Chapter 9. PR
Chapter 9. PR
Chapter 9. PR
Public relations,
publicity, and corporate
Doan Viet Phuong Nguyen (MBA)
Building public relations
Sponsorship and corporate
Public Relations - PR
The Traditional
Definition of PR
• Evaluates public attitudes.
• Identifies policies and
procedures of an organization
with the public interest.
• Executes a program of action
to earn public understanding
and acceptance.
The New Role of PR
◦ Traditional role:
◦ Maintain mutually beneficial relationships
between the organization and its publics.
◦ Act as a marketing communications
◦ New role:
◦ Work together with marketing
◦ Contribute to IMC process that is
consistent with marketing goals.
◦ Integrating PR into the Promotional Mix
◦ Must include traditional and new
Marketing Public Relations Functions
• Marketing public relations (MPR): Public relations activities designed to support marketing
Building marketplace
Creating advertising Introducing product
excitement before
Improving ROI. news where there is with little or no
media advertising
no product news. advertising.
Defending products
Providing value-
Building brand-to- Influencing the at risk and giving
added customer
customer bonds. influentials. consumers a reason
to buy.
Spot & local advertising
Advantages Disadvantages
It is a cost-effective way to reach the market. There is a lack of control over the media.
It is a highly targeted way to conduct public relations. It is difficult to tie in slogans and other
It benefits from the endorsement of independent and objective third advertising devices.
parties who have no association with the product. Media time and space are not guaranteed.
It achieves credibility. There are no standard effectiveness
It supports advertising programs by making messages more credible. measures.
Community Government
Internet networks and
involvement relations
• Controversial because:
Promotes organization’s Sponsoring specific events or Spreading ideas and Linking with nonprofit
overall image. causes as part of a marketing explaining controversial social organizations as contributing
Methods: strategy. issues of public importance. sponsors.
• General image or positioning Builds equity and gains affinity Indirectly supports sponsor’s Takes time and effort to be
ads. with target audiences. interests. successful.
• Sponsorships. Issue ads: Sponsored by
• Recruiting. organization to bring
• Generating financial attention to what they
support. consider to be an important
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Corporate Advertising