Section 1_General condition and requirement
Section 1_General condition and requirement
Section 1_General condition and requirement
The work comprises of the Construction of a new Residential/Commercial Building on Plot 224 of Muscat
Hills Commercial Park, Sultanate of Oman, in accordance with the Specifications and as detailed on the
contract drawings and to the approval of the Engineer, with all standard required services, including safety,
security, gas and facilities to required buildings.
A) Construction of connection to main lines (Boulevard), for water supply, sewage, power supply,
fire fighting & fire alarm systems, irrigation systems, etc.
B) Internal road works, foot paths, pole barriers, cattle grids and Car parks (open & covered).
C) Electrical secondary substations complete, earthing & lightning Protection
D) Soft and hard landscaping (all internal and external), along with the associated irrigation
facilities. Cutting, filling, raising of plot to required levels including levelling & compaction
E) Surface and Storm water drainage Systems
01.01.03 Drawings:
A List of Tender Drawings for the construction purpose is available with the Tender Documents.
The following Abbreviations CODES have been used for the standards applicable to the works under this
contract, to define the standard of workmanship and quality of materials required.
MODES Standard Specifications for Building and for Electrical Installations. (Edition January,
MODES Guidelines for Construction Projects - Both Part 1 and Part 2 Standard Documents for
Building and Civil Engineering works -
Design Regulations for Electrical Engineering Works Operation and Maintenance
Regulations for Engineering Works.
Royal Decrees for Environmental Pollution
UBC American Uniform Building Code
The works have been designed to incorporate and utilize economically, good materials and workmanship
to various specifications which are detailed here. Reference is commonly made to British Standards (BS)
and British Standard Codes of Practices (CP) and to the American Society for testing of materials
standards (ASTM).
Different national or international Standards (DIN, EN or ISO, etc.) that corresponds to the specified BS or
ASTM STANDARD may used provided that their requirements are not less stringent and provided that the
Contractor presents copies of such standards translated in to English.
If any redesign of the works is necessitated by the adoption of such alternatives the costs incurred shall be
borne by the Contractor.
All references shall be deemed to refer to the latest edition or issue of such standards irrespective of what
is indicated in the documents.
01.02.01 All units of weight and Measurements shall be based on the metric system of weight and
measurements except standard products which may be expressed in nominal units of the
imperial system.
The metric terms and symbols occurring in the contract documents are based on the system International
units (SI System)
Abbreviations/ Descriptions
M Linear metre
m2 Square metre
m3 Cubic metre
kg Kilogram
Mm millimetre
Cm Centimetre
No Number
C Celsius
01.02.02 Definitions
Where ever in the contract documents or the drawings the word ‘As Directed’, ‘As described’, ‘As ordered’,
‘As required’, ‘As requested’, ‘As permitted’, or words of like are used, it shall be understood that the
direction, description, order, request, requirement or permission of the Engineer is intended. Similarly the
words ‘Approved , Acceptable, Satisfaction and Satisfactory and words of like shall mean approved by,
acceptable, to, or Satisfactory to the Engineer.
01.03.01 The Contractor shall execute the works according to the provisions of the contract documents,
any work indicated in one of the documents but omitted and/ or not stated in one or more of the
other documents shall be related as though it were included in all of them.
If any two documents of contract conflict as to the work to be carried to be carried out, the discrepancy
shall be brought to the notice of the Engineer, who shall instruct the Contractor which of the two conflicting
documents to regard as correct.
If the Contractor shall discover that any work has been omitted from and or not indicated entirely or partly
in all the documents, he shall report the facts immediately to the Engineer.
If the work is some thing which in the opinion of the Engineer could not have been foreseen by an
experienced Contractor, the Engineer shall issue to the Contractor a variation order stipulating the details
of the work to be done.
Save as aforesaid in the above paragraph, no additional payment shall be made in respect of the works
done in connection with discrepancies between the various contract documents.
The Contractor shall be responsible for any error which he makes in computing any quantities of material
and labour required or costs involved or through any lack of knowledge of the site or misunderstanding of
any thing shown or implied on the drawings or the specification and or the Bill of Quantities.
The Contractor must refer any discrepancy in the drawings or the specifications to the Engineer before
proceeding with any of the works.
The decision of the Engineer as to the interpretation or the discrepancy will be final.
Details of construction, quality of materials and workmanship not noted on the drawings or in specification
shall be to the prior approval of the Engineer.
Any item or items of work not specifically shown on the Drawings nor referred in to the specification, but
which would be necessary for the proper construction of the works in accordance with the best practice is
implied, and must be included for as incidental to the contract sum.
Any items for which the Contractor has not inserted a price in the Bill of Quantities shall be deemed to be
covered by other prices or rates there in.
No payment for Contractor’s facilities/ Engineer’s facilities/ Site Laboratory will be made beyond
the end of Contract period.
01.04.01 If at any time before the commencement or during the progress of the work it appears to the
Contractor that for the proper execution of the specific part of the work shop drawings are
necessary, these drawings shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the Engineer
for Approval.
The Engineer shall have authority to order at any time and the Contractor shall provide any number of
shop drawings (minimum 5 copies) or which in the opinion of the Engineer are necessary for the proper
execution of a specified work. The Contractor shall not proceed with the works unless these shop
drawings are approved by the Engineer.
After the approval of shop drawings, all these drawings shall be checked and coordinated with the works
of all tenders involved and any modifications if required due to site condition shall be done by the
Contractor and shall bear the Contractor’s stamp of confirmation as evidence of such checking and
coordination. All changes on approved working drawings shall be recorded at site and submitted with
Contractor’s Monthly Payment Certificate.
01.05.01 All prints of the drawings shall be corrected by the Contractor to show the works executed and
submitted to the Engineer for approval.
As works proceed upon completion of the Works, the Contractor shall prepare a completely new set of
drawings for the project as executed and submit these in triplicate to the Engineer for approval.
When approved by the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit three copies of all drawings duly marked AS
BUILT along with one set of reproducible four hard copies and two soft copies.
The final payment shall not be made except for actual work that have been completed in accordance with
the specifications and been duly presented on the ‘AS BUILT’ drawings.
The Contractor shall not be entitled to any extra payments or extension of time for the correction,
preparation and supplying of drawings.
This document should be read in conjunction with all conditions stated in general requirements of
Mechanical & Electrical Specifications, for submission of Operational and Maintenance Manuals,
Warranties, information of Tools & Spare Parts, with complete details of equipments, list of local /
non-local manufacturer with their contact addresses, training to staff for special tools and plant,
The availability of the Spare parts for Plants, Tools and Equipments shall be included within the
contract document and Contractor to make provisions for all such items.
Contractor shall keep all provisions for very humid, dusty, highly corrosive conditions, and damages due to
high winds.
All state dues, toll rates, duties, fees and charges in connection with the works shall be deemed to be
included by the Contractor in his Contract unit rates.
01.07.01 During the course of the work site progress meetings shall be held at regular intervals at
least once every two weeks, in the presence of the Engineer for the purpose of coordinating the
Contractors works, and to ensure that full compliance with the various sequences of the contract
are maintained.
Minutes of such site meetings will be recorded by the Engineer and copies will be distributed to all persons
concerned and full effect shall be given to all instructions contained there in.
Prior to such meeting the Contractor shall give to the Engineer sub- programmes with details in writing of
that portion of the works, which he proposes to construct during the coming two weeks, with details of
plant and method he propose to employ.
Those proposals shall be discussed at the meeting and no works based on the such proposal shall
proceed without the approval of the Engineer’s Representative.
The Contractor shall have no claim against the Employer for costs incurred by him in changing the method
of working or in the provision and use of other additional plant.
Monthly pictorial record, with date on photos, and each photo negative plus 5 prints of each negative shall
be submitted in an album form
01.08.01 The soil investigation report enclosed herein is for reference and guidance only. The Contractor
shall ascertain the soil conditions on his own by carrying out necessary soil investigation as
required. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that maximum soil strength is
met with.
In the event of the Contractor finding that the soil strata does not met with the design requirements, he
shall forthwith submit a detailed report of his findings along with his proposed modifications, for the
approval of the Engineer before resuming further works.
Contractor shall submit all records of Survey, Survey Stations, Datum points, Location Diagrams, Field
Notes, Calculations, prior to commencement of any work at site for the approval of Engineer