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Birchmount Park Course Outline and

Collegiate Evaluation Profile

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Principles of Mathematics, Grade 10, Academic
Credit Value: 1.00
Prerequisite: MPM1D1 or Transfer Course

Department: Mathematics Assistant Curriculum Leader: G. Ignat

Based upon “The Ontario Curriculum: Grades 9 and 10: Mathematics, 2005”

Birchmount Park C.I. staff believes that all students can be successful in earning credits. Varied and differentiated
approaches to course work and assessments / evaluations will be utilized to support all students.

Course Description/Rationale/Overview: This course enables students to broaden their understanding of relationships
and extend their problem-solving and algebraic skills through investigation, the effective use of technology, and abstract
reasoning. Students will explore quadratic relations and their applications; solve and apply linear systems; verify properties of
geometric figures using analytic geometry; and investigate the trigonometry of right and acute triangles. Students will reason
mathematically and communicate their thinking as they solve multi-step problems.

Supports for Student Learning:

All teachers are available for extra help for students and consultation parents & guardians. Each semester, teachers will announce
and post information regarding times and location of extra-help sessions. Parents are welcome to call 416-396-6704 (ext. 20228)
to set up a mutually convenient time to meet with or to talk to their child’s teacher.
Students with Individual Education Plans can access supports through the GLE1O9 course, the Resource Room as well as
supports form their classroom teacher. Students have ready access to computers through the Resource Room.
S.T.Y.L.E is an afterschool academic support program. The program runs on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Students are
required to sign up for this program. Please contact the Guidance Department or a Vice-principal.
BPCI Teachers use “Teach Assist” which is a web-based mark book that can be accessed by students and parent / guardians at
any time. The link to Teach Assist is on the School Website. Access requires the student’s Trillium student number. Students will
need a password, which teachers will assist students with.
GOOGLE Classroom – supports easy access to class information and subject materials.

Course /Department Policies:

All students are expected to meet school expectations for meeting key dates for course assignments and evaluations as well as
following BPCI policies regarding late assignments, missed tests and academic honesty. All of these policies are clearly outlined
in the Student Agenda Book and are posted on the school website:
Evaluation Due Dates: assignments, projects, presentations, quizzes, tests etc.
Key due dates are set in advance and are shared with students. Please note the following:
 An unexcused absence (skipping) results in a mark of zero.
 If you know you are going to miss a test, speak to the teacher beforehand to discuss your options in order to reschedule
the test and avoid receiving a zero grade.
 If you are ill and miss a test, you must speak to your teacher the next day to make arrangements to write the missed test.
Your parent or guardian must send a note with you confirming your illness. Otherwise a mark of zero will be recorded.
Please refer to “Birchmount Park C.I. Student Agenda – Assessment & Evaluation Policies”
Academic Honesty: Please refer to “Birchmount Park C. I. Agenda – Academic Honesty”
Learning Skills:
Learning Skills are skills and habits which are essential to success in school and in the workplace. The Learning Skills
evaluated are: working independently; work habits/homework; teamwork; initiative; organization
Teachers report achievement of learning skills by using letter symbols: N = Needs Improvement, S = Satisfactory, G = Good,
E = Excellent. Learning skills clearly affect levels of achievement, but they are not part of the evaluation of achievement and
are not included in the midterm mark or final course mark.

Skills for Success:

1. Be present and actively involved in class every day
2. Self-Advocacy – ask for help as needed
3. Complete all assignments on time
4. Come prepared for class (i.e. pencils, binder, calculator)
5. Bring a positive attitude to learning.

Achievement Categories and Weighting

The achievement chart provides a standard, province-wide method for teachers to use in assessing and evaluating their students’
achievement. Students are evaluated according to the major categories or strands in each course. Ministry of Education
curriculum documents provide detailed description of student achievement levels.

In this course, students are evaluated in four categories, according to the weightings shown:

Knowledge/Understanding 35%
Communication 15%
Application 35%
Thinking/Inquiry 15%

70% Mark on Course Work

Students need to demonstrate achievement of all the overall expectations of the course. 70% of the final mark in the course will
be based on work done prior to the culminating activities. Evaluations that are late, missing, and/or incomplete will affect a
student’s 70% grade.

MARK BREAKDOWN……………………………..Chapter Tests (Knowledge, Communication, Application, Thinking)

……………………………..Several Quizzes/Assignments (Knowledge, Communication, Application and


30% Culminating Activity and Exam

The mark for the final report card will be the sum of the 70% mark and the 30% culminating activity and exam.

MARK BREAKDOWN ……………………………..Culminating Project: 30%

……………………………..Final Exam: 0%
By the end of this course the student will:
1. Model and solve problems involving the intersection of two straight lines.
2. Solve problems using analytic geometry involving properties of lines and line segments.
3. Verify geometric properties of triangles and quadrilaterals, using analytic geometry.
4. Determine the basic properties of quadratic relationships
5. Relate transformations of the graph of y = x2 to the algebraic representation y =a(x - p)2 + q
6. Solve quadratic equations and interpret the solutions with respect to the corresponding relations
7. Solve problems involving quadratic relations.
8. Use their knowledge of ratio and proportion to investigate similar triangles and solve problems related to similarity
9. Solve problems involving right triangles using the primary trigonometric ratios and the Pythagorean theorem.
10. Solve problems involving acute triangles using the sine law and cosine law.

UNIT 1: LINEAR Section of Textbook UNIT 2: ANALYTIC Section of Textbook

1. Connect English with 1.1 PROPERTIES
Mathematics and Graphing 1. Applying midpoint, 2.3
Lines length and slope
2. Method of Substitution 1.2 2. Equation of a circle 2.4
3. Equivalent Linear 1.3
3. Properties of Triangles 3.1 and 3.2
4. Method of Elimination 1.4 4. Properties of 3.4 and 3.4
5. Applying Linear Systems 1.5 Quadrilaterals
6. Midpoint of a line 2.1 5. Properties of Circles 3.5
segment 8. Review and Test
7. Length of a Line Segment 2.2
8. Review and Test

UNIT 3: QUADRATIC Section of Textbook UNIT 4: Section of Textbook

EQUATIONS 1. Applying Similar
1. Investigate Non-Linear 4.1 Triangles
Relations 2. Tangent Ratio
2. Quadratic Relations 4.2 3.Sine and Cosine Ratios
3. Investigate 4.3 4. Solving Right Triangles
Transformations of 5. The Sine Law
Quadratics 6. The Cosine Law
4. Graph y = a(x-h)2 + k 4.4 7. Applying Trigonometry
5. Graph y = a(x-r)(x-s) 4.5 8. Review and Test
6. Negative and Positive 4.6
7. Multiplying Polynomials 5.1
8. Special Products 5.2
9. Common Factors 5.3
10. Factoring Quadratic 5.4 and 5.5
11. Factoring a Perfect 5.6
Square Trinomial
And Difference of Squares
12. Maxima and Minima 6.1
13. Solving Quadratics 6.2
14. Graphing quadratics 6.3
using x-intercepts
15. Quadratic Formula 6.4 and 6.5
16. Review and Test

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