Get Extending Structures: Fundamentals and Applications (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs and Research Notes in Mathematics) 1st Edition Ana Agore PDF ebook with Full Chapters Now
Get Extending Structures: Fundamentals and Applications (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs and Research Notes in Mathematics) 1st Edition Ana Agore PDF ebook with Full Chapters Now
Get Extending Structures: Fundamentals and Applications (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs and Research Notes in Mathematics) 1st Edition Ana Agore PDF ebook with Full Chapters Now
Geotechnics Fundamentals and Applications in Construction:
New Materials, Structures, Technologies and Calculations
1st Edition Rashid Mangushev
Ana Agore
Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Gigel Militaru
University of Bucharest
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300
Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742
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Introduction vii
2 Leibniz algebras 35
2.1 Unified products for Leibniz algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.2 Flag extending structures of Leibniz algebras: Examples . . . 45
2.3 Special cases of unified products for Leibniz algebras . . . . 55
2.4 Classifying complements for extensions of Leibniz algebras . 62
2.5 Itô’s theorem for Leibniz algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3 Lie algebras 71
3.1 Unified products for Lie algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.2 Flag extending structures: Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
3.3 Special cases of unified products for Lie algebras . . . . . . . 88
3.4 Matched pair deformations and the factorization index for Lie
algebras: The case of perfect Lie algebras . . . . . . . . . . . 93
3.5 Matched pair deformations and the factorization index for Lie
algebras: The case of non-perfect Lie algebras . . . . . . . . 97
3.6 Application: Galois groups and group actions on Lie algebras 107
vi Contents
Bibliography 205
Index 221
viii Extending Structures: Fundamentals and Applications
the factorization problem and the objects used to approach them, namely: the
crossed and the bicrossed product of groups. In particular, we revisit two clas-
sical results concerning the aforementioned problems: the theorems of Schreier
and Takeuchi as they served as a model for our approach of the ES problem.
The first important results of this chapter are given in Section 1.2: first we
construct a new product called the unified product, which unifies and gener-
alizes both the crossed and the bicrossed product of groups. We establish the
necessary and sufficient axioms for the construction of the unified product in
Theorem 1.2.1. This new product is responsible for the classification part of
the ES problem: any group structure on the set E which contains H as a
subgroup is proved to be isomorphic to a certain unified product. The answer
to the classification part of the ES problem is given in Theorem 1.2.16: the
set of all group structures · that can be defined on E such that H becomes a
subgroup of (E, ·) are classified up to an isomorphism of groups that stabilizes
H by a non-abelian cohomological type object which is explicitly constructed.
Moreover, as an application, a general Schreier type theorem for unified prod-
ucts is proven. The most important application is contained in Section 1.3
where we consider a question related to the ES problem called the classifying
complements problem or the CCP problem for short:
Classifying complements problem. Let A be a subgroup of G. If an
A-complement of G (that is, a subgroup H ≤ G such that G = AH and
A ∩ H = {1}) exists, describe explicitly, classify all A-complements of G and
compute the factorization index [G : A]f (that is, the number of isomorphism
types of all A-complements of G).
In the case of abelian groups the classifying complements problem is trivial:
if a subgroup A of an abelian group G has a complement then it can be easily
seen that this complement is unique up to isomorphism. The situation changes
radically in the case of non-abelian groups, where the problem is far from
being trivial and has very important consequences. As an argument in this
direction we mention that the factorization index of the canonical inclusion
Sn−1 ⊆ Sn (where Sn is the group of permutations on n letters) is equal to
g(n), the number of types of isomorphisms of groups of order n. We provide
the full answer to the classifying complements problem in three steps called
deformation of complements, description of complements and classification of
complements. The main result of this section is Theorem 1.3.11 which shows
that there exists a bijection between the set of isomorphism types of all A-
complements of G and a new cohomological type object which is explicitly
constructed. In particular, an explicit formula is provided for computing the
factorization index [G : A]f . Section 1.4 contains the main application of the
theory previously developed. More precisely, by applying our results to the
factorization Sn = Sn−1 Cn , where Cn is the cyclic group of order n, we obtain
a combinatorial formula for computing the number of isomorphism types of
all groups of order n which arises from a minimal set of data: the factorization
Sn = Sn−1 Cn .
Chapter 2 is dedicated to the study of both the ES problem and the CCP
problem for Leibniz algebras. The theory we developed in the first chapter
x Extending Structures: Fundamentals and Applications
group Gal (h/hG ) is also described and we show that the group Gal (h/hG )
is different from G, as opposed to the classical Galois theory of fields where
the two groups coincide. The next step proves a version of Hilbert’s 90 The-
orem for Lie algebras: if G is a cyclic group then the kernel of the Reynolds
operator t : h → hG is determined. As an application we show that if g ⊆ h
is a Lie subalgebra of codimension 1 in h, then the Galois group Gal (h/g) is
metabelian (in particular, solvable). Based on this, the Lie algebra counter-
part of the concept of a radical extension of fields is introduced. As in the
classical Galois theory, we prove that the Galois group Gal (h/g) of a radical
extension g ⊆ h of finite-dimensional Lie algebras is a solvable group. Several
other applications and concrete examples of Galois groups are presented.
Chapter 4 is dedicated to the same two problems, namely the ES problem
and the classification of complements, this time for unital associative alge-
bras. Mutatis mutandis, all results proved in Chapter 2 for Leibniz algebras
can be transposed at the level of associative algebras, with the obvious changes
imposed by the new context. Therefore, instead of listing here all results con-
tained in this chapter, we only point out that these results are used in the next
chapter in approaching the same two problems in the more general setting of
Jacobi and Poisson algebras.
Chapter 5 deals with Jacobi (in particular Poisson) algebras. A Jacobi alge-
bra is a commutative associative algebra A with a Lie algebra bracket such that
the following compatibility is fulfilled: [ab, c] = a [b, c] + [a, c] b − ab [1A , c], for
all a, b, c ∈ A. A Poisson algebra is a Jacobi algebra A such that [1A , a] = 0, for
all a ∈ A. Jacobi (resp. Poisson) algebras are algebraic counterparts of Jacobi
(resp. Poisson) manifolds: a smooth manifold M is a Jacobi (resp. Poisson)
manifold if and only if the algebra A := C ∞ (M ) of real smooth functions on
M is a Jacobi (resp. Poisson) algebra. Poisson algebras are very important and
interesting objects since they appear in various research areas situated at the
border between mathematics and physics. The first steps towards the classifi-
cation of low dimensional Poisson manifolds, which is a very difficult task, are
taken in [122, 159] using mainly differential geometry tools. The classification
of finite-dimensional Poisson algebras is equally difficult being the algebraic
counterpart of the classification problem in differential geometry. To illustrate
this, Chapter 5 begins with the classification of all complex Jacobi algebras of
dimension 2 or 3. Frobenius Jacobi algebras are introduced and characterized
by using what we have called, inspired by Hopf algebra theory, an integral of a
Jacobi algebra. The main sections of this chapter deal with the two problems
subsequent to the classification problem for finite-dimensional Poisson/Jacobi
algebras, namely the ES problem and the classification of complements. Using
xii Extending Structures: Fundamentals and Applications
For a family of sets (Xi )i∈I we shall denote by ti∈I Xi their coproduct in the
category of sets, i.e., ti∈I Xi is the disjoint union of the Xi ’s.
Throughout, k will be a field whose group of units is denoted by k ∗ . All
vector spaces, associative/Lie/Leibniz/Poisson/Jacobi algebras, linear or bi-
linear maps, tensor products and so on are over k. A linear homomorphism
f : V → W between two vector spaces is called the trivial map if f (v) = 0, for
all v ∈ V . V ∗ = Homk (V, k) and Endk (V ) denote the dual, respectively the
endomorphisms ring of a vector space V . If g ≤ E is a subspace in a vector
space E, another subspace V of E such that E = g + V and V ∩ g = 0 is called
a complement of g in E. Such a complement is unique up to an isomorphism
and its dimension is called the codimension of g in E. For two vector spaces V
and W we denote by Homk (V, W ) the abelian group of all linear maps from V
to W and by GLk (V ) := Autk (V ) the group of all linear automorphisms of V ;
if V has dimension m over k then GLk (V ) is identified with the general linear
group GL(m, k) of all m × m invertible matrices over k. As usual, SL(m, k)
stands for the special linear group of degree m over k which is the normal
subgroup of GL(m, k) consisting of all m × m matrices of determinant 1.
We briefly recall below the construction of the semidirect product of groups
using the right-hand side convention. Let G and H be two groups and / :
H × G → H a right action as automorphisms of the group G on the group
H, i.e., the following compatibility conditions hold for all g, g 0 ∈ G and h,
h0 ∈ H:
h / 1 = h, h / (gg 0 ) = (h / g) / g 0 (hh0 ) / g = (h / g)(h0 / g)
The associated semidirect product G o H is the group structure on G × H
with multiplication given for any g, g 0 ∈ G and h, h0 ∈ H by:
(g, h) · (g 0 , h0 ) := gg 0 , (h / g 0 )h0
Let V and W be two vector spaces. Then there exists a canonical right
action as automorphisms
of the group GLk (V ) on the abelian group
Homk (V, W ), + given for any r ∈ Homk (V, W ) and σ ∈ GLk (V ) by:
/ : Homk (V, W ) × GLk (V ) → Homk (V, W ), r / σ := r ◦ σ
We shall denote by GVW := GLk (V ) o Homk (V, W ) the corresponding semidi-
rect product, i.e., GVW := GLk (V ) × Homk (V, W ), with the multiplication
xiv Extending Structures: Fundamentals and Applications
(σ, r) · (σ 0 , r0 ) := (σ ◦ σ 0 , r ◦ σ 0 + r0 ) (0.2)
The unit of the group GVW is (IdV , 0). Moreover, GLk (V ) = ∼ GLk (V ) × {0} is a
subgroup of GVW and the abelian group Homk (V, W ) ∼ = {IdV } × Homk (V, W )
is a normal subgroup of GVW . The relation (σ, r) = (σ, 0) · (IdV , r) gives an
exact factorization GVW = GLk (V ) · Homk (V, W ) of the group GVW through
the subgroup GLk (V ) and the abelian normal subgroup Homk (V, W ). Being
a semidirect product, the group GVW is a split extension of GLk (V ) by the
abelian group Homk (V, W ); that is, it fits into an exact sequence of groups
0 → Homk (V, W ) → GVW → GLk (V ) → 1 and the canonical projection
GVW → GLk (V ) → 1 has a section that is a morphism of groups. The group
GVW constructed above will play the key role in describing the Galois group
of an arbitrary extension of Lie algebras. If V ∼ = k is a 1-dimensional vector
space, then the group GkW identifies with the semidirect product k ∗ o W of
the multiplicative group of units (k ∗ , ·) with the abelian group (W, +) and will
be denoted simply by GW . The multiplication on GW = k ∗ o W is given for
any u, u0 ∈ k ∗ and x, x0 ∈ W by:
[g, g] = 0, [g, [h, l]] + [h, [l, g]] + [l, [g, h]] = 0
Generalities: Basic notions and notation xv
for all g, h, l ∈ g. The second condition is called the Jacobi identity. For two
given Lie algebras g and h we denote by AutLie (g) the group of automorphisms
of g and by HomLie (g, h) the space of all Lie algebra homomorphisms between
g and h. Let g be a Lie algebra and g0 := [g, g] be the derived algebra of g;
g is called perfect if g0 = g and abelian if g0 = 0. The abelian Lie algebra
of dimension n will be denoted by k0n . Furthermore, gl(m, k) (resp. sl(m, k))
stands for the general (resp. special) linear Lie algebra of all m × m matrices
(resp. all m × m matrices of trace 0) having the bracket [A, B] := AB − BA.
Representations of a Lie algebra g will be viewed as modules over g; more-
over, we shall work with both concepts of right and left g-modules. Explicitly, a
right g-module is a vector space V together with a bilinear map / : V ×g → V ,
called a right action of g on V , satisfying the following compatibility
x / [g, h] = (x / g) / h − (x / h) / g (0.4)
[g, h] . x = g . (h . x) − h . (g . x) (0.5)
Out(g) := Der(g)/Inn(g)
xvi Extending Structures: Fundamentals and Applications
for all g, h, l ∈ g. Any Lie algebra is a Leibniz algebra, and a Leibniz algebra
satisfying [g, g] = 0, for all g ∈ g is a Lie algebra. The typical example of a
Leibniz algebra is the following [166]: let g be a Lie algebra, (M, /) a right
g-module and µ : M → g a g-equivariant map, i.e., µ(m / g) = [µ(m), g],
for all m ∈ M and g ∈ g. Then M is a Leibniz algebra with the bracket
[m, n](/, µ) := m / µ(n), for all m, n ∈ M . Another important example was
constructed in [156]: if g is a Lie algebra, then g ⊗ g is a Leibniz algebra with
the bracket given by [x ⊗ y, a ⊗ b] := [x, [a, b]] ⊗ y + x ⊗ [y, [a, b]], for all x, y,
a, b ∈ g. For other interesting examples of Leibniz algebras we refer to [167].
A subspace I ≤ g of a Leibniz algebra g is called a two-sided ideal of g if
[x, g] ∈ I and [g, x] ∈ I, for all x ∈ I and g ∈ g. g is called perfect if [g, g] = g
and abelian if [g, g] = 0. By Z(g) we shall denote the center of g, that is the
two-sided ideal consisting of all g ∈ g such that [g, x] = [x, g] = 0, for all
x ∈ g. As in the case of Lie algebras, we denote by Der(g) the space of all
derivations of g, that is, all linear maps ∆ : g → g satisfying (0.6). For two
subspaces A and B of a Leibniz algebra g we denote by [A, B] the vector
space generated by all brackets [a, b], for any a ∈ A and b ∈ B. In particular,
g0 := [g, g] is called the derived subalgebra of g. A Leibniz or a Lie algebra g
is called metabelian if g0 is an abelian subalgebra of g, i.e., [ [g, g], [g, g] ] = 0.
An algebra A is called a Frobenius algebra if A ∼ = A∗ as right A-modules,
where A is viewed as a right A-module via (a · a)(b) := a∗ (ab), for all
∗ ∗
and a∗ ∈ g∗ . We can easily see that a Lie algebra g is Frobenius if and only
if there exists a non-degenerate invariant bilinear form B : g × g → k, i.e.,
B([a, b], c) = B(a, [b, c]), for all a, b, c ∈ g. In light of this reformulation, the
second Cartan’s criterion shows that any finite-dimensional complex semisim-
ple Lie algebra is Frobenius since its Killing form is non-degenerate and in-
variant. Besides the mathematical interest in studying Frobenius Lie algebras
[147, 183], they are also important and have been intensively studied in physics
[107, 197], in particular for the construction of Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten
models. The property of being Frobenius reflects a certain natural symmetry:
for instance, a functor F : C → D is called Frobenius [65] if F has the same
left and right adjoint functor. This idea will be used in Section 5.1 where we
introduce the notion of Frobenius Jacobi algebras.
A Poisson algebra is a triple A = (A, mA , [−, −]), where (A, mA ) is a (not
necessarily unital) commutative algebra, (A, [−, −]) is a Lie algebra such that
the Leibniz law
[ab, c] = a [b, c] + [a, c] b
holds for any a, b, c ∈ A. For further details concerning the study of Poisson
algebras arising from differential geometry see [159] and the references therein.
If a Poisson algebra A has a unit 1A , then by taking a = b = 1A in the Leibniz
law we obtain that [1A , c] = [c, 1A ] = 0, for all c ∈ A. Any non-unital Poisson
algebra embeds into a unital Poisson algebra.
A (right) Poisson A-module [169, 232] is a vector space V equipped with
two bilinear maps / : V × A → V and (: V × A → V such that (V, /) is a
right A-module, (V, () is a right Lie A-module satisfying the following two
compatibility conditions for any a, b ∈ A and x ∈ V :
x ( (ab) = (x ( a) / b + (x ( b) / a, x / [a, b] = (x / a) ( b − (x ( b) / a
by k Jac (resp. k Poss) the category of Jacobi (resp. unitary Poisson) algebras
over a field k. A Jacobi ideal of a Jacobi algebra A is a linear subspace I which
is both an ideal with respect to the associative product as well as a Lie ideal
of A. If I is a Jacobi ideal of A then A/I inherits a Jacobi algebra structure
in the obvious way.
Chapter 1
Extending structures: The group case
The present chapter is the starting point for a study concerning what we have
called the extending structures problem or the ES problem for short. At the
level of groups the ES problem has a very natural statement:
Let H be a group and E a set such that H ⊆ E. Describe and classify up
to an isomorphism that stabilizes H the set of all group structures · that can
be defined on E such that H is a subgroup of (E, ·).
In other words, the ES problem is trying to provide an answer to the very
natural question: to what extent a group structure on H can be extended
beyond H to a bigger set which contains H as a subset in such a way that H
would become a subgroup within the new structure. The ES problem general-
izes and unifies two famous problems in the theory of groups which served as
model for our approach: the extension problem of Hölder [133] and the factor-
ization problem of Ore [192]. Let us explain this briefly. Consider two groups
H and G. The extension problem of Hölder consists of describing and classify-
ing all groups E containing H as a normal subgroup such that E/H ∼ = G. An
important step related to the extension problem was made by Schreier: any
extension E of G by H is equivalent to a crossed product extension (see The-
orem 1.1.6 below). For more details and references on the extension problem
we refer to the monographs [2], [210]. The factorization problem is a “dual”
of the extension problem and it was formulated by Ore [192]. It consists of
describing and classifying up to an isomorphism all groups E that factorize
through two given groups H and G: i.e., E contains H and G as subgroups
such that E = HG and H ∩ G = {1}. The dual version of Schreier’s theorem
was proven by Takeuchi [224]: the bicrossed product associated to a matched
pair of groups (H, G, /, .) was constructed and it was proven that a group E
factorizes through H and G if and only if E is isomorphic to a bicrossed prod-
uct H ./ G (see Proposition 1.1.9). The factorization problem is even more
difficult than the more popular extension problem and little progress has been
made since then. For instance, in the case of two cyclic groups H and G, not
both finite, the problem was started by L. Rédei in [208] and finished by P.M.
Cohn in [80]. If H and G are both finite cyclic groups the problem seems to be
still open, even though J. Douglas [95] has devoted four papers to the subject.
The case of two cyclic groups, one of them being of prime order, was solved
in [11]. The bicrossed product, also known as the knit product or Zappa-Szep
product in the theory of groups, appeared for the first time in a paper by
Zappa [231] and it was rediscovered later on by Szep [221].
2 Extending Structures: Fundamentals and Applications
1 /H i /E π /G /1
diagram is commutative
i0 / E0 π0 /G
Id θ Id
i /E π /G
We should point out that in the classical group theory terminology, a pair
(α, f ) which fulfills the conditions in Definition 1.1.1 is called a factor set
([2], [210]). The term “crossed system” is borrowed from Hopf algebra theory
where we have a similar construction which generalizes the crossed product of
Now we give some useful formulas for a crossed system.
i.e., (1.10) holds. Conversely, assume that (1.10) holds. After we specialize
h3 = 1 in (1.10) we obtain (1.4). Now,
g1 . (g2 . h) f (g1 , g2 ) = f (g1 , g2 ) (g1 g2 ) . h f (g1 g2 , g3 )
[(g1 . f (g2 , g3 ))f (g1 , g2 g3 )]−1 f (g1 , g2 )
f (g1 , g2 ) (g1 g2 ) . h f (g1 g2 , g3 )f (g1 g2 , g3 )−1
f (g1 , g2 )−1 f (g1 , g2 )
= f (g1 , g2 ) (g1 g2 ) . h
6 Extending Structures: Fundamentals and Applications
i.e., (1.3) holds; hence the first part of the theorem is proved. We assume now
that (H, G, α, f ) is a crossed system and we prove that H#fα G, · is a group.
For h ∈ H and g ∈ G we have
(h, g) · (f (1, 1)−1 , 1) = h g . (f (1, 1)−1 ) f (g, 1), g
= h(g . (f (1, 1)−1 ) (g . f (1, 1)), g
= h(g . (f (1, 1)−1 f (1, 1))), g
= (h(g . 1), g) = (h, g)
(f (1, 1)−1 , 1) · (h, g) f (1, 1)−1 (1 . h)f (1, g), g
f (1, 1)−1 f (1, 1)hf (1, 1)−1 f (1, g), g
hf (1, 1)−1 f (1, 1), g = (h, g)
i.e., (f (1, 1)−1 , 1) is the unit of H#fα G, · . Let now (h, g) ∈ H#fα G. Then
is a left inverse of (h, g). Thus H#fα G is a monoid and any element of it has
a left inverse. Then H#fα G is a group and we are done.
Note that a crossed product with f the trivial cocycle (that is f (g1 , g2 ) =
1H , for all g1 , g2 ∈ G) is just the semidirect product H nα G of H and G.
Example 1.1.4 Let C2 (resp. C4 ) be the cyclic group of order 2 (resp. 4)
generated by a (resp. b) and define
α : C2 → Aut (C4 ), α(1) = IdC4 , α(a)(x) = x−1
for all x ∈ C4 and
f : C2 × C2 → C4 , f (1, 1) = f (1, a) = f (a, 1) = 1, f (a, a) = b
Then we can easily prove that (C4 , C2 , α, f ) is a normalized crossed system
and C4 #fα C2 ∼
= Q, the quaternion group Q of order 8.
Any crossed product (H#fα G, iH , πG ) of groups gives a canonical extension
of G by H as the next result shows.
Corollary 1.1.5 Let (H, G, α, f ) be a crossed system. Then
1 /H iH
/ H#fα G πG
/G /1 (1.11)
Proof: Straightforward.
The famous Schreier’s theorem states the converse of Corollary 1.1.5: any
extension E of a group G by a group H is equivalent to a crossed product
/ H#fα G πG
/G (1.12)
Id θ Id
i /E π /G
is commutative.
1 . a = a, h / 1 = h, h . 1 = 1, 1/a=1 (1.17)
for all a, b ∈ A, h, g ∈ H.
Proof: As the proof is similar to the one given for Theorem 1.1.3, we leave
it to the reader; a detailed proof can be found in [224, Proposition 2.2.].
Furthermore, it can be obtained as a special case of Theorem 1.2.5.
We point out that there are several other names used in the literature to
designate the bicrossed product such as: doublecross product, knit product or
Zappa-Szep product associated to the matched pair (H, G, ., /).
If A ./ H is a bicrossed product then iA : A → A ./ H, iA (a) = (a, 1)
and iH : H → A ./ H, iH (h) = (1, h) are morphisms of groups. A and H
will be viewed as subgroups of A ./ H via the identifications A ∼ = A × {1},
H∼ = {1} × H. If the right action / of a matched pair (A, H, ., /) is the trivial
action then the bicrossed product A ./ H is just the semidirect product
A n H of A and H. Thus, the bicrossed product is another generalization of
the semidirect product to the case when none of the factors is required to be
normal. The bicrossed product A ./ H factorizes through A ∼ = A × {1} and
H∼ = {1} × H as for any a ∈ A and h ∈ H we have that (a, h) = (a, 1) · (1, h).
Conversely, the main motivation for defining the bicrossed product of groups
is the following result which can be viewed as a dual to Schreier’s theorem
(Theorem 1.1.6).
if and only if there exists a matched pair of groups (A, H, ., /) such that the
multiplication map
mG : A ./ H → G, mG (a, h) = ah
h a = (h . a)(h / a) ∈ AH (1.19)
Then we can easily prove that (A, H, ., /) is a matched pair of groups and
mG : A ./ H → G is an isomorphism of groups. For more detail see [224,
Proposition 2.4].
ϕ : H × S → E, ϕ(h, s) := hs (1.21)
for all h ∈ H and s ∈ S is bijective with the inverse given for any x ∈ E
ϕ−1 : E → H × S, ϕ−1 (x) = p(x), p(x)−1 x
10 Extending Structures: Fundamentals and Applications
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