• mixotrophic – carbon is obtained from both organic compounds and by fixing carbon
2. How the organism obtains reducing equivalents used either in energy conservation or in
biosynthetic reactions:
• photolithoautotrophs obtain energy from light and carbon from the fixation of carbon
dioxide, using reducing equivalents from inorganic compounds. Examples:
Cyanobacteria (water (H2O) as reducing equivalent donor), Chlorobiaceae,
Chromatiaceae (hydrogen sulfide (H2S) as reducing equivalent donor), Chloroflexus
(hydrogen (H2) as reducing equivalent donor)
Much of the energy released during oxidation – reduction reactions is trapped within the cell by
the formation of ATP. A phosphate group is added to ADP with the input of energy to form
ATP. Addition of a phosphate to a chemical compound is called phosphorylation. Organisms
use three mechanisms of phosphorylation to generate ATP from ADP.
Substrate – level phosphorylation: ATP is generated when a high energy phosphate is directly
transferred from a phosphorylated compound (a substrate) to ADP. Generally the phosphate has
acquired its energy during an earlier reaction in which the substrate itself was oxidized.
Oxidative phosphorylation: Electrons are transferred from organic compounds to one group of
electron carriers (usually to NAD+ and FAD). Then, the electrons are passed through a series of
different electron carriers to molecules of O 2 or other oxidized inorganic and organic molecules.
This process occurs in the plasma membrane of prokaryotes and in the inner mitochondrial
membrane of eukaryotes. The sequence of electron carriers used in oxidative phosphorylation is
called an electron transport chain. The transfer of electrons from one electron carrier to the next
releases energy, some of which is used to generate ATP from ADP through a process called