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Meru Brochure

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My Home Group
For over three decades, My Home Group has cemented
its name as one of the most trusted brands in the country.
The group with an annual turnover of 4000 Crores, has a
presence across the nation with interests in an entire value
chain comprising of:
• Construction
• Cement (MAHA)
• Power
• Consultancy
• Education
Meru International School is the latest venture from My Home
Group. The group has built a legacy of quality, integrity and
trust with every project they have undertaken. These are the
same values that we bring to you with our most important
project thus far – your child.

My Home Group has become synonymous with success and

trust. Every step that we have embarked upon has taken us
to new and astounding heights. And that’s the kind of future
we envisage for every student at Meru International School.
Because we believe that every child is BUILT TO SUCCEED.

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The Chairman of the My Home Group, Dr. Rameswar
Rao Jupally defines the term self-made man. He was
born and raised in a small village of Kudikilla in the
Mahbubnagar district. His passion for education was
evident from a young age. He had to walk a distance
of 12 kilometres every day to reach his school. It
was this dedication and hunger for education that
brought him to Hyderabad to pursue a doctorate
in Homeopathy.

The strong values inculcated in him made him one

of the most successful and respected businessmen
in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. The man with the
Midas touch – every project Dr. Rao has embarked
upon has turned to gold. He has the reputation
of being one of the most ethical, trustworthy and
humble businessmen in the Telugu speaking states.

His keen passion for education was the seed for

Meru International School. While the curriculum and
teaching methodologies have vastly changed from
back in the day, it’s the value and belief system that
will always remain constant. This is what defines the
ethos of Meru International School - An amalgamation
of Old School Values and New School Methodologies.

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The Spirit
of Success
The key to success in life is a good foundation. At Meru
International School, we ensure that every child is equipped
with everything they need to succeed. Every child is destined
to succeed. All you have to do is hand them the tools to
help them achieve it.

We believe in moulding citizens who not only reach the

pinnacle of their fields, but do so in a responsible and
righteous manner. For us, it’s not just about the destination,
but the journey we lead your children on to get them there.

Built to Succeed
At Meru International School, we believe that achieving
success should not be a struggle. Every child has their own
strengths. It’s about identifying those strengths and honing
them. Our 3C Curriculum promotes learning through multiple
facets of Character, Content and Competence. These
aspects of the curriculum help in developing well-rounded
individuals with a progressive mind-set, for whom success
becomes a way of life.

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Old School Values.
New School
Our educators at Meru International School believe in encouraging curiosity
within the classroom. They are constantly trying to find new and exciting ways
to make the process of learning much more fun for students. Children are
encouraged to voice their questions and participate in the classroom. Every
aspect of our curriculum is designed specifically to ensure that your child
explores every facet of overall development.

Our educators also drive in the values that shape responsible citizens. We
believe in moulding citizens who respect their teachers, their peers and the
environment around them. It’s where old school values come together with
new age methodologies to create well-rounded individuals who effect a
positive change in the society.

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To help every child reach their potential.
To help them understand that success is
not a struggle, but understanding where
your strengths lie and honing them.
We aim to constantly come up with
new and innovative methods to keep
children interested in the classroom, and
develop a sense of curiosity outside of it.

We aim to build a society of like-minded individuals
who possess a progressive mind-set along with values
that bring about positive change in the world. We want
to build a society of well-rounded, responsible and
righteous citizens who understand that it is not just
about succeeding, but doing so in the right spirit.

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From the
“It’s important to teach
children how to think,
not what to think!”
My involvement with education goes back a long time. With a strong educational
background, I joined Yashoda Nursing School and Colleges’ management team
and played a significant role in the expansion of the courses. Today, Yashoda
Academy of Medical Education & Research is offering nine different courses
including PGDCC and a Paramedical course. After my stint at Yashoda, I also
played a vital role in establishing JIMS Homeopathy College in Hyderabad,
now a leading Homeopathy institute.

I have always been deeply passionate about education, and that came to the
forefront when I became the mother of two beautiful children. I realized that
the strong value system which was inculcated into me in school and at home
seemed to be missing nowadays. Like every parent, I aim to see my children
grow up to be successful, but what’s more important is that they do it in the
right spirit.

With an objective to deliver education of international standards with world

class facilities and educational programs beyond the limits of the academic
curriculum, I established Meru International School. Technology, music, art,
physical education and theatre are all part of the curriculum, and we help
children identify their strengths and help hone them. Meru is all about providing
your kids the platform to be successful in any field they pursue.

- Meghana Jupally Rao,

Meru International School

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and Approach
The main focus of the curriculum at Meru International School is to ensure
that the learner’s potential is fully utilized. Our attention is not directed at
just one domain, but at the holistic learning and development of every
child. This is where the 3C Curriculum we follow plays a vital role.

The Tenets of 3C Curriculum:

• Character: Imbibing a strong value system that is constantly evolving
towards building righteous and responsible global citizens
• Competence: Skills developed by every student for effective and
progressive growth
• Content: Relevant and contextual information that conforms within
the curricular framework and transcends global standards.

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We follow an Enquiry Based Learning Model at problem solving, conflict resolution, creative
Meru International School - a concept that seeks to and critical thinking.
create a social place of learning and knowledge.
Where “Why” is encouraged and “What” is What we also strive for at Meru is learning through
nurtured. Self-esteem and independence, Multiple Intelligences. We believe that there are
leadership and innovation, problem solving and three major types of learners: Visual, Auditory,
responsibility are emphasized in a participative and Tactile/Kinesthetic. While most individuals
environment of academic enquiry. without disabilities can learn using any one of
these styles, most people have one for which
A successful enquiry will lead to responsible they show a stronger affinity. Students may have
action which is initiated by the student as a a combination of these three learning styles,
result of the knowledge constructed through typically with one style being dominant. Varying
the learning process. We believe that every instructional and assessment practices in the
student has the right to involve in such actions classroom makes it easier for all students to spend
as well as have the opportunity to involve in some time learning through his or her dominant
such actions too. Through these means students style, thus providing a more comfortable and
are able to grow both personally and socially rewarding learning experience.
while developing skills such as cooperation,

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Introduction to
3C Curriculum
The 3C Curriculum is developed keeping the vision of Meru International
School in mind. We aim to create individuals with a strong value system
and broadminded thinking, who create a positive change in society.

Through the 3Cs of Character, Competence and Content, we create

a trans-disciplinary curriculum that is engaging, relevant, challenging
and significant for learners. Meru International School’s curriculum
includes all student activities, academic and non-academic, for
which the school takes responsibility, since they all have an impact
on student learning. One of the aims of 3C Curriculum is to ensure
that students experience coherence in their learning, regardless of
which teacher has responsibility for them at any particular point in
time. These are the key objectives that are to be achieved through
3C Curriculum:

1. Social skills
2. Thinking skills
3. Communication skills
4. Self-management skills
5. Research skills



































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Meru Brochure_Kala.indd 12 27-10-2017 16:52:34
Kindergarten &
Primary School
Pre-Primary to Grade V

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The early years of a child’s life are filled with growth and
learning, and the process of learning begins at home. From
the first steps they take, the toys they play with to the first words
they utter. The Kindergarten at Meru International School aims
to provide a second home for your toddlers, and that’s why
we take utmost care to ensure that every child is nourished
and nurtured in a way to achieve their true potential.

Areas of Learning:
• Social and Personal Development
• Problem Solving
• Reading and Writing
• Speaking and Listening
• Alpha-Numeric Learning
• Decision Making
• Playing with other kids
• Health and Physical Activity
• Drawing & Painting
• Singing, Dancing and Making Music

Primary School
The Primary School Program (PSP) at Meru International
School focuses on letting children explore their talents. We
emphasize on learning through active enquiry and aim to
develop a well-rounded child to meet certain competencies
and attitudes. The main focus of the curriculum during these
formative years revolves around:
• Language
• Social Studies
• Mathematics
• Arts
• Science
• Personal, Social and Physical Education

The exhibition is an important part of the PSP for every primary
student. In the final year of the program, students undertake
a collaborative enquiry process across subjects that involve
them in identifying and offering solutions to real world problems.

As the culminating experience of PSP, the exhibition offers

students an exciting opportunity to demonstrate independence
and responsibility towards their own learning.

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Learner Profiles

Enquirers Knowledge Thinkers

Nurturing curiosity Developing and Using critical and
and developing using conceptual creative thinking skills
skills for enquiry understanding, and to analyse and take
and research. Kids exploring knowledge responsible action on
are taught to learn across disciplines complex problems
independently and

Communicators Principled
Expressing confidently and creatively Acting with integrity and honesty,
in more than one language, while with a sense of justice and fairness.
understanding the importance of Kids are taught the importance of
listening carefully taking responsibility of their actions

Open Minded Risk Takers

Appreciating our culture and history Approaching uncertainty with
as well as traditions of others. determination and forethought.
Coming up with innovative ideas and
being resilient in the face of challenges

Caring Balanced Reflective

Showing empathy, Understanding Thoughtfully considering
compassion and the importance of the world and our own
respect. Kids are balancing different ideas and experience.
taught to make a aspects of learning – Understanding our
positive difference intellectual, physical strengths and weakness
in the lives of others and emotional and support our
around them development.

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Competence Profiles

Innovative Pro-active Leaders

One who is creative Takes an action in One who is able to
especially in the way advance to deal with influence others towards
that something is done an expected difficulty achieving goals

Communicative Adaptable
One who is able to communicate his/ Able to adjust easily to a new
her ideas clearly and readily environment or to different conditions

Organized Assertive Passionate

Plans one’s activity One who is strong One who expresses
efficiently and in putting forward an intense desire for
methodically one’s views something

Perseverant Thinker Focused

A steady and continued One who is curious and One who expresses
action or belief, over long reasons while reflecting an intense desire for
periods despite setbacks on obstacles something

Risk Taker Decision Maker

One who takes chances in hopes of winning, Capable of making logical
and is brave in defending their beliefs decisions from available options

Research Oriented
One who does methodical investigation into
a subject in order to discover the facts, to
establish or revise a theory

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Middle &
High School
Grade VI to Grade X

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As the kids move into middle and high school, we initiate
them into the CBSE and CAIE curriculum, and give them the
choice to pick the curriculum they’d like to follow. Both these
programs offer an educational exposure of global standards.
We encourage students to engage in all the subjects that
are part of the curriculum, and help them build a connection
between them. The high school program serves as a natural
progression from our middle school program. We build upon
the basics that have been taught to the students, and explore
every subject in further detail. Our high school program is also
compatible with other curricula, internationally relevant and
sensitive to different needs and cultures.

ICT Starters
Information and Communication Technology is a part of
the educational experience at Meru International School. It
is regarded a prerequisite as basic as reading, writing and
numeracy. We introduce students to the key ICT applications
they need to acquire, and help them understand the impact
of technology on our daily lives.

Our educators are dedicated in helping the students think

critically, identify opportunity and challenge their potential.
We help the child identify, integrate and apply numerical and
spatial concepts and techniques. They have clarity of concepts
and are able to connect them to the real world. It is vital that
every student understands their cultural, geographical and
historical background and have the knowledge, attitude,
skills and values to affect change in society.

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CBSE & CAIE Programs

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The core values of CBSE School Curriculum draw its strength
by keeping pace with the 21st century, the global trends
of educational transformations, as well as keeping in view
that India is an independent nation with a rich variegated
history, extraordinarily complex cultural diversity, and
commitment to democratic values and general well-being.
The key objectives of the CBSE curriculum are:
• To enhance self-awareness and explore innate potential
• To develop creativity and the ability to appreciate art
and showcase one’s own talents
• To promote capabilities related to goal setting, decision
making and lifelong learning
• To nurture assertive communication and interpersonal skills
• To learn to be empathetic towards others, display dignity
and respect to everyone
• To foster cultural learning and international understanding
• To strengthen knowledge and attitude related to
livelihood skills
• To acquire the ability to utilize technology and information
• To inspire the attitude of functional and participatory
• To develop abilities related to thinking skills and problem

Meru International School also offers students the chance to
pursue the CAIE (formerly CIE) curriculum as well. Cambridge
Assessment International Education (CAIE) prepares students
for life, helping them develop an informed curiosity and a
lasting passion for learning.

The CAIE program is split into Lower Secondary and Upper

Secondary Programs. The Lower Secondary Program is
for students from Grade VI to Grade VIII, while the Upper
Secondary Program caters to students from Grade IX to
Grade XII.

Cambridge Lower Secondary sets clear learning objectives

for the first three years of secondary education in English as a
first or second language, mathematics, science, Cambridge
Global Perspectives and ICT Starters.

Cambridge Upper Secondary builds on the foundations

of Cambridge Lower Secondary, although learners do not
need to complete that stage before this one. It provides
students a broad and balanced study across a wide range
of subjects, using learner-centred and enquiry-based
approaches to learning.

*Awaiting Affiliation

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Beyond the
realms of the

Sports Education
Education doesn’t end within the classroom. There is a lot children can
learn from our Sports Education Program. Through a host of physical
and health related activities, we try to promote the development of
knowledge, skills and attitude.

Benefits of the Sports Education Program

• Spatial Awareness and Body Control
• Importance of Fair Play
• The importance of strategies in physical activities
• Mastery of new skills and techniques
• Co-operative Behaviour
• Usage of proper safety protocol

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Value Education &
Life Skills Programs
The educators at Meru International School believe
it is their duty to train students in moral values that
present a true perspective of the development
of any society or nation. Their role is not that of a
mere information giver, but also to act as facilitator
and guide. The school runs a full-fledged Value
Education Program for all classes where learning
becomes fun when teachers involve students in
various educative value based activities.

Life Skills Program at Meru International School is a

group-based program for all students. This unique
program focuses on learning effective problem-
solving and relationship building skills. The key aspects
targeted in the Life Skills Program are:
• Effective Communication
• Critical Thinking
• Creative Thinking
• Goal Setting
• Relationship Building
• Self-Awareness

Performing Arts Program

The aim of the Performing Arts Program at Meru
International School is to empower students to
enrich their social and working lives through a
deeper understanding of value of arts in modern
society. The Performing Arts Program focuses on the
disciplines of visual arts, dance, drama, theatre and
music. Through artistic expression we enhance their
powers of imagination, creativity and their ability
to bring their own ideas to fruition. We provide our
students with regular workshops and training to help
them hone these skills and showcase their talents.

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Other Programs
Effective learning does not always take place exclusively in the classroom. As a
school we wish to broaden learning horizons so that students can connect the outside
world to their work in school. Each club in school tries to provide these enrichment
activities. The objective is to get children out of the classroom, and engage in the
other facets of learning through meaningful interaction with other students who share
the same interests. We promote collaborative learning in different fields for students
from Grade VI, and they can choose up to three clubs to be a part of.

Interact Club Eco-Sustainability Club

The Interact Club of students in the The Club focuses on waste
school help to plan and organize management. It does so
activities on social and environmental by generating awareness
issues to spread awareness and about littering and behavior
foster responsibility by developing modification.
leadership skills.

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Humanity Club Design & Technology Club
The club focuses on issues The club will promote learning
related to problems children of design concepts through
are facing around the globe, tools of technology, Photoshop,
care for the differently abled, animation etc.
kindness to animals, care for
the elderly etc.

M.U.N Club Cuisine Club

The club will work towards It focuses on spreading
preparing students to discuss awareness on healthy eating
global issues of international habits. Students will have
importance and help them sessions on interesting elements
critically analyze solutions. like cooking without fire, salad
making and international

Personality Development Spoken Foreign Language

Workshops With the world becoming more
The focus of these workshops connected, learning a foreign
is to help understand language is more relevant than
yourself better and shape ever. The sessions are designed
the thinking and perception to help students communicate
of one’s self and others. in a foreign language and offer
insight into the cultures where
those languages are spoken.

D.E.A.R Program Gender Sensitivity Program

The Drop-Everything- In a 21st century society, there is no
And-Read Program gives place for gender discrimination.
students time to read what It sensitizes students about
they want to read, share stereotyping, inequality and
what they’ve read, and gender discrimination. The
receive the support they program fosters a respect for
need for further reading equality.
explorations and reflections.

Student Wellness Program Student Exchange Program

Meru International School During this program, students from
is the safest place for your different schools are exposed
child after home. The to an intensive program that
Student Wellness Program increases their understanding
cultivates a healthy and of other cultures, communities,
safe community that inspires and languages.
students to succeed as
leaders, role models,
advocates and good

Literary Club Customized Individual

The club will promote Improvement Plan (IIP)
literary interests & activities We offer need based individual
on campus and analyze sessions to students which are
both reading and writing age and gender based, where
perspectives. the focus of every session is
to help the child explore the
emotional and psychological
aspect of growth.

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At Meru International School, we believe that the teachers
and parents are equal stakeholders in a child’s growth
and development. This is the reason that we have crafted
a comprehensive program that brings the teachers
and parents closer, and makes the child’s progress a
collaborative effort. The primary objective of the Parent
Connect Program is to provide a platform where the
parent and the teacher interact to find an opportunity
to refine the child’s individual learning plan.

The purpose of assessment is to ensure the academic and co-scholastic
development of a child. At Meru International School, we believe that
regular assessment of the student is an integral part of the planning,
teaching and learning process.

Formative Assessment
Teachers consider ways of assessing students’ learning in the context of
the lines of enquiry into the main idea. Formative assessment provides
information that is used in order to plan the next stage of learning. It is
interwoven with learning, and helps teachers and students to find out
what the students already know and can do. Formative assessment
and teaching are directly linked and function purposefully together.

Summative Assessment
Summative assessment tasks are linked to the main idea of either the
trans-disciplinary unit of learning or of any teaching outside the program.
Summative assessment is the culmination of the teaching and learning
process, and gives the students opportunities to demonstrate what has
been learned. It can assess several elements simultaneously: it informs
and improves student learning and the teaching process; it measures
understanding of the main idea, and prompts students towards action.

Psychometric Assessment
Psychometric Assessments are used to measure students’ mental
capabilities and behavioural style. They are designed to measure the
child’s personality characteristics and aptitude (or cognitive abilities).
They are conducted by a trained psychologist, and it helps students
improve their affective learning abilities as well. School counsellors are
an important part of the educational leadership team and provide
valuable assistance to students regardless of whether they work in an
elementary, middle or high school.

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We have a dedicated team of student counsellors in place to help students navigate
through any challenges that come along the way. Our counsellors offer academic support,
including organizational, study and test-taking skills. They also help students develop peer
relationships, coping strategies and effective social skills. Communication, problem-solving
and conflict resolution are big part of the counsellor’s role along with providing valuable
substance abuse education. The other roles of the counsellors include:

• Goal setting/decision-making
• Education on understanding of self, including strengths and weaknesses
• Transition plans
• Career Planning
• Individual and small-group counselling
• Individual/family/school crisis intervention
• Conflict resolution
• Consultation/collaboration
• Referrals
• Psychometric testing

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and Facilities
Meru International School boasts of a
centrally located state-of-the-art campus.

Physical Education is an important facet of
every child’s development and we offer an
array of activities for them to partake in.
• Cricket
• Volleyball
• Tennis
• Basketball
• Badminton
• Mini Football
• Kabaddi
• Athletics Track
• Table tennis
• Carroms
• Gymnastics
• Karate

Performing Arts gives children the
opportunity to explore their creative
potential. We offer many disciplines for
the children to choose from.
• Music
• Western Dance
• Classical Dance
• Vocal Room
• Wonder Room
• Fine Arts Dept. & Gallery
• Amphitheatre

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To stimulate cognitive thinking, Meru International
School is equipped with the latest technology
to help students learn practical applications of
what they learn in the classroom.
• Computer Lab
• Biology Lab
• Chemistry Lab
• Physics Lab
• Science Park
• Robotics Club
• Library

in Education
Every classroom at Meru International School is
a Smart Classroom. Teachers and students have
access to the internet, and the classrooms are
equipped with a projector to make learning an
audio-visual experience. The classrooms are
also temperature controlled ensuring that your
children are always comfortable and in the
best frame of mind to absorb the knowledge

Technology in Safety
Safety is paramount to us at Meru International
School. Besides having a team of efficient and
verified security and housekeeping personnel
(men and women), our entire campus is also
monitored by CCTV cameras. Our premises
are fully equipped to deal with emergencies
and natural disasters. All our buses are GPS
enabled so you always know where your child
is, even in transit.

Technology in Communication
We offer parents a platform to stay connected
with the school through a mobile app which
includes a Parent Connect feature to keep
you abreast of all your child’s developments.

Our fully air conditioned school buses ply on
a wide network of routes across the city. They
are driven by experienced professionals and
every bus is accompanied by a guard.

The food we prepare at our canteen is made
from high quality produce, and the entire menu
is designed by a nutritionist, keeping your child’s
health in mind.

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Adjacent to My Home Jewel, Chandanagar, Hyderabad.
Call: 040-66398639, 8101 700 700
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.meruinternationalschool.com

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