Steven Levy Hackers Ch1+2
Steven Levy Hackers Ch1+2
Steven Levy Hackers Ch1+2
Steven Levy
Printing History:
May 2010: First Edition.
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ISBN: 978-1-449-38839-3
Chapter 1
The Tech Model Railroad Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Chapter 2
The Hacker Ethic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Chapter 3
Spacewar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Chapter 4
Greenblatt and Gosper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Chapter 5
The Midnight Computer Wiring Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Chapter 6
Winners and Losers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Chapter 7
Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
vi Contents
Chapter 8
Revolt in 2100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Chapter 9
Every Man a God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Chapter 10
The Homebrew Computer Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Chapter 11
Tiny BASIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Chapter 12
Woz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Chapter 13
Secrets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Chapter 14
The Wizard and the Princess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Chapter 15
The Brotherhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
Chapter 16
The Third Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
Chapter 17
Summer Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Chapter 18
Frogger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Contents vii
Chapter 19
Applefest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
Chapter 20
Wizard vs. Wizards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
IBM 704 IBM was The Enemy and this was its machine, the
Hulking Giant computer in MIT’s Building 26. Later modified into
the IBM 709, then the IBM 7090. Batch-processed and intolerable.
Jerry Jewell Vietnam vet turned programmer who founded Sirius
Steven Jobs Visionary, beaded, nonhacking youngster who took
Wozniak’s Apple II, made lots of deals, and formed a company
that would make a billion dollars.
Tom Knight At sixteen, an MIT hacker who would name the
Incompatible Time-sharing System. Later, a Greenblatt nemesis
over the LISP machine schism.
Alan Kotok The chubby MIT student from Jersey who worked
under the rail layout at TMRC, learned the phone system at
Western Electric, and became a legendary TX-0 and PDP-1 hacker.
Efrem Lipkin Hacker-activist from New York who loved
machines but hated their uses. Cofounded Community Memory;
friend of Felsenstein.
LISP Machine The ultimate hacker computer, invented mostly by
Greenblatt and subject of a bitter dispute at MIT.
“Uncle” John McCarthy Absentminded but brilliant MIT (later
Stanford) professor who helped pioneer computer chess, artificial
intelligence, LISP.
Bob Marsh Berkeley-ite and Homebrewer who shared garage with
Felsenstein and founded Processor Technology, which made the
Sol computer.
Roger Melen Homebrewer who cofounded Cromemco company
to make circuit boards for Altair. His “Dazzler” played LIFE pro-
gram on his kitchen table.
Louis Merton Pseudonym for the AI chess hacker whose tendency
to go catatonic brought the hacker community together.
Jude Milhon Met Lee Felsenstein through a classified ad in the
Berkeley Barb and became more than a friend—a member of the
Community Memory collective.
Marvin Minsky Playful and brilliant MIT professor who headed
AI lab and allowed the hackers to run free.
xiv Who’s Who: The Wizards and Their Machines
The EAM room that Samson had chanced upon was loaded with
large keypunch machines the size of squat file cabinets. No one
was protecting them: the room was staffed only by day, when a
select group who had attained official clearance were privileged
enough to submit long manila cards to operators who would then
use these machines to punch holes in them according to what data
the privileged ones wanted entered on the cards. A hole in the card
would represent some instruction to the computer, telling it to put
a piece of data somewhere, or perform a function on a piece of
data, or move a piece of data from one place to another. An entire
stack of these cards made one computer program, a program
being a series of instructions which yielded some expected result,
just as the instructions in a recipe, when precisely followed, lead
to a cake. Those cards would be taken to yet another operator
upstairs who would feed the cards into a “reader” that would
note where the holes were and dispatch this information to the
IBM 704 computer on the first floor of Building 26: the Hulking
The IBM 704 cost several million dollars, took up an entire room,
needed constant attention from a cadre of professional machine
operators, and required special air conditioning so that the
glowing vacuum tubes inside it would not heat up to data-
destroying temperatures. When the air conditioning broke down—
a fairly common occurrence—a loud gong would sound, and three
engineers would spring from a nearby office to frantically take
covers off the machine so its innards wouldn’t melt. All these
people in charge of punching cards, feeding them into readers, and
pressing buttons and switches on the machine were what was
commonly called a Priesthood, and those privileged enough to
submit data to those most holy priests were the official acolytes. It
was an almost ritualistic exchange.
Acolyte: Oh machine, would you accept my offer of information
so you may run my program and perhaps give me a computation?
• • • • • • • •
person to the right and a person to the left who was just as smart.
Maybe even smarter.
But to certain students this was no challenge at all. To these
youngsters, classmates were perceived in a sort of friendly haze:
maybe they would be of assistance in the consuming quest to find
out how things worked and then to master them. There were
enough obstacles to learning already—why bother with stupid
things like brown-nosing teachers and striving for grades? To stu-
dents like Peter Samson, the quest meant more than the degree.
Sometime after the lecture came Freshman Midway. All the
campus organizations—special-interest groups, fraternities, and
such—put up booths in a large gymnasium to try to recruit new
members. The group that snagged Peter was the Tech Model Rail-
road Club. Its members, bright-eyed and crew-cut upperclassmen
who spoke with the spasmodic cadences of people who want
words out of the way in a hurry, boasted a spectacular display of
HO gauge trains they had in a permanent clubroom in Building
20. Peter Samson had long been fascinated by trains, especially
subways. So he went along on the walking tour to the building, a
shingle-clad temporary structure built during World War II. The
hallways were cavernous, and even though the clubroom was on
the second floor, it had the dank, dimly lit feel of a basement.
The clubroom was dominated by the huge train layout. It just
about filled the room, and if you stood in the little control area
called “the notch” you could see a little town, a little industrial
area, a tiny working trolley line, a papier-mâché mountain, and of
course a lot of trains and tracks. The trains were meticulously
crafted to resemble their full-scale counterparts, and they chugged
along the twists and turns of the track with picture-book perfection.
And then Peter Samson looked underneath the chest-high boards
that held the layout. It took his breath away. Underneath this
layout was a more massive matrix of wires and relays and
crossbar switches than Peter Samson had ever dreamed existed.
There were neat regimental lines of switches, achingly regular
rows of dull bronze relays, and a long, rambling tangle of red,
blue, and yellow wires—twisting and twirling like a rainbow-
colored explosion of Einstein’s hair. It was an incredibly compli-
cated system, and Peter Samson vowed to find out how it worked.
8 Chapter 1
The Tech Model Railroad Club awarded its members a key to the
clubroom after they logged forty hours of work on the layout.
Freshman Midway had been on a Friday. By Monday, Peter
Samson had his key.
• • • • • • • •
There were two factions of TMRC. Some members loved the idea
of spending their time building and painting replicas of certain
trains with historical and emotional value, or creating realistic
scenery for the layout. This was the knife-and-paintbrush contin-
gent, and it subscribed to railroad magazines and booked the club
for trips on aging train lines. The other faction centered on the
Signals and Power Subcommittee of the club, and it cared far
more about what went on under the layout. This was The System,
which worked something like a collaboration between Rube Gold-
berg and Wernher von Braun, and it was constantly being
improved, revamped, perfected, and sometimes “gronked”—in
club jargon, screwed up. S&P people were obsessed with the way
The System worked, its increasing complexities, how any change
you made would affect other parts, and how you could put those
relationships between the parts to optimal use.
Many of the parts for The System had been donated by the
Western Electric College Gift Plan, directly from the phone com-
pany. The club’s faculty advisor was also in charge of the campus
phone system, and had seen to it that sophisticated phone equip-
ment was available for the model railroaders. Using that equip-
ment as a starting point, the railroaders had devised a scheme that
enabled several people to control trains at once, even if the trains
were at different parts of the same track. Using dials appropriated
from telephones, the TMRC “engineers” could specify which
block of track they wanted control of, and run a train from there.
This was done by using several types of phone company relays,
including crossbar executors and step switches that let you actu-
ally hear the power being transferred from one block to another
by an otherworldly chunka-chunka-chunka sound.
It was the S&P group that devised this fiendishly ingenious
scheme, and it was the S&P group that harbored the kind of rest-
less curiosity that led them to root around campus buildings in
The Tech Model Railroad Club 9
studying for courses was a “tool”; garbage was called “cruft”; and
a project undertaken or a product built not solely to fulfill some
constructive goal, but with some wild pleasure taken in mere
involvement, was called a “hack.”
This latter term may have been suggested by ancient MIT lingo—the
word “hack” had long been used to describe the elaborate college
pranks that MIT students would regularly devise, such as covering
the dome that overlooked the campus with reflecting foil. But as
the TMRC people used the word, there was serious respect
implied. While someone might call a clever connection between
relays a “mere hack,” it would be understood that, to qualify as a
hack, the feat must be imbued with innovation, style, and tech-
nical virtuosity. Even though one might self-deprecatingly say he
was “hacking away at The System” (much as an axe-wielder
hacks at logs), the artistry with which one hacked was recognized
to be considerable.
The most productive people working on S&P called themselves
“hackers” with great pride. Within the confines of the clubroom
in Building 20, and of the “Tool Room” (where some study and
many techno bull sessions took place), they had unilaterally
endowed themselves with the heroic attributes of Icelandic legend.
This is how Peter Samson saw himself and his friends in a Sandburg-
esque poem in the club newsletter:
Switch Thrower for the World,
They tell me you are wicked and I believe them; for I have
seen your painted light bulbs under the lucite luring the system
coolies . . .
Under the tower, dust all over the place, hacking with bifur-
cated springs
Hacking the M-Boards, for under its locks are the switches, and
under its control the advance around the layout,
Whenever they could, Samson and the others would slip off to the
EAM room with their plug boards, trying to use the machine to
keep track of the switches underneath the layout. Just as impor-
tant, they were seeing what the electromechanical counter could
do, taking it to its limit.
That spring of 1959, a new course was offered at MIT. It was the
first course in programming a computer that freshmen could take.
The teacher was a distant man with a wild shock of hair and an
equally unruly beard—John McCarthy. A master mathematician,
McCarthy was a classically absent-minded professor; stories
abounded about his habit of suddenly answering a question hours,
sometimes even days after it was first posed to him. He would
approach you in the hallway and with no salutation would begin
speaking in his robotically precise diction, as if the pause in con-
versation had been only a fraction of a second, and not a week.
Most likely, his belated response would be brilliant.
McCarthy was one of a very few people working in an entirely
new form of scientific inquiry with computers. The volatile and
controversial nature of his field of study was obvious from the
very arrogance of the name that McCarthy had bestowed upon it:
Artificial Intelligence. This man actually thought that computers
could be smart. Even at such a science-intensive place as MIT,
most people considered the thought ridiculous: they considered
computers to be useful, if somewhat absurdly expensive, tools for
number-crunching huge calculations and for devising missile
defense systems (as MIT’s largest computer, the Whirlwind, had
done for the early-warning SAGE system), but scoffed at the
thought that computers themselves could actually be a scientific
field of study. Computer Science did not officially exist at MIT in
the late fifties, and McCarthy and his fellow computer specialists
worked in the Electrical Engineering Department, which offered
12 Chapter 1
the course, No. 641, that Kotok, Samson, and a few other TRMC
members took that spring.
McCarthy had started a mammoth program on the IBM 704—the
Hulking Giant—that would give it the extraordinary ability to
play chess. To critics of the budding field of Artificial Intelligence,
this was just one example of the boneheaded optimism of people
like John McCarthy. But McCarthy had a certain vision of what
computers could do, and playing chess was only the beginning.
All fascinating stuff, but not the vision that was driving Kotok and
Samson and the others. They wanted to learn how to work the
damn machines, and while this new programming language called
LISP that McCarthy was talking about in 641 was interesting, it
was not nearly as interesting as the act of programming, or that
fantastic moment when you got your printout back from the
Priesthood—word from the source itself!—and could then spend
hours poring over the results of the program, what had gone
wrong with it, how it could be improved. The TMRC hackers
were devising ways to get into closer contact with the IBM 704,
which soon was upgraded to a newer model called the 709. By
hanging out at the Computation Center in the wee hours of the
morning, and by getting to know the Priesthood, and by bowing
and scraping the requisite number of times, people like Kotok
were eventually allowed to push a few buttons on the machine
and watch the lights as it worked.
There were secrets to those IBM machines that had been painstak-
ingly learned by some of the older people at MIT with access to
the 704 and friends among the Priesthood. Amazingly, a few of
these programmers, grad students working with McCarthy, had
even written a program that utilized one of the rows of tiny lights:
the lights would be lit in such an order that it looked like a little
ball was being passed from right to left: if an operator hit a switch
at just the right time, the motion of the lights could be reversed—
computer Ping-Pong! This obviously was the kind of thing that
you’d show off to impress your peers, who would then take a look
at the actual program you had written to see how it was done.
To top the program, someone else might try to do the same thing
with fewer instructions—a worthy endeavor, since there was so
little room in the small “memory” of the computers of those days
that not many instructions could fit into them. John McCarthy
The Tech Model Railroad Club 13
had once noticed that his graduate students who loitered around
the 704 would work over their computer programs to get the most
out of the fewest instructions, and get the program compressed so
that fewer cards would need to be fed to the machine. Shaving off
an instruction or two was almost an obsession with them.
McCarthy compared these students to ski bums. They got the
same kind of primal thrill from “maximizing code” as fanatic
skiers got from swooshing frantically down a hill. So the practice
of taking a computer program and trying to cut off instructions
without affecting the outcome came to be called “program bum-
ming,” and you would often hear people mumbling things like,
“Maybe I can bum a few instructions out and get the octal correc-
tion card loader down to three cards instead of four.”
In 1959, McCarthy was turning his interest from chess to a new
way of talking to the computer, the whole new “language” called
LISP. Alan Kotok and his friends were more than eager to take
over the chess project. Working on the batch-processed IBM, they
embarked on the gargantuan project of teaching the 704, and later
the 709, and even after that its replacement the 7090, how to play
the game of kings. Eventually Kotok’s group became the largest
users of computer time in the entire MIT Computation Center.
Still, working with the IBM machine was frustrating. There was
nothing worse than the long wait between the time you handed in
your cards and the time your results were handed back to you. If
you had misplaced as much as one letter in one instruction, the pro-
gram would crash, and you would have to start the whole process
over again. It went hand in hand with the stifling proliferation of
goddamn rules that permeated the atmosphere of the Computation
Center. Most of the rules were designed to keep crazy young com-
puter fans like Samson and Kotok and Saunders physically distant
from the machine itself. The most rigid rule of all was that no one
should be able to actually touch or tamper with the machine itself.
This, of course, was what those S&P people were dying to do
more than anything else in the world, and the restrictions drove
them mad.
One priest—a low-level sub-priest, really—on the late-night shift
was particularly nasty in enforcing this rule, so Samson devised a
suitable revenge. While poking around at Eli’s electronic junk
shop one day, he chanced upon an electrical board precisely like
14 Chapter 1
the kind of board holding the clunky vacuum tubes that resided
inside the IBM. One night, sometime before 4 A.M., this
particular sub-priest stepped out for a minute; when he returned,
Samson told him that the machine wasn’t working, but they’d
found the trouble—and held up the totally smashed module from
the old 704 he’d gotten at Eli’s.
The sub-priest could hardly get the words out. “W-where did you
get that?”
Samson, who had wide green eyes that could easily look mani-
acal, slowly pointed to an open place on the machine rack where,
of course, no board had ever been, but the space still looked sadly
The sub-priest gasped. He made faces that indicated his bowels
were about to give out. He whimpered exhortations to the deity.
Visions, no doubt, of a million-dollar deduction from his pay-
check began flashing before him. Only after his supervisor, a high
priest with some understanding of the mentality of these young
wiseguys from the Model Railroad Club, came and explained the
situation did he calm down.
He was not the last administrator to feel the wrath of a hacker
thwarted in the quest for access.
• • • • • • • •
One day a former TMRC member who was now on the MIT fac-
ulty paid a visit to the clubroom. His name was Jack Dennis.
When he had been an undergraduate in the early 1950s, he had
worked furiously underneath the layout. Dennis lately had been
working a computer that MIT had just received from Lincoln Lab,
a military development laboratory affiliated with the Institute. The
computer was called the TX-0, and it was one of the first transistor-
run computers in the world. Lincoln Lab had used it specifically to
test a giant computer called the TX-2, which had a memory so
complex that only with this specially built little brother could its
ills be capably diagnosed. Now that its original job was over, the
three-million-dollar TX-0 had been shipped over to the Institute
on “long-term loan,” and apparently no one at Lincoln Lab had
The Tech Model Railroad Club 15
at any given microsecond; after you were familiar with the tones,
you could actually hear which part of your program the computer
was working on. You would have to discern this, though, over the
clacking of the Flexowriter, which could make you think you were
in the middle of a machine-gun battle.
Even more amazing was that, because of these “interactive” capa-
bilities, and also because users seemed to be allowed blocks of
time to use the TX-0 all by themselves, you could even modify a
program while sitting at the computer. A miracle!
There was no way in hell that Kotok, Saunders, Samson, and the
others were going to be kept away from that machine. Fortu-
nately, there didn’t seem to be the kind of bureaucracy sur-
rounding the TX-0 that there was around the IBM 704. No cadre
of officious priests. The technician in charge was a canny, white-
haired Scotsman named John McKenzie. While he made sure that
graduate students and those working on funded projects—
Officially Sanctioned Users—maintained access to the machine,
McKenzie tolerated the crew of TMRC madmen who began to
hang out in the RLE lab, where the TX-0 stood.
Samson, Kotok, Saunders, and a freshman named Bob Wagner
soon figured out that the best time of all to hang out in Building
26 was at night, when no person in his right mind would have
signed up for an hour-long session on the piece of paper posted
every Friday beside the air conditioner in the RLE lab. The TX-0
as a rule was kept running twenty-four hours a day—computers
back then were too expensive for their time to be wasted by
leaving them idle through the night, and besides, it was a hairy
procedure to get the thing up and running once it was turned off.
So the TMRC hackers, who soon were referring to themselves as
TX-0 hackers, changed their lifestyles to accommodate the com-
puter. They laid claim to what blocks of time they could, and
would “vulture time” with nocturnal visits to the lab on the off
chance that someone who was scheduled for a 3 A.M. session
might not show up.
“Oh!” Samson would say delightedly, a minute or so after
someone failed to show up at the time designated in the logbook.
“Make sure it doesn’t go to waste!”
The Tech Model Railroad Club 17
It never seemed to, because the hackers were there almost all the
time. If they weren’t in the RLE lab waiting for an opening to
occur, they were in the classroom next to the TMRC clubroom,
the Tool Room, playing a Hangman-style word game that Samson
had devised called Come Next Door, waiting for a call from
someone who was near the TX-0, monitoring it to see if someone
had not shown up for a session. The hackers recruited a network
of informers to give advance notice of potential openings at the
computer—if a research project was not ready with its program in
time, or a professor was sick, the word would be passed to TMRC
and the hackers would appear at the TX-0, breathless and ready
to jam into the space behind the console.
Though Jack Dennis was theoretically in charge of the operation,
Dennis was teaching courses at the time and preferred to spend
the rest of his time actually writing code for the machine. Dennis
played the role of benevolent godfather to the hackers: he would
give them a brief hands-on introduction to the machine, point
them in certain directions, and be amused at their wild program-
ming ventures. He had little taste for administration, though, and
was just as happy to let John McKenzie run things. McKenzie rec-
ognized early on that the interactive nature of the TX-0 was
inspiring a new form of computer programming, and the hackers
were its pioneers. So he did not lay down too many edicts.
The atmosphere was loose enough in 1959 to accommodate the
strays—science-mad people whose curiosity burned like a hunger,
who like Peter Samson would be exploring the uncharted maze of
laboratories at MIT. The noise of the air conditioning, the audio
output, and the drill-hammer Flexowriter would lure these wan-
derers, who would poke their heads into the lab like kittens
peering into baskets of yarn.
One of those wanderers was an outsider named Peter Deutsch.
Even before discovering the TX-0, Deutsch had developed a fasci-
nation for computers. It began one day when he picked up a
manual that someone had discarded—a manual for an obscure
form of computer language for doing calculations. Something
about the orderliness of the computer instructions appealed to
him: he would later describe the feeling as the same kind of eerily
transcendent recognition that an artist experiences when he dis-
covers the medium that is absolutely right for him. This is where I
18 Chapter 1
• • • • • • • •
When you had all that information glued to your cerebral being, it
was almost as if your own mind had merged into the environment
or the computer. Sometimes it took hours to build up to the point
where your thoughts could contain that total picture, and when
you did get to that point, it was such a shame to waste it that you
tried to sustain it by marathon bursts, alternately working on the
computer or poring over the code that you wrote on one of the
offline Flexowriters in the Kluge Room. You would sustain that
concentration by “wrapping around” to the next day.
Inevitably, that frame of mind spilled over to what random shards
of existence the hackers had outside of computing. The knife-and-
paintbrush contingent at TMRC was not pleased at all by the
infiltration of Tixo-mania into the club: they saw it as a sort of
Trojan horse for a switch in the club focus, from railroading to
computing. And if you attended one of the club meetings held
every Tuesday at 5:15 P.M., you could see the concern: the
hackers would exploit every possible thread of parliamentary pro-
cedure to create a meeting as convoluted as the programs they
were hacking on the TX-0. Motions were made to make motions
to make motions, and objections ruled out of order as if they were
so many computer errors. A note in the minutes of the meeting on
November 24, 1959, suggests that “we frown on certain members
who would do the club a lot more good by doing more S&P-ing
and less reading Robert’s Rules of Order.” Samson was one of the
worst offenders, and at one point an exasperated TMRC member
made a motion “to purchase a cork for Samson’s oral diarrhea.”
Hacking parliamentary procedure was one thing, but the logical
mind-frame required for programming spilled over into more
commonplace activities. You could ask a hacker a question and
sense his mental accumulator processing bits until he came up with
a precise answer to the question you asked. Marge Saunders would
drive to the Safeway every Saturday morning in the Volkswagen
and upon her return ask her husband, “Would you like to help me
bring in the groceries?” Bob Saunders would reply, “No.”
Stunned, Marge would drag in the groceries herself. After the
same thing occurred a few times, she exploded, hurling curses at
him and demanding to know why he said no to her question.
26 Chapter 1
Something new was coalescing around the TX-0: a new way of life
with a philosophy, an ethic, and a dream.
There was no one moment when it started to dawn on the TX-0
hackers that by devoting their technical abilities to computing
with a devotion rarely seen outside of monasteries, they were the
vanguard of a daring symbiosis between man and machine. With a
fervor like that of young hot-rodders fixated on souping up
engines, they came to take their almost unique surroundings for
granted. Even as the elements of a culture were forming, as leg-
ends began to accrue, as their mastery of programming started to
surpass any previous recorded levels of skill, the dozen or so
hackers were reluctant to acknowledge that their tiny society, on
intimate terms with the TX-0, had been slowly and implicitly
piecing together a body of concepts, beliefs, and mores.
The precepts of this revolutionary Hacker Ethic were not so much
debated and discussed as silently agreed upon. No manifestos
were issued. No missionaries tried to gather converts. The com-
puter did the converting, and those who seemed to follow the
Hacker Ethic most faithfully were people like Samson, Saunders,
and Kotok, whose lives before MIT seemed to be mere preludes to
that moment when they fulfilled themselves behind the console of
the TX-0. Later there would come hackers who took the implicit
Ethic even more seriously than the TX-0 hackers did, hackers like
the legendary Greenblatt or Gosper, though it would be some
28 Chapter 2
was that IBM was a clumsy, hulking company that did not under-
stand the hacking impulse. If IBM had its way (so the TMRC
hackers thought), the world would be batch processed, laid out on
those annoying little punch cards, and only the most privileged of
priests would be permitted to actually interact with the computer.
All you had to do was look at someone in the IBM world and note
the button-down white shirt, the neatly pinned black tie, the hair
carefully held in place, and the tray of punch cards in hand. You
could wander into the Computation Center, where the 704, the
709, and later the 7090 were stored—the best IBM had to offer—
and see the stifling orderliness, down to the roped-off areas
beyond which unauthorized people could not venture. And you
could compare that to the extremely informal atmosphere around
the TX-0, where grungy clothes were the norm and almost anyone
could wander in.
Now, IBM had done and would continue to do many things to
advance computing. By its sheer size and mighty influence, it had
made computers a permanent part of life in America. To many
people, the words “IBM” and “computer” were virtually synony-
mous. IBM’s machines were reliable workhorses, worthy of the
trust that businessmen and scientists invested in them. This was
due in part to IBM’s conservative approach: it would not make
the most technologically advanced machines, but would rely on
proven concepts and careful, aggressive marketing. As IBM’s dom-
inance of the computer field was established, the company became
an empire unto itself, secretive and smug.
What really drove the hackers crazy was the attitude of the IBM
priests and sub-priests, who seemed to think that IBM had the
only “real” computers, and the rest were all trash. You couldn’t
talk to those people—they were beyond convincing. They were
batch-processed people, and it showed not only in their prefer-
ence of machines, but in their ideas about the way a computation
center, and a world, should be run. Those people could never
understand the obvious superiority of a decentralized system, with
no one giving orders—a system where people could follow their
interests, and if along the way they discovered a flaw in the
system, they could embark on ambitious surgery. No need to get a
requisition form. Just a need to get something done.
The Hacker Ethic 31
If anyone needed further proof, you could cite the project that
Kotok was working on in the Computation Center, the chess pro-
gram that bearded AI professor “Uncle” John McCarthy, as he
was becoming known to his hacker students, had begun on the
IBM 704. Even though Kotok and the several other hackers
helping him on the program had only contempt for the IBM
batch-processing mentality that pervaded the machine and the
people around it, they had managed to scrounge some late-night
time to use it interactively, and had been engaging in an informal
battle with the systems programmers on the 704 to see which
group would be known as the biggest consumer of computer time.
The lead would bounce back and forth, and the white-shirt-and-
black-tie 704 people were impressed enough to actually let Kotok
and his group touch the buttons and switches on the 704: rare
sensual contact with a vaunted IBM beast.
Kotok’s role in bringing the chess program to life was indicative of
what was to become the hacker role in Artificial Intelligence: a
Heavy Head like McCarthy or his colleague Marvin Minsky
would begin a project or wonder aloud whether something might
be possible, and the hackers, if it interested them, would set about
doing it.
The chess program had been started using FORTRAN, one of the
early computer languages. Computer languages look more like
English than assembly language, are easier to write with, and do
more things with fewer instructions; however, each time an
instruction is given in a computer language like FORTRAN, the
computer must first translate that command into its own binary
language. A program called a “compiler” does this, and the com-
piler takes up time to do its job, as well as occupying valuable
space within the computer. In effect, using a computer language
puts you an extra step away from direct contact with the com-
puter, and hackers generally preferred assembly or, as they called
it, “machine” language to less elegant, “higher-level” languages
Kotok, though, recognized that because of the huge amounts of
numbers that would have to be crunched in a chess program, part
of the program would have to be done in FORTRAN, and part in
assembly. They hacked it part by part, with “move generators,”
basic data structures, and all kinds of innovative algorithms for
The Hacker Ethic 37
strategy. After feeding the machine the rules for moving each
piece, they gave it some parameters by which to evaluate its posi-
tion, consider various moves, and make the move that would
advance it to the most advantageous situation. Kotok kept at it for
years, the program growing as MIT kept upgrading its IBM com-
puters, and one memorable night a few hackers gathered to see the
program make some of its first moves in a real game. Its opener
was quite respectable, but after eight or so exchanges there was
real trouble, with the computer about to be checkmated. Every-
body wondered how the computer would react. It took a while
(everyone knew that during those pauses the computer was actu-
ally “thinking,” if your idea of thinking included mechanically
considering various moves, evaluating them, rejecting most, and
using a predefined set of parameters to ultimately make a choice).
Finally, the computer moved a pawn two squares forward, ille-
gally jumping over another piece. A bug! But a clever one—it got
the computer out of check. Maybe the program was figuring out
some new algorithm with which to conquer chess.
At other universities, professors were making public proclama-
tions that computers would never be able to beat a human being
in chess. Hackers knew better. They would be the ones who
would guide computers to greater heights than anyone expected.
And the hackers, by fruitful, meaningful association with the com-
puter, would be foremost among the beneficiaries.
But they would not be the only beneficiaries. Everyone could gain
something by the use of thinking computers in an intellectually
automated world. And wouldn’t everyone benefit even more by
approaching the world with the same inquisitive intensity, skepti-
cism toward bureaucracy, openness to creativity, unselfishness in
sharing accomplishments, urge to make improvements, and desire
to build as those who followed the Hacker Ethic? By accepting
others on the same unprejudiced basis by which computers
accepted anyone who entered code into a Flexowriter? Wouldn’t
we benefit if we learned from computers the means of creating a
perfect system, and set about emulating that perfection in a
human system? If everyone could interact with computers with the
same innocent, productive, creative impulse that hackers did, the
Hacker Ethic might spread through society like a benevolent
ripple, and computers would indeed change the world for the
38 Chapter 2