Instant Download The Palgrave Handbook of Animals and Literature Susan Mchugh PDF All Chapters
Instant Download The Palgrave Handbook of Animals and Literature Susan Mchugh PDF All Chapters
Instant Download The Palgrave Handbook of Animals and Literature Susan Mchugh PDF All Chapters
The Palgrave Handbook of Twentieth and Twenty-First
Century Literature and Science 1st Edition The Triangle
Series Editors
Susan McHugh
Department of English
University of New England
Auburn, ME, USA
Robert McKay
School of English
University of Sheffield
Sheffield, UK
John Miller
School of English
University of Sheffield
Sheffield, UK
Various academic disciplines can now be found in the process of executing an
‘animal turn’, questioning the ethical and philosophical grounds of human
exceptionalism by taking seriously the nonhuman animal presences that haunt
the margins of history, anthropology, philosophy, sociology and literary stud-
ies. Such work is characterised by a series of broad, cross-disciplinary questions.
How might we rethink and problematise the separation of the human from
other animals? What are the ethical and political stakes of our relationships with
other species? How might we locate and understand the agency of animals in
human cultures?
This series publishes work that looks, specifically, at the implications of the
‘animal turn’ for the field of English Studies. Language is often thought of as
the key marker of humanity’s difference from other species; animals may have
codes, calls or songs, but humans have a mode of communication of a wholly
other order. The primary motivation is to muddy this assumption and to ani-
malise the canons of English Literature by rethinking representations of ani-
mals and interspecies encounter. Whereas animals are conventionally read as
objects of fable, allegory or metaphor (and as signs of specifically human con-
cerns), this series significantly extends the new insights of interdisciplinary ani-
mal studies by tracing the engagement of such figuration with the material lives
of animals. It examines textual cultures as variously embodying a debt to or an
intimacy with animals and advances understanding of how the aesthetic engage-
ments of literary arts have always done more than simply illustrate natural his-
tory. We publish studies of the representation of animals in literary texts from
the Middle Ages to the present and with reference to the discipline’s key the-
matic concerns, genres and critical methods. The series focuses on literary
prose and poetry, while also accommodating related discussion of the full range
of materials and texts and contexts (from theatre and film to fine art, journal-
ism, the law, popular writing and other cultural ephemera) with which English
studies now engages.
Series Board
Karl Steel (Brooklyn College)
Erica Fudge (Strathclyde)
Kevin Hutchings (UNBC)
Philip Armstrong (Canterbury)
Carrie Rohman (Lafayette)
Wendy Woodward (Western Cape)
The Palgrave
Handbook of Animals
and Literature
Susan McHugh Robert McKay
Department of English School of English
University of New England University of Sheffield
Auburn, ME, USA Sheffield, UK
John Miller
School of English
University of Sheffield
Sheffield, UK
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Susan McHugh would like to thank Marion Copeland for providing long-time
support and encouragement to study animals as animals in literature. All stu-
dents studying animal-themed texts in her courses deserve credit as well for
inspiration, especially Halie Pruitt in the Animal Humanities seminar. My work
also is made possible by my beloved family, friends, and many supportive col-
leagues at the University of New England and elsewhere. Here it is dedicated
to memories of learning how to study animal behaviour from Teresa
Dzieweczynski, fearless and peerless leader of Team Fighting Fish.
Robert McKay would like to thank Lily Buntain, for the classes on Animal
Farm that started it all. Thanks also go to the University of Sheffield for sup-
porting this project, and particularly to friends and students in the School of
English who make working life enjoyable. I especially thank everyone involved
in the Sheffield Animal Studies Research Centre over the past years. I thank
Sonny and Oscar, who fill my days with joy, and as ever, my deepest thanks, for
this and everything else, go to Gayle.
John Miller would like to thank successive generations of students on
LIT6045: Humans, Animals, Monsters and Machines at the University of
Sheffield. Every group has challenged me in different ways and taught me a
huge amount about how we imagine the lives of other creatures. The seed for
my contribution to the volume was planted by the late Anthony Carrigan, an
inspiring thinker and writer.
The editors would like to thank the contributors, and each other.
Introduction: Towards an Animal-Centred Literary History 1
Susan McHugh, Robert McKay, and John Miller
The Exception and the Norm: Dimensions of Anthropocentrism 15
Tom Tyler
Metaphor, Metonymy, More-Than-Anthropocentric. The Animal
That Therefore I Read (and Follow) 37
Ann-Sofie Lönngren
Narratology Beyond the Human: Self-Narratives and Inter-Species
Identities 51
David Herman
An(im)alogical Thinking: Contemporary Black Literature and the
Dreaded Comparison 65
Diana Leong
viii Contents
Chaucer, Lydgate, and the Half-Heard Nightingale127
Carolynn Van Dyke
Huntings of the Hare: The Medieval and Early Modern Poetry of
Imperiled Animals141
Karl Steel
Human, Animal, and Metamorphic Becomings155
Carla Freccero
Sheep, Beasts, and Knights: Fugitive Alterity in Edmund Spenser’s
The Faerie Queene Book VI, and The Shepheardes Calender167
Rachel Stenner
My Palfrey, Myself: Toward a Queer Phenomenology of the
Horse-Human Bond in Henry V and Beyond181
Karen Raber
What Can Beast Fables Do in Literary Animal Studies? Ben
Jonson’s Volpone and the Prehumanist Human195
Erica Fudge
“Real” Animals and the Eighteenth-Century Literary Imagination211
Laura Brown
Contents ix
Mary Leapor’s Creatureliness in “An Essay on Woman” and Other
Anne Milne
Poetics of the Hunt: Re-reading Agency and Re-thinking Ecology
in William Somerville’s The Chase239
Richard Nash
Beyond Symbolism: The Rights and Biopolitics of Romantic
Period Animals253
Ron Broglio
Bad Dog: The Dark Side of Misbehaving Animals265
Chase Pielak
Why Animals Matter in Jane Austen277
Barbara K. Seeber
John Keats and the Sound of Autumn: Reading Poetry in a Time
of Extinction291
Michael Malay
Cooper’s Animal Offences: The Confusion of Species in Last of the
Onno Oerlemans
Jane Eyre and Tess Durbeyfield at the Human/Animal Border321
Ivan Kreilkamp
Animals and Nonsense: Edward Lear’s Menagerie333
Ann C. Colley
Intimacy, Objectification, and Inter/Intra-Species Relations in
Victorian Animal Autobiographies347
Monica Flegel
x Contents
Modernist Animals and Bioaesthetics385
Carrie Rohman
Vivisection in Modernist Culture and Popular Fiction, 1890–1945397
Katherine Ebury
Virginia Woolf and Gertrude Stein: Two Modernist Women
Writing as Dogs411
Marianne DeKoven
Animals Inside: Creatureliness in Dezső Kosztolányi’s Skylark and
Hanya Yanagihara’s A Little Life437
Anat Pick
Speculative Humanisms: Postwar Universalism and the Question
of the Animal459
Seán McCorry
CanLit’s Ossiferous Fictions: Animal Bones and Fossils in Margaret
Atwood’s Life Before Man and Carol Shields’s The Stone Diaries473
Sarah Bezan
Returning to the Animals’ Gaze: Reflective Readings of Lionesses
Marah and Sekhmet487
Wendy Woodward
Contents xi
“Without the Right Words It’s Hard to Retain Clarity”:
Speculative Fiction and Animal Narrative499
Sherryl Vint
Jesmyn Ward’s Dog Bite: Mississippi Love and Death Stories513
Bénédicte Boisseron
Shared and Hefted Lives in Twenty-First-Century Shepherds’
Catherine Parry
The Biopolitics of Animal Love: Two Settler Stories541
Nicole Shukin
Companion Prosthetics: Avatars of Animality and Disability557
Michael Lundblad and Jan Grue
Denizen Habitations: Spaces of Solidarity in Recent South Asian
Sundhya Walther
Plagues, Poisons, and Dead Rats: A Multispecies History589
Lucinda Cole
Notes on Contributors
Megan Cavell researches and teaches a wide range of topics in medieval stud-
ies at the University of Birmingham: from Old and early Middle English and
Latin languages and literature to gender, material culture, and animal studies.
Her first monograph, Weaving Words and Binding Bodies: The Poetics of
Human Experience in Old English Literature, was published by the University
of Toronto Press in 2016, and she is working on a second project about
medieval predators. She is also the editor-in-chief of The Riddle Ages
(, producing open-access translations
and commentaries for the Old English riddles of the Exeter Book.
Lucinda Cole is a research associate professor at the University of Illinois,
Urbana-Champaign. She writes about animals, disease, ecology, and literature.
Her 2016 book Imperfect Creatures: Vermin, Literatures, and the Sciences of Life
1600–1740 was winner of the Robert Lowry Patten Award 2017 (Studies in
English Literature 1500–1900) for the most outstanding recent book in
Restoration and eighteenth-century English literature. With Robert Markley, she
is co-editor of AnthropoScene, a book series published by Penn State University Press.
Ann C. Colley is a State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo distin-
guished professor, emerita, and a visiting fellow of Wolfson College, the
University of Cambridge. She has published books on nineteenth-century lit-
erature and culture with Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Macmillan Press, the
University of Georgia Press, Palgrave, Ashgate, and Manchester University
Press. Her most recent work, Wild Animal Skins in Victorian Britain, was
favorably reviewed in the 6 November 2015 issue of The Times Literary
Supplement (TLS) and, in August 2018, so too was her memoir, The Odyssey and
Dr. Novak. In addition, chapters and articles have appeared in anthologies and
journals, such as The Kenyon Review, Genre, English Language Studies, Victorian
Literature and Culture, New World Writing, and The Centennial Review.
Susan Crane is Parr Professor Emerita of English and Comparative Literature
at Columbia University. Her research in animal studies includes Animal
Encounters, on cross-species interactions in medieval Britain; a chapter on
medieval totemism in The Performance of Self; and an essay in progress,
“Francis of Assisi on Eating and Worshipping with Animals.”
Marianne DeKoven is Distinguished Professor Emerita of English at Rutgers
University, where she won university-wide awards for both Teaching Excellence
and Research Excellence. She is the author of Utopia Limited: The Sixties and
the Emergence of the Postmodern (2004, winner of the Narrative Society’s
Perkins Prize for Best Book on Prose Fiction), Rich and Strange: Gender
History, Modernism (1991, Choice Award), and A Different Language:
Gertrude Stein’s Experimental Writing (1983). She is also the editor of the
Norton Critical Edition of Gertrude Stein’s Three Lives (2006), of Feminist
Locations: Global and Local, Theory and Practice (2001), and co-editor of
Species Matters: Humane Advocacy and Cultural Theory (2011). She is working
on a book project involving modernist and contemporary literary animals.
Against Genocide and Extinction (2019). Her co-edited books include: The
Routledge Handbook of Human–Animal Studies (2014), with Garry Marvin;
Indigenous Creatures, Native Knowledges, and the Arts: Human–Animal
Studies in Modern Worlds (2017), with Wendy Woodward; and Posthumanism
in Art and Science: A Reader (2020), with Giovanni Aloi. She is series co-
editor of Palgrave Studies in Animals and Literature and Humanities Managing
Editor for Society and Animals. She is currently working on a monograph on
plants and literature.
Robert McKay is Professor of Contemporary Literature at the University of
Sheffield, where he is co-director of the Sheffield Animal Studies Research
Centre. His research focuses on the politics of species in modern and contem-
porary literature and film. He is the co-editor of Against Value in the Arts and
Education (2016) and Werewolves, Wolves and the Gothic (2017), series co-
editor of Palgrave Studies in Animals and Literature, and Associate Editor
(Literature) for Society and Animals. He is working on two projects: a mono-
graph on the politics of species in late twentieth-century fiction and a study of
the place of animal ethics in American culture, politics, and law in the middle
of the twentieth century.
John Miller is Senior Lecturer in Nineteenth-Century Literature at the
University of Sheffield. His books include Empire and the Animal Body (2012)
and (with Louise Miller) Walrus (2014). He is co-editor of Palgrave Studies in
Animals and Literature, co-director of ShARC (Sheffield Animal Studies
Research Centre), and President of ASLE-UKI (Association for Study of
Literature and the Environment, UK & Ireland). He is completing a mono-
graph titled Victorians in Furs: Fiction, Fashion and Activism and beginning
work on A Literary History of In Vitro Meat.
Anne Milne is a lecturer at the University of Toronto Scarborough. She was
a Carson Fellow at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society in
Munich (2011) and published “Lactilla Tends Her Fav’rite Cow”: Ecocritical
Readings of Animals and Women in Eighteenth-Century British Labouring-
Class Women’s Poetry in 2008. Her recent publications highlight bioregional-
ism and animals in eighteenth-century studies.
Jade Munslow Ong is Lecturer in English Literature at the University of
Salford, UK. She is the author of Olive Schreiner and African Modernism:
Allegory, Empire and Postcolonial Writing (2018) and articles in the Journal of
Postcolonial Writing and Journal of Commonwealth Literature. She is working
on a book with Matthew Whittle, titled Global Literatures and the Environment:
Twenty-First Century Perspectives (forthcoming).
Richard Nash is Professor Emeritus of English at Indiana University. He is
the author of several books and numerous articles on eighteenth-century
English literature and culture and on animal studies. He now buys and sells
Huntings of the Hare: The Medieval and Early Modern Poetry
of Imperiled Animals
Fig. 1 Robert Henryson’s “Preaching of the Swallow”, (c) The British
Library Board, Harley MS 3865, 43v, after 1571 146
John Keats and the Sound of Autumn: Reading Poetry in a Time
of Extinction
Fig. 1 “Two Butterflies went out at Noon”, Emily Dickinson 295
Fig. 2 “On the Grasshopper and Cricket”, John Keats 296
xxii List of Figures
Slippery or hard to catch, difficult to pin down, to be flushed out into the
open, a moving target. Metaphors abound for describing the elusiveness of
literary meaning, metaphors that equate it to an animal to be pursued (such as,
here, a fish, butterfly, fox, or grouse). The implication is that interpretation
itself is some seemingly proper violence to be done. And yet, other more gener-
ous, friendly kinds of encounter of reader and animal in the field of literature
are possible. This handbook is a record of such encounters, and so we hope it
will bring yet more into the world.
To introduce them, let’s start by opening a well-known and important
novel, finding the animals in it, and making sense of the encounters with ani-
mality it makes possible. The beginning of Virginia Woolf’s classic work of lit-
erary modernism, To the Lighthouse, is itself a good example of literary meaning’s
evasions, its disturbance of the human, and its proximity to animality.
“Yes of course, if it’s fine tomorrow”, said Mrs Ramsay. “But you’ll have to be up
with the lark”, she added.1
S. McHugh
Department of English, University of New England, Biddeford, ME, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
R. McKay (*) • J. Miller
School of English, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
These sentences place and then promptly displace a human reader. For the
“you” they speak to is not the “me” that is reading, pulled into the story by the
direct mode of address; instead “I” am changed to become Mrs Ramsay’s tan-
talised son James, a six year old boy who fervently hopes to make the epony-
mous visit to the lighthouse. As the novel proceeds, this visit, and the lighthouse
itself, become heavily overdetermined symbols of humans’ striving for meaning
and for understanding, of their perpetual need for that striving, and for the
attempt to establish through it some kind of new order; it therefore matters
greatly how these symbols are introduced. Mrs Ramsay is first reassuringly affir-
mative about the trip, but then immediately conditional: To the Lighthouse is set
on Skye, an island to the north west of the Scottish mainland, where the pros-
pect of good weather is certainly not to be guaranteed. Human projects, we are
given to understand, are necessarily subject to climatic conditions—a strong
enough reminder of their cosmic insignificance. But Mrs Ramsay is at last even
more determinate and commanding: only by following the ways of the birds,
by participating in the animal world, is there hope that such plans will come to
pass. As the opening of a novel, this moment is a perfect instance of literature’s
ability to undermine self-certainty, and its demand for a suspension, an evasion
or a projection of the reading self. In literature, it says, “we” are not “our-
selves”, our fully and separately human selves. And such a self-suspension
demands of us, Woolf suggests, that we place ourselves at one with the animal.
Perhaps, you are thinking, such a reading is strictly for the birds—an idiom
meaning unimportant or worthless (after the seeds and sprouts that sometimes
appear in horse manure); after all, isn’t “up with the lark” simply a dead meta-
phor, a turn of phrase meaning to get up very early: something every traveller
knows well enough? But if so, that makes it all the more fitting as a way to
approach to the central topic of this handbook, animals in literature. The critic
John Berger asserts that “it is not unreasonable to suppose that the first meta-
phor was animal”.2 It is a speculation whose reasoning, while strictly speaking
impossible to prove, sits well with the near omnipresence of animal imagery
across forms of visual, sonic or linguistic representation or creativity, from any-
where in the world at any point in time. Phrase and fable, religious iconogra-
phy, painting, heraldry, popular cartoon, animated film, music, advertising,
dance, digital media, drama, fiction, poetry. Certainly, the prevalence of the
animal-as-metaphor thesis ensures that animals present a particular problem to
reading or interpretation. This can be presented as an either/or dilemma. Do
we read this or that literary animal as a metaphorical figure: as a symbol, part
of a cross-species allegory in which animal life embodies ideas about human
life? Or should we, reading animals in literature, find ways to make sense of
them as animals, attentive to their portrayal as an account of their own material
or experiential reality? But this would be to oversimplify, and to miss the special
value of animals as literary presences. For, as the essays in this volume show,
there is great value in both of these interpretive positions, the metaphorical and
the material, in navigating between them, and attempting both at the same time.
How then, she had asked herself, did one know one thing or another about
people, sealed as they were? Only like a bee, drawn by some sweetness or sharp-
ness in the air intangible to touch or taste, one haunted the dome-shaped hive,
ranged the wastes of the air over the countries of the world alone, and then
haunted the hives with their murmurs and their stirrings; the hives which were
people. (59)
For Martha Nussbaum, this passage shows Lily recognising that people cannot
fundamentally be known, that they “cannot be entered and possessed” because
they are “in fact, sealed hives”.3 But this is surely to downplay how Woolf
undermines the difference between human and bee by moving away from sim-
ile, to metaphor and then to an assertion of selfsameness; the effect is to natu-
ralise and so insist upon the intimate understanding that Mrs Ramsay achieves.
She is first “like a bee”, pathetically and romantically imagined in a solitary,
involuntary “haunting” of the “dome-shaped hive”, a clear enough figure for
a compulsion to experience other minds. But the sentence ends with a kind of
refusal of metaphor that is equally an assertion of cross-species existence: “the
hives that were people”. As bees quite naturally range individually but live col-
lectively in hives, Mrs Ramsay is herself alone but empathetically inhabits the
worlds of others. Woolf’s writing does not put the specifics of apian life to use
instrumentally, imaginatively drawing on them to describe a fundamentally dif-
ferent and more aesthetically important kind of life that is human. Rather, it
lays bare the force of the creaturely, a space which holds human life together
with nonhuman life. Many essays in this volume explore that space too.
We can sense in these examples something perhaps obvious but still needing
to be remarked about the presence of animal life in literature, and this is the
sheer experiential richness of animal bodies and animal worlds. This aspect of
literary animality is important not least because of the increasing vulnerability
of those bodies and worlds in this era of extinction. In their visual, sonic, olfac-
tory, physical and experiential heterogeneity animals inspire, and thus they can
be made to epitomise, any possible emotion: they surprise, excite, delight,
intrigue; they provoke trepidation or fear and anticipation, fun; disgust and
hunger; horror and compassion. Any such list will by necessity be incomplete;
but it is also one reason why animality has been such a part of the imaginative
force of mythological representations, to choose one especially prevalent site of
animal imagery. Woolf, too, knows this. James Ramsay’s oedipal animosity
towards his father, which he continues to experience in adolescence as impo-
tence to resist the force of a fierce murderous rage, is figured as a “sudden
black-winged harpy, with its talons and its beak all cold and hard, that struck
and struck at you (he could almost feel the beak on his bare leg, where it had
struck as a child) and then made off” (198). The creative significance of avian
animality in bodying forth psychic horror in lines like these reminds us that it
is almost impossible to imagine a literary gothic without the aura of black
But beyond this—the meaningfulness of an animal otherness not encoun-
tered in actuality but profoundly experienced nonetheless—we need also to
recognise the force and meaningfulness in literature of the quotidian world of
human–animal encounters. The importance of interpreting the everyday and
the ordinary, of which animal encounters are a significant component, has been
highlighted in recent years by literary critics and theorists such as Rita Felski.4
In To the Lighthouse, we learn that Mr Ramsay decides to abandon the homo-
social world of male friendship and learning to enter family life when he sees a
hen “straddling her wings out in protection of a covey of little chicks” and finds
this “pretty, pretty” (27). This is neither the first nor last time that womanhood
will be associated with such domestic animality, in this novel or elsewhere. By
contrast, we learn of his characteristically masculine and metropolitan entitle-
ment in longing for pastoral escape from the exact same family world when he
wistfully and fantastically reflects on the intellectual freedom he has felt on
“little sandy beaches where no one had been since the beginning of time [and]
the seals sat up and looked at you” (77). Different again, Woolf characterises
with grim humour the uneasy mixture of fragility and violence that marks
Ramsay’s patriarchal position—an animal encounter and a glass thrown in rage
as a result: “‘An earwig’, [his daughter] Prue murmured, awestruck, ‘in his
milk’. Other people might find centipedes. But he had built round him such a
fence of sanctity, and occupied the space with such a demeanour of majesty that
an earwig in his milk was a monster” (214–15). This insect is out of place at the
breakfast table, of course (hence the outrage). Another animal is involved but
the difference is stark when Mrs Ramsay serves, as the pièce de résistance at the
novel’s centrepiece dinner, boeuf-en-daube (a peasant dish of beef and vegeta-
bles cooked slowly in a clay pot). There, an animal in its proper place, as meat,
epitomises a rich coming together and mingling of different elements, speaking
to the commingling of consciousnesses that is the novel’s formal method.
Alongside such individual moments, literature documents the more system-
atic ways in which animal encounters are structured. As well as eating animals,
humans live with animals, work with animals, train animals, make sport of ani-
mals, trade animals, study animals, farm animals, look at animals, fight beside
animals, worship animals, make animals live and make animals die. These activi-
ties are so extensive in human societies that it is no surprise to find their signifi-
cant presence in literature. And this offers rich scope both for learning about
such important aspects of life through literature’s lens and for forms of textual
interpretation—historical; materialist; queer; feminist; colonial—that find liter-
ary meaning always embedded in social context.
At the dinner in Woolf’s novel, for instance, Charles Tansley, a rather self-
important young philosopher and would-be politician, shows his true colours
like this: “They were talking about the fishing industry. Why did no one ask
him his opinion? What did they know about the fishing industry?” It is a fleet-
ing moment; but our understanding of the characters and their politics—and
what it means for metropolitan intellectuals to pontificate at leisure about such
things while on holiday in a community directly affected—would be helped by
knowing more about the extensive parliamentary discussion on the topic
around 1908–09, when this part of the novel is set.5 Later, we gain an insight
to the troubled marriage between Paul and Minta Rayley by way of the increas-
ingly boring husband’s practice of breeding Belgian hares, a kind of domesti-
cated rabbit (188). Our understanding of quite what a dull and ineffectual man
Paul Rayley has become is helped by knowing that there was a lucrative vogue
for this pastime, but it waned some twenty years before his interest. Elsewhere
in the novel, when Mrs Ramsay’s children laugh dismissively as she “speaks
with warmth and eloquence”, and on the basis of research, about “the iniquity
of the English dairy system” a quietly complex ironic point is made about
misogyny and the diminution of women’s expertise (112). In turn, though,
Woolf offers us Mrs Ramsay’s opinion, and her mothering, as a direct counter-
point to the violence of British colonial masculinity. When doing the work of
calming a roomful of children scared or excited out of sleep by a taxidemised
boar on the wall, she wonders “what had possessed Edward to send this horrid
skull?”(112–13). She covers it with her shawl, and reimagines it, for her
frightened daughter Cam: “it was like a bird’s nest; it was like a beautiful
mountain…with valleys and flowers and bells ringing and birds singing and
little goats and antelopes”.6 And Cam is still soothing herself with this story a
decade later (219).
Such moments indicate a truth borne out by many essays in this handbook,
that if we pay attention to the ways that human and animal lives interact—
attending to the tension, the complex relation, between animals’ lived experi-
ence and their literary representation, between their lives and what their lives
are made to signify—we can come, through literature, to encounter animal
standpoints and to understand animals’ experiences per se. This can happen in
two broad ways. The first is by way of textual strategies that decentre humanist
perception. As the ensuing essays reveal, there are too many of these to count.
To the Lighthouse, famously, comprises two long sections each covering a few
hours and one short, profoundly anti-realist section, “Time Passes”, which
covers around a decade. In the latter, the force of what has recently been called
a lively materialism, the agency of nonhuman beings and things, is epitomised
in a memorable sentence that captures nature’s counter-colonisation of the
Ramsays’ holiday house during the years the family is absent: “toads had nosed
their way in” (150).7 Elsewhere, with a quite different technique, Woolf shocks
us into thinking carefully about a moment of animal experience. This is the
imagistic chapter six of the novel’s second section in full.
[Macalister’s boy took one of the fish and cut a square out of its side to bait the
hook with. The mutilated body (it was still alive) was thrown back into the sea.]8
“Don’t you think they mind”, she said to Jasper, “having their wings broken?”
Why did he want to shoot poor old Joseph and Mary? He shuffled a little on the
stairs, and felt rebuked, but not seriously, for she did not understand the fun of
shooting birds; that they did not feel; and being his mother she lived away in
another division of the world. (90)
My dear heart,
Y heart is now a little at rest to write to thee. I have been these
three days much disturbed. Strong sollicitations I have had
from several hands, to accept very honourable preferment; but I
have not found the invitations to suit with the inclinations of my own
heart, as I was confident they would not with thine. I have sent
away my friends satisfied with the reasons of my refusal, and now
can say, Soul, return unto thy rest. But alas, that such things should
disturb me! I would live above this lower region, that no passages
whatsoever might put me out of frame, or unsettle me from my
desired rest. I would have my heart fixed upon God, so as no
occurrences might disturb my tranquility, but I might be still in the
same quiet and even frame. Well, though I am apt to be unsettled,
yet I am like a bird out of the nest, I am never at quiet till I am in
my old way of communion with God; like the needle in the compass,
that is restless, till it be turned towards the pole.
I can say through grace, with my soul have I desired thee in the
night, and with my spirit within me have I sought thee early; my
heart is early and late with God, ’tis the business and delight of my
life to seek him. But alas, how long shall I spend my days in wishing,
when my glorified brethren spend theirs in enjoying? As the poor
imprisoned captive sighs under his irons, and can only look through
the grate, and long for the liberty which others enjoy: such is my
condition. I can only look through the grate of this prison, my flesh;
I see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, sitting down in the kingdom of
God. But alas, I myself must stand without, longing, praying,
waiting, for what they are enjoying. Happy souls! When shall these
fetters of mine be knocked off? When shall I be set at liberty from
this prison of my body? You are cloathed with glory, when I am
cloathed with dust. I dwell in flesh, in a house of clay, when you
dwell with God in a house not made with hands, eternal in the
I must be continually clogged with this cumbersome body, when
you have put on incorruption and immortality. What continual
molestation am I subject to by reason of this flesh? What pains doth
it cost me to keep this earthen vessel from breaking! It must be
exercised; and which is worst of all, cherished with time-devouring
sleep; so that I live but little of the short time I have allotted me
here. But oh blessed souls, you are swallowed up of immortality and
life, your race is run, and you have received your crown. How
cautious must I be to keep me from dangers! How apt am I to be
troubled with the cares and fears of this life, when your souls are
taken up with God and Christ, and ’tis your work to be still
contemplating, and admiring that love that redeemed you from all
this. What pains must I be at to repair the ruinous building of this
earthly tabernacle, which when I have done, I am sure will shortly
fall about my ears; when you are got far above mortality, and are
made equal with the angels. Oh! I groan earnestly to be cloathed
upon with my house which is from heaven, being willing rather to be
absent from the body and present with the Lord! Oh, when shall I
come and appear before him? When shall I receive the purchase of
my Saviour, the fruit of my prayers, the harvest of my labours, the
end of my faith, the salvation of my soul? Alas, what do I here? This
is not my resting place, my treasure is in heaven. Oh when shall I be
where my heart is? Wo is me that dwell in the tents of Kedar! Oh
that I had wings like a dove, that I might fly away and be at rest!
Then would I hasten my escape from the storm and tempest, and be
out of the reach of fears, disturbances, and distractions. How long
shall I live at such a distance from my God, at such a distance from
my country? Alas, how can I sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?
No, I will hang my harp upon the willows, and sit down and weep
when I remember Sion. But yet my flesh shall rest in hope, and I will
daily bathe my soul in the sweet thoughts of my blessed home. I will
rejoice in hopes of what I do not yet enjoy, and content myself with
the taste of what I shall shortly have my fill of.
The Lord grant the request I daily pour out before him, and make
us furtherances to each other’s soul, that we may quicken and
promote and forward one another in his ways! Help me by thy
prayers, as thou dost always. The God of all peace and comfort be
with thee my sweet love! Farewell!
[God is a satisfying Portion.]
H AD not my right hand long since forgot her cunning, and the
Almighty shook the pen out of my hand, I should long e’er
this have written to thee; but it is a wonder of divine power and
goodness that my soul had not before this time dwelt in silence, and
that death had not put the long period to all my writing and
Long is the song of love that I have to tell thee. I rejoice in the
constancy of thy love, that the waters of so long a silence, and so
great a distance have not yet quenched it. But thy desires are
towards me, and thy heart is with me, though providence hath
hindered me from thy much-desired company. I will assure thee it
hath been a pleasure to my heart a good part of this summer, to
hope that I should come one half of the way to give thee a meeting.
But such is my weakness hitherto, that I am forced to put off those
hopes till the spring, when, if God gives me strength to ride, I intend
to see thee before mine own home. I thank thee for all the dear
expressions of thy fervent love: my expences have been vast; but
surely goodness and mercy hath followed me, and do follow me in
every place, and in every change of my condition; so that as to
temporals, I have lack of nothing, and as for spirituals I abound and
superabound, and the streams of my comforts have been full and
running over. The joy of the Lord hath been my strength at the
weakest, and in the multitude of my thoughts within me, his
comforts have refreshed my soul. I have found God a satisfying
portion to me, and have sat under his shadow with full delights, and
his fruit is most sweet to my taste: he is my strength ♦and my song,
for I will talk of him, and write of him with perpetual pleasure.
Through grace I can say, methinks I am now in my element, since I
have begun to make mention of him, I am rich in him and happy in
him, and my soul saith unto him with David, Thou hast made me
most blessed for ever more. Happy is the hour that ever I was born,
to be made partaker of so blissful a treasure, so endless a felicity,
such angelical a prerogative, as I have in him: O how sweet are his
converses, how delightful it is to triumph in his love.
F R I E N D.
Dear Cousin,
1. Lest the gain of the world prove the loss of your soul:
2. Lest company draw you from God:
Dear friend,
* OUR letter was exceeding welcome to me, not only as reviving
Y the remembrance of our old friendship, but also, as bringing
me news of some spiritual good that you received by me, which is
the best tidings that I can receive: For what do I live for, but to be
useful to souls in my generation? *I desire no other business than to
please and honour my God, and serve my generation in that short
allowance of time I have here. Shall I commend to you the lesson
that I am about to learn? It is, to be entirely devoted to the Lord,
that I may be able to say after the apostle, To me to live is Christ. I
would not be serving God only for a day in the week, or an hour or
two in the day: but every day, and all the day. I am ambitious to
come up to that of our Lord and Master, To do always those things
that please God. I plainly see that self-seeking is self-undoing; and
that then we promote ourselves best, when we please God most. I
find, that when I have done all, if God be not pleased, I have done
nothing; and if I can but approve myself to God, my work is done: I
reckon I do not live that time I do not live to God.
You see how free I am with you: but I know your candour. I
rejoice in your happy yoke-fellow: salute her from your old friend,
and accept of the unfeigned respects of him who is, Sir,
Your real and faithful friend,
[To a minister in prison.]
Worthy Sir,
It is but a little while that prisons shall hold us, or that we shall
dwell in dirty flesh. Porphyry tells us of Plotinus, that he was
ashamed to see himself in the body; to see a divine and immortal
soul in a prison of flesh (for so they held the body to be;) but the
worst shackles are those of sin. Well, they must shortly fall off; our
Lord doth not long intend us for this lower region: surely he is gone
to prepare a place for us: yea, and he will come again, and receive
us to himself, that where he is, we may be also. And what have we
to do, but to believe, and wait, and love, and long, and look out for
his coming, in which is all our hope? ’Twill be time enough for us to
be preferred then. We know before hand who shall then be
uppermost. Our Lord hath shewed us where our places shall be,
even at his own right hand; and what he will say to us, Come ye
blessed. Surely we shall stand in his judgment: he hath promised to
stand our friend: let us look for the joyful day: and sure as there is a
God, this day will come, and then it shall go well with us. What if
bonds and banishment abide us for a season? This is nothing but
what our Lord hath told us, The world shall rejoice, but ye shall
lament: ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into
joy. Oh how reviving are his words! I will see you again, and your
heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.
If that miserable wretch leapt chearfully off the ladder, saying, I
shall be a queen in hell: with what joy should we do and suffer for
God, knowing that we shall be crowned in heaven? They are
wonderful preparations that are making for us: the Lord make us
meet to be partakers. *It was the highest commendation that ever
that worthy R. Baxter received, which fell from his scoffing adversary
Tilenus, Totum, puritanismum totus spirat. Oh that this may be true
of us and ours!
*Think not that this is a privilege that only a few may expect.
Observe but these three things:
M Y heart’s desire and prayer for you is, that you may be saved.
This is that which I have been praying and studying, and
preaching for these many years: and this is the end of my suffering,
and writing at this present time. I seek not other gifts, give me your
hearts, let me but part between your sins and you: suffer me but to
save you; give me leave to carry you over to Jesus Christ, and I will
not ask you any more. I will serve you gladly, I will suffer for you
thankfully, so I may but save you. Do not wonder why I follow you
so pressingly, why I call upon you so frequently; let not my
importunity be grievous to you, all this is but to save you. Christ did
not think his blood, and shall I think my breath too dear in order to
your salvation; what pity is it, that any of you should miscarry at
last, under the power of ignorance, or by a profane negligence, or a
formal and lifeless profession of strict godliness?
Beloved, I am afraid of you, lest (as to many of you) I have run
in vain. I cannot but thankfully acknowledge, that there are not a
few of you who are the joy of your ministers, and the glory of Christ.
But it cannot be dissembled, that far the greater number give little
ground to hope, they are in the state of salvation. And must not this
be a pinching thought to a compassionate teacher, that he cannot
persuade men, but that the most of them will wilfully throw away
themselves? Is it not a woeful sight, to behold the devils driving a
great part of our miserable flocks, (as they did once the herd of
swine) violently down the hill, till they be choaked in the water,
drowned in the gulph of endless perdition? Ah miserable spectacle!
What through the wilful blindness of some, the looseness and
sensuality of others, the halving, and cold, and customary religion of
others, how great a number of our poor flocks, is Satan like to carry
utterly away from us, after all that hath been done to save him?
Yet I cannot but call after them. Hearken unto me, O ye children.
How long will ye love vanity, and trust in lying words? As the Lord
liveth, you are lost, except you turn: wherefore turn yourselves and
live ye. Ah how mercy wooeth you! How it waiteth to be gracious?
Hear, O sinners, hear. See you not how the merciful Saviour of the
world stretcheth forth his hands all the day long, and spreadeth
forth his wings, and calleth you as a hen doth her chickens! Hear
you not the sounding of his bowels? He hath no need of you: Yet
how do his compassions melt over perishing sinners? His heart is
turned within him, and shall not this turn your hearts? His repentings
are kindled together, and shall not this lead you to repentance?
Behold, he standeth at the door and knocketh. O man, wilt thou
keep Jesus at the door, and lodge Barabbas in thy bosom? Oh his
melting love to sinners! He calleth after them, he weepeth over
them, he crieth to them. How long, ye simple ones, will you love
simplicity? Will you not be made clean? When shall it once be? Why
will you die? Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit
upon you. Sinner, art thou not yet melted? Oh come in at his loving
calls. Come out from thy sins: touch the scepter of grace and live:
Why shouldst thou be dashed in pieces by his iron rod? Kiss the Son:
Why shouldst thou perish in the way? Set up Jesus as thy king, lest
he count thee for his enemy, because thou would not that he should
reign over thee, and so thou be called forth and slain before him. Oh
how dreadful will this case be, to die by the hand of a Saviour! Oh
double hell, to have thy Redeemer become thy executioner! And the
hand that was so long stretched forth to save thee, to be now
stretched forth to slay thee! And the merciful heart of Christ himself
hardened against thee, so that he should call thee forth, and hew
thee in pieces, as Samuel did Agag before the Lord.
*6. Put every one in your families upon private prayer. Observe
whether any perform it. Get them the help of a form, if they need it,
till they are able to go without. Direct them how to pray, by minding
them of their sins, wants, and mercies, the materials of prayer.
7. Set up catechizing in your families, at least once every week. It
was my parting, dying request, that you would set up and maintain
this duty in your families. Have you all done it accordingly? Cannot
your confidences witness, cannot your families witness you have
not? Well, I thought my parting words would have done something
with you: I hoped the fervent request of a dying minister, would
have prevailed for such a small matter with you. To this day are you
without solemn catechizing in your houses! Ah, what a
discouragement to your teacher is this? Brethren shall I yet prevail
with you? Will you reject me also? O let me persuade you before you
take off your eyes from these lines, to resolve to set upon the
constant exercise of this duty. Surely I have done and suffered more
for you than this comes to: Will you deny me? I beseech you, let me
find, if ever God brings me again to visit your houses, that the words
of a suffering minister have some power with you. I have sent you
help on purpose: What shall all my persuasions be but speaking to
the wind? Beloved, have you no dread of the Almighty’s charge, that
you should teach these things diligently to your children, and talk of
them as you sit in your houses, and train them up in the way they
should go? Hath God so commanded Abraham, that he would teach
his children and his houshold, Genesis xviii. 19. and given such a
promise to him thereupon, and will not you put in for a share of
either in the praise or the promise? Say not, they are careless and
will not learn. What have you your authority for, if not to use it for
God, and the good of their souls? You will call them up, and force
them to do their work; and should you not at least be as zealous in
putting them upon God’s work? Say not, they are dull and not
capable. If they be dull, God requires of you the more pains and
patience; but dull as they are, you will make them learn how to
work; and can they not learn how to live? Are they capable of the
mysteries of your trade, and are they not capable of the plain
principles of religion? Well, as ever you would see the growth of
religion, the cure of ignorance, the remedy of profaneness, the
downfal of error, fulfil ye my joy with going through with this duty.
I have been long and yet I am afraid my letter will be ended
before my work is done: how loath am I to leave you, before I have
prevailed with you to set to this work? Will you pass your promise,
will you give me your hands? Oh that you would? You cannot do me
a greater pleasure. Beloved, why should you not give the hand one
to another, and mutually engage to each other, for more vigorous
and diligent endeavours, in promoting family godliness? I must tell
you, God looks for more than ordinary from you, in such a day as
this. He expects that you should do both in your hearts and in your
houses, somewhat more than ever, under these extraordinary
dispensations. My most dearly beloved, mine own bowels in the
Lord, will you satisfy the longings of a travelling minister? will you
answer the calls of divine providence? Would you that your children
should bless you? Oh, then set up piety in your families. As ever you
would be blessed or be a blessing, let your heart, and your houses
be the temples of the living God, in which his worship (according to
the fore-mentioned directions) may be with constancy reverently
O FATHER of Spirits, that hast set me over thy flock to watch for
their souls as one that must give account: I have long studied
thy will, and taught in thy name, and do unfeignedly bless thee, that
any have believed my report. I have given unto them the words
which thou gavest me, and they have received them. I have
manifested thy name unto them, and they have kept thy word. And
now I am no more with them, but I come unto thee! Holy Father,
keep them through thine own name; for they are thine. As they have
kept the word of thy patience, so keep thou them in the hour of
temptation. They are but a little and helpless flock: but thou art their
shepherd, suffer them not to want. Do thou feed them, and fold
them. Let thy rod and thy staff comfort them, and let not the beasts
of prey fall upon them, to the spoiling of their souls.
But what shall I do for them that will not be gathered? I have
called after them, but they would not answer; I have charged them
in thy name, but they would not hear; I have studied to speak
persuasively to them, but I cannot prevail. Then I said, I have
laboured in vain; I have spent my strength for nought, yet I cannot
give them over, much less may I give thee over. Lord, persuade
Japhet to dwell in the tents of Shem. Lord compel them to come in,
and lay thy hands of mercy upon them, as thou didst on lingering
Lot, and bring them forth, that they may escape for their lives, and
not be consumed. Lord, I pray thee open their eyes that they may
see, and lay hold upon their hearts by thy omnipotent grace. Do
thou turn them, and they shall be turned: O bring back the
miserable captives, and suffer not the enemy of mankind to drive a
way the most of the flock before mine eyes, and to deride the
fruitless endeavours of thy labourers, and boast over them, that he
can do more with them, though he seek to ruin them, than all the
beseechings, counsels, and charges of thy servants, that seek to
save them. Lord, if I could find out any thing that would pierce
them, that would make its way into their hearts, thou knowest I
would use it. But I have been many years pleading thy cause in vain.
O let not these endeavours also be lost. O God, find out every
ignorant, every profane sinner, every prayerless soul, and every
prayerless family, and convince them of their miserable condition
while without thee in the world. Set thy image up in their souls, set
up thy worship in their families. Let not pride, ignorance, or sloth
keep them in neglect of the means of knowledge. Let thine eyes be
over the place of my desires for good, from one end of the year to
the other end thereof. Let every house therein be a seminary of
religion, and let those that cast their eyes upon these lines, find thee
sliding in by the secret influence of thy grace into their hearts, and
engaging them to do thy pleasure. Amen. Amen.
A W O R D to a
S A B B A T H - B R E A K E R.
Remember the sabbath-day to keep it holy.
H AVE you forgotten who spoke these words? Or do you set him
at defiance? Do you bid him do his worst? Have a care. You
are not stronger than he. Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds
of the earth: but woe unto the man that contendeth with his Maker;
he sitteth on the circle of the heavens: and the inhabitants of the
earth are as grasshoppers before him!
Six days shalt thou do all manner of work. But the seventh day is
the sabbath of the Lord thy God. It is not thine, but God’s day. He
claims it for his own. He always did claim it for his own, even from
the beginning of the world. In six days the Lord made heaven and
earth, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the
Sabbath-day and hallowed it. He hallowed it; that is, he made it
holy: he reserved it for his own service. He appointed, that as long
as the sun or the moon, the heavens and the earth should endure,
the children of men should spend this day in the worship of him,
who gave them life and breath and all things.
Shall a man then rob God? And art thou the man? Consider, think
what thou art doing. Is it not God who giveth thee all thou hast?
Every day thou livest, is it not his gift? And wilt thou give him none?
Nay, wilt thou deny him what is his own already? He will not, he
cannot quit his claim. This day is God’s. It was so from the
beginning. It will be so to the end of the world. This he cannot give
to another. O render unto God the things that are God’s: Now! To-
day, while it is called to-day!
For whose sake does God lay claim to this day? For his sake, or
for thine? Doubtless, not for his own. He needeth not thee, nor any
child of man. Look unto the heavens and see, and behold the clouds
which are higher than thou. If thou sinnest, what dost thou against
him? If thy transgressions be multiplied, what dost thou unto him? If
thou art righteous, what givest thou him? Or what receiveth he of
thine hand? For thy own sake therefore, God thy Maker doth this.
For thy own sake he calleth thee to serve him. For thy own sake, he
demands a part of thy time to be restored to him that gave thee all.
Acknowledge his love. Learn, while thou art on earth to praise the
king of heaven. Spend this day, as thou hopest to spend that day
which never shall have an end.
The Lord not only hallowed the sabbath-day, but he hath also
blessed it. So that you are an enemy to yourself. You throw away
your own blessing, if you neglect to keep this day holy. It is a day of
special grace. The king of heaven now sits upon his mercy-seat, in a
more gracious manner than on other days, to bestow blessings on
those who observe it. If you love your own soul, can you then
forbear laying hold on so happy an opportunity? Awake, arise, Let
God give thee his blessing! Receive a token of his love! Cry to him
that thou may’st find the riches of his grace and mercy in Christ
Jesus! You do not know, how few more of these days of salvation
you may have. And how dreadful would it be, to be called hence in
the abuse of his proffered mercy.
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