Fundamentals of Digital Marketing-Unit1

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Digital Marketing and Business Analytics

Department of MCA
Hiray College

Module 1: Fundamentals of Digital Marketing:

Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing Strategy. Skills Required in Digital
Marketing, Digital Marketing Plan,
Digital Marketing:
Introduction to Display Marketing, Types of Display Ads, Buying
Models, Display Plan, Analytics Tools.
Dignified Digital Marketing – Ethics and Data Privacy
Self Learning Topics: What makes a Good Ad? Programmatic Digital
Advertising, YouTube Advertising

Module 1.

The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has become one of the most trending terms recently.
Every kind of business is adopting digital marketing techniques.
Consider a large or small business, everyone has adopted digital
marketing activities in some capacity or other.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is marketing your product, whether a good or service,
through digital means. It involves marketing through online mediums
and can be understood as the opposite of traditional marketing.

Digital marketing constitutes all the modern marketing techniques and is

a growing marketing trend, which is why it is important to learn about
the fundamentals of digital marketing. It has opened many avenues for
different organizations, and every brand has to imperatively employ
digital marketing techniques for leading their business successfully, Also
a career in Digital Marketing is in huge demand.

Why is digital marketing important?

There are many reasons why digital marketing has been booming.
1. Wider audience- With traditional methods of marketing, your
efforts get limited to a particular demographic but with digital
marketing, your presence can be felt globally, hence reaching a
wider audience.
2. Compete with the big forces- If Reliance is on social media, so
can be you. Now the marketing opportunities are not limited to big
businesses alone, but anyone can use digital marketing methods for
their benefit, hence placing a small brand also in the major leagues.
3. Reach potential customers- Earlier it was difficult to reach out to
potential customers, but with the efforts of digital marketing it has
become easy to identify and reach the target audience. Targeting
the potential audience will yield better results.
4. Track the reach- Traditional marketing methods were hard to
track. It is difficult to track how many people saw a particular
billboard and ultimately made the purchase, but with digital
marketing, it is possible with various tools that help to track the
social media presence, website activity, etc.
5. Return on Investment- Based on the Litmus report, email
marketing ROI stands at 4,200% or 42x. For every dollar brands
invest in email marketing, they receive $42 in return. This is the
kind of return we are talking about. It is huge and hence it would
be a great decision to invest in digital marketing opportunities and
see your business grow.

Traditional Marketing :
The traditional way of marketing lets businesses market their products or
administrations on print media, radio and TV commercials, bill boards,
business cards, and in numerous other comparable ways where Internet
or web-based social networking sites were not utilized for promoting.
▪ Another overlooked means of traditional marketing is when people
find a particular business through a referral or a network and eventually
you build a rapport with them.
▪ Because of its longevity, people are accustomed to traditional
marketing. Finding ads in magazines and newspapers, or reading
billboards are still familiar activities and people still do them all the
▪ Most of the time, traditional marketing is reaching only a local
audience even though it is not limited to one.
▪There are some aspects where traditional marketing wins over the
online advertising battle, which include Target Local Audience,
Materials are for keeps, More personal and Simpler process.
▪ One of the primary disadvantages of traditional marketing is that the
results are not easily measured, and in many cases cannot be measured at
▪ In most cases, traditional marketing is also more costly than digital
marketing. And perhaps the biggest disadvantage today is that traditional
marketing is static which means there is no way to interact with the
audience. It’s more like you are throwing information in front of people
and hoping that they decide to take action.
Digital Marketing:
Digital Marketing can be understood as a well-targeted, conversion-
oriented, quantifiable, and interactive marketing of products or services
by utilizing digital innovation to achieve the customers, and transform
them into clients in a sustainable fashion. The whole concept and
functionalities of Digital Marketing are more competent, effective,
result-oriented and measurable, which make it very different from
traditional marketing.
▪ Digital or online marketing is the marketing mode of the global village.
It is only obvious that the era of the internet will have its influence in
every realm of life.
▪ The world of digital marketing continues to evolve and as long as
technology continues to advance, digital marketing will as well.
▪ Examples of digital marketing include things like websites, social
media mentions, YouTube videos, and banner ads. Specifically, digital
marketing is similar to traditional advertising, but using digital devices.
▪ However, digital marketing is considered a form of inbound marketing
and its goal is for people to find you. Businesses put content (or ads) out
for individuals to find.
▪ People may conduct an organic online search, a paid search, find your
business on a social network or by reading content that has been
published online such as a blog or an article. The more they see you or
your content, the more familiar they will become with your brand and
they will eventually develop a trust and a rapport with you through this
online presence.
▪ One benefit to using digital marketing is that the results are much
easier to measure; and another is that a digital campaign can reach an
infinite audience. It is also possible to tailor a digital campaign to reach
a local audience but it can also be used on the web and reach the entire
globe when appropriate.
▪ Digital marketing is also a very interactive means of reaching an
audience since it makes use of social outlets. There can be plenty of
direct contact between the audience and the business which means that
the business can get some very valuable consumer feedback.
▪ Benefits of Digital Marketing over Traditional Marketing include
reduced cost, real time result, brand Development, non-intrusive, higher
exposure, higher engagement, Quicker publicity, Non interruptive, Good
For All Stages Of Fields, Easy analytics and Strategy Refinement.
▪ One of the disadvantages to using digital media marketing strategies is
that it can take some time to realize measurable success

Fundamentals of Digital Marketing :

1. SEO

The first and the most inexpensive part of the fundamentals of digital
marketing is SEO which stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is
one of the best and simplest ways to increase a brand’s visibility.

SEO can be explained as the process of optimizing the content through

the strategic use of keywords and complying with the algorithm of
search engines so that during a search on Google, Bing, Yahoo, or any
other search engine, they index the content and show it to the right
2. Online Advertising

Where SEO was referred to as the inexpensive aspect of the

fundamentals of digital marketing, online advertising is the paid aspect,
also termed as paid media. When you search on Google, let’s say free
courses with certificates, on the top of the search results, you would
notice some links before which the word, Ad is mentioned. This is an
example of online advertising. All those ads that pop up on your screen
while you are scrolling through Facebook or Instagram are also
examples of paid media.

There are many channels for online advertising like Youtube ads,
Facebook ads, Linkedin ads, Instagram ads, Google ads, PPC
Campaigns, etc. Brands have to identify what works best for them and
which channel would be the best way to reach their target audience.

Online advertising is considered the best way to reach the target

audience and increase brand awareness.

3. Content Marketing

To put it simply, content marketing is a strategy to target the desired

audience by creating relevant content, which can be in the form of
articles, videos, podcasts, or any other media meant to engage and retain
an audience. It can be achieved through blogs, newsletters, emails, etc.

Content marketing helps in earning leads and helps brands to convey the
product ideas and vision.

4. Email Marketing

Email marketing is an easy and effective way to stay connected with

existing and potential customers. Email marketing is nothing but generic
mail that is used to target the audience. It can be understood as an
advertisement that is aimed at garnering traffic on the website and has
the highest conversion rates. Most of the email marketing constitutes
emails that communicate new offers and coupons to spike the recipient’s

There are many tools like Mailchimp that have made the job of email
marketing easy. They help in generating emails and sending them to the
list of potential leads.

5. Social Media Marketing

Using social media platforms to market a product or a service is social

media marketing. It is the easiest and most effective way to connect with
the target audience.

Every brand should aim to stay relevant on social media and be

equipped with the knowledge of current trends. Social media
marketing also allows the brands the opportunity to track the reach of
their content, and with the various tools that are offered by the social
media platforms themselves, it has become very easy for the brands to
identify patterns and find what works best for them and where they can

6. Pay-Per-Click

Pay-per-click is a part of paid media that is used to increase the rankings

on search engines through paid means. Pay-per-click is used to improve
rankings by moving on top of the search results and drive more traffic.
The advertisement stays for as long it is being paid for, afterward, it
won’t exist.

7. Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing dominates the digital landscape. It focuses on

reaching the target market by means of phones or smartphones. This can
be achieved through social media, text messages, email, etc.
Mobile marketing involves everything that is done on the desktop and
presenting it for the mobile. The websites that are designed should be
mobile-friendly, and activities that can be considered unique to mobile
marketing are in-app-built notifications, text messages, and social media
activity to a certain extent.

8. Affiliate/Influencer Marketing

Affiliate marketing is getting the product promoted through another

person and paying commission to them on every sale made.

The affiliate promotes the product, whether a good or service, through

any medium like a YouTube video or a blog, and when anyone clicks on
the link provided to them for the product, ultimately buying it, then they
are compensated for it through commission.

Most of the companies have started collaborating with influencers to

increase their brand awareness. It benefits both the parties as influencers
who here are working as affiliates get the commission as an incentive,
and the brands get the sales.

9. Video Marketing

Video marketing can be used to increase awareness about the product

and increase traffic on the website. Video marketing also holds the
potential of the video getting viral. Nowadays, many brands collaborate
with influencers to create trending videos and hope for them to get viral.
With the younger generation literally stuck to their phones, there is
nothing better than a viral video to catch their eyes.

10. Audio Marketing

Audio marketing is now not limited to the realms of radio. Also, radio is
not what it used to be, with the introduction of internet radio, the
audience has changed, and so has the potential it holds. There are other
options available now for audio marketing, like streaming an audio ad
on mediums like Spotify or one of the most popular methods like a
podcast. There are also smart home assistants like Ok Google and Alexa
who have contributed towards audio marketing.

Digital Marketing Strategy :

A digital marketing strategy is a plan for using online channels to
establish an internet presence and achieve specific marketing objectives.
These channels can include organic search, social media, paid ads, and
other web-based mediums such as your website.

The 7 C's of Digital Marketing:


Content reigns supreme in the digital realm. Compelling, valuable, and

relevant content is the foundation of any successful digital marketing
campaign. Whether it's blog posts, videos, or social media updates,
content serves as the bridge between your brand and your audience.

Context is king when it comes to digital marketing. Understanding

where your audience is in their buyer's journey and tailoring your
message accordingly is vital. What works on social media may not be
effective in email marketing. The right message, at the right time, on the
right platform, can make all the difference.

Building meaningful connections with your audience is at the heart of

digital marketing. Engaging with your audience, responding to
comments, and fostering a sense of community can turn one-time buyers
into loyal customers and brand advocates.

A strong digital community can be a powerful asset. Creating a space

where your customers can connect, share experiences, and interact with
your brand builds trust and loyalty. Digital communities can thrive on
social media, forums, or even your website.

Personalization is the key to capturing your audience's attention. Tailor

your marketing messages based on user behavior, preferences, and
demographics. This level of customization creates a sense of relevance
and makes your audience feel valued.

Effective communication is a two-way street. Engage with your

audience through social media, email, and other channels. Actively
listen to their feedback and use it to refine your strategies. Encourage
dialogue, not just monologue.

At the end of the digital marketing journey, the ultimate goal is

conversion. Converting website visitors into customers or leads requires
a seamless user experience, persuasive calls to action, and a clear path to

10 Essential Skills Every Digital Marketer Needs

to Know
 Video Marketing:

Customers love videos, particularly on social media, most statistics point

to much higher conversion, engagement, and higher SEO rankings when
it comes to video. When people can see your face (or the face of the
person promoting the brand), they are more likely to trust your business.
It’s also wonderfully versatile content to use across different platforms.

SEO & SEM (Search Engine Optimization & Search Engine

Marketing ):

SEO & SEM are key to all levels of digital marketing and anyone going into
the field must have a basic handle on it. You can leave the highly technical,
back-end stuff to the more technical people on the team, but knowing how
SEO really works and a solid understanding of best practices and content
optimization are crucial for running a successful digital marketing campaign.

 Content Marketing:
Content is at the core of digital marketing and content marketing will
continue to be a crucial part of the game no matter what happens. But
content marketing is a huge job in itself. You have to be able to create
high quality, SEO-friendly content for many channels and understand
how to create an effective content strategy to engage and convert
audiences, including knowing the best ways to use ChatGPT and other
AI technologies.

 Data & Analytics:

Most businesses (even small ones) have huge amounts of data to track,
and great digital marketers need to understand how to gather and use this
to their advantage. Companies will always be on the lookout for people
who not only know how to “read” data using their marketing technical
skills but to extract value from customer data to improve future
strategies. If you can show that you can do this in innovative ways that
result in campaign success, you will be a valuable asset in the industry.

 Design Thinking & Planning :

Design thinking is a term that refers to a way of approaching problems
from a user-centred perspective. The approach essentially encourages us
to think in a human-centred way when solving large-scale complex
problems. Designers and developers are likely to use this type of
approach, so it’s a good idea to at least have a solid understanding of it
to pump up your marketing resume and apply it when feasible.

 Social Media:
As a marketer, it's essential to have some understanding of social media
marketing. You need to understand that it's not as simple as creating a
post and putting it out there. The content you create needs to be relevant,
targeted and stand out so people will stop scrolling and click. It's also
about understanding the strengths of each platform and if it will suit
your audience.
It's about knowing your audience base, creating content that will
resonate, and using the right social platforms.

 Email Marketing:
Email is an essential tool for any marketer, espeically as first-party data
is more important than ever, since the demise of cookies. It helps you to
communicate with, and influence, a captive audience and
deliver personalized messaging through segmentation and workflows.

 Be Tech Savvy:
As the digital marketing industry is technology-driven, you need a
decent grip on Martech as well as be able to learn it quickly.
It can also be beneficial to understand the technical skills needed for
marketing such as the basics of web coding, using Content Management
Systems (CMS), as well as AI tools and data privacy issues.

Digital Marketing Plan :

A digital marketing plan defines the goals you will accomplish in a
given time frame and how you will measure your efforts.
When creating a digital marketing plan, it is important to remember that
marketing is still about communicating the benefits of your product or
service in a way that resonates with customers.
7 Ps of Digital marketing
Product, Price Place, Promotion, People, Process, and Physical
evidence are the 7 Ps of marketing mix. The same mix can alse be
considered for online marketing mix as well. Below we are discussing
each P and how it contributes to effective marketing strategies.

1. Product
Product, refers to the goods or services that a business offers its
customers. In other words, the product is the physical or intangible
offering that a business sells to its customers. The Product element of
the 7Ps covers product design, quality, features, and packaging. To
execute successful marketing, businesses must understand their target
market and ensure their products align accordingly.

2. Price
The Price element covers the cost of goods or services. The price is the
amount of money that customers pay for a product. It is important to set
a price that is both competitive and profitable.
Pricing strategies, such as discounts, bundling, and dynamic pricing,
can significantly impact consumer behavior and shape purchase
decisions. Different pricing strategies can also help businesses appeal
to different demographics, such as premium pricing for luxury goods.

3. Place
The Place element refers to the distribution channels of the business. It
can be a physical store, an online store, or a combination of both. The
goal of this P is to make the products easily accessible to customers.
shoppers are increasingly utilizing both online and offline shopping
methods, often during the same shopping journey, in order to locate
desired products at the optimal price point and utilizing the most
convenient fulfillment method for their needs.
4. Promotion
The Promotion pertains to the communication strategies employed to
make potential customers aware of and attracted to the product. The
various marketing channels used for promotions include advertising,
public relations, sales promotion, and other channels through different
media. A successful promotion strategy must align with the target
audience and ensure the message is simple, and the content is visually

5. People
The people are the employees, customers, and other stakeholders who
interact with a business. It is important to create a positive and
memorable experience for these people.

6. Process
The Process refers to the procedures and steps involved in delivering a
product or service to the end-user. It is important to streamline the
process and make it as efficient as possible.
Study indicates that businesses that use data analytics to improve their
business processes are more likely to be successful.

7. Physical Evidence
Lastly, the Physical Evidence element 7Ps refers to the tangible aspects
of a product, including packaging, branding, and more. Ensuring the

tangible aspect of a product aligns with the customer’s perception of

the brand is essential in setting the business apart from competitors.

Steps for Digital Marketing Plan :

 Do Your Research.
Get a hold of data to inform your strategy all the way down the line.
This could be primary research, like a survey to gather data from your
customers/visitors. It could also be secondary research, performed by
another company, that you find online.

 Write a Brand Summary.

Start from the beginning. A clear understanding of your brand will
strengthen your ability to differentiate your company from the

 Define Your Target Audience.

Who is your target audience? Understand who you are talking to, what is
important to them, what their wants and needs are, and how your brand
can fill them. Consider demographics, psychographics, lifestyle, brand
perception, and beliefs of your audience.

 Add a Situational Analysis.

Strategic Marketing Planmust consider what is happening in the world
around your organization. Consider trends, current issues, competitors
and the competitive environment when preparing your plan.

 Outline Marketing Objectives.

Good marketing objectives or goals will drive your marketing plan.
These are obtainable goals that are set after you have identified problems
and opportunities. They are the highest level of your strategic thinking
and each plan may have more than one. A strong marketing plan will
have measurable goals.
 Create the Marketing Strategy.
The strategy is how you achieve your goals.It’s the big picture game
plan on how objectives will be reached. The strategy includes
audience(s) to be targeted, desired positioning, allocation of resources
and marketing mix. A plan may have multiple strategies.

 List the Tactics and Implementation:

A Tactical Marketing Plan is an actionable marketing plan.The detailed
action plan that includes timing and details of all major steps. Tactics
include collateral, digital marketing, social media, websites, public
relations, and trade shows. Other tactics include conferences, email
marketing, word of mouth, direct sales, and lead generation. These are
all the things that you will do in order to accomplish your objectives.
This section includes a tactical implementation strategy and/or timeline.
Dignified Digital Marketing – Ethics and Data Privacy

Privacy :How marketers collect , use and store customer data

In the digital era, marketers have access to more data about their customers than
ever before. This consumer data can be collected through a variety of digital
platforms, including website cookies, social media, and online surveys. Marketers
use this data to track customer behavior, target advertising, and improve their
products and services.

However, the collection and use of customer data raises several ethical concerns
about consumer privacy. Marketers need to be transparent about how they collect
and use data and obtain consent from customers before gathering any sensitive
data. Marketers also need to protect customer data from unauthorized access and

Here are some specific things that marketers can do to ensure that they use their
data ethically:

Be transparent about their data collection practices. Marketers should clearly

explain to customers how their data is collected and used. This information should
be easy to find and understand.

Obtain consent from customers before collecting any sensitive data. Sensitive
data includes financial data, health data, and political views. Marketers should not
collect this data without the express consent of the customer.

Take steps to protect customer data from unauthorized access and use.
Marketers should use strong security measures to protect customer data from
hackers and other unauthorized individuals.

Give customers the ability to access and control their data. Customers should
be able to access their data and change it as needed. They should also be able to
delete their data if they wish.

By following these guidelines, marketers can help ensure that they handle
customer data ethically and responsibly.
Transparency :Being honest and upfront about marketing practices

Transparency is another important ethical principle for digital marketers.

Marketers should be honest and upfront about their marketing practices, including
how they collect and use data, target advertising, and measure their campaigns'

Here are some things that marketers can do to be more ethical in their digital
marketing practices:

Avoid using dark patterns. Dark patterns are manipulative design techniques that
trick people into taking actions they would not otherwise take.

Respect the privacy of their customers. Marketers should not collect or use
customer data without their consent.

Be honest about the results of their marketing campaigns. Marketers should not
exaggerate the effects of their campaigns to make a sale.

Be mindful of the impact of their marketing on society. Marketers should avoid

marketing products or services that harm people or the environment.
Introduction To display Marketing/Advertising :

A popular and effective format of digital advertising is display advertising. It is

completely driven by the visuals it uses to attract attention and spread brand
awareness across the internet.

Display ads are a lucrative method of advertising for marketers looking for ways to
reach and acquire customers. They make generous use of visual media in the form
of texts, images, or even videos to catch people’s attention.

You can usually spot display ads in designated corners of webpages and social
media platforms, and they are usually showcased in the form of a banner ad
(graphic or text). All campaigns ranging from the ones using simple text to those
with attractive videos can be grouped under display advertising.

Most successful display advertising campaigns use a clever combination of images,

text, gifs, and videos to stand out on the internet and send their message across to
the targeted audience. Marketers can play around with language, design, shapes,
and sizes of banners to create engaging display ads.

Display advertising targeting is a complex process – here’s a look at some of the

steps you can take to maximize this feature:

1. Define your demographic: You can segment the audience based on

their basic demographic details like age, gender, interests, etc.
2. Identify target keywords: This allows you to reach the target
demographic based on selected keywords as per your product or
service. The display ad networkOpens a new window will match your
keywords with words/phrases present in the publisher’s site where your
ad will be displayed.
3. Zero-in on the topic: This feature lets you choose a group of websites
that fit a specific topic/category within which your business operates.
4. Formulate the ideal placement: You can choose the website you want
your display ads to run on. For example, if you’re targeting customers
of a specific car variant, you can display the ads on articles related to
that model, or even on a product review page.
5. Show ads based on interest: Google collects data on its users’
behavior, and depending on what users are searching for, you run
display ads that resonate with specific interest areas. For example, a car
enthusiast may be researching tires, car stereo systems, etc. Interest-
based display ad targeting will place your ad on all relevant webpages.
6. Retarget based on past behavior: Also known as retargeting, this
display ad targeting feature lets you target users who have already
visited your website, thereby reinforcing the brand’s impact and recall.

Types of display Ads

Banner ads

Banner ads are the most common display advertising format, as they clearly stand
out on any webpage. They are named after their shape, which is banner-like. They
are nothing more than hyperlinked, image-based ads in the shape of a strip. They
are usually placed on the top of a webpage to immediately draw the user’s
Rich Media

Considering that roughly 30% of Internet users find traditional banner advertising
distracting, advertisers are exploring more innovative ways to display their ads.
Use of rich media is one such new tactic that involves using interactive elements
such as video, audio, and clickable elements to make the advertisement more

Interstitial ads

These are ads that appear as a separate webpage before you are directed to the
original page that you wanted to visit on the internet. They are effective in
capturing the user’s attention as they take up the entire screen.

Video ads

When it comes to display advertising costs, video ads are slightly more expensive
but worth it. Platforms like YouTube and Instagram have made it convenient for
marketers to run video ads and attract a lot of attention and engagement.

Benefits of Display Ads:

Visually appealing – Since these ads are usually graphic/visual, advertisers can
experiment with different designs, shapes, sizes, and formats to identify what
works and what doesn’t.
Diverse options – You can be as traditional or as out of the box as you wish to be
when it comes to display ads.
Effective targeting – The display advertising targeting lets you reach audiences as
per diverse parameters, ensuring optimum engagement.
Enables retargeting – The retargeted display ad that you show them acts as the
slight push they needed to come back to your website.
Analytical insights – Using a tool like Google Analytics for display advertising
management, you can track how your ads are performing.
Buying Models

Display advertising offers a variety of buying models for marketers to take

advantage of when it comes to reaching their unique target audience. Five of the
most popular models are

 cost per click (CPC)

 cost per view (CPV)
 cost per acquisition (CPA)
 cost per mille (CPM)
 fixed placement

Buying models Description

Cost per click (CPC) CPC refers to advertisers who pay for each valid click on an ad

Cost per view (CPV) CPV rewards publishers for every video played

Cost per acquisition

CPA provides payment only after the desired action or conversion occurs

Cost per mille (CPM) CPM is paid for every 1000 impressions and views generated

fixed placement refers to placement parameters where marketers acquire a

Fixed placement
predefined slot on the page
CPI- Cost Per Install

CPI refers to media programs where the advertiser pays for every installed app.
Lots of app marketing is purchased CPI because it is a fast way to drive installs.
But the quality of installs driven varies by media vendor. Some CPI vendors are
highly extremely reputable and work hard to find users likely to that will likely use
an app. Others use incentives like giving a user free “gold” for a game in exchange
for their downloading an app. These “incentivized installs” tend to be of low
quality. In addition, there are also very disreputable companies that drive installs
with bots.

CPM- Cost Per Mile

CPM stands for cost per thousand Impressions (the M is the Roman numeral
abbreviation for 1,000). CPM is one of the most common ways of buying digital
media. You essentially pay for every time your ad loads on a page or in an app. It’s
a simple way to buy but is coming under increasing scrutiny because the client is
charged for the impression whether or not a consumer actually sees it.

If for example, the ad appears below the browser window and the user never
scrolls down, the advertiser still pays. Numerically, if CPM of an Ad is 12$ then
per impression pay for the ad would be 0.12$.

CPC- Cost Per Click

CPC stands for cost-per-click advertising. Here the advertiser pays when a click is
made on an ad. Some advertisers prefer to buy CPC versus CPM because they
believe they only pay when someone is interested enough in the message to want
more info. Some CPC programs are very effective and it’s very easy to create
them, but there is a potential for fraud if a company deliberately uses bots or some
other technique to drive clicks not initiated by a real person.
CPL- Cost Per Lead

CPL is short for cost per lead, meaning that the advertiser pays when a lead form is
completed and submitted. CPL is common in B2B marketing, where it is unlikely
that someone will make a purchase immediately. It can be a very effective way to
buy, though there is some risk of fraud if bots are programmed to fill in leads

CPA & CPS- Cost Per Acquisition & Cost Per Sale

Cost per acquisition or Cost per sale. Here the advertiser pays only if a purchase is
made. This is the relatively low-risk way to buy media because the advertiser only
pays when revenue is driven. But many media companies won’t sell media this
way because they must assume all of the risks in the ad buy. If no one buys, they
make no money.

How Buying Models help ?

How to plan a Display campaign

If you’re new to Display campaigns, spend time planning your campaign so you
can get the best performance. In this article, we’ll walk you through the 5 steps of
planning a Display campaign and the tools available to you.

1. Identify your goals

Is your goal to drive direct response traffic and generate clicks? Or is your goal to
promote your brand and measure user engagement?

Identifying your goals upfront will help you to better plan and implement your
Display campaigns. The ultimate goal for your campaign will influence the
audience segments you reach, your budget and bid, your creative, and even the
metrics you choose to track.

2. Choose a budget and bidding strategy

Your budget influences the ability of your ads to serve throughout the entire day
and how often they show. Your bidding determines the way your budget is spent
and how prominently your ads are featured.

Display campaigns support automated bidding strategies (such as Enhanced

CPC or Maximize clicks) that look at auction behavior on Google Ads, then
automatically adjust your bids to get the best performance for you. Display
campaigns also support Smart Bidding strategies (such as Maximize
conversions or Target ROAS) that use conversion and conversion value data to
manage your bids for you and help you meet your performance goals.

If you’re looking to control your bid, you can also use Manual cost-per-click
(CPC) bidding. With Manual CPC bidding, you can set a maximum price on the
cost of someone clicking on your ads.

3. Find your target audience

With optimized targeting, you can find new and relevant customers likely to
convert within your campaign goals. Optimized targeting uses Google AI to look
beyond any manually-selected audience segments in your campaign, then finds
audience segments that you may have missed so that you can improve campaign

While not necessary, you can add criteria like audience segments or keywords
(otherwise known as “targeting signals”) to optimized targeting. Optimized
targeting uses targeting signals to find similar criteria to serve your ads on. If
optimized targeting finds better performing traffic elsewhere, it may reduce or stop
serving traffic on your signals.

You can also simply opt into optimized targeting without adding any signals for a
hassle-free way to reach your precise audience. Or, if you’re not searching for new
audiences, you can also opt out of using optimized targeting.

If you want more control over where or when your ads appear, you can set
up content exclusions, add location or language targeting, or cap the frequency of
your ads.

4. Create responsive display ads

Responsive display ads can take some of the work out of tailoring your creatives
for your audience segments. With responsive display ads, you can upload your
assets (images, headlines, logos, videos, and descriptions), and Google AI will
generate ad combinations for websites, apps, YouTube, and Gmail.

5. Understand performance management tools and features

Google Ads offers several tools and features to help you evaluate and manage the
performance of your Display campaigns.

In Google Ads, use the “Insights and reports” section to understand users who
clicked on your ads (conversions) and users who didn’t click but were influenced
by your ads (view-through conversions). You can also view the path that users
took to convert (or not convert) when they saw your ad using data-driven

If you’re more experienced in Google Ads reporting, you should also consider
using Google Analytics to analyze customer paths to conversions and to
understand the value of Display campaigns among other channels.
Finally, use Performance Planner once your campaign has been live for at least a
week. Performance Planner looks at historical data for your campaign and then
provides actionable recommendations for future campaigns. You can access
available headroom, simulate different bid and budget scenarios, forecast
conversions, maximize growth, evaluate seasonality, and increase the efficiency of
your campaign. Even better, you can use Performance Planner to examine multiple
Display campaigns at the same time.

Digital analytics allow you to directly measure your success and address pain
points, helping you create better content and ads.

Considering analytics in digital marketing is important to further optimize your

campaigns, reaching audiences with relevant content and driving sales or

Here are just a few examples of digital analytics and the metrics to consider for
 Website traffic: page views, unique visitors, clicks, exit rate, bounce
rate, time on page
 Sessions: overall site visits
 Product information: product page views, ad engagement, sales
 Search engine optimization (SEO): keyword rankings, keyword search
volume, share of search, search traffic
 Social media engagement: comments, likes, shares
 Traffic source: referrals from search, ads, social media, etc.
 Customer retention: number of new visitors, returning visitors, repeat
shoppers, conversion rate
 Customer feedback: complaints, post-purchase surveys, reviews

Analytic Tools :
1. Mixpanel – Leading provider of advanced Digital Marketing Analytics tools
platform and cell phone analytics

2. Google Analytics

3 .Heap Analytics

4. The AdWords Performance Grader

5. Oribi

6. Cyfe

7. HubSpot
Module 2: Search Engine Advertising
Introduction, Understanding Ad Placement, Understanding AdRanks,
Creating First Ad Campaign, Enhance Your Ad Campaign, Performance
Social Media Marketing
Building a Successful Strategy
Facebook Marketing
Facebook Marketing for Business, Anatomy of an Ad Campaign, Adverts,
Facebook Insights, Other Marketing Tools, Other Essentials
Self Learning Topics:
Campaign Management, Running Campaigns, Lead Generation, Qualified

Search Engine Advertising

Defination : Search engine advertising (SEA) is a form of paid online advertising

that allows businesses to reach potential customers who are searching for products
or services similar to their own.
SEM helps brands raise awareness. Ultimately, the higher a brand's ads appear or
rank on search engines, the higher the chances are that those ads are being seen by
audiences. Being at the top of SERPs can help drive awareness, consideration, and
trust for brands.

Ad placement refers to the advertising spaces offered by online publishers, sites,

and blogs. These ads are placed strategically throughout the website pages —
optimized for the best results. Advertisers use this marketing strategy to display
their ads and drive the site's traffic to the placed ads. Hence they can make sales. In
return, advertisers pay the website owner to place their ads.
ad placement means the group of ad units that specify the areas on the website
where advertisers can place their ads. Ad placement criteria include the size, type,
and location of the ads
A common example of ad placements is search engine ads, which appear at the top
of search engine results pages. Social media ads are also a popular ad placement
option, with platforms like Facebook and Instagram allowing businesses to display
ads in users' feeds.
Each ad network has its own placement criteria. Some offer automatically created
placements, others allow publishers to define their own placement criteria.
Types of Ads and Placements
Ads come in several sizes and formats, from full page to small squares. Here are
the most common:
Full page
Full-page ads go above and below the fold, and there are among the most
expensive ad types.
Half-page ads are usually expensive due to the large space they take. They are used
by publications to show sponsors.
Banner ads
These are the ads you can see usually displayed on web pages. They often appear
in the side, top, or bottom sections of websites. Publishers broker their ad space
with ad networks or you can buy the ad space as you’ll do in a newspaper.
They can be horizontal Or vertical, that is also called a skyscraper:
Large square
These are usually found at the sides of SERP or website pages:
Small Square
These small 200×200 pixels can help your audience remember a product related to
previous searches or relevant to the content:
Ad Layout and Placement
There are two key terms you need to know when considering where to place your
ads: above the fold and below the fold.
Below the fold (BF)
Placing ads below the fold may seem unproductive, but in reality, it can be a cost-
effective way to catch your user’s attention. As the viewer consumes the content,
you can place the ads to complement it based on previous searches.
Above the fold ( AF)
This is the part of the webpage that is first displayed to the viewer, without the
need to scroll down. Since this part of the page is what the user sees right away, is
considered one of the most expensive ad spaces.
Video ads
Studies show that three quarters of consumers prefer video to static ads. Video
advertising involves creating short videos promoting a product or service, played
on a website, inside an application, or before, during or after a main video.
Audiovisual pieces help tell a story better, improve conversions, and expand the
Most platforms play videos automatically when different percentages of the video
are visible on screen. Amazon, for example, requires the video to be 50% visible
on the screen before playing it. For Google platforms, the video ad is considered
viewable when 50% of the ad is visible on the screen.
Social media ads
Advertising in social media has the advantage of being a direct way to reach the
target audience. All social networks offer ad placements. Every social media
platform has their own ad requirements and offers.
Which one should you use? It depends on where does your target group hangs out.
If your target is teenagers, TikTok is a sure bet. If 40 something, Facebook is
where to find them.
 Three different types of campaigns: awareness, consideration or conversion.
 The platform offers detailed targeting options
 If placing video ads, Facebook allows to place video ads inside other videos
 Facebook stories ads are a great format for limited time offers
 Photo, video, carousel, stories, playable ad types
 Since Facebook owns Instagram, the categories on it are similar.
 Same ad categories as Facebook
 Audience: Millennials and Generation Z
 Custom targeting options
 Photo, video, carousel, reel, stories and collection ad types.
Why Is Ad Placement Important?
When planning an online campaign, advertisers usually focus on how captivating
and catchy the ad is, but where the ad will be displayed is as much important. After
all, the ad can be great, but if it is not in the right place, chances are your audience
won’t see it. Ad placement can effectively make or break a campaign.
For publishers, designing your website to position your available ad space right,
is even more important than choosing the size of the ads. Your site should offer
spaces that are attractive to advertisers. If your ad space is hidden below the fold or
tucked in a corner of the page, advertisers will not bid for your space.
Therefore, above the fold, or positions that require minimal scrolling are the best.
Even more important, if viewers cannot easily access the ads on your site, this
can bring down your Click-Through-Rate, affecting your monetization income.

Ad Rank is a value that's used to determine where ads are shown on a page relative
to other ads, and whether your ads will show at all. Your Ad Rank is recalculated
each time your ad is eligible to appear.
Ad ranking in Internet marketing is the position of an ad on the page. In paid
search marketing, also known as pay-per-click (PPC) marketing, your ad’s ranking
is the placement of the ad on the search engine results page, or SERP. An ad rank
of 1 puts you in the top position on the search results page.
Ad Rank is a metric used by Google Ads to determine the position of your ads on
the search engine results page (SERP). Ad Rank is calculated based on a
combination of your bid amount and the quality of your ads, including ad
relevance, expected click-through rate, landing page experience, and ad format.
When a user searches for a keyword that you are targeting with your ads, Google
Ads uses Ad Rank to determine which ads are shown and in what order. Ads with a
higher Ad Rank are typically shown in higher positions on the SERP and are more
likely to be clicked on by users.
Ad Rank is a dynamic metric that can change over time, based on changes in your
bids, the quality of your ads, and the competitive landscape for the keywords you
are targeting. By focusing on improving the quality of your ads, such as by
increasing ad relevance and expected click-through rate, and optimizing your bids
and budgets, you can improve your Ad Rank and the performance of your Google
Ads campaigns.

What Determines Ad Rank:

What are the 3 factors that influence the ad Rank?

 Quality Score

Ad quality is mostly determined by three variables: Expected click-through

rate (CTR), ad relevance, and landing page experience. Quality score, which can
be tracked in the Google Ads account, is a summary of Google’s evaluation of the
advertisement’s effectiveness. Advertisers are more likely to run effective
campaigns if they understand how to improve quality scores and put it into
practice. In addition, good experience on landing pages, including quick page loads
and mobile friendliness, helps to improve the quality score.

 Bidding
The bid refers to the highest cost per click (CPC) you are prepared to pay. A higher
CPC will probably be given greater weight in the ad rank calculation by Google,
but as seen, it is not the single determinant of ad rank.

 Context of the Search

The context is important in the ad auction. The same keyword could be searched
for by two users in entirely different contexts. Google considers the user’s search
words, location, device type, time, other advertising and organic results on the
page, and other user signals when determining ad rank.

How to Improve Ad Rank?

 Improve Your Ad Relevance

Ensure that your ad copy and keywords are highly relevant to the user’s search
query. Use targeted ad copy that matches the user’s intent, and include keywords in
your ad copy that match the user’s search terms.

 Provide as many Google Ads extension assets as possible

Ad extensions, like sitelinks, callout text, and structured snippets, are essential to
improve ad rank. More extensions mean higher CTR. Therefore it helps increase
your ad rank. But, extensions unrelated to the keywords and other ad texts may
cause your ad rank to drop.

 Make Landing Page User-friendly

Important factors include page loading speed, cross-device compatibility, easy
scanning, and error-free page loading.

 Relevant keywords
Choose relevant keywords that are related to your business and target audience.
Use keyword research tools to find keywords with high search volume and low

 Quality Score
Google Ads uses a Quality Score to determine ad rank. To improve Quality Score,
make sure your ads are relevant, useful, and have a high CTR.

 Bid amount
Bid amount also affects ad rank. Make sure to bid enough to compete with other
advertisers, but not so much that it becomes unprofitable

 Increase expected click-through rate (CTR):

Improve your ad’s expected click-through rate by using targeted ad copy and
including relevant ad extensions. Experiment with different ad copy and extensions
to find what works best for your campaigns.

 Regular optimization
Regularly monitor and optimize your ads to improve ad rank. Use performance
data to determine which ads are performing well and make changes as needed.

What Does an Advertising Campaign Involve?

Advertising campaigns encompass multiple coordinated actions across diverse
platforms with cohesive content.

Marketing campaigns can have many objectives. Objectives encompass acquiring

customers, boosting sales, enhancing loyalty, launching products, and increasing
brand visibility.

Different marketing options are used depending on the predefined target group to
achieve the individual objective. Examples include TV commercials, podcast ads,
and engaging social media content in a comprehensive advertising approach.

What Do You Need for a Successful Campaign?

When exactly a marketing campaign can be considered a success depends on the
objectives defined in advance. Reaching a wide audience in an advertising
campaign doesn’t guarantee that they’re the target audience or converted into

That’s why the first step in a successful marketing campaign is to ask yourself
what your individual goals are. Only then should your marketing team think about
the planning and implementation of the campaign.

Create an Advertising Campaign in 10 Steps

If you’re not sure where to start with your advertising campaigns, here comes our
checklist for successful campaign planning.

1. Define the goals

The first step you should take is to define your marketing goals for the campaign.
This will form the basis for your next steps.

When doing so, you should always make sure that a goal is SMART,
2. Determine the target group
After you have defined the goals of your campaign, it’s time to determine your
target group. Depending on the goals you’ve set, very different target groups may
come into play here.

If you are launching a new product, your existing customers may be your target
audience. When aiming to enter a new market or boost brand awareness, consider
exploring a completely new target audience as well.

Professional market analysis from a marketing agency can be extremely helpful

here. (Source:

3. Plan the budget

The next step is to set the budget for your campaign. Here you are probably a bit
limited, as marketing departments often have to work with a pre-allocated budget.
In financial planning, assess the campaign’s importance relative to others and
allocate budget accordingly for optimal resource allocation.

Budget planning involves evaluating marketing team capacities since campaign

preparation and execution depend on available resources. A rough estimate of the
campaign’s duration is crucial for effective marketing planning and resource

4. Determine the media mix

Now it’s time for the concrete strategy. In other words, which channels should be
used to reach the predefined target group? In marketing, this step is also called
media planning.

The following channels are among the best-known measures in the media mix:

Social media ads, for example on Facebook or Instagram.

Influencer marketing
Out-of-home advertising
Content marketing
TV or radio advertising
Digital advertising
An advertisement in print magazines or newspapers
Opt for a well-balanced mix of measures rather than individual ones to maximize
reach within the target audience.

Evaluate channel effectiveness in achieving your objectives and consider omitting

those constrained by time or budget limitations. (Source:
5. Define the campaign period
Also important to your campaign is setting a timeline. This project plan should
record when you start your campaign and how long it will be active before you
evaluate the individual measures.

On the one hand, the fixed budget plays an important role in time planning,
because you cannot let expensive measures, in particular, run on indefinitely. On
the other hand, fixed dates must also be taken into account, such as holidays or the
specific date of the release of a new product.

If you’re planning a Christmas sale, it makes little sense to let the associated
campaign run into January. And if you are promoting a specific event, such as a
concert, you should also start your campaign just in time for the release of the

6. Create the campaign plan

Once goals, budget, timeframe, and media mix are defined, the next step is crafting
a comprehensive campaign plan. In this document, holistically summarize all
predefined points, creating a project with readily accessible, comprehensive

Share the plan with the entire team and ensure that all involved employees have
continuous access to the latest version.

7. Design the creative content
Now it’s time for your creativity! Your campaign plan is created, and you can
entirely focus on implementing the content of your campaign. This can be texts for
the website, scripts for video spots, graphics for the visual design of the ads, or
photoshoots for ad motifs.

For this step, many companies enlist the services of external service providers such
as agencies or even freelancers – and that’s fine. Agencies often have much more
capacity and, more importantly, years of experience working with clients and

So, if your budget allows, you should consider working with external service
providers to save your resources while benefiting from the creativity of an
advertising agency.

8. Implementing the advertising campaign
Finally, it comes to the concrete implementation of the campaigns. This means
posting, publishing information, and placing ads on the defined channels.

Companies often seek external support, especially for complex and costly
campaigns, to manage the volume of advertising content effectively.

While numerous tools are now helpful in sharing content on different channels,
using these functions is often a question of money.
If you don’t have access to these options for every user on your team, going to an
agency is often easier.

9. Optimize the campaign

During the active phase of the marketing campaign, you should constantly check
the performance of the marketing action. If the actual communication state does
not yet correspond to the desired goal, all is far from lost.

Be flexible and reschedule or make changes to the content. Often, a slight

adjustment can go a long way, and you will still generate enough reach for your
product despite a slow start.

10. Create a final reporting

In the final step, you should create a comprehensive report on the performance of
your advertising campaign at the end of your campaign. This presentation should
cover all issues related to the campaign’s performance and clearly reference the
objective set at the beginning.

If the goal was customer retention, then the information in the reporting should
show how many customers were retained by the campaign, such as signing up for a
loyalty program with an email address.

If your company’s goal was to reach more people, figures on the reach of your
campaign can tell you how successful the campaign was.

To improve customer communication, interactions on social platforms can indicate

whether you have reached the target audience accordingly (Source:

What is the POEM framework?

The POEM framework is a marketing methodology used by digital marketing
experts to formulate the social media marketing strategy, and it stands for Paid,
Owned, and Earned Media. It is an approach used to promote a product or service
and looks at how the right mix of media channels can attract more customers,
deepen and strengthen relationships with existing customers, and push the business
towards ultimate goals of growth and success.
Digital marketers use the POEM model to develop the basic framework and
implement digital marketing strategies. The frameworks help companies improve
their marketing strategies and achieve goals and targets. It involves listing and
selecting channels to roll out the marketing communication and what it needs to
make the plan successful.

What does the POEM framework stand for?

Paid Media
The first element of the POEM framework is "Paid Media", which is the most
common type of marketing channel. Any medium that requires payment, falls
under the category of paid media. Paid media is typically one of the quickest, most
efficient, and easiest forms to track direct return on investment. But control of paid
media is generally in the hands of the service provider. At the same time, it is often
the least credible resource for communicating to your target customer.
Advertising products or services on paid media channels, such as Google Ads and
Facebook Ads can help you grow your audience and build a sizable customer base.
Paid media covers a lot of media vehicles and platforms including, Magazines,
television commercials, radio announcements, PPC (pay-per-click) advertising,
search engine marketing, and paid ads on Instagram and Facebook.

1. Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is the simplest and most effective way to reach your target
audience. Running paid campaigns on social media doesn't go steep on marketing
budgets, and measuring and analyzing results becomes easier, too. Once you post
or push your ads on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
and LinkedIn, you will be able to reach your target audience as soon as possible
and start seeing the results quite quickly.

2. Display Ads
Display ads are used to create brand awareness through eye-catching and
interactive visuals. Creating powerful display ads requires focusing on elements
like structural layout, color, and typography. With advanced marketing tools, these
display ads can be targeted to the right audience at the right time.

3. Pay-Per-Click Marketing (PPC)/ Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
PPC/SEM is a must-have POEM framework in digital marketing strategy in your
marketing plan and it's a tried and tested formula. Through search engine
marketing companies aim to rank higher on the search engine results page of
search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo. It's an excellent way to drive traffic to
your website and increase brand awareness.

Owned Media
"Owned media" is the second element in the POEM framework. It refers to any
media channel that a brand controls and owns. One of the most common examples
is websites, blogs, newsletters, social media pages (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,
etc), and podcasts owned by companies or brands. You can completely control the
content and what goes on the website and manage it according to your customer
SEO optimization also falls under the bracket of owned media digital marketing
tools. Owned media allows you to connect with your current audience and nurture
your long-term relationship. Owned Media is a great way to connect with your
current audience and nurture long-term relationships with potential clients. The
goal of owned media is to carry the brand voice and communicate the offerings to
the market. Owned media is relatively more cost-effective than paid media.
Another benefit of owned media is its versatility and longevity, and it allows you
to maximize the effectiveness of your owned media marketing strategies as long as

1. The website is the strongest brand representation and asset a company can
own. Websites can build credibility and trust and be the catalyst for a
customer journey.
2. Blog Posts work like the brand voice. It's the communication that the brand
is trying to establish out there in the market/public. Brands have complete
ownership over these blogs and their distribution and what goes inside the
3. Social media pages are the owned media property made over platforms like
Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Telegram for the sake of customer
engagement and brand awareness.

Earned Media
As the name suggests earned media refers to the exposure and recognition the
brand receives as a result of other people talking about, mentioning the brand, or
due to organic publicity and awareness. And it is the only media vehicle in the
POEM framework that doesn't require investments from the company. Earned
media allows you to interact, connect, and communicate with your audience
through third-party channels, such as social media, public relations (PR), and
Most marketers classify earned media as inbound marketing as the efforts put in to
get engagement and recognition are all organic. Earned media is technically the
result of efforts put into owned media and paid media. as earned media supports
both nurture/retention tactics as well as acquisition activities of the customers.
Word-of-mouth marketing, press releases, publicity, brand awareness, and viral
marketing are examples of earned media.

1. Word-of-mouth marketing
2. Viral marketing
3. Press releases
4. Publicity
5. Brand awareness

Benefits of the POEM framework.

1. Paid Media - Brands have larger control over Paid Media. Brands can use
paid media for better targeting of their customer, hence it’s easier to test
campaigns and brands can see immediate results.
2. Owned Media - Brands have total control over their owned Media. Owned
channels can help brands develop strong relationships with customers and
attract new customers.
3. Earned Media - Earned Media can ensure higher quality of visits and helps
build awareness, and trust amongst existing and potential customers.

All 3 elements of a POEM framework don’t work individually, but hand in hand.
A good marketing strategy consists of all 3 working in a strategic combination.

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