100 Proven Ways to Acquire and Keep Clients for Life 1st Edition C. Richard 2024 Scribd Download
100 Proven Ways to Acquire and Keep Clients for Life 1st Edition C. Richard 2024 Scribd Download
100 Proven Ways to Acquire and Keep Clients for Life 1st Edition C. Richard 2024 Scribd Download
101 Ways to Find Work And Keep Finding Work for the Rest
of Your Career Dr. Charles Michael Austin
More Effective C 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your C Bill
“Richard says, ‘Relationships drive revenue. Build them and you will soar.’ If one has any doubts
about the truth of this statement, I’d ask them to read this magnificent book. Buckle your seatbelt,
dear reader. You are about to take a very abundant ride.”
“Richard nails it in his new book! Not only does Richard provide valuable insights, like only he can
do; he also provides important implementation strategies. If you are interested in Rock Solid
Relationships, this book is a must read!!”
“I have known Richard for almost thirty years! He trained me when I was a brand-new agent. The
proven, actionable tactics he shares in this book can set your entire career on a new trajectory and
will bring you permanent business success.”
“Richard Weylman’s book is a powerhouse of actionable strategies tailored for client acquisition and
retention. It’s an excellent blueprint to follow for cultivating enduring client relationships. Real-life
examples bring these strategies to life, making them accessible and adaptable across industries. A
must-read for professionals striving to excel in client-centric businesses.”
—Adrienne Lally and Attilio Leonardi, co-owners of Team Lally, Keller
Williams Honolulu
“Richard Weylman has always been ahead of common thinking. He has always focused on what is
effective and to do that which others can’t do, won’t do, or haven’t thought of yet. He understands
the human emotional components that are the true differentiators. I have been in financial services for
fifty years and, if I were you, I would get this book and read it!”
“This book brilliantly captures the essence of choosing the pain of discipline over the pain of regret,
reminding us that every challenge we face only makes us more unstoppable in the future. By this
book’s teachings, we can develop a portfolio of clients that will last a lifetime!”
“What makes Richard and this book really special is his ability to teach others how to use their ‘own
voice,’ to help us authentically connect with the lifeblood of our businesses…our clients.”
“A must-read book! Richard Weylman shares with you the secrets of how to engage and insight on
how to keep a client for life. He has inspired me with simple yet powerful, proven techniques to use
every day to be successful in my business.”
—Shirley Luu, founder and CEO of Shirley Luu & Associate (with more
than 27,500 clients served!)
“I just finished reading and re-reading my advance copy of ‘100 Proven Ways To Acquire & Keep
Clients For Life’ by Richard Weylman. His depth of experience continues to surpass what he has
written previously. This is not just a 30,000-foot overview, but Weylman delivers the specific tactics
for successful customer relationship sales and marketing. This is a Must Read! “
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100 Proven Ways to Acquire and Keep Clients for Life: The Path to Permanent Business Success
Why Invest Your Time?
Chapter 1
What Clients and Prospects Want and Why You Get Fired Without It
Chapter 2
How to Personalize Communications and Show Clients and Prospects You Care
Chapter 3
How to Make Clients and Prospects Feel Secure Emotionally
Chapter 4
How to Make Clients and Prospects Feel Secure Economically
Chapter 5
How to Know Your Clients and Prospects Better and Build a Rock-Solid Relationship
Chapter 6
How to Keep Clients and Prospects Engaged by Creating New and Memorable Experiences
Chapter 7
How to Be Sure Clients and Prospects Always Know You Value Them and Their
Relationship With You
Chapter 8
How to Implement These Tactics to Acquire Clients & Keep Them for Life
The fright and loneliness this little boy must have experienced is difficult to
even fathom. Personally, I cannot imagine a more horrible “relationship”
experience than this.
And yet, the author of this book, Richard Weylman—an icon in the world of
customer and client experiences, considered by many to be the leading
authority on a subject where relationships are paramount to success—began
his life living through some of the worst relationship ordeals imaginable.
Not only did the author overcome this unfortunate aspect of his life…he
used it as a springboard to launch a revolution in how the best companies
and most successful individual professionals, regardless of their role, view
the “total client experience.”
One could even say that he’s taken this very paradigm to an entirely new
Richard Weylman teaches that, “Thoughtfulness, empathy, caring, and
kindness are valuable relationship-building traits that no amount of
competitor marketing dollars can defeat.”
And now, for more than thirty years, he has equipped major corporations
and individual sales and service professionals to create client experiences
that have brought substantial increases in acquisition and retention.
These increases significantly boost sales and wallet share, improve cross-
selling efforts, lower the cost of acquisition of new business, and increase
the lifetime value of the client relationship, with an immediate and
sustainable impact on the bottom line.
Richard has worked with companies and their teams in many industries,
including financial, fast casual dining, professional sports teams, home
services, direct sales, franchising, and hospitality, just to name a few. He
has shown them all that great experiences are not just for the luxury
consumer but can impact every prospect and client regardless of the product
or service being sold.
It can be said that people will go out of their way to be in relationship with,
do business with, and tell the world about the sales and service
professionals and companies who will provide those experiences.
So, how has Richard made such a difference with his clients?
The exact right words can often make the difference between a good
relationship and a powerful, bonded relationship that results in new client
acquisition and word of mouth (what we at our company call “personal
walking ambassadors”) that will take your business to great heights.
As you read, pay close attention to the many times Richard suggests using a
certain word or phrase rather than others more commonly used. These
subtle differences are likely to result in powerful emotional connections.
Then make those new words and phrases—and this is so key—part of your
company and/or personal culture.
Many of Richard’s tactics will seem so simple to apply that you might
wonder, “Of course, why didn’t I think of that?” The key, though, is
understanding that each of these “seemingly simple” tactics is based on a
much larger and very specific principle: that truly caring about the other
person and their needs, their wants, their desires (and yes, their problems
and challenges) is where each of these life-affirming and powerful actions
actually originate.
As Richard says, “Relationships drive revenue. Build them and you will
soar.” If anyone has any doubts about the truth of this statement, I’d ask
them to read (actually, study) this magnificent book, apply its principles and
suggestions, and experience the increase in their income that they will have
Once you understand the “why-to” and learn the “how-to,” you and your
business will become absolutely unstoppable. Buckle your seatbelt, dear
reader. You are about to take a very abundant ride.
And then purchase the book for the young up-and-comers in your life
(children, grandchildren, protégés) whom you’d like to equip for their
present and future, and set up to be nine steps ahead of the game…in a ten-
step game.
I reiterated a story I had read on LinkedIn that day by a woman who had a
standing order with Chewy, an online pet food retailer, for her cat’s food.
She received her monthly order, but sadly the cat had recently died. She
called Chewy’s customer service to return the cat food and was told,
“Please donate it to your shelter instead and we will give you a full credit.”
But the story doesn’t end there. She went on to write that a few days after
her call she received a bouquet of flowers and a sympathy card from the
customer service rep at Chewy!
As soon as I told the story, a woman in the audience yelled out, “That was
my cat!” I had no idea she was in the audience.
I then asked the audience, “What do you think about what that person at
Chewy did?” They started chanting, “We’re switching to Chewy! We’re
switching to Chewy!”
Read that again: It was a person at Chewy who was thoughtful and caring.
Not some computer program or IT call, data scan, or AI interpretation with
its predetermined action.
Some will read this and say, “Well, Chewy is a big company and they can
do that. Besides, it is part of their culture to engage with their clients
emotionally and they are known for that. I am too busy and don’t have time
for that stuff.”
You are not “too busy,” and it is not about having time. It’s a matter of
having your strategic priorities in order to keep the business you have and
acquire even more.
Whether you call the people with whom you do business clients or
customers, in the end they are people. Real people.
You may think, as so many do, that your clients are satisfied with what you
offer and do for them. You might think you are doing a good job for them
and that they would never fire you.
Many companies are so invested in this thinking that they even survey their
clients and rely on their “satisfaction scores” as a measure of how well the
company is doing. What these companies fail to realize is that satisfaction
scores only look backward. They lull sales, service, and marketing
professionals and company leaders to sleep instead of motivating them to
do more.
Moreover, most surveys do not gather first-person tactical data from buyers
on how to elevate and better their experience in the future so that they will
actually stay with the company. Or if they do gather data, it is so general or
ethereal as to be non-actionable and is archived as “feedback.”
Before you ask if this is possible, consider that you prove it repeatedly
whenever you bring in a new client whose previous professional and their
company are puzzled that their “satisfied” customer left them.
In this book, I will describe what people are looking for today from the
professionals and companies with whom they do business. More
importantly, I will detail what you need to do to meet their expectations to
keep their business and to acquire more clients like them.
You will see, step by step, tactic by tactic, exactly how you can deliver on
your clients’ and prospects’ expectations and solidify their relationship with
you. The tactics offered in this book are proven ways to create a community
of delighted advocates and a highly profitable and sustainable business. To
that end, as you read, it will serve you well to take note of the tactics you
can use in your own business.
I have spent years researching and engaging with the clients of companies
in a variety of industries, including luxury goods, finance, insurance, travel,
professional sports teams, fast casual dining, automotive, hospitality, direct
sales, and many more. This lifetime of engaging with many thousands of
people has been a gift.
And believe me, if they don’t get it from you and your business, they will
fire you and find someone who will give it to them. However, if you give
people what they really want, they will be your best source of new business
Maya Angelou has been credited with saying, “I’ve learned that people will
forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never
forget how you made them feel.”
Enjoy the read and the outcome that will result if you follow the advice in
this book. There is real value when you become the most-loved professional
and company in your area.
However, to be crystal clear, this is not the last word on this topic.
That word belongs to your clients, who will be delighted to advocate for
you based on what you learn and implement from this book.
Most professionals and their companies are focused on and love the
products or services they sell and service. That is understandable. Enjoying
and having passion for what you create, sell, or provide is critical for
success in any business today.
However, while you may love your products and services, the client is
focused on, and cherishes, the experiences they have with you and your
A person’s experience with you, your team, and your company affects their
perception of your value and ultimately their loyalty to you.
Make no mistake, the elevated experience consumers seek now is far more
than just delivering good service. Good service is a minimum expectation
of all consumers today. If good service is good enough to retain a client,
then why are people changing companies and professionals?
With very few exceptions, people have multiple choices when looking for a
company or sales professional. While the purchase of a product or service is
often perceived and functions as a “transaction,” it is the experience that
people have around that purchase, and thereafter, that captures their
ongoing spending and their loyalty.
You inherently know this based on your own purchase and loyalty behavior.
For example, you might stop going to a noisy restaurant despite the
great food and service. If you stop and think about this, you will
quickly realize that even when a brand is great in every expected way,
one bad experience—like dining in a restaurant that is too noisy to
have a conversation—can outweigh all the positives. So, given that
value today is not just about product, pricing, and service but also the
overall experience, you would probably decide to go somewhere else
for dinner.
People today are not just buying the product or service you are selling.
People are buying the experience they have with you and the relationship
and emotional bond that it fosters.
In this digital social media world, Zendesk studies have shown that up
to 87 percent of clients share good and bad experiences with others.
Like it or not, shared experiences of every kind become linked to you
and your “brand.”
Regardless of whether your business is large or small, when clients do
business with and work with you, your name is on the experience they
have, and you own it.
And like it or not, every single client and prospective client will have
an experience with you, and you get the privilege of deciding what
that experience will be.
When you consistently elevate the client’s experience, you will build a
strong relationship with them, and those relationships will drive ongoing
Furthermore, the buying population has moved well beyond the often-used
phraseology of corporate speak around this topic.
At the core, people today want a level of personal engagement that is not
happenstance or just some magical fairy dusting of special offers made by
marketing. While loyalty programs and preferred pricing and offers have
proven to be useful, what people seek now is far more and deeper than that.
They want to feel they are part of your community—a community that you
respect and appreciate.
Large companies balk at this and say, “Well, frontline workers can’t be
expected to gather information and demonstrate that for customers or
clients, as that slows down the service and transaction process.”
Others who do much of their business online say that personal engagement
and being thoughtful, kind, empathetic, and caring is difficult if not
impossible, even with AI and upgraded chat. Yet Amazon and even Walmart
and Target have demonstrated that online interactions can still be
personalized and elevated.
And it is not just large companies and online providers that balk—
individuals and small firms do as well. They, too, are so focused on their
products, processes, platforms, plans, and positioning that they do not
realize they need to be focused on the one thing that will sustain and grow
any and every business: treating prospects, clients, and customers as
individual people.
Their merchandising mindset is exactly the problem and the reason they
can’t see the way forward. Even when companies and professionals see
themselves as relational, this focus equates to a transaction mindset. This
merchandising mindset and lack of awareness eventually lead to the loss of
clients and potential ongoing revenues.
Once some of their best clients have left, revenue slumps, and they’re in
business repair or resuscitation mode, they will then have the time to
reconsider and finally focus on their remaining clients as “people.”
As Jeff Bezos reportedly said, “We see our customers as invited guests to a
party, and we are the hosts. It’s our job every day to make every important
aspect of the customer experience a little bit better.”
As far back as 1999, this was his focus. When asked, “Are you a pure
internet play?” he replied, “Internet, shminternet—what matters is we are
solely focused on the customer experience.”
His answer was very telling and serves as a signpost for all of us. While
Bezos is not the final arbiter of the customer experience, his answer was
part of the beginning of what is unmistakably the experience revolution.
Others have noted the importance of elevating the client experience and the
resultant loyal relationship. They offer similar insights.
For example, in a 2018 interview with Vanity Fair, Mark Cuban brilliantly
said, “One of the most underrated skills in business right now is being
Bestselling author Steven Covey said, “When you show deep empathy
toward others, their defensive energy goes down, and positive energy
replaces it. That’s when you can get more creative in solving problems.”
Regardless of what you are currently doing or how you perceive the
strength of your prospect and client relationships, be mindful that consumer
expectations are continually evolving.
When you continually elevate their experience through your actions, the
results are nothing short of remarkable.
1. They feel a deeper emotional connection with you. They feel that
no matter what, they can count on you for the direction and advice
they need in your area of expertise. This finding is solid gold.
4. They feel it makes you distinct from others. They feel that your
efforts to relate to them and know them sets you apart from those
who are stuck in and reliant on the transactional past.
5. They will advocate for you and what you do for them. They feel
that many could benefit from working with you because you make
them feel valued. Specifically, they feel people they know in their
network should know you and would benefit from you and your work.
These findings illustrate how you will be able to withstand the competitive
pressure from other professionals and firms that attack your client base and
even the technology offered by chatbots, AI virtual assistants, and ongoing
tech innovation.
Not a transaction, not a buyer, but a person who, when treated with
thoughtfulness, kindness, empathy, and caring, will become an advocate for
your brand.
Does this mean everyone will respond to your efforts to elevate their
experience and build a relationship with you? No. But then, do you really
want to do business with people who don’t value those traits?
That said, most people almost desperately want to feel appreciated and
connected. However, given their many choices, they are both discerning and
quick to judge.
Asking your new clients why they left their previous professional and firm
provides actionable insight.
The important question is not “Why did you join us?” but rather “Why did
you leave them?”
Understanding this gives you real insight into their expectations as well as
the competitive messaging you can use. Their answers will illustrate the
remarkable opportunity you have to win more business by consistently
elevating every client relationship and consequently bonding with them
Here are a few of the answers our clients have heard when they asked their
new customer, “Why did you leave the professional or company you were
Language: English
When I came to again it was in the city by the hills. Several of the
creatures were standing around me trying to question me in their
odd language and, of course, making no headway. I felt that this
was not the time to inform them of my imperial accession, I was not
sure that they were the most fitting inhabitants of this world to
receive that honor. There might be other intelligent races inhabiting
the same planet even as there are on Venus.
Accordingly I kept my mouth shut and stared them down. That was
a feat of which I could be proud considering the odd nature of their
eyes and faces.
Finally they led me away in short bounds to a building and up a
ramp to a room. There they thrust me and closed the door.
The room was large, partly open to an interior patio. But it had
another inhabitant. A girl!
She was standing by the open semi-balcony staring into the
courtyard. When I exclaimed, she turned sharply and looked at me.
She was dressed surprisingly like an earth girl, she looked very much
like the earth type. I congratulated myself on having picked for my
empire a planet which held a race so similar to my own. But my
hopes were dashed two seconds later when she opened her mouth
and said in perfect English:
"Hello, stranger, how'd you get to Midplanet so soon?"
I recovered my composure and introduced myself modestly, not
telling her of the position I had taken upon myself. "And who are
you?" I asked.
"Oh, I'm Nadia Landor and I came with the Official I. U. Expedition.
Our ship is about thirty miles away and I came here on a geological
survey in a single-seater flier. I stopped to say hello but our hosts
don't seem to know the meaning of the word."
"Oh," I said and fell silent. What was I to say? I had been so certain
that I could get to Midplanet first and now it seemed that the Union
had beaten me out again. Then, I squared my shoulders. This was
no way for Ajax Calkins, Emperor of at least half Midplanet, to act.
My destiny would see me through.
"You need have no fear," I said. "I will find a way for us to escape."
She looked at me oddly and smiled. "Oh, that? That's all settled.
We'll escape immediately if you want to. I've fixed things with our
buggy friend."
"With whom?" I gasped.
"Why, haven't you seen the buggers yet? Look, there's Bosco in the
yard." She beckoned to the inner courtyard. I went over to her side
and looked.
In the courtyard, standing just below us stood a monstrous insect. A
thing somewhat larger than a horse. A big squat compact looking
broad-backed creature. For a moment I stared at it without
comprehension and then suddenly its appearance struck a
responsive chord in my brain. It was a flea, a gigantic flea!
"Isn't he cute?" murmured Nadia. "He's agreed to help us escape."
"He's what? Do you mean to say he's...." I started.
"Intelligent?" she finished. "Yes, the buggers have a rather high
intelligence. Not as good as our kangaroo friends but nonetheless
clever. The fleas are a sort of semi-barbarian group inhabiting a
section about a thousand miles away. This fellow, whom I call Bosco,
was captured and doesn't like the idea of making a banquet for
some kangaroo holiday."
I goggled at the creature and it stared with an interested flicker of
its feelers at me.
"I'm glad you still have your para-ray. It was all that I was missing.
Come on, let's go now." Nadia suited her actions to her words by
vaulting the stone balustrade and landing astride the monster bug's
back. I gingerly followed her and seated myself in front.
"Now what?" I said for I didn't know how this was going to help us
"Hold tight and use your ray when the guard appears," she said and
then screamed at the top of her lungs. I was nearly paralyzed myself
with the sound but the guard who opened the gate was more so and
I beamed him nicely.
Bosco seemed to sink lower and then his monstrously powerful legs
smashed down and we made the most colossal bound I have ever
dreamed of. That super-flea must have covered at least three
hundred yards with that first bound and he must have made two
hundred at least with every subsequent bounce.
We held on for dear life and the air whished past us like mad.
Behind us the city of kangaroos sprang to life as they saw their
assorted prisoners escaping and very soon I saw over my shoulder
that a line of gigantic steam-powered pogos were bounding along
after us, each manned by several armed creatures.
The flea was fast but the pogos, powered by terrific steam-boilers,
were equally so. And thus we raced across the clay creviced terrain,
two humans on the back of a flea-colossus followed by a single-file
line of puffing steel pogos, their plumes of smoke leaving a trail
behind them.
I turned and tried to pick off the riders with my ray but it was
hopeless, so violently was everything going up and down. I gave up
and clung for dear life to the hard neck of our steed.
But it seemed to be impossible to shake off our followers. They
remained fast on our trail and after a while I realized that Bosco was
tiring out, his leaps were not so high or far.
"What shall we do?" called Nadia to me. "We can't shake them."
It was then that the idea occurred to me that saved us. We were
already very close to where my spaceship had landed and I
succeeded to conveying in signals what I had in mind to our quite
intelligent flea.
On we went and when we came to the side of the swamp in which
my ship had landed, Bosco gave a terrific leap which must have well
set a record for all Midplanet and sailed fully five hundred yards
across the swamp to land exhausted on the other side.
But the pogos could not make that great leap, nor could the giant
things stop so easily. On they rushed and one after another they
landed in the middle of that thick gummy deep swamp-like mass.
The automatic vibrations of their shafts continued but their bases
were hopelessly gummed in. The crews were hurled off in all
directions and fell helplessly into the gooey morass.
We were saved! My ship was around at the other side but we could
walk it. Nadia signalled our thanks to the bugger and it bounded off
alone towards the distant horizon.
As we walked, Nadia complimented me on my trick of the swamp. I
glowed within and, turning to her, said:
"Let us stay here and master this world, my Empress. I, Ajax
Calkins, lay my heart and a planet at your feet."
But women are fickle creatures and cannot understand the ways of
the great. She laughed and said: "Don't be silly, my husband is
waiting for me at our own spaceship."
And then when we found that my ship had, while I had been away,
sunk into the swamp completely and that we would have to walk the
twenty or so miles to Nadia's craft, she laughed even louder. Women
do not appreciate destiny.
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