UI Question Bank (Final)
UI Question Bank (Final)
UI Question Bank (Final)
User is the front-end applica�on view to which user interacts in order to use the
Interface so�ware.
Wire framing is a cri�cal aspect of both the user experience design process and the process of
UI design.
Icons help speed up recogni�on of the UI and the task the user has to perform.
Percep�on is the process of ataining awareness or understanding of sensory informa�on.
Motor skill is a learned series of movements that combine to produce a smooth, efficient
Aten�on is the cogni�ve process of selec�vely concentra�ng on one aspect of the
environment while ignoring other things.
Intui�veness is the user knowing what the controls do.
Applica�on is the process and techniques used to create an effec�ve user interface for a
Design so�ware applica�on.
Interface is to make user experiences as easy as possible while s�ll being successful in
Design achieving user goals.
Contrast is the crea�on of opposing visual elements to convey emphasis or comparison.
Texture are the elements within an object that add depth or a patern to an object.
Essay Ques�ons:
The structure principle: The design should organize the user interface purposefully, in
meaningful and useful ways based on clear, consistent models that are apparent and
recognizable to users, pu�ng related things together and separa�ng unrelated things,
differen�a�ng dissimilar things and making similar things resemble one another.
The simplicity principle: The design should make simple, common tasks easy, communica�ng
clearly and simply in the user's own language, and providing good shortcuts that are
meaningfully related to longer procedures.
The visibility principle: The design should make all needed op�ons and materials for a given
task visible without distrac�ng the user with extraneous or redundant informa�on.
The feedback principle: The design should keep users informed of ac�ons or interpreta�ons,
changes of state or condi�on, and errors or excep�ons that are relevant and of interest to the
user through clear, concise, and unambiguous language familiar to users.
2) What are the basic factors of proper UI?
- Command Line Interface (CLI): is a text-based user interface (UI) used to run programs,
manage computer files and interact with the computer.
- Graphical User Interface (GUI): is a type of user interface where users can interact with
visual representa�ons on the digital control panels.
- Menu-driven user interface: is a type of user interface where users interact with a
program or system through a series of menus.
- Touch user interface (TUI): is a computer-poin�ng technology based upon the sense of
touch (hap�cs).
- Voice user interface (VUI): users can interact with the help of the voice.
- Form-based user interface: Uses text-boxes, drop- down menus, text areas, check boxes,
radio boxes and butons to create an electronic form which a user completes in order to
enter data into a system.
- Web User Interface (Web App): allows the user to interact with content or so�ware
running on a remote server through a Web browser.
- Applica�on Login
- Applica�on registra�on
- Remote control
- Virtual reality
- ATMs
- Mobile phones
- Website template
1. Reflexive user interfaces: where the users control and redefine the en�re system via the
user interface alone, for instance to change its command verbs.
2. Tangible user interfaces: which place a greater emphasis on touch and physical
environment or its element.
3. Text user interfaces: are user interfaces which output text, but accept other form of input
in addi�on to or in place of typed command strings.
4. Voice user interfaces: which accept input and provide output by genera�ng voice
5. Natural-Language interfaces: Used for search engines and on webpages. User types in a
ques�on and waits for a response.
6. Zero-Input interfaces: get inputs from a set of sensors instead of querying the user with
input dialogs.
- Figma.
- InDesign.
- Sketch.
- AdobeXD.
- Balsamiq.
- Make a clear vision: Clarifying helps you to define precisely how to sa�sfy the needs and
expecta�ons of the audience.
- User confidence: The best UI design creates the prospec�ve confidence in your user and
the brand. If the work or the element won’t work properly or looks poor-quality. They will
interpret this as a direct reflec�on of your company.
- Simplify everything: Involving in your website or web applica�on should be deligh�ul, not
a burden. Simplify the process.
- Crea�ng your mark: Being visionary is very essen�al in design making. Due to incorrect
assump�ons of the user leads to poor online experience.
9) Men�on some Mistakes in UI Design?
The value of the human processor model is that it allows a system designer to predict the
performance with respect to �me it takes a person to complete a task without performing
1. First, convert the other non-cri�cal butons into Link Labels, this way, the user knows that
these links will perform a task, but their aten�on will go first to the buton that stands
2. Second is to put the cri�cal buton first in line.
3. The recommended op�on is to set to receive focus by default.
1. Visual Clues: Conveying and direc�ng users with obvious signals can be as straigh�orward
as a litle symbol that assists them in fabrica�ng and linking the signal with ordinary things.
2. Direc�on Arrow: It helps the users toward the subsequent stage they need to perform.
3. Spacing between words: The importance of the text spacing is significant for any site or
item. Users lack the opportunity and willpower to look into many jumbled items.
4. Highlight the line: Atempt to stress the pieces of the sentence that give the users
addi�onal background informa�on, so the user doesn't need to peruse the whole passage
to comprehend.
5. Boundary Outline: U�lizing contrast, the plan needs to isolate the frontal area from the
founda�on and perceive objects from a mind-blowing scope of spa�al direc�ons and
precise signals.
1. Cost of building the prototype: The cost involved in building the prototype should be
minimized. The challenge with prototyping is recognizing the minimal investment needed
to effec�vely answer ques�ons about the design.
2. Limited life�me: The basic mindset is that the code or bitmaps generated in a prototype
will be le� behind.
3. Risk of overwhelming the team: Always have a sense for how far to go and how much of
the prototype should be taken seriously.
1. Size: implemen�ng changes to the size of elements in your designs is an easy way to
provide emphasis for users by drawing their aten�on to larger objects.
2. Contrast: is a great way to draw emphasis to elements in a design that are different or
3. Texture: can make an object stand out from other objects within a design and should be
used sparingly to draw the user’s gaze.
4. Emphasis in the real world: Google’s mission statement uses color contrast to grab the
user’s aten�on and emphasize the main points of the company's mission at a glance.
18) How to op�mize the layout on a web design UI?
1. Keep the screen size in mind: When designing for users on a web design UI.
2. Use whitespace wisely: whitespace is important for readability of the website content.
3. Use a grid system: If you are designing a website for use on mobile phones, then you might
want to consider using a grid system.
4. Use a design template: Yes, there are as many design templates to choose from as there
are people who use them.
19) What are the planning and design technique used to create a web design?
1. Inline CSS:
An inline CSS is used to apply a unique style to a single HTML element.
An inline CSS uses the style atribute of an HTML element.
2. Internal CSS:
An internal CSS is used to define a style for a single HTML page.
An internal CSS is defined in the <head> sec�on of an HTML page, within a <style>
3. External CSS:
An external style sheet is used to define the style for many HTML pages.
To use an external style sheet, add a link to it in the <head> sec�on of each HTML page
jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document
traversal and manipula�on, event handling, anima�on, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-
to-use API that works across a mul�tude of browsers. And it has two types of element
- Easy to use: Anybody with basic knowledge of HTML and CSS can start using Bootstrap.
- Responsive features: Bootstrap's responsive CSS adjusts to phones, tablets, and desktops.
- Mobile-first approach: In Bootstrap 3, mobile-first styles are part of the core framework.
- Browser compa�bility: Bootstrap is compa�ble with all modern browsers (Chrome,
Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, Safari, and Opera).