Lab Physicians 2016; 8:50-4.
7. Goel V, Gupta S*, Goel T. Ventilator-associated pneumonia: A review of the clinically
relevant challenges in diagnosis and prevention. British Journal of Medical Practitioners; Yes Yes
BJMP 2016; 9(2): a 910.

8. Goel V, Hogade SA, Karadesai SG. Ventilator associated pneumonia in a medical

intensive care unit: Microbial aetiology, susceptibility patterns of isolated Yes Yes
microorganisms and outcome. Indian Journal Anaesthesia 2012; 56: 558-62.
9. Goel V, Kumar D, Patwardhan V, Balooni V, Singhal S, Singh S. Trends of
seroprevalence, epidemiology and clinical presentation of HIV in North India: a tertiary Yes Yes
care hospital-based study. World Journal of AIDS 2016; 6: 54-8.

10. Bansal J, Bisht D, Goel V. Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus Aureus in Different Age
Groups Among Healthy School Children and its Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern. No No (DOAJ)
National Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 2021 Jul, Vol-10(3): MO05-MO08.

11. Tomar, R., D. Bisht and Goel, V. 2021. Hyperendemicity and Recrudescence of Dengue
Activity Reported from A Tertiary Care Hospital in NCR Region. Int. J. Curr. Res. Aca. No No
Rev. 9(09), 65-71.

12. Goel V, Gupta S, Bisht D, Sharma R. Hand hygiene compliance among healthcare
No - Yes
workers in a tertiary care academic health care organization. Int J Res Med Sci 2020;

13. Tomar R, Bisht D, Goel V. Isolation of rare DEN 4 serotype from a tertiary care hospital No (index
in NCR region. International Journal Of Scientific Research 2020;9(3):50-55. Copernicus)

14. Sangita KM, Bisht D, Faujdar SS, Goel V. Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of gram
negative bacilli isolated from Delhi NCR population. Indian J Micrbiol Res 2020; Yes Yes
7(3):218- 221.
15. Sangita Km, Bisht D, Goel V. Influencing antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of metallo
beta lactamase among gram negative bacilli in a tertiary care hospital. Santosh Univ J Yes Yes
Health Sci 2020; 6(1):44-47.
16. Sangita Km, Bisht D, Goel V. Occurrence of Metallo-Beta-Lactamase among Gram
No (index
Negative Bacilli in a Tertiary Care Hospital. International Journal of Medical Science and No
Innovative Research 2019; 4(5):162 – 167.

17. Goel V, Goel T, Kumar D. Ebola outbreak 2014-2015: An update. MAMC J Med Sci
No Yes
2015; 1:118-25.
18. Kumar D, Goel V*. H1N1 Swine flu-lesson from the past and future. Frontech
Yes No
biosciences 2019; 2(1):10-11.

19. Mishra PP, Bisht D, Prakash V, Goel V. Comparison of Methods for Detection of
Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamases Production by Escherichia coli and Klebsiella No (index
Isolates from Neonatal Sepsis Cases. International Journal of Medical Science and Copernicus)
Innovative Research 2019; 1(4): 295-305.
20. Mishra PP, Bisht D, Prakash V, Goel V. Incidence of extended spectrum β-lactamase and
AmpC β-lactamase producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp isolated from neonatal No (index
septicaemic cases in a tertiary care centre, Uttar Pradesh. International Journal of Copernicus)
Scientific Research 2019; 8(4):12-15.
21. Mishra P, Bisht D, Sharma VP, Goel V. Isolation Of Beta Lactamases Engendering
Lactose Fermenters From Different Categories Of Neonatal Sepsis Cases. No (index
Natl J Integr Res Med 2019; Vol.10 (2): 29-34. Copernicus)

27 Dr. Sneha Mohan 1. Tarana Sarwat, Sneha Mohan, Satendra P. Singh, Dalip K. Kakru. Prevalence of
Extended Spectrum Beta‐Lactamase in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from patients
at Sharda Hospital, Greater Noida, and Western UP. Yemeni J Med Sci. 2022. ISSN:
2. Harvinder Kaur, Sneha Mohan, Tarana Sarwat and Dalip K. Kakru. 2021. Detection of
Carbapenemase Production in Clinical Isolates of Escherichia Coli and Klebsiella
Species. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 10(11): 438-450. doi:
3. Khaneja Poorna, Sneha Mohan, Sarwat Tarana, Dutta Renu. Coinfection of
Cytomegalovirus (Immunoglobulin G) Antibody in Anti-hepatitis C Virus Seropositive
Cases at a Tertiary Care Hospital. Journal of Medical Sciences and Health/May-Aug
2021/Volume 7/Issue.
4. Apoorva B, Sneha Mohan, Mukesh Manjhi, Dalip Kakru. Comparison of Antibiotic
Susceptibility Pattern of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from Critical and Non Critical Areas
at a Tertiary Care Hospital: J Evid Based Med Healthc, pISSN – 2349-2562 eISSN-
2349-2570/Vol.8/Issue12/March 22, 2021.
5. Ambreen Shafaat Khan, Tarana Sarwat, Sneha Mohan, Renu Dutta. Surgical Site
Infection: Bacteriology and Clinicopathological Profile and Antibiogram in a Tertiary
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20. Sharma A, Baluja Z. Therapeutic Effects of Glycine Max (Soybean): A Summary.
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22. P.C. Dikshit, Amit Sharma, Shahina. Profile of medico legal cases in Hamdard institute
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23. Amit Sharma, Shahina, P.C. Dikshit. Case Scenario Based Teaching in Forensic
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24. Shahina, Amit Sharma. A retrospective study of pattern of external injuries in road
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29 Dr Anju Rani 1. 1.Sharma A, Rani A, Barwa J. Traumatic asphyxia deaths due to an uncontrolled crowd
at railway station: Two case reports. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine
JULY- SEPTEMBER 2010, 32(3):254-56; ISSN 0971-0973. Yes
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3. 3.Sharma A, Rani A, Barwa J. Corrosive acid poisoning- A case report. Indian journal of
Forensic medicine and toxicology 2011, 5(2):1-2. Yes
4. 4.C Behera, Ankita Dey, Anju Rani, Kulbhushan, P C Dikshit,‖A suicidal hanging
with unusual findings at crime scene.‖ Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic
Medicine JAN- MARCH 2012, VOL.34, NO.1, PAGE (77-79); ISSN 0971-0973. Yes
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retrospective study. journal of indian academy of forensic medicine. OCT-DEC 2012, 34
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7. 7.Singh BK, Pradhan M, Rani A. unusual finding in antemortem partial hanging: A case
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9. 9.Barwa J, Bhute A, Rani A. Insight into various aspects of Telemedicine: An
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37 Dr (Prof) Saurabh
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2. Rajesh Kumar Thakur, Rachna Aggarwal, M Itagappa, GRK Rao, Saurabh Srivastava,
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3. Ravi Shankar Prasad, Manoj Kumar Nandkeoliar, Gladys Rai, Saurabh Srivastava, Rahul
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Awareness About Tuberculosis in a Tertiary Care Hospital of North India. Indian Journal of Yes Yes
Public Health Research & Development, 2017; 8 (4): 279-84.

6. Nidhi Kaeley, Sohaib Ahmad, Nadia Shirazi, Rohan Bhatia, Nowneet K. Bhat, Saurabh
Srivastava, Minakshi Dhar and Manoj Kumar. Malarial Hepatopathy: A 6-Years
Yes Yes
Retrospective Observational Study from Uttarakhand, North India. Transactions of the Royal
Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2017, 111(5):220-225.

7. Aisha, Jasvinder Kaur Gambhir, Saurabh Srivastava, Rahul Saxena. Glycosylated

Hemoglobin and Its Relation with Lipid Peroxidation in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus. Sch. J. No No
App. Med. Sci., 2018; 6(5): 1996-99.

8. Amit Kumar Gupta, T Rajdev Patro, Saurabh Srivastava, Amitesh Aggarwal, Gunjan
Kishor Sharma, Ajai Kohli. Detection of high-risk foot in diabetic patients attending diabetic Yes Yes
clinic. International journal of scientific research, 2018; 7(3): 430-33.

9. Saxena R, Batra J, Rai G, Srivastava S, Ranjan R. Assessment of antioxidant enzyme

status and lipid peroxidation in different KL grade knee osteoarthritis patients. Santosh No No
University Journal of Health Sciences. 2018; 4(2): 95-99
10. Aisha Beg, Rajesh Kumar Thakur, Rahul Saxena, Gladys Rai, Saurabh Srivastava, and
Jasvinder K Gambhir. ComparativeEvaluation of Oxidative Stress in Type-2 Diabetes
No No
Mellitus in Relation to Controlled Vs Uncontrolled Diabetes. Annals of Pathology and
Laboratory Medicine. 2019;6(4):A225-230. DOI 10.21276/APALM.2385

Dr (Prof) Saurabh
Srivastava 11. Khim Dhoj Karki, Shikha Agarwal, Gladys Rai, Rahul Saxena, Saurabh Srivastava,
Sandesh Shrestha, Ijen Bhattacharya. Association of Oxidative Stress and Psychological
No No
Stress in Hypertensive and Normotensive Diabetes Patients. Sch J App Med Sci, 2019; 7(7):

12. Rahul Saxena, Jyoti Batra, Gladys Rai, Saurabh Srivastava, Rajni Ranjan. Association of
Oxidative Stress and Dyslipidemia with Complexity of Knee Osteoarthritis. Sch Acad J No No
Biosci, 2019; 7(5): 228–33.

13. Tandon T, Dubey AK, Srivastava S, Manocha S, Arora E, Hasan N. A

pharmacoeconomic analysis to compare cost-effectiveness of metformin plus teneligliptin
Yes Yes
with metformin plus glimepiride in patients of type-2 diabetes mellitus. J Family Med Prim
Care 2019; 8:955- 9.

14. Mittal S., Jindal M., Srivastava S. et al. Duration of type 2 diabetes mellitus and
pulmonary function tests: a correlative study. Int J Diabetes Dev Ctries (2019). No Yes
15. Amitesh Aggarwal, Saurabh Srivastava, Rahul Sharma, Sonal Pruthi. Correlation of Lipid
Sub-Fractions with Atherosclerosis in Indian Coronary Artery Disease Patients. JIACM 2019; No No
20(2): 92-94.

16. Rajeev Chawla, S. V. Madhu, B. M. Makkar, Sujoy Ghosh, Banshi Saboo, Sanjay Kalra,
and On behalf of the RSSDI-ESI Consensus Group* RSSDI-ESI Clinical Practice
Yes No
Recommendations for the Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 2020. Indian J
Endocrinol Metab. 2020; 24(1): 1–122. (Part of RSSDI-ESI Consensus group)

17. Anup Agarwal, Aparna Mukherjee, Gunjan Kumar, Pranab Chatterjee, Tarun Bhatnagar,
Pankaj Malhotra on behalf of PLACID Trial Collaborators. Convalescent plasma in the
management of moderate covid-19 in adults in India: open label phase II multicentre Yes No
randomised controlled trial (PLACID Trial). BMJ 2020; 371 doi: (Part of PLACID Trial group)
18. Vivek Gupta, Rahul C Bhoyar, Abhinav Jain, Saurabh Srivastava, Rashmi Upadhayay,
Mohamed Imran, Bani Jolly, Mohit Kumar Divakar, Disha Sharma, Paras Sehgal, Gyan
Ranjan, Rakesh Gupta, Vinod Scaria, Sridhar Sivasubbu. Asymptomatic Reinfection in 2
Healthcare Workers From India With Genetically Distinct Severe Acute Respiratory No No
Syndrome Coronavirus 2. Clinical Infectious Diseases, ciaa1451,

19. Sohaib Ahmad, Nadia Shirazi, Minakshi Dhar, Nowneet K Bhat, Saurabh Srivastava,
Mohamad Akram and Garima Mittal. Acute Malaria: 8 Years (2008-2015) Experience of
Yes Yes
Distribution, Clinical Manifestations, Severity and Outcomes from North India. J Infect Dis
Ther 2020, S4:005.

20. Rashmi Upadhyay, Aprajita, Saurabh Srivastava, Aakash Raja, Rakesh Kumar Gupta.
Healthcare professionals‗ knowledge, attitudes, and practices on coronavirus disease in Yes Yes
Western Uttar Pradesh. J Edu Health Promot 2020; 9 :359.

21. Srivastava A, Srivastava S, Upadhyay R, Gupta R, Jakhar K, Pandey R. Stressor Combat

Strategies and Motivating Factors Among Health Care Service Providers During COVID-19 No No
Pandemic. Cureus 2021;13(4): e14726. DOI 10.7759/cureus.14726

1. Agarwal N, Jain P, Khan T, Gupta R. Chest Radiographic findings and their correlation
with disease progression in Covid-19 patients in northern India. Journal of Family Medicine Yes no
and Primary Care -accepted for publication on 14.10.2021.

38 Dr Payal jain 2.Mishra N,Sharma R,Mishra P etal .COVID -19 and menstrual status:is menopause an
independent risk factor for SARS Cov2.journal of Midlife health2021;11:240-9.

3.Toor D, Jain A, Kalhan S, Manocha H etal. Tempering Macrophage Plasticity for

Controlling SARS-CoV-2 Infection for Managing COVID-19 Disease.Frontiers in Yes Yes
Pharmacology. 2020;11:1-6.

4.Agarwal N,Jain P,Pathak R etal .Telemedicine in India- a tool for transforming healthcare in
the era of Covid- 19 pandemic, Journal of Education and health promotion 2020;9:190.
5.Babu S,Jain P,Srivastava S etal.Clinical and biochemical profile of Indians with type 2
diabetes mellitus: A study from a tertiary care hospital in Greater Yes No
6. Garg AK, Jain P, Pandey BS etal,Transaminitis in Dengue fever : An observational study.
7. Agarwal N,Jain P,Sonography in dengue fever:an adjunct to clinic-laboratory
8. Jain P, Kuber D, Srivastava S. Clinical Spectrum and Unusual Manifestations of Dengue
No no
Fever. IJPHRD2016;7(4):108-13.
9. Jain P, Kuber D, Garg AK etal.Manifestations of Dengue Fever: A hospital based study.
JIACM 2015;16(3-4):204-8
10. Srivastava S, Jain P, Kuber D etal. Haematological profile of vivax malaria patients. –
JIACM2015; 16(3-4):209-12.
11. Garg AK, Jain P, Agarwal AK etal .Osteoporosis Physicians Perspective. JIACM 2015:
16(1): 52-59\
12. Garg AK, Jain P, Agarwal AK etal .Lower lung field Tuberculosis. JIACM 2015: 16(1):
1. Ajai K Garg, Anjana Pandey, Pranab Oza, Mridul Chaturvedi. Newer antiplatelet and
antithrombotic drugs on the horizon. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and
Pharmacology 2013; 3(2),105-10.

2. Ajai Kumar Garg, Mridul Chaturvedi, Poonam Agarwal. Infective Endocarditis

39 Dr (Major) Ajai Garg Prophylaxix: Dentists‗ dilemma. J Clin Den Res Edu 2013; 2(2),

3. Ajai Kumar Garg, AK Agarwal, GD Sharma. Osteoporosis: Physician‗s perspective.

Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine 2015; 16(1), 52-59

4. Ajai Kumar Garg, AK Agarwal, GD Sharma. Lower lung field tuberculosis: An overview.
Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine 2015; 16(1), 60-66

5. Payal Jain, D Kuber, Ajai Kumar Garg, GD Sharma, AK agarwal. Manifestations of

Dengue fever: A hospital based study. Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine 2015;
6. Saurabh Srivastava, Sohaib Ahmad, Minakshi Dhar, Ajai Kumar Garg. Iatrogenic
Cushing‗s syndrome: An observational study. JIACM 2015: 16(1): 43-46.

7. Ajai Kumar Garg, GD Sharma. Chronic hepatitis C and HIV co-infection: Relevant clinical
observations. Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine 2016; (1) 6-9.

8. Ajai Kumar Garg, Payal Jain, BS Pandey, Ajoy Deshmukh, GD Sharma. Transaminitis in
Dengue fever: An observational study. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and
Development 2016; 7(4), 92-95.

9. Ajai Kumar Garg, GD Sharma. Clinical profile of chronic hepatitis B in patients co-infected
with Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and
Development 2017; 8(1); 22-26

10. Garg AK, Babu S, Varma VD. Severe thrombocytopenia in vivax malaria: A hospital
based study. Journal of Int Medicine of India 2019; 13(1):33-35

11. Varma VD, Garg AK, Babu S, Satyarthi A. Vitamin D deficiency in rural area of Gautam
Buddh Nagar: An observational study. IJPHRD2020
12. Pratap N, Singhal E, Chaudhary A, Garg AK, Agarwal AK, Dubey S. Clinical profile,
including complications, in patients with Vivax Malaria Mono-infection. JIACM2021;21:93-
40 Dr Deepak Sharma  1. Study of pattern, etiology, risk factors and its outcome on discharge and after three
months of young stroke in a tertiary care hospital:International Journal of Scientific
research:Vol-12, Issue-02, February 2023.;Deepak Sharma, Deepak Bhagchandani,
Virendra Atam, Mahak Lamba,Ambuj Yadav, Vipin Raj Bharti
 2. "Acute Liver Failure Prognostic Criteria: It's Time to Revisit." Cureus 15, no. 1 (2023).
Goel, Amit, David Lalruatsanga, D. Himanshu, Vipin Bharti, and Deepak Sharma.
 3. "COVID‐19‐associated Guillain‐Barre syndrome: Postinfectious alone or neuroinvasive
too?." Journal of Medical Virology 93, no. 10 (2021): 6045-6049. Khan Farman, Praveen
Sharma, Saurabh Pandey, Deepak Sharma, Vijayavarman V, Neeraj Kumar, Suruchi Shukla
et al.
 4. ―Clinical and biochemical profile of scrub typhus patients at a tertiary care hospital in
Northern India." Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 10, no. 3 (2021):
1459.Verma, Sudhir K., Kamlesh K. Gupta, Rajesh K. Arya, Vivek Kumar, D. Himanshu
Reddy, Shyam C. Chaudhary, Satyendra K. Sonkar, Satish Kumar, Neeraj Verma, and
Deepak Sharma
 5. ―Basilar artery thrombosis due to hyperhomocysteinemia treated conservatively: a
therapeutic success‖-International Journal of Advances in Medicine, Volume-7, Issue-
8.Deepak Sharma,Virendra Atam, Avirup Majumdar, Mohammed Hashim (Case Report
 6. "Parvovirus B19 induced fulminant liver failure in pregnancy: A rare incidence." Indian
Journal of Case Reports (2019): 410-412.Majumdar, Avirup, Virendra Atam, Mayank
Mishra, Deepak Sharma, and Shubhanshu Shivhare (Case Report)

41 Dr Deepak Verma 1. BOOK CHAPTER- Sawlani KK, Verma Deepak, Chaudhary SC. Medicine update.
Volume 32. India: Evangel publishing; 2022. Chapter 147, Hyperaldosteronism: An
update; p. 802-809.
42 Dr Hardeep 1. 1. Use of IV iron in iron deficiency anemia in CKD with raised serum ferritin
2. 2. Impact Of Anxiety Disorder And Its Treatment In Coronary Artery Disease Patients: An
Observational Study In Central India
Dr (Brig.) Rakesh Gupta Last 5 Years
1. Bidhan Shifa, Dhingra S, Gupta R. Do we use Room Air for Resuscitation in
Preterms? Pediatrics.2017. Vol-139.Issue1. 12 Feb 2017 [ INTERNATIONAL]

2. Reddy AP, Thapar, Gupta RK. Electrolyte disturbances in critically ill children
admitted to Pediatric Tertiary care center. JEMDS. 2017; Vol. 6 (41): 3269-3273

3. Singh RK, Thapar RK, Gupta RK, Abhijit YV. Factors affecting Drug Compliance in
Paediatric Asthma..J Nepal Paediatr Soc 2017;37(1):31-359.

4. Locham J, Shaw SC, Dalal SS, Gupta R. Congenital tuberculosis in a neonate: a case
report. Med J Armed Forces India. 2019 Jan;75(1):96-98

5. Bidhan S, Shaw SC, Saravagi G, Gupta R. Congenital depression of neonatal skull,

Article accepted for publication, 19 Dec 2017, Medical Journal Armed Forces India

6. Kalra S, Sood A, Venkatnarayan K, Gupta R. Use of Furosemide Stress Test for Edema
Control and predicting acute kidney injury for children with Nephrotic Syndrome. Indian J
Child Health. 2017: 4(4); 488-491.

7. Rawat A, Shaw SC, Kalra S, Gupta R. Prader Willi Syndome: a syndromic cause of
morbid obesity. Article accepted for publication. J Mar Med Soc:2018;20:76-8.

8. Jain S, Thapar, Gupta RK. Complete coverage and covering completely: Breast feeding
and complementary feeding: Knowledge, attitude, and practices of mothers. MJAFI.2018.74
9. Adhikari KM, Joshi D, Gupta R. Accreditation of service hospitals: Time to move
towards state of readiness. MJAFI, 2018; 74: 94-6

10. Garg N, Gupta R. Can Serum Neutrophil Gelatinase- Associated Lipocalin Be Precisely
used as a diagnostic marker of sepsis in pediatric cases?. Ped Crit Car Med.2017

11. Paidy AR, Thapar RK, Gupta R K. Electrolyte disturbances in critically ill children
admitted to Pediatric tertiary care. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2017.

12. Saxena A, Jain G, Gupta R. Comment on : Effectiveness of antibacterial prophylaxis

during induction chemotherapy in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Pediatr Blood
Cancer. 2018. 30 Mar. DOI:10.1002/pbc.27044

13. Bajpai A, Gupta R, Thapar R. Leigh‗s Syndrome due to Unreported Heterozygous

Variations in NDUFAF6 Gene. Pediatr Oncall J. 2018;15: 41-42

14. Shaw SC, Venkatnarayan K, Gupta R. Is High-Flow Nasal Cannula Useful as Primary
Respiratory Support in Preterm Infants? . Neonatology. 2018; 114 (1): 25

15. Shaw SC, Chand K, Ranjan S, Gupta R. Missing anus: do not miss it. Med J Armed
Forces India. 2019 Oct;75(4):479-48.
16. Vandana Rani, Sanjeevan Sharma, Rakesh Gupta, Gaurav Mahajan. Correlation of
growth and gonadal dysfunction with pre-teenage serum ferritin levels in patients of
transfusion dependent beta thalassemia major. Journal of Pediatric Critical care. Vol. 6 - No.1
Jan-Feb 2019:33-36
17. Locham J, Shaw SC, Dalal SS, Gupta R. Congenital Tuberculosis in a neonate. MJAFI,
Vol 75, Issue 1, Jan 2019:96-98

18. Gupta R, Sanjeev RK, Agarwal A, Tomar RPS, Kumar N, Dutt V, Gupta S. A study of
hepatitis A virus seropositivity among children aged between 1 and 5 years of age:
Implications for universal immunization. MJAFI, Vol 75, Issue 3, Jul 2019:335-338

19. Bidhan S, Shaw SC, Saravagi G, Gupta R. Congenital depression of neonatal skull.
MJAFI, Vol 75, Issue 4, Oct 2019:464-466
20. Saxena A, Kalra S, Shaw SC, Venkatnarayan K, Sood A, Tewari VV, Gupta R.
Correction of hypernatremic dehydration in neonates with supervised breast-feeding: A cross-
sectional observational study. Med J Armed Forces India. 2020 Oct;76(4):438-442

21. Muhammed S, Shaw SC, Rawat A, Joy DV, Sood A, Venkatnarayan K, Gupta R.
Improving exclusive breast feeding in first 24 hours of life using Plan-to-study-act cycle in a
tertiary care hospital. . Med J Armed Forces India. 2020 Jul;76(3):325-332..

22. Upadhyay R, Aprajita, Srivastava S, Raja A, Gupta RK. Healthcare professionals'

knowledge, attitudes, and practices on coronavirus disease in Western Uttar Pradesh. J Edu
Health Promot 2020;9:359.

23. Agarwal N, Jain P, Pathak R, Gupta R. Telemedicine in India: A tool for transforming
health care in the era of COVID-19 pandemic. J Edu Health Promot 2020;9:190.

24. Vivek Gupta, Rahul C. Bhoyar, Abhinav, Saurabh Srivastava, Rashmi Upadhayay,
Mohamed Imran, Rakesh Gupta, Vinod Scaria, and Sridhar Sivasubbu. Asymptomatic
reinfection in two healthcare workers from India with genetically distinct SARS-CoV-2. Clin
Infect Dis. 2020 Sep 23;ciaa1451

25. Kumar M, Dudeja P, Shaw SC, Chand K, Ranjan S, Gupta R. Impact of individualized
nutritional counseling on infant and young child feeding practices. MJAFI, Vol 75, Issue 1,
Oct 2021:479-481
26. Rahul C Bhoyar , Abhinav Jain, Vivek Gupta, Rakesh Gupta, etal. High throughput
detection and genetic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 using COVIDSeq next-generation
sequencing. PLoS One. 2021 Feb 17;16(2):e024711

46 Dr Anita Kumari 1. Kumari A, Sahai L, Kumar S, Bhatnagar R. Evaluation of Acute Kidney Injury and Its Risk
Factors in Children Admitted with Diagnosis of Nephrotic Syndrome. J Ped Nephrol 2021;
2. Kumar S, Kumari A, Agarwal S C. Pattern of kidney disease in Northern India: an overview
through histopathological findings in biopsy proven cases. Egyptian Journal of Internal Medicine
30: 22, 2020
3. Kumari A, Prasad P L, Satyender. Drug Utilization Pattern in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of
a Tertiary Care Hospital with Particular Emphasis on Off-Label Drug Use. Journal of Clinical
Neonatology, 2019; 8:15-8.
4. Goyal P, Chandra S, Goel S, Kumar P, Kumari A, Prasad P.L. Predictors of outcome in
pediatric septic shock: Experience from a tertiary care teaching hospital. Int J Pediatr
5. Agarwal S C, Kumari A. Use of the computer and internet by teachers in medical education –
Southeast Asian journal of Medical Education. Vol 7 (20) 2013.
Case reports
6. Kumari A, Makhija G, Singh A P. Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy for the diagnosis of
unusual case of cystecercal meningoencephalitis. Journal of pediatric sciences 2016.8, e258.
7. Kumari A, Agarwal S C. Neonatal Meningitis Complicating with Pneumocephalus: Journal of
Neuroscience in Rural Practice. Vol.5 (1,) Jan-Mar, 2014, 68-70.
8. Kumari A, Agarwak S C. An Unusual Case of Ataxia: Joubert Syndrome: Pakistan Pediatric
Journal Vol. 37(3) September, 2013, 185-87.

National publications
Original articles
1. Kumari A, Agarwal S C, Goyal P,. Pattern of drug prescription in the pediatric intensive care
unit of a tertiary care hospital with emphasis on antimicrobial utilization. Journal of Pediatric
critical care, vol 6 (5), 2019.
2. Agarwal S C, Kumari A. Immunization status of children and the influence of social factors:
A hospital based study in western Uttar Pradesh. Pediatric Infectious Disease, 2014.
3. Christopher AF, Kumari A, Chaudhary S, Hora S, Ali Z, Agrawal SC. Unique pattern of
mutations in β-thalassemia patients in Western Uttar Pradesh. Indian J Hum Genet 2013;19:207-
4. Kumari A, Agarwal S C. Clinical and Laboratory Profile of Wilson Disease in Children: A
Study at a Teaching Hospital of North India - New Indian Journal of Pediatrics – Vol 2,Jan-Mar
2013 , 09-14.
5. Agarwal S C, Kumari A. Teaching Methods in Undergraduate Teaching and Extent of
Computer and Internet Use: A Study at a Medical College in North India – Journal of Research
in Medical Education & Ethics. Vol 3, No 2,July,2013. 186-90
Case reports
6. Kumari A, Singh A P. An Unusual Case of digital gangrene: Cutaneous Polyarteritis Nodosa.
Indian Journal of Pediatric Dermatology. Vol 6(3) 2015.
7. Kumari A, Agarwal S C. Pneumocephalus consequent to staphylococcal pneumonia and
meningitis – Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences – Vol 6, Jan-Jun, 2011. 84-6.
8. Kumari A, Agarwal s C. Pneumocephalus in pediatrics practice. Pediascene A Bulletin With
A Difference Vol-14,Issue 01& 02 September,2013
9. Kumari A, Agarwal S C. Wilson Disease: another unusual presentation - International
Journal of Students’ Research – 2012:2
47 Dr.Ruchika Bhatnagar  1. Clinical and investigative profile of Covid-19 in pediatric patients and its delayed
effects in a level-2 facility in North India – Dr. Faisal Kamal- year2020-22

 2. Clinical profile and outcome of neonates born to mothers with sars-cov2-infection: a
prospectiv observational study -Dr. Shazmeen Imran- year 2020-23

 3. Clinico-etiological profile of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia at a tertiary care hospital:
Dr Azhar L Guide Dr Brig Rakesh Gupta, Co guide Dr. Sujaya Mukhopadhyay- year

 4. Clinico-etiological profile of mechanically ventilated children in PICU in tertiary
care centre - Dr Shrikant, Guide Dr Brig Rakesh Gupta; year 2022-24

 5. Effect of meconium stained amniotic fluid on neonatal outcome in an urban tertiary
care hospital -Dr Siddharth Gupta, Guide Dr Ruchika Bhatnagar; year 2022-25

 6. Effect Of Light Emitting Diode Phototherapy On Serum Calcium And Magnesium
Levels In Neonates With Jaundice. - Dr. Shah Alam; Guide- Dr. Sujaya
Mukhopadhyay; year 2022-2

48 Dr Sujaya
Mukhopadhyaya 1. Mukhopadhyay S, Bhattacharjee P, Joshi P. School based screening tools for childhood
obesity: a comparison of TSFT, WHR and BMI. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2017;4:370- 3.

2. Hassan N, Mukhopadhyay S, Mohan S. Morbidity and mortality profile of preterm

neonates admitted in neonatal intensive care unit of a tertiary care centre in Western Uttar Yes
Pradesh, India. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2019;6:1859-62.

3. Bhattacharjee P,Mukhopadhyay S, Joshi P, Singh S. Food habits and obesity: a study in

adolescents. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2017;4:336-40.

4. Hassan N, Mukhopadhyay S, Bhattacharjee P, Sinha R. Bed side prognostic markers for

dengue fever: serum lactate, base excess and central peripheral temperature gradient. Int J Yes
Contemp Pediatr 2017;4:2041-5.
5. Mukhopadhyay S, Hassan N. Etiology and clinico-hematological profile of neonates
with pathological unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia: a tertiary care centre experience. Int J Yes
Contemp Pediatr 2019;6:1888-92.
6. Mukhopadhyay S, Hassan N. Etiology and clinico-hematological profile of neonates
with pathological unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia: a tertiary care centre experience. Int J Yes
Contemp Pediatr 2019;6:1888-92.
7. Sharma R, Seth S, Sharma R, Yadav S, Mishra P, Mukhopadhyay S. Perinatal outcome
and possible vertical transmission of coronavirus disease 2019: experience from North India. Yes
Clin Exp Pediatr 2021; 64:239-46.
49 Dr. Rajeev Kumar 1. Kumar R, Kumar N. Validation of lactate clearance at 6 h for mortality prediction in
critically ill children. Indian J Crit Care Med. 2016; 20(10):570-574. doi:10.4103/0972-
2. Kumar R, Puliyel J. Utility of hepatitis B vaccination in India. Indian Pediatr.
3. Yadav VK, Amrita A, Yadav S, Kumar R, Yadav KK. Role of Magnesium
Supplementation in Children with West Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.
Iran J Child Neurol. 2022;16(1):65-75. doi:10.22037/ijcn.v16i1.30480
50 Singh M Dr, Bhatt R Dr, Ahmed Z Dr. Muco-cutaneous manifestations in HIV infected Original PUBMED
Dr. Meetu Singh
children and its correlation with the cd4 count. ijsr [Internet]. 2020;82–5. Available from: Article
Bhatt R Dr, Hemal A Dr, Singh M Dr, Ahmed Z Dr. Serum neutrophil gelatinase-associated Original PUBMED
lipocalin (ngal) and urinary ngal excretion as a biomarker of renal injury in children with beta Article
thalassemia major. INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH [Internet]. 2021;1–3.
Available from:
Vishwanath, Hemal A, Nimesh M, Singh M, Agarwal S. Neurocognitive lag in school-aged Original PUBMED
children living with HIV in India and its relevance. Cureus [Internet]. 2021;13(7):e16110. Article
Available from:
51 Dr. Sanju Yadav 1.Sanju Yadav, et al Comparison of Oral Ibuprofen with Oral Indomethacin for PDA
CLOSURE in Indian Preterm Neonates: A Randomised controlled trial .Pediatric Cardiology
jan.2014,Vol.35,No.1 .
2.Sanju Yadav,et al..Poor efficacy of drug therapy for PDA closure in Indian Preterm babies.
Cardiovascular Journal of Africa; Jan/Feb 2013,Vol.24,Issue 1,p232 .
3.Dr. Razia Adam, Dr. Sanju Yadav et al Isolated Left Ventricular Non compaction –A Rare
cause of Recurrent Stroke. Case report in pedicon 2018
52 Dr Rashmi Upadhyay
1. Management of Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Using Mandibular Advancement Devices
with auto CPAP. Rashmi Upadhyay, Abhishek Dubey, Surya Kant, Balendra Pratap Singh
accepted for publication in Lung India 2015;32:158-61

2. Srivastava A, Srivastava S, Upadhyay R, Gupta R, Jakhar K, Pandey R. Stressor Combat

Strategies and Motivating Factors Among Health Care Service Providers During COVID-19
Pandemic. Cureus. 2021 Apr 27;13(4):e14726. doi: 10.7759/cureus.14726. PMID: 34079676;
PMCID: PMC8160474

3.. Srivastava A, Srivastava S, Upadhyay R, Gupta R, Jakhar K, Pandey R. Stressor Combat

Strategies and Motivating Factors Among Health Care Service Providers During COVID-19
Pandemic. Cureus. 2021 Apr 27;13(4):e14726. doi: 10.7759/cureus.14726. PMID: 34079676;
PMCID: PMC8160474
4.. Sinobronchial allergic aspergillosis with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis: a less
common co-existence Upadhyay R, Kant S, Prakash V, et al.BMJ Case Rep Nov 4, 2014

.5. "Title: An Unusual Cause of Respiratory Distress- Solitary Tracheopathia

Osteochondroplastica: A Rare Entity" accepted for publication in Journal of Bronchology

6. Right-sided pyopneumothorax following suicidal kerosene ingestion - BMJ Case Reports

2012; DOI: 10.1136/BCR-2012-007795.

7. Primary Pulmonary T-cell Non Hodgkin‗s T-cell lymphoma - GJMEDPH, Vol 1(3) May-
June 2012 GJMEDPH, Vol 1(3) May- June 2012.

8. Swyer James Mcleod Syndrome presenting as hemoptysis in an adult - GJMEDPH, Vol

1(3) May- June 2012.
9.. Upadhyay R, Aprajita , Srivastava S, Raja A, Gupta RK. Healthcare professionals'
knowledge, attitudes, and practices on coronavirus disease in Western Uttar Pradesh. J Edu
Health Promot 2020;9:359.

10 Platinum based doublet cross over therapy for advanced stage non-small cell lung
cancer? A better survival option - GJMEDPH, Vol 1(4) July- August 2012.

.11 "Tuberculosis: oral alveolus and pulmonary alveoli co-existing" Verma, Sanjeev,
Upadhyay, Rashmi, Chand, Pooran; Tayal, Nitesh accepted for publication in BMJ case
reports on 20 Nov 2014

12.Maxillary sinusitis with pulmonary tuberculosis: Upadhyay R, Prakash V, Singh AB, et al.
BMJ Case Rep Published online: [14 July 2014] doi:10.1136/bcr-2014-203952

13.. Oral tuberculosis mimicking malignancy Ajay Kumar Verma, Ved Prakash, Rashmi
Upadhyay, Surya Kant, Ankit Bhatia Muller Journal of Medical Sciences and Research Vol 6 |
Issue 1 | January-June 2015

14. Anthropometrical Correlates Of Sleep And Metabolic Parameters: A Tertiary Centre

Sleep Lab Based Study*Abhishek Dubey, Balendra Pratap Singh, Rashmi Upadhyay And
Snehal Upadhyay : Int J Pharm Bio Sci Volume 6 Issue 1, 2015 (January - March), Pages:319-

15 he potential impact of family history of loud Snoring and risk of Obstructive sleep apnea
in overweight subjects. Abhishek Dubey, Surya Kant, Abbas Ali Mahdi, Sunita Tiwari,
Rashmi UpadhyaySnehal Upadhyay : Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research Vol 5 ?
Issue 4 ? Oct-Dec 2014
16 A long-standing endobronchial non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: Designed to be cured
:Upadhyay Rashmi, Garg Rajiv, Kushwaha RAS, Goel Madhumati Year : 2016 | Volume: 33 |
Issue Number: 5 | Page: 577-578
17 "Review:Diagnostic and Treatment challenges in management of Allergic Fungal
Rhinosinusitis" published Indian journal of Asthma,allergy and immunology Volume 31 /
Issue 2 / July-December 2017/ Page38-44
53 Dr Rakesh Kumar Chawla 1. Evaluation of Incidence Dermatological changes in Diabetic Patients: A Clinical Study
2. Analysis of Prevalence of Cutaneous Lesions among Neonates: An Intutional Based
3. The pattern of dermatological disorers among patients attending OPD of Dermatology
Department at a tertiary care hospital, Mathura
4. Clinic-Epdemiological profile of dermatophyte infection in children at a tertiary care
hospital in Mathura

54 Dr Pihu Sethi
1. Sethi P, Betkerur J, Sethi P, et al. A study on community associated Staphylococcus aureus
and its susceptibility pattern to Mupirocin and Fusidic acid in primary pyoderma patients. No No
IAIM, 2016; 3(11): 27-35. (Index Copernicus Indexed).

2. Kumari N, Sethi P, Kewal K. Thyroid abnormality in hilly children with vitiligo: A case
No No
control study. IAIM, 2017; 4(10): 30-35. (Index Copernicus Indexed).

3. Singla R, Sethi P, Savitha TG, Kanwar AJ. Pachyonychia congenita: Affecting three
No No
generations! Indian J Paediatr Dermatol, 2018; 19(3): 261-62. (Index Copernicus Indexed).

4. Sethi P, Kumari N, Adhlakha B, Kanwar AJ. Focal actinic porokeratosis: A new variant?
No No
Indian J Paediatr Dermatol, 2018; 19(3): 272-73. (Index Copernicus Indexed).

5. Ranugha PSS, Sethi P, Shastry, V. Acrodermatitis enteropathica: the need for sustained
high dose zinc supplementation. Dermatology Online Journal, 2018; 24(12). (Index Medicus No No
6. Goel A, Sethi P. Concealing of under eye orbital fat pads with hyaluronic acid filler- A case
report. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 2019- Accepted for publication. (Index Medicus Yes No
7. Goel A, Rai K, Sethi P. Efficacy of platelet rich plasma for treatment of Male Androgenetic
Alopecia patients: A prospective clinical study. International Journal of Medical Science and Yes No
Current Research 2021;4(4):763-773.

8. Adhlakha B, Sethi P. Improper Disposal of Used Masks during COVID-19: A Health

No No
Hazard? J Clin Diagnostic Res. 2011;11(15):LI01-02. 10.7860/JCDR/2021/51130.15647.

1. Jakhar K, Bhatia T, Saha R, Deshpande SN. A cross sectional study of prevalence and
55 Dr Kiran Jakhar
correlates of current and past risks in Schizophrenia. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2015; 14: YES YES
2. Saha R, Jakhar K. Oligodendroma presenting as chronic mania. Shanghai Arch Psychiatry
2015 25; 27(3): 183-185

3. Saha R, Jakhar K, Kumar R. Sphenoid wing meningioma presenting as cognitive

impairment. Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry 2016; 28(3): 173-176.

4. Beniwal RP, Bhojak MM, Nathawat SS, Jakhar K. Mental Morbidity among Medical
Students in India. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research 2017;5(12): 2023-32033

5. Jakhar K, Beniwal RP, Bhatia T, Deshpande SN, Self-harm and suicide attempts in
Schizophrenia, Asian Journal of Psychiatry doi:10.1016/j.ajp.2017.08.012

6. Deshpande SN, Mishra NN, Bhatia T, Jakhar K, Goyal S, Sharma S, et al. Informed
consent in psychiatry outpatients. Indian Journal of Medical Research.2020;151(1):35-51.

7. Jakhar K, Rajkumar S, Verma R. Handbook of consultation liaison psychiatry. 1st ed. New
Delhi: AAR Computers; 2020. Chapter 10: Assessment and management of mental health NO NO
issues in end of life care; p112-121.

8. Badesara S, Jakhar K.A cross sectional study to find the prevalence of hyperprolactinemia
in infertile euthyroid patients in a hospital. International Journal of Reproduction, NO
Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology 2020;9(11):4394-4397
9. Sharma R, Seth S, Solanki HK, Mishra N, Srivastava A, Jakhar K.COVID-19 and
obstetrical care: Coping with new stress. Cureus 12 (12):e12116.

10. Chopra D, Bhandari B, Sidhu JK, Jakhar K, Jamil F, Gupta R. Prevalence of self-reported
anxiety and self- medication among upper and middle socio-economic strata amidst COVID-
19 pandemic. Journal of Education and Health promotion 2020. Journal of Education and
Health Promotion 2021;10:73.

11. Srivastava A, Srivastava S, Upadhyay R, Gupta R, Jakhar K, Pandey R. Stressor Combat

Strategies and Motivating Factors among Health Care Service Providers During COVID-19 YES
Pandemic. Cureus 13(4): e14726. doi:10.7759/cureus.14726

56 Dr Satendra Kumar
No No
1. Satendra Kumar, Deepak Chatterjee, Ashutosh Niranjan A Prospective Randomised Study
of Comparative Analysis of Conventional Simple Closure of Abdomen Versus Mesh Zipper
Technique Closure In Exploratory Laparotomy for Peritonitis. Indian Journal of Public Health
Research & Development. Volume 03 Number 03, July - September 2012(32-35)
No No

2.Basant Mohan Singhal, Satender Kumar, Sanjay Pandey, Ashutosh Niranjan Thyroglossal
Duct Anomalies: A Retrospective Analysis.Indian Journal of Public Health Research &
Development. Volume 03 Number 04, October – December 2012(18-22) No No

3.Deepak Chatterjee, Satendra Kumar, Ashutosh Niranjan, Arati Srivastava, Sushil Dohare
Randomised Study of effectiveness of Dexamethasone in Reducing Post-operative Nausea and
Vomiting in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy International Journal Of Contemporary Surgery
Volume 1 Number 01 January - June 2013(65-68) No No
4.Satendra Kumar, Vikram Singh Chauhan, Ashutosh Niranjan, Arati Srivastava Jejunal
Diverticular Perforation: An Atypical Presentation of Acute Abdomen: A Retrospective
Analysis International Journal Of Contemporary Surgery Volume 5 Number 01 January - June

5.Satendra Kumar, Ashutosh Niranjan, R Jagtap3, Rahul Population based Study of Risk
Factors of Cholelithiasis in Delhi-NCR-Noida-Greater Noida Region: A Prospective Analysis
International Journal Of Contemporary Surgery Volume 5 Number 01 January - June

57 Dr Atul Gupta 1. S Rajapandian, P Senthilnathan, A Gupta, PD Gupta, P Praveenraj, Laparoscopic totally

extraperitoneal repair of inguinal hernia using two-hand approach--a gold standard alternative Yes No
to open repair.Journal of the Indian Medical Association 2010. 108 (10), 652-654

2. Apoorv Goel, Priyanka Chaubey, Atul Gupta, Shalabh Gupta, Ayush Agarwal.
Comparative study of single incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy with four port
No Yes
conventional laparoscopic cholecystectomy: A single center experience; World Journal of
Laparoscopic Surgery 2016. 9 (1), 9 -12

3. Gupta Atul Kumar, Shiwach Nitin, Gupta Sonisha, Gupta Shalabh, Goel Apoorv.
Predicting ifficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy. International Surgery Journal 2018. 5 (3), No No
1094 – 1099

4. Atul Kumar Gupta, Vishal Chawda, Shalabh Gupta, Apoorv Goel, Tripta S Bhagat.
Comparative evaluation of laparoscopic vs open appendicectomy in cases of acute No No
appendicitis. International Surgery Journal 2017. 4 (8), 2637-2641

5. Sonisha Gupta, Sarthak Goyal, P K Gupta, Atul Kumar Gupta. Role of ultrasound in
diagnosis of pleural and parenchymal lung diseases in OPD patients. The Journal of No No
community health management 2020. 7 (3), 83-88
6. Sonisha Gupta,VK Arora,OP Sharma, L Satyanarayana, AK Gupta. Prevalence &
Yes Yes
pattern of respiratory diseases in elderly.Indian Journal of Tuberculosis 2016.

7. Abhishek Singh Rathore, Atul Kr Gupta, Tripta S Bhagat, Rashmi Sharma. Comparative
Analysis of Effect of Bupivacaine and Normal Saline Instillation in Gall Bladder Fossa on
No No
Pain Following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. International Journal of Contemporary
Surgery 2015. 3 (2), 18 – 22

8. Gupta AK, Arora V, Gupta S, Bhagat T, Aggarwal A.Cutaneous horn - Appearance may
No No
be deceptive. National journal of laboratory medicine 2015. 4 (2), 10-12

9. Aggarwal A, Bhagat T, Gupta AK. To establish a clinicopathological correlation in cases of

BBD with special reference to fibroadenoma. International Journal of Contemporary Surgery No No
2015. 3 (1), 56-60.
10. M Mishra, TS Bhagat, M Rai, A Gupta, S Gupta. A Comparative Study of Laparoscopic
Cholecystectomy with Drain VS No Drain. International Journal of Contemporary Surgery No No
2014. 2 (1), 40

11. P Solanki, S Gupta, TS Bhagat, AK Gupta, R Verma, D Sharma, M Rai.Comparative

Study of Infra-red Coagulation vs Haemorrhoidectomy in Patients of Haemorrhoids. No No
International Journal of Contemporary Surgery 2013. 1 (2), 42

12. R Verma, A Agarwal, A Goel, P Garg, TS Bhagat, AK Gupta, S Gupta.Comparative

Evaluation of Intraoperative and Postoperative Parameters in Laparoscopic vs Open
Yes No
Appendicectomy in Cases of Acute Appendicitis. International journal of medical research
professionals 2020. 6 (1), 200-205

13. M Rai, TS Bhagat, S Gupta, AK Gupta, R Verma, D Sharma, P Solanki.Comparative

Study of Surgical Site Infections in Elective Surgeries. International Journal of No No
Contemporary Surgery 2013.1 (2), 18
14. P Vardhan, S Gupta, R Verma, TS Bhagat, AK Gupta, P Solanki, M Rai.Comparison of
Low Cost Net-mesh with Prolene Mesh in Management of Inguinal Hernia. No No
International Journal of Contemporary Surgery 2013. 1 (2), 52

15. D Sharma, AK Gupta, S Gupta, TS Bhagat, R Verma, P Vardhan, M Rai.A Study of Role
of Antibiotics in Cases of Acute Pancreatitis in Western Uttar Pradesh.International Journal of No No
Contemporary Surgery 2013. 1 (2), 8

16. Sonisha Gupta, Ankur Porwal, Atul Kumar Gupta. Outcomes in patients of Pulmonary
Tuberculosis treated under RNTCP & Follow up after 6months. Accepted for publication on No No
12-10-2021 in The Journal of Community Health Management.

17. Sonisha Gupta, Atul Kumar Gupta, Pawan Kumar Basarwadia. Clinical & pulmonary
function evaluation in post pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Accepted for publication on 10 - No Yes
11-2021 in Journal Indian academy of Clinical Medicine.

Dr Mohit Kumar Mathur

58 1. Mathur MK, Aggarwal SK, Ratan SK, Sinha SK. Laparoscopic assisted transanal pull-
through for Hirschprung‗s disease: Comparison between partial and near total laparoscopic Yes Yes
mobilization of rectum.JIAPS March 2014, Vol 19 Issue 2 Page 70-75 (pubmed)

2. Ratan SK, Goel G, Sobti P, Khurana N, Mathur M, Sinha SK, Aggarwal SK. Colonic
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour Presenting as Intussusception. APSP J Case Rep 2013 May
21; 4(2): 19

3. Ratan SK, Dhua A, Sinha SK, Mathur MK, Rao S, Aggarwal SK .Acquired non- specific
cicatrizing inflammation causing pyloric stricture & gastric outlet obstruction in infancy-
report of a case. Tropical Gastroenterology, October - December, 2013 Volume 34 Issue 4.
4. Sinha SK, Dhua A, Mathur MK, Singh S, Modi M, Ratan SK. Neural tube defect repair and
ventriculoperitoneal shunting: indications and outcome. J Neonat Surg 2012; 1: 21(pubmed)

5. Kalsi R, Mathur MK, Gill NS, Dutt P. Halitosis-an update IOSR Journal of Dental &
Yes No
Medical Sciences Vol.16,Issue 1, Ver.8, January.2017

6. Nazia N, Shruti J, Mathur M, Suveer S.Technique of extubation in congenital

diaphragmatic hernia-an interesting case. International of Anaesthesiology, pain
management, intensive care & resuscitation. ISSN 1607-8322

7. Kumar S, Mathur MK, Niranjan A. Role of collagen in management of Chronic non healing
wounds. International Journal of contemporary surgery Vol 7, No 1, Jan-June 2019 (ISSN- Yes
2320-9615(Print), ISSN-2321-1024(E)

8. Kumar S, Mathur MK, Niranjan A. Retrospective analysis of bacterial spectrum and

associated risk factors in post-operative wound infection. International Journal of
contemporary surgery Jan-June 2019, Vol 7, No.1

9. Mathur MK, Mutreja J, Gill NS, Vyas KC, Niranjan A, Kale R. Prevalence, Risk factors
and Management of Pressure sores in a teaching Hospital-Medical and Surgical Treatment. Yes
International journal of Contemporary surgery (accepted for publication dated 1/4/18)

59 Dr Manabendra Baidya 1) Khanna A, Baidya M, Khanna S. Chapter-Novel biomarkers in deep vein thrombosis.
Venous Disorders Current Concepts 2018;1:129-136.

2) Baidya M, Pandey S & Yadav Y, Kumar S & Solanki H K. . Impact of Coronavirus

Infectious Disease Pandemic on Surgical Patients of a Government Medical College in
Northern India: A Cross-sectional Study. Journal of Medical Sciences and Health.2021 7. 27-
33. 10.46347/jmsh.2021.v07i02.005.

3) Baidya M, Altamash S, Singh A D, Kumar S. A Rare Case of White Colored Gall Stone in
Carcinoma Gall Bladder. AJCRS 2021, 8, 15-19.
4) Gupta P, Baidya M. An unsuspected knot: A rare case of intravesical looping of infant
feeding tube. J Case Rep Images Urol 2016;1:1-3.

5) Tiwary SK, Baidya M, Kumar P, Khanna AK. Gossypiboma presenting as persistent post
operative sinus. World Journal ofSurgical Research.2016;9:5-7.

60 Dr. Samaksh Giri

1) Changing Doctor Patient Relationship: Patients Perception About Doctors & Expectations
From Them In Todays Times – A Single Centre Study From Ncr Atul Kumar Gupta1, Mohit
Kumar Mathur2 , Samaksh Giri3 , Hariom Solanki 4 , Sandeep Pandey5 , Sonisha Gupta6

2) Risk Factors For Development Of Pneumothorax In Patients With Covid-19 At A

Government Health Facility In North India- An Exploratory Case-Control Study Manabendra

Syed Altamash

3) Non Iatrogenic Colonic Barotrauma- A Case Report . Atul Kumar Gupta1 , Ankurdeep
Singh2 , Mohit Kumar Mathur3 , Samaksh Giri4

4) Chocolate Stick Causing Concealed Intestinal Perforation With No Signs Of Peritonitis In A

Child: A Case Report Manabendra Baidya1 , Satendra Kumar2 , Ankur Deep Singh3 , Sandeep
Kumar Pandey4 , Samaksh Giri3

5) Correlation Of Serum Crp & Lactate As An Early Predictor Of Strangulation In Acute

Abdomen. Saleem Tahir, Samaksh Giri, Shadab Asif, Brijesh Rathore

6) A Study Of Prognostic Factors In Carcinoma Breast Mushtaq Ali1, Saurabh Singh2, Maham
Ahmad3, Satendra Pratap Singh Yadav4, Rahul Agrawal5, Samaksh Giri6, Almol7, Nadeem8
61 Dr. Sapna Singh
1. Sapna Singh, Akshay Anand, Awanish Kumar, Ajay k. Pal, Manish Agrawal, H.S Pahwa -
A Prospective randomised control trial to compare the perioperative outcomes and
ergonomic challenges between triangular versus midline port placement in total
extraperitoneal repair of uncomplicated inguinal hernia ; Surgical Endoscopy
Dr Anurag Saraswat 1. Comparison of desarda method versus lichtenstein method for the management of
inguinal hernia: a short-term outcome analysis
2. Comparative study on the efficacy of topical metronidazole, topical nitroglycerine, and
topical diltiazem in the management of chronic anal fissure
3. Management of common bile duct stones at a tertiary care hospital
Dr Krishna Murari 1. Analysis Of Effect Of Regional Anaesthesia Versus General Anaesthesia In Breast
Conserving Surgery (Bcs) In Breast Cancer Patients: An Institutional Based Study
2. To Evaluate the Ideal Surgical Method for Management of Post Burn Scar Contracture of
Neck: An Institutional Based Study
3. To Assess Management Of Penetrating Abdominal Stab Wounds With Organ Or
Omentum Evisceration At A Tertiary Care Centre
62 Dr. Ashok Kumar  1.Stem Cell Therapy In Ortheopaedics
 2.The Role Of Biochemical Markers In The Early Detection Of Osteoporosis In Women: A
Comparitive Study From The Western Region Of Nepal
 3.Guided Growth Modulation For The Correction Of Knock Knee / Bow Legs In Growing
 4.Ankylosing Spondylitis Hip Joint V/S Mono Articular Tubercular Arthritis: A Clinical
 5.Evaluation Of Factors Determining Pulmonary Functions In Pediatric Scoliosis
 6.Planter Fasciatis
 7.Assesment Of The Role Of Platelet Rich Plasma (Prp) In Mild To Modertae Osteo-
Arthritis Knee Joint Using Vas And Womac Score
 8.Assesment Of Functional Outcome Of Acromio Clavicular Joint Injuries Treated By Hook
Plate Using Penn And Constant Score
 9.To Assess The Functional Outcome Of Platelet Rich Plasma V/S Conservative Treatment
(Bracing) In Tennis Elbow Patients
 10.Comparative Analysis Between Proximal Fibular Osteotomy And Prp Injection In
Medial Compartment Osteoarthritis Knee Patients
 11.Comparative Analysis Between Platelet Rich Plasma And Cortico Steroid Injection In
Planter Fasciatis
 12. Clinicaldecision Making And Localised Surgical Correction Of Symptomatic Levels In
Postural Degenerative Scoliosis And Sagittal Spinopelvic Malalignment.

63 Dr Vikas Saxena
1. Pradhan P, Kumar S, Chauhan B, Saxena V, Singh S, Mishra S. Does physical activity
and Life style have a role in vitamin-D requirement of young healthy individuals?
International journal of medical science and current research 2021; 4(5): 191-197.

2. Pradhan P, Saxena V, Makadia RC. Fixation of posterior column injuries in complex

tibial plateau fractures. Journal of bone and joint diseases 2020; 35(3): 28-34.

3. Saxena V, Pradhan P, Tyagi K. Diagnostic accuracy of ACR 2010 preliminary

diagnostic criteria in the diagnosis of fibromyalgia among chronic backache patients.
Indian Journal of Orthopaedics (2020); 54 (Suppl 1): S150-S157.
4. Saxena V, Pradhan P. Valgus Osteotomy an effective option for the management of
fracture of neck of femur in young and middle age patients: A Prospective study.
Indian journal of Public Health Research & Development. Aug 2019; vol 10 (number
8): 615-19

5. Saxena V, Verma VD, Babu S. Fibromyalgia: A chronic condition that remains

underdiagnosed. Journal of Internal Medicine of India; April-June 2018: Vol 12(1): 32-

6. Verma VD, Saxena V, Shukla AK, Jain M. Vitamin D Deficiency: Symptomatology.

Journal of Internal Medicine of India; Jan-March 2018: Vol 12(1): 25-27.

7. Saxena V, Abbas M. Surgical Decompression in Pott‗s Paraplegia patients by Anterior

Approach. Indian journal of Public Health Research & Development: July-sept 2017;
vol 8 (number 3): 23-27.

8. Saxena V, Pradhan P. Management of Complex Intercondylar fractures of lower end of

femur by Extensile Anterolateral Approach using tibial tuberosity Osteotomy. Indian
journal of Public Health Research & Development: July-sept 2017; vol 8 (number 3):

9. Saxena V, Pradhan P. Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis; a genetic condition: Clinical

profile of three patients from a rural Indian family and review of literature. Journal of
clinical orthopaedics and trauma; 2016: volume 7:122-126.

10. Saxena V, Pradhan P. Isolated medial dislocation of elbow: an unusual pattern of injury.
Kerala Journal of Orthopaedics, January 2014; Volume 27; Issue 1: 54-56.

11. Saxena V, Pradhan P. Bilateral luxatio erecta with greater tuberosity fracture: a case
report. Journal of clinical orthopaedics and trauma; Dec 2013: volume 4; Issue 4:185-
12. Saxena V, Pradhan P, Yadav A, Nathani N. Reconstruction of bilateral tendoachilles
tendon with fascia lata graft. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics; Nov 2013: volume 47;
issue 6: 634-38.

13. Saxena V, Pradhan P, Yadav A. Concentric patellar enlargement: an unusual pattern of

patellar GCT. Kerala Journal of Orthopaedics, January 2013; Volume 26; Issue 1: 31-33.
14. Pradhan P, Saxena V, Yadav A, Mehrotra V. Atypical Metatarsal fracture in a patient on
long term bisphosphonate therapy – a rare entity. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics; Sept
2012; vol 46; issue 5:589-92.

15. Saxena V, Pradhan P. Bilateral symmetrical trans-scaphoid perilunate dislocation: a rare

injury. Journal of clinical orthopaedics and trauma; June 2011; vol 2 issue 1: page 51-53.

64 Dr Ankit Kataria 1. Osteochondritis of distal femoral condyle due to tension band wiring of patella: A case
report. Kataria A, Kumar V, Bhatnagar N, Singh K, Goel P.Journal of Arthroscopy and
Joint Surgery. 2020 Jan 22.
2. Tetraplegia associated with post-operative syringomyelia in spinal tuberculosis: a result of
an epidural compartment syndrome?. Bhatnagar N, Kataria A, Lingaiah P, Karkhur Y.
Spinal cord series and cases. 2019 Feb 12;5(1):18. doi: 10.1038/s41394-019-0159-y
PMCID: PMC6372701
3. Spectrum of tendon injuries caused by kite string (manjha) during kite flying season.
Kataria A, Bhatnagar N, Lingaiah P, Bhatia N, Arora S. Journal of Hand and
Microsurgery. JHAM-D-20-00097
4. Concomitant ipsilateral intra- and extra-capsular (segmental) fractures of femoral neck in
physiologically young individuals: A case-series and review of the literature. Arora S,
Kataria A, Kashyap A, Khan Y, Mehta R, Gupta S. HIP International. HIPINT-20-0384
5. Isolated tubercular osteomyelitis of acromion: A case report and review of literature.
Sambharia AK, Goel A, Karkhur Y, Tiwari A, Sharma S, Kataria A. J Clin Orthop
Trauma. 2016 Oct-Dec; 7(Suppl 1): 55– 57. Published online 2016 Aug 31.
doi:10.1016/j.jcot.2016.08.009 PMCID: PMC5167509
6. Bhatia N, Gupta A, Dabas V, Kataria A, Goel A, Yadav A. Z-Corrective Osteotomy in
Malunited Extra- Articular Fractures of Distal Radius. J Hand Surg. 2021 Aug 20. DOI:
1. Saxena V, Kumar P , Panwar A, Akshay V Short-term functional outcome of Anterior
cruciate Ligament Reconstruction with tibial attachment preserving Hamstring graft
65 Dr. Akshay Panwar
with femoral side fixation only. Journal of Orthopaedic Reports 3 (2024) 100259
2. Saxena V, Akshay V, Panwar A, et al. (April 05, 2023) Management of Non-union
Distal Femur Fractures With Augmentation Nail Plate Construct. Cureus 15(4): e37173.
3. "Fragment specific fixation of distal radius fracture", International Journal of Science &
Engineering Development Research (, ISSN:2455-2631, Vol.8, Issue 4,
page no.894 - 908, April-2023
4. Iyer RD, Panwar A, Bahagotia UK. Letter to the Editor in response to: Parker MJ,
Cawley S.Cemented or uncemented hemiarthroplasty for displaced intracapsular
fractures of the hip: a randomized trial of 400 patients. Bone Joint J. 2020;102-B(1):11-
5. Bahagotia UK, Panwar A, Iyer RD. Comments on the study "The effect of platelet-rich
plasma on fracture healing in long-bone pseudoarthrosis". Eur J Orthop Surg
Traumatol.2021 Jan 8. doi: 10.1007/s00590-02002848-3. Epub ahead of print. PMID:
1. [11:00, 11/01/2024] Indu GIMS: Saxena V, Akshay V, Panwar A, et al. (April 05, 2023)
Dr Varun Akshay
Management of Non-union Distal Femur Fractures With Augmentation Nail Plate Construct.
Cureus 15(4): e37173. DOI 10.7759/cureus.37173
2. [11:00, 11/01/2024] Indu GIMS: Alam N, Siddiqui YS, Abbas M, Akshay V. Buttress Plate
Assisted Fixation for Bicondylar Hoffa Fracture: A Missed Fracture-case Report with
Review of Literature. JournalofOrthopaedicCaseReports2022August;12(8):00-00.
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functional outcome of Anterior cruciate Ligament Reconstruction with tibial attachment
preserving Hamstring graft with femoral side fixation only. Journal of Orthopaedic Reports 3
(2024) 100259
66 1. A rare case of coin impaction in larynx in an adult: - - Clinics and Practice- An International
Dr. Hukam Singh journal of Medical Case Reports on April 2011; 1(1):e3.C Clinics and Practice 2011;
volume 1:e3linics and Practice 2011; volume 1:e3
2. Hearing Assessment in self reported hearing difficulty in rural community by Manual
Audiometry. - Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; Vol.-3,Issue-4, Page
427-433: Sept. 2014
3. An evaluation and treatment option of post traumatic facial nerve palsy. - Indian Journal of
Basic and Applied Medical Research; Vol.-4, Issue-2, Page579-583: March. 2015.
4. Ear diseases pattern and hearing assessment in the rural community by manual audiometry. -
International Journal of current research, Vol.-9,Issue-07,Page 735-738: July 2017
5. Outcome of pediatric type 1Tympanoplasty. - International Journal of Scientific Research;
Vol.-7, Issue-5: Page 8-10: May 2018
6. Current treatment option of Osteoma in the Mastoid of the Temporal Bone. - Journal of
ENT and Allied Sciences – Volume -4, NO. -1, Page 09-15: June 2019
7. Attenuation of cardio-vascular response to laryngoscopy and intubation with 10% xylocaine
spray during general anesthesia - International Journal of current medical and
pharmaceutical research ; Volume 5; Issue 12(A); December 2019; Page No. 4772-4777
8. Comparison of Esmolol and Lidocaine for attenuating cardiovascular stress response to
Direct laryngoscopy and Endotracheal Intubation. - Indian Journal of Anesthesia and
Analgesia- January – February 2020; 7(1) (Part -II): Page No. 319-329
9. Comparison of facial nerve injury and recovery rates after antegrade and retrograde nerve
dissection in Superficial parotidectomy surgery for benign parotid disease.- ; - Journal of
ENT and Allied Sciences – Volume -4, No.- 2: DEC.2019
10. Tracheo-bronchial foreign bodies presentation, diagnosis, management at tertiary care
center. -IP journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Allied Science – Volume : 2, Issue : 4, Year
: DEC. 2019 Page No. 101-107
11. Drugs utilization pattern of Antimicrobial agent used in Ear, Nose and Throat outpatients
and inpatients department at tertiary care teaching center. -International Journal of
Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery-- 2020 Feb;6(2): Page No. 369-374
12. A comparative study of nitroglycerine and nifedipine on cardiovascular response during
laryngoscopy and intubation. -International Journal of Medical and Health Research--
Volume 6; Issue 2; February 2020; Page No. 44-47
13. Comparison of effectiveness of Cawthorne Cooksey exercise with Brandt Daroff exercise in
managing post Epley‘s residual dizziness in patients with posterior canal benign paroxysmal
positional vertigo. - International journal of otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery.
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14. • Delay diagnosis of neck pain: Eagle Syndrome . -A case report-Cureus :Sep 13(9): 2021-

67 Dr Rahul K Bagla Gupta N, Singh PP, Bagla RK. Will Septal Correction Surgery for Deviated Nasal Septum
Improve the Sense of Smell? A Prospective Study. Surg Res Pract. 2015; 32: 496-505.

● Aprajita, Bharti Bhandari Rathore, Vivek Kumar Sharma, Rahul Kumar Bagla, Mamta
Mohan. Attitude, Ethics and Communication competencies training module in undergraduate
medical students. International Journal of Integrated Medicine 2019;1(1):37-43.

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68 Dr Monika Patel 1. Patel M. Use of Antibiotic Steroid Gel Foam v/s Antibiotic Steroid Eye Drops after
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3. Patel M, Kaushik M, Dehadaray A, Kar G. Understanding acute invasive fungal rhinosinusitis

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4. Gaur S, Patel M, Hridesh P, Singh V. Non-surgical approach for repairing perforations of pars
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5. Patel M, Nagpure PS. Prospective study of sensorineural hearing loss in patients of head and
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6. Patel M, Kaushik M, Dehadaray A, Gaikwad V. A retrospective study comparing treatment

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70 Dr. SHAILLY RAJ  1.Change In Education Method In Covid 19 Period: Effect On Pattern Of Myopia In
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 2.Study Of Management Of Facial Paralysis In Post Temporal Bone Fracture
 3.The Square Edge Iols Lessen The Need Of Nd: Yag Capsulotomy: A Study In Rural
 4.A Comparative Study Of Manual Incision In Dacryocystorhynostomy Surgery
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1. Chaturvedi N, Nidhi, Jain P, Bhattacharya M. Uncorrected Refractive Error as a Cause of
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71 Dr Nandita Chaturvedi 2. Chaturvedi N, Nidhi, Bhattacharya M. Comparative Study of the Efficacy of Topical No. indexed
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of Mid-life Health. 2021 Jul-Sep;12(3):211-218. DOI: 10.4103/jmh.jmh_57_21. PMID:
34759703; PMCID: PMC8569453.

Ritu Sharma, Neha Mishra, Shikha Seth. Maternal Death due to COVID-19, Truth or a Myth:
A Narrative Review and Experience from a Teaching Hospital in India. Accepted for Yes No
publication in Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care on 17th July 2021

72 Dr Ritu Sharma
3. Ritu Sharma, Shikha Seth, Rakhee Sharma, Sanju Yadav, Pinky Mishra, Sujaya
Mukupadhayaya. Perinatal outcome and possibility of vertical transmission in COVID 19 -
Yes Yes
experience from North India. Clin Exp Pediatr. 2021; 64(5):239-246. Published online
February 16, 2021 DOI:

4. Sharma R, Mishra P, Seth S, Agarwal N. OHVIRA Syndrome—Diagnostic Dilemmas and

Review of Literature. J South Asian Feder Obs Gynae 2020; 12 (6):421-426. DOI: No Yes

5. Neha Mishra, Ritu Sharma, Pinky Mishra, Shikha Seth. COVID-19 and Menstrual
status: Is Menopause an independent Risk factor for SARS Cov-2 ?" Journal of Midlife Health Yes Yes
Oct-Dec 2020; 11(4): 240-249 DOI: 10.4103/jmh.JMH_288_20

6. Sharma R, Seth S, Solanki H K, et al. (December 16, 2020) COVID-19 and Obstetrical
Yes No
Care: Coping With New Stress. Cureus 12(12): e12116. DOI 10.7759/cureus.12116

7. Sharma R, Nigam A. Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (FHA): Time to Think

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Beyond Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Pan Asian J Obs Gyn 2020;3(3):107-112.

8. Sharma R, Preparedness of maternity health facilities during COVID 19 pandemic:

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Challenges and solutions. Editorial, Pan Asian J Obs Gyn 2020; 3(1): 1-6

9. Sharma R, Nigam A. Skill labs in Obstetrics and Gynaecology curriculum- an advancement

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in Medical Education technology. Editorial. Pan Asian J Obs Gyn 2019;2(2):53-56
10. Sharma R, Garg D, Rastogi P, Mali A. NDMA Receptor encephalitis in a pregnant
No No
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11. Sharma R, Garg D, Mali A, Salhan S. Large cervical fibroids; a real surgical challenge.
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12. Sharma R, Garg D, Khan H. Bone mineral changes during pregnancy: a cross- sectional
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study. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2019 Jun; 8 (6)

13. Sharma R. Pigmentation after Iron Polymaltose Infusion: Learning Points. Pan Asian J
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14. Sharma R, Sharma R, Singh S, Mavi V. ―Do It Yourself Abortion Pills‖: Current
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15. Ruchi Rathore, Shivangi, S Mendiratta, Ritu Sharma. Xanthogranulomatous salpingo

oophritis, Lessons Learnt: Report of two cases with unusual presentation. J Family Reprod No No
Health. 2017 Sep; 11(3): 174–178

16. Ruchi Rathore, Ruchi Bansal, Ritu Sharma, Rita Jindal, Namrata Nargotra. Ovarian
ectopic pregnancy- a report of 2 cases and review of literature. Asian Pac. J. Health Sci., No No
2017; 4(2):110-114. e-ISSN: 2349-0659, p-ISSN: 2350-0964

17. Divya Pandey, Ritu Sharma, Shakti Sharma, Sudha Salhan. Unusually high serum
levels of CA 19/9 in an ovarian tumour: Malignant or benign? J Clin Diagn Res. 2017 March; No No
11(3): QD08–QD10. DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2017/21017.9506

18. Sharma R, Puri M. Extragenital tuberculosis and female infertility- Is there a correlation
? A retrospective observational study. IVF Lite 2016; 3: 7-10. DOI: 10.4103/2348- No No

19. Ritu Sharma, Neelu Grover, Sudha Salhan, Mamta Gupta. Simultaneous administration of
mifepristone and misoprostol for medical abortion up to 7 weeks gestation-a pilot study. Yes No
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2015, 7(5):1121-1124. ISSN-0975-7384

20. Ritu Sharma, Ila Tyagi, Gaurav Jain, Sudha Salhan. Aggressive course in a well managed
early stage uterine leiomyosarcoma-a case report. International Journal of advances in case No Yes
reports, 2015;2(12):773-776.
21. Ritu Sharma, Mamta Gupta, Shakti Sharma. Over the counter sale of abortion pills –
Yes No
time to act now . Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2015 Aug;4(4):1053-1056

22. Divya Pandey, Ritu Sharma, Sudha Salhan. Catamenial pain in umbilical hernia with
spontaneous reduction: an unusual presentation of a rare entity. J Clin Diagn Res. 2015 Aug; No Yes
9(8): QD09–QD11. Published online 2015 Aug 1. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2015/12778.6310

23. Ritu Sharma, Manju Puri. Comparison of the profiles of infertile women with and without
prior history of extragenital tuberculosis. BJOG:An International Journal of Obstetrics and Yes No
Gynecology, vol 121,Issue supplement 2,pages 77-85, April2014, ISSN-1471-0528

24. Monika Madaan, Manju Puri, Ritu Sharma, Harvinder Kaur, Shubha Sagar Trivedi.
Unsually high CA19/9 levels associated with matureovarian cystic teratoma. Case reports in No Yes
Obstetrics and Gynecology Aug2014. ISSN-2090-6684

25. Ritu Sharma, Vikas Sharma. Effect of magnesium sulphate versus phenytoin on the
hospital length of stay of patients of eclampsia and severe preeclampsia . Journal of Chemical Yes No
and Pharmaceutical Research, 2012, 4(4):1921-1924. ISSN-0975-7384

26. Ritu Sharma, Manju Puri, Monika Madan, SS Trivedi. Advanced live intraabdominal
pregnancy with good fetomaternal outcome: A case report. International Journal of Case No Yes
Reports and Images (IJCRI), 2012;3(11):5-7, ISSN-0976-3198

27. Monika Madaan, Manju Puri, Ritu Sharma, Shubha Sagar Trivedi. Hypersensitivity
Reaction to Misoprostol—A Case Report. International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2012, 3, Yes No
223-224. ISSN-2158-28

28. M. Madaan, K. Aggarwal, R. Sharma, S. S. Trivedi. Diabetic Ketoacidosis can occur with
lower blood sugar levels in pregnancy- review of 2 cases. The Journal of reproductive No Yes
Medicine,2012Sep-Oct;57(9-100;452-5. ISSN-0024-7758

29. Vikas Sharma, Ritu Sharma, Gurpreet Singh, Shoukat Gurkhoo, Shigufta Qazi.
Preoperative fasting duration and incidence of hypoglycemia and hemodynamic response in
Yes No
children. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2011, 3(6):382-391. ISSN-0975-
30. Ritu Sharma, Shahida Mir, Masuma Rizvi, Saleem Akthar. Efficacy of magnesium
sulphate versus phenytoin in seizure control and prophylaxis in patients of eclampsia and No Yes
severe pre-eclampsia.JK Science, vol10, No4, Oct-Dec 2008,181-185. ISSN-0972-1177

1) Singh Urvashi,Dayal Meena, Verma Ruchi A Study of cervical pathology in Pregnant

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2) Verma Ruchi, K Aparna Metoclopramide induced extrapyramidal side effects – A case
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report november 2017 AOGD

3) Verma Ruchi, Patel Shweta, Mishra Neha Rupture of right non-communicating horn of
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bicornuate uterus with twin pregnancy.J Clin Images Med Case Rep. 2021;2(1):1011

4) Book Chapter – Dr. Sangeeta Gupta, Dr. Ruchi verma . Preconceptional Counseling for
vaccine preventable diseases in book Prenatal counseling for optimizing Pregnancy Outcomes
by Dr. Ashok Kumar. Jay Pee publisher chapter 9 (105).

1 .Mishra N, Sharma R, Mishra P etal .COVID -19 and menstrual status:is menopause an
Yes Yes
independent risk factor for SARS Cov2.journal of Midlife health2021;11:240-9.

2.Seth S, Sharma R, Mishra P, et al. Role of Short-Term Estradiol Supplementation in

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Yes Yes
of Mid-life Health. 2021 Jul-Sep;12(3):211-218. DOI: 10.4103/jmh.jmh_57_21. PMID:
34759703; PMCID: PMC8569453

3.Ritu Sharma, Shikha Seth, Rakhee Sharma, Sanju Yadav, Pinky Mishra, Sujaya
Mukupadhayaya. Perinatal outcome and possibility of vertical transmission in COVID 19 -
Yes Yes
experience from North India. Clin Exp Pediatr. 2021; 64(5):239-246. Published online
74 Dr Pinky Mishra February 16, 2021 DOI:

4.Sharma R, Mishra P, Seth S, Agarwal N. OHVIRA Syndrome—Diagnostic Dilemmas and

Review of Literature. J South Asian Feder Obs Gynae 2020; 12 (6):421-426. DOI: No Yes
5. Ritu Sharma, Neha Mishra, Pinky Mishra,Shikha Seth. Maternal Death due to COVID-19,
Truth or a Myth: A Narrative Review and Experience from a Teaching Hospital in India. Yes No
Accepted for publication in Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care on 17th July 2021

75 Dr. Pratima Maurya 1. Singh M, Chawla L, Sherwani P, Maurya P, Rajaram S. Antenatal diagnosis of sympus dipus
by MRI. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol X. 2023 Apr 15;18:100194. doi:
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2. Maurya P, Saini S, Saini B, Kumar M, Adhya AK, Mondal RK. A cross sectional study to
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3. Latika Chawla, Shalini Rajaram, Pratima Maurya, Lokesh Saini, Rahul Kumar Gupta,
Madhulika Singh. Unusual cause of acute respiratory compromise in a postpartum patient.
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology: X,Volume
4. Saini S, Chaudhury AR, Divyaveer S, Maurya P, Sircar D, Dasgupta S, Sen D,
Bandyopadhyay S, Pandey R. The changing face of pregnancy-related acute kidney injury from
eastern part of India: A hospital-based, prospective, observational study. Saudi J Kidney Dis
Transpl. 2020 Mar-Apr;31(2):493-502
76 Dr. Vaishali 1. Study of obstetrics and gynaecology emergencies in adolescents in COVID 19 pandemic.
2. Study of determinants of persistent postpartum hypertension at 6 weeks in women with pre

S Name of
Publacation Scopus Pub Med
No Faculty Name

1. Nazir N, Saxena A, Asthana U. Efficacy and Safety of Trans-nasal Sphenoid Ganglion

Block in Obstetric Patients With Post-dural Puncture Headache: A Randomized Study. Cureus Yes Yes
13(12): e20387. doi:10.7759/cureus.20387.

77 Dr Nazia Nazir
2. Nazir N, Saxena A, Solanki H. Comparative study to evaluate the effect of intubation box
on tracheal intubation difficulty with King Vision and TRUVIEW video laryngoscope in
Yes Yes
manikin in a tertiary care hospital. Romanian Journal of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care.
Accepted on 11/10/2021
3. Nazir N, Saxena A, Singh S, Jain S. Randomised Controlled Trial to Study the Efficacy and
Safety of Ultrasound-Guided Pectoral Nerve Block for Superficial Breast Surgeries. Journal of Yes Yes
Education and Health Promotion. Accepted on 19/10/2021.

4. Jain S, Nazir N, Singh S, Sharma S. A prospective randomised controlled study for

evaluation of high-volume low-concentration intraperitoneal bupivacaine for post- Yes Yes
laparoscopic cholecystectomy analgesia. Indian J Anaesth 2018;62:109-14.

5. Nazir N, Jain S. A Randomized Controlled Trial Study on the Effect of Adding

Dexmedetomidine to Bupivacaine in Supraclavicular Block Using Ultrasound Guidance. Yes Yes
Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences. 2016;26(6):561-566.

6. Nazir N, Jain S. Randomized Controlled Trial for Evaluating the Analgesic Effect of
Nalbuphine as an Adjuvant to Bupivacaine in Supraclavicular Block under Ultrasound
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Guidance. Anesthesia, Essays and Researches. 2017;11(2):326-329. doi:10.4103/0259-

7. Jain S, Nazir N, Khan RM, Ahmed SM. A prospective randomized control study
comparing classic laryngeal mask airway with Guedel's airway for tracheal tube exchange and Yes Yes
smooth extubation. Anesth Essays Res 2016;10:552-6.

8. Singh S, Nazir N. A comparative study of the effect of dexmedetomidine in doses of

0.7µg/kg and clonidine in doses of 2µg/kg as premedication before general anaesthesia. Int J No Yes
Res Med Sci. 2016; 4(8): 3365-3369.

9. Lone A, Nazir N, Gilani S, et al.Comparative Evaluation of Tramadol Wound Infiltration

over Bupivacaine for Postoperative Analgesia in Children Undergoing Inguinal Herniotomy No No
and Orchidopexy. Journal of Medical Sciences 2011;14(2):52-55
10. Nazir N, Gupta S. Preparing for a COVID-19 pandemic: a review of operating room
outbreak response measures in a large tertiary hospital in India. Ain-Shams J Anesthesiol.
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2021;13(1):30. doi: 10.1186/s42077-021-00150-w. Epub 2021 Apr 12. PMCID:
11. Nazir N (2020) Succinylcholine Used for Difficult Airway Lead to Difficult Airway - A
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Case Report. J Case Rep Stud 8(3): 302

12. Nazia N, Saxena A. Airway management practices in Covid ICU during the first and
second phase of Covid-19 pandemic: experience from a tertiary care hospital of Western Uttar No No (EMBASE)
Pradesh, India (Correspondence). Anaesth. pain intensive care 2021;25(5):689–690;

13. Nazir N, Ahirwar A, Jain S. Reinfection in a healthcare worker with COVID-19 in a

hospital in North India. Anaesth. pain intensive care 2020;24(5):

14. Nazir N, Jain S, Singh S. Succinylcholine administration in difficult airway leads to

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difficult-airway event.Bali Journal of Anesthesiology (BJOA) 2019, Volume 3, Number 2: 88

15. Jain S, Nazir N. Self-knotting of a nasogastric tube. Anaesth Pain & Intensive Care
16. Nazir N, Jain S, Mathur M, Sharma S. Technique of extubation in congenital
diaphragmatic hernia – an interesting case. Anaesth, Pain & Intensive Care 2017;21(1):117- No No (EMBASE)

78 Dr Ajai Kumar 1. Kundal R., Singh, R., Choudhury, S.R. Kumar A et al. Anesthetic implications and role
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surgical patients. Ain-Shams J Anesthesiol 13, 56 (2021).
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3. A Randomized Controlled Trial to Compare the Efficacy of Intravenous
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ill COVID-19 patients admitted in a tertiary care hospital:a retrospective observarional study. No
Asian J of Medical Sciences AJMS 2021; 13(3):1-5.
Goel V, Gupta S, Gupta V, Sahni AK.Environmental surface sampling for SARS-CoV-2
around hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in a tertiary care hospital. Asian J of Medical No
Sciences. AJMS 2021; 13(1):3-7.
Nazir N, Gupta S, Saxena V. Randomized controlled trial comparing the efficacy and safety
of epidural infiltration of particulate versus non-particulate steroids in the treatment of patients
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with sciatic pain. Accepted International J of Innovative Res in Medical Sciences 2021
Goel V, Gupta S*, Bisht D, Sharma R. Bundle of care approach to reduce ventilator-
associated pneumonia in the intensive care unit in a tertiary care teaching hospital in North Yes Yes
India. Lung India 2019;36:177-8.

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randomised, double-blinded clinical study. Indian J Anaesth 2017;61:499-504.

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in a tertiary care academic health care organization. Int J Res Med Sci 2020;8:878-85. No No (Index
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Gupta S, Aggarwal A, Sharma R. Preemptive Gabapentin vs Pregabalin for Acute No

Postoperative Pain in Women Undergoing Cesarean Section Under Spinal Anesthesia: A No (Index
Prospective Randomized Double-blind Study. Indian J Anesth Analg. 2019;6(5):1852-1856. Copernicus)

Gupta S. Comparative Evaluation of Different Local Anaesthetics in Supraclavicular Brachial
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Plexus Block in Pediatric Patients. Indian J Anesth Analg. 2019;6(1):99-102.

Yadav I, Gupta S*, Dua CK. Comparative evaluation of clinical efficacy of intrathecal
isobaric levobupivacaine and isobaric bupivacaine in patients undergoing infra-umbilical No
surgery. Anaesth Pain Intensive Care 2016;20(3):303-8.

1. Nazir N, Saxena A, Asthana U. Efficacy and Safety of Trans-nasal Sphenoid Ganglion

Block in Obstetric Patients With Post-dural Puncture Headache: A Randomized Study. Cureus Yes Yes
13(12): e20387. doi:10.7759/cureus.20387.
80 Dr Anupriya Saxena 2. Nazir N, Saxena A, Solanki H. Comparative study to evaluate the effect of intubation box
on tracheal intubation difficulty with King Vision and TRUVIEW video laryngoscope in
Yes Yes
manikin in a tertiary care hospital. Romanian Journal of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care.
Accepted on 11/10/2021

3. Nazir N, Saxena A, Singh S, Jain S. Randomised Controlled Trial to Study the Efficacy and
Safety of Ultrasound-Guided Pectoral Nerve Block for Superficial Breast Surgeries. Journal of Yes Yes
Education and Health Promotion. Accepted on 19/10/2021.

4. Sood S, Roy Y, Saxena A.Intravenous palanosetron for attenuation of hypotensive

response and bradycardia during spinal anaesthesia.International journal of innovative Yes Yes
research in medical science 2021; 6(2):109-12.

5.Sood S, Saxena A*, Thakur A, Chahar S.Comparative study of fiber-optic guided tracheal
intubation throughintubating laryngeal mask airway LMA Fastrach™ and i-gel in adul Yes Yes
paralyzed patients. Saudi J Anaesth 2019;13:290-

6. Sharma R, Saxena A, Magoon R, Jain MK. A cross-sectional analysis of prevalence and

factors related to depression, anxiety, and stress in health care workers amidst the COVID-19 Yes Yes
pandemic. Indian J Anaesth 2020; 64:242-4.

7. Sethi D, Kajal S, Saxena A. Neuroimaging findings in a case of cerebral fat embolism

Yes Yes
syndrome with delayed recovery. Indian J Crit Care Med 2015; 19:674-7.

8. Saxena A, Kapoor R, Saxena A K | A Unique Presentation of Posterior Reversible Yes Yes

Encephalopathy Syndrome .Journal of Anaesthesia and Critical Care Case Reports.2020; 6(1):
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9. Saxena AK, Saxena A, ChopraAK,Talwar H . Clinical Practice of Palliative Care: Current NO(DOAJ
Concepts and Future Perspectives. Ann Natl Acad Med Sci 2019;55:84–91. INDEXED)
10. Kajal S, Mukherjee S, Saxena A,Asthana U. Airway Management in a patient with
Goldenhar Syndrome. Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology 2017;25(1):44-46.

11. Saxena A, Gupta M, Chahar S, Chitrambika P. Introperative Breakage of LMA supreme in

Anticipated Difficult Airway. Journal of Case Reports 2018;8(3):219-222.

12. Chahar S, Bala M, Saxena A. Scleroderma in Pregnancy and Anaesthetic

implication.World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2017.( 6); 17, 774-77

13. Nazia N, Saxena A. Airway management practices in Covid ICU during the first and
second phase of Covid-19 pandemic: experience from a tertiary care hospital of Western Uttar NO
Pradesh, India (Correspondence). Anaesth. pain intensive care 2021;25(5):689–690;

 1.. Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS): Are anaesthesiologists prepared for the
81 Dr Ruchi Singh paradigm shift in perioperative care? A prospective cross-sectional survey in India
Singh, Ruchi; Gupta, Anju; Gupta, Nishkarsh,; Kumar, Vinod Indian Journal of
Anaesthesia: September 2021 - Volume 65 - Issue Suppl 3 - p S127-S138
 2.. A novel technique of epidural catheter fixation and comparison between three
different approaches. Ruchi Singh ,Neha Vyas Chansoria, Mayank Chansoria ,Peeyush
Shivhare Resident, Chandan Sahu International Journal Of Scientific Research.Volume-
7 | Issue-6 | June-2018 | 17-20
 3.. Comparison of Bolus Bupivacaine, Fentanyl, and Mixture of Bupivacaine with
Fentanyl in Thoracic Epidural Analgesia for Upper Abdominal Surgery. Sachin
Gajbhiye, Neeraj Narang, R Mahendra, Ruchi Singh*, R B Godwin, Mohammad Ilyas.
International journal of scientific study,March 2016,volume 3,issue 12, pg 238-243
 4.Evaluation of Transversus Abdominis Plane Block for Analgesia after Caesarean
Section Mayank Chansoria, Sevras Hingwe, Ashish Sethi, Ruchi Singh JORAPAIN
[Year:2015] [Month:May-August] [Volume:1 ] [Issue: 1] [Pages No:13-17]
 5.. To Compare the Effects of General Anaesthesia Versus Spinal Anaesthesia on
Apgar Score of Neonates in Elective Caesarean Section Dr. Swarnabala Solanki, Dr.
Neha Vyas, Dr. Gopal Maravi, Dr. Mayank Chansoria*, Dr. Ruchi Singh. European
journal of biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences, 2015, Volume 2, Issue 4, 1211-
 6... A Novel Technique of Epidural Catheter Fixation Ruchi Singh, Mayank Chansoria,
Amit K Choukse, Neha Vyas JORAPAIN [Year:2016] [Month:January-April]
[Volume:2 ] [Issue:1] [Pages No:28-30]
 7... Single Level Thoracic Paravertebral Block for Analgesia in Modified Radical
Mastectomy in a Comorbid Female Raghvendra Upadhyay, Mayank Chansoria,
Ravindra Harne, Ruchi Singh JORAPAIN [Year:2016] [Month:January-April]
[Volume:2 ] [Issue:1] [Pages No:25-27]
Dr Santosh Kumar Verma 1. Mishra L.S, Gautam R, Verma S. Comparative Clinical Study Of Ropivacaine With Yes No
Fentanyl And Ropivacaine With Clonidine By Peripheral Nerve Stimulator Guided
Brachial Plexus Block Through Axillary Approach.Journal Of Scientific

Dr. Garima Sinha 1.Effectiveness of Intravenous Boluses of Phenylephrine, Ephedrine and Mephentermine as
Vasopressors for Management of Perioperative Hypotension in Elective Lower Segment
Caesarean Section under Spinal Anaesthesia – A Prospective Comparative Study - Indian Journal
of Clinical Anaesthesia (IJCA) 2020 vol. 7 issue 1
2. Anaesthetic management of a case of severe Ankylosing Spondylitis having
Temporomandibular joint Ankylosis and fixed flexion deformity of neck posted for elective
cholecystectomy –IJMSCR Vol.6, Issue 2, March-April 2023)
3. Tuberculous Otitis media with mastoiditis – An unusual presentation of extrapulmonary
tuberculosis - International Journal of Current Research (Volume 15, Issue 7, July 2023)
4. Anaesthetic management for drainage of brain abscess in a patient of uncorrected Tetralogy of
Fallot – Journal of Advances in Medicine (Volume 9, Issue 2, December 2020)
5. Submandibular Epidermoid Cyst – A rare case – IJMSCR (Vol. 5, Issue 2, March-April 2022)
6. Retrosternal Goitre with varied histomorphology : A clinicopathological case report –
International Journal of Scientific Research (Volume 10, Issue 5, May 2021)
7. Cystecercosis cheek in a pediatric patient : A rare case – Global Journal for Research Analysis
(Volume 10, Issue 5, May 2021)
8. Aneurysmal Dilatation of right internal jugular vein-A rare case – International Journal
Medical Sciences and Current Research (Volume 4, Issue 5, September 2021)
9. Tuberculous Thyroiditis-A rare case report – Global Journal for Research Analysis (Volume
10, Issue 5, May 2021)
10. A randomised study of midazolam versus dexmedetomidine for premedication in paediatric
age group via intranasal mucosal atomisation device – IJMSCR (Vol.6, Issue 1, Jan 2023)

83 Dr Sandeep K Pandey (1) Pandey S, Roychoudhury A, Bhutia O, Singhal M, Sagar S, Pandey RM. Study of the
pattern of maxillofacial fractures seen at a tertiary care hospital in north India. J Maxillofac Yes No
Oral Surg. 2015 Mar;14(1):32-9.

(2) Arora A, Roychoudhury A, Bhutia O, Pandey S, Singh S, Das VK. Antibiotics in third
molar extraction;are they really necessary: a non-inferiority randomized controlled trial. Natl J Yes Yes
Maxillofac Surg. 2014 Jul-Dec; 5(2):166-71

(3) Bhatt K, Pandey S, Bhutia O, Roychoudhury A. Use of indomethacine as an adjuvant to

surgery for recurrent temporomandibular joint ankylosis in adults. Natl J Maxillofac Surg. Yes Yes
2014 Jul-Dec; 5(2):198-201
(4) Bhatt K, Arya S, Bhutia O, Pandey S, Roychoudhury A. Retrospective study of
mandibular angle fractures treated with three different fixation systems. Natl J Maxillofac Yes Yes
Surg. 2014. Jul-Dec; 5(2):31-36

(5) Agarwal B, Pandey S, Bhutia O, Roychoudhury A. Use of thermoplasticised nasal splint

in naso-orbitoethmoid fractures: a technical note. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2015 Jan; Yes Yes

(6) Agarwal B, Pandey S, Roychoudhury A. New technique for closure of an oroantral

Yes Yes
fistula using platelet rich fibrin. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016 Feb;54(2):31-2

(7) Pandey S, Bhutia O, Roychoudhury A, Arora A, Bhatt K. Literature review of 86 cases of

Yes Yes
mandibular ameloblastic carcinoma. Natl J Maxillofac Surg 2018 Jan-Jun; 9(1):2-7.

(8) Baidya M, Pandey S, Yadav Y, Kumar S, Solanki HK. Impact of Coronavirus Infectious
Disease Pandemic on Surgical Patients of a Government Medical College in Northern India: No No
A Cross-sectional Study. J Med Sci Health 2021;7(2):1-7

(9) Boparai JK, Chopra D, Pandey SK, Bhandari B. Generalized seizure following lignocaine
Yes Yes
administration: Case report and literature review. J Family Med Prim Care 2019;8:3440-2

10) Arora A, Pandey SK, Roychoudhury A, Bhutia O, Tandon R, Gagnani SP, et al.
Piezoelectric harvest of osteo-odonto-lamina in modified osteo-odonto keratoprosthesis: A Yes Yes
maxillofacial perspective. Natl J Maxillofac Surg 2018;9:167-73.
84 Dr Rupali Kalsi 1. A Comparative Evaluation Of Dentinal Tubule Occlusion Using Iontophoresis With
1.23 % Sodium Fluoride Gel And Diode Laser: A Scanning Electron Microscope Study
2. Kalsi R, Ahmad Z, Siddharth M, Vandana KL, Arora SA, Saurav K. Correlation of
COVID-19 with severity of periodontitis-A clinical and biochemical study. Indian J
Dent Res. 2022, 33 (3):307-312.
3. Misra P, Kalsi R, Anand Arora S, Singh KS, Athar S, Saini A. Effect of Low-Level
Laser Therapy on Early Wound Healing and Levels of Inflammatory Mediators in
Gingival Crevicular Fluid Following Open Flap Debridement. Cureus. 2023 Feb
4. Rana N, Misra P , Kalsi R, Arora SA, Kumar S, Mishra S. Role of Nonsurgical
Periodontal Therapy on Carbohydrate Metabolism in Periodontitis Patients with Type
II Diabetes Mellitus – A Biochemical study. Trends In Carbohydrate Research, Vol.14,
No.4 (2023) 81-86
5. Athar S, Arora S A, Kalsi R, Saurav K, Arora V, Baro K. Prevalence of Periodontitis
and its association with smokeless tobacco (SLT) use amongst the adult population of
Greater Noida India- A cross-sectional study Indian J Dent Res. 2022, 34
6. Adlakha K, Mathur MK, Datta A, Kalsi R, Bhandari B. Short-Term Effect of Spiritual
Music on Heart Rate Variability in Medical Students: A Single-Group Experimental
Study. Cureus. 2023 Feb 10;15(2)
Medical Education Training & Research Methodology

Sr. No Faculty Name Medical Education Training & Dates Research Methodology
training & dates
1 Dr Ranjana Verma 1. RBCW attended Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi, Basic Course in Biomedical Research
and regional Centre in Medical Education Technologies at recognised by NMC, conducted by the
Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Delhi. ICMR-NIE - July-Dec 2021. (CYCLE-
Dates14-16 October 2019 4A)
2. 59th National Teacher‗s Training Course on Educational
Science Technology for Medical Teachers at MAMC, New
Delhi from 12.03.2007 to 21.03.2007
3. Workshop on assessment of Practical and clinical skills at
HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi on 11th March2016
4. Sensitization Program for AETCOM module conducted by
Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi, Regional Centre in
Medical Education Technologies at Hamdard Institute of
Medical Sciences and Research, Delhi on 17th October 2019
5. Small group Teaching Methodologies, held at ACMS, Delhi
Cantt. On 1st Nov 2019
6. Online course of study for CBME (Anatomy) between Aug-
Nov 2020 by MEU, India
7. Curriculum Implementation Support Program held from 13-
15 May 2019 at King George‗s Medical University,
Lucknow, UP
8. Curriculum Implementation Support Program II workshop
conducted by Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi,
Regional Centre in Medical Education Technologies at
Government Institute of Medical Sciences Greater Noida 9th
-10th Sept 2020.
9. Revised Basic course workshop conducted by Maulana Azad
Medical College, Delhi, Regional Centre in Medical
Education Technologies at Government Institute of Medical
Sciences Greater Noida 3rd-5th Dec 2019.
10. Revised Basic course workshop conducted by Maulana Azad
Medical College, Delhi, Regional Centre in Medical
Education Technologies at Government Institute of Medical
Sciences Greater Noida 8th -10th April 2021.

2 Dr Pragati Sheel Mittal 1. Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies, Basic Course in Biomedical Research
conducted by MCI Regional Centre, SAIMS, Indore from 14th to recognised by NMC, conducted by the
16th July 2011. ICMR-NIE - Aug-Dec 2020. (CYCLE-3)
2. Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education
Technologies, conducted at MCI Regional Centre, Maulana Azad
Medical College, Delhi from 25th to 27th Apr 2017.
3. AETCOM Sensatization Programme conducted at MCI Regional
Centre, Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi on 28th Apr 2017.
4. Curriculum Implementation Support Programme - I, at MEU,
GIMS, Greater Noida under the aegis of NC/RC, MEU, KGMU,
Lucknow from 25th - 27th July 2019.
5. Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education
Technologies, conducted by GIMS, Greater Noida under the aegis of
MCI Regional Centre Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi from 3rd
to 5th Dec 2019.
6. AETCOM Sensatization Programme conducted at GIMS, Greater
Noida under the aegis of Regional Centre Maulana Azad Medical
College, Delhi on 6th Dec 2019.
7. CISP II workshop, MEU, GIMS, 9th - 10th Sep 2020.
3 Dr Sonu Revised basic course April 2021 Basic course in Biomedical research
assed in Mar-June 2021 (Cycle 4)
Basic Course in Medical Education (BCME) For MEU/CC Members of
Medical Colleges (allocated by NMC) to held form 19-21 sept, 2023 at
NMC Reginal Centre, MAMC, New Delhi

4 Dr Bharti Bhandari Rathore RBCW attended Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi, Regional Basic course in Biomedical research
Centre in Medical Education Technologies at Hamdard Institute of Passed in Mar-June 2020 (Cycle2)
Medical Sciences and Research, Delhi on 14 -16 October 2019

5 Dr Aprajita Panwar 1. Organiser and speaker in Seminar on ‗Ethics in Medical 1. Passed Basic Course in Biomedical
Education Seminar‗ in GIMS, Gr Noida on 19 th June 2021 Research(Sep-Dec 2019)
2. Attended ‗Curriculum Implementation Support Program II Roll No. NPTEL19GE33S1173887
Workshop‗ conducted by MAMC, New Delhi at GIMS, Greater 2. Successfully completed swayam
Noida on 9th and 10th Sept 2020 course ― NIeCer 102: Ethics Review of
3. Certificate course in Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical health research‖ in April-June 2021
Educational Technologies‖ 3 days training program in Medical
Education from conducted by Maulana Azad Medical College, New
Delhi, Regional Center in Medical Education Technologies at Govt
Institute of Medical Sciences, Greater Noida, UP, India at 3 rd to 5th
December 2019
4.―Certificate course in AETCOM Sensitization Program for Attitude,
Ethics and Communication‖ conducted by Maulana Azad Medical
College, New Delhi, Regional Center in Medical Education
Technologies at Govt Institute of Medical Sciences, Greater Noida,
UP, India on 6th December 2019
5. ―Certificate course in Hands-on-training Workshop on ‗Small
Group Teaching Methodologies‗ held at Army College of Medical
6. CISP III – 19-20 dec-2023
Sciences, Delhi Cantt, India on 1st Nov 2019
6.―Certificate course in Curriculum Implementation Support
Program‖ 3 days training program held at Govt Institute of Medical
Sciences, Greater Noida, UP, India on 25th -27th July 2019

6 Dr Prerna Agarwal CBME curriculum Support Programme II (CISP II) from Basic Course in Biomedical Research
03.03.2020 -04.03.2020 at MCI Nodal Centre for National Faculty Passed Mar-June 2021 Cycle
Development, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Sawangi Roll No. NPTEL21MD04S13510300
(Meghe), Wardha
Sensitization Program for Attitude, Ethics and Communication
(AETCOM) Module on 13.07.2018 at MCI Nodal Centre for
National Faculty Development, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College,
Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha
Revised Basic Course in Medical Education Technology from 10 -
12.07.2018 at MCI Nodal Centre for National Faculty Development,
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha
‗Blueprinting in Assessment‗on 02.09.2021 in the virtual Medical
Education Conference (MEDUCON-2021) organized by the
Department of Medical Education, JIPMER, Puducherry in
association with the Alumni Association of NTTC JIPMER (AANJ).
Paper Setters and Internal Validators on 23.04.18 at School of Health
Profession‗s Education and Research, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical
College, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha
‗Competency Based Health Professions Education‗ in 7th National
Conference on health Professions Education on 18.11.2015 at
Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi
37th Mini Workshop (capsule course) on Education Science
Technology from 15-17.10.14 at Department of Medical Education,
National Teachers Training Center, MAMC, New Delhi.

7 Dr Manisha Singh 1. Completed the 10th Batch of NMC Advanced Course in Basic course in Biomedical research
Medical Education (ACME) from CMC Ludhiana - Oct Passed in Mar-June 2020 (Cycle 2)
2020- Nov 2021.
2. Resource faculty in Revised basic workshop, MEU , GIMS
8th - 10th April 2021
3. Completed certificate course of study for Competency
Based Medical Education (Biochemistry) June 2020 - Sep
2020 by MEU India
4. CISP II workshop , MEU , GIMS, 9th - 10th Sep 2020
5. CME cum workshop on Competency Based Medical
Education: Concept and Application. April 2019 CMC
6. Completed certificate course UNESCO International
certified Bioethics Course. June 2019 conducted by MEU
7. 81st National course on Educational Science for teachers of
Health Professionals conducted by MEU JIPMER Sep 2019
8. Completed an online ― E-learning course‖ conducted from
Sep 2019 to Nov 2019 by MEU India.
9. Resource faculty in Revised basic workshop, MEU , GIMS
3rd - 5th Dec 2019
10. CISP workshop 1 25th - 27th July 2019
11. Completed certificate course on ICH - GCP conducted by
MEU India & National Institute of continuing professional
development. Nov 2018 - Jun2019
12. Resource faculty in revised basic course workshop at Era's
Lucknow Medical College, 28th- 30th Sep 2016
13. Participated in Revised basic course workshop at KGMU ,
Lucknow 22nd -24th Sep 2015
14. Participated in Basic course workshop at Era's Lucknow
medical College, Lucknow 16th- 18th July 2012

8 Dr Mamta Padhy Revised Basic Course in Medical Education Technology from 3rd Passed Basic Course in Biomedical
to 5th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida Research.
Sensitization Program for Attitude, Ethics and Communication Sep-Dec 2019
(AETCOM) Module on 6th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP I) from 25th -
27th July 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP II) from 9th -
10th September 2020 at GIMS Greater Noida

9 Dr C D Tripathi Revised basic course Oct 2019

CISP- Oct 2019

10 Dr Shivani Kalhan BCW- MAMC, New Delhi- 24 to 26 Aug 2014 BCBR- Cycle 2- Passed
rBCW + AETCOM - MAMC, New Delhi- 13 to 15 Feb 2019; 16
Feb 2019
CISP Workshop - MAMC, New Delhi- 23 to 25 Apr 2019
CISP - GIMS, Greater Noida - 9th - 10th September 2020

11 Dr Shalini Bahadur Revised Basic Course in Medical Education Technology from 3rd to Basic course in Biomedical research
5th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida Passed in Mar-June 2021
Sensitization Program for Attitude, Ethics and Communication
(AETCOM) Module on 6th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP I) from 25th -
27th July 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP II) from 9th -
10th September 2020 at GIMS Greater Noida

12 Dr Vivek Gupta Revised basic course 8-10th April 2021 Basic course in Biomedical research
CISP - 11.12.2019 Passed in Mar-June 2020

13 Dr Shalini Shukla Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP-2) from 9th - BCBR course : passed March-June 2021
10th Sep 2020 at GIMS Greater Noida.
Revised basic course workshop organized by GIMS on 8th,9th,10th
April 2021

14 Dr (Brig.) A K Sahni 1. ―Basic Workshop in Research Methodology‖ in Armed

Forces Medical College, Pune from 13-02-2013 to 15-02-2013
2. ―Basic course workshop in Medical Education
Technologies‖ in Maharashtra University of Health Sciences
(MUHS) at Armed Forces Medical College, Pune from 24-06-2013
to 26-06-2013.
3. ―Basic course workshop in Medical Education
Technologies‖ in Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi from
08-04-2021 to 10-04-2021.

15 Dr Harmesh Manocha Revised Basic Course in Medical Education Technology from 3rd
to 5th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Sensitization Program for Attitude, Ethics and Communication
(AETCOM) Module on 6th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP I) from 25th -
27th July 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP II) from 9th -
10th September 2020 at GIMS Greater Noida

16 Dr Varun Goel Revised Basic Course in Medical Education Technology from 23rd BCBR course : passed March-June 2020
to 26th July 2019 at SMCH
Sensitization Program for Attitude, Ethics and Communication
(AETCOM) Module on 8th Sep 2019 at SMCH
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP-1) from 5th -
7th Sep 2019 at SMCH
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP-2) from 9th -
10th Dec 2020 at GIMS Greater Noida

17 Dr Anju Rani 1. RBCW attended Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi, Basic course in Biomedical research
Regional Centre in Medical Education Technologies at Passed in Mar-June 2020 (Cycle2)
Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Delhi
on 14 -16 October 2019
2. Sensitization Program for AETCOM module conducted by
Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi, Regional Centre in
Medical Education Technologies at Hamdard Institute of
Medical Sciences and Research, Delhi on 17th October 2019
3. Resource faculty in Revised Basic course workshop
conducted by Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi,
Regional Center in Medical Education Technologies at
Government Institute of Medical Sciences Greater Noida 3 rd-
5th Dec 2019.
4. “Curriculum implementation support Program‖ held from
25th July to 27th July 2019 at GIMS, Greater Noida under the
aegis of NC/RC, Medical education unit, KGMU, Lucknow.
5. Online workshop on “Curriculum implementation support
Program- II‖ held from 21st- 22nd July 2020 at GIMS.
6. Resource faculty in training activities of faculty in a
workshop conducted on “Curriculum implementation
support Program-II‖ held from 9th September to 10th
September 2020 at GIMS, Greater Noida.
7. Revised Basic course workshop conducted by Maulana Azad
Medical College, Delhi, Regional Center in Medical
Education Technologies at Government Institute of Medical
Sciences Greater Noida 8th -10th April 2021.
8. Basic Course in Medical Education (BCME) For MEU/CC
Members of Medical Colleges (allocated by NMC) to held
form 19-21 sept, 2023 at NMC Reginal Centre, MAMC,
New Delhi
18 Dr Rambha Pathak 1. Revised Basic Course in Medical Education Technology Basic Course in Biomedical Research by
from 9TH TO 11TH July 2018 at HIMSR by MCI Regional National Institute of Epidemiology,
Centre for Medical Education technologies, Maulana Azad Chennai Aug - Dec 2020
Medical College, Delhi
2. Sensitization Program for Attitude, Ethics and
Communication (AETCOM) Module on 12TH July 2018 at
HIMSR, by MCI Regional Centre for Medical Education
technologies, Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi.
3. Resource faculty in training activities of faculty in a
workshop conducted on “Curriculum implementation
support Program-II‖ held from 9th September to 10th
September 2020 at GIMS, Greater Noida.
4. Revised Basic course workshop conducted by Maulana Azad
Medical College, Delhi, Regional Center in Medical
Education Technologies at Government Institute of Medical
Sciences Greater Noida 8th -10th April 2021.
5. 5.. Enrolled in the 11th Batch of NMC Advanced Course in
Medical Education (ACME) from CMC Ludhiana - May
2021- April 2022.
6. Curriculum Implementation Support Program
Conducted by Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi,
Regional Centre for Faculty Development at Hamdard
Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, New Delhi from
01st to 03rd May, 2019.
7. Curriculum Implementation Support Program – II
(Online) Held from 21.07.2020 to 22.07.2020 at the MCI
Regional Centre, Maulana Azad Medical College, New
8. Two-day National Webinar on ―Attainment of Quality
Benchmark in Medical Education: Responsibilities of a
Health Institution‖ organized by IQAC, KGMU in
collaboration with ECHO India on December 3rd – 4th, 2021.
19 Dr Anurag Srivastava Sensitization Program for Attitude, Ethics and Communication Basic Course in BIOMEDICAL
(AETCOM) Module on 6th Dec 2019 at GIMS, Greater Noida RESEARCH recognised by NMC,
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP-2) from 25th conducted by the ICMR-NIE March-June
July to 27th July 2019 at GIMS, Greater Noida 2020
Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education
Technologies at GIMS, Greater Noida from 3rd-5th Dec. 2019
conducted by MAMC, New Delhi, Regional Centre in Medical
Education Technologies

20 Dr Saurabh Srivastava Curriculum Implementation Support Program held from 13-15 May Enrolled for ―Basic Course in
2019 at King George‗s Medical University, Lucknow, UP BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH‖ recognised
Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education by NMC, conducted by the ICMR-NIE
Technologies, conducted by GIMS, Greater Noida under the aegis of
Regional Center Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi from 3rd to
5th Dec 2019 (cYCLE-3).
Sensitization Program for Attitude, Ethics and Communication
(AETCOM) Module on 6th Dec 2019 at GIMS, Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP-2) from 25th
July to 27th July 2019 at GIMS, Greater Noida
Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education
8-10th April 2021 at GIMs,Greater noida

Completed Advanced Course of Medical Education - 2018 B batch

form CMC Ludhiana

21 Dr Payal jain Revised basic course : 3rd to 5th Dec 2019 Basic Course in Biomedical Research
CISP :25th to 27th july 2019 sept-dec 2019
CISP III – 19-20 dec-2023
22 Dr (Major) Ajai Garg Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies,
conducted by GIMS, Greater Noida under the aegis of Regional
Centre Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi from 3rd to 5th Dec
2019 (cYCLE-3).
CISP : 25th to 27th july 2019

23 Dr (Brig.) Rakesh Gupta Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education

Technologies, conducted by GIMS, Greater Noida under the aegis of
Regional Center Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi from 3rd to
5th Dec 2019 (cYCLE-3).
Sensitization Program for Attitude, Ethics and Communication
(AETCOM) Module on 6th Dec 2019 at GIMS, Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP-2) from 25th
July to 27th July 2019 at GIMS, Greater Noida

Basic Course in Medical Education (BCME) For MEU/CC

Members of Medical Colleges (allocated by NMC) to held form
19-21 sept, 2023 at NMC Reginal Centre, MAMC, New Delhi
24 Dr Sujaya Mukhopadhyaya 1. Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education
Technologies at GIMS, Greater Noida from 8-10 April
2021 conducted by MAMC, New Delhi, Regional Centre
in Medical Education Technologies

2. Basic Course in Medical Education (BCME) For

MEU/CC Members of Medical Colleges (allocated by
NMC) to held form 19-21 sept, 2023 at NMC Reginal
Centre, MAMC, New Delhi

3. CISP III – 19-20 dec-2023

25 Dr Rashmi Upadhyay CISP I-25.07.2019-27.07.2019

26 Dr Pihu Sethi Revised basic course 8-10th April 2021 at GiMs,Greater noida

Curriculum Implementation Support Program from 25th - 27th July

2019 at GIMS Greater Noida

27 Dr Kiran Jakhar RBCW-03.12.2019 - 05.12.2019 BCBR Sep 2020-Dec 2020

CISP I -25.07.2019-27.07.2019
CISP II-08.09.2020 to 09.09.2020
28 Dr Satendra Kumar 1. Curriculum Implementation Support Program held from 13-15 Basic course in Biomedical research
May 2019 at King George‗s Medical University, Lucknow, UP Passed in Mar-June 2020 (Cycle 2)
2. Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies,
SMS & R, Gr. Noida 19-21st Oct 2011
3. Sensitization Program for Attitude, Ethics and Communication
(AETCOM) Module on 6th Dec 2019 at GIMS, Greater Noida
4. Resource faculty Curriculum Implementation Support Program
(CISP-2) from 25th July to 27th July 2019 at GIMS, Greater Noida
5. Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education
Technologies at GIMS, Greater Noida from 3rd-5th Dec. 2019
conducted by MAMC, New Delhi, Regional Center in Medical
Education Technologies
6. National training programme on good clinical practice,current
regulatory and ethical requirement for conducting clinical trials
/research in India at THSTI Faridabad on 23-24th July 2-019
7. CISP II workshop , MEU , GIMS, 9th - 10th Sep 2020
8. 81st National course on Educational Science for teachers of Health
Professionals conducted by MEU JIPMER Sep 2019

29 Dr Atul Gupta Revised Basic Course in Medical Education Technology from 3rd Basic course in Biomedical research
to 5th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida Passed in Mar-June 2021
Sensitization Program for Attitude, Ethics and Communication
(AETCOM) Module on 6th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP I) from 25th -
27th July 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP II) from 9th -
10th September 2020 at GIMS Greater Noida

CISP III – 19-20 dec-2023

30 Dr Mohit Kumar Mathur 1. 29th Mini workshop on ―Educational Science Passed Basic Course in Biomedical
Technology‖.27-29th Feb 2012 MAMC, New Delhi Research.
2. Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies, Sep-Dec 2019
SMS & R, Gr. Noida 13-15th Nov 2014 Roll No. NPTEL19GE33S1595421
3. Attended the ―revised basic course workshop in medical
technologies‖ at SMS&R, Greater Noida from 13th -15th Dec
2017 as Participant.
4. Participated as Resource Faculty in the Revised Basic
Course Workshop Conducted by MAMC, New Delhi
Regional Center in Medical Education Technologies at
GIMS, Greater Noida from 3rd to 5th Dec 2019.
5. Attended CISP II Workshop conducted by MAMC, New
Delhi on 9-10th SEPT 2020.
6. Basic Course in Medical Education (BCME) For
MEU/CC Members of Medical Colleges (allocated by
NMC) to held form 19-21 sept, 2023 at NMC Reginal
Centre, MAMC, New Delhi
7. CISP III – 19-20 dec-2023
31 Dr Manabendra Baidya Revised Basic Course in Medical Education Technology from 3rd
to 5th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Sensitization Program for Attitude, Ethics and Communication
(AETCOM) Module on 6th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP I) from 25th -
27th July 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
32 Dr Vikas Saxena Revised Basic Course in Medical Education Technology from 3rd Basic course in Biomedical research
to 5th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida Passed in Jan - Apr 2020 (Cycle1)
Sensitization Program for Attitude, Ethics and Communication
(AETCOM) Module on 6th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP I) from 25th -
27th July 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP II) from 9th -
10th September 2020 at GIMS Greater Noida
33 Dr Rahul K Bagla Revised Basic Course in Medical Education Technology from 3rd
to 5th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Sensitization Program for Attitude, Ethics and Communication
(AETCOM) Module on 6th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP I) from 25th -
27th July 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida

34 Dr Nandita Chaturvedi Revised Basic Course in Medical Education Technology from 3rd Basic course in Biomedical research
to 5th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida Passed in Jan - Apr 2020 (Cycle1)
Sensitization Program for Attitude, Ethics and Communication
(AETCOM) Module on 6th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP I) from 25th -
27th July 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP II) from 9th -
10th September 2020 at GIMS Greater Noida

35 Dr Ritu Sharma Revised Basic Course in Medical Education Technology from 3rd
to 5th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida Basic course in Biomedical research
Sensitization Program for Attitude, Ethics and Communication Sep-Dec 2019
(AETCOM) Module on 6th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP I) from 25th -
27th July 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Completed MCI-Advanced Course in Medical Education from
CMC Ludhiana on Nov 2021

36 Dr Ruchi Verma 1) Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Basic Course in Biomedical Research
Technologies at GIMS, Gr. Noida UP from 8-10 April 2021
conducted by MAMC, New Delhi, Regional Centre in
Medical Education Technologies.
2) Competency Based Education in Obstetrics and
Gynaecology by MEUINDIA

37 Dr Pinky Mishra 1.. Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP II) from 9th Basic course in Biomedical research
- 10th September 2020 at GIMS Greater Noida Passed in Oct. 2021 (Cycle3)

2. Revised Basic course workshop conducted by Maulana Azad

Medical College, Delhi, Regional Center in Medical
Education Technologies at Government Institute of Medical
Sciences Greater Noida 8th -10th April 2021.
3. Competency Based Education in Obstetrics and
Gynaecology by MEUINDIA

38 Dr Nazia Nazir Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies, SMS & Basic course in Biomedical research
R, Gr. Noida 13-15th Nov 2014 Passed in Mar-June 2020 (Cycle2)

Attended the ―Revised basic course workshop in medical

technologies‖ at SMS&R, Greater Noida from 13th -15th Dec 2017 as
Participated as Resource Faculty in the Revised Basic Course
Workshop Conducted by MAMC, New Delhi Regional Centre in
Medical Education Technologies at GIMS, Greater Noida from 3 rd to
5th Dec 2019.
Sensitization Program for Attitude, Ethics and Communication
(AETCOM) Module on 6th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program from 25th - 27th July
2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP II) from 9th -
10th September 2020 at GIMS Greater Noida

Basic Course in Medical Education (BCME) For MEU/CC

Members of Medical Colleges (allocated by NMC) to held form
19-21 sept, 2023 at NMC Reginal Centre, MAMC, New Delhi

CISP III – 19-20 dec-2023

39 Dr Savita Gupta Revised Basic Course in Medical Education Technology from 3rd to BCBR course : passed March-June 2020
5th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Sensitization Program for Attitude, Ethics and Communication
(AETCOM) Module on 6th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program from 25th - 27th July
2019 at GIMS Greater Noida

40 Dr Anupriya Saxena 1. Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education

Technologies at GIMS, Gr. Noida UP from 8-10 April 2021
conducted by MAMC, New Delhi, Regional Centre in Medical
Education Technologies
2.CISP II- 08.09.2020 to 09.09.2020

41 Dr Sandeep K Pandey Revised Basic Course in Medical Education Technology from 3rd to Passed Basic Course in Biomedical
5th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida Research(.March- June 2020
Sensitization Program for Attitude, Ethics and Communication Roll no:NPTEL20GE33S41480121
(AETCOM) Module on 6th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP II) from
9th -10th September 2020 at GIMS Greater Noida

42 Dr Haremsh Manocha Basic Course in Medical Education Technology from 23rd to 25th
Oct 2013 at SMS&R Greater Noida
Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technology from
18th to 27th March 2014 at MAMC, New Delhi

Revised Basic Course in Medical Education Technology from 3rd to

5th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Sensitization Program for Attitude, Ethics and Communication
(AETCOM) Module on 6th Dec 2019 at GIMS Greater Noida
Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP II) from
9th -10th September 2020 at GIMS Greater Noida

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