DE question bank
DE question bank
DE question bank
6.a Simplify & minimize the equation using k-map function 5 L3 CO2 2
f(A,B,C,D) = {(0,1,2.3,5,7,9,11,13,15)
6.b Construct logic diagram using function 5 L3 CO2 2
7.a Enlist the various rules of K-Maps 5 L1 CO2 2
7.b Minimize the following expressions using K-map and 5 L3 CO2 2
realize using NAND Gates.
F= Π M (0,1,2,4,5,6,9,11,12,13,14,15)
8.a Reduce the Boolean expression using K-map and 5 L3 CO2 2
implement using NOR gates
F= Σ m (9,10,12)+d(3,5,6,7,11,13,14,15)
8.b Minimize the following functions using k map 5 L3 CO2 2
F(A,B,C,D) = Π M(0,1,3,56,7,9,10,11,12,13,15)
9.a Minimize the following expressions using K-map and 5 L3 CO2 2
realize using NAND and NOR Gates. f = Σ m (1, 3, 5, 8,
9, 11, 15) +d (2, 13).
9.b Reduce the Boolean expression using K-map and 5 L3 CO2 2
implement using both the universal gates f= Σ m
10.a Minimize f = Σ m(0,2,3,4,5,6,9,12,14,15) using k map 5 L3 CO2 2
implement with AOI logic.
10.b Minimize f = Σ m(0,2,3,4,5,6,9,12,14,15) using Tabular 5 L3 CO2 2
form or McClusky methode
16.a Describe S-R Latches with neat circuit diagram and 5 L4 CO4 4
explain conditions?
16.b Explain J-K flip flop and its truth table? 5 L2 CO4 4
17.a Explain S-R flip flop with truth table? 5 L2 CO4 4
17.b Explain T-Flip flop with Truth table? 5 L2 CO4 4
18.a Convert S-R Flip flop to J-K Flip flop? 5 L3 CO4 4
18.b convert J-K flip -flop to T flip flop? 5 L3 CO4 4
19.a Explain D-flip flop with truth table? 5 L2 CO4 4
19.b Explain Synchronous counters? 5 L2 CO4 4
20.a Generate PISO and SISO systems ? 5 L2 CO4 4
20.b Design Modulus-12 Counters? 5 L4 CO4 4
21.a Write the difference between ROM and RAM. Also list 5 L2 CO5 5
the types of ROMs.
21.b Distinguish between volatile and non-volatile memory 5 L3 CO5 5
22.a Mention the advantages of DRAM cell over SRAM cell 5 L1 CO5 5
22.b What is programmable logic array? Analyze how it 5 L2 CO5 5
differs from ROM?
23.a Distinguish between PAL and PLA? 5 L3 CO5 5
23.b Explain Error Detection and Correction Method and 5 L2 CO5 5
transfer the data is “1100101”
24.a Demonstrate Race-Free state Assignment Hazards? 5 L5 CO5 5
24.b Explain Reduction of state and Flow Tables with any 5 L2 CO5 5
25.a Explain Sequential Programmable Devices. 5 L2 CO5 5
25.b Explain programmable logic Array with examples? 5 L2 CO5 5