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"Music Player Using Python”

(Under Industrial Training)

Submitted to Rajasthan Technical University

In partial fulfillment of the required for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology

Submitted By-
Anmol Panchal (21EVJCS018)

Under the Guidance of

Ms. Rama Bhardwaj
(Asst. Professor, Department of CSE)


November 2023
Certificate Copy

(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi | Affiliated to RTU Kota, Rajasthan)


It is hereby declared that the work, which is being presented in the

Industrial Report titled " Music Player Using Python” in partial
fulfilment of the award of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science
and Engineering and submitted in the department of Computer Science
Engineering of Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Jaipur is an authentic
record of the work under the supervision and valuable guidance of Ms.
Rama Bhardwaj Asst. Professor, Dept. of Computer Science &
Engineering. The matter presented in the report embodies the result of the
studies carried out by the student and has not been submitted for the award
of any other degree in this or any other institute.

Name: Anmol Panchal

Roll No. 21EVJCS018

Date:01-08-23 to 01-09-23


We take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to those who have

generously helped me in providing valuable knowledge and expertise during
my training.
It is a pleasure to represent this report on the project named " Music Player
Using Python” undertaken by me as part of my B.Tech (CSE) curriculum. I
am thankful to the Vivekananda Institute of Technology for offering me
such a wonderful and challenging opportunity.
It is a pleasure that we find ourselves penning down these lines to express
our sincere thanks to the people who helped us along the way in completing
our project. We find inadequate words to express our sincere gratitude
towards them.
I express my sincere gratitude to Mr.Surendra Yadav (Head of
Department) for providing me with an opportunity to undergo this major
project as part of the curriculum. I am thankful to Ms. Rama Bhardwaj
(Assistant Professor) for her support, co-operation, and motivation
provided to me during training for constant inspiration, and blessings. I
would also like to thank my Batch Counsellor for her valuable suggestions
which helped a lot in the completion of this project
Lastly, I would like to thank the almighty and my parents for moral support
and friends with whom I share my day-to-day experience and receive lots of
suggestions that improve my quality of work.

Name: Anmol Panchal

Roll No.: 21EVJCS018


► Audio is an important source of communication and this music

player is used to play music and other digital audio files.

► The music player GUI project idea tries to emulate the physical
music player.

► This program allows you to play songs, music and all music files on
your desktop or laptop.

► This application is a basic programming application built using the

Python programming language. It is a GUI program created using the
Python Tkinter pygame libraries.

► The music player application must be able to play a song, create and
display a playlist, pause and resume a long song, change the song, play the
previous or next song.



Declaration i
Acknowledgment ii

Abstract iii

Table of content iv

Contents v


1.1 Objectives
1.2 Project Goals


2.1 About the Institution


3.1 Module 1: Basic Python Syntax

3.1.1 Variables and data types

3.1.2 Operators

3.2 Module 2: Data Structures

3.2.1 Lists

3.2.2 Tuples

3.2.3 Sets

3.2.4 Dictionaries

3.3 Module 3: Functions and Modules

3.3.1 Functions

3.3.2 Module

3.3.3 Creating A Module

3.4 Module 4: File Handling

3.4.1 Opening A File

3.4.2 Exception Handling

3.5 Module 5: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

3.5.1 Introduction to OOP Classes and Objects, inheritance, and polymorphism

3.5.2 Advanced OOP Concepts Class methods and Object methods Inheritance Encapsulation Polymorphism Advanced OOP Concepts

3.6 Module 6: Introduction to Libraries and Frameworks

3.6.1 Libraries

3.6.2 Frameworks

3.6.3 Choosing between Libraries and Frameworks

3.6.4 Package manager


3.7 Module 7: Explain Library

3.7.1 Pygame

3.7.2 Tkinter

3.7.3 OS

3.7.4 Numpy

3.7.5 Requests

3.7.6 Matplotlib

CHAPTER – 4 Projects during the Training 24-29

4.1 Code


Chapter - 1

Python, a versatile and high-level programming language, has emerged as a

cornerstone in software development. Renowned for its simplicity and
readability, Python empowers developers to craft efficient and scalable
solutions across various domains. Its extensive libraries and frameworks,
coupled with a robust community, make Python an ideal choice for
beginners and seasoned developers alike, fostering innovation and
streamlined code development.

1.1 ​Objective
The objective is to provide a concise introduction to Python programming,
emphasizing its versatility and user-friendly syntax. This language primer
aims to convey Python's significance in software development, highlighting
its simplicity, readability, and broad applicability.
The objective is to offer a foundational understanding, enabling both
beginners and experienced developers to harness Python's capabilities for
effective and efficient code creation.

1.2 ​Project goals

After the completion of the project, we were able to –

● Comprehensive Understanding:
● Develop insights into music player app with comprehensive web
● In-Depth Knowledge:
● Master Python tools, frameworks for robust music player architecture
● Framework Exploration:
● Utilize Python libraries, frameworks for building versatile music
player components.
● Backend Operations Insight:
● Explore databases, servers, containers for in-depth music player

Chapter - 2

2.1 ​About the Institution

CodeClause is a software development company based in Pune, India. They
provide a wide range of IT services, including software development, IT
consulting, and cloud solutions. They have a team of experienced and skilled
engineers who are passionate about technology and dedicated to providing
their clients with high-quality, cost-effective solutions.

CodeClause is committed to helping their clients achieve their business

goals by providing them with the IT solutions they need to succeed. They
have a proven track record of success and are trusted by a wide range of
clients in various industries.
Here are some of the key services that CodeClause offers:

Software development: CodeClause develops custom software applications

for businesses of all sizes. They use a variety of methodologies, including
Agile and Waterfall, to ensure that their clients' projects are delivered on
time and within budget.
IT consulting: CodeClause provides IT consulting services to help
businesses assess their IT needs and develop a plan to meet those needs.
They also provide ongoing support to help businesses keep their IT systems
running smoothly.
Cloud solutions: CodeClause helps businesses migrate to the cloud and take
advantage of the benefits of cloud-based computing. They also provide
cloud-based solutions for a variety of business needs, such as storage,
backup, and disaster recovery.
CodeClause is a reliable and experienced IT partner that can help businesses
of all sizes achieve their IT goals. They have a team of skilled engineers and
a proven track record of success. If you are looking for an IT partner to help
you with your software development, IT consulting, or cloud needs,
CodeClause is a great option to consider.

Chapter - 3
3.1 Module 1: Basic Python Syntax
Python is known for its readability and simplicity, making it a great
language for beginners. Here are some fundamental elements of Python

3.1.1 Variables and Data Types

In Python, a variable is a named location in memory used to store data.
Variables are fundamental to programming languages as they allow you to
store and manipulate data in your programs. Here are some key points about
variables in Python:

Variable Naming Rules:

● Variable names can consist of letters (both uppercase and lowercase),
numbers, and underscores.
● Variable names cannot start with a number.
● Python keywords (reserved words like if, else, while, etc.) cannot be
used as variable names.
● Variable names are case-sensitive (e.g., myVar and myvar are

Data Types

Numeric Types:
int: Integer type, e.g., 5, -10, 1000.
float: Floating-point type, e.g., 3.14, -0.5, 2e3.

Text Type:
str: String type, e.g., "Hello, World!", 'Python'.

Boolean Type:
bool: Boolean type, which represents True or False.

Sequence Types:
list: Ordered, mutable collection, e.g., [1, 2, 3].
tuple: Ordered, immutable collection, e.g., (1, 2, 3).

Set Types:
set: Unordered, mutable collection of unique elements, e.g., {1, 2, 3}.

Mapping Type:
dict: Dictionary type, an unordered collection of key-value pairs, e.g.,
{"name": "John", "age": 25}.

None Type:
NoneType: Represents the absence of a value or a null value.

3.1.2 Operators
They are fundamental for building expressions and writing code to perform
various computations. Here are some common types of operators in Python:

Arithmetic operators perform basic mathematical operations

Comparison operators compare values and return True or False.
Logical operators perform logical operations.
Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables.

3.2 Module 2: Data Structures

In Python, lists, tuples, and sets are three different data structures that allow
you to store and manipulate collections of items. Each has its own
characteristics and use cases.

3.2.1 Lists:

Mutable: Lists are mutable, meaning you can change their elements (add,
remove, or modify) after the list is created.
Ordered: Elements in a list maintain their order of insertion.
Syntax: Defined using square brackets [].
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName
"Containers-DisposableClientVM" -All -Online
Access Elements: my_list[0] returns the first element.
Append: my_list.append(4) adds the element 4 to the end.
Insert: my_list.insert(1, "orange") inserts "orange" at index 1.
Remove: my_list.remove("apple") removes the first occurrence of "apple".
Length: len(my_list) returns the number of elements.

3.2.2 Tuples:

Immutable: Tuples are immutable, meaning their elements cannot be

changed after the tuple is created.
Ordered: Like lists, tuples maintain the order of elements.
Syntax: Defined using parentheses ().

Access Elements: my_tuple[0] returns the first element.
Concatenation: new_tuple = my_tuple + (4, 5) creates a new tuple by
Length: len(my_tuple) returns the number of elements.

3.2.3 Sets:
Mutable (but with limitations): Sets are mutable, but you cannot have
mutable elements like lists within a set. However, the set itself can be
modified (elements added or removed).
Unordered: Elements in a set do not have a defined order.
No Duplicates: Sets cannot have duplicate elements.
Syntax: Defined using curly braces {} or the set() constructor.


Add Element: my_set.add(4) adds the element 4 to the set.

Remove Element: my_set.remove("apple") removes "apple" from the set.
Intersection: intersection_set = set1.intersection(set2) returns a set with
common elements.
Union: union_set = set1.union(set2) returns a set with all unique elements
from both sets.
Length: len(my_set) returns the number of elements.

3.2.4 Dictionaries:

A dictionary is a collection that is unordered, changeable, and indexed.

Dictionaries are defined by key-value pairs, where each key must be unique.
Dictionaries are useful for storing and retrieving data in a structured way.
They are defined using curly braces {}.

3.3 Module 3: Functions and Modules

3.3.1 Functions:
A function is a reusable block of code that performs a specific task.
Functions allow you to organize code into manageable and reusable chunks,
making your program more modular. Functions in Python are defined using
the def keyword.

3.3.2 Modules
A module in Python is a file containing Python statements and definitions.
The file name is the module name with the suffix .py. Modules allow you to
organize code logically and avoid naming conflicts.

3.3.4 Creating a Module:

Suppose you have a file named

3.4 Module 4: File Handling

File handling in Python involves various operations, such as opening,
reading, writing, and closing files. Here's an overview of file handling in

3.4.1 Opening a File:

You can use the open() function to open a file. It takes two arguments: the
file path and the mode (read, write, append, etc.).
Common file modes:

"r": Read (default mode).

"w": Write (creates a new file or overwrites existing content).
"a": Append (adds new content to the end of the file).
"b": Binary mode (for binary files).
"x": Exclusive creation (creates a new file, but fails if the file already exists).

3.4.2 Exception Handling

Exception handling in Python involves dealing with errors that may occur
during the execution of a program. When an error occurs, Python raises an
exception, and if not handled properly, it can cause the program to terminate.
Exception handling allows you to anticipate and handle these errors

3.5 Module 5: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that uses
objects, which are instances of classes, for organizing and structuring code.
In Python, everything is an object, and the language supports OOP
principles. The key concepts of OOP in Python include classes, objects,
inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism.

3.5.1 Classes and Objects: Class: A class is a blueprint or template for creating objects. It

defines attributes (data) and methods (functions) that characterize the
objects. Object: An object is an instance of a class. It represents a real-world

entity and has attributes and behaviors defined by the class. Inheritance:
Inheritance allows a class (subclass or derived class) to inherit attributes and
methods from another class (base class or parent class). It promotes code
reuse and supports the "is-a" relationship. Encapsulation:
Encapsulation is the bundling of data and methods that operate on the data
within a single unit, which is the class. It restricts direct access to certain
attributes and methods, promoting data integrity and security. Polymorphism:
Polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a
common base class. It enables code to work with different types of objects

OOP in Python promotes code organization, modularity, and reusability. It

provides a powerful and flexible way to structure and design software,
making it easier to manage and extend. Understanding OOP principles is
essential for writing effective and maintainable Python code.

3.5.2 Advanced OOP Concepts

Advanced Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts in Python go

beyond the basics of classes, objects, inheritance, and encapsulation. Here

are some advanced concepts:

Multiple Inheritance:

Python supports multiple inheritance, allowing a class to inherit attributes

and methods from more than one parent class. While this can provide
flexibility, it can also lead to the diamond problem (ambiguities when two
parent classes have a common ancestor).

Abstract Base Classes (ABC):

Abstract Base Classes provide a way to define abstract classes and abstract
methods. An abstract class cannot be instantiated, and its subclasses must
provide concrete implementations for its abstract methods.

Mixins are small, reusable classes that can be combined to add functionality
to a class. They are used to extend a class without using multiple inheritance

A metaclass is a class of a class. It defines how classes behave and allows
you to customize class creation. Metaclasses are advanced and are not
commonly used in everyday programming.

3.6 Module 6: Introduction to Libraries and Frameworks

Libraries and frameworks in Python are essential tools that help developers
streamline their work, enhance productivity, and leverage existing code for
various tasks. Here's an introduction to libraries and frameworks in Python:

3.6.1 Libraries:
Definition: A library in Python is a collection of modules or packages
containing pre-written code that can be reused by other programs.

Key Characteristics:
Modularity: Libraries are modular, containing functions, classes, and
variables organized into distinct modules for specific tasks.
Code Reusability: Developers can reuse library functions to avoid writing
code from scratch for common operations.
Examples: NumPy, Pandas, Requests, Matplotlib.

3.6.2 Frameworks:
Definition: A framework is a pre-built set of tools, guidelines, and best
practices that provide a structured way to develop applications. It often
includes a predefined architecture, design patterns, and utilities.

Key Characteristics:

Structured Development: Frameworks provide a structure for organizing

code, enforcing best practices and design patterns.
Extensibility: Developers can build upon and extend the functionality of the
framework to meet specific requirements.
Examples: Django, Flask (web frameworks), TensorFlow, PyTorch
(machine learning frameworks).

3.6.3 Choosing Between Libraries and Frameworks:

Libraries: Choose a library when you need specific functionalities or tools

for a particular task. You have more flexibility in integrating libraries into
your code as needed.

Frameworks: Choose a framework when you want to follow a structured

development approach and when building an application with a specific
architecture. Frameworks can speed up development but may require more
adherence to their conventions.

3.6.4 Package Managers:

Definition: Package managers are tools that simplify the process of

installing, updating, and managing external libraries and frameworks in a
Python project.

Popular Package Managers:

pip: The default package manager for Python. It can install packages from
the Python Package Index (PyPI).

conda: A package manager primarily used for managing libraries and

environments in data science and scientific computing

3.7 Module 7: Libraries

3.7.1 Pygame:

Pygame is a cross-platform set of Python modules designed for writing

video games. It adds functionality on top of the SDL (Simple DirectMedia
Layer) library, providing a convenient way to handle graphics, sound, input
devices, and more in Python.

Here's a brief overview of the main components and features of the Pygame


Pygame provides modules for handling graphics, including surfaces, images,

and sprites.
It allows you to draw shapes, lines, and text on the screen.
Images can be loaded and displayed easily.

Sound and Music:

Pygame includes modules for handling sound and music, making it suitable
for creating games with audio elements.
It supports various sound formats and provides functions for playback,
volume control, and more.
Input Handling:

Pygame simplifies input handling, allowing you to easily respond to

keyboard, mouse, and joystick events.
It provides functions to check for key presses, releases, and mouse

Event Handling:

Pygame uses an event-driven programming model. Events like key presses,

mouse clicks, and window events are captured and processed through event
Window and Display:

Pygame manages windows and displays, providing a flexible environment

for creating graphical applications.
It supports full-screen mode and allows you to set the window size and title.
Collision Detection:

Pygame includes features for basic collision detection between sprites and


Pygame includes various utility modules for tasks like handling time,
random numbers, and more.

Community and Documentation:

Pygame has an active community and a wealth of tutorials and

documentation available.
It is widely used for educational purposes, game jams, and the development
of 2D games.

Here are some examples of what you can do with Pygame:

● Create simple games like Pong and Breakout.

● Develop more complex games like platformers and shooters.
● Create interactive multimedia applications like music visualizations.

To get started with Pygame, you will need to install the library using pip:

pip install pygame

3.7.2 tkinter

Tkinter is the standard GUI (Graphic User Interface) library for Python. It is
a cross-platform library, which means that it can be used to create GUI
applications that run on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Tkinter is included
with the standard Python installation, so you do not need to install it

Tkinter is an object-oriented library, which means that it uses objects to

represent GUI elements such as buttons, labels, and menus. This makes
Tkinter a powerful and flexible library, but it can also make it a bit more
difficult to learn than some other GUI libraries.

Key features of Tkinter:

Cross-platform: Tkinter applications can run on Windows, macOS, and


Object-oriented: Tkinter is an object-oriented library, which makes it easy

to create and manage complex GUIs.

Extensive widget set: Tkinter provides a wide variety of widgets, including

buttons, labels, text boxes, menus, and canvases.

Event-driven: Tkinter GUIs are event-driven, which means that they

respond to user input, such as mouse clicks and key presses.

Easy to learn and use: Tkinter is relatively easy to learn and use, even for
programmers who are new to GUI development.

Layout management: Tkinter provides a number of layout managers that

make it easy to position widgets on the screen.

Event handling: Tkinter provides a powerful event handling system that

allows you to respond to user input, such as mouse clicks and keyboard

Here are some examples of what you can do with Tkinter:

Create simple applications like calculators and to-do lists.

Develop more complex applications like address book managers and image
Create custom GUIs for your own Python applications.

from tkinter.filedialog import askdirectory

In Python, from tkinter.filedialog import askdirectory is an import statement

that brings the askdirectory function into your current namespace from the
tkinter.filedialog module. This is commonly used when you want to use the
askdirectory function to prompt the user to select a directory interactively.

Here's a breakdown of this import statement:

tkinter: This is the standard GUI (Graphical User Interface) toolkit for
Python. It provides tools for creating graphical applications and includes a
variety of modules and functions for building user interfaces.

tkinter.filedialog: Within the tkinter module, there is a submodule called

filedialog that provides functions for working with file dialogs, which are
windows that allow users to interactively choose files or directories.

askdirectory: This is a function provided by the filedialog submodule.

When called, it opens a dialog box that allows the user to select a directory.
The function returns the path of the selected directory.

By using from tkinter.filedialog import askdirectory, you can use

askdirectory directly in your code without needing to reference the full
module path. For example:
from tkinter.filedialog import askdirectory

selected_directory = askdirectory()

if selected_directory:
print(f"Selected directory: {selected_directory}")
print("No directory selected.")
In this example, askdirectory() is called to prompt the user to choose a
directory interactively. The selected directory is then used in the program
logic. This is particularly useful in applications where you need the user to
specify a directory path, such as when working with file I/O or managing

3.7.3 Os(operating system):

The os module in Python provides a way of interacting with the operating

system. It abstracts many operating system-dependent functionalities into a
consistent interface, allowing you to perform various tasks like file and
directory operations, working with environment variables, and more. Here's
a brief overview of some key functionalities provided by the os module:

File and Directory Operations:

os.listdir(path='.'): Returns a list containing the names of the entries in the

directory given by the path.
os.getcwd(): Returns the current working directory as a string.
os.chdir(path): Changes the current working directory to the specified path.
os.remove(path): Removes the file at the specified path.
os.rmdir(path): Removes the directory at the specified path (works only for
empty directories).
os.removedirs(path): Removes directories recursively, starting from the
specified path.

Path Manipulation:

os.path.join(path, *paths): Join one or more path components intelligently.

os.path.abspath(path): Return the absolute version of a path.

os.path.exists(path): Returns True if the specified path exists.
os.path.isdir(path): Returns True if the path is an existing directory.
os.path.isfile(path): Returns True if the path is an existing file.
os.path.splitext(path): Splits the path into a pair (root, ext) where ext is the
file extension.
Environment Variables:

os.environ: A dictionary containing the environment variables.

os.getenv(key, default=None): Gets the value of the specified environment
variable or a default value if the variable is not set.
Running System Commands:

os.system(command): Executes the command in a subshell.

os.popen(command, mode='r', buffering=-1): Opens a pipe to or from the
command specified.
Working with Paths:

os.path.join(): Joins one or more path components into a single path.

os.path.dirname(path): Returns the directory component of a pathname.
os.path.basename(path): Returns the base name of a pathname.
Miscellaneous: Provides the name of the operating system dependent module

imported. For example, 'posix' for Linux and macOS, 'nt' for Windows.
os.getlogin(): Returns the name of the user logged in on the controlling
terminal of the process.

Examples of using the os module:

Creating a new file: os.makedirs('my_new_directory')

Deleting a file: os.remove('my_file.txt')

Listing the contents of a directory: os.listdir('.')

Getting the current working directory: os.getcwd()

Retrieving an environment variable: os.environ['HOME']

Running an external command: os.system('ping')

The os module is an essential tool for developing Python applications that

need to interact with the operating system. Its comprehensive functionality
and cross-platform compatibility make it a valuable addition to any Python
programmer's toolkit.

3.7.4 NumPy
It stands for Numerical Python, is a powerful library in Python for numerical
and mathematical operations. It provides support for large,
multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a collection of
mathematical functions to operate on these elements efficiently. NumPy is a
fundamental library for scientific computing in Python and is often used in
combination with other libraries for data science, machine learning, and
scientific research.

Here are some key features and aspects of NumPy:

NumPy introduces the ndarray (N-dimensional array) object, which is a
highly efficient, multi-dimensional array. Arrays can be created from Python
lists or other iterable objects.
NumPy arrays are homogeneous (all elements are of the same data type) and
support a variety of data types, including integers, floats, and complex

Array Operations:
NumPy provides a wide range of operations on arrays, including
element-wise operations, array slicing, reshaping, and aggregation functions
(e.g., sum, mean, max, min).
Broadcasting allows operations between arrays of different shapes and sizes,
making it easy to perform operations on arrays without explicit looping.

Mathematical Functions:
NumPy includes a comprehensive set of mathematical functions for
operations such as trigonometry, logarithms, exponentials, and more.
These functions are designed to efficiently operate on entire arrays without
the need for explicit looping.

Linear Algebra:
NumPy includes a submodule for linear algebra operations (numpy.linalg)
providing functionalities for matrix multiplication, decomposition,
eigenvalue problems, and more.

Random Number Generation:

NumPy includes a submodule for generating random numbers
(numpy.random), allowing the creation of arrays with random values
according to various probability distributions.

Integration with Other Libraries:

NumPy is a foundational library for many other Python libraries, including
pandas, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow. It provides the underlying array
structures used by these libraries.

NumPy operations are implemented in C and Fortran, making them highly
efficient and suitable for large-scale numerical computations. It allows for
vectorized operations, reducing the need for explicit looping in Python.

Indexing and Slicing:

NumPy arrays support powerful indexing and slicing operations, similar to
Python lists. This enables efficient access to specific elements or subarrays.

Common applications of NumPy:

Numerical computations: NumPy is often used to perform numerical

computations, such as solving linear algebra problems, calculating statistics,
and applying machine learning algorithms.

Data analysis: NumPy arrays are commonly used to store and manipulate
large datasets, making them a valuable tool for data analysis tasks.

Data visualization: NumPy arrays can be easily converted into data

structures suitable for visualization with libraries like Matplotlib and


Pandas is a powerful and widely-used open-source data manipulation and

analysis library for Python. It provides high-level data structures and
functions designed to make working with structured data, such as tabular
data or time series, intuitive and efficient. Pandas is often used in data
science, machine learning, and finance for tasks such as cleaning, exploring,
and analyzing data.

Here are some key features and aspects of the Pandas library:

Data Structures:

DataFrame: The central data structure in Pandas is the DataFrame, a

two-dimensional, size-mutable, and potentially heterogeneous tabular data
structure with labeled axes (rows and columns). It is similar to a spreadsheet
or SQL table.

Series: A one-dimensional array-like object that can hold any data type.
Series are the building blocks of DataFrames.

Data Input and Output:

Pandas provides functions to read data from various file formats, including
CSV, Excel, SQL, and more. The read_csv(), read_excel(), and read_sql()
functions are commonly used for importing data.
Data can be exported to different formats using functions like to_csv() and

Data Cleaning and Preparation:

Pandas provides tools for handling missing data, such as the dropna() and
fillna() functions.
The library supports data transformation operations like filtering, sorting,
and grouping using methods like groupby(), sort_values(), and filter().

Indexing and Selection:

Pandas uses powerful indexing and selection mechanisms, allowing for easy
access to data in both DataFrames and Series. This includes label-based
indexing, boolean indexing, and hierarchical indexing.

Statistical and Mathematical Operations:

Pandas supports a wide range of statistical and mathematical operations.
Functions like mean(), sum(), std(), and many others can be applied to
DataFrames or Series.
Operations can be applied to specific rows, columns, or the entire dataset.

Merging and Joining Data:

Pandas supports merging and joining datasets using functions like merge()
and join(). These functions enable combining data based on common
columns or indices.

Time Series Analysis:

Pandas has robust support for working with time series data. It includes
functions for date/time parsing, resampling, and time-based indexing.

Pandas integrates with Matplotlib, a popular plotting library in Python, to
provide basic plotting capabilities. DataFrames and Series have built-in
visualization methods for quick exploratory data analysis.

3.7.5 Requests
The requests library in Python is a popular and versatile library for making
HTTP requests. It abstracts the complexities of making HTTP requests and
handling responses, providing a simple and Pythonic interface. With
requests, you can easily send HTTP/1.1 requests and handle the server's
responses, making it a powerful tool for web development, API integration,
and data retrieval.

Here are some key features and aspects of the requests library:

HTTP Methods:
requests supports various HTTP methods, including GET, POST, PUT,
DELETE, and more. Each method corresponds to a function in the requests
library (requests.get(),, etc.).

URL Parameters and Headers:

You can include URL parameters and headers in your requests using
optional parameters in the function calls. For example, you can pass query
parameters as a dictionary or include custom headers.

Request Content:
For HTTP methods like POST and PUT, you can include data in the request
body. requests supports sending form data, JSON, or raw data in the request

Response Handling:
requests automatically handles the HTTP response and provides a Response
object. You can access the response's status code, headers, and content using
the properties and methods of this object.

requests supports various authentication methods, including HTTP basic
authentication and token-based authentication. You can provide
authentication details as part of the request.

Session Management:
requests allows you to create sessions, enabling you to persist certain
parameters across multiple requests. This is useful for maintaining a
connection with a server and handling cookies.

SSL/TLS Certificates:
You can configure requests to verify SSL/TLS certificates or ignore them if
necessary. This is important for secure communication with servers.


requests supports setting timeouts for requests, allowing you to control how
long the client waits for a response before considering the request as failed.

Common applications of Requests:

Web scraping: Requests is commonly used for web scraping, which involves
extracting data from websites. It allows for sending GET requests to retrieve
web pages and then parsing the HTML content to extract the desired

API integrations: Requests is widely used for integrating with web APIs,
which are software interfaces that allow applications to communicate with
each other. It enables sending requests to API endpoints to retrieve data,
perform actions, or exchange information.

Data fetching: Requests can be used for fetching data from various sources,
such as online databases, cloud storage services, or social media APIs. It
allows for retrieving structured or unstructured data and processing it

3.7.6 Matplotlib:

Matplotlib is a comprehensive 2D plotting library for Python that produces

high-quality visualizations. It is widely used for creating static, animated,
and interactive plots in various formats. Matplotlib is designed to be flexible
and customizable, allowing users to create a wide range of visualizations for
data analysis, presentation, and publication.

Here are some key features and aspects of the Matplotlib library:

Plot Types:

Matplotlib supports a variety of plot types, including line plots, scatter plots,
bar plots, histogram plots, pie charts, and more.
Users can choose different plot types based on their data and the story they
want to convey.


Matplotlib provides a high level of customization for plots. Users can

modify almost every aspect of a plot, including colors, line styles, markers,
labels, titles, legends, and axis properties.
The library supports the creation of publication-quality graphics with
fine-tuned control over visual elements.

Multiple Axes and Subplots:

Matplotlib allows users to create multiple plots within a single figure using
the concept of axes and subplots.
This feature is helpful for visualizing multiple datasets or comparing
different aspects of the data.

Support for LaTeX:

Matplotlib supports LaTeX for mathematical expressions, making it easy to

incorporate mathematical notation in titles, labels, and annotations.

Integration with NumPy:

Matplotlib seamlessly integrates with NumPy, enabling users to plot data

directly from NumPy arrays.

Backend Support:

Matplotlib supports different backends for rendering plots, allowing users to

generate plots in various formats, including interactive GUIs, inline in
Jupyter notebooks, or saved as image files (PNG, PDF, SVG, etc.).

Matplotlib supports animations, enabling users to create dynamic

visualizations. This can be useful for showing changes in data over time.


Matplotlib can be combined with libraries like mplcursors or

mpl_interactions to add interactivity to plots, allowing users to explore and
interact with the data.

Common applications of Matplotlib:

Data visualization: Matplotlib is widely used to visualize scientific data,

such as experimental results, time series data, and statistical distributions.

Publication-quality plots: Matplotlib can create high-quality plots suitable

for publication in scientific journals and presentations.

Interactive data exploration: Matplotlib allows for creating interactive plots

that respond to user input, enabling dynamic exploration of data patterns and

Chapter - 4
Projects during the internship
There were several mini projects competed during the training and few of
them are listed in the report.
Several mini projects like Game building, to-do list, weather app are not
listed to ensure the report does not become bulky.

This code is a simple implementation of a music player using Python, with

the graphical user interface (GUI) created using the tkinter library. It utilizes
pygame library to handle the playback of audio files.

Importing Libraries:

The code starts by importing the necessary libraries: pygame for audio
playback, tkinter for creating the GUI, and os for working with the file

import pygame
import tkinter
from tkinter.filedialog import askdirectory
import os

Creating a Listbox for Song Selection:

A tkinter Listbox widget is created to display the list of songs. The widget is
configured with a specific font, width, and color settings.

playing = tkinter.Listbox(player, font="Helvetica 12 bold",

width=28, bg="black", fg="white",

Populating the Listbox:

The code populates the Listbox with the names of the songs obtained from
the directory.

for item in songlist:

playing.insert(0, item)

Initializing Pygame:

The pygame library is initialized for audio processing, and the mixer module
is also initialized


Defining Functions for Play, Pause, and Resume:

Functions are defined for playing, pausing, and resuming the music. The
play function loads the selected song, updates the display label (var), and
starts playing the music.

def play():
name = playing.get(tkinter.ACTIVE)
var.set(f"{name[:16]}..." if len(name) > 18 else name)

def pause():

def resume():

Creating Labels and Buttons:

Labels and buttons are created and placed in the tkinter window. The label
displays the currently selected song, and buttons are provided for play,
pause, and resume functionality.

text = tkinter.Label(player, font="Helvetica",

textvariable=var).grid(row=0, columnspan=3)

playB = tkinter.Button(player, width=7, height=1, font="Helvetica",

text="Play", command=play, bg="lightgreen").grid(row=2,
pauseB = tkinter.Button(player, width=7, height=1, font="Helvetica",
command=pause, bg="lightblue", fg="black").grid(row=2,
resumeB = tkinter.Button(player, width=9, height=1, font="Helvetica",
command=resume, bg="lightpink", fg="black").grid(row=2,

Running the GUI:

Finally, the mainloop() function is called to run the tkinter GUI and handle
user interactions. The program will continue running until the user closes the


4.1 CODE

import pygame
import tkinter
from tkinter.filedialog import askdirectory
import os

player = tkinter.Tk()
player.title("Music Player")

var = tkinter.StringVar()
var.set("Select the song to play")

songlist = os.listdir()

playing = tkinter.Listbox(player,font="Helvetica 12

for item in songlist:



def play():
name = playing.get(tkinter.ACTIVE)
var.set(f"{name[:16]}..." if len(name)>18 else name)

def pause():
def resume():

text =

playB =

pauseB = tkinter.Button(player, width=7, height=1, font="Helvetica",

text="Pause", command=pause, bg="lightblue",

resumeB = tkinter.Button(player, width=9, height=1, font="Helvetica",

text="Resume", command=resume, bg="lightpink",


Fig. Pictures of Music Player


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