PDF Narrative threads Accounting and recounting in Andean Khipu 1st Edition Gary Urton download
PDF Narrative threads Accounting and recounting in Andean Khipu 1st Edition Gary Urton download
PDF Narrative threads Accounting and recounting in Andean Khipu 1st Edition Gary Urton download
Financial Accounting The Impact on Decision Makers 7th
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Narrative threads Accounting and recounting in Andean
Khipu 1st Edition Gary Urton Digital Instant Download
Author(s): Gary Urton, Jeffrey Quilter
ISBN(s): 9780292769038, 0292769032
Edition: 1
File Details: PDF, 49.62 MB
Year: 2002
Language: english
Narrative Threads
e di t e d b y
& gary urton
Narrative Threads
and structures. This is the problem Gary Instead, the Inka records consisted of devices made of knotted and dyed strings—
Urton tackles in his pathfinding study of called khipu—on which they recorded information pertaining to the organization
the origin, meaning, and significance of and history of their empire. Despite more than a century of research on these
numbers and the philosophical principles remarkable devices, the khipu remain largely undeciphered.
underlying the practice of arithmetic In this benchmark book, thirteen international scholars tackle the most vexed
among Quechua-speaking peoples of the question in khipu studies: how did the Inka record and transmit narrative records by
Andes. means of knotted strings? The authors approach the problem from a variety of
angles. Several essays mine Spanish colonial sources for details about the kinds of
ISBN 0-292-78533-X, hardcover narrative encoded in the khipu. Others look at the uses to which khipu were put
ISBN 0-292-78534-8, paperback before and after the Conquest, as well as their current use in some contemporary
Andean communities. Still others analyze the formal characteristics of khipu and seek
to explain how they encode various kinds of numerical and narrative data.
As a whole, these essays represent the state-of-the-art in khipu research. At the
same time, the authors hope their findings will stimulate further exploration into the
mysteries of the khipu, which, unlike the ancient Mesoamerican writing systems, has
yet to yield up the key to its interpretation.
Jeffrey Quilter is Director of the Pre-Columbian Studies Program and Curator of
the Pre-Columbian Collection, as well as an active archaeologist, at Dumbarton
Oaks in Washington, D.C. Gary Urton is Charles A. Dana Professor of Anthropol-
ogy at Colgate University, as well as a MacArthur Fellow (2001–2005).
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Accounting and Recounting
in Andean Khipu
viii Contents
Contents ix
This book is the outgrowth of a round table held at Dumbarton Oaks in 1997.
We thank Angeliki Laiou, then director of Dumbarton Oaks, for supporting
that round table. Janice Williams, who served as assistant to the director of
Pre-Columbian Studies, was essential in organizing the myriad details that
brought scholars from many different locations to Washington, D.C., for the
meeting and in attending to their well-being during it.
Transforming the round table into a publication was the work of many
hands. Rebecca Willson, in particular, successfully grappled with the huge
tasks of standardizing the authors’ manuscripts and of patiently working with
editorial anxieties and demands, both far and near. Although her tenure as
the assistant to the director, succeeding Ms. Williams, was brief, her role was
vital and she is much thanked. Cecilia Montalvo was third in succession to
the post and to the tasks associated with this book. She, too, ably lived up to
many demands and is thanked most heartily. At Colgate University, Kristen
Bentley (’99) and Bridget Benisch (’01) were successive research assistants
to Gary Urton and likewise provided meritorious service in the creation of
this book. Others at Dumbarton Oaks who variously helped to advance this
project were Carol Calloway, Loa Traxler, Jennifer Younger, Billie Follens-
bee, and Joe Mills.
We offer sincere thanks for editorial guidance and support from Theresa
May, Carolyn Wylie, and their staffs at the University of Texas Press, as well
as from freelance editor Nancy Warrington. And, of course, we appreciate
all the efforts given by our authors to producing the studies that constitute
this book.
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It may also be argued that initial conditions for scholarly research have
kept Mesoamerican and Andean studies following early established direc-
tions. Although Seler had wide-ranging interests in all of the Americas, he
specialized in Mesoamerica. His legacy, as well as those of other Mesoameri-
canist scholarly pioneers, engendered subsequent generations of students who
continued working in the same areas and on the same problems as their pre-
decessors while training the next generation of scholars, who did the same.
Another factor that has helped to encourage Maya studies is the attrac-
tion Maya art and architecture have had for Westerners. Even though we now
know that much of the tropical forest was cut down to support Maya cen-
ters, the discovery of ruins ‘‘lost’’ within dark jungles appealed to nineteenth-
century romantic sensibilities. When the forest was cut back, ruins exposed,
and tombs opened, Maya art was found to be mysterious but not entirely un-
approachable. Here were depicted human forms bedecked in elaborate cos-
tumes performing bizarre rituals, or monkey-headed figures swaggering with
strange accouterments. Although debate raged as to whether these were gods
or kings, the art was original, attractive, and recognizable as representational
to a greater or lesser degree.
Peering at the remains of this strange ancient world, early explorers found
glyphs everywhere. They were carved on buildings, painted on ceramics, in-
cised into jades, bone, and shell. They wrapped themselves around lintels and
doorways. They covered the backs of stelae and the fronts of large panels and
were delicately painted in the few Maya books preserved from destruction by
the Spaniards. The sheer quantity of hieroglyphs used in Maya elite life and
the way texts were inextricably associated with art made them impossible to
ignore. And, not least of all, the glyphs were beautiful. The labor and skill it
took to carve them in limestone or jade and the ways in which the symbols
themselves were ornamented or varied to produce an aesthetic statement of
their own, in addition to what they may have said, left no doubt that the Maya
considered these signs as important and valuable.
Maya hieroglyphics were exotic and strange, but though arguments were
made as to what these signs said, it was rarely doubted that they said something.
Sir Eric Thompson slowed the course of the study of Maya writing because
he believed that the glyphs could not be deciphered and that they only offered
information on calendrics and astronomy. They could not be deciphered, he
believed, because the system on which they were based was not a logical one
and the glyphs were not constructed phonetically. Information on calendrics
and astronomy was of interest, but, in Thompson’s opinion, studying these
arcane topics would not advance the understanding of larger issues of Maya
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Preface xv
politics, economy, and other matters that could only be revealed through field
In the Andes, the keepers of the khipu, the Inka, have not appealed to the
romantic sensibilities of Westerners as have the Maya. Scholars of the Inka
have too long been caught up in debates as to whether the Inka Empire was
the ideal socialist state or the worst example of fascism, and in the process, the
Inka have come across as a people as cold, aloof, and abstract as their chilly
mountain home. If the Maya have been cast as the Greeks of the New World,
delighting in the pleasures of the senses, the Inka have been given the role
of the dull, stoical Romans, building a huge empire but not having much fun
while doing so. These images, of course, are the conceits of Western minds,
but they have contributed much to how the fields of study of these ancient
peoples have fared.
There are many differences between Maya hieroglyphs and Inka khipu.
Although glyphs could be carved as three-dimensional statues, they generally
were inscribed in two dimensions, on flat surfaces, much as in any other writ-
ing system. Khipu, however, are expressions of linearity, made up of cords,
which are at the same time three-dimensional objects. Hieroglyphs are
graphic and have a strong representational component, while khipu are ma-
terial and kinesthetic: the medium of the khipu is bound up with the message
in a way that hieroglyphs are not. Although there are variations in how glyphs
are rendered, ultimately, it is the formal characteristics of the inscribed signs
that convey meaning. For khipu, knots and their placements, the twists of
cords, color combinations, and likely other elements all seem to play impor-
tant roles in conveying information.
Perhaps as important as the points already made, if Maya glyphs can be
appreciated as art as well as a medium for communication, khipu seem to be
merely an extension of folk craft. Knotted strings, perhaps too reminiscent
of macramé wall hangings, do not appeal to Western artistic tastes as do the
brush strokes of a Maya scribe or limestone blocks carved as if they were but-
ter. This point could be a departure for discussion of the whole issue of the
Western distinction between art and craft, but it is more worthwhile to em-
phasize that khipu express their own form of beauty once one is familiar with
them and that such beauty is in their tactility—an aesthetic realm severely
underappreciated in the visually oriented West, where ‘‘Do not touch’’ signs
are all too prevalent. The aesthetic sensibilities of Andean peoples are still
waiting to be adequately discussed in Western literature. An assumption that
khipu were merely utilitarian devices—like tying a string around a finger so
as not to forget to feed the neighbor’s cat—may be partly to blame for lack
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of interest in them. That khipu were more than simple reminders, that they
were sophisticated and complex systems, is another important message of this
These various issues have led to different perspectives on approaching
khipu. Many scholars presumed early on that the Maya were conveying mean-
ings with their hieroglyphs, and khipu scholars knew that the Inka kept ac-
counts with knotted strings. But did they do more than record numbers with
khipu? As both Robert Ascher and Marcia Ascher point out in their chap-
ters in this book, numbers may be interpreted as magnitudes or quantities,
but they can also be interpreted as labels, and these labels may have narrative
properties and functions. Thus, numbers signified by knots, along with knot
directionality, the colors of cords, and other elements that made up khipu,
may all have been used to convey narrative information.
It is interesting that despite differences in the nature of Maya hieroglyphs
and Inka khipu, issues of understanding how these systems worked have re-
volved around similar problems of interpretation. These interpretive prob-
lems have not been due primarily to the inherent ways khipu and glyph sys-
tems were constructed but rather to the ways in which they were explained
to Spanish investigators in the sixteenth century and to subsequent assump-
tions about and interpretations of what the Spanish said concerning native
recording systems.
Diego de Landa, bishop of Yucatán, interviewed Maya scribes and had a
Spanish alphabet written with what he thought were the Maya equivalents of
Spanish letters. In doing this, he created a document that has been essential in
deciphering Maya script but has also produced confusion and debate. Landa
made the assumption that Maya writing was alphabetic, but it is not. When
Landa or an assistant spoke the sound for a letter of the Spanish alphabet, the
Maya scribes heard what they took to be a word or sound in their own lan-
guage. They then wrote down the glyph for the word or sound, not a letter.
This issue of the relation of signs to sounds was a chief problem in accept-
ing the Landa syllabary. Once what had happened in Landa’s scriptorium was
clarified, the Landa document became an important tool for understanding
how to read Maya hieroglyphs.
We have had no single authoritative colonial record of an extended inves-
tigation of khipu but rather a number of colonial authors who discuss khipu at
greater or lesser lengths. Much of what they say is unclear or contradictory,
yet there are strong indications that khipu did not simply record numbers
but also kept records of poems, histories, and other narratives. The earliest
breakthrough in understanding Maya writing was the identification of num-
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Preface xvii
ber notation, but scholars now can read histories and other texts. For khipu,
though, there has been no significant advancement beyond the ability to read
numbers. In this book, however, Carlos Sempat Assadourian provides a care-
ful discussion of the remarks by the colonial author Antonio Calancha on
how to make a khipu that tells a story. The degree to which we can rely upon
Calancha’s account, however, is uncertain, and we may be on the same kind of
uncertain ground concerning his understanding of what Andean people were
telling him, as well as the accommodations those people made to allow their
system to be understandable to Calancha, as was the case with Landa and his
Maya scribes.
Understanding khipu thus involves not only finding and examining colo-
nial sources about how knotted-string records were made and used but also
evaluating how we should interpret those accounts, when found. Are the ap-
parently contradictory and unclear discussions of khipu due to lack of full
understanding by colonial authors of how khipu worked, or do at least some of
these different accounts express variations among khipu themselves? Added to
the exploration of narrativity and the demonstration of complexity in khipu,
the issue of standardization versus idiosyncrasy in khipu is the third theme
of this book. Although writing systems can tolerate a certain degree of de-
viation from some standard, such as variant spellings of words in British as
opposed to American English, there must be general intercommunicability
in a writing system, as was the case with Maya glyphs. For khipu to approxi-
mate a writing system, then, they had to have been able to be read by more
than just their makers.
Many of the important advances in the study of Maya hieroglyphs oc-
curred at or through the agency of Dumbarton Oaks. In this tradition, it
seemed appropriate to hold a meeting here on the issue of narrativity in An-
dean khipu. Gary Urton and I thus organized a meeting of leading scholars
on the topic at Dumbarton Oaks in April 1997. Many of the chapters in this
book are revised versions of papers given during that meeting, and others are
new contributions.
The book opens with two chapters intended to provide the reader with
background material. In the first chapter, Gary Urton reviews the history of
khipu studies, beginning with accounts from the early Spanish chronicles and
documents. Rosaleen Howard’s following discussion of narrativity in con-
temporary Quechua stories underlines the critical role language and linguis-
tic studies hold for decipherments. The study of Coptic was crucial for
the eventual decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Maya studies lan-
guished for many years because the earliest attempts at translation disre-
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garded the study of contemporary Mayan languages and instead worked pri-
marily on solving the riddle of the glyphs solely as symbolic representations.
Thus, emphasizing language studies in the investigations of khipu may be
critical for future advances in decipherment, although alternate approaches
will undoubtedly have their own contributions to make, as well.
William Conklin discusses important technical issues on his way to devel-
oping a theory for the organization of information in knotted-string records.
Additional theoretical perspectives are provided in the contributions of Mar-
cia Ascher and Robert Ascher, with the former discussing numbers as both
magnitudes and labels while the latter explores how encipherment and deci-
pherment may have been performed on khipu without depending directly on
Examining common features and variability in how communication sys-
tems develop and change will be important in future work, as I discuss in my
contribution. Gary Urton looks at such variability in khipu themselves in his
second chapter, comparing Garcilaso de la Vega’s commentaries in light of a
class of known non-numerical khipu. Carlos Sempat Assadourian provides in-
sight on another colonial commentator on khipu, Antonio Calancha, as noted
above. A third colonial writer, Blas Valera, is discussed in Sabine Hyland’s
Following the discussions based on colonial sources’ descriptions of khipu
is a series of chapters on khipu use in the same era: Tristan Platt comments
on one of the few eyewitness accounts of khipu in use in a public setting, and
Regina Harrison focuses on rosaries and khipu in the arena of competing yet
analogous religious practices.
The chapters of the next section demonstrate that khipu are still vital parts
of native Andean culture. The contributions by Frank Salomon and Carol
Mackey reveal the rich sources of information available on the maintenance
of special places for khipu in the Andes and the continuing use of knotted-
string records, respectively.
Gary Urton and I and the other authors represented in this collection hope
that this book will not only establish a benchmark in khipu studies but also
stimulate a wider interest in investigating these materials. Considering re-
cent advances in mathematics, information theory, and other scholarship in-
volved with computers, software, and communications technology, the study
of khipu should appeal to many who are challenged and intrigued by puzzle
solving. Perhaps this book will stimulate someone to be the Jean François
Champollion of the khipu.
To call for a Champollion of the khipu implies that someone can ‘‘crack’’
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Preface xix
the code of the knots in the same way that the great French Egyptologist
made a breakthrough in understanding Egyptian hieroglyphics. But it re-
mains uncertain whether we will ever be able to ‘‘read’’ a khipu the way we
now can read an Egyptian or a Maya hieroglyphic text. Even in the case of
Maya writing, its code was not so much broken—as a Gordian knot cleanly
sliced through—as it was chipped away at: a little hole was gradually made
bigger until, eventually, a critical mass was reached and the wall of ignorance
came tumbling down.
Will we be able to unravel the mysteries of the khipu? We are at such an
early stage of investigation—only beginning to tug at the knot—that it is hard
to say. The archives are full of documents yet to be seen or studied, and the
tradition of knotted-string records in the New World is hardly known. There
is not yet even a thorough inventory and description of the known khipu in
existence, a corpus of about five hundred items, which, if documented and
made easily accessible for study, would serve as a fundamental reference work
for all future khipu scholars. No code can be cracked, chipped at, or unraveled
unless the material to be worked on is within easy reach of those who wish to
solve the riddle.
Given that we barely understand even the limits of what we may know
about this complex and unique system of record keeping, it is quite likely that
our abilities to understand khipu at the end of the twenty-first century will
be far more advanced than they are now, at its beginning. If this book inspires
others to start tugging at the knots that secure the codes of Andean khipu,
then it will have served scholarship very well indeed.
1. For a thorough and fascinating discussion of the history of investigations of
Maya hieroglyphic writing, see Michael D. Coe, Breaking the Maya Code (London and
New York: Thames and Hudson, 1992).
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An Overview of Spanish
Colonial Commentary on
Andean Knotted-String Records
ONE Gary Urton
One of the most intriguing, yet enigmatic, topics of study pertaining to pre-
Columbian civilizations of the Andes concerns the device known as the khipu
(Quechua: ‘‘knot’’) or chino (Aymara: ‘‘knot record’’). Khipu were bunches of
(often) dyed, knotted strings that were used by the Inka and other populations
throughout the empire for recording a variety of different types of informa-
tion. We are aware of the contents of these records only indirectly, through
Spanish chroniclers’ commentary on them, or through the handful of docu-
ments containing (Spanish) transcriptions of their ‘‘reading’’ by native record
keepers, or through modern renderings of their numerical/quantitative ar-
rangements of knots. What we do not have are direct, native translations of
their contents unmediated by Spanish hands or voices. Nor, in those cases in
which we have transcriptions of khipu readings, do we have a khipu that was
the source of the record keeper’s account.
It is, in fact, from the recognition of the virtual absence of serious study
and reflection on the narrative aspects of the khipu recording system that
Jeffrey Quilter and I offer this collection of studies. The studies assembled in
this book represent, we believe, the best current understandings of the nar-
rative component, or dimension, of the khipu accounts and some of the most
productive strategies for the investigation of khipu narratives in the future.
In what follows, I provide an accounting of the forms and functions of
khipu as we learn about them from written documents produced during the
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4 Gary Urton
6 Gary Urton
From virtually the earliest accounts written by Spaniards in the newly con-
quered territory of the Inka Empire, we read about encounters with knotted-
string records. For example, Hernando Pizarro, a brother of the conqueror
and first governor of Peru, Francisco Pizarro, tells us that on one occasion
in 1533, during the first year following the European invasion, he and his sol-
diers took certain items—firewood, ‘‘sheep’’ (llamas), corn, and chicha (corn
beer)—from an Inka storehouse along the royal Inka highway, and the native
accountants recorded the transaction on a knotted-string recording device
(H. Pizarro does not name this device for us). Pizarro notes that when he and
his men removed these goods from the storehouse, the record keepers ‘‘untied
some of the knots which they had in the deposits section [of the khipu], and
they [re-]tied them in another section [of the khipu]’’ (H. Pizarro 1920: 175,
178). Curiously, this is one of the few accounts we have, in the entire corpus
of colonial literature on khipu, of an actual event of ‘‘balancing the books’’ in
a khipu transaction.
Around the same time that Hernando Pizarro encountered khipu along the
Inka road to the highlands, another conquistador, Miguel de Estete, made an
important observation on a different type of information recorded on certain
of these devices. He noted that ‘‘although they [the Inka] don’t have writing,
they recall the memory of things by means of certain cords and knots, though
the most notable things are remembered in songs, as if lacking writing, we
were to remember past deeds by songs that recall them’’ (cited in Pease 1990:
67). The combined observations of Pizarro and Estete provide us with the
earliest evidence that khipu (of different types?) encoded at least two different
types of information: statistical and narrative/historical.
By the 1540s, the Spaniards had begun to write down the wealth of statisti-
cal information (e.g., census data, tribute lists) that the administrators of the
(now defunct) empire had registered on their khipu from before the time of
the conquest. The principal event that precipitated this initial episode of the
systematic transcription of statistical data from khipu into Spanish written
documents was the round of visitas (visits), or general inspections, ordered by
Pedro de La Gasca, president of the Real Audiencia in Lima in 1549. Presi-
dent La Gasca sent seventy-two teams of inspectors into the countryside to
collect and evaluate census figures and statistical data on economic resources
from various regions throughout the former empire. Though we have re-
covered only a fraction of these inspection records from archives, scholars
have mined certain of these accounts to provide us with an increasingly clear
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understanding of the basic types of data that were recorded on these impor-
tant Inka bureaucratic recording devices, as well as some of the values and
principles organizing the registration of information therein (see Espinoza
Soriano 1971–1972; Galdós Rodríguez 1977; Murra 1982, 1987; Pärssinen
1992: 40–43; Pease 1990; Rostworowski 1993: 293–348, 349–362; and Urton
The interaction between Andean and Spanish records and record keepers
resulting from the procedures outlined above was by no means always of an
amicable nature. For instance, by the early to mid-1550s, accounts of the trib-
ute paid to the new Spanish overlords were being registered both on khipu
and in Spanish written documents. A few decades later, as the conquistadores/
encomenderos began dying off and transferring their wealth and privileges to
their heirs, and as native Andeans gained facility in manipulating colonial
judicial procedures, there was a marked increase in the number of legal pro-
ceedings involving disputes over differences in the native and Spanish trib-
ute records recorded earlier, during the 1550s. One case in point that has re-
cently received considerable attention focuses on a dispute between the heirs
of Alonso de Montemayor and the tributary Indians of Sacaca, Bolivia (e.g.,
A.G.I., Justicia 653, no. 2, pza. 1: f. 409r–v; Platt, Chapter 10, this book;
Solórzano y Pereyra 1972: 308–309; Urton 1998).
Moving to the decade of the 1550s, the soldier/chronicler Pedro de Cieza
de León (1553) compared the khipu favorably to the system of signs or ‘‘hiero-
glyphs’’ (carastes) used by the Mexicans. Cieza de León noted further that the
Inka used their knotted-cord records to keep track of reserves and expendi-
tures of state, as well as ‘‘other things that had occurred many years in the
past.’’ He also states that old, wise men were charged by the Inka with com-
posing and memorizing songs commemorating the deeds of the kings of the
Inka Empire (Cieza de León 1967: 34–37). Thus, as we saw in the earlier ac-
count by Miguel de Estete, narratives from the Inka past were both recorded
on khipu and composed and memorized by the court poet-philosophers, the
amauta. One problem that has yet to be addressed in a comprehensive and
critical manner is the relationship between the memory-based narrative pro-
ductions of the amauta and the khipu- (and memory-?) based narrations of
the khipukamayuq.
From the 1550s, we move forward more than a decade before we once again
encounter an appreciable number of references to khipu in the Spanish docu-
ments. These new references were at the core of a veritable explosion of docu-
ments produced as a result of a new round of inspection visits and fact-finding
activities ordered by the fourth viceroy of Peru, Francisco de Toledo (1569–
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8 Gary Urton
10 Gary Urton
At the beginning of the seventeenth century, we encounter a particularly
intriguing account of the types of information that were still recorded on
the khipu at that time, as well as a poignant illustration of the Spanish will
to destroy these knotted-string records, in keeping with the mandate of the
Third Council of Lima. The following passage comes from Diego Avalos y
Figueroa’s Miscelánea austral, from 1602:
knotted records they retained were increasingly viewed with suspicion and
outright contempt.
One of the principal sources of information about khipu is an extraordi-
nary document, written at the end of the sixteenth century through the early
years of the seventeenth century, by a native chronicler, Felipe Guaman Poma
de Ayala (1980; see Adorno 1986; Cummins 1992). In his work entitled Nueva
corónica y buen gobierno, an approximately one-thousand-page ‘‘letter’’ to the
king of Spain, Guaman Poma not only alludes to the wide range of different
types of information encoded in the khipu (e.g., economic, demographic, as-
tronomical, astrological, and bureaucratic), but he also provides something
even more tantalizing and informative with respect to the role of this device
in Inka daily life: drawings of various Inka officials displaying, consulting,
and in other ways manipulating khipu (Brokaw 1999; Luxton 1979). Guaman
Poma’s drawings depict a variety of people handling these devices (e.g., ac-
countants, messengers, and astrologers) and also juxtapose khipu with other
types of cultural artifacts, such as gaming or counting boards (yupana), staffs
of office, particular styles of dress, and even a hand-held sign reading: carta,
‘‘letter’’ (see Quilter, Chapter 9, this book).
Both the text and the drawings of Guaman Poma’s so-called ‘‘letter to a
king’’ represent valuable sources of information on the khipu and their han-
dlers. Equally notable, though somewhat puzzling, is the degree to which
Guaman Poma’s drawings of khipu depict this device in schematic, virtually
iconic renderings; that is, none of Guaman Poma’s drawings show khipu with
knots tied into their pendant strings—all the strings are shown as plain, un-
knotted threads dangling from primary cords. Similarly, nowhere in his text
does Guaman Poma provide an explicit statement concerning the types of
information retained on the khipu nor how the information was recorded.
As Guaman Poma had a high regard for the khipukamayuq and amauta, as
well as a fairly sophisticated understanding of the ways the khipu—and pos-
sibly the Inka computing board, called yupana—were used by the Inka for
recording statistical and historical data (Radicati di Primeglio 1979: 31–46;
1990b; Wassén 1931, 1990), it is reasonable to assume that he ought to have
been capable of presenting accurate depictions and precise explanations of
the khipu. Perhaps for some reason as yet unclear to us Guaman Poma was
hesitant to expose the khipu to close scrutiny by the reader(s) of his ‘‘letter.’’
In other words, he may have chosen not to elaborate on the formal properties
of the khipu and the ways of manipulating them in reading.
By analogy with other recent analyses of certain topics discussed by Gua-
man Poma, we could even argue that the chronicler’s silence on this par-
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12 Gary Urton
ticular matter may, in fact, be quite informative with regard to his view on
the nature of these records. For example, Rolena Adorno (1986: 27–29) and
Sabine MacCormack (1985: 464–466) have shown that Guaman Poma con-
structed a rather elaborate set of representations to the effect that Andean
peoples had known the god of Christianity before the arrival of the Euro-
peans; in addition, I have tried to show (Urton 1997: 201–208) that Guaman
Poma suggested—in image and text—that the Inka were familiar with Hindu-
Arabic numerals in pre-Hispanic times. Both of these topics elicited strong
rhetorical postures on Guaman Poma’s part, a fact that makes his silence on
the khipu all the more interesting, and curious. Since we know Guaman Poma
to have been a literate man who spent years learning the European arts of
reading and writing, and who understood the high regard Europeans had for
literacy, we might expect (by analogy with these other rhetorical sallies) that
if Guaman Poma was of the opinion that the khipu constituted a sophisti-
cated system of recording, not to mention a form of writing, he might also
have argued that the Inka actually had writing before the arrival of the Euro-
peans. (Such an argument was, in fact, made by another native chronicler—
Garcilaso de la Vega; see Urton, Chapter 8, this book.) However, Guaman
Poma himself did not make such an argument. We are therefore left with the
dilemma of deciding whether or not we are justified in making an argument
ex silencio in this instance; that is, can we say that since Guaman Poma did
not make such an argument, this must mean that he did not believe the khipu
constituted a system of writing? We cannot answer this question with any
certainty at the present time.
In addition to the continuing use of khipu accounts in legal proceedings,
there appeared during the first half of the seventeenth century a number of
more informative descriptions of the knotted records and of the variety of
methods used to record on, and read information from, these devices. For ex-
ample, near the beginning of the century (in 1602), we encounter an intrigu-
ing reference to a peculiar manner of registering information in, or of attach-
ing ‘‘signs’’ to, the khipu. This appears in an annual report from the head of
the Jesuits in Peru, P.R. de Cabredo, to General Aquaviva, the head of the
Jesuit order. In this report, we read that khipu were used by native peoples to
record their sins for the purpose of giving confession (for the use of khipu in
confessionals, see Harrison, Chapter 11, this book). We are told that in such
khipu, the faithful tied knots in the strings as an aid to the memory. Inter-
estingly, we are also told of one confessant who, in addition to tying knots,
made the khipu ‘‘from six varas of twisted cord with threads spaced along it
as well as some signs [señales] of stone or bone or feathers conforming to the
Tseng 2002.6.24 11:56
6616 Quilter / NARRATIVE THREADS / sheet 33 of 383
material of the sin being confessed’’ (Fernández 1986: 214; my translation and
In its presupposition of a direct, natural relationship between a sign and
the thing it signifies, the above account reflects a decidedly Neoplatonic
‘‘take’’ on the khipu. Neoplatonism was a long-lasting philosophical tradi-
tion in Europe with roots in humanist, neoclassical thinking; this interpretive
tradition was especially strong in Renaissance Italian scholarship (see Yates
1966). Neoplatonists saw the physical forms of things—such as chairs, pots
and pans, and hieroglyphic signs—as corrupted, worldly reflections of the
true forms that existed in the ideal realm of pure abstraction. Earthly forms
were merely the simulacra of these ideal forms. Furthermore, this world of
abstract ideals was the realm of deep and profound truths, a realm of knowl-
edge accessible only to the learned elite few—those who had been instructed
in the secret meanings of things.
In a fascinating study of Neoplatonic influences in the study of the Egyp-
tian hieroglyphs, Erik Iversen (1993) has shown how (especially) Italian hu-
manist scholars of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, many of whom were
members of the Jesuit order, constructed an approach to the hieroglyphs
based on a symbolic, allegorical interpretation of the hieroglyphic signs. This
tradition, which was based on a few classical sources that were significantly
uninformed on the subject of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing, introduced ele-
ments of mysticism and humanist symbolic analysis into the study of the
hieroglyphic signs, thereby effectively delaying for centuries the recognition
of the ideographic and phonetic bases of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing. In
fact, a strikingly similar history of Neoplatonic symbolic and mystical in-
terpretations impeded for many years the decipherment of the Maya hiero-
glyphs (see Coe 1992). In both cases, decipherment of these ancient scripts
was impeded because researchers of the times could not countenance the
notion that such elaborate and mysterious-looking ancient scripts could pos-
sibly have had any relationship to the mundane sounds of human speech.
In both cases, such presumptions proved to be profoundly wrong. We will
have reason later to question whether such references as that cited above—
in the Jesuit communiqué regarding khipu registering the material corre-
lates of sins—represent the appearance of Neoplatonic influences in the his-
tory of interpretations of the khipu (a similar suspicion clouds the evaluation
of the so-called ‘‘Naples document’’; see below and Hyland, Chapter 7, this
The Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, mestizo son of an Inka princess and a Span-
ish conquistador, was born in Cusco in 1539 and lived there until the age of
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14 Gary Urton
twenty-one. Soon after his father’s death, Garcilaso went to Spain to claim
his inheritance, and he remained there for the rest of his life. In 1609, Gar-
cilaso completed his magnum opus, a work entitled Comentarios reales de los
Incas (1959). The Comentarios contains a wealth of information concerning
the khipu, which Garcilaso claims to have learned how to read as a youth in
Cusco. For instance, Garcilaso describes the decimal-based system of record-
ing numerical-statistical information (1966: 331–332); he describes the rela-
tionship between the generally numerical information recorded on the khipu
and the memorized poems and stories that inform and help flesh out the nu-
merical data into narratives (1966: 332); and he provides an account, based on
notes by the mestizo Jesuit Blas Valera, of the use of a type of iconography-
based khipu recording system to register Inka verse (1966: 127). In general
terms, Garcilaso provides us with a seemingly well informed, though occa-
sionally problematic (because of its idiosyncrasy), account of the technologi-
cal and intellectual traditions associated with Andean knotted-string records
(see Assadourian, Chapter 6, and Urton, Chapter 8, this book).
On the important question of the relationship between the nature of the
information registered on the khipu and the work of memory in retrieving
that information, Garcilaso gives contradictory testimony. For example, he
notes at one point that
Whereas the above account suggests, with some ambiguity, that the Inka
retained some manner of ‘‘writing’’ in the khipu, the following statement by
this chronicler suggests quite the opposite:
[T]he Indians recalled by means of the knots the things their par-
ents and grandparents had taught them by tradition, and these they
treated with the greatest care and veneration, as sacred matters re-
lating to the idolatrous religion and laws of their Incas, which they
contrived to retain in their memories because of their ignorance of
writing. ( : )
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6616 Quilter / NARRATIVE THREADS / sheet 35 of 383
16 Gary Urton
quired the memorization of information beyond that which was actually reg-
istered on the khipu. On the basis of this memorized information, the khipu-
kamayuq constructed a full narrative of the information in question. Now, as
we have seen, many other chroniclers testified to the necessity of combining
recorded and memorized information in the art of khipu recording and ‘‘read-
ing.’’ Cobo, however, goes on to state that ‘‘among the quipo camayos them-
selves, one was unable to understand the registers and recording devices of
others. Each one understood the quipos that he made and what the others told
him’’ (Cobo 1979: 254). Such a characterization of the khipu recording sys-
tem as based on ‘‘idiosyncratic’’ registers and units of notation is not, in fact,
expressed in such an explicit manner in any other account produced during
the previous 120 years of European writing on these devices.
If Cobo was correct in his characterization of the information system of
the knotted records as based not on shared, but rather on secret (individually
memorized), bodies of information, then we probably will have to refrain
from classifying the khipu records as a form of ‘‘writing.’’ This is because a
writing system requires a widely shared understanding of the basic record-
ing units on the part of all those involved in communicating by means of the
system in question. I have called into question Cobo’s characterization of the
khipu recording system on precisely this point (Urton 1998 and Chapter 8,
this book), although others have argued in support of his more restricted view
(see, for example, Platt, Chapter 10, this book; Rappaport 1994; and Rappa-
port and Cummins 1994: 100). However the matter is eventually decided, it
is undoubted that Cobo himself did not believe the Inka possessed a system
of writing. In fact, he was quite explicit in his views on this matter, stating at
one point in his chronicle of Inka history that
[t]here is no one who is not surprised and frightened to see that these
people’s [i.e., the native peoples of South America] power of reason
is so dull; this is not so much because they are short on reasoning
power, as some have alleged, as it is because of their very limited
mental activity. On the one hand this is because they have no written
literature, sciences, or fine arts, which generally cultivate, perfect, and
make the mind quicker in its operations and reasoning powers. On
the other hand, since the ingrained, savage vices to which they are
commonly given have nearly become innate, these vices have dulled
their ingenuity and obscured the light of their powers of reason.
( : ; )
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6616 Quilter / NARRATIVE THREADS / sheet 38 of 383
18 Gary Urton
20 Gary Urton
in the strings. The latter were often accorded numerical values in the deci-
mal (and perhaps duodecimal; see Platt, Chapter 10, this book) system(s) of
numeration used by the Inka and their subjects. This much we have under-
stood for quite some time (Ascher and Ascher 1997; Locke 1923; Urton 1994,
But, in addition, the sources from early to late colonial times make it clear
that Inka as well as local, non-Inka officials throughout the empire recorded
certain types of information that was ‘‘consulted’’ by the khipukamayuq in re-
counting historical and other types of narrative accounts. The major problem
we face today in the study of the khipu is the meaning of the seemingly inno-
cent term used above: ‘‘consulted.’’ What was involved in the process of ‘‘con-
sulting’’ a khipu to render a narrative account? Was this process comparable
to the act of reading any number of other ancient scripts, with—in the Inka
case—its full complement of grammatical units (subject/object/verb) regis-
tered in three dimensions on the khipu strings? Or was it perhaps more like
a registry of general signifiers (evoking classes of objects, actions, places, and
times) that were given more nuanced form and substance by a khipukamayuq,
who would have brought to the reading information retained in his memory,
as well as a range of creative, discursive practices for producing a narrative
appropriate to a given place and perhaps audience? Or were the procedures of
‘‘consultation’’ perhaps somewhere between the extremes of the continuum
between restricted (i.e., ‘‘literal’’) and free-form narrative productions out-
lined above?
To date, we have not even attempted to formulate answers to questions like
those posed above; this is the objective of the present book. The approaches
to these questions found in this volume are quite diverse. They include studies
of memory and narrative productions in contemporary highland Peruvian
communities (Howard); the structures and hierarchies of khipu construction
(Conklin); the logic of encoding narrative information in the form of num-
bers interpreted as labels (M. Ascher); the strategy of ‘‘encipherment’’ as a
route to interpreting the general information-encoding system of the khipu
(R. Ascher); the analysis of Spanish chroniclers’ testimony on the arts of en-
coding narratives in khipu (Assadourian, Hyland, Urton, and Quilter); the
study of khipu transcriptions retained in Spanish colonial documents (Platt);
the colonial use of khipu as confessional devices (Harrison); the present-day
display of khipu as emblems of ayllu identity and history (Salomon); and the
use of khipu for recording statistical information by Andean herders today
It is important to stress at the beginning of this exploration of narrativity
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Tseng 2002.6.24 11:56
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Perhaps you are older than some of your school-fellows,
and the little ones gather round you and say "Tell us a
I have read that when the little plants are young, the
blades of the wheat and the blades of the tares are so much
alike that it is difficult to tell them apart.
* * * * *
But the younger son was restless, and got tired of being
quietly at home. He had heard something about the world
outside, and he thought it must be a very fine place by all
Very soon he had spent all his father had given him,
and had nothing left in his purse.
His father had been very sad all the time his boy had
been away. His heart had ached terribly, though his son had
never thought of that.
Every day he looked out for his lost one, and watched
for him along the roads and over the mountains till it grew
too dark to see.
But one day, when the son was yet a great way off, his
father saw him coming! Then the dear father ran to meet
him, and fell on his neck and kissed him.
* * * * *
And then the Pharisee thought of how he understood all
about God's law, and how he did not need anyone to teach
him what was written in the Scriptures.
But he did not know two things which would have made
him a different man—he did not know his own heart, and he
did not know God's heart.
He did not know that his own heart was full of pride and
love of self; he did not know that God's heart was full of
pity and tender love towards sinful men who came to Him
to be forgiven.
* * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * *
And as she stood there and thought of all His love and
compassion, she began to weep, and her tears fell down
over His feet as He reclined at the table.
Then she wiped His feet with her hair, and anointed
them with the sweet ointment.
But the Pharisee who had invited the Lord Jesus looked
on with anger. He thought if Jesus were a great teacher, He
would not have allowed a woman from the city to come and
wash His feet with her tears.
But Jesus knows all our hearts, and He could see that
the poor woman loved Him so much that she would go away
and try never to grieve Him any more.
And then the teacher gave a bright look, and she said,
"Yes, Charlie, you are right! And so are the others with their
'No's' all over the room. For unless the cup is mended, it is
of no use. The cup is a picture of our characters! If there is
a flaw in them, a crack that gets wider and wider, then the
cup is of no use, is it?"
She turned her face to the little boy, and a smile came
over his features as he answered, "There's a china-mender
comes down our road every week—he could do it!"
Just before this, the Lord came down the side of the
Mount of Olives, and in turning a corner of the steep path a
sight of the beautiful city of Jerusalem burst upon their
view. It says in the Gospel of Luke—
Jesus wept for all the sorrow that was coming on the
beloved city, and because the Jews would not have Him as
their Saviour.
This was indeed like the fig tree, which had leaves, but
no fruit.
The next day Jesus and His disciples passed by that fig
tree again, and it had begun to wither and dry up; and the
disciples said, "How soon is the fig tree withered!"
Do not let our dear Lord, Who died for us, come and
look into our hearts and find no fruit, but only leaves!
And what do you think the servant who had only one
did with his Talent? He went away and digged in the earth,
and hid his lord's money!
At length the time came for his return, and he called his
servants and reckoned with them.
The one who had traded with ten Talents brought ten
Talents more to his lord; and the man with five brought five
more; and the man with two brought two more. And the
lord was very pleased with these faithful servants, and said,
"Well done!" to each of them, and gave them great rewards.
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