National Education policy 198-2010

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Topic: National Education policy 1998-2010

Subject: Education Development in Education

The national education policy 1998-2010 has been framed in the perspective of historical development, modern
trends in education, training and emerging requirements of society in terms of national integrity and socio
economics development. The prime minister of Pakistan asked the ministry of education in January 1998 to
formulate a national education policy that would smoothly lead the nation into the next century the ministry
embarked upon a comprehensive process of consultation with scholars, administration leaders of public opinion
and representative of NGO, s to design an initial draft. Finally, the prime minister in national educational
convention on education, announced the silent features of the policy on march 1998.
Main features of National Education Policy (1998-2010)
The main features of the Education Policy (1998-2010) are as under;
1. Every child of six-to-twelve-year age group will be in a school within five years.
2. Katchi class at primary level shall be introduced as part of the effort to improve the achievement of pupils.
3. Access to elementary education shall be increased, through effective aid optimum utilization of existing
facilities and services, as well as provision of new facilities and services.
4. Improving the quality, access and efficiency of elementary education.
5. Strengthening, governance, management/planning, supervision, monitoring & evaluation.
6. Ensuring financial sustainability of elementary education and also to build institutional capacity.
7. Education and training should enable the citizen of Pakistan to lead their lives according to the teaching of
Islam and laid down in the Quran and Sunnah and to educate and train them as a true practicing Muslim.
8. To involve an integrated system of National educational by bringing Deeni Madaris and modern school
closer to each stream in curriculum and contents of education
9. Nazira Quran will be introduced as a compulsory component from grade I-VII.
10. While at secondary level translation of the selected verses from the Holy Quran will be offered.
Literacy and Non-Formal Education
The current literacy rate of about 39% will be raised to 55% during the first five years of the policy and 70% by
the year 2010. Functional literacy and income generation skills will be provided to rural women of 15 to 25 age.
Group and basic educational facilities will be provided to working children. Functional literacy will be imparted
to adolescent (10- 14) who missed out the chance of primary education. The existing disparities in the basic
education will be reduced to half by the year 2010.
Elementary Education
About 90% of the children in the age group (5-9) will be enrolled in schools by the year 2002-03. Gross
enrolment ratio at primary level will be increased to 105% by the year 2010 and compulsory primary education
Act will be promulgated and enforced in a phased manner. Full utilization of existing capacity at the basic level
has been ensured by providing for introduction of double shift in existing school of basics education. Quality of
primary education will be improved through revising curricula.
Secondary Education
One model secondary school will be set up at each district level. A definite vocation or a career will be
introduced at secondary level. It would be ensured that all the boys and girls, desirous of entering secondary
education, become enrolled in secondary school. Curriculum for secondary and higher secondary will be revised

and multiple textbooks will be introduced. The participation rate will be increased from 31% to 48% by 2002-
Higher Education
Access to higher education shall be expended to at least 5% of the age group 17- 23 by the year 2010. Merit
shall be the only criterion for entry into higher education. Access to higher education, therefore, shall be based
on entrance tests. Reputed degree colleges shall be given autonomy and degree awarding status. Local M.Phil.
And PHD programs shall be launched and laboratory and library facilities will be strengthened. Student from
backward areas, who clear entry tests, would compete amongst themselves. In order to eliminate violence, all
political activities on the campus shall be banned.
Teacher Education
To increase the effectiveness of the system by institutionalizing in-service training of teachers, teacher trainers
and educational administrators through school clustering and other techniques. The contents and methodology
parts of teacher education curricula will be revised. Both formal and non-formal means shall be used to provide
increased opportunities of in-service training to the working teachers, preferably at least once in five years.
Innovative Programs
The National Education Testing Service will be established to design and administer standardized tests for
admission to professional institutions. Qualifying these tests will become a compulsory requirement for entry to
professional education. This mechanism is expected to check the incidence of malpractice in examinations.
Private Sector in Education
Encouraging private investment in education. Schools running on non-profit basis shall be exempted from all
taxes. Curricula of private institutions must conform to the principles laid down in the Federal Supervision of
curricula, textbooks and Maintenance of standards of Education Act, 1976.
Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation
A comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system has been envisaged from grass-root to the highest level.
The District Education Authority will be established in each district to ensure public participation in monitoring
and implementation. The education Ministers at the Federal and provincial levels will oversee monitoring
committees, responsible for implementation at their levels.
Problem in implementation of national educational policy
This educational policy could not be implemented due to the poor communication system, weak administration,
leadership vacuum and deeply entrenched corruption.
Edit Title
The National Education Policy (1998-2010) aimed to improve education in Pakistan by ensuring universal
access, enhancing quality, and aligning education with Islamic values. It set ambitious goals, such as increasing
literacy rates, expanding enrollment, and improving teacher education. However, its implementation faced
significant challenges, including poor communication, weak administration, corruption, and a lack of strong
leadership, which hindered its success. Despite these obstacles, the policy outlined a comprehensive framework
for educational reform in the country.

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