Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
It is the process of production of microspores from pollen mother cell(PMC)
Sporogenous tissue becomes PMC →this undergoes meiosis to form microspore
tetrad→each develops in to pollen grain .
PMC/MMC(meiosis)2N→microspore tetrad-pollen grain(male gamete N)
It occurs in pollen sac or microsporangium.
It consists of vegetative cell and generative cell
Made up of sporopollenin which withstands high temperature, acid and
pollen can be preserved.
Made of cellulose and pectin.
The place where sporopollenin is absent and pollen tube comes out.
larger cell is called vegetative cell, smaller one is called generative cell. The
generative nucleus divides to form 2 male gametes.
which pollen grain is allergetic?
Pollen grains of parthenium or carrot grass causes causes asthma, bronchitis etc.
Why pollen products (tablets, syrups) are taken by athletes and race horses?
It is rich in nutrient and used as food supplements.
It is the process of formation of megaspores from MMC (megaspore mother cell) that occur in
One of the nucellus tissue(2N) near the micropyle region undergoes meiosis to form 4 megaspore
tetrad →3 degenerates and one undergoes development to become embryo sac(N).this way of
development is called monosporic development.
The functional cell underos 3 times mitosis and forms 8 nuclei. 3 goes to micropyle region ,3 goes
to chalazal end & 2 goes to the centre and become polar nuclei
cell wall develops around each nucleus. So there will be 3 antipodal cells in the chalazal end, in the
micropyle side it forms 2 synergids & one egg.the polar nuclei is present in the central cell.
Formation of microspore (pollen grain) Formation of megaspore (embryo sac)
from microspore mother cell. from megaspore mother cell.
MMC undergoes meiosis to form 4 MMC undergoes meiosis to form 4
microspore tetrad(all are functional) megaspore.3 degenerates and one is
It occurs in microsporangium.(pollen sac) It occurs in megasporangium.(ovule)
Male and female parts lie close to each Male and female pats lie far from each other
Synchronized maturity of male and female Unsynchronized maturity of male and female parts.
Seeds with endosperm Seeds without endosperm which are utilized by the growing
Embryonal axis Main axis of the embryo which divides it into different regions
What is Polyembryony
Sometimes, the egg cell is diploid due to the failure of meiosis. Such diploid egg cell later directly develops into
an embryo
The diploid egg cell develops in to the embryo without fertisation.
It is a form of asexual reproduction that mimics sexual reproduction.
eg : Asteraceae, Grass
Helps to produce apomictic hybrid seeds in which parental characters will not segregate in the progeny.
Apomictic seed production is less costlier than hybrid seeds
So farmers need not purchase seeds every time.
What is the disadvantage of hybrid seed?
It has to be produced every year it is too expensive for farmers
It is a costlier method
When the hybrids are sown , the characters will segregate in the progeny.
What is Perisperm
The residual nucelles present in black pepper and sugarbeet is known as perisperm
Give an account on following (or) post fertilization changes
Integument ---Covering around the ovule. It develops in to protective seed coat.
Micropyle ---Small pore in the seed. It helps in the entry of 02 & water in to the seed during seed
Seed Dormancy ---The inactive stages of embryo, helps to escape the unfavorable season.
(How the seed dormancy is broken- due to the entry of 02 , adequate moisture &under suitable temperature)
Pericarp - Wall of Ovary
Fruit - Fertilized Ovary
Seed - Fertilized Ovule
Differentiate between the Different type of fruit
Fruit developed from ovary Fruit developed from any part of Fruit develop without
the flower other that ovary undergoing fertilizations