D350 AVR Details

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Digital Voltage Regulator

Installation and maintenance
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Digital Voltage Regulator
This manual concerns the alternator AVR which you have just purchased.
We wish to draw your attention to the contents of this maintenance manual.


Before using your machine for the first time, it is

important to read the whole of this installation and All servicing or repair operations performed on
maintenance manual. the AVR should be undertaken by personnel
trained in the commissioning, servicing and
All necessary operations and interventions on this maintenance of electrical and mechanical
machine must be performed by a qualified components.

For field applications relative to for instance WARNING

nonlinear loads, transformers magnetizations or
huge load impacts and load shedding, it is highly This AVR can be incorporated in a EC-marked
recommended to contact our technical support machine.
service in order to fine tune the factory settings of This manual is to be given to the end user.
the voltage regulator.

Our technical support service will be pleased to © 2024 Moteurs Leroy-Somer SAS
Share Capital: 32,239,235 €, RCS Angoulême 338 567 258.
provide any additional information you may require. We reserve the right to modify the characteristics of this product at any
time in order to incorporate the latest technological developments. The
The various operations described in this manual information contained in this document may therefore be changed
without notice.
are accompanied by recommendations or symbols This document may not be reproduced in any form without prior
to alert the user to potential risks of accidents. It is authorization.
All brands and models have been registered and patents applied for.
vital that you understand and take notice of the
following warning symbols.

Warning symbol for an operation capable of
damaging or destroying the machine or
surrounding equipment.

Warning symbol for general danger to


Warning symbol for electrical danger to


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Digital Voltage Regulator
Table of content
1. General Instructions ..............................................................................................................................................5
1.1. Identity sheet...................................................................................................................................................5
1.2. General Presentation .....................................................................................................................................5
1.2.1. The D350 AVR ........................................................................................................................................5
1.2.2. NFLink™ configuration module ............................................................................................................6
1.3. Technical characteristics ...............................................................................................................................7
1.4. D350 AVR Dimensions..................................................................................................................................9
1.5. D350 AVR and NFLink™ Dimensions ......................................................................................................10
1.6. Mounting ........................................................................................................................................................11
1.7. Wiring .............................................................................................................................................................11
1.7.1. Alternator voltage measurement: .......................................................................................................11
1.7.2. Inputs/outputs ........................................................................................................................................12
1.7.3. Power supply and excitation ...............................................................................................................14
1.7.4. Alternator current measurement (parallel operation CT): ...............................................................16
1.8. Wiring precautions .......................................................................................................................................16
2. Operations Instructions .......................................................................................................................................18
2.1. Description of manual controls and signaling ..........................................................................................18
2.1.1. The potentiometers ...............................................................................................................................18
2.1.2. The LED .................................................................................................................................................18
2.2. Description of the operating modes...........................................................................................................19
3. Setting instructions ..............................................................................................................................................21
3.1. PC Software ..................................................................................................................................................21
3.1.1. Software installation .............................................................................................................................21
3.1.2. Different access levels of Easyreg Advanced ..................................................................................23
3.1.3. Description of the banner and tabs ....................................................................................................24
3.1.4. Communication with the D350 ............................................................................................................26
3.1.5. “Configuration” window ........................................................................................................................27
3.1.6. Create a new quick configuration .......................................................................................................30
Step 1: Selection of the alternator type ......................................................................................30
Step 2: Definition of the alternator features ...............................................................................31
Step 3: Wiring .................................................................................................................................31
Step 4: Regulation mode selection .............................................................................................32
Step 5: Configuration upload .......................................................................................................33
3.1.7. Create a new configuration in custom mode ....................................................................................33
Step 1: Description of the alternator ...........................................................................................34
Step 2: AVR wiring ........................................................................................................................35
Step 3: Definition of the over excitation limit .............................................................................36
Step 4: Definition of stator current monitoring ...........................................................................37
Step 5: Definition of the protections ............................................................................................37
Step 6a: Setting of the voltage soft start ....................................................................................40
Step 6b: Voltage regulation ..........................................................................................................41
Step 6c: Regulation of the field current (Manual mode) ..........................................................47
Step 7: Setting the PID gains.......................................................................................................49
Step 8: Inputs and outputs management .................................................................................50
Step 9: Log Event ........................................................................................................................51

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Digital Voltage Regulator
Step 10: The Second Configuration .........................................................................................52
3.1.8. “Oscilloscope” window .........................................................................................................................53
Curves .............................................................................................................................................53
Trigger .............................................................................................................................................55
Cursors ............................................................................................................................................56
Transient test..................................................................................................................................57
Open a curve or an oscilloscope display configuration ...........................................................58
Save a curve or an oscilloscope display configuration ............................................................58
Change the plotting area background ........................................................................................58
3.1.9. “Monitor” window ...................................................................................................................................59
Display units ...................................................................................................................................59
Graph ...............................................................................................................................................60
Gauges ............................................................................................................................................60
Change the size of an object .......................................................................................................61
Delete an object .............................................................................................................................62
Save a monitor configuration .......................................................................................................62
Open a monitor configuration ......................................................................................................62
3.2. Operations as analogue AVR .....................................................................................................................63
3.2.1. Voltage setting.......................................................................................................................................63
3.2.2. Stability setting ......................................................................................................................................64
3.2.3. Droop compensation ............................................................................................................................64
3.2.4. Switching 50/60Hz ................................................................................................................................64
3.3. Tips and tricks...............................................................................................................................................65
3.4. Comparison window ....................................................................................................................................65
4. APPENDICES ......................................................................................................................................................67
4.1. Vector permutations.....................................................................................................................................67
4.2. Regulation modes prioritization..................................................................................................................68
4.3. Electrical diagrams.......................................................................................................................................69
4.3.1. SHUNT ...................................................................................................................................................69
4.3.2. AREP ......................................................................................................................................................70
4.3.3. PMG ........................................................................................................................................................71
4.4. Faults trouble shouting ................................................................................................................................72
4.4.1. No Voltage .............................................................................................................................................72
4.4.2. Voltage too low ......................................................................................................................................73
4.4.3. Voltage unstable ...................................................................................................................................74
4.4.4. Important voltage drop on load ...........................................................................................................75
4.4.5. Time response too long .......................................................................................................................76

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Digital Voltage Regulator
1. General Instructions
1.1. Identity sheet
The D350 AVR is designed by:
Moteurs Leroy-Somer SAS
Boulevard Marcellin Leroy, CS 10015
16915 ANGOULEME Cedex 9, France
Description Type Code
Digital AVR D350 5124059
Configuration module NFLink 5124189

1.2. General Presentation

1.2.1. The D350 AVR
This manual describes how to install, use, set up and maintain the D350 AVR.
The purpose of this AVR is to regulate alternators with a field current of less than 5 A in
continuous operations, and 10 A maximum in the event of short-circuit for 10 seconds
Its design is in accordance with mounting in a generator terminal box or a control cabinet. It
is required, at a minimum, to follow the local protection and safety standards, especially
those specific to electrical installations for voltages of 300 Vac phase-to-neutral maximum.
Similarly to the other AVR, the D350 is an electronic printed circuit board, protected with a
polyurethane resin as show on the figure below.

Fuse references F1 F2
- In standard:
F1: 10A 250V ref. Mersen Q206071T or equivalent
F2: 10A 250V ref. Mersen Q206071T or equivalent
- For UL applications:
F1: 8A 250V ref. Mersen T084013T or equivalent
F2: 10A 250V ref. Mersen Q206071T or equivalent

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Digital Voltage Regulator
1.2.2. NFLink™ configuration module
The D350 AVR is equipped with NFC1 technology for communication and configuration
purposes. The configuration module hereafter called NFLink™ is placed on the plastic
enclosure thanks to two dedicated positioning holes as shown below.

NFLink™ positioning holes

module NFLink™

NOTE: A holding system placed at the bottom of the NFLink ensures a mechanical strength
hold on the D350 plastic board. Once the configuration is done, the NFLink must be
removed as it is not supposed to be left on the D350 when it is in continuous operation.

1 Near Field Communication

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Digital Voltage Regulator
1.3. Technical characteristics
The D350 AVR is a digital voltage regulator used to control the alternator from the field
current or the output voltage regulation loops.

• Voltage regulation:
• With or without reactive droop compensation droop to allow parallel machine
• With or without line droop compensation.2
• Regulation of the field current, or manual mode, which allows direct control of the field
current value.

The D350 can also be used to:

• Adjust the reference for the regulation mode in progress, using an analogue input (0-10V
and potentiometer)
• Monitoring of temperature sensor (Pt100 or CTP)
• Limit the minimum field current delivered to the exciter field
• Monitoring of the maximum stator current limit
• Loss of voltage sensing
• Withstand a sudden short-circuit for 10 seconds maximum in AREP, PMG
• Signals monitoring (events logger)

The various trip, regulation mode and measurement data items can be delivered onto the 2
digital outputs.

• Alternator voltage sensing

• 3 phases without neutral, 2 phases or 1 phase with neutral
• Three-phase range 0-530Vac
• Consumption < 2VA
• Stator current measurement with CT
• Range 0-1A ou 0-5A
• Consumption < 2VA
• Power supply
• AC
• 4 terminals for PMG, AREP, SHUNT
• Range 50-277 Vac
• Consumption max < 3000VA
• DC (preloading not managed)
• Range 50-400 Vdc
• Consumption max < 3000VA
• Field excitation
• Rated 0-5 A
• Short-circuit 10A max.
• Field winding resistance > 4 ohms
• Frequency
• Range 10-100Hz

2The reactive droop and the line droop compensation cannot be simultaneously enabled and a current transformer
is required in both cases.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
• Regulation accuracy:
• +/-0.25% of the average of the three phases with harmonic distortion less than 5%
• +/-0.5% of the average of the three phases with harmonic distortion up to 20%
(harmonics associated to six-thyristors load type)

• Voltage adjustment range: 0 to 150% of the rated voltage

• Quadrature droop adjustment range: -20% to 20%
• Under frequency protection: integrated, adjustable threshold, slope adjustable from 0.5
to 3 x V/Hz in steps of 0.1 V/Hz
• Excitation ceiling: adjustable by configuration at 3 points
• Environment: ambient temperature from -40°C to +65°C, relative humidity of less than
95%, non-condensing, mounted in a cabinet or in a terminal box
• AVR parameters set using software "EasyReg Advanced" provided by Nidec Power

• Dimensions:
• Height: 52.9mm
• Width: 125mm
• Length: 140mm

• Mounting:
• Holes spacing on the Length: 115mm
• Holes spacing on the width: 100mm

• Weight: 0.45kg

• Conformity to standards:
• EMC: IEC 61000-6-2, IEC 61000-6-4
• Humidity: IEC 60068-1 and test in accordance with IEC 60068-2-14
• Dry heat: IEC 60068-2-2
• Damp heat: IEC 60028-2-30
• Cold: IEC 600068-2-1

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Digital Voltage Regulator
1.4. D350 AVR Dimensions

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Digital Voltage Regulator
1.5. D350 AVR and NFLink™ Dimensions

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Digital Voltage Regulator
1.6. Mounting
The D350 is mounted on a mechanical part on the terminal box or the cabinet with 4xM5 screws
and the nominal screwing torque is de 2.5 N.m.
1.7. Wiring
The AVR and its connections are not isolated against alternator stator outputs.
There is a risk of electrical shock. All wiring and connection operations must be
performed only by qualified personnel and upon a stopped, de-excitated machine.
The D350 must be connected to the different measurement, power and control signals to ensure
the proper regulation functions.
1.7.1. Alternator voltage measurement:

Figure 1 : Alternator voltage sensing

Voltage transformers are mandatory if the alternator voltage measurement is higher than
480 Vac rms phase-to-phase (530Vac rms maximum for 10 seconds or 277 Vac rms
between phase and neutral.

Connection Electrical Schematic

Phase / Phase
(with or without PT)

3 Phases
with or without PT)

NOTE: The alternator voltage measurement connection must match the alternator
current measurement transformer mounting phase. Failure to respect this
recommendation, bad reactive power sharing will occur when operating in parallel
between alternators.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
NOTE 2: If necessary, see the appendix for examples of vector permutations.
1.7.2. Inputs/outputs
The D350 is equipped with one digital input, one analog input, one temperature input
(PT100 or CTP) and two digital outputs. The figure below gives an overview of these

• PT100 input

Only 2 wires Pt100 can be used:

Connection Electrical schematic

Without compensation

The measurement range for these temperature sensor inputs is between -50°C and
250°C and two thresholds can be defined: the alarm threshold and the trip threshold.

CAUTION: The PT100 input is non-isolated.

• PTC input
This input allows to use a PTC which suddenly increases when the temperature reaches
a threshold. Different resistance thresholds are defined for 2 PTC configurations but the
user can customize these values according to this sensors. This customization is done
via the PC software Easyreg Advanced.

Connection Electrical schematic

1xCTP or 3xCTP

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Digital Voltage Regulator
• Analog input:
The analog input can be configured in two modes:

Connection Electrical schematic



This input is defined by its type (potentiometer or 0/10V) and by its minimum and
maximum limits.

CAUTION: The analog input is non-isolated.

• Digital output:
Each digital output is open collector transistor type. They can each withstand a
maximum voltage of 24 Vdc and 60 mA maximum.

Connection Electrical schematic

Digital output

They are configured by a source parameter (alarm, regulation mode in progress, etc.)
and their activation mode: normally open (active low) or normally closed (active high).

CAUTION: The digital outputs are non-isolated. Watch out for the risk of reversed
polarity on the voltage which could cause the output to break.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
• Digital input:
It should be controlled by a volt-free contact.
Connection Electrical schematic

Digital input

It is configured by a destination parameter (control of a regulation mode, motor starting,

switch to second configuration, etc.) and its activation mode: normally open (active low)
or normally closed (active high).

CAUTION: The digital input is non-isolated.

1.7.3. Power supply and excitation

• Excitation:

Connection Electrical schematic


• Power supply:

The D350 power stage can take several different source types: shunt, PMG, AREP. This
stage consists of rectifier diodes as in the electrical schematic below.

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Digital Voltage Regulator

NOTE: According power supply, a suitable capacitor preloading system will be

implemented so as to avoid damaging them. Total capacitor value: 330µF. Maximum
preloading current 2A.

The maximum power supply voltage is 300Vac between each of the connection points X1,
X2, Z1, Z2.

Connection Electrical schematic



2-phase SHUNT with

power voltage transformer

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Digital Voltage Regulator
Connection Electrical schematic

Phase-to-neutral SHUNT
(low voltage)

1.7.4. Alternator current measurement (parallel operation CT):

The alternator current can be measured on phase U as shown on the figure below.

Connection Electrical schematic

CT on phase U

1.8. Wiring precautions

Cables must never exceed 100 m in length.
To ensure respect of standards IEC 61000-6-2, IEC 61000-6-4, shielded cables are
imperative in case of a D350 installed outside of the terminal box.

The total ohmic value of the exciter loop (out and back) must not exceed 5% of the exciter
resistance, regardless of the cable length.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
The total ohmic value of the power system cables must not exceed 5% of the exciter resistance,
regardless of the cable length.

For information, the resistance at 20°C in m/m for copper cables is approximately:

Cross-section (mm²) Resistance (m/m)

1,5 13,3
2,5 7,98
4 4,95
6 3,3
10 1,91
Calculation example:

For a 10 ohm exciter

• Maximum cable resistance = 0.5 ohms (2 x 0.25 ohms)
• Cross-section as a function of the distance between the AVR and the alternator:

Distance (m) Cross-section (mm²)

30 2,5
50 4
75 6
100 10

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Digital Voltage Regulator
2. Operations Instructions

The D350 AVR has operations range limits that must be respected. Incorrect settings of voltages and
currents could lead to partial or total damage of the regulator and/or the alternator.

2.1. Description of manual controls and signaling

The D350 is equipped with potentiometers and LEDs to ensure interaction between the
regulator and the environment.

VOLT Potentiometer STA Potentiometer

2.1.1. The potentiometers

VOLT Potentiometer is dedicated to the voltage setting. It allows to adjust the alternator
output voltage in a predefined range, for example 380V-420V. The VOLT Potentiometer
can be activated via the configuration software and when deactivated, any operation on the
potentiometer will be ignored.

STA Potentiometer can be assigned either to the PID global gain (sometimes called
Stability) or the reactive droop compensation. The PC software allows to select the
assignment and the variation range.

2.1.2. The LED

The different statuses of the two LEDs are given in the table below in relation with the
events or operations they are assigned to.


Normal operation ON OFF
Voltage loss of sensing (1s) OFF Flashing
Stator short-circuit(10s)
Loss of sensing fault OFF ON
Stator short-circuit fault
Overload and overheating ON Flashing
NFC Communication + Flashing OFF
generator stopped
Firmware upgrading Flashing Flashing

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Digital Voltage Regulator
2.2. Description of the operating modes
The various regulation modes to be configured depend on the alternator operation
(standalone, parallel between machines). Based on these different operating modes,
certain function will need to be enabled.3 The simplest examples are shown below.

• Example no. 1: The alternator only is connected to a load (factory, lighting,

pump, etc.)


G D350

• The AVR is operating in voltage regulation mode only.

• There is no need to measure the alternator current. In this example, no power

rating can be indicated, and the line droop compensation cannot be enabled, nor
does the quadrature droop.
• No quadrature droop correction is needed.
• Load compensation can be enabled in the case of long-distance connections so as
to ensure there is a minimum voltage at the load terminals.4

• Field current regulation is optional. In this case, the reference must be

permanently set so that it matches the existing load and will not risk any damage to
the load or the machine (risk of overvoltage or under voltage and risk of over

3 The following schematics are given for information only; they do not take into account any s voltage sensing
4 In this case, one alternator current measurement transformer is needed.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
• Example no. 2: The alternator is connected to other alternators and a load
(factory, lighting, pump, etc.)


G D350 G D350 G D350

• The AVR is operating in voltage regulation mode only.

• In order to divide the load reactive power equally between all the machines which
are running, the Quadrature droop must be enabled: voltage drop according to the
percentage of rated reactive load applied to the machine. In this case, alternator
current measurement is mandatory on the alternator current measurement input.

• NOTE: Load compensation cannot be enabled if quadrature droop is active.

• Field current regulation is optional. In this case, the reference must be

permanently set so that it matches the existing load and will not risk damaging the
load or the machine (risk of overvoltage or under voltage and over excitation).

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Digital Voltage Regulator
3. Setting instructions
3.1. PC Software
All the D350 settings can be entered using the "EasyReg Advanced" software available as a free
The parameter-setting pages describe primarily the alternator parameters, regulations, limits, and
protection devices.
3.1.1. Software installation
EasyReg Advanced® is the software to be used for configurating the regulator.
NOTE: This program is only compatible with computers running WINDOWS®
versions Windows 7 and Windows 10 operating systems.
Execute this program, checking first that you have “Administrator” rights for your terminal.
Step 1: Choose the installation language

Step 2: Choose the installation type:

• Quick installation: the files are copied automatically and the software directory is
• Custom installation:
• Choose the installation directory

• After selecting the directory, click “Next”

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Digital Voltage Regulator
• Confirm by clicking “Install” if the path is as expected

Step 3: Once installation is complete, you can choose to start the software (box ticked by default)
and to manage the shortcuts. Click on “Done” to quit the installation page.

A shortcut is created on your desktop:

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Digital Voltage Regulator
3.1.2. Different access levels of Easyreg Advanced
Two modes are available:
- Standard: for read only access to the parameters.

- Expert: for full access to the different functions of the regulator in read and write mode.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
3.1.3. Description of the banner and tabs
The software takes the form of a single window with a general banner and a bottom zone where
sub-windows are opened.

The banner consists of 5 tabs:

• "Home" tab:

Open the configuration window

New Configuration Open a file of your choice or open (general information about the
recent files alternator, references, limits, etc.)

Save the existing configuration or

Print the Access level
Save as another name, or export Programs comparison
configuration management
the list of parameters to a
spreadsheet file

• “Communication” tab:

Load the parameters into the D350 Back to the factory setting

Download the D350 parameters

NOTE: Before parameters are exported the user will be asked to confirm and to check the product
status (regulation in progress or not). If regulation is in progress, confirmation is requested again.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
• “Monitoring” group:

Open the oscilloscope Open the monitor

window window

• “Windows” group:

Cascade open
windows List of open windows

Mosaic open

• "Information" group:

Technical support

Open the software

information window

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Digital Voltage Regulator

The D350 is equipped with running hours counter accessible in the « About » window
(given in hours and minutes). The firmware update can also be done in this window as shown


NOTE: This counter is updated every 10min and only when the voltage regulation
setpoint is reached.

• "Regulator state" window:

3.1.4. Communication with the D350

Communication between the D350 and the PC software is done thanks to the NFLink module.
When the communication is established, a confirmation message is displayed on the bottom left of
the PC software as shown below.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
3.1.5. “Configuration” window
This window consists of several pages for configuring the entire alternator operation. To
move between pages, use the “Next” or “Previous” buttons or click on the list of pages.

NOTE: More details of these pages are given in the sections describing how to create
a new quick or customized configuration.

• Description of the alternator: this page contains all the alternator electrical
characteristics, plus the field excitation data.

• Wiring: this page contains all the D350 wiring data for the measurement inputs
(alternator voltage and current). Each time the wiring is modified by selection of a VT or
CT, the drawing changes.

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Digital Voltage Regulator

When the CT only measures part of the generator total current, the help button to access to the
advanced level of CT settings as shown above.

• Faults and Protections: This page contains the parameter settings for the protection
devices provided by the D350 (over and under voltage, temperatures, etc.).

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Digital Voltage Regulator
• Regulation modes: this page contains all the regulation parameter settings: active
regulations, references and their adjustments.

• PID settings: this page contains all the values for the PID settings.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
3.1.6. Create a new quick configuration

Step 1: Selection of the alternator type

Select the alternator type among those included in the database.

NOTE: Double click on the picture to continue the configuration process.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
Step 2: Definition of the alternator features

Select the alternator core length

• Define the excitation type (AREP, SHUNT or PMG)
• Select the frequency and the connection diagram. The right side picture is updated
according to the user’s selection
• Selection the rated voltage and the thermal class
• Then click on « Next »

Step 3: Wiring

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Digital Voltage Regulator
When a PT is used: Tick the « Alternator PT » box and fill the primary and the
secondary of the voltage transformer.
When a CT is used: Tick the « Alternator CT » box and fill the primary and the
secondary of the current transformer.

Step 4: Regulation mode selection

Voltage regulation: The box is ticked by default. Adjust the voltage setpoint if
Reactive droop compensation: When a CT is connected this function can be activated
and its value adjusted.
Soft Start duration: This function can be used to ensure a smooth voltage build up.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
Step 5: Configuration upload

Click on « Upload your new configuration» to upload the configuration into the regulator.
In that case, the not filled parameters will be completed thanks to the Easyreg Advanced

When clicking on « Continue the configuration in custom mode », the user will access to
a configuration mode which contains all the parameters menus initialized with the values
that were defined on quick configuration mode.

3.1.7. Create a new configuration in custom mode

Click on "New configuration":

NOTE: As previously shown, it is possible to also access to this mode at the end of
the Quick configuration.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
The sequence of configuration steps is shown in the diagram below:

Step 1
Description of the alternator

Step 2
AVR wiring

Step 7
PID gains settings

Step 3
Definition of overexcitation limits

Step 8
Inputs/outputs Settings

Is there a CT on the No
alternator ?

Step 9
Yes Log Events

Step 4
Definition of the stator current

Step 5
Definition of the protections Step 10
Second configuraiton definition

Step 6
Regulation mode

Step 1: Description of the alternator

• Describe all the alternator characteristics: voltage (in Volts), apparent power (in kVA),
frequency (in Hz), and power factor.
• Fields: rated current, reactive power and active power are calculated automatically.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
• Describe all the field excitation characteristics: exciter field resistance (in ohms), shutdown
field current (in Amps), and rated field current (in Amps).

• Click on the “Next” button

Step 2: AVR wiring

This wiring must be typical of the connections between the AVR and the alternator. As your
configuration develops, the wiring diagram in the right site window changes as well:
representation of VT and/or CT, number of conductors, etc.

• Alternator voltage measurement VTs:

• If these are present, tick the box. The various parameters can then be set
• State the primary and secondary winding voltages (in Volts)
• State the type of measurement: phase-to-phase, 3 phases

• Alternator current measurement CT:

• If it is present, tick the box. The various parameters can then be set.
• State the primary and secondary winding current (in Amps).

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Digital Voltage Regulator
• The phase shift value should be set during tests and commissioning. It is used to
compensate for the phase difference caused by the CT and VTs.
• When the CT only measures part of the generator total current, the advanced CT
configuration mode must be used to complet the configuration.

Step 3: Definition of the over excitation limit

• This limit is divided into 3 different parts using 3 points which define the areas. These points
are determined according to the machine capability. The default adjustment values are:
• Twice the rated field current for 10 seconds for the stator short-circuit
• 1.5 times the rated field current for 10 seconds for 120 seconds
• 1.1 times the rated field current for 10 seconds for 3600 seconds
• As soon as the field current exceeds the value of the rated current, a counter is triggered.
The S1 “field current measurement x time” area (shown in red below) is then compared with
the “maximum field current x time” area (shown in blue below). If S1 equals S2, the limit is
active and the D350 limits the field current to 99% of the rated current (which in this case
results in the regulation mode in progress reference not being tracked).



• If the limit is active, in order to protect the machine, it is only possible to have a current
higher than 99% of the rated current after 24 hrs.
• Click on the "Next" button.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
Step 4: Definition of stator current monitoring
• This monitoring can only be enabled in voltage regulation mode and with a CT configured to
measure the stator current. If no CT is configured then got to Step 5.

• It is divided into 3 different parts using 3 points which define the areas. These points are
determined according to the machine capability. The default adjustment values are:
• Three times the rated stator current for 10 seconds for the stator short-circuit
• 1.5 times the rated stator current for 120 seconds
• 1.1 times the rated stator current for 3600 seconds

• As soon as the stator current exceeds the value of the rated current, a counter is triggered.
The S1 “stator current measurement x time” area (shown in red below) is then compared with
the “maximum stator current x time” area (shown in blue below). If S1 equals S2, the limit is
active and the D350 enables “overcurrent” fault and the red LED is flashing to indicate
abnormal operation.



• Click on the "Next" button

Step 5: Definition of the protections

There are 3 types of protection devices:
• Generator faults
• Regulator faults
• The alarm and trip thresholds for the temperature sensor

All protections have the same architecture:

• An activation of the protection
• A threshold
• A delay

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Digital Voltage Regulator
• An action to realize (or not) when the delay is over. This action is chosen in a list:
• No action: the regulation will continue
• Regulation stopped: the excitation is then stopped
• Regulation in field current mode at shutdown value
• Regulation in field current mode at the field current value before fault: no bump in the

Each protection has an auto-reset option:

• If this option is selected: if fault disappears, regulation will return to the automatic mode
(voltage mode, or excitation current)
• If this option is not selected, the chosen action is maintained

Below is an example for overvoltage:

On activation of this fault, background becomes light green.

• Under voltage and overvoltage: These protections can be enabled by ticking the
checkboxes "Activation" and defining a threshold (in percentage of the rated voltage) and a
delay before the activation of the protection. In the case below:
• Under voltage fault is activated if the generator voltage is less than 85% of the rated
voltage for at least 1 second. This fault is active only if the regulation is enabled and the
soft start ramp achieved.
• Overvoltage fault is active if the generator voltage is higher than 115% of the rated voltage
and for at least 1 second.

• Under frequency and over frequency: These protections can be enabled by ticking the
checkboxes "Activation" and defining a frequency value and a delay before the activation of
the protection. In the case below:
• Under frequency fault is activated if the generator frequency is less than 45Hz for at least
5 seconds. This fault is active only if the regulation is enabled.
• Over frequency fault is active if the generator frequency is higher than 55Hz for at least 5

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Digital Voltage Regulator

• Start motor fault: This protection can be enabled by ticking the checkbox "Activation" and
defining a delay. In the case below, fault is activated if the generator voltage is less than the
voltage setpoint when the 30 second delay is complete.

• Loss of sensing: this protection can be enabled by ticking the checkbox "Activation" and
defining a voltage threshold in percentage of the generator voltage setpoint, as well as a
delay before activation of the protection device. In the case below, the trip is active if the
generator voltage is less than 20% of the voltage setpoint after 1 second.

• Unbalance voltage: this protection can be enabled by ticking the checkbox "Activation" and
defining a percentage of voltage unbalance as well as a delay before activation of the
protection device. Calculation of the voltage unbalance is according to the NEMA standard:

𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒

𝑈𝑛𝑏𝑎𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 = × 100
𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒

In the case below, this fault is activated if the percentage of unbalance is at least 20% after 1

• Short-circuit: this protection can be enabled by ticking the checkbox "Activation" and
defining a minimum stator current threshold in percentage of the generator rated current, as
well as a delay before activation of the protection device. In the case below, the trip is active
if the generator current measurement is higher than 200% of the rated stator current after 10

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Digital Voltage Regulator
• Temperature protection: these protections can be enabled by ticking the checkbox
"Activation" and defining the trip and alarm temperature thresholds. The screenshots below
give an overview for a PT100 and a PTC.

On the last page of the protections, are defined groups of faults. All the faults can be then put
altogether and assigned to one digital output for example. In the example below group 1
corresponds to the faults linked to the voltage and group 2 is relative to frequency ones.

• Click on the "Next" button

Step 6a: Setting of the voltage soft start

A controlled voltage build up is done through the soft start and the start on threshold

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Digital Voltage Regulator
• The Ramp delay corresponds to the time duration to reach the voltage setpoint (or the
excitation current setpoint) of the generator. If no soft start is needed this value must be set to
• Th Supply initial PWM allows to correctly initialize the microcontroller and internal supplies of
the regulator. The default value is 25%, but can be adjusted according to the excitation
system and the type of the generator.
• Start on Threshold allows a master of the voltage build up. The initial PWM is the ratio of
available Voltage (rectified from the excitation AC supply) that is applied to the exciter stator
until the voltage has reached the predefined voltage threshold. In the example above the
threshold is 100V and the percentage is 5%. The diffrent steps of the fuction are described in
the figure hereafter.

Example: threshold=100V; voltage setpoint =400V and Softstart=10s➔ whent the threshold
« 100V » is reached, the regulator will take additional 7.5s (=10s*(400-100)/400) time to reach
the desired voltage setpoint.

• Click on the "Next" button

Step 6b: Voltage regulation

• The Setpoint source is determined by the drop-down list: via a fixed value in the
configuration, or by an analog input with a range to be determined or by internal

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Digital Voltage Regulator

• If the “Analog input” option is selected, the “Reference via analog input” part is enabled
further down. Select the desired analog input box, determine its mode (0/10V or
potentiometer) and the voltage values at 0% and 100%.


NOTE: By moving the cursor, it is possible to view the values obtained on the voltage and
under frequency curves displayed on the right.

• The limits of this setpoint should be fixed, depending on the machine capability (in the
example below, the minimum voltage reference is 90% of 400 V (i.e. 360 V), and the
maximum voltage reference is 110% of 400 V, (i.e. 440 V).

• If «internal potentiometer » option is selected, the page "Setpoint from internatl

potentiometer" is enabled further down. The voltage levels at 0% and 100% must then be

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Digital Voltage Regulator
• When fixed setpoint or internal potentiometer is used it is possible to combine with
voltage bias through the analog input AI1:

With setting above, if the voltage setpoint is 400V, the output voltage will range from 350V
to 450V when the voltage on AI1 will vary from 0 to 10V.

• Underfrequency: These two fields are used to set the voltage drop as a function of the
alternator speed.
• Knee-point value: The typical values are 47.5 Hz for an alternator at 50 Hz, 57 Hz for an
alternator with 60 Hz rated frequency and 380 Hz for an alternator at 400 Hz.
• Slope: Adjustable from 0.5 to 3. The higher the slope value, the greater the voltage drop
will be if the drive motor speed drops.

• The curve drawing changes as a function of these two values.

• Reactive droop compensation: Select the box to enable this and give a voltage drop
percentage between -20% and +20% (caution, a negative value corresponds to an increase
in voltage). This function is mainly used in the case of alternators operating in parallel with
one another. This value is set to 3% by default.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
The quadrature droop curve drawing changes as a function of the voltage setpoint.

NOTE: If quadrature droop has been enabled, it is no longer possible to have line droop

• Line droop compensation: Select the box to enable this and give a voltage reference
change percentage between -20% and +20%. This function is mainly used, depending on the
kVA delivered by the machine, to:
• Increase the voltage reference in the case of particularly lengthy distribution lines.
• Decrease the voltage reference (with a percentage down to -20%) to balance the loads for
machines connected to a rectifier (DC bus).

The compensation curve drawing changes as a function of the voltage setpoint.

NOTE: If load compensation has been enabled, it is no longer possible to have quadrature

• Motor start: Select the box to enable the starting motor function, and give a percentage of
rated stator current. This function is active only in voltage regulation mode and allows limiting
the stator current at a defined value.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
When the breaker is closed between the motor and the generator, the D350 continues to
regulate the voltage until the stator current measured reaches the limitation value. In this
case, the D350 regulates the stator current. When the motor reaches its rated speed, the
current will decrease naturally and the voltage will increase. The D350 will then return to
voltage regulation mode.

To prevent and detect a possible bad motor starting event, a delay can be set between 1s to
60s in the protections page. If the voltage is not at its voltage setpoint when the delay is over,
the regulator will then respond based on the chosen action, as for all the others fault:

• No action
• Stop the regulation
• Field current regulation mode at shutdown value
• Field current regulation mode at value before the fault

If the motor breaker is closed before energizing, this limitation has the priority and ramp time
is not respected.

NOTE: During the motor starting, all the other limitations, faults and protections (under
voltage, over voltage, stator monitoring, under speed, under excitation, over excitation) are

• LAM: Load Acceptance Module

This function improves the generator response reducing the voltage setpoint on load
impacts. When generator frequency measured is below the under-speed knee defined in the
configuration (example 48Hz or 58Hz), voltage setpoint is decreased to a defined value (in
example below, 10% under the rated voltage).

• If frequency continues to fall, the voltage is regulated according to the U/f law.

• Soft voltage recovery helps the speed recovery of the group: it is given in seconds per
percent of the rated voltage (s/%). For example, the above setting means that if the
frequency decreases by 10% then the progressive rise time will be 1 second (i.e. 0.100s /% *
10%). Note: that if the slope of progressive rise is greater than the U/f law, then the latter will
be used to raise the voltage.

• The frequency stabilization delay corresponds to the waiting time before the voltage setpoint
is raised gradually (according to the increase of the frequency).

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Digital Voltage Regulator
• The figure below shows the operating details of the LAM.




Soft voltage


Frequency stabilization

• Self-adaptive LAM: it has the same role as the classical LAM described above. The
difference lies in the fact that the percentage of voltage drop is no longer fixed by the user
but is automatically adapted to the level of the load impact.
Thus for each load impact:
• The controller measures the operating frequency and calculates its derivative
• From this derivative value, an attenuation coefficient (K) of the voltage is calculated
according to the parameters configured by the user. In the example below, for a frequency
variation of 10Hz/s, the applied voltage drop will be 10% of the nominal voltage.

For each load impact, the voltage attenuation is determined by the formula U = K*Ur where
Ur is the rated voltage of the alternator.

The frequency stabilization delay corresponds to the waiting time before the voltage setpoint
is raised gradually (according to the increase of the frequency).

• Click on the "Next" button

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Digital Voltage Regulator
Step 6c: Regulation of the field current (Manual mode)
• This regulation is used to control the value of the field current directly. It is mainly used
during commissioning or as fallback mode if a measurement is incorrect on the AVR
(alternator voltage measurement or alternator current measurement for example).

• It takes priority over the voltage regulation mode.

• The home reference point is determined by the drop-down list:

• By a fixed value in the configuration.

• By an analog input with a range to be defined.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
• If the “Analog input” option is selected, the “Setpoint from analog input” part is enabled
further down. Select the desired analog input box, determine its mode (0/10 V or
potentiometer) and the excitation current values at 0% and 100%.

NOTE: By moving the cursor, it is possible to view the field current reference (blue line) on
the graph located on the right of the shape.

• The “Follower mode” function, when switching from a regulation mode to manual mode,
allows the field current measurement to be used as a reference. This prevents any visible
“jumps” on the machine output voltage.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
Step 7: Setting the PID gains
• In quick configuration mode, all PID parameters are set automatically as shown below.

According to the applications, these factory settings can be tuned to reach the desired
performances on the generator.

• If a shunt or AREP type field is being used, the power supply voltage depends directly on the
voltage at the alternator terminals. As a result, it can fluctuate with the load and therefore
influence the PID's behavior. To compensate for these fluctuations, it may be advisable to
select the “VBus compensation” box. Below is an example of ramp starting with and without
compensation in the case of a shunt field:

Alternator voltage


With compensation
Without compensation

• In the case of induction motor starting, the Current limitation gain must be adjusted to ensure
a stable regulation of the excitation current during this limitation stage.

• Click on the “Next” button

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Digital Voltage Regulator
Step 8: Inputs and outputs management
• Go to the I/O page.

• The digital outputs can be configured by defining the source, the activation (active low =
closed if the condition is fulfilled, “active high” = output open if the condition is satisfied).
• The assignment of internal potentiometers is done on this page.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
Step 9: Log Event

For each selected event, the corresponding counter will be increased anytime it appears and the
excitation current is recorded.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
Step 10: The Second Configuration
This function is usually known as the “50/60Hz switch function”, but it offers much more features
and flexibilities.

• Activate the Second configuration.

• Select the parameters which will be affected when switching to that second configuration. In the
example above, we define a new frequency knee at 58Hz, a new voltage setpoint at 480V, the
V/Hz slope is set to 1.5 and the voltage sensing is now done on the 3 phases of the generator.
• Back to the I/Os page, ones will see that the digital input DI1 is now assigned to that second

The activation of DI1 leads to the switching to the second configuration and its deactivation bring
back the regulation to the base configuration.
NOTE: The switch is only taken into account at the regulation starting. Any activation or
deactivation when the regulator is in operation will be ignored.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
3.1.8. “Oscilloscope” window
This window is used to trace the values of up to 8 parameters simultaneously.

Each curve is described by: its color, its source parameter, its minimum and maximum values. It
has its own axis, which is the same color as the curve.

• To change the color:

• Click on the colored disk to the right of the curve name, and a predefined palette will open.

• Click on the new curve color from those available.

• The color selection window is then automatically closed, and the disk then takes on its
selected color.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
• Should you wish to configure a color not in the palette, click on the “Other colors…”
button. The palette is then transformed. Move the black cross to the selected color or fill in
the text boxes (each value between 0 and 255) to define the RGB color values. Then click

NB: When you no longer wish to change the color, just click outside the palette. It
will close automatically.

• Select a parameter to plot

• Click on the tick box.
• If the box was already selected, a confirmation message appears. On clicking “Yes”, a
window opens with the list of parameters.

• If the box was not already selected, the window with the list of parameters opens
• Select the parameter you wish to track from the drop-down list. This parameter can be an
analog or digital value (regulation mode for example).
• Click “OK” to use the selected parameter, or “Cancel” if you don't wish to change anything.

• Refine the plotting range: change the minimum and maximum values if necessary. These
values are taken into account and the trace is re-scaled as soon as one of the boxes is
exited or the keypad “Enter” key is pressed.

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Digital Voltage Regulator

When the monitor is on, the current value appears in square brackets.

The trigger is used to launch oscilloscope operation once the chosen parameter value exceeds
the value entered either upwards (arrow facing up) or downwards (arrow facing down).

Value to exceed Upwards Downwards

• Select among the curves, the one which will cause the trip
• Click on the tick box.
• If the box was already selected, a confirmation message appears. On clicking “Yes”, a
window opens with the list of parameters.

• If the box was not already selected, the window with the list of parameters opens
• Select the parameter you wish to track from the drop-down list. This parameter can be an
analog or digital value (regulation mode for example).
• Click “OK” to use the selected parameter, or “Cancel” if you don't wish to change anything.

• Enter the threshold value to be exceeded

• Choose the overshoot direction (up or down)
• To launch the trigger, click “GO”
• To cancel the trigger, deselect the curve

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Digital Voltage Regulator
Two cursors are available for browsing the curves. The difference between the two values of X
(time in seconds) and Y (curve value) is displayed in the “Delta” part.

The 2 cursors can be moved from one curve to the other by clicking on the cursor dot and
dragging it to the desired curve. In the example below, cursor 1 is on the bottom curve and
cursor 2 is on the top curve.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
Transient test
The transient test is used to check the PID response when changing the voltage reference.

It is divided into 5 steps maximum, each of which can take a different reference value.
The PID parameters can be changed directly when the command is sent.

• Click on the “Start a transient test” button. The following window opens:

• To configure your transient test:

• Select between 1 and 5 steps by clicking on the corresponding tick box
• For each selected step, define the reference value
• Define the time between each step
• The PID values can be changed in order to adjust the gains.

Once the parameters have been set, click “OK”.

The test then starts. Steps in progress are shown by the reference turning green.

• This test can be stopped at any time by clicking on the “Stop the transient test”
button. The display then reverts to the original reference.
• Transient tests cannot be performed if the control reference input is controlled by an
analog input, as this has priority.
• During this transient test, the defined minimum and maximum upper and lower limits
are not exceeded.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
Open a curve or an oscilloscope display configuration
The “Open” button (yellow folder) at the bottom right of the oscilloscope window can be used to
open an oscilloscope display configuration file (curves, minimum and maximum values, etc.).

By clicking on this folder's right-hand arrow, you can choose to also open a file saved in “.csv”
format. Caution, only files generated by the software can be opened.

When a curve in “.csv” format is opened, the curve configuration in progress is replaced by the
saved curve configuration.

There are two ways to zoom in:

• Click in the oscilloscope plotting area
• Use the mouse wheel: both the X and Y axes are then modified
• Press the “X” button on your keypad and scroll the mouse wheel: only the X axis is modified,
the scales on the Y axis remain the same
• Press the “Y” button on your keypad and scroll the mouse wheel: only the Y axis is modified,
the scales on the X axis remain the same
Save a curve or an oscilloscope display configuration
The “Save” button (disk icon) at the bottom right of the oscilloscope window can be used to
save an oscilloscope display configuration file (curves, minimum and maximum values, etc.).

By clicking on this folder's right-hand arrow, you can choose to also save the oscilloscope
curves as a “.csv” file.

Change the plotting area background

The oscilloscope background color can be changed to black by clicking on the white square.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
3.1.9. “Monitor” window
This window is used to configure the parameter display in different forms (gauges, graphs,
display units).

It is fully configurable and the various objects can be added, moved, modified and/or deleted.

Display unit


Save page
Open monitor

Delete an object

Sampling rate

Display units
To add a new display unit:
• Click on the “Display” button, a window opens.
• Select the parameter you wish to track from the drop-down list. This parameter can be an
analog or digital value (regulation mode for example).

• Click “OK” to use the selected parameter, or “Cancel” if you don't wish to change anything.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
• The display unit is then inserted in the monitor in the first free slot (from left to right and then
from top to bottom).

To add a new graph:
• Click on the “Graph” button, a window opens.
• Select the parameter you wish to track from the drop-down list. This parameter can be an
analog or digital value (regulation mode for example).

• Click “OK” to use the selected parameter, or “Cancel” if you don't wish to change anything.
• The graph is then inserted in the monitor in the first free slot (from left to right and then from
top to bottom).

To add a new gauge:
• Click on the “Gauge” button, a window opens.
• Select the parameter you wish to track from the drop-down list. This parameter can be an
analog or digital value (regulation mode for example).

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Digital Voltage Regulator

• Click “OK” to use the selected parameter, or “Cancel” if you don't wish to change anything.
• The gauge is then inserted in the monitor in the first free slot (from left to right and then from
top to bottom).

Change the size of an object

It is possible to change the size of graphs, gauges and displays.
• Switch to Edit mode by right-clicking in the monitor area
• Click on “Edit mode”

• Go to the middle of one side or corner of the diagram: the cursor becomes a double arrow.

• Click, hold and drag until it is the desired size.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
Exit “Edit mode” either by pressing the “Esc” key or by right-clicking in the monitor area and
deselecting “Edit mode”.
Delete an object
To delete an object (display unit, graph, gauge, etc.):
• Switch to Edit mode by right-clicking in the monitor area
• Click on “Edit mode”

• A grid then appears indicating the position of the various objects

• Right-click on the display unit you wish to delete
• Click “Delete”

Exit “Edit mode” either by pressing the “Esc” key or by right-clicking in the monitor area and
deselecting “Edit mode”.
Save a monitor configuration
A monitor configuration can be saved in order to be reused later. Click on the “Save” button
and a window will open. Give the name of the desired monitor configuration, and select “Save”.

Open a monitor configuration

Click on the “Open” button to retrieve a monitor configuration and a window will open. Select the
desired monitor configuration, and select “Open”.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
3.2. Operations as analogue AVR
The D350 can be used as a simple analogue AVR. Hereafter are the available features that can
be used or adjusted without any computer.

3.2.1. Voltage setting

For recall, 2 potentiometers are available on the D350.

VOLT Potentiometer STA Potentiometer

VOLT Potentiometer is dedicated to voltage adjustment. Default factory setting allows to

set the voltage from 300V to 530V as shown below.

If lower voltage setpoint is needed (for example 230V), then a jumper must be used
between AI1 and 0V terminals as below.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
3.2.2. Stability setting
STA Potentiometer is dedicated to the stability setting. With factory settings, counter-
clockwise corresponds to low dynamics performance and full-clockwise will lead to high
dynamics performances. In general, potentiometer in middle position suits most of the

3.2.3. Droop compensation

For parallel operation between generators, the default setting for droop compensation is

The default configuration is done with 1A secondary CT connected on the AVR terminals

NOTE: If there is a need to use for example a 5A secondary CT, then the D350 must be
configured accordingly by using the NFLink cable.

3.2.4. Switching 50/60Hz

This functionality allows to easily go from 50Hz to 60Hz. In the D350, this can be done via
the digital input named DI1 as shown below.

By default, this switching will only affect the AVR knee point and it is the user’s
responsibility to manually adjust the voltage setpoint to meet his requirements.

NOTE: When the D350 is ordered with Leroy-SomerTM alternators, it is possible to

preconfigure this switching function to fit the customer needs. In that case, many
customizations can be applied such as connection type, voltage setpoint, soft start, the
analog input type, etc.

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Digital Voltage Regulator
3.3. Tips and tricks
• Configuration download and upload

The up and down arrows placed on Easyreg Advanced top bar menu allow to upload configuration
into the D350 and to download from the D350, but keyboard shortcuts below can also be used:
- Upload configuration into the D350: F10
- Download the configuration from the D350: CTRL+F10

• Part parameters upload into the regulator

When changes are made in the delimited area, the part parameters upload button can be used to
upload parameters into the regulator; the other paramters remain inchanged.

Part parameter
upload button

3.4. Comparison window

This window is available by clicking on the button in the home page banner:

The “Comparison” is used to:

• Compare the D350 configuration with a file

• Click on the file 1 “…” button to select the configuration file.

• Click on the “Run the comparison between the AVR and the file" button.
• The modified parameters appear in the list below.

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Digital Voltage Regulator

• Compare two configuration files

• Click on the file 1 “…” button to select the first configuration file
• Click on the file 2 “…” button to select the second configuration file
• Click on the “Compare” button on the right

• The modified parameters appear in the list below:

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Digital Voltage Regulator
4.1. Vector permutations
When the stator current measurement CT is wired up, the vector permutations can compensate
for voltage measurement and current measurement transformer layouts which generate
malfunction of the reactive droop compensation.
The table below gives the possible permutations according to the phase used for the stator
current measurement CT.

Position of stator Alternator direction Alternator voltage measurement

current measurement of rotation
CT (a/c IEC 60034-1) AVR terminals U V W

Alternator phases (three-phase measurement) U V W

Alternator phases (phase/phase single-phase
- V W
Phase U (standard)
Alternator phases (three-phase measurement) W V U
Alternator phases (phase/phase single-phase
- W V

Alternator phases (three-phase measurement) V W U

Alternator phases (phase/phase single-phase
- W U
Phase V
Alternator phases (three-phase measurement) U W V
Alternator phases (phase/phase single-phase
- U W

Alternator phases (three-phase measurement) W U V

Alternator phases (phase/phase single-phase
- U V
Phase W
Alternator phases (three-phase measurement) V U W
Alternator phases (phase/phase single-phase
- V U

Nidec Power Installation and maintenance 5611 en - 2024.11 / i

Digital Voltage Regulator
4.2. Regulation modes prioritization

Is the field current regulation

Yes Field current regulation


Is the voltage regulation active? Yes Voltage regulation


Field current regulation


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Digital Voltage Regulator
4.3. Electrical diagrams
4.3.1. SHUNT

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Digital Voltage Regulator
4.3.2. AREP

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Digital Voltage Regulator
4.3.3. PMG

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Digital Voltage Regulator
4.4. Faults trouble shouting
4.4.1. No Voltage

No voltage

Field current mode active?


Switch to voltage mode


Voltage OK? No Rotating diodes OK?


Exciter stator OK? Change the diodes
No Change the AVR

Yes Change the Exciter stator


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Digital Voltage Regulator
4.4.2. Voltage too low

Voltage too low

Rotating speed OK?



Excessive load?


Adjust the speed


Adjust the load

Voltage OK? No Rotating diodes OK?


Change the diodes
Excitator stator OK? Yes

No Change the AVR


Change the exciter stator


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Digital Voltage Regulator
4.4.3. Voltage unstable

Voltage is unstable

Is the speed regulation



Adjust the voltage PID


Adjust the speed Regulation OK?



Exciter stator OK? Change the exciter



Change the rotating

Rotating Diodes No diodes


Change the AVR


Nidec Power Installation and maintenance 5611 en - 2024.11 / i

Digital Voltage Regulator
4.4.4. Important voltage drop on load

Important voltage
drop on load

Check D350 configuration

(LAM, U/f)

Yes Excessive load?


Reactive droop
parameters OK?

Adjust the load


Set the reactive

wiring UVW OK? No Correct the wiring
droop at 3%


CT on phase U? No Correct the wiring


Adjust the PID parameters


Nidec Power Installation and maintenance 5611 en - 2024.11 / i

Digital Voltage Regulator
4.4.5. Time response too long

Reponse time too long

Is the speed regulation

loop too slow?


Adjust the voltage PID


Adjust the speed


Time response acceptable?


Reduce the soft recovery

parameter (%/s)


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Digital Voltage Regulator

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Digital Voltage Regulator

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• System audit • Genuine spare parts
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