[Ebooks PDF] download Multivariable advanced calculus Kuttler K full chapters
[Ebooks PDF] download Multivariable advanced calculus Kuttler K full chapters
[Ebooks PDF] download Multivariable advanced calculus Kuttler K full chapters
Multivariable Calculus 8th Edition James Stewart
Multivariable Advanced Calculus
Kenneth Kuttler
February 7, 2016
1 Introduction 9
4 Sequences 73
4.1 Vector Valued Sequences And Their Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.2 Sequential Compactness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.3 Closed And Open Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.4 Cauchy Sequences And Completeness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4.5 Shrinking Diameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4.6 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
5 Continuous Functions 87
5.1 Continuity And The Limit Of A Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.2 The Extreme Values Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.3 Connected Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.4 Uniform Continuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
5.5 Sequences And Series Of Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
5.6 Polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
5.7 Sequences Of Polynomials, Weierstrass Approximation . . . . . . . . . . 101
5.7.1 The Tietze Extension Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5.8 The Operator Norm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5.9 Ascoli Arzela Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
5.10 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
This book is directed to people who have a good understanding of the concepts of one
variable calculus including the notions of limit of a sequence and completeness of R. It
develops multivariable advanced calculus.
In order to do multivariable calculus correctly, you must first understand some linear
algebra. Therefore, a condensed course in linear algebra is presented first, emphasizing
those topics in linear algebra which are useful in analysis, not those topics which are
primarily dependent on row operations.
Many topics could be presented in greater generality than I have chosen to do. I have
also attempted to feature calculus, not topology although there are many interesting
topics from topology. This means I introduce the topology as it is needed rather than
using the possibly more efficient practice of placing it right at the beginning in more
generality than will be needed. I think it might make the topological concepts more
memorable by linking them in this way to other concepts.
After the chapter on the n dimensional Lebesgue integral, you can make a choice
between a very general treatment of integration of differential forms based on degree
theory in chapters 10 and 11 or you can follow an independent path through a proof
of a general version of Green’s theorem in the plane leading to a very good version of
Stoke’s theorem for a two dimensional surface by following Chapters 12 and 13. This
approach also leads naturally to contour integrals and complex analysis. I got this idea
from reading Apostol’s advanced calculus book. Finally, there is an introduction to
Hausdorff measures and the area formula in the last chapter.
I have avoided many advanced topics like the Radon Nikodym theorem, represen-
tation theorems, function spaces, and differentiation theory. It seems to me these are
topics for a more advanced course in real analysis. I chose to feature the Lebesgue
integral because I have gone through the theory of the Riemann integral for a function
of n variables and ended up thinking it was too fussy and that the extra abstraction of
the Lebesgue integral was worthwhile in order to avoid this fussiness. Also, it seemed
to me that this book should be in some sense “more advanced” than my calculus book
which does contain in an appendix all this fussy theory.
Chapter 2
1. Two sets are equal if and only if they have the same elements.
2. To every set, A, and to every condition S (x) there corresponds a set, B, whose
elements are exactly those elements x of A for which S (x) holds.
3. For every collection of sets there exists a set that contains all the elements that
belong to at least one set of the given collection.
5. If A is a set there exists a set, P (A) such that P (A) is the set of all subsets of A.
This is called the power set.
These axioms are referred to as the axiom of extension, axiom of specification, axiom
of unions, axiom of choice, and axiom of powers respectively.
It seems fairly clear you should want to believe in the axiom of extension. It is
merely saying, for example, that {1, 2, 3} = {2, 3, 1} since these two sets have the same
elements in them. Similarly, it would seem you should be able to specify a new set from
a given set using some “condition” which can be used as a test to determine whether
the element in question is in the set. For example, the set of all integers which are
multiples of 2. This set could be specified as follows.
{x ∈ Z : x = 2y for some y ∈ Z} .
In this notation, the colon is read as “such that” and in this case the condition is being
a multiple of 2.
Another example of political interest, could be the set of all judges who are not
judicial activists. I think you can see this last is not a very precise condition since
there is no way to determine to everyone’s satisfaction whether a given judge is an
activist. Also, just because something is grammatically correct does not mean
it makes any sense. For example consider the following nonsense.
So what is a condition?
We will leave these sorts of considerations and assume our conditions make sense.
The axiom of unions states that for any collection of sets, there is a set consisting of all
the elements in each of the sets in the collection. Of course this is also open to further
consideration. What is a collection? Maybe it would be better to say “set of sets” or,
given a set whose elements are sets there exists a set whose elements consist of exactly
those things which are elements of at least one of these sets. If S is such a set whose
elements are sets,
∪ {A : A ∈ S} or ∪ S
signify this union.
Something is in the Cartesian product of a set or “family” of sets if it consists of
a single thing taken from each set in the family. Thus (1, 2, 3) ∈ {1, 4, .2} × {1, 2, 7} ×
{4, 3, 7, 9} because it consists of exactly one element from each of the sets which are
separated by ×. Also, this is the notation for the Cartesian product of finitely many
sets. If S is a set whose elements are sets,
there exists an integer larger than 7. Such statements have to do with a given set, in
this case the integers. Failure to have a reference set when quantifiers are used turns
out to be illogical even though such usage may be grammatically correct. Quantifiers
are used often enough that there are symbols for them. The symbol ∀ is read as “for
all” or “for every” and the symbol ∃ is read as “there exists”. Thus ∀∀∃∃ could mean
for every upside down A there exists a backwards E.
DeMorgan’s laws are very useful in mathematics. Let S be a set of sets each of
which is contained in some universal set, U . Then
{ } C
∪ AC : A ∈ S = (∩ {A : A ∈ S})
{ } C
∩ AC : A ∈ S = (∪ {A : A ∈ S}) .
These laws follow directly from the definitions. Also following directly from the defini-
tions are:
Let S be a set of sets then
B ∪ ∪ {A : A ∈ S} = ∪ {B ∪ A : A ∈ S} .
B ∩ ∪ {A : A ∈ S} = ∪ {B ∩ A : A ∈ S} .
Unfortunately, there is no single universal set which can be used for all sets. Here is
why: Suppose there were. Call it S. Then you could consider A the set of all elements
of S which are not elements of themselves, this from the axiom of specification. If A
is an element of itself, then it fails to qualify for inclusion in A. Therefore, it must not
be an element of itself. However, if this is so, it qualifies for inclusion in A so it is an
element of itself and so this can’t be true either. Thus the most basic of conditions you
could imagine, that of being an element of, is meaningless and so allowing such a set
causes the whole theory to be meaningless. The solution is to not allow a universal set.
As mentioned by Halmos in Naive set theory, “Nothing contains everything”. Always
beware of statements involving quantifiers wherever they occur, even this one. This little
observation described above is due to Bertrand Russell and is called Russell’s paradox.
X × Y ≡ {(x, y) : x ∈ X and y ∈ Y }
D (f ) ≡ {x : (x, y) ∈ f } ,
written as f : D (f ) → Y .
It is probably safe to say that most people do not think of functions as a type of
relation which is a subset of the Cartesian product of two sets. A function is like a
machine which takes inputs, x and makes them into a unique output, f (x). Of course,
that is what the above definition says with more precision. An ordered pair, (x, y)
which is an element of the function or mapping has an input, x and a unique output,
y,denoted as f (x) while the name of the function is f . “mapping” is often a noun
meaning function. However, it also is a verb as in “f is mapping A to B ”. That which
a function is thought of as doing is also referred to using the word “maps” as in: f maps
X to Y . However, a set of functions may be called a set of maps so this word might
also be used as the plural of a noun. There is no help for it. You just have to suffer
with this nonsense.
The following theorem which is interesting for its own sake will be used to prove the
Schroder Bernstein theorem.
A ∪ B = X, C ∪ D = Y, A ∩ B = ∅, C ∩ D = ∅,
f (A) = C, g (D) = B.
A - C = f (A)
B = g(D) D
C ≡ f (A) , D ≡ Y \ C, B ≡ X \ A.
Definition 2.1.4 Let I be a set and let Xi be a set for each i ∈ I. f is a choice
function written as ∏
f∈ Xi
The axiom of choice says that if Xi ̸= ∅ for each i ∈ I, for I a set, then
Xi ̸= ∅.
Sometimes the two functions, f and g are onto but not one to one. It turns out that
with the axiom of choice, a similar conclusion to the above may be obtained.
Similarly g0−1 is one to one. Therefore, by the Schroder Bernstein theorem, there exists
h : X → Y which is one to one and onto.
{y1 , y2 , y3 , · · · }. It follows the elements of X×Y are included in the following rectangular
Thus the first element of X × Y is (x1 , y1 ), the second element of X × Y is (x1 , y2 ), the
third element of X × Y is (x2 , y1 ) etc. This assigns a number from N to each element
of X × Y. Thus X × Y is at most countable.
It remains to show the last claim. Suppose without loss of generality that X is
countable. Then there exists α : N → X which is one to one and onto. Let β : X×Y → N
be defined by β ((x, y)) ≡ α−1 (x). Thus β is onto N. By the first part there exists a
function from N onto X × Y . Therefore, by Corollary 2.1.5, there exists a one to one
and onto mapping from X × Y to N. This proves the theorem.
X = {x1 , x2 , x3 , · · · }
Y = {y1 , y2 , y3 , · · · } .
Consider the following array consisting of X ∪ Y and path through it.
x1 → x2 x3 →
↙ ↗
y1 → y2
Thus the first element of X ∪ Y is x1 , the second is x2 the third is y1 the fourth is y2
Consider the second claim. By the first part, there is a map from N onto X × Y .
Suppose without loss of generality that X is countable and α : N → X is one to one and
onto. Then define β (y) ≡ 1, for all y ∈ Y ,and β (x) ≡ α−1 (x). Thus, β maps X × Y
onto N and this shows there exist two onto maps, one mapping X ∪ Y onto N and the
other mapping N onto X ∪ Y . Then Corollary 2.1.5 yields the conclusion. This proves
the theorem.
have the same weight. This would not be saying they were the same person, just that
they weighed the same. Often such relations involve considering one characteristic of
the elements of a set and then saying the two elements are equivalent if they are the
same as far as the given characteristic is concerned.
2. If x ∼ y then y ∼ x. (Symmetric)
Definition 2.1.10 [x] denotes the set of all elements of S which are equivalent
to x and [x] is called the equivalence class determined by x or just the equivalence class
of x.
With the above definition one can prove the following simple theorem.
Proof: Let sup ({An : n ∈ N}) = r. In the first case, suppose r < ∞. Then letting
ε > 0 be given, there exists n such that An ∈ (r − ε, r]. Since {An } is increasing, it
follows if m > n, then r − ε < An ≤ Am ≤ r and so limn→∞ An = r as claimed. In
the case where r = ∞, then if a is a real number, there exists n such that An > a.
Since {Ak } is increasing, it follows that if m > n, Am > a. But this is what is meant
by limn→∞ An = ∞. The other case is that r = −∞. But in this case, An = −∞ for all
n and so limn→∞ An = −∞. The case where An is decreasing is entirely similar. This
proves the lemma.
Sometimes the limit of a sequence does not exist. For example, if an = (−1) , then
limn→∞ an does not exist. This is because the terms of the sequence are a distance
of 1 apart. Therefore there can’t exist a single number such that all the terms of the
sequence are ultimately within 1/4 of that number. The nice thing about lim sup and
lim inf is that they always exist. First here is a simple lemma and definition.
Definition 2.2.3 Denote by [−∞, ∞] the real line along with symbols ∞ and
−∞. It is understood that ∞ is larger than every real number and −∞ is smaller
than every real number. Then if {An } is an increasing sequence of points of [−∞, ∞] ,
limn→∞ An equals ∞ if the only upper bound of the set {An } is ∞. If {An } is bounded
above by a real number, then limn→∞ An is defined in the usual way and equals the
least upper bound of {An }. If {An } is a decreasing sequence of points of [−∞, ∞] ,
limn→∞ An equals −∞ if the only lower bound of the sequence {An } is −∞. If {An } is
bounded below by a real number, then limn→∞ An is defined in the usual way and equals
the greatest lower bound of {An }. More simply, if {An } is increasing,
Lemma 2.2.4 Let {an } be a sequence of real numbers and let Un ≡ sup {ak : k ≥ n} .
Then {Un } is a decreasing sequence. Also if Ln ≡ inf {ak : k ≥ n} , then {Ln } is an
increasing sequence. Therefore, limn→∞ Ln and limn→∞ Un both exist.
Proof: Let Wn be an upper bound for {ak : k ≥ n} . Then since these sets are
getting smaller, it follows that for m < n, Wm is an upper bound for {ak : k ≥ n} . In
particular if Wm = Um , then Um is an upper bound for {ak : k ≥ n} and so Um is at
least as large as Un , the least upper bound for {ak : k ≥ n} . The claim that {Ln } is
decreasing is similar. This proves the lemma.
From the lemma, the following definition makes sense.
lim sup an
lim inf an
Suppose first that limn→∞ an exists and is a real number. Then by Theorem 4.4.3 {an }
is a Cauchy sequence. Therefore, if ε > 0 is given, there exists N such that if m, n ≥ N,
|an − am | < ε/3.
From the definition of sup {ak : k ≥ N } , there exists n1 ≥ N such that
It follows that
sup {ak : k ≥ N } − inf {ak : k ≥ N } ≤ |an1 − an2 | + < ε.
∞ ∞
Since the sequence, {sup {ak : k ≥ N }}N =1 is decreasing and {inf {ak : k ≥ N }}N =1 is
increasing, it follows from Theorem 4.1.7
Since sup {ak : k ≥ N } ≥ inf {ak : k ≥ N } it follows that for every ε > 0, there exists
N such that
sup {ak : k ≥ N } − inf {ak : k ≥ N } < ε
Thus if m, n > N, then
|am − an | < ε
which means {an } is a Cauchy sequence. Since R is complete, it follows that limn→∞ an ≡
a exists. By the squeezing theorem, it follows
The significance of lim sup and lim inf, in addition to what was just discussed, is
contained in the following theorem which follows quickly from the definition.
λ = lim sup an .
an ≤ b.
γ = lim inf an .
an ≥ d.
The proof of this theorem is left as an exercise for you. It follows directly from the
definition and it is the sort of thing you must do yourself. Here is one other simple
Proof: This follows from the definition. Let λn = sup {ak bk : k ≥ n} . For all n
large enough, an > a − ε where ε is small enough that a − ε > 0. Therefore,
λn ≥ sup {bk : k ≥ n} (a − ε)
∞ ∑
∑ ∞ ∞
∑ ∞
ajk ≡ ajk .
k=m j=m k=m j=m
In other words, first sum on j yielding something which depends on k and then sum
these. The major consideration for these double series is the question of when
∞ ∑
∑ ∞ ∞ ∑
∑ ∞
ajk = ajk .
k=m j=m j=m k=m
In other words, when does it make no difference which subscript is summed over first?
In the case of finite sums there is no issue here. You can always write
M ∑
N ∑
N ∑
ajk = ajk
k=m j=m j=m k=m
because addition is commutative. However, there are limits involved with infinite sums
and the interchange in order of summation involves taking limits in a different order.
Therefore, it is not always true that it is permissible to interchange the two sums. A
general rule of thumb is this: If something involves changing the order in which two
limits are taken, you may not do it without agonizing over the question. In general,
limits foul up algebra and also introduce things which are counter intuitive. Here is an
example. This example is a little technical. It is placed here just to prove conclusively
there is a question which needs to be considered.
Example 2.3.1 Consider the following picture which depicts some of the ordered pairs
(m, n) where m, n are positive integers.
0 0 0 0 0 c 0 -c
0 0 0 0 c 0 -c 0
0 0 0 c 0 -c 0 0
0 0 c 0 -c 0 0 0
0 c 0 -c 0 0 0 0
b 0 -c 0 0 0 0 0
0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0
The numbers next to the point are the values of amn . You see ann = 0 for all n,
a21 = a, a12 = b, amn = c for (m, n) on the line y = 1 + x whenever m > 1, and
amn = −c for all (m, n) on the line y = x − 1 whenever m > 2.
∑∞ ∑∞ ∑∞
Then m=1 amn = a if n = 1, m=1 amn = b−c if n = 2 and if n > 2, m=1 amn =
0. Therefore,
∑∞ ∑ ∞
amn = a + b − c.
n=1 m=1
∑∞ ∑∞ ∑∞
Next observe that n=1 amn = b if m = 1, n=1 amn = a+c if m = 2, and n=1 amn =
0 if m > 2. Therefore,
∑∞ ∑ ∞
amn = b + a + c
m=1 n=1
and so the two sums are different. Moreover, you can see that by assigning different
values of a, b, and c, you can get an example for any two different numbers desired.
It turns out that if aij ≥ 0 for all i, j, then you can always interchange the order
of summation. This is shown next and is based on the following lemma. First, some
notation should be discussed.
Lemma 2.3.3 Let f (a, b) ∈ [−∞, ∞] for a ∈ A and b ∈ B where A, B are sets.
sup sup f (a, b) = sup sup f (a, b) .
a∈A b∈B b∈B a∈A
Proof: Note that for all a, b, f (a, b) ≤ supb∈B supa∈A f (a, b) and therefore, for all
a, supb∈B f (a, b) ≤ supb∈B supa∈A f (a, b). Therefore,
Repeat the same argument interchanging a and b, to get the conclusion of the lemma.
Proof: First note there is no trouble in defining these sums because the aij are all
nonnegative. If a sum diverges, it only diverges to ∞ and so ∞ is the value of the sum.
Next note that
∑∞ ∑ ∞ ∑∞ ∑n
aij ≥ sup aij
j=r i=r j=r i=r
∞ ∑
∑ ∞ ∞ ∑
∑ n ∑
m ∑
aij ≥ sup aij = sup lim aij
n n m→∞
j=r i=r j=r i=r j=r i=r
n ∑
m ∑
n ∑
= sup lim aij = sup lim aij
n m→∞ n m→∞
i=r j=r i=r j=r
∑ ∞
n ∑ ∑ ∞
n ∑ ∞ ∑
∑ ∞
= sup aij = lim aij = aij
n n→∞
i=r j=r i=r j=r i=r j=r
All the topics for calculus of one variable generalize to calculus of any number of variables
in which the functions can have values in m dimensional space and there is more than
one variable.
The notation, Cn refers to the collection of ordered lists of n complex numbers. Since
every real number is also a complex number, this simply generalizes the usual notion
of Rn , the collection of all ordered lists of n real numbers. In order to avoid worrying
about whether it is real or complex numbers which are being referred to, the symbol F
will be used. If it is not clear, always pick C.
Fn ≡ {(x1 , · · · , xn ) : xj ∈ F for j = 1, · · · , n} .
(x1 , · · · , xn ) ∈ Fn ,
it is conventional to denote (x1 , · · · , xn ) by the single bold face letter, x. The numbers,
xj are called the coordinates. The set
{(0, · · · , 0, t, 0, · · · , 0) : t ∈ F}
for t in the ith slot is called the ith coordinate axis. The point 0 ≡ (0, · · · , 0) is called
the origin.
Thus (1, 2, 4i) ∈ F3 and (2, 1, 4i) ∈ F3 but (1, 2, 4i) ̸= (2, 1, 4i) because, even though
the same numbers are involved, they don’t match up. In particular, the first entries are
not equal.
The geometric significance of Rn for n ≤ 3 has been encountered already in calculus
or in precalculus. Here is a short review. First consider the case when n = 1. Then
from the definition, R1 = R. Recall that R is identified with the points of a line. Look
at the number line again. Observe that this amounts to identifying a point on this line
with a real number. In other words a real number determines where you are on this line.
Now suppose n = 2 and consider two lines which intersect each other at right angles as
shown in the following picture.
6 · (2, 6)
(−8, 3) · 3
Notice how you can identify a point shown in the plane with the ordered pair, (2, 6) .
You go to the right a distance of 2 and then up a distance of 6. Similarly, you can identify
another point in the plane with the ordered pair (−8, 3) . Go to the left a distance of 8
and then up a distance of 3. The reason you go to the left is that there is a − sign on the
eight. From this reasoning, every ordered pair determines a unique point in the plane.
Conversely, taking a point in the plane, you could draw two lines through the point,
one vertical and the other horizontal and determine unique points, x1 on the horizontal
line in the above picture and x2 on the vertical line in the above picture, such that
the point of interest is identified with the ordered pair, (x1 , x2 ) . In short, points in the
plane can be identified with ordered pairs similar to the way that points on the real
line are identified with real numbers. Now suppose n = 3. As just explained, the first
two coordinates determine a point in a plane. Letting the third component determine
how far up or down you go, depending on whether this number is positive or negative,
this determines a point in space. Thus, (1, 4, −5) would mean to determine the point
in the plane that goes with (1, 4) and then to go below this plane a distance of 5 to
obtain a unique point in space. You see that the ordered triples correspond to points in
space just as the ordered pairs correspond to points in a plane and single real numbers
correspond to points on a line.
You can’t stop here and say that you are only interested in n ≤ 3. What if you were
interested in the motion of two objects? You would need three coordinates to describe
where the first object is and you would need another three coordinates to describe
where the other object is located. Therefore, you would need to be considering R6 . If
the two objects moved around, you would need a time coordinate as well. As another
example, consider a hot object which is cooling and suppose you want the temperature
of this object. How many coordinates would be needed? You would need one for the
temperature, three for the position of the point in the object and one more for the
time. Thus you would need to be considering R5 . Many other examples can be given.
Sometimes n is very large. This is often the case in applications to business when they
are trying to maximize profit subject to constraints. It also occurs in numerical analysis
when people try to solve hard problems on a computer.
There are other ways to identify points in space with three numbers but the one
presented is the most basic. In this case, the coordinates are known as Cartesian
coordinates after Descartes1 who invented this idea in the first half of the seventeenth
century. I will often not bother to draw a distinction between the point in n dimensional
space and its Cartesian coordinates.
The geometric significance of Cn for n > 1 is not available because each copy of C
corresponds to the plane or R2 .
1 René Descartes 1596-1650 is often credited with inventing analytic geometry although it seems
the ideas were actually known much earlier. He was interested in many different subjects, physiology,
chemistry, and physics being some of them. He also wrote a large book in which he tried to explain
the book of Genesis scientifically. Descartes ended up dying in Sweden.
x + y = (x1 , · · · , xn ) + (y1 , · · · , yn )
≡ (x1 + y1 , · · · , xn + yn ) (3.2)
With this definition, the algebraic properties satisfy the conclusions of the following
theorem. These conclusions are called the vector space axioms. Any time you have a
set and a field of scalars satisfying the axioms of the following theorem, it is called a
vector space.
(v + w) + z = v+ (w + z) , (3.4)
v+ (−v) = 0, (3.6)
α (v + w) = αv+αw, (3.7)
(α + β) v =αv+βv, (3.8)
α (βv) = αβ (v) , (3.9)
1v = v. (3.10)
In the above 0 = (0, · · · , 0).
You should verify these properties all hold. For example, consider 3.7
α (v + w) = α (v1 + w1 , · · · , vn + wn )
= (α (v1 + w1 ) , · · · , α (vn + wn ))
= (αv1 + αw1 , · · · , αvn + αwn )
= (αv1 , · · · , αvn ) + (αw1 , · · · , αwn )
= αv + αw.
where the ci are scalars. The set of all linear combinations of these vectors is called
span (x1 , · · · , xn ) . If V ⊆ Y, then V is called a subspace if whenever α, β are scalars
and u and v are vectors of V, it follows αu + βv ∈ V . That is, it is “closed under
the algebraic operations of vector addition and scalar multiplication” and is therefore, a
vector space. A linear combination of vectors is said to be trivial if all the scalars in
the linear combination equal zero. A set of vectors is said to be linearly independent if
the only linear combination of these vectors which equals the zero vector is the trivial
linear combination. Thus {x1 , · · · , xn } is called linearly independent if whenever
ck xk = 0
it follows that all the scalars, ck equal zero. A set of vectors, {x1 , · · · , xp } , is called
linearly dependent if it is not linearly independent. Thus the set of vectors ∑p is linearly
dependent if there exist scalars, ci , i = 1, · · · , n, not all zero such that k=1 ck xk = 0.
then ∑
0 = 1xk + (−cj ) xj ,
a nontrivial linear combination, contrary to assumption. This shows that if the set is
linearly independent, then none of the vectors is a linear combination of the others.
Now suppose no vector is a linear combination of the others. Is {x1 , · · · , xp } linearly
independent? If it is not, there exist scalars, ci , not all zero such that
ci xi = 0.
Not all of these scalars can equal zero because if this were the case, it would follow
that x1∑= 0 and so {x1 , · · · , xr } would not be linearly independent. Indeed, if x1 = 0,
1x1 + i=2 0xi = x1 = 0 and so there would exist a nontrivial linear combination of
the vectors {x1 , · · · , xr } which equals zero.
Say ck ̸= 0. Then solve (3.11) for yk and obtain
s-1 vectors here
z }| {
yk ∈ span x1 , y1 , · · · , yk−1 , yk+1 , · · · , ys .
Now replace the yk in the above with a linear combination of the vectors, {x1 , z1 , · · · , zs−1 }
to obtain v ∈ span {x1 , z1 , · · · , zs−1 } . The vector yk , in the list {y1 , · · · , ys } , has now
been replaced with the vector x1 and the resulting modified list of vectors has the same
span as the original list of vectors, {y1 , · · · , ys } .
Now suppose that r > s and that span {x1 , · · · , xl , z1 , · · · , zp } = V where the
vectors, z1 , · · · , zp are each taken from the set, {y1 , · · · , ys } and l + p = s. This
has now been done for l = 1 above. Then since r > s, it follows that l ≤ s < r
and so l + 1 ≤ r. Therefore, xl+1 is a vector not in the list, {x1 , · · · , xl } and since
span {x1 , · · · , xl , z1 , · · · , zp } = V there exist scalars, ci and dj such that
l ∑
xl+1 = ci xi + dj zj . (3.12)
i=1 j=1
Now not all the dj can equal zero because if this were so, it would follow that {x1 , · · · , xr }
would be a linearly dependent set because one of the vectors would equal a linear com-
bination of the others. Therefore, (3.12) can be solved for one of the zi , say zk , in terms
of xl+1 and the other zi and just as in the above argument, replace that zi with xl+1
to obtain
p-1 vectors here
z }| {
span x1 , · · · xl , xl+1 , z1 , · · · zk−1 , zk+1 , · · · , zp = V.
span (x1 , · · · , xs ) = V.
But then xr ∈ span {x1 , · · · , xs } contrary to the assumption that {x1 , · · · , xr } is linearly
independent. Therefore, r ≤ s as claimed.
Here is another proof in case you didn’t like the above proof.
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des grandes ombres mouvantes qu’on eût pu prendre pour celles
des nuages sans l’implacable pureté de ce ciel.
Et, dans la demi-torpeur de cette température de parfums et de
caresses, nous allions éblouis et muets, sans prêter plus attention au
vivant kaléidoscope du champ de manœuvre qu’aux Arabes croisés
sur la route, juchés, les jambes pendantes, sur leurs petits
bourricots et en accélérant l’allure, du bout de leur matraque et du
légendaire arrrhoua qui semble le fond de toute la langue orientale.
Une espèce de vieille momie, face desséchée de sauterelle d’Égypte,
accroupie dans la poussière de la route sous un cône mouvant de
haillons, nous invitait en vain à tenter la chance et risquer notre
argent roumi sur trois grains de cafés étalés devant elle sur un vieux
numéro du Gaulois. Sous l’agilité de ses mains d’escamoteur, les
trois grains de café disparaissaient et reparaissaient dans une fragile
coquille de noix ; deux muchachos, de neuf à quinze ans,
stationnaient là attentifs, les mains croisées derrière le dos, en vrais
petits hommes, mais se gardaient bien de confier un soldi aux mains
voltigeantes du magicien ; ces Comtois [1] manquaient d’entente et
ce vieux joueur de bonneteau du désert (car c’était bien le
bonneteau que manipulait entre ses doigts exercés la forme
humaine affaissée au bord du chemin) avait beaucoup moins de
succès dans cette vallée de la Mitidja qu’un monsieur de
Montmartre, installé avec sa tierce dans une allée du Bois, après les
courses d’Auteuil. Il est vrai que le bonneteur arabe avait remplacé
par trois grains de café les trois cartes obligatoires et que son
boniment en sabir coupé de sidi et de macache bono n’avait pas
l’entrain persuasif de nos joueurs de banlieue.
[1] Comtois, en argot parisien, complices, affiliés,
Ch. Marie-Lefèvre.
les mélodies de Tosti y font rage, les pieds plats y font prime, les five
o’clock tea, et les nine o’clock tea et les twelve o’clock tea y
emplissent les journées ; les épiceries, les pharmacies et les
crèmeries, toutes les boutiques y sont anglaises, les domestiques de
Genève, et les hôtels tenus par des Allemands.
Oh ! my dear soul, Maud and Liliane are here certainly.
Oh ! ma chère âme, Maud et Liliane sont ici sûrement.
C’est sur les lèvres inconscientes d’un garçonnet de dix ans que
je l’ai surprise un dimanche, à la tombée de la nuit, pendant que des
filles engoncées de lainages roses et jaunes riaient bruyamment
avec des chasseurs d’Afrique devant la porte d’une auberge ; leurs
amants en sombreros les surveillaient de loin, la cigarette aux dents ;
et le chanteur, lui, petit potier en herbe, rangeait sous un hangar
jarres et gargoulettes.
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