Mid Sem 5th

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Total no.

of pages: I
COURSE TITLE: Data Handling and Visualization Tools
TIME: 1.5 Hrs
Max. Marks: 25

Question Marks CO
Qla s Data Science an art or a Science? Justify your
answer with 2.5
suitable example
Q1b Explain data cleaning and munging of data with example. What 2.5 CO1
are varous operations that are performed on data while data
cleaning. Ilustrate with example.
Q2a What is the difference between simple and multiple Linear 2.5 C02
regression model? What are the four assumptions of Linear
Regression model?
Q2b What is data collection? Explain. Also, explain various methods 2.5 CO1
to collect primary data
Q3a Using thefollowing data, perform a one-way analysis of variance 2.5 CO2
using F03.
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
51 23 56
45 43 76
33 23 74
45 43 87
67 45 56
Q3b Explain data discretization wyith suitable example. How is binning 2.5 CO1
different from decision tree analysis? Explain with suitable
Q4a Explain correlation and describe the impact of outliers on 2.5 CO2
Q4b What is curse of dimensionality? What are different
reduce the curse of dimensionality? Explain them. methods to 2.5 CO1
O5a What is the difference between
coefficient of determination and 2.5 CO3
coefficient of correlation? Explain with an example.
Q5b Distinguish between Residual and Error?
How are they computed? 2.5 CO3
Explain with an example.
Total no. of Pages 1
Roll no.

Course Code- COCSC16,CDCSC16
Course Title- Data Mining
Time- 1.5 Hours Max. Marks- 15

Note: - Attempt all questions. Missing data/ information (if any)

may be suitably assumed
mentioned in the answer.

B.No. Marks Co
la What are the differences between the three main types of data warehouse usage: information 2 CO1
processing, analytical processing, and data mining? Discuss the motivation behind OLAP
mining (OLAM).
1b Given the attribute name and values of atributes, classify its type (i) Gender-Male, Female 1
(i) Height-5.8,6.2 (iii) Color-Black, Brown, Grey
2a A poker-dealing machine is supposed to deal cards at random, as if from an infinite deck. In 2 CO2
a test, you counted 1600 cards, and observed the following:
Spades 404 , Hearts 420,Diamonds 400, Clubs 376
Could it be that the suits are equally likely? Or are these discrepancies too much to be

2b Starting with the base cuboid [day,doctor,patient], what specific OLAP operations should
be performed in order to list the total fee collected by each doctor in 2010?
3a Suppose that the data for analysis includes the attribute age. The age values for the data tuples 2 CO2
are (in increasing order) 13, 15, 16, 16, 19, 20, 20, 21, 22, 22, 25, 25, 25, 25, 30, 33,33, 35,
35, 35, 35, 36, 40, 45, 46, 52, 70.
(a) What is the mean of the data? What is the median?
(b) What is standard deviation? What is the mode of the data?
3b Suppose that x and y are the first two term-frequency vectors i.e., x=(5,0,3,0,2,0,0,2,0,0)
and y= (3,0,2,0,1,1,0,1,0,1). How similar are x and y? compute the cosine similarity
between the two vectors.

4a Apply discretization on following data objects using binning: 2 CO3

a) [7,5,7,7,7,7,6,9,8|
b) [1,2,4,6,7,8,9,8,4]
4b Given two sets of sl and s2,S1 =(1, 2, 3,4, 5}, s2 - (4,5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10}. find theJaccard 1
Index and the Jaccard Distance betwecn the two sets.

5a In a class mark of students in two subjects are enlisted as follows: (55, 11, 36, 72, 41,91, 2 CO2
96, 63, 29, 44} and {32, 67, 89, 23, 17, 48, 59, 77, 61, 7}. Find the covariance matrix for
this data.

Sb Explain the techniques to deal with noise in the dataset. 1

Total No. of pages: 01
B.Tech. (CSE), Sem. 05
Roll No.
Course Code:CACSC15CDCCI5 Çourse Title: Distributed Computing
Time: 1:30 Hours
Max Marks: 15
Note: Attempt all questions.

Questions) Marks CO
1 (a) Describe the main characteristics of distributedsystems. Explain one examples 1.5 1
of distributed system.
1(b) Describe and illustrate the architectural models of distributed systems for web 1.5
2(a) What is name service? What are its goals? 1.5 2

2 (b) What do you mean by Group Communication in Distributed system. Explain 1.5 2
with Example.
3 (a) Explain how inter process communication is handledin distributed system. 1.5 2

3(b) What is marshalling? What are the different approaches of external data 1.5 2

4(a) Describe CORBA RMI and its services. 1.5

4(b) Explain the Remote procedure call mechanism with its various fiunctional 1.5 2

5(a) Explain APIfor internet protocols -UDP datagram Communication. 1.5 2

5(b) Explain TCP Stream Communication and how it is different from UDP 1.5 2
datagram Protocols.
Course Code: COCSC14/ CACSC14/CDCSC14
Course Title: Principles of Compiler Construction Max.Marks:15
Time:1 hr 30 mins.
Attempt all questions. Missing data/information (if anv), may be suitably assumed and mentioned in the
Note: -

(1+2) CO1
O1 a) Differentiate between Compiler and Interpreter
b) With the help of an example, explain phases of compiler.
following code.
(1+2) CO2
Q2 a) Count the number of lexemes and tokens from the
main ()
int x=0, y;
printf (%d%d", x,y);
in lexical analyzer? Define token,
b) What is the role of input buffering scheme
lexeme and pattern.
(1+2) CO2
Use Thompson algorithm to construct an automaton (NFA) for the regular
Q3 a)
expression (ab*(¢)*d*. Minimized DFA.
a) to DFAand
b) Convert the NFAconstructed in part (1+2) CO3
Q4 Consider Context Free Grammar G:
E’ E+ T|T
F’F*|a|b left recursion and perform
a) Convert the above grammar G to G' by removing
left factoring, if any
b) For the grammar G', find the First and
Follow set and derive the predictive
parsing table. CO3
a For the grammar G' in question 4 b) show
the moves of the predictive parser (1+2)
for the string a + b+b.
b) Consider the following Context Free Grammar :
Draw the parse tree and write the leftmost derivation for the string aa + a
Find whether this grammar is ambiguous or not, justify. What language is
generated by this grammar?
Roll N0.
B.Tech, CSDS



Course Code: CDCSC17 Course Titlc: Multimedia Analyties

Max Marks: 15
Time: :30 Hours
Note: Attempt all questions.
Assume suitable missing d¡ta, if any

CO Marks
No. Question analysis and 1.5
la. Describe media landscape. Also write the difference between
analytics. 1.5
lb. Elaborate the need of Multimedia Analytics and list out its various
applications 1.5
2a. Describe the evolution of Visual Analytics. 1.5
2b. Explain Multimediaanalysis and its historical 2 1.5
Consider an undirected network of size N in which each node
degree k = 1. Which condition does N have to satisfy? What is
Howmany components
the degree distribution of this network?
does the network have? N2 2
Define Bipartite networks. Consider a bipartite network with Nland
nodes in the two sets. have?
What is the maximum number of links the network can
compared to a non-bipartite network of
ii. How many links cannotoccur
size N= NI - N2 2 1.5
data preprocessing?
4a. What are the different techniques for
2,5 1.5

4b. Write short notes on any three

i. Sentiment Analysis
Information Extraction

iv. Semi- structured Data Exploitation

2.5 I.5
working of wcb crawler with thehelp of block diagram.
5a. Describe the suitable example. 2,5 1.5

5b. Explain Google Page Rank alogrithm with a

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