Download Complete Resilience of Large Water Management Infrastructure Solutions from Modern Atmospheric Science Faisal Hossain PDF for All Chapters
Download Complete Resilience of Large Water Management Infrastructure Solutions from Modern Atmospheric Science Faisal Hossain PDF for All Chapters
Download Complete Resilience of Large Water Management Infrastructure Solutions from Modern Atmospheric Science Faisal Hossain PDF for All Chapters
Water Flood Management and Water Security Under a Changing
Climate Proceedings from the 7th International Conference
on Water and Flood Management Anisul Haque
of Large Water
Solutions from Modern
Atmospheric Science
Resilience of Large Water Management
Faisal Hossain
Faisal Hossain
Department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering
University of Washington
Seattle, WA, USA
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
Infrastructure that manages our water resources (such as dams and reservoirs,
irrigation systems, channels, navigation waterways, water and wastewater treatment
facilities, storm drainage systems, levees, urban water distribution, and sanitation
systems) are critical to all sectors of an economy. Yet, they are aging beyond their
design lifespan in many parts of the world. In addition, these infrastructures are
subjected to excessive “wear and tear” from factors such as (but not limited to) rising
water demand, increasing frequency of flooding from urbanization or human
encroachment of water bodies. Such water management infrastructures, by virtue
of their service to society, are also directly or indirectly responsible for changes to
the surrounding landscape. For example, a newly built water supply distribution
system favors a faster growth rate of urban development which then leads to land-
scape transforming to one that is more impervious. Similarly, a large flood control
and irrigation dam can increase downstream urbanization and convert barren or
forested land to irrigated landscape. Inversely, by changing a river’s or lake’s edge
through levees and seawalls can cause naturally irrigated areas to become barren.
The body of knowledge accumulated by the atmospheric science community since
the early 1970s informs us that changes in extreme weather and climate can be a
direct product of such landscape modification. Thus, the issue of infrastructure
resilience becomes directly relevant as large infrastructures are usually designed to
handle “worst-case” or extreme weather and climate scenarios in mind.
Realizing the importance of large water infrastructures, efforts have already
begun on understanding the sustainability and resilience of such systems under
changing conditions expected in the future. These changing conditions can be due to
a variety of factors such as global warming, land-cover/land-use change,
industrialization/urbanization, and demographic forces (increasing population). In
early 2014, an American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Task Committee
(TC) was set up titled “Committee Infrastructure Impacts of Landscape-driven
Weather Change” under the ASCE Watershed Management Technical Committee
and the ASCE Hydroclimate Technical Committee. The TC was tasked with
vi Preface
The following key arguments can be made for the timeliness of such a book:
1. Infrastructure that manages water resources (dams, irrigation systems, channels,
storm management systems, levees, etc.), while being critical to vital sectors
of the economy, are aging in the USA and the rest of the world.
2. Large-scale water infrastructures are directly, indirectly responsible for and/or
simply experience, through aging, climate/weather-sensitive changes to the
surrounding landscape. These landscape changes consequently interact with
local, regional, and even planetary scale forcings (such as greenhouse gas-driven
global warming) and can alter the future behavior of extreme events to an
amplitude or phase space not recorded before.
3. It is believed that the civil engineering community is not yet harnessing very
effectively the vast body of knowledge that has accumulated in this field of
local-to-regional drivers of extreme weather/climate beyond the more
well-known greenhouse gas drivers. This is despite the fact that the first field
campaign to study the impact of urbanization of weather kicked off in 1970s in
St. Louis (MO) called METROMEX. There are numerous such findings that
have accumulated over the past decades by the land-use/land-cover community,
although most are not as directly investigated for the immediate benefit of
engineering design/operations.
With these motivations in mind, the Task Committee was formed with four key
objectives (each being a unique task):
(1) Define “Infrastructure Resilience” for water infrastructure at the intersection of
weather and climate;
(2) Identify knowledge gaps on the role of local-to-regional landscape drivers of
weather and climate of relevance to engineering;
(3) Identify effective and complementary approaches to assimilate knowledge
discovery on local (mesoscale)-to-regional landscape drivers to improve prac-
tices on design, operations, and preservation of large water infrastructure
(4) Identify an effective approach to start a conversation with the larger civil
engineering education community on the ASCE Body of Knowledge
(BOK) with particular focus on identifying ways to understand the engineering
implications of prognostic uncertainty of climate/weather models.
Preface vii
Lastly, this book compilation could not have been possible without the active
and tireless support from all the TC members, editorial assistant, Li-Chien Wang, at
University of Washington and a highly skilled professional editor—Dallas Staley. It
is because of their dedication that we are now able to put all the things together in
the form of a book and make it relevant for practitioners engaged in water man-
agement. The book is certainly not without its fair share of flaws and typos for
which the editor (Faisal Hossain) takes full responsibility. We will make an attempt
to correct these errors in a future edition or through adding a list of errata. We hope
engineers and practitioners who routinely deal with large water management
infrastructure will find this book worthwhile for improving the state of the art on
infrastructures for water management.
List of Figures
Fig. 1.1 The percentage of dams per state that will be over 50 years old
in 2020 (reproduced from USACE report and
Hossain et al. 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Fig. 1.2 Beam loading example to demonstrate the potential impact of a
local random perturbation to a deterministic load in which the
perturbation is triggered by the bending of the beam; the upper
panel shows the conventional situation where it is assumed that
W is a deterministic variable, whereas the lower panel shows
that W is now a random (stochastic or deterministic) variable
due to ΔW load added through a feedback mechanism triggered
when a certain amount of bending has occurred . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Fig. 1.3 Floodplain zone for a 10-year flood, 100-year flood, and PMF;
critical infrastructure is usually placed outside the boundaries
of the PMF floodplain (recreated from Queensland Government
Australia 2011, courtesy of WMAwater) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Fig. 1.4 Schematic of landscape change drivers on extreme weather and
climate and their compounding effect in the context of societal
feedbacks and services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Fig. 2.1 Profile distribution of respondents for the ASCE TC survey
on perceptions of water resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Fig. 2.2 Response to Question 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Fig. 2.3 Response to Question 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Fig. 2.4 Response to Question 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Fig. 2.5 Response to Question 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Fig. 2.6 Response to Question 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Fig. 2.7 Response to Question 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Fig. 2.8 Response to Question 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Fig. 2.9 Response to Question 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Fig. 3.1 A causal loop diagram approach proposed by Montgomery et al.
(2012) for infrastructure resilience improvement. The examples
for the causal loop are for flooding impact on infrastructure . . . . 41
xii List of Figures
Fig. 4.1 48-h (0000 UTC 1 May—0000 UTC 3 May, 2010) total rainfall
from Stage IV data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Fig. 4.2 Generic framework for exploring optimal model configuration
for reconstruction of extreme storms recommended by the water
management community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Fig. 4.3 Spatial domain in the modeling framework for the Nashville
2010 storm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Fig. 4.4 Stage IV observed and WRF simulated 48-h (0000 UTC
1 May—0000 UTC 3 May 2010 total rainfall during Nashville
2010 storm event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Fig. 4.5 Evaluation of storm reconstruction as simulated by WRF . . . . . . 55
Fig. 4.6 Evaluation involving multiple aspects of rainfall simulation
quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Fig. 5.1 Location of the 10 big storms in this study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Fig. 5.2 Evaluation of reconstructed big storms: spatial coverages.
Panels show a the probability of detection; b the false alert ratio;
c the frequency bias; and d the Heidke skill score. The panels
a, b, c were computed using 0 mm/day rainfall threshold
(any rainy grids/days were counted as rainy), and panel d was
computed using 5 mm/day threshold (grids/days
with >5 mm/day were counted as rainy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Fig. 5.3 Evaluation of reconstructed big storms: correlations with
observed rainfall maps. Panels show a the correlation coefficient
between simulated and observed daily rainfall; b the correlation
between the simulated and observed maximum 1-day rainfall
maps; c the correlation between the maximum 2-day rainfall
maps; and d the correlation between the maximum 3-day
rainfall maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Fig. 5.4 Correlations between the best reconstructions
and observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Fig. 5.5 Maximum 3-day rainfall from simulation and observation
(post-1979). Panels a, d, g are the WRF simulation, and panels
b, e, h are the gauge observation from Livneh dataset. Panels
c, f, i are the difference (WRF—obs). All the units are mm . . . . 70
Fig. 5.6 Maximum 3-day rainfall from simulation and observation
(1948–1979). Panels a, d, g are the WRF simulation, and panels
b, e, h are the gauge observation from the Livneh dataset.
Panels c, f, i are the difference (WRF—obs). All the units
are mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Fig. 5.7 Maximum 3-day rainfall from simulation and observation
(pre-1948). Panels a, d, g, j are the WRF simulation, and panels
b, e, h, k are the gauge observation from the Livneh dataset.
Panels c, f, i, l are the difference (WRF—obs). All the units
are mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
List of Figures xiii
Fig. 7.9 Schematic of the spectrum of risks to water resources. Other key
resources associated with food, energy, human health, and
ecosystem function can replace water resources in the central
circle. From the work of Hossain et al. (2011) and Pielke and
Wilby (2012) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Fig. 8.1 A naturally intuitive transition from traditional PMP to
physics-based PMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Fig. 8.2 Machine learning-based storm classification. Here the idea is
similar to that in Chen and Hossain (2018), but some steps are
automated using machine learning techniques. As a result, some
artificial parameters are avoided, and the results would be more
objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Fig. 8.3 Relationship between extreme precipitation and meteorological
factors. The analysis is done over the ERA-Interim reanalysis
product, following the methodology in Chen and Hossain
(2018) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
List of Tables
Chapter 1
Resilience of Water Management
This chapter presents a compilation of work conducted by the ASCE Task Committee
‘Infrastructure Impacts of Landscape-driven Weather Change’ under the ASCE
Watershed Management Technical Committee and the ASCE Hydroclimate
Technical Committee. The chapter argues for explicitly considering the
well-established feedbacks triggered by infrastructure systems to the land-atmosphere
system via landscape change. A definition for Infrastructure Resilience (IR) at the
intersection of extreme weather and climate is provided for the engineering com-
munity. The broader range of views and issues than what is currently in the front view
of engineering practice is expected to ensure more robust approaches for resilience
assessment by the engineering community by affording a greater number of
With permission from ASCE, this chapter is adapted from: Local-To-Regional Landscape
Drivers of Extreme Weather and Climate: Implications for Water Infrastructure Resilience,
ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol 20, 7, July 2015.
F. Hossain (&)
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
98015, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Arnold
Institute of Water Resources, US Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle, WA 9815, USA
D. Niyogi
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University, 550 Stadium Mall Drive, West
Lafayette, IN 47907, USA
R. A. Pielke Sr.
University of Colorado, CIRES, Boulder, CO 80309-0216, USA
Today, water infrastructure of the nation is critical to vital sectors of the economy
such as energy, transportation, food, and health. These infrastructures comprise
dams, levees, irrigation systems, city drainage systems, water supply and hydro-
power generation systems, nuclear power plants, and flood control structures,
among many. Unfortunately, of all the different types of infrastructures the civil
engineering profession deals with, the water management infrastructure facilities
share a consistently poor rating of grade ‘D’ or lower according to the ASCE
Infrastructure report card (ASCE 2013). For example, most US dams will be at least
50 years or older by 2020 (Fig. 1.1) and yet they provide major cities with vital
water supply during dry periods (see Hossain and Kalyanapu 2012 in ‘Civil
Engineering’ Magazine). This aging infrastructure problem has prompted reex-
amination of critical infrastructure assumptions by the engineers who design and
manage these structures (Hossain et al. 2012). In the USA, dams provide about 60%
of total renewable energy (6% of total energy) and 60% of water for irrigation.
J. Chen
Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Pokfulam,
Hong Kong
D. Wegner
Formerly with Water and Power Subcommittee, Water Resources and the Environment
Subcommittee at U.S. House of Representatives, Washington DC, USA
A. Mitra
CREÄ Affiliates, 2319 N 65th Street, Seattle, WA 98103, USA
S. Burian
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Utah, 110 Central
Campus Drive, Ste 2044, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA
S. Madadgar
Portland State University, Portland, OR 97207, USA
E. Beighley
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University, 360
Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA
C. Brown
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Massachusetts Amherst,
130 Natural Resources Road, Amherst, MA 01003, USA
V. Tidwell
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM 87185, USA
1 Resilience of Water Management Infrastructure 3
Fig. 1.1 The percentage of dams per state that will be over 50 years old in 2020 (reproduced from
USACE report and Hossain et al. 2009)
Globally, about 20% of world food production (40% of the world’s irrigated water)
and 7% of world energy demand is met with large water infrastructures such as
dams, levees, and irrigation systems (Vorosmarty et al. 2010; Biemans et al. 2011).
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the USA has 14,780
wastewater treatment facilities and 19,739 wastewater pipe systems. Although
access to centralized treatment systems is widespread, the ASCE Infrastructure
report card (ASCE 2013) states that the condition of many of these systems is also
poor, with aging pipes and inadequate capacity leading to annual discharges of 900
billion gallons of untreated sewage. Emerging challenges are likely to increase
water treatment costs. For example, in 2009, the EPA reported to Congress that the
states had assessed 16% of America’s stream miles and found that 36% of those
miles were unfit for use by fish and wildlife, 28% were unfit for human recreation,
18% were unfit for use as a public water supply, and 10% were unfit for agricultural
use (source: Thus, there is now a critical need to reexamine water
management infrastructure from the standpoint of resilience.
From the standpoint of resilience, two factors make a reassessment necessary.
First, we are living in a changing climate where downstream effects of greenhouse
gas emissions are expected to significantly alter surface water availability by the
end of the twenty-first century (IPCC 2007). Second, climate change, water
4 F. Hossain et al.
budgets, and socioeconomic population data models clearly indicate that water
stress is projected to worsen by 2025 in the USA (Sun et al. 2008) and globally
(Vorosmarty et al. 2005, 2010). Even if the expected impact of climate change is
ignored, rising water demands due to population growth will heavily dictate the
future state of water systems (Gleick 2002).
The above statement made by Sun Tzu in his seminal book ‘The Art of War’
more than two thousand years ago summarizes best the mission statement of the
ASCE Task Committee (TC) on the topic of this chapter. In early 2014, the TC was
tasked with providing the engineering community additional ‘calculations’ for
improving infrastructure resilience for securing water supply and protection against
water hazards. It was set up in follow-up to a forum article that appeared in 2012 in
ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (Hossain et al. 2012) and in Civil
1 Resilience of Water Management Infrastructure 5
Fig. 1.2 Beam loading example to demonstrate the potential impact of a local random
perturbation to a deterministic load in which the perturbation is triggered by the bending of the
beam; the upper panel shows the conventional situation where it is assumed that W is a
deterministic variable, whereas the lower panel shows that W is now a random (stochastic or
deterministic) variable due to ΔW load added through a feedback mechanism triggered when a
certain amount of bending has occurred
it is the local effect (or local perturbation) that is important for understanding
vulnerability or resilience of water infrastructure. Many such local effects may
warrant a ‘relook’ of parameters and factors of safety for which an infrastructure is
designed or operated. In this report, the local effects are referred to as a ‘delta x’
type perturbation and a random function. The important question to ask the engi-
neering community now is whether this delta x is large enough to require a
wholesale reassessment of infrastructure resilience.
This concept can be demonstrated through a classic beam loading scenario,
where the standard shear force and bending moment diagram need to be derived for
a known deterministic load W (Fig. 1.2). If the load is perturbed randomly by ΔW
due to the bending of the beam itself, then the derivation of the shear force and
bending moment diagrams become a non-trivial process. The ΔW variable could
also be represented as a chaotic variable due to the nonlinearity of the
land-atmosphere feedbacks, as demonstrated in Zeng et al. (1993). Thus, ΔW may
not be a random (stochastic) effect but a result of deterministic chaos (i.e., deter-
ministic random variable), which consequentially may make the problem of
deriving the shear force and bending moment diagrams with the ΔW feedback all
the more tractable. Today, in conventional engineering practice, future design or
operations changing impacts directly triggered by the infrastructure itself are not
addressed proactively to estimate such local perturbations. Thus, it is now imper-
ative to understand the importance (or the lack of) of such local perturbations
triggered by local-regional landscape change on the land-atmosphere system.
1 Resilience of Water Management Infrastructure 7
This chapter does not strive to seek consensus on any particular view or rec-
ommend a universal design/operations strategy for improving resilience. It does not
claim to present the most comprehensive and up-to-date synopsis of knowledge on
the topic available today. Rather, the key goal is to lay out the diverse perspectives
and findings on the impact of landscape change that have potential implications for
our current and future water infrastructure. Hereafter, we will use the term ‘climate’
as the statistics of weather events over historical (i.e., already occurred)
multi-decadal time periods, wherein the actual weather event in the future will
dictate resilience.
Pielke et al. (2011) summarize where the world currently appears to stand (as of
2011) in giving landscape drivers its due recognition for climate as follows:
A great deal of attention is devoted to changes in atmospheric composition and the asso-
ciated regional responses. Less attention is given to the direct influence by human activity
on regional climate caused by modification of the atmosphere’s lower boundary—the
Earth’s surface.
This perspective has not changed as of 2013 (Mahmood et al. 2013). According
to Forster et al. (2007), the direct radiative impact of global landscape change since
the industrial revolution has been a reduction in the amount 0.2 ± 0.2 W m−2.
Being a relatively smaller number (compared to the radiative forcing from green-
house gas emissions which is an order higher), Pielke et al. (2011) and many others
(such as Narisma and Pitman 2006; Pitman 2003) have suggested that this is why
landscape change is mostly omitted from the climate models used in previous
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports up until the fourth
Assessment Report (AR4). Yet this omission is a mistake as weather events that are
hydrologically important result from regional and local atmospheric circulation
features and are little, if at all, affected by global average forcings. More impor-
tantly, there is a local perturbation of significance to the infrastructure (as will be
elaborated next from published literature). An unexpected casualty of this historical
omission has been that the engineering profession was deprived of additional
‘calculations’ as more reliable alternatives to highly uncertain and model-based
climate change impacts that are predicted from global climate models (GCMs). As
an example of the current limitations of the GCMs, Stephens et al. (2010) con-
cluded that ‘models produce precipitation approximately twice as often as that
observed and make rainfall far too lightly…. The differences in the character of
model precipitation are systemic and have a number of important implications for
modeling the coupled Earth system…little skill in precipitation [is] calculated at
individual grid points, and thus applications involving downscaling of grid point
precipitation to yet even finer-scale resolution has little foundation and relevance to
the real Earth system.’
8 F. Hossain et al.
modeling studies that followed METROMEX over the last three decades have
reported a wide array of attributable impacts of land-use change, such as increasing
precipitation intensity (e.g., Barnston and Schickedanz 1984; Shepherd et al. 2002,
2010), frequency of convective storms (e.g., Pielke and Avissar 1990; Taylor 2010),
and tornado activity around urban areas (Kellner and Niyogi 2013).
For example, recent research using mesoscale numerical models has shown that
PMP, which is a legally mandated design parameter in the USA for high hazard
dams (those upstream of a population center), can vary in the range of 2–7% due to
post-dam changes to landscape such as irrigation and urbanization (Woldemichael
et al. 2012). Such studies also report that the nature of change is dependent on the
surrounding terrain and underlying moisture convergence conditions (leeward or
windward side of orographic mountains) and geographic location (Woldemichael
et al. 2014). Beauchamp et al. (2013) hypothesized a 6% increase in PMP values by
2070 from projected increases in atmospheric humidity based on simulations by a
GCM for a local watershed in Canada. Several global climate models (GCMs)
forecast a 20–30% increase by 2100 A.D. in maximum precipitable water due to
greenhouse gas emissions (Kunkel et al. 2013).
Landscape changes have also been known to alter Probable Maximum Flood
(PMF) not just through increased runoff due to reduced infiltration, but also via the
atmospheric pathway of PMP changes. In the ‘Design of Small Dam’ manual
produced by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), the case of a Texas reservoir
that experienced eight times the design PMF inflow due to rapid urbanization
effects is a well-known example to engineers of the non-atmospheric effects of
landscape change on water infrastructure resilience (USBR 1987). Recent research
now indicates that the terrestrial hydrologic effects can be compounded by PMP
modifications through land-atmosphere feedbacks. A recent study on the American
River in California and Folsom Dam by Yigzaw et al. (2013) reports the need to
estimate and perhaps account for future land-cover changes upfront during the dam
design and operation formulation phase by considering the gradual climatic effects
on PMF via PMP modification. This compounding effect can also manifest in
sedimentation rates. Soil erosion, which is usually dictated by rainfall intensity as
well as landscape change, results in reservoir sedimentation through inflow and a
gradual loss of reservoir storage. With changing patterns of extreme precipitation
through landscape change, the engineering community needs to understand how
reservoir storage would be impacted to address the multiple objectives (such as
flood control, water supply, and hydropower).
Another implication for infrastructure resilience is on land-use zoning for
placement of critical infrastructure. Many, if not all, of the most critical infras-
tructures (such as large schools, hospitals, waste treatment facilities, nuclear power
plants) for society are often placed outside the PMF floodplain. The PMF floodplain
has historically been treated as an ‘absolute’ boundary in land-use planning
(Fig. 1.3). If this PMF floodplain is deemed no longer absolute and can potentially
encroach on the previously designated safe zone for critical infrastructures, then the
quantification of future risks associated with a changing PMF via PMP and land-
scape change becomes urgent.
10 F. Hossain et al.
Fig. 1.3 Floodplain zone for a 10-year flood, 100-year flood, and PMF; critical infrastructure is
usually placed outside the boundaries of the PMF floodplain (recreated from Queensland
Government Australia 2011, courtesy of WMAwater)
Engineers need to recognize that there has been massive but gradual redistri-
bution of water through artificial reservoirs, numerous irrigation schemes,
land-cover change and urbanization since the early 1900s. Such redistribution has
altered the regional and global water cycle with local and regional implications of
the change. For example, numerous irrigation schemes have contributed to
increased moisture availability and altered atmospheric convergence patterns over
land in the USA (Puma and Cook 2010; DeAngelis et al. 2010). The United States
Geological Survey (USGS) records (Kenny et al. 2009) indicate an increase in
irrigation acreage from 35 million acres (1950) to 65 million acres (in 2005)—
enabled through water infrastructure. Similarly, there are about 75,000 artificial
reservoirs built in the USA during the last century with a total capacity almost
equaling one year’s mean runoff (Graf 1999, 2006; GWSP 2008). The cumulative
effect of this extensive impoundment has been to triple the average residence time
of surface water from 0.1 years (in 1900) to 0.3 years in 2000 (Vorosmarty and
Sahagian 2000), an aspect that clearly has not received the attention of the global
change community. Additionally, what do these local perturbations to extremes
mean for engineers who design and operate infrastructure?
The research findings summarized above clearly exemplify infrastructure-
sensitive impacts of landscape change on extreme weather via land-atmosphere
feedbacks. A more relevant question for the engineering community now is whether
the sensitivity (i.e., the local perturbations or ‘delta x’ in Fig. 1.2) observed in the
landscape’s impact on extremes and whether the associated uncertainty is within the
margins of safety practiced in the conservative engineering design of very large and
high hazard infrastructure.
1 Resilience of Water Management Infrastructure 11
Fig. 1.4 Schematic of landscape change drivers on extreme weather and climate and their
compounding effect in the context of societal feedbacks and services
14 F. Hossain et al.
(6) Dew point temperature trends (e.g., a study by Robinson (2000) indicate
average dew point has risen 1 degree over the last 40 years in most parts of the
USA) and some, or even all of this, could be due to landscape conversion (e.g.,
see Fall et al. 2009).
(7) The biogeochemical effects of added CO2 (as well as its radiative forcing) and
nitrogen deposition (Galloway et al. 2004).
To put the landscape drivers and their potential compounding effect in the
context of infrastructure resilience, societal feedbacks, and essential services, the
TC proposes the following schematic (Fig. 1.4) as a platform for considering the
‘additional calculations’ for the engineering community.
The engineering profession can still benefit from a few suggestions on how the
‘additional calculations’ from landscape drivers might be addressed in current
engineering practice for improving infrastructure resilience.
The first suggestion pertains to an extensive use of historical observations on
weather events and extreme climate spanning the pre- and post-construction phase of
large water infrastructure projects. In the developed world such as the USA and
Europe, such data is available. Therefore, engineers are uniquely positioned to perform
data-based observational studies (or hypothesis testing) of the statistical difference in
extreme weather and climate processes due to infrastructure-triggered changes in
landscape. Examples of such observational studies may be found for the case of large
dams of the world in Hossain (2010) and Hossain et al. (2010). Degu et al. (2011) and
Degu and Hossain (2012) provide an observational study of 92 large dams in the USA
by observing the statistical difference in atmospheric proxies for heavy storms (e.g.,
Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE), precipitation intensity and frequency
downwind and upwind of reservoirs). Pizarro et al. (2012) reported that the inland
water bodies of Chile may have intensified precipitation at higher elevations. For
sedimentation effects, Graf et al. (2010) provide a comprehensive synopsis of how the
large dams in the Western United States have lost storage.
The use of satellite remote sensing appears to have considerable potential in
regions lacking in situ measurements as demonstrated by a recent study by Taylor
(2010) over the Niger Delta. Although not directly related to infrastructure issues,
Taylor (2010) reported that the 24 years of cloud imagery from satellites indicates
the favoring of convection when the inner delta is inundated (which has implica-
tions to regional water supply and upstream dam operations for the riparian nations
of Senegal, Nigeria, and Mali). It should be noted that most current methods today
focus on using historical data to define design criteria. The focus on trend detection
or discrete shifts is not new but needs more attention by the engineering
1 Resilience of Water Management Infrastructure 15
It was, toward the end of the winter, fairly romantic to feel one’s
self “going South”—in verification of the pleasant probability that,
since one’s mild adventure had appeared beforehand, and as a whole,
to promise that complexion, there would now be aspects and
occasions more particularly and deeply dyed with it. The inevitability
of his being romantically affected—being so more often than not—
had been taken for granted by the restless analyst from the first; his
feeling that he might count upon it having indeed, in respect to his
visit, the force of a strong appeal. The case had come to strike him as
perfectly clear—the case for the singular history, the odd evolution of
this confidence, which might appear superficially to take some
explaining. It was “Europe” that had, in very ancient days, held out to
the yearning young American some likelihood of impressions more
numerous and various and of a higher intensity than those he might
gather on the native scene; and it was doubtless in conformity with
some such desire more finely and more frequently to vibrate that he
had originally begun to consult the European oracle. This had led, in
the event, to his settling to live for long years in the very precincts, as
it were, of the temple; so that the voice of the divinity was finally to
become, in his ears, of all sounds the most familiar. It was quite to
lose its primal note of mystery, to cease little by little to be strange,
impressive and august—in the degree, at any rate, in which it had
once enjoyed that character. The consultation of the oracle, in a
word, the invocation of the possible thrill, was gradually to feel its
romantic essence enfeebled, shrunken and spent. The European
complexity, working clearer to one’s vision, had grown usual and
calculable—presenting itself, to the discouragement of wasteful
emotion and of “intensity” in general, as the very stuff, the common
texture, of the real world. Romance and mystery—in other words the
amusement of interest—would have therefore at last to provide for
themselves elsewhere; and what curiously befell, in time, was that
the native, the forsaken scene, now passing, as continual rumour had
it, through a thousand stages and changes, and offering a perfect
iridescence of fresh aspects, seemed more and more to appeal to the
faculty of wonder. It was American civilization that had begun to
spread itself thick and pile itself high, in short, in proportion as the
other, the foreign exhibition had taken to writing itself plain; and to a
world so amended and enriched, accordingly, the expatriated
observer, with his relaxed curiosity reviving and his limp imagination
once more on the stretch, couldn’t fail again to address himself.
Nothing could be of a simpler and straighter logic: Europe had been
romantic years before, because she was different from America;
wherefore America would now be romantic because she was different
from Europe. It was for this small syllogism then to meet, practically,
the test of one’s repatriation; and as the palpitating pilgrim
disembarked, in truth, he had felt it, like the rifle of a keen
sportsman, carried across his shoulder and ready for instant use.
What employment it was thus to find, what game it was actually to
bring down, this directed and aimed appetite for sharp impressions,
is a question to which these pages may appear in a manner to testify
—constituting to that extent the “proof” of my fond calculation. It
was in respect to the South, meanwhile, at any rate, that the
calculation had really been fondest—on such a stored, such a waiting
provision of vivid images, mainly beautiful and sad, might one surely
there depend. The sense of these things would represent for the
restless analyst, more than that of any others, intensity of
impression; so that his only prime discomfiture was in his having
had helplessly to see his allowance of time cut short, reduced to the
smallest compass in which the establishment of a relation to any
group of aspects might be held conceivable. This last soreness,
however—and the point is one to be made—was not slow, I noted, to
find itself healingly breathed upon. More promptly in America than
elsewhere does the relation to the group of aspects begin to work—
whatever the group, and I think I may add whatever the relation,
may be. Few elements of the picture are shy or lurking elements—
tangled among others or hidden behind them, packed close by time
and taking time to come out. They stand there in their row like the
letters of an alphabet, and this is why, in spite of the vast surface
exposed, any item, encountered or selected, contributes to the
spelling of the word, becomes on the spot generally informing and
characteristic. The word so recognized stands thus, immediately, for
a multitude of others and constitutes, to expert observation, an all-
sufficient specimen. “Here, evidently, more quickly than in Europe,”
the visitor says to himself, “one knows what there is and what there
isn’t: whence there is the less need, for one’s impression, of a
multiplication of cases.” A single case speaks for many—since it is
again and again, as he catches himself repeating, a question not of
clustered meanings that fall like over-ripe fruit into his lap, but of the
picking out of the few formed features, signs of character mature
enough and firm enough to promise a savour or to suffer handling.
These scant handfuls illustrate and typify, and, luckily, they are (as
the evidence of manners and conditions, over the world, goes)
quickly gathered; so that an impression founded on them is not an
undue simplification. And I make out, I think, the reflection with
which our anxious explorer tacitly concludes. “It’s a bad country to
be stupid in—none on the whole so bad. If one doesn’t know how to
look and to see, one should keep out of it altogether. But if one does,
if one can see straight, one takes in the whole piece at a series of
points that are after all comparatively few. One may neglect, by
interspacing the points, a little of the accessory matter, but one
neglects none of the essential. And if one has not at last learned to
separate with due sharpness, pen in hand, the essential from the
accessory, one has only, at best, to muffle one’s head for shame and
await deserved extinction.”
It was in conformity with some such induction as the foregoing
that I had to feel myself, at Richmond, in the midst of abnormal
wintry rigours, take in at every pore a Southern impression; just as it
was also there, before a picture charmless at the best, I seemed to
apprehend, and not redeemed now by mistimed snow and ice, that I
was to recognize how much I had staked on my theory of the latent
poetry of the South. This theory, during a couple of rather dark, vain
days, constituted my one solace or support, and I was most of all
occupied with my sense of the importance of carrying it off again
unimpaired. I remember asking myself at the end of an hour or two
what I had then expected—expected of the interesting Richmond;
and thereupon, whether or no I mustered, on this first challenge, an
adequate answer, trying to supply the original basis of expectation.
By that effort, as happened, my dim perambulation was lighted, and
I hasten to add that I felt the second branch of my question easy
enough to meet. How was the sight of Richmond not to be a potent
idea; how was the place not, presumably, to be interesting, to a
restless analyst who had become conscious of the charge involved in
that title as long ago as at the outbreak of the Civil War, if not even
still more promptly; and to whose young imagination the
Confederate capital had grown lurid, fuliginous, vividly tragic—
especially under the process through which its fate was to close
round it and overwhelm it, invest it with one of the great
reverberating historic names? They hang together on the dreadful
page, the cities of the supreme holocaust, the final massacres, the
blood, the flames, the tears; they are chalked with the sinister red
mark at sight of which the sensitive nerve of association forever
winces. If the mere shadow had that penetrative power, what
affecting virtue might accordingly not reside in the substances, the
place itself, the haunted scene, as one might figure it, of the old, the
vast intensity of drama? One thing at least was certain—that,
however the sense of actual aspects was to disengage itself, I could
not possibly have drawn near with an intelligence more respectfully
and liberally prepared for hospitality to it. So, conformably with all
this, how could it further not strike me, in presence of the presented
appearances, that the needful perceptions were in fact at play?
I recall the shock of that question after a single interrogative stroll,
a mere vague mile of which had thrown me back wondering and a
trifle mystified. One had had brutally to put it to one’s self after a
conscientious stare about: “This then the tragic ghost-haunted city,
this the centre of the vast blood-drenched circle, one of the most
blood-drenched, for miles and miles around, in the dire catalogue
aforesaid?” One had counted on a sort of registered consciousness of
the past, and the truth was that there appeared, for the moment, on
the face of the scene, no discernible consciousness, registered or
unregistered, of anything. Richmond, in a word, looked to me simply
blank and void—whereby it was, precisely, however, that the great
emotion was to come. One could never consent merely to taking it
for that: intolerable the discredit so cast on one’s perceptive
resources. The great modern hotel, superfluously vast, was excellent;
but it enjoyed as a feature, as a “value,” an uncontested priority. It
was a huge well-pitched tent, the latest thing in tents, proclaiming in
the desert the name of a new industry. The desert, I have mentioned,
was more or less muffled in snow—that furthered, I admit, the
blankness; the wind was harsh, the sky sullen, the houses scarce
emphasized at all as houses; the “Southern character,” in fine, was
nowhere. I should doubtless have been embarrassed to say in what
specific items I had imagined it would naturally reside—save in so far
as I had attached some mystic virtue to the very name of Virginia:
this instinctive imputation constituting by itself, for that matter, a
symptom of a certain significance. I watched and waited, giving the
virtue a chance to come out; I wandered far and wide—as far, that is,
as weather and season permitted; they quite forbade, to my regret,
the long drives involved in a visitation of the old battlefields. The
shallow vistas, the loose perspectives, were as sadly simple as the
faces of the blind. Was it practically but a question then, deplorable
thought, of a poor Northern city?—with the bare difference that a
Northern city of such extent would, however stricken, have
succeeded, by some Northern art in pretending to resources. Where,
otherwise, were the “old Southern mansions” on the wide verandahs
and in the rank, sweet gardens of which Northern resources had once
been held so cheap?
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