DE question bank

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B. Tech. Mid Question Bank (R23 Regulation) Branches: CSE/IT/AIDS

Academic Year: 2024-2025 Semester: III
Subject Name: Digital Electronics
Faculty Name: Dr Shaik Saidulu, Dr Ravi Kumar and Dr A. K Lodhi


Q. NO Question Mark Bloom CO. UNIT

s s Level NO NO
1 2’s complement number for 101010111 1 L3 CO1 1
2 (42)10 covert into Hex decimal number 1 L2 CO1 1
3 1010101101 given code is covert into Grey code 1 L2 CO1 1
4 State Duality Principle. 1 L2 CO1 1
5 Express the Boolean function F = A + B’C as 1 L2 CO1 1
standard sum of minterms.

6 Which of the gates are universal gates? 1 L2 CO2 2

7 Which of the gate act as complement gate? 1 L2 CO2 2
8 SOP stand for? 1 L2 CO2 2
9 POS stand for? 1 L2 CO2 2
10 how to represent don’t care terms and purpose of 1 L2 CO2 2
don’t care

11 state the combinational 1 L1 CO3 3

12 State the sequential circuits. 1 L2 CO3 3

13 how may half adders required for construction of 1 L1 CO3 3
full adder
14 A 8:1 MUX required how many no of select lines 1 L1 CO3 3
15 16:1 MUX required for how many no of 4:1 MUX? 1 L1 CO3 3

16 Define Sequential logic circuit? 1 L3 CO4 4

`17 What is synchronous counter ? 1 L2 CO4 4
18 What is SIPO & PISO ? 1 L2 CO4 4
19 What is S-R flip flop ? 1 L2 CO4 4
20 What is Triggering ? 1 L2 CO4 4

21 Describe Types of RAM? 1 L4 CO5 5

22 What are the types of ROM? 1 L2 CO5 5
23 Explain Hazards? 1 L2 CO5 5
24 what are types the of PLDs ? 1 L2 CO5 5
25 Explain PLA? 1 L2 CO5 5
Part B

Q. Question Mar Blooms CO UNI

NO ks Level NO T
1.a Statement of all logic gates along with their Truth tables. 5 L1 CO1 1
1.b Explain all the following Number Systems, Decimal, 5 L2 CO1 1
Binary, Octal and Hexa-Decimal.
2.a 11010-10000 Perform subtraction using 1’s and 2’s 5 L3 CO1 1
Complement method
2.b Prove Commutative, Associative and Distributive Laws 5 L3 CO1 1
of Boolean Algebra
3.a Convert the Decimal number to HexaDecimal 5 L2 CO1 1
(376)10 = ( ? )16
3.b Prove that + ’ = ( + )( ’ + ) (Transposition 5 L4 CO1 1
4.a Convert (8E47.AB) 16 to Decimal, Binary and Octal 5 L3 CO1 1
4.b Convert (163.875)10 to Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal 5 L3 CO1 1
5.a State and Prove DeMorgans Theorm. 5 L3 CO1 1
5.b reduce the equation ABC+A|B|C|+A|B|C+A|BC+AB|C| 5 L2 CO1 1

6.a Simplify & minimize the equation using k-map function 5 L3 CO2 2
f(A,B,C,D) = {(0,1,2.3,5,7,9,11,13,15)
6.b Construct logic diagram using function 5 L3 CO2 2
7.a Enlist the various rules of K-Maps 5 L1 CO2 2
7.b Minimize the following expressions using K-map and 5 L3 CO2 2
realize using NAND Gates.
F= Π M (0,1,2,4,5,6,9,11,12,13,14,15)
8.a Reduce the Boolean expression using K-map and 5 L3 CO2 2
implement using NOR gates
F= Σ m (9,10,12)+d(3,5,6,7,11,13,14,15)
8.b Minimize the following functions using k map 5 L3 CO2 2
F(A,B,C,D) = Π M(0,1,3,56,7,9,10,11,12,13,15)
9.a Minimize the following expressions using K-map and 5 L3 CO2 2
realize using NAND and NOR Gates. f = Σ m (1, 3, 5, 8,
9, 11, 15) +d (2, 13).
9.b Reduce the Boolean expression using K-map and 5 L3 CO2 2
implement using both the universal gates f= Σ m
10.a Minimize f = Σ m(0,2,3,4,5,6,9,12,14,15) using k map 5 L3 CO2 2
implement with AOI logic.
10.b Minimize f = Σ m(0,2,3,4,5,6,9,12,14,15) using Tabular 5 L3 CO2 2
form or McClusky methode

11.a Design 8:1 Multiplexer by using two 4:1 Multiplexer. 5 L4 CO3 3

11.b Define Full Subtract or with Truth Table. 5 L4 CO3 3
12.a Explain Design procedure of combinational circuits. 5 L3 CO3 3
12.b Explain Full Adder with k-map and logic diagram. 5 L3 CO3 3
13.a Explain Full Subtractor with k-map and logic diagram. 5 L3 CO3 3
13.b Design BCD Adder. 5 L4 CO3 3
14.a Design a 2-bit Magnitude Comparator. 5 L4 CO3 3
14.b design 8to3 encoder 5 L4 CO3 3
15.a design 4to16 decoder 5 L4 CO3 3
15.b Explain Priority encoder 5 L3 CO3 3

16.a Describe S-R Latches with neat circuit diagram and 5 L4 CO4 4
explain conditions?
16.b Explain J-K flip flop and its truth table? 5 L2 CO4 4
17.a Explain S-R flip flop with truth table? 5 L2 CO4 4
17.b Explain T-Flip flop with Truth table? 5 L2 CO4 4
18.a Convert S-R Flip flop to J-K Flip flop? 5 L3 CO4 4
18.b convert J-K flip -flop to T flip flop? 5 L3 CO4 4
19.a Explain D-flip flop with truth table? 5 L2 CO4 4
19.b Explain Synchronous counters? 5 L2 CO4 4
20.a Generate PISO and SISO systems ? 5 L2 CO4 4
20.b Design Modulus-12 Counters? 5 L4 CO4 4

21.a Write the difference between ROM and RAM. Also list 5 L2 CO5 5
the types of ROMs.
21.b Distinguish between volatile and non-volatile memory 5 L3 CO5 5
22.a Mention the advantages of DRAM cell over SRAM cell 5 L1 CO5 5
22.b What is programmable logic array? Analyze how it 5 L2 CO5 5
differs from ROM?
23.a Distinguish between PAL and PLA? 5 L3 CO5 5
23.b Explain Error Detection and Correction Method and 5 L2 CO5 5
transfer the data is “1100101”
24.a Demonstrate Race-Free state Assignment Hazards? 5 L5 CO5 5
24.b Explain Reduction of state and Flow Tables with any 5 L2 CO5 5
25.a Explain Sequential Programmable Devices. 5 L2 CO5 5
25.b Explain programmable logic Array with examples? 5 L2 CO5 5

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