• Morphology: Study of external features of organisms. o Forewings (mesothoracic) or tegmina: Opaque, dark
• Anatomy: Study of morphology of internal organs. and leathery and cover the hind wings when at rest.
• Cockroach (Periplaneta americana) are nocturnal, o Hind wings (metathoracic): Transparent, membranous
omnivores and live in damp places. and are used in flight.
• Colour: Brown or black. Bright yellow, red & green Abdomen
coloured cockroaches are also seen in tropical regions. • It consists of 10 segments.
• Size: ¼ inches to 3 inches (0.6-7.6 cm). • In females, 7th (boat shaped), 8th & 9th sterna form a brood
Systematic position (genital) pouch. It contains female gonopore,
Phylum : Arthropoda spermathecal pores & collateral glands.
Class : Insecta • In males, genital pouch lies at the hind end of abdomen
Genus : Periplaneta bounded dorsally by 9th & 10th terga and ventrally by the
Species : americana 9th sternum. It contains dorsal anus, ventral male genital
pore (gonopore) and gonapophysis.
MORPHOLOGY OF COCKROACH • In both sexes, 10th segment bears a pair of jointed anal
• The adults are about 34-53 mm long. cerci. Males bear a pair of short, threadlike anal styles.
• Body is covered by a hard brown chitinous exoskeleton.
Differences between male & female cockroaches
• In each segment, exoskeleton has hardened plates called
Male Female
sclerites (dorsal tergites & ventral sternites). They are
i. Larger size Smaller
joined to each other by a thin and flexible articular ii. Wings extend beyond the Wings do not extend beyond
membrane (arthrodial membrane). tip of the abdomen. the tip of abdomen.
• The body has 3 regions – head, thorax and abdomen. iii. Narrow abdomen Broad abdomen
iv. Anal styles present Absent
v. Brood pouch absent Present
Digestive system
Alimentary canal has
3 parts: foregut, mid
gut & hindgut.
• Foregut: It is lined
by cuticle. It
Head Mouth → pharynx
• Triangular head is formed by 6 fused segments. → oesophagus →
• It shows great mobility in all directions due to flexible neck. crop (to store food)
• Head bears a pair of thread-like antennae, a pair of → gizzard
compound eyes and biting & chewing type mouth parts. (proventriculus).
Gizzard helps in
grinding the food. It
has an outer layer of thick circular muscles and thick inner
cuticle forming 6 chitinous plates (teeth).
• Mid gut (Mesenteron): It is not lined by cuticle. 6-8
tubules (hepatic or gastric caecae) are seen at the junction
of foregut & mid gut. They secrete digestive juice.
At the junction of mid gut & hindgut, there are 100-150
yellow coloured thin filamentous Malpighian tubules.
• Mouthparts: a labrum (upper lip), 2 mandibles, 2 • Hindgut: It is broader than mid gut and lined internally by
maxillae, hypopharynx (tongue) & a labium (lower lip). cuticle. Hindgut includes ileum, colon & rectum. Rectum
opens out through anus.
• It has 3 parts: prothorax, mesothorax & metathorax. Circulatory system
• The head is connected to thorax by a neck (short extension - Blood vascular system: open type.
of the prothorax). - Blood vessels are poorly developed and open into space
• Each thoracic segment bears a pair of walking legs. (haemocoel).
• 2 pairs of wings: Forewings (2) and Hind wings (2).
- Visceral organs located in the Each testis → a thin vas deferens → seminal vesicle →
haemocoel are bathed in blood ejaculatory duct → male gonopore.
- Haemolymph= colourless
plasma + haemocytes.
- Heart consists of elongated
muscular tube lying along mid
dorsal line of thorax and
- It has funnel-shaped chambers
with ostia on either side.
- Blood from sinuses enter heart
through ostia and is pumped Seminal vesicles: To store sperms. Sperms are glued
anteriorly to sinuses again. together to form bundles called spermatophores. They are
Respiratory system discharged during copulation.
Accessory glands: Include a mushroom gland (in 6th-7th
- It consists of a network of trachea that open through 10
abdominal segments) and phallic gland. Their secretions
pairs of small holes called spiracles present on the lateral
nourish the sperms.
side of the body.
External genitalia (male gonapophysis or phallomeres):
- The thin branches of tracheal tubes are called tracheoles.
Chitinous asymmetrical structures, surrounding the male
They carry oxygen from the air to all parts.
- The opening of the spiracles is regulated by sphincters.
- Gas exchange takes place at the tracheoles by diffusion. Female reproductive system:
Excretory system
- Uricotelic. Excretory organ is Malpighian tubules.
- Each tubule is lined by glandular and ciliated cells. They
absorb nitrogenous wastes and convert them into uric acid
which is excreted out through the hindgut.
- Fat body, nephrocytes & urecose glands also help in
Nervous system
- It consists of segmentally arranged ganglia joined by
It consists of 2 large ovaries, oviducts, spermatheca,
paired longitudinal connectives on the ventral side.
genital chamber, Colleterial glands etc.
- 3 ganglia lie in the thorax and 6 in the abdomen.
Ovaries lie laterally in the 2nd – 6th abdominal segments.
- The head holds only a bit of nervous system. Remaining
Each ovary is formed of 8 ovarian tubules (ovarioles),
part is situated along the ventral part of the body. So, if the
containing a chain of developing ova.
head of cockroach is cut off, it will still live for one week.
Oviducts of each ovary unite into a single median oviduct
- The supra-oesophageal ganglion (brain) supplies nerves
(vagina) which opens into the genital chamber.
to antennae and compound eyes.
A pair of spermatheca is present in the 6th segment which
- Sense organs: Antennae, eyes, maxillary palps, labial
opens into the genital chamber.
palps, anal cerci etc.
- Sensory receptors of antennae monitor the environment. Sperms are transferred through spermatophores. Their
fertilised eggs are encased in oothecae.
- Each compound eye consists of about 2000 hexagonal
Ootheca is dark reddish to blackish brown capsule, 8 mm
ommatidia. Using these, a cockroach can receive several
long. Females lay 9-10 oothecae, each contain 14-16 eggs.
images of an object. This is called mosaic vision. It has
- Development of P. americana is paurometabolous,
more sensitivity but less resolution, being common during
(development through nymphal stage).
night (hence called nocturnal vision).
- Nymphs look like adults. They moult 13 times to reach the
Reproductive system
adult form. The next to last nymphal stage has wing pads.
Cockroaches are dioecious. Only adult cockroaches have wings.
Male reproductive system:
It consists of a pair of testes, seminal vesicles, accessory
glands & external genitalia. They are pests because they destroy food and contaminate it
Testes: Lie laterally in the 4th -6th abdominal segments. with their smelly excreta. They also transmit bacterial
diseases like cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis etc.
Systematic position - Digestion: Gastric juice and HCl secreted from gastric wall
Phylum : Chordata digest the food. Partially digested food (chyme) is passed
from stomach to the duodenum.
Class : Amphibia
Duodenum receives bile and pancreatic juices through a
Genus : Rana
common bile duct.
Species : tigrina
Bile emulsifies fat. Pancreatic juice digests carbohydrates
• Rana tigrina is the most common species in India.
and proteins. Digestion completes in the intestine.
• They are poikilotherms (cold blooded).
- Finger-like villi and microvilli in intestine absorb digested
• They can change colour to hide them from their enemies
food. The undigested solid waste moves into the rectum and
(camouflage). This protective coloration is called mimicry. passes out through cloaca.
• During summer and winter, they undergo aestivation
(summer sleep) and hibernation (winter sleep) Respiratory system
respectively to protect them from extreme heat and cold. - Skin acts as aquatic respiratory organ (cutaneous
respiration). Dissolved oxygen in the water is exchanged
through the skin by diffusion. During aestivation and
• Body is divisible into head & trunk. Neck and tail absent. hibernation respiration takes place through skin.
• Skin is moist, smooth and slippery due to the mucus. - On land, the buccal cavity, skin and lungs (pulmonary
• Colour of dorsal side is olive green with dark irregular spots respiration) act as the respiratory organs.
and ventral side is pale yellow. - The lungs are a pair of elongated, pink coloured sac-like
• The frog never drinks water but absorb it through the skin.
structures present in the thorax. Air enters through the
• A mouth, paired nostrils and bulged eyes (covered by nostrils into the buccal cavity and then to lungs.
nictitating membrane) are present.
• On either side of eyes have a membranous tympanum (ear). Circulatory system
• The forelimbs (4 digits) and hind limbs (5 digits) help in - Closed type. Includes Blood vascular system (heart,
swimming, walking, leaping and burrowing. The hind blood vessels & blood) and lymphatic system (lymph,
limbs are larger and muscular than fore limbs. lymph channels & lymph nodes).
• Feet have webbed digits that help in swimming. - Heart is 3-chambered, (two atria and one ventricle) and is
• Frogs exhibit sexual dimorphism. Male frogs have sound covered by a membrane called pericardium.
producing vocal sac and also a copulatory (nuptial) pad on - A triangular structure called sinus venosus joins the right
the first digit of fore limbs which are absent in female frogs. atrium. It receives blood through major veins (vena cava).
- The ventricle opens into a saclike conus arteriosus on the
ANATOMY OF FROG ventral side of the heart.
- The blood pumped from the muscular heart is carried to all
parts of the body by the arteries (arterial system).
- The veins collect blood from different parts of body to the
heart and form the venous system.
- Hepatic portal system (venous connection between liver
and intestine) and renal portal system (between kidney and
lower parts of the body) are present in frogs.
- Blood contains plasma and cells (RBC, WBC & platelets).
RBCs are nucleated and contain haemoglobin.
- Blood transports nutrients, gases and water to tissues.
Excretory system
- Includes kidneys (2), ureters (2), cloaca & urinary bladder.
- Kidneys are dark red and bean-shaped. Found posteriorly in
Digestive system the body cavity on both sides of vertebral column. Each
- Consists of alimentary canal and digestive glands. kidney is formed of uriniferous tubules (nephrons).
- The alimentary canal is short because frogs are carnivores and - 2 ureters emerge from the kidneys. In male frogs, the ureters
hence the length of intestine is reduced. act as urinogenital duct which opens into cloaca.
- Mouth → buccal cavity → pharynx → oesophagus → In females, ureters & oviduct open separately in cloaca.
stomach → intestine → rectum → cloaca. - The thin-walled urinary bladder is present ventral to the
- Liver secretes bile that is stored in gall bladder. Pancreas rectum which also opens in the cloaca.
produces pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes. - The frog is a ureotelic animal (excretes urea). Nitrogenous
- Food is captured by the bilobed tongue. wastes are carried by blood into the kidney where it is
separated and excreted.
Control and co-ordination - Male reproductive organs consist of a pair of yellowish ovoid
testes, which are found adhered to the upper part of kidneys
Endocrine system by a double fold of peritoneum (mesorchium).
- The endocrine glands secrete hormones. - Vasa efferentia (10-12 in number) arise from testes. They
- Endocrine glands: pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, enter the kidneys on their side and open into Bidder’s canal.
pineal body, pancreatic islets, adrenals & gonads. It communicates with urinogenital duct that comes out of the
Nervous system kidneys and opens into cloaca.
It includes - The cloaca is a small, median chamber that is used to pass
Central nervous system (brain & spinal cord), faecal matter, urine and sperms to the exterior.
Peripheral nervous system (cranial & spinal nerves)
Autonomic nervous system (sympathetic &
- There are 10 pairs of cranial nerves arising from brain.
- Brain is enclosed in a bony brain box (cranium).
- The brain is divided into
Fore-brain: Includes olfactory lobes, paired cerebral
hemispheres and unpaired diencephalon.
Mid-brain: Includes a pair of optic lobes.
Hind-brain: Includes cerebellum & medulla oblongata.
- Medulla oblongata passes out through the foramen
magnum and continues into spinal cord, which is enclosed
in the vertebral column.
- Sense organs include organs of
Sensory papillae: For touch
Taste buds: For taste - The female reproductive organs include a pair of ovaries.
Nasal epithelium: For smell The ovaries are situated near kidneys and there is no
Simple eyes: For vision. Paired and situated in orbit functional connection with kidneys.
Tympanum with internal ears: For hearing and - A pair of oviduct arising from the ovaries opens into the
balancing (equilibrium). cloaca separately.
- A mature female can lay 2500 to 3000 ova at a time.
Reproductive system - Fertilisation is external and takes place in water.
- Development involves a larval stage called tadpole.
- Tadpole undergoes metamorphosis to form the adult.
- Frogs are beneficial for mankind because they eat insects
and protect the crop.
- Maintain ecological balance by serving as an important link
of food chain and food web in the ecosystem.
- In some countries the muscular legs of frog are used as food
by man.