Metal mining operations, in particular gold mining operations, use intensive ore control
procedures in order to manage the extraction of ore zones from benches containing both ore and
waste material. Typical grade control procedures rely on blast hole samples to indicate ore grade.
Statistical techniques and geological controls are then used to create two-dimensional polygons,
which indicate zones of material designated as ore. These ore-polygons are calculated using pre-
blast material locations and are generally not corrected for rock movement caused by blasting.
This lack of correction appears to exacerbate the material mischaracterization problem of sending
ore to the waste dump and/or waste to the mill. One Nevada gold mining company has estimated
that this could be a $10 million per year problem for their operations.
U sing a simplified vector field algorithm, a method of taking point movement data and
interpolating post-blast positions for all nodes in a polygon has been developed. Currently
working in 2-dimentions (X-Y), this algorithm utilizes the movement vectors calculated from pre-
and post-blast positions of targets placed in a blast, to generate a spatial transformation function
for any point on the bench. This transformation is then applied to the nodes of the ore-polygons to
produce modified dig lines ore polygons reflecting distortion and movement resulting from the
blast. The method as implemented uses common mine planning routines and is performed using
the Surpac software suite. The method may be adapted to use any pre-and post-blast point
movement data available, and most mine planning suites include the simple interpolation
algorithms used.
Keywords: Blast movement; Ore control; Open pit blasting; Grade control
244 APCOM2003
surface covering the area of interest. The separate values
are then used to compute a resultant displacement vector for
each grid point in the area, which is then stored in a cell of
a block model. The transformation of an ore-waste
boundary is calculated by detelmining for each vertex in the
ore polygon the displacement vector of the cell containing
that point and applying that displacement to the point.
The method of modelling the displacement trend can be
carried out using any of the standard estimating techniques, sequence
such as Triangulation, Polynomial Surface Fit, Inverse
Distance or even Kriging. For the purposes of this analysis,
a simple Inverse Distance Squared (ID2) model was
calculated using the standard Surpac Grid Tools. This
method has the advantages of allowing extrapolation
beyond the convex polygon of the original targets,
honouring the original data points and satisfying the
intuitive notion that the influence of a data point diminishes
as a function of the distance between it and the point to be
estimated. In addition, this model is computationally simple Inter Hole
to implement. Further field study is required to determine Delay,9ms
the 'best' fit method, which is expected to be site specific.
After the vector model has been constructed and the
displacement applied to the ore polygon, an estimate can be ••
made as to the cost of ignoring the ore movement. That is, Inter Row
if the ore block is found to move in the blast and the Delay, 17ms
original dig line positions are not amended, two
classification errors will occur: Ore will be sent to the waste Broken Face
dump and waste will report to the processing stream. In the
former, the cost to the operation is the lost revenue from the
Point ofInitiation
misclassified ore and in the latter, the cost is the
unnecessary cost of processing the misclassified waste.
Surpac allows the rapid calculation of these
misclassifications, by creating 'outer-sections' between the Figure 1. Schematic diagram of blast layout and sequence
original and transformed ore polygons. The area of these
sections is easily determined and hence the volume,
tonnage and contained metal can be calculated.
':I? 1 nn N
Example results
This algorithm was used to analyse a blast at an open pit .. +26
gold mine that occurred in Fall, 2001. Table I summarizes ,,;
Table I 11 ql)n N
Blast parameters for case study JO" 'ol'l
. +E 8
Sub-drill, m 1.2
~ ~ ~
Hole diameter, mm 171
Stemming, m 4.25 )j ~ ~
Inter-hole delay, ms 9
Inter-row delay, ms 17
Powder factor, kg/bcm 0.7
Figure 2. Movement of blast targets, showing hole ID#, pre-blast
position (+) and post-blast position (il)
to the NE of the map indicates waste that has moved into
the marked ore zone and will be processed unnecessarily. (ill
The darker shaded area to the SW represents ore that has
moved out of the marked ore zone and so will report to the ':I ,QI1 n N '~
waste dump and be lost. pS
1 P? nn N
':l ) 1':; n N
':I 1 nn N
\ +26
':l 'n t:; n N I
':l 'n n n N
-f; 32 ()<C:
'< . qt:; n N
'< Iq nn N
If ~ pS ~ )~
..LJ i-'-' i-'-'
~ ~
to 1 ~~
" ~"n ~
246 APCOM2003
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