Summer 2022
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Summer 2022
Question Paper Log Number P69310A
Publications Code 4MB1_02R_2206_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2022
• Types of mark
o M marks: method marks
o A marks: accuracy marks
o B marks: unconditional accuracy marks (independent of M marks)
• Abbreviations
o cao – correct answer only
o ft – follow through
o isw – ignore subsequent working
o SC - special case
o oe – or equivalent (and appropriate)
o dep – dependent
o indep – independent
o awrt – answer which rounds to
o eeoo – each error or omission
• No working
If no working is shown then correct answers normally score full marks
If no working is shown then incorrect (even though nearly correct) answers
score no marks.
• With working
If the final answer is wrong always check the working in the body of the
script (and on any diagrams), and award any marks appropriate from the
mark scheme.
If it is clear from the working that the “correct” answer has been obtained
from incorrect working, award 0 marks.
If a candidate misreads a number from the question. Eg. Uses 252 instead
of 255; method marks may be awarded provided the question has not been
simplified. Examiners should send any instance of a suspected misread to
If there is a choice of methods shown, then award the lowest mark, unless
the subsequent working makes clear the method that has been used.
If there is no answer achieved then check the working for any marks
appropriate from the mark scheme.
5 (a) B1 for correct first set of branches (squash)
1 B1 for correct second set of branches (Chess)
2 3
(b) 3 2 2 1 M1 Correct expression for the probability of
' ' ' ' + ' ' ' ' or winning once. Allow correct values or ft their
5 3 5 3
tree diagram.
3 1 2 2
1 − ' ' ' ' − ' ' ' ' oe Do not ft any probability which is >1 or
5 3 5 3 negative.
8 2 A1 (oe) accept awrt 0.533
15 NB if candidates probabilities incorrectly
ordered on their tree this mark may still be
awarded. Otherwise correct answer from
3 1 1 8
incorrect working (eg + = ) gains
5 3 3 15
(c) 3 2 M1 for correct product (correct or ft their tree
' ' ' ' diagram) divided by their answer to part (b)
5 3
8 Do not ft any probability which is >1 or
' ' negative.
3 2 A1 (oe)
Total 6 marks
6 (a) 460 M1 complete method to find the required
( 5 + 3) oe
2+5+3 number of members.
368 2 A1
(b) 3 7 M1 complete method to find the fees. Give bod
460 65 + 460 135 or for addition of values if a list of values seen with
10 10
“total” oe seen with a larger value.
92 135 + 230 135 + 138 65 or
Correct values which you may see:
12 420 + 31 050 + 8970 oe
Members Fees
<30 92 12 420
30-60 230 31 050
>60 138 8 970
>30 368 40 020
<60 322 43 470
($)52 440 2 A1 allow ($) 52 400
(c) 65 1.04 or 65 + 2.6 oe M1 complete method to increase by 4% if 67.6 is
seen embedded with work award this mark or a
final answer of 9328.8[0], 9329 (total fees after
($)67.60 2 A1 allow ($)67.6
(d) 12 ( 0.5 ) − 5.10 12 0.5 M1 Correct method to find percentage profit
100 or 100 − 100 or Correct values which you may see:
5.10 5.1
5.10 Shuttles Sold Cost Profit
0.5 − 12 0.075 1 50c 0.425c 0.075c
5.10 100 or 100 oe
0.425 12 $6 $5.10 $0.90
17.6(%) 2 A1 awrt 17.6
(for reference: 17.647058… so also allow 17.65)
(e) 155 → LB = 154.5,UB = 155.5 B1 for any one correct LB or UB seen allow
76 → LB = 75.5, UB = 76.5 155.49[9…] or 610.49[9…]
610 → LB = 609.5,UB = 610.5
(155.5 − 75.5) 610.5 M1 for using (UB1 – LB) UB2 if not stated as
such accept values in the intervals
155 < UB1 155.5, 75.5 LB < 76 and
610 < UB2 610.5
48 840 3 A1 allow awrt 48 800 must use 155.5 or
155.49[9…], 75.5 and 610.5 or 610.49[9…] only
Total 11 marks
7 (a) 3.42, 2.67, 3.05 2 B2 All values correct to 2 dp.
B1 At least 2 values correct to at least 1dp.
Allow awrt 3.4, 2.7 and 3.0 or 3.1
(b) Curve drawn 3 M1 Attempts to plot at least 7 of their points with at
least 5 correct ±1 small square. (Allow if curve goes
through the points) ft their values from (a)
M1 drawing a smooth curve through at least 5 of
their plotted points. Do not allow if straight lines
used. Allow ±1 small square from their point.
A1ft A fully correct curve ft their values from (a). All
Points plotted correctly, 1 small square, with a
smooth curve through all the points ±1 small square.
(c) 3.1 0.1 1 B1ft their graph (answer must be consistent with
their graph ±1 small square) penalise answers
given to more than 2 dp
(d) 2t M1 for attempt to differentiate with one term in t
or – 6t −3
27 correct
2t 2 A1 oe penalise if extra terms seen
a = − 6t −3 2t
27 (eg. a = + 2 − 6t −3 )
(e) 2t 6 M1 for setting their a equal to 0
− =0
27 t 3
2t 4 = 162 t 4 = 81 M1 dep for obtaining an equation in form t a = b
where a > 0
3 3 A1 both method marks must be awarded an
answer of 3 with no clear algebraic working seen
gains no marks, condone ±3
Total 11 marks
8 (a) ( 0, 2 ) B1 allow unambiguous equivalent
eg. y = 2 or cross y axis at 2
2 2 B1 allow unambiguous equivalent
,0 2 2
3 eg. x = or cross x axis at must be exact but
3 3
isw if a decimal is given after an exact answer.
Allow 0.6 oe
(b) 1 1 B1 (oe)
(c) ff ( x ) = f ( 2 − 3x ) = 2 − 3 ( 2 − 3x )( = 9 x − 4 ) B1 for correct (unsimplified) expression for ff(x)
or ff (y) may be seen embedded within working
3+ x M1 for setting their ff(x) + g(x) = 0
'9 x − 4 '+ =0
1 − 2x ff(x) must be algebraic
18 x 2 − 18 x + 1 = 0 oe A1 for obtaining a correct 3-term quadratic in x.
− '− 18' ( '− 18') − 4 ( '18') ( '1') M1 for solving their 3-term quadratic using
Total 13 marks
9 (a)(i) 5 2 2
b B1 oe accept 1 b do not accept b + b
3 3 3
(ii) CO = − AC − a M1 an expression for CO , allow epressions not
in terms of a and b eg. CO = CA + AD + DO
5 A1 ft their vector AC given in terms of a and b
− b−a
3 5b − 3a
allow −
(iii) −2a − b 4 B1
(b) AE = AD + DE = b + ( '− b − 2a ' ) M1 with AD and their vector DB must include
an unknown parameter.
5 5 M1 with their vector CO and their vector AC
AE = AC + CE = ' b '+ '− b − a '
3 3 must include an unknown parameter.
5 5 M1 dep both previous M marks, for setting
' b + − b − a ' = ' b + ( −b − 2a ) ' expressions equal (to each other) and forming
3 3
two equations in their parameters allow a
5 5
' '− ' ' = '1'− '1' and ' − 1' = '− 2 ' maximum of one sign error or missing term
3 3
2 4 A1 for either parameter correct, is implied by a
= , =
7 7 correct final vector.
2 4 5 5 5b − 4a
e.g. AE = b + ( −b − 2a ) − a+ b A1oe eg.
7 7 7 7
(c) 5
AB = 14, AC = ' ' 6 = 10 M1 Values 14 and 10 stated or used ft their AC
BC = '14'2 − '10'2 = 4 6 or M1 for correct use of Pythagoras with their AC
and AB or a correct method to find a trig ratio of
'10' BAC
cos BAC = BAC = 44.4
[Area = ]
( )
( '10') '4 6 ' or
M1 for correct formula for the area of ABC allow
even if the method will not give an exact answer
1 (allow for awrt 49.0 with no incorrect working
( '10') ('14')sin ( '44.4') seen) allow alternative methods not covered by
'10 '+ '14 '+ ' 4 6 '
the specification such as S =
Area = S ( S − '10')( S − '14') S − '4 6 ' )
20 6 4 A1 oe (provided exact) eg 2400 isw if an
exact answer in form a b or a is given
followed by a decimal answer.
Total 13 marks
10 (a) det A = 2k 2 ( k + 1) − ( −3k )( k − 9 ) M1 for at least one correct (may be unsimplified)
determinant of A or B
= 2k 3 + 5k 2 − 27k
det B = k − 3 ( −5) = k + 15
'2k 3 + 5k 2 − 27k ' = ' k + 15' M1 dep for equating their (may be unsimplified)
determinants (both correct).
2k 3 + 5k 2 − 28k − 15 3 A1 cao no incorrect working seen and both M
=0 marks awarded.
NB we must see the full equation including = 0
(b) 2 ( −5) + 5 ( −5) − 28 ( −5) − 15 M1 Attempt to find f (±5)
3 2